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Knowledge and Heart: A Balanced Approach to Human Existence

Giving Heart the Chance Too
Jon-Jon A. Oyales
Teacher – I
Zeferino Arroyo High School
In the beginning age of man which was conceived as inferior to today’s, sprung the first seeds of
knowledge. The first discovery of learning things and harnessing them for his advantage over others.
Primordial knowledge then became the ancestor of everything we know today. The beginning of things
that can only be understood through it, which only starts with questions. Nothing is understood nor comes
to man’s idea without asking a question about it first.
Long before man starts to question and find the answers about things around him, knowledge was already
there and persistent to grow to offer man to be used for his existence; redefining, rediscovering, and
unveiling a new world of realities and all sorts of possibilities for mankind.
This phenomenon has been present throughout the unending universe, from the least to the greatest of
conceivable and unconceivable things that both laid upon and hid behind man’s perception.
Knowledge has become man’s greatest and most powerful engine that not only makes him great and
special than other creations but it also becomes his nemesis, since knowledge is open to all possibilities
and all kinds of searching; it also creates danger to its greatest host, man.
The power of knowledge is indefinite and indestructible. It is invincible and yet tricky. it is relentless and
mostly sneaky. It undermines and conquers the weak and takes the form of stronger ones.
Man needs to find ways of controlling knowledge, but neither idea will still be coming from it. The only
way is to start not thinking and using intelligence, yet asking how is either irrational and impertinent, even
the why doubles our ignorance.
Knowledge is both the most beautiful and fearful thing that man has ever had.
It will be impossible to think of countering knowledge. Ignorance and dullness won’t suffice and endure
the emptiness it brings. Letting it flow and grow is also dangerous. Control and moderation can be useful
but with the proper guidance of the heart.
Since knowledge resides in the mind the only thing that can control or tame it is the heart. Although heart
and mind co-exist, they too control each other and perform in harmony.
Knowledge is not something we have to abuse. It’s there to help and sustain life under life’s purpose.
Overusing it is tremendously catastrophic for humans to thrive. Man has to learn of giving the heart the
chance to perform its purpose too and make his existence more relevant, reasonable as well as