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Measure Words

Measure Words with Uncountable Nouns (EnglishClub)
This list shows some common measure words like "a bar of" or "a piece of" that we use to
"measure" uncountable nouns.
a bag of flour | rice | gold dust
a bar of chocolate | gold | soap
a bottle of Coke | milk | water | wine
a bowl of cereal | rice | soup
a box of cereal | paper
a can of cream | meat | tuna
a carton of ice-cream | orange juice | milk
a cup of hot chocolate | coffee | tea
a drop of blood | oil | water
a glass of beer | juice | water | wine
a grain of rice | sand | truth
an item of clothing | expenditure | news
a jar of honey | jam | peanut butter
a piece of advice | furniture | paper
a roll of paper | tape | toilet paper | Scotch tape
a slice of bread | cheese | meat | toast
a spoonful of sugar | syrup | whisky
a tablespoon of butter | honey | ketchup
a teaspoon of cinnamon | medicine | salt
a tube of glue | lipstick | toothpaste
EnglishClub TIP
Measure words are common with uncountable nouns, but some of them can also be
used with countable nouns, for example: two boxes of matches, a can of worms