Uploaded by edward.schmidt


fall 2022
Midterm Painting Composition
Description of assignment:
- This assignment will be a painted composition (“midterm composition”) to be created by each
- The painting in due on October 14th (in time for midterm grading).
- The idea of this assignment is for each student to make an original painting which is influenced
by a chosen “masterpiece” (to be explained).
- Students should research and choose a painting from the Italian Renaissance (there are good
possibilities from France and the Northern Renaissance in Flanders, the Nethertlands and
Germany). Selected paintings should have figures, (2+) situated in the foreground. Animals are
- An important consideration in selecting a “masterpiece” is the way artist creates and designs
the space in the composition, and especially the how the foreground/ground plane is represented.
In the “masterpiece”, there may or may not be a perspective grid, but the ground plane should be
a convincing foreshortened surface that accomodates volumes of the represented figures.
- A student’s “midterm composition” should have at least two new figures (created by the student).
- Students should carefully study in their selected “masterpiece”:
 the various levels of space represented
 the specific or general location of the horizon line
 the viewpoint on the figures (e.g. from slightly above, middle, below middle)
 any indications of linear perspective
 use of atmospheric perspective
 the direction of the light source
 the use of shadows
 use of light and dark overall
 color
 geometric divisions in the composition
- A student’s original “midterm composition”:
 Work in any painting materials.
 Size: from 14” x 18” to 24” x 30”.
 There is no specific approach to this assignment – except this should not be a copy.
 Incorporate as much of the “masterpiece” as you want – but the idea is to transform it
into a new composition.
 Your new composition may have a specific subject, or non at all, contemporary or timeless.
 Your figures may be derived from any source, but should be different from the
“masterpiece”. You might create a setup and use photographs as references.
 It is important that your figures are placed ‘logically” in the space of your new painting
 First, make a drawing, smaller or full size, to explore your composition and placement of
figures. Use some shading values in your drawing.
 Invent any background and spacial schemes you want.
 Details are not necessary. Your composition may be painted broadly and sketchily.
Suggestion: use smooth canvas, or gessoed paper, cardboard, fine plywood (such as birch).