Uploaded by Carlo Vincent Jordan

Gen Biology 1 Test: Cell Structure, Genetics, Processes

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What are the smallest basic units that can carry out all of the functions of life?
A. Cell
B. Organelles
C. Organs
D. Tissues
2. Which of the following organelles is NOT present in an animal cell?
A. Centrosome
B. Chloroplast
C. Golgi body
D. Lysosomes
3. What organelles are associated with digestive enzymes?
A. Golgi apparatus B. Lysosomes
C. Ribosomes
D. Smooth ER
4. Which of the following is TRUE about the eukaryotic cell?
A. Has a DNA found in the cytoplasm
B. Has a membrane-bound nucleus
C. Lacks nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
D. Significantly smaller with only 0.1 to 5.0 μm in diameter
5. Which of the following cells would classify as prokaryotic?
A. Animal cells
B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Plant cells
6. John Mark is viewing a cell under a microscope. The presence of which of the following cell structures would
tell him that the cell is eukaryotic?
A. Cytoplasm
C. Nucleus
D. Ribosomes
7. In your high-tech laboratory, you carefully cut apart the epidermis from the top of a plant’s leaf. What will
happen to the leaf?
A. It will not survive
B. It will dry out and die
C. It will regrow the epidermis and survive
D. It will keep photosynthesizing, but not regrow the epidermis
8. What is the tail-like projection that protrudes from the cell body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
and functions in locomotion?
A. Cilia
B. Extracellular Matrix
C. Flagella
D. Microvilli
9. Which of the following is the correct order of phases during mitosis?
A. Anaphase, metaphase, telophase, prophase
B. Metaphase, prophase, telophase, anaphase
C. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
D. Prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphase
10. How many chromosomes will be found in each of the two new cells formed as a result of mitotic cell
A. only one half as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
B. The same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
C. Three times as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
D. Twice as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
11. In meiosis cell division, how many daughter cells will be produced?
A. 4 diploid daughter cells
B. 4 haploid daughter cells
C. 2 diploid daughter cells
D. 2 haploid daughter cells
12. Which of the following statements are true about the importance of mitosis and meiosis?
I. Mitosis allows organisms to continue to reproduce through generations
II. Meiosis produces gametes which are generated for reproduction
III. Meiosis is used for asexual reproduction and growth
IV. Mitosis is used for sexual reproduction
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. III and IV
13. As a result of "fertilization", which of the following normally occur?
A. A gamete is created.
B. The final phase of oogenesis has begun.
C. The final phase of spermatogenesis has begun.
D. A single sperm and ovum combine their genetic material to create an offspring with the same number of
chromosomes as the parents.
14. Which genetic disorder or disease is a sex-linked trait and carried on the X chromosome?
A. Cystic fibrosis B. Down syndrome C. Hemophilia
D. Sickle-cell disease
15. What would likely happen when genes undergo mutation?
A. Invasion of cancerous cells to other organs
B. Tumor formation
C. Unregulated growth
D. All of the above
16. What is the other term for maintaining internal balance?
A. Balance
B. Equality
C. Homeostasis
D. Landing
17. A cell membrane is said to be a bilayer. What forms the two layers?
A. Proteins and carbohydrates with electron affinities.
B. Aquaporins and proteins with opposite charges.
C. Phospholipid molecules that are self-arranged tail-to-tail.
D. Phospholipid molecules that are self-arranged head-to-head.
18. The membrane itself is hydrophobic in the inner layers and doesn't allow water-soluble molecules to pass,
yet water itself can permeate cells. Why?
A. The membrane is fallible and sometimes water leaks through.
B. Sometimes the membrane will mistake water molecules for lipids.
C. Channels called aquaporins in the membrane allow water molecules to pass through freely.
D. Water molecules cannot pass through the membrane. The water that is inside a cell stays in it
throughout its life.
19. What model describes the arrangement of the cell membrane as flexible, bendable, and made of many
A. The Crazy Cell Model
B. The Fluid Mosaic Model
C. The Major Mobility Model
D. The Maze Model
20. What is the passive transport which allow single substance to move from an area of high concentration to
an area of low concentration?
A. Diffusion
B. Endocytosis
C. Facilitated diffusion
D. Osmosis
21. What will happen to an animal cell placed in a salt water solution?
A. Burst
B. Expand
C. Grow
D. Shrink
22. What type of cell transport does the picture illustrate?
23. Which factor affects the shape of the enzyme and its chemical bonds?
A. Amount of heat
B. Amount of substrate
C. pH
D. Temperature
24. In the reaction 2Ca(s) + O2(g) --> 2CaO(s), calcium is __________
A. Gaining electrons B. Nothing happens
C. Oxidized
D. Reduced
25. Where does the reaction between the enzyme and the substrate take place?
A. Activator
B. Active site
C. Inhibitor
D. Substrate
26. The reaction of the body is through shivering when an animal is exposed in a cold environment is a proof
A. ATP does not release heat
B. Hydrolysis of ATP perform work
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above is correct
27. Adenine is found in what type of genetic material?
C. Both DNA and RNA
D. Neither DNA nor RNA
28. What is the main photosynthetic organ in plants?
A. Flower
B. Leaves
C. Root
D. Stem
29. Which of the following can be compared to a battery in need of recharging?
A. Adenosine
D. Ribose
30. Pigments produce a variety of colors in the plant and animal world. Which among the following contains
I. Leaves
II. flowers
III. Coral
IV. Animal skins
A. I and II
B. II, III and IV
C. I, II and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
31. What is the primary function of the light reactions of photosynthesis?
A. To produce glucose
B. To produce NADPH and ATP
C. To produce RuBP
D. To use ATP
32. Where does light-dependent reaction take place?
A. Mitochondria B. Ribosomes
C. Stroma
D. Thylakoids
33. How can ADP be transformed into ATP?
A. Removing adenine
B. Adding energy and another ribose
C. Removing energy and a phosphate
D. Adding energy and a phosphate group
34. How many glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate is needed to regenerate ribulose 1, 5 bisphosphate?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
35. What stage in the Calvin cycle does ATP and NADPH use?
A. Carbon Fixation B. Reduction
C. Regeneration
D. 6
D. Rejuvenation
36. Which is the correct equation for aerobic respiration in humans?
A. glucose → lactic acid
B. glucose + oxygen → lactic acid
C. glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide
D. glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
37. Which is the correct equation for anaerobic respiration in humans?
A. glucose → water
B. glucose → lactic acid
C. glucose → lactic acid + water
D. glucose + water → lactic acid
38. How many molecules of ATP are produced from one glucose molecule?
A. 4
B. 12
C. 30
D. 38
39. Which of the following is NOT a correct association?
A. Cristae-electron transport system
B. Cytoplasm-glycolysis
C. Matrix-Kreb’s Cycle
D. Plasma membrane- oxidation of pyruvic acid
40. Which of the following occurs in both photosynthesis and respiration?
A. Calvin cycle
B. Chemiosmosis
C. Glycolysis
D. Krebs cycle
41. This process begins with the production of Acetyl-CoA:
A. Chemiosmosis B. Fermentation
C. Glycolysis
D. Krebs cycle
42. A muscle cramp is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles during exercise
which are caused by _______________.
A. Alcohol fermentation
B. Chemiosmosis
C. Glycolysis inhibition
D. Lactic acid fermentation
43. Which of the following is the reason why oxygen is considered as the final electron acceptor in the electron
transport chain?
A. Because of its atomic size.
B. Because of its ionic size.
C. Because of its electronegativity.
D. Because of its non-metallic property.
44. Oxidative phosphorylation is the process in which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons
from NADH or FADH2 to O2 by a series of electron carriers. In this process, how many ATP are produced
through oxidative phosphorylation?
A. 38
B. 36
C. 34
D. 32
45. The body performs many processes that depend upon energy and could not occur without a supply of ATP.
How does the energy from ATP power the cellular reactions?
A. Energy from ATP hydrolysis is stored in cellular chambers
B. Cellular processes are coupled to hydrolysis of ATP, an endergonic process
C. The cellular processes are coupled to hydrolysis of ATP, an exergonic process
D. ATP hydrolysis absorbs the remaining energy from formation of glucose-6-phosphate
46. Which molecule is produced when oxygen is reduced by the electrons in the electron transport chain?
A. CO2
D. H2O
47. In aerobic respiration, there are a total of 38 ATPs: ______from the ETC, _____ from glycolysis, and
_______ from the Krebs cycle.
A. 34, 2, 2
B. 32, 2, 4
C. 30, 2, 6
D. 30, 4, 4
48. During aerobic respiration, electrons travel downhill in which sequence?
A. food → citric acid cycle → ATP → NAD+
B. glucose → pyruvate → ATP → oxygen
C. glucose → ATP → electron transport chain → NADH
D. food → NADH → electron transport chain → oxygen
49. A young animal has never had much energy. He is brought to a veterinarian for help and is sent to the
animal hospital for some tests. There they discover his mitochondria can use only fatty acids and amino
acids for respiration, and his cells produce more lactate than normal. Of the following, which is the best
explanation of his condition?
A. His cells lack the enzyme in glycolysis that forms pyruvate.
B. His cells cannot move NADH from glycolysis into the mitochondria.
C. His cells contain something that inhibits oxygen use in his mitochondria.
D. His mitochondria lack the transport protein that moves pyruvate across the outer mitochondrial
50. When muscle cells are oxygen deprived, the heart still pumps. What must the heart cells be able to do?
A. Remove lactate from the blood
B. Transform lactate to pyruvate again
C. Derive sufficient energy from fermentation
D. Continue aerobic metabolism when skeletal muscle cannot