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G7 W6 Oct Session 3

Cycles of Matter
Conservation of Matter and Energy
p. 215
Performance Expectation
Develop a model to
explain how the energy of
the Sun and Earth’s gravity
drive the cycling of water,
including changes of state,
as it moves through
multiple pathways in
Earth’s hydrosphere.
I can define a cycle and recognize its
importance in ecosystems.
I can explain the conservation of
 I can the effects of the convection currents
matter and energy.
in the mantle.
(5 mins)
1. Complete the ‘PreLearning Check’ on
Learn Online
2. Read the feedback
to know which group
you are in.
Warm Up Activity! (3 mins)
Conservation of matter and energy
I Can Statement #1
 I can define a cycle and
recognize its importance
in ecosystems.
Group H2O
The Three Cycles of the Ecosystem (sciencing.com)
1. Predict where each cycle is found in the ecosystem.
2. Why do you think these cycles are important in the ecosystem? Answer on your notebook.
Group O2
The Three Cycles of the Ecosystem (sciencing.com)
Predict where each cycle is found in the ecosystem.
How is the water cycle being important in the ecosystem? Answer on your notebook
Group CO2
The Three Cycles of the Ecosystem (sciencing.com)
Predict where each cycle is found in ecosystem. Answer on your notebook.
Learning Check 1
Learning Check1
True or False:
1. Cycles move matter, such as water, oxygen, carbon
dioxide and nitrogen through out an ecosystem.
What might happen
if a cycle was
Why do you
think that the
oxygen cycle is
essential to life?
I Can Statement #1
I can define a cycle and recognize its importance in ecosystems.
I can define a cycle and recognize its importance in an
I Can Statement #2
 I can explain the conservation of
matter and energy.
Group H2O
• Open your textbook on page 215.
• Read Conservation of Matter and Energy.
• Underline the two laws mentioned in the paragraph.
• Answer the reading check question in the same page.
* If you do not understand a word, you can check the meaning in this
online dictionary. picture | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's
Dictionary; WILD dictionary K-2 | Wordsmyth
Group O2
• Open your textbook on page 215.
• Read Conservation of Matter and Energy.
• Underline the two laws mentioned in the paragraph.
• Summarize what you have understood from your reading.
*If you do not understand a word, you can check the meaning in this
online dictionary. picture | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's
Dictionary; WILD dictionary K-2 | Wordsmyth
Group CO2
• Open your textbook on page 215.
• Read Conservation of Matter and Energy.
• Underline the two laws mentioned in the paragraph.
*If you do not understand a word, you can check the meaning in this
online dictionary. picture | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's
Dictionary; WILD dictionary K-2 | Wordsmyth
Learning check 2
Learning Check 2
(Circle the correct answers).
• Matter is neither created nor destroyed.
• When one form of energy is transformed to the other, energy will be
lost in the process.
• The components of an ecosystem may change over time, but their
total mass will remain the same.
• When you eat food, the food will be changed because of the digestion
process, but its matter will still there in a different form.
I Can Statement #2
 I can explain the conservation of matter and energy.
Go back to the K-W-L chart and write what you
have learned at the end of this session.
I can define a cycle and recognize its
importance in ecosystems.
I can explain the conservation of
 I can the effects of the convection currents
matter and energy.
in the mantle.