Branches of Psychology Explain what they do… What jobs would they have? Research or client based? Clinical it treats and asses mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. substance abuse counselor, family counselors, human reasources position. reserch based Counseling helps people find their strength and how to cope with struggles. school counseling, social worker, adult and geriatric counslor. client based Human Factors study how people interact wirh machines and technology government offices, industrial headquaters, architecture and design firms, reserch centers. reserch based Educational sstudy how people learn and retain college counselor, educational information and knowledge. resercher, university teaching. Developmental study how people grow, develop and adapt at different life stages. Personality study how personality develops as mental health counselors, well as how it influences the way community centers, private reserch we think and behave. organizations. client based group home worker, school counselor, earlt childhood educator. caseworker. client based client based political strategist, public relations specialist, industrial-organization psychologist Social study interpersonal and group dynamics and social challenges Psychiatrists observing and examining behaviors, reviewing medical and family assess both mental and physical histories, interviewing and aspects of psychological problems. evaluating patients. client based reserch based talent management specialist, behavior analyst, human resources managment. client based Consumer studies how our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and perceptions influence how we buy and relate to goods and services. advertising manager, media coorinator, reserch analyst, marketing executive. reserch based Psychometrics looks at the theory and technique of psychological measurement, which quantifies knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits. diagnostic assesor, organization development consultant, project coorinator. reserch based focus on the behavior of Industrial/Organizational employees at the workplace. Sources (list below): https://www.apa. org/educationcareer/guide/subfields/clinic al/education-training#:~: text=Psychologists% 20who%20provide% 20clinical%20or,help% 20people%20discover% 20their%20strengths. https://www.apa. org/ed/graduate/specialize/clinical https://www.abadegreeprograms. net/faq/what-jobs-can-i-get-with-amasters-in-educational-psychology/ https://www.simplyhired. com/search? q=psychometrics&job=bp personality-psychology-19903. EjdIzVtDZRn97K4NDd_G html ytQc9c8IAA