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Introduction to Mass Communication Presentation

Ceci Poon
 This course is designed to introduce students to some of the basic elements
and introduction of mass communication. This will provide students with an
understanding of the development, operation and ecology of newspaper,
book, magazine, broadcasting TV and radio, film, music and internet.
 At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1: Identify the characteristics of contemporary mass media.
2: Relate basic assumptions and methods used to generate media research.
3: Describe the impacts of economics, regulation, and technology on each media
4: Accommodate effectively with others by being accountable for group goals.
 Baran, Stanley J. (2019).
Introduction to Mass
Communication: Media Literacy
and Culture (10th ed.). Boston:
McGraw-Hill Education.
 Introduction to the Mass Media
 Interactive Media
 Media Effects
 Social Media
 Books
 Electronic News
 Newspapers
 Public Relations
 Magazines
 Advertising
 Recordings and the Music Industry  Economics of Mass Media
 Television & Film
 Global Media
 Quiz 10% : week 2 (5 Oct)
 Individual assignment 20% : week 3 (12 Oct -19 Oct)
 Group assignment 30% : week 10 (30 Nov – 7 Dec)
 Final exam 40% : week 16 (11 Jan 2023)
The Basic Communication Process.
 Communication is the transmission of a message from a
source to a receiver.
 Who?  What?  Which channel?  Whom?  What effect?
no source
no receiver
no feedback
Osgood and Schramm’s Model of Communication.
 A sharing of meaning for communication to take place.
 Communication is a reciprocal and ongoing process with all involved parties
more or less engaged in creating shared meaning.
 Communication, then, is better defined as the process of creating shared
 Medium (Singular) – a method or way of expressing
 Media (Plural, mass medium) - a technology that carries
messages to a large number of people
 Mass Media – a diverse array of media technologies
that reach a large audience via mass
 Mass communication is the process of creating shared
meaning between the mass media and their audiences.
Communication is a symbolic process
whereby reality is produced, maintained,
repaired and transformed.
- James W. Carey (1975)
What Makes Mass
Communication Different?