\\ l , INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM THIS MANUAL EXCLUSIVELY IS WURNI$HED FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF NAVIGATION THE CAROU$EL IV INEATIAL RIGNTS SYSTEM. NO OTHER ARE GRANTED. AC ELECTRONICS DIVISION OF GENERAL MILWAUKEE, 196 OENEAAL MOTORS COR.. WISCONSIN SM MOTORS -- USA J UNEl , 1969 AC ELECTRONICS (g(GR g Division of General Motors Corp INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Subject DESCRIPTION INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM Purpose Unit Iacations Features Outstanding Limitations Operating Information Navigation INS/Airplane Interface Unit Descriptions Battery Unit Unit (NU) Navigation Mode Selector Unit (MSU) Unit (CDU) Control/Display - INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTF M Preflight Procedures 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 12 14 - NORMAL PROCEDURES 2 1 1 9 17 - ABNORMAL PROCEDURES 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 General Automatic INS Shutdown DCU Shutdown C/DU Failures MSU Failures Warning Indications External WARN I.amp Lights Attitude Mode of Operation Jun 1/69 Page 1 In-flight Procedures After Landing Procedures INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM No. to INS Contents Page 1 OPERATIONS MANUAL INTRODUCTION A. General 1. instructions for the Camusel series Inertial operating This manual provides Navigation System (INS) when loaded with a CIV operational flight program. NOTE: 2. Manuals to the CIV-A Operations series Inertial Navigation for Carousel CIV-A operational flight program. Refer Tvpe NOTE: Part Program Number 7884663-011 7884663-012 7884663-013 31K 31L 31M CIV-A number B. instructions when loaded with a System procedures utilizing the latest CIV operational System operating flight program of the manual. Revisions (31M) are included in this revision covering earlier program are listed below. versions The loaded flight program of the operational tape part number is marked on a sticker located on the front panel of the navigation unit (NU) underneath the nameplate. Program 3. for operating operational Manual Rev. 5 Rev. 6 Rev. 8 flight programs are identified or 7881711-0XX. 7881710-0XX Revision - - - Jul 1/72 Feb 4/74 May 6/76 by their part 561. The Carousel series INS conform to ARINC Characteristic The procedums in this manual am designed to acquaint the mader with all possible capabilities aquired to attain these capabilities. of the INS and the operations The operations manual for the airplane will provide more specific instructions for airplanes. individual Improvements of the 31M program over 31L. 1. Incorporated variable TAS lower limit for zeroing the wind display. The air data set true airspeed output will be read when INS ground speed is 37.5 knots. To this value 4.8 knots will be added to form the lower limit at which the wind This value is initialized at 192 knots each turn-on and display will be zeroed. recomputed when navigation is entered and 37.5 knots of ground speed sensed. 2. The true air speed filter time constant in displaying wind changes. 3. Wind 4. was added. of this capability is mix capability The mechanization CIV-A identical to that used in software (refer to Service Bulletin No. 34-40-01-31). The program now resets the desired PI to 5 (if a PI other than 5 was selected in align) at entry to navigation. May 6/78 on t.he nose is now computed will be 51(10)• for this parameter is set to zero to minimize and output on the BCD channel. delay time The label Triple Introduction Page 1 OPERATIONS MANUAL 5. logic was added to allow use of the system for naviBoth the fore and aft pins gation purposes in a side mounted configuration. pointing toward the right wing and both pins shorted is open is defined as handles toward the left wing. Included in this change is the defined as handles pointing Malfunction Codes and 48. 46, 47, and 48 wem elimination 46 MC of MC to detect "improper" combination of pin logic. incorporated The originally set up so that for every "open" condition AR1NC 561 pin logic was originally "grænd" (example, Super(example, Subsonic) there should be a corresponding Expanded use of the pin logic to indicate þADS, sonic). KIFI3, and now additional possibilities has eliminated the original "paimd pin Navigation Unit orientation Codes 46 31K. Malfunction Malfunction Code 47 was removed in program concept. 'Ihese codes have already been deleted and 48 are being removed at this time. in the CIV-A program. 6. Determination of actual PI values less than 5 is now made by counting down the The numerous PI on a fixed time basis. changes that have been made in the area of Dz updating and reasonableness tests have negated the purpose of the past manner of determining the actual PI. In order to simplify the software, and not cause undue concern to the operator, the PI countdown below 5 now occurs with a fixed 3.4 minute interval between steps. Athwartships mounting 7. The setting of Malfunction Codes 15 and 16 during the gimbal slew test has been This is to prevent a misleading code record in the inhibited. malfunction pe rmanent list. 8. The action code for malfunction Code 18 was changed from 5 to 4 to prevent card confusion with the CIV-A use of action code 5 to indicate an improper load. 9. The new mechanization to that is iòentical The altitude loop was simplified. used in CIV-A software. In addition, the altitude filter is not reinitialized when the canned value is used. This eliminates the transient ground speed 3 knots which occurred at navigation entry on display of approximately installations which had no barometric input. In addition, MC 50 is eliminated. accelerometer The altitude loop which previously made use of the vertical to use only input in conjunction with the barometric input has been simplified Elimination of the use of the vertical the barometric input. accelerometer input removes the æquirement to monitor that input and the need for the malwith that monitor. function code (MC 50) associated The Leg Switch discrete leg is output. 10. is now present until the crosstrack distance for the new 13. malfunction that code delav logic in prior programs had an error certain unusual inhibit the issurance conditions, of these malat less than 75 knots ground speed. This is corrected in 31M The feedback enuld, functions program. Introduction Page 2 under May 6/76 . GEMERAka©TOINCOniORATM3e mamauKit.miCOlgint3mt OPERATIONS MANUAL 12. Distance to Go was The feet per nautical mile constant used for displaying changed to give 5400 NM distance from equator to pole (presently displays 5406 NM). Previously a correct ft. /nm constant was used wh3ch did not generate the commonly accepted 5400 NM distance. 13. The snap shot routine was changed to stom mode, ground speed, time in mode, track angle error, crosstrack op time and location 32 airspeed, distance, when any of the following malfunction codes are encountered for the first time MC 31 through 39, 42, or 63. Previously time in mode and ground speed were stond C. . I when an MC 63 was set. of the 31L program Improvements 1. for The leg switch criteria ground speed as a factor in The airplane must fly each switch will be automatically over 31K. type steering has been modified to incorporate accordance with The Boeing Company redefinition. new leg for at least 25. 6 seconds before another leg 747 initiated. 2. are zeroed for The wind speed and direction The new limit will be instead of 170 knots. independent of the type of air data computer. is less than 150 knots otherwise set for stop be displayed when the airplane is at rest or stop value. 3. Changed 4. codes 10 and 11 have been eliminated because that they had little value in system troubleshooting. 5. Changed occur. 6. At ground speeds less than 75 knots, there is a 6-second delay before feedback the possibility of false malfunctions This reduces 22, 23, 24, or 25 are set. prior to takeoff. malfunctions which could be set during power transfers 7. The tick mark check has been simplified requiring sensing the discrete only 27 in location 34 upon entrance to Malfunction code will be entered once. NAV whon no Lick mark is observed Malfunction code 27 in the ALIGN mode. on the C/DU. will not be displayed May G/76 - program Malfunction program to limit the maximum true air speeds less than 150 knots applied to the TAS input Insure that the air data set TAS a wind equal to the stop value will moving at a speed less than the commanded roll rate to 2.5°/second. experience to turn on C/DU WARN light when malfunction showed codes 13 or 14 Introduction page 3 88100 BISCM¶Øjg3 GilegRALMO¶QMSCQaecxAfical masseAvs(4 asšCGestalskl201 OPERATIONS MANUAL 8. Changed 9. code logic to prevent cotle a malfunction Previously 80° did not clear after a shutdown malfunction at turn-on. -ll latitude acceptable > Changed turn-on 43 at -11 malfunction 41 appearing code which had been set due to a loaded turn-on until an and a subsequent latitude was loaded. turn-on. sequence Previously, malfunction code 43 if the repair facility with present system transmission after loaded, but not that of the to prevent an erroneous malfunction code software the installation of a line spare may have caused a spare had been shutdown in the align mode at the position (repair faciliþ) loaded. The first interturn-on would indicate align with a present position airplane. 10. Ground speed at time of exit from the NAV mode is now stored problems. as an aid in diagnosing performance 11. The azimuth slew portion of the gimbal slew test has been eliminated, the was deleted, unused card reader unit subroutine and SQRT and ASIN logie to provide the required additional memorv space. were simplified 12. in location 1474 within 6. 4 meru is Changed PI countdown logic to hold PI at 5 until agreement reached between the GAN and o filter values of dz. Whenever the filters do not agree within 6.4 meru both filters will be disregarded and the PI will remain at its previous value (5 or less) until correlation is achieved. Introduction Page 4 May 6/'70 GintakaMOrCASConocaerl(p. uskWAudiL wiscOmiembHGi OPERATIONS MANUAL D. of the 31K program Improvements over 31J. be loaded if HOLD light is illuminated thus preventing update. loading of waypoints while performing a position 1. Waypoints inadvertent 2. Distance-to-go limited to approximately display previously will now display a maximum of 9, 999 nautical miles. 3. Latitude became 4. cannot through N/S 90°00.0'. is displayed continuously frozen in latitude about six miles short of pole. 5400 nautical Previously miles display To help isolate gimbal angle rate check failures malfunction code 57 has been added and malfunction code 62 simplified. code 62, which forMalfunction merly indicated gimbal angle rate check failure in either the align or navigation modes, now indicates gimbal angle rate check failure in the nav mode only. code 57 indicates Malfunction a gimbal angle rate check failure in the align mode. 5. 6. Malfunction codes 12, 47, 51 and 52 have been eliminated. a, Malfunction experience b. code 47 (sub/supersonic Malfunction control logic was external program IGFIS or digital Air Data Set input. c. 51 (wind) and 52 (computed altitude) were because they sometimes resulted in false pulls while rarely diagnostic value. Malfunction Malfunction code 12 (velocity damping limited) showed it was not used, code 44, previously because because the pin) was eliminated allow identification of a redefined to codes be set in align mode for earlier May 6/76 was eliminated set only on entry into navigation of Z-gyro degradation. eliminated demonstrating mode, will now detection Introduction Page 5/6 g Delco Electronics OPERATIONSMANUAL INERTIAL SYSTEM NAVIGATION - DESCRIPTION PURPOSE. The Delco Electronics Navigation IV Inertial Carousel System (INS) continuously computes horizontal navigation data and senses airplane attitude displacement in pitch, roll, and and horizontal Output signals from the INS are used reference. yaw from a local vertical steer the airplane over a preselected course, to maintain the airplane to automatically to stabilize magnetic compass signals, and radar display at a level attitude, and weather Each to display navigation data and airplane attitude on navigation and flight instruments. data and indicates its own operating INS furnishes its own numerical display of navigation status. UNIT LOCATIONS. the mode selector unit (MSU), the control/display of four units: Each INS consists unit unit See figure 1. Either two or three (NU), and the battery unit. (C/DU), the navigation are installed separate systems in the airplane. The unit locations are as follows: A. B. C. D. units Pilot's overhead Mode selector panel Control/display units Control stand electronic units Navigation Main equipment center Main equipment Battery units center. - - OUTSTANDING FEATURES. The INS is characterized A. B. L panel - - by the following features: Automatic horizontal STANDBY alignment of the INS to true north and automatic calibration instruments are accomplished each time the ÏNS sequences through completion of fine align and NAV is en¾red, Automatic calibration of the azimuth (vertical) gyro is accomplished on the results alignment. of the preceeding of the from as follows: 1. An automatic accomplished 2. refinement of the calibration, based on alignment data, is A further accomplished automatically at entry into NAV if an alignment to mode 4 or lower is obtained. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THIS FURTHER REFINE\IENT SHOULD IN NO WAY BE CONSTRUED AS A REQUIREMENT 'ID ACHIEVE THE SPECIFIED INS ACCURACY. calibration based during subsequent flight is C. The INS does not require D. monitors its own performance and furnishes Each INS continuously warning when output signals and displayed indications data are unreliable. In addition, to recommend action and to identify code numbers are displayed the cause of the warning. E. position, of present waypoint, coordinates Insertion are easily and destination accomplished by using a keyboard. Waypoint, destination, and position update coordinates in all INS using one keyboard can be inserted or in each INS using individual keyboards. any inputs from navigation aids external to the airplane. Section I 9 & WW NAVIGATION UNIT . UNIT go MODE SELECTOR . UNIT BATTERY UNIT CONTROL/DISPLAY ma o 2 08100 INS operation BISCtPOBICS OPERATIONS MANUAL for any latitude is unlimited and longitude during l'light. F. Accurate C. and steering commands are computed for flight over the Navigation information inserted coordinates in the INS great circle route between each set of waypoint the shortest route between the waypoints. insuring H. can be improved during flight by making a position update when INS performance is available. an accurate present position reference In a three system installadon, can also be improved using triple INS mix updating. INS performance I. Although barometric altítude and true airspeed from an air data set (ADS) are inputs to the INS, loss of these inputs will not se riously affect INS operation. J. An INS can be used to produce only attitude and/or steering signals þecome unreliable. Indicating K. hazard lights and displays stabilization can be replaced signals if navigation the INS is operating while . without to equipment or personnel. LIMITATIONS. OPERATING of the INS can only be performed alignment and calibration while Automatic occurs at latitudes Alignment degradation greater than 80 degrees. parked. the airplane is INFORMATION. NAVIGATION determined information by the INS is defined in the following paragraphs. Navigation between this true north, waypoints, relationships information, and true airspeed are illustrated in figure 2. True heading (HDG) is the clockwise Wind speed Wind direction (WS) is the velocity angle from of the wind with (WD) is the clockwise angle Ground track angle (TK) is the clockwise surface connecting successive the earth's from true north respect to the airplane center to a point on the earth's true north to the wind velocity The line. surface. vector. angle from true north to an imaginary line on has flown (ground points over which the airplane track). Ground speed (GS) is the velocity of the airplane with respect to a point on the earth's surface. center line and ground track or the Drift angle. (DA) is the angle between the airplane between true heading and ground track angle. angular difference Drift angle is right when ground track angle is greater than true heading and left when ground track angle is less than true heading. line Desired track angle (DSRTK) is the clockwise angle from true north to an imaginary (desired successive on the earth's surface points over which flight is desired connecting waypoints This line describes the great circle course between two successive track). and it is further defined by the intersection of a plane and the earth's surface when the plane passes the two successive through waypoints and the center of the earth. May 6/76 Section 1 Page 3 , $ å $ o o y rius DSRTK XTK TKE POS DIS DA HDG TAS WS WD TK GS - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAST WAYPOINT OR ORIGIN 60 OR DESTI. DIS EQUAL TO gX NATION WAYPOINT TRUE HEADING 'TRUE AIRSPEED WIND SPEED WIND DIRECTION ANGLE GROUND TRACK ANGLE GROUND SPEED DRIFT ANGLE DESIRED TRACK ANGLE CROSS TRACK DISTANCE TRACK ANGLE ERROR PRESENT POSiflON GREAT CIRCLE DISTANCE FROM POS TO NEXT / F , D6RTK XTK HDG > ( / WS WD y TRUE WH DA DIS 77 • / /TKE NEXT WAYPOINT OR DEST1NATION GREAT CIRCLE FROM LAFT WAYFOINTOR ORIGIN GS TAS / WS AIRPLANE CENTER LINE O o a O OPERATIONSMANUAL earth's surface directly below the airplane at any given instant. posidistance (XTK) is the shortest between the airplane's present Cross track distance Cross track distance is left when present position is left of tion and the desired track. the desired track and right when present position is right of the desired track. Cross track deviation (CTD) is another term used for cross track distance. (TKE) is the angle between the airplane's actual ground track and the Track angle error ground track or the angular difference between ground track angle and desired desired Track angle error is left when the actual track angle is less than the detrack angle. sired track angle and right when the actual track angleds greater than the desired track angle. Distance (DIS) is the great circle distance between present Time (TIME) is the time in minutes to fly the great circle to the next waypoint at the present ground speed. (TAS), although not determined by True airspeed to the air mass around the airplane. with respect mine wind direction and wind speed. INS/AIRPLANE the INS, position course is and the next waypoint. from present position the velocity of the airplane true airspeed to deter- The INS uses INTERFACE. Power and signal inputs to the INS and signal outputs from the INS are interfaced in the navigation unit as shown in figures 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The mode selector unit, control/ unit in the applicable display unit, and battery unit are connected only to the navigation The only connection INS and not to each other. between the two or three on board INS is between navigation The communication units. between navigatiou units is for comparison hold of computed present position and for remote operations to insert waypoint positions, and insert present position update coordinates present position, Figures displayed 3, 4, the general interface between the units of three INS and other air5, 6, and 7 lllustrate all be plane systems. All INS output signals are shown although they will not necessarily configuration. also which will on airplane Airplane equipment is shown used any one in all airplane not necessarily be installed configurations. . UNIT DESCRIPTIONS. BATTERY UNIT. dc power to initiate INS turn on and to supply The battery unit provides auxiliary power be to maintain operation power essential INS should the 115 volt primary the after on. When standard battery unit, interrupted fully charged, INS turn P/N 7883480, will sustain for 15 minutes, whereas the optional batterv INS operation tmit, 7888701, will sustain ooeration for minutes. P/N 30 Each INS has its own 4. unit. Refer to figure battery NAVIGATION UNIT (NU). The NU contains an inertial unit (DCU), and reference unit (IRU), a digital computer and steering reference inertial unit electronics navigation, (IRUE). All INS attitude, information is determined in the NU. May 6/76 Section Page 1 5 OPERATIONS MANUAL 115V PRIMARY POWER. 115V HEATER MODE SELECTOR POWER UNIT NO. 1 26V HDG EXCITATION NAVIGATION 26V DA EXCITATION UNIT NO. 1 26V TKORDA+TKE EXCIT - ÇONTROL/ DISPLAY UNIT NO. 1 a 26V TKE EXCIT * 26V PITCH & ROLL EX¢IT 26V PLATFORM HDG I EXCIT PANEL LIGHTING 0 TO 5 VAC CONTROL POWER 115V PRIMARY 115V HEATER AIRPLANE AC POWER SYSTEM 9--+ POWER 26V HDG EXCITATION 26V DA EXCITATION i 26V TK OR DA÷TKE EXCIT NAVIGATION UNIT NO. 2 CONTROL/ T (B 26V TKE EXCIT MODE SELECTOR UNIT NO * 26V PITCH& ROLL EXCIT DISPLAY UNIT NO. 2 B 26V PLATFORM HDG EXCIT POWER, 115V PRIMARY 115V !!EATER a MODE SELECTOR UNIT NO. 3 POWER 26V HDG EXCITATION ' 26V DA EXCITATION 26VTKOR DA+TKE EXCJ NAVIGATION UNIT NO. 3 26V TKE EXCIT CONTROL/ DISPLAY UNIT NO. 3 26V PITCH & ROLL EXCIT 26V PLATFORM HDG EXCIT Section 1 INS Power Inputs Figure 3 19546 A Nov 1/69 Division of General Actors Corp AC ELECTRONICS (ggi g NAY1GATIONSYSTEM INERTIAt. OPERATIONS MANUAL MODECONTROL 80NALS 1 MODE SELECTOR UNED NO. I r CONTROL/ DISPLAY UNIT NO. 1 POWER & IAMP CONTROL SG) AIß NAVIGATION UNttNO.1 CONTROL SIGNAIß POWER & DTSPTAY RTilNA T.S 8 GNAIß I AUXIX: POWER L .CHARGE * BATTERY UNEfNO.1 MODECONTROL ih . POWER & IAMP CONTRO'y MODE SELECTOR UNIT NO. 2 NAVIGATION UNIT NO. 2 CONTROL SIGNA LS POWER& DISPLAY SIGNALS AUXIK: CONTROL/ DISPLAY UNIT NO. 2 CHARGE POWim BATTERY UNEfNO.2 MODECONTROL POWER ALAMP CONTROL NAVIGATION UNDENO,3 MODE SELECTOR UNDENO.3 CONTROLSGNALß POWER & SIÇNAIS DISPyy CONTROL/ DISPLAY UNDENO.3 CHARGE BATTERY UNECNO.3 T9545A INS Inter-Unit Jun 1/69 Figure 4 Signals Section 1 Page 7 AC EL.ECTRONICS l'Aggg2 g Division of General Motors Corp INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL PRIMARY ROLL ATT (No. 1) ROLL ATT PITCH An PITCH ATT (No. ' O ' ROLL AUX ATT (No. 2) PRIMARY ATTITUDE DIRECTOR INDICATORS , I AUX PITCH ATT (No. 2) ROLL ATT AUX ROLL ATT (No. 3) AUX PirCH ATT (No, 3) AUX ROLL ATT g. PITCH ATT ' STANDBY ATTITUDE INDICATORS 4) AUX PTTCH ATT (No. 4) T/X ROLL ATT (No. NAVIGATION , AUX PITCH ATT (No. 5) ROLL ATT PITCH ATT si ARPIANE WERING AND SWTTCHES UNITS pyypyyrs FOR ONE UNrr , i ROLL ATT PITCH ATT · WEATHER RADAF RECEIVER/ TRANSMITT ERS AUTOPILCir/ FIJGHT DDI ECTOR ^tt & PITCH COMPUTERS ROLL ATT PTTCH ATT PIATTORM HDG I YAW DAMPER , AUTO THROTTLE PLATTORM HDg COMPASS COUPLER 19544A Output Signals Figure 5 INS Attitude Section 1 Page 8 Jun 1/69 Oeico Electronics OPEBATIONSMANUAL TRUE AIRSPEED TRUE ALTITUDE r REF. VOLTAGE ALTITUDE AIR DATA VALID AIR DATA VAUD AmSPEED HDG OR EFI'EERING HDG DA DA TKORDA+¾ TKORDA+TKE TKE OR STEERING TKE XTK DEVIATION XTK DEVIATION NAVIGATION UNITS TO/FROM (OUTPUTS WAYPOINT ALERT FOR ONE UNIT SHOWN) a AIRPLANE WIRING AND SW1TCHES WAYPOINT ALERT DIS NO. 1 DIGITAL * COMPUTERS HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATORS TO/FROM DIS NO. 2 DIGITAL DATA CENTRAL AIR DATA VOLTAGE REF. DATA TIME . 1 , TIME-TO-GO INDICATORS DA * XTK DEVIATION XTK DEVIATION LEG SWITCH STEERING LEG SWITCE DIGITAL DATA SIGNALS INCLUDE TK, GS, WS, WD, XTK. TKE, HDG, DA, DSRTK, WYPT POSITIONS,WON, AND ALIGNMENT STATUS AVAILABLE FOR DIGITAL DISPLAY. INS Input/Output May 6/76 AUTOPILOT/ FLIGHT DIRECTOR ROLL & PITCH COMPUTERS 19543 Navigation Figure 6 Signals Section 1 Page 9 AC ELECTRONICS 01visionof General Motors Corp INERTIALNAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL PRIMARY ATT VALID , AUX ATT VALID PRIMARY ATT VALID AUX A ATT VALID GS ATTITUDE INDICATORS I PLATFORMHDGVALIE NAVIGATION UNITS (OUTPUTS FOR ONE INS PC61TION a COMPARISON WARNING UNIT PLATFORM AIRPLANE WIRING AND SWITCH ES HDGVALID INS POSITION COMPARISON WARNIN * a | i CENTRAL WARNING SYSTEM SHOWN) HDG VAÐ HDG VALID1 HDG l FLAGS NAV SIGNAIß VALID NAV pSIGNAIßVALIE NAV FLAGS HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATORS 19542A Section 1 Page 10 INS Output Warning Figure 7 Signals Jun 1/69 Delco Electronics OPERATIONSMANUAL which is electronically platform and gimbal assembly The IRU is a gyro stabilized controlled to provide a local horizontal azimuth reference regardless of airplane to the attitude displaceattitude. Synchros in the IRU produce signals proportional and changes in airplane ment of the airplane heading from the horizontal reference The synchros are positioned so that the signals reprefrom the azimuth reference. longitudinal (roll), lateral (pitch), and sent attitude displacements about the airplane mounted on the gyro stabilized platform vertical (azimuth) axes. Accelerometers and horizontal accelerations are used to produce signals proportional to vertical mode of operation (velocity changes) during the navigation and proportionalto platform which tilt during the alignment and attitude modes of operation. The accelerometers sense horizontal accelerations are rotated at approximately one rpm about the vertiThis rotation navigation performance cal. results in improved and allows automatic alignment and calibration of thb INS, and calibration, the gyros on the platform sense the alignment During automatic earth's rotation. The reaction of the gyros to the earth rate tilts the platform down to the west. and gyro loops cause Various errors in the horizontal accelerometer the platform to cone. Azimuth gyro drift causes the platform to rotate faster or slower than the one rpm drive of a synchronous motor. sense The accelerometers a component of gravity when the platform is tilted out of the horizontal and produce proportional acceleration signals to signals. The DCU analyzes the acceleration determine true north, instrument The and torquing signals to the gyros. errors, horizontal gyros are torqued to offset the causes of the platform tilt. By separating the various characteristics signals, the DCU computes the caliof the acceleration bration values required to maintain the platform level and to keep track of true north during the navigation mode of operation. During navigation, the DCU uses the accelerometer output signals to compute navigation and steering information and to develop gyro torquing signals which maintain signals the IRU oriented to local horizontal. In the navigation mode, all acceleration are caused by movement of the airplane. for reasonThe DCU continuously checks input information and computed information It also receives warning signals from hardware monitors in the IRU and ableness. IRUE. If a failure or out-of-tolerance condition is detected by the DCU, it provides output signals which will indicate one or more warnings. The DCU will also provide codes to the C/DU upon request the recommended action and the failure indicating being detected. The DCU maintains a record of failures after alignment is started which can be displayed on the C/DU at any time before the INS is again aligned. control circuits, The IRUE includes power circuits, temperature quired for interface between the IRU, DCU, MSU, C/DU, battery tion warning control signals. The power circuits to operate the INS. reand circuits malfuncunit, and use the 115 volt ac primary power to supply all essential power The INS cannot be turned on, however, unless both battery unit power are available. power is converted and primary The primary to de which is used throughout which require the INS. The few normal operating ac are circuits and voltage. A battery supplied by converting de to ac at the required frequency charger is included in the IRUE which automatically charges the battery unit during INS operation potential is low and the INS is not operating if the battery on battery unit power. Anr 5,'75 Delco Electronics OPERATIONSMANUAL control circuits provide stable temperature for etritcal assemblies The temperature and internal blowers for the IRU use the 115 volt heater in the NU. Fast warmup circuits power. Both fast power. Fine temperature control circuits use converted primary the,NI° at turn on. and fine temperature heaters control heaters warm up warmup temperatures are reached and The fast warmup heaters shut off just before operating control heaters continue operating to maintain the required operthe fine temperature The INS cannot be aligned until the fast warmup heaters shut off. ating temperature. The walls of the NU incorporate primary heat exchangers through which exhaust cabin air flows. Heat from the electronics in the IRU, IRUE, and DCL is dissipated for through mechanical The cooling is required connections to the heat exchanger. Heat dissipation from the heated assemboth the heated and unheated asgemblies. blies allows positive temperature control. of the NU includes The IRU compartment heat exchangers attached to the inside of the primary secondary heat exchangers. Two blowers operate when the gimbal compartment temperature a critical reaches positioned to draw around the the The 1RU through level. blowers are air from secondary heat exchangers. The malfunction warning control circuits combine signals from the IRU, IRUE. and DCU to produce signals which control warning flags and lamps. Hardware monitors operation in the IRU and IRUE detect abnormal of temperature control circuits (overtemperature), and attitude gyro stabilization accelerometer circuits, circuits, Hardware operation of synchro circuits. monitors within the DCU detect abnormal the DCU while reasonableness tests on computed and input data detect out-of-tolerance conditions. and the mode is detected if an overtemperature The INS will shut down automatically switch is at NAV or When the mode selector selector switch is at STBY or ALIGN. will produce a warning indication on the C/DU but the INS ATT, attovertemperature will not automatically shutdown. The battery unit is tested during the alignment mode of operation andtheINS unit charge is low when willautomatically shut down if thebattery this test is accomplished. In addition, the INS will shut down any time that a low battery unit voltage is detected while the INS is operating on battery unit power. the DCU is shut down and attitude stabilization During the attitude mode of operation, signals and attitude warning flag control signals are the only outputs of the INS. The accelerometers are used to sense platform IRU horizontal tilt in a manner similar to the alignment mode of operation. The acceleration signals in this mode of operation the at in IRUE to provide control signals which maintain the platform are converted effect the horizontal Horizontal reference. accelerations of the airplane have little on the operation. MODE SE LECTOR UNIT (MSU). and two indicating lamps mounted The MSU contains a mode selector illumination Panel lettering nated panel. intensity is controlled by a Refer to figure 8 for descriptions control. of the mode selector and Section 1 on an illumicabin lighting lamps. Apr 5/15 AC in..ECTRONICS Division of General Motors Corp INERTIALNAYlGATION SYSTEM (AgŒ ' g OPERATIONS MANUAL MODI·¾ SE Ll·:CTOR srs• oss - •srT •••• ..r The modo selector modes of controls oper:iting for the lNS. The knob must be fulled rotation ún¯$ÏÏ3Y and across mechlihÏ¿alsfops LlGN :md between A NAV :md ATT. inoperative when the mode is INS The OF F is :it the OFF position. selector STT3Y 'Ile g position is um (stamiby) during gnd oper:gion. Setting the mode selector to STRY from OFl starts fast warmup in the NU, cages the IRU to the orientattion of the airplane, starts the gyro wheels spinning, turns on and turns on the the DCU for standby operations, C/DU so that information can be inserted into the DCU, When STBY is selected from any other position, the IRU is not caged but operates the same as during the attitude mode of operation. AIJGN position is used The AL1GN (alignment) while the airplane only during ground operation is Atrked. to A LIGN from Setting the mode sele-tor STBY will start gyro operation and automatic INS alignment providing the fast warmup heaters have shut off. Fine alismment will not be ¯ÙÏe started until in_ - . - - present position has GeinserteÏ The DCU automatically cycleš through coarse and leveling, coarse azimuth determination, fine alignment. The A LIGN position can be selected from any other position, but alignment will not be accomplished until the fast warmup heaters are shut off and present position has been inserted in the C/DU. Moving the mode selector to A LIGN from NAV will not downmode the INS. NAV The NAV (navigation) position is used for alignment .Aormal operation after automatic has been completed. must be He NAV pogtton Jelecid before moving the airplane. He INS will sequence through standby and alignautomatically ment or alignment operation to the navigation mode of operation when the NAV position is selected from any other position providing that present position is inserted and the airplane is parked. - ATT The ATT (attitude) position is used to provide only INS attitude signals. This position shuts down the DCU so that navigation and signals are not provided. The C/DU steering is also shut down and only the BAT and WARN lamps are operative. The ATT position can be selected ATT kthe from any other position. - / Mode Selector Jun 1/69 Unit (Sheet Figure 8 1 of 2) Section 1 Page 13 Division of General Motors Corp AC ELECTRONICS INERTIALMAVIGAT10N SYSTEM gg OPERATIOMS MANUAL MODE SELECTOR (CONT) the INS alignment is lost and is selected, the INS has to be realigned on the ground before the position mode of operation navigation can again be used. BAT LAMP The BAT (battery) lamp lights only when the INS has shut down due to a low battery unit automatically The INS will automatically shut down before voltage. A shutthe battery unit is completely discharged. down due to low battery unit voltage can only occur while the INS is operating on battery unit power. 13e INS operates on battery power for a 9. 6 second period during coarse leveling. If the battery unit charge is below the required mínimum level during this period, the INS will shut down and the BAT lamp will light to indicate em the reason. ARDEANDAVNVM( eady to navigate) lamp lights when the desired alignment status of the INS is attained. The desired and actual alignment status are displayed on the C/DU. When alignment is accomplished with the mode selector at A LIGN, the READY NAV lamp remains lighted until NAV The READY NAV lamp lights is selected. momentarily when alignment is accomplished with the mode selector at NAV. CONTROL/DISPLAY UNIT (C/DU). inforT¾e C/DU contains controls, indicators, and displays for manually Inserting mation into the INS and for displaying navigation information and system status Logic circuits in the C/DU convert manual control operations into information. digital data signals and decode digital data signals for display. to figure 9 Refer for descriptions of controls, displays, and indicators. Mode Selector Unit (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure Section 1 Page 14 8 Jun 1/69 AC ( Division of General Motors NAY10ATlON INERTIAL SYSTEM El...EECTRONICS lg g Corp OPERATIONS MANUAL DATA DISPLAYS are The left-hand and right-ha. d c.ita displays composed of lamps which indicate numbers, decimal points, degree symbols, left and right and latitude or longitude directions. directions, selection of data for display is con The primary Additrolled by the eight position data selector. controlled tional selection of data for display is the TEST selector, by the 10 position waypoint used when and the HOLD key in conjuncswitch, tion with the data selector. Decimal point and degree symbol lighting is controlled by the posiAll other data display tion of the data selector. 11ghting is controlled by the DCU except when Data to be inserted into the DCU loading data. is first loaded into the data displays by operating the keyboard. Display of the loaded data allows it into the visual verification before inserting DCU. Pressing the INSERT key inserts the loaded data into the DCU memory and the DCU then resumes control of the data displays. . KEYBOARD BB El 888 9 The keyboard consists of 10 keys which are used the to load data into data displays and FROM-TO illumination Keyboard intensity is condisplay. trolled by a cabin lighting control. CLEAR KEY The CLEAR key is used to cancel a data loading when erroneous data is inadvertently operation loaded into the left-hand data display, the right- I r hand data display, or the FROM-TO display, When the CLEAR key is pressed during a loading operation, the DCU resumes control of the applicable display and the loading operation can inbe restarted. The CLEAR key illumination tensity is controlled by the same cabin lighting control as the keyboard. Control/Display Jun 1/69 Unit (Steet 9 Figure o.,r..r 1 1 1 of 12) Section 1 Page 15 Division of General Motors Corp AC EL.ECTRONICS (,4ggggg INERTIALNAVIGATION SYSTEM KEY INSERT OPERATIONS MANUAL The INSERT key is used to insert loaded data into the DCU. The lamp in the INSFNT key is controlled by either the DCU or by operation of the C/DU controls. The INSERT key is illuminated at INS turn on and when the mode selector is downmoded to STBY indicating that present position data must be inserted before automatic alignment can be accomplished. The lamp in the INSERT key will go out after both present position latitude and longitude are inserted. The INSERT key also lights when the WYPT CHG key is pressed or the first keyboard key is pressed data during any•other The light goes out when either loading operation. the data is inserted by pressing the INSERT key or the CLEAR key. cleared by pressing " 1 orsna.c DATA SELECTOR ..,gl $/TAIK i 'lle data selector has eight positions for selecting Three of data to be displayed in the data displays. these positions also allow data to be loaded into the data displays and then inserted into the DCU inThe position placarding illumination memory. is controlled lighting tensity by the same cabin control used for the keyboard and CLEAR key. TK/GS | I Ifx - Present track angle and ground speed are indicated in the data displays when the data selecPresent-track tor la set to TK/GS. angle is dispinyed from 0 to 359. 9 degrees in the left-hand data display to the nearest tenth of a degree with respect to true north. Ground speed is displayed from 0 to 2, 400 knots in the right-hand data disknot. True heading is disa play to the nearest played in place of present track angle when ground speed is below 75 knots. The INS indicates a mal function if the displayed ground speed is 910 knots or greater. Control/Display Section 1 Page 16 ' Unit (Sheet 2 of 12) Figure 9 e •E El Jun 1/69 AC ELECTRON1CS > Division of General ¼otors Corp (ANGE g INERTlAL HAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL DATA SELECTOR (CONT) HDG/DA Airplane heading and drift angle are indicated in the data displays when the data selector is set to HDG/DA. Heading is displayed from 0 to 359. 9 degrees in the left-hand data display to the nearest tenth of a degree with respect to true Drift angle is displayed from 0 to 180 denorth. grees right or left of the airplane heading in the right-hand data display to the nearest degree. The displayed when ground drift angle is 0 degrees a speed is below 75 knots. The INS indicates 45 is gngle displayed drift the malfunction if degrees or greater. - XTK/TKE Cross track distance and track angle error are indicated in the data displays when the data selector is set to XTK/TKE. Cross track distance is displayed from 0 to 999. 9 nautical miles right or left of the desired track in the lefthand data display to the nearest tenth of a nautical Track angle error mile. is displayed from 0 to 180 degrees right or left of the desired track angle data display to the nearest in the right-hand degree. between The angle desired track angle and heading is displayed in place of track angle error when ground speed is below 75 knots. - ser « POS The data selector must be set to POS for insertion of present positton into the DCU memory of a reference or for insertion during preflight point position when making a position update during flight or after landing. Present position of the airplane is displayed in the data displays after the initial insertion of both latitude and longitude when the data selector Latitude is loaded is set to POS. and displayed in the left-hand data display and longitude is loaded and displayed in the right-hand data display. Both data displays and indicate degrees minutes to the nearest tenth of a minute. Latitude is displayed from 0 to 90 degrees north or south and longitude is displayed from 0 to 180 degrees east or - I west. Control/Display Jun 1/69 Unit (Sheet 3 of 12) Figure 9 Section 1 Page 17 Delco Electronics MANUAL OPERATIONS DATA SELECTOR (CONT) WAYPT The WAYPT position of the data selecwith the waypoint tor, in conjunction selector, allows waypoint and destination positions to be inserted The data displays into the DCU memory. will display the inserted latitude and longitude of when the data selector the waypoint/destination is set to WAYPT and the waypoint selector is properly positioned. Zeros are displayed in the data displays for waypoints 1 through 9 at turn on. The WAYPT position of the data selector is also used to display inertial present position. Refer to HOfD key description. Latitude and longitude are loaded and displayed in the same units and accuracies as when the data selector is set to POS. - position Distance and time from present displayed to the waypoint in the TO side of the FROMin the data displays when the TO display are indicated Distance is disdata selector is set to DIS/TIME. played from 0 to 9, 999 nautical miles in the lefthand data display to the nearest nautical mile. Time, based on current ground speed, is displayed from 0 to 999. 9 minutes in the righthand data display to the nearest tenth of a minThe displayed value of time is 999. 9 minute. utes when ground speed is below 10 knots. Refer disto WYPT CHG key description for displaying FROM-TO tance and time between waypoints in DIS/TIME '· - display. in the Wind direction and speed am indicated is larger than the when trie airspeed data displays lower stop setting of the Air Data Set and the data is displayed selector is set to WIND. Wind direction from 0 to 359 degrees in the left-hand data display from to the nearest degree. Wind speed is displayed data display to the 0 to 650 knots in the right-hand nearest knot. Both wind direction and wind speed am indicated at 0 when airspeed is at the lower stop setting of the Air Data Set. An airspeed warnsignal exceeding 650 knots or a malfunction ing from the central air data computer also causes both displays to indicate 0. WIND I - Control/Display Section 1 Page 18 Unit (Sheet 4 of 12) Figure 9 May 6/76 ÛBICO SISCLPDHÏCS OPERATIONSMANUAL SELECTOR DATA (CONT) DSRTK/STS Desired track angle is indicated in the leftis set to DSRTK/ hand data display when the data selector STS. Desired track angle is displayed from 0 to 359 degrees to the nearest degree with respect to true north. - system status The right-hand data display indicates the data selector is set to DSRTK/STS. During northree digits are lighted. These digits mal operation, indicate the DCU operating mode, the actual performand the desired ance index (calibration status) number, performance index number. when index number. The last digit at the right of the display is the desired performance This digit is set to a 5 at turn on and when the INS is downmoded to standby from the navigation mode. The number can be changed by loading a lower number into the disis a DSRTK/STS. THERE IS it into the DCU while the data selector play and inserting ADVANTAGE TO INSERTING A LOWER DESIRED PI NUMBER. NO OPERATIONAL to as the actual index number, referred The digit at the left of the desired performance operation mode of and indicates the alignment. during standby When the PI number, a 9 is displayed. Coarse leveling INS is turned on or downmoded to standby operation, by an 8, coarse azimuth determination operation by a '7, and fine alignis indicated index number 5 is displayed when alignment is ment by a 6. Actual performance below 5 indicate that further refinement complete. Numbers of azimuth gyro drift is being computed. mode until the actual perforinance index number The DCU will not start the navigation index number and the mode selector is as low or lower than the desired performance index number on MSU is at NAV, If time is allowed for the actual performance below 5 before selecting the navigation mode, the DCU uses a portion of to decrease azimuth gyro drift rate to update the previously the recomputed computed rate as soon IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO LOAD A DESIRED PI mode is started. as the navigation BELOW A PI OF 5 LESS THAN 5 TO UTILIZE THE REFINED VALUE. ALIGNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO ATTAIN THE SPECIFIED CIV ACCURACY. The accuracy below PI improvement gained when alignment is largely due to inhibiting 5 is allowed, errors prior to leaving the loading area. propagation When alignment is being of inertial ivith the mode selector at NAV, the DCU automatically accomplished switches to the navigation mode as soon as the actual performance index number is equal to the desired performance index number. = data display is used to command During NAV, the last digit on the right of the right-hand This digit is automatically set to 5 at triple INS mixing in a three system installation. entry into NAV. Manually changing this number provided there are for each INS so commanded, binnrv data warn. Control/ Mas o > to 4 will cause triple three INS operating Display Unit (Sheet 5 of 12) Figure 9 INS mix to occur a in NAV without Section 1 Page 19 Delco HIectronics OPERATIONS MANUAL DATA SELECTOR (CONT) The second and third digits from the left indicate numWhen the bers only when a malfunction has occurred. WARN lamp is lighted by either a continuous or intermittent DCU detected malfunction, the two digits indicate 01, 02, 04, or 05. Code 03 will be displayed without lighting the WARN lamp. The recommended action codes are defined below: Code Recommended Action 03 Shut down INS for degradation Select ATT if necessary and attitude INS may be used for navigation information. INS data to HSI and autopilot associated with malf code(s) is unreliable if malf codes do not clear. 04 Downmode 02 Watch to STBY and restart only) Downmode to OFF and again perform turn on (groundoperation only) (31K and 31L programs alignment 05 (ground operation two digits are also used codes. Refer to section 3 for The malfunction codes replace the TEST switch is actuated. TEST switch description. These WAYPOINT to display malfunction malfunction code lists. the action codes when Refer to HOLD and SELECTOR in conjunction with the The waypoint selector, WAYPT position of the data selector, allows positions to be inserted waypoint and destination into the DCU memory in the proper sequence. During flight, the automatic navigation leg switching by the DCU is accomplished in sequence to the inserted positions from 1 to 9 according unless a course change is inserted. The previously inserted latitude and longitude for a waypoint/desti. nation will be indicated in the data displays when Control/Display Section 1 Page 20 only) Unit (Sheet 6 of 12) Figure 9 an.e .\lay 6/76 AC EiLEiCTRONICS mg Uivision of Meneral Motors 4,orp INERTIAL HAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL WAYPOINT I SELECTOR (CONT) the waypoint selector is set to the waypoint number (1 through 9) and the data selector is set to WAYPT. He 0 position of the waypoint selector is normally used to display the latitude and longitude of the last point where 0 was inserted into the FROM side of the FROM-TO display. Although 1 2 is displayed at INS turn on, course 0 1 can be loaded in the FROM-TO display and inserted in the C/DU for the first navigation leg. In this case, the 0 postdisplays the tion of the waypoint selector A course change coordinates of the flight origin. the present during flight can be accomplished,from position of the airplane This is to any waypoint. accomplished the course change in by inserting the FROM-TO display using 0 as the FROM waypoint, After this type of course change, the latitude and longitude of the point at which the course is displayed when change was accomplished the waypoint is at 0 and the data selecselector selector is also tor is at WAYPT. The waypoint present used in procedures inertial for displaying position. Refer to the HOLD key description. FROM-TO - DISPLAY '13e FROM-TO display indicates two origin/waypoint/destination the navigation numbers describing leg for which automatic navigation data is being computed. to the These numbers correspond As a flight numbers on the wavpoint selector. progresses the FROM-TO through waypoints, display automatically changes to indicate the next navigation leg when a waypoint is reached. The normal automatic sequence is 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 8 9, 9 1, 1 2, etc. The waypoint sequence can be interrupted at any time by loading different numbers into the FROM-TO display using the WYPT CHG, key and keyboard and inserting them into the DCU with the INSERT key. 0 Ioading into the FROM display causes an immediate position to the course change from the present waypoint in the TO display when the INSERT key is pressed. leg After a course change navigation is completed, the INS resumes the automatic sequence starting at the waypoint number used for . . . . the leg termination. Control/Display Jun 1/69 Unit (Sheet 7 of 12) Figure 9 Section 1 Page 21 AC ELili gg JNICS Division of General Motors Corp INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL WYPT CHG KEY I Re WYPT CHG key is used in conjunction with the keyboard and INSERT key to make a course change. He WYPT CHG key and INSERT key light when the WYPT CHG key is pressed, Different waypoint numbers can then be loaded into the FROM-TO display The first keyboard key pressed using the keyboard. loads loads the FROM side and the second key pressed the TO side of the FROM-TO display. Insertion of the different numbers into the DCU using the INSERT key •t ne causes the WYPT CHG key and the INSERT key lights to go out. Both lights also go out whensthe CLEAR key is pressed. The WYPT CHG key can also be used to display distance and time (based on present ground speed) between any 6 When the WYPT CHG key is two geographic locations, displayed distance and time on the C/DU pressed, the & are the distance and time between the two waypoints in the FROM-TO display. Any waypoint numbers, excluding 0, can be loaded in the FROM-TO display, but not inserted into DCU, to display distance and time between the two locations. Automatic steering with respect to the originally display, d FROM-TO waypoints is not affected by this procedure. Pressing the CLEAR key restores the displays to normal indications. HOLD KEY with other C/DU The HOLD key is used in conjunction controls to stop displayed present position from changing, to perform a position update, to display inertial present position, to eradicate a position update, and to display recorded malfunction codes. The HOLD key lights when pressed the first time and goes out when pressed the second time or when inserted data is accepted by the DCU. I The HOLD key is used during flight to freeze displayed present 'Ite data displays position. stop changing at the point where the HOLD key is pressed. The displays can be stopped simultaneously on all C/DU's by pressing the REMOTE key on each C/DU before pressing one HOLD key. Pressing the HOLD key a second time allows the displays to again display the changing current present position. Control/Display Section Page 22 1 Unit (Sbeet 8 of 12) Figure 9 Jun 1/69 Delco Electronics OPERATIONSMANUAL HOLD KEY (CONT) signals. The HOLD key is pressed when over the reference and steering data displays displayed in the data displays can be compared with the known point and the coordinates A position update can be performed point. after passing the of the reference coordinates point latitude and longitude while the HOLD key the reference reference point by inserting is at POS. As soon as the reference and the data selector point is still illuminated the displayed present position is updated to indicate the true coordinates are inserted, present position and the HOLD key light goes out. The position update coordicurrent in two or three INS simultaneously as long as the displays are nates can be inserted and the REMOTE keys remain lighted on all C/DU's to be updated. stopped simultaneously position computed by the INS disregarding position is the present the present Inertial In other words, the inertial present which result from a position update. corrections position which would normally be displayed if a position update had position is the present Inertial present position is displayed by rotating the data selector not been performed. the HOLD key. to WAYPT and pressing updating can be accomplished using the triple INS mixing In a three system installation, (PI=4) to do triple INS mixing, the present process. In each system commanded position system(s) is updated approximately information of the commanded to the mid latitude and mid longitude using the mid direction cosine values of all three systems. It is not necesto do triple INS mix update but sary to have each one of the thme systems commanded only those systems so commanded will do the update. However, all three systems must The transition from normal operation to be operating in NAV with no binary data warn. using a five minute timer to eliminate triple mix update is "eased-on/off" abrupt changes position and steering present in displayed information. The bias resulting from triple mix update is retained after dropping out of triple mix unless the update is flushed as described in the next paragraph. . the result of a manual fix made when flying over a known referA position update whether from the INS so that navigation disence or the result of triple INS mix can be eradicated navigation data withsignals are again computed from the basic interial plays and steering to is accomplished Position update eradication by rotating the data selector out correction. pressing and pressing the the HOLD key, pressing any key on the keyboard, DSRTK/STS, INSERT key. codes for all out-of-tolerance conditions Malfunction are semi-permanently stored in the These codes are erased when the INS starts DCU memory. In addition, fine alignment. delay before feedback malfuncat ground speeds less than 75 knots, there is a 6-second at these are set. tions 22, 23, 24, or 25 for the DCU converters A new record is started The and continues until the next time the fine alignment is started. points of operation conditions occurring malfunction codes for all out-of-tolerance during this period can be displayed in the second and third digits in the right-hand data display. The recorded simulmalfunction codes are displayed by rotating the data selector to DSRTK/STS, and releasing the HOLD key and TEST switch, and pressing taneously and then pressing each TEST switch for recorded code. relensing the The recorded malfunction codes sequence with the lowest number. in numerical After all will be displaved starting the two digits go blank. codes are displayed, recorded The HOLD key does not light while procedure the TEST switch is pressed. except during this Control/Display May 6/76 Unit (Sheet 9 of 12) Figure 9 Section 1 Page 23 - . Delco Electronics OPERATIONSMANUAL WARN LAMP The WARN lamp lights red when the INS self-testing condition. detect an out-of-tolerance circuits Illumination of the WARN lamp can be caused by a condition. Intermittent continuous or intermittent out-of-tolerance detected by the DCU conditions light the WARN la.mp until it is reset by the TEST switch. If the WARN lamp is lighted by a continuous condition which does not degrade attitude operation the WARN lamp goes oug when the mode selector is set to ATT, | g g TEST SWITCH lamps switch is used to test all indicating for the INS and to test the DCU input/ output operation. The TEST switch is also used in with other controls conjunction to display numerical and to reset codes indicating specific malfunctions the malfunction warning circuits. The TEST I and displays The TEST switch can be pressed at any time during INS operation to test the indicating lamps and displays on the MSU and C/DU and the DCU input/output. Proper operation is indicated by illumination of all lamps and displays while the switch is pressed. Each digit in the FROM-TO display and data displays is lighted to indicate an eight. The directional letters (NSE W) are also lighted in the data displays. The TEST switch also tests remote lamps and indicators which are connected to the INS. Pressing the digital TEST switch lights all digits in connected indicators to indicate eights, and lights connected ALERT and INS position comparison lamps. warning Maltunction codes for all DCU detected out-oftolerance stored in the conditions are temporarily DCC memory. These codes enn be displayed by to DSRTK/STS and actuating setling the data selector When the WARN lamp has been the TEST switch. lighted, in the recommended action code is displayed the second and third digits of the right-hand data display. and releasing the TEST switch Pressing Control/Display Sect ion i s. Unit (Sheet 10 of IT Figure 9 - uoorsaxer Nov li 69 i Delco Electronics OPERATIONSMANUAL TEST SWITCH (CONT) the first time displays the lowest numbered malfunction code which has been recorded since the malcircuits were last reset. function warning Additional actuations of the TEST switch display applicable order if malfunction codes in ascending numerical condition has been more than one out-of-tolerance When all recorded malfunction codes have detected. the two digits again display the been displayed, action recommended code or go blank. Actuation s su . of at DSRTK/STS the TEST switch with the data selector codes but also resets the malfunction not only displays circuits. If the detected outthe malfunction warning of-tolerance the malfunccondition is not continuous, the recommended action code is tion code is erased, and the WARN lamp goes out due to the erased, of the TEST switch and data selector. reset operation REMOTE KEY The REMOTE key lights amber when pressed and allows simultaneous of wayloading and insertion point and destination data into more than one INS The REMOTE key must by using only one C/DU. INS to achieve this be pressed on all participating simultaneous insertion. The remote operation is disabled when the REMOTE keys are again pressed and the key light goes out. The REMOTE key can also be used with the HOLD key to freeze displayed present position on more than one INS at the same posiinstant during flight and to insert a present tion update either during flight or after landing. AUTO-MAN SWITCH left at the AUTO The AUTO-MAN switch is normally navigation leg position. This allows automatic airplane The must fly each during flight. switching 25. 6 seconds before another new log for at least inidated. If the MAN posileg enn he automatically Lion is used, the 1NS does not switch to the next navig:Hion to furnish steering leg, but continues to maintain track for the comsignals the desired informapleted Displayed navigation navigation leg. navigation also remains relative to the completed tion leg or its extension. After passing a waypoint with the switch at MAN, automatic leg switching can be resumed to AUTO. by switching Unit (Sheet Control/Display Figure 9 Feb 4/74 L... 11 of 12) Section 1 BÊCO ËÏBCtfDHICS OPERATIONS MANUAL ALERT LAMP The ALERT lamp lights amber two minutes before reaching a waypoint or destination durmg flight. The light goes out when the INS automatically switches to the next navigation leg. The A LERT lamp flashes on and off after passing a waypoint if the AUTO-MAN switch is in the MAN position. In this case, the light goes out when either AUTO The is selected or a course change is inserted. ALERT lamp can be tested at any time; however, it does not light automatically when ground speed is below 250 knots. each INS In a multiple installation, calculates the time to light ALERT based on its estimate of distance to Consequently, go and ground speed. the ALERT lamp may light at slightly different times for each INS. NOTE: BAT LAMP The BAT lamp lights amber when the INS is operating on battery power. DIM KNOB The DIM knob on the data selector is used to vary light intensity of the data displays, the FROM-TO display, the A LERT lamp, and the HOLD, REMOTE, INSERT, and WYPT CHG keys. Control/Display Section 1 Unit (Sheet Figure 9 12 of 12) May 6/76 Delco Electronics MANUAL OPERATIONS NORMAL OPERATING PREFLIGHT PROCEDURES PROCEDURES. GENERAL. procedure in this section outlines the recommended operations required The preflight flight. operations The preflight include turn on, inserting the INS for to prepare required for alignment and flight, verifying proper operation, and allowing information and alignment. The procedures do not include.operation sufficient time for warmup of the airplane systems using INS output signals. The followand normal indications indications the describe the normal on other systems when they are ing paragraphs by the INS duxing preflight. being controlled Output signals from the INS can be checked the INS is being aligned. on connected indicators during preflight while will start leveling The attitude sphere display in the attitude indicators at the start will remain (DCU mode 8) and, once leveled, level in any mode until of alignment for INS attitude will indicate that the the INS is shut down. Warning indicators attitude signals are valid while the attitude sphere display is level. situation indicator (HSI), connected The INS can provide test signals to the horizontal and INS position comparison warning lamps. digital displays, the TEST Pressing alignment, or navigation mode of operation switch during the standby, lights all digits to indicate eights, lights the HSI ALERT lamp, and on connected digital displays lamp. Additional HSI test signals are provided lights the INS position comparison when the INS is in the alignment mode, the data selector is at any position other than These additional and the TEST switch is pressed. test signals cause DSRTK/STS, drift angle, track angle, and track angle error at 0 the HSI to indicate heading, is indicated At the same time, cross track deviation at 3.75 nautical miles degree. INS controlled HSI are retracted and flags from view. (one dot) right for INS navigation and heading normally indicate Warning indicators signals are valid only when the DCU is in the navigation mode. PREFLIGHT PROCEDURE CHECKLIST. Operation I Check that power is available all applicable circuit breakers are engaged. CAUTION: 2 Adjust cabin for optimum lighting Mar 1/70 that these Indication and INSURE THAT COOLING AIR IS AVAILABLE BEFORE OPERATING INS. TO NAVIGATION UNITS panel lighting controls MSU and C/DU panel Section Page 2 1 Oelco Electronics DPEAATIONSMANUAL Indication Operation 3 Mode selector . FROM-TO display INSERT key C/DU BAT lamp for 12.8 seconds during (DCU mode 8) A LIGN . . . . N . . . . . . . . . . . . .lights . . . . . . .lights 12 alignment Movement of the airplane Do not tow or taxi airplane during INS alignment. is moved alignment large navigation errors. causes If the airplane during alignment, alignment mode to restart by; setting selector STBY, during then to ALIGN, and reipserting position. present : inten- DIM knob for optimum sity of C/DU displays 4 Adjust 5 AUTO-MAN switch 6 Data selector . AUTO . POS . . 7 TEST switch press C/DU: L-H data display . R-H data display FROM-TO. HOLD key MSU: BAT lamp 88°88.8N . lights READY NAV lamp. S 888°88.8E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lights REMOTE key INSERT key WYPT CHG key ALERT lamp BAT lamp WARN lamp . . TEST switch L-H data display . and hold . . . 8 . 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . lights lights lights lights . lights lights lights . . release . . R-H data display . latitude DCU memory . . . . . in Lamps and keys in step 7 . longitude . . lighted . . . . go out except lights go INSERT key in DCU memory 9 Insert present NOTE: 9.1 9.2 11 I 12 Met (figure 1) 7tie following two steps are optional but strongly that present position has been properly loaded. waypoint Verifv distance (figure 8) between waypoint and wavpoint position 2. Data selector Insert desired NOTE: Insert n 2 position . . . performance positions to ensure index (figure position 0 (which is the loaded present L-H data display desired angle in DCU memory R-H data display 0---95 DSRTK/STS (PI number It is recommended that the desired Them is no operational advantage waypoint recommended 2 (figure 3) Insert position) 10 position if desired . . . . . . track (figure 2) PI number be left at 5. to setting it to a different value. 3) \Iav 6/76 Delco Electronics OPERATIONS MANUAL INS acceptance of all waypoint data in accordance data does not verify correctly, B of figure 9. If waypoint direction, i.e., rotate waypoint (figure 3) in the reverse 13 with paragraphs A and reload waypoint data selector one position to be corrected and then back to the desired position, higher than the waypoint rotate to position 0 and back to 9. e.g., if waypoint 9 is to be corrected, Verify Indication Operation 14 Observe READY 15 Mode selector . NAV lamp READY NAV lamp NAV READY NAV lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . líghts goes out Do not pull mode selector when switching to NAV, This prevents overshoot If ATT is selected, to ATT which destroys alignment. alignment must be restarted by setting mode selector to STBY and then to A LIGN, and by the present position. reinserting : 15 Data selector . . . . . DSRTK/STS R-H data display . . . . . . . Left digit changes to 1 Present position must be inserted into each INS before automatic alignment can be accomplished. position should be as accurate The latitude and longitude of present for the airplane location. The controls and indicators used for inserting as possible present position are illustrated below. Once present position has been inserted and coarse azimuth determination (DCU mode 7) is started, present position cannot be changed unless mode selector is downmoded to STBY and alignment is reinitiated. : RIGHT-HAND (R-H) DATA DISPLAY LEFT-HAND (L-H) DATA DISPLAY INSERT KEY KEYBOARD DATA SELECTOR CLEAR Present Apr 5/75 Position Insertion KEY (Sheet 1 of 2) Secuon 2 Delco Electronics OPERATIONS MANUAL Operation Control Step 1 Data selectot Rotate to POS L-H data display R- H data display Latitude in DCU memory longitude in DCU memory 2 N2 key or 8S key Press L-H data display R-H data display 00o00, ON or 00000. OS Same as step 1 L-H data display R-H data display I.caded latitude Same as step 1 (for north or south present position latitude) 3 Load latitude Keyboard Ñess Example: keys 40451 in sequence for 40045. 1' NOTE: Each number loaded appears in far right digit when loaded and shifts to left when latitude is loaded, press CLEAR key and renext number is loaded. If incorrect peat steps 2 and 3. 4 INSERT key Press L-H data display R-H data display Ioaded latitude Same as step 1 5 6E key or W4 key Press I, H data display R-H data display I.caded latitude 000 00.0E or 000000. L-H data display R-H data display Loaded latitude Ioaded longitude (for east or west 6 longitude) Load longitude Example: Press keys 73596 in sequence for Keyboard OW present position I Indication or Indicator Display 73oS9. 6' NOTE: 7 in far right digit when loaded and shifts to left when Each number loaded appears next number is loaded. If incorrect longitude is loaded, press CLEAR key and repeat steps 5 and 6. INSERT key Present Section 2 INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Press Position Insertion Ficruro 1 (Sheet Light goes out Loaded latitude Loaded longitude 2 of 2) BICO NBCEPDHICS OPERATIONS MANUAL performance index (PI) number is 5 at turn on and when the INS is downmoded updates the azimuth gyro drift rate value at the operation. The INS automatically of the desired This updated calibration start of fme alignment regardless PI number. data error completion of the position at the previous is determined from the inertial present flight. The INS will start refining the azimuth gyro drift rate value based on current alignin the alignment mode (mode ment error data if the INS is allowed to continue operating below 5 selector on MSU to ALIGN) after the PI number reaches 5. Actual PI numbers to update the azimuth gyro indicate that this further refinement will be used by the computer drift rate value. THE DCU WILL USE THE REFINED CALIBRATION DKTA AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE NAVIGATION MODE IS STARTED REGARDLESS OF THE DESIRED PI mode even though the mode selector The INS will not start the navigation NUMBER. is at illumiNAV unless the NAV READY indicAtor on the MSU is lit. The NAV READY indicator nates only when the actual PI number is equal to or less than the desired PI number. FOR THIS REASON IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE DESIRED PI RE LEFT AT 5 IN ORDER TO The controls OBTAIN THE NAV READY INDICATION IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME. and indicators illustrated below. used for changing the desired PI number are The desired to standby DCU MODE OR ACTUAL PI NUMBER L-H DATA DISPLAY INSERT DESIRED KEY PI NUMBER R-H DATA DISPLAY ---- KEYBOARD enn DATA SELECTOR Step Control 1 Data selector 2 Keyboard •E EB e Operation Rotate Display or Indicator L-H data display R-H data display to DSRTK/STS Press key for desired PI number less than 5 INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Indication DSRTK in DCU memory 0--·X5 Lights Same as step 1 00000 N I.caded desired N PI number = NOTE: 3 If key is pressed, wrong INSERT key Press i pressing another key will the desired change INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display PI number. Light goes out Same as step 1 0---XN Loaded desired N PI number = i Desired Apr 5/75 Performance Index Number 2 Figure Insertion Section 2 Page 5 Deico Electronics OPERATIONS MANUAL can be inserted into the INS at any time during standby, positions alignment, or The INS displays waypoint numbers 1 2 in the FROM-TO navigation modos of operation. to the standby mode. These numbers can display at turn on and when the INSis downmoded be changed, if desired, to any pair of numbers as directed in figure 4. The pair of which describe numbers in the FROM-TO display indicate the two waypoint numbers the navigation signals are being computed. leg for which track related data and steering The INS computes track related data for this leg until just before the airplane reaches the perpendicular to the desired track which passes through the TO waypoint. At that to the next sequential point, the INS switches navigation leg, as long as the AUTO-MAN switch is at AUTO. The coordinates inserted for the two displayed waypoints can be anv two points on the flight plan. Waypoint It is recommended that waypoint position data for at least the two displayed FROM-TO waypoints prior to flight. It is also recommended be inserted that more than one waypoint beyond the current navigation at all times during flight to prevent leg be inserted ínterruption When more than aine waypoints are required for a of automatic steering. flight, new coordinates can be inserted for waypoints which have been passed and the 1NS will automatically switch from leg 8 9 to 9 1 to 1 2, etc. The controls and indicators used for inserted waypoint positions L-H DATA DISPLAY REMOTE are illustrated below . R-H DATA DISPLAY INSERT KEY KEY KEYBOARD WAYPOINT SELECTOR DATA SELECTOR CLEAR Waypoint etion 2 Position Insertion Figure 3 (5heet KEY 1 of 2) Apr 5/75 Delco Electronics MANUAL OPERATIONS Operation Step Control 1 Data selector 2 3 Insure that waypoint REMOTE 4 key NOTE: Indication 00°00.0N 000°00.0E L-H data display R-H data display for each waypoint Waypoint data N2 key or SS key selectok is in detent only until latitude and longitude can be inserted individually Press (for north or Keyboard keys Light i latitude) Load latitude Example: Press keys42540in s uence for 42 54.0'. in each INS by omitting step 3. INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Lights 00°00.0N L-H data display R-H data display Loaded latitude Same as step 1 or 00°00.0S Same as step 1 Each number loaded appears in far right digit when loaded and shifts number is loaded. If incorrect latitude is loaded, press CLEAR serve that INSERT key light goes out, and repeat steps 4 and 5. next 6 7 INSERT key 6E key or W4 key 8 Keyboard , NOTE: are position. REMOTE Press on all C/DU's south 5 or Indicator Position for waypoint to be loaded (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,or9) I NOTE: | Data displays are zeroed inserted. initially Waypoint selector NOTE: to WAY PT l I NOTE: Rotate Display to left when key, ob- Press INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Light goes out Loaded latitude Same as step 1 Press (for east or west longitude) L-H data display R-H data display Same as step 6 000°00.0E or 000°00.0W Load longitude Example: Press keys 8 7 5 4 9 in sequence for 87°54.9' L-H data display R-H data display Same as step 6 Loaded longitude Each number in far right digit when loaded and shifts to left when loaded appears number is loaded. If incorrect longitude is loaded, press CLEAR key, observe that INSERT key light goes out, and repeat steps 7 and 8. next I 9 INSERT 10 Repeat 11. Verify :ilternate key procedure Press for each waypoint to be loaded. of all waypoint TNS acceptance method of checking distances Waypomt Light goes out Same as step 6 Loaded longitude INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Position data in accordance in figure 8.) Insertion (Sheet 2 of 2) with figure 9 (or Section 2 Electronic Delco OPERATIONS MANUAL A course change can be inserted to change the automatic leg switching sequence of the INS (1 2, 2 3, 8 9, 9 1, 1 2, etc. ) at any time during ground operation or during inflight operation. to make an immediate Waypoint 0 can be inserted as the FROM waypoint course change from present position to any other numbered waypoint inserted as the TO waypoint. The automatic leg where the leg switching will continue at the next sequential TO waypoint will be the FROM waypoint and the next higher numbered waypoint will be the TO waypoint. The controls and indicators used for inserting a course change are illustrated below. . . . INSERT KEY EE El ElElEl SOM TO KEYBOARD WYPT CHG KEY Step Control 1 WYPT 2 Display or Indicator Operation CHG key Press Load number (for FROM Keyboard Indication Lights WYPT CHG key INSERT key Lights FROM display Loaded number TO display Loaded númber waypoint) 3 NOTE· Load number (for TO waypoint) Keyboard If incorrect numbers INSERT key 4 are loaded, Press repeat steps 2 and 3. WYPT CHG key INSERT key FROM display TO display Course Section 2 Change Insertion Figure 4 Light goes out Light goes out Same as step 2 Same as step 3 Mar 1/70 Delco Electronics MANUAL OPERATIONS IN-FLIGHT PROCEDURES. GENERAL. The INS furnishes displays on the C/DU and output signals for control and display at mode of operation. Switches external all times while it is operating in the navigation to the INS allow switching signals from INS No. 1, INS No. 2, or INS No. 3 (if availthe compass couplers, able) to control the attitude indicators, the horizontal situation indicators, and the autopilot/flight The in-flight procedures for the directors. INS consist of inserting waypoint positions, course changes, performing inserting present position checks, position updates, position updates,- erradicating inserting and selecting various C/DU digplays. AUTOMATIC STEERING. INS controlled automatic steering is selected by switching the autopilot/flight It is important to the INS mode of operation. director to insure that the proper numbers latitude and longitude for the two waypoint in the FROM-TO display are correct to prevent automatic steering to the wrong waypoint position. As soon as the INS is in control of steering, the airplane intercepts the desired track. The INS will automatically switch to the numerically sequenced navigation legs (1 2, 2 3, 9, 9 1, 1 2, etc.) as long as the AUTO-MAN switch on the C/DU is in the AUTO position. The airplane must fly each new leg for at least 25. 6 be initiated. The ALERT seconds before another leg switch will automatically lamps on the C/DU and HSI will light at a preset time (2 minutes) before reaching each waypoint. the The leg switch will occur just prior to reaching a waypoint, naviand the displayed ALERT lamps will go out, the airplane will change course, gation information will be related to the new leg. Latitude and longitude for the next sequential waypoint for the end of the next navigation leg must be inserted into the INS prior to the leg switch. ...8 MANUAL STEERING. The navigation information steering along the desired WAYPOINT POSITION displayed on the C/DU and the HSI can be used for manual track at any time during flight. INSERTION. The waypoint positions for any numbered waypoints or changed during can be inserted flight. The latitude and longitude for the two waypoint numbers in the displayed FROM-TO display should not be changed because navigation signals and the steering and will be switched position insertion to the new leg. The procedures for waypoint figures Refer to ENS acceptance positions is the same as during preflight. of waypoint 3 and 9. COURSE CHANGES. A course change can be performed at any time during flight to change the normal sequence of navigation by loading a leg switching. A course change is accomplished FROM-TO A the different navigation leg into it into the DCU. display and inserting from inserted for or course change can be a navigation leg from either a waypoint present position to an out of sequence waypoint. The latitude and longitude for the waypoint must at the end of the inserted be inserted leg before the leg is insened. When the course the INS the automatic steering, change is inserted in an controlling Aor 5/"in Section 2 Delco Electronics OPERATIONS MANUAL change course to intercept the desired airplane will immediately track for the inserted leg. Upon reaching the end of the inserted leg, the INS will resume automatic leg to the next sequential waypoint. switching Course Change From Waypoint. the present navigation leg and then It may be desirable during flight to complete which is out of sequence. start a new leg to a waypoint For exainple, the pres4 and it may be necessary to change ent leg may be from waypoint 3 to waypoint the next leg to fly directly to waypoint 8 from waypoint 4. This is accomplished it in the DCU when present by loading 4 8 in the FROM-TO display and inserting 4. waypoint Refer figure 4 position is close to to for the procedure. Course Change From Present Position. A course change can be inserted in the INS at any time to fly a course from present position to any out of sequence waypoint. This type of course change can be used if an immediate return to the flight origin is required. If waypoint 1 is the latitude and longitude for the flight origin, loading 01 in the FROM-TO provide navigation the leg into the DCU will immediately display and inserting and steering signals from the present position to the flight origin. The procedure for inserting a course change from present position is the same as insertIng a course change from a waypoint except that 0 is used for the FROM waypoint. Refer to figure 4. After making a course change from present position, the coordinates will of the point at which the course change was accomplished be displayed when the data selector is set to WYPT, and the waypoint selector is set to 0. PRESENT Present POSITION CHECK AND UPDATE. Position Check. The present on the C/DU of one or more INS can be checked position displayed if a known latitude and longitude reference is available. One method is to press the HOLD key when the airplane is directly over a known location. The present position displays on the C/DU stop changing at the point where the HOLD key is pressed. The displayed present position on two or three C/DU's can be stopped the applicable REMOTE keys before pressing the by pressing simultaneously HOLD key. This procedure for checking present position is included in figure 5. Present Position Update. be improved when a present position of the INS can normally The performance is observed error during a present position check. The latitude and longitude of the reference position over which the HOLD key was pressed can be inserted provides correction values to into the DCU. This position update automatically the DCU which are used in the computations for displayed information and signals. steering Section 9 - - Deico Hiectronics Giastag as0TORS COASORATIOps uit *Avat i. estSCQadiM S3201 OPERATIONS MANUAL in two or three INS simultaneously update can be inserted as long as the position check was accomplished with the REMOTE keys lighted and the present the position update. REMOTE keys are left lighted on all C/DU's which require A position Each INS checks the radial distance between the computed coordinates when the and the inserted coordinates. When the distance exceeds HOLD key was pressed 3+3t miles (t is hours of INS operation in navigation mode), the WA RN lamp lights are frozen to display the inserted coordinates. and the data displays This allows visual verification that the correct coordinates were inserted and allows correction The INS immediately should they be in error. uses the position of the coordinates signals even if the peasonable radial distance error update for computing steering coordinates are verified as being correct, is exceeded. When the inserted the HOLD current present position will be displayed key light can be put out sot that the correct and the WARN lamp can be turned off. The procedure in the data displays for performing a position update is included in figure 5. TRIPLE INS MIX Triple INS mixing is the computation and display of an optimum present position based on using data from three operating systems. Each INS does its own position updating must be operating however, all three systems in the of the other two systems, independent Triple INS is commanded NAV mode and must not have a binary data warn. during NAV when the desired PI number is set to 4 and stops when some other PI number is selected. 4 are actually doing a position update. commanded by PI In triple INS The system(s) made to the mid direction cosines of the thme mixing the position update is automatically to that latitude which is between the systems is made approximately and consequently to that longitude which is between the and in longitude north and south latitudes furthest Refer to figures 10 and 11 for applicable furthest east and west longitude. procedures. = POSITION INER TIA L PRESENT DISPLAY the update present position is disAfter a present position update has been performed, played when the data selector is set to POS. Inertial present position is the latitude and if the present longitude which would be displayed position update had not been performed. inertial present position is described in figure 6. The procedure for displaying POSITION UPDATE ERADICATION values 'Ibe correction established by a present position update or developed by triple INS position check, the inertial present posimixing can be removed. During a later present point position than the previously tion may be observed updated as closer to the reference position update can be performed posent position. to replace the correcA new present or the correction values values tion values with new correction can be removed by the position update. The procedure for eradicating a position update is erndicating in figure 7. described DISTANCE AND TIME DISPLAYS position to the next waypoint present (displayed Distance and time from the airplane's in 3) side of FROM-TO in the data displays when the displayed displov) are normally data selector is at DIS/TIME. Time is always based on the present ground speed. The position to any wappint or present and time between any two wavpoints can distance also be displaved. will be the shortest (great circle) distance between the The distance two waypoints and the time will be based on present for ground speed. The procedure d.isplaying distance or present between any two waypoints position to any waypoint is described May 6/76 in figum 8. Section 2 Page 11 Division of General Motors Corp AC ELECTRONICS INERTIAL NAYlGATION SYSTEM ggjgg|E g OPERATIONS MANUAL R-H DATA DISPLAY L-H DATA DISPLAY INSERT HOLD KEY REMOTE KEYBOARD KEY .. ---- DATA SELECTOR Control Step 1 REMOTE 2 HOLD key Operation key Press 4 Compare displayed reference. 5 REMOTE CLEAR KEY or Indicator REMOTE Indication Lights on all C/DU's key HOLD key Lights on all C/DU's Data displays Unchanging latitude and longitude on all C/DU's reference Rotate to POS on all C/DU's Data selector Perform U's Press on one C/DU when over known 3 tolerance Dispiny on all C/ position NOTE: KEY present position on each C/DU with the known position steps 5 and ß only on C/DU's which display present and therefore do not require a position update. key on C/DU's not requiring position Press position within REMOTE key Light goes out HOLD key Light goes out L-H data display R-H data display 00o00. ON or 00©00. OS Same as step 3 update. 6 HOLD key Press on C/DU's not position requiring update 7 8 9 N2 key or 8S key key Press Present Section Page 12 2 L-H data display R-H data display L-H data display R-H data display Inad latitude of reference point Keyboard INSERT Press (for north or south reference point latitude) Position Ioaded Same latitude as step 3 Same as step 3 Same as step 3 Check and Update (Sheet 1 of 2) Figure 5 Jun 1/69 Division of General Motors Lorp AC ELF...CTRONICS INERTIALNAYlGATION SYSTEM (ÆgŒ g OPERATIONSMANUAL Display or Indicator Step Control 10 6E key or W4 Press key (for east or west reference point longitude) Keyboard 11 12 Operation INSERT key Indication L·-H data display R-H data display Same as step 3 000o00. 0E or 000 00. OW Inad longitude of reference point L-H data display R-H data display Same as step 3 Press INSERT key HOLD key Data df°splays Light goes out Light goes out Current present laaded longitude position 13 REMOTE Press where on all C/DU's lighted REMOTE key Light goes out on all C/DU's to The WARN lamp on a C/DU lights if the position update appears unreasonable that INS. At the same time, the INSERT key light goes out, the HOLD key light does not go out, and the data displays indicate the loaded present position on all C/DU's which had the REMOTE key illuminated. If incorrect data was loaded, repeat steps 7 through 12 on each C/DU which has the HOLD key lighted and then steps 15 through 17 on C/DU's which have the WARN lamp lighted. perform If correct data was loaded, perform step 14 on C/DU's which do not have the WARN lamp.lighted and perform steps 14 through 17 on C/DU's which have the WARN lamp lighted. NOTE: 14 key HOLD key Press where on all C/DU's HOLD key lighted Data displays 15 Data selector DSRTK/STS 16 TEST switch Press and release Light goes out on all C/DU's Current present position Recommended action code 02 Malfunction 49 code 17 TEST switch Press and release WARN lamp Malfunction code Recommended action code Present Jun 1/69 Position Light goes out Blank Blank Check and Update (Sheet 2 of 2) Figure 5 Section 2 Page 13 Division of GeneralMotors Corp AC ELEci?cNICS ggggg INERTIALNAVIGATION SYSTEM g OPERATIONSMANUAL RDAHTA DISPLAY DnHTA DISPLAY -------- HOLD KEY KEY REMOTE WAYPOINT SELECTOR DATA SELECTOR Control Step Operation Display Indication or Indicator 1 REMOTE key Press on all C/DU's to be checked REMOTE key Lights on all C/DU's be checked to 2 HOLD key Press on one C/DU to be checked HOLD key Lights on all C/DU's be checked to 3 Data selector Rotate to WAYPT on all C/DU's to be checked Data displays Current position : To restore normal displays all lighted REMOTE keys. Inertial Section 2 Page 14 on the C/DU, press Position Figure 6 Present inertial present one lighted HOLD key and then Display Jun 1/69 Delco Electronics OPERATION ---------R-H L-H DATA DISPLAY DATA DISPLAY INSERT KEY HOLD KEY WAYPOINT KEYBOARD SELECTOR DATA SELECTOR Control Step - ~Wo ...o e E EB Operation Display or Indicator Indication 1 Data selector Rotate to DSRTK/STS L-H data display R-H data display last digit Desired Desired 2 HOLD key Press HOLD key Lights 3 Keyboard INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display last digit Lights Desired Number HOLD key INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display last digit Light goes out Light goes out Desired track angle Same as step 1 Press any key 4 INSERT key Press NOTE: a common procedure. is not considered This procedure error has resulted to those times where an operational position fix. NOTE: is also used if it is desired to eradicate This procedure This should rarely, be required. if ever, INS mixing. Position Ma y 6/76 Update Eradication Figure 7 track angle PI number track angle of key pressed Its use is limited in an erroneous the results of triple Section 2 Page 15 Delco Electronics sagaAa UCTOsag wagea ar>A&a.a.orstne .maa •,:.ps awmase MANUAL OPERATIONS ...------R-H L-H DATA DISPLAY DATA DISPLAY INSERT KEY ------ FROM-TO DISPLAY WYPT CHG KEY KEYBOARD 'e DATA SELECTOR Control Step Ve Operation EH Display CLEAR KEY or Indication Indicator I Rotate to DIS/TIME L-H data display R-H data display FROM-TO display Distance to next waypoint Time to next waypoint Present course WYPT CHG key Press WYPT CHG key INSERT key Lights Lights Keyboard Press two keys in sequence for FROM-TO display L-H data display Loaded numbers Distance between waypoints loaded in FROM-TO display Time between waypoints loaded in FROM-TO display based on present ground speed 1 Data 2 3 selector waypoint numbers to be loaded in FROM-TO display : To restore normal displays Distance Section 2 Page 16 R-H data display on the C/DU, press the CLEAR key. and Time Between Waypoints Figure 8 Display Nov 1/69 GialillALaig¶OliscDA@OAAftGe MILaausgi Wi!CChelgiant MANUAL OPERATIONS RDAHTA D TA DISPLAY DISPLAY 88 El888 WAYPOINT SELECTOR DATA SELECTOR NOTE: that waypoint data has been correctly It is important prevent to steering to the wrong waypoint. by the INS loaded and accepted A. when the REMOTE function has been used for loading In multiple INS installations, INS for waypoint data acceptance. waypoints, verify each receiving Use either the if distances between waypoints are known, procedure given below, or optionally, display the INS computed distance for each pair of waypoints as described in figure 8 and compare it to the known distance, It is not necessary to verify loaded waypoints in the transmitting INS if the receiving INS's verify properly. B. or in multiple INS installation In single INS installation, where the REMOTE funcPretion is not used, verify each INS individually for waypoint data acceptance. ferably, if distance between waypoints are known, display the INþ computed in figure 8 and compare it to distance for each pair of waypoints as described given below shall be used if distances The procedure the known distance. are not known. between waypoints Operation Step Control 1 Data Selector 2 Waypoint Selector Display Rotate to WAY PT Rotate waypoint or Indication - - L-H data display selector one position higher than waypoint to be checked and then back to desired Indication R-H data display INS accepted latitude INS accepted longitude position. 3 Verify the remaining Verification waypoints (decreasing of Waypoint Figure 9 number Data Loading order). Section 2 Page 17 Apr 5/75 06sataarmo10asconsomaruA MumAuxit *IKonssias',1Ni OPERATIONS MANUAL DESIRED R-H DATA DISPLAY L-H DATA DISPLAY INSERT PI NUMBER KEY KEYBOARD NB: This when is meaningful only in a three system installation no warn. NAV with binary data are operating in the mode procedure systems It is not necessary to have each one of the three systems commanded to do triple INS mixing (PI = 4) for any one of the systems to do triple INS mixing, but only those systems so commanded (PI = 4) will do the position update that is the result of triple INS mixing. NOTE: Step Control 1 Data selector : 2 NOTE: 3 all three Operation Rotate Display Keyboard Press key Press Indication Desired 1--XY track If Y = 4, the INS is already in the triple INS (X can be any number O thru 5). is required. INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display key W4 If 000004 is not displayed INSERT L-H data display R-H data display to DSRTK/STS PI number. Y is the loaded desired mixing mode and no further action or Indicator in right-hand data display, INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Lights Same as step 000004 repeat 1 step 1. Light goes out ' Same as step 1 1---X4 Triple INS Mixing Commanding Figure 10 Section 2 May 6/76 GikgAAtag)TOmscDMOmarsa uranausta SCC 584 5 OPERATIOHS MANUAL DESIRED L-H DATA DISPLAY INSERT PI NUMBER R-H DATA DISPLAY KEY KEYBOARD that can be used to exit from the triple INS procedures There are two different mixing mode (PI = 4). The choice of which one to be used depends on whether the previous position updates (whether from triple INS mixing or manual updating or purged ("flushed"). The procedure given below or both) are to be retained retains the previous updates while the procedure described in figure 7, Position will purge all previous updates. Update Eradication, NOTE: Step Control 1 Data selector If the sixth INS mixing NOTE: 2 Display Rotate to DSRTK/STS or Indicator L-H data display R-H data display Indication Desired 1---X4 Track digit in the R-H data display is not "4" the INS is not in the triple (X can be 0 thru 5). mode and no further action is required. Press any key Y (key 5 is recommended) Keyboard INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Lights Same as step 1 1--XY in order to achieve commonality between Pressing key "5" is recommended CIV and CIV-A operating procedures; any key can be pressed. however, NOTE: 3 Operation INSERT key Press INSERT key L-H data display R-H data display Exiting May 6/76 From Triple Figure 11 Light goes out Same as step 1 Same as step 2 INS Mixing Section 2 Page 19 Delco Hiectronics OPERATIONS MANUAL AFTER LANDING PROCEDURES. downmoded to standby or align mode, or operated in the navifactors in choosing the course of action are The determining the expected length of time before the next takeoff and the previous alignment accuracy position display. of the INS as indicated by the C/DU present The INS may be shut down, gation mode after landing. OPERATION IN NAVIGATION. The INS can be left in the navigation mode after landing. The present position display of each INS should be checked for gccuracy and a position update performed on those INS which are not displaying position. an accurate present Perform the position update in accordance with figure 5, steps 1 through 13. If the WARN lamp lights, response code 01 and malfunction If code 53 are displayed on the C/DU, the NU should be replaced, the WARN lamp lights, response code 02 and malfunction code 49 are displayed on the in section 3, figure 1 should be performed C/DU, the NU is suspect and the procedures to determine its serviceability. CAUTION: DO NOT LEAVE INS OPERATING UNLESS PRIMARY POWER AND COOLING AIR ARE AVAILABLE TO THE NU. DOWNMODING TO ALIGN (REALIGNMENT DURING TRANSIENT STOPS) The INS can be downmoded to perform and azimuth gyro recalibration. a realignment in Alignment to produce a performance index (PI) number of 5 can be accomplished an automatic azimuth gyro approximately During the 11 minute period, 11 minutes. recalibration between the inertial present is determined on the basis of the difference position before downmoding and the inserted present position. To obtain further refinement of azimuth gyro drift rate calculated on the basis of newly computed error data, the INS can be left in alignment mode for a longer period, allowing the PI number to atta.in some value lower than 5. The INS is downmoded for alignment as follows: mode selector 1. Rotate 2. Insert present CAUTION: position to STBY, then to ALIGN. coordinates in accordance DO NOT LEAVE INS OPERATING COOLING AIR ARE AVAILABLE with figure 1. UNLESS PRIMARY POWER TO THE NU. AND the airplane NOTE: Do not tow or taxi the airplane during INS alignment. alignment. during alignment requires restarting NOTE: The 11 minute realignment and recalibration is not necessary for an 1NS that has been performing accurately (inertial present position close to actual present the 11 minute realignment and recalibration position). after a flight Performing of less than four hours is of little value for azimuth gyro calibration but will cocoordinates and obtain alignment coefficients. update inertial The inertial a postflight ordinates could be updated by merely performing position update. The procedure can be performed INS, however, without deon an accurate grading performance. Section 2 Page 20 Moving May 6/76 Deica Electronics OPERATIONS MANUAL DOWNMODING TO STANDBY. which will maintain the NU at operating The INS can be downmoded to standby operation The INS is downmoded to standby as follows: with the gyro wheels running. temperature 1. Rotate rnode selector to STBY. UNLESS PRIMARY DO NOT LEAVE INS OPERATING COOLING AIR ARE AVAILABLE TO THE NU. ÇAUTION: POWER AND SHUTDOWN. Rotate mode selector NOTE: May 6/76 to OFF. The INS will retain the inertial present position data computed at the time the This value is compared with present position inserted for INS is downmoded. is used to determine the azimuth gyro the next alignment and the difference drift rate. Section 2 Page 21/22 GikinAL TOascoxPORATIOta utkWWait niiCOhiansa3201 OPERATIONS MANUAL ABNORMAL PROC EDURES GENERAL. The INS contains self testing features which provide one or more warning indications when a failure a master occurs. The WARN lamp on the C/DU provides warning for most malfunctions occurring in the NU. Malfunctions in the MSU or C/DU will normally be obvious because of abnormal and lamps. indications of displays A battery unit malfunction will shut down the INS when battery power is used. In addition to visual indications on the C/DU and MSU, the INS produces to other airplane separate output voltages systems to indicate that true heading, navigation, pitch and roll attitude, primary auxiliary pitch and roll attitude, and platform heading output signals from each INS are Each INS also produces valid. an output voltage to indicate an INS position comparison when the radial warning distances between the computed present position of one INS and the computed present position of the other two INS exceeds a specified distance. The specified distance is based on time of operation mode and varies from in the navigation five miles at one hour of operation approximately to approximately 43 miles at 10 hours of operation. AUTOMATIC INS SHUTDOWN. OVERTEMPERATURE. An overtemperature by blank in the NU will cause an INS to shut down (indicated C/DU displays) when the mode selector is at STBY or ALIGN during ground operation. The WARN lamp on the C/DU will light and will not go out until the mode selector is rotated to OFF. The aircraft cooling system should be checked and corrected if faulty. the NU shall be replaced. If the cooling system is satisfactory, LOW BATTERY UNIT CHARGE. A low battery unit charge will cause an INS to shut down when the INS is operating on battery unit power. Both the WARN lamp on the C/DU and the BAT lamp on the The battery MSU will light and will not go out until the mode selector is set to OFF. unit should be replaced when this failure occurs. ATTITUDE MODE OF OPERATION. inwarning The attitude mode of operation provides only attitude signals and associated INS dicator control voltages Once the mode selector is set to ATT, the as INS outputs. while cannot be operated is again accomplished in the navigation mode until alignment the airplane is parked. All INS indicators and displays are inoperative except the BAT and WARN lamps on the C/DU during the attitude mode of operation. Monitors in the IRU and IRUE will detect abnormal operation external to the INS to causing the WARN lamp to light and displays while indicate attitude warnings. The INS should be shut down when a failure is indicated the system is operating in the attitude mode. I Jul 1/72 Section 3 Page 1 Delco Electronics GENinAtuOTOR&COmslORAosCus MiawAuxit ulšCOksibáH04 OPERATIONS MANUAL OF FAILURE INTERPRETATION INDICATIONS. to be able to correctly interpret failure indications in order to take effective action. are listed under two main categories: The following failure indications WARN light on and WARN light off. Under each of these categories are listed other indications which will give the operator sufficient to take action. information It is important WARN LIGHT ON e Action code displayed. Code 00 01, 02, 04, 05 T KE ACTION ACCORDING Recommended TO ACTION CODE. Action Remove test plug from NU; INS is being used to test other systems. See figure 2. e Code displayed. No Action or Malfunction Absence of action or malfunction code indicates a computer failure. OPERATE SYSTEM IN ATTITUDE ONLY (mode selector in ATT). e Improper displays. MODE SELECTOR A nav unit computer TO ATT. failure is indicated. TURN WARN LIGHT OFF is indicated. e C/DU displays blank, incorrect, or frozen. C/DU failure If no flags appear, data to HSI and ADI is valid, e failure of a to load display from keyboard. Not possible A temporary numerical If a number cannot be loaded key may prevent data loading. operapress/wiggle into the latitude or longitude displays after several hang-up of tions of the key, the problem may be due to a momentary to To identify this faulty key, rotate the data selector another key. The right-most display will indidigit on the right-hand DSRTK/STS. ento the suspect Press and release this suspect key several key. times. To test whether the keyboard problem is corrected try pressing anv other numerical key, this number should now appear as the rightmost,digit. If this test is successful, press the CLEAR key and return inta selector to the original data loading position. a C/DC Otherwise, is indiented. lailure If no flags appear, data to HSI and ADI are valid. Section 3 Page 2 Apr 5/75 08(CD $8CÊTOiËCS OPERAT10NS MANUAL • navigation, true heading or attitude flags. If one or more of these External data on C/DU is still valid but some navigation or flags appear, navigation Perform the following: attitude output data is failing. TO INS. INSURE 26V 400 HZ IS AVAILABLE ROTATE C/DU CODE 03 a. CAUTION: NOTE: AND CHECK Director present, is unreliable. and Autopilot attitude and cannot be cleared, navigation If action code is present is to HSI and autopilot. unreliable malf with code(s) BAT INDICATOR C/DU TO DSTRK/STS code, and attitude flag is still If no action to Attitude b. DATA SELECTOR FOR ACTION information data associated IS LIT ONLY A LIMITED TIME (NORMALLY 15 THE INS CAN OPERATE MINUTES WITH THE STANDARD BATTERY)ON BATTERY POWER THEREBEFORE A LOW VOL TAGE SHUTDOWN WILL OCCUR. ACTION MUST BE EXPEDITIOUSLY TAKEN. FORE CORRECTIVE The C/DU BAT indicator will light for 12 seconds in align mode 8 (about 5 minutes after INS turnon). This is normal and indicates a battery test action is required. No corrective is in process. action corrective Determine switch. C/DU data selector by monitoring the C/DU data displays while rotating the • If the displays are frozen (do not change while the data selector is being The INS can be used rotated), the problem is probably in the NU computer. reference by rotating the MSU mode selector to ATT. as an attitude • to the data selector the problem is If the displays respond normally switch, probably the absence of 115 vac power to the INS. Refer to the airplane manual action (such as checking ac circuit switching for proper corrective breakers, etc.). alternators, should go out after the above corrective The C/DU BAT indicator action. If it remains shutdown when the battery voltage drops below approximately lit, the INS will eventually for this shutdown. 19 vdc. The flight crew should prepare MALFUNCTION INDICATIONS AND PROCEDURES. Figure 1 lists a number of common malfunction Follow the procedure given modes of operation. May 6/76 indications given. which might occur under Section 3 Page 2A/2B AC SL.ECTFW"iN 25 Division of General ¼otors Corp INERTIALNAVIGATION SYSTEM fÆg Eg OPERATIONSMANUAL I I failures except digital to Re WARN lamp will remain lighted for all intermittent analog converter failures (malfunction codes 22 through 26). Pressing and releasing the TEST switch while the data selector is at DSRTK/STS will turn off the lamp if the cause is intermittent. The malfunction codes will be available for display whether the failure is continuous or intermittent. The procedure for displaying recommended action.and malfunction codes is described in figure 1. Figure 2 identifges all malfunction codes which can be displayed during ground operation, the mode of operation during which they can be displayed, and the associated recommended action codes. Figure 3 identifies all malfunction codes which can be displayed during in-flight navigation mode of operation and the associated recommended action codes. If more than one malfunction is occurring at one time, the recommended action code for the most serious failure is displayed. ATTITUDE MODE OF OPERATION, The attitude mode of operation provides only attitude signals and associated warning indicator control voltages as INS outputa. Once the mode selector is set to ATT, the INS cannot be operated in the navigation mode until alignment is again accompiished while the airplane is parked. All INS indicators and displays are inoperative except the BAT and WARN lamps on the C/ DU during the atutuce mode of operation. Monitors in the IRU and IRUE will detect abnormal operation during the attitude mode of operation causing the WARN lamp to light and displays external to the INS to indicate attitude warnings. T3e INS should be shut down when a failure is indicated during the attitude mode of operation. Jun 1/69 3 Page 3 Section AC E1..ECTRONICS gggggg g Division of General Motors Corp INERTIAL NAYlGATION SYSTEM OPERATIONS MANUAL RECOMMENDED MALFUNCTION ACTION CODE OR R-H DATA DISPLAY DATA SELECTOR TEST SWITCH Operation Control Step Indicator or Indication Display 1 WARN lamp Lights IMMEDIATELY SWITCH AUTOPILOT/ FLIGHT AND INSTRUMENTS TO THE STANDBY SYSTEM IF WARNING: DURING FLIGHT, DIRECTOR THE MALFUNCTIONING INS IS BEING USED. R-H data display 2 Data selector Rotate to DSRTK/STS 3 TEST switch Press 4 codes until second and third digits again Repeat step 3 recording all m..lfunction indicate an action code or go blank. Refer to figures 2 and 3 for malfunction and release R-H data display Action code in second and third digits Imest number malfunction code which since has occurred DCU mode 6 started or this procedure rewas performed places action code codes. 5 If the WARN lamp goes out, and the two digits go blank, the failure was intermitIf the digits do not go blank, perform tent and has been cleared. action according to displayed recommended action code. Recommended action codes are defined as follows: Recommended Code 01 Shut down INS 02 Watch 03 Check instruments 04 to STBY and restart alignment (ground operation only) Downmode to OFF and again perform turn on (ground operation only) 05 Section Page 4 3 Action for degradation. Select ATT if necessary Downmode Recommended Action and Malfunction Figure 1 Code Display Procedure Jun 1/69 GSMiaAL MOTORSCOM ORATIOma wtgggy 101twAuxig OPERATIONS MANUAL RECOMMENDED MALFUNCTION ACTION OR CODE R-H DATA DISPLAY DATA SELECTOR TEST SWITCH . Operation Control Step Indicator Display or Indication WARN lamp 1 Lights WARNING: DURING FLIGHT, IMMEDIATELY FLIGHT SWITCH AUTOPILOT/ TO THE STANDBY SYSTEM IF DIRECTOR AND INSTRUMENTS THE MALFUNCTIONING INS IS BEING USED. 2 Data selector Rotate to DSRTK/STS R-H data display Action code in second and third digits 3 TEST switch Press R-H data display Lowest number malfunction code which and release since has occurred this procedure rewas performed places action code 4 5 Repeat step 3 recording all malfunction codes until second and third digits again Refer to figures 3 and 4 for malfunction indicate an action code or go blank. codes. If the WARN lamp goes out and the two digits go blank, the failure was intermitIf the digits do not go blank, perform action according tent and has been cleared. action code. Recommended to displayed recommended action codes are defined as follows: C May 6/76 ' Recommended Action 01 Shut down INS, 02 Watch for degradation. 03 and attitude information. INS data to INS may be used for navigation with malf code(s) is unreliable HSI and autopilot associated íf malf codes do not clear. 04 Downmode 05 Downmode to OFF and again (31K and 31L only) Recommended Select (ground operation only). only). turn on (ground operation alignment to STBY and restart Action ATT if necessary. perform and Malfunction Figure 2 Code Display Procedure Section 3 Page 5 GIsegaALMOTORSCOmpORATIOle wtSCOldlis&3201 titawayagg OPERATIONS MANUAL Failed Malf. Code 110 50 millisecond Modes of Operation (31K only) loop loop (31K only) ALIGN, NAV 02 STBY, ALIGN, NAV 02 200 millisecond 13 Y velocity change NAV 14 X velocity change NAV 15 Y gyro torque 16 X gyro torque limited limited saturation 18 Excessive 22* TK or TKE 23* DA converter 24* TKE or steering 25* HDG or steering 26* XTK converter 27 * Tick mark 31 Ground 32 Memory parity 33 Azimuth stabilization 34 Inner rolLstabilization 35 Pitch stabilization 36 Accelerometer *Failed test Page 3 6 time pulse - 02 02 A LIGN, N AV 02 ALIGN, NAV 02 05 (31K and 31L) 04 (31M and up) ALIGN ALIGN, NAV 03 ALIGN, NAV 03 converter ALIGN, NAV 03 converter ALIGN, NAV 03 ALIGN, NAV 03 DA converter + timing (31K) Speed loop loop loop loop NA V None NAV 02 NAV STBY, ALIGN, ALIGN, NAV 01 ALIGN, NAV 01 ALI GN, NAV 01 ALIGN, 01 NAV 02 does not light WARN lamp on C/DU Ground Section . Recommended Action Code STBY, 11 I . Test Operation Malfunction Codes Figure 3 (Sheet 1 of 2) May 6/76 uring -rallel ..e he the alignment 15 minute ground to the surface of the earth. gravitational force of the earth, earths or up/down only. surface, this This which platform is oriented exactly is accomplished by utilizing perpendicular acts exactly to accelerometers and are forced mounted are rigidly to the platform to When this in a direction, oint they feel force. such that no gravity surface ccurs, and the the accelerometers pointed are the earths along latform is indeed Once this alignment aligned parallel to the earth. s completed aircraft we are now ready to determine the present heading nd our present latitude point. he system the accelerocomputes latitude and aircraft utilizing heading and the earth force of-the earth varies rotation force. Rotational (0° latitude), 15°/Hr. t different at the equator earth latitudes, being (37.5° force at the /Er. at San Francisco latitude)and no rotational (900 orth Pole latitude). he .eters FINDING TRUE NORTH AND/OR HEADING OF THE AIRCRAFT he accelerometers force to the computer measure this and its value is sent hich determines what occupies. After the latitude the aircraft currently aircraft omputer determines it then begins heading. latitude, to calculate ince which points the earth from West rotates to East, an accelerometer ast which points or West, feel will this while an accelerometer force, orth or South will not feel this force. Two of the IRU accelerometers 90° int exactly apart that if one pointed would be such the second East, -inting of earth rotation is sent North. The amount of these sense, each o the computer, relation which then mathematically to determine.s their orth. Once this is known, since aircraft it can easily determine heading he relation of the accelerometers to the aircraft is a known centerline actcr. he entire procedure for aligning urface, and latitude calculating bout 15 minutes, which after the ight to the pilot. the earth's with the IRU platform parallel in aircraft is accomplished heading, system to Navigate" issues "Ready a green level is essential the platform navigation it that we hold This attitude. surface of the earth, regardless of the aircraft s necessary of the aircraft movement so that will the accelerometers sense n relation the platform of the earth. to the surface The job of ensuring emainslevel sense accomplished the will any airis by gyros. This device raft and alignment, movement which would to disturb attempt the platform aligned pply an opposing force remain to ensure the platform does in fact ith the earths surface. By maintaining the accelercmeters this reference, ow send of the speed to thecomputer, an output signal is the ground which utilizircraft. In all cases control of the IRU platform is accomplished ng the IRU electronics section of the box. uring 'ith IN-Flight the nce the computer knows and the aircraft the aircraft heading e actual navigation parameters can easily be calculated. antains a very accurate (clock) breaks time standard which nto 6,000,000 equal parts. (This give will you some idea 'ith which performs its' the computer functions.) speed, ground computer second up each of the speed The has already told the ground what alignment, over-fly. he wishes to groundspeed, and is keeping an was during computer tne where the aircraft final destination is to be, and which It now knows the aircraft heading, and its of elapsed time. The actual air account speed of the aircraft aircraft is-supplied to the computer by supporting parasystems, so the computer to the pilot can now output any navigation will meter available Display send on the Control Unit. also The computer take-off signals to the autopilot of the aircraft, the flight from to that point to final would controlled landing point, be automatically by the Carousel IV system. The initial points pilot his stateIt is only through advancements and electronic recent in mechanical of-the-art, INS has has resulted that the current evolved. Miniaturization in a system small operated yet enough to be easily and maintained, large enough in capability navigation. In a to solve theproblems of aircraft comparison of the electronic packaging of this to a cursytem in relation rently produced we find television the equivalent of 71 television set, sets. The design and functional operation of this system, is similar to systems used for space navigation, such as the Apollo moon shots. . DEAD LAMBERT PROJECTION che JEP High/Low a Lambert understand you ielp is our Enroute Chart Conformal Projection Conic your chart. Altitude is it Since RECKONING working the INS DR following chart. should charts is nearly are designed but the result the same mathematically, of as if a cone were tangent to the surface of the earth a parallel along Latitude parallels, or intersected the earth's surface through two adjacent nd points on the earth's were onto the cone, the surface then projected then cut along one element out flat. :one and rolled Che appear ?arallels :he top of the as chart. of arcs circles Meridians with centers at are straight lines point-somewhere a toward converging above this same point. A great are circle shown in is their practically correct lina.-on-this,projection a straight relative size. shape and correct and areas of conformality is the main feature which the Lambert makes include navigation features a desirable chart. desirable Other constant (for the approxlearly scale our purpose consider it constant), Lmation of great for our circles on the chart..(again lines by straight and urpose a straight line drawn chart on this Lambert is a great circle) inally universal can be obtained on the same type of projection coverage exotic hich tends and/or to standardize for our operation the Hawaii Narter flights. Che property :onformal 'LOTTING AND MEASURING A TRUE COURSE discover important serious you will and the most difference that a Lambert A to point is measuring from point and a Mercator a course 3. A great circle from point and A to B is practically a straight line, relainlike correct a Mercator, areas and are shown in their correct shape :ive size. To measure to mida true draw a perpendicular as close course, with >oint your as you can between A and B, then measure the true course you >lotter. If between for example, 1000 n.m. the distance A and B were, legs rould then divide smaller between the area A and B into two or three Jul again new sections. measuring course between these true at the mid-point to 'herefore, when outside track system, be customary of our six it would about livide the great circle course of legs, into a series each covering ° of longitude. The true for your dead reckoning course direction needed 5° of longitude till be found and you at the mid-meridian at each of the therefore-, ould, hold a constant course on each leg. 'he most >etween ere is an n the new R-63, oute example of how to set up a compass while dead reckoning heading locate six track composite system. On your new JEP INS chart, all the most northerly lost of the six track system. You have NS guidance between at ADMEN westbound HEL. for Locate a point halfway DMEN and ADENI and draw through example a true north To follow line. this 35°¾ 30°N 143° and and from that point through 30'W; draw a line 3°30'W on to 40°N and 143° measure the true that 30'W. Using vertical, ourse (give me ½0), variation and you should read 241° is 150E for a Mag fly ourse of 2260. Apply drift your and this is the heading you would ..locate DMEN TO ADENI. the Apply from 30CNand from that One of the INS between procedure 148°30W vertical. 2250. of course through You and with the Lambert advantages guides the airplane. actually a T.N. line ABSOL drawing the true course and measure for a MAG and 14°E variation that ADENI to ABSOL. heading 148030'W and read 2390 drift and fly should your Apply ADENI 35°N the PLOTTING The same chart is chart becomes that the is reflects way quite simplified. between circle any to apply RADIO BEARINGS plotting of radio radio bearings on this know that great are considered to travel bearings and it is not necessary radio the airplane, station if using rection (other than variation Mag bearings) to the bearing would bearings on a Mercator. Lambert Projection true On this plot D.R. position of the airplane not from the radio station. .and We the coras you from is where observed is measured position (which bearing at the airplane's its compass is located). Move your until protractor the meridian along plotting careful to keep the edge passes through the radio being station, protractor at the original angle. A line the edge of the protractor along and passing the radio through station is the desired bearing. The the If the arm of the protractor from your D.R. is not long enough to reach on position point from a convenient to the radio plot the bearing station, Ignore the meridian station. nearest D.R. towards your position the radio your the fact of the radio since that station it may pass side on either your D.R. position with is probably Then not exactly a correct position. line pencil CN the plotted radio station's location...para11el original youback to the vicinity the bearing of your D.R. position and this represents on which you are located. VARIATION poles joined magnetic are by irregular een stated the earth's that meridians. formed between curves called magnetic The at any point angle the magnetic the magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian is called When variavariation. Variation is listed on the charts.as east or west. cion is east, magnetic north is east of true when varianorth. Similarly points tion is west, magnetic is west of true north. Lines north connecting as shown on having the same magnetic variation are called isogonic lines, our JEP/INS Magnetic variation must is an error which be corrected chart. if a compass indication is to be converted direction. to true It DEVIATION error with which by nearby compass a pilot is concerned is caused material in the struc such as those related influences, to magnetic magnetic forces ture of the aircraft and its electrical systems. These meridian. deflect a compass from its needle normal alignment with a magnetic is The amount variation, is called like of sudadeflection which, deviation, labeled is deflected east as the north or west seeking end of the compass upon east depends or west of magnetic deviation north, Since respectively. obthe distribution inthe it must be of magnetic forces aircraft itself, individually.for aircraft. tained magnetic each compass on each Another magnetic (-) expressed for variation and deviation as east is usually (+) and is computed variation If and west as a correction to true heading. the of the correction or deviation is east, and if west, the sign is minus, remembered as sign is plus. A rule of thumb for this correction is easily east is least and west is best. The correction are headings expressed in various ways, to the basic according eference for relation to geoIf is the heading. the heading measured in to graphical If north, it is a true the heading is in reference heading. magnetic to the north, it is a magnetic and if it is in reference heading, from differs compass lubber Compass line, it is a compass heading. heading Magnetic encountered. true of variation heading by the amount and deviation heading varies from true of variation. heading by the amount lircraft TRUE NORTH VAtlATION EAST VARIATION WEST Variollon ¡. Angle Befween M Cne is a simplified chart (variation) wide of variation. lines coverage sogonic most charts if a pilot used in aerial so that, navigation of variation mate position, the amount he can determine polation between the printed lines. ... s amou, isogonic 1. a, showing world are printed c his, knows interby visual EAST IS LEAST the rest is remember simply use your on the back of an envelope, JEP/INS High/Low chart find Enroute Chart. On this you will a grid box printed Fill in the last five entries in brown. Always use it. starting with from the same TH (read from your take this direct INS) the variation chart near your position. Now you have MH. in your CH from Then write the compass for between being checked deviation and the difference CH and MH is your deviation. brown of using box to solve Get in the habit this ag types of heading, and deviation. variation drift, sum up Variation obvious. Don't try To and Deviation to calculate it . T ME c r DR TH VAP MH 'D EV 's three are able to wind triangle you should basic that understand is a list solve on the Jeppesen type computer. Following of three by step for solving types and step procedures them of problems on the CR-3 computer. A knowledge of these types of problems three will orovide the basic. other types of problems for working out understanding There and & a look Take 1 - is 2 outer The also - used .problems at the scale on the for converting scale This we'll scales is used 3 This is called wind correction or the loss in forward - 4 This compass circles indicate accommodated on reference easy - using on the computer. Jeppesen airspeed computer is the true the crosswind to component degrees of wind represents velocity. computer. true course Note that The 50/100 scale. This correction wind or correction effective and is to airspeed true drift or more. angle is 10 degrees speed due to the crab angle. rose wind the for be . be scale angle. drift. used any time It compensates the for and the and wind direction may be winds up to 160 knots knot for circle is accentuated . square grid knots of headwind, represents square crosswind. Each equals 10 knots " with "all small numbered scales or "all 5 The and left problem - scales" . tailwind, or in 20 knots. the large right crosswind each numbered Work 010° Course (Track) Lnd 300° at 30 knots 210 knots Airspeed :ue Lnd: and heading True ' ground speed. ocedure for the Set - / index airspeed compass rose toward to place the the wind direction center to the intersection of the along the square grid component of 29 kts. At - the down - Again read for the of Course True of determine the 300° of 30 kt. 3000 to the on the circle. 010 degrees true rose and line square over the the line subtract 210 follow and knots the and 80 is the to the of 29 knots left wind 002°. ground and component of is below from correction speed read 30 kts., crosswind time This circle. scale headwind kt. headwind the of 30 grid component the crosswind of 8° left. angle the subtract heading, 0100 and the true heading ground speed, airspeed of compass and the wind velocity line left crosawind for scale true determine true course To from kts. intersection of the 300° to the right the along of 10 knots. go to the horizontally the component On the outer scale locate read the wind correction To on 210 'q index. -Locate - true the Rotate "TC" - Solution 10 200 knots knots. it the . side the same problem, only of 50 knots.. nNelocity og c - 1, 2 and 3 are the the wind velocity Steps ce - same should be intersection of .the 300 and 50 knots of wind velocity down along grid the square to the left crosswind and scale read 47 knots of left crosswind. At the line read - the of intersection and 50 knot circle. ti:ao read horizontally This to the right, along the square grid, to the headwind scale and read 18 knots of headwind. 3000 the - to go Again, line the outer scale crosswind component and below it read tion angle of 13° ' locate the of 47 knots the wind correcleft. On 'It 0 - - - effecwind correction angle is 130, it is necessary to figure 13° tive on the effective airspeed. Locate the wind angle correction airspeed true true airspeed and on the outer scale scale is the effective of 205 knots. due to the the loss in forward speed is 5 knots Therefore, 13° crab angle. the true Since determine true course true To To the of determine effective NOTE: 010° subtract the heading, and the true heading ground true speed airspeed subtract of 205 the knots 13° is left 3570. wind from correction headwind component and the ground of 13 knots speed is 187 effective true airspeed o_nly if the you figure wind correction or more. or drift angle is 10 degrees Secondly, computer can accommodate winds your up to 140÷ 140 If knots. the velocity then you must is over knots, one-half. reduce component the velocity T'] resulting should value. then be doubled. angular change an Neve_; Remember FLIGHT PLANNING WIND PRACTTCE PROBLEMS ANSWERS WIND G|S T.C. TAS 160 440 050/30 156 450 knots 270 450 320/80 278 398 knots 285 460 280/20 285 440 knops 225 480 330/210 250 493 knots 085 490 350/100 073 490 knots TH G/S TH LLe from knots e Inf eede 2 ghts Problem Wind ed ed:Ai k itsand 1. for recedure - First Set - your determine the true 136° on the Locate on drift scale, the crosswind the wind is from the the right. - Determine Subtract component - drift angle, the Effective the 200 kts. is 33 kts. Use the square of 50 kts.·and 2600 at 60 kts. grid, . . . is which the 14 of airspeed left drift. 206.hts. and of 14° and read angle above component of 50 kts. Since the drift right, crosswind component therefore, the scale True from to ground intersection component 140 left speed of 233 drift, of a right 33 kts. and find for Airspeed the the a tailwind of | INFLIGHT . on airspeed index "TC" index. the 0 0¿ Solution kts. the it, is is on to the PROBLEMS WIND PRACTICE CORRECT TRACK G/S TAS 078 084 525 480 210/67 105 120 560 475 234/160 128 120 495 460 010/73 OG2 OG5 480 450 202/38 050 045 610 465 247/150 ANSWER WIND is outer left, from 200 tailwind wind component wind is frota 0, TRUE HEADING the the 50 kts. which the and cross of track ÞNSWER kts. TYPE III True True Wind Heading Airspeed The - 3600 320° 200 kts. 30 kts. at Ground Find: for Procedure speed - Set true.airspeed 2 - Set the 3 - Plot 4 - the the With - True the track 200 at made good. kts. the over heading of 320° at the vector of 360° at 30 kts. wind read the component of on the true drift angle crosswind is at the true change. The drift angle headwind 6 true Now - and Solution 1 5 Problem Tracking true "TC" airspeed index. index. crosswind which this component, is 19 kts. However, set since we have true heading 19 kts. is not accurate the index. course it is necessary to determine Therefore, 60 left the since for 19 kts. which is approximately drift, of 314° from the right, rose to a track turn the compass componcats course index. Note the crosswind and headwind crosswind notice the is now 22 kts., you will however, 6° left, or a track of 3140. is still track of component, 314° set on the true which is 22 kts. airspeed 200 kts. minus ground speed of 178 kts. WIND the PRACTICE headwind CORRECT ANSWERS GROUND SPEED AIRSPEED 235 480 305/40 231 470 068 470 310/30 071 486 146 465 240/70 138 480 123 435 165/80 115 384 049 475 235/55 050 530 WIND DIR/SPEED TRACK component of 22 kts. the equals PROBLEMS TRUE HEADING TRUE now determine indez, course TRACK kts. . O ANSWERS GROUND SPEED - 'ry o 0 50 0 00 70 6l O 19 trry Of ' 461 * 2 L * 09 DETERMINING 3Sy -- 3Sc - l'AS3 DISTANCE & FOR speed to return ground speed to continue from Aircraft (use 340 computing = DC-8 K for 400 average )- Example kverage Wind in figures for°this from winds for is problem -55 (345k) GS" (345k + 432k DC-10 and are taken for COMPUTER distance to that , . 430' B-747.) for from your AFPAM. return FORMULA Dist. answer find distance Scale: Seale: to P.E.T. Distance Total (2131nm) 777k) ifter wind) . to continue. GSc = wind) TAS + average (3-eng. X Outer Inner Set 345 Opposite 777 PET average TAS (948nm) S c' determining for igures time (3-eng. for EQUAL TIME OF parenthesis, BASIC + (PT. mid-point +32 GSr P.E.T. mid-point ground Actual ( TIME SOLUTION 345 2fr 948 2131 (Ans) time to this point on 4 engines. with 777 reference o o r 'A to "AFFAM" site Op 2131 TRIP ROUTINE (Continued) DESTINATION How do X-TRK you set tolerances up the beyond for log which calls INSs book for entries. a log What book are the DIST or entry. there is little argument in regard to the systems accuracy. category. excellent. The INS reliability is also in the excellent 1977 we had two off track Both excursions West Coast to Hawaii. were what I call ".finger" INS exact point errors. The navigated to the it was programmed the last for....TEST OF REASONABLENESS! Also during units. we had a couple 12 months of trips load Longitude in both incorrect TOR again. If you load of approximately in the wrong Latitude in excess a degree and a half, will on the give you a red light not only the unit unit to you are loading the ability but the second one also. The INS has measure not Earth it does rate and convert that into Latitude. However, have the ability to detect Longitude. incorrect TOR TOR TORI Finally, It is During frora Record data you experience a Single failure, get organized. INS per your FOM, Advise UA dispatch and ARINC for ATC. remaining When check the cor:.pass for deviation again. convenient, degree of a or less. Roview procedures that you will do in the event botto.til at the failure. P,emember information located the supplemental Percentage-wise tom of your AFPAM. accurate for this information is very your dead reckoning. Should the ROUTINE TRIP LISPATCH AFPAM Hawaii JEP/INS the problems associated possible system. You will need track plotter and JEP-type dividers, Review - composite chart, Coast- our West (usually with AFPAM's 3), computer. BLOCKS If the Program INSs been turned coordinates have the ramp on by the and insert make S/O, same. they sure and (Check in are ALIGN. this recheck itera.) to Switch DSRD index Performance Insert Radio check in INSE at mode NAV and check action-codes. for your discretion. in DEPT. (Always #1 and in DEST YOUR PROGRAMMÏNG. high of test a "light" check. waypcints RE-CHECK 59. do STS, taxi. before obtain and frEquencies (You time a to want may check. put one INS should be on for G.S. taxi.) OUT CLINE fo:: opare Position 0; style right over When Do a position test Look Position the cockpit for i "How Goes hour +'20 Review at 321.5 20 U.M. the minutes , brown for deco:npression front o your eingle procedules JEP/INS coordinates box this AFPA , the on into including the of thinking next boo w:.ypcint. for all at destination "cook done chart JEP/INS your position radio and this. times. PET ETA. reports. time. one IMS against 20 to 60 N..T. proconures on the appropriate check than on the check Nork It" gateway. Eradication Up Date check list cards. reasonableness2. Feriodic:lly less Use the at always check. of Lonitor -avlew and from a waypoint, the Stärt print Date a deviation TOR chock and the othor. and over 60 total with chart.) INS regard Know M.M. your X-TEK differences, failure. to track keepting. 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