Name: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Section: __________________ Score: _________________ EXPERIMENT Group: __________________ 5 PROTOZOA Phylum Sarcomastigophora – Subphylum Mastigophora UNIT OUTCOME After successful completion of PAR 313, students already have: (1) Identified the medically important parasites, with emphasis on their characteristics, pathophysiology, and diagnostic features, (2) Performed routine and other laboratory test used in the identification of parasites in different samples submitted to the laboratory, (3) Discuss the importance of prevention and control of parasitic infection, and (4) develop personal and professional values of medical technologists. COURSE OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Laboratory Experimentation The student will experience laboratory experimentation as a learning activity under the supervision of the faculty and laboratory assistant. Pre-laboratory discussions and post-laboratory discussions are given by either procedural demonstrations or facilitated lectures. The student may ask questions for clarification regarding the experimental procedures. At the end of the experiment, the students are given research questions and activity to further their knowledge about the topic of the experiment. Introduction Flagellates are protozoans which moves by means of one or more flagella usually originating from a basal granule or blepharoplast. Reproduction in this group is asexual by longitudinal binary fission. If sexual reproduction is present, it is by the union of pseudogametes. Although most flagellates are free-living, there are some parasitic forms, a few of which are found in man. For convenience, these human flagellates will be discussed under two groups based on their habitat in the human body: atrial flagellates found in the lumen of the intestine and other hollow organs, and hemoflagellates found in the blood and other tissues of the body. 41 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. Atrial Flagellates: Under this group of flagellates, only three genera will be studied: Trichomonas, Chilomastix and Giardia. Hemoflagellates: These flagellates are characterized by their ability to assume any or all of the following forms: crithidia, leishmania, leptomonas and trypanosome. Only two genera of this group occurs in man, the Leishmania and the Trypanosoma. PRE-ANALYTICAL PHASE The work area of the experiment should be sterilized. The medical technologist should wear proper personal protective equipment before the experiment (laboratory gown, eye protector or face-shield, laboratory mask, gloves and hair cap). Universal precaution is applied to every activity of medical technologist to the stool sample. Upon the receipt of laboratory specimen, in a proper laboratory setting, the medical technology should check the label (name, age, sex, time of collection and date of collection) attached to the specimen container together with the requisition slip. He should verify the proper patient preparation, collection procedure and transportation of specimens of the patient. And patient sample received should be noted to appropriate logbooks in the laboratory for documentation purposes. ANALYTICAL PHASE Materials Prepared slide of protozoa Microscope Cedarwood oil Xylene Gauze Procedure Examine the prepared slide of following protozoa on microscope: 1. Giardia lamblia: cyst and trophozoites P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 42 UNIT OUTCOMES 2. Chilomastix mesnili: cyst and trophozoites 3. Trichomonas vaginalis: trophozoites 4. Trypanosomastidae To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. 1. Giardia lamblia (Giardia intestinalis) Trophozoites 14 x 7 µm Cyst 8 x 12 µm 43 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. 2. Chilomastix mesnili Trophozoites Cyst 15 x 7 µm 7 - 10 µm P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 44 3. Trichomonas vaginalis UNIT OUTCOMES Trophozoite 7 – 32 µm to 5 – 12 µm No cyst stage To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. 4. Pentatrichomonas hominis 45 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L 5. Trichomonas tenax UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. Trophozoite Trophozoite 4 anterior flagella Nucleus Undulating membrane (Whole length of the cell) Undulating membrane (2/3 of the cell) Costa Axostyle Posterior axostyle 8 – 20 µm to 3 – 14 µm 5 – 16 µm to 2 – 15 µm NO CYST STAGE 6. Trypanosomastidae Amastigote Promastigote P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 46 Epimastigote Kinetoplast Axoneme Nucleus Trypomastigote (14-33 x 1.5-3.5 µm) POST-ANALYTICAL PHASE Cleaning and Disinfection The stool specimen should be disinfected with 10% bleach or 10% Lysol before disposal in infective wastes bags. UNIT OUTCOMES o o o o Before leaving, the medical technologist must do all of the following: Returning of materials, slides and microscopes Disposal of wastes Disinfection of the working area The PPE of each individual should be removed properly. These cannot be exposed outside the laboratory premises. To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. 47 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. Critical Thinking A. Giardia lamblia 1. Complete the table below: 5pts Motility Infective stage Mode of transmission Pathogenicity Diagnosis B. Chilomastix mesnili 2. Discuss the medical importance of Chilomastix mesnilii? 5pts C. Trichomonas spp. 3. Complete the table below: 15pts Specie Trichomonas vaginalis Pentatrichomonas hominis Trichomonas tenax Habitat Pathogenicity Diagnosis P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 48 D. Trypanomastidae 4. Complete the table below: 25pts Species Leishmania spp. Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Stages present and its location in pathogenesis Vector Disease Diagnosis 49 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L Trypanosoma cruzi UNIT OBJECTIVES UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. DRAW and LABEL your observations: 1. Giardia lamblia Cyst Trophozoite 2. Chilomastix mesnili Cyst Trophozoite P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 50 3. Trichomonas vaginalis Trophozoite 4. Trypanosomastidae Stage: 51 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L UNIT OUTCOMES UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR PASSING Outcome To achieve each outcome, the learner must demonstrate the ability to: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool a. Focus prepared slides on the appropriate specimen for the presence of various flagellates specie and properly identify each stage of according to genus and species. parasite. b. Draw and label the parasite based on microscopic observations. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Focus for Assessment ANECDOTAL NOTES Observe students as they participate in the activity. Note the extent to which students are able to make and talk about personal observation. Record anecdotal notes. OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Create an outcome-based checklist and share with students prior to beginning the activity. Use checklist to assess if students are able to make and talk about personal observations. the RUBRIC Collaboratively create an outcome – based rubric with students. Use the rubric to evaluate how well the students are able to understand cells. RESOURCES P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 52 Michael and Voge’s Medical Parasitology, 9th edition Chiodini, P.L., Moody, A.H., Manser, D.W. Altas of Medical Helminthology and Protozoology. RUBRICS Critical Dimensions 1 REFER Pre-analytical Phase: PPE (Lab No PPE gown, mask, worn. gloves, hair cap, eye protector) Factor: 2 Did not draw. 3 COMPETENT 4 PROFICIENT 5 EXEMPLARY Only lab gown is worn. Only 2 out of 5 PPE is worn. Only 3 out of 5 PPE is worn. Complete PPE is worn. Ability to focus the slide, but cannot determine the object of analysis. Able to locate and identify one of the parasite of study. Able to locate and identify at least 2 of the parasite of study. All amoebae are identified. Incorrect drawing. Correct drawing, no labels Correct drawing, incomplete label / no stage Correct drawing, complete labels, and stage of development Score is Analytical Phase: Microscopic Cannot focus analysis any of the Factor: 4 prepared slide. Drawing Factor: 1 2 BEGINNER Score Giardia lamblia: cyst trophozoites Chilomastix mesnili: cyst trophozoites Trichomonas vaginalis: trophozoites Trypanosomas tidae Post-analytical Phase: 53 | P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L Score UNIT OUTCOMES UNIT OUTCOMES To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. To achieve this unit, the learner must: 1. Examine and identify the prepared slide of stool specimen for the presence of various flagellates according to genus and species. Cleaning work area Factor: 2 of Left the work area dirty. Disposed the specimen but not treated. Disposed and treated the specimen but some materials are left on the work area. Disposed all wastes properly, but no disinfection of work area. Properly cleaned and disinfect the work area. Returning materials Factor: 2 of All material are not returned. Slides are incompletely returned. Materials microscope improperly returned. Materials are not cleaned before returning. Microscope slides completely properly returned. and is and are and P A R A S I T O L O G Y L A B O R A T O R Y M A N U A L | 54