HTML vs HTML5: Differences, Compatibility, and Future

Name : Muhammad Shehryar
Registration : bsit-fa20-006
Department : BSIT
Assignment : 1
• HTML does not support audio and video without using a flash player, while HTML5
supports audio and video controls using the <audio> and <video> tags.
• In HTML, <tHml>, <Head> and <Body> tags are mandatory when coding, while in
HTML5 < Html >, <ody> and Head> tags can be omitted when coding.
• Drag and drop features are not available in HTML while in HTML5 drag and drop
features are provided.
• In HTML, vector graphics are supported by various tools like Adobe Flash, VML, etc.,
while in HTML5, vector graphics are supported by default.
• Newer attributes like tabindex, id and repeat are not available in HTML while HTML5
includes tabindex, id and repeat attributes.
• The doctype declaration is long and complicated in HTML, while the doctype
declaration in HTML5 is relatively simple and easy to understand.
Browser compatibility:
• Html5 supports all new browsers safari, chrome, opera, Microsoft edge.
• Html is mostly supported by old versions of Internet Explorer.
Coding difference:
<applet> changed to <object>
<acronym> changed to <abbr>
<dir> changed to <ul>
<frameset> <frame> <nonframe> removed
<strike> <big> <basefont> <font>Moved to css
Plugin Compatibility:
By far the most important difference from previous versions is that HTML5 no longer requires
any plugins. It has one common interface that makes work easier for everyone.
Html plugins
• Run Java applets.
• To run Microsoft ActiveX controls.
• To display Flash movies.
• View maps.
• Virus scanning.
• To verify the bank ID.
Benefits of using HTML:
Cleaner code structure
Compatibility between browsers
Audio and video tags
Browsing offline
No more cookies
Canvas for animation and game development
If I became CEO of W3S: then the next version of HTML will include the freedom
of Html to resize the image, annotations for images and videos, pluggable
languages, camera integration and stronger microformats.