Uploaded by Jorge Pinto Rocha

Guide d'estimation de la performance des lignes de transmission face à la foudre

Working Group 01 (Lightning)
Study Committee 33 (Overvoltages and Insulation Coordination)
October 1991
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21, rue d’Artois
FR-75 008 PARIS
Tél. : +33 1 53 89 12 90
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The greatest care has been taken by CIGRE to produce this digital technical brochure so as to provide you with
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However, CIGRE could in any case be held responsible for any damage resulting from any misuse of the
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Published by CIGRE
21, rue d’Artois
FR-75 008 PARIS
Tel : +33 1 53 89 12 90
Fax : +33 1 53 89 12 99
Copyright © 2000
All rights of circulation, translation and reproduction reserved for all countries.
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