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Year 9 Global Perspectives Curriculum Framework

Curriculum Framework/Year 9/ Global Perspectives 0457 /2021-2022
1. Introduction to
Learning Objectives
1. Presentation of three components of IGCSE GP – Written Examination –
Individual Report – Team Project with samples
2. Skills
2. Understand and use skills: Facts – opinions – prediction – value judgement –
vested interests – cause & consequences; and apply them.
Use of documentaries and articles to help student develop the following
August September
1. Identifying
information and
Strategy: Mind Maps
Identify issues
Identify perspectives – personal, local/ national, global
Identify sources of information, types of information and methods
Cause and consequences
Names of documentaries (all may not be used):
1. The Blackfish
2. Rosie’s Story on poverty
3. Shorts on Syrian Refugees
4. Escape to Europe: BBC News
5. Fleeing the Climate Change: DW Documentary
6. Disabilities
News Articles on the topics of
• Fast fashion
• Environment
• Sports
• Digital World
• Poverty and Inequality
Textbook: IGCSE Global
Perspectives by Jo Lally
• Fact
• Opinion
• Prediction
• What’s going on in the
• Cause & consequences
Textbook: IGCSE Global
Perspectives by Jo Lally
• Based on Section 1 of
the textbook
• Analysis worksheets
• OPVL worksheets
• Mind Maps
• Images related with the
topics to be used as
pedagogical tools
• Online games to
understand poverty,
town planningenvironment
• Documentaries: As
mentioned in Column 2
Curriculum Framework/Year 9/ Global Perspectives 0457 /2021-2022
Human rights
Note: the above will also continue throughout the year
1. Shortened Team
Emphasis on
• Reading
• Comprehension
• Research
• Understanding arguments
Students be able to …
a. Design a team project along the lines of IGCSE GP requirements
b. Decide an aim and an outcome
c. Write a 500 words Reflective paper
Section 2 of Textbook:
IGCSE Global Perspectives
by Jo Lally
Samples from previous
Year 10.
Questions 1–3 : These comprise a series of sub-questions requiring candidates to
respond to source material. These include short answers and more extended
Question 1 (12 marks) could be based on statistical information. Candidates may be
asked, for example, to describe patterns and trends shown in the statistical
Past Papers
Worksheet on Source
Evaluation with skills
identified in Column 2
Smart Strategies 101
Semester 1 Project: Submission of Team Project: November end 2021
Introduction to Written Examination
A: Understand the organisation of Written Examination à 4 questions with different
parts are organised on the following basis.
October –
2: Written Examination
Question 2 (14 marks) might ask candidates, for example, to suggest ways to test
Curriculum Framework/Year 9/ Global Perspectives 0457 /2021-2022
Question 3 (20 marks) might ask candidates, for example, to evaluate the
effectiveness of arguments, making a judgement about which is the most convincing.
Question 4 (24 marks) comprises an extended answer requiring candidates to
respond to source material. Candidates might, for example, be asked to use the source
material to make a case to support a personal opinion or perspective.
B: To be able to evaluate the sources by … (all through means of worksheets)
• Identifying O(rigin) P(urpose) V(alue) L(imitation)
• Identifying type of information used – evidence used – sources of information
• Identifying biases, opinions, value judgements etc
• Identifying courses of action
Note: These sources will be taken from past papers especially.
3: Writing Skills
October –
4: Communication
The students be able to…
• Understand PEE format
• Write using the PEE format
• Incorporate it in their answers
The students be able to
Argue and put forward their arguments in a coherent manner à debates
Environment Shark Tank
Summative Assessment 1
The students start to plan tehir IGCSE Component 2: Individual Report from any
one of the eight Cambridge topics
January –
Worksheets and activities
1: Understanding Individual The students should be able to …
• Understand the structure of the individual report
• Using the Report Plan Framework
• Have read one sample
One sample Individual
Textbook: IGCSE
Global Perspectives by Jo
A sample of Report
Curriculum Framework/Year 9/ Global Perspectives 0457 /2021-2022
2: Writing
Students to start researching and writing their Individual Report of 2000 words
3: Practice of Written
Student to attempt complete 70 marks paper using the strategies above and
introduced in Semester 2
All students to undertake a common project for Semester 2
4: Project 2
Title: Walking in someone’s shoes
Submit a reflective note of 300 words.
Summative Assessment 2
A sample of Report
• Research log and plan
• Past Papers
• Worksheet on Source
Evaluation with skills
identified in Column 2
• Smart Strategies 101
Rubrics for the
project and
reflective note will
be shared