@ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com T H E A B A N D O N C A R T S E Q U E N C E T E M P L AT E The Copy Bar Est. 2016 | © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. All rights reserved. For Stewardship of Story THE A BA ND ON CA RT EMA IL SE QUENCE FOR E - COM M ERCE & SHOPS A template for creative entrepreneurs to follow-up with potential customers and seal the deal H O W T O G E T T H E M O S T O U T O F T H I S T E M P L AT E As you may have discovered, templates are a go-to for DIYing your own copy for your business. I make templates out of anything I write more than once, and even lean on them to start projects, campaigns, and entire email sequences. I hope you can put it to use in your business or shop, so you can inch readers further along in the conversion journey to becoming one of your customers Sales Cycle reports that for every 1 person that checks out, a whopping THREE started the process … but didn’t complete it. Obviously, that stat may not be data reflecting your specific shop’s sales, but there’s a high likelihood that it’s happening in some form or fashion. Maybe it’s a WiFi issue, website load issue, distraction, or simply a culprit of innocent online window shopping. It’s worth chasing the lead though. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE W R ITE YOU R A BA N D ON CA RT SE QU ENCE template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com Thus, the abandoned cart sequence. This version is for e-commerce and shops. You’ll need to link this up to whatever email marketing platform is linked to check-out, because the email address capture is the only way to get this going. TL;DR if they don’t have an “account” and they abandon cart, you’ll never know. So you need them to start an account or registered email address with you first. People like my brand and come to us because of both my voice and ability to write voice-y copy for others. So, yes, these templates are slightly voicey. What you see may not be your voice, but use the prompts to add your own style. Even what you CALL the “cart” can be onbrand … for example, Beaufort Bonnet Company is based in the south, and I love how they say “buggy” instead of cart. If you know, you know (hey fellow Southerners!). this matters so Don’t forget the video! Maybe you’re more of a visual and auditory learner—so as you work through these templates, take a trip over to YouTube if you need a little nudge when it comes to sales sequence copywriting. © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. 10 A B IR D’ S E Y E V IE W O F YO U R NE W A BA ND O N C A R T EM A I L AUTOM ATION SE QU ENCE If you’re familiar with AW templates from The Copy Bar, you know I tell you what micro-conversion you’re shooting for with every email in a funnel. But ~rocket scientist moment~ abandoned cart funnels have the same conversion goal for every email though: it’s to (duh) get them to checkout. With that understood, I’m instead telling you the point of each email before the subject line. Spoiler alert, here’s what they are: EMAIL 1: YOUR CART MADE ME SEND THIS REMINDER Remind and add gentle scarcity (4 hours later) EMAIL 2: THE SUPPORTER Provide support and proof (1 day later) EMAIL 3: THE HARD SELL Add strong scarcity (2-3 days later) EMAIL 4: THE MAGIC EMAIL Elicit a response or action (4 to even 7 days later). Email #4 is completely optional, as is suggested timing. © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE This is a quick snapshot of what you’ll find on the following pages. template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com T H E T E M P L AT E S There are actually people out there (I wouldn’t uhhh, know the type though) who will add something to cart and wait for an abandoned cart email discount. It’s pretty common. There’s a 99% chance you’ve had one in your inbox. So here’s my take—you can play the first email this way, or play the third email that way. Yes, I do err on the side of scarcity incentive is needed at some point in the funnel even for something that doesn’t have an inventory limit like a digital product … people simply don’t typically take action unless there’s a reason to. So give them one in this email. Ways you can add honest scarcity: • • • • • • My favorite way/go-to way to add scarcity is what I’ll call “blame it on my crazy”—think, “And everything I’m including in this at the price point I’m offering to you?? I’m crazy, right? I can’t believe I’m doing it, but there is so much going on in the world and we wanted to provide this for customers like you. I have NO idea how long I’ll be able to offer this, so jump in now (before I change my mind—or am simply unable to keep providing this!).” Remind them you have a limited supply or inventory are limited, i.e. limited product run Provide a time-sensitive bonus addition Mention a price-hike Provide a limited-time discount or coupon code for free shipping Remind the cost of inaction, aka if they don’t grab this, what will happen in their life or business? All 6 are honest ways to add in scarcity. This email, we want to nudge that gently. Another way to slant it (if you don’t want to seem like such a pushover with the discount code) is to frame Email #1 as “great news—the price on ____ just dropped!” S U B J E C T L I N E I D E A S : L O O K W H O ’ S G O T ~TA S T E ~ O R C O M M I T M E N T I S S U E S O R I ’ M R E A D Y I F Y O U ’ R E R E A D Y ! O R S A V E D Y O U R C A R T, N A M E ! Hey there! You’ve got *wiggles eyebrows up & down smoothly* greeaaatt taste— Noticed you eying [our/my/the] [Product Name]! Name] , so ... … I pulled a product aside for you & penciled YOUR name on it, [Contact Name]! Name] © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE EM A I L 1: YOU R CA RT M A DE M E SEN D TH IS R EM I N DER template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com It looks like you didn’t finish the ol’ check-out, but listen, distractions totally happen. OR I noticed that Product] and it looks like you didn’t finish the check-out! [Option you were *this close* to grabbing [Your Product], to add voice/flair, for ex. “I mean, I don’t really know what that’s like, but I hear some people get distra— *sees shiny object*”] But I’d still love to help you [what your product will do, for ex. “visibly nix redness and create a clear, balanced complexion!”]. Wanted to shoot you a reminder to complete your purchase before your [product/XYZ etc.] is virtually re-shelved. <<< [Option to add a code or bonus, ex. “Use code CODE HERE to snag 15% off.” OR “so if you snap it up in the next 24 hours, and I’ll throw in a XYZ—my treat.” OR “I only offer these 20 website templates once every 6 months, and your next shot at a fresh collection will be in June 2022.”] Complete Your Purchase > [OR Activate Your Discount Code!] support@XYZ.com. Curious about a detail or two, or run into a hiccup as you checkout? Reach out at support@XYZ.com We’ve got you back! [Sign-off], [Your Name] P.s. [Option to add a review, like “Veronica was in your shoes and decided to order our charcoal deoderant up… “REVIEW HERE” — Veronica R. Click here to get on your way to detoxing AND de-dripping your pits, just like she did! >>> Other copy bank idea for Email #1: riff/storytell on first date jitters (ex. … kinda like friends you text to hype you up before a first date, consider me your ~toe touch~ pep talk for completing your XYZ purchase) © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com T H E T E M P L AT E S EM A I L 2: TH E SU PPORTER So, I like this email to be more customer-support-y. How can you reassure the buyer, connect with them, answer questions, and show results? Instead of being all cart shame-y and making them feel bad, put the blame on YOU. Come into their inbox with the excuse that maybe they had questions they didn’t get answered. S U B J EC T L I N E I D E A S : S AV E D YO U T H I S R E M I N D E R F O R W H E N YO U ’ R E R E A DY O R Y O U R C A R T M A D E M E S E N D Y O U T H I S ! O R W H AT Y O U D O I S B R O K E N . Hey, [Contact Name]! Name] [Your Name] here from [Offer Name or Business Name]! Name] [Option to start off with a meme, if that’s on brand for you. Sometimes a “where is she going with this” hook is curiosity-invoking] There’s this meme, you’ve probably seen it. Hits a little close to home … ;) [Just start HERE if you don’t want the meme angle] Option 1: Listen. Putting things off is TOTALLY cool for some things in life—[option to name some brand voice things here you put off, ex. Learning to French braid, teaching your dog to fetch the Amazon Prime deliveries] OR But your [what they’re trying to solve] isn’t one of them. Option 2: Listen. [Some ways that they’re trying to solve the problem and failing, for ex. “Be-bopping between tabs and 5 notebooks on your desk] is TOTALLY cool for some things in life— like dreaming up house renovation ideas or planning to host book club. Book club hosting prep is an art, my friend.” © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE At this point, I hate emails that pull the “you forgot ___” because there’s a reason I’m NOT making a decision if I didn’t respond to email one. Clearly I’m putting it off. template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com BUT it’s actually the wrong way to [what they’re trying to solve, ex. “get organized with a paper planner system you enjoy”]. And the [blame technology here, ex. “internet fairies” “Our Zapbot” << Zapier uses that, I think it’s smart] tells me you haven’t quite had a chance to click through your [Product Name] check-out yet. I realized you may have a question or two my team could help answer for ya, so we’re on stand-by! What questions do you have about [Product Name]? Name] How can I help? Once you [what is one of the FIRST things they’ll do once they have your product in hand? Future pace them here, ex. “Tackle the pre-work on the first 5 pages of your new planner”], you’ll be on your way to [benefit, ex. “shaving at LEAST an hour of mind-numbing number crunching off your week]. Take Another Look > [OR Return to Check-out OR Seal the Deal] [Sign-off], [Your Name] [Add reviews here, either with a “p.s. Don’t take my word for it” type message, or just stylized visuals showing reviews and testimonials] © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE Because your [what they’re trying to solve, stated another way, ex. “next quarter’s goal stack”] matters. [We’re going to give them a line reminding them that this is something they raised their hand that they want by adding it to their cart. Riff on that for a line or two.] - MARK TWAIN © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.” template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com T H E T E M P L AT E S EM A I L 3: TH E H A R D SELL Ok, it’s time to heat things back up again with scarcity. This time, we want to be crystal clear and straightforward with it. This is the email to include a clock or a countdown, if you can do that, counting down to how much longer you can provide the discount. S U B J EC T L I N E I D E A S : D O N’ T L E AV E M E B E H I N D ! O R G O I N G, G O I N G, ( A L M O S T ) G O N E O R H AT E I T W H E N I D O T H I S [INSERT TIMER COUNTDOWN HERE] Hey, [Contact Name]! Name] I just [insert something unlucky here, ex. “tripped over my dog & spilled my freshly-reheated-coffee” OR “lost my iphone for the 3rd time this morning”], so while my luck this morning is questionable … … I sure just found yours. ;) Option 1: For the next X hours ONLY, you can grab [Product Name] [add discount, ex. “for a sizzling 30% off”, free shipping, ex. “With on-the-house shipping”, extra bonus, ex. “PLUS a TK”, etc.]. Option 2: Since nothing in this fast-paced world lasts forever, here’s the deal: I simply don’t know how much longer this incredible [Product Type] will be around. And if you know any entrepreneur nerds like me, you know that we’re always testing new offers. Which means time’s limited, and ~unlike~ a catchy Taylor Swift refrain … … I can’t guarantee this [Product Name] I penciled your name on is gonna stick around. Click here to complete your purchase [with [deal here] in the mix] [Note about what happens next, ex. “We’re on stand-by to help you pick the perfect color combo!”] [Sign-off], [Your Name] © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com T H E T E M P L AT E S EM A I L 4: TH E M AGIC EM A I L This is pushy. :) You don’t have to include this, but I’ve found it works great for specific offers or services. The 9-word email is first attributed to Dean Jackson, and the purpose is pretty clear: give an uncomfortable silence they feel weird not replying to. It’s meant to get a reaction. It basically doesn’t have anything in it except the nine-word (or less) question that you have designed to engage your potential customer into a dialogue. It is NOT clever, it’s just short and factual. I’ve heard it called the “magic email” too, and when you use it, you’ll see why. The purpose is less to push to the cart and more to get a response that you can actually use to talk to someone and help serve them. S U B J E C T L I N E I D E A S : C O N TA C T N A M E … O R C AT C H I N G U P O R Q U I C K Q [Contact Name]— Name] Are you still [what you do, ex. looking to get a fresh new website template? OR interested in the Dry Skin Cleansing Oil from our limited-run Blue Tansy line?] [Option to add 1 more line, ex. “Since we haven’t heard from you, we’ll assume you (what they’re trying to do, ex. Got the interior design plan of your dreams already mapped out!)”] [Sign-off], [Your Name] © Copyright 2021, Ashlyn Writes. THE ABANDON CART EMAIL SEQUENCE TEMPL ATE template @ashlynscarter hello@ashlynwrites.com