Talisay Nut Fuel Briquettes: A Feasibility Study

Background of the Study
About half of the world’s people use wood or charcoal for cooking
and heating. Cutting of trees for fuel and subsistence farming resulting in loss of
2-3% of the world’s forests each year. In some countries, buying fuel for cooking
may take as much as half of a family’s income, and many families can afford to
cook only once or twice a day. That’s why the researchers desire to produce fuel
briquettes out of talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts.
Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to determine the physical properties of
talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts for the production of quality fuel briquettes.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following:
1. How many fuel briquettes made from talisay (Terminalia catappa)
nuts using manual press system?
2. How effective the talisay (Terminalia catappa) briquettes in terms
of time of use?
Operational Form. There is no significant difference between fuel
briquettes from talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts and commercial one on the
physical properties.
Null Form. Talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts is not a feasible source
of fuel briquettes.
Significance of the Study
The aim of this study is to produce and to prove the feasibility of
talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts for the production of fuel briquettes based
on the physical properties being investigated. Specifically, this study will be
significant and helpful to the following: Environment. Planting talisay trees
can help lessen air pollution and prevent from floods and landslides. Farmers.
They can start planting talisay tree for another source of income. Households.
They can assure that the fuel briquettes they are using is safe, can also
lessen their expenses and environment-friendly. Researchers. It can serve as
a basis for further development. This study will enhance their skill and
knowledge in conducting experiments which they can use for personal and
even for income generation. Students. This may serve as an eye opener and
encourage them to undertake product development.
Scope and Delimitation
This study using talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts was conducted to
identify a feasible source of fuel briquettes. The main focus of this study is to
identify if talisay (Terminalia catappa) is feasible component of a fuel
briquettes. This study is limited only to discover what fuel briquettes can
cause in human health. It does not include the study about the effect of fuel
briquettes in food or in any other aspects.
The research was conducted in the Maranatha Christian Academy
Imus Chapter from September 16,2016 to February 1, 2017.
Terminalia catappa
Scientific classification
T. catappa
Binomial name
Terminalia catappa
Figure 2.1
Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family,
Combretaceae, that grows mainly in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and
Australia. It is known by the English common names country-almond, Indianalmond, Malabar-almond, sea-almond, tropical-almond and false kaman.
The tree grows to 35m (115 ft) tall, with an upright, symmetrical crown
and horizontal branches. Terminalia catappa has corky, light fruit that are
dispersed by water. The seed within the fruit is edible when fully ripe, tasting
almost like almond. As the tree gets older, its crown becomes more flattened to
form a spreading, vase shape. Its branches are distinctively arranged in tiers.
The leaves are large, 15-25 cm (5.9-9.8 in.) long and 10-14 cm (3.9-5.5 in.)
broad, ovoid, glossy dark green, and leathery. They are dry-season deciduous;
before falling, they turn pinkish-reddish or yellow-brown, due to pigments such as
violaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
The trees are monoecious, with distinct male and female flowers on the
same tree. Both are 1 cm (0.39 in) in diameter, white to greenish, insconpicuous
with no petals; they are produced on axillary or terminal spikes. The fruit is a drue
5-7 cm (2.0-2.8 in) long and 3-5.5 cm (1.2- 2.2 in) broad, green at first, then
yellow and finally red when ripe, containing a single seed.
Habitat and Range
The tree has been spread widely by humans, so te native range is
uncertain. It has long been naturalized in a broad belt extending from Africa to
northern Australia and New Guinea though Southeast Asia and Micronesia into
the Indian Subcontinent. More recently, the plant has been introduced to parts of
the Americas. Until the mid 20th century, the tree has been extensively used in
Brazilian urban landscaping, since being a rare case tropical deciduous, their
fallen leaves would give an “European” flair to the street. This practice is
currently abolished, and the “amendoeiras” are being replaced by native,
evergreen trees.
Cultivation and uses
T. catappa fruits at various stages of ripeness, one cut open to reveal
the edible kernel within the hard endocarp and another partially opened to reveal
the fleshy mesocarp surrounding the fibrious inner layers.
T. catappa is widely grown in tropical regions of the world as an
ornamental tree, grown for the deep shade its large leaves provide. The fruit is
edible, tasting slightly acidic.
The wood is red and solid, and has high water resistance; it has been
used in Polynesia for making canoes. In Tamil, almond is known nattuvadumai.
The leaves contain several flavonoids (such as kaempferol or
quercetin), several tannins (such as punicalin, punicalagin or tercatin), saponines
and phytosterols. Due to this chemical richness, the leaves (and the bark) are
used in different herbal medicines for various purposes. For instance in Taiwan,
fallen leaves are used as an herb to treat liver diseases. In Suriname, an herbal
tea made from the leaves is prescribed against dysentery and diarrhea. The
leaves may contain agents for prevention of cancers (although they ave no
demonstrated anticarcinogenic properties) and antioxidants, as well as anti
clastogenic characteristics. Extracts of T. catappa have shown activity against
Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine (CQ)-resistant (FcB1) and CQ-sensitive
(HB3) strains.
Keeping the leaves in an aquarium may lower the pH and heavy metal
content of the water. It has been used in this way by fish breeders for many
years, and is active against some parasites and bacterial pathogens. It is also
believed to help prevent fungus forming on the eggs of the fish.
Figure 2.2
Biomass briquettes are a biofuel substitute to coal and charcoal,
briquettes mostly used in the developing world, where cooking fuels are not as
easily available. There has been a move to the use of briquettes in the developed
world, where they are used to heat industrial boilers in order to produce electricity
from steam. The briquettes are cofired with a coal in order to create the heat
supplied to the boiler.
Composition and production
Biomass briquettes, mostly made of green waste and other organic
materials, are commonly used for electricity generation, heat, and cooking fuel.
These compressed compounds contain various organic materials, including rice
husk, bagasse, ground nut shells, agricultural waste. The composition of the
briquettes varies by area due to the availability of raw materials. The raw
materials are gathered and compressed into briquette in order to burn longer and
make transportation of the goods easier. These briquettes are very different from
charcoal because they do not have large concentrations of carbonaceous
substances and added materials. Compared to fossil fuels, the briquettes
produce low net total greenhouse gas emissions because the materials used are
already a part of the carbon cycle.
One of the most common variables of the biomass briquette production
process is the way the biomass is dried out. Manufacturers can use torrefaction,
carbonization, or varying degrees of pyrolysis. Researchers concluded that
torrefaction and carbonization are the most efficient forms of drying out biomass
but the use of the briquette determines which method should be used.
Compaction is another factor affecting production. Some materials burn more
efficiently if compacted at low pressures, such as corn stover grind. Other
materials sush as wheat and barley-straw require high amounts of pressure to
produce heat. There are also different press technologies that can be used. A
piston press is used to create solid briquettes for a wide array purposes. Screw
extrusion is used to compact biomass into loose, homogeneous briquettes that
are substituted for coal in cofiring. This technology creates a toroidal, or
doughnut-like, briquette. The hole in the center of the briquette allows for a
larger surface area, creating a higher combustion rate.
People have been using biomass briquettes in Nepal since before recorded
history. Though inefficient, the burning of loose biomass created enough heat for
cooking purposes and keeping warm. The first commercial production plant was
created in 1982 and produced almost 900 metric tons of biomass. In 1984,
factories were constructed that incorporated vast improvements on efficiency and
the quality of briquettes. They used a combination of rice husks and molasses.
The King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation (KMTNC) along with the
Institute for Himalayan Conservation (IHC) created a mixture of coal and biomass
in 2000 using a unique rolling machine.
Japanese Ogalite
In 1925, Japan independently started developing technology to harness
the energy from sawdust briquettes, known as “Ogalite”. Between 1964 and
1969, Japan increased production fourfold by incorporating screw press and
piston press technology. The member enterprise of 830 or more existed in the
1960s. the new compaction techniques incorporated in these machines made
briquettes of higher quality than those in Europe. As a result, European countries
bought the licensing agreements and now manufacture Japanese designed
Confiring relates to the combustion of two different types of materials. The
process is primarily used to decrease CO2 emissions despite the resulting lower
energy efficiency and higher variable cost. The combination of materials usually
contains a high carbon emitting substance sush as coal and a lesser CO2
emitting materials such as biomass. Even though CO2 will still be emitted
through the combustion of biomass, the net carbon emitted is nearly negligible.
This is due to the fact that the material gathered for the composition of the
briquettes are still contained in the carbon cycle whereas fossil fuel combustion
releases CO2 that has been sequesteredfor millennia. Boilers in power plants are
traditionally heated by the combustion of coal, but if cofiring were to be
implemented, then the CO2 emissions would decrease while still maintaining the
heat inputted to the boiler. Implementing cofiring would require few modifications
to the current characteristics to power plants, as only the fuel for the boiler would
be altered. A moderate investment would be required for implementing biomass
briquettes into the combustion process.
Cofiring is considered the most cost-efficient means of biomass. A higher
combustion rate will occur when cofiring is implemented in a boiler when
compared to burning only biomass. The compressed biomass is also much
easier to transport since it is more dense, therefore allowing more biomass to be
transported per shipment when compared to loose biomass. Some sources
agree that a near-term solution for the greenhouse gas emission problem may lie
in cofiring.
Compared to Coal
The use of biomass briquettes has been steadily increasing as industries
realize the benefits of decreasing pollution through the use of biomass briquettes.
Briquettes provide higher calorific value per dollar than coal when used for firing
industrial boilers. Along with higher calorific value, biomass briquettes on
average saved 30-40% of boiler fuel cost. But other sources suggest that cofiring
is more expensive due to the widespread availability of coal and its low extent,
but it is increasingly being pursued y industries and factories all over the world.
Both raw materials can be produced or mined domestically in the United States,
creating a fuel source that is free from foreign dependence and less polluting
than raw fossil fuel incineration.
Environmentally, the use of biomass briquettes produces much fewer
greenhouse gases, specifically, 13.8% to 41.7% CO2 and NOX. There was also
a reduction from 11.1% to 38.5% in SO2 emissions when compared to coal from
three differen t leading producers, EKCC Coal, Decanter Coal, and Alden Coal.
Biomass briquettes are also fairly resistant to water degradation, an improvement
over the difficulties encountered with the burning of wet coal. However, the
briquettes are best used only as a supplement to coal. The use of cofiring
creates an energy that is not as high as pure coal, but emits fewer pollutants and
cuts down on the release of previously sequestered carbon, the continuous
release of carbon and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere leads to an
increase in global temperature. The use of cofiring does not stop this process but
decreases the relative emissions of coal power plants.
Use in Developing World
The Legacy Foundation has developed a set of techniques to produce
biomass briquettes through artisanal production in rural villages that can be used
for heating and cooking. These techniques were recently pioneered by Virunga
National Park in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, following the massive
destruction of the mountain gorilla habitat for charcoal.
Pangani, Tanzania, is an area covered in coconut groves. After harvesting
the meat of the coconut, the indigenous people would litter the ground with the
husks, believing them to be useless. The husks later becamea profit center after
it was discovered that coconut husks are well suited to be the main ingredient in
bio briquettes. This alternative fuel mixture burns incredibly efficiently and leaves
little residue, making it a reliable source for cooking in the undeveloped country.
The developing world has always relied on the burning biomass due it is low cost
and availability anywhere there is organic material. The briquette production only
improves upon the ancient practice by increasing the efficiency of pyrolysis.
Two major components of the developing world are China and India. The
economies are rapidly increasing due to cheap ways of harnessing electricity and
emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide. The Kyoto Protocol attempted to
regulate the emissions of the three different worlds, but there were
disagreements as to which country should be penalized for emissions based on
its previous and future emissions. The United States has been the largest emitter
but China has recently become the largest per capita. The United States had
emitted a rigorous amount of carbon dioxide during its development and the
developing nations argue that they should not be forced to meet the
requirements. At the lower end, the undeveloped nations believe that they have
little responsibility for what has been done to the carbon dioxide levels. The
major use of biomass briquettes in India, is in industrial applications usually to
produce steam. A lot of conversions of boilers from FO to biomass briquettes
have happened over the past decade. A vast majority of those projects are
registered under CDM (Kyoto Protocol), which allows for users to get carbon
The use of biomass briquettes is strongly encouraged by issuing carbon
credits. One carbon credit is equal to one free ton of carbon dioxide to be emitted
into the atmosphere. India has started to replace charcoal with biomass
briquettes in regards to boiler fuel, especially in the southern parts of the country
because the biomass briquettes can be created domestically, depending on the
availability of land. Therefore, constantly rising fuel prices will be less influential
in an economy if sources of fuel can be easily produced domestically. Lehra Fuel
Tech Pvt Ltd is approved by Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
(IREDA), is one of the largest briquetting machine manufacturers from Ludhiana,
In the African Great Lakes region, work on biomass briquette production
has been spearheaded by a number of NGOs with GVEP (Global Village Energy
Partnership) taking a lead in promoting briquette products and briquette
entrepreneurs in the three Great Lakes countries; namely, Kenya, Uganda and
Tanzania. This has been achieved by a five-year EU and Dutch government
sponsored project called DEEP EA (Developing Energy Enterprises Project East
Africa). The main feed stock for briquettes in the East African region has mainly
been charcoal dust although altern
Use in Developed World
Coals is the largest carbon dioxide emitter per unit area when it comes to
electricity generation. It is also the most common ingredients in charcoal. There
has been a recent push to replace the burning of fossil fuels with biomass. The
replacement of this nonrenewable resource with biological waste would lower the
carbon footprint of grill owners and lower the overall pollution of the world.
Citizens are also starting to manufacture briquettes at home. The first machines
would create briquettes for homeowners out of compressed sawdust, however,
current machines allow for briquette production out of any sort of dried biomass.
Arizona has also taken initiative to turn waste biomass into a source of
energy. Waste cotton and pecan material used to provide a nesting ground for
bugs that would destroy the new crops in the spring. To stop this problem
farmers buried the biomass, which quickly led to soil degradation. These
materials were discovered to be a very efficient source of energy and took care
of issues that had plagued farms.
The United States Department of Energy has financed several projects to
test the viability of biomass briquettes on a national scale. The scope of the
projects is to increase the efficiency of gasifiers as well as produce plans for
production facilities.
Charcoal briquetting in the Philippines
A 2013 survey made by the team of Dr. Emelyne C. Cortiguerra of the
Department of Science and Technology’s Forest Products Research and
Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) showed that there is a high demand for
charcoal briquettes abroad. According to the country’s top charcoal briquette
makers, foreign buyers often buy in large quantities which most of them cannot
“This means the door is wide open for anyone who wants to grab a piece
of the action in the charcoal briquetting industry,” says Dr. Cortiguerra, “but they
have to be aware also of the problems currently faced by briquette producers.”
FPRDI Director Dr. Romulo T. Aggangan explains, “A charcoal briquette
is a compacted mass of fuel material made from a mix of charcoal fines and
binder, and molded under pressure. Although charcoal briquettes are not very
well known in the Philippines, the product is already a household fuel in Europe
and America. In some Asian countries, hotels and big restaurants use it for
Studies at the DOST-FPRDI show that charcoal fines for briquetting can
come not only from wood and coconut shell but also from coconut husk, coffe
bean hull and other non-wood biomass materials. In the Philippines, the first
charcoal briquetting machines, studies on the production process, as well as
technology demonstrations were initiated by the DOST-FPRDI,” adds Dr.
According to Engr. Belen B. Bisana, head of DOST-FPRDI’s Bio-Energy
and Equipment Development Section (BEEDS), “Compared to plain charcoal,
briquettes are less messy and easier to handle because they are compact and
uniform in size. They are also easy to ignite, burn slowly, give more intense heat
per unit volume and are almost smokeless when burning. Charcoal briquettes
made from agroforest wastes may lessen the extensive charcoaling of wood,
thus helping protect what is left of the country’s forest resources.”
Dr. Cortiguerra and her team’s survey of the 16 top charcoal briquette
producers in the country identified the strengths and opportunities of the
She reports, “The biggest strength is the huge demand for briquettes in
the US, Europe, Japan, Korea and Malaysia. Likewise, as an alternative fuel,
briquettes in the future can replace much of the country’s expensive energy
sources such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene and electricity. Other
strengths include innovative producers and a wide range of available raw
Dr. Cortiguerra continues, “the problems of the industry, on the other
hand, include the sustainability of the raw materials, the very stiff price
competition in the global market and high cost of transporting the product
abroad. The low-capacity of most briquetting machines is also a major
drawback, plus the fact that they are often hard to operate. Likewise, charcoal
briquettes have suffered from low publicity which has led to low acceptability in
the local market.”
“It would take hard work as weel as the help of concerned stakeholders
to overcome these hurdles,” says Dr. Cortiguerra who suggested a few solutions
to the problems.
“One remedy is almost ready for the taking,” she says. “It is the newly
developed hydraulic-type charcoal briquettor of the DOST-FPRDI, a machine
that has a higher-capacity and easier to operate than the ones available in the
market. It is suited for cooperatives and can be operated by women.”
To grow the local market, she suggested that producers link with large
scale buyers such as food chains, hotels, and pultry farms; study ways to use
briquettes in other cooking systems, i.e., how can they be harnessed in lechon
shops and bakeries?; demonstrate the advantages of using the product in
supermarkets, malls and trade fairs, making sure that all claims are supported
by facts; and lastly, producers must train people in rural communities on
charcoal production and encourage them to become suppliers of raw materials
for briquetting.
Dr. Cortiguerra concludes, “The problems facing the charcoal briquette
industry may seem big, but they should not overwhelm entrepreneurs who
believe in the promise of green and efficient fuel substitute.”
Method of Research
This study used experimental research to determine the effectiveness of
Talisay (Terminalia catappa) in making briquettes. Experimental research is an
control/randomizes the rest of the variables. It has a control group, the subjects
have been randomly assigned between the groups, and the researcher only tests
one effect at a time. It is also important to know what variable(s) you want to test
and measure.
4kg Dried Talisay Fruit
The Talisay fruits used were from different locations in the Maranatha
Christian Academy Imus Chapter Campus. The gathered talisay fruits
were mature. The talisay fruit were fined using a hammer.
Figure 3.1
3 kg wood shavings
Wood shavings/ saw dust were from a furniture store along Aguinaldo
Figure 3.2
6kg Mashed Newsprint
Figure 3.3
10 pcs. Plastic Bottles
Figure 3.4
10 pcs. Plastic Bags
Plastic bags were purchased from a local market.
Figure 3.5
The torn-up waste paper was soaked in water for two days for the
paper to become soft and release the fibers, which will bind the briquette
materials together. The soaked paper was rubbed between hands until it looked
like a soft porridge. The paper was mixed with the saw dust with enough water
so they will hold together when it is squeezed. In making a bottle mold, the
upper quarter of a 2L soda bottle was cut-off and burnt to have holes with a hot
wire. A plastic bag was prepared to use as a liner to get the finished briquette
out of the bottle. Punched about a dozen drainage holes in the bottom and lower
sides of the bag so water can drain out. A handful of briquette mix was placed
into the plastic bag and it was inserted into the bottle mold. The water was
pressed out with a piece of wood and a banana stem that fits into the mold. The
briquettes was dried under the sun for 7 days.
Method of Collecting Data
To test the effectivity of the product, there were experiments that the
researchers had made. Product A (Charcoal) and Product B (Talisay briquettes)
was compared to each other in terms of time of use. The instruments used in
collecting data are timer/clock and a weighing scale.
In this chapter, the results of our experiment about the talisay nuts and
the analysis of the data s presented, Data has been collected and materials was
prepared and used for the experiment in response to the we stated in the first
chapter. This is to know the quality and quantity of the briquettes that were made
for talisay nuts also how many briquettes we’ve made out of the given materials.
Experiments made were successful and it could be of use yet it needs further
Talisay Briq. 1
125 grams
5 minutes
30 minutes
Talisay Briq. 2
250 grams
30 minutes
60 minutes
The table shows the weight of each talisay briquettes made, Talisay
briquette 1 weighs 125 grams while talisay briquette 2 weighs 250 grams. The
table also shows our prediction of the briquettes time duration or how long it
could lasts which is 5 minutes for briquette 1 and 30 minutes for briquette 2. The
last cell of the table shows the time that the experiment ended,
Talisay briquette 1 was made incompletely to be of use as a sample yet it
turned out well as expected. We predicted it to lasts only 5 minutes because its
not fully dry but it lasts more than the minutes of our predicted time duration.
Talisay briquette 2 was mad as the best sample which is fully dry and has
the suited weight as a sample. Alike our first sample, we also predicted that it
would only last 30 minutes and it lasts even more than an ordinary charcoal with
the same weight.
1. How many fuel briquettes made from talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts
using manual press system?
After layer by layer of pressing by the method of manual press
system we made eight 250 grams briquettes and one 125 briquette but
4 of those briquettes made failed to be of use due to not being
completely dried.
2. How effective the talisay (Terminalia catappa) briquettes in terms of
time of use?
The briquettes that were made from talisay nuts is efficient
when it comes of use because based on our observations it turned out
to be more effective in usage than ordinary charcoals.
As based on the results of the experimentation and based on the
information that we gathered, it can be therefore concluded that talisay
(Terminalia catappa) nuts is suited to be of use as fuel briquettes. Therefore it
can be inferred that the talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts can be used as good
quality fuel briquettes based on the test conducted in this study. We were able
to reached the following conclusions: 1. The percentage of talisay oil is relatively
compared to other material/sources of a fuel briquette . 2. In color and texture,
our product has its brownish color after it been dried under the sun for 7 days
and when it was burned for 2 hours its color will change to black . Its texture is
rough because of its materials. 3. The effectiveness, our fuel briquette has no
difference compared to the common fuel briquette in terms of effectiveness
because its composition/material is almost the same we only used the talisay
nuts as our main material. And its procedure in making our fuel briquette is the
same as making the fuel briquette without a press.
We, the researchers, highly recommend the talisay fuel briquettes to be
used as substitute for charcoal because it helps in cleaning the environment and
to preserve the trees which is used as charcoals. There are other similar
researches that can be conducted on other potential source of edible nuts that
can be used as our material in making fuel briquette.
For further use of this research, it can be possible that further investigation
on the other benefits of talisay nuts that will help people in saving money.
Different method can be conducted in the process of fining the talisay nuts
is advised to improved the quality of the talisay fuel briquette.
The use of the other parts of the talisay tree like its leaves and wood as a
material to the fuel briquette can be also studied and experimented to
improve the quality and effectivity of the fuel briquette.
This could also be useful in terms of recycling and it helps to clean
wasteful talisay fruits that scatters by the road.
It can also be a possibility that further investigation on how to make the
briquettes high in quality.
Time Table
December 28,2016
-started making the product
January 12, 2017
-tested the finish product for the first try.
-failed experiment
January 13, 2017
-started remaking the products with sufficient materials
January 20, 2017
-tested the finish Product for the second try.
-experiment successful
February 18, 2017
-started recording the data for chapter 3
-started making chapter 4 and 5
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Stephanie Louise D. Del Rosario
Age: 15 yrs. old
Birth date: July 22,2001
Address: Blk 22 Lot 22 Ph 1 Greengate Homes,
Malagasang II-A, Imus City, Cavite
Contact no: 09420243124
Email: delrosario.sld@gmail.com
Mother: Jennifer D. Del Rosario
Father: Robert G. Del Rosario
Occupation: Private Secretary III
Occupation: OFW
Preschool: Saint Paul Educational Center
Elementary: Academia De San Rafael II Casa De Bambini
High School: Maranatha Christian Academy
Awards Received:
Top 2, Top 3, Top 3, Best in Math, Best in English, Best in Filipino,Most Active,
Most Courteous, Top 8, Top 8, Top 2, Most Helpful, Most Polite, God’s Vessel of
Light, Patriot’s Honor
Dancing, Eating, Surfing the net, Playing Table Tennis, Playing Kinect, Fangirling
Name: Alain Luis N. Nool
Age: 15 yrs. old
Birth date: June 28,2001
Address: Blk 4 Lot 1 Ph.D Woodlane Subd.
Malagasang 1-A, Imus City,Cavite
Contact no: 09179911673
Email: alainluisnool0628@gmail.com
Mother: Farah Nool
Occupation: Accountant/OFW
Father: Luis Nool
Occupation: Manager/OFW
Preschool: Pedro P. Cruz Elementary School
Elementary: Malagasang 1-A Elementary School
High School: Marantha Christian Academy
Awards Received:
Top2, Top4, Top3, Top1, Top1, Top 6, Most Punctual, Most Active, 3rd Place
Nutrion Month escort
Basketball, Reading Fun Facts and Books, Cooking
Name: Hannah Joy B. Escabal
Age: 16 yrs. old
Birth date: March 13 , 2001
Address: Blk 8 Lot 60 Ph1 ext Greengate
Homes, Malagasang II-A, Imus City, Cavite
Contact no: 09979856046
Email: hannah.escabal@yahoo.com
Mother: Anelia Escabal
Occupation: Bank Accountant
Father: Robert Escabal
Occupation: Working Student
Preschool: Christian Light Academy and Tenement Elementary School
Elementary: Saint Francis of Assisi College and Maranatha Christian Academy
High School: Brimestone Academy and Maranatha Christian Academy
Awards Received:
Top 3 , Top 5 , Top 10 , Most Clean , Most Helpful , Top 2 , Top 1 , Best in Math ,
Best in English , Best in Filipino , Best in CE , Steward of Gods Creation
Surfing Internet , Eating , Taking Selfie
Name: Albert N. Traje
Age: 16 yrs. old
Birthdate: September 8, 2000
Address: Blk.11 Lot 18 Ph4 Parklane Gen.Tri
Contact no: 09264671183
Email: alberttraje93@yahoo.com
Mother: Marites N. Traje
Occupation: Housewife
Father: Ariel L. Traje
Occupation: Caregiver
Preschool: Maranatha Christian Academy
Elementary: Maranatha Christian Academy
Highschool: Maranatha Christian Academy
Awards Received:
Top 4, Most Polite, Most Punctual
Collecting Guns, Shooting, Bike, Basketball, Eating, Gym, MMA Fighter, League
of Legends.
Name: Don Enrico S. Dela Rosa
Age: 15 yrs. old
Birth date: September 6, 2001
Address: Blk 42 lot D Ph1 Diamond Village
Brgy.Anabu 2-F
Contact no: 09953772356
Email: donenricodelarosa01@gmail.com
Mother: Evangeline S. Dela Rosa
Father: Donato A. Dela Rosa
Preschool: Maranatha Christian Academy
Elementary: Maranatha Christian Academy
High School: Maranatha Christian Academy
Awards Received:
Most Polite, Most Helpful
Hobbies: none
Name: Cyril T. Daquilanea
Age: 17 yrs. old
Birth date: November 15, 1999
Address: Blk 15 Lot 17 Phase 1 Greengate
Homes Malagasang II-A, Imus City, Cavite
Email: cyrildaquilanea@yahoo.com
Mother: Rosa T. Daquilanea
Occupation: Housewife
Father: Clemente C. Daquilanea
Occupation: Supervisor
Elementary: Holy Spirit School of Imus
High School: Maranatha Christian Academy
Awards Received:
Best Behave , 1st Place Poster Making Contest, Most Polite, Best in Drawing
Drawing, Photography, Cosplay, Watching Anime, Gaming