See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Let's make (design) a Load and Trim Sheet (LTS) Preprint · June 2022 CITATIONS READS 0 334 1 author: Nasser Alishahi Airllines 13 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Takeoff performance capability for airliners View project Winter operation View project All content following this page was uploaded by Nasser Alishahi on 01 June 2022. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Let’s make (design) a Load and Trim Sheet (LTS) Nasser Alishahi Jun 2022 1 Intentionally left blank 2 Table of content Subject Preamble Definition Load and trim sheet (LTS) form Designing load sheet Design for load sheet header Designing Operating Weight (OW) calculation Designing table for determination of advisable Max. TOW. Designing table for calculation of passenger weight Design for clarifying more detail of passenger status and … Design for Last Minute Change (LMC) Designing table for summary and finalizing data Designing table for significant information and Notice to Captain Completion of load sheet form (with spare row consideration…) Completion of load sheet form (without spare row consideration…) Designing trim sheet Designing passenger (PAX) index table Designing cargo compartment index table Designing fuel index table Designing summary table Designing Center of Gravity (CG) envelope table Designing horizontal Stabilizer Trim setting table Design for trim sheet header Completion of trim sheet Load and trim sheet on one page Summary References Page number 5 7 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 29 31 33 34 39 40 41 42 43 45 3 Intentionally left blank 4 Preamble Load and trim sheet which in short would be LTS is one of the important flight document. LTS is actually consist of two distinctive form and two different format. They are loading form and trimming form. The loading form describes the loading the aircraft and status of loading. Trimming form describe the aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) position after loading. LTS usually be completed by load sheet man and need on duty captain signature for approval. LTS is so important that the captain is not allowed to request engine start before LTS is officially approved. As airline Operation manual part A (OM-A) describes, the first officer of the flight must complete LTS if load sheet man is not available at station 5 Intentionally left blank 6 Definition Dry Operating Weight (DOW) DOW is the aircraft weight without any usable fuel and payload, that is the summation of aircraft Basic Empty Weight (BEW), onboard crew (cockpit and cabin), and catering for crew and passenger Dry Operating Index (DOI) DOI is the generated moment of DOW divided with reduction factor defined by aircraft manufacturer Takeoff fuel Takeoff fuel is required fuel that must be available in aircraft fuel tanks before takeoff and it is the summation of: Trip fuel Is required fuel to complete mission (flight) from departure airport to destination airport Alternate fuel Is required fuel for the case of if landing at destination airport is not safe due visibility below minimum, or runway is not available, alternate fuel would be sufficient to fly to alternate airport Reserve fuel Is additional fuel must be on boarded for unpredicted condition in flight such as flight level change other than prescribed flight level on flight plan which is called optimum altitude, wind direction and value change other than wind direction and value prediction made on flight plan (main concern is more headwind than calculated upon, ……) Contingency fuel Is a percentage of additional calculated trip fuel to meet actual trip fuel, the reason is all data in aircraft flight manual specially the fuel flow is based on new aircraft and engine, as the aircraft and engines ages, the fuel flow increases, therefore flight operations engineering department need to study the issue and release the contingency fuel to meet calculated trip fuel with actual trip fuel Note: Taxi fuel is required fuel for taxing the aircraft from ramp to runway. Taxi fuel is not included in takeoff fuel Note: Summation of takeoff fuel and taxi fuel is called RAMP fuel Fuel tanks Aircraft fuel tanks are: “Center tank”, located in lower section of fuselage between FWD and AFT cargo compartment “Inner thanks”, located inside the wing close to fuselage “Outer tanks”, located inside the wing after main tanks “Tip tanks”, located at tip and inside the wing, the main goal of tip tanks are to prevent wing tip flapping Note: If an aircraft does not equipped with inner and outer tank, but has only one fuel tank instead inside each wing, the it called ‘Main tank” 7 “Additional Center Tank (ACT)” An additional tank is removable fuel tank may install in some aircraft like Airbus A-310 in AFT cargo compartment to carry additional tank, it is pipped to feed to center and vice versa On some modern aircraft, a fuel tank designed and placed inside horizontal stabilizer and called “trim tank”. A piping is connecting the center tank to trim tank for transferring some fuel to or from the center tank to trim tank (to balance the aircraft along lateral axis) to compensate aircraft nose or tail heavy flying condition. These type of aircraft are not equipped with stab trim unit on control column Landing fuel Landing fuel is the amount of fuel weight remaining in aircraft fuel tanks at destination airport. It is the difference between takeoff fuel and trip fuel Operating weight (OW) OW is the summation of DOW and takeoff fuel Maximum takeoff weight (Max. TOW) Max. TOW could be defined as: Max. TOW structural limit: This weight limitation is defined and set by aircraft manufacturer as a fixed value in which is limited by aircraft structure for takeoff Max. Performance limit weight: This limitation defines performance limitation for takeoff by considering the status of the runway, possible obstacle around the departure airport and weather condition Maximum landing weight (Max. Land Wt.) Max. Land. Wt. also need to be defined as: Max. Land Wt. structural limit: This weight limitation is defined and set by aircraft manufacturer as a fixed value in which is limited by aircraft structure for landing Max. Land Wt. Go-around limit: This limitation defines go-around performance limitation at destination airport by considering weather condition and the obstacle surrounding the airport Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) MZFW is defined as a fixed value set by aircraft manufacturer and it is the maximum aircraft weight without any usable fuel Maximum operating takeoff weight The concept of maximum operating takeoff weight is to define the maximum weight not to exceed any other maximums such as: Maximum takeoff weight limited (as described above) and select the lower weight value of structural or performance limit weight Maximum takeoff weight defined by summation of maximum landing weight (as described above) at destination airport and trip (mission) fuel weight Maximum takeoff weight defined by summation of maximum zero fuel weight (as described above) and takeoff fuel weight 8 Allowed traffic load Allowed traffic load is the maximum permissible payload for a trip and it is defined as the difference between maximum operating takeoff weight and operating weight Payload Payload is the summation of passenger, baggage and cargo weight Passenger Passenger are categorized as: Infants (I): The passenger ages from birth to two years old are called “Infant” and considered to be seated on his parent’s laps (no seat would be assign for infant) Child (Ch): The passenger ages between 2 years 12 years old are categorized as “Child” Adult (A): The passenger older than 12 years old are categorized as “Adult” passenger Note: Operation manual part A (OM-A) is reference for defining each passenger’s weight Transit payload (TR) Transit payload consist of passenger(s), passenger baggage and cargo (if exist) which on boarded form previous departure and continuing the trip to next destination with the same aircraft Passenger zoning Passenger section is usually divided into several zone for easy passenger handling by flight attendants, zone CG consideration, and …. are designated as: Zone 0A: Which is the most forward passenger section Zone 0B: It start right after zone 0A …… Baggage (B) Baggage is the passenger suitcases loaded into cargo compartments Cargo (C) Cargo is not carrying with passenger loaded into cargo compartments Mail (M) The parcel post loaded into cargo compartments Note: The summation of baggage, cargo and mail might be called “dead weight” Under load If actual payload is less than calculated allowed traffic load, then difference between allowed traffic load and actual payload is called under load Last Minute Change (LMC) LMC is the part of LTS (part of load sheet form) and it consist of destination airport, status of payload, whether the load is added or removed from aircraft and the weight of load. LMC usually completed by load sheet man. LMC must be completed if any changes occur (passenger or cargo) 9 being added or removed from aircraft after completion of LTS by load sheet man before captain approval Note: After captain signature (approval) of the LTS, nothing is allowed to be changed on LTS otherwise a new LTS with modified payload is substituted Forward cargo compartment (FCC) The lower fuselage space (compartment) designed in front of the wing designed for loading dead weight and it is called FCC Middle cargo compartment (Mid CC) Again the lower fuselage space (compartment) designed after aircraft wing is called Mid. CC for placing dead weight Note: Some aircraft is designed with two cargo compartments without MID CC After cargo compartment (AFT CC) Is located after Mid CC for placing cargo Bulk Is the most lower AFT small space which is used for loading aircraft equipment Note: FWD, Mid, and AFT CC are divided into several section and called: Hold 1, Hold 2, …. None revenue payload None revenue payload can be categorized as: None revenue passenger: Those on boarded passenger(s) are either the member of airline on a duty trip or are the free ticket passenger None revenue cargo: The suitcase belongs to none revenue passenger or the cargo belongs to airline shipping to destination Total passenger on board (Total PAX on board) Total passenger onboard in the summation of onboard adults, child(s), infant(s) Soul on board (SOB) The summation of total onboard passengers and all on duty staff such as flight crew, cabin crew, flight mechanic (if on boarded), air marshal(s) Significant information / notes (Sig. Info / note) The space is considered to inform on duty captain about any un usual payload 10 Load and trim sheet (LTS) form As the name LTS describes, the LTS is the consist of load sheet form and trim sheet form which might be separate forms or attaching next to each other and call it LTS Load sheet is mainly concerning with defining actual aircraft weight and comparing with allowable maximums (weight). If calculated actual payload exceeds maximums of allowed payload, then minimum offloading must be calculated for offloading and if calculated actual payload is less than the maximum allowed payload, then the captain will consider this benefit into takeoff performance for “reduce takeoff”. Before starting the load sheet form design, we need to know what information would be need to be available and made space for inserting and completing the form and then what we would expect the outcome of load sheet form requirement information to start designing and completion of a load sheet are: DOW from given DOW / DOI form based on: The number of cockpit crew (provided by dispatch office) The number of cabin crew (provided by dispatch office) The type of on boarded catering (can be extracted from DOW / DOI form) Takeoff and trip fuel (provided by dispatch office) Number of passenger and their status as adults, child, infant” (provided by traffic office) Weight of passenger baggage (provided traffic office) Cargo weight (if exist) (provided by cargo department) Transit payload weight (if exist), (provided by cargo department) The output data of load sheet form would be: Distribution of passenger into the passenger zones Distribution of baggage, cargo (if exist), transit weight (if exist) to be load into the cargo compartments Determination of underweight load (if exist) Calculation of offloading some payload in case of over weighing Confirmation of aircraft actual weight not exceeding aircraft weight limitation Determination of Last Minute Change payload (if exist) Designing load sheet By numbering each table which need to be designed in each section, it would be easier to follow 1. Designing load sheet header Alike every important letter or form, load sheet form need to have a header to contain general necessary information such as: Address: Where the load sheet form should be forwarded to, after completion and captain approval Time: The time in which the LTS form is completed (in UTC time zone only) for further implementation such as determination of flight delay (if happened) whether it was due to late LTS completion or other issued and … 11 Weight: To clarify the weight unit system used for calculation weather is in Metric system (Kg) or in English system (Lb) to match aircraft instrument and weight unit Flight number: To make certain the given information or calculated is appropriate for the correct flight Aircraft registration: To use the correct data from, proper DOW / DOI form as well as consideration of maximums limitations described by aircraft manufacturer Aircraft version: To clearly identify the number and status and availability of passenger seats in every zone like number of seats in business class, the number of seats in economy class, … On duty crew: To clarify the number of cockpit, cabin and possible other on duty officer like flight mechanic or air-marshal(s) in flight for weight and index calculation Date: To clarify and match flight date with other flight document(s), the date format must be either in” MM-DD-YY” or “DD-MM-YY”, where MM describes the month, DD describe the day and YY describes the year like “6/24/2022” which is Jun 24th, 2022 Note: Sine output calculation from LTS must be accurate without any error as well as to clarify any ambiguity, then designing a LTS specially the load sheet need be in such a way to assign a space (square) for every and each number, letter or sign which make it easy for calculation as well as easy for reading and follow up Perfix Address Address Address Time Hr Min Weight Kg Lb Originator Flight number Aircraft register Version Crew / Date MM DD YY / 2. Designing operating weight (OW) calculation Following table is proper design to calculated operating weight which would be the summation of DOW (based on number of cockpit and cabin crew on duty, and flight catering) extracted from DOW / DOI form Takeoff fuel provided by dispatch office Dry Operating Weight Takeoff fuel + Operating Weight = Note: LTS form usually is made of several copies which need to be forwarded to different department as described in header section (in address section), for easy handling and neat appearance, LTS is always is made of None Carbon Required (NCR) type paper in different 12 color, which the front one (the white color) is belong to cockpit, the second copy must be handed to flight purser, third copy usually file in LTS office for reference in case of aircraft crash or … and one copy is always forwarded to commercial department. If load sheet man makes any mistake on calculation or writing, since correction typing liquid is not allowed, the load sheet man has no other choice but to renew the form (because, if he uses the eraser for erasing the mistake, the respected spaces on other form will be totally darken and unreadable because of eraser pressure used for correction on front page). It could be good advice to make the calculation result row or the conclusion row section in two rows. If load sheet man make mistake on calculation or miss writing, he can cross the mistake row and correct result could be shown on next row without renewing the LTS form DOW Takeoff fuel + Operating weight = 3. Design of a table for determination of advisable maximum takeoff weight The main table which carefully need to be designed is the one describes the maximum possible takeoff weight, which include aircraft DOW, takeoff fuel and payload. Since aircraft DOW is fixed, and takeoff fuel is vital and modifying it (consider less fuel weight) is not allowed, therefore the only parameter which could be modified up to maximum permissible takeoff weight is payload, that is if summation of above parameters exceed maximum permissible takeoff weight, then payload must be modified (reduced). Max. Wt. for TO fuel + TOW = Zero fuel weight Takeoff weight Landing weight Trip fuel + Selec lowest OW - Allowed PL = Actual PL - Under load = Determination of maximum allowable takeoff weight (denoted as selected the lowest) is limited by either on: TOW defined on zero fuel weight column TOW defined on takeoff weight column TOW defined on landing weight column Repetition of Operating Weight calculation of maximum takeoff weight by concerning Maximum zero fuel weight and takeoff fuel 13 Structural limit or performance limit takeoff weight Maximum landing weight and trip fuel Selection of maximum allowed traffic payload by comparing the lowest TOW described above Reputation of OW for determination maximum allowable payload Repetition of actual payload Determination of underload (if any) by defining the difference between maximum allowed payload and actual payload Note: If calculated payload is greater than allowed traffic load, offloading is a must and the amount can be determined by the difference between actual payload and allowed traffic load 4. Design for calculation of passenger weight A table need to be designed for calculation of passenger weight, passenger weight must be considered according to airlines operation manual part A (OM-A) Passenger weight calculation according to operations manual (OM -A) Adult (No. x Wt.) Child (No. x wt.) + Infant (No. x wt) + Total PAX weight = Note: An airline may separate the adult gender (Male/Female) for weight consideration concern, then additional row for adult must be considered. Passenger weight calculation according to operations manual (OM -A) Adult, male (No. x Wt.) Adult, female (No. x Wt.) + Child (No. x wt.) + Infant (No. x wt) + Total PAX weight = Adult weight for male by multiplying the number of adult by adult weight according to airline operation manual part A (OM-A)” Adult weight for female by multiplying the number of adult by adult weight according to airline operation manual part A (OM-A)” Child weight (if any) by multiplying the number of child by child weight according to airline operation manual part A (OM-A)” 14 Infant weight (if any) by multiplying the number of infant by infant weight according to airline operation manual part A (OM-A)” Summation of total passenger weight denoted “Total PAX weight” 5. Design for clarifying more detail of passenger status and indication of positioning the dead weight in cargo compartments The following table clarifies the status of passenger, the status of dead weight with loading respected loading position in cargo compartment. It also describes the none revenue passenger and cargo (if any), as: Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) (I) Cargo status Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Bulk None revenue PAX Cargo Tr B C M Total cargo weight = Specification of destination airport denoted by (Dest.) Repetition of number of adult (A), child (C) and infant (I) onboard as described above in part 4 Denoting of existence of any transit passenger (if exist) on “Tr” row Note: If airline requires adult gender, the adult column modifies from (A) into (AM) and (AF) which is Adult Male and Adult Female respectively Dest. No. of PAX (AM) (AF) Cargo status ( C) (I) Tr B C M Total cargo weight = Transit payload (Tr) reported by traffic department which include passenger, passenger baggage, cargo, mail (if exist) or every deadweight transiting to next destination Passenger baggage weight (B) reported by traffic department Cargo weight (C) reported by cargo department (if exist) Mail weight (M) reported by cargo department (if exist) Total dead weight (Total cargo weight) On cargo compartment, the amount of weight and its status in every compartment must be identified 15 Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) (I) Cargo status Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Bulk None revenue PAX Cargo Tr B C M Total cargo weight = Distribution of transit weight in different cargo compartment (if exist) Distribution of baggage weight in different cargo compartment Distribution of cargo weight in different cargo compartment (if exist) Distribution of mail weight in different cargo compartment (if exist) Note: If an aircraft has middle cargo compartment, then a MID CC will be added between FCC and AFT CC Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Mid. CC Bulk Note: No passenger baggage, cargo or mail is allowed to be loaded in bulk section without captain approval. Some airline may allow to load crew baggage in bulk who are laying over at destination after a long haul (flight) like flying into different continental Also a table for none revenues section such as: Number of adult, child, infant (if exist) Amount of deadweight like none revenue passenger baggage possible aircraft spare part, company mail, … 6. Design for last minute change (LMC) table As described earlier, LTS form must be completed with zero error, in order to prevent to renewing the load sheet in case of adding to or removing from aircraft after LTS is completed but has not been signed and approved by captain, a table must be designed and added to load sheet from for LMC to inform crew and proper departments for any embarking or disembarking payload either passenger or dead weight. It should be noted the total amount of last minute change in regard of weight must not require to modify the stab trim setting (that is to scratch the old stab trim setting and rewrite the new one), therefore a limitation weight must be introduced either for embark or disembarking in LMC 16 It should be also remembered, after captain approval, no matter the amount of payload even if for a small weight modification, LTS must be renewed. LMC table must consist: Destination: To describe the final destination of the payload, denoted as “Dest.” Specification: To describe the status of the payload weather it is passenger, baggage, Cargo or mail + /- sign: To clarify whether the payload is embarking (adding payload to aircraft and remarking by “+” sign) or disembarking (removing payload from aircraft remarking “-“ sign) Compartment: To specify where the payload added to or removed from Weight: To specify the weight of the said payload Total: The summation of all the payload for LMC with proper finalized “+/-“ sign in proper column Last Minute Change (LMC) Dest. Specification + / - Comp Weight Total = 7. Designing for summary or finalizing data To finalize the weight calculation on weight form, a table need to be designed for summary and totalizing the calculation. It is a good advice to have some checkpoint for comparing the final calculation for actual weight with aircraft maximums in which the manufacturer introduced to not to exceed 17 Total PAX weight Cargo weight + Actual trafic load = DOW + Actual ZFW = Compare with MZFW Takeoff fuel + Actual TOW = Comp with allowed TOW Trip fuel Actual landing weight = Comp. with Max Land Wt. The summary and finalizer table need to include: Pax weight: Total passenger weight consisting onboard adult, child and infant Cargo weight: Total passenger baggage, cargo, mail, and transit weight (if exist) Actual traffic load: That would be the summation of passenger and dead weight (it should not exceed “allowed traffic load” described in section 3) DOW: Repetition of DOW from section 2 Actual ZFW: Is the summation of actual traffic load and DOW Max. ZFW (Compare): At this stage actual ZFW need to be compared with Max. ZFW to not to exceed aircraft Max. ZFW described in section 3 Takeoff fuel: Repetition of takeoff fuel in section 2 Actual TOW: By definition, actual takeoff weight is the summation of takeoff fuel to actual ZFW Max. TOW (Compare): At this stage the actual TOW need to be compare with maximum allowed TOW defined in section 2 to not to exceed the maximum allowed TOW Trip fuel: Duplication of trip fuel defined in section 2 Actual landing weight: The difference between actual takeoff weight and trip fuel 18 Maximum landing weight (compare): Actual landing weight need to be compared with maximum landing weight defined in section 3 8. Design of significant information, note to captain This space must be designed to inform the captain and ground crew at destination about any possible significant in regard of passenger status or loading such as: Status of any onboard passenger with stretcher, … Special loading such as dangerous goods, … A table also need to be designed for cross check of passenger and onboard crew. Since this is the last part of load sheet form, therefore it seems it is good space for significant information (Sig. Info), notice to captain (note) as well as the number of passenger and sole onboard like: T PAX: Total passenger onboarded which would be the summation of number of adults, childs, and infants SOB: Total sole onboard which would be the summation of T PAX, cockpit, cabin crew and on duty officer such as flight mechanic, air marshal,… Sig. Info Notes T PAX SOB The design and arranging the tables on load sheet is flight operation department responsibility to consider the cockpit crew point of view as well as possible advice from ground department, a load sheet tables could be arranged so that it would be easy for cockpit crew for glancing the form from top to bottom well as be easy for ground crew (load sheet man) to fill up the form without any confusion. Since LTS is one of the most important flight document, therefore the load sheet man who make the calculation and fill up the form as well as the captain who glancing and approving the LTS 19 need to take the full responsibility of accuracy of the calculation, therefore a table need to be designed for load sheet man name and his signature who prepared the LTS as well as the name and signature of captain who approved LTS Prepared by: Approved by: Note: If load sheet and trim sheet are made in one page with one next to other, then above table is sufficiently enough to be part of load sheet or trim sheet, but if load sheet and trim sheet is provided in two separate sheet, then the prepare and approved table must be e1xist on both form 20 9. Completion of load sheet from (with spare row consideration for calculation mistake) Perfix Address Address Address Time Hr Weight Kg Lb Min Originator Flight number Aircraft register DOW Takeoff fuel + Operating weight = Total PAX weight = Cargo status (I) Crew / Max. Wt. for Passenger weight calculation according to operations manual (OM -A) Adult (No. x Wt.) Child (No. x wt.) + Infant (No. x wt) + Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) Version TO fuel + TOW = Zero fuel weight Date MM DD YY / Takeoff weight Landing weight Trip fuel + Selec lowest OW - Allowed PL = Actual PL - Under load = Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Bulk None revenue PAX Cargo Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Bulk None revenue PAX Cargo Tr B C M Total cargo weight Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) = Cargo status (I) Tr B C M Total cargo weight Total PAX weight Cargo weight = + Actual trafic load = DOW + Actual ZFW = Last Minute Change (LMC) Dest. Specification + / - Comp Weight Sig. Info Notes Compare with MZFW Takeoff fuel + Actual TOW = Comp with allowed TOW Trip fuel - Total = Prepared by: Approved by: T PAX Actual landing weight = Comp. with Max Land Wt. Prepa red by fl i ght opera ti ons engi neeri ng depa rtment SOB Revi ri on da te: Revi s i on No.: 21 Completion of load sheet form (without spare row consideration for calculation mistake) Perfix Address Address Address Time Hr Weight Kg Lb Min Originator Flight number Aircraft register DOW Takeoff fuel Operating weight Version Crew / Max. Wt. for + = TO fuel TOW Zero fuel weight + = Date MM DD Takeoff weight Landing weight Trip fuel + Passenger weight calculation according to operations manual (OM -A) Adult (No. x Wt.) Child (No. x wt.) + Infant (No. x wt) + Total PAX weight = Selec lowest Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Bulk None revenue PAX Cargo Cargo compartment weight distribution FWD CC AFT CC Bulk None revenue PAX Cargo (I) Cargo status OW Allowed PL Actual PL Under load YY / = = Tr B C M Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) (I) Total cargo weight Cargo status Tr B C M = PAX weight Cargo weight + Actual trafic load = DOW + Actual ZFW = Compare with MZFW Takeoff fuel + Actual TOW = Comp with allowed TOW Trip fuel Actual landing weight = Comp. with Max Land Wt. Total Prepa red by fl i ght opera ti ons engi neeri ng depa rtment Last Minute Change (LMC) Dest. Specification + / - Comp Weight Sig. Info Note Total LMC Prepared by: = Approved by: T PAX SOB Revi ri on da te: Revi s i on No.: 22 Designing trim sheet Designing a trim sheet is more important than designing load sheet, because trim sheet discuss about trimming the aircraft in regard of aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) position to specify proper input of horizontal stabilizer trim for balancing the aircraft to prevent flying with aircraft nose up or down Trim sheet is consisting of nine parts, which a tables for each part need to be designed, they are: 1. Design of index calculation table for passenger compartments 2. Design of index calculation table for cargo compartments 3. Design of index calculation table for fuel tanks 4. Design of index calculation for takeoff at departure airport 5. Stabilizer trim 6. Design of index calculation for landing at destination airport 7. Design of CG envelope 8. Space consideration for load sheet man name and his signature 9. Space consideration for captain name and his signature for approval The input for trim sheet are: DOI, it must be extracted from DOW / DOI form Passenger index positioned in each passenger zone The dead weight loaded into each zone (distributed) Fuel distribution index in fuel tanks The output of trim sheet would be Aircraft CG position for takeoff in term of percentage of Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Aircraft CG position for landing in term of percentage of MAC Required Stabilizer trim setting (Stab. Setting) Trim sheet is mostly considering the generated moment by different weight with respect to their position in aircraft, therefore it is requiring to design a trim sheet for every and each aircraft. Trim sheet could be used for more than one aircraft if the aircrafts are the same type, the same maximum weights, the same LOPA, and the same ….. It requires to use aircraft weight and balance manual issued by manufacturer and respected LOPA form issued by respected airline In this regard Boeing 737- 400 with all economy seat version is selected Note: If any notice need to be mentioned or need to be considered in any part of trim sheet, it should be mention and boxed The index formula for every aircraft follows the same formula as: Wt. * (Sta. – Ref. Sta.) Index = K + -----------------------------C Where: Weight (Wt.): Is the actual weight to be involved in calculation 23 Station (Sta.): Is the horizontal distance in length from station zero Reference station (Ref. Sta.): Is selected station around which all indexes are calculated and for Boeing 737-400 it was set to be by Boeing manufacturer as 648.5 K: Constant value advised by Boeing manufacturer as a plus value to avoid negative index figure to be 40 C: Constant value advised by Boeing manufacturer as denominator to convert moment value into index value to be 30,000 Therefore, the formula for Boeing 737-400 will be simplify to: Wt. * (Sta. – 648.5) Index = 40 + --------------------------30,000 Note: When calculation of index for total weight such as DOW is the concern, then above formula must be used, but if the index of a part or an item is required to be calculated, then the formula will be modified to: Wt. * (Sta. – 648.5) Index = --------------------------30,000 1. Designing passenger index table To start designing / calculating passenger index table, respected aircraft LOPA form must be available. Some general LOPA forms are provided in aircraft (in our sample Boeing 737-400) weight and balance manual. If passenger setting is other than what is mentioned in aircraft weight and balance manual, then airline LOPA need to be used for reference calculation It is possible and may use weight section form of LTS for other type of aircraft cautiously, but trim sheet must be exclusively used for every specific aircraft Since the weight and location of cockpit and cabin crew as well as the galleys are fixed, therefore the index value for cockpit and cabin crew, catering is already calculated and presented in DOW /DOI form Following LOPA for all economy with 168 economy seat is considered for passenger section Since passenger seats in weight and balance manual is not divided into section, let’s for the sake of exercise divide cabin section into three zone as: Zone 0A from row one to ten Zone 0B from row eleven to row twenty 24 Zone 0C from row twenty to row twenty nine Let’s consider an OM-A of an airline which described the adult weight is 84 Kg. (always considering passenger seat occupied by adult passenger) By using every row Body Station (B.S.) then design of passenger section is possible 25 Zone 0A Zone 0B Zone 0C 26 Since Boeing 737-400 weight and balance manual consider passenger economy class as a whole and has not divided into zone, let’s follow an imaginary airline and make an imaginary LOPA and separated the passenger section into three zones as: Zone 0A with 10 rows (from row 1 up to row 10) with 56 passenger seats (by referring to passenger location table, row one has only two seats Zone 0B with 10 rows (from row 11 up to row 20) with 60 passenger seats Zone 0C with 9 rows (from row 21 to end) with 54 passenger seats Note: One of the benefit for airlines to zone the passenger cabin section is when the aircraft is not full, then airline can close one zone which would benefit for airline for cleaning (the closed zone stay clean and no need to clean it at next station as well as it is easier for flight attendant for handling and servicing) As to passenger location table on Boeing 737-400 weight and balance indicates, row one has two seats at B.S. 213. By using modified index formula, we have: Passenger weight for two available seat = 2 * 84 = 168 Kg 168 * (213 – 648.5) Index adjustment for row 1 would be = --------------------------- = - 2.4388 or - 2.4 30,000 If aircraft has only eight passengers and occupying first and second row, then for the second row: Passenger weight for seated on second row = 6 * 84 = 504 Kg 504 * (242 – 648.5) Index adjustment for row 1 would = --------------------------- = - 6.8292 or - 6.83 30,000 Therefore, index adjustment for first and second row would be: (- 2.4388) + (- 6.8292) = - 9.268 or -9.7 For row 21only, the index would be: 504 * (813 – 648.5) Index adjustment for only row 21 would = --------------------------- = + 2.7636 or about 2.8 30,000 Or when B.S. gets greater than 648.5, the index adjustment turns into positive value It has been experienced that during high workload either for load sheet man who preparing LTS or the captain who glancing the LTS for approval, it is easily possible to make mistake and might ignore the negative or positive index value, therefore a method need to be introduced for trim 27 sheet users not to worry about the index sign and add them all, in that case all index value must be positive which enable the trim sheet designer to follow as: Let’s introduce the value 100 and set it as maximum index value For negative index value only like -2.4 (as an example), substitute it with 100 – 2.4 = 97.6 Leave positive index value as it is Make an instruction box as “enter CG envelope with last two index value and omit the hundredth” Therefore, the index value for row one would be 100 - 2.4 = 97.6 Or for combination of row 1 and 2, instead of – 9.3 index value we could substitute with 100 – 9.3 = 90.7 and so on Index value for passenger table would be as follow Passenger zone Zone 0A Zone 0B Zone oC Max. PAX = 56 Max. PAX = 60 Max. PAX = 54 Actual PAX: Actual PAX: Actual PAX: No. of PAX Index No. of PAX Index No. of PAX Index 0- 2 97.6 1 - 6 97.6 1 - 6 2.8 3- 8 90.7 7 - 12 95.6 7 - 12 6.0 9 - 14 84.4 13 - 18 94.1 13 - 18 9.8 15 - 20 78.5 19 - 24 93.3 19 - 24 14.0 21 - 26 73.2 25 - 30 93.2 25 - 30 18.7 27 - 32 68.3 31 - 36 93.5 31 - 36 23.9 33 - 38 63.9 37 - 42 94.3 37 - 42 29.6 39 - 44 60.0 43 - 48 95.6 43 - 48 35.8 45 - 50 56.6 49 - 54 97.4 49 - 54 42.4 51 - 56 53.6 55 - 60 99.7 In this format, there are: Indication of maximum passenger seat available in each zone Space for indication of actual passenger occupying in each zone Column of passenger from first row and on Respected index value for total passengers Let’s calculate the index value when there are only 72 passengers which 56 are seated in zone 0A and the rest which are 16 passengers are seated in in zone 0B, the total index would be: For 56 passengers in zone 0A with index value of 53.6 94.1 index value for remaining 16 passengers in first three row of zone 0B 28 Total passenger index value for 72 passengers would be 53.6 + 94.1 = 147.7 Since it is advised to omit hundredth digit, therefore the final figure would be + 47.7 2. Designing cargo compartment table Designing cargo compartment table follows the same procedure as passenger section and: it is fairly good assumption to consider compartment CG position as compartment B.S. It is designer choice about the dead weight increment We design index value table for cargo compartment with 200 Kg increment Following compartment weight table is extracted from B. 737-400 weight and balance manual 29 In cargo compartment format, there are: Maximum cargo weight in FCC of 3,304 Kg as set by Boeing 737-400 manufacturer Maximum cargo weight in AFT CC of 4,187 Kg as set by Boeing 737-400 manufacturer Space for actual dead weight in each compartment The weight increment of 200 Kg with respected index value in each cargo compartment As described above for each cargo compartment B.S. determination, the: FCC CG B.S. is (228 + 500) / 2 = 364 AFT CC CG B.S. is (731 + 1,096) / 2 = 913.5 Using the same modified index formula as used in passenger section, index formula for the first 100 Kg in FCC would be: 100 * (364 – 648.5) Index Add. for 100 Kg in FCC would = --------------------------- = - 0.943 or – 0.94 30,000 Or 100 – 0.94 = 99.06 and so on Cargo compartment FCC AFT CC Max. Wt. = 3,304 Kg Max. Wt. = 4,187 Kg Act Wt. Act Wt. Wright Index Wright Index 0 - 200 98.1 0 - 200 201 - 400 96.2 201 - 400 401 - 600 94.3 401 - 600 601 - 800 92.4 601 - 800 801 - 1,000 90.5 801 - 1,000 1,001 - 1,200 88.6 1,001 - 1,200 1,201 - 1,400 86.7 1,201 - 1,400 1,401 - 1,600 84.8 1,401 - 1,600 1,601 - 1,800 82.9 1,601 - 1,800 1,801 - 2,000 81.0 1,801 - 2,000 2,001 - 2,200 79.1 2,001 - 2,200 2,201 - 2,400 77.2 2,201 - 2,400 2,401 - 2,600 75.3 2,401 - 2,600 3,601 - 2,800 73.4 3,601 - 2,800 2,801 - 3,000 71.6 2,801 - 3,000 3,001 - 3,200 69.7 3,001 - 3,200 3,201 - 3,304 68.7 3,201 - 3,400 3,401 - 3,600 3,601 - 3,800 3,801 - 4,000 4,001 - 4,187 1.8 3.5 5.3 7.1 8.8 10.6 12.4 14.1 15.9 17.7 19.4 21.2 23.0 24.7 26.5 28.3 30.0 31.8 33.6 35.3 37.0 30 3. Designing fuel index table Designing fuel index is the same as other table. Fuel tank data in Boeing 737-400 weight and balance manual is given in liter and gallon, to convert it into kilogram, the fuel amount in liters must be multiplied by standard value of 0.80 (one liter of fuel weight is 800 grams or 0.80 Kg). Example: 1,750 liters fuel = 1,750 * 0.8 = 1,400 Kg and so on Since Boeing 737-400 wings are not rectangular neither the main fuel tanks inside the wings, therefore considering fuel tank CG for determination wing tank B.S. is not advisable, and the B.S. provided in weight and balance manual must be used The designer must: Convert the given fuel value in liter or gallon into kilogram Determine the B.S. for every increment of fuel used in his index value table Use the modified index value formula for determination of fuel index value Let’s exercise and calculate the index for 2,000 liters in main tanks Convert the 2,000 liters into kilogram, which would be 2,000 * 0.80 = 1,600 Kg According to fuel table below, the 2,000 liters fuel or 1,600 Kg fuel has B.S. of 615.5 Again using the modified index formula Fuel weight (Sta. B.S. - 648.5) Fuel index adjustment = ----------------------------------------30,000 1,600 * (615.5 – 648.5) Fuel index value for 2,000 liter or 1,600 Kg = ---------------------------------3,000 = - 1.76 Following the same procedure as above for negative index value, defined index value is 100 – 1.76 = 98.24 Same procedure need to be followed for calculating index value for center tank Note: The airline may ask the designer to combine the fuel tank index value into one table, it should be remembering that the designer must refer to aircraft fueling procedure, but in common, fueling is always fill-up the main tanks first and then the center tank. For example, if takeoff weight is 12,000 Kg, the index value would be: The summation of index value for 9,000 Kg fuel in main tanks with addition of 3,000 Kg fuel in center tank 31 32 In fuel tank index value table, there are The maximum fuel capacity fuel in main and center tanks Actual fuel weight in main and center tanks Fuel weight with respected index value Using same principal for negative index values and turn it into positive values Fuel tanks Main tanks Center tank Tanks capacity: 9,078 Tank capacity: 8,755 Actual fuel Actual fuel Fuel weight Index Fuel weight Index 1 - 500 99.3 1 - 500 99.2 501 - 1,000 98.8 501 - 1,000 98.4 1,001 - 1,500 98.3 1,001 - 1,500 97.7 1,501 - 2,000 97.9 1,501 - 2,000 96.9 2,001 - 2,500 97.6 2,001 - 2,500 96.1 2,501 - 3,000 97.3 2,501 - 3,000 95.4 3,001 - 3,500 97.0 3,001 - 3,500 94.6 3,501 - 4,000 96.8 3,501 - 4,000 93.8 4,001 - 4,500 96.6 4,001 - 4,500 93.0 4,501 - 5,000 96.4 4,501 - 5,000 92.3 5,001 - 5,500 96.3 5,001 - 5,500 91.5 5,501 - 6,000 96.3 5,501 - 6,000 90.7 6,001 - 6,500 96.0 6,001 - 6,500 89.9 6,501 - 7,000 96.5 6,501 - 7,000 89.2 7,001 - 7,500 97.1 7,001 - 7,500 88.4 7,501 - 8,000 97.9 7,501 - 8,000 87.5 8,001 - 8,500 99.0 8,001 - 8,500 86.7 8,501 - 9,078 0.5 8,501 - 8,755 86.0 4. Designing summary table Summary table need to be designed so that the user (load sheet man) can insert the extracted data from every and each table of trim sheet and insert them into summary table and follow the adding or subtracting sign to define total index value for takeoff, landing and zero fuel weight and then by entering the CG envelope graph with index values and respected weight, aircraft CG position in term of MAC can be obtained for determination of require stab trim setting. Summary table also must be so easy to follow for captain or first officer for conformation and …. 33 Calculation for takeoff index Dry operating index OA Passenger index OB OC FCC Cargo index AFT CC Zero fuel weight index Takeoff fuel index Takeoff weight index + + + + + = + = Calculation for landing index Zero fuel weight index Onboard remaining fuel index + Landing weight index = Note: Use the last two digit on right to enter the Center of Gravity (CG) envelope Takeoff CG (in % of MAC) Required Stab. Setting ZFW index (in % of MAC) Landing CG (in % of MAC) % % % Out of summary table, zero fuel index, takeoff index and landing index is our main concern for entering CG envelope graph Note: As the table advise, whatever the index value for zero fuel weight, takeoff weight and landing weight is, we must omit the hundredth for entering CG envelope 5. Designing Center of Gravity (CG) envelope table To design aircraft CG envelope, respected aircraft CG graph developed by manufacturer is require. To start with a square or a rectangular form must be made with index values from zero to one hundred scale on horizontal axis and weight scale on vertical one from lowest to highest value as described on CG envelope graph. For selected Boeing 737-400 aircraft is from 30,000 Kg to 70,000 Kg. the designer of CG envelope has the option for scaling and increment of the table as the airlines demand for 34 Weight 70,000 67,500 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 CG envelope Indexes 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Weight 70,000 67,500 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 On aircraft CG graph the CG of some limit weight point is given in percentage of Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), since the length of MAC is given therefore easily the percentage of MAC can be converted into the length of MAC by using: Given % of MAC x the length of MAC The length = -------------------------------------------------100 And since the B.S. of Leading Edge of MAC is also given, the B.S. of some percentage of MAC can be determined by summation of LEMAC B.S. and the calculated length Example: MAC length: Define 15% MAC LEMAC @ B.S. 160 inches 145 By using above formula, we have: 15 x 160 The length = --------------- = 24 inches 100 The B.S. of 15% of MAC = 145 + 24 = 169 35 (A) The above parts are extracted from Boeing 737-400 weight and balance manual, that indicates, the length of wing MAC = 134.5 inches and wing LEMAC B.S. is 625.6 Let’s calculate the index value for the weight specified in CG graph with respective percentage of MAC 4.0% MAC At first, the B.S. of 4.0% MAC must be calculated as: 4.0 * 134.6 4.0% of MAC = ------------------- = 5.4 inches 100 4.0% of MAC B.S. = 625.6 + 5.4 = 631.0 inches 36 The index for lowest weight in flight CG is 4.0% MAC and the index value will be: Lowest eight in flight * (Sta. B.S. - 648.5) Index adjustment = 40 + -----------------------------------------------------30,000 30,000 * (631.0 – 648.5) = 40 + -------------------------------- = 40 + (- 17.5) = 23.8 30,000 Same procedure must be followed for the specified position in CG graph and make the following table Position description Forward flight limit Forward flight limit Forward flight limit Forward takeoff and landing limit Forward takeoff and landing limit Forward takeoff and landing limit Forward takeoff and landing limit Forward takeoff and landing limit AFT limit AFT limit AFT limit AFT limit AFT limit AFT limit Location Length in % MAC Inch 4.00 5.4 4.00 5.4 5.00 6.7 5.00 6.7 5.00 6.7 5.00 6.7 5.00 6.7 6.00 8.1 26.00 35.0 28.80 38.7 29.30 39.4 29.70 39.9 30.60 41.2 24.50 33.0 Weight weigght Kg desription 631.0 30,000 Min. Wt. 631.0 51,255 Max.ZFW 632.3 54,884 Max. Land Wt. 632.3 30,000 Min. Wt. 632.3 51,255 Max. ZFW 632.3 54,884 Max. Land Wt. 632.3 60,994 633.7 62,822 Max. Takeoff weight 660.6 62,822 Max. Takeoff weight 664.3 59,874 665.0 54,884 Max. Land. Wt. 665.5 51,225 Max. ZFW 666.8 43,998 658.6 30,000 Min. Wt. B.S. Index 22.5 10.1 10.4 23.8 12.4 10.4 7.1 8.9 65.3 71.6 70.2 69.1 66.8 50.1 Since major position in CG graph is calculated, it should be plot in CG envelope table already made and connect the points to described the CG limit as well as lines to show Max. TakeOff Weight (Max. TOW), Max. Landing Weight (Max. Land Wt.) as well as Max. Zero Fuel Weight (Max. ZFW) with main index value formula which was: Wt. * (Sta. – 648.5) Index value = 40 + --------------------------30,000 37 Aurcraft Center of Gravity (CG) envelope Weight 67,500 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 Index / % MAC Weight 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 67,500 Max. TOW 65,000 62,500 60,000 Max. Land. Wt. 57,500 55,000 52,500 Max. ZFW 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 To finalize the CG envelope table, it is necessary to show the index lines for some MAC position with maximum and minimum weights such as (shown by red line: MAC in % Length B.S. Weight Index Inches Kg Value 5 6.7 632.3 30,000 23.83 5 6.7 632.3 67,500 3.61 10 13.5 639.1 30,000 30.55 10 13.5 639.1 67,500 18.74 15 20.2 645.8 30,000 37.28 15 20.2 645.8 67,500 33.87 20 26.9 652.5 30,000 44.00 20 26.9 652.5 67,500 49.00 25 33.6 659.2 30,000 50.73 25 33.6 659.2 67,500 64.13 30 40.4 666.0 30,000 57.45 30 40.4 666.0 67,500 79.26 35 47.1 672.7 30,000 64.18 35 47.1 672.7 67,500 94.39 38 It should be noted the CG envelope table designer has option instead of drawing 5% line of MAC (like the one we selected) he can make the lines more congested MAC line every 2% of MAC and so on 6. Designing stab trim setting table Aircraft manufacturer usually provide stab trim setting either in table or in graph. The relation between stab trim setting and aircraft CG position is generally can be achieved by a linear equation and its coefficient angle of relation between these two parameter can be calculated as: Y2 – Y1 M = ---------------------X2 – X1 Where: M is the coefficient of angle (relation between Aircraft CG versus Stab trim setting) Y2 is the first selected position on stab trim axis Y1 is the second selected position on stab trim axis X2 is the defined position of aircraft CG related to Y2 selection X1 is the defined position of aircraft CG related to Y1 selection Above is the relation between stab trim setting (on vertical axis) versus aircraft CG position (on horizontal axis) the above graph is designed for takeoff flap 5 (as the graph specify) Let’s select two points on stab setting (vertical axis) and find related value on aircraft CG (horizontal axis) like X1 = 10, then related Y1 become 5 and X2 = 26, then related Y2 become2.75 39 The relation value can be calculated as: 2.75 - 5 M = ------------ = - 0.12 26 - 10 Therefore, the formula for determination stab trim setting unit will be Stab trim setting unit = 6 + (-0.12) * % of MAC The same procedure need to be used for determination of stab trim setting formula for flab 15 and design the following table Percentage of MAC Flaps 6 Stab trim Flaps 15 Stab trim 5 5.4 5.1 Stab trim setting 10 15 4.8 4.2 4.3 3.5 20 3.6 2.7 25 3.0 1.8 30 2.4 1.2 Since all required tables are made, it is time to arrange them in a sheet and call it trim sheet 7Design for trim sheet header Header on trim sheet is mandatory which must at least consist: Aircraft registration Aircraft Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) Airlines logo Type of aircraft Airlines logo Aircraft type Aircraft registration Aircraft MSN Note: If load and trim sheet are attached and provided in a single page then revision date and revision number on one of the sheet is enough (like bottom of load sheet), but if load sheet and trim sheet are provided separately or provided into two separate sheet, then revision date, and revision number on both sheets are mandatory Revision date or revision number on load sheet and trim sheet does not have to be the same, because any of the sheet could be revised frequently while the other one may not 40 7. Completion of trim sheet form Airline logo Aircraft MSN / Regitration Tota index summary Dry Operating Index Passenger zone index Cargo compartment inde 0A + 0B + 0C + FCC + ACC + Zero fuel weight index = Takeoff fuel index + Takeoff weight index = Zer fuel weight index Trip fuel weigth index Landing weight index = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % % % Takeoff CG position % of MAC = . Landing CG position % of MAC = . ZFW CG position % of MAC = . Stab. Trim requirement . Note: Use the last two digits on right of index table to enter the center of gravity (CG) envelope Fuel tank capacity and index Main tanks Center tank Capacity 9,078 Kg Capacity 8,755 Kg Fuel Wt.: Fuel Wt.: 0 - 500 99.3 0 - 500 99.2 501 - 1,000 98.8 501 - 1,000 98.4 1,000 - 1,500 98.3 1,000 - 1,500 97.7 1,501 - 2,000 97.9 1,501 - 2,000 96.9 2,001 -2,500 97.6 2,001 -2,500 96.1 2,501 - 3,000 97.3 2,501 - 3,000 95.4 3,001 - 3,500 97.0 3,001 - 3,500 94.6 3,501 - 4,000 96.8 3,501 - 4,000 93.8 4,001 - 4,500 96.6 4,001 - 4,500 93.0 4,501 - 5,000 96.4 4,501 - 5,000 92.3 5,001 - 5,500 96.3 5,001 - 5,500 91.5 5,501 - 6,000 96.3 5,501 - 6,000 90.7 6,001 - 6,500 96.0 6,001 - 6,500 89.9 6,501 - 7,000 96.5 6,501 - 7,000 89.2 7,001 - 7,500 97.1 7,001 - 7,500 88.4 7,501 - 8,000 97.9 7,501 - 8,000 87.5 8,001 - 8,500 99.0 8,001 - 8,500 86.7 8,501 - 9,078 0.5 8,501 - 8,755 86.0 Aurcraft Center of Gravity (CG) envelope Weight 67,500 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 Index / % MAC Weight 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 67,500 Max. TOW 65,000 62,500 60,000 Max. Land. Wt. 57,500 55,000 52,500 Max. ZFW 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Horizontal stabilizer setting (Stab. Setting) Percentage of MAC 5 Flaps 5 Stab trim setting 5.4 Flaps 15 Stab trim setting 5.1 Fl i ght opera ti on engi neeri ng depa rtment 10 4.8 4.3 15 20 4.2 3.6 3.5 2.7 Revision No.: 25 3 1.8 Aircraft type Cargo capacity and index Forward cargo comp. Aft cargo comp. Capacity 3,304 Kg Capacity 4,187 Kg Cargo Wt.: Cargo Wt.: 0 - 200 98.1 0 - 200 1.8 201 - 400 96.2 201 - 400 3.5 401 - 600 94.3 401 - 600 5.3 601 - 800 92.4 601 - 800 7.1 801 - 1,000 90.5 801 - 1,000 8.8 1,001 - 1,200 88.6 1,001 - 1,200 10.6 1,201 - 1,400 86.7 1,201 - 1,400 12.4 1,401 - 1,600 84.8 1,401 - 1,600 14.1 1,601 - 1,800 82.9 1,601 - 1,800 15.9 1,801 - 2,000 81.0 1,801 - 2,000 17.7 2,001 - 2,200 79.1 2,001 - 2,200 19.4 2,201 - 2,400 77.2 2,201 - 2,400 21.2 2,401 - 2,600 75.3 2,401 - 2,600 23.0 2,601 - 2,800 73.4 2,601 - 2,800 24.7 2,801 - 3,000 71.6 2,801 - 3,000 26.5 3,001 - 3,200 69.7 3,001 - 3,200 28.3 3,201 - 3,304 68.7 3,201 - 3,400 30.0 3,401 - 3,600 31.8 3,601 - 3,800 33.6 3,801 - 4,000 35.3 4,001 - 4,187 37.0 Passenger zone index Zone 0A Zone oB PAX seat: 56 PAX seat: 60 PAX: PAX: 1 - 2 97.6 1 - 6 97.6 3 - 8 90.7 7 - 12 95.6 9 - 14 84.4 13 - 18 94.1 15 - 20 78.5 19 - 24 93.3 21 - 26 73.2 25 - 30 93.2 27 - 32 68.3 31 - 36 93.5 33 - 38 63.9 37 - 42 94.3 39 - 44 60.0 43 - 48 95.6 45 - 50 56.6 49 - 54 97.4 51 - 56 53.6 54 - 60 99.7 Prepared by: Zone 0C PAX seat: 54 PAX: 1 - 6 2.8 7 - 12 6.0 13 - 18 9.8 19 - 24 14.0 25 - 30 18.7 31 - 36 23.9 37 - 42 29.6 43 - 48 35.8 49 - 54 42.4 Approved by: 30 2.4 1.2 Revision date: 41 Load and trim sheet on one page Perfix Originator Flight number DOW Takeoff fuel Address Operating weight (I) (I) + = Actual trafic load + = = Tr B C M Address Aircraft register Cargo status = Tr B C M Cargo status = Passenger weight calculation according to operations manual (OM -A) Adult (No. x Wt.) Child (No. x wt.) + Infant (No. x wt) + Total PAX weight Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) Total cargo weight Dest. No. of PAX (A) ( C) Total cargo weight DOW = + Actual ZFW = + PAX weight Cargo weight Compare with MZFW Takeoff fuel Total Actual TOW = Comp with allowed TOW Trip fuel Actual landing weight Comp. with Max Land Wt. Version TO fuel = + Max. Wt. for TOW OW - = - Selec lowest Allowed PL = Actual PL Under load Address Crew / Zero fuel weight / Time Hr + / - Comp Weight Trip fuel Takeoff weight Cargo compartment weight distribution AFT CC Bulk FWD CC = Cargo compartment weight distribution AFT CC Bulk FWD CC Last Minute Change (LMC) Dest. Specification Total YY Weight Kg Lb DD Landing weight Date MM Min + None revenue PAX Cargo None revenue PAX Cargo Sig. Info Notes T PAX SOB = ACC + FCC + 0A + 0B + 0C + Airline logo Tota index summary Dry Operating Index Passenger zone index Cargo compartment inde Zero fuel weight index . . . . . . . Takeoff fuel index + . . Takeoff weight index = . Zer fuel weight index . Trip fuel weigth index . . Landing weight index = . Takeoff CG position % of MAC = . % Landing CG position % of MAC = . % ZFW CG position % of MAC = . % Stab. Trim requirement . Note: Use the last two digits on right of index table to enter the center of gravity (CG) envelope Aircraft MSN / Regitration Fuel tank capacity and index Main tanks Center tank Capacity 9,078 Kg Capacity 8,755 Kg Fuel Wt.: Fuel Wt.: 0 - 500 99.3 0 - 500 99.2 501 - 1,000 98.8 501 - 1,000 98.4 1,000 - 1,500 98.3 1,000 - 1,500 97.7 1,501 - 2,000 97.9 1,501 - 2,000 96.9 2,001 -2,500 97.6 2,001 -2,500 96.1 2,501 - 3,000 97.3 2,501 - 3,000 95.4 3,001 - 3,500 97.0 3,001 - 3,500 94.6 3,501 - 4,000 96.8 3,501 - 4,000 93.8 4,001 - 4,500 96.6 4,001 - 4,500 93.0 4,501 - 5,000 96.4 4,501 - 5,000 92.3 5,001 - 5,500 96.3 5,001 - 5,500 91.5 5,501 - 6,000 96.3 5,501 - 6,000 90.7 6,001 - 6,500 96.0 6,001 - 6,500 89.9 6,501 - 7,000 96.5 6,501 - 7,000 89.2 7,001 - 7,500 97.1 7,001 - 7,500 88.4 7,501 - 8,000 97.9 7,501 - 8,000 87.5 8,001 - 8,500 99.0 8,001 - 8,500 86.7 8,501 - 9,078 0.5 8,501 - 8,755 86.0 25 3 1.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 15 20 4.2 3.6 3.5 2.7 Revision No.: 100 30 2.4 1.2 Aurcraft Center of Gravity (CG) envelope Index / % MAC Weight Weight 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 67,500 Max. TOW 65,000 62,500 60,000 Max. Land. Wt. 57,500 55,000 52,500 Max. ZFW 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 67,500 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 Horizontal stabilizer setting (Stab. Setting) Percentage of MAC 5 10 Flaps 5 Stab trim setting 5.4 4.8 Flaps 15 Stab trim setting 5.1 4.3 Flight operation engineering department Aircraft type Cargo capacity and index Forward cargo comp.Aft cargo comp. Capacity 3,304 Kg Capacity 4,187 Kg Cargo Wt.: Cargo Wt.: 0 - 200 98.1 0 - 200 1.8 201 - 400 96.2 201 - 400 3.5 401 - 600 94.3 401 - 600 5.3 601 - 800 92.4 601 - 800 7.1 801 - 1,000 90.5 801 - 1,000 8.8 1,001 - 1,200 88.6 1,001 - 1,200 10.6 1,201 - 1,400 86.7 1,201 - 1,400 12.4 1,401 - 1,600 84.8 1,401 - 1,600 14.1 1,601 - 1,800 82.9 1,601 - 1,800 15.9 1,801 - 2,000 81.0 1,801 - 2,000 17.7 2,001 - 2,200 79.1 2,001 - 2,200 19.4 2,201 - 2,400 77.2 2,201 - 2,400 21.2 2,401 - 2,600 75.3 2,401 - 2,600 23.0 2,601 - 2,800 73.4 2,601 - 2,800 24.7 2,801 - 3,000 71.6 2,801 - 3,000 26.5 3,001 - 3,200 69.7 3,001 - 3,200 28.3 3,201 - 3,304 68.7 3,201 - 3,400 30.0 3,401 - 3,600 31.8 3,601 - 3,800 33.6 3,801 - 4,000 35.3 4,001 - 4,187 37.0 Zone 0C PAX seat: 54 PAX: 1 - 6 2.8 7 - 12 6.0 13 - 18 9.8 19 - 24 14.0 25 - 30 18.7 31 - 36 23.9 37 - 42 29.6 43 - 48 35.8 49 - 54 42.4 Approved by: Passenger zone index Zone 0A Zone oB PAX seat: 56 PAX seat: 60 PAX: PAX: 1 - 2 97.6 1 - 6 97.6 3 - 8 90.7 7 - 12 95.6 9 - 14 84.4 13 - 18 94.1 15 - 20 78.5 19 - 24 93.3 21 - 26 73.2 25 - 30 93.2 27 - 32 68.3 31 - 36 93.5 33 - 38 63.9 37 - 42 94.3 39 - 44 60.0 43 - 48 95.6 45 - 50 56.6 49 - 54 97.4 51 - 56 53.6 54 - 60 99.7 Prepared by: Revision date: 42 Summary The necessary parameters or table and order for designing load and trim sheet are described. It is the interest of the airline or designer to how to set up the tables in order, of course like every chart or form the user must be comfortable to follow for completion or follow-up. It is a good advice to set up the table so that the officer who completing or the cockpit crew who checking the numbers start from top, go through to bottom of the chart without any confusion. Computerized LTS is designed and called Departure Control Services (DCS). It follows the same rule and concept but in different format. DCS format load and trim sheet require the same input for completion and the output is also the same as load sheet and or trim sheet we discussed above. 43 Intentionally left blank 44 References Boeing 737 – 400 weight and balance, control and loading manual 45 View publication stats