CHAPTER 7 PR ROBLEM 7.1 7 4 ksi 3 ksi 708 8 ksi Foor the given sttate of stress, determine thee normal and shearing stressses exerted onn the oblique face of the shhaded trianguular element shown. s Use a method of anaalysis based on o the equilibrrium of that ellement, as waas done in the derivations of Sec. 7.1A. SOLUTION F 0: A 8 A cos 20 2 cos 20 3 A cos 20 sin 20 2 3 A sin 200 cos 20 4 A sin 20 sin 20 2 0 8cos 2 20 3cos 20 sin 20 3 sin 20 cos 20 4sin 2 20 0 9.46 ksi F 0: A 8 A cos 200 sin 20 3A A cos 20 cos 20 3 A sin 200 sin 20 4A A sin 20 cos 200 0 8coos 20 sin 20 3(cos2 20 sin 2 20) 4sin 4 20 cos 200 1.013 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1027 60 MPa PRO OBLEM 7.2 2 For th he given statee of stress, dettermine the noormal and sheearing stressess exerted on the oblique face off the shaded triangular t elem ment shown. Use U a methodd of analysis based d on the equilibbrium of that element, e as waas done in the derivations off Sec. 7.1A. 608 90 MPa M SO OLUTION F 0: A 90 9 A sin 30 coss 30 90 A cos 30 sin 30 60 A cos 30 ccos 30 0 180sin 30 cos c 30 60 coos 2 30 32.9 3 M Pa F 0: A 900 A sin 30 sin 30 3 90 A cos 30 cos 30 60 A cos 30 sinn 30 0 90(cos 2 30 sin 2 30) 60 cos 30 sin 30 71.0 7 M Pa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1028 PROBLEM M 7.3 10 ksi 6 ksi 758 For the giveen state of sttress, determiine the normaal and sheariing stresses exerted on thhe oblique faace of the shaaded triangulaar element shoown. Use a method of annalysis based on the equilibbrium of that element, as was w done in the derivationns of Sec. 7.1A A. 4 ksi SOLUTION F 0: A 4 A cos15 sin15 100 A cos15 cos115 6 A sin15 sin15 4 A sin15 cos155 0 4 coos15 sin15 10 cos 2 15 6sin 2 15 4sin15 4 cos155 10.93 1 ksi F 0: A 4 A cos15 cos15 10 A cos15 sin 15 6 A sin15 cos15 4 A sin15 sin155 0 4(ccos2 15 sin 2 15) (10 6) cos15 sin15 0.536 0 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1029 PROBLEM P 7.4 80 MPa M 40 MPa 558 For F the given state s of stress, determine thhe normal andd shearing streesses exerted on o the obliquee face of the shaded trianggular element shown. Use a method of analysis a based on the equilibbrium of that element, e as was w done in thee derivations of o Sec. 7.1A. SO OLUTION Streesses Areas Forces F 0: 0 A 80 A cos 55 cos555 40 A sin 55 sin 55 0 80 cos 2 55 40sin 2 55 0.5521 MPa F 0: 0 A 80 A cos 55 sin 55 5 40 A sin 55 cos 55 56.4 5 MPa 120 1 cos 55 sin 55 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1030 PROBLEM 7.5 40 MPa 35 MPa For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal stresses. 60 MPa SOLUTION x 60 MPa y 40 MPa xy 35 MPa (a) tan 2 p 2 xy x y (2)(35) 3.50 60 40 2 p 74.05 (b) max, min x y 2 p 37.0, 53.0 2 x y 2 xy 2 2 60 40 60 40 2 (35) 2 2 50 36.4 MPa max 13.60 MPa min 86.4 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1031 PROBLEM 7.6 10 ksi For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal stresses. 2 ksi 3 ksi SOLUTION x 2 ksi (a) tan 2 p 2 xy x y y 10 ksi xy 3 ksi (2)(3) 0.750 2 10 2 p 36.87 (b) max,min x y 2 p 18.4, 108.4 ◄ 2 x y 2 xy 2 2 2 10 2 10 2 (3) 2 2 6 5 ksi max 11.00 ksi ◄ min 1.000 ksi ◄ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1032 PROBLEM 7.7 30 MPa For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal stresses. 150 MPa 80 MPa SOLUTION x 150 MPa, (a) tan 2 p 2 xy x y y 30 MPa, xy 80 MPa 2(80 MPa) 1.33333 MPa (150 MPa 30 MPa) 2 p 53.130 and 126.870 p 26.6 and 63.4 ◄ (b) max,min x y 2 x y 2 xy 2 2 150 MPa 30 MPa 150 MPa 30 MPa 2 (80 MPa) 2 2 90 MPa 100 MPa max 190.0 MPa ◄ min 10.00 MPa ◄ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1033 PROBLEM 7.8 12 ksi 8 ksi For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal stresses. 18 ksi SOLUTION y 12 ksi x 18 ksi (a) tan 2 p 2 xy x y xy 8 ksi (2)(8) 0.5333 18 12 2 p 28.07 (b) max,min x y 2 p 14.0, 104.0 ◄ 2 x y 2 xy 2 2 18 12 18 12 2 (8) 2 2 3 17 ksi max 20.0 ksi ◄ min 14.00 ksi ◄ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1034 PROBLEM 7.9 40 MPa 35 MPa 60 MPa For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. SOLUTION x 60 MPa y 40 MPa xy 35 MPa (a) tan 2 s x y 60 40 0.2857 2 xy (2)(35) 2 s 15.95 s 8.0, 98.0 2 (b) max x y 2 xy 2 2 60 40 2 (35) 2 (c) ave x y 2 max 36.4 MPa 60 40 2 50.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1035 PROBLEM 7.10 10 ksi For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. 2 ksi 3 ksi SOLUTION y 10 ksi x 2 ksi (a) tan 2 s xy 3 ksi x y 2 10 1.33333 2 xy (2)(3) 2 s 53.13 s 26.6, 63.4 2 (b) x y 2 xy 2 max 2 2 10 2 (3) 2 max 5.00 ksi (c) ave x y 2 2 10 2 6.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1036 PROBLEM 7.11 30 MPa For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. 150 MPa 80 MPa SOLUTION x 150 MPa, (a) tan 2 s y 30 MPa, xy 80 MPa x y 150 30 0.750 2 xy 2(80) 2 s 36.87 and 216.87 s 18.4 and 108.4 2 (b) x y 2 xy 2 max 2 150 30 2 (80) 2 max 100.0 MPa (c) ave x y 2 150 30 2 90.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1037 PROBLEM 7.12 12 ksi 8 ksi For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. 18 ksi SOLUTION y 12 ksi x 18 ksi (a) tan 2 s xy 8 ksi x y 18 12 1.875 2 xy (2)(8) 2 s 61.93 s 31.0, 59.0 2 (b) x y 2 xy 2 max 2 18 12 2 (8) 2 max 17.00 ksi (c) ave x y 2 18 12 2 3.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1038 PROBLEM 7.13 8 ksi 5 ksi For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the element shown has been rotated through (a) 25 clockwise, (b) 10 counterclockwise. SOLUTION x 0 y 8 ksi xy 5 ksi x y 2 x x y 2 xy y (a) x y 4 ksi 2 x y 2 x y 2 4 ksi x y 2 sin 2 + xy cos 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 25 2 50 x 4 4 cos (50°) + 5 sin (50°) xy 4 sin (50) 5 cos (50) x 2.40 ksi xy 0.1498 ksi y 4 4 cos (50) 5 sin (50) (b) cos 2 + xy sin 2 y 10.40 ksi 10 2 20 x 4 4 cos (20°) + 5 sin (20°) x 1.951 ksi xy 4 sin (20°) + 5 cos (20°) xy 6.07 ksi y 4 4 cos (20°) 5 cos (20°) y 6.05 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1039 PROBLEM 7.14 90 MPa 30 MPa For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the element shown has been rotated through (a) 25 clockwise, (b) 10 counterclockwise. 60 MPa SOLUTION x 60 MPa y 90 MPa xy 30 MPa x y 2 x x y 2 xy y (a) x y 15 MPa x y 2 x y 2 2 x y 75 MPa cos 2 + xy sin 2 2 sin 2 + xy cos 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 25 2 50 x 15 75 cos (50) 30 sin (50) xy 75 sin (50) 30 cos (50) y 15 75 cos (50) 30 sin (50) (b) x 56.2 MPa xy 38.2 MPa y 86.2 MPa 10 2 20 x 15 75 cos (20°) + 30 sin (20°) x 45.2 MPa xy 75 sin (20°) + 30 cos (20°) xy 53.8 MPa y 15 75 cos (20°) 30 sin (20°) y 75.2 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1040 PROBLEM 7.15 12 ksi For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the element shown has been rotated through (a) 25 clockwise, (b) 10 counterclockwise. 8 ksi 6 ksi SOLUTION x 8 ksi y 12 ksi xy 6 ksi x y 2 2 ksi x x y 2 xy y (a) x y 2 x y 2 x y 2 10 ksi x y 2 sin 2 + xy cos 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 25 2 50 x 2 10 cos (50) 6 sin (50) x 9.02 ksi xy 10 sin ( 50) 6 cos (50) xy 3.80 ksi y 2 10 cos (50) 6 sin (50) (b) cos 2 + xy sin 2 y 13.02 ksi 10 2 20 x 2 10 cos (20°) 6 sin (20°) x 5.34 ksi xy 10 sin (20°) 6 cos (20°) xy 9.06 ksi y 2 10 cos (20°) + 6 sin (20°) y 9.34 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1041 PROBLEM 7.16 80 MPa For the given state of stress, determine the normal and shearing stresses after the element shown has been rotated through (a) 25 clockwise, (b) 10 counterclockwise. 50 MPa SOLUTION x 0 y 80 MPa xy 50 MPa x y 2 x x y 2 xy y (a) x y 40 MPa x y 2 x y 2 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 sin 2 + xy cos 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 25 2 50 x 40 40 cos (50) 50 sin (50°) (b) 40 MPa x 24.0 MPa xy 40 sin (50°) 50 cos (50) xy 1.498 MPa y 40 40 cos (50) 50 sin (50) y 104.0 MPa 10 2 20 x 40 40 cos (20°) 50 sin (20°) x 19.51 MPa xy 40 sin (20°) 50 cos (20°) xy 60.7 MPa y 40 40 cos (20°) + 50 sin (20°) y 60.5 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1042 PROBLEM 7.17 250 psi The grain of a wooden member forms an angle of 15° with the vertical. For the state of stress shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the grain, (b) the normal stress perpendicular to the grain. 158 SOLUTION x y 0 (a) xy xy 250 psi 15 x y sin 2 xy cos 2 2 0 250cos(30) xy 217 psi (b) x x y x y cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 0 0 250sin(30) x 125.0 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1043 PROBLEM 7.18 1.8 MPa 3 MPa The grain of a wooden member forms an angle of 15° with the vertical. For the state of stress shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the grain, (b) the normal stress perpendicular to the grain. 158 SOLUTION y 1.8 MPa x 3 MPa 15 (a) xy xy 0 2 30 x y sin 2 xy sin 2 2 3 1.8 sin(30) 0 2 xy 0.300 MPa (b) x x y x y cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 3 1.8 3 1.8 cos(30) 0 2 2 x 2.92 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1044 P' 80 mm m P PROBLEM 7 7.19 1200 mm Tw wo wooden members m of 800 120-mm uniform u rectanngular cross seection are joined by the simpple glued scarrf splice shownn. Knowing thhat 22 and a that the maximum m allow wable stresses in the joint arre, respectivelly, 400 kPa inn tension (perrpendicular to the splice) annd 600 kPa inn shear (parallel to the splicce), determinee the largest ceentric load P thhat can be appplied. b P SOLUTION Forces Areeas A (80) (120) 9.6 103 mm 2 9.6 103 m 2 N all all a A/sin (4400 103 )(9.6 103 ) 10.2251 103 N sin 22 Fy 0: N P sin 0 Sall aall A/sin P N 10.251 103 27.4 10 1 3N sinn sin 222 (6600 103 )(9.6 103 ) 15.3376 103 N sin 22 Fx 0:: S P cos 0 P S 15.376 103 16.58 103 N coos cos 22 2 P 16.58 kN Thee smaller valuee for P governns. PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1045 P' PROBLEM 7.20 7 1220 mm 80 mm b P Tw wo wooden members m of 800 120-mm uniform u rectanngular cross section are joineed by the simp mple glued scarrf splice show wn. Knowing a that centriic loads of magnitude m P 10 kN are that 25 and t in-plane appplied to the members ass shown, dettermine (a) the shhearing stresss parallel to the splice, (b) the noormal stress peerpendicular too the splice. SO OLUTION Forcess A Areas A (80)(1220) 9.6 103 mm m 2 9.6 1003 m 2 (a) Fx 0: S P cos 0 (b) N (9.063 103 )sinn 25 399 1003 Pa A/sin 9.6 103 Fy 0: N P sin n 0 S P cos (10 103 ) cos 25 9.063 103 N 399 kPa N P sin (10 103 )sin 25 4.226 103 N N (4.226 103 )sin 25 186.0 103 Pa A/sin 9.6 103 186.0 1 kPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1046 PROBL LEM 7.21 P The centrric force P is applied to a short post as shown. Know wing that the stresses on plane a-a are 15 ksi and 5 ksi, determinne (a) the anggle that planne a-a forms h (b) the maximum m compressivee stress in the post. p with the horizontal, a a SOLUTION x 0 xy 0 y P/ A (a) From the Mohr’s M circle, tan (b) 5 0.33333 15 18.4 P P cos 2 2A 2A P 2( ) (2)(115) A 1 co os 2 1 coss 2 P 16.67 1 ksi A PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1047 PROBLEM 7.2 22 Two o members of uniform crosss section 50 80 mm are glued g togetherr along plane a-a that forms ann angle of 255 with the horizontal. h Knnowing that thhe allowable a 600 kPa, k determinne the largest stressses for the gluued joint are 800 kPa and centtric load P thatt can be applieed. a a 25 50 mm m P SO OLUTION Forr plane a-a, 65. x 0, 0 xy 0, y P A x cos 2 y sin 2 2 xy sin cos 0 P 2 sin 655 0 A A (50 103 )(80 103 )(800 103 ) 3.90 103 N sin 2 65 sin s 2 65 6 P ( x y )sin cos xy (cos ( 2 sin 2 ) sin 65 cos 65 0 A 3 3 (50 10 )((80 10 )(600 103 ) A P 6.277 103 N sin s 65 cos 65 sinn 65 cos 65 P P 3.90 kN maller one. Alllowable value of P is the sm PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1048 PROBLEM 7.23 0.2 m 0.15 m The axle of an automobile is acted upon by the forces and couple shown. Knowing that the diameter of the solid axle is 32 mm, determine (a) the principal planes and principal stresses at point H located on top of the axle, (b) the maximum shearing stress at the same point. H 3 kN 350 N · m 3 kN SOLUTION c Torsion: Bending: I 1 1 d (32) 16 mm 16 103 m 2 2 Tc 2T 2(350 N m) 54.399 106 Pa 54.399 MPa 3 J c (16 10 3 m)3 4 c4 4 (16 103 ) 4 51.472 109 m 4 M (0.15m)(3 103 N) 450 N m (450)(16 103 ) My 139.882 106 Pa 139.882 MPa 9 I 51.472 10 Top view: Stresses: x 139.882 MPa ave y 0 xy 54.399 MPa 1 1 ( x y ) (139.882 0) 69.941 MPa 2 2 2 R (a) x y 2 xy 2 (69.941)2 (54.399)2 88.606 MPa max ave R 69.941 88.606 max 18.67 MPa min ave R 69.941 88.606 min 158.5 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1049 PROBLEM 7.23 (Continued) tan 2 p 2 xy x y (2)(54.399) 0.77778 139.882 2 p 37.88 p 18.9 and 108.9° (b) max R 88.6 MPa max 88.6 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1050 6 in. PROBLEM 7.24 C H A 400-lb vertical force is applied at D to a gear attached to the solid l-in. diameter shaft AB. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point H located as shown on top of the shaft. B A D 2 in. 400 lb SOLUTION Equivalent force-couple system at center of shaft in section at point H: V 400 lb M (400)(6) 2400 lb in. T (400)(2) 800 lb in. d 1 in. c Shaft cross section: J 2 1 d 0.5 in. 2 c 4 0.098175 in 4 I 1 J 0.049087 in 4 2 Torsion: Tc (800)(0.5) 4.074 103 psi 4.074 ksi J 0.098175 Bending: Mc (2400)(0.5) 24.446 103 psi 24.446 ksi I 0.049087 Transverse shear: Stress at point H is zero. x 24.446 ksi, y 0, xy 4.074 ksi ave 1 ( x y ) 12.223 ksi 2 2 R x y 2 xy 2 (12.223) 2 (4.074) 2 12.884 ksi a ave R a 25.1 ksi b ave R b 0.661 ksi max R max 12.88 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1051 PROBLEM 7.25 H E A mechanic uses a crowfoot wrench to loosen a bolt at E. Knowing that the mechanic applies a vertical 24-lb force at A, determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point H located as shown as on top of the 34 -in. diameter shaft. 6 in. B 24 lb A 10 in. SOLUTION Equivalent force-couple system at center of shaft in section at point H: V 24 lb M (24)(6) 144 lb in. T (24)(10) 240 lb in. 1 d 0.375 in. 2 1 J c 4 0.031063 in 4 I J 0.015532 in 4 2 2 Shaft cross section: d 0.75 in., c Torsion: Tc (240)(0.375) 2.897 103 psi 2.897 ksi J 0.031063 Bending: Mc (144)(0.375) 3.477 103 psi 3.477 ksi I 0.015532 Transverse shear: At point H, the stress due to transverse shear is zero. Resultant stresses: x 3.477 ksi, y 0, xy 2.897 ksi ave 1 ( x y ) 1.738 ksi 2 2 R x y 2 2 2 xy 1.738 2.897 3.378 ksi 2 a ave R a 5.12 ksi b ave R b 1.640 ksi max R max 3.38 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1052 P PROBLEM 7 7.26 y m 6 mm 200 mm Thhe steel pipe AB A has a 1022-mm outer diameter and a 6-mm wall thhickness. Knowing that arm m CD is rigiddly attached to t the pipe, deetermine the principal p stressses and the maximum m shearing stress att point K. 51 mm A A T D 10 kN N C 1 mm 150 H K B x z SOLUTION ro d o 102 1 51 mm 2 2 ri ro t 45 mm ro4 ri4 4.18555 106 mm 4 2 4.18555 10 6 m 4 J I 1 J 2.0927 10 6 m 4 2 Forcce-couple systtem at center of o tube in the plane p containiing points H and a K: Fx 10 kN 10 1003 N M y (10 103 )(200 103 ) 2000 N m M z (10 103 )(150 103 ) 15000 N m Torsion: At po oint K, place local l x-axis in negative globbal z-directionn. T M y 2000 N m c ro 511 103 m Tc ((2000)(51 1003 ) J 4.1855 106 24.37 106 Pa 24.37 MPa xy PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1053 PROBLEM 7.26 (Continued) Transverse shear: Stress due to transverse shear V Fx is zero at point K. Bending: | y | |M z |c (1500)(51 103 ) 36.56 106 Pa 36.56 MPa I 2.0927 106 Point K lies on compression side of neutral axis. y 36.56 MPa Total stresses at point K: x 0, y 36.56 MPa, xy 24.37 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 18.28 MPa 2 x y 2 R xy 30.46 MPa 2 max ave R 18.28 30.46 max 12.18 MPa min ave R 18.28 30.46 min 48.7 MPa max R max 30.5 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1054 y PROBLEM 7.27 20 MPa 60 MPa For the state of plane stress shown, determine the largest value of y for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 75 MPa. SOLUTION x 60 MPa, y ?, xy 20 MPa Let u x y 2 . Then y x 2u 2 R u 2 xy 75 MPa 2 u R 2 xy 752 202 72.284 MPa y x 2u 60 (2)(72.284) 84.6 MPa or 205 MPa Largest value of y is required. y 205 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1055 PROBLEM 7.28 8 ksi xy 10 ksi For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the largest value of xy for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 12 ksi, (b) the corresponding principal stresses. SOLUTION x 10 ksi, y 8 ksi, xy ? 2 max 2 x y 10 (8) 2 2 R xy xy z z 2 92 xy 12 ksi (a) xy 122 9 2 (b) ave ( x y ) 1 ksi xy 7.94 ksi 1 2 a ave R 1 12 13 ksi a 13.00 ksi b ave R 1 12 11 ksi b 11.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1056 P PROBLEM 7.29 2 MPaa xy 75 12 MPa For the state of plane stress shown, determ F mine (a) the vaalue of xy foor which the inn-plane shearring stress paarallel to the weld is zeroo, (b) the corrresponding p principal stressses. SOLUTION x 12 MPa, y 2 MPaa, xy ? Sincce xy 0, x-direction is a principal direection. p 15 tan 2 p (a) 1 2 2 xy x y 1 2 xy ( x y ) tan 2 p (12 2)) tan(30) xy 2.89 MPa 2 x y 2 2 2 R M xyy 5 2.899 5.7735 MPa 2 1 ave ( x y ) 7 MPa M 2 (b) a ave R 7 5.77735 a 12..77 MPa b ave R 7 5.77735 b 1.2226 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1057 PROBLEM 7.30 15 ksi 8 ksi Determine the range of values of x for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 10 ksi. x SOLUTION x ?, y 15 ksi, xy 8 ksi Let u x y 2 x y 2u 2 R u 2 xy max 10 ksi 2 u R 2 xy 102 82 z 6 ksi x y 2u 15 (2)(6) 27 ksi or 3 ksi 3 ksi x 27 ksi Allowable range: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1058 PR ROBLEM 7.31 7 40 MPaa Soolve Probs. 7.55 and 7.9, usinng Mohr’s circcle. 355 MPa PR ROBLEM 7.55 through 7..8 For the givven state of stress, s determ mine (a) the priincipal planes, (b) the principal stresses. 60 MPa PR ROBLEM 7.99 through 7.12 For the giiven state of stress, determ mine (a) the oriientation of thhe planes of maximum m in-pplane shearing stress, (b) thee maximum in--plane shearinng stress, (c) thhe correspondiing normal strress. SOLUTION x 60 6 MPa, y 40 4 MPa, xy 355 MPa ave x y 2 50 MPa Plottted points forr Mohr’s circlee: X : ( x , xy ) (60 MPa, 35 MPa) Y : ( y , xy ) ( 40 MPa, 35 MPa) C : ( ave , 0) (50 MPa, 0) (a) X 35 GX 3.5000 CG G 10 744.05 tan 1 2 180 105.995 1 a 52.97 2 b 37.0 b 37.03 2 a 53.0 2 R CG C GX 10 2 352 36.4 MPa (b) (a) (b) (c) min ave a R 50 36.4 min 866.4 MPa max ave a R 50 36.4 max 133.60 MPa d B 45 7.97 d 8.0 e A 45 97.977 e 98.0 max R 36.4 MPa max 366.4 MPa ave a a 50 MPa 500.0 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1059 PROBLEM 7.32 30 MPa Solve Probs. 7.7 and 7.11, using Mohr’s circle. 150 MPa 80 MPa PROBLEM 7.5 through 7.8 For the given state of stress, determine (a) the principal planes, (b) the principal stresses. PROBLEM 7.9 through 7.12 For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. SOLUTION x 150 MPa y 30 MPa xy 80 MPa ave x y 2 90 MPa Plotted points for Mohr’s circle: X : ( x , xy ) (150 MPa, 80 MPa) Y : ( y , xy ) (30 MPa, 80 MPa) C : ( ave , 0) (90 MPa, 0) x y 2 (150 30) 60 2 R (60)2 (80)2 100 (a) tan 2 p 80 60 2 p 53.130 (b) p 26.6 and 63.4 max ave R 90 100 max 190.0 MPa min ave R 90 100 min 10.00 MPa (a′) s p 45 (b′) max R (c′) ave s 18.4 and 108.4 max 100.0 MPa 90.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1060 PROBLEM 7.33 10 ksi Solve Prob. 7.10, using Mohr’s circle. 2 ksi PROBLEM 7.9 through 7.12 For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. 3 ksi SOLUTION x 2 ksi x y ave 2 y 10 ksi xy 3 ksi 2 10 6 ksi 2 Plotted points for Mohr’s circle: X : ( x , xy ) (2 ksi, 3 ksi) Y : ( y , xy ) (10 ksi, 3 ksi) C : ( ave , 0) (6 ksi, 0) tan FX 3 0.75 4 FC 36.87 1 B 18.43 2 (a) D B 45 26.6 D 26.6 E B 45 63.4 R 2 CF FX 2 (b) max R 5.00 ksi (c) ave 6.00 ksi E 63.4 42 32 5 ksi max 5.00 ksi 6.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1061 PROBLEM 7.34 12 ksi 8 ksi Solve Prob. 7.12, using Mohr’s circle. 18 ksi PROBLEM 7.9 through 7.12 For the given state of stress, determine (a) the orientation of the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing stress, (c) the corresponding normal stress. SOLUTION x 18 ksi ave x y 2 y 12 ksi xy 8 ksi 3 ksi Plotted points for Mohr’s circle: X : ( x , xy ) (18 ksi, 8 ksi) Y : ( y , xy ) (12 ksi, 8 ksi) C : ( ave , 0) (3 ksi, 0) tan FX 8 0.5333 15 CF 28.07 1 A 14.04 2 (a) D A 45 59.0 D 59.0 E A 45 30.1 2 R CF FX 2 E 30.1 152 82 17 ksi (b) max R 17.00 ksi (c) ave 3.00 ksi max 17.00 ksi 3.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1062 PROBLEM 7.35 8 ksi 5 ksi Solve Prrob. 7.13, usinng Mohr’s circcle. PROBL LEM 7.13 through 7.16 For the given staate of stress, determine d the normal and shearingg stresses afterr the element shown has beeen rotated thrrough (a) 25 clockwise, (b) 10 counterclockw c wise. SOLUTION x 0, 0 y 8 ksi, xy 5 ksi ave x y 2 4 kssi Plottted points forr Mohr’s circlee: X : (0, 5 ksi) k 5 ksi) Y : (8 ksi, k 0) C : (4 ksi, FX 5 1.25 1 FC 4 2 p 51.34 tan 2 p 2 2 R FC FX X 42 52 6.4031 ksi (a) 25 . 2 50 51.34 50 1.34 x ave R cos xy R sin x 2.40 ksi xy 0.1497 ksi y ave R cos (b) 10 . y 10.40 ksi 2 20 51.34 20 71.34 x ave R cos x 1.951 1 ksi xy R sin xy 6.07 ksi y ave R cos y 6.05 6 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1063 PROBLEM M 7.36 90 MP Pa 3 MPa 30 Solve Prob. 7.14, using Mohr’s M circle. 60 MPa PROBLEM M 7.13 througgh 7.16 For thhe given statee of stress, deetermine the normal and shearing s stresses after the element e shownn has been rotaated through (a) 25 clockkwise, (b) 10 counterclockkwise. SO OLUTION x 60 MP Pa, y 90 MPa,, xy 30 MPa ave x y 2 15 MPa Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (60 MPa, 30 MPa) Y : (90 MPa, 300 MPa) C : (15 MPa, 0) tan 2 p FX 30 0.4 0 FC 75 2 p 21.80 P 10.90 2 2 R FC FX X 752 300 2 80.78 MP Pa (a) 25 2 50 5 . 2 2 P 50 21.80 288.20 x ave R cos x 56.2 5 MPa xy R sin xy 38.2 3 MPa y ave R cos y 86.2 8 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1064 PROB BLEM 7.36 (Continued) ( d) (b) 10 2 200 . 2 p 2 21.880 20 41.80 x ave R cos x 455.2 MPa xy R sin xy 533.8 MPa y ave R cos y 755.2 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1065 PR ROBLEM 7..37 12 ksi Solv ve Prob. 7.15, using Mohr’ss circle. 8 ksi 6 ksi PRO OBLEM 7.133 through 7.16 For the giveen state of stress, determinee the normal and shearing streesses after thee element shoown has beenn rotated through (a) 25 clocckwise, (b) 10 counterclockkwise. SO OLUTION x 8 ksi, y 12 ksi, xy 6 ksi ave x y 2 2 ksi k Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (8 ksi, 6 ksi) Y : (12 ksi, 6 ksi)) C : (2 ksi, 0) FX 6 0.6 CF 100 2 p 30.96 tan 2 p 2 2 R CF FX 102 62 11.66 ksi k (a) 25 . 2 50 5 50 5 30.96 19.04 x ave R cos x 9.02 ksi xy R sin y ave R cos (b) 10 . xy 3.80 ksi y 13.02 ksi 2 20 2 30.96 3 20 50.96 x ave R cos x 5.34 ksi xy R sin xy 9.06 ksi y ave R cos y 9.34 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1066 80 MPa PROB BLEM 7.38 Solve Prob. P 7.16, usiing Mohr’s cirrcle. 50 MPa PROBL LEM 7.13 thrrough 7.16 Foor the given sttate of stress, determine d the normal and shearinng stresses afteer the elementt shown has been rotated thhrough (a) 25 clockwise, (b) 10 counterclockkwise. SOLUTION x 0, M y 80 MPa, M xy 50 MPa ave x y 2 40 MPa Plotted points for Moohr’s circle: X : (0, 50 MPa) M MPa, 50 MPa)) Y : (80 M M 0) C : ( 40 MPa, FX 50 1.25 CF 40 2 p 51.34 tann 2 p 2 2 R CF FX 402 502 64.031 MPa (a) 25 . 2 50 51.34 50 1.34 x ave R cos (b) 10 x 244.0 MPa xy R sinn xy 1.4497 MPa y ave R cos y 1044.0 MPa 2 20 . 51.34 20 71.34 x ave R cos xy R sinn y ave R cos x 199.51 MPa xy 600.7 MPa y 600.5 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1067 250 psi PROBLEM 7.39 Solve Prob. 7.17, using Mohr’s circle. 158 PROBLEM 7.17 The grain of a wooden member forms an angle of 15° with the vertical. For the state of stress shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the grain, (b) the normal stress perpendicular to the grain. SOLUTION x y 0 xy 250 psi Plotted points for Mohr’s circle: X (0, 250 psi) Y (0, 250 psi) C (0, 0) (a) xy R cos 2 (250 psi)cos30 217 psi xy 217 psi (b) x R sin 2 (250 psi) sin 30 125.0 psi x 125.0 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1068 1.8 MPa PROBLEM 7.40 Solve Prob. 7.18, using Mohr’s circle. 3 MPa 158 PROBLEM 7.18 The grain of a wooden member forms an angle of 15° with the vertical. For the state of stress shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the grain, (b) the normal stress perpendicular to the grain. SOLUTION y 1.8 MPa x 3 MPa ave x y 2 xy 0 2.4 MPa Points. X : ( x , xy ) (3 MPa, 0) Y : ( y , xy ) (1.8 MPa, 0) C : ( ave , 0) (2.4 MPa, 0) 15 CX 0.6 MPa 2 30 R 0.6 MPa (a) xy CX sin 30 R sin 30 0.6sin 30 0.300 MPa (b) x ave CX cos 30 2.4 0.6 cos 30 2.92 MPa xy 0.300 MPa x 2.92 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1069 PROBLEM 7.41 P' 80 mm Solve Prob. 7.19, using Mohr’s circle. 120 mm b P PROBLEM 7.19 Two wooden members of 80 120-mm uniform rectangular cross section are joined by the simple glued scarf splice shown. Knowing that 22 and that the maximum allowable stresses in the joint are, respectively, 400 kPa in tension (perpendicular to the splice) and 600 kPa in shear (parallel to the splice), determine the largest centric load P that can be applied. SOLUTION x P , A y 0 xy 0 Plotted points for Mohr’s circle: P X : , 0, A Y : (0, 0) P C: , 0 2 R CX P 2A Coordinates of point Y′: P (1 cos 2 ) 2A P sin 2 2A Data: A (80)(120) 9.6 103 mm 2 9.6 103 m 2 If 400 kPa 400 103 Pa, P 2 A (2)(9.6 103 )(400 103 ) 1 cos 2 (1 cos 44) 27.4 103 N 27.4 kN If 600 kPa 600 103 Pa, P 2 A (2)(9.6 103 )(600 103 ) sin 2 (sin 44) 16.58 103 N 16.58 kN The smaller value of P governs. P 16.58 kN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1070 PROBLEM 7.42 P' 80 mm Solve Prob. 7.20, using Mohr’s circle. 120 mm b P PROBLEM 7.20 Two wooden members of 80 120-mm uniform rectangular cross section are joined by the simple glued scarf splice shown. Knowing that 25 and that centric loads of magnitude P 10 kN are applied to the members as shown, determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the splice, (b) the normal stress perpendicular to the splice. SOLUTION x P A y 0 xy 0 Plotted points for Mohr’s circle: P X : , 0 A Y : (0, 0) P C: , 0 2A R CX P 2A Coordinates of point Y: P (1 cos 2 ) 2A P sin 2 2A Data: A (80)(120) 9.6 103 mm 2 9.6 103 m 2 (a) (10 103 )sin 50 399 103 Pa 399 kPa (2)(9.6 103 ) (b) (10 103 )(1 cos 50) 186.0 103 Pa 186.0 kPa (2)(9.6 103 ) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1071 PROBLEM 7.43 P Solve Prob. 7.21, using Mohr’s circle. a  a PROBLEM 7.21 The centric force P is applied to a short post as shown. Knowing that the stresses on plane a-a are 15 ksi and 5 ksi, determine (a) the angle that plane a-a forms with the horizontal, (b) the maximum compressive stress in the post. SOLUTION x 0 xy 0 y P A (a) From the Mohr’s circle, 5 0.3333 15 P P cos 2 2A 2A tan (b) 18.4 P 2( ) (2)(15) A 1 cos 2 1 cos 2 16.67 ksi 16.67 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1072 PROBLEM 7.44 Solve Prob. 7.22, using Mohr’s circle. a a 25 50 mm PROBLEM 7.22 Two members of uniform cross section 50 80 mm are glued together along plane a-a that forms an angle of 25 with the horizontal. Knowing that the allowable stresses for the glued joint are 800 kPa and 600 kPa, determine the largest centric load P that can be applied. P SOLUTION x 0 xy 0 y P/A A (50 103 )(80 103 ) 4 103 m 2 P (1 cos50) 2A 2 A P 1 cos 50 (2)(4 103 )(800 103 ) 1 cos 50 P 3.90 103 N P P 2 A (2)(4 103 )(600 103 ) sin 50 P 6.27 103 N 2A sin 50 sin 50 P 3.90 kN Choosing the smaller value, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1073 PROBLEM 7.45 0.2 m 0.15 m Solve Prob. 7.23, using Mohr’s circle. H 3 kN PROBLEM 7.23 The axle of an automobile is acted upon by the forces and couple shown. Knowing that the diameter of the solid axle is 32 mm, determine (a) the principal planes and principal stresses at point H located on top of the axle, (b) the maximum shearing stress at the same point. 350 N · m 3 kN SOLUTION Torsion: c 1 1 d (32) 16 mm 16 103 m 2 2 Tc 2T J c3 2(350 N m) 54.399 106 Pa 54.399 MPa 3 3 (16 10 m) I Bending: 4 c4 4 (16 103 )4 51.472 109 m 4 M (0.15m)(3 103 N) 450 N m My (450)(16 103 ) 139.882 106 Pa 139.882 MPa 9 I 51.472 10 Top view Stresses x 139.882 MPa, Plotted points: X : (139.882, 54.399); ave y 0, xy 54.399 MPa Y: (0, 54.399); C: (69.941, 0) 1 ( x y ) 69.941 MPa 2 2 R x y 2 xy 2 2 139.882 2 (54.399) 88.606 MPa 2 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1074 PROBLEM 7.45 (Continued) tan 2 p 2 xy x y (2)(54.399) 139.882 0.77778 a 18.9 , b 108.9 (a) (b) a ave R 69.941 88.606 a 158.5 MPa b ave R 69.941 88.606 b 18.67 MPa max R max 88.6 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1075 PROBLEM 7.46 6 in. C H Solve Prob. 7.24, using Mohr’s circle. B PROBLEM 7.24 A 400-lb vertical force is applied at D to a gear attached to the solid 1-in.-diameter shaft AB. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point H located as shown on top of the shaft. A D 2 in. 400 lb SOLUTION Equivalent force-couple system at center of shaft in section at point H: V 400 lb M (400)(6) 2400 lb in. T (400)(2) 800 lb in. Shaft cross section: d 1 in. J 2 c 1 d 0.5 in. 2 c 4 0.098175 in 4 1 J 0.049087 in 4 2 Tc (800)(0.5) 4.074 103 psi 4.074 ksi J 0.098175 Torsion: Bending: Transverse shear: Stress at point H is zero. Resultant stresses: x 24.446 ksi, ave I Mc (2400)(0.5) 24.446 103 psi 24.446 ksi I 0.049087 y 0, xy 4.074 ksi 1 ( x y ) 12.223 ksi 2 2 R x y 2 xy 2 (12.223) 2 (4.074) 2 12.884 ksi a ave R a 25.1 ksi b ave R b 0.661 ksi max R max 12.88 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1076 PROBLEM 7.47 H Solve Prob. 7.25, using Mohr’s circle. E PROBLEM 7.25 A mechanic uses a crowfoot wrench to loosen a bolt at E. Knowing that the mechanic applies a vertical 24-lb force at A, determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point H located as shown as on top of the 34 -in.-diameter shaft. 6 in. B 24 lb 10 in. A SOLUTION Equivalent force-couple system at center of shaft in section at point H: V 24 lb M (24)(6) 144 lb in. T (24)(10) 240 lb in. Shaft cross section: d 0.75 in. J 2 c 1 d 0.375 in. 2 c 4 0.031063 in 4 I 1 J 0.015532 in 4 2 Tc (240)(0.375) 2.897 103 psi 2.897 ksi J 0.031063 Torsion: Bending: Transverse shear: At point H, stress due to transverse shear is zero. Resultant stresses: x 3.477 ksi, ave Mc (144)(0.375) 3.477 103 psi 3.477 ksi I 0.015532 y 0, xy 2.897 ksi 1 ( x y ) 1.738 ksi 2 2 R x y 2 xy 2 1.7382 2.8972 3.378 ksi a ave R a 5.12 ksi b ave R b 1.640 ksi max R max 3.38 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1077 PROBLEM 7.48 y 6 mm 200 mm Solve Prob. 7.26, using Mohr’s circle. 51 mm A A PROBLEM 7.26 The steel pipe AB has a 102-mm outer diameter and a 6-mm wall thickness. Knowing that arm CD is rigidly attached to the pipe, determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point K. T D 10 kN C 150 mm H K B z x SOLUTION ro J I d o 102 51 mm 2 2 r 2 4 o ri ro t 45 mm ri4 4.1855 106 mm 4 4.1855 106 m 4 1 J 2.0927 10 6 m 4 2 Force-couple system at center of tube in the plane containing points H and K: Fx 10 103 N M y (10 103 )(200 103 ) 2000 N m M z (10 103 )(150 103 ) 1500 N m Torsion: T M y 2000 N m c ro 51 103 m xy Tc (2000)(51 103 ) 24.37 MPa J 4.1855 106 Note that the local x-axis is taken along a negative global z direction. Transverse shear: Stress due to V Fx is zero at point K. Bending: y Mz c I (1500)(51 103 ) 36.56 MPa 2.0927 106 Point K lies on compression side of neutral axis. y 36.56 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1078 PROBLEM 7.48 (Continued) Total stresses at point K: x 0, ave y 36.56 MPa, xy 24.37 MPa 1 ( x y ) 18.28 MPa 2 2 R x y 2 xy 30.46 MPa 2 max ave R 18.28 30.46 max 12.18 MPa min ave R 18.28 30.46 min 48.7 MPa max R max 30.5 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1079 y PROBLEM 7.49 20 MPa 60 MPa Solve Prob. 7.27, using Mohr’s circle. PROBLEM 7.27 For the state of plane stress shown, determine the largest value of y for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 75 MPa. SOLUTION x 60 MPa, y ?, xy 20 MPa Given: max R 75 MPa XY 2 R 150 MPa DY (2)( xy ) 40 MPa 2 2 XD XY DY 1502 402 144.6 MPa y x XD 60 144.6 y 205 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1080 PROBLEM 7.50 8 ksi xy 10 ksi Solve Prob. 7.28, using Mohr’s circle. PROBLEM 7.28 For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the largest value of xy for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 12 ksi, (b) the corresponding principal stresses. SOLUTION The center of the Mohr’s circle lies at point C with coordinates x y 10 8 , 0 , 0 (1 ksi, 0). 2 2 The radius of the circle is max (in-plane) 12 ksi. The stress point ( x , xy ) lies along the line X1 X 2 of the Mohr circle diagram. The extreme points with R 12 ksi are X 1 and X 2 . (a) The largest allowable value of xy is obtained from triangle CDX. 2 2 2 DX 1 DX 2 CX 1 CD (b) The principal stresses are 2 xy 122 9 2 xy 7.94 ksi a 1 12 a 13.00 ksi b 1 12 b 11.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1081 PROBLEM 7.51 2 MPa xy 75 Solve Prob. 7.29, using Mohr’s circle. 12 MPa PROBLEM 7.29 For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the value of xy for which the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the weld is zero, (b) the corresponding principal stresses. SOLUTION Point X of Mohr’s circle must lie on X X so that x 12 MPa. Likewise, point Y lies on line Y Y so that y 2 MPa. The coordinates of C are 2 12 , 0 (7 MPa, 0). 2 Counterclockwise rotation through 150° brings line CX to CB, where 0. R (a) (b) xy x y 2 sec 30 12 2 sec 30 5.7735 MPa 2 x y tan 30 2 12 2 tan 30 2 xy 2.89 MPa a ave R 7 5.7735 a 12.77 MPa b ave R 7 5.7735 b 1.226 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1082 PROBLEM 7.52 15 ksi 8 ksi Solve Prob. 7.30, using Mohr’s circle. x PROBLEM 7.30 Determine the range of values of x for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 10 ksi. SOLUTION For the Mohr’s circle, point Y lies at (15 ksi, 8 ksi). The radius of limiting circles is R 10 ksi. Let C1 be the location of the leftmost limiting circle and C2 be that of the rightmost one. C1Y 10 ksi C2Y 10 ksi Noting right triangles C1 DY and C2 DY , 2 2 C1D DY C1Y 2 2 C1D 82 102 C1D 6 ksi Coordinates of point C1 are (0, 15 6) (0, 9 ksi). Likewise, coordinates of point C2 are (0, 15 6) (0, 21 ksi). Coordinates of point X1: (9 6, 8) (3 ksi, 8 ksi) Coordinates of point X2: (21 6, 8) (27 ksi, 8 ksi) The point ( x , xy ) must lie on the line X1 X2. 3 ksi x 27 ksi Thus, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1083 PROBLEM 7.53 2 MPa xy 75 Solve Problem 7.29, using Mohr’s circle and assuming that the weld forms an angle of 60 with the horizontal. 12 MPa PROBLEM 7.29 For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the value of xy for which the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the weld is zero, (b) the corresponding principal stresses. SOLUTION Locate point C at 12 2 7 MPa with 0 . 2 Angle XCB 120 x y 2 12 2 2 5 MPa R 5sec 60 10 MPa xy 5 tan 60 xy 8.66 MPa a ave R 7 10 a 17.00 MPa b ave R 7 10 b 3.00 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1084 3 ksi 6 ksi 5 ksi + 458 PROBLEM 7.54 Determine the principal planes and the principal stresses for the state of plane stress resulting from the superposition of the two states of stress shown. 2 ksi 4 ksi SOLUTION Consider state of stress on the right. We shall express it in terms of horizontal and vertical components. We now can add the two stress elements by superposition. Principal planes and principal stresses: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1085 PROBLEM 7.54 (Continued) ave x y 2 1 (6 2) 2 2 1 (6 2) 4 2 (4)2 (3)2 5 R tan 2 p 3 4 2 p 36.87 p 18.4, 108.4 max ave R 2 5 max 7.00 ksi min ave R 2 5 min 3.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1086 PROBLEM 7.55 100 MPa 50 MPa + 50 MPa 308 75 MPa Determine the principal planes and the principal stresses for the state of plane stress resulting from the superposition of the two states of stress shown. SOLUTION Consider the state of stress on the left. We shall express it in terms of horizontal and vertical components. x 50 cos 30 43.30 y 43.30 xy 50sin 30 25.0 Principal axes and principal stress: ave x y 2 R tan 2 p 1 (118.3 56.7) 87.5 2 1 (118.3 56.7) 30.8 2 (30.8)2 (75)2 81.08 75 30.8 p 33.8 , and 123.8 2 p 67.67 max ave R 87.5 81.08 max 168.6 MPa min ave R 87.5 81.08 min 6.42 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1087 0 0 0 PROBLEM M 7.56 0 Determine thhe principal planes p and thhe principal stresses for the t state of pllane stress ressulting from the superposiition of the twoo states of streess shown. 30 30 SO OLUTION Exppress each state of stress in terms of horizzontal and verrtical componeents. s of stresss, Addding the two states p 0 and a 90° max 0 min m 0 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1088 PROBLEM 7.57 0 0 30 + Determine the principal planes and the principal stresses for the state of plane stress resulting from the superposition of the two states of stress shown. SOLUTION Mohr’s circle for 2nd state of stress: x 0 y 0 xy 0 x 0 sin 60 xy 0 cos 60 3 0 2 y 0 sin 60 3 0 2 1 0 2 Resultant stresses: 3 3 0 0 2 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 2 x 0 xy ave tan 2 p 3 3 0 0 2 2 1 ( x y ) 0 2 2 R y 0 x y 2 xy 2 2 xy x y 2 2 3 3 0 0 2 2 3 0 3 (2) 2 3 3 2 p 60 b 30 a 60 a ave R a 3 0 b ave R b 3 0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1089 PROBLEM 7.58 120 MPa xy For the element shown, determine the range of values of xy for which the maximum tensile stress is equal to or less than 60 MPa. 20 MPa SOLUTION x 20 MPa y 120 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 70 MPa Set max 60 MPa ave R R max ave 130 MPa But 2 x 2 R x xy 2 xy x R x 2 2 2 1302 502 120.0 MPa Range of xy : 120.0 MPa xy 120.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1090 PROBLEM 7.59 120 MPa xy For the element shown, determine the range of values of xy for which the maximum in-plane shearing stress is equal to or less than 150 MPa. 20 MPa SOLUTION x 20 MPa y 120 MPa 1 ( ) 50 MPa y 2 x Set max (in-plane) R 150 MPa 2 But x y 2 R xy 2 xy x y R 2 2 2 1502 502 141.4 MPa Range of xy : 141.4 MPa xy 141.4 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1091 y' 6 ksi x'y' PROBLEM 7.60 x' 16 ksi For the state of stress shown, determine the range of values of for which the magnitude of the shearing stress xy is equal to or less than 8 ksi. SOLUTION x 16 ksi, y 0 xy 6 ksi ave 1 ( x y ) 8 ksi 2 2 R tan 2 p x y 2 xy 2 (8)2 (6) 2 10 ksi 2 xy x y (2)(6) 0.75 16 2 p 36.870 b 18.435 xy 8 ksi for states of stress corresponding to arcs HBK and UAV of Mohr’s circle. The angle is calculated from R sin 2 8 2 53.130 sin 2 8 0.8 10 26.565 k b 18.435 26.565 45 k b 18.435 26.565 8.13 u h 90 45 v k 90 98.13 Permissible range of : Also, h k 45 8.13 u v 45 98.13 135 188.13 and 225 278.13 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1092 PROBLEM 7.61 y' x' 90 MPa x'y' For the state of stress shown, determine the range of values of for which the normal stress x is equal to or less than 50 MPa. 60 MPa SOLUTION x 90 MPa, y 0 xy 60 MPa 1 ( x y ) 45 MPa 2 ave 2 x y 2 xy 2 R 452 602 75 MPa tan 2 p 2 xy x y (2)(60) 4 90 3 2 p 53.13 a 26.565 x 50 MPa for states of stress corresponding to the arc HBK of Mohr’s circle. From the circle, R cos 2 50 45 5 MPa cos 2 5 0.066667 75 2 86.177 43.089 h a 26.565 43.089 16.524 2 k 2 h 360 4 32.524 360 172.355 220.169 k 110.085 Permissible range of : h k 16.5 110.1 Also, 196.5 290.1 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1093 PROBLEM 7.62 y' x' 90 MPa x'y' For the state of stress shown, determine the range of values of for which the normal stress x is equal to or less than 100 MPa. 60 MPa SOLUTION x 90 MPa, y 0 xy 60 MPa 1 ( x y ) 45 MPa 2 ave 2 x y 2 xy 2 R 452 602 75 MPa tan 2 p 2 xy x y (2)(60) 4 90 3 2 p 53.13 a 26.565 x 100 MPa for states of stress corresponding to arc HBK of Mohr’s circle. From the circle, R cos 2 100 45 55 MPa cos 2 55 0.73333 75 2 42.833 21.417 h a 26.565 21.417 5.15 2 k 2 h 360 4 10.297 360 85.666 264.037 k 132.02 Permissible range of is h k 5.1 132.0 Also, 174.8 312.0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1094 y PROBLEM 7.63 xy x For the state of stress shown, it is known that the normal and shearing stresses are directed as shown and that x 14 ksi, y 9 ksi, and min 5 ksi. Determine (a) the orientation of the principal planes, (b) the principal stress max, (c) the maximum in-plane shearing stress. SOLUTION 1 2 x 14 ksi, y 9 ksi, ave ( x y ) 11.5 ksi min ave R R ave min 11.5 5 6.5 ksi 2 x y 2 R xy 2 2 x y 2 2 6.5 2.5 6 ksi 2 xy R 2 But it is given that xy is positive, thus xy 6 ksi. (a) tan 2 p 2 xy x y (2)(6) 2.4 5 2 p 67.38 a 33.7 b 123.7 (b) max ave R max 18.00 ksi (c) max (in-plane) R max (in-plane) 6.50 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1095 PROBLEM 7.64 y y' Y Y' C O 2p 2 x'y' X' xy The Mohr’s circle shown corresponds to the state of stress given in Fig. 7.5a and b. Noting that x OC (CX )cos (2 p 2) and that xy (CX )sin (2 p 2 ), derive the expressions for x and xy given in Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6), respectively. [Hint: Use sin( A B) sin A cos B cos A sin B and cos ( A B) cos A cos B sin A sin B.] X x x' SOLUTION OC 1 ( x y ) 2 CX CX CX cos 2 p CX cos 2 p x y 2 CX sin 2 p CX sin 2 p xy x OC CX cos (2 p 2 ) OC CX (cos 2 p cos 2 sin 2 p sin 2 ) OC CX cos 2 p cos 2 CX sin 2 p sin 2 x y 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 xy CX sin (2 p 2 ) CX (sin 2 p cos 2 cos 2 p sin 2 ) CX sin 2 p cos 2 CX cos 2 p sin 2 xy cos 2 x y 2 sin 2 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1096 PROBLEM 7.65 (a) Prove that the expression x y x2y , where x , y , and xy are components of the stress along the rectangular axes x and y , is independent of the orientation of these axes. Also, show that the given expression represents the square of the tangent drawn from the origin of the coordinates to Mohr’s circle. (b) Using the invariance property established in part a, express the shearing stress xy in terms of x , y , and the principal stresses max and min . SOLUTION (a) From Mohr’s circle, xy R sin 2 p x ave R cos 2 p y ave R cos 2 p x y x2y 2 ave R 2 cos2 2 p R 2 sin 2 2 p 2 ave R 2 ; independent of p . Draw line OK from origin tangent to the circle at K. Triangle OCK is a right triangle. 2 2 2 2 2 2 OC OK CK OK OC CK 2 ave R2 x y x2y (b) Applying above to x , y , and xy , and to a , b , 2 2 2 x y xy a b ab ave R2 But ab 0, a max , b min 2 x y xy max min 2 xy x y max min xy x y max min The sign cannot be determined from above equation. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1097 PROBLEM 7.66 y σy For the state of plane stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) x 14 ksi and y 4 ksi, (b) x 21 ksi and y 14 ksi. (Hint: Consider both in-plane and out-of-plane shearing stresses.) 12 ksi σx z x SOLUTION (a) 1 (14 4) 9 2 1 1 ( x y ) (14 4) 5 2 2 ave R (5)2 (12)2 13 max ave R 9 13 22 min ave R 9 13 4 Since max and min have opposite signs, the maximum shearing stress is equal to the maximum inplane shearing stress. max R 13.00 ksi max 13.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1098 PROBLEM 7.66 (Continued) (b) 1 (21 14) 17.5 2 1 1 ( x y ) (21 14) 3.5 2 2 ave (3.5)2 (12)2 12.5 R max ave R 17.5 12.5 30 min ave R 17.5 12.5 5 Since max and min have the same sign, max is out of the plane of stress. Using Mohr’s circle through O and A, we have max 1 1 max (30 ksi) 2 2 max 15.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1099 PROBLEM 7.67 y σy For the state of plane stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) x 20 ksi and y 10 ksi, (b) x 12 ksi and y 5 ksi. (Hint: Consider both in-plane and out-of-plane shearing stresses.) 12 ksi σx z x SOLUTION (a) ave 1 (20 10) 15 2 1 1 ( x y ) (20 10) 5 2 2 R (5)2 (12)2 13 max ave R 15 13 28 min ave R 15 13 2 Since max and min have the same sign, max is out of the plane of stress. Using Mohr’s circle through O and A, we have max 1 1 max (28 ksi) 2 2 max 14.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1100 PROBLEM 7.67 (Continued) (b) 1 (12 5) 8.5 2 1 1 ( x y ) (12 5) 3.5 2 2 ave R (3.5)2 (12)2 12.5 max ave R 8.5 12.5 21 min ave R 8.5 12.5 4 Since max and min have opposite signs, the maximum shearing stress is equal to the maximum in-plane shearing stress. max R 12.50 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1101 PROBLEM 7.68 y σy For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) y 40 MPa, (b) y 120 MPa. (Hint: Consider both in-plane and out-of-plane shearing stresses.) 80 MPa 140 MPa z x SOLUTION (a) x 140 MPa, y 40 MPa, xy 80 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 90 MPa 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 50 80 94.34 MPa 2 a ave R 184.34 MPa (max) b ave R 4.34 MPa (min) c 0 1 2 1 1 max ( max min ) ( a b ) 94.3 MPa 2 2 x 140 MPa, y 120 MPa, xy 80 MPa max (in-plane) ( a b ) R 94.34 MPa (b) max 94.3 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 130 MPa 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 10 80 80.62 MPa 2 a ave R 210.62 MPa (max) b ave R 49.38 MPa c 0 (min) max a 210.62 MPa min c 0 max (in-plane) R 86.62 MPa 1 2 max 105.3 MPa max ( max min ) 105.3 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1102 PROBLEM 7.69 y σy For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) y 20 MPa, (b) y 140 MPa. (Hint: Consider both in-plane and out-of-plane shearing stresses.) 80 MPa 140 MPa z x SOLUTION (a) x 140 MPa, y 20 MPa, xy 80 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 80 MPa 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 60 80 100 MPa 2 a ave R 80 100 180 MPa (max) b ave R 80 100 20 MPa (min) c 0 1 2 1 max ( max min ) 100 MPa 2 x 140 MPa, y 140 MPa, xy 80 MPa max (in-plane) ( a b ) 100 MPa (b) max 100.0 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 140 MPa 2 x y 2 2 R xy 0 80 80 MPa 2 a ave R 220 MPa (max) b ave R 60 MPa c 0 (min) 1 2 1 ( max min ) 110 MPa 2 max (in-plane) ( a b ) 80 MPa max max 110.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1103 PROBLEM 7.70 y For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) z 0, (b) z 60 MPa, (c) z 60 MPa. 100 MPa 84 MPa σz 30 MPa x z SOLUTION The z axis is a principal axis. We determine the other two principal axes by drawing Mohr’s circle for a rotation in the x y plane. 1 (30 100) 65 2 1 1 ( x y ) (30 100) 35 2 2 ave R (35)2 (84)2 91 A ave R 65 91 156 MPa B ave R 65 91 26 MPa (a) z 0. Point Z corresponding to the z axis is located at O between A and B. Therefore, the largest of the 3 Mohr’s circles is the circle we drew through A and B. We have max R 91.0 MPa (b) z 60 MPa. Point Z is located between A and B. The largest of the 3 circles is still the circle through A and B, and we still have max R 91.0 MPa (c) z 60 MPa. Point Z is now outside the circle through A and B. The largest circle is the circle through Z and A. max 1 1 ( ZH ) (60 156) 2 2 max 108.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1104 PROBLEM 7.71 y For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) z 0, (b) z 60 MPa, (c) z 60 MPa. 100 MPa 84 MPa z 170 MPa x z SOLUTION 1 (170 100) 135 2 1 1 ( x y ) (170 100) 35 2 2 ave R (35)2 (84)2 91 A 135 91 226 MPa B 135 91 44 MPa (a) z 0. Point Z corresponding to the z axis is located at O, outside the circle drawn through A and B. The largest of the 3 Mohr’s circles is the circle through O and A. We have max (b) 1 1 1 (OA) A (226) 2 2 2 max 113.0 MPa z 60 MPa. Point Z is located between B and A. The largest of the 3 circles is the one drawn through A and B. max R 91.0 MPa (c) z 60 MPa. Point Z is located outside the circle drawn through A and B. The largest of the 8 Mohr’s circles is the circle through Z and A. We have max 1 1 ( ZA) (60 226) 2 2 max 143.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1105 PRO OBLEM 7.72 y For thhe state of strress shown, determine the maximum sheearing stress when (a) yz 17.5 ksi, (b) yz 8 ksi, (c) yz 0. τyz 12 ksi 3 ksi x z SO OLUTION (a) yz 17.55 ksi x 3 ksi R (6) 2 (17.5) 2 18.5 A 6 18.5 24.5 B 6 18.5 12.5 max A 24.5 ksi min B 12.5 ksi 1 2 max ( max min ) (b) max 18.50 ksi yz 8 kssi x 3 kssi R (6))2 (8) 2 10 A 6 10 1 16 B 6 10 1 4 max A 16 ksi min B 4 ksi 1 2 max ( max min ) (c) max 10.00 ksi yz 0 x 3 ksi max z 12 ksi min x 3 ksi 1 2 max ( max min ) max 7.50 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1106 PROBLEM 7.73 y For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) yz 17.5 ksi, (b) yz 8 ksi, (c) yz 0. τyz 12 ksi 10 ksi x z SOLUTION (a) yz 17.5 ksi R (6)2 (17.5)2 18.5 A 6 18.5 24.5 B 6 18.5 12.5 max A 24.5 ksi min B 12.5 ksi max 1 ( max min ) 2 max 18.50 ksi (b) yz 8 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1107 PROBLEM 7.73 (Continued) R (6)2 (8)2 10 A 6 10 16 B 6 10 4 max A 16 ksi min x 10 ksi max 1 ( max min ) 2 max 13.00 ksi (c) yz 0 max z 12 ksi min x 10 ksi max 1 ( max min ) 2 max 11.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1108 PROBLEM 7.74 y For the state of stress shown, determine the value of xy for which the maximum shearing stress is (a) 9 ksi, (b) 12 ksi. 6 ksi τ xy 15 ksi z x SOLUTION y 6 ksi x 15 ksi 1 ave ( x y ) 10.5 ksi 2 x y u 4.5 ksi 2 (ksi) (a) For max 9 ksi, center of Mohr’s circle lies at point C. Lines marked (a) show the limits on max . Limit on max is max 2 max 18 ksi . The Mohr’s circle a max corresponds to point Aa. R a ave 18 10.5 7.5 ksi R 2 u 2 xy xy R 2 u 2 7.52 4.52 6.00 ksi (b) xy 6.00 ksi For max 12 ksi, center of Mohr’s circle lies at point C. R 12 ksi xy R 2 u 2 11.24 ksi Checking, a 10.5 12 22.5 ksi b 10.5 12 1.5 ksi c 0 1 max ( max min ) 12 ksi 2 xy 11.24 ksi (o.k.) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1109 PROBLEM 7.75 y For the state of stress shown, determine the value of xy for which the maximum shearing stress is 80 MPa. 70 MPa τ xy 120 MPa z x SOLUTION x 120 MPa ave x y 2 Assume y 70 MPa 1 ( x y ) 95 MPa 2 120 70 25 MPa 2 min 0 max 2 max 160 MPa a max ave R R max ave 160 95 65 MPa 2 x y 2 R xy 2 2 2 2 xy x y 2 2 2 R 65 25 60 2 2 xy 60.0 MPa b a 2 R 160 130 30 MPa 0 (o.k.) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1110 PROBLEM 7.76 y σy For the state of stress shown, determine two values of y for which the maximum shearing stress is 73 MPa. 48 MPa 50 MPa z x SOLUTION x 50 MPa, xy 48 MPa Let u ave R max R 73 MPa, Case (1) (1a) y x 2 y 2u x 1 ( x y ) x u 2 2 u 2 xy 2 u R 2 xy u 732 482 55 MPa u 55 MPa y 2u x 60 MPa 1 ( x y ) 5 MPa 2 a ave R 78 MPa, b ave R 68 MPa ave a 0 max 78 MPa, min 68 MPa, max 73 MPa (1b) u 55 MPa y 2u x 160 MPa (reject) 1 ( x y ) 105 MPa, a ave R 32 MPa 2 b ave R 178 MPa, c 0, max 0 ave min 178 MPa, max 1 ( max min ) 89 MPa 73 MPa 2 y 60.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1111 PROBLEM 7.76 (Continued) Assume max 0. Case (2) max 1 ( max min ) 73 MPa 2 min 146 MPa b 2 b ave R x u u 2 xy 2 u 2 xy x u b 2 u 2 xy ( x b )2 2( x b )u u 2 2u 2 xy ( x b )2 (48)2 (50 146)2 72 MPa 50 146 x b u 36 MPa R y 2u x 122 MPa 2 u 2 xy 60 MPa a b 2R 146 120 26 MPa (o.k.) y 122.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1112 PROBLEM 7.77 y σy For the state of stress shown, determine two values of y for which the maximum shearing stress is 10 ksi. 8 ksi 14 ksi z x SOLUTION x 14 ksi, xy 8 ksi, max 10 ksi Let u ave y x 2 1 ( x y ) x u 2 R (1a) 2 u R 2 xy u 6 ksi u 6 ksi y 2u x 26 ksi (reject) ave 1 ( x y ) 20 ksi, a ave R 30 ksi, b ave R 10 ksi 2 max 30 ksi, min 0, max (1b) 2 u 2 xy max R 10 ksi, Case (1) y 2u x 1 ( max min ) 15 ksi 7.5 ksi 2 u 6 ksi y 2u x 2 ksi ave 1 ( x y ) 8 ksi, a ave R 18 ksi, b ave R 2 ksi 2 max 18 ksi, min 2 ksi, max 1 ( max min ) 10 ksi (o.k.) 2 y 2.00 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1113 PROBLEM 7.77 (Continued) Assume min 0. Case (2) max 2 max 20 ksi = a 2 a ave R x u u 2 xy a x u 2 u 2 xy 2 ( a x u)2 u 2 xy 2 ( a x )2 2( a x )u u 2 u 2 xy 2u 2 ( a x )2 xy a x (20 14)2 82 4.6667 ksi 20 14 u 2.3333 ksi y 2u x 9.3333 ksi ave 1 ( x y ) 11.6667 ksi R 2 a ave R 20 ksi 2 u 2 xy 8.3333 ksi b ave R 3.3334 ksi max 20 ksi, min 0, max 10 ksi y 9.33 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1114 PROBLEM 7.78 y For the state of stress shown, determine the range of values of xz for which the maximum shearing stress is equal to or less than 60 MPa. σ y 100 MPa 60 MPa x τ xz z SOLUTION x 60 MPa, z 0, y 100 MPa For Mohr’s circle of stresses in zx plane, 1 ( x z ) 30 MPa 2 z u x 30 MPa 2 ave Assume max y 100 MPa min b max 2 max 100 (2)(60) 20 MPa R ave b 30 (20) 50 MPa a ave R 30 50 80 MPa < y R 2 u 2 xz xz R 2 u 2 502 302 40 MPa 40.0 MPa xz 40.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1115 PROBLEM 7.79 y For the state of stress shown, determine two values of y for which the maximum shearing stress is 80 MPa. σy 90 MPa x z 60 MPa SOLUTION x 90 MPa, z 0, xz 60 MPa Mohr’s circle of stresses in zx plane: ave 1 ( x z ) 45 MPa 2 R x y 2 zx 2 2 452 602 75 MPa a ave R 120 MPa, b ave R 30 MPa Assume max a 120 MPa. y min max 2 max y 40.0 MPa 120 (2)(80) Assume min b 30 MPa. y max min 2 max y 130.0 MPa 30 (2)(80) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1116 PROBLEM 7.80* y σy For the state of stress of Prob. 7.69, determine (a) the value of y for which the maximum shearing stress is as small as possible, (b) the corresponding value of the shearing stress. 80 MPa 140 MPa z x SOLUTION u Let x y 2 y x 2u 1 2 ave ( x y ) x u 2 R u 2 xy 2 a ave R x u u 2 xy 2 b ave R x u u 2 xy Assume max is the in-plane shearing stress. max R Then max (in-plane) is minimum if u 0. y x 2u x 140 MPa, ave x u 140 MPa R xy 80 MPa a ave R 140 80 220 MPa b ave R 140 80 60 MPa max 220 MPa, min 0, 1 2 max ( max min ) 110 MPa Assumption is incorrect. Assume 2 max a ave R x u u 2 xy min 0 1 2 1 2 max ( max min ) a d a u 1 0 2 2 du u xy (no minimum) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1117 PROBLEM 7.80* (Continued) Optimum value for u occurs when max (out-of-plane) max (in-plane) 1 2 ( a R) R or a R or x u u 2 xy 2 2 2 2 ( x u )2 x2 2u x u u xy 2u 2 x2 xy 140 2 80 2 94.286 MPa 140 x (a) y x 2u 140 94.286 (b) 2 R u 2 xy max 92.857 MPa u 47.143 MPa y 45.7 MPa max 92.857 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1118 PROBLEM 7.81 σ0 100 MPa σ0 The state of plane stress shown occurs in a machine component made of a steel with Y 325 MPa. Using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion, determine whether yield will occur when (a) 0 200 MPa, (b) 0 240 MPa, (c) 0 280 MPa. If yield does not occur, determine the corresponding factor of safety. SOLUTION 2 ave 0 (a) 0 200 MPa x y 2 R xy 100 MPa 2 ave 200 MPa a ave R 100 MPa, b ave R 300 MPa a2 b2 a b 264.56 MPa < 325 MPa F . S. (b) 0 240 MPa 325 264.56 F . S . 1.228 ave 240 MPa a ave R 140 MPa, b ave R 340 MPa a2 b2 a b 295.97 MPa < 325 MPa F . S. (c) 0 280 MPa (No yielding) 325 295.97 (No yielding) F . S . 1.098 ave 280 MPa a ave R 180 MPa, a2 b2 a b 329.24 MPa > 325 MPa b ave R 380 MPa (Yielding occurs) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1119 PROBLEM 7.82 σ0 100 MPa σ0 Solve Prob. 7.81, using the maximum-shearing-stress criterion. PROBLEM 7.81 The state of plane stress shown occurs in a machine component made of a steel with Y 325 MPa. Using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion, determine whether yield will occur when (a) 0 200 MPa, (b) 0 240 MPa, (c) 0 280 MPa. If yield does not occur, determine the corresponding factor of safety. SOLUTION 2 ave 0 (a) 0 200 MPa: x y 2 R xy 100 MPa 2 ave 200 MPa a ave R 100 MPa max 0, b ave R 300 MPa min 300 MPa 2 max max min 300 MPa 325 MPa F . S. (b) 0 240 MPa: 325 300 F . S . 1.083 ave 240 MPa a ave R 140 MPa, max 0, b ave R 340 MPa min 340 MPa 2 max max min 340 MPa > 325 MPa (c) 0 280 MPa: (No yielding) (Yielding occurs) ave 280 MPa a ave R 180 MPa, max 0, b ave R 380 MPa min 380 MPa 2 max max min 380 MPa 325 MPa (Yielding occurs) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1120 PROBLEM 7.83 21 ksi τ xy The state of plane stress shown occurs in a machine component made of a steel with Y 45 ksi. Using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion, determine whether yield will occur when (a) xy 9 ksi, (b) xy 18 ksi, (c) xy 20 ksi. If yield does not occur, determine the corresponding factor of safety. 36 ksi SOLUTION x 36 ksi, y 21 ksi, z 0 ave For stresses in xy plane, x y 2 1 ( x y ) 28.5 ksi 2 7.5 ksi 2 (a) xy 9 ksi x y 2 xy 2 R (7.5)2 (9) 2 11.715 ksi a ave R 40.215 ksi, b ave R 16.875 ksi a2 b2 a b 34.977 ksi 45 ksi F .S . (No yielding) 45 39.977 F .S . 1.287 2 (b) xy 18 ksi R x y 2 xy 2 (7.5)2 (18)2 19.5 ksi a ave R 48 ksi, b ave R 9 ksi a2 b2 a b 44.193 ksi 45 ksi F .S . (No yielding) 45 44.193 F .S . 1.018 2 (c) xy 20 ksi R x y 2 xy 2 (7.5) 2 (20) 2 21.36 ksi a ave R 49.86 ksi, b ave R 7.14 ksi a2 b2 a b 46.732 ksi 45 ksi (Yielding occurs) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1121 PROBLEM 7.84 21 ksi Solve Prob. 7.83, using the maximum-shearing-stress criterion. τ xy 36 ksi PROBLEM 7.83 The state of plane stress shown occurs in a machine component made of a steel with Y 45 ksi. Using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion, determine whether yield will occur when (a) xy 9 ksi, (b) xy 18 ksi, (c) xy 20 ksi. If yield does not occur, determine the corresponding factor of safety. SOLUTION x 36 ksi, y 21 ksi, z 0 ave For stress in xy plane, 1 ( x y ) 28.5 ksi 2 x y 2 7.5 ksi 2 (a) xy 9 ksi x y 2 xy 11.715 ksi 2 R a ave R 40.215 ksi, b ave R 16.875 ksi max 34.977 ksi, min 0 2 max max min 40.215 ksi 45 ksi F .S. (No yielding) 45 40.215 F .S . 1.119 2 (b) x y 2 xy 19.5 ksi 2 xy 18 ksi R a ave R 48 ksi, b ave R 9 ksi max 48 ksi min 0 2 max max min 48 ksi 45 ksi (Yielding occurs) 2 (c) xy 20 ksi R x y 2 xy 21.36 ksi 2 a ave R 49.86 ksi b ave R 7.14 ksi max 49.86 ksi min 0 2 max max min 49.86 ksi 45 ksi (Yielding occurs) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1122 PROBLEM 7.85 The 38-mm-diameter shaft AB is made of a grade of steel for which the yield strength is Y 250 MPa. Using the maximum-shearing-stress criterion, determine the magnitude of the torque T for which yield occurs when P 240 kN. B T P A d = 38 mm SOLUTION P 240 103 N A d2 4 4 (38) 2 1.13411 103 mm 2 1.13411 10 3 m 2 P 240 103 211.62 106 Pa 211.62 MPa A 1.13411 103 y 0 x ave 1 1 ( x y ) x 2 2 2 x y 2 xy 2 R 1 2 2 x xy 4 2 2 max 2R x2 4 xy y 2 4 xy Y2 x2 xy 1 1 250 2 211.62 2 Y2 x2 2 2 66.553 MPa 66.553 106 Pa From torsion: xy J c Tc J 2 c4 T 38 J xy c 4 9 4 3 4 204.71 10 mm 204.71 10 m 2 2 1 d 19 10 3 m 2 (204.71 109 )(66.553 106 ) 19 103 717 N m T PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1123 PROBLEM 7.86 B T P A d = 38 mm Solve Prob. 7.85, using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion. PROBLEM 7.85 The 38-mm-diameter shaft AB is made of a grade of steel for which the yield strength is Y 250 MPa. Using the maximum-shearingstress criterion, determine the magnitude of the torque T for which yield occurs when P 240 kN. SOLUTION P 240 103 N A 4 d2 4 (38) 2 1.13411 103 mm 2 1.13411 103 m 2 P 240 103 211.62 106 Pa 211.62 MPa A 1.13411 103 y 0 x ave 1 1 ( x y ) x 2 2 2 R x y 2 xy 2 1 2 2 x xy 4 a ave R 1 x 2 1 2 2 x xy 4 b ave R 1 x 2 1 2 2 x xy 4 a2 b2 a b 1 2 1 1 2 2 x x x2 xy x2 xy 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 x2 x x xy x2 xy x2 x2 xy 4 4 4 4 4 2 x2 3 xy Y2 xy 1 2 Y x2 3 1 2502 211.622 76.848 MPa 76.848 106 Pa 3 2 xy PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1124 PROBLEM 7.86 (Continued) From torsion, xy J c Tc J 2 c4 T 38 J xy c 4 9 4 3 4 204.71 10 mm 204.71 10 m 2 2 1 d 19 10 3 m 2 (204.71 109 )(76.848 106 ) 19 103 828 N m T PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1125 PROBLEM 7.87 P T A 1.5 in. The 1.5-in.-diameter shaft AB is made of a grade of steel with a 42-ksi tensile yield stress. Using the maximum-shearing-stress criterion, determine the magnitude of the torque T for which yield occurs when P 60 kips. B SOLUTION P 60 kips A 4 d2 (1.5) 2 1.76715 in 2 4 P 60 x 33.953 ksi 1.76715 A y 0 ave 1 1 ( x y ) x 2 2 2 x y 2 xy 2 R 1 2 2 x xy 4 2 2 max 2R x2 4 xy Y 2 4 xy Y2 x2 xy 1 1 422 33.9532 Y2 x2 2 2 12.3612 ksi From torsion, J xy Tc T c J 1 c d 0.75 in. 2 xy J 2 c 4 0.49701 in 4 (0.49701)(12.3612) 0.75 8.19 kip in. T PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1126 PROBLEM 7.88 P T A Solve Prob. 7.87, using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion. PROBLEM 7.87 The 1.5-in.-diameter shaft AB is made of a grade of steel with a 42-ksi tensile yield stress. Using the maximum-shearing-stress criterion, determine the magnitude of the torque T for which yield occurs when P 60 kips. 1.5 in. B SOLUTION P 60 kips 2 A (1.5) 2 1.76715 in 2 4 p 60 x 33.953 ksi 1.76715 A y 0 ave 4 d 1 1 ( x y ) x 2 2 2 x y 2 xy 2 a ave R b ave R R 1 2 2 x xy 4 a2 b2 a b ( ave R) 2 ( ave R)2 ( ave R)( ave R) 2 2 2 ave 2 ave R R 2 ave 2 ave R R 2 ave R2 2 ave 3R 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 x 3 x2 xy x 3 xy Y 4 4 Y2 x2 2 3 xy xy 1 1 422 33.9532 Y2 x2 3 3 14.2734 ksi From torsion, J xy Tc T c J 1 c d 0.75 in. 2 xy c4 (0.75) 4 0.49701 in 4 2 2 (0.49701)(14.2734) T 9.46 kip in. 0.75 J PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1127 PRO OBLEM 7.89 100 MPa The state s of plane stress shownn is expected to occur in an a aluminum 8 MPa and castinng. Knowing that for the aluuminum alloy used UT 80 d wheether rupture UC 200 MPa annd using Mohrr’s criterion, determine of thee casting will occur. o 60 MPa M 10 MPa SO OLUTION x 10 MPa, M y 1000 MPa, xy 60 MPa ave x y 2 10 1000 45 MPaa 2 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy (55) (60) 81.399 MPa 2 a avee R 45 81.39 36.39 MPa b avee R 45 81.39 8 126.39 MPa Equuation of 4th quadrant q of bo oundary: a b 1 UT UC 36.39 (1226.39) 1.087 1 80 2000 Rupture will w occur. PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1128 75 MPa 32 MPa PROBLEM M 7.90 The state of plane stress shown s is expeected to occur in an aluminuum casting. Knowing thatt for the alumiinum alloy useed UT 80 MPa M and UC 200 MPa and using Mohr’s M criterioon, determinee whether ruppture of the casting c will occur. SOLUTION x 32 MPa, M y 0, M xy 75 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 16 MPa M 2 x y 2 2 2 R M xy (16) (775) 76.69 MPa 2 a ave R 16 766.69 60.69 MPa M b ave R 16 766.69 92.69 MPa Equuation of 4th quadrant q of bouundary: a b 1 UT UC 60.69 (92..69) 1.222 1 80 200 Rupture will w occur. PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1129 PROBLEM M 7.91 7 ksi The state off plane stress shown s is expeected to occurr in an aluminnum casting. 1 ksi and UC 30 ksi Knowing thaat for the alum minum alloy used UT 10 and using Mohr’s M criterionn, determine whether w rupturee of the castingg will occur. 8 ksi SO OLUTION x 8 ksi, y 0, xy 7 ksi 1 2 ave ( x y ) 4 ksi 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 4 7 8.062 ksi 2 a ave 2 ksi a R 4 8.062 4.062 b ave 062 ksi a R 4 8.062 12.0 Equuation of 4th quadrant q of bo oundary: a b 1 UT UC 4.062 (122.062) 0.8088 1 10 330 No rupture. PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1130 PROBLEM M 7.92 15 ksi k The state of plane p stress shhown is expeccted to occur in an aluminuum casting. Knowing thatt for the alum minum alloy used u UT 10 ksi and UC U 30 ksi and using Mohr’s criterion, determine whhether rupture of the casting will occur. 9 ksi 2 ksi SOLUTION x 2 ksi, y 15 ksi, xy 9 ksi 1 2 ave ( x y ) 6.5 ksii a 2 x y 2 2 2 R 1 ksi xy 8.5 9 12.379 2 a ave R 5.879 ksi b ave R 18.879 ksii q of bouundary: Equuation of 4th quadrant a b 1 UT UC 5.879 (18.879) 1.217 1 10 30 Rupture will occur. PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1131 PROBLEM M 7.93 8 ksi t0 The state of plane stress shown s will occcur at a critical point in an a aluminum casting that is made of ann alloy for whhich UT 10 ksi and UC U 25 ksi. Using Mohrr’s criterion, determine d thee shearing stress 0 for which w failure should be exppected. SO OLUTION x 8 ksi, y 0, xyy 0 1 2 avee ( x y ) 4 ksi 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 4 0 2 0 R 2 42 a ave R (4 R) ksi b ave R (4 R) ksi Sinnce ave < R, stress point lies in 4th quaddrant. Equatioon of 4th quaddrant boundaryy is a b 1 UT UC 4 R 4R 1 10 25 1 4 4 1 10 25 R 1 10 25 R 5.429 ksi 0 5.42992 42 0 3.67 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1132 PROBLEM M 7.94 80 MPa 0 The state off plane stress shown s will occcur at a criticaal point in a piipe made of an aluminum m alloy for which w Using UT 75 MPa and UC 150 MPa. M Mohr’s criteerion, determinne the shearinng stress 0 foor which failurre should be expected. SOLUTION x 80 MPa, y 0, xy 0 1 2 ave ( x y ) 40 MPa 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 40 0 MPa 2 a ave R b ave R 0 R 2 402 Sincce ave < R, stress point lies in 4th quaddrant. Equationn of 4th quadrrant boundary is a b 1 UT UC 40 R 40 R 1 75 150 R R 40 40 1 1.2667 75 150 75 150 R 63.33 MP Pa, 0 63.332 402 0 8.49 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1133 PR ROBLEM 7.95 7 T' t0 T Thee cast-aluminnum rod shoown is made of an alloyy for which a UC 1775 MPa. Know wing that the magnitude m T UTT 70 MPa and of the t applied torrques is slowlly increased annd using Mohr’s criterion, dettermine the shearing stress 0 that shouldd be expected at a rupture. SO OLUTION x 0 y 0 xy 0 1 2 ave ( x y ) 0 2 x y 2 2 R xy 0 xyy xy 2 a ave a RR b ave a R R Sinnce ave < R, stress point lies in 4th quaddrant. Equatioon of boundaryy of 4th quadrrant is a b 1 UT UC R R 1 700 175 1 1 R 1 70 175 1 R 50 MPa M 0 R 0 50.0 5 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1134 P PROBLEM 7.96 T cast-alum The minum rod shhown is madee of an alloyy for which U Mohr’s criterion, UT 60 MPa and UC 120 MPa. Using d determine the magnitude off the torque T for which faiilure should b expected. be 32 mm B T A 26 kN SOLUTION P 26 103 N x A 4 (32) 2 804.25 mm 2 804.25 106 m 2 P 26 1003 32.3288 106 Pa 322.328 MPa 6 A 804.25 10 1 1 2 2 x y 1 (32.328 0)) 16.164 MP Pa 2 2 ave ( x y ) (32.328 0) 0 16.164 MP Pa a ave R 16..164 R MPa b ave R 16.164 R MPa Sincce ave < R, stress point lies in the 4th quadrant. q Equaation of the 4thh quadrant is a 16.1644 R 16.1644 R b 1 1 UT UCC 1200 600 1 16.1664 16.164 1 60 120 R 1 60 120 x y 2 R xy 2 R 34 4.612 MPa 2 xy x y 2 2 R 1 30.6606 MPa 34.612 16.164 2 2 6 106 Pa 30.606 For torsion, xy T Tc 2T J c3 2 c3 xy x wherre c 2 1 d 166 mm 16 1003 m 2 (16 1003 )3 (30.606 106 ) T 196 6.9 N m PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1135 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 (a) PROBLEM M 7.97 1 2 0 0 (b) 0 A machine component c is made of a grade g of cast k and UC 20 ksi. For iron for whicch UT 8 ksi each of the states s of stress shown, and using u Mohr’s criterion, dettermine the normal stress 0 at which rupture of thee component should s be expeected. (c) SO OLUTION (a) a 0 1 2 b 0 Stress poinnt lies in 1st quadrant. q a 0 UT (b) 0 8.00 ksi a 0 1 2 b 0 Stress poinnt lies in 4th quadrant. q Equaation of 4th quuadrant bounddary is a b 1 UT UCC 0 8 (c) 12 0 20 1 0 6.67 ksi 1 2 a 0 , b 0 , 4th quadrannt 1 2 0 8 0 1 20 0 8.89 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1136 PROBLEM 7.98 A spherical pressure vessel has an outer diameter of 3 m and a wall thickness of 12 mm. Knowing that for the steel used all 80 MPa, E 200 GPa, and 0.29, determine (a) the allowable gage pressure, (b) the corresponding increase in the diameter of the vessel. SOLUTION r 1 1 d t (3) 12 103 1.488 m 2 2 1 2 all 80 106 Pa (a) 1 2 p pr 2t 2t1 (2)(12 103 )(80 106 ) r 1.488 p 1.290 MPa p 1.290 106 Pa (b) 1 ( 1 2 ) E 1 1 0.29 (80 106 ) 284 106 1 9 E 200 10 1 d d 1 (3)(284 106 ) 852 106 m d 0.852 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1137 PROBLEM 7.99 A spherical gas container having an inner diameter of 5 m and a wall thickness of 24 mm is made of steel for which E 200 GPa and 0.29. Knowing that the gage pressure in the container is increased from zero to 1.8 MPa, determine (a) the maximum normal stress in the container, (b) the corresponding increase in the diameter of the container. SOLUTION p 1.8 MPa r (a) 1 1 d t (5) 24 10 3 2.476 m 2 2 1 2 pr (1.8)(2.476) 92.850 MPa 2t (2)(24 103 ) 92.9 MPa 1 (b) 1 1 1 0.29 ( 1 2 ) (92.85 106 ) 329.6 1 E E 200 109 d d 1 (5)(329.6 106 ) 1.648 103 m d 1.648 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1138 PROBLEM 7.100 The maximum gage pressure is known to be 1150 psi in a spherical steel pressure vessel having a 10-in. outer diameter and a 0.25-in. wall thickness. Knowing that the ultimate stress in the steel used is U 60 ksi, determine the factor of safety with respect to tensile failure. SOLUTION d t 2 10 in. 0.25 in. 2 4.75 in. r pr 2t (1150 psi)(4.75 in.) 2(0.25 in.) 1 2 10.925 ksi F.S. 60 ksi U max 10.925 ksi F.S. 5.49 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1139 PROBLEM 7.101 A spherical pressure vessel of 750-mm outer diameter is to be fabricated from a steel having an ultimate stress U 400 MPa. Knowing that a factor of safety of 4.0 is desired and that the gage pressure can reach 4.2 MPa, determine the smallest wall thickness that should be used. SOLUTION 1 d t 2 1 (0.750 m) t 2 0.375t (m) r We have and max 1 2 F.S. pr 2t U max Combining these two equations gives F.S. or 2t U pr 2 U t (F.S.) pr Substituting for r gives 2(400 106 Pa)t (4)(4.2 106 Pa)(0.375 t ) 816.80 106 t 6.30 106 t 7.71 103 m t 7.71 mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1140 PROBLEM 7.102 A spherical gas container made of steel has a 20-ft outer diameter and a wall thickness of 167 in. Knowing that the internal pressure is 75 psi, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress in the container. SOLUTION d 20 ft 240 in. 7 in. 0.4375 in. 16 1 r d t 119.56 in. 2 (75)(119.56) pr 10.25 103 psi 2t (2)(0.4375) t 10.25 ksi max 10.25 ksi min 0 max (Neglecting small radial stress) 1 ( max min ) 2 max 5.12 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1141 PROBLEM 7.103 A basketball has a 300-mm outer diameter and a 3-mm wall thickness. Determine the normal stress in the wall when the basketball is inflated to a 120-kPa gage pressure. SOLUTION 1 d t 2 1 (300 mm) 3 2 r 147 mm 1 2 or 147 103 m pr 2t (120 103 Pa)(147 103 m) 2(3 103 m) 2.9400 106 Pa 2.94 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1142 PROBLEM 7.104 8m 14.5 m h The unpressurized cylindrical storage tank shown has a 5-mm wall thickness and is made of steel having a 400-MPa ultimate strength in tension. Determine the maximum height h to which it can be filled with water if a factor of safety of 4.0 is desired. (Density of water 1000 kg/m3.) SOLUTION d0 8 m t 5 mm 0.005 m 1 d t 4 0.005 3.995 m 2 400 MPa U 100 MPa 100 106 Pa F.S. 4.0 pr t r all all p but t all (0.005 m)(100 106 Pa) 125.156 103 Pa r 3.995 m p gh, h 125.156 103 Pa p 12.7580 m g (1000 kg/m3 )(9.81 m/s2 ) h 12.76 m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1143 PROBLEM 7.105 8m 14.5 m For the storage tank of Prob. 7.104, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress in the cylindrical wall when the tank is filled to capacity (h 14.5 m). h PROBLEM 7.104 The unpressurized cylindrical storage tank shown has a 5-mm wall thickness and is made of steel having a 400-MPa ultimate strength in tension. Determine the maximum height h to which it can be filled with water if a factor of safety of 4.0 is desired. (Density of water 1000 kg/m3.) SOLUTION d0 8 m t 5 mm 0.005 m 1 r d t 4 0.005 3.995 m 2 p gh (1000 kg/m3 )(9.81 m/s 2 )(14.5 m) 142.245 103 Pa 1 (142.245 103 Pa)(3.995 m) pr 0.005 m t 113.654 106 Pa max 1 max 113.7 MPa min 0 max 1 ( max min ) 2 max 56.8 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1144 PROBLEM 7.106 The bulk storage tank shown in Photo 7.3 has an outer diameter of 3.3 m and a wall thickness of 18 mm. At a time when the internal pressure of the tank is 1.5 MPa, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress in the tank. SOLUTION r 1 d 3.3 t 18 103 1.632 m, 2 2 t 18 103 m pr (1.5 106 Pa)(1.632 m) 136 106 Pa t 18 103 m max 1 136 106 Pa max 136.0 MPa min p 0 max 1 ( max min ) 68 106 Pa 2 max 68.0 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1145 PROBLEM 7.107 A standard-weight steel pipe of 12-in. nominal diameter carries water under a pressure of 400 psi. (a) Knowing that the outside diameter is 12.75 in. and the wall thickness is 0.375 in., determine the maximum tensile stress in the pipe. (b) Solve part a, assuming an extra-strong pipe is used of 12.75-in. outside diameter and 0.5-in. wall thickness. SOLUTION (a) d 0 12.75 in. t 0.375 in. r (b) pr (400)(6.00) 6400 psi t 0.375 d 0 12.75 in. t 0.500 in. r 1 d 0 t 6.00 in. 2 6.40 ksi 1 d 0 t 5.875 in. 2 pr (400)(5.875) 4700 psi t 0.500 4.70 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1146 PROBLEM 7.108 A cylindrical storage tank contains liquefied propane under a pressure of 1.5 MPa at a temperature of 38C. Knowing that the tank has an outer diameter of 320 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress in the tank. SOLUTION r d 320 t 3 157 mm 157 103 m 2 2 t 3 103 m 1 pr (1.5 106 Pa)(157 103 m) 78.5 106 Pa 3 t 3 10 m max 1 78.5 106 Pa max 78.5 MPa min p 0 max 1 ( max min ) 39.25 106 Pa 2 max 39.3 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1147 PROBLEM 7.109 Determine the largest internal pressure that can be applied to a cylindrical tank of 5.5-ft outer diameter and 5 -in. wall thickness if the ultimate normal stress of the steel used is 65 ksi and a factor of safety of 5.0 8 is desired. SOLUTION U 65 ksi 13 ksi 13 103 psi F .S. 5.0 d (5.5)(12) r t 0.625 32.375 in. 2 2 1 1 pr t p t1 (0.625)(13 103 ) r 32.375 p 251 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1148 PROBLEM 7.110 A A steel penstock has a 36-in. outer diameter, a 0.5-in. wall thickness, and connects a reservoir at A with a generating station at B. Knowing that the specific weight of water is 62.4 lb/ft3, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress in the penstock under static conditions. 500 ft B 36 in. SOLUTION r 1 1 d t (36) 0.5 17.5 in. 2 2 p rh (62.4 lb/ft 3 )(500 ft) 31.2 103 lb/ft 2 216.67 psi 1 pr (216.67)(17.5) 7583 psi t 0.5 max 1 7583 psi max 7.58 ksi min p 217 psi max 1 ( max min ) 3900 psi 2 max 3.90 ksi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1149 PROBLEM 7.111 A A steel penstock has a 36-in. outer diameter and connects a reservoir at A with a generating station at B. Knowing that the specific weight of water is 62.4 lb/ft3 and that the allowable normal stress in the steel is 12.5 ksi, determine the smallest thickness that can be used for the penstock. 500 ft B 36 in. SOLUTION p h (62.4 lb/ft 3 )(500 ft) 31.2 103 lb/ft 2 216.67 psi 1 12.5 ksi 12.5 103 psi 1 d t 18 t 2 pr r 1 1 , t t p r 18 t 12.5 103 57.692 216.67 t 18 58.692 t t 0.307 in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1150 PROBLEM 7.112 600 mm b The cylindrical portion of the compressed-air tank shown is fabricated of 8-mm-thick plate welded along a helix forming an angle 30° with the horizontal. Knowing that the allowable stress normal to the weld is 75 MPa, determine the largest gage pressure that can be used in the tank. 1.8 m SOLUTION 1 1 d t (600) 6 292 mm 2 2 pr 1 t 1 pr 2 2 t 1 3 pr ave (1 2 ) 2 4 t 2 1 pr R 1 2 4 t w ave R cos 60 r 5 pr 8 t 8 wt p 5 r p 8 (75)(8) 3.29 MPa 5 292 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1151 PROBLEM 7.113 600 mm For the compressed-air tank of Prob. 7.112, determine the gage pressure that will cause a shearing stress parallel to the weld of 30 MPa. b 1.8 m PROBLEM 7.112 The cylindrical portion of the compressed-air tank shown is fabricated of 8-mm-thick plate welded along a helix forming an angle 30° with the horizontal. Knowing that the allowable stress normal to the weld is 75 MPa, determine the largest gage pressure that can be used in the tank. SOLUTION r 1 2 R w 1 1 d t (600) 8 292 mm 2 2 pr t 1 pr 2 t 1 2 1 pr 2 4 t R sin 60 3 pr 8 t 8 w t p 3 R p 8 (30)(8) 3.80 MPa 3 292 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1152 PROBLEM 7.114 The steel pressure tank shown has a 750-mm inner diameter and a 9-mm wall thickness. Knowing that the butt-welded seams form an angle 50 with the longitudinal axis of the tank and that the gage pressure in the tank is 1.5 MPa, determine (a) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld, (b) the shearing stress parallel to the weld. SOLUTION r d 375 mm 0.375 m 2 1 pr (1.5 106 Pa 0.375 m) 62.5 106 Pa 62.5 MPa t 0.009 m 2 1 1 31.25 MPa 2 2 100 1 ( 1 2 ) 46.875 MPa 2 2 R 1 15.625 MPa 2 ave (a) w ave R cos100 w 44.2 MPa (b) w R sin100 w 15.39 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1153 PROBLEM 7.115 The pressurized tank shown was fabricated by welding strips of plate along a helix forming an angle with a transverse plane. Determine the largest value of that can be used if the normal stress perpendicular to the weld is not to be larger than 85 percent of the maximum stress in the tank. SOLUTION 1 pr t 2 pr 2t 1 2 3 pr 4 t 1 2 1 pr R 2 4 t w ave R cos 2 ave ( 1 2 ) 0.85 pr 3 1 pr cos 2 t 4 4 t 3 cos 2 4 0.85 0.4 4 2 113.6 56.8 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1154 12 ft PROBLEM 7.116 12 ft 45 20 ft (a) Square plates, each of 0.5-in. thickness, can be bent and welded together in either of the two ways shown to form the cylindrical portion of a compressed-air tank. Knowing that the allowable normal stress perpendicular to the weld is 12 ksi, determine the largest allowable gage pressure in each case. (b) SOLUTION 1 d t 71.5 in. 2 pr 2 2t d 12ft 144 in. r 1 (a) pr t 1 12 ksi p 1t (12)(0.5) 0.0839 ksi 71.5 r p 83.9 psi (b) 1 3 pr ( 1 2 ) 2 4 t 1 2 1 pr R 2 4 t 45 ave w ave R cos p 3 pr 4 t 4 wt 4 (12)(0.5) 0.1119 ksi 3 r 3 71.5 p 111.9 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1155 PROBLEM 7.117 3m 1.6 m The pressure tank shown has a 0.375-in. wall thickness and butt-welded seams forming an angle 20° with a transverse plane. For a gage pressure of 85 psi, determine (a) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld, (b) the shearing stress parallel to the weld. SOLUTION d 5 ft 60 in. 1 d t 30 0.375 29.625 in. 2 (85)(29.625) pr 1 6715 psi 0.375 t 1 2 1 3357.5 psi 2 1 ave ( 1 2 ) 5036.2 psi 2 1 2 R 1678.75 psi 2 r (a) w ave R cos 40 3750 psi (b) w R sin 40 1079 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1156 PROBLEM 7.118 3m 1.6 m For the tank of Prob. 7.117, determine the largest allowable gage pressure, knowing that the allowable normal stress perpendicular to the weld is 18 ksi and the allowable shearing stress parallel to the weld is 10 ksi. PROBLEM 7.117 The pressure tank shown has a 0.375-in. wall thickness and butt-welded seams forming an angle 20° with a transverse plane. For a gage pressure of 85 psi, determine (a) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld, (b) the shearing stress parallel to the weld. SOLUTION d 5 ft 60 in. r 1 2 ave R 1 d t 30 0.375 29.625 in. 2 pr t pr 2t 1 3 pr ( 1 2 ) 2 4 t 1 2 1 pr 2 4 t w ave R cos 50 3 1 pr cos 50 4 4 t 0.58930 p w t 0.5893r pr t (18)(0.375) 0.38664 ksi 387 psi (0.58930)(29.625) pr t w t (10)(0.375) 0.66097 ksi 661 psi p 0.191511r (0.191511)(29.625) w R sin 50 0.191511 p 387 psi Allowable gage pressure is the smaller value. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1157 PROBLEM 7.119 3m 1.6 m For the tank of Prob. 7.117, determine the range of values of that can be used if the shearing stress parallel to the weld is not to exceed 1350 psi when the gage pressure is 85 psi. PROBLEM 7.117 The pressure tank shown has a 0.375-in. wall thickness and butt-welded seams forming an angle 20° with a transverse plane. For a gage pressure of 85 psi, determine (a) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld, (b) the shearing stress parallel to the weld. SOLUTION d 5 ft 60 in. 1 3 d t 30 29.625 in. 2 8 (85)(29.625) pr 1 6715 psi 0.375 t 1 2 1 3357.5 psi 2 2 R 1 1678.75 2 r w R sin 2 all sin 2 a 2 a 53.53 a 26.8 2b 53.53 b 26.8 2 c 53.53 180 126.47 c 63.2 d 116.8 2 d 53.53 180 233.53 w R 1350 0.80417 1678.75 26.8 63.2 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1158 PRO OBLEM 7.120 4 ft A preessure vessel of o 10-in. inner diameter annd 0.25-in. waall thickness is fabbricated from a 4-ft sectioon of spirally--welded pipe AB and is equippped with two rigid end plattes. The gage pressure p insidde the vessel is 3000 psi and 10-kkip centric axxial forces P and a P are appplied to the end plates. p Determ mine (a) the noormal stress peerpendicular to t the weld, (b) the shearing streess parallel to the weld. P' A P 35 B SOLUTION 1 1 d (10) 5 in. t 0.25 in. 2 2 pr (3000)(5) 6000 psi 1 p 6 ksi t 0.225 pr (3000)(5) 3000 psi 2 p 3 ksi 2t (2)(00.25) r0 r t 5 0.25 5.25 inn. r A r02 r 2 (5.252 5.002 ) 8.05003 in 2 Totaal stresses. Longitudinal: 100 103 P 12442 psi 1.242 ksi 8.0803 A x 3 1.242 1.7588 ksi Circumferential: y 6 ksi k Shear: xy 0 Plottted points forr Mohr’s circlee: X : (1.758, 0) Y : (6, 0) C : (3.879) 1 2 ave ( x y ) 3.8879 ksi 2 x y 2 R xy 2 2 ((1.758 6) 0 2.121 kssi 2 (a) (b) x avee R cos 70 3.879 2.1221 cos 70 | xy | R siin 70 2.1211 sin 70 x 3.15 ksi | xy | 1.993 1 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1159 PROB BLEM 7.12 21 Solve Prob. 7.120, assuming thatt the magnituude P of the tw wo forces is increassed to 30 kips. 4 ft P' A PROB BLEM 7.120 A pressure vesssel of 10-in. inner diameterr and 0.25-in. wall thhickness is faabricated from m a 4-ft sectioon of spirally--welded pipe AB andd is equipped with two rigiid end plates. The gage preessure inside the vesssel is 300 psii and 10-kip centric c axial foorces P and P are applied to the end plates. Determine D (a) the normal stress perpenddicular to the weld, (b) ( the shearinng stress parallel to the weldd. P 35 B SO OLUTION 1 1 d (10) ( 5 in. t 0.25 in. 2 2 pr (3000)(5) 1 6000 psi 6 ksi t 0 0.25 pr (300)(5) 2 30000 psi 3 ksi 2t (2))(0.25) r0 r t 5 0.25 5.25 in. r A r02 r 2 (5.252 52 ) 8.05033 in 2 Tottal stresses. 30 103 P 37727 psi 3.7727 ksi A 8.0503 x 3 3.727 0.7727 ksi Longitudinall: Circumferen ntial: y 6 ksi xy 0 Shear: Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (0.727, 0) 0 Y : (6, 0) C : (2.66365, 0) 1 2 avve ( x y ) 2.6365 kssi 2 x y 2 R xy 2 2 0.7277 6 3 ksi 0 3.3635 2 (a) x ave R cos 70 2.6365 3.3635 cos 70 x 1.486 ksi (b) | xy | R sin 70 3.36 635 sin 70 | xy | 3.16 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1160 PROBLEM 7.122 2 T A torquue of magnituude T 12 kN nd of a tank containing N m is applied to the en compresssed air under a pressure off 8 MPa. Know wing that the tank t has a 1800-mm inner diameterr and a 12-mm m wall thicknness, determinne the maximuum normal strress and the maximuum shearing strress in the tank. SOLUTION d 180 mm m r 1 d 90 mm t 12 mm 2 Torssion: c1 90 mm m c2 90 12 102 mm m J 2 c 4 2 c14 66.9668 106 mm 4 66.968 106 m 4 Tc (12 103 )(1022 103 ) 188.277 MPa J 66.968 106 Presssure: 1 pr pr (8)(90) 600 MPa 2 30 MP Pa 12 2t t Sum mmary of stresses: x 60 MPa, M y 30 MPa, xy 18.277 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 45 MPa 2 x y 2 R Pa xy x 23.64 MP 2 a avee R 68.64 MPa M b avee R 21.36 MPa M c 0 max 688.6 MPa min 0 1 2 max ( max min ) max 344.3 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1161 PROBLEM 7.123 T The tank shown has a 180-mm inner diameter and a 12-mm wall thickness. Knowing that the tank contains compressed air under a pressure of 8 MPa, determine the magnitude T of the applied torque for which the maximum normal stress is 75 MPa. SOLUTION 1 1 d (180) 90 mm 2 2 pr (8)(90) 1 60 MPa t 12 pr 2 30 MPa 2t 1 ave ( 1 y ) 45 MPa 2 max 75 MPa r t 12 mm R max ave 30 MPa 2 2 2 2 2 R 1 xy 15 xy 2 xy R 2 152 302 152 25.98 MPa 25.98 106 Pa Torsion: c1 90 mm c2 90 12 102 mm xy T 4 c2 c14 66.968 106 mm 4 66.968 106 m 4 2 J xy (66.968 106 )(25.98 106 ) Tc 17.06 103 N m T 3 J c 102 10 J T 17.06 kN m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1162 PROBLEM 7.124 y 150 mm The compressed-air tank AB has a 250-mm outside diameter and an 8-mm wall thickness. It is fitted with a collar by which a 40-kN force P is applied at B in the horizontal direction. Knowing that the gage pressure inside the tank is 5 MPa, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress at point K. B P 600 mm K L A z 150 mm x SOLUTION Consider element at point K. Stresses due to internal pressure: p 5 MPa 5 106 Pa 1 250 r d t 8 117 mm 2 2 pr (5 106 )(117 103 ) x 73.125 MPa t (8 103 ) y Stress due to bending moment: pr (5 106 )(117 103 ) 36.563 MPa 2t (2)(8 103 ) Point K is on the neutral axis. y 0 Stress due to transverse shear: V P 40 103 N 1 c2 d 125 mm 2 c1 c2 t 117 mm 2 2 Q c23 c13 (1253 1173 ) 3 3 3 234.34 10 mm3 234.34 106 m3 c 4 xy 4 2 c14 (1254 117 4 ) 4 44.573 106 mm 4 44.573 106 m 4 I (40 103 )(234.34 106 ) VQ PQ It I (2t ) (44.573 106 )(16 103 ) 13.1436 106 Pa 13.1436 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1163 PROBLEM 7.124 (Continued) Total stresses: x 73.125 MPa, y 36.563 MPa, xy 13.1436 MPa Mohr’s circle: ave ( x y ) 54.844 MPa 1 2 2 x y 2 R xy 2 (18.281) 2 (13.1436) 2 22.516 MPa a ave R 77.360 MPa b ave R 32.328 MPa a 77.4 MPa, b 32.3 MPa Principal stresses: z 0 The 3rd principal stress is the radial stress. max 77.4 MPa, min 0 Maximum shearing stress: 1 2 max ( max min ) max 77.4 MPa max 38.7 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1164 PROB BLEM 7.12 25 y 150 0 mm In Probb. 7.124, deterrmine the maxximum normall stress and thee maximum shearinng stress at poiint L. B P PROB BLEM 7.124 The T compresssed-air tank AB B has a 250-m mm outside diametter and an 8-m mm wall thicknness. It is fitteed with a collaar by which a 40-kN N force P is appplied at B in the horizontal direction. Knnowing that the gagge pressure innside the tankk is 5 MPa, determine d thee maximum normall stress and thee maximum shhearing stress at point K. 600 mm K L A z m 150 mm x SOLUTION Connsider elementt at point L. Streesses due to in nternal pressurre: p 5 MPa 5 106 Pa 1 250 r d t 8 1177 mm 2 2 pr (5 106 )(117 1003 ) x 73.125 MPa t 8 103 pr (5 103 )(117 1003 ) y 36.563 MPa 2t (2)(8 103 ) ding moment: Streess due to bend M (40 kN)(600 k mm) 24,000 N m 1 d 125 mm 2 c1 c2 t 125 8 117 mm c2 c 4 y 4 2 c14 (1254 117 4 ) 4 44.573 106 mm 4 44.573 106 m 4 I Mc (24, 000)(125 103 ) 67.305 MP Pa I 44.573 106 PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1165 PROBLEM 7.125 (Continued) Stress due to transverse shear: Point L lies in a plane of symmetry. xy 0 x 73.125 MPa, y 30.742 MPa, xy 0 Total stresses: Principal stresses: Since xy 0, x and y are principal stresses. The 3rd principal stress is in the radial direction, z 0. max 73.125 MPa, min 0, a 73.1 MPa, b 30.7 MPa, z 0 max 73.1 MPa Maximum stress: Maximum shearing stress: 1 2 max ( max min ) max 51.9 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1166 PROBLEM 7.126 1.5 in. STEEL ts 81 in. Es 29 106 psi ss 6.5 10–6/F 5 in. BRASS tb 14 in. Eb 15 106 psi bs 11.6 10–6/F A brass ring of 5-in. outer diameter and 0.25-in. thickness fits exactly inside a steel ring of 5-in. inner diameter and 0.125-in. thickness when the temperature of both rings is 50F. Knowing that the temperature of both rings is then raised to 125F, determine (a) the tensile stress in the steel ring, (b) the corresponding pressure exerted by the brass ring on the steel ring. SOLUTION Let p be the contact pressure between the rings. Subscript s refers to the steel ring. Subscript b refers to the brass ring. Steel ring. Internal pressure p: s pr ts s (1) Corresponding strain: sp Strain due to temperature change: sT s T s Total strain: Es pr Es t s pr s T Es t s Change in length of circumference: pr Ls 2 r s 2 r s T Es ts Brass ring. External pressure p: Corresponding strains: b pr tb bp pr , bT b T Eb tb Change in length of circumference: pr Lb 2 r b 2 r b T Eb tb Equating Ls to Lb , pr pr s T b T Es t s Eb tb r r p (b s ) T Es ts Eb tb (2) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1167 PROBLEM 7.126 (Continued) T 125F 50F 75F Data: r From Equation (2), 1 1 d (5) 2.5 in. 2 2 2.5 2.5 6 p (11.6 6.5)(10 )(75) 6 6 (29 10 )(0.125) (15 10 )(0.25) 1.35632 106 p 382.5 106 p 282.0 psi From Equation (1), s pr (282.0)(2.5) 5.64 103 psi ts 0.125 (a) s 5.64 ksi (b) p 282 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1168 PROBLEM 7.127 1.5 in. Solve Prob. 7.126, assuming that the brass ring is 0.125 in. thick and the steel ring is 0.25 in. thick. STEEL ts 81 in. Es 29 106 psi ss 6.5 10–6/F 5 in. BRASS tb 14 in. Eb 15 106 psi bs 11.6 10–6/F PROBLEM 7.126 A brass ring of 5-in. outer diameter and 0.25-in. thickness fits exactly inside a steel ring of 5-in. inner diameter and 0.125-in. thickness when the temperature of both rings is 50F. Knowing that the temperature of both rings is then raised to 125F, determine (a) the tensile stress in the steel ring, (b) the corresponding pressure exerted by the brass ring on the steel ring. SOLUTION Let p be the contact pressure between the rings. Subscript s refers to the steel ring. Subscript b refers to the brass ring. Steel ring. Internal pressure p: s pr ts s (1) Corresponding strain: sp Strain due to temperature change: sT s T s Total strain: Es pr Es t s pr s T Es t s Change in length of circumference: pr Ls 2 r s 2 r s T Es t s Brass ring. External pressure p: Corresponding strains: b pr tb bp pr , bT b T Eb tb Change in length of circumference: pr Lb 2 r b 2 r b T Eb tb Equating Ls to Lb , pr pr s T b T Es t s Eb tb r r p (b s )T Es ts Eb tb (2) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1169 PROBLEM 7.127 (Continued) Data: From Equation (2), T 125F 50F 75F 1 1 r d (5) 2.5 in. 2 2 2.5 2.5 6 p (11.6 6.5)(10 )(75) 6 6 (29 10 )(0.25) (15 10 )(0.125) 1.67816 106 p 382.5 106 p 227.93 psi From Equation (1), s pr (227.93)(2.5) 2279 psi ts 0.25 (a) s 2.28 ksi (b) p 228 psi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1170 PROBLEM 7.128 y y' x' x For the given state of plane strain, use the method of Sec. 7.7A to determine the state of plane strain associated with axes x and y rotated through the given angle . x 800 , y 450 , xy 200 , 25 SOLUTION 25 x y 2 x y 175 x x y 2 x y 625 xy 2 100 sin 2 2 2 2 175 (625 ) cos (50) (100 )sin (50) y x y x y cos 2 xy cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 2 175 (625 ) cos (50) (100 )sin (50) x 653 y 303 xy ( x y )sin 2 xy cos 2 (800 450 )sin (50) (200 ) cos (50) xy 829 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1171 PROBLEM 7.129 y y' x' x For the given state of plane strain, use the method of Sec. 7.7A to determine the state of plane strain associated with axes x and y rotated through the given angle . x 240 , y 160 , xy 150 , 60 SOLUTION 60 x y 2 x y 200 x x y 2 x y xy 40 xy 75 sin 2 2 2 2 200 40 cos (120) 75 sin (120) y x y x y cos 2 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 2 200 40cos (120) 75sin (120) x 115.0 y 285 xy ( x y )sin 2 xy cos 2 (240 160)sin (120) 150 cos (120) xy 5.72 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1172 PROBLEM 7.130 y y' x' x For the given state of plane strain, use the method of Sec. 7.7A to determine the state of plane strain associated with axes x and y rotated through the given angle . x 500 , y 250 , xy 0, 15 SOLUTION 15 x y 2 x y 125 x x y 2 x y 375 cos 2 xy 2 2 2 125 (375 ) cos 30 0 y x y x y cos 2 xy 2 2 2 125 (375 ) cos 30 0 xy 2 0 sin 2 x 450 sin 2 y 199.8 xy ( x y )sin 2 xy cos 2 (500 250 )sin 30 0 xy 375 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1173 PROBLEM 7.131 y y' For the given state of plane strain, use the method of Sec 7.7A to determine the state of plane strain associated with axes x and y rotated through the given angle . x' x x 0, y 320 , xy 100 , 30 SOLUTION 30 x y 2 x y 160 x x y 2 2 x y 2 160 cos 2 160 160 cos 60 y x y 2 x y 2 2 sin 2 100 sin 60 2 cos 2 160 160cos 60 xy xy 2 x 36.7 sin 2 100 sin 60 2 y 283 xy ( x y )sin 2 xy cos 2 (0 320)sin 60 100 cos 60 xy 227 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1174 PROBLEM 7.132 y y' x' x For the given state of plane strain, use Mohr’s circle to determine the state of plane strain associated with axes x and y rotated through the given angle . x 800 , y 450 , xy 200 , 25 SOLUTION Plotted points: X : (800 , 100 ) Y : (450 , 100 ) C : (175 , 0) tan 100 625 9.09 R (625 ) 2 (100 ) 2 632.95 2 50 9.09 40.91 x ave R cos 175 632.95 cos 40.91 x 653 y ave R cos 175 632.95 cos 40.91 y 303 1 xy R sin 632.95 sin 40.91 2 xy 829 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1175 PR ROBLEM 7.133 7 y y' x' x For the given staate of plane sttrain, use Mohhr’s circle to determine d the staate of plane sttrain associateed with axes x and y rotaated through thee given angle . x 240 , y 160 , xy 150 , 60 SO OLUTION Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (240 2 , 75 ) Y : (160 1 , 75 ) C : (200 2 , 0) tan n 75 1.875 61.933 40 R (40 )2 (75 )2 85 8 2 120 61.93 181.93 x ave R cos c 200 (85 ) cos (181.93) x 115.0 y ave R cos c 200 (85 ) cos ( 181.93) yy 285 1 xy R sin 85 sin (181.93) 2.86 2 2 xy 5.72 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1176 PROBLEM 7.134 y y' x' x For the given state of plane strain, use Mohr’s circle to determine the state of plane strain associated with axes x and y rotated through the given angle . x 500 , y 250 , xy 0, 15 SOLUTION Plotted points: X : (500 ,0) Y : (250 , 0) C : (125 , 0) R 375 x ave R cos 2 125 375cos 30 x 450 y ave R cos 2 125 375cos 30 y 199.8 1 xy R sin 2 375sin 30 2 xy 375 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1177 PR ROBLEM 7.135 7 y y' x' x For the given staate of plane sttrain, use Mohhr’s circle to determine d the staate of plane strrain associated with axes x and y rotaated through thee given angle . x 0, y 3200 , xy 100 , 30 SO OLUTION Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (0, 50 ) Y : (320 , 50 ) C : (160 , 0) tan n 50 17.35 160 R (160 ) 2 (50 ) 2 167.63 2 60 17.35 42.65 x ave R cos c 160 (167.63 ) coos 42.65 x 36.7 y ave R cos c 160 (167.63 ) coos 42.65 y 283 1 xy R sin (167.63 )ssin 42.65 2 xy 227 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1178 PR ROBLEM 7.136 Thee following staate of strain haas been measuured on the surrface of a thinn plate. Knowiing that the suurface of the platte is unstresseed, determine (a) the direction and magnnitude of the principal p strains, (b) the maaximum inplanne shearing strrain, (c) the maximum m shearring strain. (U Use v 13 . ) x 2600 , y 600 , xy 4880 SOLUTION For Mohr’s circlee of strain, plot points: X : (2660 , 240 ) Y : (600 , 240 ) C : (1660 , 0) tan 2 p xy 480 2.4 x y 260 60 2 p 67.38 b 33.7 a 56.3 R (100 ) (240 ) 2 2 R 260 (a) (b) a ave R 160 260 a 100 b ave R 160 260 b 420 1 max (in-plaane) R max ((in-plane) 2R 2 v v 1/3 c ( a b ) ( x y ) (260 60) 1 v 1 v 2/3 160 c 160 max 160 min 420 m (c) max (in-plane)) 520 max maxx min 160 420 maxx 580 PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1179 PR ROBLEM 7.137 7 Thee following sttate of strain has h been measuured on the suurface of a thinn plate. Know wing that the suurface of the plaate is unstresseed, determine (a) the direction and magnnitude of the principal straains, (b) the maximum m inplaane shearing sttrain, (c) the maximum m sheaaring strain. (U Use v 13 . ) x 6000 , y 4000 , xy 350 3 SO OLUTION Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (600 , 175 ) Y : (400 , 175 ) C : (500 , 0) 0 tan 2 p 175 100 2 p 60.26 b 30.1 a 59.9 R (100 ) 2 (175 ) 2 201.6 (a) (b) a avee R 500 201.6 a 298 b avee R 500 201.6 b 702 max (in-pllane) 2R c max (in-planee) 403 v v 1/3 (600 400 ) ( a b ) ( x y ) 2/3 1 v 1 v c 500 max 500 min 702 (c) max max min 500 5 702 max 1202 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1180 PR ROBLEM 7.138 Thee following staate of strain haas been measuured on the surrface of a thinn plate. Knowiing that the suurface of the platte is unstresseed, determine (a) the direction and magnnitude of the principal p strains, (b) the maaximum inplanne shearing strrain, (c) the maximum m shearring strain. (U Use v 13 . ) x 160 , y 4800 , xy 600 6 SOLUTION (a) For Mohr’ss circle of straain, plot pointss: X : (160 , 300 ) Y : (480 , 300 ) C : (160 , 0) 0 (a) tan 2 p xy 3000 0.9375 x y 3200 2 p 43.15 p 21.58 andd 21.58 900 68.42 a 21.6 b 68.4 R (320 ) 2 (3000 ) 2 438.66 a ave 0 438.6 a R 160 a 279 b ave 0 438.6 a R 160 b 599 (b) 1 (max, in-plaane) R (maxx, in-plane) 2R 2 (c) c (max, in-plane)) 877 v v 1/3 ( a b ) ( x y ) (160 480 ) 1 v 1 v 2/3 c 160.0 max 2778.6 min 598.6 max max 78.6 598.6 m min 27 max 877 PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1181 PR ROBLEM 7.139 7 Thee following sttate of strain has h been measuured on the suurface of a thinn plate. Know wing that the suurface of the plaate is unstresseed, determine (a) the direction and magnnitude of the principal straains, (b) the maximum m inplaane shearing sttrain, (c) the maximum m sheaaring strain. (U Use v 13 .) x 30 , y 5700 , xy 720 7 SO OLUTION Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (30 , 360 ) Y : (570 , 360 ) C : (300 , 0) 360 1.3333 270 2 p 53.13 tan 2 p b 26.6 (a) a 64.4 R (2770 )2 (360 ) 2 450 (b) a ave R 300 450 a 750 b ave R 300 450 b 150.0 max (in-planee) 2R c max (in-planee) 900 v 1/3 ( a b ) (750 150 ) 2/33 1 v c 300 maax a 750 , min c 300 (c) max maax min 7500 ( 300 ) max 1050 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1182 PR ROBLEM 7.140 For the given staate of plane sttrain, use Mohhr’s circle to determine (a)) the orientatioon and magniitude of the prinncipal strains, (b) the maxim mum in-plane strain, s (c) the maximum m sheearing strain. x 60 , y 2400 , xy 50 5 SOLUTION Plottted points: X : (60 , 25 2 ) Y : (240 , 25 ) C : (150 , 0) tan 2 p xy 50 0.277778 0 x y 60 240 2 p 15.52 a 97.8 b 7.8 R (90 ) 2 (25 ) 2 933.4 (a) a ave R 150 933.4 a 243 b ave R 150 933.4 b 56.6 (b) max (in-plane)) 2R (c) c 0, max m 243.4 , min 0 max (in-plane) 186.8 c 0 maxx 243 max max m m min PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1183 PR ROBLEM 7.141 7 Forr the given staate of plane strain, s use Moohr’s circle to determine (aa) the orientation and magnnitude of the prinncipal strains,, (b) the maxim mum in-plane strain, (c) the maximum shearing strain. x 4000 , y 200 , xy 375 3 SO OLUTION Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (400 , 187.5 ) Y : (200 , 187.5 ) C : (300 , 0) 0 tan 2 p xy 375 1.875 x y 400 200 2 p 61.93 a 31.0 b 121.0 R (100 )2 (187.5 ) 2 212.5 (a) a ave R 300 212.5 2 a 513 b ave R 300 212.5 2 b 87.5 (b) max (in-planee) 2R (c) c 0 max 512.5 min 0 max (in-planee) 425 c 0 max m 513 max max min PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1184 PR ROBLEM 7.142 For the given staate of plane sttrain, use Mohhr’s circle to determine (a)) the orientatioon and magniitude of the prinncipal strains, (b) the maxim mum in-plane strain, s (c) the maximum m sheearing strain. x 3000 , y 600 , xy 1000 SOLUTION X : (300 , 500 ) Y : (60 , 50 ) C : (180 , 0) tan 2 p xy x y 100 300 60 2 p 22.62 a 11.3 b 101.3 R (120 )2 (50 ) 2 130 1 (a) a ave R 180 1330 a 310 b ave R 180 1330 b 50.0 (b) max (in-plane)) 2R (c) c 0, max 310 , min 0 m max (in-plane)) 260 c 0 max max m m min maxx 310 PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1185 PR ROBLEM 7.143 7 Forr the given staate of plane strain, s use Moohr’s circle to determine (aa) the orientation and magnnitude of the prinncipal strains,, (b) the maxim mum in-plane strain, (c) the maximum shearing strain. x 1800 , y 2660 , xy 315 3 SO OLUTION Plootted points for Mohr’s circlle: X : (180 , 157.5 ) Y : (260 , 157.5 ) C : (220 , 0) 0 (a) tan 2 p xy 315 5 3.9375 x y 80 2 p 75.75 7 a 37.9 b 127.9 R (40 )2 (15 57.5 )2 162..5 a ave R 2220 162.5 a 57.5 b 383 b ave R 2220 162.5 (b) max (in-planee) 2 R 325 (c) c 0, max 0, minn 382.5 c 0 max m 383 max max min 0 382.5 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1186 PRO OBLEM 7.1 144 45 3 2 Deterrmine the strain x , knowingg that the folloowing strains have been dettermined by use of o the rosette shown: s 30 x 1 4800 2 1220 3 800 15 1 SOLUTION 1 15 2 30 3 75 x cos c 2 1 y sinn 2 1 xy sinn 1 cos 1 1 0.9330 x 0.06699 y 0.25 xy 4880 (1) x coos2 2 y sinn 2 2 xy sin 2 cos 2 2 0.75 x 0.25 y 0..4330 xy 120 1 (2) x coos2 3 y sinn 2 3 xy sin 3 cos 3 3 0.06699 x 0.9330 y 0.25 xy 800 (3) Solvving (1), (2), and a (3) simultaaneously, x 253 , y 307 , xy 8893 x 253 PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1187 PROB BLEM 7.145 y The strrains determinned by the usee of the rosettte shown durring the test of o a machine elemen nt are 30 3 2 1 30 1 600 2 4500 3 755 x Determ mine (a) the in--plane principal strains, (b) the in-plane maximum m sheaaring strain. SO OLUTION 1 30 2 1500 3 90 x coos 2 1 y sinn 2 1 xy sin 1 cos1 1 0.75 x 0.25 y 0.433301 xy 6000 (1) x coos2 2 y sin 2 2 xy sin 2 cos 2 2 0.75 x 0.25 y 0.433301 xy 4500 (2) x cos2 3 y sinn 2 3 xy sin 3 cos 3 3 0 y 0 755 (3) Sollving (1), (2), and (3) simulttaneously, x 725 7 , y 75 , xy 173.21 1 2 ave ( x y ) 325 2 2 2 2 x y xy 725 75 173.21 R 4 2 409.3 2 2 2 (a) a ave R 734 a 734 b ave R 84.3 (b) b 84.3 max (in-plane)) 2 R 819 max (in-planee) 819 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1188 PROBLEM 7.146 4 45 3 45 The rosette shown has been used to determine the following strains at a point on the surface of a crane hook: 2 1 420 106 in./in. 2 45 106 in./in. 4 165 106 in./in. 45 1 x (a) What should be the reading of gage 3? (b) Determine the principal strains and the maximum in-plane shearing strain. SOLUTION (a) Gages 2 and 4 are 90 apart. 1 2 1 (45 106 165 106 ) 60 106 in./in. 2 ave ( 2 4 ) ave Gages 1 and 3 are also 90 apart. 1 2 3 2 ave 1 (2)(60 106 ) 420 106 ave (1 3 ) 3 300 106 in./in. (b) x 1 420 10 6 in./in. y 3 300 10 6 in./in. xy 2 2 1 3 (2)(45 106 ) 420 106 (300 106 ) 210 106 in./in. 2 2 2 420 106 (300 106 ) 210 106 x y xy R 2 2 2 2 2 375 106 in./in. a ave R 60 106 375 106 a 435 106 in./in. b ave R 60 106 375 106 b 315 106 in./in. max (in-plane) 750 106 in./in. max (in-plane) 2 R PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1189 ␥ 2 PROBLEM 7.147 ⑀2 3 45⬚ Using a 45 rosette, the strains 1, 2 , and 3 have been determined at a given point. Using Mohr’s circle, show that the principal strains are: ⑀3 2 B O 45⬚ A ⑀ C 1 1 1 (1 3 ) [(1 2 )2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ] 2 2 2 (Hint: The shaded triangles are congruent.) max,min ⑀ min 1 ⑀1 ⑀ max SOLUTION Since gage directions 1 and 3 are 90 apart, 1 2 ave (1 3 ) Let 1 (1 3 ) 2 1 2 (1 3 ) 2 u 1 ave v 2 ave R2 u 2 v2 1 1 (1 3 )2 22 2 (1 3 ) (1 3 ) 2 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 32 22 21 2 3 12 1 3 32 4 2 4 4 2 4 1 2 1 1 21 22 2 3 32 2 2 1 1 (1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 )2 2 2 1 R [(1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ]1/2 2 max, min ave R gives the required formula. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1190 PROBLEM 7.148 2 3 Show that the sum of the three strain measurements made with a 60 rosette is independent of the orientation of the rosette and equal to 60 60 1 2 3 3 avg 1 where avg is the abscissa of the center of the corresponding Mohr’s circle. x SOLUTION 1 ave 2 ave ave xy 2 x y 2 x y 2 x y 2 cos 2 xy 2 sin 2 cos (2 120) xy 2 (1) sin (2 120) (cos 120 cos 2 sin 120 sin 2 ) (cos 120 sin 2 sin 120 cos 2 ) x y 1 3 sin 2 cos 2 2 2 2 xy 1 3 cos 2 sin 2 2 2 2 ave 3 ave ave xy 2 x y 2 x y 2 cos (2 240) xy 2 sin (2 240) (cos 240 cos 2 sin 240 sin 2 ) (cos 240 sin 2 sin 240 cos 2 ) x y 1 3 sin 2 cos 2 2 2 2 xy 1 3 cos 2 sin 2 2 2 2 ave (2) (3) Adding (1), (2), and (3), 1 2 3 3 ave 0 0 3 ave 1 2 3 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1191 PROBLEM 7.149 The strains determined by the use of the rosette attached as shown during the test of a machine element are 3 75 1 93.1 106 in./in. 2 x 2 385 106 in./in. 75 3 210 106 in./in. 1 Determine (a) the orientation and magnitude of the principal strains in the plane of the rosette, (b) the maximum in-plane shearing strain. SOLUTION Use x xy 1 1 ( x y ) ( x y ) cos 2 sin 2 2 2 2 where and 75 for gage 1, 0 for gage 2, 75 for gage 3. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ( x y ) ( x y ) cos (150) 2 ( x y ) ( x y ) cos 0 xy 2 xy 2 sin (150) sin 0 3 ( x y ) ( x y ) cos (150) xy 2 sin (150) (1) (2) (3) x z 385 106 in./in. From Eq. (2), Adding Eqs. (1) and (3), 1 3 ( x y ) ( x y ) cos 150 x (1 cos 150) y (1 cos 150) (1 cos 150) y 1 3 x (1 cos 150) 93.1 106 210 106 385 106 (1 cos 150) 1 cos 150 35.0 106 in./in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1192 PROBLEM 7.149 (Continued) Subtracting Eq. (1) from Eq. (3), 3 1 xy sin 150 xy 3 1 sin 150 210 106 (93.1 106 ) sin 150 606.2 106 in./in. tan 2 p xy 606.2 106 1.732 x y 385 106 35.0 106 (a) a 30.0, b 120.0 1 1 2 2 6 210 10 in./in. ave ( x y ) (385 106 35.0 106 ) 2 x y xy R 2 2 2 385 106 35.0 106 2 (b) max (in-plane) 2 2 606.2 2 6 350.0 10 2 a ave R 210 106 350.0 106 a 560 106 in./in. b ave R 210 106 350.0 106 b 140.0 106 in./in. R 350.0 106 in./in. max (in-plane) 700 10 6 in./in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1193 PROBLE EM 7.150 y 1 in n. A centric axial a force P and a a horizonttal force Qx arre both applieed at point C of the rectaangular bar shown. A 45 sttrain rosette on the surface of the bar at point A indicates the folloowing strains:: P Qx C 1 60 106 in./in. x 2 240 106 in./in. 12 in. i 3 200 106 in./in. 3 A 3 in. mine the magnitudes of P Knowing thhat E 29 106 psi and v 0.30, determ and Qx. 2 45⬚ 1 3 in.. SO OLUTION x 1 60 106 y 3 200 106 xy 2 2 1 3 3400 106 29 E [60 ( x v y ) 6 (0.3)(200)] 0 2 1 v 1 (0.3)2 29 E [2000 (0.3)(60)] 5.8 103 psi y p ( y v x ) 2 2 1 v 1 (0.3) P y P A y (22)(6)(5.8 103 ) A 69.6 103 lb x G P 69.6 kips E 29 1006 11.1538 106 psi 2(1 v) (2)(1.300) xy G xy (11.1538)((340) 3.79233 103 psi 1 3 1 bbh (2)(6))3 36 in 4 12 12 ˆ Q A y (2)(3)(1.5) 9 in 3 t 2 in. ˆ VQ xy It It xy (36)(2)(3..7923 103 ) 30.338 103 lb l V 9 Qˆ I Q 30.3 kips Q V PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1194 PROBLEM 7.151 y 1 in. Solve Prob. 7.150, assuming that the rosette at point A indicates the following strains: P 1 30 106 in./in. Qx C 2 250 106 in./in. x 3 100 106 in./in. 12 in. PROBLEM 7.150 A centric axial force P and a horizontal force Qx are both applied at point C of the rectangular bar shown. A 45 strain rosette on the surface of the bar at point A indicates the following strains: 3 A 3 in. 1 60 106 in./in. 2 45 2 240 106 in./in. 1 3 in. 3 200 106 in./in. Knowing that E 29 106 psi and v 0.30, determine the magnitudes of P and Qx. SOLUTION x 1 30 106 y 3 100 106 xy 2 2 1 3 430 106 E 29 ( x v y ) [30 (0.3)(100)] 2 1 v 1 (0.3)2 0 E 29 y ( y v x ) [100 (0.3)(30)] 2 1 v 1 (0.3)2 x 2.9 103 psi P y A P A y (2)(6)(2.9 103 ) 34.8 103 lb P 34.8 kips PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1195 PROB BLEM 7.151 (Continue ed) G E 29 106 111.1538 106 pssi 2(1 v) (2)(1.30) xyy G xy (11.1538)(430) 4.7962 103 psi 1 3 1 bh (2)(6)3 36 in 4 12 12 ˆ Q A y (2)(33)(1.5) 9 in 3 t 2 in. I VQˆ It It xy (366)(2)(4.7962 103 ) V 38.37 103 lb ˆ 9 Q xyy Q V Q 38.4 3 kips PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1196 PROBL LEM 7.152 T' T A single strain gage iss cemented to a solid 4-in.-diameter steell shaft at an angle 25 with a line parallel to the axis off the shaft. Knnowing that G 11.5 106 psi, deetermine the toorque T indicaated by a gagee reading of 300 1006 in./in. 2 in. SOLUTION For torsion, x y 0, 0 1 ( x v y ) 0 E 1 y ( y v x ) 0 E 0 1 xy 0 xy G 2 2G x Draaw the Mohr’s circle for straain. R 0 2G x R sin 2 But 0 2 2G sin 2 0 2G x Tc 2T J c3 ssin 2 T c3G x sin 2 (2)3(11.5 106 )(300 106 ) sinn 50 113.2 103 lbb in. T 113.2 2 kip in. PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1197 PROB BLEM 7.153 3 T' Solve Prob. P 7.152, asssuming that thhe gage formss an angle 35 with a line parrallel to the axxis of the shaftt. T PROBL LEM 7.152 A single gagee is cementedd to a solid 4--in.-diameter steel shhaft at an anglee 25 with a line paralllel to the axis of the shaft. Knowinng that G 11.5 106 psi, determine thee torque T inddicated by a gage reaading of 300 106 in./in. 2 in. SO OLUTION Forr torsion, x 0, 0 y 0, xy 0 1 ( x v y ) 0 E 1 y ( y v x ) 0 E 0 1 xy xy 0 G 2 2G x Draaw Mohr’s cirrcle for strain. R 0 2G x R sin 2 0 2 2G sin 2 But 0 2G x Tc 2T J c3 ssin 2 T c3G x (2)3(11.5 106 )(300 106 ) sin 2 7 sin 70 92.3 103 lb in. T 92.3 kip in. PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1198 PROBLEM 7.15 54 A singgle strain gage forming an angle 18 with a hoorizontal planee is used to determ mine the gage pressure in thhe cylindrical steel tank shoown. The cylinndrical wall of the tank is 6 mm thick, has a 600-mm 6 insidee diameter, annd is made of a steel with E 200 2 GPa and v 0.30. Dettermine the prressure in the tank t indicatedd by a strain gage reading of 280. SOLUTION x 1 pr t 1 2 1 v x ( x v y v z ) 1 x E 2 E y x, z 0 0.85 y E 1 1 (v x y v z ) v x E 2 E 0.20 xy x xy G x E 0 Draaw Mohr’s circcle for strain. x 1 E 2 1 R ( x y ) 0.325 x E 2 ave ( x y ) 0.525 a x ave R cos 2 (0.5225 0.325cos 2 ) Data: p tE x t x r r (00.525 0.325ccos 2 ) r 1 1 m 0.300 m d (6600) 300 mm 2 2 x E E 200 109 Pa, x 280 106 t 6 103 mm m p 3 9 6 (6 10 )(200 ) 10 )(2880 10 ) 1..421 106 Pa (0.300)((0.525 0.325 cos 36) 18 p 1.4 421 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1199 PRO OBLEM 7.155 Solvee Prob. 7.154, assuming thaat the gage form ms an angle 35 with a horizontal planee. PROBLEM 7.1544 A single straain gage formiing an angle 18 with a horizontal planee is used to deetermine the gaage pressure in i the cylindriical steel tank shown. The cylind drical wall off the tank is 6 mm thick, has a 600-mm m inside diam meter, and is madee of a steel witth E 200 GP Pa and v 0.30. Determinne the pressurre in the tank 0 indicaated by a straiin gage reading of 280. SO OLUTION x 1 pr t 1 2 1 v x ( x v y v z ) 1 x 0.85 x E E 2 E y x, z 0 y xy 1 1 (v x y v z ) v x 0.20 x E E 2 E xy x G 0 Draaw Mohr’s cirrcle for strain. x 1 E 2 x 1 R ( x y ) 0.325 E 2 cos 2 x ave R a ave ( x y ) 0.525 (0 0.525 0.325 cos c 2 ) x E tE x t x p r r (0.525 0.325 cos 2 ) Data: r 1 1 d (600) 300 mm 0.300 m 2 2 t 6 103 m E 200 109 Pa, x 280 10 1 6 p 3 6 9 (6 6 10 )(200 10 )(280 100 ) 1.761 106 Pa 0.325 cos 70) (0.300)(0.525 ( 35 p 1.761 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1200 PROBL LEM 7.156 150 MPa The given state of planne stress is knoown to exist on the surface of o a machine component. c G , determ mine the direection and Knowingg that E 200 GPa andd G 77.2 GPa magnitudde of the threee principal strrains (a) by determining d thhe correspondiing state of strain [usse Eq. (2.43) and Eq. (2.38)] and then using Mohr’ss circle for strrain, (b) by using Moohr’s circle foor stress to deetermine the principal p plannes and princippal stresses and then determining the t correspondding strains. 75 MP Pa SOLUTION (a) x 0, y 150 1006 Pa, xy 75 106 Pa E 200 109 Pa G 77 109 Pa E E v 1 0.2987 2(1 v) 2G 1 1 [0 (00.2987)(150 10 x ( x v y ) 1 6 )] E 2000 109 224 1 1 [(1500 106 ) 0] y ( y v x ) E 2000 109 7500 xy 75 106 xy 974 G 77 109 G xy 2 4877.0 1 2 x y 974 ave ( x y ) 2633 taan 2 a xyy x y 974 1.000 974 2 a 45.0 a 22.5 2 2 x y xy R 689 2 2 b 67.5 a ave R a 426 b ave R b 952 c v (0.2987)(0 150 1 106 ) ( x y ) E 200 10 1 9 c 224 PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1201 PROB BLEM 7.156 6 (Continued d) (b) 1 2 ave ( x y ) 75 MPa 2 2 x y 0 1150 2 752 R xy 2 2 1006.07 MPa a ave R 31.07 MPa b ave R 1811.07 MPa 1 ( a v b ) E 1 [31.07 106 (0.29987)(181.07 106 )] 200 109 a 4226 10 6 tan 2 a 2 xy x y a 426 2 a 45 1.0 000 a 22.5 PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1202 PR ROBLEM 7.157 Thee following staate of strain haas been determ mined on the suurface of a casst-iron machinne part: x 720 y 400 xy 660 6 Knoowing that E 69 GPa annd G 28 GP Pa, determinee the principaal planes and principal streesses (a) by deteermining the corresponding c g state of planee stress [use Eq. E (2.36), Eqq. (2.43), and the t first two equations e of Probb. 2.73] and then t using Mohr’s M circle for fo stress, (b) by using Moohr’s circle forr strain to dettermine the orieentation and magnitude m of thhe principal strrains and thenn determining the corresponding stresses. SOLUTION Thee 3rd principall stress is z 0. E 69 E 1 1 0.2321 v 2(1 v) 2G 56 E 6 69 72.933 GPa 1 v 2 1 (0..232) 2 G (a) E ( x v y ) 1 v2 (72..93 109 )[720 106 (0.2232)(400 1006 )] x 59 9.28 MPa E y ( y v x ) 1 v2 (72..93 109 )[4000 106 (0.22321)(720 10 1 6 )] 41.36 MPa 9 6 xy G xy x (28 10 )(660 10 ) 18.4 48 MPa 1 2 ave ( x y ) 500.32 MPa tan 2b 2 xy x y 2.06225 2b 64 4.1, b 32.1, a 57.9 2 x y 2 R Pa xy 20.54 MP 2 a avee R a 29.8 MPa b avee R b 700.9 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1203 PROB BLEM 7.157 (Continue ed) (b) 1 2 ave ( x y ) 560 5 tan 2b xy 2.0625 x y 2b 64.1 6 , b 32.1, a 57.9 5 2 2 x y xy R 366..74 2 2 a avve R 193..26 b avve R 926..74 a E ( a v b ) 1 v2 a 29.8 2 MPa b E ( b v a ) 1 v2 b 70.9 7 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1204 PROBLEM M 7.158 P T 1 4 A steel pipe of 12-in. outter diameter iss fabricated frrom 14 -in. -thiick plate by w a plane peerpendicular welding alonng a helix thatt forms an anggle of 22.5 with to the axis off the pipe. Knoowing that a 40-kip 4 axial foorce P and an 80-kip in. torque T, eaach directed as shown, arre applied to the pipe, dettermine the normal and in-plane i shearring stresses in i directions, respectively, normal and tangential to the weld. in. Weld 22.5 SOLUTION 1 d 2 6 in., t 0.25 in. 2 c1 c2 t 5.75 in. d 2 12 in., c2 J c 2 c (66 2 A c22 c12 (62 5.752 ) 9.2284 9 in 2 4 2 4 1 4 3 in 4 5.754 ) 318.67 Streesses: P A 40 4.33444 ksi 9.22284 Tc 2 J (80))(6) 1.5063 ksi k 318.67 x 0, y 4.33444 ksi, xy 1..5063 ksi Chooose the x an nd y axes, resspectively, tanngential and noormal to the weld. w Theen w y and w xy 22.5 y x y x y cos 2 xy x sin 2 2 2 (4.3344) [(4.3344)] cos 45 1.5063 sin s 45° 2 2 4 ksi 4.76 xy w 4.76 ksi x y sin 2 xy cos 2 2 [(4.3344)] s 45 1.50663 cos 45 sin 2 0 ksi 0.467 w 0.467 0 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1205 100 kN PROBLEM 7.159 Two steel plates of uniform cross section 10 80 mm are welded together as shown. Knowing that centric 100-kN forces are applied to the welded plates and that 25 , determine (a) the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the weld, (b) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld. 80 mm 100 kN SOLUTION Area of weld: Aw (10 103 )(80 103 ) cos 25 882.7 106 m 2 (a) Fs 0: Fs 100sin 25 0 w (b) Fs 42.26 103 47.9 106 Pa 6 Aw 882.7 10 Fn 0: Fn 100 cos 25 0 w Fs 42.26 kN w 47.9 MPa Fn 90.63 kN Fn 90.63 103 102.7 106 Pa Aw 882.7 106 w 102.7 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1206 100 kN PROBLEM 7.160 Two steel plates of uniform cross section 10 80 mm are welded together as shown. Knowing that centric 100-kN forces are applied to the welded plates and that the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the weld is 30 MPa, determine (a) the angle , (b) the corresponding normal stress perpendicular to the weld. 80 mm 100 kN SOLUTION Area of weld: Aw (a) Fs 0: Fs 100sin 0 w Fs Aw 30 106 sin cos (b) (10 103 )(80 103 ) cos 800 106 2 m cos Fs 100sin kN 100 103 sin N 100 103 sin 125 106 sin cos 800 106 / cos 1 30 106 sin 2 0.240 2 125 106 Fn 0: Fn 100 cos 0 14.34 Fn 100cos14.34 96.88 kN Aw 800 106 825.74 106 m 2 cos14.34 Fn 96.88 103 117.3 106 Pa 6 Aw 825.74 10 117.3 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1207 0 + 0 PROBLEM 7.161 Determine the principal planes and the principal stresses for the state of plane stress resulting from the superposition of the two states of stress shown. SOLUTION Mohr’s circle for 2nd stress state: 1 1 2 2 1 1 y 0 0 cos 2 2 2 1 xy 0 sin 2 2 x 0 0 cos 2 Resultant stresses: 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 x 0 0 0 cos 2 0 0 cos 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 xy 0 0 sin 2 0 sin 2 2 2 1 ave ( x y ) 0 2 2 xy 0 sin 2 tan 2 p x y 0 0 cos 2 1 2 y 0 0 0 cos 2 0 0 cos 2 sin 2 tan 1 cos 2 1 2 p 2 2 2 x y 1 1 1 2 R xy 0 0 cos 2 0 sin 2 2 2 2 2 p ( ) 2 1 2 0 1 2 cos 2 + cos 2 2 sin 2 2 0 1 cos 2 0 |cos | 2 2 a ave R a 0 0 cos b ave R b 0 0 cos PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1208 PROBLEM 7.162 y For the state of stress shown, determine the maximum shearing stress when (a) z 4 ksi, (b) z 4 ksi, (c) z 0. 2 ksi 6 ksi σz 7 ksi z x SOLUTION x 7 ksi, y 2 ksi, xy 6 ksi 1 2 ave ( x y ) 4.5 ksi 2 x y 2 R xy 2 2.52 (6) 2 6.5 ksi a ave R 11 ksi b ave R 2 ksi (a) z 4 ksi, a 11 ksi, b 2 ksi 1 2 max 11 ksi, min 2 ksi, max ( max min ) (b) z 4 ksi, a 11 ksi, b 2 ksi max 11 ksi, min 4 ksi, (c) max 6.50 ksi 1 2 max 7.50 ksi 1 2 max 6.50 ksi max ( max min ) z 0, a 11 ksi, b 2 ksi max 11 ksi, min 2 ksi, max ( max min ) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1209 PROBLEM 7.163 y For the state of stress shown, determine the value of xy for which the 40 MPa maximum shearing stress is (a) 60 MPa, (b) 78 MPa. τ xy 100 MPa z x SOLUTION x 100 MPa, y 40 MPa, z 0 1 2 ave ( x y ) 70 MPa (a) max 60 MPa. If z is min , then max min 2 max . max 0 (2)(60) 120 MPa max ave R R max ave 120 70 50 MPa b max 2 R 20 MPa > 0 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 30 xy 50 MPa 2 xy 40.0 MPa xy 502 302 (b) max 78 MPa. If z is min , then max min 2 max 0 (2)(78) 156 MPa. max ave R R max ave 156 70 86 MPa > max 78 MPa Set R max 78 MPa. min ave R 8 MPa < 0 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy 30 xy 2 xy 72.0 MPa xy 782 302 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1210 PROBLEM 7.164 14 ksi xy 24 ksi The state of plane stress shown occurs in a machine component made of a steel with Y 30 ksi. Using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion, determine whether yield will occur when (a) xy 6 ksi, (b) xy 12 ksi, (c) xy 14 ksi. If yield does not occur, determine the corresponding factor of safety. SOLUTION x 24 ksi 1 2 ave ( x y ) 19 ksi For stresses in xy-plane, (a) y 14 ksi z 0 x y 2 5 ksi xy 6 ksi 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy (5) (6) 7.810 ksi 2 a ave R 26.810 ksi, b ave R 11.190 ksi a2 b2 a b 23.324 ksi < 30 ksi F .S . (b) 30 23.324 (No yielding) F .S . 1.286 xy 12 ksi 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy (5) (12) 13 ksi 2 a ave R 32 ksi, b ave R 6 ksi a2 b2 a b 29.462 ksi < 30 ksi F .S . (c) 30 29.462 (No yielding) F .S . 1.018 xy 14 ksi 2 x y 2 2 2 R xy (5) (14) 14.866 ksi 2 a ave R 33.866, b ave R 4.134 ksi a2 b2 a b 32.00 ksi > 30 ksi (Yielding occurs) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1211 PROBLEM 7.165 750 mm 750 mm The compressed-air tank AB has an inner diameter of 450 mm and a uniform wall thickness of 6 mm. Knowing that the gage pressure inside the tank is 1.2 MPa, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum in-plane shearing stress at point a on the top of the tank. b a B D A 5 kN 500 mm SOLUTION Internal pressure: Torsion: 1 d 225 mm t 6 mm 2 pr (1.2)(225) 1 45 MPa t 6 pr 2 22.5 MPa 2t r c1 225 mm, c2 225 6 231 mm J 2 c 4 2 c14 446.9 106 mm 4 446.9 106 m 4 T (5 103 )(500 103 ) 2500 N m Tc (2500)(231 103 ) J 446.9 106 1.29224 106 Pa 1.29224 MPa Transverse shear: 0 at point a. Bending: I At point a, 1 J 223.45 106 m 4 , c 231 103 m 2 M (5 103 )(750 10 3 ) 3750 N m Mc (3750)(231 103 ) 3.8767 MPa I 223.45 106 Total stresses (MPa). Longitudinal: x 22.5 3.8767 26.377 MPa Circumferential: y 45 MPa Shear: xy 1.29224 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1212 PROBLEM 7.165 (Continued) ave 1 ( x y ) 35.688 MPa 2 2 R x y 2 xy 9.4007 MPa 2 max ave R 45.1 MPa max(in-plane) R 9.40 MPa max 45.1 MPa max (in-plane) 9.40 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1213 PROBLEM 7.166 750 mm 750 mm b a D A 5 kN 500 mm B For the compressed-air tank and loading of Prob. 7.165, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum in-plane shearing stress at point b on the top of the tank. PROBLEM 7.165 The compressed-air tank AB has an inner diameter of 450 mm and a uniform wall thickness of 6 mm. Knowing that the gage pressure inside the tank is 1.2 MPa, determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum in-plane shearing stress at point a on the top of the tank. SOLUTION Internal pressure: Torsion: 1 d 225 mm t 6 mm 2 pr (1.2)(225) 45 MPa 1 t 6 pr 22.5 MPa 2 2t r c1 225 mm, c2 225 6 231 mm J 2 c 4 2 c14 446.9 106 mm 4 446.9 106 m 4 T (5 103 )(500 103 ) 2500 N m Tc (2500)(231 103 ) 1.29224 106 Pa 1.29224 MPa J 446.9 106 Transverse shear: 0 at point b. Bending: I At point b, 1 J 223.45 106 m 4 , c 231 103 m 2 M (5 103 )(2 750 103 ) 7500 N m Mc (7500)(231 103 ) 7.7534 MPa I 223.45 106 Total stresses (MPa). Longitudinal: x 22.5 7.7534 30.253 MPa Circumferential: y 45 MPa Shear: xy 1.29224 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1214 PROBLEM 7.166 (Continued) ave 1 ( x y ) 37.626 MPa 2 2 R x y 2 xy 7.4859 MPa 2 max ave R 45.1 MPa max (in-plane) R 7.49 MPa max 45.1 MPa max (in-plane) 7.49 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1215 0.12 in. A PROBLEM 7.167 The brass pipe AD is fitted with a jacket used to apply a hydrostatic pressure of 500 psi to portion BC of the pipe. Knowing that the pressure inside the pipe is 100 psi, determine the maximum normal stress in the pipe. B 0.15 in. C D 2 in. 4 in. SOLUTION The only stress to be considered is the hoop stress. This stress can be obtained by applying 1 pr t Using successively the inside and outside pressures (the latter of which causes a compressive stress), pi 100 psi, ri 1 0.12 0.88 in., t 0.12 in. ( max )i pi ri (100)(0.88) 733.33 psi t 0.12 po 500 psi, ro 1 in., t 0.12 in. po ro (500)(1) 4166.7 psi t 0.12 733.33 4166.7 3433.4 psi ( max )o max max 3.43 ksi (compression) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1216 0.12 in. A PROB BLEM 7.168 8 For the assembly of Prob. 7.167, determine the normal streess in the jackket (a) in a o the jacket, (b) in a directtion parallel directionn perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of to that axis. a B PROBL LEM 7.167 Thhe brass pipe AD A is fitted with w a jacket ussed to apply a hydrostatic pressuree of 500 psi too portion BC of the pipe. Knnowing that thee pressure inside the pipe is 100 psi, determine the t maximum m normal stresss in the pipe. 0.15 in. C D 2 in. 4 in. SOLUTION (a) Hoop stress. 0 1.85 in. p 500 psii, t 0.15 inn., r 2 0.15 (1) ((500)(1.85) pr 6166.7 psi 0.15 t 1 6.17 ksi (b) Longitudin nal stress. Free body of portion of jacket j above a horizontal seection, consideering vertical forces f only: Fy 0: A f A 2 dA j 0 A f p dA j pA f 2 A j 0 2 p r [(2) Af Aj (1) A f r22 r12 [(1.85) 2 (11)2 ] 7.6105 in i 2 Areas : Aj 2 3 r22 2 (1.855)2 ] 1.814277 in 2 Recalling Eq. E (1), 2 p Af Aj (500) 7.6105 20097.4 psi 1 1.81427 2 2.10 2 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1217 PROBLEM P 7.169 2 1 3 45⬚ Determine D the largest in-planne normal straain, knowing that the follow wing strains haave been obtaiined by the usse of the rosettte shown: 1 50 1006 in./in. 45⬚ x 2 360 106 in./in. 3 315 10 1 6 in./in. SO OLUTION 1 455, 2 45, 3 0 x cos 2 1 y sin 2 1 xy sin 1 cos 1 1 0 xy 50 106 0.55 x 0.5 y 0.5 (1) x cos 2 2 y sin 2 2 xy sin 2 cos 2 2 0.55 x 0.5 y 0.5 xy 360 106 (2) x cos 2 3 y sin 2 3 xy sin 3 cos 3 3 x 0 0 315 10 6 x 315 3 106 in.//in. Froom (3), xy 50 106 360 106 410 4 106 in./iin. Eq. (1) Eq. (2): Eq. (1) Eq. (2): (3) x y 1 2 y 1 2 x 50 106 360 3 106 3115 10 6 5 106 in./in. 1 2 ave ( x y ) 155 1 106 in./inn. 2 R xy x y 2 2 2 2 410 106 315 106 5 106 2 2 2 260 106 in../in. max ave R 1555 106 260 106 max 415 1106 in./in. PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1218 y' y y PROBLEM 7.C1 1 y y' x'y' xy x Q x z x' Q x x' x z (a) ( (b) A statee of plane streess is defined by b the stress compoonents x , y , and xy assoociated with the eleement shown inn Fig. P7.C1a. (a) Write a compuuter program that can be b used to calculaate the stress components x y , and x y asssociated withh the element after it has rotatedd through an angle a abouut the z axis (Fig. P.7C1 P b). (b) Use U this prograam to solve Probs. 7.13 through 7.16. 7 SOLUTION Proggram followin ng equations: x y Equuation (7.5), Paage 427: x Equuation (7.7), Paage 427: y Equuation (7.6), Paage. 427: xy 2 x y 2 2 x y x y 2 x y 2 c 2 xy sinn 2 cos c 2 xy sinn 2 cos sin 2 xy x cos 2 Enteer x , y , xyy and Prinnt values obtaiined for x , y and xy Prooblem Outputts Probblem 7.13 x 0 ksi x 8 ksi xy 5 ksi Rootation of elem ment (+ counterclockw c wise) 25 Rotation off element (+ countercllockwise) 10 x 2.40 ksi y 10.40 ksi x 1.995 ksi y 6.05 ksi xy 0.15 ksi xy 6..07 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1219 PROB BLEM 7.C1 (Continued d) Prooblem 7.14 x 60 MPa M y 90 MPa Pa xy 30 MP Ro otation of Elem ment ( counterclockw wise) 25 Rotation off Element ( countercclockwise) 10 1 x 56.19 MP Pa y 86.19 MP Pa x 455.22 MPa y 755.22 MPa xy 38.17 MP Pa xy 53.84 MPa Prooblem 7.15 x 8 ksii y 12 ksi xy 6 ksi Rotation off Element ( countercclockwise) 10 1 Ro otation of Elem ment ( counterclockw wise) 25 x 9.02 kssi y 13.02 kssi x 5.344 ksi MPa y 9.344 ksi MPa xy xy 9.066 ksi MPa 3.80 kssi Prooblem 7.16 x 0 MPa M y 80 MPa M xy 50 MPa M Ro otation of Elem ment ( counterclockw wise) 25 Rotation off Element ( countercllockwise) 10 x 24.01 MPa M y 104.01 MPa M x 19.51 MPa y 60..49 MPa xy 1.50 MPa M xy 60.67 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1220 PROBLE EM 7.C2 y y xy x Q x x A state of plane p stress iss defined by thhe stress compponents x , y , and xy associated with the elem ment shown inn Fig. P7.C1aa. (a) Write a computer program thhat can be used to calcullate the princcipal axes, thhe principal stresses, thee maximum inn-plane sheariing stress, andd the maximuum shearing stress. (b) Use U this prograam to solve Prrobs. 7.5, 7.9, 7.68, and 7.699. z SOLUTION Proggram followin ng equations: ave Equuation (7.10) x y 2 Equuation (7.14) max ave R J min ave R Equuation (7.12) p taan 1 Equuation (7.15) s taan 1 Sheearing stress: Theen 2 x y 2 : R xy 2 2 xy x y x y 2 xy If max 0 and min m m 0: maax(in-plane) R; max(out-of-planne) R If max 0 and min m m 0: Theen If max m 0 and min m Theen 1 2 0: max(in-plane) R; max(out-of-planne) max m 1 2 max(in-plane) R; max(out-of-plaane) | min | m Proogram Outputts Probblems 7.5 and d 7.9 x 60.00 MPa y 40.00 MPa xy 35.00 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1221 PROB BLEM 7.C2 (Continued d) Proogram Outpu uts (Continued d) Anngle between xy x axes and priincipal axes (+ + counterclockkwise): p 37.003 and 522.97° max 13.660 MPa min 86.440 MPa x axis and plaanes of maxim mum in-plane shearing s stresss (+ countercloockwise): Anngle between xy s 7.97 and 97.977° max (in-plane) 36.400 MPa max 43.200 MPa Prooblem 7.68 x 140.000 MPa y 40.000 MPa xy 80.000 MPa Anngle between xy x axes and priincipal axes ( counterclockkwise): p 29.000 and 1199° max 1844.34 MPa min 4.344 MPa Anngle between xy x axis and plaanes of maxim mum in-plane in-plane sheariing stress ( counterclockw c wise): s 74.000 and 1644.00° max (in-plane) 94.334 MPa ( max (out--of-plane) 94.334 MPa x 140.000 MPa y 120.000 MPa xy 80.000 MPa x axes and priincipal axes (+ + counterclockkwise): Anngle between xy p 41.444 and 1311.44° max 210.62 MPa min 49.338 MPa x axis and plaanes of maxim mum in-plane in-plane sheariing stress (+ counterclockw c wise): Anngle between xy s 86.444 and 1766.44° 80.662 MPa max (in-plane) ( max (out--of-plane) 105.331 MPa PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1222 PROBLEM 7.C2 (Continued) Program Outputs (Continued) Problem 7.69 x 140.00 MPa y 20.00 MPa xy 80.00 MPa Angle between xy axes and principal axes (+ counterclockwise): p 26.57 and 116.57 max 180.00 MPa min 20.00 MPa Angle between xy axis and planes of maximum in-plane in-plane shearing stress (+ counterclockwise): s 71.57 and 161.57 max (in-plane) 100.00 MPa max (out-of-plane) 100.00 MPa x 140.00 MPa y 140.00 MPa xy 80.00 MPa Angle between xy axes and principal axes (+ counterclockwise): p 45 and 135.00 max 220.00 MPa min 60.00 MPa Angle between xy axis and planes of maximum in-plane in-plane shearing stress ( counterclockwise): s 90.00 and 180.00° max (in-plane) 80.00 MPa max (out-of-plane) 110.00 MPa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1223 PR ROBLEM 7.C3 7 (a) Write a com mputer program m that, for a given g state off plane stress and a given yield y strength of a ductile mine whether the t material will w yield. The program shouuld use both thhe maximum maaterial, can be used to determ sheearing-strengthh criterion and d the maximum m-distortion-ennergy criterionn. It should allso print the values v of the prinncipal stressess and, if the material m does noot yield, calculate the factor of safety. (b) Use this proggram to solve Proobs. 7.81, 7.82, and 7.164. SO OLUTION Principal stressess. avve x y 2 2 x y 2 ; R xy 2 a ave R b ave R Maaximum-shearring-stress criterion. 1 2 y y 1 2 maax a If a and b havve same sign, If max y , yieelding occurs. If max y , no yielding occu urs, and factor of safety y max m Maaximum-distorrtion-energy criterion. Compute radicall a2 a b b2 r y , yielding occu urs. If radical If radical r y , no yielding occcurs, and facttor of safety y Radical Proogram Outpu uts Prooblems 7.81a and a 7.82a Yield strengthh 325 MPa x 200.00 MPa M y 200.00 MPa M xy 100.00 MPa M maxx 100.00 MPa M minn 300.00 MPa M PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1224 PROB BLEM 7.C3 (Continued d) Proogram Outputts (Continuedd) Usinng the maximu um-shearing-sstress criterionn, matterial will not yield. y F .S . 1.0083 Usinng the maximu um-distortion-energy criteriion, matterial will not yield. y F .S . 1.2228 a 7.82b Probblems 7.81b and Yield strenngth 325 MP Pa x 240.000 MPa y 240.000 MPa xy 100.00 MPa max 140.000 MPa min 340.000 MPa um-shearing-sstress criterionn, Usinng the maximu matterial will yield d. Usinng the maximu um-distortion-energy criteriion, matterial will not yield. y F .S . 1.098 Probblems 7.81c and 7.82c Yield strenngth 325 MP Pa x 280.000 MPa y 280.000 MPa xy 100.000 MPa max 180.000 MPa min 380.000 MPa um-shearing-sstress criterionn, Usinng the maximu matterial will yield d. Usinng the maximu um-distortion-energy criteriion, matterial will yield d. Probblem 7.164a Yield strenngth 30 ksi x 24.00 ksi k k y 14.00 ksi xy 6.00 kksi max 26.81 ksi k min 11.19 ksi k PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1225 PROB BLEM 7.C3 (Continued d) Proogram Outpu uts (Continued d) (a) Using the maximum-sheearing-stress criterion, c material will w not yield. F .S . 1.119 (b) Using the maximum-disstortion-energgy criterion, material will w not yield. F .S . 1.286 Prooblem 7.164b Yield strenngth 30 ksi x 24.00 ksi k y 14.00 kssi k xy 12.00 ksi max 32.00 ksi k min 6.00 kssi (a) Using the maximum-sheearing-stress criterion, c material will w yield. (b) Using the maximum-disstortion-energyy criterion, material will w not yield. F .S . 1.018 Prooblem 7.164c Yield strength 30 ksi x 24.00 kssi y 14.00 kssi xy 14.00 kssi max 33.87 kssi min 4.13 kssi (a) Using the maximum-sheearing-stress criterion, c material will w yield. (b) Using the maximum-disstortion-energyy criterion, material will w yield. PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1226 PR ROBLEM 7.C4 (a) Write W a computer program based on Mohhr’s fracture criterion c for brrittle materialss that, for a givven state of planne stress and given g values of o the ultimatee strength of thhe material inn tension and compression, c c be used can to determine d wheether rupture will w occur. Thhe program shhould also print the values of the princippal stresses. (b) Use U this progrram to solve Probs. P 7.89 andd 7.90 and to check c the answ wers to Probs. 7.93 and 7.944. SOLUTION Prinncipal stresses. avee x y 2 2 x y 2 R xy 2 a ave R b ave R c Mohhr’s fracture criterion. If a and b hav ve same sign, and a a UT and b UC , no faailure; a UT or b UC , failuree. If a 0 and b 0 : Connsider fourth quadrant q of Figgure 7.47. For no rupture to occur, point ( a , b ) mustt lie within Moohr’s envelope (Figure 7.477). n, If b Criterion thenn rupture occu urs. If b Criterion n, thenn no rupture occcurs. PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1227 PROB BLEM 7.C4 (Continued d) Proogram Outpu uts Prooblem 7.89 x 10.00 MPa y 100.00 MPa xy 60 MPa 80 MPaa Ulttimate strengthh in tension Ulttimate strengthh in compressiion 200 MP Pa max a 336.39 MPa min b 1226.39 MPa Rupture will occcur x 32.000 MPa y 0.00 MPa M Prooblem 7.90 xy 75.00 MPa M 80 MP P Ulttimate strengthh in tension Ulttimate strengthh in compressiion 200 M MP max a 60.69 MPa min b 92.69 MPa Rupture will not occur. To check answerrs to the follow wing problemss, we check foor rupture usinng given answeers and an adjacent value. Annswer: Ruppture occurs for f 0 3.67 ksi. k x 8.00 ksii y 0.00 ksii Prooblem 7.93 xy 3.67 ksii Ulttimate strengthh in tension 10 ksi Ulttimate strengthh in compressiion 25 ksi max a 9.443 ksi min b 1.443 ksi PRO OPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyriight © 2015 McG Graw-Hill Educattion. This is proprrietary material soolely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized for salle or distribution in i any manner. Thhis document may not be copied, scaanned, duplicated,, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in wholee or part. 1228 PROB BLEM 7.C4 (Continued d) Proogram Outputts (Continuedd) Ruppture will not occur. o x 8.00 ksi y 0.00 ksi xy 3.68 ksi Ultiimate strength h in tension 10 ksi Ultiimate strength h in compressioon 25 ksi max 4 ksi m a 9.44 min 4 ksi m b 1.44 Ruppture will occu ur. Ansswer: Ruppture occurs fo or 0 49.1 MPa. M Probblem 7.94 x 80.00 MPa y 0.00 MP Pa xy 49.10 MPa M Ultiimate strength h in tension 75 MPaa Ultiimate strength h in compressioon 150 MP Pa max a 23.33 MPa min b 1103.33 MPa Ruppture will not occur. o x 80.00 MPa y 0.00 MP Pa xy 49.20 MPa M Ultiimate strength h in tension 75 MPaa Ultiimate strength h in compressioon 150 MP Pa max a 233.41 MPa min b 103.41 1 MPa Ruppture will occu ur. PRO OPRIETARY MAT TERIAL. Copyrigght © 2015 McGrraw-Hill Educatioon. This is proprietary material soleely for authorizedd instructor use. Not authorized a for salee or distribution inn any manner. Thiis document may not n be copied, scannned, duplicated, forwarded, distribbuted, or posted on a website, w in whole or part. 1229 PROBLEM 7.C5 y y' x' x A state of plane strain is defined by the strain components x , y , and xy associated with the x and y axes. (a) Write a computer program that can be used to calculate the strain components x , y , and xy associated with the frame of reference xy obtained by rotating the x and y axes through an angle θ. (b) Use this program to solve Probs 7.129 and 7.131. SOLUTION Program following equations: x y x y 1 cos 2 xy sin 2 2 Equation (7.44): x Equation (7.45): y Equation (7.46): xy ( x y )sin 2 xy cos 2 Enter 2 x y 2 2 x y 2 1 sin 2 xy cos 2 2 x , y , xy , and . Print values obtained for x , y , and xy . Program Outputs Problem 7.129 x 240 micro meters y 160 micro meters xy 150 micro radians Rotation of element, in degrees (+ counterclockwise): 60 x 115.05 micro meters y 284.95 micro meters xy 5.72 micro radians Problem 7.131 x 0 micro meters y 320 micro meters xy 100 micro radians Rotation of element, in degrees (+ counterclockwise): 30 x 36.70 micro meters y 283.30 micro meters xy 227.13 micro radians PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1230 PROBLEM 7.C6 A state of strain is defined by the strain components x , y , and xy associated with the x and y axes. (a) Write a computer program that can be used to determine the orientation and magnitude of the principal strains, the maximum in-plane shearing strain, and the maximum shearing strain. (b) Use this program to solve Probs 7.136 through 7.139. SOLUTION Program following equations: ave Equation (7.50): x y 2 2 x y xy R 2 2 2 max ave R min ave R Equation (7.51): p tan 1 Equation (7.52): Shearing strains: xy x y Maximum in-plane shearing strain max (in-plane) 2R Calculate out-of-plane shearing strain and check whether it is the maximum shearing strain. Let a max b min Calculate c v ( a b ) 1 v If a b c , out-of-plane a c If a c b , out-of-plane a b 2 R If c a b , out-of-plane c b Program Printout Problem 7.136 x 260 micro meters y 60 micro meters xy 480 micro radians 0.333 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1231 PROBLEM 7.C6 (Continued) Program Printout (Continued) Angle between xy axes and principal axes (counterclockwise): p 33.69 a 100.00 micro meters b 420.00 micro meters c 159.98 micro meters max (in-plane) 520.00 microradians max 579.98 microradians x 600 micrometers y 400 micrometers Problem 7.137 xy 350 microradians 0.333 Angle between xy axes and principal axes (+ = counterclockwise): p 30.13 a 298.44 micrometers b 701.56 micrometers c 500.00 micrometers max(in-plane) 403.11 microradians max 1201.56 microradians x 160 micrometers y 480 micrometers Problem 7.138 xy 600.00 microradians 0.333 Angle between xy axes and principal axes ( counterclockwise): p 21.58 a 278.63 micrometers b 598.63 micrometers c 159.98 micrometers max(in-plane) 877.27 microradians max 877.27 microradians Problem 7.139 x 30 micrometers y 570 micrometers xy 720 microradians 0.333 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1232 PROBLEM 7.C6 (Continued) Angle between xy axes and principal axes ( counterclockwise): p 26.57 a 750.00 micrometers b 150.00 micrometers c 300.00 micrometers max(in-plane) 900.00 microradians max 1050.00 microradians PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1233 PROBLEM 7.C7 A state of plane strain is defined by the strain components x , y , and xy measured at a point. (a) Write a computer program that can be used to determine the orientation and magnitude of the principal strains, the maximum in-plane shearing strain, and the magnitude of the shearing strain. (b) Use this program to solve Probs 7.140 through 7.143. SOLUTION Program following equations: x y 2 x y xy R 2 2 Equation (7.50) ave Equation (7.51) max ave R min ave R 2 p tan 1 Equation (7.52) Shearing strains: 2 xy x y Maximum in-plane shearing strain xy (in-plane) 2 R Calculate out-of-plane-shearing strain and check whether it is the maximum shearing strain. Let a max b min c 0 (Plain strain) If a b c , out-of-plane a c If a c b , out-of-plane a b 2 R If c a b , out-of-plane c b Program Printout x 60 micrometers y 240 micrometers Problem 7.140 xy 50 microradians 0.000 Angle between xy axes and principal axes (+ = counterclockwise): p 7.76 and 82.24 a 243.41 micrometers b 56.59 micrometers c 0.00 micrometers max(in-plane) 186.82 microradians max 243.41 microradians PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1234 PROBLEM 7.C7 (Continued) Program Printout (Continued) x y xy Problem 7.141 400 micrometers 200 micrometers 375 microradians 0.000 Angle between xy axes and principal axes ( counterclockwise): p a b c 30.96 and 59.04 512.50 micrometers 87.50 micrometers 0.00 micrometers 425.00 microradians max(in-plane) max 512.50 microradians Problem 7.142 x 300 micrometers y 60 micrometers xy 100 microradians 0.000 Angle between xy axes and principal axes (+ = counterclockwise): p 11.31 and 78.69 a 310.00 micrometers b 50.00 micrometers c 0.00 micrometers max(in-plane) 260.00 microradians max 310.00 microradians x 180 micrometers y 260 micrometers Problem 7.143 xy 315 microradians 0.000 Angle between xy axes and principal axes (+ = counterclockwise): p 37.87 and 52.13 a 57.50 micrometers b 382.50 micrometers c 0.00 micrometers max(in-plane) 325.00 microradians max 382.50 microradians PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1235 PROBLEM 7.C8 A rosette consisting of three gages forming, respectively, angles of 1 , 2 , and 3 with the x axis is attached to the free surface of a machine component made of a material with a given Poisson’s ratio v. (a) Write a computer program that, for given readings 1 , 2 , and 3 of the gages, can be used to calculate the strain components associated with the x and y axes and to determine the orientation and magnitude of the three principal strains, the maximum in-plane shearing strain, and the maximum shearing strain. (b) Use this program to solve Probs 7.144, 7.145, 7.146, and 7.169. SOLUTION For n 1 to 3, enter n and n . Enter: NU V Solve Equation (7.60) for x , y , and xy using method of determinates or any other method. 2 x y 2 ; R xy 2 2 a max ave R ave Enter x y b max avg R c V ( a b ) 1V 1 2 p tan 1 Shearing strains: xy x y Maximum in-plane shearing strain max (in plane) 2R Calculate out-of-plane shearing strain, and check whether it is the maximum shearing strain. If c b , out-of-plane a c If c a , out-of-plane c b Otherwise, out-of-plane 2 R Problem Outputs Problem 7.144 Gage Theta Degrees Epsilon Micro Meters 1 –15 480 2 30 –120 3 75 80 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1236 PROBLEM 7.C8 (Continued) Program Outputs (Continued) x 253.21 micrometers y 306.79 micrometers xy 892.82 microradians a 727.21 micrometers b 167.21 micrometers max (in-plane) 894.43 microradians Problem 7.145 Gage Theta Degrees Epsilon Micro Meters 1 2 3 30 –30 90 600 450 –75 x 725.00 micrometers y 75.000 micrometers xy 173.205 microradians a 734.268 micrometers b 84.268 micrometers max (in-plane) 818.535 microradians Problem 7.146 Observe that Gage 3 is orientated along the y axis. Therefore, enter 4 and 4 as 3 and 3 , the value of y that is obtained is also the expected reading of Gage 3. Gage Theta Degrees Epsilon in./in. 1 0 420 2 45 –45 4 135 165 x 420.00 in./in. y 300.00 in./in. xy 210.00 microradians a 435.00 in./in. b 315.00 in./in. max (in-plane) 750.00 microradians PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1237 PROBLEM 7.C8 (Continued) Program Outputs (Continued) Problem 7.169 Gage Theta Degrees Epsilon in./in. 1 2 3 45 –45 0 –50 360 315 x 315.000 in./in. y 5.000 in./in. xy 410.000 microradians a 415.048 in./in. b 105.048 in./in. max (in-plane) 520.096 microradians PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 1238