Uploaded by Kim Graves

Essay Revision Checklist: Improve Your Writing

Name:____________________________________________ Bell:_____________________
Essay Revision Checklist
What is your thesis statement?
Does your thesis CLEARLY state the single point you’re making (not asking a question, not
offering two sides to the argument)? If not, work on revising that in your final draft.
Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence:
Is your topic sentence a single sentence? Is it clear what your point is for this paragraph? Do
your arguments within the paragraph support your topic sentence? If not, work on revising that
in your final draft.
Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence:
Is your topic sentence a single sentence? Is it clear what your point is for this paragraph? Do
your arguments within the paragraph support your topic sentence? If not, work on revising that
in your final draft.
Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence:
Is your topic sentence a single sentence? Is it clear what your point is for this paragraph? Do
your arguments within the paragraph support your topic sentence? If not, work on revising that
in your final draft.
Body Paragraph 4 (Counterclaim) Topic Sentence:
Is your topic sentence a single sentence? Does your counterclaim make sense? Is your
response to your counterclaim new information (not arguments made in body paragraphs
1/2/3)? If not, work on revising that in your final draft.
Conclusion Topic Sentence:
Compare your thesis from above with this sentence. Are they saying the same thing but in
different words? If not, work on revising that in your final draft.
Conclusion Final Sentence:
Does this sentence connect to your hook? Do you offer a call to action or a clear understanding
of why your topic is important? If not, work on revising that in your final draft.
Final Checklist:
● Are your grammar and mechanics correct? Have you used Grammarly to eliminate all
spelling and basic grammatical errors?
● Is your paper set up in proper MLA format (font size, spacing, heading/header)?
● Have you read your paper out loud to yourself?
● Have you read your paper backward to check for sentence structure?
● Does your writing sound like you and no one else?
● Are all your in-text/parenthetical citations correct?
● Does your Works Cited page include all the sources you used and have you referenced
them correctly?
● Are you sure you haven’t plagiarized?
● If you used quotes, did you embed them smoothly?
● Do your sentences vary in length and start with different words?
● Do you like what you have written?
● Have you had at least one other person look at your essay and give you feedback?