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Macroeconomic Theories: Keynesian vs Monetarist

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Theories of Macroeconomic Development and Strategy
1. In the Keynesian economics views, the government policies can reduce the business
cycle's amplitude. In addition to it, Keynes criticizes the countercyclical fiscal policies
which influence the business cycle (Jahan et al., 2014). When the economy faces a deficit,
there is a need to stabilize the wages and handle the employment. To control the economic
impact, taxes can be increased to avoid inflation while the demand-side growth. So,
Keynes supported the policy rules' implication over the monetary and fiscal policy.
In contrast, the monetarism economist supports the monetary and fiscal policy as they
assumed the monetary policy as a tool of government that can affect the economy (Jahan
& Papageorgiou, 2014). The recession faced by the government in 1867-1960 is
considered as the result of poor monetary policy. From their point of view, the money
supply growth rate can best be matched with it.
2. In the monetarism economist's view, Fed failed when the offset forces put downward
pressure over the money supply (Jahan & Papageorgiou, 2014). For reducing the money's
stock, the actions performed went inversely to the strategy that is required. They also
signified that naturally, markets move towards the balanced center, but when the incorrect
sets are applied, money supply forces the economy to behave erratically. In handling the
Fed, classical economists highlighted it based on monetary policy, which is enough to
disbalance the economy (Humphrey, 2014). The association between bank money and
base also started to act in a reverse fractional system. Due to this, money demand will
increase while supply will fall.
3. In comparing the multiple economist school of thought, it can be witnessed that they hold
diverse views regarding the crisis and its causes. However, in certain cases, Keynesian
economists are presenting valid arguments to control the financial system. While, in my
opinion, the monetarism point of view over the US recession cause is obsolete as it is not
entirely dependent on poor monetary and fiscal policy. But all these theories describe the
same trends of money supply and demand while the determinants of hampering the
process are different. Therefore, by analyzing it, Keynesian economists' theory can
facilitate the government to utilize the fiscal policy while facing recession.
Jahan, S., Saber, A., & Papageorgiou, C. (2014). What Is Keynesian Economics?. Retrieved 3
October 2021, from https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2014/09/basics.htm
Jahan, S., & Papageorgiou, C. (2014). What Is Monetarism?. Retrieved 3 October 2021, from
Humphrey, T. (2014). Averting Financial Crises: Advice from Classical Economists. Retrieved 3