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Face-to-Face Classes: Student Perceptions in Rural High School

A Research Paper
Senior High School Department
Thomas Cabili National High School
Practical Research 1
Grazel-an Fat
Engr. Gillian E. Amba
June 2022
Philippines is one of the countries that suffer so badly of the pandemic crisis. It was
like the heaven and earth has finally collide in the country and everything just stop.
One thing that really stopped for a meanwhile was the educating system. Due to
the pandemic the date of the class system now is not as the date of the classes
before, though luckily the Dep ed decided to re-open the classes in a different way
that is not familiar to the students, especially those students in rural areas. The
country conducted a modular learning system for these areas. This was temporarily
abducted for the local learning institutes. Then,2022 that the local government
approved the face-to-face classes in rural and urban part of the country. In honor
of that Trinidad National High school is one of the public schools in rural part areas
of the country. The purpose of this study is to know the face-to-face results in
Trinidad National High School, in cross sectional data gathering of students from
grade 11 of all strands.
KEYWORDS: Academic performance, face to face, student perception, limited
Chapter 1. The Problem & its Background………………………………………………..1
1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………2
1.3 Significance Of the study……………………………………………………………..3
1.4 Scope and delimitation of the study…………………………………………….4
1.5 Definition of terms……………………………………………………………………….5
Chapter 2. Review Of Related Literature…………………………………………………..6
Chapter3. Research Methods……………………………………………………………………7
3.1 Research Design Significance Of the study……………………………………7
3.2 Participants of the study……………………………………………………………….8
3.3 Setting of the study………………………………………………………………………9
3.4 Research Instrument…………………………………………………………………….10
3.5 Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………11
3.6 Data analysis………………………………………………………………………………..12
Appendix Title
A Research Instrument
B Validation tool for research instrument
C Letter to the principal
D Letter to the respondents
E Curriculum vitae
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Face to face class has temporarily stopped for two years due to the pandemic,
though the classes of face to face stopped. In two years, the learning for the
students continues but in a way that follows module and online classes. The
methods where students wont needed to go to school every day and meet their
teachers and have their regular classes for 5 days in a week. The teacher work is to
ready a module for students. With the parents guides and support the learning
educating system has still going on with the flow. according to (ALLAN &
SEAMAN,2017) The DE methods was quite familiar already to students but those
country who has a poor techno power will have really a hard time to fit in ways.
Technology also has a good impact of education, this article was according to (Sean
M. Corcoran, ed. D), Published in (the manila times) articles. However, that was
according to the modern research but how about the traditional areas? Would the
time just left them behind or we can have a face-to-face class for their advantage?
because according to Zhou (1996 FACE TO FACE) Is the best documented successful
patterns for knowledge construction stemming from the electronic discussion.
The purpose of this study is to know the perception of the Grade 11 SHS
students in Trinidad National High School in dealing with the limited classes
(2022) After two years in pandemic.
1. What is their perception of having the face-to-face classes again after two
years in pandemic?
2. How did they get to adopt the situation?
3. What is the significance of face to face related to their learning?
1.3 Significance of the study
The findings of this study may give a huge inspiration of the students who
didn’t take the face-to-face class 2022. This study would indulge
everybody for face to face-to-face classes. This study will show us how
important it is to our practical situation to have a face-to-face class. This
study is conducted in rural areas that would be beneficial for everyone,
(Teachers, students etc. literally this study could be beneficial for
everyone and inspired everyone)
1.3 Scope and limitation of the study
In cross sectional data, the student at Trinidad National High School. There will
be questions provided and they are the respondents who are going to answer
to those questions. Those students are grade 11 student for 2022. The study
aims to know the situation and the perspective of the grade 11 students from
one of the rural areas schools in the country (Trinidad National High School)
The general intent of this study is comprising
the perception of the student. The study will mainly be focused on their valued
1.6 definition of terms
the participants of the study or respondents has delighted to answer
some of my questions,
Assent: a legal agreement of respondents and community involved
Beneficiates: a proper ordinance for the promising research paper
This research is not coercing anybody for the participation the research
outcome would be presented as in a delighted process…
Chapter 2. Review Related Literature
Based on the articles in google there is quite not so many adversaries but
a relevant statement from the random peoples just like this one Zhou
(1996), according to him face to face is one of the best documented
successful patterns of knowledge construction stemming from electronic
learning. Followed by the articles of https//: www yours humanly, it says
that in school it is important to take you learning face to face with you
teacher and be happy learning others because that is the most
significance in forming person into a human being. https//: www
research gate, this site confirms that nowadays or after 2 years in
pandemic learners get stuck to the technologies and trends they tend to
have less and lesser knowledge to the real world.
I have also
encountered a head teacher way back 2022 April Giging Pipito (2022) she
says, the children way back before are full of expertise and sharp welltrained learners unlike the push button learners now.
Chapter 3
3.1 Research design
This study belongs to the student 11th grader researcher which means
basically. This study is quantitative research. The research would conduct
a survey of the 11th grader students also from Trinidad National High
School. The study would get their perceptions through (researcher
attend their classes) I choose to do this act to also conclude my
perception as a student also in the last part of the research which is the
conclusions. this study also conducts a survey to the student which I,
myself personally talked to them and interviewed and talked about their
academic performance during their face- to -face class.
3.2 Participants and subject of the study
Angel Sta ana-AFA
Joana Landisa-AFA
Jennifer Bardoc-AFA
Jaril Lampaso-AFA
Marrilyn Blanco-AFA
Charyl Mait-COOKERY
Jocelyn Bacotendos-AFA
Lovely Quirante-AFA
Rodelyn Marco-COOKERY
Jethrel Bayawa-AFA
The students above are the 11th grader who gave their perception for the data
The study survey was conduct in Trinidad National High School. In honor of
participating one session of their class plus this area is the rural area also that is
been focused on my study.
Trinidad National High School
3.4 Research Instrument
I conducted a data manually . My surveillance respondents requested me to right the
questions. They answer it by manual way . There answers were presented in paper since
they choose it preferably. The respondents are students of rural area so basically, I have
a hard time having people to agree with my interviews, because they were not so
confidence to give their perception, by doing all efforts and charm I made 10 people
agree with my interview, after 10000 hours persuading them that all of the answer are
their perception, and no one is going to judge it in the name of freedom.
3.5 Data Gathering Procedure
First, I go to the school (Trinidad National High School) which I traveled
for almost 1 hour, to lay the perceptions of the for the study. The case
study was quite challenging especially the part that I must gather data
from my co students. The surveillance last for 2 days. Since I can’t
contain them because we don’t personally know each other. The data
gathering of the study go well after having my interviews to the limited
student who attend the face-to-face class during card day.
3.6 Data Analysis
The section of the study was the grade 11 TVL students since the rural
schools mostly offer TVL strand only and Trinidad National High School
is one of list schools.
Most of the students though are participating the face-to-face class.
Out of 100 percent student’s 80 percent of surveillance has the same
reason and that says the great advantage of face to face, Angel Sta
ana (2022) face to face is crucial to conduct a great learning to the
students of areas like who has poor signals, because we cannot easily
do the push button easy for our study. We also belong to the
livelihood track which basically needs a face-to-face learning to learn
Chapter 4
4.1 perception of surveillance respondents.