P1996-13-1 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARINE ENGINEERING SYSTEMS „SAFE AND^ tFFiciENT SHIPS NEW APPROACHES FOR DESIGN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Organised and sponsored by The Institute of Marine Engineers „SAFE AND^ EFFICIENT SHIPS NEW APPROACHES FOR DESIGN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE T H E INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS The Memorial Buildmg 76 Mark Lane London EC3R7JN Telephone: +44 (0)171481 8493 Fax: +44 (0)171 488 1854 President: Secretary: IE Burrows, BA, CEng, FIMarE, FCMS, FInstP, FIESIS J E Sloggett, OBE, BSc, CEng FIMarE, FRINA, HCS CONFERENCE ORGANISING CoMMnrEE O M Martens, FIMarE N Dellgren, MSc Dr F Orbeck, BSc, CEng, FIMarE Prof Dr Ing M Rasmussen KSolberg G Jones Prof R V Thompson, BSc, MEng, PhD, CEng FIMarE Techmcal Secretary: Conference Organiser: D M Long CEng FIMarE K P Ford, BA Published by THE INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS, a Registered Charity, No 212992, of The Memorial Building 76 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7JN. (England Reg No 1100685;) Printed by Wüton, Wright & Son Ltd, Units 2/3,193 Garth Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4LZ ITie press must not abstractfromthese proceedings before 13 June 1996 and, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Copynght, pesigns and Patents Act, 1988, die written consent of the publisher must be obtained before publishing more than a reasonable abstract. ° Papers presented, or published reflect the, vievys of the individuals who prepared them and, unless indicated expressly in the text do not necessarily represent the views of The Institute of Marine Engineers. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that thé jnformation in Üüs pubUcation is accurate The Institute of Marine Engineers makes no representation or warranty, express or impüed, as to the accuraar, completeness or correctness of such information. The Institute of Marine Engineeis acoepte no yesponsib Jity whatsoever for any loss, damage or other liability arising from any use of this publicationor the information which it contains. ISBN for complete set of two Parts: 0-907206-72r7 ISBN for Part I: 0-907206-73-5 ISBN for Part II: Ó-907206-74-3 IMarE Conference. Volume 108,4 © 1996 The Institute of Marine Ehgineeis Contents Thursday 13 June 1996 Session I: ChaUenges to the Indusby Safety and marine trarisiport Prof R V Thompson (University of Nezvcastle-upon-Tyne, UK) (Tb be tabled) Propulsion machinery for large ships T Henriksson (Wartsila Diesel Oy, Finland) Safe and efficient ships - friendly to the enviionment R Kvamsdal (Kvxrner as, Norway) and Prof Dr Ing M Forde (Norwegian 1 11 Institute'of Science and Technology, Norway) Session II: Diesign and Engineering Some methods to estimate the lifetimes of liners and pistoïiringsand the Iub oil consumption for two-stroke engines in the desiign stage Prof Dr Ing G Grossman and Dipl Ihg A Voss (Technical University, Berlin) Natuiral gias as dean fuel in coastal ships A Einang (UAKINTEK, Norway) (To be tabled) (To be tabled) Risk analyses for Solitaire Ir A M van Wijngaarden (Allseas Engineering bv. The Netherlands) 19 Predicting bearing metal condition of diesel engine by used oil analysis T Hashimoto, H Aoki and N Baba (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK), Japan) 31 Optimising the complete system using simidation: the case of predicting engine emissions during ship nianoeuvring Prof N P Kyrtatos, G Kapetanis, G Korakis and I Koumbarelis (National Technical 37 University of Athens, Greece) Friday 14 June 1996 Session III: Safety Management Systems ISM code: is it different frorn an onshore safety casje? E J Mavromatakis (Ergon Consultants Ltd, Greece), D Col3?vas (TARANG Consulting Engineers, Greece) and É Nicolaou (Trust Shipping Enterprises Ltd, Greece) Ship quality inf onnation systems Prof R G Bea (University of Califomia at Berkeley, USA), Dr Ing R Schulte-Strathaus (Germanischer Uoyd, Germany) and M Dry (Umversity of .47 57 Califomia at Berkeley, USA) Information technology in ship operatioiu a Norwegian research progranune ERensvik (MARINTEK, 67 Nonvay) Improved onboard training using computer-based training modules Dr Ing T E Berg (MARINTEK, Norway) mid R Skotgard (Red Band AS, Nonvay) 75 Fuel quaUty related to unseav/orthiness R F Thomas (Fuel Oil Bunker and Advisory Service (FOBAS), UK) Session IV: Operations and Maintenance The role of information technology for reduction of maintenance cost Prof Dr Ing M Rasmussen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) andHMoen 81 85 (MARINTEK, Norway) Torsinal vibration analysis as a tool for condition monitoring of piston engines by on-rline cylinder torque estimation C A J Tromp (Royal Netherlands Naval College, The Netherlands)] M Spoelstra and Prof J Klein-Woud (Delft Universiiy of Technology, The Netherlands) 95 PMS on ships: dream Or reality? 105 G Soncini (SpecTec Sri, Italy) Session V: Life Cycle The SOCP's RAM database/SHIPNET: a cross functional network for ship life cycle cost and safety decision support B Inozu (University of New Orleans, USA), Z J Karaszewski (United States Coastguard, USA) and P G Schaedel (Energy Transportation Corporation, USA) 111 Nauticus - a life cycle approach to ship safety T SoUie, M Lovstad, E Rishoff and S A Brustad (Det Norske Veritas, Norway) 123 Safety, availability and maintenance improvements in the shipping conuriuhity 133 L Nyh (SYSTECON AB, Sweden)