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Object-Oriented Analysis: Car Insurance Use Case

Object-Oriented Analysis (Part II)
Given the following narrative, develop either an activity diagram or a fully
developed description for a use case of Add a new vehicle to an existing policy
in a car insurance system.
A customer calls an insurance clerk at the insurance company and gives
his/her policy number. The clerk enters this information, and the system
displays the basic insurance policy. The clerk then checks the information
to make sure the premiums are current and the policy is in force.
The customer gives the make, model, year, and vehicle identification
number (VIN) of the car to be added. The clerk enters this information, and
the system validates that the given data is valid. Next the customer selects
the types of coverage desired and the amount of each. The clerk enters the
information, and the system records each and validates the requested
amount against the policy limits. After all of the coverages have been
entered, the system validates the total coverage against all other ranges,
including other cars on the policy.
Finally, the customer must identify all drivers and the percent of time they
drive the car. If a new driver is to be added, then another use case, Add new
driver, is invoked.
At the end of the process, the system updates the policy, calculates a new
premium amount, and prints the updated policy statement to be mailed out
to the policy owner.
Use Case Name:
Triggering Event:
Brief Description:
Flow of Events:
Case Study: DownTown Video Rental System
DownTown Videos is a chain of 11 video stores scattered throughout a major
metropolitan area in the Midwest. The chain started with a single store several years ago
and has grown to its present size. Paul Lowes, the owner of the chain, knows that to
compete with the national chains will require a state-of-the-art movie rental system. You
have been asked to develop the system requirements for the new system.
Each store has a stock of movies and video games for rent. It is important to keep track
of each movie title to know and to identify its category (classical, drama, comedy, and
so on), its rental type (new release, standard), movie rating, and other general
information such as movie producer, release date, cost, and so forth. In addition to
tracking each title, the business must track each individual copy to note its purchase date,
its condition, and its rental status. User functions must be provided to maintain this
inventory information.
Customers, the lifeblood of the business, are also tracked. DownTown considers each
family to be a customer, so special mailings and promotions are offered to each
household. For any given customer, several people may be authorized to rent videos and
games. The primary contact for each customer can also establish rental parameters for
other members of the household. For example, if a parent wants to limit a child’s rental
authorization to only PG and PG-13 movies, the system will track that.
Each time a movie is rented, the system must keep track of which copies of which movies
and games are rented; the rental date and time and the return date and time; and the
household and person renting the movie. Each rental is considered to be open until all of
the movies and games have been returned. Customers pay for rentals when checking out
videos at the store.
For this case, develop the following diagrams:
A class diagram.
A use case diagram.
An activity diagram for each of the use cases having to do with renting and
checking in movies and for the use cases to maintain customer and family
member information.
A system sequence diagram for each of the use cases from problem 2
A statechart identifying the possible states (status conditions) for a physical
copy of a movie, based on the case descriptions given previously and your
knowledge of how a video store might work.