Uploaded by Katarina Kostic

Saxophone Study Abroad: Personal Statement for CEEPUS Application

Currently, I am studying saxophone and this is my second year on the Academy. There are two
saxophone teachers that are teaching me: Nikola Fabijanic as a professor, and Bunford Gabor as his
assistant. Since the beginning of studying, I am trying my best to improve my knowledge on every
aspect. So far, I think that I succeeded. At first year, I passed all exams with highest grades (except
history of music where i got 9). And even though I am doing good at most of the subjects, I am mostly
passionate about saxophone. That's why I would like to visit university in another country and see what
saxophone players from there have to offer.
I am trying my best to learn enough towards my professional career. CEEPUS is offering improvement in
learning and financial support which is exactly what i need. I was more than delighted when i found an
information about the "freemover" option since my home institute doesn't participate in the specific
I wanted to expand my vision of learning in Slovenia since i was in high school. The first time I met
professor that i want to work with was on the one of his masterclasses in Croatia. After several more
masterclasses, including one that happened last summer in july, I recognized that I would definetely love
to work with professors from this university. I even wanted to start my studies in Slovenia, but I figured
that it would be a problem financially. Yes, I am happy with current education, but I know that I could
become more successful with this program.
If I get the chance to get there, I am going to visit and hear as much concerts as I can; attend every class,
and masterclass for saxophone, meet new colleagues and share my experiences with them; learn new
cultures... I will try to expand my interests, knowledge in music as much as this country has to offer; use
every possibility that will appear. Some of those are probably going to be excluded because of the covid,
but I know that there are many new things to see even with the pandemic around.
Classes that I am planning to attend aren't typical on my current Academy. There are several classes that
I attended on in high school last time. I figured out that i would like to remind myself on some things
that I studied before. For example, there is Harmony as a theoretical class which I studied 2 years ago
last time. Ear training is a lecture that I am not familiar with. I didn't get the chance to get to know with
it, but I am looking forward to see what it means for music education. The other lectures are the ones
that I am familiar with, but I am assured that there are some quite differences when it comes to the way
of teaching.
For me, preparations for staying abroad includes informing about the place I am going to live, visa,
introducing myself to professors (through the masterclasses I attended), classes I am willing to attend
and ecc. I am still searching all those informations through the network sites and emailing. I've
expanded my connections a lot so far, and I believe that my staying in Slovenia is going to be peaceful.
As a musician artist, you have to mostly practice, study and work on yourself mentally. I have been
through a lot of growing in the high school, and since I love the way i am doing now, I am inspired to
improve even more. My past professors are the ones who are also responsible, and I believe that the
different ones could learn me even better. Changes are hard, but this one would serve me only good.
Before I expanded music knowledge through international masterclasses, i was feeling a low self
esteem. I believed that, other countries are something unattainable; that the students there have so
much more chances to improve than I do. I suppose that deep down, i still believe that. And through this
exchange, I want to change my mind - prove to myself that I can be good as much as them if I try hard