CALCULATION OF VOLUME OF EARTHWORKS IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION Defination: Earthworks are engineering works created through the moving and/or processing of massive quantities of soil or unformed rock. Earthwork is done to reconfigure the topography of a site to achieve the design levels. Earthwork involves cutting and filling to achieve the required topography. Cutting: Cutting is the process of excavating earth material from a work location or borrow pits to achieve the desired topography. Filling: The filling is the process of moving the excavated material or additional earth material to a work location to achieve the desired topography. Cut to spoil: disposing unwanted excess/unsuitable material to spoil banks that meet environmental qualifications. Cut to spoil = total cut - fill Applications of Earthwork: Typically, earthwork is done in the following projects: Road works Railways Irrigation projects such as canals and dams Other common earthwork applications are land grading to reconfigure the topography of a site, or to stabilize slopes Data Preparation in Earthwork Projects The first step involved in doing an earthwork calculation is surveying the site. By surveying, the site elevations of the existing earth at various points of the work site are determined. Further, all the calculations are done depending upon these values. Preparing for Earthwork Calculation: From the point data available, a 3D Surface can be created with software and then the volume can be found out directly from such surfaces. So, we need to do the calculation in steps and first, we need to arrange the available survey data either in the grid level format or in the contour map depending upon the requirement. 1. Finding the grid Levels [For section method, division by square method and average method] 1 Or 1. Generating contour map [For Contour method] Finding the grid Levels: For the first three methods, namely Section Method, Average method and Division by Square method, input elevations are converted into grid levels. It may be highly difficult to take the measurement exactly at the grid levels and hence levels are captured at various points of the work site as per the project requirement, and then those values are interpolated at the required points. To find the grid levels from the available data, interpolation has to be adopted and there are different methods to find out the interpolation. 1. Weighted average: Measure the distance from two nearest elevations and then find the weighted average to interpolate the value at the grid point. 2. Triangulation: Triangulation is the process of connecting points to form a very large triangular network as per the predefined algorithm (Delaunay triangulation theory being the most popular). Once the triangulation is done, then each triangle is considered as one surface and elevation at the grid point is calculated considering the point that, that particular grid point is on the 3-D surface where its x and y falls. In the following example Grid point “A” is falling in the triangle marked by “P1”, “P2”, and “P3”. 2 Grid levels thus found out become the basis of further calculation. Methods for deriving Volume Calculation There are 4 different Volume calculation methods that are in Practice for Earthwork Calculation. 1. 2. 3. 4. Section Method (Area Can be computed with Different methods) Average method Division of Square method Contour Method Each of these methods is explained in detail in the following posts. Area calculation in Section can be done with 3 different methods i.e., Trapezoidal Rule, Nett area calculation, Simpsons 1/3rd Rule. Volume calculation can be done using 3 different methods Average end area Method, Prismoidal Formula, Simpsons 1/3rd Rule. Area Calculation - Cross Section (CS) Method For calculating the volume, always two sets of surface data are required. Initial Level: Original Ground Level (OGL) (survey data) Final Level: Proposed/Designed Level (estimate) or Formation Level (survey data) Let us consider the following example where the survey data is converted into grid levels as shown below and the final level is 20 meters. 3 For each grid line, cross-sections should be drawn, and the area of cutting and area of filling should be determined for each section. These areas become the basis of volume calculation using the section method. Finding the Intersection Point: When a section is drawn using two sets of grid levels, and if the section lines are intersecting, then we have to find the intersection point for future calculations. 4 In the above example, we need to find intersection at point B i.e., distance between A and B. AB= Horizontal distance between A and C * [Level difference at point A / (Level difference at Point A + Level difference at Point B)] AB = 5 * [1 / (1+2)] = 1.67 Area Calculation: Once the sections are drawn and intersection points are determined, then we can find the area of each section using any of the following methods: Trapezoidal rule Nett Area method Simpsons 1/3rd rule Area Calculation - Trapezoidal Rule In the trapezoidal method, each segment of the section is divided into various trapezoids and triangles. Trapezoidal Area A = 1/2 X a X (b1+b2) 5 Triangle area A = a * b/2 Example 1: 6 Intersection Point In the above example, intersection point is between 351 and 354 Filling Height=0.1 @ distance 351 Cutting depth=0.2 @ distance 354 Length from 351 to 354 =3 Distance from 351 to intersection point = 3*[0.1/ (0.1+0.2)] =1 i.e., intersection point is at 352 Cutting Area – Sum of Area of Segment 1, 2, and 3 Sl. No. Easting Initial Final Level Level Difference Calculation 1 345 20.70 20 0.70 2 348 20.50 20 3 351 20.10 20 4 352 20.00 20 0.50 Segment 1: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (0.70 + 0.50) * 3 0.1 Segment 2: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (0.50 + 0.10) * 3 0 Segment 3: Area of Triangle = ½ * b * h = ½ * 0.1 * 1 Total 7 Area (Sq. meters) 1.80 0.90 0.05 2.75 Filling Area – Sum of Area of Segment 4, 5, 6, and 7 Sl. No. Easting Initial Final Level Level Difference Calculation Area (Sq. meters) 1 352 20.00 20 0.00 2 354 19.80 20 3 357 19.40 20 4 360 19.10 20 5 363 19.00 20 0.20 Segment 4: Area of Triangle = ½ * b * h = ½ * 0.2 * 2 0.60 Segment 5: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (0.20 + 0.60) * 3 0.90 Segment 6: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (0.60 + 0.90) * 3 1.00 Segment 7: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (0.90 + 1.00) * 3 Total 0.20 1.20 2.25 2.85 6.50 Area Calculation - Nett Area Method Nett Area is the Cutting/Filling area that is calculated by finding out the difference between the total area from zero base line defined by the Initial Level and the total area from zero base line defined by the final level. While calculating the area using this method, the area is once again calculated by dividing the total area into smaller trapezoids. Example 2: 8 9 Cutting Calculation Sl. No. Easting Initial Level Consider Level Calculation 1 345 20.70 20.70 2 348 20.50 20.50 Segment 1: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.70 + 20.50) * 3 3 351 20.10 20.10 Segment 2: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.50 + 20.10) * 3 4 352 20.00 20.00 Segment 3: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.10 + 20.00) * 1 5 354 19.80 20.00 Segment 4: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 2 6 357 19.40 20.00 Segment 5: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 3 7 360 19.10 20.00 Segment 6: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 3 8 363 19.00 20.00 Segment 7: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 3 10 Area(Sq. meters Area of final level = 6 trapezoids = ½*(20.00+20.00)*3 = 6 * 60 = 360 Cutting Area = 362.75 – 360 = 2.75 Filling Calculation Sl. No. Easting Initial Level Consider Level Calculation 1 345 20.70 20.00 2 348 20.50 20.00 Segment 1: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 3 3 351 20.10 20.00 Segment 2: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 3 4 352 20.00 20.00 Segment 3: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 20.00) * 1 5 354 19.80 19.80 Segment 4: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (20.00 + 19.80) * 2 6 357 19.40 19.40 Segment 5: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (19.80 + 19.40) * 3 7 360 19.10 19.10 Segment 6: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (19.40 + 19.10) * 3 8 363 19.00 19.00 Segment 7: Area of Trapezoid = ½ * (b1 + b2) * a = ½ * (19.10 + 19.00) * 3 Area of final level = 6 trapezoids = ½*(20.00+20.00)*3 = 6 * 60 = 360 Filling Area = 360.00 – 353.50 = 6.50 11 Area(Sq. m Area Calculation - Simpsons One Third Rule Simpson’s 1/3rd rule is one of the most popular methods of finding the area for a given set of points by the method of numerical integration. The basic idea is to divide the Xaxis into equally spaced divisions as shown and to complete the top of these strips of an area in such a way that we can calculate the area by adding up these strips Simpson's rule is based on a parabolic model of the function to be integrated (that is instead of connecting 2 adjacent points merely by a straight line, a parabola is chosen such that the curve formed by joining these points is extremely smooth and thus helps in calculating the area). Where the sum of odd and even terms do not include the first and the last terms Important points to be considered while applying Simpson’s Rule are: 1. The number of intervals must be an even number. 2. Minimum of 3 points are required 3. Intervals are expected to be equal 12 Example 3: Cutting Area Sl. No. Easting 3 Initial Final Cutting Calculation - Area (Sq. meters) Level Level Depth 345 20.70 20 0.70 Simpsons 1/3rd Rule= h/3(First Value + last value + 4 * (Sum of odd values) + 2 * 348 20.50 20 0.50 (Sum of even values) H = 21 / 3 = 3 = 3/3 351 20.10 20 0.1 (0.70 + 0 + 4 * 0.5 + 2 * 0.1) 4 354 19.80 20 0 5 357 19.40 20 0 6 360 19.10 20 0 7 363 19.00 20 0 1 2 Total = 2.9 Filling Area Sl. No. Easting 4 Initial Final Cutting Calculation - Area (Sq. meters) Level Level Depth 345 20.70 20 0 Simpsons 1/3rd Rule= h/3(First Value + last value + 4 * (Sum of odd values) + 2 348 20.50 20 0 * (Sum of even values) 351 20.10 20 0 H = 21 / 3 = 3 = 3/3 (0 + 1.00 + 4 * 1.1 + 2 * 0.4) 354 19.80 20 0.20 5 357 19.40 20 0.60 6 360 19.10 20 0.90 7 363 19.00 20 1.00 1 2 3 Total = 6.6 13 Summary table Sl.No Section at Trapezoidal Method Cutting 2.75 Filling Net Area Cutting 6.50 Filling 6.50 Cutting 2.9 Filling 1 729 2 732 15.75 15.75 15.9 3 735 78.90 78.90 79 4 738 126.90 126.90 125.8 5 741 72.00 72.00 72.4 6 744 29.55 29.55 30.1 14 2.75 Simpsons Rule 6.6