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Digital Tools & English Learning: Effects & Research

The negative effects of digital
tools on the English language
Omer sabah omer
Omer yousif mohsin
1. Introduction (Overview)
As one of the international languages, English occupies an important
position in the world. Most people use English to communicate with other
people from other countries. The development of science, art, culture and
technology is inseparable from the role of this language. In recent years, the
discourse of globalizatio and internationalization of culture, economics and
education has shaped types of English as additional languages, international
languages, global languages and universal languages of these different
roles in English are due to the growing number of English users from nonEnglish speaking countries (eg China, Indonesia, Iran, South Korea, Saudi
Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey). In addition, despite being criticized as a
language of language imperialism, English has gained popularity in foreign
language/additional language education over the years; from elementary
school to higher education, it has become a required course for formal
courses.Information that is not filtered properly can lead to negative
behavior changes. The existence of local values is threatened by the great
wave of global culture that is the existence of local wisdom (MC – Crum.R. et
al., 1986).Therefore, using the technology in the ELT hardware as a gateway
to the great wave requires the existence of the filter to incorporate local
wisdom into the program.Teaching English using technology teaching
materials is very difficult for teachers because not everyone has a thorough
knowledge of the use of technology ; As teacher training, the main point for
students to learn is meaningful. Teachers should know valid tools to use it in
the classroom.However, the use of technology in itself has negative aspects
from the point of view of the country of origin of its local wisdom. Information
that is not properly filtered , can cause negative behavioral changes. The
existence of local values threatened by the massive wave of global culture is
the existence of local wisdom.Therefore, using the technology in the ELT
material as a gateway to the big wave requires the existence of a filter that
incorporates local
2. Literature Review (Related terms)
The teaching of foreign languages, including English, is currently oriented
towards the needs of learners. Therefore, the English curriculum must be
designed to meet what learners want to learn, not what they should learn or
what they should be taught. On the other hand, since each learner is born and
trained by their local culture, the influence of their local culture when
learning a target or second language including
English is unlikely. avoid. Therefore, it is imperative to include the local
culture of the learners in the English curriculum. However, people in other
countries may not be comfortable with certain changes in Western culture
brought about by information and communication technology, which in fact
cannot be separated from the use of English. bridge language.In addition to
the impact on globalization, it also affects the sociocultural of the society
(local wisdom). Globalization has brought about a change or change in the
system or rules of growth and development in the society. The development
of technology has a huge part in leading our young people to moral decay.
The mental and moral damage of our youth is caused by consumerist,
materialistic, and individualistic lifestyles. In addition, the proliferation of
websites that provide bad explicit images that can be accessed freely have
added to the ranks of teen vandals.
3. Previous Studies
First research
Fathul Zannah negative effects of using technology in English Teaching
material (2019)
At the beginning of the 21st century, this means entering the era of
globalization. Information will be easily accessible from home using
technology. What is happening at on the other side of the world can quickly
be seen in other regions. The gates between
countries open wide without barriers. The diversity of ethnic cultures is
gradually blended by This is what John Nesbit calls the universal lifestyle.
English as an international language is an integral part of technology
globalization. The field of ELT materials has been invaded by the use of ICT
(Information and Communication Technologies). The easy access to
technology has allowed information to enhance the teaching and learning
program, and approximately 80% of it is in English (MC - Crum. R.et al., 1986)
Some of the technologies used in the ELT classroom as suggested are
Computer Assisted English, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL),
Web Based
Learning, Email, Blog, Skype, Mobile, Me pod, Social Media, media streaming
like Google Chrome, etc.
Second Research
Omer Ozer 1*Figen Kılıç 2(2018) The Effect of Mobile-Assisted Language
Environment on
EFL Students
This study reports on the study of the effect of mobile learning environments
on academic achievement, acceptance of mobile learning tools and cognitive
load of EFL students. This study used a mixed methods approach where
involved the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to
determine the impact of mobile learning in a foreign language learning
environment. Quantitative data was collected from 63 foreign language
learners through the school success test, the cognitive load scale and the
acceptance scale of mobile learning tools, before and after the time of
learning. intervention. After the intervention, eight students from
experimental group
answered open-ended questions about their experiences during group
interviews. The results show a significant difference in academic
achievement and student acceptance of mobile learning tools in favor of the
experimental group. Research also shows that although students learning a
foreign language in a mobile-supported learning environment did not
experience cognitive overload, students in the control group did.
Third research
Zaldua Moral Ft Chamba Romero 2019
The teaching of applied learning materials should be the primary goal of any
teacher-developed practice in their classrooms, as well as the effects on
learning should be made there. This project is aimed at teachers, especially
those responsible for high school students, so that they know technology
teaching materials to achieve an effective lesson, by finding researched in a
number of journals scientists, to analyze why we should adopt these
materials and promote a survey of among teachers; aimed at uncovering
technology trends taught in the classroom.Technology teaching materials
stimulate students' motivation and interest in learning in all subjects
covered in the lesson. By the way, this work study shows that influences
exist in the teaching of learning. In addition, several applications are shown
to develop activities by applying these materials and achieving the effect of
Lesson. The result of this work is the assertion that technological
educational materials facilitate the learning of English languages.
Forth research
Alfonso Fabian Martínez-Chávez (2019)
A study of student’s perceptions toward learning english on-line - positive
negative effects
English is considered as a global language all over the world as it is widely
spoken and written in various fields such as science, media,
telecommunications, fashion, music, education, of those other areas. It is
also an official language in important institutions such as the United
Nations,so learning this language is required in higher education in
Ecuadorian universities as well as at lower levels. Currently, the whole
world is going through a difficult situation caused by the COVID 19 pandemic.
It has affected education, which is currently being held virtual. With this
study, one had to assess 4,444 university students' perceptions towards
online English learning and its positive and negative effects.
4. Discussion
The positive and negative effects of digital technologies and social
networking sites on the learning English based on the people how they you
using technology In my opinion, in all four researchs, the english language
has been discussed how it has a significant effect on the education of the
world,and technology has more positive effects than negative effects for
Learning English Language. For example on all of researchs talked about
that you can using YouTube,Google ,etc as a good tool for Learning English
Language but On the other hand, this advanced learning method can cause a
bit of loneliness for students, as much of the learning is personal. While
forums and chats are useful, it's not like learning English in a face-to-face
classroom where there are over interactions.
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
Technology is like a coin with positive and negative sides. We are the decision
makers and we must choose how to use it. The use of technology to overuse
resources should be avoided. If we use it for positive things it will have a
positive effect on our lives. Some importance of digital tools to learning
English language:
1.Thanks to advances in this field, learning English is now an opportunity for
more people. These new tools allow more and more people to access
educational content regardless of place or time.
2.Another important contribution of technology to learning English is 's
ability to chat with people around the world through forums or social media.
Many English academies use them for students to practice speaking or
writing with people from different cultures.
3.A new educational software makes it possible to monitor the learning of
teachers and students. In this way, English lessons can be optimized, by
analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both parts. On the other hand, it
has been proven that a method that combines traditional teaching tools with
new technological tools will improve pupils' work and help to integrate
English more quickly
7. References