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Self-Concept & Academic Performance: A Reflective Essay

EDUB 2724: Assignment –
Reflective Essay
Initials: M.N Xaba
Table of contents
 Introduction
Definition of self-concept…………………………………………………………..
Influence of self-concept on self-esteem……………………………………………
Influence of self-concept on academic ability………………………………………
Influence of self-concept on motivation…………………………………………….
Influence of self-concept on interaction with peers…………………………………
Reasons which caused Cassie’s academic achievement decline and social interaction with regard to the
Her self-concept and the variables and agents that will be contributing to her results and peer-group
Her acknowledgment of herself and her own capacity, just as how the acknowledgments of different
teachers and companions might be adding to her view of herself………………………………
Implications of the Cassie's present circumstance on her relationships also, cooperation’s with her
companions and educators and the essential factors that may be adding to her self-isolation…..
Referring to cycle of interaction, this is how I would help Cassie to better conform to her unused
environment and in turn help her in adjusting her self-concept to align with her modern school and to exceed
expectations personally and improve her recognition and desires……………………………….
 Conclusion
 References
For a student to be confined from peers and teachers can be troublesome, particularly for their selfesteem, academic capacity and interaction towards others. Interpersonal connections are exceptionally
critical for learners and can be challenging when a learner must attend a unused high school. Cassie
ought to develop modern connections within the school to guarantee that she incorporates a positive
self-esteem and self-concept. After she adjusted this, she will have advance in her institute, as well
asocial and passionate issues. Firstly, self-concept and components that influence self-concept will be
examined. Furthermore, reasons why Cassie decrease in academic accomplishments and social
interactions will be talked about. Thirdly there will be a talk of Cassie’s suggestions of her current
circumstance. Finally there will be referred to the cycle of interaction in Cassie’s case study.
1. Definition of Self- concept.
A self-concept is an understanding you've got of yourself that’s based on your individual encounters,
body picture, your considerations, and how you tend to name yourself in different situations. Your selfconcept is shaped by data you have got acknowledged as truth. For illustration, you will have taken
portion in a race after you were 11years old and finished last. Because of this, you will have created a
conviction that you just are an awful runner and never be able to win a race.
1.1 Influence of self-concept on self-esteem
Self-esteem, something else known as self-concept, may be a term that alludes to how an individual
assesses his/her worth. In other words, it’s how you think of yourself. Low self-esteem prompts
diminished confidence, which prompts absence of accomplishment throughout everyday life. As much
as one understand that self-concept is how we think our self, a few individuals think they are way better
than everybody, coming about in predominance complex, this is an example of an extremely high selfesteem however, low self-esteem usually established from one’s negative self-image, the result is
frequently inferiority complex.
1.2 Influence of self-concept on academic ability
When individuals who are near and significant to you assess you in a certain way, it influences how you
see yourself. In most countries, little is thought about the impact self-idea has on learners and students’
academic execution, yet it seems like students’ low scholarly exhibition could be connected to poor
self-concept (WAEC, 2012; Saani, 2012). Concurring to the outline of reference model, academic selfconcept will depend on a student’s own scholarly capacity and the capacity level of other students
inside the same course. When a student sees himself as the finest in course he tends to hold a positive
self-concept of himself/herself (Acosta, 2007).
1.3 Influence of self-concept on motivation
In the event that you think you're waste, great for nothing and you are not wonderful, at that point who
will think you're great. This might sound distinctive but the reality is your words become your
activities, your activities become your behavior, your behavior chooses your destiny. Thus everybody
must have a good self-concept. One ought to think you're good person, great at something. You’ll
accomplish this and that and you'll be supportive for numerous people and so on. This self-concept
values you and it coordinates you in an indicated way and certainly you'll be motivated by your own
words. Donna Thompson once said “When self-concept is good, motivation is good too because you
want the best for yourself. You have a good outlook on everything when you have high self-esteem.”
1.4 Influence of self-concept on interaction with peers
Students have distinctive encounters with peers which influences their self-concept. The interaction and
connections between them plays a major part in their self-worth, physical and passionate appearance.
Learners are exceptionally competitive between their peers, particularly when it comes to institute,
companions and sports. Learners need to feel acknowledged by their peers and they proposed to do
everything to ‘fit in’ and to be well known. Peers have positive and negative impacts on self-concept.
For case when the impact is negative, it can be of envy or judgment towards each other. When the
impact is positive, it can be since of great companions that need to lift each other up and need them to
be the leading that they can.
2. Reasons which caused Cassie’s academic achievement decline and social interaction with regard
to the following:
Her self-concept and the variables and agents that will be contributing to her results and
peer-group interaction.
Cassie may be a learner that advances in her academy. She continuously had the capacity to do the
finest and her grades are over ordinary. Cassie had a radical modify of coaching circumstances and had
to go to an advanced tall school. This modify impacted Cassie’s academic achievements contrarily.
Suddenly her grades lessened and she felt baffled. Cassie’s self-concept got a misfortune. Cassie’s
associations with the educators and peers are a very crucial figure that impacts herself-concept and can
ensure her learning. Cassie can additionally make a negative self-esteem when she feels detached from
the educators and the peers.
Her acknowledgment of herself and her own capacity, just as how the acknowledgments of
different teachers and companions might be adding to her view of herself.
Cassie’s recognition of herself can alter into something emphatically and effectively. Cassie is presently
in a modern school, which suggests that she is uncovered to modern situations, instructors and peers.
Cassie will be requiring back from her family, as well as from the instructors at school, to guarantee
that her institute ended up top-of-the-line once more. Encompassing Cassie with positive people will
allow her boldness to attain scholastic victory. In case Cassie fined her bunch of companions and begins
understanding the school’s syllabus, she will feel confidant and empowered to do way better in her
institute. Her intelligent, connections and social status will influence her self-esteem.
3. Implications of the Cassie's present circumstance on her relationships also, cooperation’s with
her companions and educators and the essential factors that may be adding to her self-isolation.
Cassie might feel that she is alone in school. Her intelligent with her peers are of such nature that she
always feels debased and unsatisfactory. She may too involvement the need of passionate bolster and
this seem have an impact on her intelligent with her peers and educator. She can feel the nonappearance
of a hint relationship that can cause her to be frightened within the future. This could too cause
scholastic disappointment and an accumulation for Cassie. Cassie’s guardians and instructors ought to
back her and offer assistance her with socio social issues and far-fetched certainty. The bolster will
make strides her institute; create her self-esteem, her connections as well as her intuitive among her
peers and instructors. Cassie will have positive sceneries towards her future
4. Referring to cycle of interaction, this is how I would help Cassie to better conform to her unused
environment and in turn help her in adjusting her self-concept to align with her modern school
and to exceed expectations personally and improve her recognition and desires.
Interaction cycle is human’s adjustment of the “stages of action” show. Interaction between people
happens in this show. There are assortment of variables that contributes to Cassie’s self-concept. The
instructors in Cassie’s school have to be bolster her. They can reach out and begin to know Cassie
separately, such as her values, interface and her guardians. This way the teachers will know what sort of
individual Cassie is. In Cassie’s cycle of interaction, she will require physical needs, interface and
individuals to assist her within the unused school with these needs. Peers play a part in her interaction,
since Cassie will be with them each day in her school situations. Cassie has to connect with modern
companions, instructors and the school’s banter transport. These intuitive will develop Cassie’s
individual connections. She will create physically, sincerely and socially. She will feel confidant when
her cycle of interaction is where it ought to be. Her grades will improve and she will feel positive in her
unused school.
In conclusion I feel that schools ought to have support frameworks for learners like Cassie that has got
to alter from schools. Teachers in schools ought to moreover know learners exclusively. The learners
will feel vital and acknowledged. By this feeling of encounter from your instructors, learners will
accomplish scholastic victory. Instructors’ needs to make a spare and agreeable classroom environment
for learners to progress their learning prepare. Individual connections and intuitive are exceptionally
vital for learners in schools. This will have a negative or positive impact on learners’ self-concept.
Saani, A-J. (2012, May). Influence of school organizational culture on public basic school teachers
commitment to the teaching profession. Unpublished master’s thesis,
University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast.
West African Examination Council [WAEC] (2012, April). General resume of the chief examiners’
reports on the standard of the papers. Accra: WAEC Ghana.
Former Writer at Examiner.com (2012-2014)
John W. Kinch. “A Formalized Theory of Self-Concept (Research Note),” American Journal of
Sociology, LXVIII (January, 1963), 481-86
More-selfesteem.com. (2018). Self-Concept and Self Esteem. [Online] Available at: https://www.moreselfesteem.com/self_concept.htm [Accessed 27 Aug. 2018].
Wilbur B. Bookover, Shailer Thoman and Ann Paterson. Sociology of Education Vol. 37, No. 3 (spring,
1964), pp. 271-278