Topic : Single linked list 1. Write a C program to implement the following functions for single linked list. • createList • insertAtFirst • insertAtLast • insertAtAny • displayList . Mention the necessary algorithm. 2. Write a C program to implement the following functions for single linked list. • createList • 3. 4. 5. 6. deleteFromFirst • deleteFromLast • deleteFromAny • displayList . Mention the necessary algorithm. Write a C program to implement all the insert and delete functions and display function along with an appropriate menu for a single linked list. Write a C program to store polynomial using linked list. Store the term in ascending order. Write a C function to count the number of node present in a linked list. Write a C program to print the odd number and even number nodes separately from a single linked list. (All programs to be implemented in Python Language) Topic : Single linked list 1. Write a program to implement the following functions for single linked list. • createList • insertAtFirst • insertAtLast • insertAtAny • displayList . 2. Write a program to implement the following functions for single linked list. • createList • deleteFromFirst 3. 4. 5. 6. • deleteFromLast • deleteFromAny • displayList . Write a program to implement all the insert and delete functions and display function along with an appropriate menu for a single linked list. Write a program to store polynomial using linked list. Store the term in descending order. Write a function to count the number of node present in a linked list. Write a program to print the odd number and even number nodes separately from a single linked list.