Health Collage Maria Elahi Heredity Positive VS Negative Enviornment Positive VS Negative Peers Positive VS Negative Culture Positive VS Negative Media Positive VS Negative Technology Positive VS Negative Questions What images or objects included in your collage represent negative influences on your health. Explain. For technology, I inserted a picture of a man on his device late at night; this shows that overexposure to technology can interrupt one's circadian rhythm and interrupt sleep. For media, I inserted a photo of Jake Paul ­ who is notorious for being a bad role model towards young, easily influenced kids. This can impact health by promoting risk behaviors. For culture, ones diet may negatively affect one's physical health due to fatty foods (i.e. oil in South Asian cuisine). For the peers slide, the picture of the cigarette shows that peer pressure can lead to risk behaviors such as smoking. Negative influences on physical health include pollution as it can lead to future diseases, which is why I included it in negatives for Environment. Additionally, the picture of the genetic deformity for heredity represents that conditions that impair mobility are sometimes passed down. Questions (cont.) What images or objects included in your collage represent positive influences on your health. Explain. The picture of the globe and devices in technology represents that communication via technology can positively influence mental health by forming connections/friendships. The photo of Serena Williams for media represents the benefits of positive role models as they prevent risk behaviors and inspire young generations. The photo of diversity for culture shows the benefits of cultural transfers and unification through diversity on mental health. Learning about different cultures can help one form bonds which also improves social health. The photo of friends for peers shows the benefits of social relationships on mental health. The photo depicting the library portrays how access to libraries in one's environment improves mental health by allowing one to gain knowledge. The photo of adaptations for hereditary depicts the benefits of modified traits on physical health as it allows one to improve their chance of survival by adjusting to their surroundings.