[Logo or name of your organization here] PROJECT PROPOSAL [Name of Project] PREPARED FOR [Name Of Client] PREPARED BY [Name Of Sender] [Phone/Email] PROPOSAL VALID UNTIL [Date] PROPOSAL VERSION NO. [Number] I. OVERVIEW ..............................................................................3 II. BACKGROUND .........................................................................3 III. PROBLEM/NEEDS .....................................................................4 IV. GOALS & OBJECTIVES .............................................................5 V. SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................5 VI. RISKS ....................................................................................6 VII. CONSTRAINTS & ASSUMPTIONS .............................................6 VIII. TIMETABLE/MILESTONES ........................................................6 IX. BUDGET .................................................................................7 X. PERSONNEL RESOURCES ........................................................8 XI. EVALUATION & SUCCESS CRITERIA .........................................8 XII. ENDORSEMENTS ....................................................................9 XIII. NEXT STEPS ...........................................................................9 XIV. APPENDIX ..............................................................................9 [Project Proposal Title Here] 2 I. OVERVIEW [Summarize the project proposal for readers who won’t be reading it in its entirety. Keep the summary as brief as possible. Only include the most pertinent and important information, such as your company’s background, the problems the project intends to solve, the expected results, and the timeline and cost estimates.] I. OVERVIEW ABOUT US PROBLEM/NEEDS GOALS/OBJECTIVES SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATES II. BACKGROUND [Talk about your company, your mission, and vision. Discuss the products or services you offer and why you’re the most qualified to undertake this project.] II. BACKGROUND WHO WE ARE OUR QUALIFICATIONS [Project Proposal Title Here] 3 III. PROBLEM/NEEDS [Identify and describe the need(s) the project aims to satisfy, how long they’ve been in existence, their impact, if they’ve been addressed before (and the outcome, if yes), and other relevant information.] III. PROBLEM/NEEDS PROBLEM 1 LENGTH OF TIME IN EXISTENCE IMPACT ADDRESSED BEFORE? YES/NO IF YES, OUTCOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROBLEM 2 LENGTH OF TIME IN EXISTENCE IMPACT ADDRESSED BEFORE? YES/NO IF YES, OUTCOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [Project Proposal Title Here] 4 IV. GOALS & OBJECTIVES [Discuss the project’s goals and objectives, including the benefits to reap once you’ve achieved them.] IV. GOALS & OBJECTIVES DESCRIPTION V. BENEFITS SCOPE OF WORK [Outline the project’s scope of work, deliverables, and how you plan to tackle the project. Provide details on the work required, whether you’ll be hiring outside contractors, the skills and physical resources the project will need, etc.] V. SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY [Project Proposal Title Here] 5 VI. RISKS [List all the associated project risks, including how you plan to address or mitigate them.] VI. RISKS RISK 1 RISK 2 RISK 3 VII. CONSTRAINTS & ASSUMPTIONS [Indicate any assumptions (considerations that you think are true or certain) and limitations relevant to the project.] VII. CONSTRAINTS & ASSUMPTIONS CONSTRAINTS ASSUMPTIONS VIII. TIMETABLE/MILESTONES [Break the project down into milestones or phases. Provide the expected implementation time for each as well as the next steps once you hit a milestone, or what it means for your project if you miss it.] VIII. TIMETABLE/MILESTONES SUMMARY PHASE 1 MILESTONE [Project Proposal Title Here] START DATE END DATE OUTCOME 6 PHASE 2 MILESTONE IX. START DATE END DATE OUTCOME BUDGET [Provide a breakdown of the project’s costs. Include details on payment terms, if applicable, and how you plan to manage the budget.] IX. BUDGET SUMMARY WORK/INVESTMENTS REQUIRED COST TOTAL $ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [Project Proposal Title Here] 7 X. PERSONNEL RESOURCES [Identify the functions the project requires, the skills needed to perform those functions, and the staff to carry them out. Include the project’s key people, such as the sponsor and the project manager.] X. PERSONNEL RESOURCES SUMMARY SPONSOR [Name] [Contact Info] PROJECT MANAGER [Name] [Contact Info] TEAM MEMBERS [Name] NAME XI. DESIGNATION/ SKILLS STATUS PHONE/EMAIL EVALUATION & SUCCESS CRITERIA [Discuss the methods you will use to evaluate the project’s progress throughout and at completion. Outline how evaluations will be reported and when, as well as who will conduct the evaluation.] XI. EVALUATION & SUCCESS CRITERIA EVALUATION TECHNIQUES REPORTING METHODS & SCHEDULE [Project Proposal Title Here] 8 XII. ENDORSEMENTS [List the names, addresses, affiliation, and contact information of the people endorsing or supporting the project. Link to their formal letters of recommendation.] ENDORSED BY XIII. COMPANY CONTACT INFO LINK NEXT STEPS [Identify the actions the proposal’s readers are required to perform.] XIII. NEXT STEPS SUMMARY XIV. APPENDIX [List the documents that support your proposal here, such as research and reference materials, cost estimates, vendor quotes, the company’s history and background, etc.] DOCUMENT [Project Proposal Title Here] DESCRIPTION LOCATION 9 SIGNATURES: [Name] CLIENT DATE: [Name] PROJECT SPONSOR DATE: [Name] PROJECT MANAGER DATE: [Project Proposal Title Here] 10