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Science Olympiad Wave Exam - High School Physics

Crave the Wave B
Directions: During the test, please read each question in its entirety and
answer all questions. Use the units provided AND do NOT put the units in
fill in the blank answers. Assume c = 3 x 108 m/sec. Assume 3 significant
digits unless otherwise stated.
Crave the Wave B
Science Olympiad National Invitational
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1. (1 point) What are two of the main types of waves
⃝ Electromagnetic
⃝ Einstein
⃝ Mechanical
⃝ Scientific
⃝ Special
⃝ Wandering
2. (1 point) Which main type of wave requires a medium to propagate (one answer only)
A. Electromagnetic
B. Einstein
C. Mechanical
D. Scientific
E. Special
F. Wandering
3. (1 point) What type of medium are Required for Electromagnetic Waves to propagate (Select one that
is most right)
A. Elastic and Inertia based
B. Invisible
C. Visible
D. Metal
E. Vacuum
F. Media not required
4. (1 point) What type of medium is required for Mechanical Waves to propagate (select the best one)
A. Elastic and Inertia based
B. Invisible
C. Visible
D. Metal
E. Vacuum
F. Media not required
5. (1 point) What does it mean when a wave is traveling in one direction only (select the best answer)
A. Brain Wave
B. Electromagnetic Wave
C. Gravity Wave
D. Mechanical Wave
E. Standing Wave
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F. Traveling Wave
6. (1 point) What does it mean when superimposed periodic waves travel in opposite directions (select the
best answer)
A. Brain Wave
B. Electromagnetic Wave
C. Gravity Wave
D. Mechanical Wave
E. Standing Wave
F. Traveling Wave
7. (1 point) For the Diagram Which letter corresponds with the Wavelength?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
8. (1 point) For the Diagram Which letter corresponds with the Amplitude?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
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9. (1 point) For the Diagram Which letter corresponds with the Trough?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
10. (1 point) For the Diagram Which letter corresponds with the Crest?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
11. (2 points) If the wave Amplitude ONLY is increased, which is also true (select all that apply)
⃝ Intensity is increased
⃝ If sound, it is louder
⃝ Frequency increases
⃝ Frequency decreases
⃝ Wavelength increases
⃝ Wavelength decreases
12. (1 point) What is the formula for phase velocity of a wave?
A. V = ma
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B. v = f
C. V = Fd
D. v = sin(θ)
E. v = mc2 v = f /λ
F. (2 points) If the wavelength of a wave is doubled, which of the following are true (select all that are true)
⃝ Amplitude is halved
⃝ Amplitude is doubled
⃝ If sound, has a higher pitch
⃝ If sound, has a lower pitch
⃝ Frequency is halved
⃝ Frequency is doubled
14. (1 point) For the spectrum provided what is the one closest to Radio Waves?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
15. (1 point) For the spectrum provided what is the one closest to Visible Light?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
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E. E
F. F
16. (1 point) For the spectrum provided what is the one closest to X-Rays?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
17. (1 point) For the spectrum provided what is the one closest to Microwaves?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
18. (1 point) For the spectrum provided what is the one closest to Infrared Waves?
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A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
19. (1 point) For the spectrum provided what is the one closest to Ultraviolet Waves?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
F. F
20. (1 point) What is a name for the waves that associate with the letter G in the spectrum diagram below?
A. Alpha Rays
B. Ultraviolet Rays
C. Gamma Rays
D. Omicron Rays
E. X Rays
F. Omega Rays
21. (2 points) What is the velocity of a wave with the = 1m and f = 100Hz? (give answer in m/sec without
units, just the number)
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22. (2 points) What is the frequency of a wave with the = 1m and v = 100 m/sec? (give answer in Hz
without units, just the number)
23. (2 points) What is the wavelength of a wave with the v = 1m/sec and f = 100Hz? (give answer in m
without units, just the number)
24. (1 point) Transverse, Longitudinal, AND Surface Waves are a subtype of what type of wave
A. Electromangnetic
B. Einstein
C. Mechanical
D. Scientific
E. Special
F. Wandering
25. (1 point) An ocean wave is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
26. (1 point) A sound wave is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
27. (1 point) A guitar string wave (not the sound wave) is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
28. (1 point) An electromangetic wave in a single medium is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
29. (1 point) Shear stress waves in an elastic solid are what type of waves
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
30. (1 point) The wave ON a drum membrane (not the sound wave) is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
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C. Surface
31. (1 point) A wave that propagates along the interface between different media is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
32. (1 point) A compression wave is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
33. (1 point) A pressure wave is what type of wave
A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
C. Surface
34. (1 point) The propagation of an electromagnetic wave is what compared to the orientation of the electrical
and magnetic fields
A. Same direction as both the Electrical and Magnetic fields
B. Orthogonal to both the Electrical and Magnetic fields
C. Same direction as the Electrical field and orthogonal to the Magnetic field
D. Same direction as the Magnetic field and orthogonal to the Electric field
E. No direction as it doesn’t propagate in the presence of Electrical fields
F. No direction as it doesn’t propagate in the presence of Magnetic fields
35. (1 point) In an electromagnetic wave, a change in the Electrical Field in space causes what (pick the
best one)
A. No change
B. A change in the Magnetic field in space
C. A change in Magnetic field in time
D. A change in the polarization of the wave
E. Increase in speed of the wave
F. Decrease in speed of the wave
36. (2 points) If you ONLY increase the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, which is true (pick all that
are true)
⃝ The wavelength is increased
⃝ The wavelength is decreased
⃝ No change in wavelength
⃝ The velocity is increased
⃝ The velocity is decreased
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⃝ No change in velocity
37. (2 points) What are the light particles that make up a light wave?
38. (1 point) What important property of material is shown by K (not k)
A. Bulk Modulus
B. Elastic Modulus
C. Modulus Modulus
D. Shear Modulus
39. (1 point) Which of the following has the most impact upon the speed of sound in gas?
A. Density
B. Pressure
C. Temperature
40. (1 point) What is the difference between the heat capacity ratio and Laplace Coefficient
A. Heat capacity ratio only impacts thermodynamics equations
B. Laplace Coefficients are only used in physics, Heat Capacity ratio is used in Chemistry
C. They are the same thing
D. They counteract each other
E. They are not related to each other
41. (1 point) Speed of sound does what with higher temperature
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. No change
42. (1 point) Normally does the speed of sound go faster in solids or gases
A. Faster in gases normally
B. Faster in solids normally
43. (1 point) What are the different types of mechanical waves in liquids
A. Compression/Pressure Waves
B. Einstein Waves
C. Shear waves
D. Wandering Waves
44. (2 points) If you know the temperature in C and want to figure out the speed of sound in dry air, there is
a general equation for finding the speed of sound, c: c = (331.3 + x • temp) m/sec. x is the coefficient
and temp is the temperature in C. What is x to three significant digits?
45. (3 points) If you know the temperature in C and want to figure out the speed of sound in dry air, there is
a general equation for finding the speed of sound, c: c = (331.3 + x • temp) m/sec. x is the coefficient
and temp is the temperature in C.
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Science Olympiad National Invitational
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Using the above formula calculate the speed of sound (m/sec) in air for 21.5 C (4 significant digits,
46. (3 points) If you know the temperature in K and want to figure out the speed of sound in dry air, there
is a general equation for finding the speed of sound, c: c = (x • T) m/sec. x is the coefficient and T is
the temperature in K. What is x to four significant digits?
47. (1 point) Which gas has the higher speed of sound at 20 C?
A. Dry Air
B. Hydrogen
C. Krypton
D. Oxygen
E. Nitrogen
48. (1 point) At 20 C, air, steel, and water have different speeds of sound. If we assume that they are
approximately 340m/sec, 1,500 m/sec, and 5,100 m/sec. If an explosion of a train engine occurs right
over the water, which media would an observer at 1 km away be able to hear it FIRST?
A. Air
B. Steel
C. Water
49. (5 points) At 20 C, air, steel, and water have different speeds of sound. If we assume that they are
approximately 340m/sec, 1,500 m/sec, and 5,100 m/sec. If an explosion of a train engine occurs right
over the water, what is the time difference (in seconds) between hearing the explosion 1 km away from
the fastest media to the slowest media? (3 significant digits, sec)
50. (3 points) If we assume that the speed of sound of the media is 340m/sec. If an explosion of a train
engine is observed visually 5 sec before hearing it, how far away in meters is the explosion from the
observer (2 sig digits, m)?
51. (3 points) A police siren has a stationary frequency of 800 Hz. It is 25C and the speed of sound in air
is 346 m/sec. The police car is driving away from you at 22 m/sec. What is your observed frequency if
you remain stationary. (3 sig digits, Hz)
52. (3 points) A police siren has a stationary frequency of 800 Hz. It is 25C and the speed of sound in air is
346 m/sec. The police car is driving away from you at 22 m/sec. What is your observed wavelength if
you remain stationary. (2 sig digits, m)
53. (1 point) The picture below shows which of the following
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A. Diffraction
B. Reflection
C. Refraction
54. (1 point) The picture below shows which of the following
A. Diffraction
B. Reflection
C. Refraction
55. (1 point) The picture below shows which of the following
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A. Diffraction
B. Reflection
C. Refraction
56. (3 points) For the following diagram, if the Angle of Incidence is 45, what is the Angle of Reflection in
degrees (2 significant digits, degrees)?
57. (1 point) What is the name of the angle of incidence beyond which rays of light passing through a denser
medium to the surface of a less dense medium are now longer refracted but total reflected?
A. Acute Angle
B. Angle of Refraction
C. Brewster’s Angle
D. Critical Angle
E. Obtuse Angle
F. Reflection Angle
58. (1 point) What is the law stating that the ratio of the sines of angles of incidents and refraction of aw
wave are constant when it passes between two given media for all incident angles?
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A. Avagadro’s Law
B. Hooke’s Law
C. Law of Reflection
D. Law of Gravity
E. Ohm’s Law
F. Snell’s Law
59. (1 point) What is the law stating that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection?
A. Avagadro’s Law
B. Hooke’s Law
C. Law of Reflection
D. Law of Gravity
E. Ohm’s Law
F. Snell’s Law
60. (3 points) The speed of light in an unknown medium is 2.7 x 108 m/sec. What is the index of refraction
for that medium? (3 significant digits)
61. (5 points) Light from a fish is diffracted upon the smooth surface of a lake at 20. The index of refraction
of the water is 1.33. What is the Angle of Refraction to the observer in a boat? (3 significant digits,
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