Six-Week INDUSTRIAL TRAINING at RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LTD. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Submitted by NAME PARTH PATHAK UR .NO. 190340046 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL EGINEERING GIANI ZAIL SINGH CAMPUS COLLEGE OF ENGG. & TECH., MRS PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, BATHINDA, PUNJAB (151001) AUGUST,2022 STUDENT PROFILE Particulars of Student and Training PARTH PATHAK Name of the student University Roll No. 190340046 Phone No. 6377202699 e-mail ID Class B. Tech. Electrical Engg. Semester & Session 5th / July – Dec 2022 Subject Name Institutional/Industrial Training (4-week) Subject Code BELES1-507 Credits 3 Max. Internal Marks 60 Max. External Marks 40 Name of Industry Training Period Remarks RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRSARAN NIGAM LTD 6-Weeks Training Dates From – To 28/07/2022 To 07/09/2022 Declaration by the student It is certified that this Industrial Training Report is of my own work. Date of Internal 30/09/2022 Presentation & VivaVoce Name & Sign. Internal Examiner Name & Sign. Internal Examiner External Examination of the candidate has been held on date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and found to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Name & Sign. Internal Examiner Name & Sign. External Examiner Name & Sign. Head of EE Department