Contagion and Excess Correlation in Credit Default Swaps Mike Anderson1 May 2011 Abstract This paper documents an increase in the correlations between credit default swap (CDS) spread changes during the credit crisis and investigates the sources of that increase. One possible explanation is that correlations increased because fundamental values became more correlated during the crisis. However, I find that changes in the fundamental determinants of credit risk account for only 20% of the increase in correlations on average. Further, I show that changes in counterparty risk did not affect correlations during the turmoil. In contrast, I find that changes in liquidity risk contributed to the increase in correlations; however, liquidity alone cannot explain the full increase. Finally, I show that a systematic re-pricing of credit risk, as evidenced by increased volatility in the default risk premium, was the main factor that amplified correlations. 1 Contact information: Department of Finance, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, Columbus OH 43210; E-mail: anderson I am grateful for helpful discussion and suggestions from Jack Bao, Phil Davies, Kewei Hou, Andrew Karolyi, Rose Liao, Bernadette Minton, Taylor Nadauld, Tim Scholl, René Stulz, Jennifer Sustersic, Jérôme Taillard, and Scott Yonker. I thank seminar participants at the Ohio State University, The Securities and Exchange Commission, Dimensional Fund Advisors, The University of New South Wales, The Federal Reserve Board and George Mason University. I also thank the Dice Center for research support. 1 Electronic Electroniccopy copyavailable availableat: at: 1 Introduction A well-documented phenomenon is that asset returns become more correlated in times of crisis. However, there is much debate surrounding the interpretation of this result [see Forbes and Rigobon (2002)]. One possible explanation is that comovement increases because fundamental values become more correlated.2 Alternatively, correlations can increase for reasons beyond what can be explained by fundamentals, a condition that Bekaert, Harvey and Ng (2005) refer to as contagion. In this study, I find a significant increase in the comovement between CDS spreads during the credit crisis, which was also observed by market participants. A recent Fitch survey of CDS dealers identified contagion, along with liquidity and counterparty risk, as major factors that facilitated the spread of the subprime turmoil. Specifically, they noted the speed at which CDS spreads widened along with amplified correlations as indicators of contagion. The purpose of this paper is to investigate why CDS correlations increased during the credit crisis. In particular, I investigate whether the increase in correlations was a function of fundamental values or non-fundamental factors. [INSERT Figure 1] Figure 1 shows that the average pairwise CDS correlation spiked in July of 2007 and remained high through the first quarter of 2009. I find that only a small fraction of this increase in correlation can be explained by changes in the fundamental factors that determine credit risk. Therefore, I turn to non-credit risk explanations. Specifically, I examine whether liquidity risk, counterparty risk, or risk premiums increased correlations. The empirical results show no evidence that correlations increased because of counterparty risk. In contrast, I find convincing evidence that the default risk premium was the main factor that amplified correlations. Finally, I find that liquidity risk played a significant, but smaller, role in increasing correlations. In this study, I focus on a sample of 150 corporate investment grade CDS contracts, which are included in one or more rolls of the CDX North American Investment Grade (CDX.NA.IG) index 8-12. Collectively, these contracts make up the most liquid sector of the CDS market during the crisis. For each contract, I obtain daily, dealer-averaged, mid-quotes from July 2005 to March 2009. From these data, I calculate daily CDS spread changes for each firm in the sample; the correlations between these series are the subject of this paper. As a first step, I document an increase in the comovement between CDS spread changes during the crisis. To do this, I test the intraclass correlation coefficient, the average Spearman’s correlation coefficient, and the average fraction of firms that move together each week [see Morck, Yeung and Yu (2000)].3 I find that intraclass correlation increased from 20% prior to the crisis (July 31, 2007) 2 I define fundamentals as those factors implied by Merton (1974). A similar definition is used by Colin-Dufresne Goldstein and Martin (2001) and Ericsson Jacobs and Oviedo (2009). I consider liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and risk premiums to be non-fundamental influences. 3 Intraclass correlation is a measure of the average correlation among CDS spread changes and is closely related to Pearson’s correlation. The main difference is that Intraclass correlation measures the comovement between CDS 2 Electronic Electroniccopy copyavailable availableat: at: to 44% during the crisis (from July 31, 2007 to March 3, 2009). A similar result holds for the average Spearman’s correlation, which more than doubled over this period. Finally, the average fraction of firms with CDS spreads that move in the same direction each week increased from 73% to 83% during the crisis. These changes are significant at the 1% level. To better understand why CDS correlations increased, I investigate excess correlation, which is the correlation between CDS spread changes that cannot be explained by changes in the fundamental determinants of credit risk. Estimating excess correlation requires a strong stance on fundamental factors, as well as the form by which these factors determine CDS spreads. As noted by Bekaert et al. (2005), this will always be a point of controversy.4 Therefore, I rely on the extensive credit risk literature to specify the model. Following Collin-Dufresne, Goldstein and Martin (2001) and Ericsson, Jacobs and Oviedo (2009), I define a linear factor structure to control for changes in the fundamental values of CDS contracts. Under this framework, excess correlation is the correlation between factor model residuals [see Kallberg and Pasquariello (2008)]. Tests for a change in excess correlation show that it increased within the full sample, within industry groups, and across industry portfolios. This confirms that contagion, which I define as an increase in excess correlation, occurred during the crisis. My investigation begins with a firm-level analysis, which shows that the intraclass correlation among OLS residuals, over the full sample and within industry categories, increased significantly. Next, I aggregate to the industry level to examine the excess correlation across six equally weighted industry portfolios of CDS contracts. This allows for a more powerful test of the fundamental credit risk hypothesis. In the reduced dimension of the industry analysis, I am able to estimate the fundamental model and the excess correlation in a system of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR). I find that controlling for the common factors that drive credit risk reduces the increase in inter-industry correlation from 0.25 to 0.19 on average.5 This confirms that changes in credit risk cannot fully explain the increase in correlations. Moreover, excess correlations increased significantly across all industry pairs, providing additional support for the argument that common, non-credit factors amplified correlations. After documenting contagion, I investigate why it occurred. Specifically, I examine whether liquidity risk, counterparty risk, or risk premiums were significant channels of contagion during the crisis. Currently, the evidence on liquidity risk in credit default swaps is mixed. Bongaerts, de Jong and Driessen (2009) argue that expected returns for CDS contracts depend on expected transaction costs in the CDS market. Acharya, Schaefer and Zhang (2008) show that heightened liquidity risk in the bond market increased comovement in CDS returns around the downgrade of spreads from a fixed point, the grand (pooled) mean, whereas Pearson’s correlation measures comovement relative to the contract-specific mean. 4 Bekaert et al. (2005) study contagion in international equity markets. However, their observations regarding the variance of fundamental factors and correlations are directly applicable to the CDS market. 5 Some of the factors used to control for credit risk can also be subject to non-fundamental effects. This may complicate their interpretation as pure measures of credit risk. 3 Electronic copy available at: Ford and GM in 2005. Tang and Yan (2008) find that CDS spreads covary with liquidity proxies. However, some authors have argued that CDS contracts are relatively immune to liquidity risk [see Longstaff, Mithal and Neis (2005)]. In this paper, I focus on a set of highly liquid CDS contracts with the purpose of isolating changes in correlations that are unrelated to liquidity premiums. However, given the extreme conditions that persisted during the crisis, liquidity cannot be ignored as a possible source of correlation. To evaluate the role of liquidity risk, I add several liquidity proxies into the fundamental regressions. The average contract bid-ask spread, over all CDS contracts in the sample, captures changes in transaction costs [see Stoll (1989); Huang and Stoll (1997); Amihud and Mendelson (1986); Amihud (2002)]. To proxy for systematic liquidity premiums [see Pastor and Stambaugh (2003); Acharya and Pedersen (2005)], I include the yield difference between the off and on-therun five-year Treasury notes, the spread between the three-month overnight index swap rate and the three-month constant maturity Treasury rate [see Eichengreen, Nedeljkovic, Mody and Sarno (2009)], and the spread between the general collateral repo rate and the three-month constant maturity Treasury rate [see Liu, Longstaff, and Mandell (2006)]. Further, Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) argue that speculators’ access to external financing is an important determinant of asset liquidity. Therefore, I include an index of lagged hedge fund returns to capture speculators’ funding liquidity. Finally, Pu (2009) shows that CDS and bond liquidity are linked. To measure the effect of bond liquidity, I use TRACE transaction data to calculate liquidity proxies (Amihud, volume, and the number of trades per day) for bonds issued by reference entities (firms) in the sample. Results of these tests show that liquidity contributed to the increase in correlations; however, it is not the main source of contagion. Next, I consider counterparty risk as a source of contagion. Eichengreen et al. (2009) show that the credit risk of major U.S. and U.K. banks varied more during the crisis than in the period leading up to it. These banks are major dealers in the CDS market. Therefore, if CDS spreads carry a common counterparty risk premium, then the increased volatility of credit risk among CDS dealers may have amplified correlations. Counterparty risk has been shown to be a significant determinant of CDS spreads; however, there is controversy on the size of the effect [see Jorion and Zhang (2009); Coval, Jurek and Stafford (2009); Arora, Gandhi and Longstaff (2009)]. To investigate whether changes in counterparty risk increased correlations, I construct four measures of banking sector credit risk. First, the overnight index swap spread (OIS) captures the credit risk component of the TED spread. Second, the asset-backed commercial paper spread proxies for banks’ access to short-term funding. Next, the return on a value-weighted portfolio of licensed market-makers (CPstock) in the CDX.NA.IG index measures the financial health of CDS dealers. Finally, I include two measures of dealer risk dispersion. CPDIF is the difference between the maximum and median equity return among licensed market-makers in the CDX.NA.IG index, and EXCPDIF is equal to CPDIF on days when it is above its 95th percentile. These variables 4 Electronic copy available at: capture potential concentrations in the demand for credit protection from a small group of high quality dealers, which could lead to a reduction in market-making services. After controlling for counterparty risk, I reevaluate the change in excess correlation. These results provide no evidence that counterparty risk was a significant source of contagion. Finally, I investigate the impact that risk premiums had on CDS correlations. Risk premiums are an important component of the corporate credit spread [see Duffee (1999); Elton, Gruber, Agarwal and Mann (2001); Driessen (2005)] and can vary drastically over time [see Berndt, Douglas, Duffie, Ferguson, and Schranz (2008) - hereafter (“BDDFS”)]. Taken together, these findings suggest that an increase in the volatility of changes in the default risk premium, which would likely occur as investors adjust their risk appetites, can amplify the correlations between CDS spread changes. To measure this effect, I estimate the time-varying default risk premium following BDDFS. Adding changes in this measure back into the fundamental regression, I find that it explains approximately 18% of the time-series variation in CDS spread changes. More importantly, controlling for changes in the default risk premium explains the majority of the increase in inter-industry excess correlation, which suggests that risk premiums were the main source of contagion. This important result shows that a systematic re-pricing of credit risk, rather than changes in market frictions, was the main factor that amplified correlations during the crisis. This paper contributes to three strings of literature. First, several authors have documented a time-varying latent component in credit spreads [see Collin-Dufresne et al. (2001); Ericsson et al. (2009); Collin-Dufresne, Goldstein and Helwege (2003); Giesecke (2004); Duffie, Eckner, Horel, and Saita (2009)]. I contribute to this literature by investigating how this latent component affected correlations in CDS spread changes during the credit crisis. Second, credit contagion studies investigate how negative shocks propagate over credit spreads [see Giesecke and Weber (2004); Allen and Carletti (2006); Jorion and Zhang (2007); Acharya et al. (2008); Longstaff (2008); Jorion et al. (2009)]. This paper adds to the literature on credit contagion by considering whether shocks were transmitted to investment grade corporate CDS spreads during the 2007-2009 turmoil. Finally, the literature on default correlation seeks to estimate and model the correlations between default probabilities, losses given default, and defaults over time [see Zhou (2001); Allen and Saunders (2003); de Servigny and Renault (2004); Das, Duffie, Kapadia and Saita (2007)]. To the extent that CDS spreads reflect compensation for credit risk, this paper documents an increase in the correlations between default probabilities and/or losses given default during the crisis. The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 describes the data. Section 3 discusses comovement and tests for contagion. In Section 4, I investigate liquidity risk, counterparty risk and risk premiums as channels of contagion. In Section 5, I discuss the robustness of the results. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper. 5 Electronic copy available at: 2 Data 2.1 Timing the Crisis Most observers agree that the credit crisis began in the summer of 2007 [see Reinhart and Rogoff (2008); Brunnermeier (2009); Beltratti and Stulz (2011)]. However, an exact date is difficult to define. Fortunately, Figure 2 provides convincing visual evidence of a shift in the state of the economy that occurred at the end of July 2007. Therefore, I define July 31, 2007 as the first day of the crisis.6 [INSERT Figure 2] The graph is even more specific in identifying the date when credit markets began to recover. On March 9, 2009 there is a sharp drop in the average credit spread. Given the pronounced reversal in CDS spreads, I define March 9, 2009 as the end of the crisis. 2.2 Credit Default Swap Premiums A single name credit default swap is simply a contract that insures against deteriorations in the credit-worthiness of a reference entity (bond issuer). The insurance purchaser (protection buyer) pays a fixed quarterly premium (CDS spread or premium), which is quoted as a percent of the notional value and can be directly interpreted as a credit spread [see Duffie(1999)]. End-of-day CDS premium quotes, on five-year contracts, are obtained from Markit and Credit Market Analysts (CMA). Mayordomo, Peña and Schwartz (2010) find a high degree of consistency between CMA and Markit quotes. They also provide details on the data screening procedures for each database. Because CDS contracts are flexible, it is important to ensure that CDS spreads, are quoted on the same contract specification. Therefore, I choose to focus on the five-year maturity, which is widely considered the most liquid, and has become standard practice in academic literature. Furthermore, I use premiums on contracts that trade under the North American convention, which standardizes many technical features of these contracts [see Casey(2009)]. To construct the sample, I begin by obtaining CDS premiums for all contracts included in the CDX.NA.IG index rolls 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The CDX.NA.IG is constructed or “rolled” every six months. Each roll includes 125 CDS contracts that dealer surveys determine to be the most liquid contracts on the market. This criterion yields 159 unique contracts. Further, I require that all contracts remain active for the duration of the sample period. This restriction prevents changes in the sample composition from producing spurious changes in correlations, which is especially problematic as credit events become imminent. In this case, the growing volatility of the 6 This date corresponds to the liquidation of Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Master Fund and the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Master Fund. I also test different crisis dates and find the results are robust to different specifications in July and June. 6 Electronic copy available at: affected contract premium gradually dominates the volatility of the portfolio, causing correlations to decrease leading up to the credit event. After the event, there is a sharp correction in correlations as the affected contract exits the sample. Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Washington Mutual and Interactive Corporation are eliminated because they stop trading prior to the end of the sample. Embarq, Expedia, ERP, and Time Warner Cable are also eliminated because their premiums are not available until after the beginning of the sample period. Finally, I drop Residential Capital Corp because the volatility of its contract premiums is an extreme outlier (it exceeds the 75th percentile by 25 times the interquartile range). This leaves 150 CDS contracts. 2.3 Sample Characteristics Panel A of Table I reports the average market-to-book ratio, cash holdings, profitability, total assets, book leverage, and size over all firms in the sample for each year between 2005 and 2009. These variables were found to be important determinants of credit-quality by Campbell, Hilscher, and Szilagyi (2008). To gain a basic understanding of how these companies relate to other commonly studied firms, I test whether each of the sample means, reported in the table, is equal to the corresponding average over all firms in the CRSP/Compustat universe. These results suggest that, on average, the firms in my sample are not remarkably levered or profitable, nor do they have extraordinary growth prospects when compared to firms in the CRSP/Compustat merged universe. In contrast, firms in the sample are relatively large cash-rich entities with high total asset values relative to firms in the CRSP/Compustat universe. Interestingly, companies in the sample maintained large cash reserves and high total asset values throughout the crisis, which may provide some support for the argument that correlations increased for reasons other than changes in credit risk. [INSERT Table I] Panel B of Table I shows the distribution of S&P long-term issuer credit ratings over time (obtained from Compustat). These distributions are centered between BBB and BBB+ with a slight shift toward speculative grade in 2009. This suggests that these firms are relatively high quality issuers and remained so throughout the crisis.7 3 Comovement and Excess Correlation In this section, I document an increase in the comovement between CDS spread changes during the crisis and investigate whether that increase can be explained by changes in the fundamental factors that drive credit risk. The discussion is split into four subsections: First, I formally test 7 Long-Term issuer credit ratings can drop below investment grade. This is because the index is constructed using specific credits; whereas, the issuer ratings evaluate the credit quality of the company. 7 Electronic copy available at: for an increase in the comovement between CDS spread changes. Second, I develop a simple factor model approach to decompose the raw correlation into fundamental and excess components. Third, I describe the variable specification of the factor model. Finally, I review the results of the excess correlation analysis, which includes the test for contagion. 3.1 Measuring Comovement As a first step, I establish that raw CDS correlations increased during the crisis by evaluating three different measures of aggregate association. Intraclass correlation extends Pearson’s pairwise correlation to measure the degree of association among a set of random variables. Therefore, this statistic can be interpreted as an aggregate Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Next, I evaluate the average Spearman’s correlation (over all firm pairs). Lastly, I estimate the average fraction of firms that move together each week following Morck et al. (2000). Formally, I test the null hypothesis that the aggregate comovement statistic (intraclass correlation, Spearman’s correlation, or the fraction of firms that move together each week), represented by ρ̄ below, prior to the crisis is greater than or equal to the aggregate comovement statistic during the crisis: Ho : ρ̄pre−crisis ≥ ρ̄crisis Ha : ρ̄pre−crisis < ρ̄crisis The results of these tests are reported in Table II. Columns one and two (respectively) of Panel A show that intraclass correlation increased from 0.20 prior to the crisis to 0.44 during the crisis, which is a significant increase at the 1% level. To ensure that this result is not driven by a small group of firms that become highly correlated during the turmoil, I repeat the test within each industry group. Intraclass sector correlations range from 0.14 to 0.30 prior to the crisis and increase to between 0.40 and 0.54 during the crisis. The change, for each sector, is significant at the 1% level, indicating that correlations increased uniformly within the sample. However, intraclass correlation is subject to distributional assumptions that may influence the outcome of these tests [see Fisher (1921); Donner and Zou (2001)]. Therefore, I also include two nonparametric tests [see Kendall and Smith (1939); Schucany and Frawley (1973)]. First, the change in the average Spearman’s correlation coefficient, which is reported in Panel B yields similar results for the full sample and at the industry level. Second, the average fraction of firms with CDS spreads that move in the same direction each week increased from 73% prior to the crisis to 83% during the crisis (columns one and two of Panel C respectively); the increase is statistically significant at the 1% level. At 73% (83%) the fraction seems relatively high when compared to an average Pearson’s correlation of 0.20 (0.44). This is easily resolved by noting that the Morck et al. (2000) fraction is bounded between 0.50 and 1.00, and therefore will naturally produce larger values. [INSERT Figure 3] 8 Electronic copy available at: Finally, some additional evidence of a uniform increase in Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation is provided in Figure 3, which shows a shift in the cross-sectional densities of Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation during the crisis. [INSERT Table II] 3.2 Measuring Excess Correlation To estimate excess correlation, I aggregate to the industry level, which reduces the noise from firm-level CDS spreads and produces a clearer decomposition of CDS correlations. Moreover, focusing on industry portfolios (described above) provides an additional control for the influence of fundamentals. Jorion et al. (2007) document a significant intra-industry contagion effect in daily CDS spreads around distress events. They argue that commonality in the expected future cash flows among industry cohorts causes this contagion. Focusing on inter-industry correlations mitigates the concern that fundamental intra-industry contagion increased correlations. Unreported results show that industry CDS spread changes are autocorrelated and heteroskedastic, which can artificially inflate correlations. Therefore, I standardize portfolio spread changes using autoregressive GARCH filters prior to examining inter-industry correlations. Similarly, all economic factors used in subsequent tests are standardized using the same approach. As a first step, I test for an increase in the raw correlations between CDS spread changes of industry portfolios. These results, reported in Panel A of Table III, show that inter-industry correlations increased significantly across all industry pairs. Next, I decompose raw correlations into fundamental and excess correlations by assuming that industry CDS spread changes follow a linear factor structure. Given this framework, the correlation between spread changes can be decomposed as shown below: h 0 i E ∆S∆S 0 = E βF 0 + βF 0 + = βE F 0 F β 0 + E 0 (1) ∆S is an Nx1 vector of industry CDS spread changes. β is an NxK matrix of factor exposures, F is a 1xK vector of factors, and is an Nx1 vector of model errors. The decomposition yields two covariance matrices βE [F 0 F ] β 0 and E [0 ]. The excess correlation is obtained by extracting the correlation matrix from E [0 ]. Equation 1 suggests that, all else equal, correlations can increase for three reasons: (i) an increase in the exposure of industry CDS spread changes to a common factor, (ii) an increase in the correlation between factors, and (iii) an increase in the correlation between unexplained CDS spread changes (contagion). An important implication of Figure 1 is that correlations remained high over the full crisis period. A one-time shock to factor exposures, factor correlations, or excess correlation would not explain this result. Therefore, it is more likely that a sustained increase in the exposure to a common factor or a sustained increase in the variance of a common factor increased correlations. 9 Electronic copy available at: In the first case, if a single industry’s CDS spread changes become more exposed to changes in a common factor, this will increase the correlation between the CDS spread changes of the affected industry and those of all other industries. Under the framework described above, an increase in the variance of a common factor is observed through an increase in excess correlations. This is because all economic factors are standardized using a GARCH autoregressive filter. Therefore, the variance of economic factors cannot increase over the sample period. Although the factor standardization implies that the residual variance is also constant, the composition of these variances can change. Therefore, a component of the residual, for example a liquidity premium, can experience an increase in variance while the series itself remains homoscedastic. In this case, a larger proportion of the residual variance is common across industries, which increases excess correlation. The decomposition in Equation 1 requires estimates of all factor exposures for each industry portfolio, which are obtained from the standard feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) estimation of the system of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR). The SUR estimation relaxes the assumption of zero excess correlation implicit in the OLS implementation. From this estimation, the excess correlation is calculated as the correlation between factor model residuals [see Kallberg et al. (2008)]. After extracting factor model residuals, I perform three tests for a change in excess correlation. Following Goetzmann, Li, and Rouwenhorst (2005), the first two test the null hypotheses that the excess correlation matrix and the average excess correlation remain constant over the full sample period. The third tests for an increase in the pairwise Pearson’s correlations between unexplained CDS spread changes of industry portfolios. 3.3 Factor Model Specification The factor model approach requires a strong stance on fundamentals, as well as the form by which fundamentals effect changes in CDS spreads. Fortunately, prior research has uncovered several factors that determine changes in corporate yield spreads. Because CDS spreads are closely related to corporate yield spreads [see Duffie (1999); Blanco, Brennan, and Marsh (2005)], these factors can also be used to explain changes in CDS spreads. Therefore, I base the factor model specification on the work of Collin-Dufresne et al. (2001) who investigate the determinants of bond yield spreads changes implied by Merton (1974). 8 In addition, I include several systematic variables designed to capture changes in loss given default, which is largely a function of the state of the economy [see Altman and Kishore (1996); Allen et al. (2003); Schuermann (2004); Altman, Brady, Resti, and Sironi (2005)]. The final specification is shown below. 8 Colin-Dufresne et al. (2001) argue that the model does not perform well in explaining changes in bond yield spreads. However, Ericsson et al. (2009) show that a similar model performs well in explaining CDS spread changes. Their specification includes leverage, which is not available daily. Instead, I use daily equity returns to proxy for the overall financial health of the industry. 10 Electronic copy available at: ∆S = α + β1 (∆RF 3M ) + β2 (∆SLOP E) + β3 (V IX) + β4 (SP 500) + β5 (HB) +β6 (∆DEF ) + β7 (SM B) + β8 (HM L) + β9 (IN DRET ) + β10 (∆IN DV OL) (2) +Icrisis [αc + β1,c (∆RF 3M ) + β2,c (∆SLOP E) + β3,c (V IX) + β4,c (SP 500) +β5,c (HB) + β6,c (∆DEF ) + β7,c (SM B) + β8,c (HM L) + β9,c (IN DRET ) +β10,c (∆IN DV OL)] + Where RF3M is the three-month constant maturity treasury rate from the Federal Reserve, SLOPE is the difference between the five year constant maturity treasury rate and RF3M, VIX is the option-implied volatility index from the Chicago Board of Exchange (CBOE), SP500 is the daily return on the S&P 500 index from the Center of Research in Securities Prices (CRSP), HB is the daily return on a value weighted portfolio of major U.S. home builders (SIC code 1521) from CRSP, SMB and HML are the small cap and value premiums respectively obtained from the French data library, INDRET is the daily equity return on an equally weighted industry portfolio constructed from firms in the sample (the six industry classifications are discussed above), INDVOL is the daily industry equity return volatility calculated using a GARCH model. To explain the change in CDS spreads, I take the change in each of the variables defined above with the exception of return series. This is consistent with Collin-Dufresne et al. (2001). Because many of these variables are highly correlated, I orthogonalize all market variables (SMB, HML, HB, VIX, and INDRET) to the S&P 500 return and focus on their relative effects. Finally, I allow factor exposures to shift during the crisis to avoid biasing the estimated excess correlation; the final model specification is given in Equation 2. Following the notation from Equation 1, βj and βj,c (j = 1:10) are Nx1 vectors of factor exposures for factor j prior to the crisis and its marginal change during the crisis respectively. For brevity, estimates of the factor model are left unreported. However, some key results are worth discussing. First, The S&P 500 return is negative and significant and becomes more so during the crisis, for all industry portfolios, which is consistent with its interpretation as a state variable (as the state of the economy deteriorates, credit risk increases, and CDS spreads widen). Second, the change in the default premium (∆DEF) is positive and significant for all industry portfolios prior to the crisis and does not change significantly during the crisis. The value premium (HML) is a significant determinant of CDS spread changes for four of the six industry portfolios prior to the crisis. However, during the crisis HML is not a significant determinant of CDS spread changes. This may provides some evidence that the CDS market detached from the equity market over this period. Finally, R squareds imply that changes in the fundamental factors that drive credit risk account for approximately 20% of the time-series variation in CDS spread changes. Importantly, when the model is estimated on each sub-period, R squareds increase from approximately 10% to 26% during 11 Electronic copy available at: the crisis. This suggests that the increase in excess correlation is not driven by a breakdown of the fundamental model. 3.4 Contagion Results Having controlled for credit risk, I now investigate whether inter-industry excess correlation increased during the crisis; results of these tests are reported in Table III. First, I test the pairwise excess correlations between industry portfolios individually. These results show that excess correlation between all industry pairs increased significantly. Next, I test the null hypotheses that the excess correlation matrix and average excess correlation remained constant over the full sample period. P-values reported in the lower panel show that these hypotheses are both rejected at the 1% level. The factor model specification is critical to this investigation. Therefore, I repeat the analysis for several different models, which are described in Section 5, and find no notable change in the result. The uniform increase in inter-industry excess correlation provides sufficient evidence to conclude that contagion occurred. Moreover, this result supports the argument that a common non-credit component amplified correlations during the crisis. Therefore, I investigate potential channels of contagion in the next section. [INSERT Table III] 4 Channels of Contagion The evidence presented in the previous section shows that approximately 80% of the increase in correlations cannot be explained by the fundamental determinants of credit risk. Furthermore, and of particular interest to this paper, the tests indicate that the excess correlation increased across all industries, which is consistent with the influence of a common non-credit component. In this section, I explore how changes in liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and the default risk premium increased the correlations between CDS spread changes. Furthermore, I formally test each channel of contagion, which allows me to comment on the degree to which each channel increased correlations. 4.1 Liquidity Contagion The premise of this argument is that a sustained increase in the volatility of common liquidity premiums can increase CDS correlation.9 Liquidity premiums in the CDS market can vary for 9 If bonds are perfectly liquid, an exact arbitrage relation with CDS contracts would prevent liquidity premiums from entering CDS spreads. However, bonds are not perfectly liquid [see Dick-Nielsen, Feldhutter and Lando (2009)] and an exact arbitrage between bonds and CDS contracts can rarely be achieved. 12 Electronic copy available at: several reasons. First, changes in the supply of or demand for credit protection can cause transaction costs to become more volatile. This is because market-makers will attempt to hedge their exposure to inventory risk and asymmetric information risk by adjusting the bid-ask spread [see Stoll (1989); Huang et al. (1997)]. During the crisis, investors and dealers likely experienced increased volatility in their need to hedge credit risk, which may have increased the variance of liquidity premiums. Bongaerts et al. (2009) propose a model in which CDS expected (synthetic) returns depend on transaction costs in the CDS market. Moreover, they argue that this effect can be captured in the bid-ask spread. Therefore, I include daily changes in the average bid-ask spread, over all contracts (BIDASK), to measure changes in market-wide CDS liquidity and changes in the average industry bid-ask spreads (IBIDASK) to control for changes in industry-specific liquidity. The direction of this relation depends on differences in the characteristics of protection buyers and sellers [see Bongaerts et al. (2009)]. Second, the liquidity of CDS contracts may depend on liquidity in the bond market. This is because CDS contracts can be used as a substitute for bonds to trade credit risk. Therefore, when bonds become difficult to trade, the CDS market may experience increased volatility in the quantity of credit protection supplied or demanded [see Acharaya et al. (2008)].10 To capture this effect, I obtain transaction prices and volumes, from TRACE, for each firm’s bonds that traded over the sample period (these data are filtered according to Dick-Nielsen (2009)). I consider only those bonds with a minimum maturity greater than five years and a maximum maturity of less than twenty years over the sample period. This eliminates bonds that would not likely be hedged using a five-year CDS contract. I then calculate daily Amihud measures for each bond [see Pu (2009); Dick-Nielsen, Feldhtter and Lando (2009)] in the sample and create an aggregate index (AMIHUD), which increases with illiquidity.11 Next, I count the number of bond transactions that occurred each day in each industry and average these counts to obtain the variable NTRADE. Using the same procedure, I also calculate the average principal amount (VOLUME) traded each day across industries. Changes in these measures proxy for changes in bond trading activity, which can be either positively or negatively related to CDS spread changes. For example, an increase in volume may suggest that bonds are easier to trade; this could relieve hedging pressure and reduce liquidity premiums in CDS spreads. Alternatively, the increased volume may relate to higher expected inventory costs, which could lead dealers to reduce their market-making services in both the CDS and bond market. 10 This requires dealers to be more willing to trade in the CDS market than in the bond market, which could occur because of differences in transparency. Bond trades require mandatory disclosure but CDS trades do not. Transparency of bond trading reduces transaction costs. Therefore, dealers may be able to charge higher transaction costs in the CDS market than in the bond market, which would make them more willing to trade CDS contracts. 11 I calculate the Amihud measure for bonds that trade more than 100 times over the sample period. Bond-days with fewer than 2 trades are replaced with missing values. To arrive at the final measure, I first average bond measures to the firm-level. Then I average firm measures to the industry-level. Finally, I average over industries. This procedure ensures that each industry is equally represented in the final aggregation. 13 Electronic copy available at: Third, authors have argued that liquidity is a state variable, which suggests that CDS spreads should contain a component that compensates for systematic liquidity risk [see Pastor et al. (2003); Acharya et al. (2005)]. The high level of uncertainty regarding liquidity during this period likely increased the volatility of systematic liquidity premiums. Therefore, I include three measures of market-wide liquidity. The first is the difference between the yield of the off and on-the-run fiveyear Treasury notes (ONOFF), which is calculated using yields on end of day quotes obtained from Datastream [see Fleming (2003)]. A difficulty with this measure is that it may contain “flight-toquality” premiums or be subject to specialness effects that arise from the supply of or demand for the on/off-the-run five-year Treasury note. Therefore, I include the repo spread (ONREPO), which Liu et al. (2006) argue is less sensitive to these effects. The repo spread is constructed by subtracting the three-month constant maturity Treasury rate (RF3M) from the three-month general collateral repo rate obtained from Bloomberg. The third measure is the liquidity component of the TED spread (OISTB), which is the difference between the overnight index swap rate (OIR) and RF3M [see Eichengreen et al. (2009)]. Finally, liquidity in the CDS market can suffer if speculators reduce their trading activity [see Brunnermeier et al. (2009)], which can increase and sustain correlations at a higher level for two reasons. First, speculative trading in the CDS market depends on investors’ access to funding (funding liquidity). This is because CDS contracts commonly contain collateral agreements, which require the exchange of capital at inception.12 Therefore, an increase in the volatility of speculators’ funding liquidity can magnify correlations by increasing the volatility of liquidity premiums. Second, collateral agreements provide for incremental payments (collateral calls) throughout the life of the contract, which are contingent on the credit quality of the counterparty and value of the contract. Collateral calls can represent substantial costs to speculators.13 Therefore, speculative trading may have varied more during the crisis as investors attempted to manage their growing mark-to-market risk. To capture the effects of funding liquidity, I identify hedge funds as the major speculators in the CDS market. According to the 2007 estimates from Bank of America, banks and hedge funds are the largest participants in the CDS market with 40% and 31% (59% and 28%) respectively of buy (sell) side trading activity [see Duffie (2008)]. However, banks mainly trade as dealers. Therefore, hedge funds are clearly the largest non-dealer participants in the market, making up approximately 50% of non-dealer buy and sell side trading activity. Therefore, I focus on measuring hedge funds’ access to capital. One measure of hedge funds ability to obtain external financing is the hedge fund return itself. 12 The initial payment, which is referred to as the Independent Amount, is outlined in the 2005 ISDA Collateral Guidelines. According to the 2009 ISDA Margin Survey, 74% of contracts executed in 2008 were subject to collateral agreements. Further, the dollar value of collateral used increased from approximately $2 trillion to $4 trillion in 2008 13 An example of such a shock to funding liquidity can be found in the downgrade of AIG in September 2008, which triggered collateral calls that exceeded $30 billion by the end of October. 14 Electronic copy available at: Boyson, Stahel and Stulz (2010) argue that extreme negative hedge fund returns are associated with funding liquidity shocks. Dudley and Nimalendran (2009) show that increased correlations between hedge fund returns relates to a decrease in funding liquidity as measured by margins on futures contracts. Therefore, I obtain daily index returns for the Equity Market Neutral, Fixed Income Arbitrage and Relative Value Arbitrage hedge fund styles from Hedge Fund Research (HFR) and Bloomberg, and create an equally weighted return index. Since raw returns are a noisy measure of hedge funds’ funding liquidity, I calculate the excess return as the residual from a market model regression. Although the results are robust to the choice of raw or excess hedge fund returns, the excess return is likely a stronger measure of funding liquidity. The final measure, HEDGE, is lagged one period to limit the influence of hedge funds’ CDS holdings. As with other potential explanations, I evaluate the role of liquidity in two steps. First, I control for liquidity in the fundamental regression. Second, I reevaluate the correlation between factor model residuals to test if liquidity was a significant channel of contagion. Results of the test for liquidity contagion are reported in Panel A of Table IV. These results show that changes in systematic liquidity, as measured by ∆ONOFF, ∆OISTB, and ∆ONREPO, as well as changes in bond market liquidity, as measured by ∆AMIHUD, ∆VOLUME, and ∆NTRADES, do not determine CDS spread changes prior to the crisis. In contrast, I find that CDS spread changes are significantly related to changes in the average bid-ask spread over this period for four of the six industry portfolios. This is consistent with the findings of Tan et al. (2008) and Bongaerts et al. (2009). During the crisis, industry specific liquidity may have played a larger role in determining CDS spread changes, which is evidenced by a significant change in regression coefficients for three of the industry portfolios. These industry effects could either increase or decrease excess correlations. AMIHUD coefficients also changed significantly in the crisis, which reflects a shift in the relationship between CDS and bond market liquidity. However, the absolute value of these coefficients remained constant. Therefore the change should not affect excess correlations. CDS spread changes became significantly more positively related to lagged hedge fund returns during the crisis. The positive coefficient indicates that a negative hedge fund return is associated with a negative change, or decrease, in the CDS spread. This suggests that a reduction in hedge funds’ access to capital lowers the liquidity premium for protection buyers and increases the liquidity premium for protection sellers. Such a shift is consistent with an increase in the quantity of protection supplied relative to the quantity of protection demanded [see Bongaerts et al. (2009)]. Therefore, the positive sign supports a funding liquidity argument if, all else equal, a decrease in hedge funds’ speculating activity reduces the quantity of protection demanded by more than the quantity of protection supplied. When faced with funding constraints, hedge funds will likely decrease their buy and sell side activity equally due to the collateral requirements (the independent amount) that must be posted on either side of the trade. Given that hedge funds were net protection buyers at the time, a shock to their funding liquidity (negative return) will likely create a surplus 15 Electronic copy available at: in the supply of credit protection and decrease the CDS premium.14 The period following the failure of Lehman Brothers is generally considered a time of severe illiquidity in financial markets. Therefore, I reestimate the above regressions, with an additional interaction term that allows liquidity exposures to change in the month following the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy (Sept. 15, 2008 - Oct. 15, 2008 - hereafter “the Lehman Brothers month”). Surprisingly, unreported results show that the exposures to liquidity proxies do not change significantly, relative to their crisis values, in the Lehman Brothers month. To better understand this result, I reestimate the regressions, in the same SUR setting, using each liquidity proxy individually as the only explanatory variable. These univariate regressions show that BIDASK, NTRADES, and VOLUME are significant determinates of CDS spread changes prior to the crisis. Moreover, the regression coefficients, for each of these variables, increased significantly during the crisis across all industries in the Lehman Brothers month. These regressions recover the expected result that CDS contracts carried a larger liquidity premium after the failure of Lehman Brothers. However, this effect is largely subsumed by the fundamental model, which is not surprising given that liquidity across several markets suffered in response to the Lehman Brothers event. [INSERT Table IV] The above analysis shows that changes in the bid-ask spread, hedge fund returns and bond liquidity are significant determinants of CDS spread changes, but systematic liquidity is not. It is important to interpret the reported results relative to liquidity in other markets. This is because market-based proxies for fundamentals can carry liquidity premiums, which may absorb the effect of liquidity in CDS contracts. The presence of such an effect is apparent from the results of the unreported univariate regressions. I now turn to liquidity contagion. To address this question, I reevaluate the increase in excess correlation using residuals from the fundamental model with liquidity controls. These results are reported in Panel B of Table IV and show that pairwise excess correlations still increase significantly across all firm pairs. Furthermore, the tests for a constant excess correlation matrix and for constant average correlation both reject the null hypothesis at the 1% level. This suggests that changes in liquidity do not explain the full increase in excess correlation documented above. However, it may still make a marginal contribution. Therefore, I calculate a difference-in-difference matrix by subtracting the matrix in Panel B of Table III from the matrix in Panel B of Table IV. If there is a significant reduction in the change in excess correlation after controlling for liquidity, then values in the difference-in-difference matrix will be positive and significant. The results of this test show that controlling for liquidity offers no significant reduction in the increase in inter-industry excess correlations across most industry pairs. The financial sector is an exception. Its CDS spread 14 Hedge funds are required to post the Independent Amount on either side of the trade. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that hedge funds would decrease buy and sell side activity by roughly equal amounts if they became impaired. 16 Electronic copy available at: changes experienced a significantly smaller increase in excess correlation with three of the five other industry portfolios after controlling for liquidity. This suggests that financial sector CDS contracts became less liquid during the crisis. Next, I repeat the tests described above using residuals from the fundamental model with marginal changes on liquidity variables estimated in the Lehman Brothers month and several other time intervals. Unreported results are equivalent to those of the previous tests. The important conclusion from the liquidity analysis is that changes in liquidity premiums, particularly for the financial sector, (in excess of what may be implied by equity markets) are important determinants of CDS spread changes and can effect correlations. However, changes in liquidity alone cannot explain the full increase in excess correlation documented above. 4.2 Counterparty Risk Contagion The risk that counterparties will not be able to uphold contractual obligations can system- atically affect CDS spreads for at least three reasons. First, an increase in the credit risk of a CDS protection seller decreases the value of the insurance guarantee they can provide [see Arora et al. (2009)] and, therefore, reduces the CDS premium they are able to charge. I refer to this effect as the “insurance value mechanism”. Second, an increase in counterparty risk can reduce market participants’ willingness to trade with each other; a condition that Brunnermeier (2009) refers to as “gridlock”. Gridlock is a side effect of the CDS market structure (over-the-counter), which transfers credit risk from the seller to the final bearer of the risk through a series of offsetting transactions. This creates a complex and fragile network of interdependence among dealers.15 In gridlock, dealers’ refusal to trade with each other causes this network to breakdown, making contracts more difficult to offset and increasing liquidity premiums. Both gridlock and the insurance value mechanism suggest that an increase in the volatility of credit risk among dealers can increase excess correlation. Eichengreen et al. (2009) argue that the credit risk of large investment banks, who are major dealers in the CDS market, varied substantially more throughout the crisis. To evaluate the effect that the gridlock and insurance value mechanisms had on correlations, I relate CDS spread changes to four measures of bank sector credit risk. First, I include the credit risk component of the TED spread. Eichengreen et al. (2009) argue that the Overnight Index Swap Rate (OIR) can be used to decompose the TED spread into its credit risk and liquidity risk components. In this decomposition, TED = (LIBOR - OIR) + (OIR - TBILL), the difference between LIBOR and OIR is the Overnight Index Swap Spread (OIS), which measures banking sector credit risk. Hence, the difference between OIR and the three-month constant-maturity Treasury yield captures the liquidity component of the TED spread. Banks’ access to short-term funding is also an important determinant of dealers’ credit risk. 15 Some evidence is provided in the March 10, 2009 testimony of Robert Pickel, CEO of ISDA, to Congress that 86% of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) trades were dealer-to-dealer trades. 17 Electronic copy available at: Prior to 2007 banks took on large positions in long-term structured finance products, such as residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS), which they financed using short-term asset-backed commercial paper. This maturity mismatch caused banks to rely heavily on the asset-backed commercial paper market to meet short-term funding requirements [see Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein (2009); Brunnermeier (2009); Acharya and Richardson (2009)]. To capture changes in the cost of short-term funding, I construct my second measure, the asset-backed commercial paper spread (ABCP), which is the spread between the yield on 90 day asset-backed commercial paper obtained from Bloomberg and RF3M. Third, I create a value-weighted index of dealers’ stock returns (CPstock), which is a direct measure of dealers’ financial health. I define dealers as the sixteen banks that are licensed by the index administrator (Markit) to make the market in the CDX.NA.IG index. The data used to construct the dealer stock return index is obtained from Datastream for each dealer as long as equity returns are available. Finally, CDS correlations can increase if credit risk increased inconsistently across dealers. In the extreme, this would produce a group of high-quality dealers and a group of low-quality dealers. In this case, the demand for protection from participants seeking to enter new positions will be concentrated with high-quality dealers. This is because, even with collateral agreements, protection buyers can experience losses from the failure of a CDS counterparty.16 Hence, they have incentives to deal with low-risk dealers. Moreover, if protection buyers hold existing contracts with high-risk counterparties, they may choose to novate (transfer) their contracts to a more stable dealer. This would further increase the quantity of protection demanded from a small group of high-quality market-makers. The additional strain would likely cause dealers to reduce the extent of their market-making services. Therefore, CDS spread changes may have become more related to the degree of risk dispersion among dealers. To capture the cross-sectional variation in dealers’ credit risk, I create a measure of risk dispersion among CDS market-makers. I use individual equity returns for the sixteen dealers defined above (for as long as equity returns are available) to measure the credit risk of each dealer. Next, I take the log of the difference between the maximum and median daily return as a measure of dealer risk dispersion (CPDIF). The median return measures the “normal” credit risk in the pool and the maximum return measures the risk of the highest quality dealer. The effect of dealer risk dispersion will be most severe on days when risk dispersion is large. Hence, I include an interaction dummy variable (EXCPDIF) that is equal to CPDIF on days when the difference between the median and maximum return is above its 95th percentile. [INSERT Table V] 16 Losses can occur for two reasons. First, the protection buyer may have to pay to reestablish a comparable contract with another dealer. In this case, if the value of the collateral posted does not fully cover these costs, the protection buyer must seek compensation from the bankruptcy estate. Second, if the contract triggers at the same time the protection seller defaults, then additional costs (over the value of collateral posted) must be claimed from the bankruptcy estate. 18 Electronic copy available at: Regression coefficients for counterparty risk variables, which are added to the fundamental model, are reported in Panel A of Table V. They show that changes in counterparty risk are not significant determinants of CDS spread changes prior to the crisis. Furthermore, the marginal change in the exposure of CDS spread changes to counterparty risk is insignificant for all proxies. This result suggests that counterparty risk is not a significant determinant of CDS spread changes, which is consistent with the findings of Arora et al. (2009).17 Having controlled for counterparty risk, I now turn to the question of contagion. The results of these tests are reported in Panel B of Table V. Tests of pairwise excess correlation between industry portfolios show that controlling for counterparty risk does not explain the increase in excess correlation. Further, the null hypotheses of constant average excess correlation and a constant correlation matrix are both rejected at the 1% level. Moreover, the difference-in-difference matrix, reported in Panel B, shows that, relative to fundamentals, counterparty risk offered no significant contribution to the increase in correlations. As with the liquidity analysis, I repeat these tests on the month following the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy with no notable change in the results. This suggests that counterparty risk contagion did not significantly affect CDS spread changes during the crisis. 4.3 Risk Premium Contagion In this subsection I investigate whether changes in default risk premiums amplified CDS cor- relations. Prior work has shown that risk premiums make up a substantial portion of corporate credit spreads [see Duffee (1999); Elton et al. (2001); Driessen (2005)] and can vary drastically over time [see BDDFS]. These empirical findings suggest that a prolonged increase in the volatility of changes in the default risk premium is capable of explaining the observed increase in excess correlation. The volatility of changes in the default risk premium would likely increase if investors continually adjusted their risk appetites, perhaps in response to large mark-to-market losses, over the crisis period. Hence, the default risk premium provides a likely explanation for the higher level of correlation. Some evidence that default risk premiums varied more in the crisis can be found in the December 2008 Financial Stability Review issued by the European Central Bank (ECB). According to the ECB, the market price of default risk was low (at approximately 5 basis points) and remained relatively constant prior to the crisis. However, in August of 2007 the risk premiums began to increase and became much more volitile. The volatility remained high throughout the end of 2008. An increase in the volatility of changes in the default risk premium alone is not sufficient to explain the observed increase in excess correlation. In addition, risk premiums in the CDS 17 They find evidence of statistically significant counterparty risk in the cross section of dealer quotes; however, the effect only appears in quotes from U.S. issuers and is not economically large. Therefore, counterparty risk is not likely to be present in the dealer-averages. 19 Electronic copy available at: market must vary independently from those in the equity market, which may be captured by the fundamental model. There are at least two reasons why risk premiums in the CDS market can differ from those in the equity market. First, if the CDS market is segmented or became segmented during the crisis, then risk premiums in the CDS market would be determined independently from those in other markets. Second, CDS spreads contain a jump-to-default risk premium that is not present in equity returns [see Saita (2006); Berndt, Lookman, and Obreja (2007)].18 Recent investigations of the credit crisis suggest that risk premiums may play a role in amplifying correlations in credit derivatives. For example, Longstaff (2008) shows that contagion spread from the subprime market, represented by the ABX index, to different asset classes such as stocks, corporate bonds and Treasuries during the credit crisis. In a related paper, Kim, Loretan and Remolona (2009) use Moody’s EDF and principal components (extracted from various CDS indices) to argue that changes in risk premiums were responsible for a general widening of CDS spreads in Asian credit markets (38 foreign references) between 2007 and 2009. The default risk premium compensates investors for bearing exposure to two basic sources of risk. The first is diffusion or systematic risk [see Duffee (1999)], which is the non-diversifiable risk associated with macroeconomic conditions. This component of the default risk premium is closely related to the premiums demanded by investors in the equity market [see Elton et al. (2001)]. Second, investors require a premium for bearing exposure to the default event itself (the jump-todefault risk premium) [see Jarrow, Lando and Yu (2005); Driessen (2005); BDDFS (2008)].19 This is measured as the ratio of the risk neutral to the physical probability of default and is exclusive to defaultable securities. A ratio in excess of one indicates that investors require a positive premium for exposure to event risk. This can be justified in two ways. First, if the default event is specific to a particular firm, the associated risk can be priced if event risk is not fully diversifiable [see Jarrow et al. (2005)]. Alternatively, the jump-to-default risk premium can compensate investors for exposure to contagious events [see Collin-Dufresne, et al. (2010)]. In either case, an increase in the variance of this premium is capable of amplifying correlations. To investigate whether an increase in the variance of the jump-to-default risk premium increased CDS correlation, it is necessary to obtain a time-varying measure of this premium. To do this, I follow BDDFS who use Moody’s Expected Default Frequency (EDF) to measure the physical probability of default. Moody’s KMV provide a firm’s EDF, which is an estimate of the firm’s default probability, for most publicly traded companies over several horizons. I use the five-year horizon to match the CDS maturities. Crosbie and Bohn (2002) and Kealhofer (2003) provide more details on the KMV model and fitting procedure for the EDF. 18 The default spread used in the fundamental model may also capture some of the influence from risk premiums. However, the default spread is mainly a measure of aggregate business conditions and not a proxy for jump to default risk [see Chen (1989); Chen Roll Ross (1986); Fama and French (1989) and Keim and Stambaugh (1986)]. 19 I am aware that recovery risk will also command a premium. However, research has shown that recovery is closely associated with macroeconomic conditions. Therefore, this premium is likely captured by the systematic component of the default risk premium. 20 Electronic copy available at: Daily EDF data is available beginning on June 1, 2006. Therefore, I adjust the pre-crisis period, for the risk premium analysis, to begin on this date. I then reevaluate the change in excess correlation using the adjusted sample periods. Unreported results show that pairwise correlations still increase significantly across all industry pairs. Following BDDFS, I estimate the panel regression model shown in Equation 3. I modify the original estimation slightly by adding firm fixed effects, which offer stronger controls for the crosssectional variation in expected loss given default.20 Consistent with their specification, Dt is a time fixed effect, which is equal to one on day t. This yields estimates γˆj for each day j; the inverse log of these parameters eγ̂j is an estimate of the proportional risk premium (RP). That is, eγ̂j is the ratio of the fitted CDS spread for a firm on day j to that of the average firm on June 1, 2006 (the reference time period).21 ln(CDSi ) = α̂ + β̂ln(EDFi ) + X γ̂j Dt + zi (3) j The object of this estimation is to obtain an accurate measure of the jump-to-default risk premium in CDS spreads. Intuitively, one can think of this as the ratio of the risk neutral to the physical probability that a systematic jump will occur.22 The most direct method of obtaining this premium is to estimate Equation 3 using all contracts in the sample. However, this assumes that all CDS spreads are unaffected by other non-credit risk factors, which is inconsistent with the results from the liquidity contagion analysis. The presence of additional premiums could bias the estimation. For example, evidence presented in Section 4.1 suggests that CDS spreads for firms in the financial sector became more exposed to liquidity risk during the crisis. Because this effect is concentrated in the financial sector, it will not uniformly increase correlations. However, the presence of a contaminated CDS spread in the estimation of Equation 3 could bias estimates of the jump-to-default risk premium. Alternatively, one could estimate the jump-to-default risk premium using a subset of contracts. This is because the premium associated with a systematic jump will be present in the CDS spreads of all contracts if the event is priced. This follows directly from the definition of a priced event. 20 This justification for fixed effects is valid to the extent that expected loss given default has a component that varies over industries or firms and is constant over time. 21 Jarrow et al. (2005) show that, under no-arbitrage conditions, the jump-to-default risk premium is equal to the ratio of the risk neutral to the physical probability of default. This assumption may have been violated in the months following the failure of Lehman Brothers. However, the results still hold after dropping September and October 2008 from the sample. 22 This interpretation violates the conditions outlined by Jarrow, Lando, and Yu (2005) by linking firms’ default intensities to a single unpredictable event, which is a special case of the Jarrow and Yu (2001) model. Alternatively, one can think of this as a contagion premium. This is modeled by Collin-Dufresne, Goldstein, and Helwege (2010). A systematic jump-to-default risk premium could arise from the risk that a major counterparty defaults. This would be more adequately classified as counterparty risk. However, in Section 5, I find that the increase in correlations is not driven by extreme events, which minimizes concerns about this potential contaminate. 21 Electronic copy available at: Following this intuition, I choose a subset of firms that is likely to yield the most precise estimate of the jump-to-default risk premium. To construct this subsample, I begin by removing firms that are in relatively poor financial health at the beginning of the crisis. This improves the performance of the EDF by eliminating firms that are likely to experience a large jump in their default probabilities. Healthy firms are defined as the seventy five firms with the lowest conditional five-year default probabilities (EDF) at the end of July 2007. Next, I identify healthy firms with CDS spreads that are relatively robust to liquidity risk. To do this, I estimate a pre-crisis liquidity beta for each healthy firm by regressing individual CDS spreads (levels) against the average daily bid-ask spread (over all contracts in the sample) prior to the onset of the crisis. This yields seventy five pre-crisis liquidity betas. Finally, the jump-to-default risk premium is estimated using the twenty CDS spread series, referencing healthy firms, which have the smallest pre-crisis liquidity betas. To avoid a hardwired result, I estimate the risk premium individually for each industry by omitting members of the relevant industry. After estimating the risk premium, I return to the question of excess correlation. This requires a control for the influence of risk premiums on CDS spread changes. To remain consistent with prior explanations, I add the change in the estimated risk premium ∆eγ̂j back into the fundamental regression, which achieves the desired control. To illustrate, note that Equation 3 implies a proportional relation between the fitted CDS spread and both the EDF and risk premium β̂ α̂ CDSi,t = e EDFi,t (RPt ) . Therefore, by holding the EDF constant over time, I can isolate the relationship between the CDS spread and the risk premium. In this setting, a change in the risk premium is clearly proportional to a change in the CDS spread (∆CDSi,t = δ∆RPt ) over time, which still holds after CDS spreads are aggregated to the industry level. Results of the fundamental regression with risk premium controls are reported in panel A of Table VI. As with other tests, I allow the exposures to change during the crisis. A significant increase in the exposure across industries indicates that a larger portion of the common variation in CDS spread changes can be attributed to an increase in the variance of the default risk premium. The first row of Table VI reports the exposures of CDS spread changes to changes in the risk premium. Not surprisingly, I find that risk premiums are both statistically and economically important determinants of CDS spread changes prior to and during the crisis. The estimated regression coefficients imply that, after controlling for factors that determine expected loss and holding all else constant, on average 20% of the change in CDS spreads can be explained by changes in risk premiums. This number increases to approximately 45% during the turmoil. R-squared for each regression shows a strong improvement in the model fit increasing by approximately 0.23 relative to the fundamental regression. This suggests that approximately 23% of the time-series variation in CDS spread changes can be explained by changes in the risk premium. [INSERT Table VI] 22 Electronic copy available at: Panel B of Table VI shows the results of the test for risk premium contagion. Strikingly, the increase in pairwise inter-industry excess correlation is entirely explained by controlling for changes in the default risk premium. This result suggests that daily adjustments in investors’ tolerance for bearing risk increased the correlations between industry CDS spread changes. 5 Robustness 5.1 Factor Model Specification At this point, I explore the robustness of the above results beginning with the fundamental model. It is important to ensure that the finding of contagion is not driven by model misspecification. Therefore, I have considered several different specifications. In addition to the fundamental variables outlined above, I have investigated: (i) different maturities of the risk free rate ranging from the (one month -20 year); (ii) different combinations of maturities in constructing the SLOPE variable; (iii) lagged fundamental variables; (iv) square and cubed changes in the risk free rate; (v) the percent change in the trade weighted U.S. dollar exchange rate index from the Federal Reserve Board; (vi) daily changes in three-month financial and non-financial commercial paper, when available; (vii) the daily return from Lehman Brothers bond indices AAA-Ca and the High Yield as well Investment Grade index. Next, I investigate different model specifications. These specifications include: (i) the Acharya and Johnson (2007) model, which provides a stronger control for non-linearity; (ii) a hypothetical credit spread, constructed from Moody’s EDF (this credit spread is subtracted from the CDS spread); (iii) a firm-level estimation of the fundamental model. Finally, I allow factor exposures to vary through time. This is achieved by first estimating the fundamental model on sixty-day rolling windows. In addition, I allow factor exposures to change at the beginning of the crisis, at the Bear Stearns merger and at the Lehman brothers Failure. The second technique is repeated for the liquidity and counterparty risk analysis as well. The original results hold for all of the alternative specifications above. 5.2 Liquidity and Counterparty Risk I now turn to the results for liquidity and counterparty risk. The proxies developed in these sections are designed to measure changes in liquidity and counterparty risk. However, one could argue that they do not adequately capture the desired effect during periods of turmoil or that the microstructure noise present in high frequency data obscures their power. To address these concerns, I simplify the approach and focus on events that occurred during the crisis that could have constrained liquidity or amplified counterparty risk. At this point, I do not attempt to separate these two effects as both are susceptible to sudden short-lived spikes. This is distinctly different 23 Electronic copy available at: from risk premiums, which will likely change gradually over time as investors adjust their risk preferences. If shocks to liquidity/counterparty risk significantly affected CDS correlation during the crisis, then spread changes, across all portfolios, should respond to liquidity/counterparty risk enhancing and deteriorating events. To test this, I begin by collecting a list of 87 events that occurred during the crisis. The majority of these events are taken from the St Louis Federal Reserve financial timeline. I then split these into distress events, which constrain liquidity or increase counterparty risk, and recovery events with the opposite effect. I then include two dummy variables “DISTRESS” and “RECOVERY” into the fundamental regressions. Each dummy variable equals one on a window around the distress or recovery date and zero elsewhere. For distress or recovery events, a positive coefficient suggests that CDS spread changes increased, which is consistent with an increase in liquidity risk or a decrease in counterparty risk. The opposite is true for a negative coefficient. [INSERT Table VII] Table VII reports the estimated shift in the constant around the specified event dates. Because each fundamental regression already contains a crisis dummy, this marginal change is relative to the crisis fixed effect. However, the results hold if the crisis dummy is omitted. In Panel A, the distress and recovery indicators are set equal to one on all event dates and zero elsewhere. Using the event date only eliminates overlapping windows. Results show that, on average, CDS spread changes do not increase significantly on distress event dates, nor do they decrease significantly on recovery event dates. This result could arise if a number of insignificant events, included in this first pass, obscure the larger effect, which is concentrated on more severe event dates. Therefore, I repeat the test after eliminating several events that I classify as “less severe”. This leaves 10 distress events and 21 recovery events. These results are reported in Panel B. This adjustment does not change the above result. Finally, I investigate only the most severe distress events, which include the Bear Stearns merger, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the closure of Washington Mutual. I define a four-day observation window around each of these events (one day prior and two days after; several windows were used with no change in the result). In this last regression, I find that industry CDS spread changes jointly increase over a short window around these extreme events, which could explain the sustained increase in the rolling average correlation observed Figure 1. However, after controlling for extreme events, I find that excess correlations still increase significantly across all industry pairs.23 Controlling for extreme events cannot explain the increase in excess correlation. After including the distress and recovery indicators in the fundamental regression, I repeat the tests for a change in inter-industry excess correlation. These results, which are left unreported, show that the correlation 23 It is important to remember that these dummy variables are estimated relative to fundamental factors. Therefore, CDS spreads may have reacted to these events, but these results suggest that the reaction was not remarkably different from what occurred in other markets. 24 Electronic copy available at: between model residuals still increases significantly across all industry pairs. Thus confirming the original result. 5.3 Default Risk Premium Finally, I provide further analysis of the risk premium results. A potential difficulty in estimating the risk premium is that the market may not have known the contemporaneous probability of default. This could bias the estimated risk premium if the contemporaneous CDS spread is based on prior realizations of the EDF. To explore this possibility, I re-estimate the risk premium using the contemporaneous EDF, as well as, the one to five day lagged EDF. Although in many cases lagged EDF are significant, substituting the change in this more robust measure of the default risk premium into the fundamental model does not affect the results. The change in the default risk premium still absorbs the full increase in excess correlation. The results of the default risk premium analysis are compelling. However, estimates of the risk premium obtained from Equation 3 may also capture liquidity premiums, which previous tests have shown to be important determinants of CDS spread changes. Therefore, it is plausible that the risk premium control is in fact a more powerful estimate of the liquidity premium. To address this concern, I regress the estimated risk premium on the liquidity proxies discussed in Section 4.1. These results suggest that the estimated risk premium may capture some component of liquidity risk, particularly with respect to transaction costs, funding liquidity and bond liquidity. Therefore, I reestimate the risk premium with liquidity controls.24 That is, I include the log of the individual contract bid-ask spread on the right-hand side of equation three. After obtaining the risk premium (in its first differenced form), it is orthogonalized with respect to all liquidity proxies and reintroduced, as a liquidity adjusted risk premium, into the fundamental model. [INSERT Table VIII] Results of the risk premium robustness tests are reported in Panels B and C of Table VIII. As one would expect, purging liquidity from the estimated jump-to-default risk premium decreases its ability to explain the increase in excess correlation. This is evidenced by a slight reduction in the magnitude of regression coefficients on changes in the risk premium. R-squareds also drop slightly to approximately 0.36, which is an improvement of approximately 0.18 over the fundamental model alone. This suggests that daily changes in the default risk premium account for approximately 18% of the time-series variation in CDS spread changes. Panel C shows the results of the test 24 One may question the power of daily liquidity proxies in this setting. Therefore, I also run the regressions at the weekly frequency. These results confirm those of the daily regressions in that funding liquidity and transaction costs are important determinants of CDS spread changes. The one notable difference is that proxies for systematic liquidity ∆OISTB and ∆ONREPO are significant determinants of CDS spread changes prior to the crisis but become insignificant during the crisis. This provides additional evidence that systematic liquidity is not a significant channel of contagion. 25 Electronic copy available at: for risk premium contagion using the liquidity adjusted risk premium. These results confirm that controlling for the risk premium, even in its liquidity adjusted form, explains the majority of the increase in inter-industry excess correlation. However, the remaining increase in correlations, though sparse, indicates that transaction costs, funding liquidity and bond liquidity may have also played a role in increasing correlations. 6 Conclusion This paper investigates contagion and excess correlation in daily CDS spread changes during the 2007-2009 credit crisis. I construct a sample of liquid corporate single-name credit default swap contracts, which includes constituents of the CDX North American Investment Grade index roles 8-12. Using simple measures of association, I show that the comovement between CDS spread changes increased significantly after July 2007. Having established that correlations increased, I turn to the question of contagion. The correlation between CDS spread changes can increase simply because of an increase in the variance of common factors that drive credit risk. Alternatively, correlations can increase because of an increase in the influence of non-credit risk factors. To test whether credit risk increased correlations, I build six equally weighted industry portfolios based on the Fama and French five industry classifications (the six is Financials which is extracted from Other). In the spirit of Bekaert et al. (2005), I decompose the raw inter-industry CDS correlations into fundamental and excess correlation using a factor model. Finally, I test for contagion by evaluating whether the correlations between factor model residuals increased during the crisis. I find strong evidence that an increase in the volatility of common factors that drive credit risk was not fully responsible for amplifying correlations during the crisis, which establishes that contagion occurred. Next, I investigate whether liquidity risk, counterparty risk, or the jump-to-default risk premium contributed to the increase in excess correlation. First, I investigate liquidity risk. To do this, I add several liquidity proxies, which control for changes in transaction costs, funding liquidity, systematic liquidity, and bond market liquidity, into the fundamental model and repeat the test for contagion. The results of these tests show that liquidity is an important factor, especially in determining the CDS spreads of financial institutions. However, it cannot explain the full and uniform increase in excess correlations. Therefore, I turn to counterparty risk. To control for changes in counterparty risk, I add several proxies of aggregate dealer credit risk into the factor model. However, controlling for changes in counterparty risk offers no significant improvement over the fundamental model alone. Therefore, I conclude that counterparty risk was not a significant source of contagion during the crisis. Finally, I evaluate whether changes in risk premiums increased the excess correlation. 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The Review of Financial Studies 14(2), 555-576. 31 Electronic copy available at: Figure 1: Average CDS Spread & Rolling 60 day correlations The Average CDS spread is an equally weighted average over all 150 firms in the sample. To get the average correlation for a particular day, I calculate pairwise correlations for each of the 11,175 possible firm pairs using 60 days of trailing data. I then take an equally weighted average over all pairwise correlations. This calculation is rolled daily to obtain the correlations graphed above. 32 Electronic copy available at: Figure 2: Average CDS Spread & Sample Periods The graph shows the daily equally weighted average CDS spread for all 150 firms between July 5, 2005 and March 9, 2009. The time period labeled pre-crisis ranges from July 1, 2005 to July 30, 2007 and the period labed crisis ranges from July 31, 2007 to March 9, 2009. 33 Electronic copy available at: Figure 3: S&P Long-Term Issuer Ratings Pairwise correlations for all 11,175 possible firm pairs are calculated prior to and during the crisis and are shown above. In tan (right) is the cross-sectional density of pairwise correlation during the crisis and in blue (left) is the cross-sectional density of pairwise correlation prior to the crisis. 34 Electronic copy available at: Table I Descriptive Statistics: Panel A presents the average Book Leverage Profitability, Book to Market Ratio Cash holdings, Total Asset values and Market Capitalization over all firms in the sample for each year (2005-2009). Descriptive variables are calculated using the accounting data from the reporting period (Compustat datadate) that is nearest to December 31 of each year and not more than a half of a year from this date. Each variable is calculated as follows (Notation is taken directly from the Compustat variable definitions): Book Leverage = ((AT - (AT - LT - PSTLK + TXDITC + DCVT))/AT), Profitability = NI/AT, Market-To-Book =(CSHO PRCC C + AT - (AT - LT - PSTLK + TXDITC + DCVT))/AT, Cash = CH, Total Assets = AT, and Market Capitalization = CSHO PRCC C. Cash, Total Assets and Market Capitalization are reported in Billions. Sample means that are significantly different (at the 1% level) from the mean of the CRSP/Compustat merged universe are reported in bold. Panel B: Reports the distribution of S&P long-term issuer credit ratings by year for all firms in the sample whenever the Longterm issuer credit rating is available. The Long-term issuer credit rating is taken as the first monthly observation of each year. The last row in the table shows the number of firms for which Long-Term issuer credit ratings are available in each year. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 0.60 0.05 1.49 1.89 59.51 34.34 0.66 0.01 1.24 2.58 60.92 21.92 0.64 0.03 1.34 2.86 61.95 25.53 Panel A: Sample Characteristics Book Leverage Profitability Market to Book Cash Total Assets Market Cap 0.59 0.06 1.58 1.64 50.73 31.80 0.59 0.06 1.59 1.67 55.83 35.34 Panel B: S&P Long-Term Issuer Ratings AAA AA+ AA AAA+ A ABBB+ BBB BBB< BBB- 4 0 3 2 9 25 19 28 33 18 3 3 0 4 1 9 25 20 31 33 16 3 3 0 4 0 10 23 20 32 36 15 1 2 1 2 2 11 20 20 30 27 21 6 2 0 2 1 10 18 19 29 25 20 16 N 144 145 144 142 142 35 Electronic copy available at: Table II Changes in comovement: The table reports the values of three measures of aggregate comovement in CDS spread changes: Intraclass Correlation, Average Pearson’s Correlation and the average fraction of firms whose CDS spreads move in the same direction each week; reported in panels A,B and C respectively. Columns one and two report the value prior to and during the crisis respectively. Columns three and four show the change in each measure and the associated p-value respectively for each measure. The pre-crisis period ranges from July 1, 2005 to July 30, 2007 and the crisis period ranges from July 31, 2007 to March 9, 2009. Industries are the Fama and French five industry classifications with the sixth industry, Financials, extracted from the Other category. The significance of the change in intraclass correlation is evaluated using a modified Fisher Z-test for equality of the intraclass correlation coefficient. Details of this test are provided in Donner and Zou (2002). Because intraclass correlation is sensitive to changes in variance, CDS spread changes are standardized in the pre-crisis and crisis period separately. Significance of the change in Average Spearman’s correlations is evaluated using Kendall’s concordance coefficient (W), which is a simple transformation of the average pairwise Spearman’s rank correlation. The test follows Schucany and Frawley (1973). The fraction of firms that move together each week is calculated from up up up Morck et al. (2000) ft = max nt , ndown / nt + ndown . Their proposed asymptotic variance ft (1 − ft )/(nt + ndown ) is t t t used to assess the statistical significance of the increase in this fraction. *, **, *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. Pre-Crisis Crisis Diff P-Value 0.44 0.50 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.54 0.40 0.24*** 0.29*** 0.23*** 0.24*** 0.29*** 0.23*** 0.20*** 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.51 0.47 0.50 0.47 0.54 0.43 0.28*** 0.32*** 0.28*** 0.28*** 0.35* 0.27*** 0.27*** 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.85 0.82 0.10*** 0.11*** 0.11*** 0.08*** 0.08*** 0.08*** 0.07*** 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Panel A: Intraclass Correlation Full Sample Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.14 0.30 0.20 Panel B: Average Spearman Correlation Full Sample Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.12 0.27 0.16 Panel C: Comovement Fraction Full Sample Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials 0.73 0.73 0.74 0.76 0.76 0.77 0.75 36 Electronic copy available at: Table III Change in correlations: This table reports the results of three tests for an increase in correlation during the crisis. The first is a one-sided test for an increase in the average pairwise Pearson’s correlation coefficient between industry CDS spread changes (industries are defined in the caption of Table II). The change in pairwise correlations is shown in the upper subpanel. Significance for these tests is determined using the Fisher transformed correlation coefficients. The next two tests are tests of the null hypotheses for a constant correlation matrix and constant average correlation. Significance for these joint tests is determined using the χ2 statistics developed by Goetzmann et al. (2005). These Statistics are based on the asymptotic distribution of the covariance matrix derived in Browne and −1 h i iT 1 h 1 d vec Pˆ1 − Pˆ2 − −−−− → χ2 [rk (Ω)] + Ω Shapiro (1986) and Neudecker and Wesselman (1990): vec Pˆ1 − Pˆ2 n1 n2 where Ω is the covariance matrix defined by Neudecker et al. (1990), and Pˆ1 and Pˆ2 are estimates of the vectorized correlation matrix. Results for these tests are reported in the lower subpanel. Panel A shows the results for each of the three tests described above applied to correlations in raw industry CDS spread changes. Panel B shows the results of the main tests for contagion, which test for an increase in pairwise excess correlation. Excess correlation is the correlation between factor model residuals from the fundamental model. Outliers (observations above the 99.5 percentile and below the .5 percentile) are eliminated prior to calculating correlations. *,**,*** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level respectively. Panel A: Change in Inter-industry Pairwise Correlations Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials 0.00 0.17*** 0.24*** 0.26*** 0.21*** 0.20*** 0.00 0.25*** 0.30*** 0.19*** 0.24*** 0.00 0.36*** 0.21*** 0.20*** 0.00 0.29*** 0.37*** 0.00 0.22*** 0.00 Statistic Matrix Test Average Correlation 0.2480*** P-Value 0.00 0.00 Panel B: Contagion Change in Inter-industry Excess Correlations Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials 0.00 0.11*** 0.17*** 0.19*** 0.14*** 0.09* 0.00 0.25*** 0.26*** 0.20*** 0.21*** 0.00 0.31*** 0.18*** 0.12*** 0.00 0.23*** 0.30*** 0.00 0.15*** 0.00 Statistic Matrix Test Average Correlation 0.1927*** P-Value 0.00 0.00 37 Electronic copy available at: Table IV Liquidity contagion Panel A: shows the estimated liquidity parameters along with their marginal changes during the crisis. The standard set of fundamental variables are included but not reported. The dependant variable is the standardized change in industry CDS spreads. Liquidity proxies include: ONOFF - the yield difference between the on-the-run and directly off the run five-year Treasury note; OISTB - the spread between the three-month overnight index swap rate and RF3M; BIDASK & IBIDASK - the change in the average bid-ask spread and industry average bid-ask spread respectively (each IBIDASK is orthogonalized to BIDASK); ONREPO - The difference between the general collateral repo rate and RF3M; HEDGE - the lagged hedge fund return index (orthogonal to the market return); AMIHUD - the aggregate Amihud Measure over bonds in the sample; VOLUME - the average principal amount traded each day over industries; NTRADE - average number of daily trades over industries. Constants are omitted because they are insignificant Panel B: The change in excess pairwise correlations are reported in the upper subpanel below the diagonal. Significance is assessed using the Fisher transformation. The difference-in-difference (marginal increase in correlations from liquidity) for each pairwise correlation is reported above the diagonal. Standard errors are bootstrapped (non-parametric) with 1000 replications and re-sampling size equal to the size of the original data set. Diagonal values are always equal to zero and are omitted. The lower panel reports the tests for a constant correlation matrix and constant average correlation. Significance is assessed using the Goetzmann et al. (2005) χ2 statistics. There are 899 observations for each industry and *,**,*** indicates significance at 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. Panel A: Liquidity Factor Exposures Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials -0.02 (-0.47) -0.01 (-0.20) -0.06 (-1.06) 0.12** (2.34) 0.02 (0.56) 0.06 (0.88) 0.02 (0.58) -0.06 (-0.83) 0.04 (0.54) -0.03 (-0.91) -0.05 (-0.61) 0.02 (0.37) 0.09* (1.80) -0.02 (-0.50) -0.03 (-0.41) 0.02 (0.58) 0.05 (0.59) -0.09 (-1.25) 0.00 (0.10) -0.01 (-0.17) -0.02 (-0.29) 0.09** (1.97) -0.06** (-1.90) 0.06 (1.04) 0.04 (1.12) 0.03 (0.38) -0.05 (-0.68) 0.00 (0.08) 0.04 (0.47) 0.02 (0.28) 0.07 (1.47) 0.13*** (3.63) -0.08 (-1.18) 0.03 (0.70) 0.04 (0.44) -0.02 (-0.26) 0.01 (0.41) 0.04 (0.53) -0.03 (-0.61) 0.00 (0.09) 0.05* (1.74) -0.03 (-0.47) 0.05 (1.25) 0.00 (-0.05) -0.09 (-1.25) 0.01 (0.21) 0.01 (0.16) -0.02 (-0.32) 0.09** (1.98) 0.04 (1.25) -0.09 (-1.54) 0.08* (1.92) 0.01 (0.19) -0.10 (-1.34) 0.06 (1.00) 0.02 (0.14) 0.10 (1.25) -0.09 (-1.32) 0.04 (0.86) 0.17* (1.77) -0.05 (-0.87) 0.14 (1.25) -0.21* (-1.93) 0.04 (0.71) 0.10 (0.92) -0.11 (-1.34) -0.01 (-0.16) 0.16*** (3.00) 0.34*** (3.54) -0.10* (-1.75) 0.00 (0.04) -0.05 (-0.42) 0.02 (0.33) 0.03 (0.31) -0.05 (-0.66) 0.04 (0.52) 0.10** (2.10) 0.24** (2.51) -0.11* (-1.82) -0.04 (-0.39) -0.05 (-0.47) 0.06 (0.99) -0.04 (-0.33) -0.02 (-0.19) 0.03 (0.42) -0.08* (-1.46) 0.34*** (3.34) -0.09 (-1.38) 0.08 (0.66) -0.17 (-1.45) 0.02 (0.29) -0.03 (-0.33) -0.01 (-0.17) 0.13* (1.93) 0.01 (0.33) 0.31*** (3.40) -0.12** (-2.16) 0.06 (0.60) -0.08 (-0.81) -0.02 (-0.32) 0.02 (0.21) -0.01 (-0.14) -0.10 (-1.27) 0.14** (2.22) 0.35*** (3.78) -0.14** (-2.43) -0.05 (-0.44) 0.06 (0.57) 0.2307 0.2091 0.2085 0.1284 0.3153 0.2568 Pre-Crisis ∆ONOFF ∆OISTB ∆ONREPO ∆BIDASK ∆IBIDASK HEDGE ∆AMIHUD ∆NTRADE ∆VOLUME Marginal Crisis Effects ∆ONOFF ∆OISTB ∆ONREPO ∆BIDASK ∆IBIDASK HEDGE ∆AMIHUD ∆NTRADE ∆VOLUME R-Squared Panel B: Liquidity Contagion - Change in Inter-industry Excess Correlations Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other 0.12*** 0.16*** 0.19*** 0.12*** -0.01 0.24*** 0.25*** 0.19*** 0.01 0.01 0.33*** 0.15*** 0.00 0.01 -0.02 0.22*** 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 - 0.03 0.05* 0.06** 0.03 0.07** Financials 0.05 Statistic 0.17*** P-Value 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.27*** 0.08 - Matrix Test Average Correlation 0.1726*** 38 Electronic copy available at: Table V Counterparty risk contagion Panel A: shows the regression coefficients for counterparty risk proxies prior to the crisis and their marginal changes during the crisis. The standard set of fundamental variables are included but not reported. The dependant variable is the standardized change in industry CDS spreads. Counterparty risk variables include the spread between the three-month overnight index swap rate and three-month LIBOR; ABCP - the spread between the yield on three-month asset-backed commercial paper and RF3M ( ABCP is orthogonal to RF3M); CPstock - The value-weighted return from a portfolio of 16 licensed market-makers in the CDX index (CPstock is orthogonal to the market return); CPDIF- the log of the difference between the maximum and median daily return of the 16 licensed market-makers in the CDX Index; EXCPDIF - an interaction variable that equals CPDIF on days when risk dispersion is above its 95th percentile. The dummy variable corresponding to EXCPDIF is estimated but not reported because it is always insignificant. Regression constants are also estimated but omitted as they too are insignificant. Panel B: The change in excess pairwise correlations are reported in the upper subpanel below the diagonal. Significance is assessed using the Fisher transformation. The difference-in-difference (marginal increase in correlations from counterparty risk) for each pairwise correlation is reported above the diagonal. Standard errors are bootstrapped (non-parametric) with 1000 replications and re-sampling size equal to the size of the original data set. Diagonal values are always equal to zero and are omitted. The lower panel reports the tests for a constant correlation matrix and constant average correlation. Significance is assessed using the Goetzmann et al. (2005) χ2 statistics. There are 905 observations for each industry and *,**,*** indicates significance at 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. Panel A: Counterparty Risk Factor Exposures Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials -0.03 (-0.62) -0.07 (-0.81) -0.06 (-0.85) 0.01 (0.18) 0.06 (1.34) -0.14* (-1.74) -0.02 (-0.29) -0.03 (-1.06) 0.05 (1.24) -0.03 (-0.41) 0.01 (0.14) -0.03 (-0.89) 0.02 (0.42) -0.06 (-0.75) -0.03 (-0.37) -0.02 (-0.50) 0.02 (0.41) -0.13 (-1.60) -0.06 (-0.81) -0.02 (-0.63) 0.00 (0.07) -0.01 (-0.13) -0.03 (-0.44) -0.01 (-0.29) 0.09 (1.47) 0.09 (0.83) -0.10 (-0.80) -0.06 (-0.40) -0.06 (-0.86) 0.17 (1.63) -0.10 (-0.76) -0.03 (-0.18) 0.00 (0.04) -0.02 (-0.21) -0.13 (-1.08) 0.05 (0.36) 0.05 (0.71) 0.04 (0.34) -0.12 (-0.91) -0.12 (-0.75) 0.00 (-0.01) 0.11 (1.14) 0.01 (0.08) 0.02 (0.13) 0.03 (0.52) -0.03 (-0.31) 0.07 (0.53) 0.14 (0.87) 0.2150 0.1761 0.1869 0.1016 0.2883 0.2011 Pre-Crisis ∆OIS ∆ABCP CPstock CPDIF Marginal Crisis Effects ∆OIS ∆ABCP CPstock EXCPDIF R-Squared Panel B: Counterparty Risk Contagion - Change in Inter-industry Excess Correlations Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials Matrix Test Average Correlation 0.12*** 0.20*** 0.26*** 0.15*** 0.10** 0.00 0.23*** 0.32*** 0.20*** 0.17*** Statistic P-Value 0.00 0.00 0.2151*** -0.01 0.03 0.39*** 0.16*** 0.12*** -0.04 -0.05 -0.08* 0.31*** 0.26*** 0.01 -0.02 0.01 -0.06 0.14*** -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 -0.03 - Panel C: Liquidity & Counterparty Risk Contagion - Change in Inter-industry Excess Correlations Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials Matrix Test Average Correlation 0.12*** 0.15*** 0.23*** 0.13*** 0.11** 0.00 0.22*** 0.29*** 0.19*** 0.20*** Statistic P-Value 0.00 0.00 0.1995*** 0.03 0.03 0.36*** 0.15*** 0.12** -0.02 -0.05 -0.06 0.28*** 0.31*** 0.02 -0.02 0.05 -0.04 0.14*** 39 Electronic copy available at: -0.02 0.00 0.01 -0.03 -0.02 - Table VI Risk Premium Contagion: Reported in Panel A below are the regression results for the risk premium analysis. The dependent variable for each regression is the change in industry CDS spreads; industries are defined in the caption of Table II and are listed in column headers. The risk premium (RP) for each industry is estimated from the 20 CDS spread series of healthy (non-industry members) firms which are least sensitive to liquidity. I follow the panel regression methodology outlined by BDDFS to obtain estimates of the daily default risk premium. Changes in the estimated risk premium are then included in the fundamental regression (defined in the caption of Table IV) as explanatory variables. Coefficients of the fundamental controls are omitted for brevity. The row labeled ∆RP shows the pre-crisis risk premium regression coefficient for each industry. The row labeled ∆RP c shows the marginal change in that coefficient during the crisis. Due to EDF data limitations, the pre-crisis period was shortened to 3/1/2006 - 7/30/2007. Panel B shows the change in excess correlation after controlling for the risk premium. Tests of pairwise correlations are based on the Fisher transformed correlation coefficients. Tests of the average correlation and correlation matrix are based on the asymptotic χ2 tests derived in Goetzmann et al. (2005). Tests of pairwise correlations are one-sided. Z-statistics are reported in parentheses. There are 746 observations for each industry portfolio and *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively. Panel A: Risk Premium Controls Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials 0.18*** (4.31) 0.21*** (5.41) 0.18*** (4.93) 0.30*** (6.38) 0.17*** (4.55) 0.14*** (3.27) 0.24*** (4.38) 0.32*** (6.00) 0.36*** (6.97) 0.26*** (4.13) 0.26*** (5.13) 0.21*** (3.64) 0.4089 0.4376 0.4671 0.3371 0.4921 0.3404 Consumer 0.00 -0.09 -0.10 0.03 0.01 -0.13 Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials 0.00 -0.03 -0.01 0.01 -0.08 0.00 -0.01 -0.05 -0.14 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 -0.10 0.00 Statistic P-Value 0.00 0.00 Pre-Crisis ∆RP Marginal Crisis Effects ∆RP c R-Squared Panel B: Risk Premium Contagion Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials Matrix Test Average Correlation -0.0426*** 40 Electronic copy available at: Table VII Liquidity & Counterparty Risk Shocks: This table reports the results of the tests for liquidity/counterparty risk shocks during the crisis. The dependant variables are CDS spread changes for industry portfolios listed in the column headers. The independent variables include the standard set of fundamental variables and two indicator variables, “DISTRESS” and “RECOVERY”, which equal one on or surrounding significant event dates, and zero everywhere else. Panel A shows the results using all events. In this case, the indicator variables, “DISTRESS” and “RECOVERY”, equal one on the event date only. Panel B reports results for more severe events. For this regression, I define a three “calendar” day window which includes the event date and one day pre and post. Panel C includes the results of the most severe distress events, which include the Bear Stearns merger (3/14/2008), the collapse of Lehman Brothers (9/15/2008), and the closure of Washington Mutual (9/25/2008). I define the window around these events to be 1 observation prior to the event and 2 observations after. As with other tests, these regressions are estimated using SUR. Z-statistics are reported in parentheses. There are 912 observations for each industry portfolio and *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively. Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials Panel A: All Distress and Recovery Events (event date only) DISTRESS -0.01 (-0.04) -0.06 (-0.19) -0.21 (-0.63) 0.25 (0.72) -0.13 (-0.43) -0.07 (-0.22) RECOVERY -0.16 (-0.78) 0.05 (0.26) -0.07 (-0.34) 0.15 (0.69) -0.17 (-0.88) 0.01 (0.05) R-Squared 0.2111 0.1855 0.1869 0.1009 0.2760 0.1939 Panel B: Level 2 and 3 Distress and Recovery Events (1 calendar day around the event) DISTRESS -0.07 (-0.36) -0.07 (-0.34) -0.07 (-0.37) 0.17 (0.81) -0.07 (-0.39) 0.01 (0.07) RECOVERY 0.04 (0.29) -0.08 (-0.57) -0.18 (-1.32) -0.02 (-0.13) -0.04 (-0.28) -0.10 (-0.75) R-Squared 0.2107 0.1859 0.1881 0.1006 0.2755 0.1945 Panel C: Level 3 Distress Events (1 - 2 observations prior to and after the event) DISTRESS 0.66** (2.20) 0.53* (1.72) 0.58* (1.89) 0.57* (1.76) 0.42 (1.43) 0.58* (1.87) R-Squared 0.2147 0.1881 0.1896 0.1031 0.2769 0.1970 Electronic copy available at: Table VIII Risk Premium Contagion Robustness: Reported in Panel A are the regression results which test the relation between the estimated risk premium and different proxies for liquidity. The dependant variable in each regression is the change in the estimated risk premium. Models are listed from 1 to 5 in the column headers. Model 1 includes all market-wide liquidity measures, Model 2 test CDS transaction costs, Model 3 tests bond liquidity, Model 4 tests funding liquidity and Model 5 combines all liquidity proxies. The panel labeled Pre-Crisis/Crisis test show the marginal change at the beginning of the crisis (7/31/2007). The Panel labeled Pre/Post Lehman shows the marginal change after the collapse of Lehman Brothers (9/15/2008). Panel B reports the results of the risk premium controls in the fundamental model. The standard set of fundamentals is included in the regression but coefficients are not reported. In this case, the risk premium is estimated with controls for transaction costs. That is, I add the log of the contract bid-ask spread into Equation 3 and reestimate the risk premium. Additionally, I orthogonalize the change in the risk premium to all liquidity variables using Model 5. The risk premium (RP) for each industry is estimated from the 20 CDS spread series of healthy (non-industry members) firms which are least sensitive to liquidity. The estimated risk premium is then included in the fundamental regression to control for potential contamination from transaction costs in the estimation of the risk premium. The row labeled ∆RP shows the pre-crisis risk premium regression coefficient for each industry. The row labeled ∆RP c shows the marginal change in that coefficient during the crisis. Due to EDF data limitations, the pre-crisis period was shortened to 3/1/2006 - 7/30/2007. Panel C reports the change in excess correlation after controlling for variations in the fundamental factors that drive credit risk and the liquidity adjusted risk premium. Tests of pairwise correlation are based on the Fisher transformed correlation coefficients. Tests of the average correlation and correlation matrix are based on the asymptotic Chi Squared tests derived in Goetzmann et al. (2005). Tests of pairwise correlations are one-sided. Z-statistics are reported in parentheses. There are 747 observations for each industry portfolio and *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively. Panel A: Estimated Risk Premium and Liquidity (1) Pre-crisis constant ∆ONOFF ∆OISTB ∆ONREPO 0.07 (1.40) -0.01 (-0.15) 0.01 (0.11) 0.09 (1.27) ∆BIDASK Pre-Crisis/Crisis (2) (3) 0.05 (0.93) 0.07 (1.34) (4) 0.08 (1.61) 0.20*** (3.94) ∆AMIHUD 0.11* (1.90) 0.12 (1.16) -0.12 (-1.16) ∆NTRADE ∆VOL HEDGE -0.21*** (-2.64) (5) 0.07 (1.41) -0.03 (-0.52) 0.02 (0.27) 0.06 (0.83) 0.17*** (3.24) 0.08 (1.57) 0.14 (1.41) -0.11 (-1.14) -0.17** (-2.14) Marginal Changes constant ∆ONOFF ∆OISTB ∆ONREPO -0.04 (-0.59) 0.10 (1.27) 0.10 (1.06) -0.10 (-1.02) ∆BIDASK -0.04 (-0.52) 0.00 (-0.01) -0.01 (-0.17) Pre/Post Lehman (3) (4) 0.04 (1.04) 0.07* (1.89) 0.07* (1.79) 0.21*** (4.80) 0.03 (0.78) -0.01 (-0.07) -0.06 (-0.79) 0.02 (0.37) -0.23 (-0.29) 1.05 (1.12) -1.01* (-1.70) -0.91 (-1.33) 0.51*** (4.60) -0.04 (-0.56) 0.11 (1.52) 0.10 (1.08) -0.10 (-1.10) 0.06 (0.85) -0.13* (-1.80) -0.25* (-1.94) 0.11 (0.83) 0.46*** (4.30) 0.0289 0.1079 0.0244 0.11 (1.51) -0.11 (-1.56) -0.35*** (-2.62) 0.19 (1.43) ∆NTRADE ∆VOL HEDGE 0.0154 Pre-crisis 0.06 (1.51) 0.07* (1.71) 0.06 (1.06) 0.02 (0.26) (2) (5) 0.05 (1.36) 0.04 (0.96) 0.10* (1.84) -0.01 (-0.21) 0.20*** (4.39) 0.02 (0.53) 0.02 (0.33) -0.05 (-0.69) 0.03 (0.52) Marginal Changes ∆AMIHUD R-Squared (1) 0.0725 0.0265 -0.24 (-0.34) 0.40 (0.53) -0.15 (-0.20) 2.67** (2.40) 1.61* (1.86) -0.10 (-0.09) -0.52 (-0.79) -0.07 (-0.09) -1.32 (-1.54) -0.16 (-0.23) 2.14 (1.41) -4.30*** (-3.05) 2.91** (2.17) 0.0111 0.0965 -1.05 (-1.41) -1.06* (-1.81) 1.17 (0.88) -3.86*** (-2.90) 0.0502 0.0338 42 Electronic copy available at: Panel B: Liquidity Adjusted Risk Premium Controls Consumer Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials 0.16*** (3.69) 0.18*** (4.32) 0.17*** (4.38) 0.24*** (4.90) 0.14*** (3.54) 0.10** (2.23) ∆RP c 0.26*** (4.28) 0.31*** (5.35) 0.33*** (5.93) 0.29*** (4.20) 0.24*** (4.34) 0.19*** (2.96) R-Squared 0.3774 0.3848 0.4128 0.2831 0.4428 0.2998 Pre-Crisis ∆RP Marginal Crisis Effects Panel C: Liquidity Adjusted Risk Premium Contagion Consumer Manufacturing HiTech Health Other Financials Matrix Test Average Correlation Consumer 0.00 -0.02 -0.03 0.04 0.05 -0.04 Manuf. HiTech Health Other Financials 0.00 0.10* 0.06 0.09** 0.04 0.00 0.09 0.05 -0.02 0.00 0.09 0.13* 0.00 0.05 0.00 Statistic P-Value 0.00 0.00 0.0466*** 43 Electronic copy available at: