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Aesthetic Physique Workout Plan

This program is an intermediate to advanced hypertrophy program that can be run through muscle gain or fat loss phases. The program puts an emphasis on key areas to get that aesthetic mens physique look such as upper
chest, arms and delts whilst not neglecting functionality.
Training style: In this training plan you will be following a high intensity, low volume style of training. All sets, unless specified, must be performed to absolute failure. Failure occurs when the muscle group we are training can no
longer effectively execute the movement. It is essential that we maintain perfect form during this to prevent injury. Anything less than perfect form means the set is over and we are at failure.
Sets and reps: 6-8, 12-15 means you are to perform a total of two sets for that exercise: One top set of 6-8 reps, rest, then a back off set of 12-15 reps. Select a weight where you’re hitting failure within the specified rep range. The back
off set(s) should be around 20% lighter than your top set so you can hit the higher reps.
Progressive overload: Your number one priority, after good form, is to ensure you’re progressing. Aim for weekly or biweekly progression by increasing the weight on the bar or adding an extra rep or two with the same weight. It is
absolutely essential you track your workouts using an app such as Rep Count or the Strong app.
Rest: Rest until fully recovered for the next set (approximately 2-3 minutes)
Tempo: 3-1-1. 3 second eccentric, 1 second concentric, 1 second pause.
Green cells: Cells highlighted green are warm-up sets. These are only to be performed at around RIR5
Good luck and enjoy the program. Consistency is key and anything worth having doesn’t come easy (or everyone would have it). If you’ve got any questions or want to let me know how you're fnd the program send me a DM on
Instagram @mosamuels or for all 1:1 coaching enquires you can email me on mo@physiqueincubator.com
Adjust seat so handles are in-line with mid-chest. Avoid over-extending shoulder in start position. Whilst locking
shoulders back into pad and keeping shoulds depressed (down) contract the chest to initiate movement, driving elbows
together. and slightly protract shoulders forward to finish movement. Controlled reps with slight pause at top and
Machine Pec Dec Fly
8-15, 8-15
Incline DB Chest Press
6-8, 12-15
Bench set to around 45 degrees. Core engaged, keeping shoulders retracted throughout, tuck elbows slightly (avoid
flaring) and keep DB's in same postion in relation to the shoulder during rep. Bringing DB's together at top of rep but
avoid clashing.
Flat Machine Chest Press
6-8, 12-15
Handles aligned with mid chest. Slight lower back curve. Keeping shoulders retracted throughout movement.
Controlled reps.
Cuffed Cable Clavicular Fly
6-8, 12-15, 12-15
Machine Shoulder Press
6-8, 12-15
Adjust seat to allow safe starting position without over-extending shoulder. Shoulders retracted keeping back glued to
seat. Engaging delts and driving elbows up. Returning weight to around 90 degrees at elbow joint.
Overhead Cable Rope Triceps Extension
6-8, 10-15, 10-15
Pulley set high. Position body with feet in staggered stance, glute/heel braced against pulley bar and leaning forward.
Keeping elbows tucked and locked in beside temples, driving weight out as far as possible to contract triceps. Avoid
flaring elbows, slow controlled reps.
Cable Crucifix Lateral Raises
10-15, 10-15, 10-15
Bench set to 45 degrees, cuffs positioned on wrists. Cables crossed over and set low, in-line with shoulder joint. Driving
up with wrists keeping elbows in position, slightly shrugging on full extension. Keep back and glutes glued to seat.
Bench set one below verticle. Cable set low to allow targeting of upper chest. Cuffs positioned above elbow, keeping
shoulders retracted whilst driving elbows up and together.
Bench set to 45 degrees, cuffs positioned on wrists. Cables crossed over and set low, in-line with shoulder joint. Driving
up with wrists keeping elbows in position, slightly shrugging on full extension. Keep back and glutes glued to seat.
Cable Crucifix Lateral Raises
10-15, 10-15, 10-15
Sled Push/Pull
4 x 25m
Push a Weighted Sled 12.5m then pull 12.5m for one set. Watch video for correct form. You can get creative setting up
the sled pull. You can use a daisy chain attached to a belt if avaliable, or attach TRX straps to the sled.
Hack Squat
6-8, 12-15
Position your feet in the middle of the platform, shoulder width apart. Slowly lower weight until your hips as well as your
knees are at, or just below, a 90-degree angle and avoid bouncing. Keeping back glued to pad. Standing back up by
driving weight through the heels, come to almost a full extension at the top but don’t lock the knees.
Bulgarian Split Squats
6-8, 12-15
Using a bench and smith machine perform a bulgarian split squat. Rest one leg at the ankle joint on the bench and the
other extended in a lunge position. As you perform the rep, aim for a deep stretch, ending the movement with your
back knee touching the floor. The front leg is the one that's getting trained. The further foward your foot, the more quad
activation you will achieve.
Machine Seated Leg Extension
6-8, 12-15, 12-15
Adjust seat to allow slight gap behind knee. Knees shoulder width apart and aligned with hips. Pulling down with
handles to keep hamstrings and back glued to seat. Driving out contracting quad as much as possible. Keep hips glued
down at all times.
Machine Lying Leg Curl
6-8, 12-15
Align knee with axis point of machine. Position heel pad low down below calves. Holding onto handles, driving heels to
glutes whilst keeping hips, thighs and chest glued to pad. Controlled reps.
Seated Calf Raises
12-15, 12-15, 12-15
Lying Crunches
20-30, 20-30, 20-30
Avoid lowering heel too much with heavy weight. Driving up through balls of feet as much as possble bringing ankle
forward. Slight pause at top and bottom of movement, slow lowering of weight.
Video here.
Machine Pec Dec Fly
8-15, 8-15
Adjust seat so handles are in-line with mid-chest. Avoid over-extending shoulder in start position. Whilst locking
shoulders back into pad and keeping shoulds depressed (down) contract the chest to initiate movement, driving elbows
together. and slightly protract shoulders forward to finish movement. Controlled reps with slight pause at top and
Flat BB Chest Press
6-8, 12-15
Core engaged whilst maintaning slight arch in spine. Keeping shoulders retracted throughout, tuck elbows slightly to
take pressure off shoulder joint. Avoid bouncing bar on sternum.
Chest Supported T-Bar Row
6-8, 12-15
Hands positioned at arounds shoulder width, top of pad in line with lower chest. Keeping glued to pad throughout and
feet flat on platform. Starting with shoulders protracted at bottom of rep, driving back and out with elbows as far as
possible whilst retracting shoulders. return weight in controlled manner, allowing for slight stretch at bottom of rep.
Incline Machine Chest Press
6-8, 12-15
Handles aligned with upper chest. Slight arch in lower back but not excessive. Keeping shoulders retracted throughout
movement. Controlled reps.
Incline Machine Chest Press
6-8, 12-15
Handles aligned with upper chest. Slight arch in lower back but not excessive. Keeping shoulders retracted throughout
movement. Controlled reps.
D-Handle Single-Arm Lat Pulldown
6-8, 12-15
Using one d-handle, using one hand to support. Keep core tight, driving down with elbow towards lower spine, leaning
upper torso slighly towards working arm on contraction to help shorten the lat. Controlled reps throughout.
Weighted Dips
8-10, 12-15
Assisted, unweighted
or weighted.
Place your hands on parallel bars with your arms locked out by the side of your torso. Slowly lower yourself until the
crease of your arm is at 90 degrees. Lean torso fowards slightly at the bottom of the movement then drive up to starting
position. By leaning fowards you can achieve full ROM without straining the shoulders.
Chin Ups
8-10, 12-15
Assisted, unweighted
or weighted.
Grab the bar using an underhand grip. Pull upwards, driving chest towards bar until chin is over bar. Pause for a second,
lower yourself down, then begin the rep again from a fully extended position.
Machine Shoulder Press
6-8, 12-15
Adjust seat to allow safe starting position without over-extending shoulder. Shoulders retracted keeping back glued to
seat. Engaging delts and driving elbows up. Returning weight to around 90 degrees at elbow joint.
DB Lateral Raises
6-8, 12-15
Starting with shoulders retracted, DB's to the side of thigh and soft at the knees. Engaging medial delt, drive arms away
from body, whilst keeping shoulders depressed (down). Controlled reps throughout and avoid swinging.
EZ Bar Preacher Curl
6-8, 12-15
Keeping tricep glued against pad with shoulder, elbow and wrist in line. Controlling bar down on eccentric, slight pause
at bottom of rep, then driving weight back up to squeeze. Avoid swinging, keep body position locked.
Overhead Cable Rope Triceps Extension
6-8, 12-15
Pulley set high. Position body with feet in staggered stance, glute/heel braced against pulley bar and leaning forward.
Keeping elbows tucked and locked in beside temples, driving weight out as far as possible to contract triceps. Avoid
flaring elbows, slow controlled reps.
Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raises
8-10, 12-15
Holding on to stable object, slight lean towards working shoulder, driving up with wrists keeping elbows in position and
shoulder retracted throughout. Keeping core tight and chest up.
Dual Low Cable Curl
8-10, 12-15
Whilst holding both d-handles, take half a step forward to position elbow joint towards rear of torso. Keeping shoulders
retracted and elbows locked in position, driving weight up and and squeezing at top of rep. Avoid swinging.
Cable Crossover Triceps Extension
8-10, 12-15
Cable set high, shoulders pinned down, retracted and elbows aligned with pulley. Driving weight down whilst keeping
upper back tight and elbows locked in position. Controlled reps throughout.
SESSION 4: Shoulders and Arms (SARMS)
Bodyweight Pull Ups
8-12, 8-12
Assisted if needed.
Holding onto bar with hands around shoulder width and palms facing forward. Hanging from bar with feet off floor, pull
yourself bringing chin above bar by driving elbows down towards floor. Lower yourself to starting position in controlled
Assisted if needed.
Holding onto bar with hands around shoulder width and palms facing forward. Hanging from bar with feet off floor, pull
yourself bringing chin above bar by driving elbows down towards floor. Lower yourself to starting position in controlled
Bodyweight Pull Ups
8-12, 8-12
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
6-8, 12-15
Hands positioned outside of shoulder width. Slight lean back keeping core engaged and chest out. Driving elbows
down towards lower spine, depressing shoulder blades, bringing bar to collar bones. Return weight with control.
Single-Arm DB Row
6-8, 12-15
Starting with staggered foot position, with working side heel positioned under hip for support. Holding onto stable
surface with opposing arm. Driving elbow back in arch motion towards lower spine, keeping shoulder down and core
engaged throughout.
Chest Supported Upper Back Row
6-8, 12-15
Bench set to a notch or two below verticle, cables set in line with mid chest. Starting with shoulders slightly protracted,
driving weight back with elbows at high angle, retracting shoulders and squeezing back. Keeping torso glued to pad
and chin tucked throughout.
Straght Arm Pull-Down
8-10, 12-15
With cables set high, place hands on a bar approximately shoulder width. Bend at the hips by around 30-degrees. Fully
extend arms in front of you so you can feel a s stretch in your lats. While keeping the arms straight, drive the bar towards
your thighs as if you are the pushing the weight down with your elbows. As you bring your arms down pull back
shoulder blades and push out chest. Squeeze your lats hard at the bottom of the movement with chest out. Slowly
release your lats back to the starting position.
EZ Bar Cable Curl
6-8, 10-15, 10-15
Machine Hip Adductor
6-8, 12-15
Set machine by removing pin and opening hips to as wide as mobility will allow. Keeping hips, knees and back glued to
seat, driving weight in with knees. Controlled reps throughout.
Barbell Back Squat
6-8, 12-15
1. Begin with your abs tightly braced and your ribs pulled downward. Think of using your abs to control the space
between your ribs and the front of your pelvis, and don't let them get further apart as you move 2. Lower down with
your weight in your heels, your feet straight forward, your knees straight over your little toes and abs braced. 3. Squat
upward while maintaining good positioning (knees straight forward, neutral spine, weight through heels.
45 Degree Leg Press (Hip Dominant)
6-8, 12-15
Position your feet mid-high in relation to the size of the platform, at shoulder width, with toes pointing slightly outward.
Pushing through heels, lowering weight as far as you can without compromising lower back or hips, they should always
remain glued to the seat. Once at bottom of rep, engage glutes and drive weight away with your heels.
BB Romanian Deadlift
6-8, 12-15
1. Think of using your abs to control the space between your ribs and the front of your pelvis, and don't let them get
further apart as you move. 2. Push your hips back until you get a light stretch in your hamstrings. 3. Return upward and
lock your hips out while tucking your tailbone downward between your knees. 4. Don't let your lower back arch during
the movement.
Machine Lying Leg Curl
6-8, 12-15
Align knee with axis point of machine. Position heel pad low down below calves. Holding onto handles, driving heels to
glutes whilst keeping hips, thighs and chest glued to pad. Controlled reps.
Machine Seated Leg Extension
6-8, 12-15
Adjust seat to allow slight gap behind knee. Knees shoulder width apart and aligned with hips. Pulling down with
handles to keep hamstrings and back glued to seat. Driving out contracting quad as much as possible. Keep hips glued
down at all times.
Machine Standing Calf Raises
12-15, 12-15, 12-15
Standing half a step away from cable stack, cable set low. Shoulders retracted, palms facing up (supinated) and arms
resting by sides. Driving weight up whilst keeping elbows locked in position and avoiding swinging. Note pause at top
and bottom of rep.
Stand up straight, then drive through the balls of your feet raising heels as high as possible, then lower slowly back to
the start.
Reverse Cable Squats
20-30, 20-30, 20-30
Attach a cable to both feet. Lay in the ground and anchor yourself by holding something behind you. Bring knees to
chest above parallel.