Uploaded by Bismark Simpi

Terminal-and-Bash Scripting Overview

3.3 Sticking to the Script
Overview Day 2
• Discuss three benefits of text processing programs over programming
languages for a security professional
• Use sed to make substitutions to a file.
• Use awk to isolate data points from a complex log file.
Edits the contents of a file using nano
Design an IP lookup shell script by passing arguments
Demo Video (On-gitlab)
• sed
• awk
Shell script
3.3 Sticking to the Script
Activities Day 2
02_warmup : In this activity, you are playing the role of security analyst at
Wonka Corp. You are tasked with gathering additional information specified in
the subpoena – 20 min Suggested
06_sed_activity: In this activity, you are playing the role of security analyst at
Wonka Corp. You are tasked with combining two access logs into a single file,
and then use text processing to make the “failed login” data consistent. – 20
min Suggested
09_awk_activity: In this activity, you are playing the role of security analyst at
Wonka Corp. You are tasked with isolating several fields from the log file to
determine the primary username being used to login. – 20 min Suggested
14_shell_scripting: In this activity, you are playing the role of security analyst
at Wonka Corp You are tasked with using nano to create a shell script with the
awk and sed commands to analyze a log file.. – 25 min Suggested
17_ip_lookup_actitvy: In this activity, you are playing the role of security
analyst at Wonka Corp . You are tasked with designing a script that can look up
countries of several IP addresses pulled from the logs. – 25 min Suggested
3.3 Sticking to the Script
Key Terms Day 2
• Command Definitions: (cut, sed, awk, nano). Please see
slides 18, 27, 50, from student slide deck for more
• cut: A unix command for cutting out the sections from each line of
files and writing the result to standard output. It can be used to cut
parts of a line by byte position, character and field. Basically the cut
command slices a line and extracts the text. It is necessary to specify
option with command otherwise it gives error. If more than one file
name is provided then data from each file is not precedes by its file