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Analog & Digital Signals: Hardware-Software Interface

CSCI-3511: Hardware-Software Interface
Lecture 6: Analog and Digital Signals
Liang He, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, CSE, UCDenver
Digital Signal
The LED, when turned
on, lit up at the constant
What if we want to turn
on the LED, but at
varying brightness?
Control signal: HIGH or LOW voltage
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface
Analog Signal
How do we make Uno output an analog signal?
Any value between 0—5V
We can control the brightness of the
LED using an analog signal
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface
PWM Pins: Use Digital Signal/Pins to Simulate Analog Signal
• Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a method for changing how long
a square wave stays “on”
T = 1/490Hz (or 1/980Hz for pin5 and pin6)
Period (T)
• The on-off behavior changes the average power of the signal
• If signal toggles between on and off quicker than the load, then the
load is not affected by the toggling
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface
Pins of Arduino Uno
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface
Let’s Try analogWrite()
Try to remove this statement
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface
Lab-4: Basic: Controlling LED Brightness Using PWM
• Build the above hard/software components
• Demonstrate the lab to me in class
• If cannot complete in class
• Record a demonstration video of the lab
• Submit the video on Canvas
CSCI 3511: Hardware-Software Interface