IN LAB TASK1: Generate a Continuous time cosine signal and plot it: Sol: t=0:0.01:10; a=cos(t); plot (t,a); xlabel ('Time (s)'); ylabel ('Cos(t)'); title ('CONTINOUS GRAPH'); IN LAB TASK2: Generate a Discrete time exponential signal and plot it: Sol: n=linspace(0,2.5,15); A=1; sig=2; x=A*exp(sig*n); stem(n,x) xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('0.9^n'); title('DISCRETE EXPONENTIAL GRAPH'); IN LAB TASK3: Write a MATLAB program for the ‘running average’, a running total is a sequence of partial sum of a given sequence/signal. For example, the running totals of the signal {a, b, c …} are a, a+b, a+b+c ... Use that program to find the running total of the discrete time signal of length N=100. Write your program so that it is flexible. That is, you should be able to invoke your program from the command window as follows: y=runningaverage(x); Sol: function y=runningaverage(x) sum=0; x=[1:10]; for i=1:10; sum=sum+x(i); y(i)=sum; end Ans = 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 POST LAB TASK1: Write a program to compute the variance and mean of a signal x. The variance σ is defined to be: Sol: x=[1 2 3]; sub=0; a=cumsum(x); sum=a(1,3); l=length(x); mean=sum/l; fprintf('mean is %d',mean); for i=0:length(x)-1 sub=((x(i+1)-mean)^2)+sub; end st=sub/l; variance=sqrt(st) % Self Calculated simulatedVariance=var(x) % Simulated Variance fprintf('The Calculated Variance is " %d " whereas Simulated Variance is " %d "','variance,simulatedVariance'); mean is 2 variance = 0.8165 simulated Variance = 1 POST LAB TASK2: Generate a step sequence u [n], use it to generate impulse as δ [n] = u[n] – u[n-1]: Sol: t=-5:5; unit=t>=0; dunit=(t-1)>=0; tunit=(t>=0)-((t-1)>=0); stem(t,tunit) xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Dirac Delta'); title('Dirac Delta from Heaviside'); POST LAB TASK3: Generate an impulse sequence δ [n], use it to generate a step sequence: Sol: s=5; a=0:s-1; b=ones(1,s); %impulses stem(a,b) xlim([-s s+1]); ylim([0 1.2]) xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Heaviside'); title('Heaviside from Dirac Delta');