Materials Science and Engineering A356 (2002) 32 /36 Precipitation in a Cu Cr Zr alloy / / I.S. Batra *, G.K. Dey, U.D. Kulkarni, S. Banerjee Materials Science Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085, India Received 28 February 2002 Abstract Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations of the early stages of precipitation of a b.c.c. phase in f.c.c. matrix have been carried out in a dilute Cu /Cr /Zr alloy. The initial product of decomposition, characterized by a state of order, which mimics a cube-on-cube orientation relationship (OR) with the matrix appears prior to ordered b.c.c. phase precipitates showing Nishiyama / Wassermann (N /W) OR. # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: Transmission electron microscopy; Copper alloys; Microstructure; Nucleation and growth phase transformations; f.c.c. to b.c.c. transformations 1. Introduction Owing to their excellent thermal conductivity, strength and fatigue resistance, aged dilute Cu /Cr alloys and their minor modifications are considered to be candidate materials for plasma facing components, divertor plates and other heat-transfer elements of future torroids [1 /6]. Precipitation of chromium in dilute binary Cu /Cr alloys [7 /14] has been studied extensively in the last three decades. It was found that copper lattice expands due to the chromium in the solution [15]. Upon precipitation from a Cu /0.3wt.% Cr alloy, the chromium particles were seen by Hall et al. [7] to exhibit with the copper matrix a range of orientation relationships (ORs) from Nishiyama /Wassermann (N / W) to Kurdjumov /Sachs (K /S). Luo et al. [11], however, found that for well-grown Cr particles in a Cu /0.33wt.% Cr alloy, the OR was always close to K / S. This observation was in conformity with the invariant line model proposed earlier by Dahmen [10]. It is also in agreement with the recent model of Kelly and Zhang [13] based on edge-to-edge matching which predicts that, for b values (/baf:c:c: =ab:c:c: ; a0 being the lattice para0 0 meter) in the range 1.2 /1.28, the K /S OR, wherein the * Corresponding author E-mail address: isbatra@aspara.barc.ernet (I.S. Batra). close-packed directions in the two phases, viz. a 1 1 0f.c.c. direction and a 1 1 1b.c.c. direction, are parallel, should be favoured over an N /W type of OR. In the latter OR, a close-packed 1 1 0f.c.c. direction is parallel to a 1 0 0b.c.c. direction along which the interatomic spacing is about 1.15 times larger than closepacked 1 1 1b.c.c.. However, the crystal structure as well as the OR of nano-sized chromium particles, during the very initial stages of precipitation, continued to be an enigma for a long time until the related controversies were finally resolved by Fuji et al. [14]. The crystal structure of the chromium particles was established to be b.c.c. even for particle sizes smaller than 10 nm. Also, two distinct ORs between the chromium particles and the copper matrix were found */one near K/S and the other near N/W. After prolonged aging, only the K/S particles remained in the copper matrix. The relative stability of the two types of particles could also be explained by geometrical considerations. In contrast to these detailed studies on Cu /Cr alloys, similar studies [16 /18] related to morphology, composition and crystallography of precipitates in Cu /Cr /Zr alloys have been very few. A number of reports, however, exist on the evaluation of these alloys for their end uses [1,2,19]. These pertain to various aspects of these alloys, such as physical and mechanical properties, corrosion and irradiation behaviour and brazing and joining. In 0921-5093/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 5 0 9 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 8 5 2 - 3 I.S. Batra et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A356 (2002) 32 /36 investigations [16] related to the substructure of these alloys, precipitates with lobe /lobe contrast and fringes parallel to the diffraction vector have been seen. Tang et al. [17] have identified the precipitates in a slightly modified Cu /Cr/Zr /Mg alloy to be Cu4Zr and CrCu2(Zr,Mg). To further understand the early stages of precipitation in these alloys, an alloy having a nominal composition of Cu /1wt.% Cr /0.1wt.% Zr was examined in the present work using conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) as well as high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Addition, as small as 0.1 wt.%, of Zr was seen to drastically alter the process of precipitation. The precipitates in their early stages of formation were found to possess an ordered f.c.c. structure with a cube-oncube OR with the copper matrix. 2. Experimental To prepare Cu /Cr /Zr alloy of the desired composition, small pieces of oxygen-free high conductivity copper, electrolytic chromium and iodide zirconium, weighed in an appropriate ratio, were melted together in an induction furnace in a yttria-lined graphite crucible. High-purity argon was used as a protective atmosphere in the induction unit. The ingot weighing approximately 500 g was cut and cold-rolled to a thickness of 0.4 mm. For TEM studies, a small piece of 0.4 mm thick strip was further rolled to 0.2 mm thickness and then chemically thinned to 0.1 mm thickness in a solution of 5% HF, 45% HNO3 and 50% distilled water. Small pieces from this strip were encapsulated in quartz in helium, solutionized at 1000 8C for 1 h and then water quenched by breaking the capsule. These pieces were again encapsulated in helium, aged at 480 8C for 5 h and water quenched. Discs of 3 mm in diameter were punched out of these aged pieces, mechanically thinned to about 0.07 mm and then jet thinned at room temperature in a solution having a ratio of 75 g chromic oxide, 375 ml acetic acid and 20 ml distilled water. Voltage, during electrolytic polishing, was maintained at about 50 V. The thinning process was terminated with the help of a photocell. Prior to loading in TEM, the jetthinned discs were ion-milled in a Gaton Duomill for about 10 min to remove the surface oxide. These foils were examined in a JEOL 2000 FX microscope operating at 200 kV. HRTEM examinations were carried out at 300 kV in a JEOL 3010 microscope having a point-topoint resolution of 0.21 nm. 3. Results and discussion Precipitation in alloys of similar composition is known to have a bimodal distribution of precipitate 33 sizes [16]. The coarse precipitates are the ones that form during solidification of the alloy and do not dissolve during solutionizing treatment as the Cr content of the alloy is in excess of the equilibrium solubility. The finer precipitates are the ones that form due to decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution during aging. The onset of decomposition of the supersaturated matrix is characterized by the appearance of a mottled contrast as seen in Fig. 1(a). In Fig. 1(c) and (d), [1 1 0]f.c.c. and [1 1 1]f.c.c. SADPs from this region are shown with their keys in Fig. 1(e) and (f), respectively. From these, it appears that the initial decomposition product has an ordered f.c.c. structure with a cube-oncube OR with the matrix. Superlattice reflections arising from ordering can be seen midway between the {2 2 0} reflections of the product and the transmitted spot. This would imply solute enrichment on alternate {2 2 0}f.c.c. planes. It also has the effect of dilating d2 2 0 of the precipitate vis-à-vis that of the matrix giving rise to a tetragonal distortion of the f.c.c. matrix. The [3 1 0]f.c.c. pattern shown in Fig. 1(b) also reinforces the view that an apparent cube-on-cube OR exists between the matrix and the initial decomposition product. An important observation in SADPs in Fig. 1(c) and (d) is that the reflections due to the decomposition product exhibit distinct streaking in specific directions. Ordinarily, a true cube-on-cube OR, between the parent and the product, would not be expected to give rise to different orientational variants. It, therefore, appears that the streaking seen in the patterns in Fig. 1(c) and (d) is a consequence of the strain arising in the matrix due to the formation of the ordered product phase in a very fine state of subdivision. Indication of such coherency strains in the matrix is obvious in the form of a mottled contrast in Fig. 1(a). Such strains can influence the geometry of the decomposition product and account for the observed streaking. A large number of fine clusters of the ordered product in various orientations lead to the observed SADPs with the overall cube-on-cube OR as well as the streaking. The [1 0 0]f.c.c. SADP shown in Fig. 2(a) appears to correspond to a more advanced stage of decomposition in that all the reflections expected in a cube-on-cube OR are not seen. Streaks oriented along 1 1 0* directions as well as condensation of streaks into reflections of a second phase can also be seen. A faint superlattice reflection (marked by an arrow in SADP) can also be seen midway between one of these reflections and the transmitted spot. This indicates that the product phase here is also ordered. The only common feature between Fig. 2(a) and SADP in Fig. 1(c) and (d) is the arrangement of spots along 2 2 0* directions. Associated with {2 2 0}f.c.c. reflections are streaked spots of the decomposition product and also a superlattice reflection lying midway between the latter and the transmitted spot. A similar arrangement of spots along 34 I.S. Batra et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A356 (2002) 32 /36 Fig. 1. (a) BF micrograph showing mottled contrast in the initial stages of decomposition, (b) [3 1 0], (c) [1 1 0], (d) [1 1 1] SADPs showing extra reflections from the ordered f.c.c. product phase having a cube-on-cube OR with the f.c.c. matrix, (e) key to (c) and (f) key to (d). Keys (e) and (f) show positions of the fundamental (/) and superlattice (m) reflections from the product and f.c.c. matrix reflections ( ). All other reflections in (c) and (d) arise due to double diffraction. 2 2 0* direction would also be expected in the case of an ordered b.c.c. (having B2-type structure) exhibiting an N/W type of OR with the f.c.c. matrix. The [1 1 2]f.c.c. SADP with faint b.c.c. spots forming an entire reciprocal lattice section and exhibiting N /W OR between the matrix and the ordered B2 (CsCl type) precipitates from some regions of the foil is shown in Fig. 2(b) with the relevant key in Fig. 2(c). A B2-type I.S. Batra et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A356 (2002) 32 /36 35 Fig. 2. (a) [1 0 0] SADP from the solutionized plus aged alloy showing streaks along 1 1 0* around the f.c.c. reflections. These arise due to the solute segregation in the initial stages of the decomposition process. The streaks can also be seen to have condensed into reflections of the second phase. A superlattice reflection midway between such a spot and the transmitted spot has been marked by an arrow, (b) [1 1 2] SADP from the matrix showing extra reflections from the ordered b.c.c. precipitates. The two phases appear to follow the N /W OR, and (c) key to (b) showing positions of the fundamental (D) and superlattice (k) reflections from the b.c.c. precipitates and f.c.c. matrix reflections ( ). Distinct precipitates showing lines of no contrast can be seen in the BF micrograph in (d). phase can undergo further ordering to form a CuMnAl2-type ternary ordered structure. The existence of such an ordered phase has been reported by Tang et al. [17] in quaternary Cu /Cr /Zr/Mg. This, however, could not be ascertained in the present case. Fine but distinct precipitates of the ordered b.c.c. phase could be seen in these regions (Fig. 2(d)). Some of these precipitates can be seen to exhibit a line of no contrast arising due to the elastic strain associated with them. The fact that the lines of no contrast from these precipitates show various orientations strengthens the observation that these precipitates have already acquired the b.c.c. structure [14,20]. In contrast to this, the initial decomposition product exhibits only a mottled contrast (Fig. 1(a)). Subtle differences are observed between the transformation sequence here and that observed in Cu /2wt.% Be alloy [21] */another system showing B2 precipitation in f.c.c. Cu */in that pronounced streaking in 1 0 0* directions is observed in Cu /Be in the initial stages of decomposition. Fine precipitates of the ordered b.c.c. phase (shown in Fig. 2(d)) with a lobe /lobe contrast can also be seen in the HRTEM micrograph in Fig. 3 showing clear Fig. 3. HRTEM micrograph depicting (2 0 0)Cu lattice fringes, particles with lobe /lobe contrast showing Moiré fringes parallel to the lines of no contrast can be seen. The Moiré fringes as well as the lines of no contrast appear to be present in two perpendicular orientations along 1 1 0. (2 0 0)f.c.c. lattice fringes. The parallel Moiré fringes, around the line of no contrast, having a spacing of about 0.8 mm arise from the small difference in dspacing of a {2 2 0}f.c.c. reflection and that of the 36 I.S. Batra et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A356 (2002) 32 /36 associated fundamental spot of the ordered B2 phase. The lines of no contrast as well as the Moiré fringes were found to be parallel to 1 1 0f.c.c. directions and at an angle of 458 to [1 0 0]f.c.c.. A sequence of evolutionary stages during the decomposition of the Cu /1wt.% Cr /0.1wt.% Zr alloy is apparent from the results presented above. The initial decomposition product appears to have an ordered f.c.c. structure with unit cell size larger than that of the matrix. It possesses a cube-on-cube OR with the matrix and appears to be a vital step in the overall process of decomposition. In this respect, the decomposition in this alloy appears to be similar to that in Cu /Be /Co alloy system [22], in both the cases dimensional changes brought about by ordering facilitate the formation of the b.c.c. phase. The enlargement of d2 2 0 of f.c.c. on ordering to d2 0 0 of the b.c.c. precipitates appears to promote the development of the N/W OR. However, the atomistic processes involved in the transformation could not be clearly established in this investigation. 4. Conclusions An important effect of the addition of a small amount of zirconium in dilute Cu /Cr alloys appears to be on the precipitation sequence. In contrast to the precipitation sequence in binary Cu /Cr alloys, addition of zirconium was found to promote the formation of ordered f.c.c. solute-rich clusters, which eventually transformed into ordered b.c.c. precipitates. Acknowledgements The authors thank Mrs. P. Agashe for the photographic work and Mrs. A.B. Menon for typing the manuscript. References [1] S.L. 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