PEAC 2017-2018 In-Service Training (INSET) for Junior High School Administrators in Private Schools STANDARDS-BASED SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDE I. SELF-ASSESSMENT OF ITEMS IN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Directions: Based on inputs from the related session, answer the following part by part. For example, after the session on Instruction, answer only part I on Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction. Read the items in each Area and give the appropriate rating based on its existence and use in operations. Place a check mark under the appropriate column. Then in the last column, explain possible causes for your rating. After writing the reasons, go to the school improvement plan table portion and answer the items for the areas that your school needs to have or improve on. When thinking of actions and outputs, keep in mind the importance of having observable evidences or indicators. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN STANDARDS A. PHILOSOPHY, VISION, MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM 1 A clear, unique, wellaligned, active and living statement of philosophy, vision, mission, goal and objectives 2 A philosophy that expresses the school community’s shared values and beliefs about education and student learning 2 DONE AND CONSISTENTLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK 1 PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK 0 NOT DONE REASON FOR RATING 3 School goals and objectives that are supportive of the Philippine K12 educational system and are consistent with national and global development goals 4 A program that disseminates to and orients the school community on the importance and meaning of the philosophy, vision, mission, goals and objectives 5 A system involving the participation of various stakeholders for reviewing and revising when appropriate the philosophy, vision, mission, goals and objectives IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM 1 A system for designing a curriculum map that is aligned with the philosophy, vision, mission, goals and objectives 2 A system for designing a curriculum map that is based on the K12 Curriculum Guide’s standards and competencies and unpacks the K12 standards and competencies in different ways in all subjects. 3 A system for horizontal alignment between standards, competencies, assessment, B. CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: 2 1 0 DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SCHOOL WORK SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK REASON FOR RATING instruction and resources in all the learning units. 4 A system for vertical learning progressions across the different grade levels of the junior high school. 5 A system for reviewing, revising and updating the curriculum map 6 A system for checking how assessments and instructional materials and learning plans are standards-based and adequately prepared. 7 A system that monitors and evaluates student performance of the curriculum map’s standards and competencies. Student data is continuously gathered and used to make decisions on curriculum development, assessment and instruction. 8 A program that ensures teachers use varied research-based and learner-centered strategies in the classroom for active and engaged student learning. 9 A program that enables teachers to formulate different interventions based on formative assessment, particularly for struggling students. 10 A program that trains teachers to incorporate in their learning plans the school’s visionmission, teaching of 21st century skills, the use of real world situations, intersubject integration, and the use of technology 11 A system that enables teachers and concerned staff to select and acquire instructional resources that are aligned with the curriculum map’s standards and competencies IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM 1 A professional development plan for the school leaders and academic coordinators that provides for their professional development and updates them on current trends in curriculum development, teaching and learning and school management. 2 A system that regularly reports data on student performance to the school leader and enables the school leader in turn to recommend corresponding interventions C. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: 2 1 0 DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SCHOOL WORK SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK REASON FOR RATING 3 A system that ensures continuous improvement of the curriculum and instruction and its incorporation in an annual school improvement plan 4 A program that actively communicates to various stakeholders the school’s VisionMission and K12 standards and directions and school’s development of innovations in curriculum development, assessment and instruction. 5 A system that ensures teacher’s timely access to and use of instructional resources, facilities materials and equipment 6. A program for coaching and mentoring faculty in the teaching and learning of the K12 standards and integration of the school’s Vision and Mission 7. A system for monitoring and evaluating the extent of alignment of the curriculum and instruction with the school’s philosophy vision, mission, goals and objectives. IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM 1. A system for recruiting, screening and hiring qualified and licensed teachers 2. A system for ensuring assignment of teachers’ loads compliant with Dep Ed requirements 3 A Faculty Manual defining faculty functions, duties and responsibilities, benefits and privileges that is accepted, published and welldisseminated. 4 A faculty development plan designed to help teachers achieve professional growth in the seven domains D. FACULTY Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: 2 1 0 DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SCHOOL WORK SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK REASON FOR RATING and meet the standards of the 2017Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. 5. A faculty supervisory plan that monitors and evaluates teachers’ instructional effectiveness and use of the standards in curriculum development, assessment and instruction 6 A program that enables teachers to organize and participate in Professional Learning Communities for collaborative work and better student learning 7 A program that provides teachers with different opportunities for coaching, mentoring and peer observation 8 A system that recognizes and rewards outstanding teacher performance, initiative and creativity 9. A system of orienting teachers on the latest memos, circulars, and orders from the Dep Ed or Professional Regulations Commission or PRC. IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM 1 Key non-teaching personnel that provide academic support and services such as Registrar, Librarian and Guidance and the medical and dental staff are licensed or qualified according to national standards and are adequate to the size of the student population. 2. A system of admission and enrolment that is established and welldisseminated. 3. A holistic, responsive and differentiated guidance and counseling program that addresses the E. ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: 2 1 0 DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SCHOOL WORK SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK REASON FOR RATING students’ academic, personal and career needs, collaboratively implemented with parents and teachers. 4. A developmental career guidance program that provides students with adequate knowledge and experience about the world of work and potential careers 5 A program for inventory and testing services to gather information on students’ psychological and emotional make-up, academic progress and difficulties and occupational and career interests. 6 A program for monitoring and following-up on student academic progress 7 A system for formulating and implementing the Homeroom program in line with the school guidance program 8 A handbook or manual of the different policies and operations in each unit supporting academic services 9. A student handbook stipulating policies on students’ rights, responsibilities and decorum, school student provisions and school discipline policy that is published, distributed and well-disseminated to all students, parents and personnel. 10. A system for reviewing and updating the student handbook consistent with school’s visionmission and with the latest legal provisions 11. A system for obtaining and considering student and parental feedback in the preparation of the different handbooks and manuals of the different academic support offices. 12. A professional development program that provides for the different staff of the different academic support offices opportunities for professional growth and advancement and membership in professional organizations. 13. A holistic student activities co- and extra-curricular program that supports students’ learning of the K12 standards 14. A system for selection, acquisition, management and development of library, IMC and digital learning resources towards accessibility, and optimism/maximum utilization by students and faculty in and instructional activities and research. 15. A student Activity Program which includes co- and extra – curricular program which is holistic and supportive of student learning of the K to 12 standards. 16. A system that provides varied and accessible Library Services responsive to classroom instruction needs such as: library orientation, leisure reading, individual study and research, etc. 17. A system that provides adequate space, holdings, fixtures and operational procedures that comply with established Library – IMC management standards. 18. A system for providing in the library a wide and balanced collection of students’ references and professional books in the different subjects and disciplines and other print and non-print instructional materials collaboratively selected by the students, teachers & academic teams. 19. A system for the laboratories (Science, TLE and Computer) that provides adequate equipment, tools and supplies and laboratory fixtures (demonstration tables, electrical and water fittings, fume hoods where needed, first – aid kit, shower, etc) which conform to the minimum requirements of the DepEd and the needs of the programs offered. 20. A system for management of materials and equipment of the laboratories towards efficient and effective operational delivery: requisition, inventory, labelling and display, dispensing, etc. IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE F. PHYSICAL PLANT AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT FACILITIES Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: IMPROVEMENT 2 1 0 PLAN ITEM DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SCHOOL WORK SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK 1. A system that guides the design construction and maintenance of different school facilities in line with National Building Code standards for size, safety & security, environment protection, etc. 2. A system for providing adequate space and materials and equipment procurement, repair and maintenance for instructional support facilities such as Science laboratories, Computer laboratories, TLE laboratories and others to ensure enhancement of learning encounters. 3. A school facilities development plan that REASON FOR RATING provides for the growth and improvement of different learning spaces and addresses varied needs for student learning 4. A system for providing adequate space and procuring equipment and supplies necessary for delivering emergency medical and dental services and conducting annual check-ups 5. A system for ensuring proper health and sanitation of the school community: canteen or nutrition center, drinking facilities, comfort rooms and play areas. 6. A system for ensuring the academic community’s safety and disaster preparedness in all the buildings, classrooms and facilities IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM 1. A rationalized and functional organizational chart and system that clearly shows the names of officers occupying different positions, their areas of responsibilities and accountabilities and relationship of offices with each other 2. A system that ensures compliance with DepEd, SEC, DOLE and other legislated requirements and established policies, processes and procedures towards effective and efficient school management G. ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNANCE Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: 2 1 0 DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH OTHER SCHOOL WORK SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK REASON FOR RATING and operations. 3. A system for providing meaningful participation by and consultation with different internal and external stakeholders in various decisions and for the accomplishment of the school’s visionmission and strategic plans 4. A manual on school policies, processes and procedures that is published, welldistributed and distributed. 5. A system for supporting the departments’ academic programs and professional development of all personnel 6. A system for checking on and responding to the different expectations of varied stakeholders. 7. A program for promoting a collaborative culture among the different sectors and stakeholders of the academic community 8. A program of succession and preparation for future school leaders and administrators 9. A system that ensures the smooth transfer of responsibilities, properties and documents during changes in management 10. A system that ensures the security, accessibility and confidentiality of all school records and documents 11. A system of stewardship of school resources 12. A compensation policy that provides salaries and benefits and is compliant with existing labor laws and other legislations. IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE H. BUDGET AND FINANCE Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: IMPROVEMENT 2 1 0 PLAN ITEM DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH SCHOOL WORK OTHER SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK 1. A school financial manual approved by the Board of Trustees that sets the appropriate fiscal and accounting policies and systematic procedures that ensure the effective and efficient delivery of varied services 2. A system for collaboratively preparing the annual budget proposal 3. A system for preparing quarterly budget monitoring performance reports and distributing the reports according to policy guidelines 4. A system for ensuring that budget proposal items and procurement REASON FOR RATING and requisition procedures support the achievement of the Standards-based School Improvement Plan 5. A system for ensuring that all incomes from tuition & all other fees, and donations are properly utilized according to the purposes they are collected. 6. A system for ensuring that all accounting, budgeting and financial reporting procedures follow national standards 7. A system for generating revenue and raising funds from school and outside school sources IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE I. SCHOOL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM Current school policies, programs and operations in this area show the following: 2 1 0 DONE AND PARTIALLY DONE; CERTAIN NOT DONE CONSISTENTLY PARTS ARE INCOMPLETE OR APPLIED IN INCONSISTENT WITH SCHOOL WORK OTHER SECTIONS; PARTIALLY APPLIED IN SCHOOL WORK 1. A system of on – going process for improvement that aligns the school vision – mission and goals with its size, function and community expectations for student learning. 2. A three-year standards-based school improvement plan that covers all areas of school operations 3. An annual operational plan drawn from the standards-based school improvement plan 4. A system that utilizes student performance indicators and provides feedback for different stakeholders on the over-all school effectiveness and impact REASON FOR RATING of school planning 5. A system for collaboratively monitoring and evaluating the results of the annual operational plan and the standardsbased school improvement plan 6. A system for communicating the content and results of the school improvement plan to different stakeholders IMPROVEMENT PLAN ITEM SMART GOALS OUTPUT ACTION STEPS TIME PERIOD MONITORING SYSTEM PERSON IN CHARGE BUDGET AND BUDGET SOURCE