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Note-Taking Checklist for Students

Note-Taking Checklist
Name (on Notebook or Margin):
1. Yes ___________
No ___________
Teacher Name (on Notebook)
2. Yes ___________
No ___________
Text Name & Date:
3. Yes ___________
No ___________
Handwriting is legible:
4. Yes ___________
No ___________
Notes include Page #s and Headings
5. Yes ___________
No ___________
Notes use abbreviations or symbols.
6. Yes ___________
No ___________
7. Yes ___________
No ___________
Sufficient space between main ideas:
8. Yes ___________
No ___________
Questions include some higher-level thinking:
9. Yes ___________ No ___________
Key Terms for each section are listed within
the notes?
10. Yes ___________
No ___________
Questions demonstrate that some further
reading/research may be needed and that futher
Connections are being made to the issue:
11. Yes ___________
No ___________
Notes are complete and cover each section
presented in the text
12. Yes ___________
No ___________
There are 3-5 main ideas per section
13. Yes____________
Notes are well organized:
The main ideas stand out by highlighting,
lettering, numbering, bulleting, indenting, etc.
Comments and suggestions: