Protista Review – Active Participation Clade Excavata Unique Characteristics Excavated feeding groove Many flagella SAR Clade: Stramenopiles: Chlorophyll Present? Structure? Locomotion? Unicellular Possess flagella Examples 1. Diplomonads - Giardia 2. Parabasalids - Trichomonas 3. Euglenozoa - Euglena 1. Golden-brown Algae 2. Diatoms Human Uses/Diseases/Issues Diatomaceous earth; filtration 3. Brown Algae Kelp – food products 1. Dinoflagellates 2. Apicomplexans 3. Ciliates SAR Clade: Alveolates SAR Clade: Rhizarians 1. Forams 2. Cercozoans 3. Radiolarians Agar, dulse, Irish moss Archaeplastids: Red Algae Clade Archaeplastids: Chlorophytes Unique Characteristics Chlorophyll Present? Structure? Locomotion? Examples 1. Unicellular algae - Chlamydomonous 2. Colonial algae - Volvox, Gonium 3. Filamentous algae - Spyrogyra, Ulothrix 4. Multicellular algae - Ulva Closer to mosses than algae? Closest relative of land plants Archeaplastids: Charophytes Unikonta: Slime Molds 1. Amoeba proteus Unikonta: Tubulinids Human Uses/Issues Clade Unique Characteristics Chlorophyll Present? Structure? Locomotion? Examples Human Uses/Issues Unikonta: Entamoebas Closest relative to Fungi Unikonta: Nucleariids Closest relative to Sponges/Animals Unikonta: Choanoflagellates