Name: Magnet Computer Science Period: Puzzle Tuesdays – Word Puzzles are Fun! Date: (Assignment name: PTA14A) Algorithm for this assignment 1. Use this document to write responses to questions and problems from this activity. 2. Type the following: Your name, your period, the date 3. Answer the questions/solve the problems that appear below 4. When you are done Save your response document to the desktop NAME it : #-ClassName-PTA14A-Last,First, and close Word. (Remember # means period number, course title, and your name, as appropriate). 5. Copy your response document from the desktop into your personal, digital box. 6. Turn-in your work to Mr. Gonzalez’s Careful, effective reading is closely tied to clear, effective thinking! Problem 0 Word Plexers are word-base puzzles that describe a word or phrase without actually spelling it out. For example, if given the Word Plexer KCART, the answer would be “backtrack” since it is the word track spelled backwards. Solve the Word Plexers below; write your answer I your response document. ANSWERS 1 2 3 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. 4 5 6 _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________ 7. _________________________________________ 7 8 9 8. _________________________________________ 9. _________________________________________