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Argumentative Writing: Thesis, Paragraphs, & Inversions

*Living in a smaller city benefits the residents in many ways.
*less stress / less pollution / lower life expenses
*Elementary school teachers influence the students more
than parents do.
*Only those who live in tropical countries are the happiest in
the world.
* All the people who live in colder temperatures suffer from
depression. ⇒ SAD ⇒ Seasonal Affective Disorder
*All video games cause teenagers to be violent and can be a
big problem in high schools.
*Immigrating to another country is the best choice in life for
ALL professionals.
*Only those who attend university will be successful people
in life.
*All people in a society with any range of income should pay
*Life in a small city benefits the residents because
those cities are less polluted, less stressful and
have lower life expenses.
Some argumentative topics on
1. Humans and their activities are the only reasons behind climate
2. Electric cars can stop air pollution all together in a big city.
3. Deforestation should be banned in all parts of the world.
4. All the people around the world should stop consuming red
5. Humans all around the world can rely on the use of clean
6. Big international chain restaurants should be banned from
tourist locations all around the world.
7. All countries can handle and manage the use of nuclear energy
as their primary energy source.
Now, there is ONE more use to inversions and it is for
more emphasis in a sentence. If our sentence begins
with a negative word, we need to change the format of
the sentence to a question form. It is just the format.
The sentence is still a sentence, not a question. Some
examples of negative words are “never, rarely, seldom, not
until, hardly, hardly ever, barely, not only and little.”
Not only did Michael report the accident, but also
he cooperated with the police.
Not only does Sarah know French, but also she
speaks Korean.
*In academic writing, use of inversions can be effective for
making an argument. It adds one more layer of emphasis and
importance to what the argumentative topic wants to claim.
Here are some examples in an argumentative essay:
*Never can video games be beneficial for young children.
Video games can never be beneficial for young children.
*Seldom are young professionals attracted to live in small cities.
*Young professionals are seldom attracted to life in a small city.
*Not only are university graduates more successful, but also they
make more money than others.
*University graduates are more successful. Also, they make more
Background connects the hook to the thesis statement
Providing readers with background on the topic allows them to better understand the issue being
presented. This information provides context and history that can be crucial to explaining and arguing
your point. For example, if you are arguing that there should never be capital punishment in any
country, your background can include information about the history of countries with or without the
capital punishment and a quick analysis of how they were / are doing.
What to include in my background?
a) Some explanation or background information /
history about your topic ( 3-4 sentences)
b) Why this topic matters ⇒ This topic matters
because …. (1-2 sentence)
Background ⇒ Online classes have become more and more popular
in the last decade. These classes require a stable internet
connection and a smart device.This topic matters because with the
COVID-19 pandemic, almost all classes all around the world have
gone online. Hasti’s thesis: Online classes are always beneficial
because they are cheaper and they do not waste students’ time on
the commute.
*Imagine this thesis appeared in our intro:
Thesis statement: Video games have an adverse impact
on the lives of children, since they cause aggressive
behavior and result in waste of time.
1) Topic sentence: A sentence that clearly explains what the
paragraph is about. Simultaneously, it is related to the thesis
statement too.
Topic sentence 1⇒ Video games may prevent children
from fully understanding their school subjects. ⇒
This topic sentence is ??? Is this related to the
thesis? NO ⇒ If you have wittren the first sentence
of your paragraph in a way that does NOT go with
your thesis, that whole paragraph is irrelevant.
Topic sentence 2 ⇒ Children might spend more than 5
or 6 hours a day playing computer games and they
may not even notice the passing of time. ⇒ This
topic sentence is correct, since it goes back to one
aspect of the thesis statement.
2) Analysis or support ⇒ 3-4 sentences ⇒ find each
key word in the topic sentence and analyze it fully.
⇒ topic sentence⇒ Children might spend more than 5
or 6 hours a day playing computer games and they
may not even notice the passing of time. ⇒ Support
or analysis ⇒ Nowadays, there are many new
possibilities in the world of video games. Children
can connect to the internet and play with one
another even if they are not in each other’s house.
This causes the students’ excitement and further
enthusiasm in playing games and playing it
together. If there is not any monitoring by parents,
the children can spend hours playing video games
together remotely.
3) A quotation? To support what you have mentioned
so far.
“In 2019, Children in the US showed poor school
performance, since most of their time was mainly
wasted on computer games” (Greene, 2019, 34).
After your quotation ⇒ One sentence to connect your quotation to
the main idea of the paragraph is (are) needed.
● The way this quote relates to the main idea is ….
● Considering this quote, one can understand that ….
● This quote/sentence/quotation is connected to the
main idea because ….
● What the author of this sentence means is that …
*** What the author of this sentence means is that
videogames have had destructive effects on the
children’s school work in the US and it has
caused them to waste their time significantly.
A concluding sentence => to summarize the idea of that paragraph.
This sentence can be very short.
● In brief ….
● In conclusion,
● In short, …
● To conclude, …
● In summary
To summarize
*** In brief, video games are responsible for wasting a
considerable amount of time in a child’s daily
**Never ever can we start or finish a body paragraph using a
quotation. **
Hasti’s first body paragraph with a quotation ( ⇒
Argument 1)
(Topic sentence) ⇒ Children might spend more than 5 or 6 hours a
day playing computer games and they may not even notice the
passing of time.(Analysis) ⇒ Nowadays, there are many new
possibilities in the world of video games. Children can connect to
the internet and play with one another even if they are not in each
other’s house. This causes the students’ excitement and further
enthusiasm in playing games and playing it together. If there is not
any monitoring by parents, the children can spend hours playing
video games together remotely. (A quote to support my point) ⇒ “In
2020, Children in the US showed poor school performance, since
most time is mainly wasted on computer games” (Greene, 2019, 34).
(A sentence to support my quote) ⇒ What the author of this
sentence means is that videogames have had destructive effects on
the children’s school work in the US and it has caused them to
waste their time significantly. (A summarizing sentence) ⇒ In brief,
video games are responsible for wasting a considerable amount of
time in a child’s daily schedule.
reasons why the consumptio
Now, please look at your thesis. You have 2 reasons in it. Choose one
of them. Add a sentence here about one reason of your thesis. This
will be the first sentence of your body paragraph 1.
Ivonne: Foreigners into a new culture are always experiencing new
ways to do different things tasks / activities and create a new life.
This necessity to adapt to a new culture allows them to imagine more
situations to solve some problems, for example
Sandra: The Covid-19 pandemic pushed many universities and
students into online education without sufficient preparation.
Carolina: The reason why the consumption of this kind of food can be
a problem, for example in your body, it takes around 3 days to digest
the meat and the body expend a lot of energy working on this.
Employee's productivity and efficiency increase considerably when
one has a work environment full of peace and tranquility.
Iremar :The land value depends on the amount of green it has, especially when
properties are close to older trees, for example two houses with the same
dimension can be expensier if a tree is in the property than the one who does
not have it.
Xoshil: Over the history the United Nations has had more failures than
successes in dealing with crises such as wars.
Sebastian: Those who attend university have more chances to be
successful in life because it will prepare you to experience
circumstances similar to those you will face in a work environment.
Satoko : One of the reasons why nuclear energy is much prefered is
the capability of generating huge electricity electoricity with a small
amount of fuel.
With the increase of the world population, the consumption of red
meat has increased considerably in the last decades. Studies prove
that eating 100g of red meat a day is enough to increase in 20% the
risk of serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
With the Internet, we one can free themselves ourselves from
physical places and join us in thematic communities that are not tied
to any specific place. Therefore, society is now globalized and
networked by new technologies.
Pang: Assisted suicide should be legal due to the fact that
Body paragraph 1 : Human rights necessary for maintaining personal dignity.
People can choose whether to continue living or not, for example patients with
chronic diseases such as end stage cancer there is no medicine for treatment. In
addition, a number of patients are living with chronic pain and they are
requesting painkillers all the time.
Body paragraph 2: regarded as a helpful family for reducing stress.