Name: ________________________________________________Period: _____ Blackout Poetry What is it? Blackout poetry focuses on rearranging words to create a different meaning. Also known as newspaper blackout poetry, the author uses a permanent marker to cross out or eliminate whatever words or images he sees as unnecessary or irrelevant to the effect he's seeking to create. The central idea is to devise a completely new text from previously published words and images, which the reader is free to interpret as he wishes. Source: Objective: I can create a new text from an existing text by identifying successive key words that form a new idea or text and eliminating all of the remaining words AND identifying and using figurative and/or sensory language and details to convey my new idea. MN State Standard: Write creative texts to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, precise words and phrases, and figurative and/or sensory language to convey the experiences or events. Ideas/Sources of Original Text: Newspaper—page or article Favorite novel or short story Magazine page Past work of yours— such as: abandoned or complimentary to an existing story you wrote Other ideas? _____________________ Blackout Techniques: Circle words Box words Make interesting shapes around words (e.g., blobs) Create rivers by making white lines that connect words Isolate punctuation (e.g., exclamation points, periods) for developing mood or tone Isolate sentences and/or phrases (not just individual words) Isolate words that are in keeping with the theme of the story and/or Isolate words that have nothing to do with the theme of the story Source: Visual Tutorials: What is a Blackout Poem? How to! How to Write a Blackout Poem using your iPad More Blackout Poetry as an art form Rubric Criteria Exemplary Proficient Basic Proficient Progressing Technique Expertly uses the technique for the poetry form. Creatively created a new text from another source using artistic methods unique to the poetry form. Uses a variety of artistic mediums and techniques. Competently uses the technique for the poetry form. Creatively created a new text from another source using methods unique to the poetry form. Uses more than one artistic mediums and techniques. Attempted to use the technique for the poetry form. Uses the basic technique of blackout, but may not have created an end product of a new text. Precise Words Expertly uses precise words and phrases, telling details, figurative and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the theme, experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. A clear theme is present in the end product. The theme is relevant to the original text. Competently uses precise words and phrases, telling details, figurative and sensory language to convey a picture of the theme, experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. A theme is present in the end product. The theme may or may not be relevant to the original text. Adequately uses the technique for the poetry form. Created a new text from another source using methods unique to the poetry form. Uses basic methods of simple blackout. Adequately uses precise words and phrases, telling details, figurative and sensory language to convey the theme, experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. The end product may not make sense to the reader. The theme may or may not be relevant to the original text. Figurative or Sensory Language Write your finished poem here: Attempted to use precise words and phrases, telling details, figurative and sensory language to convey the theme, experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. The end product does not make sense to the reader. There is not a recognizable theme. No Evidence Did not use technique. Did not use language to convey meaning. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Theme: _____________________________________________________________ Relevance to original text: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________