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Ključ u ruke INŽ KOMORA

Serbian Chamber of Engineers
Inženjerska komora Srbije
Belgrade, 2008
Poštovani korisnici,
Ovo je prvo izdanje tzv. Narandžaste knjige na srpskom govornom području. U njoj
se nalazi aktuelni celovit tekst standardnog FIDIC ugovora za projektovanje-izgradnju po sistemu „ključ u ruke”, odnosno za isporuku potpuno opremljenih objekata
spremnih za eksploataciju. Ne postoje univerzalno prihvaćene definicije izraza
„projektovanje-izgradnja” i „ključ u ruke”, osim činjenice da u oba slučaja izvođač
snosi potpunu odgovornost za projekt. O strukturi, načinu i varijantama njegove
primene više u predgovoru koji sledi.
Podsećamo, krajem januara 2008. publikovali smo drugo, ispravljeno izdanje
Crvene knjige ( uslovi ugovaranja za građevinske radove), a sredinom 2007. prvo
izdanje tzv. Žute knjige (uslovi ugovaranja za elektro i mašinske radove). U toku
je prevođenje i priprema za štampu i četvrte, tzv. Bele knjige u kojoj je publikovan
FIDIC ugovor na relaciji Naručilac/Investitor – konsultant kao i priprema drugog,
ispravljenog izdanja Žute knjige.
Sve navedene obrasce ugovora publikujemo uz podršku Inženjerske komore Srbije
i ogranka britanske inženjering kompanije Mace u Beogradu, koja je nosilac licence
za srpsko jezičko područje. Verujemo da ćemo u istom aranžmanu nastaviti da pratimo sve promene u navedenim ugovorima i da vas o tome obaveštavamo.
Ovo je prilika da vas obavestimo da u našoj ponudi postoje i dve tematski srodne
pu­blikacije sa prevodima, dva aktuelna vodiča Evropske komisije:
Praktični vodič za ugovorne procedure u kontekstu akcija u zemljama van EU
(Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions), sa­či­njen 2006. i
Vodič za upravljanje ciklusom projekta (Project Cycle Management Guide­lines), inovirani dokument koji je Evropska Komisija objavila 2004.
Verujemo da će svi navedeni obrasci ugovora i vodiči EU biti od velike praktične ko­risti
za sve učesnike u projektima, posebno u onim sa međunarodnim učešćem.
Beograd, februar 2008.
Dear users,
This is the first edition of the so-called Orange Book in the Serbian language area.
It includes the full up-to-date text of the standard FIDIC contract for engineering and
construction in accordance with the “turnkey” system or delivery of fully equipped
facilities ready for operation. There is no universally accepted definition of the terms
“engineering and construction” and “turnkey”, apart from the fact that in both cases,
the contractor is fully liable for the design. Their structure and ways and variations
of application are dealt with in more detail in the following Foreword.
We would like to remind you on this occasion that in late January 2008, we published the second, corrected edition of the Red Book (conditions of contract for
building works) and in mid-2007, the so-called Yellow Book (condition of contract
for electrical and mechanical works). The fourth or the so-called White Book, which
includes the FIDIC client/consultant model services contract, is now being translated and prepared for publishing. The second, corrected edition of the Yellow Book
is also being prepared for publishing.
We are publishing all of the mentioned contract forms with the support of the
Serbian Chamber of Engineers and the Mace Engineering Company branch in
Belgrade, which is the holder of licence for the Serbian language area. We believe
that we will carry on following all changes in the mentioned contracts by the same
arrangement and keep you informed accordingly.
We are taking this opportunity to inform you that our offer also includes two thematically related publications with translation, i.e., two European Commission guides
of current interest:
Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions (2006), and
Project Cycle Management Guidelines, which is an updated version of a document published by the European Commission in 2004.
We believe that all of the mentioned contract forms and the EU guides will be of great
practical use to all participants in projects and particularly those involving international
Belgrade, February 2008
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pregled sadržaja
of Contents
pripremljeni od strane FIDIC-a i preporučuju se za opštu upotrebu u projektovanju i
izvođenju radova u vezi kojih se pozivi na tender upućuju na međunarodnom nivou,
a sa manjim izmenama, pogodni su za korišćenje i kada se radi o domaćim ugovorima. Ne postoji univerzalno prihvaćena definicija izraza „projektovanje-izgradnja” i „ključ u ruke”, osim što se u oba slučaja podrazumeva potpuna odgovornost
Izvođača za projekat. Za Investitora, ovakva jednostrana odgovornost može biti
korisna, s tim što ta korisnost može da bude umanjena činjenicom da ima malo
mogućnosti da utiče na projektovanje, uz otežano postavljanje raznih zahteva.
Pod uobičajenim aranžmanima za ugovore o projektovanju-izgradnji, Izvođač je
odgovoran za projekat i izvođenje radova, u skladu sa zahtevima Investitora, koji
mogu predstavljati kombinaciju inženjerskih radova (niskogradnje, mašinskih, elektrotehničkih, itd.) i radova visokogradnje, a privremena plaćanja se vrše u skladu
sa napretkom izgradnje. Aranžmani za plaćanje prikazani su u čl. 13 iz Dela I.
Ovi Uslovi su takođe predviđeni za korišćenje u vezi ključ-u-ruke ugovora, po
kojima Izvođač obično zahteva isporuku potpuno opremljenog objekta, spremnog
za upotrebu (po okretanju „ključa”) i koji su često finansirani od strane Izvođača.
Ključ-u-ruke ugovori obično obuhvataju projektovanje, izgradnju, pokretni i nepokretni inventar, čiji je obim definisan drugim ugovornim dokumentima. Pored toga,
ugovor može da Izvođača obaveže na upravljanje objektom u trajanju od nekoliko
meseci tokom puštanja u pogon ili u trajanju od nekoliko godina na bazi ugovora o
izgradnji, eksploataciji i prenosu. Saveti za ključ-u-ruke aranžmane su dati u Delu
II, sa primerima koji opisuju finansiranje od strane Izvođača.
FIDIC smatra verziju Uslova na engleskom jeziku zvaničnom i autentičnom verzijom za potrebe prevoda.
U pripremi Uslova došlo se do saznanja da pored velikog broja članova koji su generalno primenljivi, postoji i izvestan broj članova koji moraju da pretrpe izvesne izmene
kako bi se uzele u obzir okolnosti koje su relevantne za konkretni ugovor. Stoga su
članovi za koje se smatra da su primenljivi na većinu ugovora predstavljeni u Delu I
– Opšti uslovi, što će olakšati njihovu ugradnju u ugovor. Deo I – Opšte uslovi i Deo
II – Uslovi posebne primene skupa sačinjavaju Uslove koji regulišu prava i obaveze
ugovornih strana. Biće potrebno da se pripremi Deo II za svaki ugovor posebno.
Da bi se olakšala priprema Dela II i ostale tenderske dokumentacije, objašnjenja
i uzorci formulacije dati su skupa sa ovim Uslovima u Smernicama za pripremu
Uslova posebne primene.
The terms of the Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey have been
prepared by the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and
are recommended for general use for the purpose of the design and construction
of works where tenders are invited on an international basis; with minor modifications, the Conditions are also suitable for use on domestic contracts. There are no
universally-accepted definitions of the terms “design-build” and “turnkey”, except
that both involve the Contractor’s total liability for design. For the Employer, such
single-point responsibility may be advantageous, but the benefits may be offset by
having less control over the design process and more difficulty in imposing varied
Under the usual arrangements for a design-build contract, the Contractor is responsible for the design and provision, in accordance with the Employer’s requirements, of works which may include any combination of engineering (including civil,
mechanical, electrical, etc) and building works; and interim payments are made as
construction proceeds. In Part I, Clause 13 sets out the payment arrangements.
The Conditions are also intended for use on turnkey contracts, under which the
Employer’s requirements usually include provision of a fully-equipped facility, ready
for operation (at the turn of the “key”); such contracts are often contractor-financed.
Turnkey contracts typically include design, construction, fixtures, fittings and equipment, the scope of which would be defined in other contract documents. In addition,
the contract may impose a requirement for the Contractor to operate the Works,
either for a few months commissioning period, or for some years’ operation on a
build-operate-transfer contract. Advice on turnkey arrangements is included in Part
II, together with sample wording for contractor-finance.
The version in English of the Conditions is considered by FIDIC as the official and
authentic text for the purposes of translation.
In the preparation of the Conditions it was recognised that, while there are many
sub-clauses which will be generally applicable, there are some sub-clauses which
must necessarily vary to take account of the circumstances relevant to the particular contract. The sub-clauses which were considered to be applicable to the majority of contracts have therefore been presented in Part I - General Conditions, which
will facilitate their incorporation into the contract. Part I - General Conditions and
Part II -Conditions of Particular Application will together comprise the Conditions
governing the rights and obligations of the parties. It will be necessary to prepare
the Part II for each individual contract, taking particular account of the references
to Part II which are contained in some sub-clauses in Part I.
In order to assist in the preparation of Part II and the other tender documents,
explanatory material and example wording are published with these Conditions in
the Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application.
Deo I
Part I
14 . . . . . . . . . . . DEO I: OPŠTI USLOVI
PART I: GENERAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ugovor
Naslovi i fusnote
Pravo i jezik
Ugovorni sporazum
Prioritet Dokumenata
Dokumenta na Gradilištu
Obezbeđenje dokumentaciju za izgradnju
Korišćenje Izvođačeve dokumentacije od
strane Investitora
Korišćenje Investitorove dokumentacije od
strane Izvođača
Poverljivi podaci
Postupanje u skladu sa uredbama,
propisima i zakonima
Solidarna odgovornost
24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investitor
Opšte obaveze
Pristup i uvođenje u posed Gradilišta
Dozvole, licence ili odobrenja
Pravo Investitora na raskid
1.12. Confidential Details
1.13. Compliance with Statutes, Regulations and
1.14. Joint and Several Liability
Dužnosti i ovlašćenja Predstavnika
Uslovi Predstavnika Investitora
Ovlašćenja Predstavnika Investitora da
prenese dužnosti
Instrukcije Predstavnika Investitora
Pokušaj Dogovora Predstavnika Investitora
Opšte Obaveze
Garancija za Dobro Izvršenje Posla
Predstavnik Izvođača
Koordinacija Radova
Dodeljivanje Obaveza Podizvođaču
Garancija Kvaliteta
Podaci o Gradilištu
Uticaji na Izvođenje Radova
Nepredvidivi Podzemni Uslovi
Prilazni Putevi
Pravo Pristupa i Objekti
Dinamika Radova
Izveštaj o Napredovanju Radova
Mehanizacija Izvođača
Mere Bezbednosti
Zaštita Okruženja
Struja, Voda i Gas
Uslovi ugovaranja
Def initions
Headings and Marginal Notes
Law and Language
Contract Agreement
Priority of Documents
Documents on Site
Provision of Construction Documents
Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents
1.11. Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents
24. . . . . . . . . . . Predstavnik Investitora
26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Izvođač
The Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
General Obligations
Access to and Possession of the Site
Permits, Licences or Approvals
Employer’s Entitlement to Terminate
The Employer’s Representative . . . . . . 25
Employer’s Representative’s Duties and
Requirements for Employer’s Representative
Employer’s Representative’s Authority to
Employer’s Representative’s Instructions
Employer’s Representative to Attempt
The Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
General Obligations
Performance Security
Contractor’s Representative
Co-ordination of the Works
Assignment of Subcontractor’s Obligations
Setting Out
Quality Assurance
Site Data
Matters Affecting the Execution of the Works
Unforeseeable Sub-Surface Conditions
Access Route
Rights of Way and Facilities
Progress Reports
Contractor’s Equipment
Safety Precautions
Protection of the Environment
Electricity, Water and Gas
Nabavka Mehanizacije i Materijala od
strane Investitora
Čišćenje Gradilišta
Obezbeđivanje Gradilišta
Aktivnosti Izvođača na Gradilištu
40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Projekat
Opšte Obaveze
Dokumenta o Izgradnji
Izvođač se obavezuje
Tehnički Standardi i Regulative
Crteži Izvedenog Stanja
Priručnici za Upravljanje i Održavanje
Greška od strane Izvođača
Prava na Patente
44. . . . . . . . . . . .Osoblje i Radna Snaga
Zapošljavanje radne snage
Zarade i uslovi rada
Lica Zaposlena kod Drugih
Zakoni o Radu
Radno Vreme
Smeštaj za Radnu Snagu
Zdravstvena zaštita i zaštita na radu
Nadzor od Strane Izvođača
Personal Izvođača
Izgredničko ponašanje
48. . . . . .Postrojenje, Materijali i Izrada
Način Izvođenja
Dopremanje na Gradilište
Pravo svojine nad Postrojenjem i
Početak Radova, Kašnjenje i
50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Obustava
Početak Radova
Rok za Završetak Radova
Produžetak Roka za Završetak
Odlaganja Prouzrokovana Merama
Nadležnih Organa
Napredovanje Radova
Ugovorna odšteta zbog kašnjenja
Obustava Radova
Posledice Obustave
Plaćanja za Postrojenja i Materijale u
Slučaju Obustave
Produžena Obustava
Nastavak Radova
56. . . . Testiranje na Završetku Radova
Obaveze Izvođača
Odloženo Testiranje
Ponovno Testiranje
Propust da se Zadovolji Testiranje na
11 Contents
4.20. Employer Supplied Machinery and Materials
Clearance of Site
Security of the Site
Contractor’s Operations on Site
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
General Obligations
Construction Documents
Contractor’s Undertaking
Technical Standards and Regulations
As-Built Drawings
Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Error by Contractor
Patent Rights
Staff and Labour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Engagement of Staff and Labour
Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour
Persons in the Service of Others
Labour Laws
Working Hours
Facilities for Staff and Labour
Health and Safety
Contractor’s Superintendence
Contractor’s Personnel
Disorderly Conduct
Plant, Materials and Workmanship. . . . 49
Manner of Execution
Delivery to Site
Ownership of Plant and Materials
Commencement, Delays and
Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Commencement of Works
Time for Completion
Extension of Time for Completion
Delays Caused by Authorities
Rate of Progress
Liquidated Damages for Delay
Suspension of Work
Consequences of Suspension
Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of
8.10. Prolonged Suspension
8.11. Resumption of Work
Tests on Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Contractor’s Obligations
Delayed Tests
Failure to Pass Tests on Completion
Conditions of Contract
58. . . . Preuzimanje Radova od Strane
Potvrda o Preuzimanju Radova
Korišćenje Radova od Strane Investitora
Ometanje Testiranja na Završetku Radova
60. . . . . . . . Testiranje posle Završetka
Obaveze Investitora
Odloženo Testiranje
Ponovno Testiranje
Propust da se zadovolje Testiranja po
završetku Radova
62. . . . . . .Odgovornost za Nedostatke
Završetak neizvršenih Radova i otklanjanje
Troškovi Otklanjanja Nedostataka
Produženje Ugovornog Roka
Propust da se Otklone Nedostaci
Uklanjanje Radova sa Nedostacima
Dodatna Testiranja
Pravo Pristupa
Obaveza Izvođača da istražuje
Potvrda o dobrom izvršenju posla
Neizvršene Obaveze
12 Contents
Employer’s Taking Over . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
10.1. Taking-Over Certificate
10.2. Use by The Employer
10.3. Interference With test on Completion
Tests after Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Employer’s Obligations
Delayed Tests
Failure to Pass Tests after Completion
Defects Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
12.1. Completion of Outstanding Work and
Remedying Defects
12.2. Cost of Remedying Defects
12.3. Extension of Contract Period
12.4. Failure to Remedy Defects
12.5. Removal of Defective Work
12.6. Further Tests
12.7. Right of Access
12.8. Contractor to Search
12.9. Performance Certificate
12.10. Unfulfilled Obligations
66. . . . . . . Ugovorena Cena i Plaćanje
Ugovorena Cena
Avansno Plaćanje
Zahtev za Privremenu Situaciju
Dinamika Plaćanja
Postrojenja i Materijali namenjeni za Trajne
Odobrenje Pivremenih Situacija
Kašnjenje u Plaćanju
Plaćanje Ugovornog Depozita
Obračun po Završetku Radova
Zahtev za Okončanu Situaciju
Izjava o Prestanku Obaveza
Izdavanje Okončane Situacije
Prestanak Odgovornosti Investitora
Izračunavanje Plaćanja u Stranoj Valuti
Izmena Zakonodavstva
The Contract Price
Advance Payments
Application for Interim Payment Certificates
Schedule of Payments
Plant and Materials for the Permanent Works
Issue of Interim Payment Certificates
Delayed Payment
Payment of Retention Money
Statement at Completion
Application for Final Payment Certificate
Issue of Final Payment Certificate
Cessation of Employer’s Liability
Calculation of Payments in Foreign Currency
Changes in Legislation
76. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Izmene
Pravo na Izmene
Vrednosna Racionalizacija
Postupak Izmene
Plaćanje u Primenjivim Valutama
Provizorni Iznosi
78. . . . . . . . . . . .Neispunjenje obaveza
Zahtev za Otklanjanje Nepravilnosti
Raskid Ugovora
Procena na Dan Raskida
Plaćanje nakon Raskida Ugovora
82. . . .Neispunjenje obaveza od strane
Pravo Izvođača da Obustavi radove
Uslovi ugovaranja
Contract Price and Payment . . . . . . . . . 67
Variations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Right to Vary
Value Engineering
Variation Procedure
Payment in Applicable Currencies
Provisional Sums
Default of Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Notice to Correct
Valuation at Date of Termination
Payment after Termination
Default of Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
16.1. Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work
16.2 Termination
Prestanak Radova i uklanjanje
Mehanizacije Izvođača
Plaćanje pri Raskidu
84. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .Rizik i Odgovornost
Izvođačeva briga o radovima
Rizici Investitora
Posledice rizika Investitora
Rizik Izvođača
Ograničenje Odgovornosti
86. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Osiguranje
Osiguranje Projekta
Osiguranje Radova i Mehanizacije
Osiguranje Imovine i Lica
Osiguranje Radnika
Opšti Zahtevi Osiguranja
90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Viša Sila
Definicija Više Sile
Posledice događaja Više Sile
Odgovornost Izvođača
Odgovornost Investitora
Plaćanja Izvođaču
Opcioni Raskid Ugovora, Plaćanje i
Oslobađanje od izvršenja po Zakonu
13 Contents
16.3. Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s
16.4. Payment on Termination
Risk and Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Contractor’s Care of the Works
Employer’s Risks
Consequences of Employer’s Risks
Contractor’s Risks
Limitation of Liability
Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
18.1. Insurance for Design
18.2. Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment
18.3. Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage
to Property
18.4. Insurance for Workers
18.5. General Requirements for Insurances
Force Majeure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Definition of Force Majeure
Effect of Force Majeure Event
Contractor’s Responsibility
Employer’s Responsibility
Payment to Contractor
Optional Termination, Payment and Release
19.7. Release from Performance under the Law
92. . . . . . . .Zahtevi, Sporovi i Arbitraža
Procedura Zahteva
Plaćanje Zahteva
Komisija za Rešavanje Sporova
Postupak za donošenje Odluke Komisije za
Rešavanje Sporova
Sporazumno Rešavanje Sporova
Neispunjavanje Odluke Komisije za
Rešavanje Sporova
Istek Imenovanja Članova KRS
Claims, Disputes and Arbitration . . . . . 93
Procedure for Claims
Payment of Claims
Dispute Adjudication Board
Procedure for Obtaining Dispute Adjudication
Board’s Decision
Amicable Settlement
Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication
Board’s Decision
Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s
100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOROVA
BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TROČLANU KOMISIJU
A BOARD OF THREE MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . .101
108. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SPOROVA
MEMBERS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
112. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KOMISIJE
OF ONE MEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
118. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (JEDNOČLANA KOMISIJA)
MEMBER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Conditions of Contract
1.1. Definicije
U Ugovoru (po definiciji u daljem tekstu), sledeće reči i izrazi imaju značenje koje im je ovde
dato, osim gde kontekst iziskuje drugačije:
1.1.1 Dokumentacija
„Ugovor” predstavlja ove Uslove Ugovora (Delove I i II), zahteve Investitora, tender, Izvođačevu ponudu, tablice, Pismo o prihvatanju, Sporazum o Ugovoru (ako je
sačinjen) i ostalu dokumentaciju koja je izričito uključena u Pismo o prihvatanju ili
Sporazumu o Ugovoru (ako je sačinjen).
„Zahtevi Investitora” predstavljaju opis obima, standard, kriterijume projektovanja
(eventualne) i dinamiku izvođenja radova, kako je predviđeno Ugovorom, i eventualne izmene i korekcije koje su izvršene u skladu sa Ugovorom.
„Ponuda” predstavlja Izvođačevu ponudu sa cenama upućenu Investitoru za izvođenje radova, kao što je prihvaćena u Pismu o prihvatanju.
„Prilog ponudi” predstavlja dopunjeni dodatak sadržan u Ponudi.
„Predlog Izvođača” predstavlja idejni projekt koji je priložen uz Ponudu, kako je predviđeno Ugovorom.
„Tablice” predstavljaju informacije i podatke koji su priloženi uz Ponudu, kako je
predviđeno Ugovorom.
„Dinamika plaćanja” predstavlja dinamiku određenu kao takve (ako postoji) po definiciji iz čl. 13.4.
„Pismo o prihvatanju” predstavlja formalno prihvatanje Ponude od strane
„Ugovorni Sporazum” predstavlja sporazum (ako postoji) po definiciji iz čl. 1.5.
1.1.2 Lica
„Investitor” predstavlja lice koje je kao takvo imenovano u prilogu Ponude i pravne
sledbenike tog lica, ali ne i zastupnika tog lica (osim ako nije dobijena saglasnost
Izvođača u tom smislu).
„Izvođač” predstavlja lice čija je Ponuda prihvaćena od strane Investitora i sve njegovi pravni zastupnici, ali ne i zastupnika tog lica (osim ako nije dobijena saglasnost
Izvođača u tom smislu).
„Predstavnik Investitora” predstavlja lice koje je Investitor postavio da deluje kao
Predstavnik Investitora u smislu Ugovora i koje je kao takvo imenovano u prilogu
Ponude, ili neko drugo lice koje Investitor postavi s vremena na vreme i o tome
obavesti Izvođača.
Uslovi ugovaranja
The Contract
In the Contract (as defined below) the words and expressions defined below shall have the
meanings assigned to them, except where the context requires otherwise:
1.1.1 Documents
“Contract” means these Conditions of Contract (Parts I and II), the Employer’s
Requirements, the Tender, the Contractor’s Proposal, the Schedules, the Letter of
Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as
may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or Contract Agreement (if
“Employer’s Requirements” means the description of the scope, standard, design
criteria (if any) and programme of work, as included in the Contract, and any alterations and modifications thereto in accordance with the Contract.
“Tender” means the Contractor’s priced offer to the Employer for the Works, as
accepted by the Letter of Acceptance.
“Appendix to Tender” means the completed appendix comprised in the Tender.
“Contractor’s Proposal” means the preliminary design submitted with the Tender, as
included in the Contract.
“Schedules” means the information and data submitted with the Tender, as included
in the Contract.
“Schedule of Payments” means the Schedule designated as such (if any), referred to
in Sub-Clause 13.4.
“Letter of Acceptance” means the formal acceptance by the Employer of the Tender.
“Contract Agreement” means the contract agreement (if any) referred to in SubClause 1.5.
1.1.2 Persons
“Employer” means the person named as such in the Appendix to Tender and the
legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the
Contractor) any assignee of such person.
“Contractor” means the person whose Tender has been accepted by he Employer
and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of
the Employer) any assignee of such person.
“Employer’s Representative” means the person appointed by the Employer to act as
Employer’s Representative for the purposes of the Contract and named as such in
the Appendix to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer
and notified as such to the Contractor.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
„Predstavnik Izvođača” predstavlja lice (ako postoji) koje je Izvođač kao takvo imenovao u Ugovoru ili neko drugo lice koje Izvođač postavi s vremena na vreme, kako
je predviđeno čl. 4.3.
„Podizvođač” predstavlja bilo koje lice koje imenovano u Ugovoru kao podizvođač,
proizvođač ili isporučilac za neki deo radova, ili neko lice kome je deo radova poveren za podizvođenje u skladu sa čl. 4.5, i pravni sledbenici tog lica, ali ne i zastupnik
takvog lica.
„Komisija za rešavanje sporova” predstavlja jedno lice ili više lica koja su u Ugovoru
imenovana kao takva , ili neko drugo lice ili više lica koja se imenuju s vremena na
vreme shodno čl. 20.3.
1.1.3 Datumi, rokovi i periodi
„Osnovni Datum” predstavlja 28. dan pre poslednjeg datuma za podnošenje Ponude
Investitoru na prihvatanje.
„Efektivni datum” predstavlja datum početka pravosnažnosti Ugovora.
„Datum početka ” radova označava datum kada je Izvođač primio nalog Predstavnika
Investitora da započne radove shodno čl. 8.1.
„Rok za završetak” predstavlja rok za završetak Radova ili sekcije radova (zavisno
od slučaja) i postizanje zadovoljavajućih rezultata ispitivanja po završetku, kao što je
navedeno u prilogu Ponude (ili produženo u skladu sa čl. 8.3), računato od Datuma
početka Radova.
„Ugovorni period” označava vreme od Datuma početka Radova do 365. dana od
dana kada su celokupni Radovi završeni kako je Predstavnik Izvođača potvrdio
shodno čl. 10 (ili sa produžetkom iz čl. 12.3).
„Dan” predstavlja jedan kalendarski dan, a „godina” predstavlja 365 dana.
1.1.4 Ispitivanja na završetku
„Ispitivanja po završetku” predstavljaju ispitivanja predviđena Ugovorom i naznačena kao takva, i bilo kakva dalja ispitivanja koje mogu biti dogovorena između
Predstavnika Investitora i Izvođača ili naložena kao izmene, a koja se vrše pre nego
što Investitor preuzme radove ili neku sekciju radova.
„Potvrda o Preuzimanju” predstavlja potvrdu izdatu prema čl. 10.
„Ispitivanja posle završetka” predstavljaju ispitivanja navedena u Ugovoru i naznačena kao takva, koja se vrše po preuzimanju Radova ili sekcije istih od strane
„Potvrda o valjanom izvršenju” predstavlja potvrdu izdatu od strane Predstavnika
Investitora prema čl. 12.9.
1.1.5 Novac i plaćanja
„Ugovorna cena” predstavlja iznos naveden u Pismu o Prihvatanju koji se isplaćuje
Izvođaču za projekat, izvođenje i završetak Radova i za otklanjanje svih nedostataka
u skladu sa odredbama Ugovora.
„Lokalna valuta” označava valutu države.
„Strana valuta” označava slobodno konvertibilnu valutu koja je navedenu u prilogu
Ponude kao valutu u kojoj je deo Ugovorne cene plativ i koja nije Lokalna valuta.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
“Contractor’s Representative” means the person (if any) named as such in the
Contract or other person appointed from time to time by the Contractor under SubClause 4.3.
“Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the Works
has been subcontracted in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5, and the legal successors in title to such person, but not any assignee of such person.
“Dispute Adjudication Board” means the person or persons named as such in the
Contract, or other person or persons appointed from time to time under Sub-Clause
1.1.3 Dates, Times and Periods
“Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the
Tender for acceptance by the Employer.
“Effective Date” means the date on which the Contract entered into legal force and effect.
“Commencement Date” means the date on which the Contractor receives the notice
to commence issued by the Employer’s Representative under Sub-Clause 8.1.
“Time for Completion” means the time for completing the Works or a Section (as the
case may be), and passing the Tests on Completion, as stated in the Appendix to Tender
(or as extended under Sub-Clause 8.3), calculated from the Commencement Date.
“Contract Period” means the period from the Commencement Date to the date 365
days after the date on which the whole of the Works shall have been completed as
certified by the Employer’s Representative under Clause 10 (or as extended under
Sub-Clause 12.3).
“day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days.
1.1.4 Tests and Completion
“Tests on Completion” means the tests specified in the Contract and designated as
such, and any other such tests as may be agreed by the Employer’s Representative
and the Contractor or instructed as a Variation, which are to be carried out before the
Works or any Section are taken over by the Employer.
“Taking-Over Certificate” means a certificate issued under Clause 10.
“Tests after Completion” means the tests specified in the Contract and designated as
such, which are to be carried out after the Works or any Section are taken over by
the Employer.
“Performance Certificate” means the certificate issued by the Employer’s
Representative under Sub-Clause 12.9.
1.1.5 Money and Payments
“Contract Price” means the sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance as payable to the
Contractor for the design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying
of any defects in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
“Local Currency” means the currency of the Country.
“Foreign Currency” means a freely convertible currency, named in the Appendix to Tender
as a currency in which part of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
„Garantni Depozit” predstavlja akumulirani zadržani iznos koji Investitor zadržava
shodno čl. 13.3.
„Privremena suma” predstavlja (eventualnu) sumu navedenu u Ugovoru i naznačenu
kao takva, za izvođenje bilo kog dela Radova ili za isporuku opreme, materijala ili
„Trošak” predstavlja sve troškove koje Izvođač umesno napravi na ili van Gradilišta,
uključujući režijske i slične troškove, ali ne uključuje dobit.
„Privremena situacija” predstavlja svaku situaciju koju Predstavnik Investitora odobri
u skladu sa čl. 13, a koja nije okončana situacija.
„Okončana situacija” predstavlja situaciju koju je odobrio predstavnik Investitora u
skladu sa čl. 13.13.
„Završni obračun” predstavlja dogovoreni obračun po definiciji iz čl. 13.11.
1.1.6 Ostale definicije
„Dokumentacija izgradnje” predstavlja sve crteže, proračune, kompjuterski softver
(programe), uzorke, šablone, makete, priručnike za eksploataciju i održavanje, i
ostale slične priručnike i informacije koje podnosi Izvođač.
„Izmena” predstavlja svako menjanje i/ili modifikaciju Zahteva Investitora koju
Predstavnik Investitora naloži ili odobri kao izmenu u skladu sa čl. 14.
„Radovi” predstavljaju Trajne radove i Privremene radove ili i jedne i druge, zavisno
od slučaja.
„Trajni radovi” predstavljaju trajne radove koji treba da budu projektovani i izvedeni u
skladu sa Ugovorom.
„Privremeni radovi” predstavljaju sve privremene radove svake vrste (bez opreme
Izvođača) koji su potrebni za izvođenje i završetak Radova i otklanjanje svih
„Postrojenje” predstavlja mehanizaciju i aparaturu koji su predviđeni da čine ili već
sačinjavaju deo Trajnih radova, uključujući i pozicije koje se samo isporučuju (ako ih
ima), a isporučuje ih Izvođač shodno Ugovoru.
„Materijali” predstavljaju predmete svih vrsta (osim Postrojenja) koje Izvođač obezbeđuje i ugrađuje u Trajne radove, uključujući i pozicije koje se samo isporučuju (ako
ih ima), a isporučuje ih Izvođač shodno Ugovoru.
„Mehanizacija Izvođača” predstavlja svu mehanizaciju,aparaturu i druge stvari (osim
Privremenih radove) koje su potrebne za izvođenje i završetak Radova i otklanjanje
nedostataka, ali bez Postrojenja, Materijala i drugih stvari koje su predviđene da
sačine ili već sačinjavaju deo Trajnih radova.
„Sekcija” predstavlja deo Radova koji su posebno definisani u Prilogu Ponude kao
Sekcija (ako postoji).
„Gradilište” ” predstavlja mesta koje Investitor obezbedi za izvođenje Radova gde će
biti izvođeni radovi i gde će i na koja se dopremaju Postrojenje i Materijali i bilo koja
druga mesta koja su u Ugovoru posebno određena kao sastavni delovi Gradilišta.
„Država” predstavlja zemlju u kojoj će se izvoditi Radovi u koju su dopremaju
Postrojenje i Materijali.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
“Retention Money” means the accumulated retention monies retained by the
Employer under Sub-Clause 13.3.
“Provisional Sum” means a sum (if any) specified in the Contract and designated as
such, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials
or services.
“Cost” means all expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor,
whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does not
include profit.
“Interim Payment Certificate” means any payment certificate issued by the Employer’s
Representative under Clause 13, other than the Final Payment Certificate.
“Final Payment Certificate” means the payment certificate issued by the Employer’s
Representative under Sub-Clause 13.13.
“Final Statement” means the agreed statement defined in Sub-Clause 13.11.
1.1.6 Other Definitions
“Construction Documents” means all drawings, calculations, computer software (programs), samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance manuals, and other
manuals and information of a similar nature, to be submitted by the Contractor.
“Variation” means any alteration and/or modification to the Employer’s Requirements,
which is instructed by the Employer’s Representative or approved as a variation by
the Employer’s Representative, in accordance with Clause 14.
“Works” means the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works or either of them as
“Permanent Works” means the permanent works to be designed and executed in
accordance with the Contract.
“Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s
Equipment) required for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects.
“Plant” means machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the
Permanent Works, including the supply-only items (if any) which are to be supplied
by the Contractor as specified in the Contract.
“Materials” means things of all kinds (other than Plant) to be provided and incorporated in the Permanent Works by the Contractor, including the supply-only items (if
any) which are to be supplied by the Contractor as specified in the Contract.
“Contractor’s Equipment” means all machinery, apparatus and other things other
than Temporary Works) required for the execution and completion of the Works and
the remedying of any defects, but does not include Plant, Materials, or other things
intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.
“Section” means a part of the Works specifically defined in the Appendix to Tender as
a Section (if any).
“Site” means the places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as
may be specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site.
“Country” means the country in which the Works are to be executed and to which
Plant and Materials are to be delivered.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
1.2. Naslovi i fusnote
Naslovi i fusnote ne sačinjavaju deo ovih Uslova, te se ne uzimaju u obzir u tumačenju istih.
1.3. Tumačenja
Reči koje se odnose na lica i strane uključuju firme, korporacije i sva druga pravna lica. Reči
koje se odnose na jedninu, takođe uključuju i množinu i obrnuto tamo gde to kontekst nalaže.
Reči koje se odnose na jedan rod, takođe se odnose na druge rodove.
1.4. Pravo i jezik
Merodavno pravo Ugovora navedeno je u Prilogu Ponude.
U slučaju da se verzije Ugovora pripremaju na raznim jezicima, verzija koja je pripremljena na
zvaničnom jeziku iz Priloga Ponude prevladava. Jezik za svakodnevno opštenje naveden je u
Prilogu Ponude.
1.5. Ugovorni sporazum
Bilo koja strana je dužna da na zahtev druge strane potpiše Ugovorni sporazum sa svim izmenama koje su potrebne za registrovanje Ugovora. Investitor snosi sve troškove vezane za takse
i ostale dažbine predviđene zakonom.
1.6. Prioritet Dokumenata
Dokumenti koji sačinjavaju Ugovor uzimaju se kao uzajamno objašnjavajući. Ako postoji dvosmislenost ili neslaganje u dokumentima, Predstavnik Investitora izdaje Izvođaču potrebno
objašnjenje ili nalog, pri čemu je prioritet dokumenata kako sledi:
Ugovorni sporazum;
Pismo o prihvatanju;
Zahtevi Investitora;
Uslovi Ugovora; Deo II;
Uslovi Ugovora; Deo I;
Ponuda Izvođača.
1.7. Dokumenta na Gradilištu
Izvođač je dužan da na Gradilištu drži komplet dokumenata koji sačinjavaju Ugovor,
Dokumentaciju izgradnje, Izmene, ostale komunikacije izdate po čl. 1.8 i dokumentaciju iz čl.
5.4. Investitor, Predstavnik Investitora i pomoćnici (kako su navedeni u čl. 3.3) imaju pravo da
koriste ova dokumenta u svako razumno doba.
1.8. Opštenje
Ukoliko nije drukčije predviđeno, kad god je potrebno da se izda ili koristi neko saopštenje,
nalog, saglasnost, potvrda ili odluka bilo kog lica, ako nije drukčije navedeno, to saopštenje
treba da bude u pisanoj formi, i to bez nepotrebnog uskraćivanja ili odlaganja.
Kadgod je predviđeno da opštenje bude „u pisanoj formi”, što znači rukom pisano, kucano na
pisaćoj mašini ili štampano, uključujući i dogovorene sisteme elektronskog prenosa koji su
navedeni u Prilogu ponude.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
1.2. Headings and Marginal Notes
The headings and marginal notes are not part of these Conditions, and shall not be taken into
consideration in their interpretation.
1.3. Interpretation
Words importing persons or parties shall include firms and corporations and any organization
having legal capacity. Words importing the singular also include the plural and vice versa where
the context requires. Words importing one gender also include other genders.
1.4. Law and Language
The law of the Contract is named in the Appendix to Tender. Where versions of the Contract
are prepared in different languages, the version which is in the ruling language named in the
Appendix to Tender shall prevail. The language for day to day communications shall be as
stated in the Appendix to Tender.
1.5. Contract Agreement
Either party shall, if requested by the other party, execute a Contract
Agreement, in the form annexed with such modifications as may be necessary to record the
Contract. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges imposed by law shall be borne by the
1.6. Priority of Documents
The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another.
If there is an ambiguity or discrepancy in the documents, the Employer’s Representative shall
issue any necessary clarification or instruction to the Contractor, and the priority of the documents shall be as follows:
The Contract Agreement;
The Letter of Acceptance;
The Employer’s Requirements;
The Tender;
The Conditions of Contract, Part II;
The Conditions of Contract, Part I;
The Schedules; and
The Contractor’s Proposal.
1.7. Documents on Site
The Contractor shall keep on the Site one complete set of the documents forming the Contract,
the Construction Documents, Variations, other communications given or issued under SubClause 1.8 and the documents mentioned in Sub-Clause 5.4. The Employer, the Employer’s
Representative and assistants (as referred to in Sub-Clause 3.3) shall have the right to use
such documents at all reasonable times.
1.8. Communications Wherever provision is made for the giving or issue of any notice, instruction, consent, approval,
certificate or determination by any person, unless otherwise specified such communication
shall be in writing and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Sve potvrde, poruke ili pismeni nalozi upućeni Izvođaču od strane Investitora ili Predstavnika
Investitora i sve poruke Investitoru ili Predstavniku Investitora od strane Izvođača predaju se
na ruke uz pismenu potvrdu prijema ili šalju avionskom poštom ili preko jednog od dogovorenih
sistema elektronskog prenosa. Adrese primalaca navode se u Prologu Ponude.
1.9. Obezbeđenje dokumentaciju za izgradnju
Dokumentacija za izgradnju je u posedu Izvođača koji se o njoj i stara. Ukoliko drugačije nije
navedeno u Zahtevima Investitora, Izvođač je dužan obezbediti šest kopija za korišćenje od
strane Predstavnika Investitora i njegovih pomoćnika (kako je navedeno u čl. 3.3)
1.10. Korišćenje Izvođačeve dokumentacije od strane Investitora
Autorska prava na dokumentaciju za izgradnju i ostalu projektnu dokumentaciju pripremljene
od strane od strane ili u ime Izvođača ostaju u vlasništvu Izvođača. Investitor ima pravo da o
svom trošku umnožava, koristi i prenosi bilo koji takav dokument (uključujući vršenje i korišćenje izmena), za potrebe završavanja, eksploatacije, održavanja, vršenja izmena, podešavanja
i popravljanja Radova. Investitor ili Predstavnik Investitora nema pravo da bez saglasnosti
Izvođača dokumentaciju koristi, umnožava ili prenosi trećim licima u neke druge svrhe.
1.11. Korišćenje Investitorove dokumentacije od strane Izvođača
Autorska prava u Zahtevima Investitora i ostaloj dokumentaciji predatoj Izvođaču od strane
Investitora ili Predstavnika Investitora ostaje u vlasništvu Investitora. Izvođač ima pravo da
o sopstvenom trošku takvu dokumentaciju umnožava, koristiti i prenosi za potrebe Ugovora.
Izvođač nema pravo da bez saglasnosti Investitora dokumentaciju koristi, umnožava ili prenosi
trećim licima, osim kada je to potrebno radi izvršavanja Ugovora.
1.12. Poverljivi podaci
Od Izvođača se ne može zahtevati da Investitoru ili Predstavniku Investitora obelodani poverljive podatke nabrojane u Prilogu Ponude.
1.13. Postupanje u skladu sa uredbama, propisima i zakonima
Izvođač je dužan da po svakom pitanju koje proističe iz izvršavanja Ugovora postupa, izdaje
saopštenja i plaća sve dažbine u skladu sa nacionalnim odnosno državnim uredbama ili drugim
zakonima ili po propisima nadležnih organa u odnosu na Radove. Izvođač je dužan da pribavi
sve dozvole, licence ili odobrenja koji su potrebni za bilo koji deo Radova u razumnom roku
za isporuku Postrojenja i Materijala i završetak Radova. Investitor i Izvođač će se povinovati
zakonima svake zemlje u kojoj posluju.
1.14. Solidarna odgovornost
Ako je Izvođač „Joint Venture” (ili konzorcijum) dva ili više lica, sva takva lica su solidarno odgovorni Investitoru za ispunjenje uslova Ugovora. Pomenuta lica su dužna da odrede jednog od
njih da deluje u svojstvu vodećeg sa ovlašćenjem da preuzima obaveze u ime „Joint Venture”
(ili konzorcijuma) i svakog pojedinačnog člana. Sastav učesnika niti statut „Joint Venture” (ili
konzorcijuma) ne sme biti menjan bez prethodne saglasnosti Investitora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
Wherever provision is made for a communication to be “written” or “in writing”, this means any
hand-written, type-written or printed communication, including the agreed systems of electronic
transmission stated in the Appendix to Tender.
All certificates, notices or written orders to be given to the Contractor by the Employer or the
Employer’s Representative, and all notices to be given to the Employer or to the Employer’s
Representative by the Contractor, shall either be delivered by hand against written acknowledgement of receipt, or be sent by airmail or one of the agreed systems of electronic transmission. The
addresses for the receipt of such communications shall be as stated in the Appendix to Tender.
1.9. Provision of Construction Documents
The Construction Documents shall be in the custody and care of the Contractor. Unless otherwise stated in the Employer’s Requirements, the Contractor shall provide six copies for the use
of the Employer’s Representative and assistants (as referred to in Sub-Clause 3.3).
1.10. Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents
Copyright in the Construction Documents and other design documents made by or on behalf
of the Contractor shall (as between the parties) remain the property of the Contractor. The
Employer may, at his cost, copy, use and communicate any such documents (including making and using modifications) for the purposes of completing, operating, maintaining, altering,
adjusting and repairing the Works. They shall not, without the Contractor’s consent, be used,
copied or communicated to a third party by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative for
other purposes.
1.11. Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents Copyright in the Employer’s Requirements and other documents issued by the Employer or the
Employer’s Representative to the Contractor shall (as between the parties) remain the property
of the Employer. The Contractor may, at his cost, copy, use and communicate any such documents for the purposes of the Contract. They shall not, without the Employer’s consent, be
used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the
purposes of the Contract.
1.12. Confidential Details
The Contractor shall not be required to disclose, to the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative, the confidential details listed in the Appendix to Tender.
1.13. Compliance with Statutes, Regulations and Laws
The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, comply with, give
all notices under, and pay all fees required by, the provisions of any national or state statute,
ordinance or other law, or any regulation of any legally constituted public authority having jurisdiction over the Works. The Contractor shall obtain all permits, licences or approvals required
for any part of the Works, in reasonable time taking account of the times for delivery of the Plant
and Materials and for completion of the Works. The Employer and the Contractor shall comply
with the laws of each country where activities are performed.
1.14. Joint and Several Liability
If the Contractor is a joint venture (or consortium) of two or more persons, all such persons shall
be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the fulfillment of the terms of the Contract.
Such persons shall designate one of them to act as leader with authority to bind the joint venture (or consortium) and each of its members. The composition or the constitution of the joint
venture (or consortium) shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Employer.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
2.1. Opšte obaveze
Investitor obezbeđuje gradilište Gradilište i vrši isplate Izvođaču u skladu sa čl. 13.
Pristup i uvođenje u posed Gradilišta
Investitor daje Izvođaču pravo pristupa Gradilištu i uvodi ga u posed istog u roku navedenom u
Prilogu Ponude. Takvo pravo i posed ne moraju da se odnose isključivo na Izvođača.
Ako Izvođač kasni i/ili napravi troškove zbog propusta Investitora da mu da pravo pristupa
Gradilištu i da ga uvede u posed istog, Izvođač je dužan da o tome obavesti Predstavnika
Investitora. Po prijemu takvog obaveštenja, Predstavnik Investitora postupa u skladu sa čl. 3.5
radi davanja saglasnosti ili odlučivanja o sledećem:
a) produžetku roka na koji Izvođač ima pravo po čl. 8.3, i
b) iznosu takvih troškova uvećanih za iznos umerene dobiti, koji se dodaju u Ugovornu
i o tome obaveštava Izvođača.
2.3. Dozvole, licence ili odobrenja
Investitor je dužan da na zahtev i o trošku Izvođača, Izvođaču pomogne u podnošenju zahteva
za dozvole, licenci ili odobrenja koji su potrebni za bilo koji deo Radova, isporuku (sa carinjenjem) Postrojenja, Materijala i opreme Izvođača i završetak Radova. Takvi zahtevi mogu da
uključe zahteve za pomoć Investitora u podnošenju zahteva za dobijanje saglasnosti nadležnih
organa za izvoz opreme Izvođača po njenom uklanjanju sa Gradilišta.
2.4. Pravo Investitora na raskid
Investitor ima pravo da raskine Ugovor po sopstvenom nahođenju bilo kada po isteku 56 dana
od datuma davanja otkaza Izvođaču uz obaveštenje Predstavnika Investitora i vraćanje garancije za valjano izvršenje posla. U slučaju takvog raskida, Izvođač:
a) postupa u skladu sa čl.16.3, i
b) ima pravo na isplatu od strane Investitora u skladu sa čl. 19.6.
Posle takvog raskida, izvođenje Radova ne može se ponovo započeti bez Izvođačeve saglasnosti tokom narednih šest godina..
Predstavnik Investitora
3.1. Dužnosti i ovlašćenja Predstavnika Investitora
Predstavnik Investitora izvršava obaveze koje su predviđene Ugovorom.
Predstavnik Investitora nije ovlašćen da vrši izmene Ugovora.
Predstavnik Investitora može da vrši ovlašćenja koja su predviđena Ugovorom ili koja se iz
njega podrazumevaju.
Ako se od Predstavnika Investitora zahteva, pod uslovima njegovog angažovanja od strane
Investitora, da pribavi specijalno odobrenje od Investitora pre vršenja takvih ovlašćenja, ti
uslovi su oni koji su navedeni u Delu II. Sva potrebna odobrenja se smatraju datim od strane
Investitora za vršenje ovlašćenja Predstavnika Investitora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Employer
2.1. General Obligations
The Employer shall provide the Site and shall pay the Contractor in accordance with Clause 13.
2.2. Access to and Possession of the Site
The Employer shall grant the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, the Site within
the time stated in the Appendix to Tender. Such right and possession may not be exclusive to
the Contractor.
If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from failure on the part of the Employer
to grant right of access to or possession of the Site, the Contractor shall give notice to the
Employer’s Representative. After receipt of such notice the Employer’s Representative shall
proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3. and
b) the amount of such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be added to the Contract
and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
2.3. Permits, Licences or Approvals
The Employer shall, at the request and cost-of the Contractor, assist him in applying for permits,
licences or approvals, which are required for any part of the Works, for delivery (including clearance through customs) of Plant, Materials and Contractor’s Equipment, and for the completion
of the Works. Such requests may also include requests for the Employer’s assistance in applying for any necessary government consent to the export of Contractor’s Equipment when it is
removed from the Site.
2.4. Employer’s Entitlement to Terminate
The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract, at the Employer’s convenience, at any time
after giving 56 days’ prior notice to the Contractor, with a copy to the Employer’s Representative,
and returning the performance security. In the event of such termination, the Contractor:
a) shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause’ 16.3, and
b) shall be paid by the Employer in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.6.
After such termination, execution of the Works shall not be recommenced within a period of six
years without the Contractor’s consent.
The Employer’s Representative
3.1. Employer’s Representative’s Duties and Authority
The Employer’s Representative shall carry out the duties specified in the Contract.
The Employer’s Representative shall have no authority to amend the Contract.
The Employer’s Representative may exercise the authority specified in or necessarily to be
implied from the Contract.
If the Employer’s Representative is required, under the terms of his appointment by the
Employer, to obtain the specific approval of the Employer before exercising such authority, such
requirements shall be as stated in Part II. Any requisite approval shall be deemed to have been
given by the Employer for any such authority exercised by the Employer’s Representative.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Osim, kao što je izričito navedeno u Uslovima Ugovora, Predstavnik Investitora neće imati pravo
da oslobodi Izvođača bilo koje njegove dužnosti, obaveza ili odgovornosti pod Ugovorom.
Bilo koja ponuda, provera, inspekcija, testiranje, saglasnost, potvrda ili sličan akt od strane
Predstavnika Investitora (uključujući izostanak neslaganja) neće osloboditi Izvođača od odgovornosti, uključujući odgovornosti za sopstvene greške, propuste, neusaglašenosti i neudovoljenju Članovima 5.3 i 5.4.
Predstavnik Investitora će dostaviti Investitoru kopije celokupne prepiske koju je primio ili poslao
u skladu sa Ugovorom.
3.2. Uslovi Predstavnika Investitora
Predstavnik Investitora će biti inženjer odgovarajuće kvalifikacije ili drugi pogodan profesionalac, sa iskustvom i sposobnostima neophodnim za udovoljenje ovom Članu, ili će zaposliti
kvalifikovane inženjere i druge profesionalce i staviti ih na raspolaganje za Ugovor.
3.3. Ovlašćenja Predstavnika Investitora da prenese dužnosti
Predstavnik Investitora može, s vremena na vreme, preneti dužnosti svojim asistentima, i može
u svakom trenutku povući takvo ovlašćenje. Svako takvo ovlašćenje ili povlačenje istog mora
biti u pisanom obliku i neće stupiti na snagu sve dok kopija istog ne bude dostavljena Investitoru
i Izvođaču.
Svaka odluka, uputstvo, inspekcija, provera, ispitivanje, testiranje, odobrenje ili sl. Postupak od
strane asistenata Predstavnika Investitora, u skladu sa prenosom dužnosti smatraće da ima
isto dejstvo kao da je izdato od Predstavnika Investitora. Međutim:
a) svaki propust da se ne odobri Postrojenje, Materijali, projekat ili izrada, neće uskratiti pravo Predstavnika Investitora da odbije takvo Postrojenje, Materijale, projekat ili
b) ako Izvođač dovede u pitanje bilo koju odluku ili instrukciju asistenta Predstavnika
Investitora, može izneti predmet Predstavniku Investitora koji će potvrditi, povući ili
izmeniti takvu odluku ili instrukciju.
3.4. Instrukcije Predstavnika Investitora
Sem ako je zakonski ili fizički neizvodljivo, Izvođač će se saglasiti sa instrukcijama izdatim od
Predstavnika Investitora u skladu sa Ugovorom.
3.5. Pokušaj Dogovora Predstavnika Investitora
Gde god se od Predstavnika Investitora zahteva da odluči o vrednosti, ceni ili produžetku roka,
on će se konsultovati sa Izvođačem u nastojanju da se postigne dogovor. Ako dogovor nije postignut, Predstavnik Investitora će rešiti predmet korektno, razumno i u skladu sa Ugovorom.
4.1. Opšte Obaveze
Radovi koji su kompletirani od strane Izvođača treba da budu u potpunosti u skladu sa
Ugovorom, i podešeni za potrebe njihove namene, kako je definisano u Ugovoru. Radovi će
uključiti sve aktivnosti neophodne za zadovoljenje Zahteva Investitora, Izvođačeve Ponude i
Tabele, ili nastale iz bilo kojih obaveza Izvođača, i sve radove koji nisu pomenuti u Ugovoru ali
mogu biti neophodni za stabilnost ili završetak ili bezbedno i efikasno upravljanje radovima.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
Except as expressly slated in the Conditions of Contract, the Employer’s Representative shall
have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities
under the Contract.
Any proposal, inspection, examination, testing, consent, approval or similar act by the Employer’s
Representative (including absence of disapproval) shall not relieve the Contractor from any
responsibility, including responsibility for his errors, omissions, discrepancies, and non-compliance with Sub-Clauses 5.3 and 5.4.
The Employer’s Representative shall copy to the Employer all communications given or received
by him in accordance with the Contract.
3.2. Requirements for Employer’s Representative
The Employer’s Representative shall be a suitably qualified engineer or other appropriate professional, having the experience and capability necessary for compliance with this Clause, or
shall employ such suitably qualified engineers and other professionals and make them available for the Contract.
3.3. Employer’s Representative’s Authority to Delegate
The Employer’s Representative may from time to time delegate any of his duties to assistants, and
may at any time revoke any such delegation. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing
and shall not take effect until a copy-has been delivered to the Employer and the Contractor.
Any determination, instruction, inspection, examination, testing, consent, approval or similar act
by any such assistant of the Employer’s Representative, in accordance with the delegation, shall
have the same effect as though it had been an act of the Employer’s Representative. However:
a) any failure to disapprove any Plant, Materials, design or workmanship shall not prejudice the right of the Employer’s Representative to reject such Plant, Materials, design
or workmanship;
b) if the Contractor questions any determination or instruction of an assistant of the
Employer’s Representative, the Contractor may refer the matter to the Employer’s
Representative, who shall confirm, reverse or vary such determination or instruction.
3.4. Employer’s Representative’s Instructions
Unless it is legally or physically impossible, the Contractor shall comply with instructions given
by the Employer’s Representative in accordance with the Contract.
3.5. Employer’s Representative to Attempt Agreement
When the Employer’s Representative is required to determine value, Cost or extension of time,
he shall consult with the Contractor in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement is not
achieved, the Employer’s Representative shall determine the matter fairly, reasonably and in
accordance with the Contract.
The Contractor
4.1. General Obligations
The Works as completed by the Contractor shall be wholly in accordance with the Contract
and fit for the purposes for which they are intended, as defined in the Contract. The Works
shall include any work which is necessary to satisfy the Employer’s Requirements, Contractor’s
Proposal and Schedules, or is implied by the Contract, or arises from any obligation of the
Contractor, and all works not mentioned in the Contract but which may be inferred to be necessary for stability or completion or the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the works.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Izvođač će projektovati, sprovoditi i kompletirati Radove, uključujući i pribavljanje Dokumentacije
o Izgradnji, u okviru Roka za Završetak, i otkloniće sve nedostatke u okviru Ugovorenog
Perioda. Izvođač će obezbediti rukovođenje, radnu snagu, Postrojenje, materijale, Mehanizaciju
Izvođača, Privremene radove i sve ostalo, privremene ili trajne svrhe, neophodno za projekat,
izvršenje, kompletiranje i otklanjanje nepravilnosti.
Pre početka projekta, Izvođač treba da obrati pažnju na Zahteve Investitora (uključujući projektni kriterijum i proračune, ako postoje) i tačke orijentacije pomenute u Članu 4.7. Izvođač će
obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o bilo kakvom nedostatku, grešci ili propustu u Zahtevima
Investitora ili u tačkama orijentacije. Posle primanja takvog obaveštenja, Predstavnik Investitora
će odlučiti da li će odredbe Člana 14 biti primenjene, i shodno tome će obavestiti Izvođača.
Izvođač će snositi puno odgovornost za stabilnost, adekvatnost i bezbednost obavljanja poslova
na Gradilištu, i za sve metode izgradnje celokupnih Radova, bez obzira na odobrenja ili saglasnosti Predstavnika Investitora.
4.2. Garancija za Dobro Izvršenje Posla
Izvođač će obezbediti o svom trošku, garanciju za dobro obavljanje posla od trećeg lica, u
iznosu i valuti navedenim u Prilogu Tenderu, i dostaviti Investitoru u roku od 28 dana posle
Efektivnog Datuma. Garancija za Dobro Izvršenje Posla treba da bude izdata od organizacije
odobrenog od strane Investitora, i treba da bude u formi iz aneksa ili nekoj drugoj formi odobrenoj od Investitora.
Garancija za Dobro Izvršenje Posla će biti na snazi dok Izvođač ne izvede i kompletira Radove
i otkloni sve nedostatke. Biće vraćena Izvođaču u roku od 14 dana po izdavanju Potvrde o
valjanom izvršenju. Pre pravljenja potraživanja pod Garancijom za valjano Izvršenje Posla,
Investitor će, u svakom slučaju, obavestiti Izvođača navodeći prirodu nedostataka zbog kojih
će potraživanje biti načinjeno.
4.3. Predstavnik Izvođača
Ako Predstavnik Izvođača nije imenovan u Ugovoru, Izvođač će, u roku od 14 dana od
Efektivnog Datuma, podneti Predstavniku Investitora na odobrenje ime i detalje o osobi koju
Izvođač namerava da imenuje. Izvođač ne sme povući imenovanje Predstavnika Izvođača bez
prethodne saglasnosti Predstavnika Investitora.
Predstavnik Izvođača će posvetiti sve svoje vreme upravljanju pripreme Dokumentacije
o Izgradnji i izvođenju Radova. Osim ako drugačije nije navedeno u Ugovoru, Predstavnik
Izvođača će primati (u ime Izvođača) sva obaveštenja, instrukcije, saglasnosti, odobrenja,
potvrde, odluke i ostalo opštenje navedeno u Ugovoru. Kad god Predstavnik Izvođača namerava da bude odsutan sa Gradilišta, treba da imenuje odgovarajuće lice kao zamenu i o tome
obavesti Predstavnika Investitora.
Predstavnik Izvođača može preneti svoju moć, funkcije i ovlašćenja kompetentnom osoblju, i
može u bilo kom trenutku povući takve prenose. Sva ta prenošenja i povlačenja treba da budu
u pisanom obliku, i neće stupiti na snagu dok Predstavnik Investitora ne primi obaveštenje potpisano od Predstavnika Izvođača, navodeći moć funkcije i ovlašćenja koja je dao ili povukao.
Predstavnik Izvođača i takve osobe treba da vladaju jezikom za svakodnevnu komunikaciju kao
što je navedeno u Članu 1.4.
4.4. Koordinacija Radova
Izvođač će biti odgovoran za koordinaciju i pravilno izvođenje Radova, uključujući i koordinaciju
ostalih izvođača do nivoa navedenog u Zahtevima Investitora. Izvođač će, kao što je navedeno
u Zahtevima Investitora, omogućiti nesmetano izvođenje radova :
a) svim drugim izvođačima angažovanim od strane Investitora i njihovim radnicima,
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Contractor shall design, execute and complete the Works, including providing Construction
Documents, within the Time for Completion, and shall remedy any defects within the Contract
Period. The Contractor shall provide all superintendence, labour, Plant, Materials, Contractor’s
Equipment, Temporary Works and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature,
required in and for such design, execution, completion and remedying of detects.
Before commencing design, the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding the Employer’s
Requirements (including design criteria and calculations, if any) and the items of reference mentioned in Sub-Clause 4.7. The Contractor shall give notice to the Employer’s Representative of
any error, fault or other defect In the Employer’s Requirements or such items of reference. After
receipt of such notice, the Employer’s Representative shall determine whether Clause 14 shall
be applied, and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Site
operations, of all methods of construction and of all the Works, irrespective of any approval or
consent by the Employer’s Representative.
4.2. Performance Security
The Contractor shall obtain, at his cost, a performance security from a third party, in the amount
and currencies specified in the Appendix to Tender, and deliver it to the Employer by the date 28
days after the Effective Date. The performance security shall be provided by an entity approved by
the Employer and shall be in the form annexed, or in another form approved by the Employer.
The performance security shall be valid until the Contractor has executed and completed the
Works and remedied any defects. It shall be returned to the Contractor within 14 days of the
issue of the Performance Certificate. Prior to making a claim under the performance security,
the Employer shall, in every case, notify the Contractor stating the nature of the default for
which the claim is to be made.
4.3. Contractor’s Representative
Unless the Contractor’s Representative is named in the Contract, the Contractor shall, within 14 days
of the Effective Date, submit to the Employer’s Representative for consent the name and particulars
of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint. The Contractor shall not revoke the appointment
of the Contractor’s Representative without the prior consent of the Employer’s Representative.
The Contractor’s Representative shall give his whole time to directing the preparation of the
Construction Documents and the execution of the Works. Except as otherwise stated in the Contract,
the Contractor’s Representative shall receive (on behalf of the Contractor) all notices, instructions,
consents, approvals, certificates, determinations and other communications under the Contract.
Whenever the Contractor’s Representative is to be absent from the Site, a suitable replacement
person shall be appointed, and the Employer’s Representative shall be notified accordingly.
The Contractor’s Representative may delegate any of his powers, functions and authorities to
any competent person, and may at any time revoke any such delegation. Any such delegation
or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until the Employer’ Representative has
received prior notice signed by the Contractor’s Representative, specifying the powers, functions
and authorities being delegated or revoked. The Contractor’s Representative and such persons
shall be fluent in the language for day to day communications defined in Sub-Clause 1.4.
4.4. Co-ordination of the Works
The Contractor shall be responsible for the co-ordination and proper execution of the
‘Works, including co-ordination of other contractors to the extent specified in the Employer’s
Requirements. The Contractor shall, as specified in the Employer’s Requirements, afford all
reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to:
a) any other contractors employed by the Employer and their workmen,
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
b) radnoj snazi Investitora,
c) radnoj snazi bilo koje legalno konstituisane javne vlasti koji mogu biti angažovani
na radovima na ili blizu Gradilišta na nekom poslu koji nije uključen u Ugovor, a koji
Investitor može da zahteva.
Izvođač će od podizvođača nabaviti, koordinirati i podneti Predstavniku Investitora kao obaveštenje sve detalje (uključujući i detalje za radove koji će se izvoditi van Gradilišta). Izvođač će
biti odgovoran za lociranje njihovog rada i materijala, u cilju da osigura da ne dođe do sukoba
sa radom ostalih Podizvođača, Izvođačem ili drugih izvođača.
4.5. Podizvođači
Izvođač neće dati podizvođaču celokupne Radove, osim ukoliko je drugačije navedeno u Delu II:
a) izvođač neće biti obavezan da pribavlja potvrde za narudžbine Materijala za Podizvođača
za koji je Podizvođač imenovan u Ugovoru;
b) prethodno odobrenje Predstavnika Investitora mora se pribaviti za druge predložene
c) ne manje od 28 dana pre datuma nameravanog za početak radova od strane svakog Podizvođača na gradilištu, Izvođač će obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o takvoj
nameri; i
d) gde je to primenjivo, Izvođač će pružiti pravičnu i razumnu priliku izvođačima iz Države
domaćina da budu određeni kao Podizvođači.
Izvođač će biti odgovoran za pridržavanje svih Podizvođača svih odredbi Ugovora. Izvođač će
biti odgovoran za dela i propuste svih Podizvođača, njihovih posrednika ili zaposlenih, u potpunosti kao da su to dela ili propusti Izvođača, njegovih posrednika ili zaposlenih.
4.6. Dodeljivanje Obaveza Podizvođaču
Ako je Podizvođač preuzeo trajne i dodeljive obaveze od Izvođača za radove projektovane ili
izvršene, ili su Postrojenje, Materijali ili usluge obezbeđene od strane Podizvođača, i ako se
takve obaveze se nastave posle isteka Ugovorenog Perioda, Izvođač će, po isteku Ugovornog
Perioda, preneti korist od tih obaveza na Investitora za vreme njihovog neisteklog trajanja, na
zahtev i o trošku Investitora.
4.7. Obeležavanje
Izvođač će obeležiti radove u skladu sa originalnim kotama, linijama i nivoima orijentacije
specifiranim u Zahtevima Investitora, ili, ako to nije specifirano, datim od strane Predstavnika
Investitora u pisanoj formi. Izvođač će ispraviti, o svom trošku, bilo kakvu grešku u pozicioniranju, nivelisanju, dimenzijama ili trasiranju Radova.
4.8. Garancija Kvaliteta
Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II, Izvođač će sprovesti sistem garancije kvaliteta da bi
pokazao zadovoljenje zahteva Ugovora. Takav sistem će biti u skladu sa detaljima navedenim
u Ugovoru. Sprovođenje sistema kontrole Kvaliteta neće osloboditi Izvođača njegovih dužnosti,
obaveza ili odgovornosti.
Detalji svih postupaka i dokumenata o sprovođenju sistema kvaliteta će biti dostavljeni na obaveštenje Predstavniku Investitora pre početka svake faze projektovanja ili izvođenja. Prilikom
izdavanja bilo kog dokumenta Predstavniku Investitora, taj dokument treba da prati potpisana
potvrda o kvalitetu za taj dokument u skladu sa detaljima navedenim u Ugovoru.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
b) the workmen of the Employer, and
c) the workmen of any legally constituted public authorities who may be employed in
the execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the Contract, which the
Employer may require.
The Contractor shall obtain, co-ordinate and submit to the Employer’s Representative for his
information all details (including details of work to be carried out off the Site) from Subcontractors.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the locations of their work or materials, in order to
ensure that there is no conflict with the work of other Subcontractors, the Contractor or other
4.5. Subcontractors
The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works. Unless otherwise stated in Part II:
a) the Contractor shall not be required to obtain consent for purchases of Materials or for
subcontracts for which the Subcontractor is named in the Contract;
b) the prior consent of the Employer’s Representative shall be obtained to other proposed
c) not less than 28 days before the intended date of each Subcontractor commencing
work on the Site, the Contractor shall notify the Employer’s Representative of such
intention; and
d) where practicable, the Contractor shall give a fair and reasonable opportunity for contractors from the Country to be appointed as Subcontractors.
The Contractor shall be responsible for observance by all Subcontractors of all the provisions of
the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor,
his agents or employees, as fully as if they were the acts or defaults of the Contractor, his
agents or employees.
4.6. Assignment of Subcontractor’s Obligations
If a Subcontractor has undertaken a continuing and assignable obligation to the Contractor for
the work designed or executed, or Plant, Materials or services supplied, by such Subcontractor,
and if such obligation extends beyond the expiry of the Contract Period, the Contractor shall,
upon the expiry of the Contract Period, assign the benefit of such obligation to the Employer for
its unexpired duration, at the request and cost of the Employer.
4.7. Setting Out
The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference specified in the Employer’s Requirements or, if not specified, given by the Employer’s
Representative in writing. The Contractor shall rectify, at his cost, any error in the positions,
levels, dimensions or alignment of the Works.
4.8. Quality Assurance
Unless otherwise stated in Part II, the Contractor shall institute a quality assurance system to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Contract. Such system shall be in accordance with the details stated in the Contract. Compliance with the quality assurance system
shall not relieve the Contractor of his duties, obligations or responsibilities.
Details of all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to the Employer’s
Representative for his information before each design and execution stage is commenced. When
any document is issued to the Employer’s Representative, it shall be accompanied by the signed
quality statements for such document, in accordance with the details stated in the Contract.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Predstavnik Izvođača će moći da revidira bilo koji aspekt sistema i moći će da zahteva da
korektivne mere budu sprovedene.
4.9. Podaci o Gradilištu
Investitor će obezbediti Izvođaču, pre Osnovnog Datuma sve hidrološke i podzemne podatke
Gradilišta, studije o uticaju na okruženje, koje su dobijene od ili u ime Investitora prilikom istraživanja za potrebe Radova. Izvođač će biti odgovoran za tumačenje svih podataka.
Smatraće se da je Izvođač pregledao i prekontrolisao Gradilište, njegovo okruženje, gore
pomenute podatke i sve raspoložive informacije, i da je zadovoljan (uzimajući u obzir vreme i
cenu, koliko je to moguće) pre podnošenja Tendera, i to:
a) oblikom i prirodom Gradilišta, uključujući podzemne uslove,
b) hidrološkim i klimatskim uslovima,
c) obimom i prirodom radova i Materijala neophodnih za izvršenje i kompletiranje Radova,
i otklanjanjem nedostataka, i
d) sredstvima pristupa Gradilištu i smeštajem koji može da zahteva.
Smatraće se da je Izvođač pribavio sve neophodne informacije u pogledu rizika, nepredviđenih
radova ili ostalih okolnosti koje mogu uticati ili štetno delovati na Tender.
4.10. Uticaji na Izvođenje Radova
Smatraće se da je Izvođač zadovoljan korektnošću i dovoljnošću Ugovorene Cene. Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Ugovoru, Ugovorena Cena će pokriti sve njegove obaveze po Ugovoru
(uključujući i one pod Provizornim iznosima, ako postoje) i sve stvari neophodne za ispravno
projektovanje, izvođenje i kompletiranje Radova i otklanjanje nedostataka.
4.11. Nepredvidivi Podzemni Uslovi
Ako je Izvođač naišao na podzemne uslove koji po njegovom mišljenju nisu mogli da budu
predviđeni od strane jednog iskusnog Izvođača, treba da obavesti Predstavnika Investitora
da bi ovaj mogao da proveri takve uslove. Posle prijema ovakvog obaveštenja i posle provere i istrage, Predstavnik Investitora će, ako su takvi uslovi bili nepredvidivi (do Osnovnog
Datuma) od strane iskusnog Izvođačapostupiti u skladu sa Članom 3.5 i saglasiti se ili odlučiti
o sledećem:
a) produžetuk vremena na koje Izvođač ima pravo po Članu 8.3, i
b) dodatnom trošku zbog takvih uslova, koji će biti dodati Ugovorenoj Ceni,
i shodno tome, obavestiće Izvođača.
4.12. Prilazni Putevi
Smatraće se da je Izvođač zadovoljan prikladnošču prilaznih puteva koje je izabrao da koristi.
Izvođač će biti odgovoran za održavanje takvih puteva. Izvođač će obezbediti saobraćajne
znakove ili putokaze za koje misli da su neophodni za orijentaciju osoblja, radne snage i ostalih. Izvođač će pribaviti bilo koju neophodnu dozvolu od relevantnih organa za korišćenje tih
puteva, znakova i putokaza.
Investitor neće biti odgovoran za bilo kakva potraživanja koja nastanu zbog korišćenja prilaznih
puteva ili drugih razloga. Investitor ne garantuje dostupnost ni jednog prilaznog puta, i neće
odobriti bilo koji zahtev vezan za nepogodnost ili nedostupnost takvog puta usled njegovog
korišćenja tokom izgradnje.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Employer’s Representative shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system and require
corrective action to be taken.
4.9. Site Data
The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor, prior to the Base Date, all the data
on hydrological and sub-surface conditions at the Site, and studies on environmental impact,
which have been obtained by or on behalf of the Employer from investigations for the Works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all data.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site, its surroundings,
the above data and other available information, and to have satisfied himself (so far as is practicable, taking account of cost and time) before submitting the Tender, as to:
a) the form and nature of the Site, including the sub-surface conditions,
b) the hydrological and climatic conditions.
c) the extent and nature of the work and Materials necessary for the execution and completion of the Works, and the remedying of any defects, and
d) the means of access to the Site and the accommodation he may require.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect the Tender.
4.10. Matters Affecting the Execution of the Works
The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency
of the Contract Price. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract Price shall cover
all his obligations under the Contract (including those under Provisional Sums, if any) and all
things necessary for the proper design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects.
4.11. Unforeseeable Sub-Surface Conditions
If sub-surface conditions arc encountered by the Contractor which in his opinion were not
foreseeable by an experienced contractor, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer’s
Representative so that the Employer’s Representative can inspect such conditions. After receipt
of such notice and after his inspection and investigation, the Employer’s Representative shall,
if such conditions were not (by the Base Date) foreseeable by an experienced contractor, proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, and
b) the additional Cost due to such conditions, which shall be added to the Contract Price,
and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
4.12. Access Route
The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the suitability and availability
of the access routes he chooses to use. The Contractor shall (as between the parties) be
responsible for the maintenance of access routes. The Contractor shall provide any signs or
directions which he may consider necessary for the guidance of his staff, labour and others. The
Contractor shall obtain any permission that may be required from the relevant authorities for the
use of such routes, signs and directions.
The Employer will not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise
of any access route. The Employer does not guarantee the suitability or availability of any particular access route, and will not entertain any claim for any non-suitability or non-availability for
continuous use during construction of any such route.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
4.13. Pravo Pristupa i Objekti
Izvođač će snositi sve troškove i izdatke za specijalno ili privremeno pravo prolaza zahtevano
od njega radi pristupa Gradilištu. Izvođač će takođe pribaviti o svom trošku, sve dodatne pogodnosti objekte izvan Gradilišta neophodne za potrebe Radova.
4.14. Dinamika Radova
Izvođač treba da podnese Predstavniku Investitora na uvid Dinamiku Radova u vremenu navedenom u Prilogu Tenderu. Dinamika treba da sadrži sledeće:
a) redosled po kom Izvođač planira da izvodi radove (uključujući svaku fazu projektovanja,
nabavke, dopremanja na gradilište, izgradnje, montaže, testiranje i puštanje u rad),
b) sve ključne događaje i aktivnosti u pripremanju Dokumentacije za Izgradnju,
c) vremena pregleda dokumenata pre izvedbe po Članu 5.2 i vremena za ostala podnošenja, odobrenja i saglasnosti navedena u Zahtevima Investitora, i
d) redosled testiranja navedenih u Ugovoru.
Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Ugovoru, Dinamika Radova će biti razvijana korišćenjem
tehnike prioritetnog umrežavanja, pokazujući datume ranog i kasnog početka i ranog i kasnog
Izvođač će, kada god to zahteva Predstavnik Investitora, obezbediti u pisanoj formi radi informacije, opšti opis organizacije i metoda koje Izvođač namerava da usvoji za potrebe izvođenja
Radova. Nikakva značajnija izmena Dinamike Radova ili organizacije i metoda, ne sme biti
načinjena bez obaveštenja Predstavnika Izvođača.
Ako se napredovanje Radova ne podudara sa Dinamikom, Predstavnik Investitora može da
uputi Izvođača da revidira Dinamiku, ukazujući na izmene neophodne za postizanje završetka
radova u Roku za Završetak.
4.15. Izveštaj o Napredovanju Radova
Mesečni izveštaji o napretku radova biće pripremani od strane Izvođača i predavani Predstavniku
Investitora u šest kopija. Prvi izveštaj treba da obuhvati period do kraja kalendarskog meseca
u kome se nalazi Datum početka radova; izveštaji se posle toga predaju mesečno, svaki u roku
od 14 dana od poslednjeg dana perioda na koji se odnosi. Izveštavanje će se nastaviti sve dok
Izvođač ne završi sve radove za koje se zna da su neizvršeni do datuma završetka navedenog
u Potvrdi o Preuzimanju Radova. Svaki Izveštaj treba da uključi:
a) fotografije i detaljan opis napredovanja, uključujući svaku fazu projektovanja, nabavke,
izrade, isporuke na Gradilište, izgradnje, montaže, testiranja i puštanja u rad;
b) grafikone koji pokazuju status Dokumenata za Izgradnju, narudžbenica, proizvodnje i
c) za proizvodnju svake glavne pozicije Postrojenja i Materijala, ime proizvođača, mesto
proizvodnje, napredak izražen u procentima, i aktuelni ili očekivani datum početka proizvodnje, Izvođačeve inspekcije testiranja i isporuke;
d) zapisnike o personalu i Mehanizaciji Izvođača na Gradilištu;
e) kopije potvrde Kvaliteta, rezultate testiranja i potvrde o Materijalima;
f) statistiku o bezbednosti, uključujući detalje o svakom opasnom slučaju i aktivnostima
vezanim za aspekte okruženja i odnose sa javnošću;
g) upoređenja planiranog i aktuelnog napretka sa svim detaljima izgleda koji mogu ugroziti
završetak radova u skladu sa Ugovorom, i mere koje su usvojene (ili će biti usvojene)
da se izbegnu takvi izgledi.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
4.13. Rights of Way and Facilities
The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary rights-of-way required
by him for access to the Site. The Contractor shall also provide, at his own cost, any additional
facilities outside the Site required by him for the purposes of the Works.
4.14. Programme
The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Employer’s Representative, for information,
within the time stated in the Appendix to Tender. The programme shall include the following:
a) the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry out the Works (including each stage
of design, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, erection, testing
and commissioning),
b) all major events and activities in the production of Construction Documents,
c) the periods for the pre-construction reviews under Sub-Clause 5.2 and for any other
submissions, approvals and consents specified in the Employer’s Requirements, and
d) the sequence of all tests specified in the Contract.
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the programme shall be developed using precedence
networking techniques, showing early start, late start, early finish and late finish dates.
The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Employer’s Representative, provide in writing,
for information, a general description of the arrangements and methods which the Contractor
proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works. No significant alteration to the programme,
or to such arrangements and methods, shall be made without informing the Employer’s
If the progress of the Works does not conform to the programme, the Employer’s Representative
may instruct the Contractor to revise the programme, showing the modifications necessary to
achieve completion within the Time for Completion.
4.15. Progress Reports
Monthly progress reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer’s
Representative in six copies. The first report shall cover the period up to the end of the calendar
month after that in which the Commencement Date occurred; reports shall be submitted monthly
thereafter, each within 14 days of the last day of the period to which it relates. Reporting shall
continue until the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the
completion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works. Each report shall include:
a) photographs and detailed descriptions of progress, including each stage of design, procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, erection, testing and commissioning:
b) charts showing the status of Construction Documents, purchase orders, manufacture
and construction;
c) for the manufacture of each main item of Plant and Materials, the name of manufacturer, manufacture location, percentage progress, and the actual or expected dates of
commencement of manufacture, Contractor’s inspections, tests and delivery;
d) records of personnel and Contractor’s Equipment on Site;
e) Copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of Materials;
f) safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to
environmental aspects and public relations; and
g) comparisons of actual and planned progress, with details of any aspects which may
jeopardize the completion in accordance with the Contract, and the measures being (or
to be) adopted to overcome such aspects.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
4.16. Mehanizacija Izvođača
Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II, Izvođač će obezbediti svu Mehanizaciju Izvođača
neophodnu za kompletiranje Radova. Sva Mehanizacija Izvođača smatraće se, od trenutka
kad je donešena na Gradilište, kao oprema isključivo namenjena za izvođenje Radova. Izvođač
neće ukloniti sa Gradilišta bilo koji deo Mehanizacije Izvođača bez saglasnosti Predstavnika
4.17. Mere Bezbednosti
Izvođač će se pridržavati svih odgovarajućih propisa o bezbednosti pri projektovanju, organizovanju pristupa i rada na Gradilištu. Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II, Izvođač će, od
početka radova na gradilištu do preuzimanja od strane Investitora obezbediti sledeće:
a) ogradu, osvetljenje, čuvanje i posmatranje Radova, i
b) privremene puteve, pešačke prilaze, čuvare i ogradu koji mogu biti neophodni za smeštaj i zaštitu vlasnika i korisnika susednog zemljišta, javnosti i ostalih.
4.18. Zaštita Okruženja
Izvođač će preuzeti sve razumne mere da zaštiti okolinu (na Gradilištu i van njega) i da smanji
štetu i uznemiravanje ljudi i imovine od zagađenja, buke i ostalog što može nastati kao rezultat njegovih radova. Izvođač će obezbediti da ispuštanje štetnih gasova, površinsko zagađenje i oticanje sa Gradilišta tokom Ugovornog Perioda ne prevazilaze vrednosti navedene u
Zahtevima Investitora, i ne prelaze vrednosti propisane zakonom.
4.19. Struja, Voda i Gas
Izvođač će imati pravo da koristi, u svrhu izvođenja Radova, struju, vodu, gas i ostale servise
koji mogu biti dostupni na Gradilištu, i o kojima su detalji navedeni u Zahtevima Investitora.
Izvođač će plaćati Investitoru po cenama navedenim u Zahtevima Investitora. O potrošenim
količinama će odlučivati Predstavnik Investitora, koji će uključiti dospele iznose kao odbitke u
Privremenim i Okončanima Situacijama. Izvođač će o svom riziku i trošku, obezbediti svu neophodnu aparaturu za ovo odlučivanje kao i za svoje korišćenje ovih servisa.
4.20. Nabavka Mehanizacije i Materijala od strane Investitora
Investitor prihvata da obezbedi predmete mehanizacije i materijala (ako postoje) u skladu sa
detaljima navedenim u Zahtevima Investitora. Investitor će, o svom riziku i trošku, transportovati takvu mehanizaciju i materijale Izvođaču, u vreme i na mesto navedenom u Ugovoru.
Izvođač će vizuelno pregledati mehanizaciju i materijale po primanju na datoj lokaciji, i izvestiće
Investitora i Predstavnika Investitora o bilo kakvom nedostatku, defektu ili oštećenju; tada će ili
Investitor nadoknaditi nedostatke, defekte ili štetu, ili će Izvođač (ako se Izvođač i predstavnik
Investitora tako slože) prihvatiti takve popravke kao Izmenu. Posle vizualne provere, mehanizacija i materijali će preći pod staranje čuvanje i upravljanje Izvođača. Izvođačeva obaveza
pregleda i brige čuvanja i upravljanja neće osloboditi Investitora odgovornosti od nekih meptlrovemoj nedostataka, defekata ili oštećenja.
Investitor takođe pristaje da rukuje mehanizacijom i opremom u skladu sa detaljima, organizaciji i nadoknadama navedenim u Zahtevima Investitora. Izvođač će platiti takve nadoknade
Investitoru; dospeli iznosi će biti određeni od Predstavnika Investitora i biće dodati dedukcijama
u Okončanoj Situaciji uvršteni kao odbici u Privremenim i Konačnim situacijama.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
4.16. Contractor’s Equipment
Unless otherwise stated in Part II, the Contractor shall provide all Contractor’s Equipment necessary to complete the Works. All Contractor’s Equipment shall, when brought on to the Site,
be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall not
remove from the Site any such Contractor’s Equipment without the consent of the Employer’s
4.17. Safety Precautions
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable safety regulations in his design, access arrangements and operations on Site. Unless otherwise stated in Part II, the Contractor shall, from the
commencement of work on Site until taking-over by the Employer, provide:
a) fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Works, and
b) temporary roadways, footways, guards and fences which may be necessary for the accommodation and protection of owners and occupiers of adjacent land, the public and others.
4.18. Protection of the Environment
The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment (both on and off the
Site) and to limit damage and nuisance lo people and property resulting from pollution, noise
and other results of his operations. The Contractor shall ensure that air emissions, surface
discharges and effluent from the Site during the Contract Period shall not exceed the values
indicated in the Employer’s Requirements, and shall not exceed the values prescribed by law.
4.19. Electricity, Water and Gas
The Contractor shall be entitled to use for the purposes of the Works such supplies of electricity,
water, gas and other services as may be available on the Site and of which details are given
in the Employer’s Requirements. The Contractor shall pay the Employer at the prices stated in
the Employer’s Requirements. The quantities consumed shall be determined by the Employer’s
Representative, who shall include the amounts due as deductions in Interim and Final Payment
Certificates. The Contractor shall, at his risk and cost, provide any apparatus necessary for
such determination and for his use of these services.
4.20. Employer Supplied Machinery and Materials
The Employer undertakes to provide the items of machinery and materials (if any) in accordance
with the details given in the Employer’s Requirements. The Employer shall, at his risk and cost,
transport such machinery and materials lo the Contractor, at the time and place specified in the
The Contractor shall visually inspect the machinery and materials upon receipt al such place, and
shall notify the Employer and the Employer’s Representative of any shortage, defect or default;
then, either the Employer shall immediately rectify any shortage, defect or default, or the Contractor
(if the Contractor and the Employer’s Representative so agree) shall carry out such rectification
as a Variation. After visual inspection, this machinery and materials shall come under the care,
custody and control of the Contractor. The Contractor’s obligations of inspection, care, custody and
control shall not relieve the Employer of liability for any undetectable shortage, defect or default.
The Employer also undertakes to operate the items of machinery and equipment in accordance
with the details, arrangements and charges given in the Employer’s Requirements. The Contractor
shall pay such charges to the Employer; the amounts due shall be determined by the Employer’s
Representative and included as deductions in Interim and Final Payment Certificates.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
4.21. Čišćenje Gradilišta
Tokom izvođenja Radova, Izvođač će držati Gradilište uredno, bez nepotrebnih prepreka, skladištiće ili skloniti Mehanizaciju Izvođača ili suvišan materijal. Izvođač će raščistiti i ukloniti sa
Gradilišta otpad i smeće ili Privremene Radove koji nisu više potrebni.
Po izdavanju neke Potvrde o Preuzimanju, Izvođač će očistiti i ukloniti sa dela Gradilišta i
radova na koji se Potvrda o preuzimanju odnosi, svu Mehanizaciju Izvođača, višak materijala,
otpad i Privremene Radove. Izvođač će ostaviti taj deo Gradilišta i Radove u čistom i bezbednom stanju takvom da zadovolji Predstavnika Investitora. Osim toga, Izvođač će biti ovlašćen
da zadrži na Gradilištu, do isteka Ugovorenog Perioda, onu Mehanizaciju Izvođača, Materijale i
Privremene Radove koji su mu neophodni za ispunjavanje njegovih obaveza iz Ugovora.
Ako Izvođač ne ukloni Mehanizaciju Izvođača, suvišne materijale, otpad, smeće i Privremene
Radove, u roku od 28 dana od izdavanja Potvrde o Izvođenju, Investitor može prodati ili se na
drugi način rešiti takvih predmeta. Investitor će moći da zadrži od prodaje sumu dovoljnu da
pokrije troškove vezane za prodaju ili odlaganje, i za vraćanje Gradilišta u prvobitno stanje.
Preostali prihod koji izađe kao višak biće uplaćen Izvođaču. Ako dobitak od prodaje ne bude
dovoljan za pokrivanje navedenih troškova Investitora, Investitor će razliku moći da naplati od
4.22. Obezbeđivanje Gradilišta
Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II:
a) Izvođač će biti odgovoran da neovlašćena lica ne ulaze na Gradilište, i
b) Ovlašćena lica će biti ograničena na zaposlene Izvođača, zaposlene kod njegovih
Podizvođača i osobe ovlašćene od Predstavnika Investitora ili Investitora.
4.23. Aktivnosti Izvođača na Gradilištu
Izvođač će ograničiti svoje aktivnosti unutar Gradilišta, i dodatnih površina koje mogu biti obezbeđeni od Izvođača i odobrene od Predstavnika Investitora kao radne površine. Izvođač će preduzeti sve neophodne mere da drži personal i opremu unutar Gradilišta i tih dodatnih površina,
i da ih drži i da im zabrani neovlašćeni uzlazak na susedno zemljište.
4.24. Fosili
Svi fosili, novčići, predmeti od vrednosti ili antikviteti, objekti i drugi ostaci ili predmeti geološke
ili arheološke važnosti otkrivene na Gradilištu će biti vlasništvo Investitora. Izvođač će preduzeti sve neophodne mere da spreči svoje osoblje, radnu snagu ili ostala lica od uzimanja
ili oštećivanja takvih predmeta. Izvođač će, odmah po otkrivanju takvog predmeta, obavestiti
Predstavnike Investitora koji će izdati instrukcije šta da se radi sa istim.
Ako Izvođač pretrpi trošak ili pretrpi kašnjenje zbog izvršenja instrukcija Predstavnika
Investitora, a takav trošak ili kašnjenje nisu bili predvidivi (do Osnovnog datuma) od strane iskusnog Izvođača, Izvođač će izdati obaveštenje Predstavniku Investitora, sa kopijom Investitoru.
Predstavnik Investitora će, pošto primi takvo obaveštenje, postupiti u skladu sa Članom 3.5 i da
se saglasi ili odluči sledeće:
a) produži vreme na koje Izvođač ima pravo po Članu 8.3, i
b) iznos takvih troškova, koji će biti dodat Ugovorenoj Ceni, i shodno sa tim, obavestiće
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
4.21. Clearance of Site
During the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall keep the Site free from all unnecessary
obstruction, and shall store or dispose of any Contractor’s Equipment or surplus materials. The
Contractor shall clear away and remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish or Temporary
Works no longer required.
Upon the issue of any Taking-Over Certificate, the Contractor shall clear away and remove, from
that part of the Site and Works to which such Taking-Over Certificate refers, all Contractor’s
Equipment, surplus material, wreckage-rubbish and Temporary Works. The Contractor shall
leave such part of the Site and the Works in a clean and safe condition to the satisfaction of
the Employer’s Representative. Except that, the Contractor shall be entitled to retain on Site,
until the expiry of the Contract Period, such Contractor’s Equipment. Materials and Temporary’
Works as required by him for the purpose of fulfilling his obligations under the Contract.
If the Contractor fails to remove, by 28 days after the issue of the Performance Certificate, any
remaining Contractor’s Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works,
the Employer may sell or otherwise dispose of such items. The Employer shall be entitled to
retain, from the proceeds of such sale, a sum sufficient to meet the costs incurred in connection
with the sale or disposal, and in restoring the Site. Any balance of the proceeds shall be paid
to the Contractor. If the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to meet the Employer’s costs, the
outstanding balance shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer.
4.22. Security of the Site
Unless otherwise stated in Part II:
a) the Contractor shall be responsible for keeping unauthorised persons off the Site, and
b) authorised persons shall be limited to the employees of the Contractor, employees of his
Subcontractors and persons authorised by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative.
4.23. Contractor’s Operations on Site
The Contractor shall confine his operations to the Site, and to any additional areas which may be
provided by the Contractor and agreed by the Employer’s Representative as working areas. The
Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep his personnel and equipment within the Site
and such additional areas, and to keep and prohibit them from encroaching on adjacent land.
4.24. Fossils
All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, and structures and other remains or things of
geological or archaeological interest discovered on the Site shall (as between the parties) be
the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent
his staff, labour or other persons from removing or damaging any such article or thing. The
Contractor shall, immediately upon discovery of such article or thing, advise the Employer’s
Representative, who may issue instructions for dealing with it.
If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost in following these instructions of the Employer’s
Representative, and if such delay and/or Cost was not (by the Base Date) foreseeable by an
experienced contractor, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer’s Representative, with
a copy to the Employer. After receipt of such notice, the Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, and
b) the amount of such Cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price, and shall notify
the Contractor accordingly.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
5.1. Opšte Obaveze
Izvođač će uraditi i biti odgovoran za projektovanje Radova. Projekat će biti pripremljen od
strane kvalifikovanih projektanata koji su inženjeri ili drugi profesionalci koji odgovaraju kriterijumima (ako ih ima) navedenim u Zahtevima Investitora. Za svaki deo Radova, prethodna
saglasnost Predstavnika Investitora treba biti pribavljena za projektanta ili podizvođača projektovanja ako oni nisu imenovani kao takvi u Ugovoru. Ništa što je navedeno u Ugovoru neće
stvoriti ugovorni odnos niti profesionalne obaveze između bilo kog projektanta, ili Podizvođača
projektovanja i Investitora.
Izvođač smatra sebe, svoje projekte i Podizvođače projektovanja da imaju iskustvo i sposobnosti neophodne za projektovanje. Izvođač se obavezuje da će projektanti biti na raspolaganju za diskusiju sa Predstavnikom Investitora u bilo koje razumno vreme tokom Ugovorenog
5.2. Dokumenta o Izgradnji
Izvođač će pripremiti Dokumenta o Izgradnji dovoljno detaljno da zadovolji sva propisana
odobrenja, da obezbedi dobavljačima i građevinskom osoblju dovoljno uputstava da izvode
Radove, i da opiše funkcionisanje završenih Radova. Predstavnik Investitora će imati pravo da
ocenjuje i pregleda pripremu Dokumenata o Izgradnji bilo gde da se oni pripremaju.
Svaki Dokument o Izgradnji, kada se smatra spreman za upotrebu, će biti predat Predstavniku
Izvođača na ocenu pre izgradnje. U ovom Članu, „period ocenjivanja” znači period potreban
Predstavniku Investitora koji (osim ako drugačije nije navedeno u Zahtevima Investitora) ne
sme biti duži od 21 dan, računajući od dana kada Predstavnik Izvođača primi Dokumenta o
Izgradnji i Izvođačevu napomenu da se ta dokumenta smatraju spremnimkako za ocenjivanje
pre izgradnje u skladu sa ovim Članom tako i za upotrebu. Ako Predstavnik Investitora u ovom
periodu za ocenjivanje obavesti Izvođača da Dokumenta o Izgradnji ne zadovoljavaju Zahteve
Investitora (u navedenom obimu), ta dokumenta će biti popravljena, ponovo podneta i ocenjena
u skladu sa ovim Članom, o trošku Izvođača.
Za svaki deo Radova, osim u obimu u kom je prethodna saglasnost Predstavnika investitora
već dobijena:
a) izvođenje radova ne sme da počne pre isteka perioda ocene Dokumenata o Izgradnji
koje su relevantne za projektovanje i izgradnju tog dela;
b) izgradnja će biti u skladu sa tim dokumentima o izgradnji, i
c) ako Izvođač želi da izmeni projekat ili dokument koji je prethodno bio podnesen na
ocenu pre izgradnje, on će odmah obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora i zatim podneti
revidovana dokumenta na ocenjivanje pre izgradnje.
Ako Predstavnik Investitora naloži da je potrebno još Dokumenata o Izgradnji za izvođenja
Radova, Izvođač će posle primanja takvog naloga, pripremiti takva dokumenta o izgradnji.
Greške, neslaganja, propusti, nedoslednosti, neadekvatnosti i ostali nedostaci će biti ispravljeni
od strane i o trošku Izvođača.
5.3. Izvođač se obavezuje
Izvođač se obavezuje, ako je to zakonski i fizički moguće, da će projekat, Dokumenta o Izgradnji
izvođenje i završeni radovi biti u skladu sa sledećim, po redosledu prvenstva:
a) zakonom Države domaćina, i
b) dokumentima koja čine Ugovor ili su pretrpela Izmene.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
5.1. General Obligations
The Contractor shall carry out. and be responsible for, the design of the Works. Design shall
be prepared by qualified designers who are engineers or other professionals who comply with
the criteria (if any) stated in the Employer’s Requirements. For each part of the Works, the
prior_consent of the Employer’s Representative shall be obtained to the designer and design
Subcontractor, if they are not named as such in the Contract. Nothing contained in the Contract
shall create any contractual relationship or professional obligations between any designer, or a
design Subcontractor, and the Employer.
The Contractor holds himself, his designers and design Subcontractors as having the experience and capability necessary for the design. The Contractor undertakes that the designers
shall be, available to attend discussions with the Employer’s Representative at all reasonable
times during the Contract Period.
5.2. Construction Documents
The Contractor shall prepare Construction Documents in sufficient detail to satisfy all regulatory
approvals, to provide suppliers and construction personnel sufficient instruction to execute the
Works, and to describe the operation of the completed Works The Employer’s Representative
shall have the right to review and inspect the preparation of Construction Documents, wherever
they are being prepared.
Each of the Construction Documents shall, when considered ready for use, be submitted to
the Employer’s Representative for pre-construction review. In this Sub-Clause, “review period”
means the period required by the Employer’s Representative, which (unless otherwise stated
in the Employer’s Requirements) shall not exceed 21 days, calculated from the date on which
the Employer’s Representative receives a Construction Document and the Contractor’s notice
that it is considered ready, both for a pre-construction review in accordance with this SubClause, and for use. If the Employer’s Representative, within such review period, notifies the
Contractor that such Construction Document fails (to the extent stated) to comply with the
Employer’s Requirements, it shall be rectified, resubmitted and reviewed in accordance with
this Sub-Clause, at the Contractor’s cost.
For each part of the Works, and except to the extent that the prior consent of the Employer’s
Representative shall have been obtained:
a) construction shall not commence prior to the expiry of the review periods for the
Construction Documents which are relevant to the design and construction of such part;
b) construction shall be in accordance with such Construction Documents; and
c) if the Contractor wishes to modify any design or document which has previously been
submitted for such pre-construction review, the Contractor shall immediately notify the
Employer’s Representative, and shall subsequently submit revised documents to the
Employer’s Representative for pre-construction review.
If the Employer’s Representative instructs that further Construction Documents are necessary
for carrying out the Works, the Contractor shall upon receiving the Employer’s Representative’s
instructions prepare such Construction Documents.
Errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, inadequacies and other defects shall be rectified by the Contractor at his cost.
5.3. Contractor’s Undertaking
The Contractor undertakes that, if legally and physically possible, the design, the Construction
Documents, the execution and the completed Works will be in accordance with the following,
in order of priority:
a) the law in the Country, and
b) the documents forming the Contract, as altered or modified by Variations.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
5.4. Tehnički Standardi i Regulative
Projekat, Dokumenta o Izgradnji, izvođenje i završeni Radovi će biti u skladu sa nacionalnim
specifikacijama Države, tehničkim standardima, regulativama o gradnji i prirodnom okruženju,
regulativama koje su primenjive na proizvod koji je nastao iz Radova, kao i standardima navedenim u Zahtevima Investitora, primenjivim na Izvođačevu Ponudu i Tabele ili definisanim zakonom. Pozivanje u Ugovoru na ovakve specifikacije i druge stvari će se smatrati kao pozivanje
na izdanje primenjivom na Osnovni Datum, ukoliko nije drugačije navedeno. Ako se tehnički
standardi i regulative znatno izmene, ili na snagu nastupi neka nova primenjiva nacionalna specifikacija posle Osnovnog datuma, Izvođač će uputiti zahtev za usaglašavanje sa Zahtevima
Investitora. U slučaju da Predstavnik Investitora odluči da li ta usaglašavanja predstavljaju
izmenu, on će onda inicirati Izmenu u skladu sa Članom 14.
5.5. Uzorci
Izvođač će dostaviti sledeće uzorke i odgovarajuće informacije Predstavniku Investitora na
ocenu pre izgradnje u skladu sa procedurama Dokumenata o Izgradnji kao što je opisano u
Članu 5.2:
a) standardne uzorke proizvođača Materijala,
b) uzorke (ako postoje) navedene u Zahtevima Investitora, i
c) dodatne uzorke zahtevane od Predstavnika Investitora po Članu 14.
Svaki uzorak treba da ima etiketu porekla i nameravano korišćenje u Radovima.
5.6. Crteži Izvedenog Stanja
Izvođač će pripremiti, i ažurirati, kompletan set evidencije „izvedenog” stanja izvođenja Radova,
pokazujući tačne „Izvedene” lokacije, dimenzije i detalje radova kako su izvedeni sa unakrsnim
pozivanjem na određene specifikacije i liste podataka. Ova evidencija treba da se drže na
Gradilištu i treba da se koriste isključivo za potrebe ovog Člana. Dve kopije biće dostavljene
Predstavniku Investitora pre početka Provera na Završetku Radova.
Izvođač će takođe pripremiti i podneti Predstavniku Investitora „crteže izvedenog stanja”
Radova, pokazujući radove onako kako su izvedeni. Crteži će se pripremati onako kako radovi
napreduju, i biće podnešeni Predstavniku Investitora na pregled. Izvođač će pribaviti saglasnost Predstavnika Investitora u pogledu dimenzija, sistemu obeležavanja i ostalim pripadajućim detaljima.
Pre izdavanja neke Potvrde o Preuzimanju, Izvođač će podneti Predstavniku Investitora jednu
mikrofilmsku kopiju, jednu original kopiju pune veličine i šest štampanih kopija odgovarajućih
crteža „izvedenog stanja”, i ostalu Dokumentaciju o Izgradnji navedenu u Zahtevima Investitora.
Radovi se neće smatrati završenim za svrhu preuzimanja po Članu 10.1 dok navedena dokumentacija ne bude predata Predstavniku Investitora.
5.7. Priručnici za Upravljanje i Održavanje
Pre početka Provera na Završetku radova, Izvođač će pripremiti i podneti Predstavniku
Investitora, priručnike za rukovanje i održavanje u skladu sa Zahtevima Investitora. Priručnici
treba da budu detaljni u toj meri da obezbede Investitoru da upravlja, održava, rastavi, ponovo
sastavi, prilagodi i popravi Radove. Radovi se neće smatrati završenim za svrhu preuzimanja
po Članu 10.1 dok takvi priručnici za upravljanje i održavanje ne budu predati Predstavniku
5.8. Greška od strane Izvođača
Ako se otkriju greške u Dokumentima o Izgradnji, takve greške kao i Radovi će biti ispravljeni
o trošku Izvođača.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
5.4. Technical Standards and Regulations
The design, the Construction Documents, the execution and the completed Works shall comply
with the Country’s national specifications, technical standards, building, construction and environmental regulations, regulations applicable to the product being produced from the Works,
and the standards specified in the Employer’s Requirements, applicable to the Contractor’s
Proposal and Schedules, or defined by law. References in the Contract to such specifications
and other matters shall be understood to be references to the edition applicable on the Base
Date, unless stated otherwise. If substantially changed or new applicable national specifications, technical standards or regulations come into force after the Base Date, the Contractor
shall submit proposals for compliance to the Employer’s Representative. In the event that the
Employer’s Representative determines that such proposals constitute a variation, he shall then
initiate a Variation in accordance with Clause 14.
5.5. Samples
The Contractor shall submit the following samples and relevant information lo the Employer’s
Representative for pre-construction review in accordance with the procedure for Construction
Documents described in Sub-Clause 5.2:
a) manufacturer’s standard samples of Materials,
b) samples (if any) specified in the Employer’s Requirements, and
c) additional samples instructed by the Employer’s Representative under Clause 14.
Each sample shall be labelled as to origin and intended use in the Works.
5.6. As-Built Drawings
The Contractor shall prepare, and keep up-to-date, a complete set of “as-built” records of the execution of the Works, showing the exact “as-built” locations, sizes and details of the work as executed,
with cross references to relevant specifications and data sheets. These records shall be kept on the
Site and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this Sub-Clause. Two copies shall be submitted to the Employer’s Representative prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion.
In addition, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer’s Representative “as-built
drawings” of the Works, showing all Works as executed. The drawings shall be prepared as the
Works proceed, and shall be submitted to the Employer’s Representative for his inspection. The
Contractor shall obtain the consent of the Employer’s Representative as to their size, the referencing system, and other pertinent details.
Prior to the issue of any Taking-Over Certificate, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s
Representative one microfiche copy, one full-size original copy and six printed copies of the relevant
“as-built drawings”, and any further Construction Documents specified in the Employer’s Requirements.
The Works shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of taking-over under SubClause 10. 1 until such documents have been submitted to the Employer’s Representative.
5.7. Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Prior to commencement of the Tests on Completion, the Contractor shall prepare, and submit
to the Employer’s Representative, operation and maintenance manuals in accordance with
the Employer’s Requirements and in sufficient detail for the Employer to operate, maintain,
dismantle, reassemble. adjust and repair the Works. The Works shall not be considered to be
completed for the purposes of taking-over under Sub-Clause 10.1 until such operation and
maintenance manuals have been submitted to the Employer’s Representative.
5.8. Error by Contractor
If errors are found in the Construction Documents, they and the Works shall be corrected at the
Contractor’s cost.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
5.9. Prava na Patente
Izvođač će obeštetiti Investitora za svako potraživanje zbog kršenja prava na patente, ili registrovanog projekta, autorskih prava, trgovačkog zaštitnog znaka, imena i drugih prava intelektualne svojine ako:
a) potraživanje ili tužba nastali iz projekta, izgradnje, proizvodnje ili upotrebe Radova;
b) kršenje ili tvrdnja kršenja nije prouzrokovana upotrebom dela ili celokupnih Radova, za
neku drugu svrhu od one navedene u Ugovoru, ili koja se razumno može zaključiti iz
c) kršenje (ili tvrdnja o kršenju) nije prouzrokovana upotrebom dela ili svih Radova združeno sa ili u kombinaciji sa bilo čime što nije isporučio Izvođač, sem ako je takvo združivanje ili kombinacija obelodanjena Izvođaču pre Osnovnog Datuma ili je navedena u
Ugovoru; i
d) kršenje (ili tvrdnja o kršenju) nisu bili neizbežan rezultat Izvođačevog udovoljenja
Zahtevima Investitora;
Izvođač će biti odmah obavešten o bilo kom zahtevu po ovom Članu protiv Investitora. Izvođač
može, o svom trošku, voditi pregovore za rešavanje ovakvih zahteva, i bilo koje parničenje
ili arbitražu koje može nastati kao posledica. Investitor ili Predstavnik Investitora neće praviti
nikakve štetna priznanja po Izvođača, osim ukoliko Izvođač ne preuzme vođenje pregovora
parničenja ili arbitraže u razumnom roku pošto je to od njega zahtevano.
Osim u slučaju da se Investitor složi drugačije, Izvođač neće praviti nikakva priznanja koja mogu
biti nepovoljna za Investitora dok ne izda Investitoru odgovarajuću garanciju koju Investitor
može da traži. Garancija će biti iznos koji je procena kompenzacije, štete, izdataka i troškova
za koje Izvođač može postati odgovoran, i za koje važi obeštećenje po ovom Članu.
Investitor će, na zahtev i trošak Izvođača, pomoći mu u osporavanju svih takvih potraživanja ili
postupaka i biće mu nadoknađeni svi razumni troškovi koje bude imao.
Osoblje i Radna Snaga
6.1. Zapošljavanje radne snage
Izvođač će sam organizovati zapošljavanje osoblja i radne snage, lokalne ili druge, kao i za
njihovo plaćanje, smeštaj, ishranu i prevoz.
6.2. Zarade i uslovi rada
Izvođač će isplaćivati zarade prema utvrđenim stopama, i poštovati uslove zapošljavanja, koji
ne mogu biti niži od onih koji su ustanovljeni za tu delatnost ili industriju u zemlji u kojoj se
izvode radovi. Ukoliko postojeće stope ili uslovi nisu primenjivi, Izvođač će plaćati stope zarada
i poštovati uslove rada koji ne mogu biti manje povoljni od opšteg nivoa zarada i uslova koje
primenjuju lokalni poslodavci koji se bave istom delatnošću kao lzvođač.
6.3. Lica Zaposlena kod Drugih
Izvođač neće zaposliti, niti pokušati da zaposli osoblje i radnu snagu iz redova osoba u službi
lnvestitora ili Predstavnika Investitora.
6.4. Zakoni o Radu
Izvođač će poštovati sve odgovarajuće zakone o radu koji važe za njegove zaposlene i redovno
plaćati i pružati im sva njihova zakonska prava. Izvođač će od svojih radnika zahtevati da
poštuju sve važeće zakone i propise koji se odnose na bezbednost na radu.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
5.9. Patent Rights
The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against all claims of infringement of any patent,
registered design, copyright, trade mark or trade name, or other intellectual property right, if:
a) the claim or proceedings arise out of the design, construction, manufacture or use of the Works;
b) the infringement (or allegation of infringement) was not the result of part (or all) of
the Works being used for a purpose other than that indicated by. or reasonably to be
inferred from, the Contract;
c) the infringement (or allegation of infringement) was not the result of part (or all) of the
Works being used in association or combination with any thing not supplied by the
Contractor, unless such association or combination was disclosed to the Contractor
prior to the Base Date or is stated in the Contract; and
d) infringement (or allegation of infringement) was not the unavoidable result of the
Contractor’s compliance with the Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor shall be promptly notified of any claim under this Sub-Clause made against
the Employer. The Contractor may, at his cost, conduct negotiations for the settlement of such
claim, and any litigation or arbitration that may arise from it. The Employer or the Employer’s
Representative shall not make any admission which might be prejudicial to the Contractor,
unless the Contractor has failed to take over the conduct of the negotiations, litigation or arbitration within a reasonable time after having been so requested.
Except to the extent that the Employer agrees otherwise, the Contractor shall not make any
admission which might be prejudicial to the Employer, until the Contractor has given the
Employer such reasonable security as the Employer may require. The security shall be for an
amount which is an assessment of the compensation, damages, charges and costs for which
the Employer may become liable, and to which the indemnity under this Sub-Clause applies.
The Employer shall, at the request and cost of the Contractor, assist him in contesting any such
claim or action, and shall be repaid all reasonable costs incurred.
Staff and Labour
6.1. Engagement of Staff and Labour
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all staff and labour,
local or otherwise, and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport.
6.2. Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour
The Contractor shall pay rates of wages, and observe conditions of labour, not less favourable
than those established for the trade or industry where the work is carried out. If no such established rates or conditions are applicable, the Contractor shall pay rates of wages and observe
conditions not less favourable than the general level of wages and conditions observed by
employers whose trade or industry is similar to that of the Contractor.
6.3. Persons in the Service of Others
The Contractor shall not recruit, or attempt to recruit, his staff and labour from amongst persons
in the service of the Employer or the Employer’s Representative.
6.4. Labour Laws
The Contractor shall comply with all the relevant labour laws applying to his employees, and
shall duly pay and afford to them all their legal rights. The Contractor shall require all such
employees to obey all applicable laws and regulations concerning safety at work.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
6.5. Radno Vreme
Na Gradilištu se neće izvoditi radovi izvan uobičajenog radnog vremena koje je navedeno u
Prilogu Tenderu, ili u vremenu lokalno priznatih dana odmora, osim:
a) kada Ugovor to predviđa,
b) kada je takav rad neizbežan ili potreban radi zaštite života ili imovine ili zbog bezbednosti Radova, o čemu će Izvođač odmah obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora, ili
c) kada Predstavnik Investitora da saglasnost za to.
6.6. Smeštaj za Radnu Snagu
Osim kada je u Delu II drugačije određeno, Izvođač će obezbediti i održavati sve potrebne
smeštajne kapacitete za svoj (i personal podizvođača). Izvođač će takođe obezbediti potrebne
uslove kao što je navedeno u Zahtevima Investitora za osoblje Investitora i Predstavnika
Investitora. Izvođač neće dozvoliti svom osoblju da deo koji predstavlja deo Radova koristi kao
trajni ili privremeni smeštaj.
6.7. Zdravstvena zaštita i zaštita na radu
Izvođač će preuzeti sve neophodne mere da bi obezbedio zdravstvenu zaštitu i zaštitu na
radu za svoje osoblje i radnu snagu. U saradnji sa lokalnim zdravstvenim organima, Izvođač
će obezbediti da se na Gradilištu i prostorijama za smeštaj na Gradilištu u svakom momentu
nalaze medicinsko osoblje, kapaciteti za prvu pomoć, odeljenje za bolesne i povređene, ambulanta, kao i to da se preduzmu odgovarajuće mere za ispunjenje higijenskih uslova i sprečavanje epidemija. Izvođač će voditi podatke i praviti izveštaje koji se tiču zdravlja, bezbednosti i
dobrobiti lica, kao i štete nanete imovini, što Predstavnik Investitora može u razumnom obimu
da zatraži.
Izvođač će imenovati člana svog osoblja na gradilištu zaduženu za bezbednost i zaštitu od nezgoda osoblja na Gradilištu. Ova osoba će biti kvalifikovana za tu dužnost i ovlašćena da izdaje
uputstva i preduzima zaštitne mere za sprečavanje nezgoda. Izvođač će proslediti Predstavniku
Investitora podatke o svakoj nezgodi, u što kraćem roku nakon što se nezgoda dogodila.
6.8. Nadzor od Strane Izvođača
Izvođač će obezbediti sav neophodan nadzor tokom projektovanja i izvođenja Radova i
posle toga sve dok Predstavnik Investitora smatra da je to neophodno za propisno ispunjenje
Izvođačevih obaveza po Ugovoru. Nadzor će vršiti dovoljan broj lica koja poseduju potrebno
znanje o radnim postupcima koji treba da se izvode (uključujući potrebne metode i tehnike,
opasnosti sa kojima se mogu susresti i metode za sprečavanje nesreća) radi zadovoljavajućeg
i bezbednog izvođenja radova.
6.9. Personal Izvođača
Izvođač će zaposliti ili podstaći da budu zaposlene samo osobe koje imaju odgovarajuće kvalifikacije, stručnost i iskustvo u svojim zanatima, odnosno profesijama. Predstavnik Investitora
može zahtevati od Izvođača da udalji (ili podstakne udaljavanje) za bilo koje lice zaposleno na
Gradilištu ili na Radovima, uključujući i Predstavnika Izvođača, koje po mišljenju Predstavnika
kontinuirano ispoljava nepropisno ponašanje i neodgovornost,
izvršava dužnosti nestručno i nebrižno,
ne poštuje odredbe Ugovora, ili
nastavlja sa ponašanjem koje je štetno za bezbednost na radu, zdravlje ili zaštitu životne
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
6.5. Working Hours
No work shall be carried out on the Site outside the normal working hours stated in the Appendix
to Tender, or on the locally recognised days of rest, unless:
a) the Contract so provides,
b) the work is unavoidable, or necessary for the saving of life or property or for the safety
of the Works, in which case the Contractor shall immediately advise the Employer’s
Representative, or
c) the Employer’s Representative gives his consent.
6.6. Facilities for Staff and Labour
Unless otherwise stated in Part II. the Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary accommodation and welfare facilities for his (and his Sub­contractor’s) staff and labour. The Contractor shall also
provide the facilities specified in the Employer’s Requirements, for the Employer’s and Employer’s
Representative’s personnel. The Contractor shall not permit any of his employees to maintain any
temporary or permanent living quarters within the structures forming part of the Works.
6.7. Health and Safety
Precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to ensure the health and safety of his staff and
labour. The Contractor shall, in collaboration with and to the requirements of the local health
authorities, ensure that medical staff, first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance service are
available at the accommodation and on the Site at all times, and that suitable arrangements are
made for all necessary welfare and hygiene requirements and for the prevention of epidemics.
The Contractor shall maintain records and make reports concerning health, safety and welfare of
persons, and damage to property, as the Employer’s Representative may reasonably require.
The Contractor shall appoint a member of his staff at the Site to be responsible for maintaining the safety, and protection against accidents, of personnel on the Site. This person shall
be qualified for his work and shall have the authority to issue instructions and take protective
measures to prevent accidents. The Contractor shall send, to the Employer’s Representative,
details of any accident as soon as possible after its occurrence.
6.8. Contractor’s Superintendence
The Contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during the design and execution of
the Works, and as long thereafter as the Employer’s Representative may consider necessary
for the proper fulfilling of the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract. Such superintendence
shall be given by sufficient persons having adequate knowledge of the operations to be carried
out (including the methods and techniques required, the hazards likely to be encountered and
methods of preventing accidents) for the satisfactory and safe execution of the Works.
6.9. Contractor’s Personnel
The Contractor shall employ (or cause to be employed) only persons who are careful and
appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in their respective trades or occupations. The
Employer’s Representative may require the Contractor to remove (or cause to be removed) any
person employed on the Site or Works, including the Contractor’s Representative, who in the
opinion of the Employer’s Representative:
persists in any misconduct,
is incompetent or negligent in the performance of his duties.
fails to conform with any provisions of the Contract, or
persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety, health, or the protection of the
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Ukoliko je potrebno, Izvođač će nakon toga imenovati (ili inicirati da se imenuje) odgovarajuće
lice kao zamena.
6.10. Izgredničko ponašanje
Izvođač će u svako doba preduzeti sve razumne mere predostrožnosti kako bi sprečio nezakonito, nasilno ili izgredničko ponašanje od strane ili između svog osoblja i radnika, i očuvao mir i
zaštitu lica i imovine na Gradilištu i njegovoj okolini.
Postrojenje, Materijali i Izrada
7.1. Način Izvođenja
Sva Postrojenja i Materijali koji će biti isporučeni kao i celokupan rad koji se treba da se obavi
će biti izvršeni kao što je određeno u Ugovoru.
Ako način proizvodnje i izvršenja nije određen u Ugovoru, Radovi treba da budu izvedeni na
propisan, stručan i pažljiv način, sa propisnom opremom i bezopasnim Materijalima, kao i u
skladu sa priznatom dobrom praksom.
7.2. Dopremanje na Gradilište
Izvođač će biti odgovoran za nabavku, transport, primanje, istovar i brigu o svim postrojenjima,
Materijalima, Mehanizaciji Izvođača i ostalim stvarima neophodnim za završetak Radova.
7.3. Inspekcija
Investitor i Predstavnik Investotira će imati pravo, tokom proizvodnje, izrade ili pripreme na bilo
kojim mestima gde se izvode ti radovi, da pregledaju, provere i testiraju materijale i izradu, i
da prate napredak proizvodnje, svih Postrojenja ili Materijala koji se isporučuju po Ugovoru.
Izvođač će im u potpunosti omogućiti da provere, pregledaju, premere i testiraju bilo koji rad na
Gradilištu ili bilo gde da se on izvodi.
Izvođač će pravovremeno obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora kada je takav rad spreman, pre
pakovanja, pokrivanja ili sklonjen iz vidnog polja. Predstavnik Investitora će tada ili izvršiti proveru, pregled, merenje ili testiranje bez neopravdanog odlaganja, ili obavestiti Izvođača da
to nije potrebno. Ako Izvođač ne izda takvo obaveštenje on će, kad to zatraži Predstavnik
Investitora, otkriti takav rad i posle vratiti na svoje mesto i popraviti o svom trošku.
7.4. Testiranja
Ako izvođač izvodi testiranja, osim Testiranja posle Završetka, obezbediće svu dokumentaciju
i ostale informacije neophodne za takvu vrstu testiranja kao i onu pomoć, radnu snagu, materijale, el. energiju, gorivo, skladištenje, aparate i instrumente koji su neophodni za efikasno
obavljanje testiranja.
Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora će se dogovoriti o vremenu i mestu testiranja bilo kog
Postrojenja ili ostalih delova Radova, kao što je navedeno u Ugovoru. Predstavnik Investitora će
izdati Izvođaču 24-voro časovnu najavu o svojim namerama da prisustvuje testiranju. Izvođač
će obezbediti u dovoljnom broju kvalifikovano i iskusno ljudstvo da izvrši testiranja navedena
u Ugovoru.
Ako Predstavnik Investitora ne prisustvuje na dogovorenom mestu u dogovoreno vreme, ili ako
se Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora dogovore da Predstavnik Investitora neće da bude prisutan,
Izvođač će nastaviti sa testiranjima, osim ukoliko Predstavnik Investitora ne naloži drugačije. Za
takva testiranja smatraće se kao da su izvršena u prisustvu Predstavnika Investitora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
If appropriate, the Contractor shall then appoint (or cause to be appointed) a suitable replacement person,
6.10. Disorderly Conduct
The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous
or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff and labour, and to preserve peace and protection
of persons and property in the neighbourhood of the Works against such conduct.
Plant, Materials and Workmanship
7.1. Manner of Execution
All Plant and Materials to be supplied shall be manufactured, and all work to be done shall be
executed, in the manner set out in the Contract. Where the manner of manufacture and execution is not set out in the Contract, the work shall be executed in a proper, workmanlike and careful manner, with properly equipped facilities and non-hazardous Materials, and in accordance
with recognized good practice.
7.2. Delivery to Site
The Contractor shall be responsible for procurement, transport, receiving, unloading and safe keeping of
all Plant, Materials, Contractor’s Equipment and other things required for the completion of the Works.
7.3. Inspection
The Employer and the Employer’s Representative shall be entitled, during manufacture, fabrication and preparation at any places where work is being carried out, to inspect, examine and
test the materials and workmanship, and to check the progress of manufacture, of all Plant and
Materials to be supplied under the Contract, The Contractor shall give them full opportunity to
inspect. examine, measure and test any work on Site or wherever carried out.
The Contractor shall give due notice to the Employer’s Representative whenever such work
is ready, before packaging, covering up or putting out of view. The Employer’s Representative
shall then either carry out the inspection, examination, measurement or testing without unreasonable delay, or notify the Contractor that it is considered unnecessary. If the Contractor fails
to give such notice, he shall, when required by the Employer’s Representative, uncover such
work and thereafter reinstate and make good at his own cost.
7.4. Testing
If the Contract provides for tests, other than the Tests after Completion, the Contractor shall
provide all documents and other information necessary for testing and such assistance, labour,
materials, electricity, fuel, stores, apparatus and instruments as are necessary to carry out such
tests efficiently.
The Contractor shall agree, with the Employer’s Representative, the time and place for the
testing of any Plant and other parts of the Works as specified in the Contract. The Employer’s
Representative shall give the Contractor not less than 24 hours’ notice of his intention to attend
the tests. The Contractor shall provide sufficient suitably qualified and experienced staff to carry
out the tests specified in the Contract.
If the Employer’s Representative does not attend at the time and place agreed, or if the
Contractor and the Employer’s Representative agree that the Employer’s Representative shall
not attend, the Contractor may proceed with the tests, unless the Employer’s Representative
instructs the Contractor otherwise. Such tests shall be deemed to have been made in the
Employer’s Representative’s presence.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Izvođač će po tome proslediti Predstavniku Investitora propisno overene rezultate testiranja.
Ako Predstavnik Investitora nije bio prisutan na testiranjima, prihvatiće rezultate kao tačne.
Kada su navedeni testovi uspešni, Predstavnik Investitora će overiti Izvođačevu potvrdu o testiranjima, ili mu u tu svrhu izdati potvrdu.
7.5. Odbijanje
Ako Predstavnik Investitora odluči da je, kao rezultat inspekcije, pregleda ili testiranja, neko
Postrojenje, Materijal, projekat ili izrada neadekvatno, ili na drugi način nije u skladu sa
Ugovorom, može odbiti takvo Postrojenje, Materijal, projekat ili izradu, i odmah će obavestiti
Izvođača navodeći razloge odbijanja. Izvođač će onda odmah otkloniti nedostatke i obezbediti
da odbijena pozicija zadovolji zahteve Ugovora.
U slučaju da Predstavnik Investitora zahteva ponovno testiranje Postrojenja, Materijala, projekta ili izrade, testiranje će se ponoviti pod istim rokovima i uslovima. Sve dodatne troškove
koji su naneti Investitoru ponavljanjem testiranja i odbijanjem, Investitor će moći da naplati od
Izvođača, i Investitor može da ih odbije od bilo kog novca dospelog za plaćanje ili koji će dospeti
za plaćanje Izvođaču.
7.6. Pravo svojine nad Postrojenjem i Materijalima
Svaka pozicija Postrojenja ili Materijala će postati svojina Investitora u momentu koji se pre
a) kada se dopremi na Gradilište;
b) kada na temelju Člana 8.9 Izvođač dobije pravo na naplatu vrednosti Postrojenja i
Početak Radova, Kašnjenje i Obustava
8.1. Početak Radova
Izvođač će započeti sa projektovanjem i izvođenjem Radova u razumno mogućem roku nakon
dobijanja takvog naloga od Predstavnika Investitora. Takav nalog će biti izdat u roku navedenom u Prilogu Tenderu posle Efektivnog Datuma. Izvođač će nakon toga nastaviti sa Radovima
propisnom brzinom i bez kašnjenja sve do završetka.
8.2. Rok za Završetak Radova
Celokupni Radovi i svaka pojedinačna Sekcija (ukoliko postoji), će biti završena i proći će
Testiranja na Završetku u Roku za završetak Radova ili Sekcije (zavisno od slučaja).
8.3. Produžetak Roka za Završetak
Izvođač može ako kasne, ili će kasniti sa radovima, pre ili posle Roka za Završetak, zahtevati
produžetak Roka za Završetak navodeći sledeće uzroke:
a) Izmenu (osim kada je korekcija Roka za Završetak radova dogovorena po Članu
b) događaj više sile (kako je navedeno u Članu 19.1),
c) uzrok kašnjenja koji daje pravo na produženje roka prema odredbama nekog Člana
ovih Uslova, osim u slučaju da se Izvođač nije pridržavao odredbi takvog Člana,
d) fizičke uslove ili okolnosti na Gradilištu koje su izuzetno nepovoljne a nisu se mogle
predvideti (do Osnovnog Datuma) od strane iskusnog Izvođača, ili
e) bilo kakvo kašnjenje, ometanje ili sprečavanje od strane Investitora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Contractor shall promptly forward to the Employer’s Representative duly certified reports of
the tests. If the Employer’s Representative has not attended the tests, he shall accept the readings as accurate. When the specified tests have been passed, the Employer’s Representative
shall endorse the Contractor’s test certificate, or issue a certificate to him, to that effect.
7.5. Rejection
If, as a result of inspection, examination or testing, the Employer’s Representative decides that
any Plant, Materials, design or workmanship is defective or otherwise not in accordance with
the Contract, the Employer’s Representative may reject such Plant, Materials, design or workmanship and shall notify the Contractor promptly, stating his reasons. The Contractor shall then
promptly make good the defect and ensure that the rejected item complies with the Contract.
If the Employer’s Representative requires such Plant, Materials, design or workmanship to be
retested, the tests shall be repeated under the same terms and conditions. If such rejection and
retesting cause the Employer to incur additional costs, such costs shall be recoverable from the
Contractor by the Employer, and may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due, or to
become due, to the Contractor.
7.6. Ownership of Plant and Materials
Each item of Plant and Materials shall become the property of the Employer at whichever is the
earlier of the following times:
a) when it is delivered to Site;
b) when by virtue of Sub-Clause 8.9, the Contractor becomes entitled to payment of the
value of the Plant and Materials.
Commencement, Delays and Suspension
8.1. Commencement of Works
The Contractor shall commence the design and execution of the Works as soon as is reasonably possible after the receipt of a notice to this effect from the Employer’s Representative. Such notice shall
be issued within the time stated in the Appendix to Tender after the Effective Date. The Contractor
shall then proceed with the Works with due expedition and without delay, until completion.
8.2. Time for Completion
The whole of the Works, and each Section (if any), shall be completed and shall have passed the Tests
on Completion within the Time for Completion for the Works or such Section (as the case may be).
8.3. Extension of Time for Completion
The Contractor may apply for an extension of the Time for Completion if he is or will be delayed
either before or after the Time for Completion by any of the following causes:
a) a Variation (unless an adjustment to the Time for Completion is agreed under SubClause 14.3),
b) a force majeure event (as defined in Sub-Clause 19.1),
c) a cause of delay giving an entitlement to extension of time under a Sub-Clause of these
Conditions, unless the Contractor has not complied with such Sub-Clause,
d) physical conditions or circumstances on the Site, which are exceptionally adverse and
were not (by the Base Date) foreseeable by an experienced contractor, or
e) any delay, impediment or prevention by the Employer.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Ako Izvođač namerava da zatraži Produžetak Roka za Završetak, izdaće obaveštenje o takvoj
nameri Predstavniku Investitora što je pre moguće u slučaju bilo kog događaja u roku od 28
dana od nastanka takvog događaja, koje daje povod za kašnjenje, zajedno sa drugim obaveštenjima zahtevanih Ugovorom i relevantnim za taj uzrok. Izvođač treba da vodi takvu redovnu
evidenciju koja može biti neophodna za dokazivanje bilo kog zahteva, bilo na Gradilištu ili
drugoj lokaciji prihvatljivoj za Predstavnika Investitora, kao i drugu evidenciju koju Predstavnik
Investitora može da zahteva. Izvođač će dozvoliti Predstavniku Investitora da može da proveri
svu takvu evidenciju, i ako je neophodno, obezbediće kopije Predstavniku Investitora.
U roku od 28 dana od prvog dana nastanka kašnjenja (ili kakvog drugog perioda odobrenog od
strane Predstavnika Investitora), Izvođač će podneti potpune potkrepljujuće detalje svog zahteva. Osim toga, ako Izvođač ne može da podnese sve relevantne detalje u datom roku zbog
toga što uzrok kašnjenja prelazi period od 7 dana, Izvođač će dostavljati privremene podatke u
intervalima koji ne prevazilaze 28 dana (od prvog dana kašnjenja), i potpune i konačne potkrepljujuće podatke u roku od 21 dana od poslednjeg dana kašnjenja.
Predstavnik Investitora će postupiti u skladu sa Članom 3.5. da se složi ili odluči bilo za ubuduće ili za prošlost o produžetku Vremena za Završetak i shodno tome će obavestiti Izvođača.
Kada određuje produžetak roka, Predstavnik Investitora treba da pregleda prethodne odluke, i
može da reviduje, ali ne i da skrati ukupno produženje vremena.
8.4. Odlaganja Prouzrokovana Merama Nadležnih Organa
U slučajevima:
a) kada je Izvođač u potpunosti sprovodio procedure donete od strane nadležnih, legalno
konstituisanih organa vlasti u Državi,
b) kada ti organi vlasti odlože, ometaju ili prekinu radove Izvođača, i
c) kada se time prouzrokovano kašnjenje radova nije moglo predvideti (do Osnovnog
Datuma) od strane iskusnog izvođača,
tada će se takvo kašnjenje smatrati uzrokom za kašnjenje prema Članu 8.3. dajući pravo na
Produženje Roka za Završetak radova.
8.5. Napredovanje Radova
Ukoliko se u bilo koje vreme, Izvođačev stvarni napredak kasni u odnosu na Dinamiku na
koju se odnosi Član 4.14, ili postane očigledno da će kasniti, Izvođač će podneti Predstavniku
Investitora revidovanu dinamiku uzimajući u obzir novonastale okolnosti. Izvođač će istovremeno obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o merama koje preduzima da bi ubrzao napredak
radova u cilju postizanja završetka u okviru Vremena za Završetak.
Ako bilo koje mere koje preduzme Izvođač u cilju ispunjavanja svojih obaveza po ovom Članu
prouzrokuju Investitoru ikakav dodatni trošak, takav trošak će biti nadoknađen Investitoru od
Izvođača, i može biti odbijen od strane Investitora od bilo kog iznosa dospelog ili koji će dospeti
za isplatu Izvođaču.
8.6. Ugovorna odšteta zbog kašnjenja
Ako se Izvođač ne pridržava člana 8.2, Izvođač će platiti Investitoru odgovarajuću sumu navedenu u Prilogu Tendera kao ugovornu odštetu zbog nemara (ta suma će biti jedini novac kojeg
Izvođač treba da plati za takav nemar) za svaki dan ili deo dana koji će proteći od ugovornog
roka za završetak Radova do datuma navedenog u Potvrdi o Preuzimanju, ali ukupni iznos za
plaćanje ne sme da bude veći od ograničenja ugovorne štete (ako postoji) navedene u Prilogu
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
If the Contractor intends to apply for an extension of the Time for Completion, the Contractor
shall give notice to the Employer’s Representative of such intention as soon as possible and in
any event within 28 days of the start of the event giving rise to the delay, together with any other
notice required by the Contract and relevant to such cause. The Contractor shall keep such
contemporary records as may be necessary to substantiate any application, either on the Site
or at another location acceptable to the Employer’s Representative, and such other records as
may reasonably be requested by the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall permit
the Employer’s Representative to inspect all such records, and shall provide the Employer’s
Representative with copies as required.
Within 28 days of the first day of such delay (or such other period as may be agreed by the
Employer’s Representative), the Contractor shall submit full supporting details of his application. Except that, if the Contractor cannot submit all relevant details within such period because
the cause of delay continued for a period exceeding 7 days, the Contractor shall submit interim
details at intervals of not more than 28 days (from the first day of such delay) and full and final
supporting details of his application within 21 days of the last day of delay.
The Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or
determine either prospectively or retrospectively such extension of the Time for Completion
as may be due. The Employer’s Representative shall notify the Contractor accordingly. When
determining each extension of time, the Employer’s Representative shall review his previous
determinations and may revise, but shall not decrease, the total extension of time.
8.4. Delays Caused by Authorities
If the following conditions apply, namely:
a) the Contractor has diligently followed the procedures laid down by the relevant legally
constituted public authorities in the Country,
b) such authorities delay, impede or prevent the Contractor, and
c) the resulting delay to the Works was not (by the Base Date) foreseeable by an experienced contractor,
then such delay will be considered as a cause of delay giving an entitlement to extension of
time under Sub-Clause 8.3.
8.5. Rate of Progress
If, at any time, the Contractor’s actual progress falls behind the programme referred to in SubClause 4.14, or it becomes apparent that it will so fall behind, the Contractor shall submit to
the Employer’s Representative a revised programme taking into account the prevailing circumstances. The Contractor shall, at the same time, notify the Employer’s Representative of
the steps being taken to expedite progress, so as to achieve completion within the Time for
If any steps taken by the Contractor in meeting his obligations under this Sub-Clause cause the
Employer to incur additional costs, such costs shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the
Employer, and may be deducted by the Employer from any monies due, or to become due, to
the Contractor.
8.6. Liquidated Damages for Delay
If the Contractor fails to comply with Sub-Clause 8.2, the Contractor shall pay to the Employer
the relevant sum stated in the Appendix to Tender as liquidated damages for such default
(which sum shall be the only monies due from the Contractor for such default) for every day or
pun of a day which shall elapse between the relevant Time for Completion and the date stated
in the Taking-Over Certificate; except that the total payment shall not exceed the limit of liquidated damages (if any) stated in the Appendix to Tender.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Investitor može, ali ne na uštrb bilo kog drugog načina naplate štete, odbiti iznos takve odštete
od novca dospelog ili koji će dospeti za plaćanje Izvođaču. U slučaju produžetka vreme odobrenog po Članu 8.3, iznos plativ po ovom Članu će biti ponovo izračunat, i svaki eventualno više
plaćeni iznos će biti refundiran. Plaćanje ili odbitci za ovakve odštete neće osloboditi Izvođača
obaveze kompletiranja Radova, niti bilo koje druge njegove dužnosti, obaveza i odgovornosti
po ugovoru.
U bilo koje vreme posle koga Investitor stekne pravo na ugovornu odštetu, Predstavnik
Investitora može izdati obaveštenje Izvođaču po Članu 15.1 zahtevajući da Izvođač završi
radove u određenom razumnom roku za završetak. Ovakav postupak neće biti na uštrb prava
Investitora na naplatu po ovom Članu ili na raskid po Članu 15.2.
8.7. Obustava Radova
Predstavnik Investitora može u bilo kom trenutku naložiti Izvođaču da obustavi deo ili celokupne Radove. Tokom obustave, Izvođač će zaštititi, uskladištiti i obezbediti Radove ili njihov deo
od propadanja, gubitka ili oštećenja.
8.8. Posledice Obustave
Ukoliko Izvođač pretrpi kašnjenje i/ili Troškove usled postupanja po instrukcijama Predstavnika
Investitora po Članu 8.7, i u nastavku radova, i ako takva kašnjenja i/ili troškovi nisu bili predvidivi (do Osnovnog Datuma) od iskusnog Izvođača, Izvođač će izdati obaveštenje Predstavniku
Investitora sa kopijom istog Investitoru. Nakon prijema ovakvog obaveštenja, Predstavnik
Investitora će postupiti u skladu sa Članom 3.5. da bi se saglasio ili odlučio o sledećem:
a) produžetku roka na koji Izvođač ima pravo po Članu 8.3, i
b) iznos takvih troškova koji će biti dodati Ugovorenoj Ceni.
I shodno tome obavestio Izvođača. Izvođač neće imati pravo na produžetak roka ili plaćanje
navedenih troškova ukoliko je obustava nastala zbog razloga koji se mogu pripisati Izvođaču, ili
je bila nužna zbog rizika Izvođača kao što je definisano u Članu 17.5.
Izvođač neće imati pravo na produženje roka niti na naplatu nastalih troškova za otklanjanje
propadanja, nedostataka ili gubitaka koji su posledica grešaka u projektu, loše izrade ili materijala, ili propusta Izvođača da preduzme korake navedene u Članu 8.7.
8.9. Plaćanja za Postrojenja i Materijale u Slučaju Obustave
Izvođač ima pravo da mu se plati za Postrojenje i/ili Materijale koji nisu dopremljeni na Gradilište,
ukoliko je Rad na Postrojenju ili isporuka Postrojenja i/ili Materijala obustavljena u periodu
dužem od 28 dana. Ovo pravo će biti na plaćanje vrednosti Postrojenja i/ili Materijala na dan
obustave ako :
a) Izvođač obeleži da su Postrojenje i/ili Materijali kao vlasništvo Investitora u skladu sa
uputstvima Predstavnika Izvođača, i
b) uzrok obustava ne može da se pripiše Izvođaču.
Investitor će u tom slučaju, ako Izvođač od njega tako zahteva, preuzeti odgovornost za skladištenje, zaštitu, obezbeđivanje i osiguranje takvog obustavljenog Postrojenja ili Mateijala; rizici
gubitka ili oštećenja obustavljenih radova će onda preći na Investitora.
8.10. Produžena Obustava
Ukoliko obustava iz Člana 8.7. traje duže od 84 dana, a uzrok obustave se ne može pripisati
Izvođaču, Izvođač može da traži odobrenje od Predstavnika Investitora da nastavi sa radom
u roku od 28 dana. Ukoliko traženo odobrenje nije dato u tom periodu, Izvođač može tretirati
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of
such damages from any monies due, or to become due, lo the Contractor. In the event of an
extension of time being granted under Sub-Clause 8.3, the amount due under this Sub-Clause
shall be recalculated accordingly, and any over-payment refunded. The payment or deduction
of such damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the Works, or
from any other of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract.
At any time after the Employer has become entitled to liquidated damages, the Employer’s
Representative may give notice to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 15.1, requiring the
Contractor to complete within a specified reasonable time for completion. Such action shall
not prejudice the Employer’s entitlements to payment under this Sub-Clause and to terminate
under Sub-Clause 15.2.
8.7. Suspension of Work
The Employer’s Representative may at any time instruct the Contractor to suspend progress of
part or all of the Works. During suspension, the Contractor shall protect, store and secure such
part or the Works against any deterioration, loss or damage.
8.8. Consequences of Suspension
If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost in following the Employer’s Representative’s
instructions under Sub-Clause 8.7, and in resumption of the work, and if such delay and/or
Cost was not (by the Base Date) foreseeable by an experienced contractor, the Contractor
shall give notice to the Employer’s Representative, with a copy to the Employer. After receipt of
such notice the Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5
to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, and
b) the amount of such Cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price,
and shall notify the Contractor accordingly. Except that the Contractor shall not be entitled to
such extension and payment of Cost if the suspension is due to a cause attributable to the
Contractor, or is necessitated by a Contractor’s risk as defined in Sub-Clause 17.5.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to extension of time for, or payment of the costs incurred in.
making good any deterioration, defect or loss caused by faulty design, workmanship or materials, or by the Contractor’s failure to take the measures specified in Sub-Clause 8.7.
8.9. Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension
The Contractor shall be entitled to payment for Plant and/or Materials which have not been
delivered to Site, if the work on Plant or delivery of Plant and/or Materials has been suspended
for more than 28 days. This entitlement shall be to payment of the value of such Plant and/or
Materials as at the date of suspension, if:
a) the Contractor has marked the Plant and/or Materials as the Employer’s property in
accordance with the Employer’s Representative’s instructions, and
b) the suspension is not due to a cause attributable to the Contractor.
The Employer shall then, if requested by the Contractor, take over the responsibility for protection, storage, security and insurance of such suspended Plant and/or Materials; the risk of loss
or damage to the suspended works shall then pass to the Employer.
8.10. Prolonged Suspension
If suspension under Sub-Clause 8.7 has continued for more than 84 days, and the suspension is
not due to a cause attributable to the Contractor, the Contractor may by notice to the Employer’s
Representative require permission to proceed within 28 days. If permission is not granted within
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Obustavu kao propust u smislu Člana 14. na delu Radova na koje se to odnosi. Ukoliko se
obustava odnosi na ukupne Radove, Izvođač može dostaviti obaveštenje o raskidu Ugovora
po Članu 16.2.
8.11. Nastavak Radova
Nakon dobijanja odobrenja ili naloga da nastavi radove, Izvođač će, pošto obavesti Predstavnika
Investitora, zajedno sa Predstavnikom Investitora izvršiti pregled Radova, Postrojenja i
Materijala na koje se obustava odnosila. Izvođač će otkloniti sva oštećenja ili nedostatke ili
gubitke u Radovima ili Postrojenjima ili Materijalima koji su nastali za vreme obustave.
Ako je Investitor preuzeo na sebe rizik i odgovornost za obustavljene Radove po Članu 8.9,
rizik i odgovornost će se vratiti na Izvođača 14 dana posle primanja Odobrenja ili naloga da
nastavi Radove.
Testiranje na Završetku Radova
9.1. Obaveze Izvođača
Izvođač će izvršiti testiranje na završetku radova u skladu sa ovim Članom i Članom 7.4, nakon
što pribavi dokumentaciju u skladu sa Članovima 5.6 i 5.7. Izvođač će dostaviti Predstavniku
Investitora najavu 21 dan unapred o datumu nakon koga će biti spreman za izvršenje Testiranja
na završetku radova. Osim kada je drugačije dogovoreno, takvo testiranje obaviće se u roku od
14 dana od tog datuma, na onaj dan ili dane koje odredi Predstavnik Investitora.
U razmatranju rezultata Testiranja na Završetku, Predstavnik Investitora će uzeti u obzir posledice korišćenja Radova od strane Investitora na performanse ili druge karakteristike Radova.
Odmah nakon što Radovi ili neka Sekcija prođu Testiranje na završetku radova, Izvođač će
Predstavniku Investitora i Investitoru dostaviti overen izveštaj o rezultatima tih testova.
9.2. Odloženo Testiranje
Ukoliko Izvođač nepropisno kasni sa Testiranjem na završetku radova, Predstavnik Investitora
može da mu uputi obaveštenje sa zahtevom da izvrši testiranje u roku od 21 dan od dana prijema obaveštenja. Izvođač će izvršiti testiranje na dan ili u dane koje sam odredi u okviru tog
perioda, i o njima će obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora.
Ukoliko Izvođač ne izvrši Testiranje na Završetku radova u roku od 21 dan, Predstavnik
Investitora može sam izvršiti testiranje na rizik i o trošku Izvođača. Smatraće se da je Testiranje
na završetku obavljeno u prisustvu Izvođača, a rezultati testiranja će biti prihvaćeni kao tačni.
9.3. Ponovno Testiranje
Ukoliko Radovi ili neka Sekcija ne zadovolje Testiranje na završetku radova, primenjuje se Član
7.5, a Predstavnik Investitora ili Izvođač mogu zahtevati da testovi koji nisu zadovoljili, i Testovi
na završetku za sve povezane radove budu ponovljeni pod istim rokovima i uslovima.
9.4. Propust da se Zadovolji Testiranje na Završetku
Ukoliko Radovi ili neka Sekcija radova ne zadovolje Testiranje na završetku radova koje je
ponovljeno prema Članu 9.3, Predstavnik Investitora ima pravo da:
a) naloži dalje ponavljanje Testiranja na završetku radova prema Članu 9.3;
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
that time, the Contractor may treat the suspension as an omission under Clause 14 of the affected
part of the Works. If such suspension affects the whole of the Works, the Contractor may terminate his employment, under Sub-Clause 16.2.
8.11. Resumption of Work
After receipt of permission or of an instruction to proceed, the Contractor shall, after notice to the
Employer’s Representative, and together with the Employer’s Representative, examine the Works and
the Plant and Materials affected by the suspension. The Contractor shall make good any deterioration
or defect in or loss of the Works or Plant or Materials, which has occurred during the suspension.
If the Employer has taken over risk and responsibility for the suspended Works under SubClause 8.9, risk and responsibility shall revert to the Contractor 14 days after receipt of the
permission or instruction to proceed.
Tests on Completion
9.1. Contractor’s Obligations
The Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion in accordance with this Clause and
Sub-Clause 7.4, after providing the documents in accordance with Sub-Clauses 5.6 and 5.7.
The Contractor shall give, to the Employer’s Representative, 21 days’ notice of the date after
which the Contractor will be ready to carry out the Tests on Completion. Unless otherwise
agreed, such Tests shall be carried out within 14 days after this date, on such day or days as
the Employer’s Representative shall instruct.
In considering the results of the Tests on Completion, the Employer’s Representative shall
make allowances for the effect of any use of the Works by the Employer on the performance or
other characteristics of the Works. As soon as the Works, or a Section, have passed the Tests
on Completion, the Contractor shall provide the Employer’s Representative and the Employer
with a certified report of the results of all such Tests.
9.2. Delayed Tests
If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by the Contractor, the Employer’s Representative
may by notice require the Contractor to carry out such Tests within 21 days after the receipt of such
notice. The Contractor shall carry out such Tests on such day or days within that period as the
Contractor may fix and of which he shall give notice to the Employer’s Representative.
If the Contractor fails to carry out the Tests on Completion within 21 days, the Employer’s
Representative may himself proceed with such Tests. All such Tests so carried out by the
Employer’s Representative shall be at the risk and cost of the Contractor. These Tests on
Completion shall then be deemed to have been carried out in the presence of the Contractor
and the results of such Tests shall be accepted as accurate.
9.3. Retesting
If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests on Completion, Sub-Clause 7.5 shall apply, and
the Employer’s Representative or the Contractor may require such failed Tests, and the Tests
on Completion on any related work, to be repeated under the same terms and conditions.
9.4. Failure to Pass Tests on Completion
If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests on Completion repeated under Sub-Clause 9.3,
the Employer’s Representative shall be entitled to:
a) order further repetition of Tests on Completion under Sub-Clause 9.3;
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
b) odbije Radove ili Sekciju (zavisno od slučaja), i u tom slučaju Investitor ima pravo na
pravni lek protiv Izvođača kako je predviđeno po Članu 15; ili
c) izda Potvrdu o preuzimanju, ukoliko Investitor to zahteva; Ugovorena cena će biti umanjena za iznos o kome se dogovore Investitor i Izvođač (za puno zadovoljenje samo
po ovom propustu), a Izvođač će nastaviti aktivnosti u skladu sa drugim obavezama po
Preuzimanje Radova od Strane Investitora
10.1. Potvrda o Preuzimanju Radova
Osim u slučaju navedenom u Članu 9.4, Investitor će preuzeti Radove kad su završeni u skladu
sa Ugovorom (osim u slučaju opisanom u podčlanu (a) ispod), kada su prošli Testiranja na
Završetku i kada je izdata potvrda o Preuzimanju, ili se smatra da je izdata u skladu sa ovim
Članom. Ako su Radovi podeljeni na Sekcije, Izvođač će imati pravo da zahteva Potvrdu o
Preuzimanju za svaku Sekciju posebno.
Izvođač može podneti zahtev Predstavniku Investitora za Potvrdu o Preuzimanju ne ranije od
14 dana pre no što će Radovi ili Sekcija (kao što može biti slučaj), po mišljenju Izvođača, biti
završeni i spremni za preuzimanje. Predstavnik Investitora će, u roku od 28 dana posle dobijanja Izvođačevog zahteva:
a) izdati Izvođaču Potvrdu o Preuzimanju, navodeći datum kada su Radovi ili Sekcija završeni u skladu sa Ugovorom (izuzev u u slučaju manjih neizvršenih radova koji ne ugrožavaju upotrebu Radova ili Sekcije za njihovu namenjenu svrhu) uključujući uspešno
Testiranje na Završetku; ili
b) odbiti zahtev, iznoseći svoje razloge i pobliže opisujući rad koji treba da se izvrši od
strane Izvođača da bi se omogućilo izdavanje Potvrde o Preuzimanju: Izvođač će tada
završiti takav rad pre nego što podnese novi zahtev po ovom Članu.
Ako Predstavnik Izvođača ne izda Potvrdu o Preuzimanju ili ne odbije zahtev Izvođača u roku
od 28 dana, i ako su Radovi ili Sekcija (kao što može biti slučaj) u znatnoj meri u skladu sa
Ugovorom, smatraće se da je Potvrda o Preuzimanju izdata zadnjeg dana tog perioda.
10.2. Korišćenje Radova od Strane Investitora
Investitor neće koristiti bilo koji deo Radova dok Predstavnik Investitora ne izda Potvrdu o
Preuzimanju za takav deo Radova. Ako je Potvrda o Preuzimanju izdata za bilo koji deo Radova
(ali ne za Sekciju), ugovorna odšteta za kašnjenje u završetku ostatka Radova (i Sekcije čiji
je to deo) će, za svaki period kašnjenja posle datuma navedenog u Potvrdi o Preuzimanju,
biti umanjena u razmeri koju vrednost tako potvrđenog dela ima u odnosu na vrednost radova
ili Sekcije (već prema slučaju); o tim vrednostima odlučiće Predstavnik Investitora u skladu
sa odredbama Člana 3.5. Odredbe ovog paragrafa primenjuju se samo na stopu ugovorne
odštete po Članu 8.6, i neće uticati na ograničenje takve odštete.
U slučaju da Investitor koristi bilo koji deo Radova pre nego što je Potvrda o Preuzimanju
a) deo koji se koristi smatraće se preuzetim na dan korišćenja,
b) kad to Izvođač zatraži, Predstavnik Investitora će izdati odgovarajuću Potvrdu o
Preuzimanju, i
c) Izvođač prestaje da snosi odgovornost za brigu o takvom delu radova od naznačenog
datuma, kada će odgovornost preći na Investitora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
b) reject the Works or Section (as the case may be), in which event the Employer shall
have the same remedies against the Contractor as are provided under Clause 15; or
c) issue a Taking-Over Certificate, if the Employer so requires: the Contract Price shall
then be reduced by such amount as may be agreed by the Employer and the Contractor
(in full satisfaction of such failure only), and the Contractor shall then proceed in accordance with his other obligations under the Contract.
Employer’s Taking Over
10.1. Taking-Over Certificate
Except as stated in Sub-Clause 9.4, the Works shall be taken over by the Employer when they
have been completed in accordance with the Contract (except as described in sub-paragraph
(a) below), have passed the Tests on Completion and a Taking-Over Certificate for the Works
has been issued, or has deemed to have been issued in accordance with this Sub-Clause. If
the Works are divided into Sections, the Contractor shall be entitled lo apply for a Taking-Over
Certificate for each Section.
The Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer’s Representative for a Taking-Over
Certificate not earlier than 14 days before the Works or Section (as the case may be) will, in the
Contractor’s opinion, be complete and ready for taking over. The Employer’s Representative
shall, within 28 days after the receipt of the Contractor’s application:
a) issue the Taking-Over Certificate to the Contractor, stating the date on which the Works
or Section were completed in accordance with the Contract (except for minor outstanding work that does not affect the use of the Works or Section for their intended purpose)
including passing the Tests on Completion; or
b) reject the application, giving his reasons and specifying the work required to be done by
the Contractor to enable the Taking-Over Certificate to be issued: the Contractor shall
then complete such work before issuing a further notice under this Sub-Clause.
If the Employer’s Representative fails either to issue the Taking-Over Certificate or to reject the
Contractor’s application within the period of 28 days, and if the Works or Section (as the case
may be) are substantially in accordance with the Contract, the Taking-Over Certificate shall be
deemed to have been issued on the last day of that period.
10.2. Use by The Employer
The Employer shall not use any part of the Works unless the Employer’s
Representative has issued a Taking-Over Certificate for such part. If a Taking-Over Certificate has
been issued for any part of the Works (other than a Section), the liquidated damages for delay in
completion of the remainder of the Works (and of the Section of which it forms part) shall, for any
period of delay after the date stated in such Taking-Over Certificate, be reduced in the proportion
which the value of the part so certified bears to the value of the Works or Section (as the case
may be); such values shall be determined by the Employer’s Representative in accordance with
the provisions of Sub-Clause 3.5. The provisions of this paragraph shall only apply to the rate of
liquidated damages under Sub-Clause 8.6, and shall not affect the limit of such damages.
If the Employer does use any part of the Works before the Taking-Over Certificate is issued:
a) the part which is used shall be deemed to have been taken over at the date on which it
is used,
b) the Employer’s Representative shall, when requested by the Contractor, issue a TakingOver Certificate accordingly, and
c) the Contractor shall cease to be liable for the care of such part from such date, when
responsibility shall pass to the Employer.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Po izdavanju Potvrde o Preuzimanju za deo Radova od strane Predstavnika Investitora, Izvođaču
će biti pružena prilika da poduzme neophodne korake da izvrši sva neizvršena Testiranja na
Završetku, i Izvođač će ih izvršiti što je pre moguće, pre isteka Ugovornog Perioda.
10.3. Ometanje Testiranja na Završetku Radova
Ukoliko je Izvođač sprečen da obavi testiranje na završetku radova iz razloga za koje je odgovoran Investitor (ili neki drugi izvođač angažovan od strane Investitora), smatraće se da je
Investitor preuzeo Radove ili Sekciju (zavisno od slučaja) onog dana kada bi inače testiranje
bilo izvršeno. Shodno tome, Predstavnik Investitora izdaje Potvrdu o preuzimanju, a Izvođač će
izvršiti testiranje na završetku radova čim to praktično bude moguće, a pre isteka Ugovorenog
Perioda. Predstavnik Izvođača će zahtevati sprovođenja Testiranja na završetku uz najavu 14
dana unapred, i u skladu sa relevantnim odredbama Ugovora. Ukoliko usled kašnjenja u izvršenju Testiranja na završetku radova Izvođač pretrpi dodatne Troškove, o takvim troškovima
uzrazuman profit će odlučiti Predstavnik Investitora u skladu sa odredbama Člana 3.5 i biće
dodati Ugovorenoj Ceni.
Testiranje posle Završetka
11.1. Obaveze Investitora
Ako je Testiranje po Završetku navedeno u Ugovoru, primeniće se odredbe ovog Člana. Ukoliko
drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II, Investitor će obezbediti radnu snagu, materijale, el. energiju, gorivo i vodu i izvršiće Testiranja po završetku u skladu sa priručnicima koje obezbeđuje
Izvođač po Članu 5.7. i ostala uputstva koja mogu da se zatraže od Izvođača tokom testiranja.
Testiranja po Završetku će se izvesti što je pre praktično moguće posle preuzimanja Radova
ili Sekcije od strane Investitora. Investitor će izdati najavu Izvođaču 21 dan unapred o datumu
posle kog će se vršiti Testiranja po završetku. Osim ukoliko drugačije nije dogovoreno, takva
Testiranja će se izvesti u roku od 14 dana od pomenutog datuma, i to na dan ili u dane određene
od Investitora. Ako Izvođač nije prisutan na dogovoreni dan i mesto testiranja, Investitor može
sprovesti Testiranja po završetku, za koja će se smatrati da su izvršena u prisustvu Izvođača, a
Izvođač će prihvatiti rezultate testiranja kao tačne.
Rezultati Testiranja po završetku će biti prikupljeni i ocenjeni od Investitora i Izvođača. U razmatranju rezultata testiranja, uzeće se u obzir eventualne posledice prethodnog korišćenja
Radova od strane Investitora.
11.2. Odloženo Testiranje
Ako Izvođač pretrpi dodatni trošak kao rezultat neopravdanog odlaganja Testova posle završetka od strane Investitora, takav trošak sa razumnim profitom biće određen od Predstavnika
Investitora u skladu sa odredbama Člana 3.5. i biće dodat Ugovorenoj Ceni.
Ako Testiranja posle završetka Radova ili Sekcije ne mogu biti sprovedena, zbog razloga koji
se ne mogu pripisati Izvođaču, tokom Ugovorenog Perioda (ili drugog perioda dogovorenog
između Izvođača i Investitora), tada će se za takve Radove ili Sekciju smatrati da su prošli
testiranja po završetku.
11.3. Ponovno Testiranje
Ukoliko Radovi ili Sekcija ne zadovolje Testiranje po završetku radova, Investitor ili Izvođač
mogu zahtevati da testovi koji nisu zadovoljili, i Testovi po završetku za sve povezane radove
budu ponovljeni pod istim rokovima i uslovima. Ako su navedena neuspela i ponovna testiranja proizašla iz greške Izvođača i prouzrokuju Investitoru dodatne troškove, ti troškovi će biti
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
After the Employer’s Representative has issued a Taking-Over Certificate for a part of the Works,
the Contractor shall be given the earliest opportunity to take such steps as may be necessary to
carry out any outstanding Tests on Completion, and the Contractor shall carry out such Tests on
Completion as soon as practicable, before the expiry of the Contract Period.
10.3. Interference With test on Completion If the Contractor is prevented from carrying out the Tests on Completion by a cause for which the
Employer (or another contractor employed by the Employer) is responsible, the Employer shall be
deemed to have taken over the Works or Section (as the case may be) on the date when the Tests on
Completion would otherwise have been completed. The Employer’s Representative shall then issue a
Taking-Over Certificate accordingly, and the Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion as soon
as practicable, before the expiry of the Contract Period. The Employer’s Representative shall require the
Tests on Completion to be carried out by 14 days’ notice and in accordance with the relevant provisions
of the Contract. If the Contractor incurs additional Cost as a result of this delay in carrying out the Tests
on Completion, such Cost plus reasonable profit shall be determined by the Employer’s Representative
in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Clause 3.5 and shall be added to the Contract Price.
Tests after Completion
11.1. Employer’s Obligations
If Tests after Completion are specified in the Contract, this Clause shall apply. Unless otherwise
stated in Part II, the Employer shall provide the necessary labour, materials, electricity, fuel and
water, and shall carry out the Tests after Completion in accordance with the manuals provided
by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 5.7 and such guidance as the Contractor may be required
to give during the course of such Tests.
The Tests after Completion shall be carried out as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Works,
or Section, have been taken over by the Employer. The Employer shall give to the Contractor 21
days’ notice of the date after which the Tests after Completion will be carried out. Unless otherwise agreed, such Tests shall be carried out within 14 days after this date, on the day or days
determined by the Employer. If the Contractor does not attend at the time and place agreed, the
Employer may proceed with the Tests after Completion, which shall be deemed to have been made
in the Contractor’s presence, and the Contractor shall accept the readings as accurate.
The results of the Tests after Completion shall be compiled and evaluated by the Employer and
the Contractor. Any effect on the results of the Tests after Completion which can reasonably be
shown to be due to the prior use of the Works by the Employer shall be taken into account in
assessing such results.
11.2. Delayed Tests
If the Contractor incurs additional Cost as a result of any unreasonable delay by the Employer in
carrying out the Tests after Completion, such Cost plus reasonable profit shall be determined by
the Employer’s Representative in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Clause 3.5 and shall
be added to the Contract Price.
If, for reasons not attributable to the Contractor, a Test after Completion on the Works or any
Section cannot be completed during the Contract Period (or any other period agreed upon by
the Employer and the Contractor), then the Works or such Section shall be deemed to have
passed such Test after Completion.
11.3. Retesting
If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass the Tests after Completion, the Employer or the Contractor
may require such failed Tests, and the Tests after Completion on any related work, to be repeated
under the same terms and conditions. If such failure and retesting result from a default of the
Contractor and cause the Employer to incur additional costs, such costs shall be recoverable
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
naplativi od Izvođača i Investitor ih može odbiti od iznosa isplativih ili koji tek treba da budu
isplaćeni Izvođaču.
11.4. Propust da se zadovolje Testiranja po završetku Radova
U slučaju da se dogodi da:
a) Radovi, ili neka Sekcija ne zadovolje Testiranja po završetku,
b) odgovarajući iznos plativ kao ugovorna odšteta za takav propust je naveden u Prilogu
Tenderu (ili način njegovog izračunavanja), i
c) Izvođač plati odgovarajući iznos Investitoru tokom Ugovorenog Perioda,
tada će se za Radove ili tu Sekciju smatrati da je zadovoljila Testiranja po završetku.
Ukoliko Radovi ili neka Sekcija ne zadovolje Testiranje po završetku radova, a Izvođač zbog
toga predloži da napravi podešavanja ili modifikacije, Predstavnik Investitora može obavestiti
Izvođača da Investitor ne želi da se podešavanja ili modifikacije sprovedu do vremena koje
odgovara Investitoru. U tom slučaju, Izvođač će ostati odgovoran za sprovođenje podešavanja
ili modifikacije i za zadovoljenje rezultata takvog Testiranja, u razumnom vremenu od kada je
obavešten od Predstavnika Investitora da tako postupi. Međutim, ako Predstavnik Investitora
ne izda takvo obaveštenje tokom Ugovorenog Perioda, Izvođač će biti oslobođen od takvih
obaveza, a za Radove ili Sekciju (zavisi od slučaja) će se smatrati da su zadovoljili Testiranje
po završetku.
Ukoliko Izvođač pretrpi dodatne troškove kao rezultat neopravdanog odlaganja od strane
Investitora u dozvoli Izvođaču pristup Radovima ili Postrojenju, da istraži uzroke nezadovoljenja Testiranja po završetku, ili da izvrši neka podešavanja ili modifikacije, onda će Izvođaču biti
isplaćeni ti dodatni troškovi, sa razumnim profitom, prouzrokovani takvim odlaganjem.
Odgovornost za Nedostatke
12.1. Završetak neizvršenih Radova i otklanjanje nedostataka
Kako bi Dokumenta o Izgradnji i Radovi bili u onakvom stanju kako je navedeno u Ugovoru (izuzimajući snošljivo habanje i trošenje), po isteku Ugovorenog Perioda ili čim to praktično bude
moguće, Izvođač će preduzeti sledeće:
a) završiti bilo kakve neizvršene radove na datum naveden u Potvrdi o Preuzimanju, što je
pre izvodivo posle tog datuma, i
b) izvršiti sve radove dopune, rekonstrukcije i otklanjanja nedostataka ili štete, kao što
Investitor ili Predstavnik Investitora može da naloži tokom Ugovorenog Perioda.
Ako se pojavi neki takav nedostatak ili nastane šteta, Investitor ili Predstavnik Investitora će
osmah o tome obavestiti Izvođača u pisanom obliku.
12.2. Troškovi Otklanjanja Nedostataka
Sve radove iz stava (b) Člana 12.1 izvršiće Izvođač o svom trošku, ukoliko se neophodnost tih
radova može pripisati:
a) projektu Radova
b) Postrojenjima, Materijalima i kvalitetu izrade koji nisu u skladu sa Ugovorom, ili
c) propustu Izvođača da ispuni bilo koju drugu svoju obavezu.
Ukoliko se ta neophodnost može pripisati nekom drugom uzroku, Predstavnik Investitora će o
tome obavestiti Izvođača i tražiti saglasnost za prilagođenje Ugovorene Cene. U tom slučaju,
primenjivaće se Član 14.3. na takve radove.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
from the Contractor by the Employer, and may be deducted by the Employer from any monies
due, or to become due, to the Contractor.
11.4. Failure to Pass Tests after Completion
If the following conditions apply, namely:
a) the Works, or a Section, fail to pass any or all of the Tests after Completion,
b) the relevant sum payable as liquidated damages for such failure is stated (or its method
of calculation is defined) in the Appendix to Tender, and
c) the Contractor pays such relevant sum to the Employer during the Contract Period,
then the Works or such Section shall be deemed to have passed such Tests after Completion.
If the Works, or a Section, fail to pass a Test after Completion and the Contractor in consequence
proposes to make any adjustment or modification thereto, the Employer’s Representative may
instruct the Contractor that the Employer does not wish such adjustment or modification to be
made until a time that is convenient to the Employer. In such event, the Contractor shall remain
liable to carry out the adjustment or modification, and to satisfy such Test within a reasonable
time of being notified to do so by the Employer’s Representative. If, however, the Employer’s
Representative fails to give any such notice during the Contract Period, the Contractor shall be
relieved of any such obligation and the Works or Section (as the case may be) shall be deemed
to have passed such Test after Completion.
If the Contractor incurs additional Cost as a result of any unreasonable delay by the Employer
in permitting access to the Works or Plant by the Contractor, either to investigate the causes of
failure to pass a Test after Completion, or to carry out any adjustments or modifications, then
the Contractor shall be paid the additional Cost, plus reasonable profit, caused by such delay.
Defects Liability
12.1. Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects
In order that the Construction Documents and the Works shall be in the condition required by
the Contract (fair wear and tear excepted) at, or as soon as practicable after, the expiry of the
Contract Period, the Contractor shall:
a) complete any work which is outstanding on the date stated in a Taking-Over Certificate,
as soon as practicable after such date, and
b) execute all work of amendment, reconstruction, and remedying defects or damage, as may
be instructed by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative during the Contract Period.
If any such defect appears or damage occurs, the Employer or the Employer’s Representative
shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing.
12.2. Cost of Remedying Defects
All work referred to in Sub-Clause 12. 1 (b) shall be executed by the Contractor at his own cost,
if the necessity for such work is due to:
a) the design of the Works,
b) Plant, Materials or workmanship not being in accordance with the Contract, or
c) failure by the Contractor to comply with any of his other obligations.
If such necessity is due to any other cause, the Employer’s Representative shall notify the
Contractor accordingly and seek agreement to an adjustment to the Contract Price. In this
event, Sub-Clause 14.3 shall apply to such work.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
12.3. Produženje Ugovornog Roka
Ugovorni rok će biti produžen za period jednak zbiru svih perioda posle preuzimanja Radova
tokom kojih Radovi ili bilo koja Sekcija ili Pozicija Postrojenja se ne mogu koristiti za potrebe
kojima su namenjeni, zbog nedostatka ili oštećenja, ali ugovorni rok ne može biti produžen za
više od dve godine.
Ukoliko je došlo do obustave isporuke postrojenja i/ili materijala, ili montaže Postrojenja i/ili
Materijala prema Članu 8.7. obaveze Izvođača po ovom Članu neće se odnositi na nedostatke i
oštećenja koji nastanu više od tri godine nakon nakon što je inače trebalo da budu isporučena,
montirana i preuzeta.
12.4. Propust da se Otklone Nedostaci
Ukoliko Izvođač propusti da otkloni neki nedostatak ili oštećenje u razumnom roku, Investitor
ili Predstavnik Investitora može odrediti krajnji datum kada ili do kada nedostaci i oštećenja
moraju biti otklonjeni. Izvođač će biti unapred obavešten o ovom datumu.
Ukoliko Izvođač propusti da otkloni nedostatak ili oštećenje do datog datuma a neophodnost
ovih radova je nastala zbog uzroka navedenog u Članu 12.2. (a), (b) ili (c), Investitor može (po
sopstvenom nahođenju) da:
a) sam izvede radove ili uz angažovanje trećeg lica, na razuman način i na rizik i o trošku
Izvođača, pri čemu Izvođač neće biti odgovoran za ove radove, a troškove koje investitor bude imao za otklanjanje nedostataka i oštećenja, Investitor će moći da naplati od
b) zahteva od Predstavnika Investitora da se odredi i overi razumno umanjenje Ugovorene
cene; ili
c) ako je nedostatak ili oštećenje takvo da Investitor u znatnoj meri ne može da ostvari
celovitost koristi od Radova ili nekog dela Radova, Investitor može da raskine Ugovor
u vezi sa takvim delovima Radova koji ne može da se koristi za namenjene svrhe;
Investitor će onda imati pravo na povraćaj svih iznosa plaćenih za takve delove Radova
kao i troškove istih, čišćenje Gradilišta i vraćanje Postrojenja i Materijala Izvođaču i
Član 15.1. neće biti primenjiv.
12.5. Uklanjanje Radova sa Nedostacima
Ukoliko su nedostaci ili oštećenja takvi da se ne mogu na ekspeditivan način popraviti na
Gradilištu Izvođač može ukoliko se Investitor ili Predstavnik Investitora sa tim saglasi, Izvođač
može da ukloni sa Gradilišta radi popravke one delove Radova koji imaju nedostatke ili
12.6. Dodatna Testiranja
Ukoliko otklanjanje nedostataka ili oštećenja može da utiče na funkcionisanje Radova, Investitor
može tražiti da se ponovi Testiranje na Završetku, ili Testiranje po Završetku, ili oboje, u obimu
koji je neophodan. Zahtev za ponavljanje se dostavlja u roku od 28 dana nakon popravke nedostataka ili oštećenja.
Ovi Testovi biće sprovedeni u skladu sa Članom 9. ili Članom 11. (zavisno od slučaja).
12.7. Pravo Pristupa
Do izdavanja Potvrde o dobrom izvršenju Radova, Izvođač će imati pravo pristupa svim delovima Radova i evidenciji o radu i performansama radova, osim kada je to u suprotnosti sa
opravdanim bezbednosnim ograničenjima organizacije odgovorne za funkcionisanje Radova.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
12.3. Extension of Contract Period
The Contract Period shall be extended by a period equal to the sum of any periods, after the
Works are taken-over, during which the Works or any Section or item of Plant cannot be used,
for the purposes for which they are intended, by reason of a defect or damage; except that the
Contract Period shall not be extended by more than two years.
When delivery of Plant and/or Materials, or erection of Plant, or installation of Materials, has
been suspended under Sub-Clause 8.7, the Contractor’s obligations under this Sub-Clause
shall not apply to any defects or damage occurring more than three years after the Plant and/or
Materials would otherwise have been delivered, erected and taken-over.
12.4. Failure to Remedy Defects
If the Contractor fails to remedy any defect or damage within a reasonable time, the Employer
or the Employer’s Representative may fix a date on or by which to remedy the defect or damage, and give the Contractor reasonable notice of such date.
If the Contractor fails to remedy the defect or damage by such date and the necessity for such
work is due to a cause stated in Sub-Clause 12.2(a). (b) or (c). the Employer may (at his sole
a) carry out the work himself or by others, in a reasonable manner and at the Contractor’s
risk and cost, but the Contractor shall have no responsibility for such work: the costs
properly incurred by the Employer in remedying the defect or damage shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer;
b) require the Employer’s Representative to determine and certify a reasonable reduction
in the Contract Price; or
c) if the defect or damage is such that the Employer has been deprived of substantially
the whole of the benefit of the Works or parts of the Works, terminate the Contract in
respect of such parts of the Works as cannot be put to the intended use: the Employer
shall then be entitled to recover all sums paid for such parts of the Works together with
the cost of dismantling the same, clearing the Site and returning Plant and Materials to
the Contractor, and Sub-Clause 15.1 shall not apply.
12.5. Removal of Defective Work
If the defect or damage is such that it cannot be remedied expeditiously on the Site, the
Contractor may, with the consent of the Employer’s Representative or the Employer, remove
from the Site for the purposes of repair any part of the Works which is defective or damaged.
12.6. Further Tests
If the remedying of any defect or damage is such that it may affect the performance of the
Works, the Employer may require that Tests on Completion or Tests after Completion, or both,
be repeated to the extent necessary. The requirement shall be made by notice within 28 days
after the defect or damage is remedied.
Such Tests shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 9 or Clause 11 (as the case may
12.7. Right of Access
Until the Performance Certificate has been issued, the Contractor shall have the right of access
to all parts of the Works and to records of the working and performance of the Works, except as
may be inconsistent with any reasonable security restrictions by the organisation responsible
for operating the Works.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
12.8. Obaveza Izvođača da istražuje
Izvođač ce, ukoliko to Predstavnik Investitora zahteva, istražiti uzrok nastanka svakog nedostatka, po uputstvu Predstavnika Investitora. Osim u slučajevima kada je za nedostatak odgovoran Izvođač, Troškovi takvog istraživanja, uvećani za umerenu dobit, biće dodati Ugovorenoj
12.9. Potvrda o dobrom izvršenju posla
Neće se smatrati da je Ugovor ispunjen sve dok Predstavnik Investitora ne potpiše Potvrdu o
dobrom izvršenju i dostavi je Izvođaču, u kojoj se navodi datum kada je Izvođač ispunio svoje
obaveze tako da je Predstavnik Investitora zadovoljan.
Predstavnik Investitora će izdati Potvrdu o dobrom izvršenju u roku od 28 dana od datuma
isteka Ugovornog Perioda iIi u najkraćem mogućem roku posle datuma kadaIzvođač dostavi
sve Dokumente za Izgradnju i završi sve radove i testiranje Radova, uključujući otklanjanje
eventualnih nedostataka.
Samo Potvrda o dobrom izvršenju će se smatrati da sačinjava odobrenje Radova.
12.10. Neizvršene Obaveze
Nakon izdavanja Potvrde o dobrom izvršenju, Izvođač i Investitor nastavljaju da snose odgovornost za izvršenje obaveza koje u tom trenutku još uvek nisu izvršene. Za potrebe utvrđivanja
prirode i obima takvih obaveza smatraće se da je Ugovor i dalje na snazi.
Ugovorena Cena i Plaćanje
13.1. Ugovorena Cena
Ukoliko nije drugačije navedeno u Delu II:
a) plaćanje za Radove će biti zasnovano na bazi fiksnog paušalnog iznosa;
b) Ugovorena Cena neće biti menjana zbog izmena u ceni radne snage, materijala ili
nečeg drugog;
c) Izvođač je dužan da plati sve carine i poreze, nastale iz njegovih obaveza po Ugovoru,
a Ugovorena cena neće se modifikovati radi ovih troškova, osim u slučaju definisanom
u Članu 13.16;
d) Sve količine određene u Tabelama predstavljaju samo procenjene količine i neće se
tretirati kao stvarne i tačne količine Radova koje Izvođač treba da izvede, u ispunjenju
svojih obaveza po Ugovoru; i
e) Sve količine, cene i stope plaćanja po jedinici količine koje mogu biti određene u
Tabelama, koristiće se samo za svrhe navedene u takvim Tabelama.
Ako će bilo koji deo radova biti plaćen u skladu sa isporučenom količinom ili izvedenim radom,
odredbe za merenje i procenu će biti one navedene u Delu II.
13.2. Avansno Plaćanje
Izvođač će izvršiti bezkamatna avansna plaćanja Izvođaču za pripremne radove i projektovanje. Ukupan iznos avansa, broj i dinamika rata (ako ima više od jedne rate), biće kako je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu, plativi proporcionalno u valutama u kojima se plaća Ugovorena Cena.
Predstavnik Investitora će odobriti Privremenu situaciju za prvu ratu nakon što Izvođač dostavi
Investitoru garanciju za dobro obavljanje posla u skladu sa Članom 4.2, i bankarsku garanciju
u formi i od banke prihvatljive Investitoru u iznosu i valutama jednakim avansnom plaćanju. Ta
bankarska garancija će biti na snazi dok avansno plaćanje ne bude otplaćeno, ali će se njen
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
12.8. Contractor to Search
The Contractor shall, if required by the Employer’s Representative, search for the cause of any defect,
under the direction of the Employer’s Representative. Unless the defect is one for which the Contractor
is liable, the Cost of such search, plus reasonable profit, shall be added to the Contract Price.
12.9. Performance Certificate
The Contract shall not be considered lo be completed until the Performance Certificate has been
signed by the Employer’s Representative and delivered to the Contractor, stating the date on
which the Contractor completed his obligations to the Employer’s Representative’s satisfaction.
The Performance Certificate shall be given by the Employer’s Representative by the date 28
days after the expiry of the Contract Period, or as soon after such date as the Contractor has
provided all the Construction Documents and completed and tested all the Works, including
remedying any defects.
Only the Performance Certificate shall be deemed to constitute approval of the Works.
12.10. Unfulfilled Obligations
After the Performance Certificate has been issued, the Contractor and the Employer shall
remain liable for the fulfilment of any obligation which remains unperformed at that time. For
the purposes of determining the nature and extent of any such obligation, the Contract shall be
deemed to remain in force.
Contract Price and Payment
13.1. The Contract Price
Unless otherwise stated in Part II:
a) payment for the Works shall be made on a fixed lump sum basis:
b) the Contract Price shall not be adjusted for changes in the cost of labour, materials or
other matters;
c) the Contractor shall pay all duties and taxes in consequence of his obligations under the
Contract, and the Contract Price shall not be adjusted for such costs, except as stated
in Sub-Clause 13.16;
d) any quantities which may be set out in a Schedule are only estimated quantities and are
not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the Works to be executed by the
Contractor in fulfilment of his obligations under the Contract; and
e) any quantities, prices or rates of payment per unit quantity which may be set out in a
Schedule are only to be used for the purposes stated in such Schedule.
If any part of the Works is to be paid according to quantity supplied or work done, the provisions
for measurement and valuation shall be as stated in Part II.
13.2. Advance Payments
The Employer will make interest-free advance payments lo the Contractor for his mobilization
and design. The total of such advance payments, and the number and timing of instalments
(if more than one), shall be as stated in. the Appendix to Tender, payable in the proportions of
currencies in which the Contract Price is payable. The Employer’s Representative shall issue
an Interim Payment Certificate for the first instalment after the Contractor has delivered, to the
Employer, the performance security in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.2 and a bank guarantee
in a form and by a bank acceptable to the Employer in amounts and currencies equal to the
advance payments. Such bank guarantee shall remain effective until the advance payments
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
iznos progresivno smanjivati za iznos otplaćen od Izvođača kako je navedeno u Privremenim
Avans će biti otplaćen putem procentualnih odbitaka u Privremenim Situacijama overenim od
strane Predstavnika Investitora u skladu sa ovim članom. Sem ako su u Prilogu Tenderu navedeni drugačiji procenti:
a) odbijanje će otpočeti od Privremene situacije u kojoj ukupan iznos svih overenih privremenih situacija (ne računajući avanse i odbitke i otplatu garantnog depozita) nadmaši
deset procenata (10%) od Ugovorene cene umanjene za Provizorne iznose; i
b) odbijanje će se vršiti prema stopi amortizacije u visini jedne četvrtine (25%) iznosa svih
Privremenih Situacija (ne računajući avanse i odbitke i otplatu garantnog depozita) u
vrstama i proporcionalnim iznosima valuta, avansnih uplata, sve dok avans ne bude
Ukoliko avans nije vraćen pre izdavanja Potvrde o preuzimanju radova, ili do momenta raskida
Ugovora po Članu 15, Članu 16 ili Članu 19 (zavisno od slučaja) sav neotplaćeni iznos postaje
odmah plativ Investitoru od strane Izvođača.
13.3. Zahtev za Privremenu Situaciju
Izvođač će Predstavniku Investitora dostaviti Obračun u 6 primeraka na kraju svakog meseca,
u obliku koji odobri Predstavnik Investitora, koji prikazuje iznose na koje Izvođač polaže pravo,
zajedno sa podupirućom dokumentacijom koja obuhvata detaljan izveštaj o napretku radova
tokom meseca, u skladu sa Članom 4.15. Obračun treba da sadrži sledeće pozicije, prema
primenjivosti, izražene u raznim valutama u kojima se vrši plaćanje Ugovorene cene, po navedenom redosledu:
a) procenjena ugovorena vrednost podnetih Dokumenata za Izgradnju i Radova izvedenih
do kraja meseca (uključujući Izmene, ali ne i pozicije iz stavova (b) do (g) iz donjeg
b) sve iznose koje treba dodati ili oduzeti po osnovu promene zakonodavstva prema Članu
c) sve iznose koje treba oduzeti kao garantni depozit, obračunate uz primenu procenta
garantnog depozita koji je naveden u Prilogu Tenderu na ukupan gornji iznos, sve dok
na ovaj način zadržan iznos od strane investitora dostigne maksimum garantnog depozita (ako ga ima) kako je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu;
d) sve iznose koje treba dodati ili oduzeti po osnovu plaćanja i otplate avansa prema
Članu 13.2;
e) sve iznose koje treba dodati ili oduzeti za opremu i materijale po Članu 13.5;
f) sva druga dodavanja ili odbijanja koja su možda prispela u skladu sa Ugovorom (uključujući ona po Članu 20), osim onih koji proizilaze iz Člana 8.6; i
g) odbijanje iznosa overenih u svim prethodnim Privremenim Situacijama.
13.4. Dinamika Plaćanja
Ukoliko Ugovor obuhvata Dinamiku Plaćanja sa navedenim ratama u kojima će Ugovorena
Cena biti plaćena, tada će, ako nije drugačije navedeno u takvoj Dinamici:
a) rate navedene u takvoj Dinmici će se koristiti za utvrđivanje vrednosti ugovora u smislu
stava (a) Člana 13.3;
b) Član 13.5. neće se primenjivati; i
c) ukoliko rate plaćanja nisu definisane u odnosu na stvarni napredak dostignut u izvođenju Radova, Predstavnik Investitora će biti ovlašten da dopuni takvu Dinamiku: takve
dopune će biti načinjene u skladu sa odredbama Člana 3.5 pri čemu će uzeti u obzir
samo meru u kojoj je stvarno postignuti napredak u radovima manji od onog na osnovu
koga su rate u Dinamici bazirane.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
have been repaid, but its amount shall be progressively reduced by the amount repaid by the
Contractor as indicated in Interim Payment Certificates.
The advance payments shall be repaid through percentage deductions in Interim Payment
Certificates certified by the Employer’s Representative in accordance with this Clause. Unless
other percentages are stated in the Appendix to Tender:
a) deductions shall commence in the Interim Payment Certificate in which the total of all certified interim payments (excluding the advance payments and deductions and repayments of
retention) exceeds ten per cent (10%) of the Contract Price less Provisional Sums: and
b) deductions shall be made at the amortization rate of one quarter (25%) of the amount of all
Interim Payment Certificates (excluding the advance payments and deductions and repayments of retention) in the types and proportionate amounts of currencies of the advance
payments, until such time as the advance payments have been repaid.
If the advance payments have not been repaid prior to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the
Works or prior to termination under Clauses 15, 16 or 19 (as the case may be), the whole of the balance
then outstanding shall immediately become due and payable by the Contractor to the Employer.
13.3. Application for Interim Payment Certificates
The Contractor shall submit a statement in six copies to the Employer’s Representative after the
end of each month, in a form approved by the Employer’s Representative, showing the amounts to
which the Contractor considers himself to be entitled, together with supporting documents which
shall include the detailed report on the progress during the month in accordance with Sub-Clause
4.15. The statement shall include the following items, as applicable, which shall be expressed in
the various currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, in the sequence listed:
a) the estimated contract value of the Construction Documents produced and the Works
executed up to the end of the month (including Variations but excluding items described
in sub-paragraphs (b) to (g) below);
b) any amounts lo be added and deducted for changes in legislation in accordance with
Sub-Clause 13.16;
c) any amount to be deducted for retention, calculated by applying the percentage of
retention stated in the Appendix to Tender to the total of the above amounts, until the
amount so retained by the Employer reaches the limit of Retention Money (if any) stated
in the Appendix to Tender;
d) any amounts to be added and deducted for the advance payments and repayments in
accordance with Sub-Clause 13.2:
e) any amounts lo be added and deducted for Plant and Materials in accordance with SubClause 13.5;
f) any other additions or deductions which may have become due in accordance with the
Contract (including those under Clause 20), other than under Sub-Clause 8.6; and
g) the deduction of the amounts certified in all previous Interim Payment Certificates.
13.4. Schedule of Payments
If the Contract includes a Schedule of Payments specifying the instalments in which the Contract
Price will be paid, then, unless otherwise stated in such Schedule:
a) the instalments quoted in such Schedule shall be used to determine the contract value
for the purposes of sub-paragraph (a) of Sub-Clause 13.3;
b) Sub-Clause 13.5 shall not apply; and
c) if the payment instalments are not defined by reference to the actual progress achieved
in executing the Works, the Employer’s Representative shall be entitled to amend
such Schedule: such amendment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of
Sub-Clause 3.5 and shall only take account of the extent to which the actual progress
achieved is less than that on which the instalments in the Schedule were based.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
13.5. Postrojenja i Materijali namenjeni za Trajne Radove
Ukoliko se ovaj član primenjuje, Privremena situacija obuhvata (i) dodatni iznos za Postrojenje
i Materijale koji su dopremljeni na Gradilište za ugradnju u Trajne radove, i (ii) odbijanje kada
su oni ugrađeni u Trajne radove. Predstavnik investitora će utvrditi svaki dodatak i odbitak u
skladu sa sledećim odredbama:
a) nikakav dodatak neće biti uključen u Privremenu situaciju osim ako su po mišljenju
Predstavnika Investitora:
i. Postrojenje i Materijali u skladu sa Ugovorom;
ii. Postrojenje i Materijali isporučeni na Gradilište i pravilno skladišteni i zaštićeni od
gubitka, oštećenja ili kvarenja;
iii. da Izvođač vodi evidenciju o zahtevima, narudžbama, prijemu i korišćenju Pogona
i Materijala u formi odobrenoj od Predstavnika Investitora, i da je takva evidencija
na raspolaganju za proveru od strane Predstavnika Investitora;
iv. da je Izvođač podneo izjavu o Ceni nabavke i isporuke Postrojenja i Materijala na
Gradilište, zajedno sa dokumentacijom neophodnom za potrebe dokazivanja takve
Cene; i
v. da su Postrojenje i Materijali oni nabrojani u Prilogu Tenderu
b) da dodatni iznos koji treba biti overen iznosi osamdeset procenata cene Postrojenja
i Materijala isporučenih na Gradilište, kako odluči Predstavnik Investitora posle pregleda dokumentacije pomenute u gornjem paragrafu (a) uzimajući u obzir ugovorenu
vrednost takvih Postrojenja i Materijala kako to Predstavnik Investitora odluči i smatra
c) iznos odbitka za Postrojenja i Materijale ugrađene u Trajne radove će biti ekvivalentan
dodatku prethodno overenom od strane Predstavnika Investitora za ta Postrojenja i
Materijale pod gornjim paragrafom (b); i
d) valute za takve dodatke i odbitke će biti određena od Predstavnika Investitora po
i. u slučaju svakog dodatka, valuta će biti ona u kojoj će na kraju plaćanje dospeti
za odgovarajuću poziciju Postrojenja ili Materijala, po njihovoj ugradnji u Trajne
ii. u slučaju odbitka, valuta će biti ona u kojoj je dodatak za odgovarajuću poziciju
Postrojenja ili Materijala overen.
13.6. Odobrenje Pivremenih Situacija
Nijedan iznos neće biti potvrđen niti plaćen dok Investitor ne dobije i ne odobri Garanciju za
dobro izvršenje posla u skladu sa Članom 4.2 Nakon toga, Predstavnik Investitora će, u roku
od 28 dana od prijema obračuna i potkrepljujuće dokumentacije, dostaviti Investitoru sa kopijom
Izvođaču Privremenu situaciju u kojoj se navodi iznos za koji je Predstavnik Investitora smatra
da dospeva za plaćanje, sa svim potrebnim podacima;ako smatra da nikakvo plaćanje nije dospelo, Predstavnik Investitora će odmah izvestiti Izvođača shodno tome. Izuzev da Predstavnik
Investitora neće biti obavezan da odobri bilo kakvo plaćanje po ovom Članu ako bi neto iznos
za odobrenje (nakon depozita i drugih odbitaka) bio manji od minimalnog iznosa Privremenih
situacija (ako ga ima) naveden u Prilogu Tendera.
Privremena Situacija ne sme biti uskraćena zbog:
a) defekata: u slučaju da određena isporuka iIi radovi izvedeni od strane Izvođača nisu u
skladu sa Ugovorom, troškove popravke ili zamene Predstavnik Investitora će odbiti od
bilo kog iznosa dospelog po drugom osnovu;
b) spornih delova za plaćanje: u tom slučaju, privremena situacija će se izdati samo za
neosporni iznos.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
13.5. Plant and Materials for the Permanent Works
If this Sub-Clause applies. Interim Payment Certificates shall include (i) an
additional amount for Plant and Materials which have been brought to the Site for incorporation in the Permanent Works, and (ii) a deduction when they have been incorporated in the
Permanent Works. The Employer’s Representative shall determine each addition and deduction in accordance with the following provisions:
a) no addition shall be included in the Interim Payment Certificate unless, in the opinion of
the Employer’s Representative:
i. the Plant and Materials are considered to be in accordance with the Contract;
ii. the Plant and Materials have been delivered to the Site and are properly stored on
Site and protected against loss, damage or deterioration;
iii. the Contractor’s records of the requirements, orders, receipts and use of Plant and
Materials are kept in a form approved by the Employer’s Representative, and such
records are available for inspection by the Employer’s Representative;
iv. the Contractor has submitted a statement of the Cost of acquiring and delivering the Plant and Materials to the Site, together with such documents as may be
required for the purpose of evidencing such Cost; and
v. the Plant and Materials are those listed in the Appendix to Tender;
b) the additional amount to be certified shall be the equivalent of eighty percent of the
cost of the Plant and Materials delivered to the Site, as determined by the Employer’s
Representative after review of the documents mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above,
taking account of the contract value of such Plant and Materials as determined and
considered appropriate by the Employer’s Representative;
c) the amount of the deduction for any Plant and Materials incorporated in the Permanent
Works shall be equivalent to the addition previously certified by the Employer’s
Representative for such Plant and Materials under sub-paragraph (b) above; and
d) the currencies for such additions and deductions shall be determined by the Employer’s
Representative as follows:
i. in the case of each addition, the currencies shall be those in which the payment
will eventually become due for the relevant item of Plant or Materials, upon their
incorporation in the Permanent Works; and
ii. in the case of a deduction, the currencies shall be those in which the addition for
the respective item of Plant or Materials had been certified.
13.6. Issue of Interim Pay­ment Certificates
No amount will be certified or paid until the Employer has received, and approved, the performance security in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.2. Thereafter, the Employer’s Representative
shall, within 28 days of receiving a statement and supporting documents, deliver to the Employer
with a copy to the Contractor an Interim Payment Certificate showing the amount which the
Employer’s Representative considers to be due; if no payment is considered to be due, the
Employer’s Representative shall promptly notify the Contractor accordingly. Except that the
Employer’s Representative shall not be bound to certify any payment under this Sub-Clause,
if the net amount to be certified (after retention and other deductions) would be less than the
minimum amount of Interim Payment Certificates (if any) stated in the Appendix to Tender.
An Interim Payment Certificate shall not be withheld on account of:
a) defects: if any thing supplied or work done by the Contractor is not in accordance with
the Contract, the cost of rectification or replacement shall be deducted by the Employer’s
Representative from any amount otherwise due;
b) part (only) of the payment applied for being disputed: in such case, a payment certificate shall be issued for the undisputed amount.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Predstavnik Investitora može u svakoj Privremenoj situaciji vršiti ispravke ili izmene koje je
trebalo pravilno izvršiti u nekoj od prethodnih Privremenih situacija.
13.7. Plaćanja
Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II:
a) Investitor će platiti iznos overen u svakoj Privremenoj Situaciji u roku od 56 dana od dana
kada je Predstavnik Investitora primio zahtev Izvođača sa pratećom dokumentacijom;
b) Predstavnik Izvođača će platiti iznos naveden u Okončanoj Situaciji u roku od 56 dana
po izdavanju takve Situacije.
Plaćanje će biti na bankovni račun naznačen od strane Izvođača, u zemlji plaćanja navedenoj
u Ugovoru. Ako se plaćanja trebaju obaviti u više od jedne valute, Izvođač treba da navede
odvojene bankovne račune za svaku valutu, a Investitor će izvršiti isplate shodno tome.
13.8. Kašnjenje u Plaćanju
Ako isplata bilo kog iznosa plativog po Članu 13.7 kasni, Izvođač će imati pravo da naplati
troškove finansiranja koji se zaračunavaju mesečno na iznose koji nisu plaćeni u periodu kašnjenja. Ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II, ovi troškovi finansiranja obračunavaju se po
godišnjoj stopi od 3% iznad diskontne stope narodne banke u zemlji valute plaćanja. Izvođač
ima pravo na ovo plaćanje bez formalnog obaveštenja iIi potvrde, i ne na uštrb drugih prava i
pravnih lekova.
13.9. Plaćanje Ugovornog Depozita
Nakon izdavanja potvrde o Preuzimanju Radova od strane Predstavnika Investitora, i kada
Radovi zadovolje sva zahtevana testiranja (uključujući Testove posle Završetka ako ih bude),
Predstavnik Investitora će odobriti isplatu prvog dela Ugovornog depozita Izvođaču. Ako su
Radovi preuzimani u Sekcijama, procenat prve polovine depozita će biti oslobođen posle izdavanja Potvrde o Preuzimanju za Sekciju, a kada zadovolji sva testiranja, biće plaćen procenat
vrednosti Sekcije kao što je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu.
Po isteku Ugovorenog Perioda, druga polovina Depozita će biti overena od Predstavnika
Izvođača za plaćanje Izvođaču. Osim toga, u slučaju radova koji treba da budu preostali da se
izvedu prema Članu 11 ili Članu 12, Predstavnik Investitora ima pravo da uskrati overu do njihovog završetka, u onolikom delu preostalog iznosa Depozita koji predstavlja cenu neizvršenih
13.10. Obračun po Završetku Radova
Najkasnije u roku od 84 dana nakon prijema Potvrde o preuzimanju radova, Izvođač će dostaviti
Predstavniku Investitora 6 primeraka obračuna na završetku uz prateću detaljnu dokumentaciju
u formi odobrenoj od Predstavnika Investiora prema Članu 13.3. pokazujući sledeće:
a) konačnu vrednost svih radova izvedenih u skladu sa Ugovorom do datuma navedenog
u toj Potvrdi o preuzimanju radova
b) sve dodatne iznose za koje Izvođač smatra da su dospeli za plaćanje u njegovu korist
c) procenu iznosa za koje Izvođač smatra da će postati plativi u njegovu korist u skladu sa
Procenjeni iznosi biće prikazani odvojeno u takvom obračunu na završetku. Predstavnik
Investitora će overiti isplatu u skladu sa Članom 13.6.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Employer’s Representative may in any payment certificate make any correction or modification that should properly be made to any previous certificate.
13.7. Payment
Unless otherwise stated in Part II,
a) the Employer shall pay the amount certified in each Interim Payment Certificate within 56
days from the date on which the Employer’s Representative received the Contractor’s
statement and supporting documents; and
b) the Employer shall pay the amount certified in the Final Payment Certificate within 56
days from the date of issue of the Certificate.
Payments shall be made into a bank account, nominated by the Contractor, in the payment
country named as such in the Contract. If payments are to be made in more than one currency,
separate bank accounts may be nominated by the Contractor for each currency, and payments
shall be made by the Employer accordingly.
13.8. Delayed Payment
If payment of any sum payable under Sub-Clause 13.7 is delayed, the Contractor shall be
entitled to receive financing charges compounded monthly on the amount unpaid during the
period of delay. Unless otherwise stated in Part II, these financing charges shall be calculated
at the annual rate three percentage points above the discount rate of the central bank in the
country of the currency of payment. The Contractor shall be entitled to such payment without
formal notice and without prejudice to any other right or remedy.
13.9. Payment of Retention Money
When the Employer’s Representative has issued the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, and
the Works have passed all specified tests (including the Tests after Completion, if any), the first
half of the Retention Money shall be certified by the Employer’s Representative for payment to
the Contractor. If the Works are taken over in Sections, the percentage of the first half of the
Retention Money released following the issue of a Taking-Over Certificate for a Section, and
it passing all tests, shall be the percentage value of the Section as stated in the Appendix to
Upon the expiry of the Contract Period, the second half of the Retention Money shall be certified
by the Employer’s Representative for payment to the Contractor. Except that, if at such time any
work shall remain to be executed under Clause 11 or Clause 12, the Employer’s Representative
shall be entitled to withhold certification, until completion of such work, of so much of the balance
of the Retention Money as shall represent the cost of the work remaining to be executed.
13.10. Statement at Completion
Not later than 84 days after the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Contractor
shall submit, to the Employer’s Representative, six copies of a statement at completion with
supporting documents showing in detail, in the form approved by the Employer’s Representative
under Sub-Clause 13.3
a) the final value of all work done in accordance with the Contract up to the date stated in
such Taking-Over Certificate,
b) any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due, and
c) an estimate of amounts which the Contractor considers will become due to him under
the Contract.
The estimated amounts shall be shown separately in such statement at completion. The
Employer’s Representative shall certify payment under Sub-Clause 13.6.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Zahtev za Okončanu Situaciju
Ne kasnije od 56 dana od izdavanja Potvrde o dobrom izvršenju, Izvođač će podneti Predstavniku
Investitora 6 primeraka nacrta završnog obračuna uz prateću dokumentaciju koja, u formi koju
odobri Predstavnik Investitora, detaljno navodi sledeće:
a) vrednost svih radova izvršenih u skladu sa Ugovorom, i
b) sve ostale iznose za koje Izvođač smatra da su plativi u njegovu korist u skladu sa
Ugovorom ili na drugi način.
Ukoliko se Rukovodilac Izgradnje ne saglasi ili ne može da overi bilo koji deo nacrta završnog
obračuna, Izvođač će dostaviti dodatne informacije koje Predstavnik Investitora može opravdano da zahteva, i izvršiti izmene nacrta o kojima se međusobno dogovore. Izvođač će nakon
toga pripremiti i dostaviti Rukovodiocu Izgradnje usaglašenu konačnu verziju završnog obračuna (za potrebe ovih Uslova nazvan kao „Završni obračun”).
Ukoliko se nakon razgovora između Predstavnika Investitora i Izvođača i eventualnih usaglašenih izmena nacrta završnog obračuna utvrdi da postoji neslaganje, Predstavnik Investitora će
dostaviti Investitoru (sa kopijom Izvođaču) Privremenu situaciju za one delove nacrta završnog
obračuna koji nisu sporni. Nakon toga, spor se može razrešiti u skladu sa Članom 20 u kom
slučaju će Izvođač izraditi i dostaviti Investitoru (sa kopijom Predstavniku Investitora) Završni
obračun u skladu sa rešenjem spora.
13.12. Izjava o Prestanku Obaveza
Zajedno sa Završnim obračunom, Izvođač će dostaviti pisanu izjavu o prestanku obaveza kojom
se potvrđuje da ukupni iznos Završnog obračuna predstavlja celokupnu i konačnu isplatu svih
novčanih iznosa plativih Izvođaču po ovom Ugovoru. Izjava o prestanku obaveza može da
sadrži odredbu o tome da ona stupa na snagu tek kada plaćanje prema Okončanoj Situaciji
bude izvršeno, a Garancija za Dobro izvršenje posla na koju se odnosi Član 4.2 bude vraćena
13.13. Izdavanje Okončane Situacije
Predstavnik Investitora će izdati Investitoru, sa kopijom Izvođaču, Okončanu Situaciju u roku od
28 dana od prijema Završnog Obračuna i pisane izjave o prestanku obaveza po Članu 13.12,
a) iznos koji finalno dospeva za plaćanje, i
b) nakon pripisivanja u korist Investitora za sve iznose koje je Investitor prethodno platio
i za sve iznose na koje Investitor ima pravo, osim onih po Članu 8.6, preostali iznos
(ukoliko postoji) koji Investitor treba da plati Izvođaču, ili koji Izvođač treba da plati
Investitoru, zavisno od slučaja.
Ukoliko Izvođač nije dostavio zahtev za Okončanu situaciju u skladu sa Članom 13.11 i Članom
13.12, Predstavnik Investitora će od Izvođača zahtevati da to učini. Ukoliko Izvođač ne dostavi
traženi zahtev u roku od 28 dana, Predstavnik Investitora će odobriti Okončanu situaciju u
iznosu koji sam utvrdi da dospeva za plaćanje.
13.14. Prestanak Odgovornosti Investitora
Investitor neće biti odgovoran Izvođaču po bilo kom pitanju koje proističe iz (ili u vezi sa)
Ugovorom ili izvođenjem radova, osim kada je Izvođač uključio potraživanje za te svrhe u svom
Završnom obračunu, i (osim za pitanja koja proisteknu nakon izdavanja Potvrde o preuzimanju
radova) u Obračunu na završetku radova, koji je opisan u Članu 13.10.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
Application for Final Payment Certificate
Not later than 56 days after the issue of the Performance Certificate, the Contractor shall submit
to the Employer’s Representative six copies of a draft final statement with supporting documents showing in detail, in a form approved by the Employer’s Representative:
a) the value of all work done in accordance with the Contract, and
b) any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due to him under the Contract or
If the Employer’s Representative disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the draft final statement, the Contractor shall submit such further information as the Employer’s Representative may
reasonably require and shall make such changes in the draft as may be agreed between them.
The Contractor shall then prepare and submit to the Employer’s Representative the final statement as agreed (for the purposes of these Conditions referred to as the “Final Statement”).
If, following discussions between the Employer’s Representative and the Contractor and any
changes to the draft final statement which may be agreed between them, it becomes evident
that a dispute exists, the Employer’s Representative shall deliver to the Employer (with a copy
to the Contractor) an Interim Payment Certificate for those parts of the draft final statement
which are not in dispute. The dispute may then be resolved under Clause 20, in which case
the Contractor shall then prepare and submit to the Employer (with a copy to the Employer’s
Representative) a Final Statement in accordance with the outcome of the dispute.
13.12. Discharge
When submitting the Final Statement, the Contractor shall submit a written discharge which
confirms that the total of the Final Statement represents full and final settlement of all monies
due to the Contractor under the Contract. Such discharge may state that it shall become effective only after payment due under the Final Payment Certificate has been made and the performance security referred to in Sub-Clause 4.2 has been returned to the Contractor.
13.13. Issue of Final Payment Certificate
The Employer’s Representative shall issue to the Employer, with a copy to the Contractor, the
Final Payment Certificate within 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge in accordance with Sub-Clauses 13.11 and 13.12, stating:
a) the amount which is Finally due, and
b) after giving credit to the Employer for all amounts previously paid by the Employer and
for all sums to which the Employer is entitled, other than under Sub-Clause 8.6, the
balance, if any, due from the Employer to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the
Employer as the case may be.
If the Contractor has not applied for a Final Payment Certificate in accordance with Sub-Clauses 13.11
and 13.12, the Employer’s Representative shall request the Contractor to do so. If the Contractor
fails to make such an application within a period of 28 days, the Employer’s Representative shall
issue the Final Payment Certificate for such amount as he considers to be due.
13.14. Cessation of Employer’s Liability
The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing arising out of (or
in connection with) the Contract or execution of the Works, unless the Contractor shall have
included a claim for it in his Final Statement and (except for matters or things arising after the
issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works) in the statement at completion described in
Sub-Clause 13.10.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
13.15. Izračunavanje Plaćanja u Stranoj Valuti
Ako je Ugovorena Cena izražena samo u lokalnoj valuti a pojedina plaćanja zahtevaju da budu
isplaćena u stranoj valuti, proporcije iznosa lokalne i strane valute, kao i fiksni kursni koji će
se koristiti za izračunavanje takvih plaćanja, biće one navedene u Prilogu Tenderu. Ako kursne
stope nisu navedene, one če biti, ukoliko drugačije nije navedeno u Delu II, onakve kakve su
prevladavale Osnovnog Datuma, određene od strane centralne banke Države.
13.16. Izmena Zakonodavstva
Ugovorena cena biće modifikovana tako da reflektuje smanjenje ili povećanje Troškova koji su
posledica promene zakonodavstva u Državi usvojene nakon Osnovnog datuma. Takvo zakonodavstvo označava zakon, naredbu, propis, podzakonsku uredbu koja ima snagu zakona, uključujući valutarne restrikcije, koje mogu da utiču na Izvođača u njegovom izvršavanju obaveza.
Ukoliko izmene zakona, usvojene nakon Osnovnog datuma, prouzrokuju (ili će prouzrokovati)
da Izvođač kasni u izvršenju radova i/ili da pretrpi dodatne Troškove, Izvođač će o tome obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora. Posle prijema takvog obaveštenja, Predstavnik Investitora će
postupiti u skladu sa Članom 3.5 i saglasiti se ili odlučiti o sledećem:
a) produženju roka na koje Izvođač ima pravo po Članu 8.3, i
b) iznosu tih Troškova, koji će biti dodat Ugovorenoj Ceni
i shodno tome obavestiti Izvođača.
14.1. Pravo na Izmene
U bilo kom trenutku tokom Ugovorenog Perioda, Predstavnik Investitora može da inicira
Izmenu, bilo davanjem odgovarajuće instrukcije ili upućivanjem zahteva Izvođaču da podnese
ponudu. Ukoliko Predstavnik Izvođača zahteva od Izvođača da podnese ponudu, a zatim odluči
da ne postupi prema promeni, Izvođaču će se nadoknaditi trošak koji je pretrpeo, kao i usluge
Izvođač nesme da vrši bilo kakve izmene i/ili modifikacije Radova osim ako i svedok Predstavnik
Investitora ne naloži ili odobri Izmenu. Ako Dokumenta o Izgradnji ili Radovi nisu u skladu sa
Ugovorom, ispravljanje istih se neće smatrati Izmenom.
14.2. Vrednosna Racionalizacija
Izvođač može u bilo koje vreme dostaviti Predstavniku Investitora pismeni predlog koji će (po
mišljenu Izvođača), smanjiti troškove izgradnje, održavanja i rukovođenja Radovima, ili će unaprediti efikasnost ili vrednost izvršenih Radova za Investitora, iIi na drugi način biti od koristi
za Investitora. Ovakav predlog Izvođač priprema o svom trošku i u njemu uključuje stavke
pobrojane u Članu14.3.
14.3. Postupak Izmene
Ukoliko Predstavnik Investitora pre izdavanja Naloga za Izmenom traži od Izvođača neki predlog, Izvođač će što je pre moguće dostaviti sledeće:
a) opis predloženog projektovanja i/ili radova koje treba izvesti i dinamiku njihovog
b) predlog Izvođača za bilo kakve potrebe modifikace dinamike prema Članu 4.14,
c) predlog Izvođača za prilagođavanje Ugovorene Cene, Roka za Završetak i/ili modifikacijama Ugovora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
13.15. Calculation of Payments in Foreign Currency
If the Contract Price is expressed in Local Currency only, but some payments are to be made in
another currency, the proportions or amounts of the Local and Foreign Currencies, and the fixed
rates of exchange to be used for calculating the payments, shall be as stated in the Appendix to
Tender. If no rates of exchange are stated therein, they shall, unless otherwise stated in Part 11,
be those prevailing for the Base Date, as determined by the central bank of the Country.
13.16. Changes in Legislation
The Contract Price shall be adjusted to take account of any increase or decrease in Cost
resulting from changes in legislation of the Country, made after the Base Date. Such legislation
means any law, order, regulation or by-law having the force of law, including currency restrictions, which affects the Contractor in the performance of his obligations.
If the Contractor suffers (or will suffer) delay and/or incurs (or will incur) additional Cost resulting from such changes in legislation, made after the Base Date, the Contractor shall give notice
to the Employer’s Representative. After receipt of such notice the Employer’s Representative
shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, and
b) the amount of such Cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price,
and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
14.1. Right to Vary
Variations may be initiated by the Employer’s Representative at any time during the Contract
Period, either by instruction or by a request for the Contractor to submit a proposal. If the
Employer’s Representative requests the Contractor to submit a proposal and subsequently
elects not to proceed with the change, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for the Cost incurred,
including design services.
The Contractor shall not make any alteration and/or modification of the Works, unless and until the
Employer’s Representative instructs or approves a Variation. If the Construction Documents or
Works are not in accordance with the Contract, the rectification shall not constitute a Variation.
14.2. Value Engineering
The Contractor may, at any time, submit to the Employer’s Representative a written proposal
which in the Contractor’s opinion will reduce the cost of constructing, maintaining or operating the Works, or improve the efficiency or value to the Employer of the completed Works, or
otherwise be of benefit to the Employer. Any such proposal shall be prepared at the cost of the
Contractor and shall include the items listed in Sub-Clause 14.3.
14.3. Variation Procedure
If the Employer’s Representative requests a proposal, prior to instructing a Variation, the
Contractor shall submit as soon as practicable:
a) a description of the proposed design and/or work to be performed and a programme for
its execution.
b) the Contractor’s proposal for any necessary modifications to the programme according
to Sub-Clause 4.14, and
c) the Contractor’s proposal for adjustment to the Contract Price, Time for Completion
and/or modifications to the Contract.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Što je pre moguće nakon prijema ovog predloga Predstavnik Investitora će odgovoriti Izvođaču
odobravanjem, odbijanjem ili davanjem primedbi.
Ukoliko Predstavnik Izvođača naloži ili odobri Izmenu, postupiće u skladu sa Članom 3.5 da se
saglasi ili odluči o prilagođavanju Ugovorene Cene, Roka za Završetak i Dinamiku Plaćanja.
Prilagođavanje Ugovorene Cene treba da uključi i umeren profit, i treba da uzme u obzir
Izvođačeve predloge po Članu 14.2 ako su primenjivi.
14.4. Plaćanje u Primenjivim Valutama
Ukoliko je Ugovorom predviđeno plaćanje Ugovorene Cene u više od jedne valute, onda će se
svaki put kada se dogovori ili odredi podešavanje kako je gore navedeno, iznos koji se plaća
u svakoj pojedinačnoj valuti mora se naznačiti onda kada je podešavanje dogovoreno ili određeno. U specifiranju iznosa svake valute, Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora (ili u slučaju nepostizanja sporazuma sam Predstavnik Investitora) uzeće u obzir stvarne ili očekivane odnose
valute u troškovima izmenjenih radova, bez vezivanja za odnos različitih valuta specificiranih
za plaćanja Ugovorene Cene.
14.5. Provizorni Iznosi
Svaki provizorni iznos, u celini ili delimično, isključivo će se koristiti u skladu sa instrukcijama
Predstavnika Investitora. Ukupni iznos isplaćen Izvođaču obuhvataće samo one sume za izvedene radove, isporučene materijale ili obavljene usluge na koje se provizorni iznosi odnose,
u skladu sa instrukcijama Predstavnika Investitora. Za svaki provizorni iznos Predstavnik
Investitora može da naredi:
a) da rad kojeg treba da izvrši Izvođač (uključujući Postrojenje, Materijale ili usluge koje
treba isporučiti), bude vrednovan prema članu 14.3;
b) Postrojenje, Materijale i usluge, koje Izvođač treba da kupi plaćanje bude kako sledi:
i. stvarni iznosi koje je platio (ili koje treba da plati) Izvođač,
ii. procenat stvarno plaćene cene (ili koja treba da bude plaćena), kao što je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu za pokrivanje svih ostalih troškova, izdataka i profita.
Izvođač će na zahtev Predstavnika Investitora, dostaviti ponude, fakture, vaučere i priznanice
kao dokaznu dokumentaciju.
Neispunjenje obaveza
15.1. Zahtev za Otklanjanje Nepravilnosti
U slučaju da Izvođač ne ispunjava neku od svojih dužnosti ili ne izvodi Radove u skladu sa
Ugovorom, Predstavnik Investitora može izdati upozorenje Izvođaču, tražeći od njega da ispravi
takve nepravilnosti i otkloni nedostatke u navedenom razumnom vremenskom roku.
15.2. Raskid Ugovora
Ako Izvođač:
a) ne postupi prema upozorenju iz Člana 15.1,
b) napusti ili otkaže Ugovor,
c) bez opravdanog razloga ne uspe da:
i. počne radove u skladu sa Članom 8.1,
ii. nastavi sa Radovima u skladu sa Članom 8, ili
iii. dokaže da su zaposleni na projektovanju Radova sposobni i u dovoljnom broju da
bi završili radove u Roku za Završetak,
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Employer’s Representative shall, as soon as practicable after receipt of such proposals,
respond with approval, rejection or comments.
If the Employer’s Representative instructs or approves a Variation, he shall proceed in accordance
with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine adjustments to the Contract Price, Time for Completion
and Schedule of Payments. Adjustment of the Contract Price shall include reasonable profit, and
shall take account of the Contractor’s submissions under Sub-Clause 14.2 if applicable.
14.4. Payment in Applicable Currencies
If the Contract provides for payment of the Contract Price in more than one currency, and an
adjustment is agreed or fixed as stated above, the amount payable in each of the applicable
currencies shall be specified when the adjustment is agreed or fixed. In specifying the amount
in each currency, the Contractor and the Employer’s Representative (or, failing agreement, the
Employer’s Representative) shall take account of the actual or expected currency proportions
of the Cost of the varied work, without being bound by the proportions of various currencies
specified for payment of the Contract Price.
14.5. Provisional Sums
Each Provisional Sum shall only be used, in whole or in part, in accordance with the Employer’s
Representative’s instructions. The total sum paid to the Contractor shall include only such
amounts for the work, supplies or services to which such Provisional Sums relate as the
Employer’s Representative shall have instructed. For each Provisional Sum, the Employer’s
Representative may order:
a) work to be executed (including Plant, Materials or services to be supplied) by the
Contractor and valued under Sub-Clause 14.3;
b) Plant, Materials or services to be purchased by the Contractor, for which payment will
be made as follows:
i. the actual price paid (or due to be paid) by the Contractor, and
ii. a percentage of the actual price paid (or due to be paid), as stated in the Appendix
to Tender, to cover all other Costs, charges and profit.
The Contractor shall, when required by the Employer’s Representative, produce quotations,
invoices, vouchers and accounts or receipts in substantiation.
Default of Contractor
15.1. Notice to Correct
If the Contractor fails to carry out any of his obligations, or if the Contractor is not executing the Works
in accordance with the Contract, the Employer’s Representative may give notice to the Contractor
requiring him to make good such failure and remedy the same within a specified reasonable time.
15.2 Termination
If the Contractor
a) fails to comply with a notice under Sub-Clause 15.1,
b) abandons or repudiates the Contract,
c) without reasonable excuse fails:
i. to commence the Works in accordance with Sub-Clause 8.1,
ii. to proceed with the Works in accordance with Clause 8, or
iii. to demonstrate that sufficient design capability is employed in the design of the
Works to achieve completion within the Time for Completion,
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
d) bankrotira ili postane nesolventan, započne likvidaciju, ima stečajnu upravu ili administrativnu zabranu, nagodi se sa svojim poveriocima ili posluje pod kontrolom stečajnog
upravnika, poverenika ili menadžera koji rade u korist njegovih poverilaca, iIi ukoliko
bilo koji postupak ili događaj (prema važećim zakonima) ima slične posledice kao ovde
navedeni postupci ili događaji,
e) ne postupi u skladu sa obaveštenjem izdatim u skladu sa Članom 7.5 u roku od 28 dana
od prijema takvog obaveštenja, ili
f) ustupi Ugovor ili zaključi podugovor za Radove bez predhodnog odobrenja
Investitor može, nakon što uputi Izvođaču obaveštenje sa otkaznim rokom od 14 dana, raskine
Ugovor i udalji Izvođača sa Gradilišta. Tada će Izvođač predati svu Dokumentaciju o Izgradnji i
ostalu projektnu dokumentaciju, koju je sam pripremio ili je pripremljena za njega, Predstavniku
Investitora. Izvođač neće biti oslobođen bilo kojih svojih obaveza ili odgovornosti po Ugovoru.
Prava i ovlašćenja Investitora i Predstavnika Investitora koja su im dodeljena po Ugovoru neće
biti ugrožena.
Nakon raskida Ugovora, Investitor može završiti Radove sam ili da ih završi neki drugi izvođač.
Investitor ili taj drugi izvođač mogu koristiti Dokumenta o Izgradnji, ostalu projektnu dokumentaciju koja je sačinjena od ili za Izvođača, Mehanizaciju Izvođača, Privremene radove, Postrojenja
i Materijale u neophodnoj meri za završetak Radova. Po završetku Radova, ili na neki raniji
datum kada Predstavnik Investitora utvrdi da je pogodno, Predstavnik Investitora će uputiti
obaveštenje o tome da će Mehanizacija Izvođača i Privremeni radovi biti predati Izvođaču na
Gradilištu ili u njegovoj blizini. Izvođač će bez odlaganja sam ukloniti ili organizovati njihovo
uklanjanje o sopstvenom trošku.
15.3. Procena na Dan Raskida
U što kraćem mogućem roku nakon prijema obaveštenja o raskidu prema Članu 15.2,
Predstavnik Investitora će odlučiti i obavestiti Izvođača o vrednosti Dokumenata o Izgradnji,
Postrojenja, Materijala, Izvođačeve opreme i Radova, kao i svih iznosa koji su tada plativi
Izvođaču na dan raskida.
15.4. Plaćanje nakon Raskida Ugovora
Posle raskida Ugovora po Članu 15.2, Predstavnik Izvođača neće biti u obavezi da vrši bilo
kakva dalja plaćanja Izvođaču, sve dok se ne utvrde troškovi projektovanja, izgradnje, završetka i otklanjanja svih nedostataka na Radovima, štete nastale kašnjenjem završetka i sve
ostale troškove koje je pretrpeo Investitor.
Investitor će imati pravo da nadoknadi dodatne troškove od Izvođača, ako ih ima, za završetak
Radova pošto obračuna bilo kakav iznos plativ Izvođaču po Članu 15.3. Ako ne postoje dodatni
troškovi, Investitor će isplatiti Izvođaču svu razliku.
15.5. Podmićivanje
Ukoliko Izvođač ili neki njegov Podizvođač, agent ili službenik, preda ili ponudi bilo kojoj osobi
mito, poklon, napojnicu ili proviziju kao podsticaj ili nagradu za:
a) činjenje ili propuštanje da se nešto preduzme u vezi sa Ugovorom ili bilo kojim drugim
ugovorom sa Investitorom, ili
b) pokazivanje ili uskraćivanje naklonosti ili nenaklonosti prema bilo kom licu koje je u vezi
sa Ugovorom ili bilo kojim drugim ugovorom sa Investitorom,
onda Investitor može, posle izdavanja 14-to dnevnog otkaznog roka Izvođaču, da raskine
Izvođačevo angažovanje po Ugovoru i udalji ga sa Gradilišta, odredbe ovog Člana će se primenjivati kao da su raskid i udaljavanje sprovedeni u skladu sa Članom 15.2.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
d) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a receiving or administration
order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under
a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or if any act is done or
event occurs which (under any applicable law) has a similar effect to any of these acts
or events,
e) fails to comply with a notice issued under Sub-Clause 7.5 within 28 days after having
received it, or
f) assigns the Contract or subcontracts the Works without the required consent
Then the Employer may, after having given 14 days’ notice to the Contractor, terminate the
Contractor’s employment under the Contract and expel him from the Site. The Contractor shall
then deliver all Construction Documents, and other design documents made by or for him, to
the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall not be released from any of his obligations
or liabilities under the Contract. The rights and authorities conferred on the Employer and the
Employer’s Representative by the Contract shall not be affected.
The Employer may upon such termination complete the Works himself and/or by any other
contractor. The Employer or such other contractor may use for such completion so much of
the Construction Documents, other design documents made by or on behalf of the Contractor,
Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works, Plant and Materials as he or they may think proper.
Upon completion of the Works, or at such earlier date as the Employer’s Representative thinks
appropriate, the Employer’s Representative shall give notice that the Contractor’s Equipment
and Temporary Works will be released to the Contractor at or near the Site. The Contractor shall
remove or arrange removal of the same from such place without delay and at his cost.
15.3. Valuation at Date of Termination
The Employer’s Representative shall, as soon as possible after termination under Sub-Clause
15.2, determine and advise the Contractor of the value of the Construction Documents, Plant,
Materials, Contractor’s Equipment and Works and all sums then due to the Contractor as at the
date of termination.
15.4. Payment after Termination
After termination under Sub-Clause 15.2, the Employer shall not be liable to make any further
payments to the Contractor until the costs of design, execution, completion and remedying
of any defects, damages for delay in completion (if any), and all other costs incurred by the
Employer, have been established.
The Employer shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor the extra costs, if any, of completing the Works after allowing for any sum due to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 15.3. If there
are no such extra costs, the Employer shall pay any balance to the Contractor.
15.5. Bribes
If the Contractor, or any of his Subcontractors, agents or servants gives or offers to give to any
person any bribe, gift, gratuity or commission as an inducement or reward:
a) for doing or for bearing to do any action in relation to the Contract or any other contract
with the Employer, or
b) for showing or for bearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the
Contract or to any other contract with the Employer,
then the Employer may, after having given 14 days’ notice to the Contractor, terminate the
Contractor’s employment under the Contract and expel him from the Site, and the provisions of this
Clause shall apply as if such termination and expulsion had been made under Sub-Clause 15.2.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Neispunjenje obaveza od strane Investitora
16.1. Pravo Izvođača da Obustavi radove
Ako Investitor ne isplati Izvođaču iznose overene od Predstavnika Investitora, i ne objasni zbog
čega je Izvođaču uskraćen takav iznos, u roku od 21 dan od isteka roka navedenog u Članu
13.7 u kom je iznos trebao da bude isplaćen, osim u slučaju odbitka na koje Investitor ima pravo
po Ugovoru, Izvođač može obustaviti radove ili smanjiti obim radova po izdavanju obaveštenja,
i izdati obaveštenje Investitoru ne manje od 7 dana pre datuma obustave ili smanjenja obima
(sa kopijom obaveštenja Predstavniku Investitora). Ovakav postupak neće biti na uštrb prava
Izvođača na plaćanje po Članu 13.8 niti na raskid po Članu 16.2.
U slučaju da Izvođač obustavi radove ili smanji njihov obim, a Investitor zatim isplati dospelu
sumu Izvođaču (uključujući i plaćanja po Članu 13.8) Pravo Izvođača po članu 16.2 će propasti
u odnosu na takvo zakasnelo plaćanje, izuzev ako je obaveštenje o raskidu bilo već izdato, i
Izvođač će nastaviti sa normalnim radom što je pre razumno moguće.
Ako Izvođač pretrpi kašnjenje i/ili pretrpi troškove kao rezultat obustave ili smanjenja obima
radova po ovom Članu, obavestiće o tome Predstavnika Investitora. Posle prijema takvog obaveštenja, Predstavnik Investitora će postupiti u skladu sa Članom 3.5 da se složi ili odluči o
a) produžetku vremena na koje Izvođač ima pravo po Članu 8.3, i
b) dodavanje nastalih troškova Ugovorenoj Ceni sa umerenim profitom,
i shodno tome, obavestiti Izvođača.
16.2. Raskid
U slučaju da Investitor:
a) ne isplati Izvođaču dospeli iznos po potvrdi Predstavnika Izvođača u roku od 42 dana
po isteku perioda navedenog u Članu 13.7 u kom roku plaćanje treba da bude izvršeno
(osim u slučaju nekog odbitka na koje Investitor ima pravo po Ugovoru),
b) bankrotira ili postane nesolventan, započne likvidaciju, ima stečajnu upravu ili administrativnu zabranu, nagodi se sa svojim poveriocima ili posluje pod kontrolom stečajnog
upravnika, poverenika ili menadžera koji rade u korist njegovih poverilaca, iIi ukoliko
bilo koji postupak ili događaj (prema važećim zakonima) ima slične posledice kao ovde
navedeni postupci ili događaji,
c) dosledno ne ispunjava obaveze Investitora po Ugovoru,
d) dodeli Ugovor bez odobrenja Izvođača, ili ako produžena obustava utiče na cele Radove
kako je opisano u Članu 8.10,
onda Izvođač može raskinuti svoje angažovanje po Ugovoru dajući pri tom otkaz Investitoru
sa kopijom Predstavniku Investitora. Ovakav otkaz će stupiti na snagu 14 dana od datuma
njegovog podnošenja.
16.3. Prestanak Radova i uklanjanje Mehanizacije Izvođača
Posle raskida po Članu 2.4 ili Članu 16.2 Izvođač će:
a) obustaviti sve dalje radove, sem onih koji mogu biti neophodni i za koje je dobio instrukcije od Predstavnika Investitora radi čuvanja ili zaštite već izvedenih delova Radova, i
ostale radove neophodne za ostavljanje Gradilišta u čistom i bezbednom stanju,
b) predati Dokumenta o Izgradnji, Postrojenja i Materijale za koja je Izvođač već primio
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
Default of Employer
16.1. Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work
If the Employer fails to pay the Contractor the amount due under any certificate of the Employer’s
Representative, and fails to explain why the Contractor is not entitled to such amount, within 21 days
after the expiry of the time stated in Sub-Clause 13.7 within which payment is to be made, except
for any deduction that the Employer is entitled to make under the Contract, the Contractor may suspend work or reduce the rate of work after giving not less than 7 days’ prior notice to the Employer
(with a copy to the Employer’s Representative). Such action shall not prejudice the Contractor’s
entitlements to payment under Sub-Clause 13.8 and to terminate under Sub-Clause 16.2.
If the Contractor suspends work or reduces the rate of work, and the Employer subsequently pays
the amount due (including payment in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.8), the Contractor’s entitlement under Sub-Clause 16.2 shall lapse in respect of such delayed payment, unless notice of
termination has already been given, and the Contractor shall resume normal working as soon as is
reasonably possible.
If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost as a result of suspending work or reducing the
rate of work in accordance with this Sub-Clause, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer’s
Representative. After receipt of such notice, the Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, and
b) the amount of such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be added to the Contract Price,
and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
16.2 Termination
If the Employer:
a) fails to pay the Contractor the amount due under any certificate of the Employer’s
Representative within 42 days after the expiry of the time stated in Sub-Clause 13.7
within which payment is to be made (except for any deduction that the Employer is
entitled to make under the Contract),
b) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a receiving or administration
order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under
a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or if any act is done or
event occurs which (under any applicable law) has a similar effect to any of these acts
or events.
c) consistently fails to meet the Employer’s obligations under the Contract, or
d) assigns the Contract without the Contractor’s consent, or, if a prolonged suspension
affects the whole of the Works as described in Sub-Clause 8.10,
then the Contractor may terminate his employment under the Contract by giving notice to the
Employer, with a copy to the Employer’s Representative. Such notice shall take effect 14 days
after the giving of the notice.
16.3. Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment
After termination under Sub-Clause 2.4 or Sub-Clause 16.2, the Contractor shall:
a) cease all further work, except for such work as may be necessary and instructed by the
Employer’s Representative for the purpose of making safe or protecting those parts of the Works
already executed, and any work required to leave the Site in a clean and safe condition,
b) hand over all Construction Documents, Plant and Materials for which the Contractor has
received payment,
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
c) predati delove Radova koje je Izvođač izvršio do dana raskida, i
d) ukloniti svu opremu Izvođača koja je na gradilištu i vratiti u domovinu svo osoblje i radnike sa Gradilišta.
Raskid će biti bez ugrožavanja bilo kog drugog prava Izvođača po Ugovoru.
16.4. Plaćanje pri Raskidu
Posle raskida po Članu 16.2, Investitor će vratiti garanciju za dobro obavljanje posla, i isplatiće Izvođaču iznos izračunat i overen po Članu 19.6 uključujući i iznos gubitka ili štete i iznos
gubitka profita, koje je Izvođač mogao da pretrpi kao posledicu raskida.
Rizik i Odgovornost
17.1. Obeštećenje
Izvođač će obeštetiti i štititi Investitora, Predstavnika Investitora, njihove izvođače, agente i
zaposlene u svim slučajevima potraživanja, šteta, gubitaka i troškova koji mogu nastati iz ili
zbog Radova, uključujući i profesionalne usluge Izvođača.
Ove obaveze obeštećenja biće ograničene na potraživanje, štete, gubitke i troškove koji se
odnose na telesne povrede, bolest, oboljenje ili smrt, ili na oštećenje ili gubitak imovine (osim
samih Radova) uključujući i posledični gubitak upotrebe. Ove obaveze će takođe biti ograničene na potraživanja, štete, gubitke i troškove koje se mogu pripisati delimično ili u celini
kršenju obaveze o staranju nametnute zakonom Izvođaču ili bilo kome direktno ili indirektno
angažovanom od strane Izvođača.
17.2. Izvođačeva briga o radovima
Izvođač preuzima punu odgovornost za brigu o Radovima od Dana početka radova do izdavanja
Potvrde o preuzimanju radova kada ta odgovornost prelazi na Investitora. Kada Predstavnik
Izvođača izda Potvrdu o Preuzimanju za Sekciju ili deo Radova, Izvođač prestaje da bude
odgovoran za brigu o toj Sekciji ili delu Radova od datuma kada je izdata takva Potvrda o
Preuzimanju, kadaodgovornost prelazi na Investitora.
Izvođač će preuzeti odgovornost za brigu o svim preostalim radovima koji treba da budu završeni do isteka Ugovorenog Perioda, sve dok Predstavnik Investitora napismeno ne potvrdi da
su takvi preostali radovi završeni.
U slučaju da dođe do gubitka ili štete na Radovima, iz bilo kog razloga koji nije naveden u Članu
17.3 (Rizici Investitora), tokom perioda za koji je odgovoran Izvođač, Izvođač će ispraviti takve
gubitke ili štetu o svom trošku, tako da Radovi budu u skladu sa Ugovorom. Izvođač će biti
odgovoran za sve gubitke i štetu na Radovima nastalu usled aktivnosti Izvođača nakon datuma
izdavanja Potvrde o preuzimanju.
17.3. Rizici Investitora
Rizici Investitora su :
a) rat, ratno stanje (bez obzira da li je rat objavljen ili ne), invazija, delovanje stranih
b) pobuna, revolucija, ustanak, vojni ili državni udar ili građanski rat,
c) jonizujuće zračenje ili radioaktivnost nuklearnog goriva, ili nuklearni otpad nastao sagorevanjem nuklearnog goriva, radio aktivni toksični eksplozivi, ili ostale opasne materije
eksploziva nuklearnog sastava,
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
c) hand over those other parts of the Works executed by the Contractor up to the date of
termination, and
d) remove all Contractor’s Equipment which is on the Site and repatriate all his staff and
labour from the Site.
Any such termination shall be without prejudice to any other right of the Contractor under the Contract.
16.4. Payment on Termination
After termination under Sub-Clause 16.2, the Employer shall return the performance security,
and shall pay the Contractor an amount calculated and certified in accordance with Sub-Clause
19.6 plus the amount of any loss or damage, including loss of profit, which the Contractor may
have suffered in consequence of termination.
Risk and Responsibility
17.1. Indemnity
The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer, the Employer’s Representative, their
contractors, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses arising out of or resulting from the Works, including professional services provided by the Contractor.
These indemnification obligations shall be limited to claims, damages, losses and expenses
which are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of
physical property (other than the Works), including consequential loss of use. Such obligations
shall also be limited to the extent that such claims, damages, losses or expenses are caused
in whole or in part by a breach of a duty of care, imposed by law on the Contractor or anyone
directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor.
17.2. Contractor’s Care of the Works
The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the Works from the Commencement
Date until the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, when responsibility shall pass to the
Employer. If the Employer’s Representative issues a Taking-Over Certificate for any Section or part
of the Works, the Contractor shall cease to be responsible for the care of that Section or part from
the date of issue of such Taking-Over Certificate, when responsibility shall pass to the Employer.
The Contractor shall take responsibility for the care of any outstanding work which is required
to be completed prior to the expiry of the Contract Period, until the Employer’s Representative
confirms in writing that such outstanding work has been completed.
If any loss or damage happens to the Works, arising from any cause other than the Employer’s
risks listed in Sub-Clause 17.3, during the period for which the Contractor is responsible, the
Contractor shall rectify such loss or damage, at his cost, so that the Works conform with the
Contract. The Contractor shall also be liable for any loss or damage to the Works caused by any
operations carried out by the Contractor after the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate.
17.3. Employer’s Risks
The Employer’s risks are:
a) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies,
b) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war,
c) ionising radiations, or contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear
waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosive, or other hazardous
properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly,
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
d) vazdušni pritisci izazvani avionima ili drugim letilicama koje putuju brzinom zvuka ili
supersoničnom brzinom,
e) neredi, gužva ili nemiri, ukoliko nisu isključivo ograničeni na zaposlene kod Izvođača ili
njegovih Podizvođača i nastali iz vođenja Radova,
f) šteta ili gubitak nastali kao korišćenje ili zauzimanje Sekcije ili dela Radova od strane
Investitora, osim ako to nije predviđeno Ugovorom,
g) svako delovanje prirodnih sila protiv kojih se nije moglo opravdano očekivati od iskusnog izvođača da preduzme adekvatne preventivne mere.
17.4. Posledice rizika Investitora
Izvođač će bez odlaganja obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o rizicima Investitora kada ih bude
predvideo ili kada mu postanu poznati. Ako neki rizik Investitora kao rezultat ima gubitak ili
štetu, Izvođač će ukloniti gubitke ili štetu u meri zahtevanoj od Predstavnika Investitora. Ukoliko
Izvođač pretrpi kašnjenje ili trošak kao rezultat rizika Investitora, opet će obavestiti Predstavnika
Investitora. Po prijemu takvog obaveštenja, Predstavnik Investitora će postupiti po Članu 3.5 i
složiti se ili odlučiti o sledećem:
a) produženje roka na koje Izvođač ima pravo po Članu 8.3, i
b) iznosu takvog troška koji će biti dodat Ugovorenoj Ceni,
i shodno tome obavestiti Izvođača.
17.5. Rizik Izvođača
Rizici Izvođača su svi rizici osim rizika Investitora navedenih u Članu 17.3.
17.6. Ograničenje Odgovornosti
Ni u kom slučaju Izvođač neće biti odgovoran Investitoru, putem obeštećenja ili zbog nekog
kršenja Ugovora, krivice ili nečeg drugog, gubitka upotrebe dela Radova (ili Radova u celini)
ili gubitka proizvodnje, gubitka profita, gubitka ugovora ili bilo kog gubitka indirektne ili posledične štete koju Investitor može da pretrpi u vezi sa Ugovorom. Potpuna odgovornost Izvođača
prema Investitoru pod Ugovorom ne sme preći Ugovorenu Cenu. Izuzev da ovaj Član ne ograničava Izvođačevu odgovornost po sledećem:
Članovima 4.19, 4.20, 5.9, 8.6 i 11.4,
Bilo kojim drugim odredbama Ugovora koje izričito nameću veću odgovornost,
Slučajevima prevare, zloupotrebe položaja ili ilegalnih ili nezakonitih postupaka, ili
Slučajevima činjenja ili nečinjenja od strane Izvođača koji su u suprotnosti sa osnovnim
pravilima revnosti koje bi savestan Izvođač poštovao u sličnim okolnostima.
18.1. Osiguranje Projekta
Izvođač će zaključiti profesionalno osiguranje od štete, koje će osigurati Izvođača od odgovornosti zbog profesionalnog nemara u projektovanju Radova. Takvo osiguranje će biti do limita ne
manjeg od sume navedene u Prilogu Tenderu.
Izvođač će se potruditi da se pridržava takvog profesionalnog osiguranja od štete u punoj snazi
i delotvornosti i tokom celog vremena njegove odgovornosti po Ugovoru i po zakonima Države.
Izvođač se obavezuje da izda obaveštenje Investitoru u razumnom roku u slučaju poteškoća
(ako ih ima) u produžavanju, obnavljanju ili ponovnom uspostavljanju takvog osiguranja.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
d) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic or supersonic speeds,
e) riot, commotion or disorder, unless solely restricted to employees of the Contractor or
of his Subcontractors and arising from the conduct of the Works,
f) loss or damage due to the use or occupation by the Employer of any Section or part of
the Works, except as may be provided for in the Contract, and
g) any operation of the forces of nature against which an experienced contractor could not
reasonably have been expected to take precautions.
17.4. Consequences of Employer’s Risks
The Contractor shall give notice, to the Employer’s Representative, of an Employer’s risk upon
it being foreseen by, or becoming known to, the Contractor. If an Employer’s risk results in
loss or damage, the Contractor shall rectify such loss or damage to the extent required by the
Employer’s Representative. If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost as a result of an
Employer’s risk, the Contractor shall give further notice to the Employer’s Representative. After
receipt of such further notice the Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with
Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine:
a) any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 8.3, and
b) the amount of such Cost, which shall be added to the Contract Price.
and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
17.5. Contractor’s Risks
The Contractor’s risks are all risks other than the Employer’s risks listed in Sub-Clause 17.3.
17.6. Limitation of Liability
The Contractor shall in no event be liable to the Employer, by way of indemnity or by reason
of any breach of the Contract or in tort or otherwise, for loss of use of any part (or all) of the
Works or for loss of production, loss of profit or loss of any contract or for any indirect special
or consequential loss or damage which may be suffered by the Employer in connection with the
Contract. The total liability of the Contractor to the Employer under the Contract shall not exceed
the Contract Price. Except that this Sub-Clause shall not limit the liability of the Contractor
under Sub-Clauses 4.19, 4.20, 5.9, 8.6 and 11.4.
under any other provisions of the Contract which expressly impose a greater liability.
in cases of fraud, wilful misconduct or illegal or unlawful acts, or
in cases of acts or omissions of the Contractor which are contrary to the most elementary rules
of diligence which a conscientious contractor would have followed in similar circumstances.
18.1. Insurance for Design
The Contractor shall effect professional indemnity insurance, which shall insure the Contractor’s
liability by reason of professional negligence in the design of the Works. Such insurance shall
be for a limit of not less than the amount specified in the Appendix to Tender.
The Contractor shall use his best endeavours to maintain such professional indemnity insurance in full force and effect throughout the periods of his liability, under the Contract and under
the law of the Country. The Contractor undertakes to give the Employer reasonable notice in the
event of difficulty (if any) in extending, renewing or reinstating such insurance.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
18.2. Osiguranje Radova i Mehanizacije Izvođača
Izvođač će osigurati Dokumenta o Izgradnji, Postrojenja i Materijale na zajedničko ime
Investitora, Izvođača i Podizvođača, od svakog gubitka ili štete. To osiguranje će pokriti gubitak
ili štetu od svih uzroka osim onih navedenih u Članu 17.3 (a), (b), (c) i (d) Rizici Investitora,
onoliko koliko je to osiguranje moguće dobiti. Osiguranje će biti na limit ne manji od iznosa
pune cene zamene (uključujući i profit) i takođe će pokriti troškove rušenja i uklanjanja otpada.
Osiguranje treba da bude takvo da su Investitor i Izvođač osigurani od datuma podnošenja
dokaza po Članu 18.5 (a), do datuma izdavanja Potvrde o Preuzimanju Radova. Izvođač će
produžiti takvo osiguranje radi obezbeđivanja pokrića do datuma izdavanja Potvrde o dobrom
obavljanju posla, protiv gubitka ili štete za koje je odgovoran Izvođač a proistekli su iz razloga
koji se desio pre izdavanja potvrde o preuzimanju, i protiv gubitka ili štete prouzrokovanih od
strane Izvođača ili Podizvođača u izvođenju drugih operacija (uključujući i one po Članovima
11 i 12).
Izvođač će osigurati svoju opremu u zajedničko ime Investitora, Izvođača i Podizvođača, od
svih gubitka ili štete. Osiguranje će pokriti gubitke ili štetu od svih uzroka osim onih navedenih
u Članu 17.3 (a), (b), (c) i (d) Rizici Investitora, u meri u kojoj se takvo osiguranje može naći.
Osiguranje će biti do limita koji nije manji od pune vrednosti zamene (uključujući i isporuku na
Gradilište). Osiguranje treba da bude takvo da je svaki deo opreme osiguran u toku transporta
na Gradilište i u periodu dok je na gradilištu ili blizu njega.
18.3. Osiguranje Imovine i Lica
Izvođač će se osigurati od odgovornosti prema trećem licu, u zajedničko ime Izvođača,
Investitora i Podizvođača, za svaki gubitak, štetu, smrtni slučaj ili telesnu povredu koje mogu
nastati na imovini (osim stvari osiguranih po Članu 18.2) ili licima (osim lica osiguranih po Članu
18.4) koji mogu nastati iz izvođenja Ugovora i to pre izdavanja Potvrde o dobrom izvršenju
posla. Takvo osiguranje će biti do limitane manjeg od iznosa navedenog u Prilogu Tenderu.
18.4. Osiguranje Radnika
Izvođač će zaključiti i održavati osiguranje odgovornosti u slučaju gubitaka i potraživanja koje
proizilaze iz smrti ili povrede bilo koje osobe zaposlene kod Izvođača ili Podizvođača, na taj
način da su Investitor i Predstavnik Investitora nekažnjivi pod polisom osiguranja. Za osoblje
Podizvođača, takvo osiguranje može da zaključi Podizvođač, ali će Izvođač biti odgovoran za
povinovanje ovom Članu.
18.5. Opšti Zahtevi Osiguranja
Svaka polisa osiguranja će biti u skladu sa opštim uslovima dogovorenim u pisanom obliku pre
efektivnog Datuma, i taj dogovor će imati prioritet u odnosu na odredbe ovog člana.
Izvođač će, u skladu sa odgovarajućim periodima navedenim u Prilogu Tenderu (računato od
Datuma početka radova) podneti Investitoru:
a) dokaz da su zaključena osiguranja opisano u ovom Članu, i
b) kopije polisa osiguranja navedenih u Članovima 18.2 i 18.3.
Prilikom isplate svake premije, Izvođač će dostaviti kopije priznanica Investitoru. Izvođač
će takođe obavestiti Predstavnika Izvođača prilikom podnošenja polisa, dokaza i priznanica
Izvođač će zaključiti sva osiguranja za koja je odgovoran sa osiguravajućim društvima i pod
uslovima koje odobri Investitor. Svaka polisa za osiguranje u slučaju gubitaka i štete mora omogućiti plaćanja u valutama potrebnim za nadoknadu takvog gubitka ili štete. Uplate primljene od
osiguravajućeg društva koristiće se za nadoknadu tog gubitka ili štete.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
18.2. Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment
The Contractor shall insure the Construction Documents, Plant, Materials and Works in the joint
names of the Employer, the Contractor and Subcontractors, against all loss or damage. This insurance shall cover loss or damage from any cause other than the Employer’s risks listed in Sub-Clause
17.3 sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) in so far as such insurance is readily obtainable. Such
insurance shall be for a limit of not less than the full replacement cost (including profit) and shall also
cover the costs of demolition and removal of debris. Such insurance shall be in such a manner that
the Employer and the Contractor are covered from the date by which the evidence is to be submitted
under Sub-Clause 18.5(a), until the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works. The
Contractor shall extend such insurance to provide cover until the date of issue of the Performance
Certificate, for loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from a cause occurring prior
to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, and for loss or damage occasioned by the Contractor or
Subcontractors in the course of any other operations (including those under Clauses 11 and 12).
The Contractor shall insure the Contractor’s Equipment in the joint names of the Employer, the Contractor
and Subcontractors, against all loss or damage. This insurance shall cover loss or damage from any cause
other than the Employer’s risks listed in Sub-Clause 17.3 sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) in so far as
such insurance is readily obtainable. Such insurance shall be for a limit of not less than the full replacement
value (including delivery to Site). Such insurance shall be in such a manner that each item of equipment is
insured while it is being transported to the Site and throughout the period it is on or near the Site.
18.3. Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property
The Contractor shall insure against liability to third parties, in the joint names of the Employer,
the Contractor and Subcontractors, for any loss, damage, death or bodily injury which may
occur to any physical property (except things insured under Sub-Clause 18.2) or to any person
(except persons insured under Sub-Clause 18.4), which may arise out of the performance of the
Contract and occurring before the issue of the Performance Certificate. Such insurance shall be
for a limit of not less than the amount specified in the Appendix to Tender.
18.4. Insurance for Workers
The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurance against losses and claims arising from
the death or injury to any person employed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, in such
a manner that the Employer and the Employer’s Representative are indemnified under the
policy of insurance. For a Subcontractor’s employees, such insurance may be effected by the
Subcontractor, but the Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with this Clause.
18.5. General Requirements for Insurances
Each insurance policy shall be consistent with the general terms agreed in writing prior to the
Effective Date, and such agreement shall take precedence over the provisions of this Clause.
The Contractor shall, within the respective periods stated in the Appendix to Tender (calculated
from the Commencement Date), submit to the Employer:
a) evidence that the insurances described in this Clause have been effected, and
b) copies of the policies for the insurances described in Sub-Clauses 18.2 and 18.3.
When each premium has been paid, the Contractor shall submit copy receipts to the Employer.
The Contractor shall also, when providing such evidence, policies and receipts to the Employer,
notify the Employer’s Representative of so doing.
The Contractor shall effect all insurances for which he is responsible with insurers and in terms
approved by the Employer. Each policy insuring against loss or damage shall provide for payments to be made in the currencies required to rectify such loss or damage. Payments received
from insurers shall be used for the rectification of such loss or damage.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Izvođač (i ako je to prikladno Investitor) će se pridržavati uslova utvrđenih u svakoj polisi osiguranja. Izvođač neće praviti nikakve bitne izmene uslovi bilo kog osiguranja bez prethodne
saglasnosti Investitora. Ako osiguravajuće društvo napravi (ili nagovesti da će napraviti) neku
takvu izmenu, Izvođač će o tome hitno obavestiti Investitora.
Ukoliko Izvođač propusti da zaključi ili da održava na snazi bilo koje osiguranje traženo po
ovom ugovoru, ili ne dostavi odgovarajuće dokaze, polise i priznanice u skladu sa ovim Članom,
Investitor može, ali ne na uštrb bilo kog drugog prava ili pravnog leka, zaključiti adekvatno osiguranje i platiti dospele premije. Takva plaćanja će investitor moći da nadoknadi od Izvođača,
i Investitor ih može odbiti od bilo koje sume koja je dospela ili koja če dospeti za plaćanje
Ništa u ovom članu ne ograničava obaveze i odgovornosti Izvođača ili Investitora prema drugim
odredbama Ugovora ili po drugom osnovu. Svi iznosi koji nisu osigurani ili nisu nadoknađeni od
osiguravajućeg društva idu na teret Izvođača i/ili Investitora već prema slučaju.
Viša Sila
19.1. Definicija Više Sile
U ovom Članu, „Viša Sila” znači događaj koji je izvan kontrole Investitora i Izvođača, i koji čini
nemogućim ili protivzakonitim obavljanje dužnosti bilo koje strane, uključujući ali bez ograničenja na sledeće:
a) Elementarna nepogoda;
b) rat, ratno stanje (bez obzira da li je rat objavljen ili ne), invaziju, delovanje stranih neprijatelja, mobilizaciju, rekviziciju ili embargo;
c) pobunu, revoluciju, ustanak, vojni ili državni udar ili građanski rat;
d) zagađenje radioaktivnošću nuklearnog goriva, ili nuklearni otpad nastao sagorevanjem
nuklearnog goriva, radio aktivni toksični eksplozivi, ili ostale opasne materije eksploziva
nuklearnog sastava
e) neredi, gužve ili nemiri, ukoliko nisu ograničeni na zaposlene kod Izvođača ili isključivo
njegovih Podizvođača.
19.2. Posledice događaja Više Sile
Neće se smatrati da ni Investitor niti Izvođač čine propust ili krše odredbe ugovora, ako je izvršenje takvih obaveza sprečeno bilo kojim događajem Više Sile koji nastane posle Efektivnog
19.3. Odgovornost Izvođača
Po nastanku događaja za koji Izvođač smatra da je Viša sila i koji može ugroziti obavljanje njegovih obaveza, on će obavestiti odmah Predstavnika Investitora i truditi se da nastavi obavljanje
obaveza što pre je to praktično moguće. Izvođač će takođe obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora
o predlozima, kao i alternativnim sredstvima za obavljanje svojih obaveza, ali ih neće primenjivati bez saglasnosti Predstavnika Investitora.
19.4. Odgovornost Investitora
Po nastanku događaja za koji Investitor smatra da je viša sila i koji može ugroziti obavljanje njegovih obaveza, on će odmah obavestiti Izvođača i Predstavnika Investitora i truditi se
da nastavi obavljanje obaveza što pre je to praktično moguće. Investitor će takođe obavestiti
Izvođača i Predstavnika Investitora o predlozima koji za cilj imaju završetak Radova i ublažavanje povećanja troškova za Investitora i za Izvođača.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Contractor (and, if appropriate, the Employer) shall comply with the conditions stipulated
in each of the insurance policies. The Contractor shall make no material alteration to the terms
of any insurance without the prior approval of the Employer. If an insurer makes (or purports to
make) any such alteration, the Contractor shall notify the Employer immediately.
If the Contractor fails to effect and keep in force any of the insurances required under the
Contract, or fails to provide satisfactory evidence, policies and receipts in accordance with this
Sub-Clause, the Employer may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, effect insurance
for the coverage relevant to such default, and pay the premiums due. Such payments shall be
recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer, and may be deducted by the Employer from
any monies due, or to become due, to the Contractor.
Nothing in this Clause limits the obligations, liabilities or responsibilities of the Contractor or the
Employer, under the other terms of the Contract or otherwise. Any amounts not insured or not
recovered from the insurers shall be borne by the Contractor and/or the Employer accordingly.
Force Majeure
19.1. Definition of Force Majeure
In this Clause, “force majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Employer and the
Contractor, which makes it impossible or illegal for a party to perform, including but not limited to:
a) act of God;
b) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition, or embargo;
c) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war;
d) contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from
the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly;
e) riot, commotion or disorder, unless solely restricted to employees of the Contractor or
of his Subcontractors.
19.2. Effect of Force Majeure Event
Neither the Employer nor the Contractor shall be considered in default or In contractual breach
to the extent that performance of obligations is prevented by a force majeure event which arises
after the Effective Date.
19.3. Contractor’s Responsibility
Upon occurrence of an event considered by the Contractor to constitute force majeure and
which may affect performance of his obligations, he shall promptly notify the Employer’s
Representative, and shall endeavour to continue to perform his obligations as far as reasonably
practicable. The Contractor shall also notify the Employer’s Representative of any proposals,
including any reasonable alternative means for performance, but shall not effect such proposals
without the consent of the Employer’s Representative.
19.4. Employer’s Responsibility
Upon occurrence of an event considered by the Employer to constitute force majeure and
which may affect performance of his obligations, he shall promptly notify the Contractor and the
Employer’s Representative, and shall endeavour to continue to perform his obligations as far
as reasonably practicable. The Employer shall also notify the Employer’s Representative and
the Contractor of any proposals, with the objectives of completing the Works and mitigating any
increased costs to the Employer and the Contractor.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
19.5. Plaćanja Izvođaču
Ako u slučaju više sile, Radovi pretrpe gubitak ili štetu, Izvođač će imati pravo da uključi u
Privremenu Situaciju, cenu izvršenih Radova u skladu sa Ugovorom, pre događaja više sile.
Ako Izvođač pretrpi dodatni trošak pridržavaće se odredbi Člana 19.3, o takvom trošku će
odlučiti Predstavnik Investitora u skladu sa odredbama Člana 3.5 i isti će biti dodat Ugovorenoj
19.6. Opcioni Raskid Ugovora, Plaćanje i Oslobađanje
Ne uzimajući u obzir produžetak roka, ako se viša sila dogodi i njen uticaj traje uzastopno u
periodu od 182 dana, kako Investitor tako i Izvođač mogu dati otkazni rok o raskidu Ugovora,
koje će stupiti na snagu 28 dana od datuma takvog otkaza. Ako se, po isteku perioda od 28
dana, viša sila nastavi, Ugovor će biti raskinut. U slučaju da je ugovor raskinut po ovom Članu
ili Članovima 2.4 ili 16.2, Predstavnik Investitora će odlučiti o vrednosti izvršenih radova i o
a) iznosi koji dospevaju za plaćanje za sve izvršene radove čija je cena navedena u
b) troškove Postrojenja i Materijala naručenih za Radove, koji su isporučeni Izvođaču, ili
za koje je Izvođač obavezan da prihvati isporuku: To Postrojenje i Materijali postaće
vlasništvo (i biti rizik) Investitora kada Investitor izvrši plaćanje za njih, a Izvođač će iste
staviti na raspolaganje Investitoru;
c) druge Troškove i obaveze koje je u datim uslovima Izvođač opravdano pretrpeo u očekivanju završetka Radova;
d) Opravdane Troškove uklanjanja Privremenih radova i Mehanizacije Izvođača sa
Gradilišta i njihovog povratka na objekte Izvođača u njegovoj zemlji (ili na neku drugu
destinaciju, ali ne uz veće troškove); i
e) Opravdane Troškove povratka u matičnu zemlju osoblja i radne snage Izvođača koji su
u vreme raskida Ugovora bili u potpunosti zaposleni na Radovima;
I izdati Privremenu Situaciju u skladu sa Članom 13.
19.7. Oslobađanje od izvršenja po Zakonu
Ako su po zakonu Ugovora, Investitor i Izvođač oslobođeni daljeg obavljanja svojih dužnosti,
iznos plativ Izvođaču od Investitora biće isti koji bi bio plativ po Članu 19.6 ako bi Ugovor bio
raskinut u skladu sa tim Članom.
Zahtevi, Sporovi i Arbitraža
20.1. Procedura Zahteva
Ako Izvođač ima nameru da zahteva bilo kakvo dodatna plaćanja po bilo kom Članu ovih Uslova
ili na drugi način, izdaće obaveštenje Predstavniku Investitora što je moguće pre, ali svakako u
roku od 28 dana od početka nastanka događaja koji je bio osnov za takav zahtev.
Izvođač će čuvati sve aktuelne podatke koji su neophodni za dokazivanje zahteva, na Gradilištu
ili na nekoj drugoj lokaciji prihvatljivoj za Predstavnika Investitora. Bez priznavanja odgovornosti Investitora, Predstavnik Investitora će, po prijemu takvog obaveštenja, proveriti podatke i
može tražiti od Izvođača da i dalje beleži aktuelne podatke. Izvođač će dozvoliti Predstavniku
Investitora da proveri sve takve podatke, i ako se to od njega zahteva, izdati kopiju Predstavniku
U roku od 28 dana od takvog obaveštenja, ili u nekom drugom roku dogovorenom sa
Predstavnikom Investitora, Izvođač će poslati Predstavniku Investitora obračun, sa detaljnim
pojedinostima iznosa i osnovom takvog zahteva. Ako događaj iz kog je proisteklo podnošenje
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
19.5. Payment to Contractor
If, in consequence of force majeure, the Works shall suffer loss or damage, the Contractor
shall be entitled to have included, in an Interim Payment Certificate, the Cost of work executed in accordance with the Contract, prior to the event of force majeure. If the Contractor
incurs additional Cost in complying with Sub-Clause 19.3, such Cost shall be determined by the
Employer’s Representative in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Clause 3.5 and shall be
added to the Contract Price.
19.6. Optional Termination, Payment and Release
Irrespective of any extension of time, if a force majeure event occurs and its effect continues
for a period of 182 days, either the Employer or the Contractor may give to the other a notice
of termination, which shall take effect 28 days after the giving of the notice. If, at the end of
the 28-day period, the effect of the force majeure continues, the Contract shall terminate. If
the Contract is terminated under this Sub-Clause, Sub-Clause 2.4 or Sub-Clause 16.2, the
Employer’s Representative shall determine the value of the work done and:
a) the amounts payable for any work carried out for which a price is stated in the Contract;
b) the Cost of Plant and Materials ordered for the Works which have been delivered to
the Contractor, or of which the Contractor is liable to accept delivery: such Plant and
Materials shall become the property of (and be at the risk of) the Employer when paid for
by the Employer, and the Contractor shall place the same at the Employer’s disposal;
c) any other Cost or liability which in the circumstances was reasonably incurred by the
Contractor in the expectation of completing the Works;
d) the reasonable Cost of removal of Temporary Works and Contractor’s Equipment from
the Site and the return of such items to the Contractor’s works in his country (or to any
other destination at no greater cost); and
e) the reasonable Cost of repatriation of the Contractor’s staff and labour employed wholly
in connection with the Works at the date of such termination;
and issue an Interim Payment Certificate in accordance with Clause 13.
19.7. Release from Performance under the Law
If under the law of the Contract the Employer and the Contractor are released from further performance, the sum payable by the Employer to the Contractor shall be the same as would have been
payable under Sub-Clause 19.6 if the Contract had been terminated under that Sub-Clause.
Claims, Disputes and Arbitration
20.1. Procedure for Claims
If the Contractor intends to claim any additional payment under any Clause of these Conditions
or otherwise, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer’s Representative as soon as possible and in any event within 28 days of the start of the event giving rise to the claim.
The Contractor shall keep such contemporary records as may be necessary’ to substantiate any
claim, either on the Site or at another location acceptable to the Employer’s Representative,
Without admitting the Employer’s liability, the Employer’s Representative shall, on receipt of
such notice, inspect such records and may instruct the Contractor to keep further contemporary
records. The Contractor shall permit the Employer’s Representative to inspect all such records,
and shall (if instructed) submit copies to the Employer’s Representative.
Within 28 days of such notice, or such other time as may be agreed by the Employer’s
Representative, the Contractor shall send to the Employer’s Representative an account, giving
detailed particulars of the amount and basis of the claim. Where the event giving rise to the
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
zahteva ima produženo dejstvo, obračun će se smatrati kao privremen. Izvođač će onda u
intervalima, koje može opravdano da zahteva Predstavnik Investitora, slati dalje privremene
obračune navodeći akumuliran iznos zahteva, sa svim dopunjenim pojedinostima. Tamo gde
se privremeni obračuni šalju na Predstavnika Investitora, Izvođač će poslati konačni obračun u
roku od 28 dana nakon prestanka posledica koje su rezultat događaja.
U slučaju da Izvođač ne postupi po odredbama ovog Člana, neće imati pravo na dodatno
20.2. Plaćanje Zahteva
Izvođač će imati pravo da uključi u Privremenu situaciju ovaj iznos za bilo koji zahtev koji mu,
po mišljenju Predstavnika Investitora dospeva za plaćanje. Ako su dostavljeni detalji nedovoljni da dokažu zahtev u celosti, Izvođač će imati pravo na naplatu za onaj deo zahteva koji
je dokazan.
20.3. Komisija za Rešavanje Sporova
Ukoliko član ili članovi Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova nisu međusobno prethodno dogovoreni
između strana i imenovani u Ugovoru, strane će, u roku od 28 dana od Efektivnog datuma,
zajednički obezbediti imenovanje Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova. Takva Komisija će se sastojati od kvalifikovanog osoblja kao članova, dok će broj članova biti jedan ili tri, kao što je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu. Ako Komisija za Rešavanje Sporova sadrži tri člana, svaka strana će
imenovati po jednog člana za odobrenja od druge strane, a strane će se međusobno dogovoriti
o imenovanju trećeg člana (koji će vršiti dužnost predsedavajućeg).
Uslovi imenovanja Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova će biti:
a) ugradnja uzora uslova koje je objavio Međunarodni savez inženjera konsultanata
b) zahtev da svaki član Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova bude i ostane tokom celog mandata nezavisan od strana,
c) zahtev da Komisija za Rešavanje Sporova radi nepristrasno i u skladu sa Ugovorom, i
d) uključivanje obavezivanja strana (jedne prema drugoj kao i prema Komisiji za Rešavanja
Sporova) da članovi Komisije za rešavanje Sporova neće ni u kakvim okolnostima biti
odgovorni za povredu dužnosti ili ugovora nastalog zbog njihovog imenovanja; strane
će osigurati članove komisije protiv takvih tvrdnji;
Uslovi nagrađivanja za rad Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova, uključujući plaćanja svakog
člana kao i svakog specijaliste od koga članovi Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova mogu tražiti
savet, biće međusobno dogovoreni između Investitora, Izvođača i svakog člana Komisije za
Rešavanja Sporova prilikom dogovaranja uslova za imenovanje. U slučaju neslaganja, plaćanje
svakom članu će obuhvatiti i naknadu opravdanih troškova, dnevnicu u skladu sa dnevnicama
koje se utvrđuju s vremena na vreme za arbitre po administrativnim i finansijskim pravilima
Međunarodnog centra za rešavanje investicionih sporova i stalni honorar po kalendarskom
mesecu u iznosu od tri dnevnice.
Investitor i Izvođač će platiti po jednu polovinu nagrade za rad Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova
u skladu sa uslovima nagrađivanja. Ako, u bilo koje vreme, jedna strana ne isplati svoj deo za
nagrađivanje, druga strana će moći da izvrši plaćanje umesto nje i da isto nadoknadi od strane
koja se oglušila o svoju obavezu.
Imenovanje Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova može biti raskinuto samo zajedničkim dogovorom Investitora i Izvođača. Imenovanje Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova će isteći po prestanku
obaveza u skladu sa Članom 13.12, ili u drugo vreme za koje se strane zajednički mogu
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
claim has a continuing effect, such account shall be considered as interim. The Contractor shall
then, at such intervals as the Employer’s Representative may reasonably require, send further
interim accounts giving the accumulated amount of the claim and any further particulars. Where
interim accounts are sent to the Employer’s Representative, the Contractor shall send a final
account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event.
If the Contractor fails to comply with this Sub-Clause, he shall not be entitled to additional payment.
20.2. Payment of Claims
The Contractor shall be entitled to have included in any Interim Payment Certificate such amount
for any claim as the Employer’s Representative considers due. If the particulars supplied are
insufficient to substantiate the whole of the claim, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment
for such part of the claim as has been substantiated.
20.3. Dispute Adjudication Board
Unless the member or members of the Dispute Adjudication Board have been previously mutually agreed upon by the parties and named in the Contract, the parties shall, within 28 days
of the Effective Date, jointly ensure the appointment of a Dispute Adjudication Board. Such
Dispute Adjudication Board shall comprise suitably qualified persons as members, the number of members being either one or three, as stated in the Appendix to Tender. If the Dispute
Adjudication Board is to comprise three members, each party shall nominate one member for
the approval of the other party, and the parties shall mutually agree upon and appoint the third
member (who shall act as chairman).
The terms of appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board shall:
a) incorporate the model terms published by the Federation Internationale des IngenieursConseils (FIDIC),
b) require each member of the Dispute Adjudication Board to be, and to remain throughout
the appointment, independent of the parties,
c) require the Dispute Adjudication Board to act impartially and in accordance with the
Contract, and
d) include undertakings by the parties (to each other and to the Dispute Adjudication
Board) that the members of the Dispute Adjudication Board shall in no circumstances
be liable for breach of duty or of contract arising out of their appointment; the parties
shall indemnify the members against such claims.
The terms of the remuneration of the Dispute Adjudication Board, including the remuneration of
each member and of any specialist from whom the Dispute Adjudication Board may require to seek
advice, shall be mutually agreed upon by the Employer, the Contractor and each member of the
Dispute Adjudication Board when agreeing such terms of appointment. In the event of disagreement, the remuneration of each member shall include reimbursement for reasonable expenses,
a. daily fee in accordance with the daily fee established from time to time for arbitrators under the
administrative and financial regulations of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Disputes, and a retainer fee per calendar month equivalent to three times such daily fee.
The Employer and the Contractor shall each pay one-half of the Dispute Adjudication Board’s
remuneration in accordance with its terms of remuneration. If, at any time, either party shall fail
to pay its due proportion of such remuneration, the other party shall be entitled to make payment on his behalf and recover it from the party in default.
The Dispute Adjudication Board’s appointment may be terminated only by mutual agreement
of the Employer and the Contractor. The Dispute Adjudication Board’s appointment shall expire
when the discharge referred to in Sub-Clause 13.12 shall have become effective, or at such
other time as the parties may mutually agree.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Ako se, u bilo koje doba, strane tako dogovore, one mogu imenovati određenu kvalifikovanu
osobu da zameni ili da bude spremna da zameni jednog ili sve članove Komisije za Rešavanja
Sporova. Ovakvo imenovanje će stupiti na snagu ako član Komisije za Rešavanja Sporova
odbije da radi ili nije u stanju da radi u slučaju smrti, invaliditeta, ostavke ili raskidom imenovanja. Ako neki član odbije ili nije u stanju da radi, a takva zamena nije spremna, taj član će biti
zamenjen na isti način kao da je taj član trebalo da bude naimenovan.
U slučaju da nastanu sledeći uslovi:
a) da strane ne uspeju da se slože u imenovanju jednog člana jednočlane Komisije za
Rešavanje sporova u roku od 28 dana od efektivnog datuma,
b) da jedna od strana ne imenuje prihvatljivog člana za tročlanu Komisiju za Rešavanje
Sporova u roku od 28 dana od efektivnog datuma,
c) da strane ne uspeju da se slože o imenovanju trećeg člana (da vrši funkciju predsedavajućeg) u roku od 28 dana od efektivnog datuma,
d) da strane ne uspeju da se slože o imenovanju zamene za člana Komisije za Rešavanje
Sporova u roku od 28 dana od dana kada neki član Komisije za rešavanje sporova odbije da radi ili nije u stanju da radi zbog smrti, invaliditeta, ostavke ili raskida
tada će osoba ili uprava navedena u Prilogu Tenderu, uz propisnu konsultaciju sa stranama,
imenovati tog člana Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova, i takvo imenovanje će biti konačno i
20.4. Postupak za donošenje Odluke Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova
Ukoliko između Investitora i Izvođača dođe do nekog spora koji proizilazi iz, iIi u vezi sa Ugovorom
ili izvođenjem radova, uključujući i svaki spor u vezi mišljenja, naloga, odluke, overe iIi procene
od strane Predstavnika Investitora, spor će se najpre pismenom putem podneti na odlučivanje
Komisiji za Rešavanje Sporova, uz dostavljanje kopije drugoj strani. U podnesku treba navesti
da se dostavlja u skladu sa ovim Članom. Obe strane će odmah Komisiji za Rešavanje Sporova
staviti na raspolaganje informacije, pristup gradilištu i odgovarajuću opremu, koje Komisija za
Rešavanje Sporova može zahtevati s ciljem da donese odluku u sporu. Nakon 56 dana od
dobijanja zahteva, KRS - Komisija za rešavanje sporova (u svojstvu panela eksperata a ne kao
sudije) dostaviti stranama obaveštenje o svojoj odluci koja će biti obrazložena i koja će navesti
da je izdata po ovom Članu.
Osim ako se od ugovora već odustalo, ili je on raskinut, Izvođač će nastaviti sa izvođenjem
radova sa svom potrebnom marnošću, a odluka će biti obavezujuća za obe strane koje će je
odmah sprovesti, osim i dok ne dođe do njene revizije sporazumnim rešenjem ili u arbitražnom
postupku kako je dole navedeno.
Ukoliko je bilo koja strana nezadovoljna odlukom KRS, ona može, u roku od 28 dana od prijema
odluke, da obavesti drugu stranu o svom nezadovoljstvu. Ukoliko KRS ne da svoju odluku u
roku od 56 dana nakon prijema zahteva, svaka strana može, 28 dana nakon isteka roka od
56 dana da obavesti drugu stranu svom nezadovoljstvu. U bilo kom od ovih slučajeva, obaveštenje o nezadovoljstvu treba da navede da se ono daje u skladu sa ovom klauzulom i treba
da navede koje pitanje je bilo predmet spora i razloge nezadovoljstva i po Članu 20.7 i 20.8 ni
jedna strana nema pravo da spor uputi na rešavanje od strane arbitraže ukoliko pre toga nije
dala takvo svoje obaveštenje o nezadovoljstvu.
Ukoliko je KRS svoju odluku o nekom sporu dostavila Investitoru i Izvođaču, i ukoliko u roku
od 28 dana nije primljeno ni od jedne strane obaveštenje o nezadovoljstvu odlukom KRS, tada
odluka KRS postaje konačna i obavezujuća za Investitora i za Izvođača.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
If, at any time, the parties so agree, they may appoint a suitably qualified person to replace (or
to be available to replace) any or all members of the Dispute Adjudication Board. The appointment will come into effect if a member of the Dispute Adjudication Board declines to act or is,
unable to act as a result of death, disability, resignation or termination of appointment. If a member so declines or is unable to act, and no such replacement is available to act, the member
shall be replaced in the same manner as such member was to have been nominated.
If any of the following conditions apply, namely:
a) the parties fail to agree upon the appointment of the sole member of a one-person
Dispute Adjudication Board within 28 days of the Effective Date,
b) either party fails to nominate an acceptable member, for the Dispute Adjudication Board
of three members, within 28 days of the Effective Date,
c) the parties fail to agree upon the appointment of the third member (to act as chairman)
within 28 days of the Effective Date, or
d) the parties fail to agree upon the appointment of a replacement member of the Dispute
Adjudication Board within 28 days of the date on which a member of the Dispute
Adjudication Board declines to act or is unable to act as a result of death, disability,
resignation or termination of appointment,
then the person or administration named in the Appendix to the Tender shall, after due consultation with the parties, nominate such member of the Dispute Adjudication Board, and such
nomination shall be final and conclusive.
20.4. Procedure for Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision
If a dispute arises between the Employer and the Contractor in connection with, or arising out of,
the Contract or the execution of the Works, including any dispute as to any opinion, instruction,
determination, certification or valuation of the Employer’s Representative, the dispute shall initially
be referred in writing to the Dispute Adjudication Board for its decision, with a copy to the other
party. Such reference shall state that it is made under this Sub-Clause. The parties shall promptly
make available to the Dispute Adjudication Board all such information, access to the Site, and
appropriate facilities, as the Dispute Adjudication Board may require for the purposes of rendering
its decision. No later than the fifty-sixth day after the day on which it received such reference, the
Dispute Adjudication Board, acting as a panel of expert(s) and not as arbitrator(s), shall give notice
of its decision to the parties. Such notice shall include reasons and shall state that it is given under
this Sub-Clause.
Unless the Contract has already been repudiated or terminated, the Contractor shall, in every case,
continue to proceed with the Works with all due diligence, and the Contractor and the Employer
shall give effect forthwith to every decision of the Dispute Adjudication Board, unless and until the
same shall be revised, as hereinafter provided, in an amicable settlement or an arbitral award.
If either party is dissatisfied with the Dispute Adjudication Board’s decision, then either party, on or
before the twenty-eighth day after the day on which it received notice of such decision, may notify
the other party of its dissatis­faction. If the Dispute Adjudication Board fails to give notice of its decision on or before the fifty-sixth day after the day on which it received the reference, then either
party, on or before the twenty-eighth day after the day on which the said period of fifty-six days has
expired, may notify the other party of its dissatisfaction. In either event, such notice of dissatisfaction shall state that it is given under this Sub-Clause, such notice shall set out the matters in dispute
and the reason(s) for dissatisfaction and, subject to Sub-Clauses 20.7 and 20.8, no arbitration in
respect of such dispute may be commenced unless such notice is given.
If the Dispute Adjudication Board has given notice of its decision as to a matter in dispute to the
Employer and the Contractor and no notice of dissatisfaction has been given by either party on or
before the twenty-eighth day after the day on which the parties received the Dispute Adjudication
Board’s decision, then the Dispute Adjudication Board’s decision shall become final and binding
upon the Employer and the Contractor.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
20.5. Sporazumno Rešavanje Sporova
U slučajevima kada je u skladu sa Članom 20.4 dostavljeno obaveštenje o nezadovoljstvu
odlukom, obe strane će pokušati da, pre započinjanja arbitražnog postupka, spor reše sporazumno. Osim kada se strane drugačije dogovore, arbitražni postupak se može pokrenuti na ili
nakon 56 dana od davanja obaveštenja o nezadovoljstvu, čak i ako nije učinjen nikakav napor
za sporazumno rešenje spora.
20.6. Arbitraža
Svaki spor u kome:
a) odluka doneta od Komisije za rešavanje sporova nije postala konačna i obavezujuća po
Članu 20.4, i
b) sporazumno rešenje spora nije postignuto
biće konačno rešen međunarodnom arbitražom. U Prilogu Tenderu će biti naznačena arbitražna
pravila, institucija koja će naimenovati arbitre (ukoliko nisu imenovani u Prilogu Tenderu), broj
arbitara kao i jezik i mesto arbitraže. Arbitri će imati potpuna ovlašćenja da otvore, pregledaju i
isprave bilo koju odluku donešenu od Komisije za rešavanje sporova.
Ni jedna strana neće biti ograničena, u procesu pred tim arbitrima na dokaze i argumente koje
je ranije dostavila KRS radi dobijanja njene odluke.
Arbitraža može bili započeta pre iIi nakon završetka radova. Obaveze strana i KRS neće biti
promenjene iz razloga što se arbitraža sprovodi tokom izvođenja radova.
20.7. Neispunjavanje Odluke Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova
U slučaju da ni jedna strana nije dostavila izjavu o nezadovljstvu odlukom KRS u roku navedenom u Članu 20.4 a odluka KRS je postala konačna i obavezujuća, bilo koja strana će, ukoliko
druga strana ne izvršava odluku KRS, ali ne na uštrb drugih prava koja možda ima, moći da
podnese i to neizvršavanje na arbitražu po Članu 20.6. odredbe Članova 20.4 i 20.5 se neće
primenjivati na takve podneske.
20.8. Istek Imenovanja Članova KRS
Kada na imenovanje Komisije za rešavanje sporova ili neke od zamena istekne, svi sporovi
razmatrani u Članu 20.4 će biti konačno rešeni arbitražom u skladu sa Članom 20.6. Odredbe
Članova 20.4 i 20.5 neće važiti za takve slučajeve.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
20.5. Amicable Settlement
Where notice of dissatisfaction has been given under Sub-Clause 20.4, the parties shall attempt
to settle such dispute amicably before the commencement of arbitration. Provided that unless
the parties agree otherwise, arbitration may be commenced on or after the fifty-sixth day after
the day on which notice of dissatisfaction was given, even if no attempt at amicable settlement
has been made.
20.6. Arbitration
Any dispute in respect of which:
a) the decision, if any, of the Dispute Adjudication Board has not become final and binding
pursuant to Sub-Clause 20.4, and
b) amicable settlement has not been reached,
shall be finally decided by international arbitration. The arbitration rules under which the arbitration is conducted, the institution to nominate the arbitrator(s) or to administer the arbitration
rules (unless named therein), the number of arbitrators, and the language and place of such
arbitration shall be as set out in the Appendix to Tender. The arbitrator(s) shall have full power
to open up, review and revise any decision of the Dispute Adjudication Board.
Neither party shall be limited, in the proceedings before such arbitrators), to the evidence or
arguments previously put before the Dispute Adjudication Board to obtain its decision.
Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after completion of the Works. The obligations of
the parties and the Dispute Adjudication Board shall not be altered by reason of the arbitration
being conducted during the progress of the Works.
20.7. Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision
Where neither party has given notice of dissatisfaction within the period stated in Sub-Clause
20.4 and the Dispute Adjudication Board’s related decision, if any, has become final and binding, either party may, if the other party fails to comply with such decision, and without prejudice
to any other rights it may have, refer the failure itself to arbitration under Sub-Clause 20.6. The
provisions of Sub-Clauses 20.4 and 20,5 shall not apply to any such reference.
20.8. Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s Appointment
When the appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board and of any replacement has expired, any
such dispute referred to in Sub-Clause 20.4 shall be finally settled by arbitration pursuant to SubClause 20.6. The provisions of Sub-Clauses 20.4 and 20-5 shall not apply to any such reference.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
[ime Investitora] iz [adresa Investitora] (u daljem tekstu „Investitor”)
[ime Izvođača] iz [adresa Izvođača] (u daljem tekstu „Izvođač”)
[ime Člana komisije] iz [adresa Člana komisije] (u daljem tekstu „Član komisije”)
Investitor i Izvođač (u daljem tekstu „STRANE”) na dan [ ] 200_ sklopili Ugovor (u
daljem tekstu „UGOVOR”) za izvršenje [ ] (u daljem tekstu „PROJEKAT”).
Članom 20.3 Uslova Ugovora (u daljem tekstu „USLOVI”) predviđeno je formiranje
Komisije za rešavanje Sporova (u daljem tekstu „KOMISIJA”) koja će brojati tri prikladno kvalifikovana lica kako je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu.
Član Komisije se slaže da vrši ulogu [kao jedan od članova] [predsedavajući] Komisije
po ovde određenim uslovima.
Član Komisije
(1) ovim prihvata imenovanje u Komisiji kao lično imenovanje i slaže se da bude vezan
ovim Uslovima Imenovanja i Članovima 20.3 i 20.4 Uslove kao da su oni ovde
(2) imaće pravobez obzira na prihvatanje imenovanja, da podnese ostavku na imenovanje pošto Stranama pruži razuman otkazni rok.
Kada su potpisani od Strana i Člana Komisije, ovi Uslovi Imenovanja će stupiti na snagu
kada ih Strane i zadnji od tri člana Komisije potpiše .
Član Komisije će biti i ostati nepristrasan i nezavisan od Strana i biće pod trajnom
dužnošću da obznani u pisanom obliku svakoj strani i članu Komisije svaku činjenicu ili
okolnost koja bi mogla da dovede u pitanje njegovu nepristrasnost ili nezavisnost.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
[name of Employer] of [address of Employer] (hereinafter called “the Employer”)
[name of Contractor] of [address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”)
[name of Board Member] of [address of Board Member] (hereinafter called “the Board Member”)
The Employer and the Contractor (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Parties”) have
on the [ ] day of 2000[ ] entered into a Contract (hereinafter called “the Contract”) for the
execution of [ ] (hereinafter called “the Project”).
By Sub-Clause 20.3 of the Conditions of Contract (hereinafter called “the Conditions”)
provision is made for the constitution of a Dispute Adjudication Board (hereinafter
called “the Board”) which shall comprise three suitably qualified persons as stated in
the Appendix to Tender.
The Board Member has agreed to serve as [one of the members of] [chairman of] the
Board on the terms set out herein.
The Board Member
(1) hereby accept this appointment to the Board which is a personal appointment and
agrees to be bound by these Terms of Appointment and Sub-Clauses 20.3 and 20.4
of the Conditions as if they were set out herein;
(2) shall be entitled notwithstanding such acceptance to resign this appointment on
giving reasonable notice to the Parties
These Terms of Appointment when executed by the Parties and the Board Member
shall take effect when the Parties and the last of the three members of the Board have
executed terms of appointment.
The Board Member shall be and remain impartial and independent of the Parties and
shall be under a continuing duty to disclose in writing to each of them and to the other
members of the Board any fact or circumstance which might be such as to call into
question his impartiality or independence.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Bez predrasuda na opštost gore rečenog Član Komisije
a) neće imati interes finansijske ili druge prirode u bilo kojoj strani ili u Predstavniku
Investitora kao što je opisano u Ugovoru, niti finansijskog interesa u Ugovoru osim
što mu se plaća za rad Komisiji;
b) ne sme biti da je nekad ranije radio kao konsultant ili nešto drugo kod bilo koje
Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora, osim u okolnostima koje su dostavljene u pisanom obliku Stranama pre ovog imenovanja;
c) da je pre imenovanja obznanio u pisanom obliku Stranama i ostalim članovima
Komisije sve profesionalne ili lične odnose sa bilo kojim direktorom, službenikom
ili zaposlenim kod Strana ili Predstavnika Investitora i bilo kakvo ranije učešće u
d) dok obavlja dužnosti Člana Komisije, neće biti angažovan kao konsultant ili drugačije od bilo koje Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora, bez prethodne pisane saglasnosti Strana i ostalih članova komisije;
e) neće davati savete bilo kojoj Strani ili Predstavniku Investitora vezane za upravljanje Projektom osim onih koji su u skladu sa Proceduralnim Pravilima priloženim
ovde kao Apendiks A („Pravila”);
f) neće dok obavlja funkciju Člana Komisije (ukoliko se Strane ne dogovore drugačije u pisanom obliku) razgovarati o ili praviti aranžmane sa bilo kojom Stranom ili
Predstavnikom Investitora o svom zapošljavanju kod bilo kog od njih kao konsultant
ili nešto drugo pošto prestane da bude član Komisije.
Član Komisije će
a) biti iskusan u vrsti posla na koje se Projekat odnosi i u tumačenju ugovorne dokumentacije i vladaće dobro jezikom Ugovora;
b) biti dostupan za svaku posetu Gradilištu i rasprave koje budu neophodne i držaće
se odredbi Pravila;
c) biti upoznat sa Ugovorom i napredovanjem Projekta proučavanjem celokupne primljene dokumentacije koja će se čuvati u dosijeu tekućih poslova;
d) se odnositi prema detaljima Ugovora i svim aktivnostima i raspravama Komisije
kao internim i poverljivim, i neće štampati ili obznaniti iste bez prethodne pisane
saglasnosti Strana;
e) neće pripisati, preneti ili podugovoriti bilo koju od svojih dužnosti po ovim Uslovima
Imenovanja ili Pravilima;
f) kada od njega Strane zahtevaju, biti dostupan da iznese dokaze i mišljenje zajedno
sa ostalim članovima Komisije o bilo kom predmetu vezanom za Projekat, a koji nije
Niko od Investitora, Izvođača ili njihovih predstavnika neće tražiti savet ili se konsultovati sa Članom Komisije u vezi sa Projektom u drugom smislu osim u granicama
normalnih aktivnosti Komisije po Ugovoru i Pravilima. Jedini izuzetak ove zabrane biće
kada se Strane o tome između sebe dogovore, a ostali Članovi Komisije se takođe
Član Komisije će biti plaćan po sledećem:
a) stalni honorar [ ] za kalendarski mesec, koji će se smatrati isplatom u celini za:
i. dostupnosti uz najavu od 28 dana za sve posete gradilištu, saslušanja i
sastanke Komisije;
ii. upoznavanje sa svim događajima na Projektu i čuvanjem odgovarajućih
iii. kancelarijske i režijske troškove kao što su usluge sekretarice, fotokopiranje i
kancelarijski material koji mogu nastati u vezi sa obavljanjem svojih dužnosti;
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Board Member
a) shall have no interest financial or otherwise in either of the Parties or the Employer’s
Representative as described in the Contract, or financial interest in the Contract
except for payment for services on the Board;
b) shall not previously have been employed as a consultant or otherwise by either of
the Parties or the Employer’s Representative except in those circumstances which
have been disclosed in writing to the Parties prior to this appointment;
c) shall have disclosed in writing to the Parties and to the other members of the Board
prior to this appointment any professional or personal relationships with any director, officer or employee of the Parties or the Employees Representative, and any
prior involvement in the Project;
d) shall not while a Board Member be employed as a consultant or otherwise by either
of the Parties or the Employer’s Representative without the prior written consent of
the Parties and the other members of the Board;
e) shall not give advice to either of the Parties or to the Employees Representative
concerning the conduct of the Project other than in accordance with the Procedural
Rules annexed hereto as Appendix A (“the Rules”):
f) shall not while a Board Member [unless the Parties shall otherwise agree in writing] enter into discussions or make any agreement with either of the Parties or the
Employer’s Representative regarding employment by any of them whether as a
consultant or otherwise after ceasing to be a Board Member,
The Board Member shall
a) be experienced in the type of work involved in the Project and the interpretation of
the contract documents and shall be fluent in the language of the Contract;
b) ensure his availability for all site visits and bearings and shall observe the provisions of the Rules;
c) become conversant with the Contract and the progress of the Project by studying
all documents received which shall be maintained in a current working file;
d) treat the details of the Contract and all activities and hearings of the Board as private and confidential and shall not publish or disclose the same without the prior
written consent of the Parties;
e) not assign delegate or subcontract any of the tasks under these Terms of
Appointment or the Rules’;
f) be available to give evidence and opinions in conjunction with other members of the
Board on any matter relevant to the Project not being a dispute when requested so
to do by the Parties.
Neither the Employer, the Contractor or their respective Representatives shall seek
advice from or consultation with the Board Member regarding the Project otherwise
than in the normal course of the Board’s activities under the Contract and the Rules.
The only exception to this prohibition shall be where the Parties jointly agree to do so
and the other Board Members also agree.
The Board Member will be paid as follows:
a) a retainer fee of [ ] per calendar month, which shall be considered as payment in full for:
i. being available on 28 days’ notice for all site visits and hearings,
ii. becoming conversant with all Project developments and maintaining relevant
iii. all office and overhead expenses such as secretarial services, photocopying
and office supplies incurred in connection with his duties:
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
iv. sve usluge ovde dole navedene osim onih navedenih u Članu (c) ispod.
Počev od meseca koji sledi mesec u kom je izdata Potvrda o Preuzimanju radova na koju se
odnosi Član 10 uslova (ako je izdato više potvrda, onda od izdavanja poslednje), Član Komisije
će primiti samo jednu trećinu mesečnog stalnog honorara. [Sa početkom sledećeg meseca po
isteku Ugovorenog Perioda kao što je definisano u Uslovima, Član komisije neće dalje primati
mesečni stalni honorar];
b) dnevnica od [ ] koja će se smatrati kao isplata u celini za:
i. svaki dan ili deo dana, do maksimuma od dva dana za putovanje u svakom pravcu
između prebivališta Člana Komisije i gradilišta ili druge lokacije sednice Komisije;
ii. svaki radni dan i posete gradilištu, rasprave i zasedanja Komisije;
iii. svaki dan proveden u proučavanju dokumenata podnesenih od Strana kao priprema za raspravu;
c) cena telefonskih poziva, troškovi kurira, faksa i teleksa nastali iz obavljanja dužnosti;
svi neophodni troškovi putovanja uključujući [manje od] avio karte prve klase, ishranu
i ostale direktne putne troškove. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u istoj valuti u
kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice. Priznanice će se zahtevati za troškove veće od [ ] procenata
dnevnice prema određenom Članu (b);
d) svi porezi propisno naplaćeni u zemlji u kojoj se gradilište nalazi na isplate Članu
Komisije (osim ukoliko je Član Komisije državljanin ili stalno naseljen u zemlji u kojoj se
nalazi gradilište) shodno ovom Članu 6. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u valuti u
kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice.
Stalni honorar i dnevnice će biti fiksne za [početni] period mandata Člana Komisije [od 12
meseci]. [Posle toga sporazumno će honorar i dnevnice biti prilagođavane između Strana i
Člana Komisije na svaku godišnjicu potpisivanja ovih Uslova Imenovanja].
Plaćanja Članu Komisije će biti jednako podeljena između Investitora i Izvođača. Član Komisije
će podnositi fakture za plaćanje mesečnog honorara kvartalno i unapred. Fakture za dnevnice i troškove biće podnošeni po završetku posete gradilištu ili rasprave. Sve fakture će biti
potkrepljene kratkim opisom aktivnosti obavljanih tokom određenog perioda i upućene 50%
na Investitora i 50% na Izvođača. Strane će platiti fakture u roku od 28 kalendarskih dana od
datuma njihovog prijema.
Strane mogu zajednički da raskinu imenovanje Člana Komisije po ovim uslovima, dajući
napismeno razuman otkazni rok. Takav raskid neće biti na uštrb nagomilanih prava
kako Strana tako ni Člana Komisije.
Strane se obavezuju jedna prema drugoj kao i prema Članu Komisije da ni u kakvim
okolnostima neće:
a) biti pozvan kao svedok da bi dao iskaz o bilo kom sporu pred nekim arbitrom koji je
imenovan po Uslovima;
b) biti odgovoran za bilo kakve optužbe o za povredu dužnosti, kršenje ugovora ili za
profesionalni nemar, proisteklih iz ovog imenovanja osim za posledice prevare ili
Ovim Strane solidarno osiguravaju člana Komisije protiv svih ili bilo koje takve
U slučaju da Član Komisije prekrši bilo koje odredbe Člana 3, neće imati pravo na nikakve honorare ili troškove, i moraće da vrati kako Investitoru, tako i Izvođaču sve honorare i troškove koji su mu bili propisno isplaćeni, njemu kao i svakom drugom Članu
Komisije ako takvo kršenje kao posledicu ima proglašenje postupka ili odluka Komisije
kao ništavnim i bez dejstva.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
iv. all services performed hereunder except those referred to in Sub-Clause (c) below.
Beginning with the month following that in which the Taking-Over Certificate referred to in
Clause 10 of the Conditions (or if there is more than one, the one last issued) has been issued,
the Board Member shall receive [only one third of the monthly retainer fee]. [Beginning with the
next month after expiry of the Contract Period as defined in the Conditions the Board Member
shall no longer receive a monthly retainer fee];
b) a daily fee of [ ] which shall be considered as payment in full for:
i. each day or part of a day up to a maximum of two days travel time in each direction
for the journey between the Board Member’s home and the site or other location of
a Board meeting;
ii. each working day on site visits, hearings or Board meetings;
iii. each day spent reading the Parties submissions in preparation for a bearing.
c) cost of telephone calls, courier charges, faxes and telexes incurred in connection with
his duties; all reasonable and necessary travel expenses including [less than] first class
air fare, subsistence and other direct travel expenses. These costs shall be reimbursed
in the same currency as that in which fees are payable. Receipts shall be required for all
expenses in excess of [ ] percent of the daily fee referred to in Sub-Clause (b) above;
d) any taxes properly levied in the country of the site on payments made to the Board
Member (unless a national or permanent resident of the country of the site) pursuant
to this Clause 6. Such reimbursement will be in the same currency as that in which the
fees are payable.
The retainer and fees shall remain fixed for the [initial] period of tenure of the Board Member [of
twelve months]. [Thereafter they shall be adjusted by agreement between the Parties and the
Board Member at each anniversary of the execution of these Terms of Appointment].
Payments to the Board Member shall be shared equally by the Employer and the Contractor.
The Board Member shall submit invoices for payment of the monthly retainer quarterly in
advance. Invoices for daily fees and expenses shall be submitted following the conclusion
of a site visit or hearing. All invoices shall be accompanied by a brief description of activities
performed during the relevant period and addressed as to 50 percent thereof to the Contractor
and 50 percent thereof to the Employer. The Parties will discharge invoices addressed to them
within [28] calendar days after receipt.
The Parties may jointly terminate the Board Member’s appointment hereunder by reasonable notice in writing. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any accrued
rights of either of the Parties or the Board Member.
The Parties undertake to each other and to the Board Member that the Board Member
shall in no circumstances:
a) be called as a witness to give evidence concerning any dispute before an arbitrator
appointed under the Conditions;
b) be liable for any claims for breach of duty, breach of contract or professional negligence arising out of this appointment other than for the consequences of fraud or
The Parties hereby jointly and severally indemnify the Board Member against all or any
such claims.
If the Board Member shall breach any of the provisions of Clause 3 he shall not be
entitled to any fees or expenses hereunder and shall reimburse each of the Employer
and the Contractor for any fees and expenses properly paid to him and to any other
Board Member if as a consequence of such breach any proceedings or decisions of the
Board are rendered void or ineffective.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Zakon ovih Uslovima Imenovanja će biti Zakon [ ].
Svaki spor ili zahtev koji proističe iz ili u vezi sa ovim Uslovima ili kršenje, okončanje
ili nevaženje istih, rešiće se arbitražom u skladu sa Pravilima Međunarodne Trgvinske
Komore koja su na snazi datuma ovde naznačenog. Strane i Član Komisije prihvataju
da se povinuju Odlukama koje proističu iz arbitraže i odriču se svojih prava na bilo koji
oblik žalbe ukoliko se takvo odricanje može pravosnažno sačiniti.
POTPIS ……………… za
i u ime Investitora u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Uslovi ugovaranja
i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
POTPIS…………………za i u
ime Člana Komisije u prisustvu
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Part I General Conditions
The law of these Terms of Appointment shall be the law of [ ].
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Appointment or
the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in force at the date hereof The
Parties and the Board Member agree to comply with the awards resulting from arbitration
and waive their rights to any form of appeal insofar as such waiver can validly be made.
SIGNED by ……………
for and on behalf of the
Employer in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
and on behalf of the
Contractor in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
for and on behalf of the Board
Member in the presence of
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Komisija će vršiti posetu gradilištu u intervalima (i/ili u vreme kritičnih događaja izgradnje)
i po zahtevu bilo Investitora ili Izvođača, ali svakako ne manje od [tri] puta godišnje.
Vreme i program posete gradilištu će biti zajednički dogovoreni između Komisije,
Investitora i izvođača ili u slučaju nedostatka dogovora, biće određeni od Komisije.
Posete gradilištu će omogućiti Komisiji da se upozna sa napredovanjem Projekta i svih
postojećih ili potencijalnih problema ili zahteva.
Posetama gradilištu prisustvovaće Investitor, Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora i biće
koordinirane od strane Investitora u saradnji sa Izvođačem. Investitor će za tu priliku obezbediti odgovarajuće prostorije za sastanke, kao i administrativne i usluge
Po zaključenju svake posete gradilištu, pre svog odlaska, Komisija će pripremiti izveštaj
o svojim aktivnostima tokom posete i poslaće kopije stranama koje su prisustvovale
Investitor i Izvođač će odmah obezbediti Komisiji dovoljno kopija dokumentacije i informacija koje Komisija može zatražiti u vezi sa projektom.
Ako je bilo kakav spor podnešen Komisiji po Članu 20.4 ovih Uslova, Komisija će
postupiti kao što je opisano u Uslovima. Po svom nahođenju Komisija može odlučiti da
zakaže raspravu, i u tom slučaju će odrediti vreme i mesto rasprave, i može zahtevati
da joj u pisanoj formi Investitor i Izvođač dostave dokumentaciju i argumente pre ili na
Komisija će se ponašati kao Komisija nepristrasnih eksperata, ne kao sudija, i imaće
sva ovlašćenja da zakaže raspravu kako to smatra podesnim, ne vezujući se za bilo
koje druge procedure ili pravila osim onih koji su ovde navedeni. [Bez ograničenja gore
navedenog, imaće moć da usvoji neki istražni postupak, da zabrani pristup raspravi ili
da budu publika svim osobama osim Investitora, Izvođača i njihovim Predstavnicima,
i da nastavi bez prisustva bilo koje strane koja je po mišljenju Komisije uredno primila
obaveštenje o raspravi].
Komisija neće izražavati nikakvo mišljenje tokom rasprave koje se tiče valjanosti bilo
kojih argumenata strana. Po okončanju rasprave, Komisija će se povući nasamo radi
formulisanja svoje odluke.
Ako neki član Komisije ne prisustvuje sastanku ili raspravi, ili ne ispunjava potrebnu
funkciju, ostala dva člana ipak mogu nastaviti sa radom i doneti odluke osim ukoliko je
odsutni član predsedavajući i naloži ostalim članovima da ne nastave sa radom, ili ako
se Strane drugačije dogovore.
Komisija će podneti svoju odluku u pisanoj formi Investitoru i Izvođaču u skladu sa
Članom 20.4 Uslova, ili kako se drugačije dogovore Investitor i Izvođač, takođe u pisanoj formi.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Board shall visit the site at regular intervals [and/or at times of critical construction
events] at the request of either the Employer or the Contractor, and in any event not less
than [three] times in any twelve month period.
The timing of and agendas for site visits shall be as agreed jointly by the Board the
Employer and the Contractor or in the absence of agreement shall be decided by the
Site visits are to enable the Board to become acquainted with the progress of the Project
and of any actual or potential problems or claims.
Site visits shall be attended by the Employer, the Contractor and the Employer’s
Representative and shall be co-ordinated by the Employer in co-operation with the
Contractor. The Employer shall ensure the provision of appropriate conference facilities
and secretarial and copying services.
At the conclusion of each site visit and before leaving the site the Board shall prepare
a report on its activities during the visit and shall send copies to those parties who
The Employer and the Contractor shall promptly provide the Board with sufficient copies
of any documentation and information relevant lo the Project that it may request.
If any dispute is referred to the Board in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the
Conditions the Board shall proceed as described therein. The Board may in its discretion decide to conduct a hearing on the dispute in which event it will decide on the date
and place for the hearing and may request that written documentation and arguments
from the Employer and the Contractor be presented to it prior to or at the hearing.
The Board shall act as a Board of impartial experts, not arbitrators, and shall have
full authority to conduct any hearing as it thinks fit, not being bound by any rules or
procedures other than those set out herein. [Without limiting the foregoing it shall have
power to adopt an inquisitorial procedure, to refuse admission to hearings or audience
at hearings to any persons other than the Employer the Contractor and their respective
Representatives and to proceed in the absence of any party who the Board is satisfied
received notice of the hearing].
The Board shall not express any opinions during any hearing concerning the merits of
any arguments advanced by the parties. After a hearing is concluded the Board shall
convene in private to formulate its decision.
If a member fails to attend a meeting or hearing, or to fulfill any required function, the
other two members may nevertheless proceed and make decisions unless the absent
member is the chairman and instructs the other two members not to proceed, or the
Parties otherwise agree.
The Board shall submit its decision in writing to the Employer and the Contractor in
accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the Conditions or as otherwise agreed by the
Employer and the Contractor in writing.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Komisija će nastojati da donese odluku jednoglasno, ali ako je to nemoguće, odluke će
biti donete većinom, a član Komisije koji je ostao u manjini će pripremiti pisani izveštaj
i podneti Investitoru, Predstavniku Investitora i Izvođaču.
Sva komunikacija između bilo koje Strana i Člana Komisije kao i na raspravama će biti
na [ ] jeziku. Kopija svake takve komunikacije biće dostavljena drugoj Strani i drugim
Članovima Komisije i mora da bude u skladu sa odredbama Člana 1.8 Uslova.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Board shall endeavor to reach decisions unanimously, but if this is impossible decisions shall be by a majority and the minority member shall prepare a written report for
submission to the Employer, the Employer’s Representative and the Contractor.
All communications between either of the Parties and a Board Member and all hearings
shall be in the [ ] language. All such communications shall be copied to the other Party
and to other members of the Board and shall comply with the provisions of Sub-Clause
1.8 of the Conditions.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
[ime Investitora] iz [adresa Investitora] (u daljem tekstu „Investitor”)
[ime Izvođača] iz [adresa Izvođača] (u daljem tekstu „Izvođač”)
[ime Člana komisije] iz [adresa Člana komisije] (u daljem tekstu „Član komisije”)
Investitor i Izvođač (u daljem tekstu „STRANE”) na dan [ ] 200[ ] sklopili Ugovor
(u daljem tekstu „UGOVOR”) za izvršenje [ ] (u daljem tekstu „PROJEKAT”)
Članom 20.3 Uslova Ugovora (u daljem tekstu „USLOVI”) predviđeno je formiranje
Komisije za rešavanje Sporova (u daljem tekstu „KOMISIJA”) koja će sse sastojati od
jednog prikladnog lica kako je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu
Član Komisije se slaže da služi kao jedini član Komisije po ovde određenim uslovima
Član Komisije
(1) ovim prihvata imenovanje u Komisiji kao lično imenovanje i slaže se sa bude vezan
ovim Uslovima Imenovanja i Članovima 20.3 i 20.4 Uslova kao da su oni ovde
(2) imaće pravo bez obzira na prihvatanje imenovanja, da podnese ostavku na imenovanje pošto Stranama pruži razuman otkazni rok.
Kada su potpisani od Strana i Člana Komisije, ovi Uslovi Imenovanja će stupiti na snagu
kada ih Strane i član Komisije potpišu.
Član Komisije će biti i ostati nepristrasan i nezavisan od Strana i biće pod trajnom
dužnošću da obznani u pisanom obliku svakoj strani i članu Komisije svaku činjenicu ili
okolnost koja bi mogla da dovede u pitanje njegovu nepristrasnost ili nezavisnost.
Bez predrasuda na opštost gore rečenog Član Komisije
a) neće imati interes finansijske ili druge prirode u bilo kojoj od Strana ili u Predstavnika
Investitora kao što je opisano u Ugovoru, niti finansijskog interesa u Ugovoru osim
što mu se plaća za rad u Komisiji;
b) ne sme se desiti da je nekad ranije radio kao konsultant ili nešto drugo kod bilo
koje Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora, osim u okolnostima koje su dostavljene u
pisanom obliku Stranama pre ovog imenovanja;
c) da je pre imenovanja obznanio u pisanom obliku Stranama i ostalim Članovima
Komisije sve profesionalne ili lične odnose sa bilo kojim direktorom, službenikom ili zaposlenim Strana ili Predstavnika Investitora i bilo kakvo ranije učešće u
d) dok obavlja dužnosti Člana Komisije, neće biti angažovan kao konsultant ili drugačije od bilo koje Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora, bez predhodne pisane saglasnosti Strana i ostalih članova komisije;
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
[name of Employer] of [address of Employer] (hereinafter called “the Employer”)
[name of Contractor] of [address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”)
[name of Board Member] of [address of Board Member] (hereinafter called “the Board
The Employer and the Contractor (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Parties”) have
on the day [ ] of 200[ ] Date: entered into a Contract (hereinafter called “the Contract”)
for the execution of [ ] (hereinafter called “the Project”).
By Sub-Clause 20.3 of the Conditions of Contract (hereinafter called “the Conditions”)
provision is made for the constitution of a Dispute Adjudication Board (hereinafter
called “the Board”) which shall comprise one suitably qualified person as stated in the
Appendix to Tender.
The Board Member has agreed to serve as the sole member of the Board on the terms
set out herein.
The Board Member
(1) hereby accepts this appointment to the Board which is a personal appointment and
agrees to be bound by these Terms of Appointment and Sub-Clauses 20-3 and 20.4
of the Conditions as if they were set out herein;
(2) shall be entitled notwithstanding such acceptance to resign this appointment on
giving reasonable notice to the Parties.
These Terms of Appointment when executed by the Parties and the Board Member
shall take effect when the Parties and the Board Member shall have executed terms of
The Board Member shall be and remain impartial and independent of the Parties and
shall be under a continuing duty to disclose in writing to each of them any fact or circumstance which might be such as to call into question his impartiality or independence.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Board Member
a) shall have no interest financial or otherwise in either of the Parties or the Employer’s
Representative as described in the Contract, or financial interest in the Contract
except for payment for services on the Board;
b) shall not previously have been employed as a consultant or otherwise by either of
the Parties or the Employees Representative except in those circumstances which
have been disclosed in writing to the Parties prior to this appointment;
c) shall have disclosed in writing to the Parties prior to this appointment any professional or personal relationships with any director, officer or employee of the Parties
or the Employees Representative, and any prior involvement in the Project;
d) shall not while a Board Member be employed as a consultant or otherwise by either
of the Parties or the Employees Representative without the prior written consent of
the Parties;
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
e) neće davati savete bilo kojoj Strani ili Predstavniku Investitora vezane za upravljanje Projektom osim onih koji su u skladu sa Proceduralnim Pravilima priloženim
ovde kao Apendiks A („Pravila”);
neće dok obavlja funkciju Člana Komisije (ukoliko se Strane ne dogovore drugačije u pisanom obliku) razgovarati o ili praviti aranžmane sa bilo kojom Stranom ili
Predstavnikom Investitora o svom zapošljavanju kod bilo kog od njih kao konsultant ili
nešto drugo pošto prestane da bude Član Komisije.
Član Komisije će
a) biti iskusan u vrsti posla na koje se Projekat odnosi i u tumačenju ugovorne dokumentacije i vladaće dobro jezikom Ugovora;
b) biti dostupan za svaku posetu Gradilištu i rasprave i držaće se odredbi Pravila;
c) biti upoznat sa Ugovorom i napredovanjem Projekta proučavanjem celokupne primljene dokumentacije koja će se čuvati u dosijeu tekućih poslova;
d) se odnositi prema detaljima Ugovora i svim aktivnostima i raspravama Komisije
kao internim i poverljivim, i neće štampati ili obznaniti iste bez predhodne pisane
saglasnosti Strana;
e) neće pripisati, preneti ili podugovoriti bilo koju od svojih dužnosti po ovim Uslovima
Imenovanja ili Pravilima;
f) kada od njega Strane zahtevaju, biti dostupan da iznese dokaze i mišljenje o bilo
kom predmetu vezanom za Projekat koji nije sporan.
Niko od Investitora, Izvođača ili njihovih predstavnika neće tražiti savet ili se konsultovati sa Članom Komisije u vezi sa Projektom u drugom smislu osim u granicama normalnih aktivnosti Komisije pod Ugovorom i Pravilima. Jedini izuzetak ove zabrane biće
kada se Strane o tome između sebe dogovore.
Član Komisije će biti plaćan po sledećem:
a) stalni honorar od [ ] za kalendarski mesec, koji će se smatrati isplatom u celini
i. dostupnosti uz najavu od 28 dana za sve posete gradilištu i rasprave
ii. upoznavanje sa svim dešavanjima na Projektu i čuvanjem odgovarajućih
iii. kancelarijske i režijske troškove kao što su usluge sekretarice, fotokopiranje i
kancelarijski material koji mogu nastati u vezi sa obavljanjem svojih dužnosti
iv. sve usluge ovde dole navedene osim onih navedenih u Članu (c) ispod
Počev od meseca koji sledi mesec u kom je izdata Potvrda o Preuzimanju radova
na koju se odnosi Član 10 Uslova (ako je izdato više potvrda, onda od izdavanja poslednje), Član Komisije će primiti [ samo jednu trećinu stalnog mesečnog honorara]. [Sa početkom sledećeg meseca po isteku Ugovorenog Perioda
kao što je definisano u Uslovima, Član komisije neće dalje primati mesečni
b) dnevnica od [ ] koja će se smatrati kao isplata u celini za:
i. svaki dan ili deo dana, do maksimuma od dva dana za putovanje u svakom
pravcu između prebivališta Člana Komisije i gradilišta;,
ii. svaki radni dan posete gradilištu ili rasprave;
iii. svaki dan proveden u proučavanju dokumenata podnesenih od Strana kao priprema za raspravu;
c) cena telefonskih poziva, troškovi kurira, faksa i teleksa nasali iz obavljanja dužnosti; svi neophodni troškovi putovanja uključujući [manje od] avio karte prve klase,
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
e) shall not give advice to either of the Parties or to the Employees Representative
concerning the conduct of the Project other than in accordance with the Procedural
Rules annexed hereto as Appendix A (“the Rules’*);
f) shall not while a Board Member [unless the Parties shall otherwise agree in writing] enter into discussions or make any agreement with either of the Parties or the
Employer’s Representative regarding employment by any of them whether as a
consultant or otherwise after ceasing to be a Board Member.
The Board Member shall
a) be experienced in the type of work involved in the Project and the interpretation of
the contract documents and shall be fluent in the language of the Contract;
b) ensure his availability for all site visits and hearings as are necessary and shall
observe the provisions of the Rules:
c) become conversant with the Contract and the progress of the Project by studying
all documents received which shall be maintained in a current working file;
d) treat the details of the Contract and all activities and hearings of the Board as private and confidential and shall not publish or disclose the same without the prior
written consent of the Parties;
e) not assign delegate or subcontract any of the tasks under these Terms of
Appointment or the Rules
f) be available to give evidence and opinions on any matter relevant to the Project not
being a dispute when requested so to do by the Parties.
Neither the Employer, the Contractor or their respective Representatives shall seek
advice from or consultation with the Board Member regarding the Project otherwise
than in the normal course of the Board’s activities under the Contract and the Rules,
The only exception to this prohibition shall be where the Parties jointly agree to do so.
The Board Member will be paid as follows:
a) a retainer fee of [ ] per calendar month, which shall be considered as payment in
full for
i. being available on 28 days’ notice for all site visits and hearings:
ii. becoming conversant with all Project developments and maintaining relevant
iii. all office and overhead expenses such as secretarial services, photocopying
and office supplies incurred in connection with his duties;
iv. all services performed hereunder except those referred to in Sub-Clause (c)
Beginning with the month following that in which the Taking-Over Certificate referred
to in Clause 10 of the Conditions (or if there is more than one, the one last issued)
has been issued, the Board Member shall receive [only one third of the monthly
retainer fee]. [Beginning with the next month after expiry of the Contract Period
as defined in the Conditions the Board Member shall no longer receive a monthly
retainer fee];
b) a daily fee of [ ] which shall be considered as payment in full for:
i. each day or part of a day up to a maximum of two days travel time in each
direction for the journey between the Board Member’s home and the site;
ii. each working day on site visits or hearings;
iii. each day spent reading the Parties’ submissions in preparation for a hearing;
c) cost of telephone calls, courier charges, faxes and telexes incurred in connection
with his duties; all reasonable and necessary travel expenses including [less than]
first class air fare, subsistence and other direct travel expenses. These costs shall
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
ishranu i ostale direktne putne troškove. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u istoj
valuti u kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice. Priznanice će se zahtevati za troškove veće od
[ ] procenata dnevnice prema gornjem Članu (b);
d) svi porezi propisno naplaćeni u zemlji u kojoj se gradilište nalazi na isplate Članu
Komisije (osim ukoliko je Član Komisije nacionalnosti ili stalno naseljen u zemlji u
kojoj se nalazi gradilište) shodno ovom Članu 6. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u valuti u kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice.
Stalni honorar i dnevnice će biti fiksne za [početni] period mandata Člana Komisije [od
12 meseci]. [Posle toga sporazumno će honorar i dnevnice biti prilagođavana između
Strana i Člana Komisije na svaku godišnjicu potpisivanja ovih Uslova Imenovanja].
Plaćanja Članu Komisije će biti jednako podeljena između Investitora i Izvođača.
Član Komisije će podnositi fakture za plaćanje mesečnog honorara kvartalno i unapred. Fakture za dnevnice i troškove biće podnošeni po završetku posete gradilištu ili
rasprave. Sve fakture će biti potkrepljene kratkim opisom aktivnosti obavljanih tokom
određenog perioda i upućene 50% na Investitora i 50% na Izvođača. Strane će isplatiti
fakture u roku od 28 kalendarskih dana od datuma njihovog prijema.
Strane mogu zajednički da raskinu imenovanje Člana Komisije po ovim uslovima, dajući
napismeno razuman otkazni rok. Takav raskid neće biti na uštrb nagomilanih prava
kako Strana tako ni Člana Komisije.
Strane se obavezuju jedna prema drugoj kao i prema Članu Komisije da ni u kakvim
okolnostima neće:
a) biti pozvan kao svedok da bi dao iskaz o bilo kom sporu pred nekim arbitrom koji je
imenovan po Uslovima;
b) biti odgovoran za bilo kakve optužbe za povredu dužnosti, kršenje ugovora ili za
profesionalni nemar proisteklih iz ovog imenovanja osim za posledice prevare ili
Ovim Strane solidarno osiguravaju Člana Komisije protiv svih ili bilo koje takve
U slučaju da Član Komisije prekrši bilo koje odredbe Člana 3, neće imati pravo na
nikakve honorare ili troškove, i moraće da vrati kako Investitoru tako i Izvođaču sve
honorare i troškove koji su mu bili ranije isplaćeni ako takvo kršenje kao posledicu ima
proglašenje postupaka ili odluka Komisije kao ništavnim i bez dejstva.
Zakon ovih Uslova Imenovanja će biti zakon [ ]
Svaki spor ili zahtev koji proističe iz ili u vezi sa ovim Uslovima ili kršenje, okončanje
ili nevaženje istih, rešiće se arbitražom u skladu sa Pravilima Međunarodne Trgvinske
Komore koja su na snazi datuma ovde naznačenog. Strane i Član Komisije prihvataju
da se povinuju odlukama koje proističu iz arbitraže i odriču se svojih prava na bilo koji
oblik žalbe ukoliko se takvo odricanje može pravosnažno sačiniti.
POTPIS ……………… za
i u ime Investitora u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Uslovi ugovaranja
i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
POTPIS…………………za i u
ime Člana Komisije u prisustvu
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Part I General Conditions
be reimbursed in the same currency as that in which fees are payable. Receipts
shall be required for all expenses in excess of [ ] percent of the daily fee referred
to in Sub-Clause (b) above;
d) any taxes properly levied in the country of the site on payments made to the Board
Member (unless a national or permanent resident of the country of the site) pursuant to this Clause 6. Such reimbursement will be in the same currency as that in
which the fees are payable.
The retainer and fees shall remain fixed for the [initial] period of tenure of the Board
Member [of twelve months], [Thereafter they shall be adjusted by agreement between
the Parties and the Board Member at each anniversary of the execution of these Terms
of Appointment].
Payments to the Board Member shall be shared equally by the Employer and the
Contractor. The Board Member shall submit invoices for payment of the monthly retainer
quarterly in advance. Invoices for daily fees and expenses shall be submitted following
the conclusion of a site visit or hearing. All invoices shall be accompanied by a brief
description of activities performed during the relevant period and addressed as to 50
percent thereof to the Contractor and 50 percent thereof to the Employer. The Parties
will discharge invoices addressed to them within [28] calendar days after receipt.
The Parties may jointly terminate the Board Member’s appointment hereunder by reasonable notice in writing. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any accrued
rights of either of the Parties or the Board Member.
The Parties undertake to each other and to the Board Member that the Board Member
shall in no circumstances:
a) be called as a witness to give evidence concerning any dispute before an arbitrator
appointed under the Conditions;
b) be liable for any claims for breach of duty, breach of contract or professional negligence arising out of this appointment other than for the consequences of fraud or
The Parties hereby jointly and severally indemnify the Board Member against all or any
such claims.
If the Board Member shall breach any of the provisions of Clause 3 he shall not be
entitled to any fees or expenses hereunder and shall reimburse each of the Employer
and the Contractor for any fees and expenses previously paid to him if as a consequence of such breach any proceedings or decisions of the Board are rendered void or
The law of these Terms of Appointment shall be the law of [ ].
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Appointment or
the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in force at the date hereof. The
Parties and the Board Member agree to comply with the awards resulting from arbitration
and waive their rights to any form of appeal insofar as such waiver can validly be made.
SIGNED by ……………
for and on behalf of the
Employer in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
and on behalf of the
Contractor in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
for and on behalf of the Board
Member in the presence of
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Komisija će posećivati Gradilište u intervalima i-ili vremenima kritičnih konstrukcijskih
događaja, a na zahtev bilo Investitora, bilo Izvođača i u bilo kom slučaju ne manje od
[tri] puta u vremenskom periodu od 12 meseci.
Vreme i program posete će biti dogovoren između Komisije, Investitora i Izvođača, a u
slučaju kada se ne mogu dogovoriti po ovom pitanju, odluku o tome donosi Komisija.
Svrha poseta Gradilištu je da omogući Komisiji da se upozna sa napredovanjem
Projekta i o svim postojećim ili potencijalnim problemima ili zahtevima.
Posetama će prisustvovati Investitor, Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora, i biće koordinirane od strane Investitora u saradnji sa Izvođačem. Investitor će se postarati da obezbedi odgovarajuće prostorije za sastanke, sekretarske usluge i usluge kopiranja.
Po završetku svake posete, a pre nego što napusti gradilište, KRS će pripremiti izveštaj
o svojim aktivnostima tokom posete i poslati kopije stranama koje su prisustvovale
Investitor i Izvođač će odmah dostaviti Komisiji dovoljan broj kopija svakog dokumenta
i sve informacije vezane za Projekat koje bi Komisija mogla da zatraži.
Kada se neki spor prenese na dalju nadležnost Komisiji u skladu sa Članom 20.4
Uslova, Komisija će postupiti po tom Članu. Komisija može po svom nahođenju da
odluči o održavanju rasprave u vezi spora, u kom slučaju će odlučiti o datumu i mestu
rasprave, i može zatražiti od Investitora i Izvođača da joj prezentuju pisanu dokumentaciju i argumente pre zasedanja ili na samoj raspravi.
Komisija će delovati kao nepristrasan ekspert, ne kao sudija, i imaće puno pravo da održava rasprave na način koji smatra prikladnim, ne podležući bilo kojim drugim pravilima
i procedurama osim onih navedenih ovde. [Bez ograničenja gore navedenog, Komisija
će imati ovlašćenje da usvoji neki istražni postupak, da zabrani pristup na raspravu ili
da bude prisutna publika, svim drugim licima osim predstavnicima Investitora, Izvođača
i njihovih Predstavnika, kao i da vodi postupak u odsustvu bilo koje Strane koja je po
mišljenju Komisije uredno obaveštena o raspravi],
Komisija neće izražavati bilo kakva mišljenja tokom rasprava, a koja se odnose na
valjanost argumenata koje prezentuju Strane. Nakon završetka rasprave, Komisija će
formulisati svoju odluku.
Komisija će podneti svoju odluku u pisanom obliku Investitoru i Izvođaču u skladu sa
Članom 20.4 Uslova, ili kako se drugačije dogovore Investitor i Izvođač u pisanom
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
The Board shall visit the site at regular intervals [and/or at times of critical construction
events] at the request of either the Employer or the Contractor, and in any event not less
than [three] times in any twelve month period.
The timing of and agendas for site visits shall be as agreed jointly by the Board the
Employer and the Contractor or in the absence of agreement shall be decided by the
Site visits are to enable the Board to become acquainted with the progress of the Project
and of any actual or potential problems or claims.
Site visits shall be attended by the Employer, the Contractor and the Employer’s
Representative and shall be co-ordinate by the Employer in co-operation with the
Contractor. The Employer shall ensure the provision of appropriate conference facilities
and secretarial and copying services.
At the conclusion of each site visit and before leaving the site the Board shall prepare
a report on its activities during the visit and shall send copies to those parties who
The Employer and the Contractor shall promptly provide the Board with sufficient copies
of any documentation and information relevant to the Project that it may request.
If any dispute is referred to the Board in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the
Conditions the Board shall proceed as described therein. The Board may in its discretion decide to conduct a hearing on the dispute in which event it will decide on the date
and place for the hearing and may request that written documentation and arguments
from the Employer and the Contractor be presented to it prior to or at the hearing.
The Board shall act as an impartial expert, not as an arbitrator, and shall have full
authority to conduct any hearing as it thinks fit, not being bound by any rules or procedures other than those set out herein. [Without limiting the foregoing it shall have
power to adopt an inquisitorial procedure, to refuse admission to hearings or audience
at hearings to any persons other than the Employer the Contractor and their respective
Representatives and to proceed in the absence of any party who the Board is satisfied
received notice of the hearing],
The Board shall not express any opinions during any hearing concerning the merits of
any arguments advanced by the parties. After a hearing is concluded the Board shall
formulate its decision.
The Board shall submit its decision in writing to the Employer and the Contractor in
accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the Conditions or as otherwise agreed by the
Employer and the Contractor in writing.
Conditions of Contract
Deo I Opšti uslovi
Komunikacija između bilo koje Strane i između Člana Komisije i sve rasprave biće na
[ ] jeziku. kopija svake takve komunikacije biće prosleđene drugoj Strani i mora da bude
u skladu sa odredbama Člana 1.8 Uslova.
1 Neki od članova ovih Uslova i Pravila sadrže reči u zagradama. Potpisnici bi trebalo da razmotre da li je to prikladno u okolnostima njihovog Projekta ili je neophodna izmena.
2 Mogu se desiti slučajevi da Komisija smatra da joj je potreban savet specijaliste u cilju ispunjavanja svojih dužnosti prema Stranama. Ovi Uslovi ne ovlašćuju Komisiju da traži takve savete o
trošku Strana. Preporučljivo je da u takvim situacijama da se Komisija obrati Stranama da daju
saglasnost da će takav savet biti pribavljen o njihovom trošku ako smatraju da je neophodan
ili poželjan.
3 Preporučljivo je ugovoriti jednak honorar za tri Člana Komisije, sa eventualnim izuzetkom
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part I General Conditions
All communications between either of the Parties and the Board Member and all hearings shall be in the [ ] language. All such communications shall be copied to the other
Party and shall comply with the provisions of Sub-Clause 1.8 of the Conditions.
1 Various clauses of these Terms and Rules contain words in brackets. The signatories should
consider whether or not these are appropriate in the circumstances of their Project or require
2 Circumstances may arise when the Board considers it needs specialist advice in order to fulfill
its duties to the Parties. These Terms do not empower the Board to take such advice at the
Parties expense. It is recommended that in such a situation the Board invite the Parties to agree
to secure such advice at their own expense if they accept it is necessary or desirable.
3 It is preferable to agree identical fees for the three Board Members, with the possible exception of the chairman.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II
Part II
[ime Investitora] iz [adresa Investitora] (u daljem tekstu „Investitor”)
[ime Izvođača] iz [adresa Izvođača] (u daljem tekstu „Izvođač”)
[ime Člana komisije] iz [adresa Člana komisije] (u daljem tekstu „Član komisije”)
Investitor i Izvođač (u daljem tekstu zajednički nazvani „STRANE”) na dan [ ] 200_ sklopili
Ugovor (u daljem tekstu „UGOVOR”) za izvršenje [ ] (u daljem tekstu „PROJEKAT”).
Članom 20.3 Uslova Ugovora (u daljem tekstu „USLOVI”) predviđeno je formiranje
Komisije za rešavanje Sporova (u daljem tekstu „KOMISIJA”) koja će se sastojati od tri
prikladno kvalifikovana lica kako je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu.
Član Komisije se slaže da radi [kao jedan od članova] [predsedavajuće] Komisije pod
ovde određenim uslovima.
Član Komisije
(1) ovim prihvata imenovanje u Komisiji kao lično imenovanje i slaže se da bude vezan
ovim Uslovima Imenovanja i Članovima 20.3 i 20.4 Uslova kao da su oni ovde
(2) imaće pravo bez obzira na prihvatanje imenovanja, da podnese ostavku na ovo
imenovanje dajući pritom razuman otkazni rok Stranama.
Kada su potpisani od Strana i Člana Komisije, ovi Uslovi Imenovanja će stupiti na snagu
kada ih Strane i poslednji od tri člana Komisije potpiše .
Član Komisije će biti i ostati nepristrasan i nezavisan od Strana i biće pod trajnom
dužnošću da obznani u pisanom obliku svakoj strani i ostalim članovima Komisije
svaku činjenicu ili okolnost koja bi mogla da dovodi u pitanje njegovu nepristrasnost ili
Bez štete za opštost, gore rečenog Član Komisije
Uslovi ugovaranja
[name of Employer] of [address of Employer] (hereinafter called “the Employer”)
[name of Contractor] of [address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”)
[name of Board Member) of [address of Board Member] (hereinafter called “the Board
The Employer and the Contractor (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Parties”) have
on the [ ] day of 2000[ ] entered into a Contract (hereinafter called “the Contract”) for the
execution of [ ] (hereinafter called “the Project”).
By Sub-Clause 20.3 of the Conditions of Contract (hereinafter called “the Conditions”)
provision is made for the constitution of a Dispute Adjudication Board (hereinafter
called “the Board”) which shall comprise three suitably qualified persons as stated in
the Appendix to Tender.
The Board Member has agreed to serve as [one of the members of) [chairman of] the
Board on the terms set out herein.
The Board Member
(1) hereby accept this appointment to the Board which is a personal appointment and
agrees lo be bound by these Terms of Appointment and Sub-Clauses 20.3 and 20.4
of the Conditions as if they were set out herein;
(2) shall be entitled notwithstanding such acceptance to resign this appointment on
giving reasonable notice to the Parties.
These Terms of Appointment when executed by the Parties and the Board Member
shall take effect when the Parties and the last of the three members of the Board have
executed terms of appointment.
The Board Member shall be and remain impartial and independent of the Parties and
shall be under a continuing duty to disclose in writing to each of them and to the other
members of the Board any fact or circumstance which might be such as to call into
question his impartiality or independence.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Board Member
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
(a) neće imati interes finansijske ili druge prirode u bilo kojoj Strani ili Predstavniku
Investitora kao što je opisano u Ugovoru, niti finansijskog interesa u Ugovoru osim
plaćanja za rad u Komisiji;
(b) neće biti da je ranije bio angažovan od bilo koje Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora
kao consultant ili nešto drugo, osim u okolnostima koje su obznanjene u pisanom
obliku Stranama pre ovog imenovanja;
(c) će pre ovog imenovanja obznaniti u pisanom obliku Stranama i ostalim Članovima
Komisije bilo koji profesionalni ili lični odnos sa svakim direktorom, službenikom
ili zaposlenim Strana ili Predstavnika Investitora i bilo kakvo ranije učešće u
(d) dok obavlja dužnosti Člana Komisije, neće biti angažovan kao konsultant ili drugačije od bilo koje Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora, bez prethodne pisane saglasnosti Strana i ostalih članova komisije;
(e) neće davati savete bilo kojoj strani ili Predstavniku Investitora vezane za upravljanje Projektom osim onih koji su u skladu sa Proceduralnim Pravilima priloženim
ovde kao Apendiks A („Pravila”);
(f) neće dok obavlja i po prestanku obavljanja funkcije Člana Komisije (ukoliko se
Strane ne dogovore drugačije u pisanom obliku) pregovarati niti praviti aranžmane
sa bilo kojom Stranom ili Predstavnikom Investitora o zapošljavanju kod bilo kog od
njih kao konsultanta ili drugačije.
Član Komisije će
(a) biti iskusan u vrsti posla na koje se Projekat odnosi i u tumačenju ugovorene dokumentacije i dobro će vladati jezikom Ugovora;
(b) biti dostupan za svaku posetu Gradilištu i rasprave koje budu neophodne i držaće
se odredaba Pravila;
(c) biti upoznat sa Ugovorom i napredovanjem Projekta kroz proučavanje i čuvanje sve
primljene dokumentacije u dosijeu tekućih poslova;
(d) se odnositi prema detaljima Ugovora i svim aktivnostima raspravama Komisije kao
internim i poverljivim, i neće objaviti ili obznaniti iste bez prethodne pisane saglasnosti Strana;
(e) neće preneti ili podugovoriti svoje dužnosti pod ovim Uslovima Imenovanja ili
(f) kada od njega Strane zahtevaju, biti dostupan da iznese dokaze i mišljenje zajedno
sa ostalim članovima Komisije o bilo kom predmetu vezanom za Projekat a koja nije
predmet spora.
Niko od Investitora, Izvođača ili njihovih predstavnika neće tražiti savet ili se konsultovati sa Članom Komisije u vezi sa Projektom u drugom smislu osim u okviru redovnih
aktivnosti Komisije po Ugovoru i Pravilima. Jedini izuzetak ove zabrane biće kada se
Strane međusobno kao i ostali Članovi Komisije tako dogovore.
Član Komisije će biti plaćen po sledećem:
(a) redovni honorar od [ ] za kalendarski mesec, koja će se smatrati isplatom u celini
I. dostupnost uz najavni rok od 28 dana za sve posete gradilištu, rasprave i
sastanke Komisije;
II. upoznavanje sa svim događajima oko Projekta i održavanje odgovarajućih
III. kancelarijske i režijske troškove kao što su usluge sekretarice, fotokopiranje i
kancelarijski material koji mogu nastati u vezi sa obavljanjem svojih dužnosti;
IV. sve usluge ovde navedene osim dole navedenih u Članu (c).
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
(a) shall have no interest financial or otherwise in either of the Parties or the Employer’s
Representative as described in the Contract, or financial interest in the Contract
except for payment for services on the Board;
(b) shall not previously have been employed as a consultant or otherwise by either of
the Parties or the Employer’s Representative except in those circumstances which
have been disclosed in writing to the Parties prior to this appointment;
(c) shall have disclosed in writing to the Parties and to the other members of the Board
prior to this appointment any professional or personal relationships with any director, officer or employee of the Parties or the Employees Representative, and any
prior involvement in the Project;
(d) shall not while a Board Member be employed as a consultant or otherwise by either
of the Parties or the Employer’s Representative without the prior written consent of
the Parties and the other members of the Board;
(e) shall not give advice to either of the Parties or to the Employees Representative
concerning the conduct of the Project other than in accordance with the Procedural
Rules annexed hereto as Appendix A (“the Rules”);
(f) shall not while a Board Member [unless the Parties shall otherwise agree in writing] enter into discussions or make any agreement with either of the Parties or the
Employer’s Representative regarding employment by any of them whether as a
consultant or otherwise after ceasing to be a Board Member.
The Board Member shall
(a) be experienced in the type of work involved in the Project and the interpretation of
the contract documents and shall be fluent in the language of the Contract;
(b) ensure his availability for all site visits and hearings as are necessary and shall
observe the provisions of the Rules;
(c) become conversant with the Contract and the progress of the Project by studying
all documents received which shall be maintained in a current working file;
(d) treat the details of the Contract and all activities and hearings of the Board as private and confidential and shall not publish or disclose the same without the prior
written consent of the Parties;
(e) not assign delegate or subcontract any of the tasks under these Terms of
Appointment or the Rules1;
(f) be available to give evidence and opinions in conjunction with other members of the
Board on any matter relevant to the Project not being a dispute when requested so
to do by the Parties.
Neither the Employer, the Contractor or their respective Representatives shall seek
advice from or consultation with the Board Member regarding the Project otherwise
than in the normal course of the Board’s activities under the Contract and the Rules.
The only exception to this prohibition shall be where the Parties jointly agree to do so
and the other Board Members also agree.
The Board Member will be paid as follows:
(a) a retainer fee of [ ] per calendar month, which shall be considered as payment in full
I. being available on 28 days’ notice for all site visits, hearings and Board
II. becoming conversant with all Project developments and maintaining relevant
III. all office and overhead expenses such as secretarial services, photocopying
and office supplies incurred in connection with his duties;
IV. all services performed hereunder except those referred to in Sub-Clause (c)
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Počev od meseca koji sledi posle meseca izdavanja Potvrde o Preuzimanju radova na
koju se odnosi Član 10 Uslova (ako je izdato više potvrda, onda od izdavanja poslednje)
Član Komisije će primiti samo jednu trećinu mesečnog honorara. [Počevši od sledećeg
meseca po isteku Ugovorenog Perioda kao što je definisano u Uslovima, Član komisije
neće dalje primati mesečni honorar];
(b) dnevnica od [ ] će se smatrati kao isplata u celini za:
I. svaki dan ili deo dana, do maksimuma od dva dana za putovanje u svakom
pravcu između prebivališta Člana Komisije i gradilišta ili druge lokacije sastanka
II. svaki radni dan u poseti gradilištu, raspave ili sastanci Komisije;
III. svaki dan proveden u proučavanju dokumenata podnesenih od Strana kao priprema za raspravu;
(c) cena telefonskih poziva, troškovi kurira, faksa i teleksa nastali iz obavljanja svojih
dužnosti; svi opravdani i neophodni troškovi putovanja uključujući [manje od] avio
karte I klase, ishrane i ostale direktne putne troškove. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u istoj valuti u kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice. Priznanice će se zahtevati za
troškove veće od [ ] procenata dnevnice po gornjem Članu (b);
(d) svi porezi propisno naplaćeni u zemlji u kojoj se gradilište nalazi na plaćanja Članu
Komisije (osim ukoliko je Član Komisije državljanin ili stalno nastanjen u zemlji u
kojoj se nalazi gradilište) shodno ovom Članu 6. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u istoj valuti u kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice.
Redovni honorar i dnevnice će biti fiksne za [početni] period mandata Člana Komisije [od
12 meseci]. [Posle toga sporazumno će naknade i dnevnice biti prilagođavane između
Strana i Člana Komisije na svaku godišnjicu potpisivanja ovih Uslova Imenovanja].
Plaćanja Članu Komisije će biti jednako podeljena između Investitora i Izvođača.
Član Komisije će podnositi fakture za plaćanje za mesečni honorar kvartalno i unapred. Fakture za dnevnice i troškove biće podnošeni po završetku posete gradilištu ili
rasprave. Sve fakture će biti potkrepljene kratkim opisom aktivnosti obavljanih tokom
određenog perioda i upućeni 50% na Investitora i 50% na Izvođača. Strane će isplatiti
fakture koje su upućene u roku od [28] kalendarskih dana od datuma njihovog prijema.
Strane mogu sporazumno da raskinu imenovanje Člana Komisije po ovim uslovima, uz
razuman otkazni rok u pisanoj formi. Takav raskid će biti bez štete na stečena prava
Strana ili Člana Komisije.
Strane se obavezuju jedna prema drugoj kao i prema Članu Komisije da Član Komisije
ni u kakvim okolnostima neće:
(a) biti pozvan kao svedok da iznese dokaz o bilo kom sporu pred nekim arbitrom naimenovanim po Uslovima;
(b) biti odgovoran po bilo kakvim optužbama za narušavanje dužnosti, povrede ugovora ili profesionalnog nemara proisteklih iz ovog imenovanja osim za posledice
prevare ili nepoštenja.
Strane ovim solidarno osiguravaju člana komisije protiv svih ili svake od takvih
U slučaju da Član Komisije prekrši bilo koje odredbe Člana 3, neće imati pravo na
honorar ili troškove, i moraće da vrati kako Investitoru tako i Izvođaču sve honorare i
troškove koji su mu propisno isplaćeni i bilo kom Članu Komisije ako takvo kršenje kao
posledicu ima da odluke Komisije budu proglašene kao ništavne ili bez dejstva.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Beginning with the month following that in which the Taking-Over Certificate referred to
in Clause 10 of the Conditions (or if there is more than one, the one last issued) has
been issued, the Board Member shall receive [only one third of the monthly retainer
fee], [Beginning with the next month after expiry of the Contract Period as defined in the
Conditions the Board Member shall no longer receive a monthly retainer fee];
(b) a daily fee of [ ] which shall be considered as payment in full for
I. each day or part of a day up to a maximum of two days travel time in each
direction for the journey between the Board Member’s home and the site or
other location of a Board meeting;
II. each working day on site visits, hearings or Board meetings;
III. each day spent reading the Parties’ submissions in preparation for a hearing.
(c) cost of telephone calls, courier charges, faxes and telexes incurred in connection
with his duties: all reasonable and necessary travel expenses including [less than]
first class air fare, subsistence and other direct travel expenses. These costs shall
be reimbursed in the same currency as that in which fees are payable. Receipts
shall be required for all expenses in excess of [ ] percent of the daily fee referred to
in Sub-Clause (b) above;
(d) any taxes properly levied in the country of the site on payments made to the Board
Member (unless a national or permanent resident of the country of the site) pursuant to this Clause 6. Such reimbursement will be in the same currency as that in
which the fees are payable.
The retainer and fees shall remain fixed for the [initial] period of tenure of the Board Member
[of twelve months], [Thereafter they shall be adjusted by agreement between the Parties and
the Board Member at each anniversary of I he execution of these Terms of Appointment],
Payments to the Board Member shall be shared equally by the Employer and the
Contractor. The Board Member shall submit invoices for payment of the monthly retainer
quarterly in advance. Invoices for daily fees and expenses shall be submitted following
the conclusion of a site visit or hearing. All invoices shall be accompanied by a brief
description of activities performed during the relevant period and addressed as to 50
percent thereof to the Contractor and 50 percent thereof to the Employer. The Parties
will discharge invoices addressed to them within [28] calendar days after receipt.
The Parties may jointly terminate the Board Member’s appointment hereunder by reasonable notice in writing. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any accrued
rights of either of the Parties or the Board Member.
The Parties undertake to each other and to the Board Member that the Board Member
shall in no circumstances:
(a) be called as a witness to give evidence concerning any dispute before an arbitrator
appointed under the Conditions:
(b) be liable for any claims for breach of duty, breach of contract or professional negligence arising out of this appointment other than for the consequences of fraud or
The Parties hereby jointly and severally indemnify the Board Member against all or any
such claims.
If the Board Member shall breach any of the provisions of Clause 3 he shall not be
entitled to any fees or expenses hereunder and shall reimburse each of the Employer
and the Contractor for any fees and expenses properly paid to him and to any other
Board Member if as a consequence of such breach any proceedings or decisions of the
Board am rendered void or ineffective.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Zakon ovih Uslova Imenovanja će biti zakon [ ].
Svaki spor ili zahtev koji proističe iz ili u vezi sa ovim Uslovima imenovanja ili kršenje,
okončanje ili nevaženje istih, rešiće se arbitražom u skladu sa Pravilima Međunarodne
Trgovinske Komore koja su na snazi sa datumom ovde unetim. Strane i Član Komisije
prihvataju da se povinuju odlukama koje proisteknu iz arbitraže i odriču se prava na bilo
koji oblik žalbe ukoliko takvo odricanje može da se zakonski sačini.
POTPIS ……………… za
i u ime Investitora u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Uslovi ugovaranja
i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
POTPIS…………………za i u
ime Člana Komisije u prisustvu
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The law of these Terms of Appointment shall be the law of [ ].
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Appointment or
the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in force at the date hereof
The Parties and the Board Member agree to comply with the awards resulting from
arbitration and waive their rights to any form of appeal insofar as such waiver can validly
be made.
SIGNED by ……………
for and on behalf of the
Employer in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
and on behalf of the
Contractor in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
for and on behalf of the Board
Member in the presence of
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Komisija će vršiti posetu gradilištu u redovnim intervalima [i/ili u vreme kritičnih događaja izgradnje] po zahtevu bilo Investitora ili Izvođača, ali svakako ne manje od [tri]
putau bilo kom periodu od dvanaest meseci.
Vreme i program posete gradilištu će biti zajednički dogovoreni između Komisije,
Investitora i izvođača ili u slučaju nedostatka dogovora, biće određeni od Komisije.
Posete gradilištu treba da omogući Komisiji da se upozna sa napredovanjem Projekta
ili potencijalnim problemima ili zahtevima.
Posetama gradilištu će prisustvovati Investitor, Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora
i biće koordinirani od strane Investitora u saradnji sa Izvođačem. Investitor će za tu
priliku obezbediti odgovarajuće prostorije za sastanke, kao i administrativne i usluge
Po zaključenju svake posete gradilištu, pre svog odlaska sa gradilišta, Komisija će pripremiti izveštaj o svojim aktivnostima tokom posete i poslaće kopije stranama koje su
prisustvovale poseti.
Investitor i Izvođač će odmah obezbediti Komisiji dovoljan broj kopija dokumentacije i
informacije koje Komisija može zatražiti u vezi sa projektom.
Ako je bilo kakav spor podnešen Komisiji po Članu 20.6 Uslova, Komisija će postupiti
kao što je opisano u Uslovima.Po svom nahođenju Komisija može odlučiti da sprovede
raspravu o sporu, i u tom slučaju će odrediti vreme i mesto rasprave, i može zahtevati da joj Investitor i Izvođač u pisanoj formi podnesu dokumentaciju i argumente pre
rasprave ili na samoj raspravi.
Komisija će delovati kao Komisija nepristrasnih eksperata, ne arbitara, i imaće sva ovlašćenja da sprovede bilo kakve rasprave ako to smatra neophodnim, ne vezujući se za
bilo koje druge procedure ili pravila osim onih koja su ovde određena. [Bez ograničenja
na napred rečeno, imaće pravo da usvoji neki istražni postupak, da odbije ulazak na
raspravu ili prisustvo kao publike svim osobama osim Investitoru, Izvođaču i njihovim
Predstavnicima, i da nastavi rad bez prisustva bilo koje strane koja je po uverenju
Komisije primila obaveštenje o raspravi].
Komisija neće izražavati nikakvo mišljenje tokom rasprave koje se tiče valjanosti argumenata koje iznesu Strane. Po okončanju rasprave, Komisija će se povući nasamo radi
formulisanja svoje odluke.
Ako član ne prisustvuje sastanku ili raspravi, ili ne ispunjava zahtevanu funkciju, ostala
dva člana mogu nastaviti sa radom i donositi odluke osim ukoliko odsutni član nije predsedavajući i naloži ostalim članovima da ne nastave sa radom ili se Strane drugačije
Komisije će podneti svoju odluku u pisanoj formi Investitoru i Izvođaču u skladu sa
Članom 20.4 Uslova, ili ako se drugačije dogovore Investitor i Izvođač u pisanoj formi.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The Board shall visit the site at regular intervals [and/or at times of critical construction
events] at the request of either the Employer or the Contractor, and in any event not less
than [three] times in any twelve month period.
The timing of and agendas for site visits shall be as agreed jointly by the Board the
Employer and the Contractor or in the absence of agreement shall be decided by the
Site visits are to enable the Board to become acquainted with the progress of the Project
and of any actual or potential problems or claims.
Site visits shall be attended by the Employer, the Contractor and the Employer’s
Representative and shall be co-ordinated by the Employer in co-operation with the
Contractor. The Employer shall ensure the provision of appropriate conference facilities
and secretarial and copying services.
At the conclusion of each site visit and before leaving the site the Board shall prepare
a report on its activities during the visit and shall send copies to those parties who
The Employer and the Contractor shall promptly provide the Board with sufficient copies
of any documentation and information relevant to the Project that it may request.
If any dispute is referred to the Board in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the
Conditions the Board shall proceed as described therein. The Board may in its discretion decide to conduct a hearing on the dispute in which event it will decide on the date
and place for the hearing and may request that written documentation and arguments
from the Employer and the Contractor be presented to it prior to or at the hearing.
The Board shall act as a Board of impartial experts, not arbitrators, and shall have
full authority to conduct any hearing as it thinks fit, not being bound by any rules or
procedures other than those set out herein. [Without limiting the foregoing it shall have
power to adopt an inquisitorial procedure, to refuse admission to hearings or audience
at hearings to any persons other than the Employer the Contractor and their respective
Representatives and to proceed in the absence of any party who the Board is satisfied
received notice of the hearing].
The Board shall not express any opinions during any hearing concerning the merits of
any arguments advanced by the parties. After a hearing is concluded the Board shall
convene in private to formulate its decision.
[If a member fails to attend a meeting or hearing, or to fulfil any required function, the
other two members may nevertheless proceed and make decisions unless the absent
member is the chairman and instructs the other two members not to proceed, or the
Parties otherwise agree].
The Board shall submit its decision in writing to the Employer and the Contractor in
accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the Conditions or as otherwise agreed by the
Employer and the Contractor in writing.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Komisija će se truditi da donosi odluke jednoglasno, ali ako je to nemoguće odluka
će se donositi većinom, a član koji je u manjini pripremiće pisani izveštaj i podneti ga
Investitoru, Predstavniku Investitora i Izvođaču.
Sva komunikacija između bilo koje od Strana i Člana Komisije kao i sve rasprave će biti
na [ ] jeziku. Kopije svih takvih komunikacija biće dostavljene drugoj Strani i ostalim
Članovima Komisije i biće u skladu sa odredbama Člana 1.8 Uslova.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The Board shall endeavor to reach decisions unanimously, but if this is impossible decisions shall be by a majority and the minority member shall prepare a written report for
submission to the Employer, the Employer’s Representative and the Contractor.
All communications between either of the Parties and a Board Member and all hearings
shall be in the [ ] language. All such communications shall be copied to the other Party
and to other members of the Board and shall comply with the provisions of Sub-Clause
1.8 of the Conditions.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
[ime Investitora] iz [adresa Investitora] (u daljem tekstu „Investitor”)
[ime Izvođača] iz [adresa Izvođača] (u daljem tekstu „Izvođač”)
[ime Člana komisije] iz [adresa Člana komisije] (u daljem tekstu „Član komisije”)
Investitor i Izvođač (u daljem tekstu zajednički nazvani „STRANE”) na dan [ ] 200_
sklopili Ugovor (u daljem tekstu „UGOVOR”) za izvršenje [ ] (u daljem tekstu
Odredbama Člana 20.3 Uslova Ugovora (u daljem tekstu „USLOVI”) su predviđeno
je formiranje Komisije za rešavanje Sporova (u daljem tekstu „KOMISIJA”) koja će se
sastojati od jednog prikladno kvalifikovanog lica kako je navedeno u Prilogu Tenderu
Član Komisije se slaže da radi kao jedini član Komisije po ovde određenim uslovima.
Član Komisije
(1) ovim prihvata ovo imenovanje u Komisiji kao lično imenovanje i slaže se sa bude
vezan ovim Uslovima Imenovanja i Članovima 20.3 I 20.4 Uslov kao da su oni ovde
(2) imaće pravo bez obzira na to prihvatanje imenovanja, da podnese ostavku dajući
pri tom razuman otkazni rok Stranama.
Kada su potpisani od Strana i Člana Komisije, ovi Uslovi Imenovanja će stupiti na snagu
kada ih Strane i Član Komisije potpišu.
Član Komisije će biti i ostati nepristrasan i nezavisan od Strana i biće pod trajnom dužnošću da obznani u pisanom obliku svakoj strani svaku činjenicu ili okolnost koja bi
mogla da dovede u pitanje njegovu nepristrasnost ili nezavisnost.
Bez štete za opštost gore rečenog Član Komisije
a) neće imati interes finansijske ili druge prirode u bilo kojoj Strani ili Predstavnika
Investitora kao što je opisano u Ugovoru, niti finansijski interes u Ugovoru osim
plaćanja za rad u Komisiji;
b) ne sme da bude da je ranije bio angažovan od bilo koje Strane ili Predstavnika
Investitora kao konsultant ili nešto drugo, osim u okolnostima koje su obznanjene u
pisanom obliku Stranama pre ovog imenovanja;
c) pre ovog imenovanja treba da je obznanio u pisanom obliku Stranama o bilo kom
profesionalnom ili ličnom odnosu sa bilo kojim direktorom, službenikom ili zaposlenim kod Strana ili Predstavnika Investitora i o bilo kakvom ranijem učešću u
d) dok obavlja dužnosti Člana Komisije, neće biti angažovan kao konsultant ili nešto
drugo od bilo koje Strane ili Predstavnika Investitora, bez prethodne pisane saglasnosti Strana ;
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
[name of Employer] of [address of Employer] (hereinafter called “the Employer”)
[name of Contractor] of [address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”)
[name of Board Member] of [address of Board Member] (hereinafter called “the Board
The Employer and the Contractor (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Parties”) have
on the day of 200[ ] Date: entered into a Contract (hereinafter called “the Contract”) for
the execution of [ ] (hereinafter called “the Project”).
By Sub-Clause 20.3 of the Conditions of Contract (hereinafter called “the Conditions”)
provision is made for the constitution of a Dispute Adjudication Board (hereinafter
called “the Board”) which shall comprise one suitably qualified person as stated in the
Appendix to Tender.
The Board Member has agreed to serve as the sole member of the Board on the terms
set out herein.
The Board Member
(1) hereby accepts this appointment to the Board which is a personal appointment and
agrees to be bound by these Terms of Appointment and Sub-Clauses 20.3 and 20.4
of the Conditions as if they were set out herein;
(2) shall be entitled notwithstanding such acceptance to resign this appointment on
giving reasonable notice to the Parties.
These Terms of Appointment when executed by the Parties and the Board Member
shall take effect when the Parties and the Board Member shall have executed terms of
The Board Member shall be and remain impartial and independent of the Parties and
shall be under a continuing duty to disclose in writing to each of them any fact or circumstance which might be such as to call into question his impartiality or independence.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Board Member
a) shall have no interest financial or otherwise in either of the Parties or the Employer’s
Representative as described in the Contract, or financial interest in the Contract
except for payment for services on the Board;
b) shall not previously have been employed as a consultant or otherwise by either of
the Parties or the Employees Representative except in those circumstances which
have been disclosed in writing lo the Parties prior to this appointment;
c) shall have disclosed in writing to the Parties prior to this appointment any professional or personal relationships with any director, officer or employee of the Parties
or the Employees Representative, and any prior involvement in the Project;
d) shall not while a Board Member be employed as a consultant or otherwise by either
of the Parties or the Employees Representative without the prior written consent of
the Parties;
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
e) neće davati savete bilo kojoj strani ili Predstavniku Investitora vezane za upravljanje Projektom osim onih koji su u skladu sa Proceduralnim Pravilima priloženim
ovde kao Apendiks A („Pravila”);
f) neće dok obavlja funkcije Člana Komisije (ukoliko se strane ne dogovore napismeno
drugačije) razgovarati ili praviti aranžmane sa bilo kojom Stranom ili Predstavnikom
Investitora o svom zapošljavanju kod bilo kog od njih bilo kao konsultant ilinešto
drugo pošto prestane da bude Član Komisije.
Član Komisije će
a) biti iskusan u vrsti posla na koje se Projekat odnosi i u interpretaciji ugovorne dokumentacije i vladaće dobro jezikom Ugovora;
b) biti dostupan za svaku posetu Gradilištu, i prisutan na raspravama i poštovaće
odredbe Pravila;
c) biti upoznat sa Ugovorom i napredovanjem Projekta tako što će proučavati svu
primljenu dokumentaciju koja će se čuvati u dosijeu tekućih poslova;
d) se odnositi prema podacima o Ugovoru i svim aktivnostima i raspravama Komisije
kao internim i poverljivim, i neće štampati ili obznaniti iste bez prethodne pisane
saglasnosti Strana;
e) neće preneti ili podugovoriti bilo koju od svojih dužnosti po ovim Uslovima
Imenovanja ili Pravilima;
f) biti dostupan da pruži dokaze i mišljenje o bilo kom predmetu vezanom za Projekat
koji nije predmet spora kada to od njega zatraže Strane.
Niko od Investitora, Izvođača ili njihovih predstavnika neće tražiti savet ili se konsultovati sa Članom Komisije u vezi sa Projektom u drugom smislu osim u normalnom toku
aktivnosti Komisije po Ugovoru i Pravilima. Jedini izuzetak ove zabrane biće kada se
Strane međusobno tako dogovore.
Član Komisije će biti plaćen po sledećem:
a) Stalni honorar od [ ] za kalendarski mesec, koja će se smatrati isplatom u celini
i. dostupnost posle najavnog roka od 28 dana za sve posete gradilištui
ii. upoznavanje sa svim događajima na Projektu i održavanje odgovarajućih
iii. sve kancelarijske i režijske troškove kao što su usluge sekretarice, fotokopiranje i kancelarijski materijal koji mogu nastati u vezi sa njegovim dužnostima;
iv. sve usluge vršene po ovde navedenim tačkama osim onih navedenih u donjem
Članu (c).
Počev od meseca koji sledi mesec izdavanja Potvrde o Preuzimanju radova na koju
se odnosi Član 10 Uslova (ako je izdato više potvrda, onda od izdavanja poslednje)
Član Komisije će primiti [samo jednu trećinu mesečnog honorara]. [Počevši od sledećeg meseca po isteku Ugovorenog Perioda kako je definisan u Uslovima, Član komisije
neće dalje primate mesečni honorar];
b) dnevnica od [ ] koja će se smatrati kao isplata u celini za:
i. svaki dan ili deo dana, do maksimuma od dva dana za putovanje u svakom
pravcu između prebivališta Člana Komisije i gradilišta;
ii. svaki radni dan u poseti gradilištu ili na raspravi;
iii. svaki dan proveden u proučavanju dokumenata podnesenih od Strana kao priprema za raspravu;
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
e) shall not give advice to either of the Parties or to the Employees Representative
concerning the conduct of the Project other than in accordance with the Procedural
Rules annexed hereto as Appendix A (“the Rules”);
f) shall not while a Board Member (unless the Parties shall otherwise agree in writing] enter into discussions or make any agreement with either of the Parties or the
Employer’s Representative regarding employment by any of them whether as a
consultant or otherwise after ceasing to be a Board Member.
The Board Member shall
a) be experienced in the type of work involved in the Project and the interpretation of
the contract documents and shall be fluent in the language of the Contract;
b) ensure his availability for all site visits and hearings and shall observe the provisions of the Rules;
c) become conversant with the Contract and the progress of the Project by studying
all documents received which shall be maintained in a current working file;
d) treat the details of the Contract and all activities and hearings of the Board as private and confidential and shall not publish or disclose the same without the prior
written consent of the Parties;
e) not assign delegate or subcontract any of the tasks under these Terms of
Appointment or the Rules
f) be available to give evidence and opinions on any matter relevant to the Project not
being a dispute when requested so to do by the Parties.
Neither the Employer, the Contractor or their respective Representatives shall seek
advice from or consultation with the Board Member regarding the Project otherwise
than in the normal course of the Board’s activities under the Contract and the Rules.
The only exception to this prohibition shall be where the Parties jointly agree to do so.
The Board Member will be paid as follows:
a) a retainer fee of [ ] per calendar month, which shall be considered as payment in full
i. being available on 28 days’ notice for all site visits and hearings:
ii. becoming conversant with all Project developments and maintaining relevant
iii. all office and overhead expenses such as secretarial services, photocopying
and office supplies incurred in connection with his duties:
iv. all services performed hereunder except those referred to in Sub-Clause (c)
Beginning with the month following that in which the Taking-Over Certificate referred to
in Clause 10 of the Conditions (or if there is more than one. the one last issued) has
been issued, the Board Member shall receive [only one third of the monthly retainer
fee]. [Beginning with the next month after expiry of the Contract Period as defined in the
Conditions the Board Member shall no longer receive a monthly retainer fee];
b) a daily fee of [ ] which shall be considered as payment in full for:
i. each day or part of a day up to a maximum of two days travel time in each
direction for the journey between the Board Member’s home and the site;
ii. each working day on site visits or hearings;
iii. each day spent reading the Parties’ submissions in preparation for a hearing;
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
c) cena telefonskih poziva, troškovi kurira, faksa i teleksa nastali iz obavljanja dužnosti; svi opravdani i neophodni troškovi putovanja uključujući avio karte [manje od]
prve klase, ishrane i ostale direktne putne troškove. Ovakvi troškovi će biti isplaćeni
u istoj valuti u kojoj se isplaćuju dnevnice. Priznanice će se zahtevati za sve troškove veće od [ ]procenata dnevnice prema gornjem Članu (b);
d) svi porezi naplaćeni u zemlji u kojoj se gradilište nalazi na plaćanja Članu Komisije
(osim ukoliko je Član Komisije nacionalnosti zemlje ili stalno naseljen u zemlji u
kojoj se nalazi gradilište) shodno ovom Članu 6. Ovakvi troškovi će biti nadoknađeni u istoj valuti u kojoj se plaćaju dnevnice .
Naknade i dnevnice će biti fiksne za [početni] period mandata Člana Komisije [od 12
meseci]. [posle toga sporazumno će biti prilagođavane dogovorom između Strana i
Člana Komisije za svaku godišnjicu potpisivanja ovih Uslova Imenovanja].
Plaćanja Članu Komisije će biti jednako podeljena između Investitora i Izvođača.
Član Komisije će podnositi fakture za plaćanje mesečnog honorara kvartalno i unapred. Fakture za dnevnice i troškove biće podnošeni po završetku posete gradilištu ili
rasprave. Sve fakture će biti potkrepljene kratkim opisom aktivnosti obavljanih tokom
odgovarajućeg perioda i upućene 50% na Investitora i 50% na Izvođača. Strane će
isplatiti fakture koje su im podnete u roku od [28] kalendarskih dana od datuma njihovog
Strane mogu zajednički da raskinu imenovanje Člana Komisije po ovim uslovima, dajući
razuman otkazni rok napismeno. Takav raskid će biti bez štete za stečena prava bilo
koje od Strana ili Člana Komisije.
Strane se obavezuju jedna prema drugoj kao i prema Članu Komisije da Član Komisije
ni u kakvim okolnostima neće:
a) biti pozvan kao svedok da pruži dokaz o bilo kom sporu pred nekim arbitrom koji je
naimenovan po Uslovima;
b) biti odgovoran za bilo kakve optužbe, povredu dužnosti, povredu ugovora ili za
profesionalni nemar proisteklih iz ovog imenovanja osim za posledice prevare ili
Strane ovim solidarno osiguravaju Člana Komisije protiv svih ili svake od takvih
U slučaju da Član Komisije prekrši bilo koje odredbe Člana 3, neće imati pravo na bilo
kakav honorar ili troškove, i obeštetiće Investitora i Izvođača za sve honorare i troškove
koji su mu ranije isplaćeni ako takvo kršenje kao posledicu ima da odluke Komisije budu
proglašene kao ništavne ili bez dejstva.
Zakon ovih Uslovima Imenovanja će biti zakon [ ].
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
c) cost of telephone calls, courier charges, faxes and telexes incurred in connection
with his duties: all reasonable and necessary travel expenses including [less than]
first class air fare, subsistence and other direct travel expenses. These costs shall
be reimbursed in the same currency as that in which fees are payable. Receipts
shall be required for all expenses in excess of [ ] percent of the daily fee referred to
in Sub-Clause (b) above;
d) any taxes properly levied in the country of the site on payments made to the Board
Member (unless a national or permanent resident of the country of the site) pursuant to this Clause 6. Such reimbursement will be in the same currency as that in
which the fees are payable.
The retainer and fees shall remain fixed for the [initial] period of tenure of the Board
Member [of twelve months]. [Thereafter they shall be adjusted by agreement between
the Parties and the Board Member at each anniversary of the execution of these Terms
of Appointment].
Payments to the Board Member shall be shared equally by the Employer and the
Contractor. The Board Member shall submit invoices for payment of the monthly retainer
quarterly in advance. Invoices for daily fees and expenses shall be submitted following
the conclusion of a site visit or hearing. All invoices shall be accompanied by a brief
description of activities performed during the relevant period and addressed as to 50
percent thereof to the Contractor and 50 percent thereof to the Employer. The Parties
will discharge invoices addressed to them within [28] calendar days after receipt.
The Parties may jointly terminate the Board Member’s appointment hereunder by reasonable notice in writing. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any accrued
rights of either of the Parties or the Board Member.
The Parties undertake to each other and to the Board Member that the Board Member
shall in no circumstances:
a) be called as a witness to give evidence concerning any dispute before an arbitrator
appointed under the Conditions;
b) be liable for any claims for breach of duty, breach of contract or professional negligence arising out of this appointment other than for the consequences of fraud or
The Parties hereby jointly and severally indemnify the Board Member against all or any
such claims.
If the Board Member shall breach any of the provisions of Clause 3 he shall not be
entitled to any fees or expenses hereunder and shall reimburse each of the Employer
and the Contractor for any fees and expenses previously paid to him if as a consequence of such breach any proceedings or decisions of the Board are rendered void or
The law of these Terms of Appointment shall be the law of [ ].
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Svaki spor ili zahtev koji proističe iz ili u vezi sa ovim Uslovima imenovanja ili kršenje,
okončanje ili nevaženje istih, rešiće se arbitražom u skladu sa Pravilima Međunarodne
Trgovinske Komore koja su na snazi s datumom ovde unetim. Stranke i Član Komisije
prihvataju da se povinuju odlukama koje proisteknu iz arbitraže i odriču se prava na bilo
koji oblik žalbe ukoliko takvo odricanje može da se zakonski sačini.
POTPIS ……………… za
i u ime Investitora u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Uslovi ugovaranja
i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu
Svedok ……………………….
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
POTPIS…………………za i u
ime Člana Komisije u prisustvu
Ime ……………………………
Adresa ……………………….
Datum ………………………..
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Appointment or
the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in force at the date hereof.
The Parties and the Board Member agree to comply with the awards resulting from
arbitration and waive their rights to any form of appeal insofar as such waiver can validly
be made.
SIGNED by ……………
for and on behalf of the
Employer in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
and on behalf of the
Contractor in the presence of
SIGNED by ....................
for and on behalf of the Board
Member in the presence of
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Komisija će vršiti posetu gradilištu u redovnim intervalima [i/ili u vreme kritičnih događaja izgradnje] po zahtevu bilo Investitora ili Izvođača ali svakako ne manj od [tri] puta
u bilo kom periodu od dvanaest meseci.
Vreme i program posete gradilištu će biti zajednički dogovoreni između Komisije,
Investitora i Izvođača ili u nedostatku dogovora, biće određeni od Komisije.
Posete gradilištu će omogućiti Komisiji da se upozna napredovanjem Projekta kao i sa
postojećim ili potencijalnim problemima ili zahtevima.
Posetama gradilištu prisustvovaće Investitor, Izvođač i Predstavnik Investitora i biće
koordinirani od strane Investitora u saradnji sa Izvođačem. Investitor će za tu priliku obezbediti odgovarajuće prostorije za sastanke, kao i administrativne i usluge
Po zaključenju svake posete gradilištu, pre svog odlaska, Komisija će pripremiti izveštaj
o svojim aktivnostima tokom posete i poslaće kopije stranama koje su prisustvovale
Investitor i Izvođač će odmah obezbediti Komisiji dovoljan broj kopija bilo koje dokumentacije i informacije u vezi sa projektom koje Komisija može zatražiti.
Ako je bilo kakav spor podnet Komisiji po Članu 20.4 Uslova, Komisija će postupiti kako
je tamo opisano. Po svom nahođenju Komisija može odlučiti da sprovede raspravu o
sporu, i u tom slučaju će odrediti vreme i mesto rasprave, i može zahtevati dokumentaciju i argumente u pisanoj formi od Investitora i od Izvođača da budu podneti pre
rasprave ili na samoj raspravi.
Komisija će delovati kao neki nepristrasni ekspert, ne kao arbitar, i imaće sva ovlašćenja da održi raspravu ako to smatra neophodnim, ne vezujući se za bilo koje druge procedure ili pravila osim onih koja su ovde određena. [Bez ograničenja napred rečenog,
imaće pravo da usvoji neki istražni postupak, da odbije ulazak na raspravu ili prisustvo
kao publike svim osobama osim Investitoru, Izvođaču i njihovim Predstavnicima, i da
nastavi rad bez prisustva bilo koje strane koja je po uverenju Komisije primila obaveštenje o raspravi].
Komisija neće izražavati nikakvo mišljenje tokom rasprave koje se tiče valjanosti
argumenata koje iznesu Strane. Po okončanju rasprave, Komisija će formulisati svoju
Komisije će podneti svoju odluku u pisanoj formi Investitoru i Izvođaču u skladu sa
Članom 20.4 Uslova, ili kako se drugačije dogovore Investitor i Izvođač, u pisanoj
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The Board shall visit the site at regular intervals [and/or at times of critical construction
events] at the request of either the Employer or the Contractor, and in any event not less
than [three] times in any twelve month period.
The timing of and agendas for site visits shall be as agreed jointly by the Board the
Employer and the Contractor or in the absence of agreement shall be decided by the
Site visits are to enable the Board to become acquainted with the progress of the Project
and of any actual or potential problems or claims.
Site visits shall be attended by the Employer, the Contractor and the Employer’s
Representative and shall be co-ordinated by the Employer in co-operation with the
Contractor. The Employer shall ensure the provision of appropriate conference facilities
and secretarial and copying services.
At the conclusion of each site visit and before leaving the site the Board shall prepare
a report on its activities during the visit and shall send copies to those parties who
The Employer and the Contractor shall promptly provide the Board with sufficient copies
of any documentation and information relevant to the Project that it may request.
If any dispute is referred to the Board in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the
Conditions the Board shall proceed as described therein. The Board may in its discretion decide to conduct a hearing on the dispute in which event it will decide on the date
and place for the hearing and may request that written documentation and arguments
from the Employer and the Contractor be presented to it prior to or at the hearing.
The Board shall act as an impartial expert, not as an arbitrator, and shall have full
authority to conduct any hearing as it thinks fit, not being bound by any rules or procedures other than those set out herein. [Without limiting the foregoing it shall have
power to adopt an inquisitorial procedure, to refuse admission to hearings or audience
at hearings to any persons other than the Employer the Contractor and their respective
Representatives and to proceed in the absence of any party who the Board is satisfied
received notice of the hearing].
The Board shall not express any opinions during any hearing concerning the merits of
any arguments advanced by the parties. After a hearing is concluded the Board shall
formulate its decision.
The Board shall submit its decision in writing to the Employer and the Contractor in
accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4 of the Conditions or as otherwise agreed by the
Employer and the Contractor in writing.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Sva komunikacija između bilo koje Strane i Člana Komisije kao i sve rasprave će biti na
[ ] jeziku. Kopije svih takvih komunikacija biće dostavljene drugoj Strani i biće u skladu
sa odredbama Člana 1.8 Uslova.
1 Neki od članova ovih Uslova i Pravila sadrže reči u zagradama. Potpisnici bi trebalo da razmotre da li je to prikladno u okolnostima njihovog Projekta ili je neophodna izmena.
2 Mogu se desiti slučajevi da Komisija smatra da joj je potreban savet specijaliste u cilju ispunjavanja svojih dužnosti prema Stranama. Ovi Uslovi ne ovlašćuju Komisiju da traži takve savete o
trošku Strana. Preporučljivo je da u takvim situacijama da se Komisija obrati Stranama da daju
saglasnost da će takav savet biti pribavljen o njihovom trošku ako smatraju da je neophodan
ili poželjan.
3 Preporučljivo je ugovoriti jednak honorar za tri Člana Komisije, sa eventualnim izuzetkom
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
All communications between either of the Parties and the Board Member and all hearings shall be in the [ ] language. All such communications shall be copied to the other
Party and shall comply with the provisions of Sub-Clause 1.8 of the Conditions.
1 Various clauses of these Terms and Rules contain words in brackets. The signatories should
consider whether or not these are appropriate in the circumstances of their Project or require
2 Circumstances may arise when the Board considers it needs specialist advice in order to
fulfill its duties to the Parties. These Terms do not empower the Board to take such advice at
the Parties’ expense. It is recommended that in such a situation the Board invite the Parties to
agree to secure such advice at their own expense if they accept it is necessary or desirable.
3 It is preferable to agree identical fees for the three Board Members, with the possible exception of the chairman.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
UVOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
UGOVOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
INVESTITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
PREDSTAVNIK INVESTITORA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
IZVOĐAČ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
PROJEKAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
OSOBLJE I RADNA SNAGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
POSTROJENJE, MATERIJALI I NAČIN IZRADE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
POČETAK RADOVA, KAŠNJENJE I OBUSTAVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
TESTIRANJA NA ZAVRŠETKU RADOVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
PREUZIMANJE RADOVA OD STRANE INVESTITORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
TESTIRANJA POSLE ZAVRŠETKA RADOVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
ODGOVORNOST ZA NEDOSTATKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
UGOVORENA CENA I PLAĆANJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
IZMENE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
NEISPUNJAVANJE OBAVEZA IZVOĐAČA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
NEISPUNJAVANJE OBAVEZA INVESTITORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
RIZIK I ODGOVORNOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
OSIGURANJE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
VIŠA SILA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
SPOROVI, ZAHTEVI I ARBITRAŽA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
PRILOZI - FORME GARANCIJE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
THE CONTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
THE EMPLOYER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
THE EMPLOYER’S REPRESENTATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
THE CONTRACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
STAFF AND LABOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
PLANT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
COMMENCEMENT, DELAYS AND SUSPENSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
TEST ON COMPLETION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
EMPLOYER’S TAKING OVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
TEST AFTER COMPLETION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
DEFECTS LIABILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
CONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
VARIATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
DEFAULT OF EMPLOYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
RISK AND RESPONSABILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
INSURANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
FORCE MAJEURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
CLAIMS, DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
ANNEXES - FORMS OF SECURITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Annex A: EXAMPLE FORM OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Annex B: EXAMPLE FORM OF SURETY BOND FOR PERFORMANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Annex C: EXAMPLE FORM OF GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
su pripremljeni od strane Međunarodnog saveza inženjera-konsultanata (FIDIC-a)
i preporučuju se za generalno korišćenje za projektovanje i izvođenje radova kada
su Ponuđači pozvani na internacionalnom nivou; sa manjim izmenama ovi uslovi
se mogu koristiti i kod domaćih ugovaranja. Pod uobičajenim aranžmanima za ugovore projektovanja-izgradnje, Izvođač je odgovoran za projektovanje i nabavke, u
skladu sa zahtevima Investitora, za radove koji mogu uključiti kombinovanje inženjerskih radova (niskogradnje, mašinskih, električarskih itd.) i radove visokogradnje; i privremene situacije za plaćanje se ispostavljaju kako izgradnja napreduje.
Ovi Uslovi su takođe namenjeni za korišćenje kod ugovora ključ-u-ruke, po kojima
Investitor obično zahteva isporuku potpuno opremljenog objekta, spremnog za
upotrebu (na okret „ključa”); takvi ugovori su često finansirani od strane izvođača.
FIDIC smatra verziju na engleskom jeziku kao zvaničnu i autentičnu verziju za
potrebe prevođenja.
U pripremi Uslova došlo se do zaključka, da pored toga što postoji veliki broj članova koji su generalno primenjivi, postoje i neki članovi koji moraju pretrpeti izvesne izmene da bi bili upotrebljivi u okolnostima pojedinih ugovora. Članovi za koje
se smatra da su primenjivi na većinu ugovora su predstavljeni u Delu I – Opšti
Uslovi što će olakšati njihovu ugradnju u Ugovor. Deo I – Opšti Uslovi i Deo II
– Uslovi posebne primene će zajedno sadržati Uslove koji će upravljati pravima
i obavezama strana. Biće neophodno pripremati Deo II za svaki pojedini ugovor,
obraćajući posebnu pažnju na pozivanje na Deo II koja su sadržana u nekim članovima Dela I.
Deo I – Opšti Uslovi su pripremani po sledećim principima:
privremene situacije će se ispostavljati prema napredovanju izgradnje: primer za ugovore finansirane od strane izvođača predložen je u ovom Delu II
ako tekst dat u Delu I zahteva dodatne informacije, taj član se poziv na takve informacije sadržane u Dodatku Tenderu bilo da su propisani od strane Investitora, ili su dodati
od strane Ponuđača;
ako se neki član iz Dela I tiče stvari za koje različiti uslovi mogu da se primene za različite ugovore, principi primenjeni u formulisanju člana su bili:
a) korisnicima će biti prikladnije da izbrišu (ili da se ne pozivaju na) odredbe za koje ne
žele da se primenjuju, zatim da ispišu dodatni tekst (u Delu II) ako Deo I ne pokriva
njihove zahteve; ili
b) u slučajevima gde se smatra da je primenjivanje gornje odredbe (a) neprikladno,
član sadrži odredbe za koje se smatra da važe za opciju koja se najčešće koristi.
Treba napomenuti da, zbog primene (a), neke odredbe sadržane u Delu I se ne
preporučuju kao odredbe za naizgled tipične ugovore. Uslovi Ugovora moraju da
budu pripremani za svaki tenderski dokument posebno, od strane osoblja sa odgovarajućim sposobnostima.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The terms of the Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey have been
prepared by the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and are
recommended for general use for the purpose of the design and construction of
works where tenders are invited on an international basis; with minor modifications.
the Conditions are also suitable for use on domestic contracts. Under the usual
arrangements for a design-build contract, the Contractor is responsible for the design
and provision, in accordance with the Employer’s requirements, of works which may
include any combination of engineering (including civil, mechanical, electrical, etc)
and building works: and interim payments are made as construction proceeds.
The Conditions are also intended for use on turnkey contracts, under which the
Employer’s requirements usually include provision of a fully-equipped facility, ready
for operation (at the turn of the “key”): such contracts are often contractor-financed.
The version in English of the Conditions is considered by FIDIC as the official and
authentic text for the purposes of translation.
In the preparation of the Conditions it was recognized that, while there are many
sub-clauses which will be generally applicable, there are some sub-clauses which
must necessarily vary to take account of the circumstances relevant to the particular contract. The sub-clauses which were considered to be applicable to the
majority of contracts have been presented in Part I - General Conditions, which will
facilitate their incorporation into the contract. Part I - General Conditions and Part II
- Conditions of Particular Application will together comprise the Conditions governing the rights and obligations of the parties. It will be necessary to prepare the Part
II for each individual contract, taking particular account of the references to Part II
which are contained in some sub-clauses in Part I.
Part I - General Conditions was prepared on the following basis:
interim payments will be made as construction proceeds: example wording for contractor-financed contracts is proposed in this Part II;
if the wording in Part I necessitates further information, the sub-clause makes reference
to that information being contained in the Appendix to Tender: either prescribed by the
Employer or inserted by the Tenderer,
if a sub-clause in Part I concerns a matter on which different terms could apply on different contracts, the principles applied in writing the sub-clause were:
a) users would find it more convenient to delete (or not invoke) provisions which they
did not want to apply, than to write additional text (in Part II) if Part I did not cover
their requirements; or
b) in cases where the application of (a) was thought to be inappropriate, the sub-clause
contains the provisions which were considered to apply to the option most often used.
It should be noted that, because of the application of (a), some of the provisions
contained in Part I should not be taken to be the recommended provisions for an
apparently-typical contract. The Conditions of Contract must be prepared for each
tender document individually, by personnel with the relevant skills.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Ovaj vodič ima namenu da asistira piscima Dela II dajući izbor različitih članova
gde je to prikladno. Koliko je to bilo moguće, primeri teksta su dati iskošenim slovima; međutim u nekim slučajevima dat je samo podsetnik. Pre ugradnje bilo kog
tekstualnog primera, treba proveriti da li je primer u potpunosti prikladan datim
okolnostima; ako nije, mora biti izmenjen. Na mestim gde je tekstualni primer izmenjen, i u svim slučajevima gde su napravljane izmene ili izvesni dodaci, mora se
voditi briga da se ne naprave bilo kakve dvosmislenosti , bilo u Delu I ili između
članova Dela II.
FIDIC je izdao dokument pod nazivom „Tenderski Postupak” koja predstavlja
sistematski pristup izboru ponuđača i dobijanju i proceni ponuda; drugo izdanje je
objavljeno 1994. godine. Namena dokumenta je da pomogne Investitoru da dobije
solidne konkurentne ponude uz minimalne kvalifikacije. FIDIC takođe namerava
da izda vodič za upotrebu ovih Uslova Ugovora za Projektovanje, Izgradnju i Ključ
u ruke.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The guidance hereafter is intended to assist writers of Part II by giving options for various sub-clauses where appropriate. As far as possible, example wording is included, in
italics; in some cases, however, only an aidememoire is given. Before incorporating any
example wording, it must be checked to ensure that it is wholly suitable for the particular
circumstances; if not, it must be amended. Where example wording is amended, and
in all cases where other amendments or additions are made, care must be taken to
ensure that no ambiguity is created, either with Part I or between the clauses in Part II.
FIDIC have published a document entitled “Tendering Procedure” which presents a systematic
approach to the selection of tenderers and the obtaining and evaluation of tenders; the second
edition was published in 1994. The document is intended to assist the Employer to receive
sound competitive tenders with a minimum of qualifications. FIDIC also intend to publish a
guide to the use of these Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Član 1 – Ugovor
Tenderska dokumentacije treba da bude pripremana u ime Investitora od strane prikladno kvalifikovanih inženjera koji su upoznati sa zahtevima Investitora i sa tehničkim aspektima zahtevanih radova. Tenderska dokumentacija koja se izdaje ponuđačima će sadržati Uslove Ugovora,
Zahteve Investitora, i Tender i Tabele za popunjavanje od strane Ponuđača. Takođe, svaki
ponuđač treba da dobije podatke navedene u Članu 4.9, kao i Instrukcije Ponuđačima koje
treba da ih obaveste o bilo čemu što Investitor želi da bude uključeno u njihovoj Ponudi ali što
nije sastavni deo Zahteva Investitora za Radove. Kada Investitor prihvati Tender, Ugovor (koji
tada stupa na snagu) uključuje tu Ponudu i popunjene Tabele.
Zahtevi Investitora treba da navedu posebne zahteve za završene Radove, uključujući i kvalitet
i opseg, i mogu zahtevati od Izvođača da obuči osoblje i/ili nabavi određene artikle, kao potrošni
materijal, koje mogu biti navedene u Tabelama. Stvari pomenute u nekim ili svim od sledećih
članova mogu biti uključene:
Broj kopija (i zahtevani opseg) Dokumenata Izgradnje
Drugi Izvođači (i ostali) na Gradilištu
Polazne tačke, referentni pravci i kote
Rokovi za navedene podneske, odobrenja i saglasnosti
Ograničenja zbog zaštite životne sredine
Struja, voda, gas i ostale komunalije dostupne Gradilištu
Mehanizacija i materijali koje obezbeđuje Investitor
Kriterijum za projektantsko osoblje
Obim i procedura podnošenja Dokumenata Izgradnje na pregled pre izgradnje
Tehnički standardi i propisi o izgradnji
Obim i procedura podnošenja uzoraka na pregled pre izgradnje
Crteži Izvedenog Stanja i ostale beleške o Radovima
Priručnici za Upravljanje i Održavanje
Objekti smeštaja za personal Investitora i Predstavnika Investitora
Način izbođenja
Testiranje tokom proizvodnje i/ili izgradnje
Testiranja na Završetku
Testiranja posle Završetka
Provizorni Iznosi
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Clause 1 – The Contract
The tender documents should be prepared on behalf of the Employer by suitably-qualified
engineers who are familiar with his requirements and with the technical aspects of the required
works. The tender documents issued to tenderers will consist of the Conditions of Contract,
the Employer’s Requirements, and the Tender and Schedules for completion by the Tenderer.
In addition, each of the Tenderers should receive the data referred to in Sub-Clause 4.9, and
the Instructions to Tenderers to advise them of any matters which the Employer wishes them
to include in their Proposal but which do not form part of the Employer’s Requirements for the
Works. When the Employer accepts the Tender, the Contract (which then becomes effective)
includes such Proposal and the completed Schedules.
The Employer’s Requirements should specify the particular requirements for the completed
Works, including quality and scope, and may require the Contractor to train personnel and/or
to supply certain items, such as consumables which could be listed in a Schedule. The matters
referred to in some or all of the following Sub­clauses might be included:
Number of copies (and required extent) of Construction Documents
Other contractors (and others) on the Site
Setting-out points, lines and levels of reference
Periods for any specified submissions, approvals and consents
Environmental constraints
Electricity, water, gas and other services available on the Site
Employer supplied machinery and materials
Criteria for design personnel
Extent, and procedures for submission and pre-construction review, of Construction
Technical standards and building regulations
Extent, and procedures for submission and pre-construction review, of samples
As-built drawings and other records of the Works
Operation and maintenance manuals
Facilities for the Employer’s and Employer’s Representative’s personnel
Manner of execution
Testing during manufacture and/or construction
Tests on Completion
Tests after Completion
Provisional Sums
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Dodatak Tenderu, baziran na ovde datom primeru, treba biti pripremljen od Investitora, sa popunjenim detaljima u skladu sa njegovim zahtevima. Investitor takođe može predvideti podatke
koje zahteva od ponuđača, i da uključi upitnik u Tabele.
Uputstvo Ponuđačima može da navede ograničenja pri popunjavanju Dodatka Tenderu i/ili
tabela, i/ili da navede obim ostalih informacija koje Ponuđač treba da uključi u svoju Ponudu.
Stvari na koje se poziva u nekim ili svim Članovima koji slede mogle bi da budu uključene:
Predstavnik Izvođača (ime i radna biografija - CV)
Sistem Garancije Kvaliteta
Sistem Programiranja (prednosti mrežnih tehnika)
Testiranja tokom proizvodnje i/ili izgradnje
Testiranje na kompletnost
Testiranja na Završetku
Razrešenje sporova
„Ključ u ruke” ugovori obično uključuju projektovanje, izgradnju, pokretni i nepokretni inventar,
i opremu , čiji obim treba da bude definisan u Zahtevima Investitora. Puna pažnja treba da
bude posvećena detaljnih zahtevima, kao što je obim do kog Radovi treba da budu potpuno
opremljeni, spremni za upotrebu, sa rezervnim delovima i potrošnim materijalima obezbeđeni
za navedeni period korišćenja od strane Investitora. Pored toga, od Izvođača se može tražiti
da upravlja Radovima, bilo u periodu od nekoliko meseci uhodavanja ili nekoliko godina po
ugovoru izgradi-upravljaj-prenesi.
Razumljivo, ponuđači su često nevoljni, zbog velike konkurencije, da snose ogromne troškove
u pripremi tenderskih crteža. Prilikom pripreme uputstva Ponuđačima, treba razmisliti o tome
do kog obima detalja se može realno očekivati od Ponuđača da pripreme i uključe u svoju
Treba razmotriti i mogućnost da se Ponuđačima ponudi neka novčana nagrada ako oni, da bi
napravili primamljivu ponudu, moraju da rade studije ili rade projektovanje na nivou idejnog
Član 1.1 - Definicije
Možda će biti neophodno dopuniti neke od definicija, na primer:
Osnovni Datum se može definisati kao određeni kalendarski datum
neki period osim godinu dana može biti potreban za otklanjanje nedostataka
drugačija valuta može biti potrebna da bude ugovorna Lokalna Valuta
plaćanja u stranoj valuti mogu biti neprihvatljiva
svi delovi Gradilišta koje je na granici mogu da ne budu locirani u istoj Državi
Član 1.5 - Ugovorni Sporazum
Forma Sporazuma treba da bude uključena u tendersku dokumentaciju kao dodatak Delu II. U
slučaju da se pregovori oko tendera oduže, moglo bi se preporučiti da Sporazum uključi definicije elemenata Ugovorne Cene i/ili rokova definisanih u Članu 1.1.3. Strane mogu da provere
da li je zakonom predviđen Sporazum.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The Appendix to Tender, based on the example form herein, should be prepared by the
Employer, with the elements completed to the extent of his requirements. The Employer may
also be able to anticipate the data he requires from Tenderers, and include a questionnaire in
the Schedules.
The Instructions to Tenderers may need to specify any constraints on the completion of the
Appendix to Tender and/or Schedules, and/or to specify the extent of other information which
the Tenderer is to include with his Tender. The matters referred to in some or all of the following
Sub-Clauses might be included:
Contractor’s Representative (name and curriculum vitae)
Quality Assurance system
Programming system (precedence networking techniques)
Testing during manufacture and or construction
Tests on Completion
Tests after Completion
Resolution of disputes
Turnkey contracts typically include design, construction, fixtures, fittings and equipment (f.f.e.).
the scope of which should be defined in the Employer’s Requirements. Full consideration should be given to detailed requirements, such as the extent to which the Works are to be fully
equipped, ready for operation, with spare parts and consumables provided for a stated period’s
operation by the Employer. In addition, the Contractor may be required to operate the Works,
either for a few months’ commissioning period, or for some years’ operation on a build-operatetransfer contract.
Understandably, tenderers are often reluctant, in the face of extensive competition, to incur great
expense in the preparation of tender designs. When preparing the Instructions to Tenderers,
thought should be given as to the extent of detail which tenderers can realistically be expected
to prepare and include in their Proposals. Consideration should be given to offering some remuneration to tenderers if they, in order to provide a responsive tender, have to undertake studies
or carry out design work of a conceptual nature.
Sub-Clause 1.1 - Definitions
It may be necessary to amend some of the definitions; for example:
the Base Date could be defined as a particular calendar date
a period other than a year may be required, for remedying any defects
a different currency may be required to be the contract Local Currency
payments in a Foreign Currency may not be acceptable
all parts of a cross-border Site may not be located in the same Country
Sub-Clause 1.5 - Contract Agreement
The form of Agreement should be included in the tender documents as an annex to Part II. If
tender negotiations have been lengthy, it may be considered advisable for the Agreement to
include definitions of the details of the Contract Price and/or of the dates defined in Sub-Clause
1.1.3. The parties should ascertain whether the law necessitates an Agreement.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Član 1.6 - Prioritet dokumenata
Pravilo prioriteta je neophodno, u slučaju da dodje do protivrečnosti među ugovornim dokumentaim. Ako se ne propisuje redosled prioriteta, ovaj Član se može izmeniti:
Izbrisati tekst iz člana 1.6 i zameniti ga sledećim:
Mnoštvo dokumenata koji čine Ugovor treba smatrati kao međusobno objašnjavajući.
U slučaju dvosmislenosti ili neslaganja, prioritet će biti onaj koji je određen zakonom.
Predstavnik Investitora ima pravo da izda bilo kakvu instrukciju za koju smatra da je
neophodna u razjašnjavanju dvosmislenosti ili neslaganja.
Član 1.10 - Investitorovo korišćenje Izvođačevih Dokumenata
Dodatne odredbe mogu biti potrebne, ako se sva prava na određene stavke kompijuterskog
softvera (na primer) prenesu na Investitora. Formulisanje ovakvih odredbi treba da uzme u
obzir odgovarajući zakon.
Član 1.14 - Solidarna odgovornost
Za neki veliki ugovor ključ-u-ruke, može biti potrebno da se nabroje detaljni zahtevi za zajednički
poduhvat „Joint Venture”; na primer, može biti poželjno za svakog člana da podnese garanciju
matične kompanije. Zahtevi koji važe pre stupanja Ugovora na snagu treba da budu uključeni
u Uputstva Ponuđačima. Investitor će želeti da vođa zajedničkog poduhvata bude određen na
samom početku, obezbeđujući kasnije kontakte na jednom mestu i neće želeti da bude umešan
u bilo kakav spor među članovima „Joint Venture”-a. Investitor će pregledati sporazum o zajedničkom poduhvatu pažljivo, za koji je moguće da mora biti odobren od institucija koje finansiraju
projekat. Može biti neophodno sagledati uticaj ovog Člana u odnosu na to posebno pravno lice
i koje odgovarajući zakon može da dodeli „Joint-venture”-u.
Dodatni Član - Poverljivi Podaci
Ako je poverljivost zahtevana, dodatni član se može ubaciti:
Izvođač će postupati sa podacima Ugovora kao internim i poverljivim, osim u meri neophodnoj da bi izvršavao svoje obaveze po istom. Izvođač neće objaviti, dozvoliti objavljivanje, ili obznaniti bilo koje podatke o Ugovoru u bilo kom esnafskom ili tehničkom listu ili
bilo gde drugde bez prethodne pisane saglasnosti Investitora i po isključivom nahođenju
Član 2 – Investitor
Član 2.2 - Pristup i zaposedanje Gradilišta
Može biti bitno za Izvođača da ima raniji pristup Gradilištu za potrebe geodetskog snimanja i
podzemnog istraživanja. Ako pravo pristupa ne može biti dato, ni ranije niti kasnije ekskluzivno,
takvi detalji treba da budu izneti u Zahtevima Investitora.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Sub-Clause 1.6 - Priority of Documents
An order of precedence is usually necessary, in case a conflict is subsequently found among
the contract documents. If no order of precedence is to be prescribed, this Sub-Clause may be
Delete the text of Sub-Clause 1.6 and substitute:
The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory
of one another. In the case of ambiguities or discrepancies, the priority shall be that
accorded by law. The Employer’s Representative has authority to issue any instruction
which he considers necessary in explanation of such ambiguities or discrepancies.
Sub-Clause 1.10 - Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents
Additional provisions may be required, if all rights to particular items of computer software (for
example) are
to be assigned to the Employer. The wording of such provisions should take account of the
applicable law.
Sub-Clause 1.14 - Joint and Several Liability
For a major turnkey contract, detailed requirements for the joint venture may need to be specified; for example, it may be desirable for each member to produce a parent company guarantee. Requirements which apply prior to the Contract becoming effective should be included
in the Instructions to Tenderers. The Employer will wish the leader of the joint venture to be
appointed at an early stage, providing a single point of contact thereafter, and will not wish to be
involved in a dispute between the members of a joint venture. The Employer should scrutinise
the joint venture agreement carefully, and it may need to be approved by the project’s financing
institutions. It may be necessary to review the effect of this Sub-Clause in relation to the particular legal personality which the applicable law may give to joint ventures.
Additional Sub-Clause - Details to be Confidential
If confidentiality is required, an additional sub-clause may be added:
The Contractor shall treat the details of the Contract as private and confidential, except
to the extent necessary to carry out his obligations under it. The Contractor shall not
publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the Contract in any trade or
technical paper or elsewhere without the previous consent in writing of the Employer and
at the Employer’s sole discretion.
Clause 2 – The Employer
Sub-Clause 2.2 - Access to and Possession of the Site
It may be essential for the Contractor to have early access to the Site for the purposes of survey
and sub-surface investigations. If right of access cannot be granted, both early and thereafter
exclusively, details should be given in the Employer’s Requirements.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Član 3 – Predstavnik Investitora
Član 3.1 - Dužnosti i ovlašćenja Predstavnika Investitora
Sve potrebe za Investitorovim odobrenjem treba da budu određene u Delu II:
Predstavnik Investitora će pribaviti posebno odobrenje od Investitora pre preduzimanja
radnje po sledećim Članovima Uslova Ugovora:
Član.................(upisati broj, opisati radnju; izuzev ako sve radnje zahtevaju
Član..................(upisati broj, opisati radnju; izuzev ako sve radnje zahtevaju
Ova lista može biti produžena ili skraćena po potrebi. Ako obaveza pribavljanja odobrenja
Investitora nastaje samo iznad nekih ograničenja (monetarnih ili druge vrste), navedeni primer
treba izmeniti.
Dodatni Član
Sastanci Rukovodstva
Bilo Predstavnik Investitora ili Predstavnik Izvođača mogu zahtevati jedno od drugog da
prisustvuje sastancima rukovodstva. Posao svakog sastanka rukovodstva će biti pregled
predviđenih aranžmana za budući rad i rešavanje problema pokrenutih u skladu sa ovim
Članom. Predstavnik Investitora će voditi zapisnik sastanaka rukovodstva i proslediće
kopije onima koji su prisustvovali sastanku kao i Investitoru. Odgovornost strana za bilo
kakve mere koje treba da budu preduzete će biti unete u takav zapisnik i u slučaju da nisu
dogovorene u skladu sa Ugovorom, o njima će odlučivati Predstavnik Investitora.
Predstavnik Izvođača će što je ranije moguće obavestiti Predstavnika Investitora o specifičnim eventualnim budućim događajima ili okolnostima koje mogu nepovoljno uticati
na radove, povećati Ugovorenu Cenu ili prouzrokovati kašnjenje Radova. Predstavnik
Investitora može zahtevati od Izvođača da dostavi procenu predviđenog uticaja budućeg
događaja ili okolnosti, i/ili Ponudu po Članu 14.3. Izvođač će dostaviti takvu procenu
i/ili ponudu što je pre moguće. Predstavnik Izvođača će sarađivati sa Predstavnikom
Investitora u pravljenju i razmatranju ponuda radi ublažavanja posledica takvih događaja
ili okolnosti, kao i u izvršenju naloga instrukcija Predstavnika Investitora.
Član 4 – Izvođač
Član 4.1 - Opšte Obaveze
Od Izvođača se zahteva da proveri projektne kriterijume i proračune (ako ih ima) sadržine u
Zahtevima Investitora. Moguće je da bude potrebna izrada nacrta projekta, pre pripreme tenderske dokumentacije, sa ciljem (npr) da se ustanovi izvodljivost projekta. Ponuđači će biti obavešteni u kom obimu je takav nacrt sugestija ili zahtev. Takođe, možda će biti neophodno dopuniti drugu rečenicu Tendera, tako da Ponuđač ne treba samo da proveri projekat Investitora,
već i da preuzmu punu odgovornost za isti. Alternativno, razuman vremenski period može da
se odredi (od Datuma Početka Radova) Izvođaču da proveri takav nacrt, posle kojeg preuzima
punu odgovornost za isti, podređeno dozvoljenim izuzecima.
Član 4.2 - Garancija za dobro izvršenje posla
Prihvatljive forme garancije za dobro izvršenje posla treba da budu uključene u tendersku dokumentaciju kao dodatak Delu II. Primeri forme su dodati u ovom delu kao Dodatak A i Dodatak
B; alternativa garancije u slučaju bankrotstva se može smatrati odgovarajuća u pojedinim slu-
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Clause 3 – The Employer’s Representative
Sub-Clause 3.1 - Employer’s Representative’s Duties and Authority
Any requirements for Employer’s approval should be set out in Part II:
The Employer’s Representative shall obtain the specific approval of the Employer before
taking action under the following Sub-Clauses of the Conditions of Contract:
Sub-Clause.................... (insert number; describe action, unless all require approval)
Sub-Clause................... (insert number; describe action, unless all require approval)
This list should be extended or reduced as necessary. If the obligation to obtain the approval of
the Employer only applies beyond certain limits (monetary or otherwise), the example wording
should be varied.
Additional Sub-Clause - Management Meetings
Either the Employer’s Representative or the Contractor’s Representative may require
the other to attend a management meeting. The business of each management meeting
shall be to review the anticipated arrangements for future work and to resolve any matters
raised in accordance with this Sub-Clause. The Employer’s Representative shall record
the business of management meetings and provide copies of this record to those attending the meeting and to the Employer. The responsibility of the parties for any actions to
be taken shall be included in such record and shall, if not agreed in accordance with the
Contract, be decided by the Employer’s Representative.
The Contractor’s Representative shall notify the Employer’s Representative at the earliest opportunity of specific likely future events or circumstances which may adversely
affect the work, increase the Contract Price or delay the execution of the Works. The
Employer’s Representative may require the Contractor to submit an estimate of the anticipated effect of the future event or circumstances, and/or a proposal under Sub-Clause
14.3. The Contractor shall submit such estimate and/or proposal as soon as practicable.
The Contractor’s Representative shall co-operate with the Employer’s Representative
in making and considering proposals to mitigate the effect of any such event or circumstances, and in carrying out instructions of the Employer’s Representative.
Clause 4 – The Contractor
Sub-Clause 4,1 - General Obligations
The Contractor is required to check the design criteria and calculations (if any) included in the
Employer’s Requirements. It may be necessary for an outline design to be prepared, prior to
the preparation of the tender documents, in order (for example) to establish the feasibility of
the project. Tenderers should be advised of the extent to which such design is a suggestion or
a requirement. It may also be necessary to amend the second sentence of the Tender so that
the Tenderer not only checks the Employer’s design, but also takes on full responsibility for it.
Alternatively, a reasonable period (from the Commencement Date) could be specified for the
Contractor to check such design, after which he assumes full responsibility for it, subject to
permitted exceptions.
Sub-Clause 4.2 - Performance Security
The acceptable form(s) of performance security should be included in the tender documents,
annexed to Part II. Example forms are annexed to this document as Annex A and Annex B; the
alternative of an insolvency guarantee may be considered appropriate in certain cases. These
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
čajevima. Ti primeri forme i formulacija Člana možda treba da se dopune da bi bili u skladu sa
zakonom koji je primenjiv na Ugovor.
Posle druge rečenice Člana 4.2 dodati:
Ako je garancije za dobro izvršenje data u formi bankarske garancije, ona treba da bude
izdata (a) od banke locirane u Državi, ili (b) direktno od strane banke prihvatljive za
Investitora. U slučaju da garancija za dobro izvršenje posla nije u formi bankarske garancije, onda treba da bude izdata od institucije registrovane ili licencirane za obavljanje
poslova u Državi.
Za ugovore tipa ključ-u-ruke, od Izvođača se može kao alternativa zahtevati da obezbedi garanciju za dobro izvršenje posla, kojom garantuje pravovremeno i propisno završavanje Radova,
ne navodeći iznose ili valute.
Član 4.3 - Predstavnik Izvođača
Ako je Predstavnik Izvođača poznat u vreme podnošenja Tendera, Ponuda može da uključi ime
Predstavnika Izvođača; međutim, ponuđači mogu želeti da predlože alternative, pogotovo ako
izgleda da će dodela ugovora kasniti. Ako jezik Ugovora nije isti kao jezik svakodnevne komunikacije (po Članu 1.4) ili je zbog nekog drugog razloga neophodno navesti da Predstavnik
Izvođača treba da vlada određenim jezikom, jedna od sledećih rečenica može biti dodata.
Na kraju Člana 4.3 dodati:
Predstavnik Izvođača i takva lica treba takođe da dobro vladaju (navesti ime jezika)
Na kraju Člana 4.3 dodati:
Ako Predstavnik Izvođača ili takva lica ne vladaju dobro (navesti jezik), Izvođač će
obezbediti kompetentnog prevodioca koji će biti na raspolaganju tokom celog radnog
Član 4.4 - Koordinacija Radovima
Ako je Investitor upoznat sa pojedinostima zahteva koji se odnose na prisustvo ostalih izvođača, takvi detalji trebaju biti sadržani u Zahtevima Investitora. Ako su radovi podugovoreni
po nekoliko različitih Ugovora, može biti prikladno da se u Zahtevima Investitora navede da će
Izvođač biti odgovoran za koordiniranje svojih radova sa radovima ostalih izvođača. Međutim,
ako će Izvođač imati odgovornost da koordinira radove ostalih izvođača, treba mu se izdati
ovlašćenje da to obavlja na efikasan način. Takođe će biti neophodno da Izvođač unapred una
koje će radove koordinirati, sa kim i kada.
Član 4.5 - Podizvođači
Tekst u Delu I uključuje uslove koji će se primenjivati u većini slučajeva. Ako je potrebno manje
(ili nije potrebno) saglasnosti, neki (ili svi) paragrafi od (a) do (d) mogu biti izbrisani ili pobliže
određeni u Delu II:
Prethodna saglasnost neće biti potrebna za manje detalje gde je vrednost podugovora
manja od (navesti iznos; alternativno:) 0.01% Ugovorene Cene.
Rečenica može biti dodata da bi se povećao obim za koji se zahteva saglasnost:
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
example forms and the wording of the Sub-Clause may have to be amended to comply with the
law applicable to the Contract.
After the second sentence of Sub-Clause 4.2, add:
If the performance security is in the form of a bank guarantee, it shall be issued either
(a) by a bank located in the Country, or (b) directly by a foreign bank acceptable to the
Employer. If the performance security is not in the form of a bank guarantee, it shall be
furnished by an institution registered, or licensed to do business, in the Country.
For a turnkey contract, the Contractor could alternatively be required to provide a performance
bond guaranteeing the due and proper completion of the Works, without specifying the amounts
or currencies.
Sub-Clause 4.3 - Contractor’s Representative
If the Representative is known at the time of submission of the Tender, the Proposal can include
the Representative’s name; however, the Tenderer may wish to propose alternatives, especially
if the contract award seems likely to be delayed. If the ruling language is not the same as the
language for day to day communications (under Sub-Clause 1.4), or if for any other reason it
is necessary to stipulate that the Contractor’s Representatives shall be fluent in a particular
language, one of the following sentences may be added.
At the end of Sub-Clause 4.3, add:
The Contractor’s Representative and such persons shall also be fluent in (insert name
of language)
At the end of Sub-Clause 4.3, add:
If the Contractor’s Representative, or such persons, is not fluent in (insert name of language), the Contractor shall make a competent interpreter available during all working
Sub-Clause 4.4 - Co-ordination of the Works
If the Employer knows the particular requirements relating to the presence of other contractors, details should be included in the Employer’s Requirements. If the work is let under several separate contracts, it may be appropriate for the Employer’s Requirements to specify that
the Contractor shall be responsible for co­ordinating his work with that of other contractors.
However, if the Contractor is to have responsibility to co­ordinate the work of other contractors,
he should be given the power to do so in some effective way. It will also be necessary for him
to know in advance what he is going lo co-ordinate, with whom and when.
Sub-Clause 4.5 – Subcontractors
The wording in Part I includes the conditions which will usually apply. If less (or no) consent is
required, some (or all) of sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) may be deleted, or qualified in Part II:
Prior consent shall not be required for minor details where the value of the subcontract is
less than (amount to be stated; alternatively) 0.01 % of the Contract Price.
A sentence may be added to increase the extent to which consent is required:
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Prethodno odobrenje Predstavnika Investitora će biti pribavljeno za isporučioce sledećih
materijala : (navesti detalje, npr: fabričke ili prefabrikovane pozicije)
Član 4.6 - Prenos obaveza Podizvođača
Ako je od Izvođača zahtevano da prenese svoje pravo da kasnije podnese zahtev protiv
Podizvođača zbog lošeg izvođenja radova, može biti dobro da uslovi prenosa takvih prava daju
pravo Izvođaču da traži od Investitora da podnese takav zahtev u ime Izvođača.
Član 4.8 - Garancija Kvaliteta
Tekst u Delu I nameće zahtev za sistemom garancije kvaliteta u skladu sa detaljima navedenim
u Ugovoru (Deo II, Zahtevi Investitora ili Ponuda Izvođača.) Ako nijedan sistem nije odgovarajući, ovaj Član može biti izbrisan.
Član 4.11 - Nepredvidivi podzemni uslovi
U slučaju velikih podzemnih radova, raspodela rizika podzemnih uslova jeste jedan aspekt
kojeg treba uzeti u obzir prilikom izrade tenderske dokumentacije, ako takav rizik treba da bude
podeljen između strana:
Izbrisati paragraf (b) Člana 4.11 i zameniti sa:
dodatni Trošak Cena nastao zbog ovih uslova ........procenata (......%) od kojih će
biti dodato Ugovorenoj Ceni (razliku od...........procenata ovog Troška će snositi
Član 4.14 - Dinamika
Tekst u Delu I navodi da će se za dinamiku koristiti tehnika mreže prvenstva. Za pojedine vrste
radova to može da bude neprikladno; na primer linearna dinamika ( grafikoni vremenskih promena) mogu biti pogodni za tunele. Zbog toga se može smatrati neophodnim izmena Člana,
i/ili da se propišu zahtevi za detaljnu elektronsku obradu podataka.
Član 4.16 - Mehanizacija Izvođača
Obaveze Investitora treba da su navedene (po Članu 4.20 na primer). Ako se traži dodela
mehanizacije Izvođača može se dodati, još paragrafa pod uslovom da budu u skladu sa primenjivim zakonom:
Na kraju Člana 4.16, dodati sledeće paragrafe:
Mehanizacija Izvođača koja je u vlasništvu Izvođača (direktno ili indirektno) smatraće se
da je vlasništvo Investitora od trenutka njenog dopremanja na Gradilište. Dodeljivanje
vlasništva Investitoru nad tom imovinom neće:
narušiti odgovornost ili obaveze Investitora
narušiti pravo Izvođača da jedini koristi Mehanizaciju Izvođača za svrhu izvođenja
Radova, ili
uticati na odgovornost Izvođača da upravlja i održava opremu po odredbama
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The prior consent of the Employer’s Representative shall be obtained to the suppliers
of the following Materials: (insert details: for example, manufactured or prefabricated
Sub-Clause 4.6 - Assignment of Subcontractor’s Obligations
If the Contractor is required to assign his right to subsequently make a claim against the
Subcontractor for defective performance, it may be appropriate for the terms of the assignment
to entitle the Contractor to require the Employer to make such claim on the Contractor’s
Sub-Clause 4.8 - Quality Assurance
The wording in Part I imposes the requirement of a quality assurance system in accordance
with details stated in the Contract (in Part II, the Employer’s Requirements or the Contractor’s
Proposal). If no such system is appropriate, this Sub-Clause may be deleted.
Sub-Clause 4.11 - Unforeseeable Sub-Surface Conditions
In the case of major sub-surface works, the allocation of the risk of sub-surface conditions is an
aspect which should be considered when tender documents are being prepared. If this risk is
to be shared between the parties,
Delete sub-paragraph (b) of Sub-Clause 4.11 and substitute:
the additional Cost due to such conditions............per cent (............. %) of which
shall be added to the Contract Price (the balance...................percent of such Cost
shall be borne by the Contractor),
Sub-Clause 4.14 – Programme
The wording in I Part I specifies that the programme uses precedence networking techniques.
Which may not be appropriate for some types of Works; for example, linear programmes (timechange charts) may be preferable for tunnels. It may therefore be considered necessary to
amend the Sub-Clause, and/or to specify detailed electronic data-processing requirements.
Sub-Clause 4.16 - Contractor’s Equipment
Employer’s obligations should be specified (under Sub-Clause 4.20, for example). If vesting of
Contractor’s Equipment is required, further paragraphs may be added, subject to their being
consistent with the applicable law:
At the end of Sub-Clause 4.16, add the following paragraphs:
Contractor’s Equipment which is owned by the Contractor (either directly or indirectly)
shall be deemed to be the properly of the Employer with effect from its time of arrival on
the Site. The vesting of such property in the Employer shall not:
affect the responsibility or liability of the Employer,
prejudice the right of the Contractor to the sole use of such Contractor’s Equipment
for the purpose of the Works, or
affect the Contractor’s responsibility to operate and maintain the same under the
provisions of the Contract.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Vlasništvo nad svakom pozicijom mehanizacije će se smatrati vraćeno Izvođaču sa
početkom važenja od trenutka kada on bude ovlašćen da je ukloni sa Gradilišta, ili kada
Predstavnik Investitora izda Potvrdu o Preuzimanju Radova, zavisno od toga šta se pre
Član 4.17 - Mere Predostrožnosti
U slučaju da Izvođač deli gradilište sa ostalima, možda za njega neće biti prikladno da obezbedi
neke od nabrojanih pozicija; u tom slučaju, treba navesti obaveze Investitora.
Član 4.19 - Struja, voda i gas
Ako su komunalne usluge pružene na korišćenje Izvođaču, u Zahtevima Investitora treba da
budu navedeni detalji, uključujući lokacije i cene.
Član 4.20 - Mehanizacija i Materijali koje obezbeđuje Investitor
Da bi se primenio ovaj Član, u Zahtevima Investitora treba da se opiše svaka pozicija koja će
Investitor obezbediti i/ili upravljati njima navodeći neophodne detalje. Za neke vrste pogodnosti,
detaljnije odredbe mogu biti neophodne da bi se razjasnili aspekti odgovornosti i osiguranja.
Član 4.22 - Obezbeđenje Gradilišta
U slučaju da Izvođač deli Gradilište sa drugima, možda neće biti odgovarajuće za njega da
preuzme odgovornost za njegovo obezbeđenje; u tom slučaju, obaveze Investitora treba da
budu navedene.
Član 5 – Projekat
Član 5.2 - Dokumenta o Izgradnji
„Dokumenta o Izgradnji” uključuju sve crteže koje Izvođač treba da podnese na pregled
pre izgradnje od strane Predstavnika Investitora. Obim u kome su takva Dokumenta zahtevana kao i procedure podnošenja i pregleda, možda treba objasniti u Zahtevima Investitora.
Možda je pogodno navesti različite „periode pregleda”, uzimajući u obzir vreme neophodno
za pregled različitih vrsta crteža, i/ili mogućnost podnošenja po određenim fazama procesa
Ako Predstavnik Investitora vrši kompletnu proceduru odobravanja, to treba da bude opisano
u Zahtevima Investitora, i u potpunosti razmotriti aspekte odgovornosti i posledica zakasnelih
odobrenja; Član može biti dopunjen:
U Članu 5.2, izbrisati paragraf (a) i zameniti sa:
izgradnja neće početi dok Izvođač ne dobije odobrenje Predstavnika Investitora
za Dokumenta o Izgradnji koja se odnose na projektovanje i izgradnju tog dela
Član 5.9 - Patentna Prava
Ako Radovi zahtevaju Izvođačevo korišćenje projekta prethodno pribavljenog Investitoru od
strane drugih lica, dodatni član može biti neophodan:
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The property in each item shall he deemed to revest in the Contractor with effect from
the time he is entitled to remove it from the Site, or when the Employer’s Representative
issues the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, whichever occurs first.
Sub-Clause 4.17 - Safety Precautions
If the Contractor is sharing occupation of the Site with others, it may not be appropriate for him
to provide some of the listed items; in these circumstances, the Employer’s obligations should
be specified.
Sub-Clause 4.19 - Electricity, Water and Gas
If services are to be available for the Contractor to use, the Employer’s Requirements should
give details, including locations and prices.
Sub-Clause 4.20 - Employer Supplied Machinery and Materials
For this Sub-Clause to apply, the Employer’s Requirements should describe each item which
the Employer will provide and/or operate and should specify all necessary details. With some
types of facilities, further provisions may be necessary, to clarify aspects such as liability and
Sub-Clause 4.22 - Security of the Site
If the Contractor is sharing occupation of the Site with others, it may not be appropriate for him
to be responsible for its security; in these circumstances, the Employer’s obligations should be
Clause 5 – Design
Sub-Clause 5.2 - Construction Documents
The “Construction Documents” include all drawings which are to be submitted by the Contractor
for Pre-construction review by the Employer’s Representative. The extent to which such
Documents are required, and the procedures for submission and review, may need to be clarified in the Employer’s Requirements. It may be appropriate to specify different “review periods”,
taking account of the time necessary to review the different types of drawing, and/’or of the
possibility of substantial submissions at particular stages of the design-build process.
If the Employer’s Representative is to carry out a full approval procedure, it should be described
in the Employer’s Requirements, and full consideration should be given to aspects such as liability and the consequences of delayed approval; the Sub-Clause may be amended:
In Sub-Clause 5.2, delete sub-paragraph (a) and substitute:
construction shall not commence until the Contractor receives the Employer’s
Representative’s approval of the Construction Documents which are relevant to
the design and construction of such part;
Sub-Clause 5.9 - Patent Rights
If the Works involves the use by the Contractor of a design previously provided to the Employer
by others, an additional sub-clause may be required:
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Primer Člana
Investitorova Garancija za Patentna Prava
Ako bilo koji problem, za koji Izvođač nije obavezan da obešteti Investitora po Članu
5.9, prouzrokuje povredu (ili optužbu za povredu) od strane Izvođača bilo kog patenta,
registrovanog dizajna, autorskog prava, zaštitnog znaka ili drugog prava intelektualne
svojine, Investitor će obeštetiti Izvođača za sve zahteve, štete, naplate i troškove koje
Izvođač može pretrpeti.
Izvođač će bez odlaganja obavestiti Investitora o bilo kom zahtevu nastaloj po ovom
Članu. Investitor može o svom trošku, voditi pregovore o rešavanju takvih zahteva, i svih
parnica ili arbitraže koje mogu nastati kao posledica istih. Izvođač neće praviti nikakva
priznanja koja bi mogla biti štetna po Investitora, osim ukoliko Investitor propusti da preuzme vođenje pregovora ili parnice u razumnom vremenskom roku pošto se to od njega
zatraži. Izvođač će, po zahtevu i o trošku Investitora, pomoći mu u osporavanju takvih
zahteva i postupaka, i svi opravdani nastali troškovi biće mu nadoknađeni.
Član 6 – Osoblje i Radna snaga
Član 6.5 - Radno Vreme
Ako Investitor ne želi da odredi radno vreme u Dodatku Tenderu, ili da ga ograniči na vreme
navedeno od Ponuđača, ( npr. Radi planiranja nadzora Predstavnika Investitora) ovaj Člana
može biti izbrisan.
Član 6.6 - Smeštaj za Osoblje i Radnu snagu
U slučaju da Investitor obezbeđuje neki smeštaj, njegove obaveze treba specifirati.
Član 6.8 - Nadzor Izvođača
Ako vladajući jezik nije isti kao jezik svakodnevne komunikacije (po Članu 1.4), ili ako je iz bilo
kog drugog razloga neophodno navesti da Izvođačevo nadzorno osoblje treba da vlada određenim jezikom, sledeća rečenica se može dodati.
Na kraju Člana 6.8 dodati:
Razuman deo Izvođačevog nadzornog osoblja treba da ima radno znanje (navesti jezik),
ili Izvođač treba da obezbedi dovoljan broj kompetentnih prevodilaca raspoloživih na
Gradilištu tokom celog radnog vremena.
Dodatni Članovi
Možda će biti neophodno dodati paragrafe Članova koji bi uzeli u obzir okolnosti i položaj
Primer Člana
Strano Osoblje i Radna snaga
Izvođač može da dovede strano osoblje, zanatlije i radnu snagu koliko je neophodno u
cilju izvršenja Radova. Izvođač mora da obezbedi da to navedeno osoblje ima neophodne
boravišne vize i radne dozvole. Izvođač će biti odgovoran za povratak svog takvog osoblja u mesto sa kog su angažovani ili u njihovo stalno boravište a koje je angažovao za
potrebe Ugovora ili u vezi sa istim. Izvođač je odgovoran za takve osobe, koje se moraju
vratiti, sve dok ne napuste gradilište, ili u slučaju stranih državljana, koji su angažovani
izvan Države, dok ne napuste Državu.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Employer’s Warranty for Patent Rights
If any matter, for which the Contractor is not liable to indemnify the Employer under SubClause 5. 9, causes the infringement (or allegation of infringement) by the Contractor of
any patent, registered design, copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property right,
the Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against all claims, damages, charges and
costs which the Contractor may incur.
The Contractor shall promptly notify the Employer of any claim under this Sub-Clause.
The Employer may, at his own cost, conduct negotiations for the settlement of such
claim, and any litigation or arbitration that may arise from it. The Contractor shall not
make any admission which might be prejudicial to the Employer, unless the Employer
has failed to take over the conduct of the negotiations or litigation within a reasonable
time after having been so requested. The Contractor shall, at the request and cost of
the Employer, assist him in contesting any such claim or action, and shall be repaid all
reasonable costs incurred.
Clause 6 – Staff and Labour
Sub-Clause 6.5 - Working Hours
If the Employer does not wish to specify working hours in the Appendix to Tender, or to restrict
them to the times specified by the Tenderer (in order to plan the Employer’s Representative’s
supervision, for example), this Sub-Clause may be deleted.
Sub-Clause 6.6 - Facilities for Staff and Labour
If the Employer will make some accommodation available, his obligations should be specified.
Sub-Clause 6.8 - Contractor’s Superintendence
If the ruling language is not the same as the language for day to day communications (under
Sub-Clause 1.4), or if for any other reason it is necessary to stipulate that the Contractor’s superintending staff shall be fluent in a particular language, the following sentence may be added.
At the end of Sub-Clause 6.8, add:
A reasonable proportion of the Contractor’s superintending staff shall have a working
knowledge of (insert name of language), or the Contractor shall have sufficient competent interpreters available on Site during all working hours.
Additional Sub-Clauses
It may be necessary to add a few sub-clauses to take account of the circumstances and locality
of the Site:
Foreign Staff and Labour.
The Contractor may import such staff; artisans, any labourers as are required in order
to execute the Works. The Contractor must ensure that all such staff and labour are
provided with the required residence visas and work permits. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the return to the place where they were recruited or to their domicile of all
persons whom the Contractor recruited and employed for the purposes of or in connection with the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for such persons as are to be
returned until they shall have left the Site or, in the case of foreign nationals who have
been recruited outside the Country, shall have left it.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Primer Člana
Mere protiv insekata i štetočina
Izvođač će u preduzeti sve neophodne mere predostrožnosti da zaštiti osoblje i radnike
angažovane na Gradilištu od insekata i štetočina, i da smanji opasnosti koje mogu ugroziti zdravlje. Izvođač će obezbediti za svoje zaposlene prikladna zaštitna sredstva za
prevenciju malarije, i preduzeti mere protiv skupljanja stajaće vode. Izvođač će se povinovati svim lokalnim propisima izdatih od zdravstvenih vlasti, i organizovaće prskanja
svih zgrada podignutih na Gradilištu odobrenim insekticidima. Takav postupak obavljaće
se najmanje jednom godišnje, ili kako nalože ti organi vlasti.
Primer Člana
U slučaju bilo kakvog izbijanja bolesti koja ima razmere epidemije, Izvođač će se saglasiti
i sprovoditi one propise, naređenja i zahteve koji mogu biti propisani od Vlade, ili lokalnih
zdravstvenih ili sanitarnih vlasti, u cilju borbe protiv epidemije.
Primer Člana
Sahranjivanje Preminulih
Izvođač će organizovati transport do bilo kog mesta predviđenog za sahranu, za bilo kog
od njegovog inostranog ljudstva ili članova njihove porodice koji eventualno preminu u
Državi Radova. Takođe, Izvođač će biti odgovoran za organizovanje sahrane njegovih
lokalnih radnika koji eventualno preminu tokom angažovanja na Radovima u obimu zahtevanom po lokalnim propisima.
Primer Člana
Alkoholna Pića i Droge
Izvođač ne sme, osim u skladu sa parlamentarnim zakonima, uredbama i državnim propisima ili naredbama koje su trenutno na snazi, uvoziti, prodavati, poklanjati, razmenjivati
ili na drugi način raspolagati bilo kakvim alkoholnim pićima i drogama, niti dozvoliti takav
uvoz, prodaju, davanje ili raspolaganje od strane njegovih Podizvođača, posrednika,
osoblja ili radnika.
Primer Člana
Oružje i Municija
Izvođač ne sme davati, razmenjivati ili na drugi način raspolagati bilo kakvim oružjem ili
municijom bilo kog tipa sa bilo kojim licem ili licima, niti će dozvoliti isto kako je napred
Primer Člana
Festivali i Religijski Običaji
Izvođač će u odnosim sa svojim osobljem i radnicima imati dužno poštovanje prema svim
priznatim festivalima, slobodnim danima i religijskim i ostalim običajima.
Član 7 – Postrojenja, Materijali i Način Izrade
Dodatni Član
U slučaju da je Ugovor finansiran od strane institucije čija pravila ili načela zahtevaju ograničenje korišćenja njenih fondova, još jedan član može biti dodat:
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance
The Contractor shall at all times take the necessary precautions to protect all staff and
labour employed on the Site from insect and pest nuisance, and to reduce the dangers to
health and the general nuisance occasioned by the same. The Contractor shall provide
his staff and labour with suitable prophylactics for the prevention of malaria and take
steps to prevent the formation of stagnant pools of water. The Contractor shall comply
with all the regulations of the local health authorities and shall arrange to spray thoroughly with approved insecticide all buildings erected on the Site. Such treatment shall
be carried out at least once a year or as instructed by such authorities.
In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the Contractor shall comply
with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as may be made by the
Government, or the local medical or sanitary authorities, for the purpose of dealing with
and overcoming the same.
Burial of the Dead
The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for the transport, to any place as
required for burial, of any of his expatriate employees or members of their families who
may die in the Country. The Contractor shall also be responsible, to the extent required
by local regulations, for making any arrangements with regard to burial of any of his local
employees who may die while engaged upon the Works.
Alcoholic Liquor or Drugs
The Contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the statutes, ordinances and
government regulations or orders for the time being in force, import, sell, give, barter or
otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor or drugs, or permit or suffer any such importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal by his Subcontractors, agents, staff or labour.
Arms and Ammunition
The Contractor shall not give, barter or otherwise dispose of to any person or persons,
any arms or ammunition of any kind or permit or suffers the same as aforesaid.
Festivals and Religious Customs
The Contractor shall in all dealings with his staff and labour have due regard to all recognised festivals, days of rest and religious or other customs.
Clause 7 – Plant, Materials and Workmanship
Additional Sub-Clause
If the Contract is being financed by an institution whose rules or policies require a restriction on
the use of its funds, a further sub-clause may be added:
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Primer Člana
Sva Mehanizacija Izvođača, Privremeni Radovi, Postrojenje i materijali treba da potiču iz
prihvatljivih država kao što je nevedeno u (navesti naziv štampanog vodiča za nabavku).
Mehanizacija Izvođača, Privremene Radove, Postrojenja i materijale treba da prevoze
špediteri iz tih prihvatljivih država sem ukoliko nisu izuzeti pisanim putem od strane
Predstavnika Investitora zbog eventualnih prekomernih cena ili kašnjenja. U svakom slučaju, osiguranje i bankarske usluge treba da pružaju osiguravajuće organizacije i banke
iz prihvatljivih država.
Član 8 – Početak radova, Kašnjenje i Obustava
Član 8.2 - Rok za Završetak
U slučaju da se radovi preuzimaju u fazama, takve faze treba da budu definisane kao Sekcije
u Dodatku Tenderu.
Član 8.6 - Obračunata odšteta zbog kašnjenja
Po mnogim pravnim sistemima, ova unapred definisana odšteta mora biti razumna procena
Investitorovog mogućeg gubitka u slučaju kašnjenja. Ako je Ugovorena Cena naznačena kao
suma cifara u više od jedne valute, preporučljivo je definisati takvu odštetu (po danu) kao
procenat odbitka primenjiv na svaku od tih cifara. Ako je Ugovorena Cena izražena u Lokalnoj
Valuti, odšteta na dnevnoj bazi mogu biti ili definisane procentualno ili određene kao iznos u toj
Lokalnoj Valuti; međutim, ukoliko se sva plaćanja ne obavljaju u Lokanoj Valuti, valute plaćanja
treba da budu navedene.
Dodatni Član
U slučaju da se smatra prikladno uključivanje odredbe za ubrzani završetak radova, jedan od
sledećih članova može biti dodat:
Primer Člana
Ako Izvođač završi Radove, ili Sekciju Radova (ako postoji) pre Roka za Završetak,
Investitor će platiti Izvođaču odgovarajuću sumu navedenu u Dodatku Tenderu (kao
bonus za raniji završetak) za svaki kalendarski dan koji protekne između datuma navedenog u odgovarajućoj Potvrdi o Preuzimanju i odgovarajućeg roka navedenog u Članu
Primer Člana
Sekcije treba da budu završene do datuma navedenih u Dodatku Tenderu sa ciljem
korišćenja takvih Sekcija od strane Investitora pre završetka celokupnih Radova. Detalji
radova za koje se zahteva da budu završeni da bi Izvođač dobio pravo na bonusna
plaćanja kao i iznosi bonusa su navedeni u Zahtevima Investitora. Za potrebe računanja bonusnih plaćanja, rokovi navedeni u Dodatku Tenderu za završetak Sekcija su
fiksni; nikakve promene tih rokova zbog odobravanja produžetka vremena shodno ovim
Uslovima neće biti dozvoljeni.
Član 9 – Testiranje na Završetku Radova
Član 9.1 - Obaveze Izvođača
Zahtevi Investitora treba da opišu testiranja koje Investitor zahteva, pre preuzimanja Radova,
radi prikaza završenosti Radova. Može biti prikladno da Ponuda Izvođača uključi detaljnu
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
All Contractor s Equipment, Temporary Works, Plant and Materials shall have its origin in
eligible source countries as defined in (insert name of published guidelines for procurement). Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works, Plant and Materials shall be transported by carriers from such eligible source countries, unless exempted by the Employer
s Representative in writing on the basis of potential excessive costs or delays. Surely,
insurance and banking services shall be provided by insurers and bankers from such
eligible source countries.
Clause 8 – Commencement, Delays and Suspension
Sub-Clause 8.2 - Time for Completion
If the Works are to be taken-over in stages, these stages should be defined as Sections, in the
Appendix to Tender.
Sub-Clause 8.6 - Liquidated Damages for Delay
Under many legal systems, these pre-defined damages must be a reasonable pre-estimate
of the Employer’s probable loss in the event of delay. If the Contract Price is to be quoted as
the sum of figures in more than one currency, it may be preferable to define these damages
(per day) as a percentage reduction applicable to each of such figures. If the Contract Price is
expressed in the Local Currency, the damages per day may either be defined as a percentage
or be defined as a figure in such Local Currency; however, unless all payments are to be made
in the Local Currency, the currencies of payment should be specified.
Additional Sub-Clause
If it is considered appropriate to include a provision for accelerated completion, one of the
following sub-clauses may be added:
If the Contractor achieves completion of the Works, or Section (if any), prior to the Time
for Completion, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor the relevant sum stated in the
Appendix to Tender (as bonus for early completion) for every calendar day which shall
elapse between the date stated in the relevant Taking-Over Certificate and the relevant
time prescribed in Sub-Clause 8.2.
Sections are required to be completed by the dates given in the Appendix to Tender in
order that such Sections may be occupied and used by the Employer in advance of the
completion of the whole of the Works. Details of the work required to be executed to
entitle the Contractor to bonus payments and the amount of the bonuses are stated in the
Employer’s Requirements. For the purposes of calculating bonus payments, the dates
given in the Appendix to Tender for completion of Sections are fixed; no adjustments of
the dates by reason of granting an extension of time pursuant to these Conditions will
be allowed.
Clause 9 – Tests on Completion
Sub-Clause 9.1 - Contractor’s Obligations
The Employer’s Requirements should describe the tests he requires, before taking-over, to
demonstrate completion. It may also be appropriate for the Contractor’s Proposal to include
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
organizaciju testiranja, aparaturu, itd. U slučaju da se Radovi testiraju i preuzimaju u fazama,
zahtevi testiranja možda moraju da uzmu u obzir nezavršene delove Radova.
Član 10 – Preuzimanje Radova od strane Investitora
Član 10.1 - Potvrda o preuzimanju radova
U slučaju da se Radovi preuzimaju po fazama, te faze treba da budu definisane kao Sekcije u
Dodatku Tenderu. Savetuju se precizne geografske odrednice, a Dodatak treba da sadrži tabelu
radi definisanja aspekta na koje se odnosi povraćaj garantnog Depozita, Rok za Završetak i
obračunata odšteta zbog kašnjenja (tabela je prikazana u primeru Dodatka Tenderu)
Član 11 – Testiranje posle Završetka Radova
Član 11.1 - Obaveze Investitora
Zahtevi Investitora treba da opišu testove koji se zahtevaju, posle preuzimanja, kao provera da
su Radovi ispunili zahteve performansi. Za pojedine vrste Radova, ovakve Testove može biti
najteže da se dobro definišu, bez obzira na činjenicu da su oni od odlučnog značaja za uspešan
ishod. Možda bi bilo pogodno da Ponuda Izvođača uključi detaljnu organizaciju, i/ili da definiše
neophodnu aparaturu pored one koja je uključena u Radove. Za mnoge vrste Radova, od
ključnog značaja može biti definisanje fizičkog unosa i/ili za ponuđače da propišu (eventualno
u Tabeli) kriterijum performansi koje će njihovo postrojenje da dostigne.
Testiranja po Završetku Radova obično izvodi Investitor, uz vođenje od strane osoblja Izvođača.
Ako je predviđena drugačija organizacija, ona treba da bude navedena, i dopune ovog Člana
može biti potrebna.
Član 11.4 - Neuspeh da se zadovolji testiranje po završetku Radova
Ako se primenjuje prvi deo ovog Člana, metod obračuna odštete (na osnovu razmere neuspeha) treba da bude definisan u Dodatku Tenderu, a Zahtevi Investitora treba da navedu minimalni prihvatljivi kriterijum performansi.
Član 12 – Odgovornost za Nedostatke
Član 12.5 - Uklanjanje Radova sa Nedostacima
Ako je postrojenje koje treba da bude isporučeno po Ugovoru takvo da je vrednost neke pozicije
koja treba da se ukloni sa Gradilišta znatna (u poređenju, npr., sa iznosom garancije za dobro
izvršenje posla), bilo bi prikladno dopuniti taj Član, tako da se od Izvođača traži da obezbedi
dodatno obezbeđenje u ovakvim slučajevima.
Član 12.10 - Neispunjene obaveze
Može biti neophodno revidovati efekat ovog Člana u odnosu na period odgovornosti kojeg
odgovarajući zakon može da nametne.
Član 13 – Ugovorena Cena i Plaćanja
Član 13.1 - Ugovorena Cena
Tokom pisanja Dela II, pažnju treba obratiti na iznos i tempiranje plaćanja Izvođaču. Pozitivan
priliv novca je svakako pogodan za Izvođača, a ponuđači treba da uzmu u obzir procedure
privremenih situacija prilikom pripreme njihovih ponuda.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
detailed arrangements, instrumentation, etc. If the Works are to be tested and taken-over in
stages, the tests requirements may have to take account of the incomplete parts of the Works.
Clause 10 – Employer’s Taking Over
Sub-Clause 10. 1 - Taking-Over Certificate
If the Works are to be taken-over in stages, these stages should to be defined as Sections, in the
Appendix to Tender. Precise geographical definitions are advisable, and the Appendix should
include a table, so as to define the aspects relating to the Retention Money releases. Time for
Completion and liquidated damages for delay (the table is shown in the example Appendix).
Clause 11 – Tests after Completion
Sub-Clause 11.1 - Employer’s Obligations
The Employer’s Requirements should describe the tests he requires, after taking-over, to verify
that the Works fulfil his performance requirements. For some types of Works, these Tests may
be the most difficult to specify well, although they are critical to a successful outcome. It may be
appropriate for the Contractor’s Proposal to include detailed arrangements, and or to define any
instrumentation required, in addition to that included in the Works. With many types of Works, it
may be essential to define the physical inputs and/or for tenderers to prescribe (in a Schedule,
probably) the performance criteria which their plant will achieve.
Tests after Completion are usually carried out by the Employer, with guidance from the
Contractor’s staff. If other arrangements are envisaged, they should be specified, and amendment of the Sub-Clause may be required.
Sub-Clause 11.4 - Failure to Pass Tests after Completion
If the first part of this Sub-Clause is to apply, the method of calculating liquidated damages
(based on the extent of the failure) should be defined in the Appendix to Tender, and the
Employer’s Requirements should specify the minimum acceptable performance criteria.
Clause 12 – Defects Liability
Sub-Clause 12.5 - Removal of Defective Work
If the Plant to be supplied under the Contract is such that the value of an item which might
have to be removed from the site is substantial (compared, for example, with the amount of the
performance security), it may be appropriate to amend the Sub-Clause, so as to require the
Contractor to provide additional security in these circumstances.
Sub-Clause 12.10 - Unfulfilled Obligations
It may be necessary to review the effect of this Sub-Clause in relation to the period of liability
which the applicable law may impose.
Clause 13 – Contract Price and Payment
Sub-Clause 13.1 - The Contract Price
When writing Part II. consideration should be given to the amount and timing of payment(s) to
the Contractor. A positive cash flow is clearly of benefit to the Contractor, and tenderers will take
account of the interim payment procedures when preparing their tenders.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Uobičajeno je da se ovakav tip ugovora bazira na paušalnom iznosu cene, sa malo ili nimalo
ponovnog merenja; u tom slučaju, Izvođač preuzima na sebe rizik od promene troškova nastalih zbog njegovog projekta. Paušalni iznos se može sastojati od dva ili više iznosa, ponuđenim
u valutama plaćanja (koji mogu, ali ne moraju, uključiti Lokalnu Valutu).
Da bi se vrednovale Izmene, od Ponuđača se može zahtevati da podnese detaljno rasčlanjavanje Ugovorene Cene, uključujući količine, jedinične cene i ostale podatke o formiranju cena;
ti podaci takođe mogu da se koriste za Privremene Situacije. Međutim, takvi podaci o ceni ne
moraju biti konkurentni; kada je tenderska dokumentacija pripremana, Investitor mora da se
odluči da li je spreman da se obavezuje sa tim podacima. Ako nije, on mora da obezbedi da
Predstavnik Investitora bude dovoljno stručan da proceni bilo koju Izmenu koja može da bude
Dodatni Članovi mogu biti neophodni da bi se pokrili svi izuzeci od izbora datog u Članu 13.1
kao i sve druge stvari vezane za plaćanja.
Ako se Član 13.1(a) ne primenjuje, metoda određivanja Ugovorene Cene treba da bude definisana u dodatnim Članovima, kao što je predviđeno u zadnjoj rečenici Člana 13.1. Ako se
zahtevaju ponovna merenja, sledeći tekst može biti prikladan za jedan od pomenutih dodatnih
Primer Člana o ponovnom merenju
Predstavnik Investitora će merenjem ustanoviti i odlučiti o vrednosti onih delova Radova
koje treba ponovo meriti u skladu sa Ugovorom (napomena: takvi delovi moraju biti definisani, ovde ili na drugom mestu). Ti delovi Radova će biti mereni neto bez obzira na opšti
ili lokalni običaj, osim kada je drugačije predviđeno Ugovorom. Predstavnik Investitora
će, kada zahteva da neki deo Radova bude premeren, dati razuman rok Predstavniku
Izvođača koji će:
prisustvovati ili poslati kvalifikovanog predstavnika da pomaže Predstavniku
Investitora prilikom takvih merenja, i
dostaviti sve podatke koje zahteva Predstavnik Investitora
U slučaju da Izvođač ne prisustvuje, ogluši se ili propusti da pošalje takvog predstavnika,
tada će se rezultati merenja koje je obavio ili odobrio Predstavnik Investitora smatrati
tačnim za takav deo Radova.
Ako se Član 13.1 (b) ne primenjuje, metod kojim će se odrediti korekcija Ugovorene Cene trebal
da bude definisan u dodatnom Članu ili Članovima.
Primer člana korekcije cene
Iznosi plativi Izvođaču i vrednovane po osnovnim cenama u skladu sa Tabelom.......
će biti korigovane u slučaju rasta ili pada cene radne snage, Mehanizacije Izvođača,
Postrojenja, Materijala i ostalih unosa u Radove, dodavanjem ili oduzimanjem iznosa
određenih formulom propisanom u ovom Članu. U slučaju da puna naknada za bilo
kakav rast ili pad troškova Izvođaču nije pokrivena odredbama ovog ili ostalih članova u
Ugovoru, za Ugovornu Cenu će se smatrati da uljučuje iznose za pokrivanje nepredviđenih troškova takvog drugog rasta ili pada troškova.
Iznos koji se treba dodati ili oduzeti Privremenim Situacijama zbog promene troškova
i zakonodavstva će se odrediti iz formule za svaku valutu u kojoj se Ugovorena Cena
plaća i za svaku sekciju radova čija je cena navedena u pomenutoj Tabeli. Ta formula će
imati sledeći opšti oblik:
Pn = a +
Uslovi ugovaranja
bLn cMn dEn
+ itd .
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Normally, this type of contract is based on a lump sum price, with little or no remeasurement;
the Contractor then takes the risk of changes in cost arising from his design. The lump sum
price may consist of two or more amounts, quoted in the currencies of payment (which may, but
need not, include the Local Currency).
In order to value Variations- the Tenderer can be required to submit a detailed breakdown of the
Contract Price, including quantities, unit rates and other pricing information; such information
can also be used for the Interim Payment Certificates. However, that information may not have
been competitively priced; when the tender documents are being prepared, the Employer must
decide whether he is prepared to be bound by such information. If not, he should have ensured
that the Employer’s Representative has the necessary expertise to value any Variations which
may be required.
Additional Sub-Clauses may be required to cover any exceptions to the options set out in SubClause 13.1, and any other matters relating to payment.
If Sub-Clause 13.1(a) is not to apply, the method of determining the Contract Price should be
defined in additional Sub-Clauses, as envisaged in the last sentence of Sub-Clause 13.1. If the
requirements involve remeasurement, the following wording might be appropriate for one of
such additional Sub-Clauses:
The Employer’s Representative shall ascertain and determine by measurement the value
of those parts of the Works which are to be remeasured in accordance with the Contract
(note: the parts must be defined, here or elsewhere). Such parts of the Works shall be
measured net, notwithstanding any general or local custom, except where otherwise
provided for in the Contract. The Employer’s Representative shall, when he requires
any such part of the Works to be measured, give reasonable notice to the Contractor’s
Representative, who shall promptly:
attend or send a qualified representative to assist the Employer’s Representative
in making such measurement, and
supply all particulars required by the Employer’s Representative.
Should the Contractor not attend, or neglect or omit to send such representative, then the
measurement made by the Employer’s Representative or approved by him shall be taken
to be the correct measurement of such part of the Works.
If Sub-Clause 13. 1 (b) is not to apply, the method of determining the adjustments to the Contract
Price should be defined in additional Sub-Clause(s).
The amounts payable to the Contractor and valued at base prices in accordance
with Schedule... shall be adjusted for rises or falls in the cost of labour, Contractor’s
Equipment, Plant, Materials and other inputs to the Works, by the addition or deduction
of the amounts determined by the formulae prescribed in this Sub-Clause. To the extent
that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the Contractor is not covered by the
provisions of this or other clauses in the Contract, the Contract Price shall be deemed to
include amounts to cover the contingency of such other rise or fall in costs.
The amount to be added to or deducted from the Interim Payment certificates for changes
in cost and legislation shall be determined from formulae for each of the currencies in
which the Contract Price is payable and for each of the sections of work priced in the said
Schedule. The formulae will be of the following general type:
Pn = a +
bLn cMn dEn
+ etc
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Gde je:
„Pn” faktor koji se primenjuje na procenjenu vrednost radova izvedenih u mesecu „n”,
„a” je fiksni koeficijent, naveden u Dodatku Tenderu, a koji predstavlja deo ugovornog
plaćanja koji se ne može modifikovati
„b”, „c”, „d”, itd. ... su koeficijenti koji predstavljaju procenjenu razmeru svakog troškovnog elementa (radne snage, Materijala itd.) Radova, kao što je navedeno u Dodatku
„Ln”, „Mn”, „En”, itd. ... su važeći indeksi cena ili referentne cene za mesec „n”, izraženi
u odgovarajućoj valuti plaćanja, primenjivi na svaki element cene na datum koji pada 49
dana pre poslednjeg dana perioda na koji se Privremena Situacija odnosi;
„Lo”, „Eo”, „Mo”, itd. ... su osnovni indeksi cena ili referentne cene koje odgovaraju gore
navedenim elementima cena, izražene u odgovarajućoj valuti plaćanja, na dan Osnovnog
Indeksi cena ili referentne cene navedene u Dodatku Tenderu će biti korišćene. Ukoliko
postoji nejasnoća u vezi izvora, onda o tome odlučuje Predstavnik Investitora; pozivanje će se vršiti na vrednost indeksa na navedene datume (navedene u četvrtoj i petoj
koloni Dodatka) za potrebe razjašnjenja izvora, ali se podrazumeva da takvi datumi (kao
i takve vrednosti) mogu da ne odgovaraju osnovnom indeksu cena. U slučajevima gde
Valuta Indeksa nije odgovarajuća valuti plaćanja, indeks će biti konvertovan u odgovarajuću valutu plaćanja po prodajnom kursu utvrđenom od strane Centralne Banke Države.
Ako nekad važeći indeks nije na raspolaganju (na datum koji pada 49 dana pre poslednjeg dana perioda na koji se Privremena Situacija odnosi) provizorni indeks određen od
Predstavnika Investitora će se koristiti, a naknadna korekcija overenih suma će se obaviti
kada važeći indeks bude dostupan.
U slučaju da Izvođač ne završi Radove u naznačenom Roku za Završetak, korekcija
cene posle toga će se vršiti koristeći ili svaki indeks ili cenu primenjive na datum 49 dana
pre isteka Roka za Završetak, ili važeći indeks ili cena, u zavisnosti šta je povoljnije za
Investitora; pod uslovom da u slučaju da je produžetak roka odobren po Članu 8.3, gornje
odredbe će važiti za produženi rok Završetka.
Odmeravanje (koeficijenti) za svaki od faktora cena navedenih u Dodatku Tenderu će
biti korigovana samo u slučaju da su protumačeni kao neopravdani, neizbalansirani ili
neprimenjivi kao rezultat Izmena.
Sledeća tabela može biti uključena u Dodatak Tenderu (fiksni element, za koji se vrednost 0.10
smatra odgovarajućom, unet je pre izdavanja tenderske dokumentacije, a ostale podatke unosi
Formula za korigovanje Cena
Koeficijenti i Indeksi
Obim indeksa
Zemlja porekla
Valuta indeksa
za plaćanja u
Izvor Indeksa
Vrednost na navedeni
a=0.10 Fiksno
b=..............radna snaga
* Ove vrednosti i datumi potvrđuju definiciju svakog indeksa, ali ne definišu indekse Osnovnog Datuma.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
“Pn” is the adjustment factor to be applied to the estimated value of the work carried out
in month “n”
“a “ is a fixed coefficient, specified in the Appendix to Tender, representing the nonadjustable portion in contractual payments;
“b “, “c “, “d”, etc are coefficients representing the estimated proportion of each cost element (labour, materials, etc) in the Works, as specified in the Appendix to Tender;
“Ln”, “Mn”, “Eo”, etc are the current cost indices or reference prices for month “n”, determined, in the relevant currency of payment, applicable to each cost element on the
date 49 days prior to the last day of the period to which the particular Interim Payment
Certificate is related; and
“Lo “, “Mo “, “Eo “, etc are the base cost indices or reference prices corresponding to the
above cost elements, in the relevant currency of payment, on the Base Date.
The cost indices or reference prices specified in the Appendix to Tender shall be used.
In the event of ambiguity as to the source, it shall be determined by the Employer’s
Representative; reference shall be made to the values of the indices at stated dates
(quoted in the fourth and fifth columns respectively of said Appendix) for the purposes
of clarification of the source, but it is understood that such dates (and thus such values)
may not correspond to the base cost indices. In cases where the Currency of Index is
not the relevant currency of payment, the index shall be converted into the relevant currency of payment at the selling rate established by the Central Bank of the Country. If at
any time a current index (for the date 49 days prior to the last day of the period to which
the particular Interim Payment Certificate is related) is unavailable, a provisional index
as determined by the Employer’s Representative shall be used, subject to subsequent
correction of the amounts certified when the current index is available.
If the Contractor fails to complete the Works within the Time for Completion, adjustment of prices thereafter shall be made using either each index or price applicable on
the date 49 days prior to the expiry of the Time for Completion, or the current index or
price, whichever is more favourable to the Employer; provided that, if an extension of
time is granted in accordance with Sub-Clause 8.3, the above provision shall apply to the
extended time for completion.
The weightings (coefficients) for each of the factors of cost given in the Appendix to
Tender shall only be adjusted if they have been rendered unreasonable, unbalanced or
inapplicable, as a result of Variations.
The following table may be included in the Appendix to Tender (the fixed element, for which 0.
10 is often considered appropriate, is entered before tender documents are issued, the other
data being completed by the Tenderer):
Price Adjustment Formulae; Coefficients and Indices
Scope of index
Country of origin;
Currency of index
for payments in
Source of index;
Value on stated date (s)*
a=0.10 Fixed
* These values and dates confirm the definition of each index, but do not define Base Date indices
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Ako se Član 13.1 (c) ne primenjuje, dodatni Član ili članove treba dodati.
Primer Člana o Oslobađanju od carine
Osim kada je drugačije navedeno, sva Mehanizacija Izvođača, Privremeni Radovi,
Postrojenje i Materijali (u daljem tekstu zajednički nazvani „Roba”) koji su uveženi od
strane Izvođača u Državu za potrebe ili u vezi sa Ugovorom, biće oslobođeni od carine
i ostalih uvoznih dažbina ako je za taj uvoz Investitor unapred izdao pisanu saglasnost.
Investitor će obezbediti dokumenta Izvođaču za takvo izuzeće radi prolaska robe kroz
carinu. Ako izuzeće nije tada odobreno, plative i plaćene troškove carine će nadoknaditi
Investitor. Sva uvezena Roba, koja nije ugrađena ili utrošena u vezi sa Radovima, biće
izvezena po završetku Ugovora; ako ne bude izvezena, Roba će biti procenjena radi
oporezovanja u skladu sa važećim propisima u Državi.
Izuzeće predviđeno u prethodnom paragrafu neće se primenjivati na:
Robu proizvedenu lokalno, sem ako se ne može nabaviti u dovoljnim količinama ili
nije proizvedena po standardima neophodnim za Radove, i
sve elemente carine ili poreza neodvojivih od cene robe ili usluga nabavljenih u
Državi, za koje će se smatrati da su uključeni u Ugovorenu Cenu.
Lučke takse, takse pristaništa i, osim gore određenog, bilo koji element poreza ili carine
neodvojiv od cene robe ili usluga smatraće se da je uključen u Ugovorenu Cenu.
Primer Člana o Oslobađanju od poreza
Strano osoblje neće imati obavezu plaćanja poreza koji se naplaćuje u Državi na zarade
plaćene u Stranoj Valuti, niti poreze na ishranu, iznajmljivanje i slične usluge koje obezbeđuje Izvođač svom osoblju, ili dodatke umesto toga. Ako se osoblju isplaćuje deo njihove zarade u Stranoj Valuti u Državi, neće biti restrikcija iznošenja ostatka njihovih
zarada isplaćenih u Stranoj Valuti po okončanju njihovog angažovanja na Radovima.
Investitor će tražiti izuzeće za potrebe ovog Člana; ako ne bude odobreno, izvršena plaćanja će nadoknaditi Investitor.
Član 13.2 - Avansna Plaćanja
Ukupni iznos avansa (i broj rata) moraju da budu određeni u Dodatku Tenderu, izuzev ako nema
avansnih plaćanja. Stopa odbijanja za otplatu treba da bude proverena da bi se obezbedilo da
otplata bude ostvarena pre završetka; tipične cifre u paragrafu (a) i (b) Dela I Člana ..... su
bazirane na pretpostavci da je ukupni iznos avansa manji od 22% Ugovorene Cene. Prihvatljiva
forma ili forme garancije treba da budu uključene u tendersku dokumentaciju, dodate Delu II:
primer forme je dodat ovom dokumentu kao Dodatak C.
Član 13.4 - tabele Plaćanja
Deo I sadrži odredbe za plaćanja privremenih situacija Izvođaču, koja se mogu bazirati na
Tabelama Plaćanja ili na nekoj drugoj osnovi za određivanje vrednosti privremene situacija;
ako je usvojen ovaj poslednji osnov detalji treba da budu dodati u Delu II. Ako će plaćanja biti
navedena u nekoj Tabeli Plaćanja, „minimalni iznos privremenih situacija” može biti izostavljen
u Dodatku Tenderu, a Tabela Plaćanja bi mogla da bude u jednoj od sledećih formi:
a) neki iznos (ili procenat Ugovorene Cene) mogao bi da bude naveden za svaki mesec
tokom Roka za Završetak, koji može da se pokaže kao neopravdan ako se progres
Izvođača znatno razlikuje od očekivanog na kome je Tabela zasnovana; ili
b) Tabela bi mogla biti bazirana na stvarnom progresu postignutom u izvođenju Radova,
što zahteva pažljivo definisanje granice plaćanja; s druge strane, neslaganja mogu
nastati kada je rad plaćanje završen do granice od 99.99% ali ostatak ne može da se
završi ni po nekoliko meseci kasnije.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
If Sub-Clause 13.1(c) is not apply, additional Sub-Clause(s) should be added.
Except to the extent specified otherwise, all Contractor’s Equipment, Temporary Works,
Plant and Materials (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Goods “) imported by the Contractor
into the Country for the purpose of or in connection with the Contract shall be exempt from
customs and other import duties, if the Employer’s prior written approval is obtained for such
imports. The Employer shall provide documents for such exemption, for the Contractor to
present in order to clear the Goods through Customs. If exemption is not then granted, the
customs duties payable and paid shall be reimbursed by the Employer. All imported Goods,
which are not incorporated in or expended in connection with the Works, shall be exported
on completion of the Contract; if not exported, the Goods will be assessed for duties as
applicable to the Goods involved in accordance with the current regulations in the Country,
The exemption provided for in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to:
Goods which are locally produced unless they are not available in sufficient quantities or are of a different standard to that which is necessary for the Works; and
any element of duly or tax inherent in the price of goods or services procured in the
Country, which shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Price.
Port dues, quay dues and, except as set out above, any element of tax or duty inherent in
the price of goods or services shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Price.
Expatriate (foreign) personnel shall not be liable for income tax levied in the Country
on earnings paid in Foreign Currency, or for such tax levied on subsistence, rentals
and similar services directly furnished by the Contractor to his personnel, or for allowances in lieu. If such personnel have part of their earnings paid in Foreign Currency in
the Country, there shall be no restriction on the export by them at the conclusion of their
term of service on the Works of any balance remaining of their earnings paid in Foreign
Currencies. The Employer shall seek exemption for the purposes of this Sub-Clause; if it
is not granted, the payments made shall be reimbursed by the Employer.
Sub-Clause 13.2 - Advance Payments
The total of the advances (and the number of instalments) must be specified in the Appendix to Tender,
unless no such advances are to be paid. The rate of deduction for the repayments should be checked
to ensure that repayment is achieved before completion; the typical figures in sub-paragraphs (a) and
(b) of the Part I Sub-Clause are based on the assumption that the total of the advances is less than
22% of the Contract Price. The acceptable form(s) of guarantee should be included in the tender documents, annexed to Part II: an example form is annexed to this document, as Annex C.
Sub-Clause 13.4 - Schedule of Payments
Part I contains provisions for interim payments to the Contractor, which can be based on a
Schedule of Payments or on any other basis for determining interim valuation; if a latter basis
is adopted, details should be added in Part II. If payments are to be specified in a Schedule of
Payments, the. “minimum amount of interim certificates” could be omitted from the Appendix to
Tender, and the Schedule of Payments could be in one of the following forms:
a) an amount (or percentage of the Contract Price) could be entered for each month during the Time for Completion, which can prove unreasonable if the Contractor’s progress
differs significantly from the expectation on which the Schedule was based; or
b) the Schedule could be based on actual progress achieved in executing the Works,
which necessitates careful definition of the payment milestones; otherwise, disagreements may arise when the work required for a payment milestone is 99.99% achieved
but the balance cannot be completed until some months later.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Cifre koje Ponuđač unese u Tabelu Plaćanja treba uporediti sa dinamikom njegove ponude (ako
je ima) da bi se procenila međusobna doslednost. Ako se Radovi sastoje od nekoliko različitih
operacija, alternativni pristup procene privremenih situacija može biti pogodan.
Pre početka izgradnje Trajnih Radova, Izvođač treba da podnese predmer i predračun
glavnih količina Trajnih radova (u ovom Članu naznačen kao PPGKTR) zajedno sa pratećim informacijama koje Predstavnik Investitora može opravdano zahtevati. PPGKTR
treba da sadrži očekivane konačne količine glavnih pozicija Trajnih Radova, sa sveobuhvatnim cenama tako da njihov konačni iznos bude jednak Ugovorenoj Ceni. PPGKTR
neće sadržati cene projektovanja ili Privremenih Radova; vrednost svakog elementa
ovakvih radova i ostalih elemenata rada koji nisu opisani u PPGKTR trebaju svi da budu
uključeni u cene za trajne Radove koji treba da budu izgrađeni pošto su takvi elementi
izvršeni. PPGKTR treba da bude odobren od Predstavnika Investitora, i može u bilo koje
doba biti povučen, i biće bez štete za konačni iznos koji dospeva po Ugovoru. PPGKTR
će biti revidovan i ponovo izdat ako bude izgledno u bilo kom momentu pre Preuzimanja
ne predstavlja verno Trajne Radove po njihovom završetku.
U toku Roka za Završetak, vrednost ugovora za svrhu, paragrafa (a) Člana 13.3 neće
prelaziti iznos sračunat po važećem PPGKTR, baziranom na količinama Trajnih Radova
koji su izvedeni u skladu sa Ugovorom. Izvođačev privremeni obračun treba da bude
u istoj formi kao važeći PPGKTR i uz njega priložena Izvođačeva potpisana izjava da
su važeći PPGKTR koji je priložen (uključujući predviđene konačne količine) i količine
izvedenog stanja sve tačne; svaki takav obračun treba da bude potkrepljen Sertifikatom
Izgradnje, potpisanim od strane Predstavnika Izvođača, kojim se potvrđuje je da Deo
Radova izvedenih do tog datuma u skladu sa Ugovorom. Međutim, Izvođač može da
predloži neki manji iznos ako izgleda opravdano sa određenim proračunima na sličnoj
osnovi kao što je postupak opisan u ovom Članu.
Član 13.5 - Postrojenje i Materijali za Trajne Radove
U slučaju da se plaćanje treba izvršiti za ove pozicije pre nego što stignu na Gradilište, još jedan
Član se može dodati:
Privremene Situacije treba da uključe (i) dodatni iznos za Postrojenja i Materijale koji
su otpremljeni na Gradilište za ugradnju u Trajne Radove, i (ii) odbitak kada plaćanje
dospeva po Članu 13.5. Predstavnik Investitora će odrediti svaki dodatni iznos i odbitak
u skladu sa sledećim odredbama:
nikakav dodatni iznos neće biti uključen u Privremenu Situaciju izuzev ako, po
mišljenju Predstavnika Investitora:
Postrojenje i Materijali otpremljeni za Državu, na putu prema Gradilištu, u
skladu sa Ugovorom;
Izvođač je podneo čistu teretnicu ili drugi dokaz o otpremanju, dokaz o uplati
prevoznih troškova i osiguranja kao i ostale dokumente koje Predstavnik
Investitora može opravdano da zahteva, zajedno sa bezuslovnom bankarskom garancijom izdatom u formi i od banke koja je prihvatljiva za Investitora
u iznosima i valutama koje su jednaka dospelom iznosu po paragrafu (b)
ovog Člana: takva garancija će važiti sve dok se Postrojenje i Materijali ne
uskladište propisno na Gradilištu i zaštite od štete, gubitka, ili kvarenja;
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The figures inserted by the Tenderer in the Schedule of Payments should be compared with his
tender programme (if any), to assess whether it they are reasonably consistent with each other.
If the Works consists of few different types of operations, an alternative approach for interim
valuations may be appropriate.
Prior to commencing construction of the Permanent Works, the Contractor shall submit a
bill of principal quantities of the Permanent Works (referred to in this Sub-Clause as “the
BPQPW”, together with such supporting information and calculations as the Employer’s
Representative may reasonably require. The BPQPW shall include the anticipated final
quantities of the principal items of Permanent Works, which shall have been priced using
all-in rates such that the total amount equals the Contract Price. The BPQPW shall not
contain priced items for design or for Temporary Works; the value of each element of such
work, and of any other work elements not described in the BPQPW, shall each be included
in the rates for Permanent Works which are to be constructed after such element is carried
out. The BPQPW shall be subject to the approval of the Employer’s Representative, which
may at any time be withdrawn, and shall be without prejudice to the final amount due
under the Contract. The BPQPW shall be revised and reissued if it appears at any time
before Taking-Over that it will not fully represent the Permanent Works when complete.
During the Time for Completion, the contract value for the purposes, of sub-paragraph
(a) of Sub-Clause 13.3 shall not exceed the amount calculated from the current BPQPW,
based on the quantities of Permanent Works which have been constructed in accordance
with the Contract. The Contractor’s interim statement shall be in the same form as that of
the current BPQPW and shall be accompanied by the Contractor’s signed statement that
the current BPQPW attached thereto (including anticipated final quantities) and the asconstructed quantities are all correct; each such statement shall also be accompanied by
a Construction Certificate, signed by the Contractor’s Representative, certifying that the
Part of the Works constructed to date complies with the Contract. However, the Contractor
may propose such lesser amount as seems reasonable, supported with appropriate calculations on a similar basis to the procedure described in this Sub-Clause.
Sub-Clause 13.5 - Plant and Materials for the Permanent Works
If payment is to be made for these items prior to their arrival at Site, a further Sub-Clause may
be added;
Interim Payment Certificates shall include (i) an additional amount for Plant and Materials
which have been shipped to the Site for incorporation in the Permanent Works, and (ii) a
deduction when payment is due under Sub-Clause 13.5. The Employer’s Representative
shall determine each addition and deduction in accordance with the following provisions;
a) no addition shall be included in the Interim Payment Certificate unless, in the opinion of the Employer’s Representative:
the Plant and Materials have been shipped to the Country, en route to the
Site, in accordance with the Contract;
the Contractor has submitted a clean shipped bill of lading or other evidence
of shipment. evidence of payment of freight and insurance, and other documents as the Employer’s Representative may reasonably require, together
with an unconditional bank guarantee in a form and by a bank acceptable
to the Employer in amounts and currencies equal to the amount due under
sub-paragraph (b) of this Sub-Clause: such guarantee shall be valid until the
Plant and .Materials are properly stored on Site and protected against loss,
damage or deterioration;
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Izvođačeva evidencija o zahtevima, narudžbini, prijemu i korišćenju postrojenja i Materijala se vodi u formi odobrenoj od Predstavnika Investitora,
i takva evidencija je na raspolaganju za proveru od strane Predstavnika
Izvođač je podneo potvrdu o Ceni nabavke i dopremanja Postrojenja i
Materijala do luke (ili drugog mesta) ulaska u Državu, zajedno sa dokumentima neophodnim za dokazivanje te Cene; i
Postrojenja i Materijali su oni nabrojani za ovaj Član u Dodatku tenderu.
dodatni iznos za overu će biti jednak vrednosti sedamdeset procenata cene
Postrojenja i Materijala dopremljenih do luke (ili drugog mesta) ulaska u Državu,
kako odluči Predstavnik Investitora posle pregleda dokumentacije pomenute u
gornjem paragrafu (a), uzimajući u obzir ugovorenu vrednost takvog Postrojenja i
Materijala kako to Predstavnik Investitora odluči i smatra da je odgovarajuće;
iznos odbitka za bilo koje Postrojenje i Materijale za koje je plaćanje dospelo po
Članu 13.5 će biti jednako vrednosti dodatka ranije overenog od strane Predstavnika
Investitora za takva Postrojenja i Materijale po gornjem paragrafu (b); i
valute za dodatke i odbitke će biti određene od strane Predstavnika Investitora
kako je opisano u Članu 13.5
Član 13.7 - Plaćanja
Ako se primenjuje drukčiji period za plaćanje, ovaj Član se može dopuniti:
U paragrafu ..... Člana 13.7, izbrisati „56” i zameniti sa .......
Ako se zemlja ili zemlje plaćanja trebaju navesti, takvi podaci se mogu navesti u Ugovoru:
u Zahtevima Investitora, Ponudi Izvođača ili u nekoj Tabeli.
Član 13.8 - Zakasnela Plaćanja
Ako diskontna stopa centralne banke u zemlji valute plaćanja, plus 3%, nije razuman prikaz Izvođačevih troškova fiansiranja, nova stopa možda treba da bude određena; alternativno, stvarni troškovi finansiranja bi mogli biti plaćeni, uzimajući u obzir lokalne aranžmane
Član 13.9 - Plaćanje ugovornog Depozita
Ako deo ugovornog Depozita treba da bude oslobođen i zamenjen odgovarajućom garancijom,
dodatni član može biti dodat.
Kada Depozit dostigne tri petine (60%) limita Depozita navedenog u Dodatku Tenderu,
Predstavnik Investitora će potvrditi i Investitor će platiti polovinu (50%) tog limita Depozita
Izvođaču po podnošenju Investitoru bankarske garancije „na zahtev” izdate od banke prihvatljive za Investitora u jednakom iznosu. Takva garancija će biti validna do datuma koji
je sto nedelja posle propisanog (ili produženog) roka za završetak Radova, i biće vraćena
Izvođaču po izdavanju Potvrde od Dobrom Izvršenju Radova. Ovo oslobađanje ugovornog depozita će biti umesto oslobađanja druge polovina Depozita po Članu 13.9.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
the Contractor’s records of the requirements, orders, receipts and use
of Plant and Materials are kept in a form approved by the Employer’s
Representative, and such records are available for inspection by the
Employer’s Representative;
the Contractor has submitted a statement of the Cost of acquiring and shipping the Plant and Materials to the port (or other place) of entry into the
Country, together with such documents as may be required for the purpose
of evidencing such Cost; and
the Plant and Materials are those listed for this Sub-Clause in the Appendix
to Tender;
the additional amount to be certified shall be the equivalent of seventy percent of
the cost of the Plant and Materials delivered to the port (or other place) of entry into
the Country, as determined by the Employer’s Representative after review of the
documents mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above, taking account of the contract
value of such Plant and Materials as determined and considered appropriate by
the Employer’s Representative;
the amount of the deduction for any Plant and Materials for which payment is due
under Sub-Clause 13.5 shall be equivalent to the addition previously certified by
the Employer’s Representative for such Plant and Materials under sub-paragraph
(b) above; and
the currencies for such additions and deductions shall be determined by the
Employer’s Representative as described in Sub-Clause 13.5.
Sub-Clause 13.7 - Payment
If a different period for payment is to apply, the Sub-Clause may be amended:
In sub-paragraph... of Sub-Clause 13.7, delete “56” and substitute...
If the country/countries of payment need to be specified, such details can be included
in the Contract: in the Employer’s Requirements, in the Contractor’s Proposal, or in a
Sub-Clause 13.8 - Delayed Payment
If the discount rate of the central bank in the country of the currency of payment, plus 3%, is
not a reasonable indication of the Contractor’s financing costs, a new rate may need to be
defined; alternatively, the actual financing Costs could be paid, taking account of local financing
Sub-Clause 13.9 - Payment of Retention Money
If part of the Retention Money is to be released and substituted by an appropriate security, an
additional Sub-Clause may be added.
When the Retention Money has reached three-fifths (60%) of the limit of Retention
Money stated in the Appendix to Tender, the Employer’s Representative shall certify and
the Employer shall pay half (50%) of such limit of Retention Money to the Contractor
upon lodgement with the Employer of an “on-demand “ bank guarantee issued by a bank
acceptable to the Employer in a like amount. Such guarantee shall be valid up to a date
which is one hundred weeks after the due (or extended) date for completion of the Works,
and shall be returned to the Contractor upon the issue of the Performance Certificate.
This release of retention shall be in lieu of the release of the second half of the Retention
Money under Sub-Clause 13.9.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Član 13.15 - Izračunavanje Plaćanja u Stranoj Valuti
Umesto da se Ugovorena Cena izražava u valuti plaćanja, ovaj Član se odnosi na slučajeve
gde je ona izražena samo u Lokalnoj Valuti, ali se plaća, primenom procenata i deviznog kursa,
u različitim valutama (koje mogu, ali ne moraju da uključe i Lokalnu Valutu). Ako se primenjuje
ovaj Član, ime Lokalne Valute mora da bude navedeno u Tenderu, tako da Ugovorena Cena
bude suma izražena samo u toj valuti, a dodatak Tenderu treba da sadrži tabelu za unos razmera i deviznog kursa (tabela je prikazana u Dodatku primera). U slučaju da sva plaćanja
i odbici ne budu u istoj razmeri valuta, biće potreban dodatni Član, kao i dodatna tabela u
Dodatku Tenderu ako postoje Sekcije.
Sva plaćanja od Investitora prema Izvođaču će se vršiti:
u slučaju plaćanja po Članu 13.2 i (upisati broj i nekog drugog primenjivog Člana)
u (upisati ime valute/valuta)
u slučaju plaćanja određenih provizornih iznosa za pozicije ne navedene u
Dodatku Tenderu, u valutama i razmerama primenjivim za te pozicije u vreme kada
Predstavnik Investitora izda nalog da se izvede rad kojeg pokrivaju te pozicije;
u bilo kom drugom slučaju, u valutama i razmerama koje su navedene u Dodatku
Tenderu kao primenjive za takva plaćanja pod uslovom da razmere valuta navedene u Dodatku Tenderu mogu s vremena na vreme na zahtev bilo koje strane da
budu izmenjene kako se dogovore.
Sva plaćanja Izvođača prema Investitoru uključujući i plaćanja izvršena putem odbitka ili
poravnanja će se vršiti:
u slučaju otplate po Članu 13.2 i (upisati broj i nekog drugog primenjivog Člana) u
(upisati ime valuta);
u slučaju obračunate odštete po Članu 8.6 u (upisati ime valute)
u slučaju povraćaja bilo koje sume ranije utrošene od strane Investitora, u valuti u
kojoj je utrošena od strane Investitora.
u bilo kom drugom slučaju, u valuti kako se postigne dogovor.
U slučaju da je deo bilo kog iznosa u određenoj valuti koji je plativ Izvođaču delimično ili u
potpunosti nedovoljan da zadovolji plaćanja prema Investitoru odbitkom ili poravnanjem
u toj valuti, u skladu sa odredbama ovog Člana, Investitor može da izvrši odbitak ili poravnanje delimično ili potpuno od preostalog iznosa sredstava plativih u drugim valutama.
Dodatni Član - Plaćanja u Lokalnoj Valuti
Ako se sva plaćanja vrše u Lokalnoj Valuti, ona se mora imenovati u Tenderu, tako da Ugovorena
Cena bude suma plativa samo u toj valuti; Član 13.15 treba da bude izbrisan, i treba dodati
novi Član.
Valuta obračuna će biti Lokalna Valuta i sva plaćanja izvršena u skladu sa Ugovorom će
biti u Lokalnoj Valuti. Plaćanja u Lokalnoj Valuti će biti potpuno konvertibilna, osim onih
za lokalne troškove. Procenat propisan lokalnim troškovima će biti onaj koji je naveden
u Dodatku Tenderu.
Aranžmani za finansiranje projekata
Za veće ugovore na nekim tržištima, može se javiti potreba za obezbeđivanjem sredstava finansiranja od strane agencija za pomoć, razvojnih banaka ili izvoznih kreditnih agencija. Ako će
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Sub-Clause 13.15 - Calculation of Payments in Foreign Currency
Instead of the Contract Price being quoted in the currencies of payment, this Sub-Clause relates to the situation where it is quoted in Local Currency only, but is paid, by application of percentages and exchange rates, in various currencies (which may, but need not. include the Local
Currency). If this Sub-Clause is to apply, the name of the Local Currency must be stated in the
Tender, so that the Contract Price is a sum in that currency only, and the Appendix to Tender
should include a table for insertion of the proportions and exchange rates (the table is shown
in the example Appendix). If all payments and deductions are not to be in the same currency
proportions, an additional Sub-Clause will be required; also, an additional table will be required
in the Appendix to Tender if there are Sections.
All payments to the Contractor by the Employer shall be made
in the case of payments) under Sub-Clause(s) 13.2 and (insert number of any
other applicable Sub-Clause) in (insert name of currency/currencies);
in the case of payments for certain provisional sum items excluded from the
Appendix to Tender, in the currencies and proportions applicable to these items
at the time when the Employer’s Representative gives instructions for the work
covered by these items to be carried out:
in any other case, in the currencies and proportions stated in the Appendix to
Tender as applicable to such payment provided that the proportions of currencies
stated in the Appendix to Tender may from time to time upon the application of
either party be varied as may be agreed.
All payments to the Employer by the Contractor including payments made by way of
deduction or set-off shall be made
in the case of repayments) under Sub-Clause(s) 13.2 and (insert number of any
other applicable Sub-Clause) in (insert name of currency):
in the case of liquidated damages under Sub-Clause 8.6. in (insert name of
in the case of reimbursement of any sum previously expended by the Employer, in
the currency in which the sum was expended by the Employer;
in any other case, in such currency as may be agreed.
If the part payable in a particular currency of any sum payable to the Contractor is
wholly or partly insufficient to satisfy’ by way of deduction or set-off a payment due to the
Employer in that currency, in accordance with the provisions of this Sub-Clause, then the
Employer may make such deduction or set-off wholly or partly from the balance of such
sum payable in other currencies.
Additional Sub-Clause - Payments in Local Currency
If all payments are to be made in Local Currency, it must be named in the Tender, so that the
Contract Price is a sum in that currency only; Sub-Clause 13.15 should be deleted, and a further Sub-Clause added.
The currency of account shall be the Local Currency and all payments made in accordance with the Contract shall be in Local Currency. The Local Currency payments shall
be fully convertible, except those for local costs. The percentage attributed to local costs
shall be as stated in the Appendix to Tender.
Project Financing Arrangements
For major contracts in some markets, there may be a need to resort to securing finance from
entities such as aid agencies, development banks or export credit agencies. If financing is to be
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
se finansiranje pribavlja od takvih institucija, Uslovi Ugovora mogu da sadrže posebne uslove
koje takve institucije mogu da zahtevaju. Tačno formulisanje će zavisiti od takvih institucija, tako
da im se treba obratiti radi određivanja njihovih zahteva, i tražiti odobrenje nacrta tenderske
dokumentacije. Ti zahtevi mogu da uključe tendersku proceduru koja mora da bude usvojena
sa ciljem da učini eventualni ugovor kvalifikovanim za finansiranje, i/ili posebne Članove koje
možda treba dodati u Deo II. Sledeći primeri ukazuju na neke teme koje zahtevi institucija mogu
da pokrivaju:
a) zabrana diskriminacije špediterskih firmi bilo koje zemlje;
b) obezbeđivanje da Ugovor podleže široko prihvaćenom neutralnom međunarodnom
c) Odredbe o arbitraži na priznatom međunarodnom forumu u slučaju sporova;
d) davanje prava Izvođaču da obustavi/raskine ugovor u slučaju neispujavanja obaveze
prema aranžmanima finansiranja;
e) ograničavanje prava na neodobravanje Postrojenja;
f) navođenje dospelih plaćanja u slučaju raskida ugovora;
g) navođenje da Ugovor neće stupiti na snagu dok se ne ispune određeni prethodni uslovi,
uključujući uslove pre isplate za aranžmane finansiranja
h) obavezivanje Investitora da vrši plaćanja iz svojih izvora ako su, iz bilo kog razloga,
sredstva iz aranžmana finansiranja nedovoljna za dospela plaćanja Izvođaču, bilo zbog
greške u aranžmanima finansiranja ili nečeg drugog.
Osim toga, institucija finansiranja-banke mogu da žele da Ugovor uključi pozivanje na aranžmane finansiranja, posebno ako sredstva finansiranja dolaze iz više izvora, radi finansiranja
različitih elemenata nabavke. Nije neuobičajeno za Deo II da uključi posebne odredbe navodeći
različite kategorije postrojenja i navodeći dokumenta koja treba da budu podneta odgovarajućoj
finansijskoj instituciji radi ostvarivanja plaćanja. Ako se zahtevi finansijske institucije ne ispune,
može biti teško (ili čak nemoguće) obezbediti prikladno finansiranje za projekat, i/ili institucija
može odbiti finansiranje dela ili celokupnog Ugovora.
Međutim, gde finansiranje nije vezano za izvoz dobara i usluge iz bilo koje određene zemlje,
već je jednostavno obezbeđeno od komercijalne banke koja daje pozajmicu Investitoru, takve
banke mogu da zahtevaju da prava Izvođača budu vrlo ograničena. Banke mogu insistirati da
Ugovor isključi bilo kakvo pozivanje na aranžmane finansiranja, i/ili ograniči pravo Izvođača da
obustavi/raskine Ugovor u slučaju neispunjenja obaveza.
Ukupna Ugovorena Cena (upisati iznos) se sastoji od sledećeg:
(Podeliti po pozicijama i/ili nabavka/isporuka/itd)
i biće plativa od Investitora Izvođaču kao što je to dole određeno.
...% ukupne Ugovorene Cene će biti plativo direktnim plaćanjem od Investitora
Izvođaču u roku od 28 dana od Datuma, i platiće se uz predaju sledećih
komercijalna faktura adresirana na Investitora navodeći iznos sada dospelog plaćanja
garancija za avansno plaćanje izdata od ..... Banke u priloženoj formi
garancija za dobro obavljanje posla izdata od ... Banke u priloženoj formi
Privremena Situacija Predstavnika Investitora koja potvrđuje da je plaćanje
prispelo sa navedenim iznosom
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
procured from such institutions, the Conditions of Contract may need to incorporate any special
requirements which the relevant institution may have. The exact wording will depend on the
relevant institution, so reference will need to be made to them to ascertain their requirements,
and to seek approval of the draft tender documents. These requirements may include tendering
procedures which need to be adopted in order to render the eventual contract eligible for financing, and/or special Sub-Clauses which may need to be incorporated into Part II. The following
examples indicate some of the topics which the institution’s requirements may cover:
prohibition from discrimination against the shipping companies of any one country;
ensuring that the Contract is subject to a widely-accepted neutral international law;
provision for arbitration at a recognised international forum in the event of disputes;
giving the Contractor the right lo suspend/terminate in the event of default under the
financing arrangements;
e) restricting the right to reject Plant;
f) specifying the payments due in the event of termination;
g) specifying that the Contract does not become effective until certain conditions precedent have been satisfied, including pre-disbursement conditions for the financing
h) obliging the Employer to make payments from his own resources if, for any reason, the
funds under the financing arrangements are insufficient to meet the payments due to the
Contractor, whether due to a default under the financing arrangements or otherwise.
In addition, the financing institution/banks may wish the Contract to include references to the
financing arrangements, especially if funding from more than one source is to be arranged, to
finance different elements of supply. It is not unusual for Part II to include special provisions
identifying different categories of Plant and specifying the documents to be presented to the
relevant financing institution to obtain payment. If the financing institution’s requirements are
not met, it may be difficult (or even impossible) to secure suitable financing for the project, and/
or the institution may decline to provide finance for part or all of the Contract.
However, where the financing is not tied to the export of goods and services from any particular country but is simply provided by commercial banks lending to the Employer, those banks
may be concerned to ensure that the Contractor’s rights are very restricted. Such banks may
wish the Contract to exclude any reference to the financing arrangements, and/or to restrict the
Contractor’s right to suspend/terminate in the event of default.
The total Contract Price (insert amount) is made up as follows:
(breakdown into items and/or into supply/delivery/etc)
and shall be payable by the Employer to the Contractor as set out below.
.. % of the total Contract Price shall be payable by a direct payment from the
Employer to the Contractor within 28 days of the Effective Date, which shall be
payable against the following documents:
commercial invoice addressed to the Employer specifying the amount of the
payment now due,
advance payment security guarantee issued by... Bank in the form
performance security guarantee issued by... Bank in the form annexed,
Employer’s Representative’s Interim Payment Certificate confirming the
payment due and specifying the amount.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
.....% ugovorene cene za isporuku Postrojenja će biti plativo po sledećem:
.....% odgovarajuće vrednosti isporučenog Postrojenja, direktnim plaćanjem
od strane Investitora Izvođaču po otpremi svake pozicije, po predaji sledećih dokumenata:
(original) komercijalne fakture
(original) robni dokumenti
(original) potvrde o poreklu
(original) potvrde osiguranja, i
(original) Privremene Situacije Predstavnika Investitora koja potvrđuje
da je plaćanje dospelo sa navedenim iznosom
% odgovarajuće vrednosti isporučenog Postrojenja, isplatom iz Sporazuma
o Zajmu Izvođaču prilikom otpreme svake pozicije, uz prezentaciju Potvrde
o Kvalifikovanju u formi koja je priložena i kopija dokumenata nabrojanih u
gornjem paragrafu (b) (i).
Preostali deo ukupne Ugovorene Cene biće plativ po sledećem:
...% odgovarajuće vrednosti pruženih usluga, direktnim plaćanjem Izvođaču
od strane Investitora po završetku određenih usluga, uz podnošenje sledećih dokumenata:
(original) komercijalne fakture i
(original) Privremene Situacije Predstavnika Investitora koja potvrđuje
da je plaćanje dospelo sa navedenim iznosom
...% odgovarajuće vrednosti izvršenih usluga, isplatom iz Sporazuma o
Zajmu Izvođaču uz prezentaciju Potvrde o Kvalifikovanju u formi koja je
priložena i kopija dokumenata nabrojanih u gornjem paragrafu (c) (i).
Direktna plaćanja od strane Investitora navedena u ovom Članu će biti izvršena
nepovratnim akreditivom otvorenim od strane Investitora u korist Izvođača i potvrđenim od banke prihvatljive za Izvođača.
Od Investitora ili Izvođača (pre podnošenja Tendera). Alternativno, Izvođač može da bude spreman da pokrene aranžmane finansiranja i da zadrži odgovornost za njih, iako će verovatno biti
u nemogućnosti ili neće želeti da obezbedi finansiranje iz sopstvenih izvora; zahtevi banke koja
ga finansira će tada uticati na njegov stav u pregovorima oko ugovora. Oni mogu čak zahtevati
od Investitora da vrši neka plaćanja tokom izgradnje, mada veči deo Ugovorene Cene može
biti zadržan dok se Radovi ne završe. Ovakav aranžman plaćanja može da bude postignut ili
velikim procentom iznosa ugovornog depozita, ili odgovarajuće popunjenom Tabelom Plaćanja:
Instrukcije Ponuđačima će postaviti kriterijume kojih se ponuđači moraju pridržavati. Pošto će
Izvođač tada morati da organizuje sopstveno finansiranje da bi pokrio manjak između takvih
plaćanja i svojih izdataka, on (i banka koja ga finansira) će verovatno zahtevati neki oblik garancije koja će garantovati plaćanja po dospeću.
Možda će biti pogodno za Investitora, prilikom pripreme tenderske dokumentacije, da pretpostavi ovaj poslednji zahtev i potrudi se da obezbedi akreditiv radi pokrića dela plaćanja koje
Izvođač treba da primi po završetku Radova. Prilikom sastavljanja akreditiva glavnu pažnju
treba obratiti na dokumenta koja Izvođač treba da prezentuje banci prilikom traženja dospelog
plaćanja. Sledeći Član može biti dodat
Investitor će u roku od ......dana počev od Osnovnog Datuma, dostaviti Izvođaču neopozive akreditive, odobrene od banke prihvatljive za Izvođača, u ukupnoj vrednosti od ....
procenata (...%) Ugovorene Cene, plativo u razmerama valuta u kojima Ugovorena Cena
treba da bude plaćena. Jedan akreditiv treba da bude izdat za svaku valutu, koja će biti
plativa od banke u zemlji te valute. Iznosi plativi po akreditivima će biti delimična plaćanja
iznosa dospelih po Ugovoru po završetku Radova. Svaki akreditiv će navesti da je plativ
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
b) ...% of the contract price for the supply of Plant shall be payable as follows:
....% of the relevant value of the Plant supplied, by direct payment from the
Employer to the Contractor on shipment of each item, against the following
(original) commercial invoice,
(original) shipping documents,
(original) certificate of origin.
(original) insurance certificate, and
(original) Employer’s Representative’s Interim Payment Certificate
confirming the payment due and specifying the amount.
... % of the relevant value of the Plant supplied, by disbursement from the
Loan Agreement to the Contractor on shipment of each item, on presentation of a Qualifying Certificate in the form annexed and copies of the documents listed in sub-paragraph (b)(i) above.
the balance of the total Contract Price shall be payable as follows:
..% of the relevant value of the services rendered, by direct payment from
the Employer to the Contractor on execution of the relevant service, against
the following documents:
(original) commercial invoice, and (original) Employer’s
Representative’s Interim Payment Certificate confirming the payment
due and specifying the amount.
...% of the relevant value of the services rendered, by disbursement from the
Loan Agreement to the Contractor, on presentation of a Qualifying Certificate
in the form annexed and copies of the documents listed in sub-paragraph
(c)(i) above.
The direct payments by the Employer specified in this Sub-Clause shall be made
by an irrevocable letter of credit established by the Employer in favour of the
Contractor and confirmed by a bank acceptable to the Contractor.
Employer, or by the Contractor (before submitting his tender). Alternatively, the Contractor may
be prepared to initiate financing arrangements and retain responsibility for them, although he
would probably be unable or unwilling to provide finance from his own resources; his financing
bank’s requirements will therefore affect his attitude in contract negotiations. They might well
require the Employer to make some payment during construction, although a large proportion
of the Contract Price might be withheld until the Works are complete. This payment arrangement can be achieved either by a high percentage rate for retention, or by a suitably completed
Schedule of Payments: the Instructions to Tenderers would set out the criteria with which the
tenderer should comply. Since the Contractor would then have to arrange his own financing
to cover the shortfall between such payments and his outgoings, he (and his financing bank)
would probably require some form of security, guaranteeing payment when due.
It may be appropriate for the Employer, when preparing the tender documents, to anticipate the
latter requirement and undertake to provide a letter of credit to cover the element of payment
which the Contractor is to receive when the Works are complete. The main issue to be addressed in drawing up the letter of credit is the documents to be presented by the Contractor to the
bank when requesting the payment due. The following Sub-Clause may be added.
The Employer shall, within ... days of the Effective Date, deliver to the Contractor irrevocable letters of credit, confirmed by a bank acceptable to the Contractor, in the total
sum of. . per cent (. . %) of the Contract Price, payable in the proportions of currencies
in which the Contract Price is due to be paid. One letter of credit shall be issued for
each currency, payable by a bank in the country of such currency. The amounts payable
under the letters of credit will be part payment of the amounts due under the Contract
upon completion of the Works. Each letter of credit shall state that it is payable when the
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
kada Izvođač stekne pravo, po Ugovoru, da dobije Potvrde o Preuzimanju Radova, što
se dokazuje sledećim:
da je Potvrda o Preuzimanju potpisana od strane Predstavnika Investitora i potvrđena u ime Investitora, ili
da je izjava pod zakletvom potpisana od svih članova odbora eksperata (navesti
odgovarajuće kvalifikacije) i overena od strane javnog pisara
Moglo bi se pretpostaviti moguće kašnjenje u dobijanju ovih akreditiva:
Primer Definicije
Izbrisati Član i zameniti sa:
„Datum Početka” znači zadnji od sledećih datuma
datum 28 dana nakon Osnovnog Datuma
datum na koji Izvođač primi obaveštenje da započne radove izdato od Predstavnika
Investitora po Članu 8.1
datum kada Izvođač primi akreditive po Članu ....
Član 14 – Izmene
Izmene mogu da budu inicirane bilo kojim od sledeća tri načina:
a) predstavnik Investitora može da naloži izmenu po Članu 14.1, bez prethodnog dogovora o ostvarljivosti ili o ceni;
b) Izvođač može da inicira svoje predloge po Članu 14.2 na korist obe strane; ili
c) Predstavnik Izvođača može zahtevati ponude po Članu 14.2, prethodno tražeći dogovor radi smanjenja mogućnosti da dođe do spora.
Član 14.5 - Provizorni Iznosi
Iako je uglavnom nepodesno za ovakvu vrstu ugovora, Provizorni Iznos može da se zahteva
za deo radova za koji se ne traži da bude izražena cena na rizik Izvođača: npr, radi pokrivanja
roba koje Investitor želi da bira, ili za postupanje kod velike neizvesnosti što se tiče podzemnih
uslova. Bitno je definisati obim svakog Provizornog Iznosa (verovatno nekom Tabelom), tako da
će taj obim biti isključen iz ostalih elemenata Ugovorene Cene.
Ako je verovatno da će Provizorni Iznos biti procenjen po Članu 14.5 (b), procenat bi trebao
da bude naveden od strane ponuđača u Dodatku Tenderu. Ako se Provizorni Iznosi odnose
na potpuno različite vrste rada, odgovarajuće bi bilo dozvoliti ponuđačima da navedu različite
procente za svaki Provizorni Iznos.
Član 15 – Neispunjavanje obaveza Izvođača
Član 15.2 - Raskid Ugovora
Pre pozivanja na podnošenje ponuda, Investitor treba da proveri da tekst ovog Člana kao i bilo
kakav predviđeni raskid ugovora nisu u sukobu sa primenjivim zakonom.
Član 16 – Neispunjavanje obaveza Investitora
Član 16.2 - Raskid Ugovora
Pre pozivanja na podnošenje ponuda, Investitor treba da proveri da tekst ovog Člana nije u
sukobu sa primenjivim zakonom; Izvođač treba da proveri da bilo kakav predviđeni raskid ugovora nije u sukobu sa tim zakonom.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Contractor is entitled, under the Contract, to receive the Taking-Over Certificate for the
Works, as evidenced by:
such Taking-Over Certificate signed by the Employer’s Representative and endorsed on behalf of the Employer, or
the sworn affidavit signed by all members of the panel of experts (insert appropriate reference) duly authenticated by a notary public.
It may be appropriate to anticipate the possible delay to the procurement of these letters of credit:
Delete S-Clause and substitute:
“Commencement Date “ means the latest of the following dates:
the date 28 days after the Effective Date:
the date on which the Contractor receives the notice to commence issued by the
Employer’s Representative under Sub-Clause 8.1;
iii. the date on which the Contractor receives the letters of credit under Sub-Clause ...
Clause 14 – Variations
Variations can be initiated by any of three ways:
a) the Employer’s Representative may instruct the variation under Sub-Clause 14. I, without prior agreement as to feasibility or price;
b) the Contractor may initiate his own proposals under Sub-Clause 14.2, to the benefit of
both parties; or
c) the Employer’s Representative may request a proposal under Sub-Clause 14.3. seeking prior agreement so as to minimise dispute.
Sub-Clause 14.5 - Provisional Sums
Although generally inappropriate for this type of contract, a Provisional Sum may be required
for parts of the Works which are not required to be priced at the risk of the Contractor: for
example, to cover goods which the Employer wants to select, or to deal with a major uncertainly
regarding sub-surface conditions. It is essential to define the scope of each Provisional Sum (in
a Schedule, probably), since such scope will then be excluded from the other elements of the
Contract Price.
If a Provisional Sum is likely to be valued under Sub-Clause 14.5 (b), the percentage should be
quoted by tenderers in the Appendix to Tender. If Provisional Sums relate to radically different
types of work, it may be appropriate to permit tenderers to quote a different percentage for each
Provisional Sum.
Clause 15 – Default of Contractor
Sub-Clause 15.2 - Termination
Before inviting tenders, the Employer should verify that the wording of this Sub-Clause, and any
anticipated termination, is not in conflict with the applicable law.
Clause 16 – Default of Employer
Sub-Clause 16.2 - Termination
Before inviting tenders, the Employer should verify that the wording of this Sub-Clause is not in
conflict with the applicable law; the Contractor should verify that any anticipated termination is
not in conflict with such law.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Član 17 – Rizik i Odgovornost
Član 17.3 - Rizik Investitora
Ako određeni rizici treba da budu ograničeni na zemlju u kojoj je locirano Gradilište, Član može
biti dopunjen:
Na kraju svakog paragrafa ……………………. ČLana 17.3 ubaciti „u Državi”
Dodatni Član - Korišćenje Investitorovog smeštaja/Objekata
Ako će Izvođač zauzeti objekte Investitora privremeno, može se uneti dodatni član:
Primer Člana
Izvođač će snositi potpunu odgovornost za brigu o stavkama dole navedenim, od datuma
početka korišćenja za potrebe Ugovora do datuma predaje ili prestanka korišćenja takvih
objekata (mada ta predaja ili prestanak korišćenja može da se desi posle datuma navedenog u Potvrdi o Preuzimanju Radova):
(uneti detalje)
Ako se ikakav gubitak ili šteta nanese gore navedenim stavkama dok je Izvođač odgovoran za brigu o njima, iz bilo kog razloga osim rizika Investitora nabrojanih u Članu 17.3,
Izvođač će, o svom trošku, popraviti taj gubitak ili štetu tako da te stavke budu u skladu
sa odredbama ugovora na zadovoljstvo Predstavnika Investitra.
Član 18 – Osiguranje
Tekst u Delu I se bazira na tome da Izvođač obezbeđuje osiguranje usklađeno sa opštim uslovima dogovorenim sa Investitorom. Instrukcije Ponuđačima mogu zato zahtevati od ponuđača
da uključe te uslove u svojim Ponudama.
U nekim slučajevima, Investitor može odlučiti da ne zahteva osiguranje za projekat po Članu
18.1, i/ili da sam ugovori osiguranje u vezi sa Radovima i Odgovornosti Trećeg Lica. Tenderska
dokumentacija treba da sadrži detalje osiguranja koje će obezbediti Investitor, kao dodatak
Delu II, tako da ponuđači mogu da procene koje još osiguranje žele da imaju radi sopstvene
zaštite. Takvi detalji treba da sadrže uslove, limite, izuzetke i odbitke, preporučljivo u formi
kopije svake od polisa.
Izbrisati Član 18.2 i zameniti sa:
Investitor će osigurati Dokumenta o Izgradnji, Postrojenje, Materijale i radove pod zajedničkim imenom Investitora, Izvođača i Podizvođača, od svih šteta ili gubitka nastalih
u svim slučajevima koji mogu da se osiguraju, osim Rizika Investitora navedenih po
Članu 17.3. Takvo osiguranje će biti do limita ne manjeg od vrednosti potpune zamene
(uključujući profit) i takođe će pokriti troškove rušenja i uklanjanja otpada. Osiguranje će
biti takvo da će Investitor i Izvođač biti pokriveni od datuma kada je dokaz o osiguranju
dostavljen po Članu 18.5, do datuma izdavanja Potvrde o Preuzimanju radova. Investitor
će produžiti to osiguranje da bi obezbedio pokriće do datuma izdavanja Potvrde o
Dobrom Izvršenju radova, od štete ili gubitaka za koje je odgovoran Izvođač a koje su
nastale iz razloga koji su se dogodili pre izdavanja Potvrde o Preuzimanju Radova, i od
štete ili gubitaka izazvane od Izvođača ili Podizvođača prilikom obavljanja njihovih ostalih
poslova (uključujući i one po Članu 11 i 12).
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Clause 17 – Risk and Responsibility
Sub-Clause 17.3 - Employer’s Risks
If certain risks are to be confined to the country in which the Site is located, the Sub-clause may
be amended:
At the end of each of sub-paragraphs ......................of Sub-Clause 173, insert “in the Country,“
Additional Sub-Clause - Use of Employer’s Accommodation/Facilities
If the Contractor is to occupy the Employer’s facilities temporarily, an additional sub-clause may
be added:
The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the items detailed below, from
the respective dates of use or occupation for the purposes of the Contract to the respective dates of hand- over or cessation of such occupation (although such hand-over or
cessation of such occupation may take place after the date stated in the Taking-Over
Certificate for the Works):
(insert details)
If any loss or damage happens to any of the above items while the Contractor is responsible for their care, arising from any cause whatsoever other than the Employer’s risks
listed in Sub-Clause 17.3, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, rectify such loss or damage so that the items conform with the provisions of the Contract to the satisfaction of the
Employer’s Representative.
Clause 18 – Insurance
The wording in Part I is based on the Contractor procuring insurances consistent with the
general terms agreed with the Employer. The Instructions to Tenderers may therefore require
tenderers to include the terms in their Proposals.
In certain circumstances, the Employer may decide not to insist on insurance for design under
Sub-Clause 18.1, and/or to arrange insurance in respect of the Works and Third Party liability
himself. The tender documents should include details of the insurances to be provided by the
Employer, as an annex to Part II, so that tenderers can estimate what other insurances they
wish to have for their own protection. Such details should include the conditions, limits, exceptions and deductibles, preferably in the form of a copy of each policy.
Delete Sub-Clause 18.2 and substitute:
The Employer shall insure the Construction Documents, Plant, Materials and Works in
the joint names of the Employer, the Contractor and Subcontractors, against all loss or
damage arising from any insurable cause other than the Employer’s risks listed in SubClause 17.3. Such insurance shall be for a limit of not less than the full replacement
cost (including profit) and shall also cover the costs of demolition and removal of debris.
Such insurance shall be in such a manner that the Employer and the Contractor are
covered from the date by which the evidence of such insurance is to be submitted under
Sub-Clause 18.5, until the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works.
The Employer shall extend such insurance to provide cover until the date of issue of the
Performance Certificate, for loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from
a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, and for loss or damage
occasioned by the Contractor or Subcontractors in the course of any other operations
(including those under Clauses 11 and 12).
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Izvođač će osigurati Mehanizaciju Izvođača pod zajedničkim imenom Investitora,
Izvođača i Podizvođača, od svih šteta ili gubitka nastalih u svim slučajevima koji mogu
da se osiguraju, osim Rizika Investitora navedenih po Članu 17.3. Takvo osiguranje
će biti do limita ne manjeg od vrednosti potpune zamene (uključujući i dopremanje na
Gradilište). Osiguranje će biti takvo da se svaka stavka opreme osigura tokom transporta
do Gradilišta i tokom celog perioda kad bude na ili u blizini Gradilišta.
Primer Člana za osiguranje Trećeg Lica od strane Investitora
Izbrisati Član 18.3 i zameniti sa:
Investitor će ugovoriti osiguranje od odgovornosti prema trećem licu pod zajedničkim
imenom Investitora, Izvođača i Podizvođača, od svih šteta, gubitka, smrti ili telesnih
povreda koje mogu nastati na fizičkoj imovini (osim onoga što je osigurano po Članu
18.2) ili bilo kom licu (osim lica osiguranih po Članu 18.4), koji mogu nastati iz izvođenja
Ugovora i dogode se pre izdavanja Potvrde o Dobrom Izvođenju Radova.
Primer Opštih Zahteva za Korišćenje sa gore navedenim Primerima
Izbrisati Član 18.5 i zameniti sa:
Svaka polisa osiguranja će biti usaglašena sa opštim uslovima dogovorenim u pisanom
obliku pre Osnovnog Datuma, i takav Dogovor će imati prvenstvo u odnosu da odredbe
ovog Člana.
Izvođač će, u periodu navedenom u Dodatku Tenderu (računato od Datuma Početka
radova), podneti Investitoru odgovarajući dokaz da je osiguranje za koje je Izvođač odgovoran izvršeno. Prilikom isplate svake premije, Izvođač će dostaviti kopiju priznanice
Investitoru. Izvođač će ugovoriti sva osiguranja za koja je on odgovoran, sa osiguravajućim društvima, po uslovima odobrenim od Investitora. Svaka polisa osiguranja od
gubitaka ili štete će obezbediti da plaćanja budu u odgovarajućoj valuti da bi se ispravio
gubitak ili šteta. Plaćanja primljena od osiguravatelja će se koristiti za ispravljanje gubitaka ili štete. Izvođač (i ako je prikladno, Investitor) će se povinovati uslovima navedenim
u svakoj od polisa osiguranja.
Investitor će, u roku od 14 dana od primanja garancije o dobrom izvršenju posla opisanom u Članu 4.2, podneti Izvođaču dokaz da je osiguranje za koje je odgovoran Investitor
izvršeno, sa kopijama odgovarajućih polisa osiguranja. Prilikom isplate svake premije,
Investitor će podneti kopije priznanica Izvođaču.
Investitor će izvesti sva osiguranja za koje je odgovoran sa osiguravajućim društvima
i po uslovima odobrenim isključivo od strane Investitora. Sva takva osiguranja će biti u
skladu sa detaljima osiguranja koja su priložena, ukoliko se drugačije ne dogovori sa
Izvođačem. Smatraće se da je Izvođač u potpunosti razumeo takve detalje, i da je zadovoljan uslovima pre podnošenja svoje Ponude u pogledu obima pokrića obezbeđenim
po takvim osiguranjima (uzimajući u obzir uslove, ograničenja, izuzetke i odbitke) kao i u
pogledu ispravnosti i dovoljnosti Ugovorene Cene, za koju će se smatrati da uključuje i
cenu bilo kojih dodatnih osiguranja koje Izvođač želi da izvrši. Izvođač i Podizvođači će
prihvatiti osiguranja pribavljena od strane Investitora kao da su oni izvršili ta osiguranja;
oni i Investitor će se pridržavati termina i uslova navedenih u svakoj osiguravajućoj polisi.
Plaćanja primljena po polisi osiguranja od gubitka ili štete će biti korišćena za ispravljanje
gubitka ili štete. Ni jedna strana neće praviti materijalno drukčije uslove bilo kog osiguranja za koje su odgovorni, bez prethodne saglasnosti druge strane. Ako osiguravajuće
društvo izvrši (ili ima nameru da izvrši) takvu izmenu, strana obaveštena od osiguravajućeg društva odmah će obavestiti i drugu stranu.
Ako bilo koja strana propusti da izvrši i drži na snazi bilo kakvo osiguranje koje se od
nje zahteva po Ugovoru, ili ne obezbedi zadovoljavajuće dokaze, polise i priznanice u
skladu sa ovim Članom, druga strana može, bez štete za druga prava ili pravni lek, izvršiti osiguranje za pokriće takvog propusta i platiti dospele premije. Takva plaćanja će biti
nadoknadiva od strane odgovorne da izvrši to osiguranje.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
The Contractor shall insure the Contractor’s Equipment in the joint names of the Employer,
the Contractor and Subcontractors, against all loss or damage arising from any insurable
cause other than the Employer’s risks listed in Sub-Clause 17.3. Such insurance shall
be for a limit of not less than the full replacement value (including delivery to Site). Such
insurance shall be in such a manner that each item of equipment is insured while it is
being transported to the Site and throughout the period it is on or near the Site.
Delete Sub-Clause 18.3 and substitute:
The Employer shall insure against liability to third parties, in the joint names of the Employer,
the Contractor and Subcontractors, for any loss, damage, death or bodily injury which may
occur to any physical property (except things insured under Sub-Clause 18.2) or to any
person (except persons insured under Sub-Clause 18.4), which may arise out of the performance of the Contract and occurring before the issue of the Performance Certificate.
Delete Sub-Clause 18.5 and substitute:
Each insurance policy shall be consistent with the general terms agreed in writing prior to
the Effective Date, and such agreement shall take precedence over the provisions of this
The Contractor shall, within the period stated in the Appendix to Tender (calculated from the
Commencement Date), submit to the Employer appropriate evidence that the insurances for
which the Contractor is responsible have been effected. When each premium has been paid,
the Contractor shall submit copy receipts to the Employer. The Contractor shall effect all insurances for which the Contractor is responsible with insurers and in terms approved by the
Employer. Each policy insuring against loss or damage shall provide for payments to be made
in the currencies required to rectify such loss or damage. Payments received from insurers
shall be used for the rectification of the loss or damage. The Contractor (and. if appropriate,
the Employer) shall comply with the conditions stipulated in each of the insurance policies.
The Employer shall, within 14 days after receiving the performance security described in SubClause 4.2. submit to the Contractor evidence that the insurances for which the Employer is
responsible have been effected, and copies of the relevant policies of insurance. When each
premium has been paid, the Employer shall submit copy receipts to the Contractor.
The Employer shall effect all insurances for which the Employer is responsible with insurers,
and in the terms, approved solely by the Employer. All such insurances shall be in accordance
with the details of insurance annexed, unless otherwise agreed with the Contractor. The
Contractor shall be deemed to have fully understood such details, and to have satisfied himself before submitting his Tender as to the extent of the cover provided under such insurances
(taking account of the conditions, limits, exceptions and deductibles) and as to the correctness
and sufficiency of the Contract Price, which shall be deemed to include the cost of any further
insurances which the Contractor wishes to effect. The Contractor and Subcontractors shall
accept the insurances effected by the Employer, as if they had effected such insurances; they
and the Employer shall comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in each such policy.
Payments received under a policy insuring against loss or damage shall be used for the rectification of the loss or damage,
Each party shall make no material alteration to the terms of any insurance for which he is
responsible, without the prior agreement of the other party. If an insurer makes (or purports
to make) any such alteration, the party notified by such insurer shall notify the other party
If either party fails to effect and keep in force any of the insurances which he is required to
effect under the Contract, or fails to provide satisfactory evidence, policies and receipts in
accordance with this Sub-Clause, the other party may, without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, effect insurance for the coverage relevant to such default, and pay the premiums due.
Such payments shall be recoverable from the party responsible for effecting such insurance.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Ništa u ovom Članu ne ograničava obaveze ili odgovornosti Izvođača ili Investitora po
drugim uslovima Ugovora ili na drugi način. Bilo koji iznosi koji nisu osigurani ili nisu
nadoknađeni od osiguravajućeg društva (uključujući troškove pripreme zahteva za
naplatu osiguranja) će snositi Izvođač i/ili Investitor, svaki prema svojoj obavezi.
Član 19 – Viša Sila
Pre pozivanja na podnošenje ponuda, Investitor treba:
a) da proveri da tekst ovog Člana i bilo koje predviđeno delovanje po njemu, nije u sukobu
sa primenjivim zakonom, i
b) da razmotri da li treba izmeniti period od 182 dana po Članu 19.6.
Član 20 – Sporovi, Zahtevi i Arbitraža
Član 20.3 - Komisija za rešavanje sporova
Ugovor treba da sadrži odredbe koje, bez obeshrabrivanja strane da postignu dogovor tokom
napretka radova, im omogućavaju da sporne stvari iznesu nepristrasnoj osobi ili osobama sa
odgovarajućim tehničkim kvalifikacijama. Uspeh tih odredbi zavisi od poverenja strana odabrane osobe kao i u njihove lične i profesionalne kvalitete. Samim tim, od ključnog značaja biće
da aranžmani nisu nametnuti od bilo koje strane, i da je vlast koja vrši imenovanja u potpunosti
objektivna : FIDIC je spreman da vrši tu ulogu, pod uslovom da je delegiranje dozvoljeno (videti
primer teksta u Dodatku Tenderu). Najbolje je, ali jije od ključnog značaja, da se o osobi ili osobama postigne dogovor pre prihvatanja Tendera: strane mogu biti u mogućnosti da se dogovore
o imenovanju neposredno po dodeli Ugovora, kada su najčešće odnosi povoljni.
„Komisija za Rešavanje Sporova” je definisani termin za takvu osobu ili osobe, ali ta definicija ne
isključuje korišćenje jednog eksperta, koji će tako delovati kao jednočlana komisija. U ranoj fazi,
treba se razmotriti da li je jednočlana ili tročlana Komisija bolja za određeni projekat, uzimajući
u obzir njegov obim, vreme trajanja i polja stručnosti koja će biti obuhvaćena. Za neke projekte,
smatra se da je pogodno imenovati jednočlanu Komisiju za Rešavanje Sporova za svako veće
polje stručnosti koje se odnosi na Radove; međutim, ovo može prouzrokovati probleme u slučaju da dođe do nekog spora, a strane ne mogu da se slože kojoj osobi da se obrate.
Za jednočlanu Komisiju, Investitor može da predloži (možda u Tabeli, sa biografijom) imena
prihvatljivih osoba za Komisiju za Rešavanje Sporova da ponuđači odaberu. Sa tog spiska,
svaki od ponuđača će imenovati potencijalnog prihvatljivog člana, preporučljivo sa zamenama
u slučaju da neki od članova odbije imenovanje.
Za tročlanu Komisiju za Rešavanje Sporova, Investitor može na sličan način predložiti jednog
člana, i pozvati ponuđače da odaberu i da predlože (možda u Tabeli, sa biografijom) imena
prihvatljivih osoba za drugog člana Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova, na odobrenje Investitoru.
Investitor može slično predložiti imena prihvatljivih osoba za trećeg člana Komisije za Rešavanje
Sporova ponuđačima da izaberu.
Koji god metod da strane koriste pri pokušaju dogovora o imenovanju Komisije za Rešavanje
Sporova, preporučljivo je izbegavati da takav dogovor postane bitan deo pred-ugovornih pregovora. Primer teksta u Tenderu teži da izbegne da predlozi ponuđača postanu uslovi Tendera,
što može da dovede do eventualnog kašnjenja u dodeli Ugovora.
Član 20.5 - Sporazumno rešavanje Spora
Odredbe ovog Člana imaju svrhu da podstaknu strane da spor reše sporazumno: npr. direktnim pregovorima, medijacijom ili pomirenjem. Procedure sporazumnog rešavanja zavise, da bi
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Nothing in this Clause limits the obligations, liabilities or responsibilities of the Contractor or the
Employer, under the other terms of the Contract or otherwise. Any amounts not insured or not
recovered from the insurers (including the cost of preparing insurance claims) shall be borne
by the Contractor and/or the Employer accordingly.
Clause 19 – Force Majeure
Before inviting tenders, the Employer should:
a) verify that the wording of this Clause, and any anticipated action under it, is not in conflict with the applicable law. And
b) consider whether to amend the period of 182 days in Sub-Clause 19.6.
Clause 20 – Claims, Disputes and Arbitration
Sub-Clause 20.3 - Dispute Adjudication Board
The Contract should include provisions which, whilst not discouraging the parties from reaching agreement as the works proceed, allows them to refer contentious matters to impartial
individual(s) with suitable technical qualifications. The provisions depend, for their success, on
the parties’ confidence in the agreed individual(s) and in the individual’s personal and professional qualities. Therefore, it is essential that the arrangements are not imposed by either party
on the other party, and that the nominating authority is wholly impartial: FIDIC is prepared to
perform this role, provided delegation is permissible (see the example wording in the Appendix
To Tender). It is preferable, but not essential, for the individual(s) to be agreed by the time the
Tender is accepted: the parties may be able to agree the appointment immediately after the
award of the Contract, when relationships are usually favourable.
The “Dispute Adjudication Board” is the defined term for such individual(s), but such definition
does not preclude the use of one expert, who would thus act as a one-person Board. At an
early stage, consideration should be given as to whether a one-person or three-person Board
is preferable for a particular project, taking account of its size, duration and the fields of expertise which will be involved. For some projects, it may be considered appropriate to appoint a
one-person Dispute Adjudication Board for each major field of expertise relevant to the Works;
however, this could give rise to problems when a dispute arises, the parties cannot agree to
which person it is to be referred.
For a one-person Board, the Employer may suggest (in a Schedule, possibly, with curriculum
vitae) the names of acceptable persons for the Dispute Adjudication Board, for tenderers to
select. From the list, each tenderer would nominate acceptable potential members, preferably
with alternates in case some subsequently decline the appointment.
For a three-person Board, the Employer may similarly propose one member, and invite tenderers to approve and to suggest (in a Schedule, possibly, with curriculum vitae) the names of
acceptable persons for another member of the Dispute Adjudication Board, for the Employer’s
approval. The Employer could similarly suggest names of acceptable persons for the third
member of the Dispute Adjudication Board, for tenderers to select.
Whichever method is used by the parties to attempt agreement on the appointment of the
Dispute Adjudication Board, it may be preferable to avoid the matter becoming a major part of
the pre-contract negotiations. The example wording in the Tender therefore seeks to avoid the
tenderer’s suggestions becoming a condition of the Tender, introducing a potential delay to the
award of a contract.
Sub-Clause 20.5 - Amicable Settlement
The provisions of this Sub-Clause are intended to encourage the parties to settle a dispute
amicably: for example, by direct negotiation, mediation or conciliation. Amicable settlement
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
uspele, od poverljivosti i od dogovora o proceduri; samim tim, preporučljivo je da takve procedure ne budu nametnute od bilo koje strane drugoj strani. Strane mogu da razmotre da započnu
predlaganje takve procedure na dodeljivanju Ugovora kada su najčešće odnosi povoljni. Na
drugi način, može biti praktično čekati nastanak spora pre dogovaranja same procedure; ako
je dogovor tada teško postići, uspešan ishod procedure o sporazumnom rešenju spora će biti
isto tako težak.
Član 20.6 - Arbitraža
Ugovor treba da uključi odredbe za rešavanje međunarodnom arbitražom bilo kojih sporova koji
se ne reše sporazumno. Međunarodna komercijalna arbitraža ima prednosti nad parnicama i
može da bude međusobno prihvatljivija za strane.
Pažnju treba posvetiti da se obezbedi da izabrana pravila internacionalne arbitraže budu uskladiva sa odredbama Člana 20 i ostalim elementima koji će biti ustanovljeni u Dodatku Tenderu.
Pravila Arbitraže Međunarodne trgovinske Komore (MTK) se često uključuju u međunarodne
ugovore o izgradnji. U nedostatku određenih odredbi u vezi broja arbitara, mesto i jezika arbitraže, MTKće doneti odluku o broju arbitara (tipično tri u bilo kom značajnom sporu o izgradnji)
kao i o mestu arbitraže.
Ako se radije koriste UNCITRAL (ili druga koja nisu MTK) pravila arbitraže, neophodno je odrediti u Dodatku Tenderu, instituciju koja će naimenovati arbitre ili sprovesti arbitražu, izuzev ako
takva institucija nije imenovana (sa navedenom ulogom) u pravilima arbitraže. Međutim, biće
neophodno obezbediti, pre njenog određivanja u Dodatku Tenderu, da je takva institucija voljna
da vrši ta naimenovanja ili sprovodi arbitražu.
Za veće projekte na međunarodnom tenderu poželjno je da mesto arbitraže bude u državi koja
nije država Investitora, Izvođača ili koja pruža finansiranje institucije. Takva država treba da ima
moderni i liberalni arbitražni zakon, i treba da je ratifikovala bilateralnu ili multilateralnu konvenciju (kao što je Njujorška Konvencija iz 1958.za priznavanje i sprovođenje Stranih Arbitražnih
Presuda), ili obe konvencije, koje će omogućiti sprovođenje arbitražnih presuda u državama
Ugovornih strana.
U pojedinim slučajevima može biti poželjno da se druge strane pridruže arbitraži između
Investitora i Izvođača, sačinjavajući višestranu arbitražu. Ukoliko je to izvodljivo, članovi o višestranoj arbitraži zahtevaju vešto skiciranje na bazi „od slučaja do slučaja”. Ne postoji zadovoljavajuća standardna forma člana za višestranu arbitražu za međunarodnu uoptrebu.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
procedures depend, for their success, on confidentiality and on agreement of the procedure;
therefore, it is preferable that such procedures are not imposed by either party on the other
party. The parties could consider initiating proposals for such procedures upon award of the
Contract, when relationships are usually favourable. Alternatively, it may be feasible to await the
existence of a dispute before agreeing the procedure; if agreement is then difficult, a successful
outcome of any amicable settlement procedure would be just as difficult.
Sub-Clause 20.6 - Arbitration
The Contract should include provisions for the resolution by international arbitration of any
disputes which are not resolved amicably. International commercial arbitration has practical
advantages over litigation and may be more mutually acceptable to the parties.
Careful consideration should be given to ensuring that the international arbitration rules chosen
are compatible with the provisions of Clause 20 and the other elements to be set out in the
Appendix to Tender., The Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (the
“ICC”) are frequently included in international construction contracts. In the absence of specific
stipulations as to the number of arbitrators, place of arbitration and language of arbitration,
the ICC will decide on the number of arbitrators (typically three in any substantial construction
dispute) and on the place of arbitration.
If the UNCITRAL (or other non-ICC) arbitration rules are preferred, it is necessary to designate,
in the Appendix to Tender, an institution to nominate the arbitrators or to administer the arbitration, unless such institution is named (and their role specified) in the arbitration rules. However,
it will be necessary to ensure, before so designating it in the Appendix to Tender, that it is prepared to so nominate or administer.
For major projects tendered internationally, it is desirable that the place of arbitration be situated in a state other than that of the Employer or Contractor or any financing institution. The
situs state should have a modern and liberal arbitration law and should have ratified a bilateral
or multilateral convention (such as the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards), or both, that would facilitate the enforcement of an
arbitral award in the states of the parties to the Contract.
It may be considered desirable in some cases for other parties to be joined into any arbitration
between the Employer and the Contractor, thereby creating a multi-party arbitration. While this
may be feasible, multi-party arbitration clauses require skilful drafting on a case-by-case basis.
No satisfactory standard form of multi-party arbitration clause for international use has yet been
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
OVAJ UGOVOR zaključen dana ________________________________________________
IZMEĐU: (1) _____________________________ [ime banke žiranta ili osiguravajuće kuće]
____________________________________ [adresa] (u daljem tekstu „Garant”), i
(2) _________________________________________________ [ime Investitora]
___________________________________ [adresa] (u daljem tekstu „Investitor”)
A. Ovaj sporazum je dopuna ugovoru (u daljem tekstu „Ugovor”) zaključenom između (1)
Investitora i (2) [ime Izvođača] ______________ [adresa Izvođača] (u daljem tekstu
„Izvođač”) kojim se Izvođač saglasio i preuzeo obavezu da projektuje i izvede i završi
i otkloni bilo kakve nedostatke na Radovima ___________ [naziv Ugovora i kratak opis
Radova] na sumu od ____________ [iznos u valuti Ugovora] što predstavlja Ugovornu
cenu i
B. Garant je saglasan da garantuje primereno izvršenje Ugovora u način opisan u daljem
1. Podložno Članu 2 ako Izvođač (osim ako nije oslobođen po bilo kom Članu Ugovora ili
po zakonu ili odluci suda nadležnog pravosuđa) u bilo kom pogledu ne izvrši Ugovor ili
prekrši neku od svojih obaveza po istom, Garant će Investitoru nadoknaditi i platiti štetu
koju on pretrpi kao posledice takvog neizvršenja ili prekršaja ne prelazeći zbirnu sumu od
_______________ [iznos garancije] ______________________ [rečima], te sume će biti
plaćene u vrstama i srazmerama valuta u kojima se plaća Ugovorna Cena.
2. Plaćanje od strane Garanta će biti izvršeno, samo ako, pre datuma izdavanja Potvrde
o dobro izvršenom poslu ili ____________ („Krajnjeg Datuma”) koji od njih bude raniji,
Garant primi sledeću dokumentaciju:
a) pismeno obaveštenje od Investitora i od Izvođača da je iznos obeštećenja koji treba
isplatiti Investitoru dogovoren između Izvođača i Investitora, ili
b) kopiju obaveštenja o arbitraži izdatu od strane Investitora ili Izvođača po Ugovoru uz
propratnu (pre ili posle „krajnjeg datuma”) overenu kopiju presude izdate u arbitražnom procesu obavljenom u skladu sa Ugovorom, da iznos obeštećenja treba isplatiti
Investitoru, ili
c) sudski overenu kopiju odluke Komisije za rešavanje sporova u skladu sa Ugovorom,
u vezi koje ni Investitor ni Izvođač nisu izdali obaveštenje o neslaganju u roku od
28 dana od datuma odluke prema Ugovoru, navodeći iznos koji dospeva za plaćanje
3. Garant neće biti razrešen ili oslobođen ove Garancije nekim dogovorom između Izvođača i
Investitora, sa ili bez pristanka Garanta, ili nekog oprosta od strane Investitora, bilo u vezi
plaćanja, roka izvršenja ili nečeg drugog, i bilo kakvo obaveštenje Garantu o takvom dogovoru, izmeni ili oprostu ovim se izričito odbija.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the_____________ day of_________________20_________
BETWEEN: (1) __________________________ [name of bank surety or insurance company]
of______________________ [address] (hereinafter called “the Guarantor”); and
(2)______________________________________________ [name of Employer]
of __________________________ [address] (hereinafter called “the Employer”)
This Agreement is supplemental to a contract (hereinafter called “the Contract”) made
between (1) the Employer and (2) [name of Contractor] of________________________
_________ [address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) whereby the
Contractor agreed and undertook to design and execute and complete and remedy any
defects in the Works of______________________ [name of Contract and brief description of the Works] for the sum of_____________________ [amount in Contract currency]
being the Contract Price; and
The Guarantor has agreed to guarantee the due performance of the Contract in the manner
hereinafter appearing.
1. Subject to Clause 2 if the Contractor (unless relieved from the performance by any clause
of the Contract or by statute or by the decision of a tribunal of competent jurisdiction) shall
in any respect fail to execute the Contract or commit any breach of his obligations thereunder then the Guarantor will indemnify and pay the Employer the damages sustained
by him as a consequence of such failure or breach not exceeding the aggregate sum of
________________________ [amount of guarantee] ___________________ [in words],
such sums being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract
Price is payable.
2. The payment by the Guarantor will only be made if, prior to the earlier of the date of issue
of the Performance Certificate or ________________ (“the End Date”), the Guarantor has
(a) written notice from both the Employer and the Contractor that the amount of damages
payable to the Employer is agreed between the Employer and the Contractor: or
(b) a copy of a notice of arbitration issued by either the Employer or the Contractor under
the Contract which is subsequently followed (whether before or after the End Date) by
a legally certified copy of an award issued in arbitration proceedings carried out in conformity with the Contract that the amount of the damages is payable to the Employer;
(c) a legally certified copy of a decision of the Dispute Adjudication Board under the
Contract in respect which no notice of dissatisfaction has been given by either the
Employer or the Contractor within twenty eight days of the decision under the Contract
stating an amount due to the Employer.
3. The Guarantor shall not be discharged or released from his Guarantee by an arrangement
between the Contractor and the Employer, with or without the consent of the Guarantor, or
by any forbearance on the part of the Employer, whether as to payment, time, performance
or otherwise, and any notice to the Guarantor of any such arrangement, alteration or forbearance is hereby expressly waived.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
4. Ova Garancija neće biti prenosiva od strane Investitora i nakon isteka njene pravosnažnosti Investitor će je vratiti Garantu u roku od 14 dana.
5. Reči i izrazi definisani u Ugovoru će imati, koliko to kontekst dozvoljava, isto značenje u
ovoj Garanciji
6. Ova Garancija će se upravljati prema zakonima _________________________________
Potpis_ ________________________________ Potpis _ _____________________________
Za i u ime ______________________________ Za i u ime _ __________________________
(datum)_ _______________________________ (datum) _____________________________
U svojstvu______________________________ U svojstvu ___________________________
I u prisustvu_____________________________ I u prisustvu __________________________
Pečat (ako je predviđen) _ _________________ Pečat (ako je predviđen) ________________
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
4. This Guarantee shall not be assignable by the Employer and upon it ceasing to be in full
force and effect the Employer shall return the same to the Guarantor within 14 days.
5. Words and expressions defined in the Contract shall so far as the context admits bear the
same meaning in this Guarantee.
6. This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws __________________________________
Signed by_ _____________________________ Signed by____________________________
for and on behalf of_______________________ for and on behalf of_ ___________________
on (date)_ ______________________________ on (date)_____________________________
in the capacity of_________________________ in the capacity of_ _____________________
and in the presence of_____________________ and in the presence of__________________
Seal (where applicable)____________________ Seal (where applicable)_________________
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Ovom Garancijom _________________________ [ime i adresa Izvođača] kao Principal (u
daljem tekstu nazvan ’Izvođač’) i _____________________ [ime, pravni naziv i adresa jemca,
bonding kompanije ili osiguravajućeg društva] kao Garant (u daljem tekstu nazvan ’Garant’),
smatraće se i biće čvrsto obavezani prema __________________ [ime i adresa Investitora]
kao Korisniku (u daljem tekstu nazvan ’Investitor’ u iznosu od ___________________ [iznos
garancije] [i rečima], za plaćanje te sume koja će propisno i istinski da se izvrši u vrstama i srazmerama valuta u kojima se plaća Ugovorna Cena, Izvođač i Garant ovim obavezuju sebe, svoje
baštinike, izvršitelje, staratelje, pravne naslednike i korisnike, solidarno i nepokolebljivo.
S OBZIROM DA JE Izvođač zaključio pismeni Sporazum sa Investitorom dana ____________
__ za ________________________ [naziv Ugovora] u skladu sa tamo nabrojanim dokumentima, koja putem pozivanja na njih postaju sastavni deo ovog dokumenta i u daljem tekstu se
nazivaju kao Ugovor.
ZBOG TOGA SADA uslov ove obaveze je takav da, ako Izvođač brzo i savesno izvrši pomenuti
Ugovor (uključujući bilo koje dopune istom) onda će ova obaveza biti nevažeća; u suprotnom
ostaće na punoj snazi i učinku. Kad god Izvođač propusti da izvrši i Investitor izjavi da je Izvođač
propustio da izvršio svoju obavezu po Ugovoru, dok je Investitor izvršio obaveze Investitora po
istom, Garant može odmah da nadoknadi taj propust ili će odmah postupiti po sledećem:
(1) završiti Ugovor u skladu sa rokovima i uslovima istog; ili
(2) pribaviti ponudu ili ponude od kvalifikovanih ponuđača da bi ih podneo Investitoru radi
završetka Ugovora u skladu sa njegovim rokovima i uslovima, a prema odluci Investitora i
Garanta o najnižoj ponudi izvođača koji su učestvovali, organizovati zaključenje Ugovora
između tog izvođača i Investitora i staviti na raspolaganje u toku napredovanja radova
(čak iako dođe do propusta ili niza propusta po Ugovoru ili Ugovorima o završetku po
ovom stavu) dovoljno finansijskih sredstava za plaćanje troškova završetka radova minus
’Razlika Ugovorne Cene’, ali ne preko, zajedno sa ostalim troškovima i obeštećenjem za
koja Garant može biti odgovoran po ovoj Obveznici, iznosa određenog u prvom stavu ovog
dokumenta. Izraz ’Razlika Ugovorne Cene’ za potrebe ovog paragrafa znači ukupan iznos
kojeg Investitor treba da plati Izvođaču po Ugovoru umanjen za iznos kojeg je Investitor
propisno isplatio Izvođaču, ili
(3) platiti Investitoru iznos koji Investitoru treba da bi izvršio Ugovor u skladu sa rokovima i
uslovima istog do ukupnog iznosa koji ne premašuje iznos ove Garancije.
Garant neće biti odgovoran za veću sumu od navedenih penala ove Garancije.
Bilo kakva žalba po ovoj Garanciji mora se pokrenuti pre izdavanja Potvrde o valjano izvršenom
Nikakvo pravo na postupak se neće steći po ovoj Garanciji u korist ili za upotrebu bilo kog
lica ili preduzeća osim Investitora ovde imenovanog ili njegovih baštinika, izvršitelja, staratelja,
pravnih naslednika i korisnika.
Kao dokaz ovoga, Izvođač je stavio svoj potpis i pečat, a Garant je ovo opečatio svojim zvaničnim pečatom propisno overenim potpisom njegovog pravnog predstavnika, ovog dana______
______ i godine___________.
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
By this Bond__________________ [name and address of Contractor] as Principal (hereinafter
called “the Contractor”) and_______________ [name, legal title, and address of surety, bonding company, or insurance company] as Surety (hereinafter called “the Surety”), arc held and
firmly bound unto ___________[name and address of Employer] as Obliged (hereinafter called
“the Employer”) in the amount of __________[amount of bond] ________________________
[in words], for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made in the types and proportions
of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, the Contractor and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally,
firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS the Contractor has entered into a written Agreement with the Employer dated the
__________ day of_____20______for________________________ [name of Contract] in
accordance with the documents listed therein, which are by reference made part hereof and
are hereinafter referred to as the Contract.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Condition of this Obligation is such that, if the Contractor shall promptly
and faithfully perform the said Contract (including any amendments thereto) then this obligation
shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Whenever the Contractor
shall be, and declared by the Employer to be, in default under the Contract, the Employer having performed the Employer’s obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the
default, or shall promptly:
(1) complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions; or
(2) obtain a tender or tenders from qualified tenderers for submission to the Employer for
completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by the Employer and the Surety of the lowest responsive tenderer, arrange for a
Contract between such tenderer and Employer and make available as work progresses
(even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or
Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of
completion less the Balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs
and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the
first paragraph hereof. The term “Balance of the Contract Price,” as used in this paragraph,
shall mean the total amount payable by Employer to Contractor under the Contract, less the
amount properly paid by Employer to Contractor; or
(3) pay the Employer the amount required by Employer to complete the Contract in accordance .with its terms conditions up to a total not exceeding the amount of this Bond.
The Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the specified penalty of this Bond.
Any suit under this Bond must be instituted before the issue of the Performance Certificate.
No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other
than the Employer named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Employer.
In testimony whereof, the Contractor has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, and the
Surety has caused these presents to be sealed with his corporate seal duly attested by the
signature of his legal representative, this ____day of_____.
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Potpis_ ________________________________ Potpis _ _____________________________
Za i u ime ______________________________ Za i u ime _ __________________________
(datum)_ _______________________________ (datum) _____________________________
U svojstvu______________________________ U svojstvu ___________________________
I u prisustvu_____________________________ I u prisustvu __________________________
Pečat (ako je predviđen) _ _________________ Pečat (ako je predviđen) ________________
Uslovi ugovaranja
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
Signed by_ _____________________________ Signed by____________________________
for and on behalf of_______________________ for and on behalf of_ ___________________
on (date)_ ______________________________ on (date)_____________________________
in the capacity of _ _______________________ in the capacity of_ _____________________
and in the presence of ____________________ and in the presence of__________________
Seal (where applicable) ___________________ Seal (where applicable)_________________
Conditions of Contract
Deo II Vodič za pripremu posebnih uslova
Za: ______________________________________ [ime Investitora]
_______________________________________ [adresa Investitora]
_______________________________________ [naziv Ugovora]
U skladu sa odredbama Uslova ugovora, Član 13.2 („Avansna plaćanja”) gore pomenutog
Ugovora, ____________ [ime i adresa Izvođača] (u daljem tekstu „Izvođač”) će deponovati kod
___________ [ime Investitora] bankarsku garanciju u cilju garantovanja njegovog propisnog
i pouzdanog izvođenja radova po pomenutom Članu Ugovora u iznosu od [iznos garancije]
___________________________ [rečima].
Mi, ___________________ [banka ili finansijska institucija], po instrukcijama Izvođača, neopozivo i bezuslovno smo saglasni da garantujemo, kao glavni dužnik a ne samo kao žirant,
plaćanje _________________ [ime Investitora] na njegov prvi zahtev bez ikakvog prava na
protivljenje sa naše strane i bez njegovog prvog zahteva Izvođaču, u iznosu koji ne prelazi
[iznos garancije] ______________________ [rečima].
Mi se dalje slažemo da nikakva izmena ili dodatak ili bilo kakva promena uslova Ugovora ili
Radova koji će biti izvedeni po istom, ili bilo kog ugovornog dokumenta koji mogu biti urađeni
između _______ [ime Investitora] i Izvođača, nas neće na bilo koji način osloboditi od bilo kakve
obaveze po ovoj garanciji, i mi ovim odbijamo bio koje takve promene, dodatake ili izmene.
Nije moguće podneti nikakav zahtev sa vaše strane po ovoj garanciji sve dok ne primimo od vas
pismeno obaveštenje u kome je naveden iznos svake avansne uplate koja je plaćena Izvođaču
saglasno Ugovoru.
Naša preostala obaveza po ovoj garanciji biće umanjena za one iznose koje nam dojavite u
vašim ovlašćenim dopisima i predstavljaće umanjenje ove garancije zahtevano da se izvrši u
skladu sa Ugovorom zbog otplate od strane Izvođača.
Ova garancija će biti važeća i na punoj snazi od datuma prijema prve avansne uplate po
Ugovoru pa sve dok __________________ [ime Investitora] ne primi u celosti otplatu istog
iznosa od Izvođača.
Pozdravljamo vas,
Uslovi ugovaranja
Potpis i pečat:
Naziv banke:
Part II Guidance for the Preparation of Conditions of Particular Application
To: _______________________________________ [name of Employer]
_______________________________________ [address of Employer]
_______________________________________ [name of Contract]
In accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract, Sub-Clause 13.2 (“Advance
Payments”) of the above-mentioned Contract, ____________________ [name and address of
Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor’1) shall deposit with ________________ [name
of Employer] a bank guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the said
Clause of the Contract in an amount of [amount of guarantee] ________________ [in words].
We, the ______________________ [bank or financial institution], as instructed by the Contractor,
agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligor and not as Surety merely,
the payment to ___________________________ [Name of Employer] on his first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Contractor, in the
amount not exceeding [amount of guarantee] ____________________ [in words].
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract
or of Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may be
made between _______ [name of Employer] and the Contractor, shall in any way release us
from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
No claim may be made by you under this guarantee until we have received notice in writing from
you specifying the amount of each advance payment which has been paid to the Contractor
pursuant to the Contract.
Our outstanding liability under this guarantee will reduce by such amounts as may be notified
to us in your authorised writing and slated to be the reduction of this guarantee required to be
made in accordance with the Contract by reason of the repayments made by the Contractor.
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the first advance payment
under the Contract until __________________ [name of Employer] receives full repayment of
the same amount from the Contractor.
Yours truly,
Signature and Seal: ____________________________
Name of Bank:
Conditions of Contract
Forme Tendera i Ugovora
Pregledali smo Uslove Ugovora, Zahteve Investitora, Tabele, Priloge br. ______________, i
predmete iznete u Dodatku Ugovora. Razumeli smo i proverili dokumetaciju i nismo utvrdili
nikakve greške u njima. U skladu sa tim nudimo da projektujemo, izvedemo i završimo pomenute Radove i otklonimo bilo kakve nedostatke, spremni za tu nameru u skladu sa ovim dokumetima i priloženom Ponudom za fiksni paušalni iznos od:
(u valuti plaćanja): ______________________________________________________________
Prihvatamo Vaše predloge za naimenovanje Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova, kao što je navedeno u Tabeli _________ [Kompletirali smo Tabelu dodajući naše predloge za ostale članove
tročlane Komisije ali ti predlozi ne čine uslove ove Ponude].*
Prihvatamo da se pridržavamo ove Ponude do________________ i ostaće obavezujuća po nas
i može biti prihvaćen u bilo koje vreme pre tog datuma. Priznajemo da Dodatak čini sastavni
deo naše Ponude.*
U slučaju da naša Ponuda bude prihvaćena, obezbedićemo odgovarajuću garanciju za dobro
izvršenje posla, početi Radove čim to bude razumno po dobijanju obaveštenja da otpočnemo
radove od Predstavnika Investitora, i završiti Radove u skladu sa gore navedenim dokumentima u vremensmom roku u Dodatku Ponudi.
Osim ako i sve dok formalni Sporazum ne bude pripremljen i potpisan, ova Ponuda, sa vašom
pismenom odlukom o prihvatanju iste, predstavljaće obavezujući ugovor između nas.
Razumeli smo da niste obavezni da prihvatite najnižu ili bilo koju ponudu koju primite.
S poštovanjem,
Potpis _________________________ u svojstvu _ _________________________________
koji je propisno ovlaščen da potpisuje ponude za i u ime _ ___________________________
_ ________________________________________________________________________
_ ________________________________________________________________________
Datum ______________________________
*U slučaju da Ponuđač ne prihvati, ovaj paragraph može biti izbrisan i zamenjen sledećim:
Mi ne prihvatamo vaše predloge za imenovanje Komisije za Rešavanje Sporova, i predlažemo
da se o imenovanju zajednički dogovorimo posle Efektivnog Datuma (osim ukoliko nije ranije
dogovoreno) u skladu sa Članom 20.3 Uslova Ugovora. [OPCIONALNO: Naša Ponuda uključuje naše predloge za ovo imenovanje, ali ti predlozi nisu uslovi ove Ponude].
Uslovi ugovaranja
Forms of Tender and Agreement
We have examined the Conditions of Contract, Employer’s Requirements, Schedules, Addenda
Nos _________ and the matters set out in the Appendix hereto. We have understood and
checked these documents and have not found any errors in them. We accordingly offer to
design, execute and complete the said Works and remedy any defects, fit for purpose in conformity with these documents and the enclosed Proposal, for the fixed lump sum of
(in currencies of payment) _________________________________________________________
We accept your suggestions for the appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board, as set out
in Schedule____ [We have completed the Schedule by adding our suggestions for the other
member of this three-person Board, but these suggestions are not conditions of this Tender].*
We agree to abide by this Tender until __________________and it shall remain binding upon
us and may be accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix forms
part of our Tender.
If our Tender is accepted, we will provide the specified performance security, commence the
Works as soon as reasonably possible after receiving the Employer’s Representative’s notice
to commence, and complete the Works in accordance with the above-named documents within
the time stated in the Appendix to Tender.
Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender, together with your
written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive.
We are, Gentlemen
Yours faithfully
Signature _ _____________________ in the capacity of _ ___________________________
duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of_________________________________
_ ________________________________________________________________________
_ ________________________________________________________________________
Date __________________________
* If the Tenderer does not accept, this paragraph may be deleted and replaced by:
We do not accept your suggestions for the appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board, and
propose that we jointly agree upon the appointment after the Effective Date (unless previously
agreed) in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.3 of the Conditions of Contract. [OPTIONAL: Our
Proposal includes our suggestions for this appointment, but these suggestions are nor conditions of this Tender].
Conditions of Contract
Forme Tendera i Ugovora
Dodatak Tenderu
(Napomena: sa izuzetkom stavki za koje su Zahtevi Investitora već uneti, sledeći
podaci moraju biti popunjeni pre podnošenja Ponude)
& 1.8
Ime i adresa Izvođača _ __________________
& 1.8
Ime i adresa
Predstavnika Investitora __________________
& 1.8
Rok za obaveštenje da
se započnu radovi _ _____________________
________________________________ dana
Rok za završetak Radova _ _______________
________________________________ dana
koja/koje su imenovane u Ponudi
Ime i adresa Investitora _ _________________
Ako se Član 13.15 ne primenjuje:
Strana valuta/Valute _ _______________
Zakon Ugovora _________________________
Vladajući jezik __________________________
Jezik komunikacije ______________________
Sistemi elektronskog prenosa _ ____________
Poverljivi podaci ________________________
Rok za pristup Gradilištu _ ________________
­­­________________ dana od Datuma Početka
Iznos garancije za
dobro obavljanje posla ___________________
________________% Ugovorene Cene,
i u proporcijama valuta u kojima se plaća
Ugovorena cena
Rok za podnošenje programa rada _ ________
____________ dana posle Efektivnog Datuma
Normalno radno vreme ___________________
Uslovi ugovaranja
Forms of Tender and Agreement
Appendix to Tender
[Note: with the exception of the items for which the Employer’s requirements have been inserted, the following information must be completed before the Tender is submitted]
Employer’s name and address_____________
& 1.8
Contractor’s name and address ____________
& 1.8
Name and address of the Employer’s
Representative _________________________
& 1.8
Time for notice to commence ______________
_________________________________ days
Time for Completion of the Works _ _________
_________________________________ days
If Sub-Clause 13.15 does not apply:
Foreign Currency/Currencies _ __________
as named in the TENDER
Law of the Contract______________________
Ruling language_ _______________________
Language for communications _____________
Electronic transmission systems____________
Confidential details_ _____________________
Time for access to the Site_ _______________
________days after the Commencement Date
Amount of performance security____________
_____ % of the Contract Price, and in the
proportions of currencies in which the
Contract Price is payable
Time for submission of programme__________
____________days after the Effective Date
Normal working hours____________________
Conditions of Contract
Forme Tendera i Ugovora
Obračunata odšteta
za Radove _ ___________________________
____________ % Ugovorene Cene na dan
u proporcijama valuta u kojima se plaća
Ugovorena cena
Limit obračunate odštete
za kašnjenje ___________________________
____________________% Ugovorene Cene
Ako se primenjuje Član II:
Obračunata odšteta zbog neispunjavanja
Testiranja posle Završetka
(detalji neispunjavanja testiranja) _________
(detalji neispunjavanja testiranja) _________
Ukupni iznos avansnih
plaćanja _ _____________________________
____________________% Ugovorene Cene
Broj i tempiranje rata _ ___________________
Početak otplate avansnog
plaćanja _ _____________________________
kada su plaćanja 10% Ugovorene Cene
Amortizacija otplate avansnog
plaćanja _ _____________________________
Procenat garantnog
depozita ______________________________
Limit garantnog depozita _ ________________
______________________% Ugovorene Cene
Ako se Član 13.5 primenjuje:
Postrojenje i Materijali za plaćanja
kad su isporučeni na Gradilište _ ___________
________________________ Ugovorene Cene
Minimalni iznos Privremenih
Situacija ______________________________
______________________% Ugovorene Cene
Ako se Član 13.15 primenjuje:
Plaćanja u Lokalnoj i Stranim Valutama &
Jedinica valute
Procenat plativ u toj Valuti
Devizni Kurs : broj Lokalnih za
jedinicu Strane valute
Lokalna: _______________(ime)
Strana: ________________(ime)
Uslovi ugovaranja
Forms of Tender and Agreement
Liquidated damages for the Works__________
____________ % of the Contract Price per day,
in the proportions of currencies in which the
Contract Price is payable
Limit of liquidated damages for delay________
___________________% of the Contract Price
If Clause II applies:
Liquidated damages for failing
Tests after Completion
(details of test failure)__________________
(details of test failure)__________________
Total amount of advance payments__________
___________________% of the Contract Price
Number and timing of installments_ _________
Start repayment of advance payment________
when payments are 10% of the Contract Price
Repayment amortisation of
advance payment_ ______________________
Percentage of retention___________________
Limit of Retention Money__________________
___________________% of the Contract Price
If Sub-Clause 13.5 applies:
Plant and Materials for payment
when delivered to the Site_________________
Minimum amount of Interim
Payment Certificates_____________________
___________________% of the Contract Price
If Sub-Clause 13.15 applies:
Payments in Local and Foreign Currencies
Currency Unit
& 13.15
Percentage payable In such
Local: _______________ [name] ___________________________
Foreign: _______________ [name] ___________________________
_______________ [name] ___________________________
Rate of exchange : number of
Local per unit of Foreign
Conditions of Contract
Forme Tendera i Ugovora
U slučaju da postoje Provizorni iznosi:
Procenat prilagođavanja
Provizornih Iznosa ___________________
Iznos osiguranja za Projekat _ _____________
Iznos osiguranja trećeg lica _______________
Periodi podnošenja osiguranja: _ ___________
(a) dokaz o osiguranju __________________
________________________________ dana
(b) odgovarajuće polise _________________
________________________________ dana
Broj članova Komisije za
Rešavanje Sporova (ako nije dogovoren)
da bude odrešen od _____________________
Član Komisije za Rešavanje sporova
(ako nije dogovoren) da bude
imenovan od strane _____________________
Arbitražna Pravila _______________________
Predsednik FIDIC-a ili osoba nominovana od
Broj Arbitara ___________________________
Jezik arbitraže _ ________________________
Mesto arbitraže _________________________
Ako se ne primenjuju MTK pravila uneti ili
Arbitražna pravila će biti sprovedena od
ili: Arbitar (ako nije dogovoren) će biti nominovan od:
Ako postoje Sekcije:
Određivanje Sekcija
Vrednost (procenat
Ugovorene Cene)*
Rok za završetak
Obračunata odšteta
(Član 8.6)
* Ove procente treba takođe primeniti na prvu polovinu garantnog Depozita po Članu 13.9
Paraf potpisnika Ponude ______________________________________________________
Uslovi ugovaranja
Forms of Tender and Agreement
If there are Provisional Sums:
Percentage for adjustment
of Provisional Sums __________________
Amount of insurance for design ____________
Amount of third party insurance ____________
Periods for submission of insurance: ________
(a) evidence of insurance________________
(b) relevant policies ____________________
Number of members of
Dispute Adjudication Board _ ______________
Member of Dispute Adjudication
Board (if not agreed) to be
nominated by __________________________
The President of FIDIC or a person
appointed by such President
Arbitration rules _ _______________________
Number of arbitrators _ __________________
Language of arbitration _ _________________
Place of arbitration ______________________
If ICC rules are NOT to apply - Either:
Arbitration rules to be administered by
Or: Arbitrator (if not agreed) to be nominated by
If there are Sections:
Definition of Sections
Value (percentage of
Contract Price)*
Time for Completion
Liquidated Damages
(Sub-Clause 8.6)
*These percentages shall also be applied to the first half of the Retention Money under Sub-Clause 13.9
Initials of signatory of ________________________________________________________
Conditions of Contract
Forme Tendera i Ugovora
Ovaj Sporazum sačinjen dana _______________ 20___
Između _________________________________ (u daljem tekstu „Investitor”) sa jedne strane
i _______________________________________ ( u daljem tekstu „Izvođač) sa gruge strane
Pošto Investitor želi da Radovi, poznati kao _____________________________ treba da budu
projektovani i izvedeni od strane Izvođača, i prihvatio je ponudu Izvođača za projektovanje,
izvođenje i kompletiranje Radova i uklanjanje svih nedostataka na istim
Investitor i Izvođač su saglasni sa sledećim:
1. U ovom Sporazumu, reči i izrazi će imati ista značenja kao ona koja su im dodeljena u
Uslovima Ugovora na koje se u daljem tekstu vrši pozivanje
2. Sledeća dokumenta smatraće se da formiraju, i biće shvaćena i tumačena kao sastavni
deo ovog Sporazuma:
Pismo o Prihvatanju, od _________(datum)
Zahtevi Investitora
Ponuda, od ________(datum)
Uslovi Ugovora (Delovi I i II)
Dodaci br. _________
Popunjene Tabele, i
Predlog Izvođača
3. Kao nagradu za plaćanja koja će biti izvršena od Investitora Izvođaču kao što je u daljem
tekstu pomenuto, ovim se Izvođač pogodio sa Investitorom da projektuje, izvede i kompletira Radove i ukloni sve nedostatke i da ih pripremi za njihovu namenu u skladu sa odredbama Ugovora.
4. Investitor se ovim obavezuje da plati Izvođaču, kao nagradu za projektovanje, izvođenje i
kompletiranje Radova i uklanjanje nedostataka, Ugovorenu cenu ili neku drugu sumu koja
može postati plativa po odredbama Ugovora u rokovima i na način propisan Ugovorom.
Kao svedočanstvo o tome strane su stavile svoje potpise na ovaj Sporazum dana i godine koji
su na početku napisani u skladu sa njihovim odgovarajućim zakonima.
Ovlašćeni potpis Investitora
(ako treba)
Ovlašćeni potpis Izvođača
(ako treba)
__________________________ _ ____________________________
u prisustvu:_ _______________ u prisustvu:____________________
Ime ______________________ Ime __________________________
Potpis ____________________ Potpis ________________________
Adresa _ __________________ Adresa _______________________
Uslovi ugovaranja
Forms of Tender and Agreement
This Agreement made the __________________day of_________________20___________
Between ______ of __________________ (hereinafter called “the Employer”) of the one part,
and ________ of ___________________ (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part
Whereas the Employer desires that the Works known as ______________________ should be
designed and executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the
design, execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects therein,
The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows:
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
The Letter of Acceptance dated _____________
The Employer’s Requirements
The Tender dated ___________
The Conditions of Contract (Parts I and II)
The Addenda nos ___________
The completed Schedules, and
The Contractor’s Proposal.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to design, execute
and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein, fit for purpose in conformity with
the provisions of the Contract.
4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor, in consideration of the design,
execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract
Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at
the times and in the manner, prescribed by the Contract.
In Witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and
year first before written in accordance with their respective laws.
Authorised signature of Employer
(if any)
Authorised signature of Contractor
(if any)
__________________________ _ ____________________________
in the presence of:___________ in the presence of:_ ____________
Name_____________________ Name_ _______________________
Signature__________________ Signature______________________
Address___________________ Address_______________________
Conditions of Contract