Code of Ethics for Teachers: Seminar Reflection

Name: Jeah A. Dalogdog
Date and time: August 24, 2022 (8 am – 11 am)
Resource Speaker: Glynda L. Bacong, PhD
Supervising Instructor: Kareen Betarmos, MACDDS
Orientation on Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher
Ethics is defined by Potter Stewart which is knowing the difference between what you
have a right to do and what is right to do. It hones us to be more responsible and aware on our
limitations as a person in the community. In the side part of teachers, rights and limitations are
just commonly basic application to their deepest roles, duties and responsibilities of a teachers
between the students.
On this day of the face to face seminar, it is quiet good to see each other learning together
about such important element of a teacher. I have crossed to the understanding of qualities of
an effective teachers up to basic components of professional teachers. Indeed, coping with good
qualities is really a standard in teaching. It usually refers to a very good speaker, understanding,
approachable, enthusiastic, and well disciplined teacher. Seeing these such some qualities of a
teacher can primarily lead to effective teacher. However, the teachers should not only be
effective in the teaching-learning process. It also demands to be efficient in teaching and this
requires to apply the sense of code of ethics. It is a set of principles and rules used by teachers
to distinguish right from wrong. After hearing the importance of the said seminar, I felt grateful
grasping all the information of code of ethics which is all about knowing the dimension of a
teacher as a professional and this prepares me soon on my teaching career. It is a privileged to
see the contrasting ideas of teacher’s rights upon putting some basic limitations. I have
understood its concept which is to help me do my work more credible with a consideration of
both parties to the students and co-teachers. It simply measures how long the rights of a teacher
in teaching environment. This implies that a teacher should know the balance of handling the
students and his or her profession.
All in all, applying the integrity of code of ethics is very beneficial for me becoming a
teacher. As time as now, we may not only understand the set of rights and wrongs, but we should
apply it in real context at all costs in the community to prosper good deeds and professionalism
at the same time. Let us remind ourselves to foster the principles of code of ethics to exercise
effective and efficient learning upon considering our roles and duties as a teacher.