新津分院 二大队 ICAO 学习资料 R1 二大队学习部 目录 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 考试概述 必背单词 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 1.概述 一.考试证件要求 1.私用驾驶员执照(纸质执照和云执照均可) 2.身份证 二.考试报名以及考试安排公布网址 http://pepec.cafuc.edu.cn 三.题型、测试内容、答题说明如下表所示: 测试部分 测试题型 测试内容 答题说明 10 秒航空英语 专家级 题量 题量 5 10 秒陆空通话 PART 1 工作级 5 5 20 5 20 20 秒航空英语 5 注 1 5 注 1 20 秒陆空通话 5 听力理解 单项选择题 5 陆空通话标准术语 语句复诵 口头重复所听内容 12 20 注 2 注 2 1 1 不适用 1 以及非常规和紧急 PART 2 情况下的通用英语 模拟常规、非常规 被测试人以飞行员的角 和紧急情况下的陆 色,根据所听情景进行 空通话 空地对话并录音 模拟陆空 PART 3 通话 被测试人根据所听故事 PART 4 故事复述 航空相关事件 准确复述所听内容 日常英语话题 口语能力 航空英语话题 根据面试员提问,被测 面试 与航空相关图片描 试人回答问题 PART 5 1 1 述 注1:听力理解 测 试为单独测试模块,对考生的听力能力进行测试,如果正确率低于系统 设定分值,系统将终止被测试人的考试进程。 注2:语句复诵部分为单独测试模块,主要测试考生的听力和口语复诵能力。该部分评分采用 人工评分和系统统分相结合的方法。如果系统换算所得分数低于设定值,将终止被测试人后续 已考试部分内容的评分。申请参加次工作级(即三级)考试的考生只需复诵8道题;参加工作 级(即四级)考试的考生需复诵12道题;参加专家级(即五级)考试的考生需复诵20道题。 注3:工作级复考考生仅参加Part 3和Part 5两部分内容的考试;专家级复考考生仅参加Part 3、 Part 4和Part 5三部分内容的考试。 1. 题型分解 PEPEC 考试各部分考核内容、考试题型和答题方式如下: 1)听力理解 听力理解部分测试被测试人获取口头信息的能力。录音材料语速为每分钟 100-120 词。该 部分以选择题的形式进行测试。被测试人直接在电脑上从四个选项中选择一个正确答案。听 力部分成绩由计算机系统计算,考试时间约 15 分钟。听力理解部分考试内容包括以下四种题 型: 十秒陆空通话:该部分由五道题构成,主要内容是飞行员与管制员的情景通话。采用选 择题的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 16 秒钟的答题时间。 十秒航空英语:该部分由五道题构成,包括与飞行专业相关的陈述和对话,采用选择题 的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍每个问题后留有 16 秒钟的答题时间。 二十秒陆空通话:该部分由五道题构成,主要内容是飞行员与管制员在复杂情况下的情 景通话。采用选择题的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 20 秒的答题时间。 二十秒航空英语:该部分由五道题构成,包括与飞行专业相关的较长时间对话和陈述,采 用选择题的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 20 秒钟的答题时间。 2)语句复诵 语句复诵部分主要测试被测试人对常规和非常规情况下陆空通话用语的正确听读能力。 该部分测试形式是被测试人重复所听到的内容。听力材料语速为每分钟100-120词。考试说明 部分 “Warm-up” ( 热身) 环节包含两个样例“Ready for departure”和“Runway in sight” , 便于考生 熟悉考试题型,热身环节不计入评分。语句复诵部分由评分员听录音后进行评分, 总分由计 算机算出。该部分题型结构根据被测试人的考试申请,分为次工作级(三级)、工作级(四级) 和专家级(五级及以上)三种,每种等级的答题方式和题型结构如下所述:1. 次工作级(三 级):该部分共有8个短句,内容包括常规和非常规情况下的陆空通话短语和短句。被测试人 在进入该部分测试前,系统出现“本人声明同意仅参加ICAO 3级测试”。如考生选择参加ICAO 3级测试,系统将自动调取8个短句,每句播放一遍,8个短句共有两次机会可以点击 “Say again”按钮,选择重听其中2个短句。被测试人听完短句,在“嘀”音提示后开始复述该句, 电脑自动录音。被测试人复述完毕后可点击“下一题”提示,进入下一题;如被测试人复述时间 超过给定的回答时间,系统将自动跳转到下一题。该部分成绩由评分员按照标准答案判定“正确” 或“错误”。考试时间约5分钟。 2. 工作级(四级) :该部分共有 12 个短句,内容包括常规和非常规情况下的陆空通话用语和句 子,每句播放一遍,12 个短句共有三次机会可以点击 Sayagain 按钮,选择重听其中3 个短句。被 测试人听录音短句并在“嘀”音提示后开始复述该句,电脑自动录音。被测试人复述完毕后可点击“下 一题”提示,进入下一题;如被测试人复述时间超过给定的回答时间,系统将自动跳转到下一题。该 部分成绩由评分员按照标准答案判定“正确”、“部分正或“错误”。考试时间约 10 分钟。 2. 专家级(五级及以上) :该部分共有 20 个短句,内容包括常规和非常规情况下的陆空通话用语和句 子,每句播放一遍。被测试人听录音短句并在“嘀”音提示后开始复述该句, 电脑自动录音。被测试人复 述完毕后可点击“下一题”提示,进入下一题;如被测试人复述时间超过给定的回答时间,系统将 自动跳转到下一题。该部分成绩由评分员按照标准答案判定“正确”、“部分正确”或“错误”。考试时间约 15 分钟。 3)模拟陆空通话 模拟陆空通话主要测试被测试人在与空中交通管制员进行常规和非常规陆空通话时是 否能够熟练使用 ICAO 的标准术语及通用英语进行通话,考查被测试人在模拟实际的工作环境中 运用语言的综合能力。该部分由 15 至20 个对话组成。模拟情景以虚拟的航图和航空公司呼号为背 景进行设置(参见 http://pilots.caac.gov.cn 网站) 。该部分开始前,在被测试人电脑屏幕 上显示与考试情景相关的背景信息,电脑播放管制员指令和画外音,被测试人参照电脑屏幕上 的画面,以飞行员角色进行模拟陆空通话,每个对话被测试人有 30 秒钟回答时间。被测试人 回答完毕后可以自行点击结束按钮,进入到下一个对话;如回答时间超过 30 秒钟,系统自动跳转到下一句。被测试人的口头回答由电脑自动录音。考试结束后,评分员根据标 准答案,从语言的发音、结构、词汇、流畅程度、理解能力等五个方面进行语言能力等级评定, 最高 6 级,最低 1 级。考试时间约 15 分钟。 4)故事复述(只限定专家级测试) 故事复述题考查被测试人的航空英语听力理解能力及口语表达能力。该部分录音材料是一 段与航空专业相关的短文故事,短文时长约 60-100 秒钟,语速约为每分钟 100-120 词。 录音短文播放两遍,两遍之间有 10 秒钟间隔。被测试人听完录音后,有 300 秒钟的时间思考并 口头复述短文内容,300 秒钟后系统自动跳入下一题。被测试人需点击“开始录音”按钮后,开 始复述,复述结束后可以点击“结束录音”按钮。评分员根据被测试人的口语表达能力,按照 ICAO 对语言能力的具体要求,从语言的发音、结构、词汇、流畅程度、理解能力等五个方面,对 被测试人的英语能力从最高的 6 级到最低的 1 级进行评估。考试时间约 10 分钟。 5)口语能力面试(OPI) 根据国际民航组织 Doc.9835 号文件要求,飞行人员语言能力测试必须包括口语能力测试。PEPEC 口语能力面试(Oral Proficiency Interview,即 OPI)是一种基于计算机视频的、面试员与 被测试人之间的半直接考试(即面试员与被测试人以电脑为媒介进行视频和发音连线,从而完 成口语考试任务) 。OPI 主要测试被测试人的英语听力理解能力和口语表达能力。从语言的发音、结 构、词汇、流畅程度、理解能力以及应对能力六个方面,对被测试人的英语能力从最高的 6 级到 最低的 1 级进行评估。被测试人点击电脑屏幕上的“Start to interview”按钮,提出面试请 求,面试员看到被测试人请求后,点击其屏幕上的“开始面试”按钮,实现双方的电脑音频和 视频连线,正式进入考试状态。完成面试后,被测试人点击其电脑屏幕下方的“Finish interview” 按钮,结束考试。 OPI 考试分为四个阶段,即准备阶段、等级初评阶段、等级评定阶段以及结束阶段。OPI 面试员 根据不同测试阶段的测试要求,进行由浅入深的提问。各个阶段的考试要求如下: 准备阶段:时长约 1 至2 分钟。被测试人通过回答简单的日常英语问题,了解并适应面试员的 语音语调,准备进入下一阶段的考试。 等级初评阶段:时长约 5 至6 分钟。通过被测试人对航空专业相关问题的回答,初步评估其基 本的语言等级。 等级评定阶段:时长约 6 至 7 分钟。OPI 面试员就屏幕显示图片及某一航空专业相关话题, 进行深层次的专业提问,便于被测试人专业英语水平的进一步发挥,以便在初步评估等级的基础 上,对被测试人英语水平进行确定或进行更高等级语言能力的评估。 结束阶段:时长约 1 至2 分钟。OPI 面试员通过较为简单的问话,放松被测试人心情, 结束 口语能力面试考试。 考试时间约为 15 分钟 2.必背飞机基础词汇 Nose 机头 nose up (pitch up) 向上仰 nose down (pitch down) 向下俯 fuselage 机身 empennage/tail section/tail 机尾 cockpit / flight deck/flight compartment 驾驶舱 cabin /passenger compartment 客舱 landing gear/undercarriage 起落架 nose gear 前轮 nose gear steering 前轮转向 main gear 主轮 tail wheel 尾轮 wheel well 轮舱 cowling /skirt 整流罩 galley 厨房 toilet/lavatory 厕所 wind shear 风切变 windshield 风挡 power plant 发动机 starboard wing 右翼 propeller 螺旋桨 single engine 单发 twin engine 双发 三发 四发 port engine 左发 starboard engine 右发 engine failure 发动机失效/ engine on fire 发动机着火/ engine flameout 发动机熄火 engine surge 发动机喘震 engine feathering 发动机顺桨 inboard flap 内侧襟翼 outboard slat 外侧缝翼 aboard /embark the aircraft 登机 disembark the aircraft 下飞机 POB (Persons on board) 机上人员 PIC pilot in command 责任机长 captain 机长 F/O first officer/ copilot 副驾驶 flight engineer 机械工程师 flight crew 机组 cabin door 客舱门/ cockpit door 驾驶舱门 front cabin door 前客舱门/ rear cabin door 后客舱门 front/rear/port/starboard 前后左右 cabin crew 客舱机组 flight attendant 空乘 flight security in casual clothes 便衣空保 axe martial arts /Kongfu purser stewardess flight engineer ground crew mechanic 机工 marshaller 信号员 apron/parking bay/ramp 停机坪 marshaller uses the visual signal to guide the aircraft on the ground Parking stand 停机位 Electric and electronic compartment 电子电器舱 Copilot need to record RTF ( radiotelephony communication) wheel well 轮舱 Work on shift day shift night shift Catering service 供餐服务 provide blanket 毛毯 catering car air-conditioning system Commercial aircraft cargo aircraft teaching airplane Private license commercial license instrument license Flight instructor sub school 分院 branch 分院/ 分公司 Flight phase 飞行阶段: taxiing-takeoff-departure-climb-cruise-descent-approach-landing Taxiway 滑行道 liftoff 离地 cruise level 巡航高度 Deviate from the course 偏离航向 Deviate from the rules 违背规则 jettison 放油 IGS instrument guidance system 仪表指引系统 whistle 无线电啸叫声 slto time 间隔 interphone 内话 parking brake 停留刹车 Backtrack 跑道掉头 hold short 在……外等待 Obstacle clearance 越障高度 noise abatement 降噪 conditional clearance 条件指令 Radar identify 雷达识别 Aircraft identification 本机呼号 Airborne filling flight plan 空中填写飞行计 划 Airways 航路 VMC Visual meteorological condition 目视气象条件 converging traffic=traffic congestion 交通汇聚 NDB: non-directional beacon 无方向信标 report established on the localizer 建立航向道叫 revised 修改了的 Straight in approach 直接进近 short approach 小航线进近 full stop 全停着陆 Touch and go 连续 fully established 航向道下滑道截获 marshaller 信号员 fast turn-off 快速脱离道 remain this frequency 在该频率保持长守 Redial contact/radar identified 雷达 识别 Circuit height 起落航线高度 delaying action 延迟进近的机动飞行 closing 接近 converging 汇聚 Parallel 平 行 same direction 顺向 opposite direction 逆向 diverging 分散 overtaking 超 越 crossing 横穿 build up 积云 circumnavigate/detour/divert 绕飞 yaw damper 偏航阻尼 bog down 陷入泥淖,停顿下来 passenger stairs 客梯车 ridge 埂 rut 辙 skid 滑向一侧 snow drift 雪堆 standing water 积水 steering 转弯 strip 进程单 to be bound for 向……飞去 to be subject to 受支配,使服从 width 宽度 belly landing 机腹着陆 crank 摇把,曲轴 disintegrate 分裂,爆 炸 fire engine 消防车 low pass 低高度通场 distress 遇险 relay 转报,转达 transmitting blind 盲发 urgency 紧急情况 decompression 失压 forced landing 迫降 pass on 传达,传送 3.第一部分 听力理解部分测试被测试人获取口头信息的能力。录音材料语速为每分钟 100-120 词。该 部分以选择题的形式进行测试。被测试人直接在电脑上从四个选项中选择一个正确答案。听 力部分成绩由计算机系统计算,考试时间约 15 分钟。听力理解部分考试内容包括以下四种题 型: 十秒陆空通话:该部分由五道题构成,主要内容是飞行员与管制员的情景通话。采用选 择题的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 16 秒钟的答题时间。 十秒航空英语:该部分由五道题构成,包括与飞行专业相关的陈述和对话,采用选择题 的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍每个问题后留有 16 秒钟的答题时间。 二十秒陆空通话:该部分由五道题构成,主要内容是飞行员与管制员在复杂情况下的情 景通话。采用选择题的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 20 秒的答题时间。 二十秒航空英语:该部分由五道题构成,包括与飞行专业相关的较长时间对话 和陈述, 采用选择题的形式进行考核。每道题均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有 20 秒钟的答题时间。 因该部分涉及题量较大,故仅给出一些例题参考: 一.Clear ice is usually found between 0-10 degree, Mixed clear ice is usually found –10 to- 15, And rime ice is usually found -15 and -20 degree Celsius Q.What type of ice is usually found between 0 degree to minus ten degree 1.Mixed and clear ice 2.Clear ice (明冰) 3.Cube ice (冰块) 4.Rime ice (毛冰) 二.due to bad weather and a late departure, their flight didn't arrive until after midnight, as a result, the connecting passengers missed their flights, and had to be booked in a hotel Q.Why were the passengers booked into a hotel 1.They missed their connecting flights. 2.They complained because of the delay 3.Their aircraft was replaced. 4.Their connecting flights were cancelled 三.P:London control, Speed bird 403, we’ve lost pitch control, we need a very long final,request fire services on landing, position 14 miles from threshold, 4000 feet, heading 250 A:Speed bird 403, London, continue this heading for a moment, I’ll give permission you make a long precision app immediately. Q: What did the pilot request 1.Maintain heading on final 2.A long distance final 3. A medical assistance 4.A long holding on landing 四.when the wind direction is changing, the heading is given in a range, such as variable from 270 to 330 degrees Q: How much is the range from 270 to 330 degress. 1.90 degrees. 2. variable winds. 3.60 degrees. 4.the heading 五.A:John, do you know there’s a word that ATC would use to inform pilots the change of last clearance and this new clearance should substitute the previous clearance J:Ah, yes, there is , yes. Q: what word should be used in this situation. 1. Reclear. 2.Say again. 3.Correction. 4.Disregard 4.第二部分 语句复诵部分主要测试被测试人对常规和非常规情况下陆空通话用语的正确听读能力。 该部分测试形式是被测试人重复所听到的内容。听力材料语速为每分钟100-120词。考试说明 部分 “Warm-up” ( 热身) 环节包含两个样例“Ready for departure”和“Runway in sight” , 便于考生 熟悉考试题型,热身环节不计入评分。语句复诵部分由评分员听录音后进行评分, 总分由计 算机算出。该部分题型结构根据被测试人的考试申请,分为次工作级(三级)、工作级(四级) 和专家级(五级及以上)三种,每种等级的答题方式和题型结构如下所述:1. 次工作级(三 级):该部分共有8个短句,内容包括常规和非常规情况下的陆空通话短语和短句。被测试人 在进入该部分测试前,系统出现“本人声明同意仅参加ICAO 3级测试”。如考生选择参加ICAO 3级测试,系统将自动调取8个短句,每句播放一遍,8个短句共有两次机会可以点击 “Say again”按钮,选择重听其中2个短句。被测试人听完短句,在“嘀”音提示后开始复述该句, 电脑自动录音。被测试人复述完毕后可点击“下一题”提示,进入下一题;如被测试人复述时间 超过给定的回答时间,系统将自动跳转到下一题。该部分成绩由评分员按照标准答案判定“正确” 或“错误”。考试时间约5分钟。 3. 工作级(四级) :该部分共有 12 个短句,内容包括常规和非常规情况下的陆空通话用语和句 子,每句播放一遍,12 个短句共有三次机会可以点击 Sayagain 按钮,选择重听其中3 个短句。被 测试人听录音短句并在“嘀”音提示后开始复述该句,电脑自动录音。被测试人复述完毕后可点击“下 一题”提示,进入下一题;如被测试人复述时间超过给定的回答时间,系统将自动跳转到下一题。该 部分成绩由评分员按照标准答案判定“正确”、“部分或“错误”。考试时间约 10 分钟。 2. 专家级(五级及以上) :该部分共有 20 个短句,内容包括常规和非常规情况下的陆空通话用语和句 子,每句播放一遍。被测试人听录音短句并在“嘀”音提示后开始复述该句, 电脑自动录音。被测试人复 述完毕后可点击“下一题”提示,进入下一题;如被测试人复述时间超过给定的回答时间,系统将 自动跳转到下一题。该部分成绩由评分员按照标准答案判定“正确”、“部分正确”或“错误”。考试时间约 15 分钟。 3. 该部分需要多次反复听反复记忆。 N.O O.N Leve l Content s 1 231 2 Looking out. 注意 2 429 2 Affirm RVSM. 可以RVSM 3 117 2 Request taxi. 请求滑行 4 237 2 Squawk ident. 应答机识别 5 368 2 Negative RNAV. 不能RNAV 进近 6 128 2 Runway vacated. 已退出跑道 7 238 2 Squawk standby. 应答机待机模式 8 285 2 Negative ADS-B. 没有ADS-B 9 114 2 Brakes released. 刹车松开 10 273 2 Request vectors. 请求引导 11 437 2 CPDLC connected. CPDLC 已连接 12 151 2 Holding position. 原地等待 13 213 2 Request de-icing. 请求除冰 14 1 2 Maintaining FL310. 保持高度层 310 15 218 2 Request backtrack. 请求 180 度掉头 16 281 2 Transponder Charlie. 应答机C 模式 17 282 2 Transponder unserviceable. 应答机故障 18 306 2 Runway in sight. 跑道可见 19 602 2 Unable, TCAS RA. 不同意,TCAC RA 激活 20 232 2 Traffic in sight. 飞机可见 21 65 2 No delay expected. 预计无延误 22 107 2 Stand by pushback. 推出稍等 23 69 2 Ready for approach. 准备进近 24 101 2 You are unreadable. 无法听见你的声音 25 217 2 Request time check. 请求校正时间 26 381 2 Wilco, words twice. 照办,发送两次 27 115 2 Starting Number One. 启动一发 28 135 2 Ready for departure. 准备起飞 29 264 2 Resume normal speed. 恢复正常速度 30 180 2 Request low approach. 请求低空进场 31 308 2 Passing outer marker. 通过外指点标 32 8 2 Request further climb. 请求进一步上升 33 55 2 Omit position reports. 省略位置报告 34 152 2 Stopping! Engine fire. 停止!发动机起火 35 265 2 No speed restrictions. 无速度限制 36 356 2 Remain this frequency. 在该频率长受 37 361 2 Request RNAV approach. 请求RNAV 进近 38 36 2 Maintain present speed. 保持当前速度 39 116 2 Brakes set, disconnect. 刹车刹住,断开 40 240 2 Stopping squawk Charlie. 关闭应答机C 模式 41 287 2 Stop ADS-B transmission. 停止ADS-B 发话 42 311 2 Request visual approach. 请求目视进近 43 50 2 Request frequency change. 请求转换频率 44 224 2 Continue present heading. 继续当前航向 45 57 2 Resume position reporting. 恢复位置报告 46 315 2 Request holding procedure. 请求等待程序 47 226 2 Confirm identification lost. 证实识别丢失 48 313 2 Request holding instructions. 请求等待指令 49 220 2 Request departure instruction. 请求离场指令 50 280 2 Advise transponder capability. 告知应答机可用模式 51 100 2 I read you 5. 我听你信号 5 个 52 103 2 How do you read? 你听我声音怎样? 53 102 2 Can you speak slower? 你能说慢点吗 54 230 2 Orbit left for delay. 左转以推延 55 433 2 Ready to resume RVSM. 准备恢复RVSM 56 171 2 Make a short approach. 做一个小航线进近 57 229 2 Three sixty turn left. 左转 360 度 58 153 2 Request return to ramp. 请求返回机坪 59 169 2 Orbit right. Number Two. 右转一圈,第二个 60 183 2 Wind shear, going around. 风切变,复飞 61 233 2 Negative contact due IMC. 由于仪表气象条件,看不见 62 234 2 Traffic passed and clear. 冲突飞机以通过无影响 63 338 2 Increasing rate of climb. 增加爬升率 64 367 2 RAIM alert, going around. RAIM 警告,复飞了 65 124 2 Holding, traffic in sight. 等待,飞机可见 66 108 2 Pushback at own discretion. 推出时间自己决定 67 432 2 Unable RVSM due turbulence. 由于颠簸 RVSM 不可用 68 139 2 Ready for immediate departure. 准备立即起飞 69 140 2 Cleared for immediate takeoff. 可以立即起飞 70 111 2 Pushback approved, facing west. 可以推出,面朝西 71 880 2 Negative contact due visibility. 由于能见度低,看不见 72 109 2 Pushback approved, long pushback. 可以退推出,多推一点 73 192 2 Confirm PAPI light unserviceable. 证实坡度指示器不工作 74 215 2 De-icing completed. Request taxi. 除冰完成,请求滑行 75 379 2 Roger, request continue approach. 收到,请求继续进近 76 235 2 Squawk 7563. 应答机 7563 77 297 2 Passing FL70. 通过高度层 70 78 3 2 Reaching FL190. 到达高度层 190 79 247 2 Fly heading 285. 航向 285 80 236 2 Reset squawk 5101. 重置应答机 5101 81 241 2 Affirm squawk 7500. 确认应答机 7500 82 2 2 Descending to FL290. 下降到高度层 290 83 309 2 Report MQR outbound. MQR 背台报告 84 355 2 Monitor Tower 118.1. 守听塔台频率 118.1 85 242 2 Altimeter 1003 8000ft. 高度表 1003,高度 8000 英尺 86 222 2 Contact Arrival 118.050. 联系进场频率 118.050 87 333 2 Descend immediately FL250. 立即下降到高度层 250 88 269 2 Next report at IP. 下一报告点IP 89 54 2 Next report at WXA. 下一报告点WXA 90 138 2 Lining up Runway 01C. 进入 01C 跑道 91 246 2 Leave BK heading 190. 离开BK 航向 190 92 99 2 Radio check on 118.3. 无线电检查 118.3 93 245 2 Turn right 20 degrees. 右转 20 度 94 248 2 Stop turn heading 070. 停止转向航向 070 95 202 2 Confirm RVR Runway 27. 证实跑道 27 的跑道视程 96 11 2 Stop descent at FL210. 在 210 高度层停止下降 97 275 2 Request 15 miles final. 请求五边 15 英里 98 244 2 Turn right heading 340. 右转航向 340 99 6 2 Passing FL180 for FL310. 通过高度层 180,上升到高度层 310 100 351 2 Expect descent after AK. 预计过AK 后下降 101 93 2 Bay24, request start-up. 停机位 24,请求开车 102 21 2 Expedite climb to FL190. 加速上升到高度层 190 103 411 2 Leaving FL220 for FL190. 离开高度层 220,下降到高度层 190 104 52 2 Contact Control on 118.9. 联系区调 118.9 105 4 2 Maintaining FL90 over WXJ. 过 WXJ 时保持高度层 90 106 63 2 Expected approach time 44. 预计进近时间 44 分 107 253 2 Indicated speed 270 knots. 指示空速 270 节 108 20 2 Expedite descent to FL180. 加速下降到高度层 180 109 304 2 Fully established Runway 24. 完全建立跑道 24 110 303 2 Established on the localizer. 已建立航向道 111 239 2 Squawk Charlie and code 5120. 应答机C 模式,编码 5120 112 292 2 Heading 120, correction, 140. 航向 120,更正,航向 140 113 387 2 Maintaining FL310 until advised. 保持高度层 310,等指示 114 410 2 Descending immediately to FL190. 立刻下降到高度层 190 115 184 2 Going around, localizer fluctuation. 复飞,航向道波动 116 286 2 Re-enter ADS-B aircraft identification. 重新输入ADS-B 飞机识别码 117 881 2 Unable, we are in IMC. 不同意,我们在仪表气象条件 118 61 2 Revised slot time at 56. 修改离场时间为 56 分 119 123 2 Hold short of Runway 24. 24 号跑道外等待 120 260 2 Do not exceed 280 knots. 速度不要超过 280 节 121 127 2 Crossing Runway 24, wilco. 穿越跑道 24,照办 122 854 2 Unable to comply, TCAS RA. 不能照办,有TCAS RA 指示 123 349 2 Stop descent at 5000 feet. 在 5000 停止下降 124 261 2 Reduce speed to 240 knots. 减速到 240 节 125 72 2 Leave JFK VOR heading 210. 离开JFK VOR 航向 210 126 436 2 At 144E(east) squawk 2000. 东经 144 度,应答机 2000 127 105 2 Stand 27, request pushback. 停机位 27,请求推出 128 174 2 Runway 27, cleared to land. 跑道 27,可以落地 129 254 2 Maintain 300 knots or less. 保持 300 节或更小 130 263 2 Increase speed by 10 knots. 速度增加 10 节 131 173 2 Continue approach Runway 25. 继续进近,跑道 25 132 225 2 Resume own navigation to BK. 恢复自主领航至BK 133 319 2 Leaving BKM VOR heading 110. 离开BKM VOR,航向 110 134 417 2 Request VMC descent to FL60. 请求目视条件下降到高度层 60 135 106 2 Pushback approved, Runway 31. 同意推出,跑道 31 136 166 2 Number Two, traffic in sight. 第二个,看见飞机了 137 897 2 Standby, high pilot workload. 稍等,飞行员工作负荷大 138 94 2 Start up approved, QNH 29.91. 可以开车,QNH29.91 139 405 2 Report 25 miles from BKM VOR. 距 离 BKM VOR 台25mile 报告 140 38 2 Reduce to minimum clean speed. 减速到最小净空速 141 172 2 Long final, airfield in sight. 长五边,机场可见 142 499 2 We have an electrical failure. 我们电力失效了 143 37 2 Maintain 250 knots or greater. 保持 250 节或更大 144 90 2 Say again the initial altitude. 再说一遍初始爬升高度 145 110 2 Pushback to taxiway A approved. 可以推出至滑行道A 146 366 2 GPS primary lost, going around. 失去GPS 主用,复飞了 147 268 2 Omit position reports until LN. 省略位置报告直到LN 148 250 2 Confirm danger area 113 active. 证实危险区域 113 有活动 149 175 2 Short final, request wind check. 短五边,请求风向风速 150 288 2 Stop squawk transmit ADS-B only. 停止应答机,只使用 ADS-B 发话 151 896 2 Transmission blocked, say again. 发话被干扰,再说一遍 152 47 2 Request join downwind Runway 31. 请求加入三边,跑道 31 153 249 2 Request heading 180 due weather. 由于天气,请求航向 180 154 307 2 Number One, contact Tower 118.7. 第一个,联系塔台 118.7 155 402 2 Estimating crossing LV NDB 1123. 预计在 1123 分飞越LV NDB 156 205 2 Confirm stop-end RVR 150 meters. 证实停止端跑道视程 150m 157 39 2 Reduce to minimum approach speed. 减小到最小进近速度 158 270 2 Report required only at boundary. 只要求在交接点报告 159 339 2 Unable expedite climb due weight. 不能加速爬升,因为重量 160 354 2 Request change to London Control. 请求转换至伦敦管制频率 161 427 2 Confirm radar control is resumed. 证实雷达管制恢复 1 0 162 26 2 Leaving FL200, climbing to FL280. 离开高度层 200,上升到高度层 280 163 70 2 Request leave the holding pattern. 请求离开等待程序 164 64 2 Revised expected approach time 54. 修改预计进近时间 54 分 165 312 2 Cleared visual approach Runway 24. 可以目视进近,跑道 24 166 353 2 Contact Control 80 miles after BK. 过 BK80mile 后联系区调 167 187 2 After vacated contact Ground 121.6. 脱离跑道后,联系地面 121.6 168 407 2 Report crossing 270 radial BKM VOR. 过 BKM VOR 台270 径向线报告 169 113 2 Ground, Cockpit. Ready for pushback. 地面管制,驾驶舱,准备推出 170 425 2 Confirm radar service is terminated. 证实雷达服务终止 171 137 2 Cancel SID, maintain runway heading. 取消标准离场程序,保持跑道航向 172 164 2 Join right-hand downwind, Runway 34. 加入右起落三边,跑道 24 173 350 2 Expedite descent until passing FL80. 加速下降直到通过高度层 80 174 431 2 Request clearance into RVSM airspace. 请求加入RVSM 的许可 175 464 2 Request further climb due wind-shear. 由于风切变请求进一步爬升 176 207 2 Confirm threshold Runway 27 displaced. 证实 27 号跑道入口内移 177 430 2 Negative RVSM due equipment downgraded. 由于设备降级,不可使用RVSM 178 167 2 Straight-in visual approach, Runway 34. 直接目视进近,跑道 34 179 826 2 Terrorists started to injure passengers. 恐怖分子开始伤害乘客 1 1 180 200 2 Confirm visibility more than 1000 meters. 证实能见度大于 1000m 181 284 2 ADS-B receiver 1090 (ten-ninety) data link. ADS-B 接收机 1090 数据链 182 449 2 Our pressurization system has malfunctioned. 我们的增压系统已故障 183 178 2 Landing clearance canceled. Continue approach. 取消落地许可,继续进近 184 283 2 ADS-B transmitter 1090 (ten-ninety) data link. ADS-B 发射机 1090 数据链 185 155 2 Negative intersection departure due performance. 由于性能限制,不能在交叉口起飞 186 310 2 Procedure turn completed, localizer established. 程序转弯已完成,并建立好航向道 187 635 2 GPS unreliable, terminating ADS-B transmissions. GPS 不可靠,终止ADSB 发话 188 191 2 Confirm centerline taxiway lighting unserviceable. 证实滑行道中线灯不工作 189 92 2 Destination Beijing, request departure information. 目的地北京,请求离场信息 190 258 2 Cross CK at 35 or later. 穿越CK 在 35 分或以后 191 96 2 Start up at 35, QNH 997. 开车时间 35,QNH997 192 189 2 Taxi to the end of Runway. 滑行至跑道末端 193 259 2 Cross DG at 24 or earlier. 在 24 分或 24 分之前穿越DG 194 201 2 Is mid-point RVR available? 请求中点跑道视程 195 203 2 RVR Runway 27 is 600 meters. 27 号跑道的跑道视程是 600m 196 144 2 The airbus on final in sight. 看见五边上的空客 197 194 2 Flock of birds 3 miles final. 五边 3 英里处有鸟群 1 2 198 88 2 Say again all after 3000 feet. 3000 英尺后的内容再说一次 199 296 2 Direct to JO, descend to FL50. 直飞JO,下降到高度层 50 200 35 2 Maintain Mach point 80 or less. 保持马赫数 0,80 或更小 201 325 2 Three sixty turn left for delay. 左转一圈,以推延 202 15 2 Descend at 2000 feet per minute. 以 2000 英尺每分钟的下降率下降 203 33 2 Reduce speed to Mach decimal 76. 减速到马赫数 0.76 204 419 2 Request join airway A1 at DAPRO. 请求在DAPRO 加入航路A1 205 216 2 Request start engine at the gate. 请求在停机位开车 206 451 2 We have a cabin altitude problem. 我们座舱高度有问题 207 331 2 Descend to reach 5000 feet by BK. BK 点之前下降到高度 5000 英尺 208 12 2 Descending to reach FL150 by WXI. 到 WXI 前下降到高度层 150 209 181 2 Runway not in sight, going around. 跑道不可见,复飞 210 34 2 Maintain Mach point 84 or greater. 保持马赫数 0,86 或更大 211 10 2 After passing CGO descend to FL80. 过 CGO 后下降到高度层 180 212 424 2 Confirm we are under radar control. 证实我们在雷达管制区 213 330 2 Cleared to JEMMY via BK 1A Arrival. 可以经由BK—1A 去往JEMMY 214 363 2 Cleared for LDA approach Runway 24. 可以LDA 进近,跑道 24 215 23 2 Unable to expedite climb due weight. 由于重量原因不能加速爬升 1 3 216 182 2 No contact at minimum, going around. 决断高不可见跑道,复飞 217 170 2 Number Two, follow airbus 320 ahead. 第二个,跟着前面的空客 320 218 278 3 Confirm ILS frequency for Runway 17L. 证实 17 左跑道盲降频率 219 409 3 Climb to FL220, report passing FL170. 上升到高度层 220,通过高度层 170 报告 220 149 3 Take off immediately or vacate runway. 立刻起飞,或退出跑道 221 530 3 We are having flight control problems. 我们有飞行操纵问题。 222 142 3 Cleared for takeoff, Runway 06, wilco. 可以起飞,跑道 06,照办 223 359 3 Expect commencing approach at time 50. 预计开始进近时间 50 分 224 41 3 Maintain 160 knots until outer marker. 保持 160 节直到外指点标 225 328 3 QNH1003, threshold elevation 196 feet. QNH1003,跑道入口标高 196 英尺 226 49 3 Request taxi to south maintenance ramp. 请求滑行道南边的维护机坪 227 157 3 Request intersection departure from C2. 请求从交叉口C2 起飞 228 439 3 SELCAL CODE EFFG, request SELCAL check. 选择呼叫代码EFFC,请求选呼检查 229 125 3 Cross Runway 24, report runway vacated. 穿越跑道 24,退出跑道报告 230 267 3 Request speed 250 knots due turbulence. 由于颠簸,请求速度 250 节 231 5 3 Continue descent to 3000 feet, QNH 1012. 继续下降到高度 3000 英尺,QNH1012 232 56 3 Omit position reports on this frequency. 本频率省略位置报告 233 345 3 Unable FL390 by boundary, request FL330. 交接点之前不能到达高度层 390,请求高度层 330 1 4 234 59 3 Approach time not determined due weather. 由于天气原因,进近时间待定 235 89 3 Say again all before departure frequency. 离场频率前的内容再说一次 236 853 3 Request right turn for traffic avoidance. 请求右转避让航空器 237 879 3 Unable to expedite climb due performance. 由于性能,不能加速爬升 238 120 3 Request taxi back for maintenance purpose. 请求滑回,以进行维护 239 154 3 Tire burst, possible evacuation on runway. 爆胎,可能需要在跑道上撤离 240 197 3 Is the weather improving or deteriorating? 天气在好转还是恶化? 241 378 3 Disregard. We made the wrong transmission. 作废,发话错误 242 883 3 Unable noise abatement due company policy. 由于公司政策,不能使用降噪程序 243 28 3 Reaching 8000 feet, request further climb. 到达 8000 英尺,请求进一步爬升 244 266 3 Request speed 200 knots due configuration. 由于构型问题,请求速度 200 节 245 301 3 Airfield in sight, request visual approach. 机场可见,请求目视进近 246 299 3 Request straight-in ILS approach Runway 24. 请求直接盲降进近,跑道 24 247 95 3 Start up approved, altimeter setting 29.91. 可以开车,高度表设定值 29.91(英寸汞柱) 248 58 3 Delay not determined due runway obstruction. 由于报道障碍物,延误待定 249 24 3 Descending immediately to FL200 due traffic. 由于冲突的飞机,立即下降到高度 200 250 112 3 Cancel pushback, we have maintenance problem. 取消推出,我们出现问题需要维护 251 223 3 Request remote apron for maintenance purpose. 请求在远机坪进行维护 1 5 252 484 3 Our operations manual forbids this procedure. 我们的运行手册禁止该程序 253 243 3 Negative squawk ident due transponder failure. 由于应答机失效,无法识别应答机 254 441 3 The air conditioning system has malfunctioned. 空调系统故障 255 340 3 Climb to 6000 feet, follow KODAP 01 Departure. 爬升到 6000 英尺,按照KODAP01 号标准离场程序 256 856 3 Clear of conflict, request further instructions. 冲突已脱离,请求下一步指令 257 382 3 Maintaining FL350, expect descent after BKM VOR. 保持 35000 英尺,预计在BKM VOR 台之后下降 258 31 3 Icing condition encountered. Request further climb. 遭遇结冰,请求进一步爬升 259 30 3 Experiencing icing condition. Request further descent. 遭遇结冰,请求进一步下降 260 32 3 Experiencing severe turbulence. Request further descent. 遭遇严重颠簸,请求进一步下降 261 104 3 QNH 997, I say again, QNH 997. QNH997,我再说一次 ,QNH997 262 188 3 Taxi to Stand 27 via Taxiway A. 经由滑行道A 滑行至 27 停机位 263 97 3 Expect start up at 35, QNH 1030. 预计开车时间 35,QNH1030 264 344 3 Climb to FL290, level at time 55. 爬升到高度层 290,55 分改平飞 265 9 3 Fly direct to SHA, not below FL180. 直飞SHA,不低于高度层 180 266 212 3 Tow approved via A to remote apron. 同意经滑行道A 拖至远机坪 267 321 3 Position 10 miles north east of LN. 位置LN 东北 10mile 268 322 3 Turn right heading180 for base leg. 右转航向 180 加入四边 269 406 3 Report 34 miles from Top of Descent. 距离下降顶点 34mile 报告 1 6 270 133 3 Taxi to holding point C3, Runway 36. 滑行至 36 号跑道C3 等待点 271 391 3 Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or before 55 同意,在 55 分或之前,穿越 BKM 272 165 3 Number Two, follow airbus 330 on base. 第二个,跟着四边的空客 330 273 179 3 Behind the Boeing737, cleared to land. 在波音 737 后,可以落地 274 214 3 Request frost removal only at the gate. 请求只在停机位除霜 275 262 3 Increase speed to 300 knots or greater. 增速到 300 节或更大 276 40 3 Maintain 160 knots until 4 miles final. 保持 160 节直到五边四英里 277 408 3 278 389 3 Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or above FL190 同意,在高度层 190 或以上穿越BKM VOR 279 48 3 Request taxi to holding point Runway 13. 请求滑行至 13 号跑道等待点 280 334 3 Descend to altitude 12000 feet QNH 1000. 下降到高度 12000 英尺,QNH1000 281 422 3 If FL240 not available, we accept FL220. 如果高度层 240 不可用,我们可以接受高度层 220 282 380 3 Stand by. We are carrying out procedures. 稍等,我们正在执行程序 283 227 3 Identified, position 50 miles east of BK. 已识别,位置BK 以东 50 英里 284 143 3 Airborne, passing 500 feet for 4000 feet. 离地,正通过 500 英尺,爬升至 4000 英尺 285 199 3 Confirm current RVR less than 400 meters. 证实当前跑道视程少于 400m 286 60 3 Slot time not determined due flow control. 由于流控,离场时间待定 287 348 3 We are far above profile. Request holding. 我们高于下降程序,请求等待 Report 28 miles DME 210 radial BKM VOR. BKM VOR 210 度径向线 28mile 报 告 1 7 288 466 3 We cannot make RNP approach due equipment. 由于设备原因,我们无法使用RNP 进近 289 473 3 The flight path is unstable. Going around. 飞行轨迹不稳定,复飞了 290 375 3 Cleared for CAT II ILS approach Runway 24. 准许二类盲降进近跑道 24 291 206 3 Confirm midpoint RVR more than 550 meters. 证实中间段跑道视程大于 550m 292 163 3 Airbus 330 heavy, 8000 feet, Information X. 空客 330,重型机,8000 英尺,通波X 收到 293 291 3 Right heading 120, my own terrain clearance. 右转航向 120,自行避让地形 294 347 3 After passing North Cross, descend to FL150. 过了North Cross,下降到高度层 150 295 22 3 Climb to FL280 expedite until passing FL180. 上升到高度层 180,加速直到通过高度层 180 296 147 3 Request right turn when airborne due weather. 由于天气,离地后请求右转 297 209 3 Confirm the reason for our flight suspension. 证实航班暂停原因 298 341 3 Passing altitude 2300 feet, climbing to FL80. 通过高度 2300 英尺,爬升到 8000 英尺 299 415 3 Request to leave controlled airspace by climb. 请求通过爬升离开管制空域, 300 438 3 Continue CPDLC make position report via CPDLC. 继续CPDLC,由CPDLC 做位置报告 301 545 3 We are leaking fuel slowly. Request diversion. 我们正慢速漏油,请求改航。 302 895 3 Unable CAT II approach due crew qualification. 由于机组资质,不能使用二类进近 303 190 3 Confirm construction work adjacent to Gate 37. 证实 37 停机位附近正在施工 304 204 3 Confirm touchdown RVR greater than 350 meters. 证实接地点跑道视程大于 350m 305 390 3 Negative, unable to cross BKM VOR below FL170. 不同意,飞越BKM VOR 不能低于 高度层 170 1 8 306 211 3 Confirm the reason for impounding our aircraft. 证实扣押我们飞机的原因 307 324 3 No ATC speed restrictions. Contact Tower 118.9. 无管制速度限制,联系塔台 118.9 308 320 3 Leaving FL60, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1008. 离开高度层 60,下降到 2500 英尺,QNH1008 309 414 3 Request to leave controlled airspace by descent. 请求通过下降离开管制空域 310 791 3 Is the preceding aircraft crossing our altitude? 前机正穿越我们的高度吗? 311 141 3 Runway 06, cleared for takeoff. Report airborne. 跑道 06,可以起飞,升空报 312 228 3 30 miles from touchdown, contact Approach 118.1. 距离接地点 30 英里,联系进近 118.1 313 274 3 Unable to receive transmission on that frequency. 在那个频率无法收到发话 314 463 3 Our FMS has malfunctioned. Request radar vectors. 飞行管理系统故障,请求雷达引导 315 276 3 Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception. 保持 3000 英尺,直到切入下滑道 316 337 3 Maintain own separation and VMC, descend to FL50. 自己保持间隔和目视气象条件,下降到高度层 50 317 377 3 Continue approach, prepare for possible go around. 继续进近,做好可能复飞的准备 318 318 3 Overhead YV, maintaining 3000 feet, entering hold. 飞越YV,保持 3000 英尺,进入等待 319 196 3 Confirm airport rescue and fire facilities category. 证实机场救援以及防火设施的类别 320 290 3 Unable identify the waypoint, request radar vectors. 不能识别此航路点,请求雷达引导 321 376 3 Join right hand downwind, visual approach Runway 24. 加入右起落三边,目视进近跑道 24 322 122 3 Approaching holding point, request crossing Runway 24. 靠近等待点,请求穿越跑道 24 323 219 3 Unable BK-1A Departure due performance. Request BK-1B. 由于性能原因,不能 BK-1A 离场,请求BK-1B 1 9 324 612 3 Our instruments indicate excessive high cabin altitude. 仪表显示座舱高度过高 325 27 3 Maintaining own separation and VMC, descending to FL80. 保持自己间隔,和目视气象条件,下降到高度层 80 326 364 3 Unable RNAV due equipment, request conventional arrival. 由于设备,不能RNAV 进近,请求常规进场 327 195 3 Runway covered with patches of water, braking action medium. 跑道覆盖积水,刹车效应中等 328 158 3 Request Takeoff Runway Available (TORA) from intersection C2. 请求从C2 起飞的可用起飞滑跑长度 329 613 3 Our instrument indicates abnormal cabin pressure differential. 仪表显示有不正常的座舱压差 330 160 3 Request Takeoff Distance Available(TODA) from intersection E3. 请求从E3 进跑道的可用起飞距离 331 14 3 Climbing to FL290, to be level by 55. 上升到高度层 290,55 分前改平飞 332 492 3 We are receiving an ELT signal on 121.5. 我们正在 121.5 频率接收一个紧急定位发射机信号 333 346 3 Descend to FL100, cross YU FL150 or above. 下降到高度层 100 英尺,穿越YU 在高度层 150 或以上 334 357 3 We can see the approach lights at 200 feet. 在 200 英尺我们能看到进近灯 335 17 3 When ready, descend to FL210, level at PLT. 准备好时下降到高度层 210,在PTL 改平飞 336 16 3 Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater. 以 1000 英尺每分钟或更大的爬升率上升 337 145 3 Behind Airbus on short final, line up behind. 在短五边的空客后,进跑道 338 148 3 Take off immediately or hold short of runway. 立即起飞,或在跑到外等待 339 289 3 Fly no further west of your current position. 当前位置不要再往西飞了 340 704 3 We are on emergency descent due severe icing. 由于严重积冰,我们正紧急下降 341 162 3 Taxi via A2, backtrack and line-up Runway 18. 经 A2 滑行,180 度掉头,进入跑道 18 2 0 342 13 3 Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance. 由于性能原因,到ZHO 前不能到达高度层 150 343 562 3 Our left engine failed due to fuel starvation. 由于燃油不足,左发失效 344 684 3 We have an engine oil leak. Request diversion. 我们有一个发动机漏油了,请求备降 345 130 3 Follow the greens to holding point Runway 05R. 沿着绿灯滑行至 05 右跑道等待点 346 365 3 Unable RNAV, loss of RAIM, request NDB approach 由于RAIM 丢失,不能RNAV 进近,请求NDB 进近 347 893 3 We had to overshoot because of wake turbulence. 由于尾流,我们不得不复飞 348 19 3 Descend to 3000 feet, information P is current. 下降到 3000 英尺,最新通波 P 349 279 3 In case of going around, turn left heading 210. 如复飞,左转航向 210 350 208 3 The runway surface is damp. Braking action good. 跑道表面潮湿,刹车效应好 351 833 3 What do the bomb-disposal experts suggest we do? 拆弹专家建议我们怎么做? 352 860 3 Some passengers have been scalded by hot drinks. 一些乘客被热饮料烫伤了 353 255 3 Maintain 180 knots until 8 miles from touchdown. 保持 180 节直到离接地点 8 英里 354 400 3 Clear of weather, request to resume flight route. 已绕飞天气,请求恢复计划航路 355 168 3 Extend downwind, Number Two, airbus 320 in sight. 延长三边,第二个,空客 320 可见 356 335 3 Descend to height 2000 feet QFE 997 hectopascals. 下降到场高 2000 英尺,QFE997 百帕 357 42 3 Descend to FL120, on speed conversion, 250 knots. 下降到 120, 速度转换至 250 节 358 25 3 When ready, climb to FL280, report leaving FL200. 准备好时上升到高度层 280,离开高度层 200 时报告 359 882 3 Unable, we are only authorized during daytime VMC. 不能够,我们只具备在白天使用目视气象条件的资格 2 1 360 257 3 Maintain speed 280 knots or greater for separation. 保持速度 280 节或更大以调整间隔 361 332 3 When ready, descend to FL200. Report leaving FL300. 准备好时,下降到高度层 200,离开高度层 300 报告 362 738 3 Roger heavy rain. Request to terminate our approach. 收到,暴雨,请求终止进近 363 176 3 Request low pass due unsafe landing gear indication. 由于不安全起落架指示,请求低空通场 364 7 3 Cleared to enter controlled airspace not above FL100. 可以进入管制空域,但不高于高度层 100 365 450 3 We have difficulty in controlling the cabin pressure. 我们控制座舱压力困难 366 156 3 Affirm. We can accept intersection departure from C2. 同意,我们能接受从交叉口 C2 起飞 367 256 3 Maintain Mach decimal 82, transition speed 310 knots. 保持马赫数 0.82, 转换速度 310 节 368 485 3 Our Aviation Authority does not permit this procedure. 我们航空当局不允许该程序 369 136 3 After departure, climb straight ahead until 3000 feet. 起飞后直线爬升直到 3000 英尺 370 186 3 Take first right. When vacated, contact Ground 118.35. 第一个路口右转,脱离跑道后,联系地面 118.35 371 498 3 Sorry for blocking the frequency due microphone jammed. 抱歉占用此频率,话筒故障了 372 603 3 We are clear of conflict. Request further instructions. 我们已脱离冲突,请求进一步指令 373 888 3 Request runway change for departure due high crosswind. 由于大侧风,请求换跑道起飞 374 43 3 Cancel speed restriction, continue descent to 7000 feet. 取消速度限制,继续下降到 7000 英尺 375 489 3 All stations, transmitting blind due to receiver failure. 所有各台,由于接收机失效,盲发 376 758 3 There is an obstruction ahead. Confirm taxi instructions. 前方有障碍物,证实滑行指令 377 132 3 After landing Airbus320, cross Runway 24, report vacated. 空客 320 落地后,穿越跑道 24,脱离报 2 2 Confirm we have enough separation from preceding aircraft. 证实我们与前机有足够的间隔 378 878 3 379 44 3 380 465 3 Unable to maintain altitude, request leaving RVSM airspace. 无法保持高度,请求离开RVSM 空域 381 847 3 The conflicting traffic is military. Request avoiding action. 冲突飞机是军用机,请求避让措施 382 327 3 Surveillance radar approach Runway 27, maintaining 2200 feet. 监视雷达进近,跑道 27,保持 2200 英尺 383 440 3 CPDLC unserviceable, request to revert to voice communication. CPDLC 不工作,请求恢复话音通信 384 702 3 We are encountering moderate icing. Request immediate descent. 我们正遭遇中度结冰,请求立即下降 385 360 3 Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion. 由于公司政策,不能盘旋进近,请求改航 386 789 3 Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion. 由于公司政策,无法盘旋进近,请求备降 387 45 3 Maintaining FL350, cleared to destination, flight planned route. 保持高度层 350, 准许飞往目的地,飞行计划航路 388 159 3 Request Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) from intersection D1. 请求交叉口D1 的加速停止可用距离 389 590 3 We made the go around due to GPS error. 我们复飞了是因为GPS 误差 390 592 3 We made the go around due to CDU failure. 我们复飞是因为CDU 故障 391 343 3 Climb to FL 210, cross AU at FL100 or below. 爬升到高度层 210,穿越AU 时不高于高度层 100 392 900 3 We had to go around due to unstable approach. 我们必须复飞是因为进近不稳定 393 118 3 Taxi via taxiway C to holding point Runway 24. 经过滑行道C 滑行至 24 跑道等待点 394 129 3 Giving way to B747 passing from left to right. 给从左向右穿过的 747 让路 395 493 3 We are picking up a broadcast signal on 121.5. 我们在 121.5 里提取到一个广播信号 LMN-02 Departure, passing 2500 feet climbing to 9000 feet. LMN-02 离场,通过 2500 英尺,爬升到 9000 英 尺 2 3 396 193 3 The Runway light is too bright. Request dim it. 跑道灯太亮,请求调暗 397 566 3 We have shut down one of the hydraulic systems. 我们已经关断了一个液压系统 398 121 3 Negative. We need 10 minutes to cool the brakes. 不行,我们需要 10 分钟冷却刹车 399 710 3 We made the go around due to wind-shear warning. 我们复飞是由于风切变警告 400 177 3 Low pass approved Runway 27, not below 500 feet. 同意低空通场,跑道 27,不低于 500 英尺 401 392 3 Negative, unable to cross BKM VOR at 43 or later. 不同意,不能在 43 分或之后穿越BKM VOR 402 119 3 Taxi to holding point Runway 24, traffic in sight. 滑行至 24 跑道等待点,飞机可见 403 62 3 Expect hold at HUR VOR for 10 minutes due traffic. 由冲突,预计在HUR VOR 等待 10 分钟 404 388 3 Descend to FL170, cross BKM VOR at or above FL210. 下降到高度层 170,在高度层 210 或以上穿越BKM VOR 405 394 3 Request lose time en route to finish the checklist. 请求在航路上消耗时间以完成检查单 406 683 3 We aborted takeoff due loss of engine oil pressure. 由于发动机滑油压力减小,我们中断起飞了 407 840 3 We have navigation map drift. Request climb to MEA. 我们有导航地图漂移,请求爬升到最低航路高度 408 86 3 Gate15, information C, ready to copy ATC clearance. 停机位 15,通波代码C,准备抄收放行许可 409 46 3 Request radar vectors for visual approach Runway 22. 请求雷达引导,目视进近,跑道 22 410 564 3 We suspect there is contamination in our fuel tanks. 我们怀疑油箱燃油污染 411 51 3 15NM to HRB, FL290, tracking to JMU, squawking 6543. 距离HBR15nm,高度层 290, 直飞JMU,应答机编码 6543 412 462 3 There are unusual noises coming from the avionics bay. 电子设备舱出现异常噪音 413 458 3 We have a problem with the avionics ventilation system. 我们的电子通风系统有问题 2 4 414 889 3 Request delay the approach due tail wind beyond limits. 由于顺风超出限制,请求推迟进近 415 126 3 Unable to vacate via A2, request full length of runway. 不能经由滑行道A2,退出跑道,请求全长跑道 416 91 3 Unable to cross LX FL150 due weight, maintaining FL130. 由于重量原因,不能在高度层 150 穿越LX,保持高度层 130 417 846 3 We almost had a mid-air collision with another aircraft. 我们差一点与另一架飞机空中相撞了 418 77 3 Gate 26, request clearance to London with information F. 停机位 26 号,请求去伦敦的放行许可,通波 F 419 834 3 The cabin crew reports a passenger is behaving strangely. 乘务员报告说有名乘客举止怪异 420 385 3 Continue climb to FL 290, cross BKM VOR not above FL 230. 继续爬升到高度层 290,穿越BKM VOR 不高于高度层 230 421 677 3 The windshield is cracked on the outside. Request descent. 风挡外部裂开了,请求下降 422 150 3 Hold position, cancel takeoff, I say again, cancel takeoff. 原地等待,取消起飞,我再说一次,取消起飞 423 294 3 Confirm we are still above your minimum vectoring altitude. 证实我们仍然高于你们的最低引导高度 424 706 3 Rime ice was reported by previous aircraft during approach. 进近过程中,前机报告说有毛冰 425 824 3 Some of the hijackers are carrying sharp protruding weapons. 一些劫机犯携带着尖锐的锋利的武器 426 830 3 A suspicious suitcase was found during the cabin inspection. 客舱检查过程中发现了可疑的手提箱 427 395 3 Request parallel offset from current track due weather ahead. 由于前方天气,请求平行偏离当前航迹 428 565 3 One of our hydraulic systems has exceeded temperature limits. 我们的一个液压系统超过温度限制 429 629 3 We have errors with our navigation. Request radar monitoring. 我们的导航有误差,申请雷达监控 430 611 3 Cabin altitude is increasing abnormally. Request to level off. 座舱高度异常增高,请求改平飞 431 453 3 We have a slow cabin decompression. Request immediate descent. 我们出现缓慢失压,请求立即下降 2 5 432 624 3 Request diversion to a nearby airport with foaming capability. 申请备降到就近能够喷洒防火泡沫的机场 433 849 3 The conflicting traffic is gray, possibly a military aircraft. 冲突飞机是灰色的,可能是军用飞机 434 131 3 Cross red stop-bar at A1, we understand stop-bar unserviceable. 在 A1 穿越红色停止灯,我们已了解停止灯不工作 435 496 3 Our data-link has malfunctioned. Request ATC clearance by voice. 我们的数据链故障了,申请话音发布放行许可 436 788 3 Unable visual approach due company policy. Request radar vectors. 由于公司政策,无法目视进近,请求雷达引导 437 662 3 CPDLC has malfunctioned. We are reverting to voice communication. CPDLC 已故障,我们正恢复语音通信 438 342 3 Climb to FL210, level restrictions of KODAP01 Departure canceled. 爬升到高度层 210, 取消KODAP-01 号标准离场程序的高度限制 439 664 4 CPDLC terminated due to failure, reverting to voice communication. 由于故障,CPDLC 终止,恢复话音通信 440 890 4 Request holding instructions due weather near the runway threshold. 由于跑道入口附近天气,请求等待指令 441 421 4 Remain outside controlled airspace, expect further clearance at 55. 保持在管制空域外,预计下一步许可时间 55 分 442 326 4 Continue present heading, expect through the localizer for spacing. 继续当前航向,预计穿越航向道,以调整间隔 443 596 4 Our landing capability has degraded. Request terminate our approach. 我们的着陆能力降级,申请终止进近 444 370 4 Request hold for weather improvement, visibility below company minima. 请求等待天气好转,能见度低于公司最低标准 445 859 4 Some passengers were injured because their seatbelts weren’t fastened. 一些旅客受伤了,因为他们没有系紧安全带 446 66 4 Delay not determined, numerous aircraft holding for weather improvement. 延误待定,大量飞机等待天气好转 447 588 4 We made the go around due to FMS position error. 我们复飞是因为飞行管理系统位置误差 448 398 4 Cleared offset 25 miles left of track for 30 minutes. 可以左偏离航迹 25 英里飞 30 分钟 449 474 4 We made a missed approach due to unstable ILS signals. 由于盲降信号不稳定,我们执行了复飞 2 6 450 514 4 We have had a bird strike. Our windshield has cracked. 我们遭遇鸟击,风挡碎裂 451 774 4 We have a suspicious bag on board. Request bomb squad. 机上有可疑的包,请求拆弹小组 452 790 4 Are we being vectored too close to the parallel aircraft? 有架飞机平行飞行,我们是不是被雷达引导过近了? 453 543 4 Some of our fuel pumps have low pressure. Request descent. 一些燃油泵压力低,请求下降。 454 591 4 We made the go around due to lateral deviation exceedance. 我们复飞是因为横向偏差超出限制 455 775 4 The passengers are evacuating. The bomb is still on board. 乘客正在撤离,炸弹还在飞机上 456 374 4 Request extended holding to burn fuel to reduce the weight. 请求延长等待以消耗燃油减轻重量 457 587 4 We made the go around due to navigation accuracy downgrade. 由于导航精度降低,我们复飞了 458 416 4 Descending to 5000 feet QNH 1014, report passing 7000 feet. 下降到 5000 英尺,修正海压 1014,通过 7000 英尺报告 459 397 4 Proceed offset 10 miles right of track until abeam BKM VOR. 右偏航迹 10mile 直到正切BKM VOR 460 497 4 My apologies, I wasn’t aware the boom mike was transmitting. 抱歉,我没有意识到吊挂式话筒正在发话 461 757 4 There are red lights ahead of us. Confirm taxi instructions. 前方有红色灯,证实滑行指令 462 399 4 Offset canceled, turn right to rejoin the A1 before BKM VOR. 偏航取消,在到达BKM 之前,右转重新加入 A1 航路 463 302 4 When established on the localizer, descend on the glide path. 建立好航向道后,沿下滑道下降 464 277 4 NOTAM says glide slope for Runway15 is unserviceable, confirm. 飞行员通告表明跑道 15 下滑道故障,证实 465 76 4 Information P received, stand 03, ready to copy ATC clearance. 通波P 已收到,停机位 03 号, 准备抄收放行许可 466 298 4 Descending to 4000 feet QNH1005, expect ILS approach Runway24. 下降到 400 英尺,QNH1005,预计盲降进近,跑道 24 467 610 4 We are reading high engine vibration. Request to delay takeoff. 发动机抖动显示读数高,请求推迟起飞 2 7 468 885 4 Is there a frequency change at this compulsory reporting point? 在这个强制报告点有没有频率转换? 469 606 4 Our engine parameters are unstable. Request stop climb at FL220. 我们的发动机参数不稳定,请求在高度层 220 停止下降 470 640 4 Our airspeed is unreliable. Request radar vectors for long final. 我们的空速显示不可靠,请求雷达引导到长五边 471 783 4 Request a large airspace to maneuver due flight control problems. 由于飞行操纵出现问题,请求大空域机动 472 386 4 Negative, unable cross BKM VOR at or above FL230 due performance. 不同意,由于性能原因,不能在高度层 230 或以上穿越BKM VOR 473 461 4 We have severe vibration coming from the avionics ventilation fan. 我们的电子通风扇严重抖动 474 594 4 We no longer have altitude warning. Request leaving RVSM airspace. 我们不再具有高度警告,请求离开 RVSM 空域 475 362 4 RNAV approach not available due FMS database. Request VOR approach. 由于FMS 数据库原因,RNAV 进近不可用,请求VOR 进近 476 828 4 Terrorists are threatening to start killing passengers and the crew. 恐怖分子正威胁说他要开始杀害乘客和机组人员 477 305 4 Cleared VOR-DME approach Runway 24, descending to 3000 feet QNH1007. 可以VOR-DME 进近,跑道 24,下降到 3000 英尺,QNH1007 478 185 4 Follow the standard missed approach procedure, climbing to 3000 feet. 按照标准复飞程序,爬升至 3000 英尺 479 210 4 Confirm our flight has been suspended due bio-hazards at destination. 证实航班暂停是由于目的地机场生化物泄露 480 570 4 Two of our hydraulic systems have failed. Request immediate diversion. 我们有两套液压系统失效,请求改航 481 373 4 Request to extend the holding pattern for accomplishing the checklist. 请求延长等待程序以完成检查单 482 634 4 ADS-B equipment degradation, will advise when able to resume operations. ADSB 设备降级,当能够恢复运行时将告知 483 413 4 Remain outside controlled airspace, expect joining clearance at time 55. 保持在管制空域外,预计在 55 分许可加入 484 875 4 A crew member is incapacitated. Request diversion and medical assistance. 一名机组人员失能了,请求备降和医疗援助 485 491 4 Our SELCAL has malfunctioned. We will continue monitoring your frequency. 我们的选择呼叫系统失效,我们将继续守听你的频率 2 8 486 221 4 When airborne, track extended center-line, cleared for takeoff, Runway 18. 离地后,按照跑道中心延长线,可以起飞,跑道 18 487 721 4 We have encountered severe clear air turbulence. Request immediate descent. 我们遭遇了重度晴空颠簸,请求立即下降 488 652 4 489 352 4 490 793 4 I see wild fire at my 10 o’clock, about 8 miles. 我在 10 点钟方向大约 8 英里的地方看到了野火 491 404 4 BKM 47, FL170 descending to FL120, abeam NLD VOR at 55. BKM47 分,高度层 170 下降到高度层 120, 55 分正切NLD VOR 492 336 4 Descend to 8000 feet at 1000 feet per minute or greater. 下降到 8000 英尺,以 1000 英尺每分或更大的下降率 493 627 4 I think we blew a nose wheel tyre. Request holding position. 我认为我们的前轮爆胎了,申请原地等待 494 698 4 We heard an explosion from the cabin. Request to stop climb. 我们在客舱内听见爆炸声,请求停止爬升 495 161 4 Line up and wait. Understand one aircraft to depart from A2. 进跑道等待,明白有飞机从 A2 离场 496 631 4 We made the go around because the GPWS warning was triggered. 我们复飞是因为出发了近地警告系统 497 98 4 Expect departure at 49, start up at own discretion, QNH 1004. 预计离场时间 49 分,开车时间自己掌握,QNH1004 498 29 4 Cancel SID, track direct to LLK, climb to and maintain FL110. 取消标准离场,直飞 LLK,爬升并保持高度层 110 499 252 4 50 miles right of track approved, when able, proceed direct TB. 可以向右偏离航迹 50mile,如可能,直飞TB 500 628 4 We no longer have airspeed and altitude on our primary displays. 我们的主显示器上没有空速和高度的显示了 501 753 4 Request immediate one eighty turn to the right due volcanic ash. 由于火山灰,请求立即右转 180 度 502 848 4 Does the flight path of the unknown aircraft converge with ours? 这个不明航空器的飞行路线与我们汇聚吗? Many passengers have suffered from smoke inhalation. Request medical services. 许多乘客遭遇烟雾吸入,请求医疗援助 Continue approach Runway 36R, maintain visual separation with preceding traffic. 继续进近,跑道 36R,与前机保持目视间隔 2 9 503 452 4 Our cabin rate of climb has red-lined. Request immediate descent. 我们的座舱上升率已经到达红线,请求立即下降 3 0 Proceed to AK, hold as published, expect approach clearance at 30 飞往AK,按公布航图等待,预计进近许可 30 分 504 369 4 505 372 4 506 528 4 Request descent to 10000 feet to ventilate the aircraft due smoke. 由于烟雾,请求下降到 10000 英尺使飞机得到通风。 507 850 4 We have traffic indication at 2 o’clock, 300 feet above our level. 我们有冲突飞机显示在 2 点钟方位,高于我们的高度层 300 英尺 508 358 4 Cleared VOR approach Runway 36, followed by circling to Runway 18. 可以VOR 进近,跑道 36,然后盘旋着陆跑道 18 509 483 4 Our Airline policy does not allow us to perform CAT IIIC approach. 我们的公司政策不允许我们执行IIIC 类进近 510 623 4 We cannot extend the left landing gear. Request foaming the runway. 我们不能放出左起落架,申请在跑道上喷洒泡沫 511 393 4 Request lose time en route due landing delay at destination airport. 由于目的地机场落地延误,请求在航路上消耗时间 512 709 4 We have a “Wind-shear Ahead” warning. Request to delay our approach. 我们收到 “前方风切变”的告警信息,请求推迟进近 513 797 4 Request offset 10 miles left to avoid the reported strong downdraft. 请求向左偏离航道 10 英里以避让报告的下沉气流 514 598 4 We performed the go-around because we had a ground proximity warning. 我们执行了复飞是因为出现了近地警告 515 501 4 Request diversion to the nearest suitable airport due AC BUS failure. 由于交流汇流条失效,请求备降到就近合适机场 516 84 4 Recleared to destination via B213,WHA, R343, rest of route unchanged. 重新允许经由B213, WHA,R343 飞往目的地,剩余路线不变。 517 503 4 We have a problem with the aircraft battery. Request priority landing. 我们的飞机电瓶有问题,请求优先着陆 518 641 4 We made the go-around because the radio altimeter triggered flare mode. 我们复飞了是因为无线电高度表触发了拉平模式 519 615 4 Cockpit oxygen cylinder pressure is low. Request to return for landing. 驾驶舱氧气瓶压力低,请求返航 520 272 4 Traffic indication at our 1o’clock, 4 miles, same altitude, converging. 显示飞机活动在 1 点钟方向,4 英里,相同高度,正在汇聚 521 146 4 After departure, turn left heading 190, Runway 24R, cleared for takeoff. 起飞后,左转航向 190,跑道 24R,可以起飞 Holding northwest of W VOR FL120, what is the delay for approach? W VOR 台,西北等待,高度 12000 英尺,请问进近 的延误情况 522 53 4 Position OBLIK at 0646, maintaining FL310, estimating ZF 0658, WUH next. 当前位置OBLIK,当前时间 0646, 保持高度 310, 预计到达ZF 时间为 0658, 下一位置WUH 523 862 4 We overran the runway end. We are evacuating. Request emergency services. 我们冲出了跑到头,正在撤离,请求紧急服务 524 300 4 Cleared straight-in ILS approach Runway 24, descend to 3000 feet, QNH1011. 可以直接盲降进近,跑道 24,下降到 3000 英尺,QNH1011 525 495 4 526 329 4 Our data-link has malfunctioned. Request re-release the flight plan by voice. 我们的数据链故障了,申请话音重新发布飞行计划 Precision radar approach Runway 27 heading 260, descending to 2500 feet, QNH1014. 精密雷达进近,跑道 27, 航向 260,下降到 2500 英尺,QNH1014 527 633 4 Our ADS-B transmitter appears to be malfunctioning. Terminating further ADS-B transmissions. 我们的ADSB 发射机似乎出现故障,停止继续使用ADSB 发话 528 722 4 Request a general heading of 050 due to multiple cells ahead. 请求平均航向 050 由于前方有多个雷暴单体 529 864 4 We will reach our minimum fuel if we are delayed any further. 如果延误情况继续下去,我们将达到最低油量 530 295 4 Right heading 040 until passing FL70 then track direct to BK. 右转航向 040 直到通过高度层 70,然后直飞BK 531 558 4 Request climb for dumping fuel and vectors to the fuel dump zone. 请求爬升进行应急放油,雷达引导至放油区域。 532 777 4 Request a remote apron for parking our aircraft due bomb on board. 由于机上有炸弹,请求将飞机停在远机坪 533 502 4 We are not supplying power to our DC BUS. Request priority landing. 我们不再为直流汇流条供电,申请优先着陆 534 455 4 We are now depressurized and will fly a more shallow descent profile. 我们现在遭遇失压,需要以较平缓的下降剖面飞行 535 867 4 We are declaring fuel emergency. Request priority landing Runway 03R. 我们正宣布紧急油量,请求优先着陆跑道 03R 536 870 4 The military aircraft is commanding us to land at the airfield below. 这架军用机指示我们在下面的机场着陆 537 477 4 We have lost our flight plan after a flight management computer reset. 由于飞行管理计算机重新设置,飞行计划丢失 538 567 4 The backup hydraulic system is operational but we still want to divert. 备份液压系统工作,但我们仍然需要改航 539 593 4 We made the go around because we exceeded the vertical deviation limit. 我们复飞是因为我们超出了纵向偏离限制 540 522 4 The APU is still on fire. We are evacuating. Request emergency services. APU 仍然起火,我们正在撤离,请求紧急服务 541 581 4 I had to abort takeoff because I didn’t receive any airspeed indication. 我不得不中断起飞,因为我无法看到任何速度指示 542 535 4 We cannot fully extend the flaps. Request the longest runway for landing. 我们不能完全放出襟翼,申请使用最长的跑道落地。 543 467 4 Our navigation accuracy is low. Request to climb to minimum safe altitude. 我们的导航精度低,请求爬升到最低安全高度 544 482 4 We do not meet GPS approach requirement due to flight crew qualifications. 由于飞行员资质原因,我们不符合 GPS 进近要求 545 486 4 We are unable to conform to the noise abatement procedure due performance. 由于性能原因,我们不能遵守降噪程序 546 800 4 Request immediate one-eighty turn to the right due to possible hail ahead. 由于前方可能会有冰雹,请求立即右转 180 度。 547 884 4 Did the previous controller tell you about our problem during radar handoff? 前面的管制员有没有在雷达移交时把我们的情况告诉你? 548 637 4 We made an overshoot because our ADS-B indicated a possible runway incursion. 我们复飞了是因为,ADSB 显示可能会有跑道入侵 549 872 4 We are being escorted towards the national boundary by two military aircraft. 我们正被两架军用机护送至国境线 550 636 4 551 844 4 552 831 4 553 852 4 554 396 4 Our ADS-B has malfunctioned. Is there any weather advisory at our destination? 我们的ADSB 故障了,请求目的地机场天气报告 The cabin crew have used up all the portable extinguishers. Request diversion. 乘务员已经用完了所有的手提式灭火器,请求备降 The air marshal is searching the aircraft interior for any suspicious articles. 空保正在搜查飞机内部的任何可疑物体 We have a possible traffic conflict ahead. Request radar vectors for avoidance. 我们前方可能会有交通冲突,请求雷达引导避让 Request parallel offset from current airway for 30 minutes due icing condition. 由于结冰条件,请求平行偏离当前航路 555 494 4 556 657 4 Our satellite phone is unserviceable. We are unable to call company operations. 我们的卫星电话故障了,无法联系公司运控部门 We are expediting descent to enable a windmill startup. Request further descent. 我们正加速下降,为使风转启动发动机,请求进一步下降 557 857 4 558 686 4 We have injuries resulting from our TCAS maneuver. Request ambulance on arrival. TCAS 机动导致部分旅客受伤,请求救护车到场 Engine Number One has a temperature problem. Request holding to perform checklist. 一号发动机温度有问题,请求等待以完成检查单 Many passengers are suffering from smoke inhalation. Request medical 559 448 4 560 460 4 assistance on arrival. 很多旅客遭遇烟雾吸入,请求医疗援助在到达时准备就绪 The avionics ventilation is unserviceable. Request diversion to the closest suitable airport. 电子通风故障,请求改航到就近合适机场 561 719 4 We won’t have to deviate if you allow us to climb to FL430. 如果你能允许我们爬升到FL430, 我们就不用偏航了 562 667 4 We are at bay15. We have an APU fire. Request fire services. 我们在 15 停机位,APU 起火,请求消防服务 563 384 4 Descend to and maintain FL 270. Do not exceed Mach number decimal 79. 下降并保持高度层 270,不要超过马赫数 0.79 564 403 4 Passing POU at 43, maintaining FL310, estimating MLT at 55, next NLD. 在 43 分通过POU, 保持高度层 310, 预计 55 分到达MLT,下一航路点NLD 565 705 4 We are encountering clear ice. Request immediate right turn to heading 130. 我们遇到了明冰,请求立即右转航向 130 566 423 4 Cleared to leave A1 via BKM VOR, maintain FL230 while in controlled airspace. 准许经由BKMVOR 台离开A1,在管制空域保持高度层 230 567 18 4 568 443 4 569 83 4 570 676 4 The cockpit windshield has cracked. Request descent to FL220. 驾驶舱风挡裂了,请求下降到高度层 220 571 589 4 We made the go around due to map drift on our navigation display. 我们复飞是因为导航显示上的地图漂移 572 712 4 We are unsure of our position due heavy fog. We are holding position. 由于浓雾,我们没法确定当前位置,请求原地等待 Right heading 330, descending to 3000 feet, cleared for ILS approach Runway 36R. 右转航向 330,下降到 3000 英尺,可以盲降进近,跑道 36 右 All our air conditioning packs have malfunctioned. Request rapid descent to MEA . 全部的空调组件均已故障,请求快速下降到最低航路高度 Recleared to destination via ZF01 Departure, Runway 36R, rest of clearance unchanged. 重新许可经由ZF-01 标准离场程序飞往目的地,跑道 36R,其余许可不变 573 271 4 We have traffic at our 12 o’clock, 5 miles, 500 feet below, climbing. 我们有冲突活动,在 12 点方位,无英里, 低于我们 500 英尺,正在爬升 574 673 4 We had a smoke warning from the forward cargo hold. We are evacuating. 我们的前货舱有烟雾警告,我们正在实施紧急撤离 575 476 4 The DME indication is not correct. Confirm the DME is still in service. DME 显示不正确,证实DME 还在运行中 576 67 4 Cleared to exit the hold, fly direct to ML. Contact Approach on 128.35. 可以离开等待,直飞 ML,联系进近 128.35 577 746 4 Runway is covered with patches of ice. Braking action is medium to poor. 跑道被大片结冰覆盖,刹车效应较差 578 513 4 There was a fire from the avionics bay. Request radar vectors for final. 航电设备舱起火,请求雷达引导至五边 579 785 4 My apologies for the level deviation. We were caught in a strong updraft. 抱歉高度偏离了,我们遇到了强上升气流 580 557 4 We are too heavy for landing. Request fuel-dump at the fuel dumping area. 我们的着陆重量过重,请求在放油区域应急放油。 581 251 4 Your radar vector appears to be taking us to the prohibited area, confirm. 雷达引导似乎把我们带入禁飞区,证实 582 832 4 Some explosives were discovered behind a panel near the back of the cabin. 客舱后部的一块面板后面发现了一些爆炸物 583 488 4 Our VHF number One receiver has failed. We are no longer monitoring 121.5. 我们的甚高频 1 号接收机失效,不再守听 121.5 584 134 4 Behind Boeing747 passing left to right, taxi to holding point A1 Runway 24. 在从左向右通过的波音 747 后,滑行至 24 号跑道A1 等待点 585 487 4 We are not qualified for CAT IIIB approach and auto-land. Request diversion. 我们不具备IIIB 类进近和自动着陆资格,请求改航 586 762 4 We are stopping taxi. The boarding bridge is not at its designated position. 我们停止滑行了,登机桥不在指定位置 587 563 4 We are near the freezing temperature of jet fuel. Request descent to FL 390. 喷气发动机燃油接近冰点温度,请求下降到高度层 390 588 579 4 Our pitot static heating system has failed. We might have an altitude error. 我们的皮托静压加温系统故障,我们可能会有高度误差 589 685 4 We have a low oil pressure warning from engine Number Two. Request diversion. 我们的二号发动机出现了滑油压力警告,请求备降 590 877 4 Confirm we are being vectored to fly overhead the airport for right downwind. 证实我们正被雷达引导飞越机场加入右起落三边 591 456 4 Request descent rate less than 500 feet per minute due to unpressurized cabin. 由于客舱失压,请求下降率小于 500 英尺每分钟 We have smoke coming from our avionics bay. We are disembarking the passengers. 我们的航电设备舱出现烟雾,我们正在撤离旅客。 592 527 4 593 561 4 594 573 4 595 607 4 596 605 4 597 678 4 598 713 4 599 544 4 600 632 4 601 643 4 602 608 4 The oil temperature is higher than normal. We are monitoring other engine parameters. 滑油温度高于正常值,我们正在监控其他发动机参数 603 735 4 We were struck by hail. Our airframe is severely damaged. Request emergency services. 我们被冰雹击中了,我们的机身严重受损,请求紧急服务 604 597 4 Request to climb to minimum safe altitude due to malfunction of navigation computers. 由于导航计算机故障,申请爬升到最低安全高度 605 674 4 We have a cargo smoke warning. We are disembarking passengers. Request fire services.我们有货舱烟雾警告,我们正在让旅客下飞机,请求消防车 606 780 4 We cannot get good climb profile due engine problems. Request maintain runway heading.由于发动机问题,我们不能获得良好的爬升剖面,请求保持跑道航向 607 539 4 Request vectors for long final. We are controlling the airplane with mechanical backup. 请求雷达引导至长五边,我们正用机械备用设备操纵飞机 We are indicating fuel filter clog. Request descent and to maintain high speed. 我们显示有燃油过滤阻塞,请求下降并保持大速度。 We still have only one hydraulic system. Request the longest runway for landing. 我们仍然只有一套液压系统,请求最长跑道着陆。 Our oil pressure reading is lower than normal. Request hold at present position. 我们的滑油压力读数低于正常值,请求原地等待 We are having abnormal engine indications. Request to reduce speed to 250 knots. 我们的发动机显示不正常,请求减速到 250 节 Neither of us can see through our windshield. Does your airport permit auto-land? 我们机长副驾驶都无法通过风挡看清,你机场允许自动着陆吗 We had a rapid airspeed decay due turbulence. Request immediate descent to FL390. 由于颠簸,我们的空速出现快速衰减,请求立即下降到高度层 390 We have a problem with fuel temperature. Request holding position on the taxiway. 我们的燃油温度有问题,请求在滑行道上原地等待。 We have to recalibrate our instruments. Request to level off and maintain heading. 我们需要重新校准仪表,申请改平飞保持航向 Our weather radar has malfunctioned. What is the highest available level for cruise? 我们气象雷达故障了,最高可用巡航高度是多少? 608 609 639 531 4 Our airspeed is unreliable. Request climb to minimum safe altitude to perform checklist. 空速显示不可靠,请求爬升到最低安全高度以完成检查单 4 Our flight control computers are not functioning well. We are having difficulty maintainin level flight, unable RVSM. 我们的飞行控制计算机运转不正常,我们保持平飞有问题,不能在RVSM 空域飞 行 610 680 4 Our engine control has malfunctioned. We cannot get much thrust. Request immediate descent.我们的发动机控制故障,无法获得较大推力,请求立即下降 611 894 4 Not ready for immediate takeoff due possible wake turbulence from departing heavy aircraft.由于刚起飞的重型机可能会产生尾流,我们尚未准备立即起飞 612 784 4 My apologies for the deviation due the wrong altitude setting. Request further instructions. 抱歉,由于高度设置错误偏离航道,请求下一步指令 613 741 4 Request holding instructions.We’ll attempt another approach when the rain showers become lighter.申请等待指令,当阵雨减弱我们将尝试重新进近 614 479 4 We need to reconfigure the flight management computers for approach. Request holding instructions.进近前我们需要重新设置飞行管理计算机,请求等待指令 Cleared to destination, BK02 RNAV Departure, initially 3000 feet, departure frequency 125.4, squawk 3311. 615 87 4 616 836 4 We are evacuating on the runway. Be advised the bomb is still on board. 我们正在跑道上撤离,注意炸弹仍在飞机上 617 584 4 We have a master caution. I will notify you if a diversion is required. 我们有一个主警告灯亮了,如果需要改航我会告知你。 618 435 4 At 150W(west) contact San Francisco Radio, primary 3494, secondary 11342. 在西经 150 度联系旧金山无线电台,主高频 3494,备份高频 11342 619 898 4 Are you banning us from entry because of our airline or our aircraft type? 你禁止我们飞入是因为我们公司还是我们的机型? 620 642 4 Our weather radar has failed and we are in IMC. Request return for landing. 我们气象雷达失效了,我们在仪表气象条件下飞行,请求返航。 621 582 4 We have an error in our airspeed. Request to climb to minimum safe altitude. 空速有误差,请求爬升到最低安全高度 622 825 4 There is a stand-off in the cabin. Some of the hijackers are carrying blades. 客舱内陷入僵局,一些劫机犯拿着刀片 623 787 4 We were not informed of a frequency change. I will now monitor your frequency. 我们未被告知改变频率,我现在将守听你的频率 624 835 4 A bomb has exploded and the cabin is full of smoke. Request emergency descent. 炸弹爆炸,客舱满是烟雾,请求紧急下降 625 622 4 We have exhausted all options. We will land without the nose gear fully locked. 我们已经尝尽所有选项,我们将会在前轮没有完全锁住的情况下着陆 准许飞往目的地机场,BK02 号 RNAV 离场,起始爬升高度 3000 英尺,离场频率 125.4,应答机编码 3311 626 418 4 Descending to FL60, maintain VMC FL90 to FL70, report traffic in sight at FL80. 下降到高度层 60, 在高度层 70 和90 之间保持目视气象条件,在高度层 80 看见活 动飞机报告 627 811 4 We have an 8-month old infant with head injuries. Request ambulance on arrival. 我们有个 8 个月大的婴儿头部受伤,请求救护车到场 628 703 4 We made a diversion due to reports of freezing rain at our original destination. 由于原先目的地机场有冻雨报告,我们备降了 629 691 4 Engine Number Three has smoke coming out of the pylon section. We are evacuating. 三号发动机吊架部位出现烟雾,我们正在撤离 630 198 4 Thicker patches of fog exist further along the runway. RVR significantly reduced. 跑道后端有浓雾,跑道视程显著减少 631 711 4 We have received information of a new volcanic eruption. Will it affect our route? 我们收到关于火山爆发的最新信息,这是否会对我们的航路构成影响? 632 526 4 We have smoke coming from our avionics bay. We are evacuating. Request fire trucks. 我们的航电设备舱冒烟了, 我们正在撤离,请求消防车 633 572 4 Request the longest runway and vectors for a wide downwind due to hydraulic failure. 由于液压失效, 请求最长的跑道, 雷达引导至宽三边 634 695 4 Our left engine has ingested FOD. We are shutting down engines and holding position. 我们的左发吸入外物损坏,我们正在关断发动机并原地等待 635 512 4 We had an electrical fire from the galley, now extinguished. Request return to land. 我们的厨房电力起火,现在已经扑灭, 请求返航 636 480 4 We are now flying with basic navigation due to systems failure. Request radar vectors. 由于系统失效,我们正在使用基本导航飞行, 请求雷达引导 637 490 4 All of our VHF transmitters have failed, now transmitting on HF radio. Please respond. 所有的甚高频发射机都失效了, 现在使用高频无线电发话, 请回答 638 801 4 We have three serious and five minor injuries on board. Request ambulances on arrival. 我们机上有 3 个重伤员 5 个轻伤员,请求救护车到场 639 383 4 Climb to and maintain FL310. Maintain Mach number decimal 81 or greater until BKM VOR. 爬升并保持 FL310, 保持马赫数点 81 或更大 直至 BKM VOR 640 644 4 Our weather radar has failed. How did the preceding aircraft deviate from the weather? 我们的天气雷达失效了, 前机是怎样绕飞天气的 641 772 4 Our cabin crew will direct all passengers to stay outside the runway after evacuation. 我们的乘务员将指挥所有乘客在撤离之后留在跑到外面 642 412 4 Request clearance to enter controlled airspace northeast of BKM VOR at FL240 at time 43. 请求许可在 43 分 FL430 BKMVOR 台的东北方向 进入管制空域 4 Cleared to destination airport via DAPRO, flight planned route, FL240, join A1 at FL240. 允许经由DAPRO 飞行计划航路 飞往目的地 FL240,在 FL240 加入A1 643 420 644 808 4 A pregnant passenger is in severe pain. Request priority landing and ambulance on arrival. 一名孕妇发生了剧痛,请求优先着陆和救护车到场 645 478 4 We need a few minutes to reprogram the flight management computers. Request radar vectors.我们需要几分钟对飞行管理计算机进行重新编程, 请求雷达引导 646 630 4 Our inertial reference system has failed, unable GPS approach. Request ILS or VOR approach. 惯性基准系统失效了, 不能GPS 进近, 请求ILS 或者VOR 进近 647 805 4 We have a hostage situation. Request stair vehicles on standby to disembark the passengers.我们有人质劫持情况, 请求客梯车待命 以便让旅客下机 4 We have a hijack situation on board. Can our destination airport provide armed intervention? 我们的机上有劫机情况,我们的目的地机场能提供武装干预吗 4 We have a problem with yaw damping. The aircraft is oscillating severely. Request diversion. 我们的偏航阻尼有问题, 飞机剧烈的摇摆,请求备降 648 649 818 541 650 585 4 Some of our instruments are not indicating correctly. Request level off to perform checklist. 部分仪表不能正确的显示, 请求改平飞去做检查单 651 752 4 A Pilot overflying reported seeing virga above the runways. Request to terminate our approach.一个正在飞越机场上空的飞行员报告说 看见了雨幡,请求终止进近 652 804 4 A stressed passenger attempted to open an emergency exit. Request airport security on arrival.一个闹情绪的旅客试图打开紧急出口, 请求机场安保到场 4 We have conflicting traffic at eleven o’clock, 8 miles, climbing. Request vectors for avoidance. 我们有一个冲突的飞机在 11 点方向, 相距 8 英里, 请求雷达引导以 避让 653 654 600 595 4 We have autopilot disconnection. We are no longer RVSM qualified. Request leaving RVSM airspace. 我们的自动驾驶断开了, 我们不再具备 RVSM 的资质, 请求离开RVSM 空域 655 519 4 We cannot extinguish the engine fire. Request priority landing and emergency services on arrival. 我们不能扑灭发动机火情,请求优先着陆和紧急援助到场 656 469 4 Inertial reference system has failed. We are navigating on raw data. Request conventional approach. 惯性基准系统失效了, 我们正在使用原始数据导航,请求传统进近 657 720 4 The thunderstorms will last for about 40 minutes according to the weather update. Request diversion. 根据最新的天气预报,雷暴将会持续大约 40 分钟, 请求改航 658 659 688 707 4 4 We have performed our procedures but engine vibration still exists. Request diversion. 我们已经执行了程序,但是发动机抖动仍然存在, 请求改航 We cannot continue holding in icing conditions. Request descent immediately and cancel speed restrictions. 我们不能在积冰情况下继续等待,请求立即下降,取消速度限制 660 508 4 If there is no airport within 100 miles, we have to make a forced landing. 如果 100 英里以内没有机场,我们将不得不进行迫降 661 892 4 Sorry, there was a problem with my audio equipment. How do you read me now? 抱歉,我们的语音设备有问题, 你听我声音怎样 662 559 4 We need about 18 minutes to jettison fuel before coming in for the approach. 开始进近之前我们需要大约 18 分钟放油 663 554 4 We might have a fuel leak near the wing root. Request fire trucks on arrival. 我们可能在翼根附近漏油了, 请求消防车到场 664 529 4 We have emptied most of our fire extinguishers, but the cabin fire is still on. 我们释放了大部分灭火器,但是客舱的火仍然存在 665 863 4 We veered off the runway. We are evacuating near the runway and rapid exit J5. 我们偏出了跑道,我们正在跑道和快速脱离道口 J5 附近撤离 666 504 4 One of our transformers has failed. I’ll let you know if a diversion is required. 有一个变压器坏了,如果需要备降我会告诉你的 667 661 4 We are leaking bleed air. Request turn right heading 095 to avoid the icing area. 我们的引气正在泄露,请求右转航向 095,离开结冰区域 668 786 4 We used too much speed brakes and penetrated our level. Did we cause any conflict? 我们使用了过多的减速板导致穿透了我们的高度,我们刚才造成冲突了吗 669 447 4 We have unusual smell from air conditioning packs. Request stop climb at 7000 feet. 空调组件有异味,请求在 7000ft 停止爬升 670 841 4 Our cargo manifest shows that there are 80 kilograms of lithium batteries on board. 货物舱单上显示机上有 80kg 锂电池 671 851 4 We have a possible traffic conflict at 10 o’clock, converging with our flight path. 我们可能有飞机冲突,在 10 点钟方位,与我们的航迹汇聚 672 759 4 The NOTAM says this part of the taxiway is closed during this period, please verify. 航行通告说这部分滑行道在这段时间里关闭了,请核实 673 756 4 Lining up Runway 35. Runway lights are too bright. Request to dim the runway lights. 进跑道 35, 跑道灯太亮了,请求调暗跑道灯 674 444 4 We had a malfunction of one air conditioning pack. Request descent to a lower level. 有一个空调组件故障了,请求下降至较低高度 675 293 4 We are too low to the surrounding terrain. Confirm we are still being radar vectored. 我们过低于周围的地形,证实我们仍然被雷达引导 676 858 4 Some of the cabin crew are injured. They were serving meals during the TCAS maneuver. 一些乘务员受伤了,TCAS 机动时,他们正在供餐 677 616 4 We are holding at present position. It appears one of the over-wing exits has unlocked. 我们正在原地等待,似乎有一个翼上紧急出口被打开了 678 401 4 Climb to and maintain FL290, re-cleared to track direct to BKM VOR, the rest unchanged. 爬升并保持高度层 290,重新许可直飞 BKMVOR,剩下的不变 679 71 4 After passing SY VOR, leave the hold on heading 250, cleared for VOR approach Runway 06.过 了 SY VOR 之后,沿着航向 250 离开等待,可以VOR 近进,跑道 06 680 586 4 Two of our display units have failed. We are no longer RNP qualified. Request diversion. 有两个显示器坏了,我们不再具备 RNP 的资格,请求备降 681 468 4 We have a navigation map shift, unable to perform the RNAV approach. Request radar vectors.我们有导航地图漂移,不能执行RNAV 进近,请求雷达引导 682 524 4 A passenger ignited the lavatory waste bin. Advise the airport police to await our arrival. 一名乘客点燃了厕所的垃圾桶,告诉机场警察等待我们到场 4 We have a passenger with a suspected heart attack. Request diversion to a suitable airport. 我们有名乘客有疑似心脏病,请求备降到合适机场着陆 4 We must descend immediately to exit icing conditions. Our right engine bleed air has failed. 我们必须立刻下降以脱离结冰区域,我们的右发引气故障了 4 The tyres are deflated. We will have to hold at present position for maintenance inspection. 轮胎漏气了,我们将原地等待机务检查 683 684 685 807 575 626 686 574 4 Our left engine anti-ice system has failed. Request immediate climb to leave the icing area. 左发防冰故障了,请求立即爬升以脱离结冰区域 687 459 4 We have an avionics ventilation problem. The skin heat-exchangers and blower fan have failed.我们有电子通风问题,蒙皮热交换器和通风扇坏了 688 556 4 We are evacuating. Advise emergency personnel that fuel odors are still present in the cabin. 我们正在撤离,告诉紧急人员,客舱里仍然有燃油的味道 689 871 4 The military aircraft has made an abrupt maneuver indicating we may continue on this heading.军用飞机突然机动,示意我们可以继续此航向 690 323 4 Reduce to minimum approach speed, turn right heading 230, cleared for ILS approach Runway 27. 减速至最小进近速度,右转航向 230,许可ILS 进近,跑道 27 691 583 4 We have master warning lights in the cockpit. Request landing at the nearest suitable airport. 驾驶舱里有主警告,请求就近合适机场着陆 692 537 4 Request high speed approach. Part of our flight control surfaces have separated from the wing.请求高速近进,部分操纵面和机翼分离了 693 620 4 Our brakes have seized. The tyres might burst during touchdown. Request fire trucks on arrival.刹车卡住了,接地过程中可能出现爆胎,请求消防车到场 694 656 4 Our APU bleed air malfunctioned during engine startup. We are calling the ground staff, standby.发动机启动过程中APU 引气故障,我们正在呼叫地面人员, 稍等 695 829 4 The air marshal and passengers have restrained five suspects. The situation is now under control.安全员和乘客制服了五名嫌疑犯,情况现在已经得到控制 696 314 4 Hold over BKM VOR at FL100, inbound track 280 degrees, left hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute. 在 BKMVOR 上空高度层 100 等待, 入航航迹 280,左等待,出航时间 1 分钟 697 782 4 The center of gravity is disturbed. We will relocate passengers prior to approach. Request holding. 重心被干扰了,进近前我们将重新安排旅客的座位,请求等待 698 599 4 We have conflicting traffic at one o’clock, 6 miles, descending. Request heading 130 for avoidance. 我们有冲突的飞机,在 1 点钟方位,相距 6 英里,正在下降,请求航向 130 以避让 699 726 4 We made the go-around because strong convective currents on short final made our approach unstable. 我们复飞了, 因为短五边上的下沉气流使我们的近进不稳定 700 701 445 79 4 4 We have lost electrical power to the cabin air compressor. Request immediate descent to 10,000 feet.我们失去了客舱空气压缩机的电源,请求立即下降到 10000ft Cleared to destination via ZAM, flight planned route, D03 Departure, cruising level 230, squawk 3763 可以经由 ZAM 计划航路飞往目的地, D03 离场,巡航高度 230, 应答机 3763 702 779 4 We have veered off the runway due asymmetric thrust. We are evacuating. Request emergency assistance.由于推力不对称,我们偏出了跑道,我们正在撤离,请求紧急服 务 703 645 4 We do not have that route in our database. Which heading should we maintain for now? 我们数据库里没有那个航路,我们应该保持什么航向? 704 743 4 We have observed blowing sand in the vicinity of the airport. How long will this last? 我们观察到机场附近有扬沙,这将会持续多久? 705 471 4 The ILS signal seems to be very unstable. Did any other pilot report a similar situation? 盲降信号似乎非常不稳定,有其他飞行员报告类似情况吗? 706 533 4 The aircraft has a tendency to roll to the right. I need additional airspace to maneuver. 飞机有向右滚转的趋势, 我需要额外的空域机动 4 We cannot shut off the fuel dump valve. Request radar vectors for short final, Runway 17. 我们不能关断放油活门,请求雷达引导至短五边,跑道 17 707 560 708 739 4 Request to cancel our approach. The runway is not long enough and there are water patches. 请求取消近进,跑道不够长,而且有积水 709 717 4 I apologize for the level bust, but we needed the altitude loss to recover from wind-shear. 抱歉掉高度了,但是我们需要损失高度以改出风切变 710 506 4 We are operating with only the emergency generator. Request track direct to final, Runway 26. 我们仅依靠紧急发电机运转,请求直飞五边,跑道 26 711 73 4 Cleared to LHR, hold at LHR as published. Maintain 8000 feet. Expect further clearance at 18. 可以去LHR, 按公布的程序在 LHR 等待,保持 8000ft,预计下一步许可时间为 18 分 712 713 507 708 4 4 We are flying with batteries only. Is there any airport available within 25 minutes of flying? 我们仅依靠电瓶飞行,有没有 25 分钟之内可以飞抵的机场? We have a “Wind-shear Ahead” warning message. Request to delay takeoff or change to another runway. 我们有一条“前方风切变”的警告信息,请求推迟起飞或者换另外一条跑道 714 475 4 The ILS signal was unstable. Request approach to another runway or request another type of approach. 盲降信号不稳定 请求近进到另一条跑道,或者换另一仲进近方式 715 601 4 Traffic at our twelve o’clock, 10 miles, climbing. Should we expedite our descent to cross altitudes? 飞机在我们的 12 点方位,正在爬升,我们应该加速下降穿越高度吗 716 647 4 We have a navigation malfunction. Request diversion to a suitable airport that has less complex terrain. 我们有导航故障,请求备降到一个复杂地形比较少的机场 717 802 4 One passenger is having difficulty breathing. Request descent to a lower level to reduce cabin altitude. 一名乘客有呼吸困难,请求下降到较低高度以减小座舱高度 718 778 4 We have had a tail strike. Request to stop climb at 3000 feet and return for landing. 我们遭遇了擦机尾,请求在 3000ft 停止爬升,并返航 719 511 4 We have cut off the electrical system to the cabin and the onboard fire is under control. 我们已经切断了客舱的电力系统, 机上火情已经得到控制 720 672 4 Smoke is coming from the cabin floor. We are performing an evacuation. All slides have been deployed. 客舱地板有烟雾冒出,我们正在撤离, 所有滑梯都已释放 721 671 4 We have an abnormal noise coming from one of our cabin doors. Request rapid descent to 5000 feet. 一个客舱门有异常的噪音, 请求快速下降至 5000ft 5.第三部分 模拟陆空通话主要测试被测试人在与空中交通管制员进行常规和非常规陆空通话时是 否能够熟练使用 ICAO 的标准术语及通用英语进行通话,考查被测试人在模拟实际的工作环境中 运用语言的综合能力。该部分由 15 至20 个对话组成。模拟情景以虚拟的航图和航空公司呼号为背 景进行设置。该部分开始前,在被测试人电脑屏幕上显示与考试情景相关的背景信息,电脑播 放管制员指令和画外音,被测试人参照电脑屏幕上的画面,以飞行员角色进行模拟陆空通话, 每个对话被测试人有 30 秒钟回答时间。被测试人回答完毕后可以自行点击结束按钮,进入到下 一个对话;如回答时间超过30 秒钟,系统自动跳转到下一句。被测试人的口头回答由电脑自动录音。 考试结束后,评分员根据标准答案,从语言的发音、结构、词汇、流畅程度、理解能力等五个方 面进行语言能力等级评定,最高 6 级,最低 1 级。考试时间约 15 分钟。 该部分举出五份样题,有固定格式和回合套路。 1 A/C callsign: ACA909. Departure Airport: Wuhan Destination Airport: Beijing Landing runway: 36R Wuhan APP: 118.9 Wuhan CTL: 118.1 Wuhan TWR: 124.35 第 1 来回 [Your callsign is ACA909; your destination is Beijing, and you are leaving 1,200m and say good-bye to Wuhan tower. Contact Wuhan Approach, and request to climb.] 1 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, leaving 1,200m, request further climb. 第 2 来回 C: ACA909, Wuhan Approach, good morning, radar contact, follow ZF-1D departure, climb to 1,800 m on QNH 1013. P: Follow ZF-1D departure, climb to 1,800 m on QNH1013, ACA909 第 3 来回 [You just reached 1,800 m, and you got some moderate chop at the level, inform the controller about that and request 4,500 m.] 2 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, maintaining 1,800 m, we have encountered moderate turbulence, request 4,500 m. 第 4 来回 C: ACA909, Approach, unable to approve 4,500 m due traffic, 3,900 m available [Tell the controller that you want to climb to 3,900 m] P: We accept 3,900 m, ACA909 第 5 来回 [Inform the controller that the weather radar shows a cumulonimbus on route ahead about 30 Km, and your level is 3,900 m.] 3 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, maintaining 3,900 m; the radar indicates a CB ahead of us, about 30 km 第 6 来回 C: Roger, report your intentions. [Tell the controller that you want radar guidance to go around the CB.] 4 P: Request radar vector to circumnavigate the WX ahead. ACA909 第 7 来回 C: ACA909, turn left heading 300. P: Roger, turn left heading 300, ACA909. 第 8 来回 C: ACA909, now you are cleared of the wether , climb to 4,500 m, turn right heading 030 to rejoin the ZF-1D departure. [Acknowledge the controller’s instruction and tell him you want to fly to ZF directly from present position.] 5 P: Roger, climb to 4,500 m. request direct to ZF. ACA909 第 9 来回 C: ACA909, cleared direct to ZF. P: Roger, direct to ZF. 第 10 来回 C: ACA909, maintain 4,500 m, contact Wuhan Control on 118.1 P: Roger, maintain 4,500 m, 118.1, ACA909. 第 11 来回 [You are just over ZF, make an initial contact with Wuhan Control.] P: Wuhan Control, ACA909, 4,500 m, over ZF. 第 12 来回 C: ACA909, Wuhan Control, radar contact, climb to 8,900 m P: Roger, climb to 8,900 m, ACA909. 第 13 来回 [A flight attendant told you that there is a male passenger suffering a heart attack. Inform the controller about that, and tell him you want to go back to Wuhan. This is an urgent call.] 6 P: Panpan, Panpan, Panpan, Wuhan Control, ACA909, we have a male passenger suffering heart attack, request direct back to Wuhan. 第 14 来回 C: ACA909, Wuhan Control, roger Panpan. Turn right direct to ZF, and descend to 4,200 m. P: Roger, descend to 4,200 m, direct to ZF, ACA909. 第 15 来回 C: ACA909, do you need any medical assistance? [Tell the controller that you need a physician and an ambulance upon landing or after landing. ] 7 P: We need an ambulance and a physician upon arrival. ACA909 第 16 来回 C: Roger, an ambulance and a physician will be ready. C: ACA909, Wuhan Control, maintain 4,200 m, contact Approach on 118.9 P: Maintain 4,200 m, Approach 118.9, ACA909 第 17 来回 [Inform Wuhan Approach that you have a passenger suffering heart attack, and request landing priority. .] 8 P: Wuhan Approach, ACA909, we have a passenger suffering heart attack, request priority landing. 第 18 来回 C: ACA909, Wuhan Approach, Roger radar contact, follow ZF-1A arrival, and descend to 1,800 m on QNH 1013. Information D is valid. [Readback the controller’s instruction, and ask the detail of information D because you could not receive the information on the radio.] 9 P: Roger, follow ZF01A arrival; descend to 1,800 m on QNH 1013. can you repeat the ATIS being unable to pick up on the radio 第 19 来回 C: ACA909, Approach, surface wind 350 degrees at 3 m/s, visibility 8 Km, ILS approach runway in use 36R, QNH 1013 Hpa. P: Surface wind 350 at 3 m/s, visibility 8 Km, ILS approach runway in use 36R, QNH 1013 Hpa. ACA909 第 20 来回 [Inform the controller that you want to land at runway 18L visually to save time.] 10 P: Approach, ACA909, request to make a visual approach and land for runway 18L to save time. 2 A/C callsign: BAW203. Departure Airport: Wuhan Landing runway: 36R Wuhan APP: 118.9 Wuhan CTL: 118.1 Wuhan TWR: 124.35 第 1 来回 [Your callsign is BAW203.You are just over ZF} C: BAW203, Wuhan approach, climb and maintain 4,800 m, contact Wuhan Control on 118.1. P: Climbing 4,800 m, and contact Wuhan Control on 118.1. BAW203 第 2 来回 [Make an initial contact with Wuhan Control, ask for 8,900 m] 2 P: Wuhan Control, BAW203, 4,800 m maintaining, request climb to 8,900 m. 第 3 来回 C: BAW203, Wuhan Control, radar contact, climb to 7,500 m, expect 8,900 m at 16. P: Climb to 7,500 m, BAW203 第 4 来回 [Inform the controller that you have encountered severe Clear Air Turbulence, and ask for 8,900 m.] 3 P: Wuhan Control, BAW203, we have encountered severe turbulence, request 8,900 m. 第 5 来回 C: Roger, climb to 8,900 m P: Climb to 8,900 m, BAW203 第 6 来回 C: BAW203, Wuhan Control, is there any damage to the aircraft or are there any passengers injured [Tell the controller that there isn’t any aircraft damage, and the purser told you that passengers are OK.] 4 P: There isn’t any damage to the aircraft, and the purser reported that the passengers are just fine. 第 7 来回 [Inform Wuhan Control that you have just been told an old passenger has been seriousely injured 5 P:Wuhan Control, BAW203, we have just told that an old man on board has been seriously injured. 第 8 来回 C: BAW203, roger, report your intention. [Tell the controller that you want to land at Wuhan airport.] P: BAW203,we would like to land at Wuhan airport. 第 9 来回 C: BAW203, turn left direct to ZF and descend to 5,100 m. P: Turn left direct to ZF and descend to 5,100 m. BAW203. 第 10 来回 C: BAW203, do you need any assistance. [Inform the controller that you need an ambulance and first aid on arrival.] 6 P: We will need an ambulance and first aid on arrival 第 11 来回 C: BAW203, maintain 5,100 m, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9 P: Roger, maintain 5,100 m, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9, BAW203 第 12 来回 [Make an initial contact with Wuhan Approach; inform the controller that you have an injured passenger on board 7 P: Wuhan Approach, BAW203, 5,100 m maintaining, over ZF. We have an old passenger on board injured 第 13 来回 C: BAW203, Wuhan Approach, radar contact, follow ZF-1A arrival; descend to 2,700 m on QNH 1017, information C. [Readback the controller’s instruction, and inform controller that you have received the information.] 8 P: ZF-1A arrival, descend to 2,700 m on QNH 1017; we have received information C. BAW203. 第 14 来回 C: BAW203, descend to 900 m, expect ILS approach runway 36R. [Readback the controller’s instruction. And tell the controller that the passenger has died] P: BAW203, descend to 900 m, ILS approach runway 36R. BAW203.the old passenger has died. 第 15 来回 C: BAW203, roger, reduce speed to 200 knots, turn left heading 030 P: Reduce speed 200 knots; turn left heading 030, BAW203 第 16 来回 C: BAW203, intercept the localizer of runway 36R, report established. P: Intercept the localizer of runway 36R, BAW203 第 17 来回 [Inform the controller you have captured the localizer.] 9 P: Approach, BAW203, ILS established. 第 18 来回 C: Roger, cleared ILS approach runway 36R, 13 Km from touch down, radar service terminated, contact Wuhan Tower on 124.35. P: Cleared ILS approach runway 36R, Wuhan Tower, 124.35. BAW203 第 19 来回 [Later, you cannot see the runway at decision altitude during the approach, inform tower controller that you need to make another approach.] 10 P: Wuhan Tower, BAW203, we are going around, no visual contact with the ground. 3 A/C callsign: AFR782. Destination Airport: Wuhan Landing runway: 36R Wuhan APP: 118.9 Wuhan CTL: 118.1 Wuhan TWR: 124.35 第 1 来回 [You are the pilot of AFR 782 which is bound for Wuhan. You have just been handed over from Guangzhou Control, you are over DAPRO at time 35 and your level is 9500m, call Wuhan Control.] 1 P: Wuhan Control, AFR782, good morning, DAPRO at 35 at 9500m, . 第 2 来回 C: AFR782, Wuhan Control, radar identified, descend to 5100m before reaching LKO. P: Descend to and maintain 5100 meters before LKO, AFR782. 第 3 来回 [Now you are over LKO at 5100m, you have copied the latest ATIS K, call Wuhan Approach Control.] 2 P: Wuhan Approach, AFR782, maintaining 5100 meters, passing LKO with information K. 第 4 来回 C: AFR782, Wuhan Approach, radar contact, follow LKO-1A Arrival, descend and maintain 3300 meters on QNH1004. P: LKO-1A Arrival, descend to and maintain 3300 m on QNH 1004 , AFR782. 第 5 来回 [You,ve recieved a report from the flight attendant saying that there is smoke coming from the lavatory. You think it may develop into, fire, so you declare distress to the ATC..] 3 P: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Wuhan Approach, AFR782, flight attendant reported smoke coming out from the lavatory, request priority landing and emergency services. 第 6 来回 C: AFR782, Wuhan Approach, roger MAYDAY, turn right heading 040, descend to 2100m, radar vector to ILS approach runway 36R, you have first priority. P: Roger, right heading 040, continue descent to 2100 m, ILS runway 36R, AFR782. 第 7 来回 [As the captain of the flight, you may want to make a passenger address. The ‘PA’ may include: don’t be panic, remain seated, the flight crew are experienced, ATC assistance is available to us, etc.] 4 PA: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Fasten your seatbelt and remain seated. Don’t worry. Believe us, we are a very experienced flight crew, and we can control this situation. And air controller is ready to help us. 第 8 来回 C: AFR782, Wuhan Approach, what is the situation on board now? Keep us advised. [You are grateful for the reminding, report to ATC that more smoke accumulated in the passenger cabin and the passengers are coughing hard.] 5 P: AFR782, thanks. The smoke is becoming more and more dense in the passenger cabin and the passengers are coughing more and more . 第 9 来回 C: AFR782, Wuhan Approach, continue to descend to 1200m on QNH 1005, fire services and ambulance will be with you upon your landing. [You are required to readback the clearance and show your gratitude.] 6 P: Descend to 1200m on QNH 1005, AFR782, thank you very much. 第 10 来回 [Now you report to ATC that you have already removed the dense smoke, two aged people and one baby are nearly suffocated, others are not seriously harmed.] 7 P: Wuhan Approach, AFR782, we have removed the dense smoke, but we have two aged people and one baby are suffering smoke, others are not seriously harmed. C: Roger, we’ll relay this information to the parties concerned. 第 11 来回 C: AFR782, descend to 900 meters, expect ILS approach runway 36R, you are number 1. P: Descend to 900 meters, ILS runway 36R, AFR782. 第 12 来回 [You have fully established on the ILS runway 36R and your position is 12km from touchdown, call Wuhan Approach.] 8 P: Wuhan Approach, AFR782, established ILS runway 36R, position 12km from touchdown. 第 13 来回 C: AFR782, continue approach and contact tower 118.6, good day. P: 118.6, good day, AFR782. 第 14 来回 [Now contact Wuhan Tower, report to ATC that you are 11km from touchdown on final and you are emergency landing aircraft.] 9 P: Wuhan Tower, AFR782, 11 km on final, confirming we have declared emergency .. 第 15 来回 TWR: AFR782, radar identified, continue ILS approach runway 36R, you are no. 1, report outer marker. P: Will call outer marker, AFR782. 第 16 来回 [Now you are over outer marker, call Wuhan Tower.] P: Wuhan Tower, AFR782 at outer marker. 第 17 来回 TWR: AFR782, cleared to land runway 36 R, wind 340 degrees at 9 m/s, QNH 1005. P: Cleared to land 36R on 1005 AFR782. 第 18 来回 (Later)… GRD: AFR782, taxi to No.5 Apron via taxiway E3, A, A8, the fire services and medical teams are waiting for you on the apron. [You are required to readback the clearance and show your gratitude.] 10 P: Taxi to No.5 Apron via taxiway E3, A, A8, thank you very much, AFR782. 4 A/C callsign: CSN342. Airport: Wuhan Landing runway: 36R Wuhan APP: 118.9 Wuhan CTL: 118.1 Wuhan TWR: 124.35 第 1 来回 [Your callsign is CSN342。You are just over ZF and maintaining 4,500 m. you are about to enter the Area Control airspace. [Make an initial contact with Wuhan Control. .] 1 P: Wuhan Control, CSN342, over ZF, maintaining 4,500 m. (得分点 1) 第 2 来回 [Ask Wuhan Control for 8,900 m] 2 P: Wuhan Control, CSN342, request climb to 8,900 m. 第 3 来回 C: CSN342, Wuhan Control, radar contact, climb to 7,500 m, expect 8,900 m at time 16. P: Climb to 7,500 m, CSN342 第 4 来回 [Inform the controller that you have encountered a severe Clear Air Turbulence, and ask for 8,900 m.] 3 P: Wuhan Control, CSN342, we have encountered a severe Turbulence, request 8,900 m. 第 5 来回 C: Roger, CSN342, climb to 8,900 m P: Climb to 8,900 m, CSN342 第 6 来回 C: CSN342, Wuhan Control, is there any damage to the aircraft or any passenger injuries? [Tell the controller that there isn’t any aircraft damage, and the purser told you that passengers are OK.] 4 P: CSN342, there isn’t any damage to the aircraft, and the purser reported that the passengers are just fine. 第 7 来回 [Inform Wuhan Control that you have just received an anonymous call saying there is a bomb on board your aircraft] 5 P: Wuhan Control, CSN342we have just received an anonymous call saying there is a bomb on board our aircraft. 第 8 来回 C: Roger, report your intentions. [Tell the controller that you wish to land at Wuhan airport.] P: CSN342,request to land at Wuhan airport. 第 9 来回 C: CSN342, roger, turn left direct to ZF and descend to 4,800 m. P: Turn left direct to ZF and descend to 4,800 m. CSN342. 第 10 来回 C: CSN342, do you need any assistance. [Inform the controller that you need a bomb disposal squad on landing, and you will use the emergency slides to deplane the passengers.] 6 P: CSN342, we will use the emergency sliders for evacuation, and we need a bomb disposal squad on arrival. 第 11 来回 C: CSN342, maintain 4,800 m, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9 P: Roger, maintain 4,800 m, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9, CSN342 第 12 来回 [Make an initial contact with Wuhan Approach; inform the controller that you have received an anonymous call saying there is a bomb on board your aircraft, and you are returning to Wuhan.] 7 P: Wuhan Approach, CSN342, maintaining 4,800 m, over ZF. We have received an anonymous call saying there is a bomb on board our aircraft, and we are turning back to land at Wuhan airport. 第 13 来回 C: CSN342, Wuhan Approach, radar contact, follow ZF-1A arrival; descend to 2,700 m on QNH 1017, information C. 8 P: ZF-1A arrival, descend to 2,700 m on QNH 1017; we have received information C. CSN342. 第 14 来回 C: CSN342, descend to 900 m, expect ILS approach runway 36R. P: Descend to 900 m, on ILS approach runway 36R. CSN342. 第 15 来回 C: CSN342, reduce speed to200 knots, turn right heading 330 P: Reduce speed to 200 knots; turn right heading 330, CSN342 第 16 来回 C: CSN342, intercept the localizer of runway 36R, report established. P: Intercept the localizer of runway 36R, CSN342 第 17 来回 [Inform the controller that you have captured the signal of the localizer.] 9 P: Approach, CSN342, ILS established. 第 18 来回 C: Roger, CSN342, cleared ILS approach runway 36R, 13 miles form touch down, radar service terminated, contact Wuhan Tower on 124.35. P: Cleared ILS approach runway 36R, Wuhan Tower, 124.35. CSN342 第 19 来回 [Latter, you cannot see the runway at decision altitude during approach, inform tower controller that you need to make another approach.] 10 P: Wuhan Tower, CSN342, we are going around, no visual contact with the ground. 5 A/C callsign: CCA105. Departure Airport: Wuhan Destination Airport: Guangzhou Landing runway: 36R Wuhan APP: 118.9 Wuhan CTL: 118.1 Wuhan TWR: 124.35 第 1 来回 [You are the pilot of CCA105 and now waiting for ATC clearance.] C: CCA105 is cleared to Guangzhou, flight planned route, cruising level 9,200 m, LKO-1D departure, squawk 2052, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9 when airborne. [The tower controller’s voice is disturbed, and you didn’t hear the words after “9,200 m”, ask the controller to repeat the latter part of the instruction.] 1 P: Wuhan Tower, CCA105, say again after 9,200 m. 第 2 来回 C: CCA105, cruising level 9,200 m, LKO-ID departure, squawk 2052, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9 when airborne.. P: Cleared to Guangzhou, flight planned route, cruising level 9,200 m, LKO-1D departure, squawk 2052, contact Wuhan Approach on 118.9 when airborne. CCA105 第 3 来回 [You have completed the relevant checklist. Ask the tower controller to let you to start your engine.] 2 P: Tower, CCA105, request startup. 第 4 来回 C: CCA105, startup is approved, report when ready for taxi. P: Roger, starting up , CCA105. call you ready for taxi 第 5 来回 [Now you are ready to taxi out, ask the tower controller for taxi instructions.] P: Tower, CCA105, request taxi 第 6 来回 C: CCA105, taxi via taxiway A7 and A to holding point of runway 36R P: Taxiway A7 and A to holding point of runway 36R, CCA105 第 7 来回 C: CCA105, hold position, traffic 10 o’clock, approaching you from your left [Acknowledge the instruction, and inform the controller that you have seen the traffic] 3 P: Roger, stopping, traffic in sight, CCA105. 第 8 来回 [Later, you are approaching the active runway 36R, ask the tower controller for permission to enter the runway.] 4 P: Tower, CCA105, approaching runway 36R, request line up. 第 9 来回 C: CCA105, line up and wait. P: Lineup and wait, CCA105. 第 10 来回 C: CCA105, cleared for takeoff, runway 36R P: Roger, taking off, CCA105 第 11 来回 [(This is a night operation). When you are rolling out, your speed has just reached VR, you suddenly see a slow moving object ahead of you; it is crossing the runway from left to right. You pull back and rotate to avoid the traffic, and you felt a shake from the nose gear. You get airborne at time 23, and report the accident to Wuhan Approach.] 5 P: Wuhan Approach, CCA105, airborne at time 23, we must be hit by something during takeoff. 第 12 来回 C: CCA105, Wuhan Approach, radar contact, is there any damage to the aircraft? Report your intentions. [Tell the approach controller that you want to land at Wuhan airport, and you don’t know about any damage.] 6 P: Approach, CCA105, we want to land at Wuhan airport, and we are not sure about any damage. 第 13 来回 C: CCA105, roger, do you want to hold and have a check? [Tell the controller that you do want to hold and check] P: Affirm, CCA105. 第 14 来回 C: Roger, CCA105, climb to 900 m on QNH 1011, turn left direct to DA, and hold over DA. [Readback the controller’s instruction] P: Climb to 900 m on QNH 1011, turn left direct to DA, and hold over DA. CCA105. 第 15 来回 [Inform the controller that you found out that there is something wrong with the nose gear. Tell the controller you need to dump fuel before landing.] 7 P: Approach, CCA105, we have something wrong with the nose gear; we have to dump fuel before landing. 第 16 来回 C: Roger, CCA105, climb to 2,100 m on QNH, turn left heading 130, radar vector to the dumping area. P: Roger, climb to 2,100 m on QNH, and turning left heading 130, CCA105. 第 17 来回 [Later, inform the controller that you have finished the fuel dumping and want to be radar guided to Wuhan airport.] 8 P: Approach, CCA105, fuel dumping completed, request radar vector to Wuhan. 第 18 来回 C: CCA105, descend to 900 m, turn right heading 290, radar vector for the ILS approach runway 36L. P: Descend to 900 m, turn right heading 290, ILS approach runway 36L. CCA105. 第 19 来回 C: CCA105, do you need any assistance upon landing? [Tell the controller that you are going to make a landing without nose gear, you need fire trucks and a foamed runway] 9 P: We are going to land without the nose gear; we need fire trucks and a foamed runway. CCA105. 第 20 来回 C:Roger CCA105, , foamed runway and fire trucks will be ready upon landing P: Roger, CCA105. 第 21 来回 C: CCA105, reduce speed to 180 knots P: Reducing speed to180 knots, CCA105. 第 22 来回 C: CCA105, turn left heading 330 to intercept the localizer for runway 36L, report established. [Readback the controller’s instruction] P: Left heading 330 to intercept the localizer of runway 36L, call you established CCA105 第 23 来回 [Inform the controller that you have captured the localizer.] 10 P: Approach, CCA105, ILS established. 第 24 来回 C: Roger, CCA105,cleared ILS approach runway 36L, 13 miles form touch down, radar service terminated, contact Wuhan Tower on 124.35. P: Cleared ILS approach runway 36L, Wuhan Tower on 124.35. CCA105 6.第四部分 根据国际民航组织 Doc.9835 号文件要求,飞行人员语言能力测试必须包括口语能力测试。 PEPEC 口语能力面试(Oral Proficiency Interview,即 OPI)是一种基于计算机视频的、面 试员与被测试人之间的半直接考试(即面试员与被测试人以电脑为媒介进行视频和发音连线, 从而完成口语考试任务) 。OPI 主要测试被测试人的英语听力理解能力和口语表达能力。从语言的发 音、结构、词汇、流畅程度、理解能力以及应对能力六个方面,对被测试人的英语能力从最高的 6 级到最低的 1 级进行评估。被测试人点击电脑屏幕上的“Start to interview”按钮,提出 面试请求,面试员看到被测试人请求后,点击其屏幕上的“开始面试”按钮,实现双方的电脑 音频和视频连线,正式进入考试状态。完成面试后,被测试人点击其电脑屏幕下方的“Finish interview”按钮,结束考试。 OPI 考试分为四个阶段,即准备阶段、等级初评阶段、等级评定阶段以及结束阶段。OPI 面试员 根据不同测试阶段的测试要求,进行由浅入深的提问。各个阶段的考试要求如下: 准备阶段:时长约 1 至2 分钟。被测试人通过回答简单的日常英语问题,了解并适应面试员的 语音语调,准备进入下一阶段的考试。 等级初评阶段:时长约 5 至6 分钟。通过被测试人对航空专业相关问题的回答,初步评估其基 本的语言等级。 等级评定阶段:时长约 6 至 7 分钟。OPI 面试员就屏幕显示图片及某一航空专业相关话题, 进行深层次的专业提问,便于被测试人专业英语水平的进一步发挥,以便在初步评估等级的基础 上,对被测试人英语水平进行确定或进行更高等级语言能力的评估。 结束阶段:时长约 1 至2 分钟。OPI 面试员通过较为简单的问话,放松被测试人心情, 结束 口语能力面试考试。 考试时间约为 15 分钟。 OPI部分分为两个大模块:图片描述和口语问答 This airport might be located 位于 on an island 岛屿. It is cloudy 多云的. You can see the beach 海滩 and the sea here. There are three men standing on the beach. They must have been swimming in the sea. It seems that they are watching the plane landing. It is a B747 which belongs to 属于 France 法国 airliner. The aircraft is going to land because it has a full flaps and slats and the landing gear is down, but it’s too close to 离。。近 the ground maybe even 更加,甚至 below the glide slope 下滑道. I think it is very dangerous 危险的. I can also see some buildings 建筑物 not far away 不远处. They may be some airlines or some kind of stations. If I am one of the three men, I would have run away 逃离 because it is a little bit 有 一点 dangerous to stand near the airport. This is a picture taken in a cockpit 座舱. The plane is about to land in the airport. You can see the runway in front of the aircraft. Maybe there is a minor 较小的 wind on the ground because there’s an angle 角度 between the aircraft track and the long final track. I can see the wave on 挥手示意。。前进 the seaside 海边.. The first officer has a ring 戒指 on his third finger 无名指. Maybe he has married 已 婚的. Now he is controlling the plane and the captain is enjoying 享受 the views 风 景 .Maybe he wants to buy a house here. Far away from the urban 都市 areas, there was covered by a lot of mountains 山 with many plants 植物. You can see this is a coast 海岸 city full of high buildings. It is big and beautiful. This is Halifax airport.' The forests 森林,丛林 are located near one side of the runway. We can see many aircrafts on the runway but few aircraft parking 停放 on the gate. They must be forced to land after 9.11. I think just one runway is operating 运营的, 操作的 now. There’s no long taxi way which parallels 平行 the runway. So I think it might be difficult to taxi to the runway. Here is the terminal 航空站,末端的 building and the apron.这里是航站楼和停机 坪 People in the terminal building must be very busy right now(立即,此刻). The 9.11 must have caused many problems to the passengers. But there are still many cars on the parking area maybe people are looking forward to 期望,盼望 picking up 得 到 their friends. This is an abnormal situation. The aircraft is A320 which belongs to 属于 jet 喷气 飞机 Blue airline. It is just landing on the runway 25L because it has the full flaps and slats. And we can see fire comes out from nosewheel 前轮. I think maybe there’s something wrong with its nosewheel. When it stopped, it may need some ground assistance or maybe the crew will execute 执行,完成,履行 the emergency evacuation 撤离,疏散 procedure. There're two Australian 澳大利亚 aircrafts behind the hangar.飞机库,飞机棚 As far as I know, jetblue is a big American 美国人,美国的 airline company.航空公 司 This kind of incident may be caused by 由。。引起,所致 nosewheel jammed. This is Kaitek airport in Hong Kong. This picture may be taken in another aircraft behind the landing plane. Maybe there’s a strong wind 大风,强风 on the ground and the aircraft landed firmly 坚固地,坚决地 with one-side wheels touching the runway. When landing, spoilers 损坏者,抢夺者 are fully extended. It has an angle with the runway center line. And I can see the smoke coming from the right main gear .Maybe the right side engines has been damaged. It might be caused by the strong wind or the wrong control. The aircraft on the left side may be going to take off. This picture may be taken on a mountain.山,山脉,大量的 You can see many buildings 建筑物,楼房 near the airport. The airport is close to 靠近,接近 the sea and the runway extends to the sea. There are some ships 船 at the sea. The aircraft is going to land and now it is making a steep 过分的,夸张的,险峻的, 侵泡 turn to align 使成一线 the runway. I think it is very difficult for pilots to control the airplane to land safely especially 尤 其地,主要地,异常地,显著地 in a bad weather. In the picture, we can see one aircraft is taxiing to the holding point and another one is taxiing on taxi way. This is a B747-200 which belongs to Saudi 沙特阿拉伯 Airline. The weather is fine but it might be very bad a few days ago. The incident must have happened a few days ago because there's no ambulance services around. The plane was probably 大概,很可能 in the process 过程 of landing or taking off, because of the bad weather or some mechanical 机械的,体力的,手工操作的 troubles, it ran out of the runway and stopped at the ditch.沟渠,壕沟 We can see the nose and nose gear are damaged. Some mechanics are standing behind the right engines. I guessed 猜,推测 during take-off, the runway was very slippery 滑溜的 and the captain wanted to reject 拒绝,抛弃,放弃 but the aircraft was too heavy. So he could not stop the airplane on the runway. Another reason was that the captain still wanted to land in the heavy rain 大雨. Maybe it’s too high to over the threshold 门槛,入口 of the runway. So he could not land on the normal landing area. I can see some police 警察,警察部门 cars are around the aircraft. Now the weather is good but maybe the weather was not good during the aircraft were approaching and landing few hours before. The incident might happen one or two days ago because the aircraft was covered by snow on the fuselage(飞机的)机身 And there's no ambulance around. It was probably caused by the bad weather or maybe the runway was covered by snow or patches 块,碎片 of ice, the braking action was poor so the plane skied of the runway. Some passengers might be injured. One of the engines and some parts of slats and the nose gear are damaged. Some people are checking the aircraft maybe they want to find something. This incident may happen either 两者之一 in taking-off or landing process 过程. I can see the weather is quiet good, visibility is more than 10 km.. It is a big and beautiful airport. One aircraft is waiting for the clearance 空隙,间隙,放行证 to enter the runway. I can see the tail strike on the runway and some smoke coming from the tail. The APU must be damaged. I think the aircraft maybe have some troubles with control system, The captain wants to make a flapless landing but it is quiet difficult to do that. Another reason is during takeoff the captain sees something on the runway he wants to rotate 旋转,轮换,交替 earlier 早期的 but the aircraft is too heavy, so he can not pull up the aircraft under this situation. 目录 Lesson 1 Hydraulic System .............................................................. 66 Lesson 2 Pressurization ................................................................... 67 Lesson 3 Electrical System ............................................................... 68 Lesson 4 Flight Control System ........................................................ 69 Lesson 5 Air Conditioning System and Oxygen System ................ 71 Lesson 6 Fuel and Fuel Policy........................................................ 72 Lesson 7 Engine Problems ............................................................... 74 Lesson 8 Communication............................................................... 75 Lesson 9 Cockpit.............................................................................. 78 Lesson 10 Navigation ..................................................................... 79 Unit 2 Weather .................................................................................. 81 Lesson 11 Cumulonimbus and Thunderstorm .............................. 81 Lesson 12 Turbulence ...................................................................... 82 Lesson 13 Icing Conditions ............................................................ 83 Lesson 14 Lightning Strike ............................................................ 84 Lesson 15 Wind Shear ..................................................................... 85 Lesson 16 Low Visibility ................................................................ 86 Unit 3 Flight phases and Flight Procedures ......................................... 87 Lesson 17 Preflight Preparation .................................................... 87 Lesson 18 Files and Manuals ........................................................... 88 Lesson 19 ATIS ................................................................................ 90 Lesson 20 Ground Movement ........................................................ 91 Lesson 21 Aborted Takeoff ............................................................ 92 Lesson 22 Emergency Descent ....................................................... 93 Lesson 23 Emergency Landing ...................................................... 94 Lesson 24 Emergency Evacuation ................................................. 95 Lesson 25 Flow Control and Delays............................................... 96 Lesson 26 Diversions ...................................................................... 98 Lesson 27 Conflicting Traffic and TCAS ............................................ 99 Lesson 28 Flight Training ................................................................101 Unit Four Personnels and Human Factors............. Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Lesson 29 Cabin Crew ..................................................................103 Lesson 30 CRM .............................................................................104 Lesson 31 Health Problems...........................................................106 Lesson 32 Air Security ....................................................................107 Lesson 33 Passenger Problems .....................................................110 Unit Five Miscellous ........................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Lesson 34 In-flight Fire ...................................................................111 Lesson 35 Bird Threat .....................................................................113 Lesson 36 Structural Damage .........................................................114 Lesson 37 Tail Strike .......................................................................114 Lesson 38 Emergency Equipment ...................................................115 Lesson 39 Other Topics ................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Lesson 40 Daily Topics ....................................................................116 Lesson 1 Hydraulic System Key Words and Expressions hydraulic system 液压系统 hydraulic pressure 液压压力 hydraulic fluid 液压油 hydraulic fluid leak 液压油泄露 hydraulic failure 液压失效 aircraft units 飞机组件 landing gear 起落架 undercarriage 起落架 nose gear 前起落架 main gear 主起落架 low pass touch and go belly landing foam carpet flaps brakes steering jammed thrust reverser 低空通场 接地连续 机腹着陆 泡沫毯 襟翼 刹车 转向 卡阻 反推装置 OPI Q1: What’s the function of hydraulic system? Hydraulic system is used to provide hydraulic power/pressure to operate/control aircraft units such as landing gear, flaps, brakes, steering and so on. Q2: Which aircraft units are related to hydraulic system? There are many aircraft units operated by hydraulic system, such as landing gear, nose wheel steering, brakes and flight control surfaces (ailerons, elevators, rudder, flaps, slats). Q3: How many hydraulic systems are there in your aircraft? I fly C172, there is no hydraulic system. But I know there are three hydraulic systems in A320, blue system, yellow system and green system. Q4: What are the possible consequences of hydraulic failure? There are many aircraft units operated by hydraulic system. If there is hydraulic failure, they may not work. For example, during landing, the landing gears can’t be extended, we may have to make a belly landing. Besides, we can’t extend the flaps, the landing speed will be higher and the landing distance will be longer. Q5: If one of the hydraulic systems fails, will it affect flight safety? As I know, there are three hydraulic systems in A320/B737. If one of them fails, we can switch to other working hydraulic system. They can provide hydraulic power, too, so it won’t affect flight safety. Q6: If there is hydraulic fluid leak, what will you do? If there is hydraulic fluid leak before flight, we will report it to mechanics for check. If there is hydraulic fluid leak during flight, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency landing, then we will follow checklist to check the aircraft units such as landing gear, flaps, brakes and steering. Lesson 2 Pressurization Key words and Expressions Pressurization Cabin altitude 高度 Cabin pressure differential 压差 Cabin rate of climb 爬升率 Outflow valve 活门 Bleed air leak 泄露 Pack problem 件问题 Structural damage 损坏 Depressurized 的 Unpressurized cabin 的客舱 Cabin decompression 失压 Cabin depressurization 失压 Slow depressurization 增压 座舱 座舱 座舱 外流 引气 (空调)组 结构 失压 失压 客舱 客舱 压 Rapid depressurization 快失 压 Explosive depressurization 爆炸 性失压 Symptoms of hypoxia 缺氧 症状 Lose consciousness 失去 意识 Unconscious passenger 失去意识 的乘客 Emergency descent 紧急 下降 Immediate descent 立 即下降 Initiate emergency descent 启动紧 急下降 Oxygen masks 氧气面 罩 Descent rate 下降 率 Rate of descent 下 降率 慢失 OPI Q1: Why does the aircraft need pressurization system? Pressurization is used to adjust cabin altitude and make persons on board safe and comfortable. Without pressurization above 3000m, the persons on board will suffer from hypoxia, decompression sickness and so on. Q2: When will decompression happen during flight? There are many situations in which decompression will happen. First, mechanical problem such as outflow valve malfunction may cause decompression. Second, air conditioning/pack problems/bleed air problems may cause decompression. Third, structural damage such as damage to the doors or windows may cause depressurization. Besides, there are some other reasons for depressurization. Q3: Which is more dangerous, slow depressurization or rapid depressurization? I think, slow depressurization is more dangerous. It may be caused by small and slow air leak. In this situation, the pilots may not notice/find it and get incapacitated. 都说一下 Q4: what are the possible consequences of depressurization? There are many possible consequences of depressurization. First, the pilots may lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen; second, the passengers may feel uncomfortable, get injured or even lose their lives; third, it may cause structural damages to the aircraft or total loss of the aircraft. Q5: What will you do if you encounter depressurization during flight? First, we will put on the oxygen mask. Second, we will make an emergency descent to a safe altitude. Third, we will report our situation and intention to ATC and request emergency services. Q6: What is the safe altitude of decompression? The safe altitude for decompression is below 3000 meters. Q7: Is emergency descent is the only way to solve pressurization problem? I think we can follow the checklist to solve the pressurization problems. But emergency descent is the safe way to solve the pressurization problem. Lesson 3 Electrical System Electrical system Electrical power Generator Emergency generator 机 Transformer 器 AC bus 条 DC bus 条 Battery Key words and Expressions 电气系统 Electrical failure 电气系统 电气动力 失效 发电机 Electrical fire 电气系统 应急发电 起火 Short circuit 短路 变压整流 Fire on board 机上失火 Lightning strike 雷击 交流电汇流 Loss of communication 通讯失效 Navaid display malfunction 导航显示 直流电汇流 失效 Identify the faulty circuit 识别故障 蓄电瓶 线路 Circuit breaker Switch/turn off Cut off Divert Endurance 跳开关 关掉 切断 备降 (电气)续 航能力 Divert to the nearest suitable airport 备降到最近合适机场 OPI Q1: What are the functions of electrical system? Electrical system is used to provide electrical power to essential systems, flight instrument and passenger services. Q2: If you encounter electrical failure during flight, what will you do? First, we will identify the faulty circuit. Second, we will shut off the non-essential electrical loads. Third, we will report our situation to ATC and request radar vector to the nearest suitable airport. Finally, we will land as soon as possible. Q3What reasons may cause electrical system to fail during flight? There are many reasons for electrical failure. First, engine/generator failure may cause electrical failure. Second, lightning strike may cause electrical failure. Third, fire on board may cause electrical failure. Besides, there are some other reasons for electrical failure. Q4: What kind of problems may be caused by electrical system failure? If there is electrical failure, first, it may cause digital flight instrument failure. Second, it may cause loss of communication and navigation. Third, it may cause fire on board. Q5: If you encounter navaids display failure because of electrical power, what are you going to do? If there is navigation display malfunction, we will use standby instrument and request radar vector. Lesson 4 Flight Control System Key words and Expressions Control surfaces 操纵面 Primary flight control surfaces 主操纵 面 Secondary flight control surfaces 辅操 纵面 Aileron 副翼 Elevator 升降 舵 Rudder 舵 Flaps Slat Spoilers 板 方向 襟翼 缝翼 扰流 Speedbrakes 板 Control wheel 盘 Control column 杆 Side stick Rudder pedal 减速 舵脚蹬 Yaw damper 阻尼仪 Roll Pitch Yaw Autopilot 驾驶仪 操纵 操纵 侧杆 方向 偏航 滚转 俯仰 偏航 自动 OPI Q1: Can you name some of the control surfaces? /Can you tell me something about flight control surfaces? Yes, flight control surfaces consist of primary flight control surfaces and secondary flight control surfaces. The primary flight control surfaces include ailerons, elevators and rudder. The secondary flight control surfaces include flaps, slats, spoilers and trim tabs. Q2: What are the positions/locations of them? The ailerons and flaps are located on the wings of the aircraft. The elevators and rudder are located on the tail of the aircraft. Q3: What are the functions of those flight control surfaces? The ailerons are used to control the roll. Elevators are used to control the pitch. The rudder is used to control the yaw. The flaps are used to increase the lift during takeoff and increase drag during landing. Q4: What are the possible reasons to cause the aircraft out of control? There are many possible reasons for loss of control. First, significant system failure such as hydraulic failure, engine failure, flight control failure may cause the aircraft out of control. Second, human errors such as flight management errors may cause the aircraft to lose control. Third, bad weather conditions such as thunderstorm, lightning strike, clear air turbulence may cause loss of control. Besides, there are some other reasons for loss of control. Q5: During flight, if your aircraft is out of control, what will you do? If the aircraft is out of control during flight, I will try to recover from loss of control. Then I will report our situation to ATC and request emergency landing at nearest suitable airport and emergency services. Q6: What precautionary measures can you take to make sure your flight control will be fully functional during flight? In order to ensure the flight controls are fully functional during flight, during preflight inspection, we will walk around the aircraft and check the flight control surfaces. During taxiing, we will complete the taxiing checklist to ensure the flight controls are functional. We will rotate the control wheel to check the ailerons, push and pull the control column to check the elevators and press the pedal to check the rudder. Q7: What are the basic flight control limitations of your aircraft? I fly C172. The maximum altitude is … meters. The maximum takeoff weight is … pounds. The maximum speed is … knots. Q8: What are the possible consequences if flaps are jammed during approach phase? If flaps are jammed during approach, the landing speed will be higher, we will need a longer runway to stop the aircraft, or we will run out of runway. Q9: How can you make a successful landing without flaps? First, we will reduce the weight of the aircraft and reduce the landing speed. Second, we will reduce power to idle. Third, we will use maximum brakes and reverse thrust to stop the aircraft on the runway. Lesson 5 Air Conditioning System and Oxygen System Key words and Expressions Air conditioning system 空调系统 Air conditioning pack 空调组件 Warm air 暖气 Cool air 冷气 Malfunction 故障 Unusual smell 异味 Rapid descent Oxygen system Oxygen supply Oxygen masks Depressurization Fire on board 快速下降 氧气系统 氧气供给 氧气面罩 失压 机上失火 OPI Q1: What are the functions of air-conditioning system? Air conditioning system is used to provide cool air and warm air to adjust the temperature and make persons on board safe and comfortable. Q2: If air-conditioning system fails, will it affect flight safety? If the air conditioning system fails, the temperature will be too high or too low and the pressurization system may be out of work, so it will affect flight safety. Q3: Will you return for landing or continue flight if air-conditioning system fails? If the air conditioning system fails during takeoff, we will return to land because if the air conditioning system fails, the temperature will be too high or too low and the pressurization system may be out of work, it may affect flight safety. Q4: Can you introduce oxygen system of your aircraft? The oxygen system is used to provide oxygen supply to persons on board in case of emergency. As I know there are two oxygen systems: one for flight crew and the other for cabin crew and passengers. Q5: When does oxygen mask drop during flight? If there is depressurization during flight, the oxygen masks will drop. Q6: Under what conditions do you use oxygen masks? First, if there is depressurization, we will use oxygen masks. Second, if there is smoke or fire in the cockpit, we will use oxygen masks. Lesson 6 Fuel and Fuel Policy Key Words and Expressions fuel quantity 燃油量 fuel policy 燃油政策 legal requirement 法定要求 contaminated fuel 污染燃油 fuel consumption 燃油消耗 fuel check 燃油检查 fuel economy 燃油经济性 refueling 加油 fuel efficiency 燃油效率 fuel dumping 放油 fuel efficient 燃油高效 fuel dumping procedure 放油程序 fuel shortage 燃油短缺 fuel dumping instruction 放油指令 fuel starvation 燃油耗竭 dump fuel 放油 run out of fuel 燃油用光 jettison fuel 放油 fuel emergency 燃油紧急情况 fuel dumping area/zone 放油区 minimum fuel 最低燃油 fuel temperature 油温 fuel filter 燃油过滤器 fuel leak 漏油 fuel tank 油箱 OPI Q1: What are the factors that may influence fuel economy? There are many factors that may affect fuel consumption/economy such as weather conditions, airspeed, altitude, the weight of the aircraft, the pilot’s flight skills and so on. Q2: Does aircraft at high altitude consume more fuel? Why? I don’t think aircraft at high altitude consume more fuel. The aircraft at high altitude will produce more thrust with less fuel because the air density is thinner at high altitude, so it will consume less fuel. Q3: Do you think cruising at high altitude can reduce fuel consumption, and why? I think cruising at high altitude can reduce fuel consumption. The aircraft at high altitude will produce more thrust with less fuel because the air density is thinner at high altitude, so it will can reduce fuel consumption. Q4: Why is flying at high altitude more fuel-efficient? Flying at high altitude is more fuel-efficient. The air density is thinner at high altitude and the aircraft at high altitude will produce more thrust with less fuel Q5: Do pilots have the responsibility of saving fuel? I think pilots play an important role in saving fuel. Pilots can follow the company rules or regulations to fly at economical/optimal altitude and speed. In this way, the pilots can save fuel and reduce the cost of their airline. Q6: What is your company’s fuel policy? As I know, the airlines often encourage pilots to save fuel. The pilots who save fuel will be rewarded. That is to say, if the pilots save fuel, they will get more money. Q7: What can pilots do to save fuel? There are many things the pilots can do to save fuel. First, pilots can follow the company rules or regulations to fly at economical/optimal altitude and speed to save fuel. Second, the pilots can avoid flying into the bad weather to save fuel. Q8: What is the maximum fuel quantity that your aircraft can carry? The aircraft I fly is C172/CJ1/A320/B737. The maximum fuel quantity it can carry is … gallons(加仑). Q9: Tell me about the legal requirement for your aircraft fuel quantity? The aircraft I fly is C172/CJ1/A320/B737. The maximum fuel quantity it can carry is … gallons(加仑). Q10: What may cause fuel shortage on board? There are many reasons for fuel shortage on board. First, fuel leak may cause fuel shortage. Second, bad weather such as thunderstorm may cause long delays or diversion, it may consume more fuel. Third, during preflight preparation, wrong calculation of fuel consumption may cause fuel shortage on board, too. Q11: Under what circumstances do you declare fuel emergency? According to regulations, if the fuel endurance at 3000ft over destination airport is less than 30 minutes, we will declare fuel emergency. Q12: How do pilots calculate fuel endurance in flight? We can calculate fuel endurance based on the full fuel and fuel used on the ECAM or EICAS. Besides, we can calculate the fuel endurance based on the flight time and the rate of fuel consumption. Q13: Can you say some details of your aircraft fuel dumping procedures? To dump fuel, we will report our intention to ATC and request fuel dumping instruction, then we will fly to the fuel dumping area and commence fuel dumping. When fuel dumping is completed, we will report it to ATC again. Q14: Which area do you think fuel dumping is not allowed during flight? Why? As I know, fuel dumping is not allowed over the cities and rivers because it may cause air pollution or water pollution and it may influence people’s lives. Q15: How would you report your fuel minimum situation to the ATC? If we are in minimum fuel situation, we will report the situation to ATC like this, “Wuhan Approach, CCA101, our fuel endurance is less than 45 minutes, request priority landing at Wuhan Airport.” Q16: According to the regulation, what does minimum fuel refer to? According to regulations, if the fuel endurance at 3000ft over destination airport is less than 45 minutes, we will declare minimum fuel. Q17: What would be the consequence if contaminated fuel is used? If contaminated fuel is used, it may cause engine problem such as engine flameout, engine failure and engine surge. Besides, it may cause damage to the engine. Q18: How do you do a fuel check before flight? During walk around inspection, we will dump some fuel from the fuel tank and see if the fuel is clean or not. Q19: What should you pay attention to during refueling?(防火防电) When refueling the aircraft, we will try to keep the aircraft from any flames or open fire to avoid catching fire. We shouldn’t make telephone calls or smoke near the aircraft. Lesson 7 Engine Problems Key Words and Expressions engine failure 发动机失效 engine flameout 发动机熄火 engine fire 发动机起火 fail 失效 flame out 熄火 engine separated 发动机飞脱 engine disintegrated 发动机解体 engine surge 发动机踹振 engine vibration 发动机震动 engine parameters 发动机参数 EGT 排气温度 fluctuating 波动,不稳定 unstable 不稳定 oil pressure 滑油压力 fuel starvation 燃油耗竭 bird ingestion 吸鸟 bird strike 鸟击 volcanic ash 火山灰 restart the engine 重启发动机 OPI Q1: If the engine disintegrated/separated from aircraft during flight, what will you do? If we encounter this situation, we will report it to ATC and request priority landing and emergency services upon landing. Q2: If you return for landing with an engine on fire, what will you do? If we return for landing with an engine on fire, first, we will report our situation to ATC and request priority landing and emergency services such as fire services, medical services and so on. Second, we will discharge fire bottles to put out the engine fire and shut off the fuel supply to the faulty engine. If necessary, we will shut down the faulty engine Q3: If one of your engines ingests foreign objects during takeoff, what procedures should you follow? If one of our engines ingests foreign objects before V1, we will reject/abort takeoff and report it to the mechanics for check. If the speed is greater than V1, we will continue takeoff and return for landing. Q4: What will happen if the engine encounters the foreign objects? If the engine encounters the foreign object ingestion, it may cause engine vibration, engine failure or engine flameout. Besides, it may cause damage to the engine. Q5: What should you do if the engine ingests foreign objects during takeoff rolling/initial climb/flight? If the engine ingests foreign objects during If one of our engines ingests foreign objects before V1, we will reject/abort takeoff and report it to the mechanics for check. If the speed is greater than V1, we will continue takeoff and return for landing. If the engine ingests foreign objects during flight, we will divert to the nearest suitable airport. Lesson 8 Communication Key words and Expressions Radio check 无线电检查 Readability 信号程度 1: unreadable 不清楚 2: readable now and then 可断续听见 3: readable with difficulty 能听清但很 困难 4: readable 清楚 5: perfectly readable 非常清楚 Loud and clear 非常清楚 Cut in and out 时断时续 Intermittent 时断时续 Loud background whistle 背景啸叫音 大 Jammed (信号)卡 阻 Block 堵塞(频率) Unstable 不稳定的 Weak (信号)弱 的 Ways of communication 通讯方式 Voice communication 语音通讯 VHF radio 甚高频无线 电 HF radio 高频无线电 Data link 数据链 CPDLC 管制员飞行员数据链 通讯 SELCALL 选择呼叫系统 Transmitter 发射机 Receiver 接收机 Terminate 中止,停止 Transmitting blind 盲发 Communication failure 通讯失效 Radio failure 无线电失效 Squawk 7600 设置应答 机 7600 Effective communication 有效通讯 Communication quality 通讯质量 Misunderstanding 通讯失误 Miscommunication 通讯失误 Intercept an urgency call 截获紧急 呼叫 Intercept a distress call 截获遇险 呼叫 Relay the message 传递信息 OPI Q1: When do you need to have radio check in your flight? When we have initial contact with ATC, we will have radio check with ATC. Besides, if the readability is below 3, we will check the radios. Q2: How do you check radio? Please give me a detailed explanation? When we are required to check the radios, we will follow the procedure like the following, "Wuhan Ground, CCA101, radio check on 121.6, how do you read me?" We will continue the procedure until it's loud and clear. Q3: How do you carry out radio check? When we are required to check the radios, we will follow the procedure like the following, "Wuhan Ground, CCA101, radio check on 121.6, how do you read me?" We will continue the procedure until it's loud and clear. Q4: Have you ever encountered radio failure? No, I have never encountered radio failure. Q5: What would you do if you had radio failure? First, we will squawk 7600 to indicate we have communication failure. Second, we should follow the last instruction given by ATC. Third, we will follow the SOP, recycle the radios and reestablish communication with ATC. If possible, we may switch to emergency frequency 121.5. Q6: What is your company’s procedures regarding radio failure? First, we will squawk 7600 to indicate we have communication failure. Second, we should follow the last instruction given by ATC. Third, we will follow the SOP, recycle the radios and reestablish communication with ATC. If possible, we may switch to emergency frequency 121.5. Q7: During flight operations, who is responsible for radiotelephony communication with ATC? During flight, the pilot not flying is responsible for radiotelephony communication with ATC. Q8: What are some of the ways to communicate with ATC? There are two ways to communicate with ATC: first, we can communicate with ATC by radios such as HF radios and VHF radios. Second, we can communication with ATC by data link. Q9: What factors may affect effective communication between pilots and ATC? There are many factors that may affect effective communication between pilots and controllers. First, the radio equipment may affect effective communication between pilots and ATC. For example, if there is radio failure such as transmitter failure or receiver failure or two-way failure, it may cause communication failure. Second, human factors may affect effective communication between pilots and ATC. For example, if the pilots or controllers don't use standard words and phrases, it may cause misunderstanding or miscommunication. Q10: What may cause misunderstanding when communicating with ATC? There are many reasons that may cause misunderstanding when communicating with ATC. First, if the transmission was jammed, it may cause misunderstanding. Second, if the pilots or controllers don’t use standard words, it may cause misunderstanding. Third, Poor English proficiency (熟练)may cause misunderstanding, too. Q11: Have you ever encountered misunderstanding in Radiotelephony communication? No, I have never encountered misunderstanding in radiotelephony communication. Q12: Have you heard of any incident caused by misunderstanding between the pilot and the controller? Please share the story. Yes, I have heard some accidents caused by misunderstanding between the pilot and the controller. For example, once, the controller instructed the pilot to “descend two four zero zero feet”, which means “descend two thousand four hundred feet”, but the pilot misunderstood it as “descend to four zero zero feet”. As a result, the aircraft crashed into the hill. Q13: What can pilots do to improve communication between pilots and controllers? To improve the communication between pilots and controllers, first, we should check the radios to ensure they are working properly. Second, we should follow the communication procedure, use standard words to avoid misunderstanding between pilots and controllers. Third, we should speak loudly and clearly. Q14: What are the efficient ways to reduce misunderstanding with each other? To reduce misunderstanding between pilots and controllers, first, we can check the radios to ensure they are working properly. Second, we should follow the communication procedure, use standard words to avoid misunderstanding between pilots and controllers. Third, we should improve our English proficiency. Q15: How to avoid misunderstanding when communicating with ATC? To reduce misunderstanding between pilots and controllers, first, we can check the radios to ensure they are working properly. Second, we should follow the communication procedure, use standard words to avoid misunderstanding between pilots and controllers. Third, we should improve our English proficiency. Q16: How can you improve communication quality with ATC? To improve the communication between pilots and controllers, first, we should check the radios to ensure they are working properly. Second, we should follow the communication procedure, use standard words to avoid misunderstanding between pilots and controllers. Third, we should speak loudly and clearly. Q17: How do pilots cooperate with ATC to maintain the flight safety? To maintain flight safety, we should keep good communication and cooperation with ATC. First, we should follow ATC instructions. Second, if we have some doubt about ATC instructions, we should confirm with ATC. Third, if we encounter emergency situations, we can report ATC and request emergency landing and emergency services Q18: Are there any suggestions to ATC from a pilot point of view? What are they? Yes, we have some suggestions to ATC. For example, first, the controller should use standard words to avoid misunderstanding. Second, the controller should keep good communication with pilots to ensure flight safety. Third, if the aircraft is in emergency situations, the controllers should offer emergency services to the aircraft. Q19: When you are in trouble, how can you get help from ATC? When we are in trouble, we will report it to ATC immediately and request emergency service such as fire services, medical services and so on.. Q20: What are the differences between radiotelephony English and general daily used English? There are some differences between radiotelephony English and general daily used English. In radiotelephony communication, we should use standard words without misunderstanding. In daily used communication, we can use any words and we can use body language to help understanding. Q21: Do you think it’s difficult to communicate with ATC in English? Yes, I think it’s easy to communicate with ATC in English in normal situations. But in emergency situations, it’s a little difficult to communicate with ATC. Lesson 9 Cockpit Key Words and Expressions cockpit 驾驶舱 flight deck 驾驶舱 conventional cockpit 传统驾驶舱 traditional cockpit 传统驾驶舱 modern cockpit 现代驾驶舱 glass cockpit 透明驾驶舱 computerized cockpit 计算机化驾驶 舱 flight instrument 飞行仪表 analog instrument 模拟仪表 dials and knobs 指针与旋钮 digital instrument 数字化仪表 electronic displays 电子显示屏 EFIS 电子飞行仪表系统 PFD 主要飞行显示 MFD 多功能显示 ND 导航显示 ECAM 电子中央飞机监控(空客) EICAS 发 动 机 显 示 与 机 组 告 警 系 统 (波音) flight controls 飞行操纵装置 control column 操纵杆 control wheel 操纵盘 side stick 侧杆 pedal 脚蹬 thrust lever 推力杆 flap lever 襟翼杆 OPI Q1: What are the differences between traditional/conventional cockpit and modern/glass cockpit? The conventional cockpits are equipped with analog instrument. Each analog shows one single flight information. For example, ADI shows the attitude of the aircraft and the altimeter shows the altitude of the aircraft. The modern cockpits are equipped with digital displays such as PFD, MFD and ECAM. Each display can display some important flight information. For example, the PFD can display attitude, altitude, airspeed, heading and yaw. MFD can display navigation information and weather conditions. Q2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of analog instruments? There are some advantages and disadvantages of analog instruments. Analog instruments are more reliable and they can be used at any time, even in case of electrical failure. However, the accuracy of analog instruments is low and it may takes us more time to scan the instruments for flight information. Q3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital instruments? There are some advantages and disadvantages of digital instruments. Digital Instruments such as PFD and MFD can display some important flight information in a single display. They can reduce our workload, increase our situational awareness and ensure the flight safety. Q4: What modern equipment do you think should be installed onboard? I think some modern equipment should be installed onboard such as GPS, weather radar, TCAS and so on. Q5: Is it a good thing for a modern commercial aircraft to be highly computerized? Do you think highly computerized cockpit can ensure flight safety? Yes, I think it’s a good thing for a modern commercial aircraft to be highly computerized. There are many computers in our cockpit such as flight control computer, flight management computer and air data computer. They can improve the performance of the aircraft, reduce our workload, and make our flight easier and safer. Q6: Is there any disadvantage of this computerized tendency? Of course, there are some disadvantages of this computerized tendency. For example, if there is electrical failure during flight, the computers may be out of work, it may threaten flight safety. Q7: Do you know EFIS? Yes, EFIS is short for Electronic Flight Information System. Q8: What is the use of EFIS? EFIS consists of PFD and MFD. PFD is used to display some important flight information such as altitude, altitude, airspeed, heading, vertical speed and yaw. MFD is used to display navigation information and weather information and so on. They can increase the performance of the aircraft, reduce our workload and enhance the flight safety. Q9: What are the advantages of EFIS? EFIS consists of PFD and MFD. PFD is used to display some important flight information such as altitude, altitude, airspeed, heading, vertical speed and yaw. MFD is used to display navigation information and weather information and so on. They can increase the performance of the aircraft, reduce our workload and enhance the flight safety. Lesson 10 Navigation Key words and Expressions Navigation 导航 Navigation aids 助航设备 Navaids 助航设备 VOR 甚高频全向信标 NDB 无方向性信标 RNAV 区域导航 RNP 所需导航性能 ADS-B GPS 全球定位系统 Inertial reference system 惯性基准系 统 Navigation accuracy 导航精准度 Map shift 地图漂移 Map drift 地图漂移 Raw data 原始数据 Flight management computer 飞行管 理计算机 Flight management system 飞行管 理系统 Reconfigure 重新配 置 Reprogram 重新输 入 Reset 重置 Navigation malfunction 导航故 障 Navigation capability 导航能 力 OPI Q1: During flight, what navigational aid do you use? During flight, we often use VOR, NDB, ILS and GPS. Q2: What may cause disorientation? There are some possible reasons for disorientation. First, bad weather such as low visibility may cause disorientation. Second, navigation equipment failure may cause disorientation. Besides, there are some other reasons for disorientation. Q3: What should you do if you got lost in flight? If we get lost during flight, we will report our situation to ATC and request radar vectors. If possible, we will refer to the landmarks Q4: What navigational equipment might be integrated into the cockpit in the future? I think many navigation equipment may be installed in future cockpit such as GPS, RNP (required navigation performance, 所需导航性能),RNAV (regional navigation, 区域导航). Q5: What are the differences between VOR approach and ILS approach? Which one do you prefer? VOR approach is non-precision approach and it can provide only the lateral course guidance while ILS approach is precision approach and it can provide both lateral guidance and vertical guidance. I prefer ILS approach because it can provide more precision approach. Q6: If you encounter navaids display failure because of electrical power, what are you going to do? If there is navigation display malfunction because of electrical failure, we will use standby instrument and request radar vectors. Unit 2 WeatherLesson 11 Cumulonimbus and Thunderstorm Words and Expressions Weather analysis Dispatching office Flight dispatcher ATIS Weather radar Weather Cumulonimbus/CB Thunderstorm Cells Squall Cumulus stage Mature stage Dissipating stage Lightning 气象分析 签派室 签派员 通播 气象雷达 (特指)雷暴 积雨云 雷暴 雷暴单体 飚线 积聚阶段 成熟阶段 消散阶段 闪电 Hail 冰雹 Search for CB 搜寻雷暴 Indicate 显示 Indication 显示 Circumnavigate 绕飞 Go round 绕飞 Offset to the left/right 左/右偏置 Deviate from the left/right 左/右偏置 Clear of weather 远离雷暴 Resume flight route 恢复计划航 路 Back on course 返回(计划) 航路 OPI Q1: In which season is a thunderstorm most likely to occur? Thunderstorm is most likely to occur in summer. Q2: Have you ever flown into CB? Why is CB dangerous? No, I have never flown into the CB. But I know CB is dangerous because CB often goes with lightning, heavy rain, strong wind and severe turbulence. Q3: How are CBs displayed on the instrument in the cockpit? The CBs are displayed on the ND/MFD in red color. Q4: Describe one of the unforgettable flights when encountering CB. Sorry, I have never encountered CB, but I know CB is dangerous. If we encounter CB, we will report the situation to ATC and request clearance to go round. Then we will change the course/route. When we are clear of thunderstorm, we will rejoin/return the planned route. Q5: How do pilots search for CB ahead? We can search for the CB with weather radar. The CBs are displayed on the ND/MFD in red color. Q6: if there is an indication of thunderstorm, what will you do? If there is an indication of thunderstorm ahead of us, we will report the situation to ATC and request clearance to go round. Then we will change the course/route. When we are clear of thunderstorm, we will rejoin/return the planned route. Q7: If there is a thunderstorm at the airport, what will you do? If there is a thunderstorm at the airport and if we are still on the ground, we will stop the aircraft and wait for the weather improvement. If we are flying in the air, we will hold for weather improvement or divert to the alternate airport. Q8: How do you make the weather analysis before each flight? Before flight, we can get weather information from dispatching office, ATIS or ATC. During preflight briefing, we will discuss weather information in the briefing room. Lesson 12 Turbulence Words and Expressions Turbulence 颠簸 Chop 颠簸 Turbulent air 颠簸气流 Bumpy 颠簸的 Rough 颠簸的 Light turbulence 轻度颠簸 Moderate turbulence 中度颠簸 Severe turbulence 严重颠簸 Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸 Wake turbulence 尾流 Wingtip vortex Encounter Experience Be caught in Structural damage Get injured Fasten seatbelts Remain seated Separation 翼尖涡流 遭遇 遭遇 遭遇 结构损坏 受伤 系安全带 (座位上)坐好 间隔 OPI Q1: Have you ever encountered turbulence during flight? Yes. I have encountered severe turbulence during my flight training. Once, we flew from Guanghan to Nanchong, we were caught in severe turbulence when cruising at 3000m. We maintained the control of the aircraft and climbed to 3600m, then everything was Ok. Q2: Why is severe turbulence dangerous? Severe turbulence is dangerous. First, it may cause structural damage to the aircraft such as fuselage and wings. Second, it may cause the aircraft difficult to control. Third, the passengers may get injured during turbulence. Q3: What damages may severe turbulence result in? Severe turbulence may cause structural damage to the aircraft such as fuselage and wings. Q4: What would you do if you have passengers injured due to turbulence? First, we will make a PA to find a doctor on board. Second, we will ask the flight attendants to offer first aid to him. Third, we will report our situation to ATC and request land at nearest suitable airport and medical services. Q5: Why is clear air turbulence extremely dangerous? Clear air turbulence is extremely dangerous. First, it can’t be detected before we fly into it. Second, it may cause structural damage to the aircraft such as fuselage and wings. Third, it may cause the aircraft difficult to control and the passengers to get injured. Q6: What rules should be followed to avoid clear air turbulence? If we encounter clear air turbulence, we will report the situation to ATC and request change the route/altitude to avoid the clear air turbulence. Then we will make a PA to inform the cabin crew and passengers to fasten their seatbelts. Q7: What threat does clear air turbulence pose to flying/flight safety? Clear air turbulence is extremely dangerous. First, it can’t be detected before we fly into it. Second, it may cause structural damage to the aircraft such as fuselage and wings. Third, it may cause the aircraft difficult to control and the passengers to get injured. Q8: How does wake turbulence threaten flight safety? If we fly into the wake turbulence caused by the preceding aircraft, it may cause the aircraft difficult to control and the aircraft may lose altitude. Q9: How to avoid wake turbulence? We can keep enough separation from the preceding aircraft to avoid the wake turbulence. Lesson 13 Icing Conditions Key Words and Expressions Icing conditions Freezing point Freezing rain Moisture Clear ice Rime ice Moderate icing Severe icing Hail Accumulate Ice accumulation Ice buildup Increase the drag Decrease the lift Experience Encounter 结冰 冰点 冻雨 水分 明冰 毛冰 中度结冰 严重结冰 冰雹 积聚 冰积聚 冰积聚 增加阻力 减小升力 遭遇 遭遇 Be caught in 遭遇 Anti-icing 防冰 De-icing 除冰 Bleed air system 引气系统 Heating system 加热系统 Bleed air leak 引气泄露 Pitot tube 皮托管 Pitot Static heating system 皮托静压加热系统 Decreased airspeed 空速下降 Airspeed error 空速(指示)错误 Altitude error 高度(指示)错误 Patches of ice 冰块 Ridges 冰脊 De-icing vehicle 除冰车 De-icing pad 除冰区 De-icing fluid 除冰液 OPI Q1: Have you experienced in-flight icing? No, I have never encountered in-flight icing. But I know in-flight icing is dangerous, it may affect the performance of the aircraft, so we should avoid icing conditions during flight. Q2: Why is icing a threat to flying/flight safety? Icing is dangerous because it may affect the performance of the aircraft. First, it may increase the drag and decrease the lift. Second, it may cause damage to the aircraft and cause flight control problems. Third, it may cause engine problem such as engine flameout if ice builds up on the fan blades of engines. Q3: Do you have any indication in the cockpit to show the airframe icing conditions? If not, how do you know that you are in icing conditions? As I know, there is no indication of icing conditions in the cockpit. But we can check if there is ice on the windshield or wings. If there is ice on the windshield or wings, we are in icing condition. Besides, if icing occurs, the airspeed may be reduced and engine thrust may be reduced. Q4: If ice accumulates on wings, what will you do? If ice accumulates on wings, we will report the situation to ATC and request change the altitude to leave the icing areas. Then we will turn on the de-icing and anti-icing system. Q5: What kind of de-icing devices are there in the aircraft you fly? There are some de-icing systems in my aircraft such as hot air system, electrical heater and de-icing fluid. Lesson 14 Lightning Strike Key Words and Expressions Lightning strike 雷击 Structural damage 结构损坏 Airframe 机体 Fuselage 机身 Nose 机头 Wings 机翼 Ailerons 副翼 Elevators 升降舵 Rudder 方向舵 Electrical failure 电气失效 Loss of communication 通讯失效 OPI Q1: Have you ever encountered lightning strike during flight? No, I have never encountered lightning strike during flight. But I know lightning strike is dangerous, so we should avoid lightning strike during flight. Q2: How does lightning strike threaten/affect flight safety? Lightning strike is dangerous to flight safety. First, it may cause structural damage to aircraft such as fuselage, wings and electronic equipment. Second, it may cause electrical failure. Third, it may cause communication and navigation failure. Q3: What damages does lightening bring to the aircraft? First, lightning strike may cause damage to the aircraft such as fuselage, wings and electronic equipment. Second, lightning strike may cause communication and navigation failure. Q4: In what weather condition is lightning strike most likely to happen/occur? Lightning strike is most likely to occur in thunderstorm or CB. Q5: What would you do if you encounter lightning strike? If we encounter lightning strike, we will report our situation to ATC and request change the course/route to avoid lightning strike. Then we will check if there is any damage on board. If there is any damage to the aircraft, we will request emergency landing and emergency services. If there is no damage to the aircraft, we will continue our flight. Q6: How can pilots reduce the danger of encountering lightning strike? First, we can get the weather information before flight and during flight to avoid flying into to CB or thunderstorm. Second, if we encounter lightning strike during flight, we will change the route/course to avoid the lightning strike. Q7: What is your suggestion to reduce incidents caused by lightning strike? First, we can get the weather information before flight and during flight to avoid flying into to CB or thunderstorm. Second, if we encounter lightning strike during flight, we will change the route/course to avoid the lightning strike. Q8: How can you avoid lightning strike? First, we can get the weather information before flight and during flight to avoid flying into to CB or thunderstorm. Second, if we encounter lightning strike during flight, we will change the route/course to avoid the lightning strike. Lesson 15 Wind Shear Key Words and Expressions Wind shear 风切变 Tailwind Low level wind shear 低空风切变 Crosswind High level wind shear 高空风切变 Lose altitude Wind shear warning 风切变警告 Clear the obstacle Disregard 忽视 Terrain Ignore 忽视 Building Updraft 上升气流 Pilot report Downdraft 下降气流 Previous aircraft Headwind 逆风 Preceding aircraft 顺风 侧风 掉高度 越障 地形 建筑物 飞行员报告 前机 前机 OPI Q1: Why is wind shear a threat to flight safety? Wind shear is dangerous to flight safety. It may cause the aircraft to lose altitude and difficult to control. Q2: Does your aircraft provide wind shear warning to pilots in flight? I fly C172, There is no wind shear warning system. But I know there is wind shear warning system in large aircraft such as A320 or B737. If there is wind shear ahead, we can hear the warning sound, "windshear, windshear" Q3: What would happen if wind shear warning is disregarded/ignored by pilots? If the wind shear is disregarded/ignored by pilots, It may cause the aircraft to lose altitude and difficult to control. It is very dangerous. Q4: Why is low level wind shear more hazardous than high level wind shear? Low level wind shear is more dangerous than high level wind shear because low level wind shear may cause the aircraft to lose altitude and it is difficult for us to clear the obstacles such as terrains or buildings. Q5: How do you recover from wind shear if you got wind shear warning in flight? If we got wind shear warning during takeoff, we would keep the control of the aircraft and add power to leave wind shear area. If we got wind shear warning during landing, we would go around immediately. Q6: What should you do if you encounter wind shear during takeoff? If we encounter wind shear during takeoff, we will keep the control of the aircraft and add power to leave the wind shear areas. Lesson 16 Low Visibility Key Words and Expressions Low/poor visibility Heavy/thick/dense fog Ground collision Runway incursion Get lost Disorientation Company policy Miss/go beyond Follow-me car Ceiling 低能见度 大雾 地面相撞 跑道入侵 迷航 迷航 公司政策 错过 引导车 云顶高 No contact at minima 最低(高度)见不 到跑道 Base 云底高 Visibility 能见度 RVR 跑道视程 Touchdown 接地区 Mid-point 中间段 Stopend 末端 OPI Q1: What’s your company’s policy for departing and landing in low visibility conditions? I am still a student pilot. I don’t know the policy for departing and landing in low visibility. But I know the minima takeoff and landing visibility for C172 is 1600m. Q2: How can you avoid runway incursion in low visibility? There are many things we can do to avoid runway incursion in low visibility. First, before we enter the runway, we should get ATC clearance. If we have any doubt about ATC clearance, we should confirm it with ATC. Second, we should have good situation awareness. Q3: What caution should pilots pay when taxiing on the taxiway in low visibility? When taxiing on the taxiway in low visibility, we should have good situation awareness and follow ATC instructions. If necessary, we may request a follow-me car. Q4: How to avoid ground collision in case of low visibility? We can do many things to avoid ground collisions in low visibility. First, we should taxi slower and taxi with caution in low visibility. Second, we should follow ATC instructions and have good situation awareness. Q5: In heavy fog, if you miss the correct taxiway, what will you do? If we miss the correct taxiway, we will hold position, then we will report our situation to ATC and request further instructions. Unit 3 Flight phases and Flight Procedures Lesson 17 Preflight Preparation Key Words and Expressions Preflight preparation Flight planning Preflight briefing 会 Preflight inspection Preflight check Walkaround inspection 飞行前准备 飞行计划 飞行前准备 飞行前检查 飞行前检查 绕机检查 Airworthy 适航的 Meet MEL requirement 满足 MEL 要求 Ensure flight safety 确保飞行 安全 Mandatory 必须的,强制 性的 OPI Q1: How long does your preflight preparation last? Our preflight preparation often last for one or two hours. Sometimes it may last one day. Q2: What is the primary purpose of flight planning? The primary purpose of preflight planning is to make good preflight preparation and ensure the flight safety. As we know, many accidents were caused by bad preflight preparation. Q3: What should a pilot do in preflight preparation? There are many things we often do during preflight preparation. First, we will get the weather information and airport information such as departure airport, destination airport and alternate airport. Second, we will calculate fuel consumption, weight and balance. Third, we will make and file the flight plan. Fourth, we will make preflight briefing. Fifth, we will make preflight inspection to ensure the aircraft meets MEL requirement. We will walk around the aircraft to check the engines, the landing gear, the flight control surfaces, the fuel and so on. Then will have the cockpit check. Q4: Do you use computer in preflight preparation? Yes, we use computer in preflight preparation to get some important information such as weather information, flight plan and so on. Q5: Suppose you fly tomorrow, will you prepare the flight today? How? Yes, if we fly tomorrow, we will make preflight preparation today. First, we will get weather information and airport information. Second, we will get the information about the performace of the aircfraft such as weight and balance, fuel consumption and so on. Q6: What do you do in the briefing room before flying? We will have safety briefing with cabin crew in the briefing room before flying. First, we will discuss the weather information. Second, we will keep in mind our duties and responsibilities during flight. Third, we will discuss the possible abnormal or emergency situations and procedures. Q7: Do you think captain briefing with cabin crew should be mandatory? Yes, I think captain briefing with cabin crew should be mandatory. We will have safety briefing with cabin crew in the briefing room before flying. First, we will discuss the weather information. Second, we will keep in mind our duties and responsibilities during flight. Third, we will discuss the possible abnormal or emergency situations and procedures. Q7: Have you ever found any abnormal situation in your preflight-check? No, I have never found abnormal situation in preflight check. But if I find some problem of the aircraft, I will report it to the mechanics for maintenance check. Q8: Do you think walk-around inspection is very important? Yes, I think walk-around inspection is very important. During walkaround inspection, we will check the engines and pitot tubes to see if there is any foreign object in them. We will check the flight control surfaces to see if they are clean. We will check the fuel to see if they are clean. Before flight, we should have good walkaround inspection to ensure the aircraft meets the MEL requirement. Q9: What information should you get before departure? Before departure, we should get some important information such as weather information, airport information, aircraft performance, and our flight plan and so on. Lesson 18 Files and Manuals Key Words and Expressions files documents 文件 文件 manuals handbooks 手册 手册 POH 飞行员操作手册 AFM 飞机飞行手册 MEL 最低设备清单 QRH 快速参考手册 normal checklists 正常检查单 paper manuals 纸质手册 electronic manuals 电子手册 consult 查阅 replace 替代 loading sheet 舱单 CG/center of gravity 重心 weight and balance 重量与平衡 OPI Q1: What kinds of manuals or handbooks are there in the cockpit of the aircraft you fly? I fly C172. There are some manuals or handbooks in the cockpit such as Aircraft Flight Manual, Normal Checklists, MEL, QRH and so on. Q2: Do you often consult those flight manuals or handbooks? Yes, we often consult the flight manuals or handbooks during flight. Before flight, we consult the Aircraft Flight Manual to know the performace of the aircraft. In normal situations, we will use normal checklists and in emergency situations we will use QRH and MEL to ensure flight safety. Q3: Do you think paper manuals will be replaced by electronic manuals? I don’t think paper manuals will be replaced by electronic manuals because paper manuals can be used at any time, even in case of electrical failure. Q4: Do you prefer to read paper manuals or electronic manuals? Why? I prefer to read electronic manuals because it’s easy for us to find whatever we want with the search function and it can save some room for pilots. Q5: What are normal checklists and what information is included in it? Normal Checklists are the checklists which are used in normal situations to check the important items of the aircraft and ensure flight safety. There are many normal checklists such as pre-startup checklist, taxiing checklist, pre-takeoff checklist, after-takeoff checklist, landing checklist and so on. Q6: How do crew members cooperate with each other to carry out the procedures on checklists? The pilot not flying will call/read out the checklists, the pilot flying will check the items in the checklist. At the same time, both pilots will cross check each other to ensure flight safety. Q7: What is QRH? Why is it helpful to the pilots? QRH is Quick Reference Handbook. QRH is helpful to the pilots because QRH include normal checklist, emergency checklist and related procedures. If emergency situation occurs, we can follow the checklists and procedures in a proper way. It can reduce our workload and ensure flight safety. Q8: What does MEL stand for? MEL stands for Minimum Equipment List. Q9: Why is MEL important for flight safety? MEL is important for flight safety. There are many items in the MEL. They are the minimum requirements of the flight. If we are going to fly the aircraft, the aircraft must meet the MEL requirements, or our flight will be cancelled. Q10: Which department is responsible for the provision of the loading sheet? The dispatching office is responsible for providing the loading sheet. Q11: What is the use of loading sheet? Loading sheet is very important. We can get some important information about weight and balance from loading sheet such as persons on board (POB), cargos, fuel quantity, CG and so on. Q12: What kind of information is included in loading sheet? There is some important information included in the loading sheet such as persons on board (POB), cargos, fuel quantity, CG and so on. Lesson 19 ATIS Key Words and Expressions ATIS 通播 ceiling 云顶高 information A 通播 A base 云底高 arriving aircraft 进场飞机 overcast 满天云 departing aircraft 离场飞机 scattered 散云 weather information 天气信息 broken 碎云 surface wind 道面风 few 疏云 cloud 云 temperature 温度 monitor ATIS 监听通播 dew point 露点 listen to ATIS broadcast 监听通播 alerting services 告警服务 OPI Q1: What does ATIS stand for? ATIS stands for Automatic Terminal Information System. It provides important information to the arriving and departing aircraft such as runway information, weather information and other alerting information. It is numbered from A to Z, such as Information A and Information B. Q2: What information is included in ATIS? We can get some important information from ATIS, such as runway in use, types of approach, wind information, cloud information, temperature, dew point, QNH, and other alerting information. Q3: When does a pilot usually need to listen to ATIS? We often listen to ATIS before startup or before approach. Q4: Where can pilots get ATIS information? Before startup or before approach, we will monitor the ATIS frequency to get ATIS information. Q5: Why is it necessary for pilots to listen to ATIS broadcast? It’s necessary to listen to ATIS because we can get some important information from ATIS, such as runway in use, types of approach, wind information, cloud information, temperature, dew point, QNH, and other alerting information. Lesson 20 Ground Movement Key Words and Expressions Ground collision 地面相撞 Collide with 与……相撞 Runway incursion 跑道入侵 Low visibility 低能见度 Mechanical problem 机械故障 Human error 人为错误 Vehicles 车辆 Fire trucks/engines 消防车 Shuttle bus 摆渡车 Passenger stairs/steps 客梯车 Follow-me car/van 引导车 Tug 拖车 Tow bar 拖把 Broken 折断 Bent 弯曲 Come off 脱落 runway incursion 跑道入侵 APU failure APU 失效 APU malfunction APU 故障 Brakes and steering unserviceable 刹车和转向失效 Skid/veer off runway 侧滑出跑道 Run out of runway 冲出跑道 Overrun/overshoot runway 冲出跑道 Burst tyre 爆胎 Tyre blown out 爆胎 Broken down 坏的 Bogged down 陷入泥泞 Be stuck in the mud 陷入泥泞 General declaration form 总报关单 Slippery/damp/wet 湿滑的 Braking action 刹车效应 Medium 中等 OPI Q1: What may be the possible reasons for ground collisions? There are some possible reasons for ground accidents. First, bad weather, especially poor visibility may lead . Second, mechanical problem may cause ground accidents. For example, if brakes and steering are inoperative, the aircraft may skid off the taxiway or runway. Third, human errors may cause ground accidents. For example, there may be misunderstanding between the pilots and controllers. Besides, there are some other reasons for ground accidents. Q2: How can we prevent ground collisions from happening? First, when are moving on the ground, we should be careful, especially in bad weather conditions. Second, we should follow ATC instructions and regulation strictly. Third, we should have good situational awareness. Q3: During taxiing, how can you avoid the risks of collisionsto ground accidents in heavy fog? First, when are moving on the ground, we should be careful, especially in bad weather conditions. Second, we should follow ATC instructions and regulation strictly. Third, we should have good situational awareness. Q4: If you collide with a ground truck while taxiing, what should you do? If we collide with a ground truck while taxiing, we will stop the aircraft immediately, then we will report the situation to ATC and request ground services. After that, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q5: Why does runway incursion happen frequently? There are many possible reasons for runway incursion. First, bad weather such as heavy fog/low visibility may cause runway incursion. Second, misunderstanding between pilots and controllers may cause runway incursion. Third, poor airport management, for example, the ground vehicle enters the runway without ATC clearance, may cause runway incursion. Q6: What would be the possible consequences of runway incursion? There are many possible consequences. First, runway incursion may cause ground collisions and cause structural damage to the aircraft. Second, it may cause long ground delays or holding in the air. Q7: What can be done to prevent runway incursion happening again? There are many things we can do to prevent runway incursion. First, we should follow ATC instructions. Second, we should have good situational awareness. Third, if there is misunderstanding with ATC instructions, we should confirm it with ATC immediately. Fourth, we should strengthen airport management. Q8: Who do you think should be responsible for runway incursion? I think both pilots and controllers should be responsible for runway incursion. If the pilots misunderstood the ATC instruction, the pilot should be responsible for runway incursion. If the controller gave wrong instruction to the pilots, the controller should be responsible for runway incursion. Lesson 21 Aborted Takeoff Key Words and Expressions Aborted takeoff 中断起飞 Rejected takeoff 中断起飞 Abort/reject takeoff 中断起飞 Takeoff aborted/rejected 中断起飞 Engine failure 发动机失效 Engine flameout 发动机熄火 Engine low on power 发动机动力不 足 Landing gear/undercarriage 起落架 Maximum brakes 最大刹车 Maximum reverse thrust 最大反推 Speedbrakes 减速板 Ground spoilers 地面扰流 Burst tyre 爆胎 Debris 碎片 Metal 金属 Rubber 橡胶 Wind shear 风切变 V1 决断速度 Retard thrust to IDLE 收油门至慢 车位 板 Rudder pedal 蹬 Overrun the runway 方向舵脚 冲出跑道 Evacuate Passenger stairs/steps 撤离 客梯车 Shuttle bus Terminal 摆渡车 候机楼 OPI Q1: What is the reason for executing an aborted takeoff? There are some possible reasons for rejected takeoff. First, if we encounter engine problems such as engine failure or engine fire, we will reject takeoff. Second, if we have landing gear problems such as burst tyre, we will abort takeoff. Third, if there is runway incursion, vehicle crossing runway, we will abort takeoff. Q2: Under what circumstances should you reject takeoff? There are some situations in which we will reject takeoff. First, if we encounter engine problems such as engine failure or engine fire, we will reject takeoff. Second, if we have landing gear problems such as burst tyre, we will abort takeoff. Third, if there is runway incursion, vehicle crossing runway, we will abort takeoff. Q3: What are the procedures of rejecting takeoff? As captain, I will take immediate actions to stop the aircraft on the runway. First, I will retard the thrust lever/reduce power to idle and use the maximum brakes. Second, I will raise/extend the speedbrakes and ground spoilers; third, I will use maximum reverse thrust. Meanwhile/at the same time, we will use rudder pedal to keep the directional control of the aircraft. Q4: How to make a successful rejected takeoff? As captain, I will take immediate actions to stop the aircraft on the runway. First, I will retard the thrust lever/reduce power to idle and use the maximum brakes. Second, I will raise/extend the speedbrakes and ground spoilers; third, I will use maximum reverse thrust. Meanwhile/at the same time, we will use rudder pedal to keep the directional control of the aircraft. Q5: What should you do if the speed is after V1 and you have to abort takeoff? As captain, I will take immediate actions to stop the aircraft on the runway. First, I will retard the thrust lever/reduce power to idle and use the maximum brakes. Second, I will raise/extend the speedbrakes and ground spoilers; third, I will use maximum reverse thrust. Meanwhile/at the same time, we will use rudder pedal to keep the directional control of the aircraft. Q6: What would be the consequence if takeoff is aborted after V1? If we reject takeoff after V1, we may run out of runway because the runway remaining is not long enough to stop the aircraft on the runway. Lesson 22 Emergency Descent Key Words and Expressions Emergency descent Immediate descent Rapid descent Depressurization Decompression Cabin fire 紧急下降 立即下降 快速下降 失压 释压 客舱起火 Engine fire 发动机起火 Smoke 冒烟 Oxygen masks 氧气面罩 Recall items 记忆项目 MEA (minimum en-route altitude) 最低航路高度 OPI Q1: When do you make an emergency descent? There are many conditions we will make emergency descent. First, if we encounter depressurization during flight, we will make emergency descent. Second, if there is smoke or fire onboard such as engine fire, cabin fire, we will carry out emergency descent. Q2: What procedures should you follow when making an emergency descent? When executing emergency descent, first, if time permits, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency descent. Second, we will complete the emergency checklist to check the recall items. Third, we will retard the thrust lever to idle. Q3: What help can you get from ATC while emergency descent? The ATC can offer us some help while executing emergency descent. First, ATC will offer us the clearance to execute the emergency descent. Second, ATC will remind other aircraft emergency descent in progress and give way to us. Third, ATC will offer us the flight conditions and enroute minimum altitude and so on. Lesson 23 Emergency Landing Key Words and Expressions Emergency landing 紧急降落 Forced landing 迫降 Belly landing 机腹着陆 Ditching 水上迫降 Mechanical problem 机械故障 Engine failure 发动机失效 Electrical failure 电气失效 Hydraulic failure 液压失效 Landing gear problem 起落架故障 Medical emergency 医疗紧急情况 Fuel emergency 燃油告急 Dump/jettison fuel 放油 Fuel dumping/jettisoning 放油 Reduce the weight 减轻重量 Structural damage 结构损坏 Emergency evacuation 紧急撤离 Exercises for Practice Q1: What are the possible reasons for belly landing? There are many possible reasons for belly landing. First, the pilot may forget to extend the landing gear during landing. Second, the mechanical problem may prevent the pilot from extending the landing gear. In these situations, we have to make a belly landing. Q2: How do you prepare for a belly landing? If we have to make a belly landing, first, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency landing and emergency services such as foamed runway, fire services, medical services and so on. Second, we will hold somewhere to burn fuel to reduce the weight of aircraft, reduce the landing speed of the aircraft and reduce the risk of fire upon landing. Q3: Do you think belly landing is very dangerous? Yes, I think belly landing is very dangerous. First, it may cause structural damage to the aircraft. Second, it may cause fire on board. Third, it may cause persons on board injured. Q4: What factors will you take into considerations before making a belly landing? There are many factors we will consider before making a belly landing such as the weight of the aircraft, the landing speed of the aircraft, the weather conditions, the runway conditions, the ground services and so on. Q5: What will you do if you have to make a belly landing? If we have to make a belly landing, first, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency landing and emergency services such as foamed runway, fire services, medical services and so on. Second, we will hold somewhere to burn fuel to reduce the weight of aircraft, reduce the landing speed of the aircraft and reduce the risk of fire upon landing. After landing, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q6: What will you do if you have to make a ditching? If we have to make a ditching, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency services after ditching. Then we will complete the ditching checklist and inform the cabin crew and passengers to wear the lifevest. Upon ditching, we will follow the instructions of rescuers to leave the aircraft as quickly as we can. Lesson 24 Emergency Evacuation Key Words and Expressions emergency evacuation fire on board 火 bomb on board 炸弹 forced landing ditching 紧急撤离 机上起 机上有 迫降 水上迫降 execute emergency evacuation 执行紧急撤离 carry out emergency evacuation 执行紧急撤离 perform emergency evacuation 执行紧急撤离 flight attendant 空乘 flight crew 组人员 passenger Addressing/PA 播 emergency exits evacuation slides emergency slides 飞行机 乘客广 紧急出口 撤离滑梯 紧急滑梯 escape slides 梯 deploy evacuation routes 线 evacuate disembark the passengers 撤离滑 放出 撤离路 撤离 下客 OPI Q1: When is it necessary to execute emergency evacuation? There are many situations in which we will execute an emergency evacuation. First, if there is fire on board such as engine fire, cabin fire, cockpit fire, we will execute emergency evacuation. Second, if there is a bomb on board, we will carry out emergency evacuation. Third, after emergency landing such as forced landing or belly landing, we will make emergency evacuation. Q2: How fast should you execute the emergency evacuation? We should execute the emergency evacuation as soon as possible if an emergency evacuation is required. Q3: What are the procedures of executing emergency evacuation? First, we will report our intention to ATC that will we will execute emergency evacuation. Second, we will make a PA to inform cabin crew and passengers that we will make emergency evacuation. Third, we will complete the emergency evacuation checklist. Fourth, the cabin crew will open the emergency exits and emergency slides and lead the passengers to leave the aircraft in time and in order. We will be the last one to leave the aircraft. Q4: What can you help flight attendant execute emergency evacuation? First, we will make a PA to inform the passengers to make preparation for emergency evacuation and the route of emergency evacuation. After completing the emergency evacuation checklist, we will help the flight attendants to evacuate the passengers. Q5: Do you have the emergency evacuation training with the flight attendant? I am a student pilot, I have never trained with flight attendants for emergency evacuation. But I know we should keep good communication and cooperation to ensure the passengers evacuate the aircraft in order and in time. E Lesson 25 Flow Control and Delays Key Words and Expressions delay bad weather mechanical problem flow control military activity 延误 糟糕的天气 机械故障 流控 军方活动 VIP flight complain anxious company policy compensate 要客航班 抱怨 着急的 公司政策 赔偿,补偿 RVSM 间隔 最低缩小垂直 preflight preparation 飞行前准备 OPI Q1: What may cause flow control? There are many reasons for flow control. First, bad weather such as thunderstorm may cause flow control. Second, military activity may cause flow control. Third, VIP flight or emergency flight may cause flow control. Q2: In what airports are you most likely to encounter flow control? We are most likely to encounter flow control in big international airports such as Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport because there are many aircraft departing and landing every day. Q3: What can be done to reduce flow control? There are many things we can do to reduce flow control. First, we can keep good communication and cooperation to reduce flow control. Second, we can use RVSM to increase airspace capacity to reduce flow control.Third, we can use more advanced ATC systems, equipment or procedures to reduce flow control. Q4: Have you ever encountered long delay? Yes, I have ever experienced long delays during flight. Once, I flew from … to …, there was a thunderstorm at the destination airport …, we were delayed about half an hour. Q5: What are the possible causes of delays? There are many possible reasons for delays. First, bad weather may cause delays, for example, if there is thunderstorm in the vicinity of the airport, we have to delay our departure or delay our approach. Second, if there is a mechanical problem, we have to be delayed. Third, if there is flow control or VIP flight, we have to be delayed. Fourth, if there is emergency aircraft in front of us, we have to give way/priority to it and we have to be delayed. Q6: If your passengers have boarded, yet your aircraft has been delayed for more than one hour, what are you going to do? As a captain, I will make a PA to calm down the passengers and inform the passengers of the reason for the delay. Besides, I will inform the cabin crew to offer more meals and drinks to passengers and calm down the passengers. Q7: In your opinion, what could the airline and the airport personnel do to reduce delay? There are many measures that can be taken to reduce delays. First, we can make good preflight preparations to reduce delays caused by mechanical problems or bad weather. Second, the government can open more airspace to civil aircraft. Third, RVSM can be used to increase the airspace capacity. Q8: What do you think of the policy that airlines compensate passengers after long delays? It depends. If the long delays are caused by bad weather or flow control, I think the airlines shouldn’t compensate the passengers. If the long delays are caused by airlines, the airlines should compensate the passengers. Lesson 26 Diversions Key Words and Expressions diversion 备降 divert 备降 alternate airport 备降场 mechanical problem 机械故障 hydraulic failure 液压失效 electrical failure 电气失效 engine failure 发动机失效 engine flameout 发动机熄火 engine fire 发动机起火 air conditioning pack problem 空调组 件问题 medical emergency 医疗紧急情况 heart attack 心脏病 stroke 中风 get seriously ill 病情严重 get seriously injured 伤情严重 fuel emergency 燃油紧急情况 consideration 考虑 complain 抱怨 calm down the passengers 安抚乘客 OPI Q1: Have you ever experienced diversion? Yes, I have ever diverted from my flight plan. Once, we flew from … to …, there was thunderstorm over …, we had to divert to …. Q2: What may be the possible causes of diversion? There are many situations in which we will divert. First, if the weather at the destination is below minima, we have to divert to our alternate airport. Second, if we encounter mechanical problem such as electrical failure, we have to divert to the nearest suitable airport. Third, if there is medical emergency on board, we will divert to the nearest suitable airport. Q3: What considerations will you have when choosing an alternate airport? There are many factors we will consider when choosing the alternate airport, such as the weather information and runway conditions about the alternate airport, the fuel , ground services and so on. Q4: Before diversion, what information should you know about the alternate airport? Before diversion, we should know some information about the alternate airport such as runway conditions, weather conditions and ground services of the alternate airport. Q5: If you have decided to make a diversion, what preparations do you need to make? If we have decided to make a diversion, we will make some preparation for it. First, we will report our situation and intention to ATC and request divert to our alternate airport. Second, we will get the weather information and runway conditions at our alternate airport. Third, we will change our flight plan in the FMS. Fourth, we will make a PA to inform the cabin crew and passengers that we will divert to our alternate airport. Q6: What assistance can ATC offer to you if you decide to divert? If we decide to divert, the ATC can offer us the weather information, runway conditions and ground services at the alternate airport. Q7: Suppose you want to divert to the nearest airport due mechanic problem and there are two airports in the vicinity, which one do you prefer to choose, a bigger, international airport or a smaller airport? I prefer to divert to a bigger international airport, because we can get better ground services and maintenance service at the bigger international airport. Q8: If some passengers complain the diversion, what should you do as a captain? If some passengers complain about the diversion, as a captain, first, I will make a PA to inform the passengers about the reason for diversion. Second, I will ask the cabin crew to offer the passengers more drinks to calm down the passengers. Q9: Who do you need to contact in case of diversion? If we have to divert, we will contact ATC and our company dispatchers. Q10: Do you plan for the alternate airport before each flight? Yes, we should plan the alternate airport before each flight because we may encounter emergency situations such as bad weather, mechanical problems or medical emergency during flight and we have to divert. Lesson 27 Conflicting Traffic and TCAS Key Words and Expressions traffic 冲突飞机 conflicting traffic 冲突飞机 military aircraft 军方飞机 fighter 战斗机 balloon 气球 TCAS 防撞系统 TA/traffic advisory 冲突提示 RA/resolution advisory 冲突解除提示 TCAS maneuver TCAS 机动 TCAS climb TCAS 爬升 TCAS descent TCAS 下降 traffic indication 冲突飞机显示 o’clock 时钟(方向) same direction 同向 same altitude 同一高度 opposite 相向 converging 汇聚 diverging 分散 fast moving 快速移动 oncoming traffic 迎面而来的飞机 crossing left to right 从左向右穿越 crossing right to left 从右向左穿越 traffic in sight 看见飞机 negative contact 无法看见飞机 traffic passed 冲突飞机离开了 clear of traffic 远离冲突飞机 clear of conflict 远离冲突飞机 radar vector 雷达引导 OPI Q1: Have you ever encountered TCAS alert? Or have you ever heard of an accident caused by TCAS? No, I have never encountered TCAS alert. But I have heard some accidents caused by TCAS. For example, once a passenger flight collided with a cargo flight because one aircraft followed ATC instructions and the other aircraft followed TCAS RA. Q2:Is your aircraft equipped with TCAS? I fly C172, there is no TCAS on board, but it is equipped with ADS-B. It can be used to avoid conflicting traffic, too. Q3: What is TCAS? Do you know the functions of TCAS? TCAS is short for Traffic Collision Avoidance System. It’s used to avoid mid-air collision. Q4: How does TCAS work? TCAS consists of TCAS TA and TCAS RA. TCAS TA can provide information about the conflicting traffic such as altitude, speed, direction. TCAS RA can provide guidance to avoid the conflicting traffic. If there is a conflicting traffic, the TCAS TA will give us a warning sound “traffic, traffic”, the TCAS RA will give us guidance to avoid it, “climb, climb”, or “descend, descend”. Q5: How to avoid traffic conflicts at the busy terminal? First, we can follow ATC instruction to maintain enough separation with other aircraft. Second, we can follow TCAS RA to avoid colliding with other aircraft. Third, if ATC instruction goes against TCAS RA, we should follow TCAS RA to keep vertical separation with the conflicting traffic. Q6: Nowadays, the terminal airspace is becoming more and more crowded, as a pilot, do you have any suggestions to avoid near air misses? First, we can follow ATC instruction to maintain enough separation with other aircraft. Second, we can follow TCAS RA to avoid colliding with other aircraft. Third, if ATC instruction goes against TCAS RA, we should follow TCAS RA to keep vertical separation with the conflicting traffic. Q7: Have you heard of any mid-air collision? Yes, I have heard some accidents caused by TCAS. For example, once a passenger flight collided with a cargo flight because one aircraft followed ATC instructions and the other aircraft followed TCAS RA. Q8: What are the possible reasons for mid-air collision? There are many possible reasons for mid-air collision. First, bad weather may cause mid-air collision. Second, human errors may cause mid-air collision. For example, if two aircraft are conflicting in the air, one aircraft follows TCAS RA, and the other aircraft follows ATC instruction, it may cause mid-air collision. Q9: How can you avoid mid-air collision? First, we can follow ATC instruction to maintain enough separation with other aircraft. Second, we can follow TCAS RA to avoid colliding with other aircraft. Third, if ATC instruction goes against TCAS RA, we should follow TCAS RA to keep vertical separation with the conflicting traffic. Q10: What may cause near miss? There are many possible reasons for near miss. First, bad weather may cause near miss. Second, human errors may cause mid-air collision. For example, if two aircraft are conflicting in the air, one aircraft follows TCAS RA, and the other aircraft follows ATC instruction, it may cause near miss. Lesson 28 Flight Training initial training ab initial training ground training 练 high-performance 练 flight college flight instructor flight skills unforgettable memorable solo flight subject course touch and go 初始训练 初始训练 地面(理论)训 training full stop 全停 low approach 低空近进 traffic pattern 起落航线 holding pattern 等待航线 stall 失速 spin 螺旋 high speed approach 大速度近进 simulator training 模拟机训练 recurrent training 复训 type-rating training 型别训练 private pilot license 私照 commercial pilot license 商照 instrument pilot license 仪表执照 ATPL 航线 ICAO English test ICAO 英语测试 高性能训 飞行(训练)学院 飞行教员 飞行技术 难忘的 记忆深刻的 单飞 (训练)科目 (训练)科目 接地连续 OPI Q1: Where/when did you have your initial flight training? (simulator training/ recurrent training/ transition training/ type rating training)? I had my initial training in … Sub-college in 2014. Q2: Could you describe some unforgettable moments of your flight training? Yes. My first solo flight was one of the most unforgettable moments of my flight training. That was a sunny day. The visibility was good, Wind was calm. It was good for flying. I flew two traffic patterns and made a successful landing. Q3: What have you learned from your flight instructors? I have learned many things from my flight instructor. First, I have learned many flight skills from my flight instructor. Second, I have learned how to be a responsible man. Q4: How many flight hours in total do you have? I have flown about 200 hours. Q5: What subjects were included in your initial flight training? We have learned many subjects during initial flight training such as local training, cross-country training, high speed approach, stall, steep turn and so on. Q6: What subjects were the most difficult for you during initial training? I think stall was the most difficult for me because it was difficult to control the aircraft and recover from stall. It may crash onto the ground. Q7: Can you describe your first solo? My first solo was exciting and successful. That was a sunny day. The visibility was good, Wind was calm. It was good for flying. I flew two traffic patterns and made a successful landing. Q8: When was your first solo flight? My first solo flight was on May, the first, 2014. Q9: How was your first solo? Can you say something about it? My first solo was exciting and successful. That was a sunny day. The visibility was good, Wind was calm. It was good for flying. I flew two traffic patterns and made a successful landing. Q10. What did you learn from your first solo flight? We have learned many things from my first solo flight. First, we should make good preflight preparation to make flight easier and safer. Second, we should follow the checklist and follow SOP to ensure flight safety. Q11: Do you think simulator training is important? Yes, I think simulator training is important because we can practice many normal and abnormal situations and related procedure in the simulator. Q12: What subjects should you practice in simulator? We can practise many subjects in simulator such as engine failure, engine fire, electrical failure, flapless landing, high-speed approach and so on. Q13: What subjects are difficult for you to handle? I think high speed approach is difficult for me because the approach speed is higher than normal. Q14: During your simulator training, do you have any training related to a hydraulic system failure? How do you handle it in simulator? No, we don’t have any training related to hydraulic system failure because there is no hydraulic system in C172. Q15: Do you like simulator training? Yes, I like simulator training because simulator training can improve our flight skills. Recurrent training/transition training/type rating training Q16: Where/when did you have your recurrent training/ transition training/ type rating training)? I had my recurrent training/ transition training/ type rating training) in … Q17: How many times should you cover recurrent training each year? We should have recurrent training twice a year. Q18: Why do you need recurrent training each year? We need recurrent training because we can review some emergency situations and emergency procedures such as hydraulic failure, engine failure, depressurization and so on to improve our flight skills. Q19: What do you review in recurrent training? We can review many emergency situations and emergency procedures such as hydraulic failure, engine failure, depressurization and so on. Q20: When did you get your private/commercial/instrument pilot license? I got my private/commercial/instrument licenses on May, 1, 2014. Lesson 29 Cabin Crew cabin crew 客舱人员,空乘 flight attendant 空乘 purser 乘务长 duties 职责 job/work 工作 safety briefing 安全准备会 preflight cabin check 飞行前客舱检查 safety demonstration 安全演示 in-flight cabin check 飞行中客舱检查 cabin services 客舱服务 catering/food and drinks 餐食 first aid 急救 contribute to 贡献,致力于 improve relationship 改善关系 get along with 相处 something unpleasant 不愉快的事 quarrel with 与……争吵 OPI Q1: Are you familiar with cabin crew’s work? Yes, I am familiar with cabin crew’s work. Cabin crew does many things to help us to complete the flight and ensure flight safety. Q2: Do you think it is necessary for pilots to know what cabin crew (flight attendants) do in the cabin? Yes, I think it’s necessary for pilots to know what cabin crew does in the cabin because we are working as a team and we should know the duties of each member. Q3: Do you think the captain briefing with the cabin crew is mandatory? There are many duties of cabin crew. Before flight, the cabin crew will have safety brief with pilots. Then, they will have safety check before the passengers board the aircraft. During flight, they will have regular cabin check and offer cabin services to passengers. In emergency situations, the cabin crew will report the situation to ATC and help to calm down the passengers. Q4: How can cabin crew contribute to the emergency situation? Cabin crew plays an important role in emergency situations. First, if there are emergency or abnormal situations in the cabin such as cabin fire and passenger problems, the cabin crew will report them to captain immediately. Second, the cabin crew will offer cabin services such as first aid to persons on board to calm down the passengers. Q5: How to improve the relationship between flight crew and cabin crew? We will work as a team to ensure the flight safety. First, we will know the duties and responsibilities of each crew member. Second, we will keep good communication and cooperation with each other. Q6: How do you often get along with flight attendants during flight? We will work as a team to ensure the flight safety. First, we will know the duties and responsibilities of each crew member. Second, we will keep good communication and cooperation with each other. Q7: If something unhappy happens between a pilot and a flight attendant, what should you do as a captain? If something unpleasant happens between pilot and flight attendants, I will tell them that we are working as a team to ensure the flight safety and we should keep good communication and cooperation with each other to ensure the flight safety. Q8: If there is a drunken passenger quarreling with one of the flight attendants in the cabin, what should you do as the captain? If there is a drunk passenger quarreling with flight attendant, I will ask the purser and air marshal to calm down the passenger and keep him under control. Q9: What cabin problems should be immediately reported to the captain by the flight attendants? Many problems in the cabin should be reported to captain. For example, first, if there is smoke or fire in the cabin, the flight attendants should report it to captain immediately. Second, if the passenger gets seriously ill or seriously injured, the flight attendants should report it to captain. Third, if there is structural damage to the aircraft, the flight attendants should report it to captain. Lesson 30 CRM Crew Resource Management 机组资 源管理 Cockpit Resource Management 驾驶舱资源管理 safe and efficient 安全高效 increase situation awareness 提高情 景意识 reduce pilots’ workload 减轻飞行员工作负荷 reduce human errors 减少人为差错 ensure flight safety 确保飞行安全 communication 沟通 cooperation 协作 teamwork 团队协作 CRM training CRM 培训 minimize 使……减到最小化 reduce … into minimum 减少到最小 benefit the flight safety 有利于飞行安 全 OPI Q1: What does CRM stand for? CRM stands for Crew Resource Management. CRM is a process using all available resources such as equipment, procedures, and people to achieve a safe and efficient operation of flight. Q2: What is your understanding of CRM? I think CRM is very important. Good CRM can increase our situation awareness, reduce our workload, reduce the human errors and ensure the flight safety. Poor CRM may cause accidents or incidents. Q3: Can you tell me an example of bad CRM leading to an accident or incident? Yes, I have heard some accidents caused by poor CRM. For example, on December 28, 1978, United 173 had landing gear problem during approach, the captain focused on the landing gear problem for an hour and he didn’t take first officer and flight engineer’s hint that they were running out of fuel until the engine began to flame out. Finally, the aircraft crashed. Q4: Can you give me some examples which human errors can largely endanger the flight safety? Yes, I have heard some accidents that human errors can largely endanger the flight safety. For example, once there was smoke coming out from the air conditioning system, the pilots mistakenly thought it was caused by right engine and shut down the right engine, the only working engine. Although the aircraft landed without engine power, the pilots should be responsible for the accidents. Q5: As a captain, what can you do to have the crew work as a team? As a cptain, we can do many things to have our crew work as a team. First, we will know the duties and responsibility in the preflight briefing in the briefing room. Second, we should keep good communication and cooperation during flight to ensure the flight safety. Q6: What's your suggestion to improve CRM training in your company? There are many things we can do to improve our company CRM training. First, the company can provide more chances of CRM training to pilots such as simulator training. Second, the crew members should work as a team and keep good communication and cooperation with each other to ensure the flight safety. Q7: Do you think human error is a major factor concerning flight safety? Yes. I think human error is a major factor to flight safety. As I know, about 80 percent of accidents were caused by human errors. Q8: What can we do to reduce human errors into minimum in flight operation? We can do many things to reduce human errors while flying. First, we will work as a team to share the tasks and cross check each other’s work. Second, we will keep good communication and cooperation with each other to ensure the flight safety. Q9: What can pilots do to increase the safety margin? We can do many things to reduce human errors while flying. First, we will work as a team to share the tasks and cross check each other’s work. Second, we will keep good communication and cooperation with each other to ensure the flight safety. Q10: Why does good communication in cockpit benefit flight safety? Good communication in the cockpit is important. Good communication can increase our situation awareness, reduce our workload, reduce the human errors and ensure the flight safety. Poor communication may cause accidents or incidents. Q11: Do you think the communication among crew members is important? Why? The communication among crew members is important. Good communication can increase our situation awareness, reduce our workload, reduce the human errors and ensure the flight safety. Poor communication may cause accidents or incidents. Q12: As a copilot, if you see the captain reading newspapers/magazines/novels during flight, what will you do? As a copilot, if I see the captain reading newspapers/magazines/novels during flight, I will inform the captain reading newspaper/magazine/novels may affect flight safety. Meanwhile, I will focus more on monitoring the aircraft. Lesson 31 Health Problems crew incapacitation 机组失能 crew incapacity 机组失能 get incapacitated 失能 minimize 使……减少到最低 medical emergency 医疗紧急情况 get seriously ill 病情严重 get seriously injured 伤情严重 injury report 伤情报告 bone fracture 骨折 faint 昏迷 in coma 昏迷 suffocate 窒息 lose consciousness 失去意识 unconscious 无意识的 oxygen supply 氧气供给 stretcher 担架 arm chair 扶椅 heart attack 心脏病 suspected heart attack 疑似心脏病 stroke 中风 food poisoning 食物中毒 asthma 哮喘 have difficulty in breathing 呼吸困难 medical checkup 体检 exercise 锻炼 duty time limit 值机时间限制 decision making 决断 balance between rest and work 劳逸 结合 OPI Q1: What are the possible reasons for crew incapacitation? There are many possible reasons for crew incapacitation. First, depressurization may cause crew incapacitation. Second, if the pilots get seriously ill or seriously injured, it may cause crew incapacitation. Besides, there are some other reasons for crew incapacitation. Q2: What may cause the crew’s incapacity? There are many possible reasons for crew incapacitation. First, depressurization may cause crew incapacitation. Second, if the pilots get seriously ill or seriously injured, it may cause crew incapacitation. Besides, there are some other reasons for crew incapacitation. Q3: If one of the crew members got incapacitated during flight, what should you do? If one of the crew members gets incapacitated, first, I will take the control of the aircraft and take on his duties. Second, I will report the situation to ATC and request priority landing and medical services. Q4: When you feel uncomfortable during flying, what would you do? If I feel uncomfortable during flight, first, I will ask the other crew member to take the control of the aircraft and take on my duties. Second, I will report the situation to ATC and request priority landing and medical services. Q5: How to avoid the crew’s incapacity? There are many things we can do to avoid crew incapacitation. First we can do more sports/exercise to keep healthy. Second, we can have regular medical check. Third, if there is depressurization, we should put on the oxygen masks. Q6: How to minimize the risks of incidents caused by crew incapacitation? There are many things we can do to avoid crew incapacitation. First we can do more sports/exercise to keep healthy. Second, we can have regular medical check. Third, if there is depressurization, we should put on the oxygen masks. Q7: Do you think it is important for pilots to stay healthy? Yes, I think it’s important for pilots to stay healthy. We should do more sports and have regular medical check to ensure we are healthy. Q8: In your opinion, what is the best exercise for pilots to keep healthy? I think running is the best exercise for pilots to keep healthy. Q9: Under what circumstances do you declare medical emergency? There are many conditions/situations in which we will declare medical emergency. First, if the pilot gets incapacitated, we will declare medical emergency. Second, if the passenger gets seriously ill such as heart attack, we will declare medical emergency. Third, if the passengers get seriously injured, we will declare medical emergency. Q10: When you approach your duty time limit but you are still flying, does it affect your decision making? When we approach our duty time limit and we are still flying, we may feel tired and we will be slow in making decision, so it may affect the decision making. Q11: Do you think pilots in China have enough time to have a rest between flights and why? Yes, I think pilots in China have enough time to have a rest between flights. According to the regulation, in order to ensure the flight safety, we should have at least 8 hours rest. Q12: How do you balance rest and work? We should keep good balance between rest and work. Between flight, we should have enough rest time to keep energetic during flight. Q13: How do you like in-flight catering? I think in-flight catering is Ok. We have severl kinds of choices to choose. I like the in-flight catering. Q14: Do the captain share the same food with the copilot?Why? No, the captain doesn’t share the same food with copilot. If they share/eat the same food, it may cause both pilots to get incapacitated. Lesson 32 Air Security Airport security check 机场安检 dangerous goods 危险品 terrorist 恐怖分子 terrorism 恐怖主义 agency 部门,机构 personnel 人员 security check staff 安检人员 ground staff 地面人员 catering staff 配餐人员 airport police 机场公安 airline 航空公司 improve airport security 提高机场 安检 strengthen airport security 加强基础 安检 in the last decade 过去十年 scan/screen 扫描 rules and regulations 规章,法规 liquid 液体 lithium battery 锂电池 dangerous goods transportation 危险 品运输 flammable explosive erosive chemical toxic radioactive dangerous goods leak weapons bomb anonymous call claim explode explosion bomb disposal squad bomb disposal expert suspicious luggage oversized baggage hijack hijacker 易燃物 易爆物 易腐蚀的 化学品 有毒的 放射性物质 危险品泄露 武器 炸弹 匿名电话 宣称 爆炸 爆炸 拆弹小组 拆弹专家 疑似行李 超大行李 劫机 劫机者 OPI Q1: What are the purposes of airport security check? Airport security check is used to prevent the dangerous goods and dangerous people entering the airport and the aircraft and ensure the safety of the airport and the aircraft. Q2: Do you think it necessary to strengthen airport security check? Yes, I think it necessary to strengthen airport security check because airport security check can prevent the dangerous goods and dangerous people entering the airport and the aircraft and ensure the safety of the airport and the aircraft. Q3: Do you think security check on the catering staff is necessary? Yes, I think security check on the catering staff is necessary because it can prevent the dangerous goods and dangerous people entering the airport and the aircraft and ensure the safety of the airport and the aircraft. Q4: What can airports and airlines do to improve/strengthen the air security? The airport can use/introduce more advanced systems and equipment to improve the airport security check. Besides, the airport can offer more training to the staff and improve their knowledge and skills. Airlines can offer more trainings to the pilots and flight attendants to improve their knowledge of dangerous goods. Q5: Do you think airport security has been improved in the past decade? I think the airport security check has been improved in the last decade. First, the passengers and their baggage have to be scanned/checked again and again before boarding the aircraft. Second, more advanced systems and equipment have been used/introduced to improve the airport security check. Third, more rules and regulations have been made to improve the airport security check. For example, the extra lithium battery is not allowed to bring onboard. Q6: With the development of civil aviation, do you have any suggestions for airport management? Yes, I have some suggestions for airport management. The airport can use/introduce more advanced systems and equipment to improve the airport security check. Besides, the airport can offer more training to the staff and improve their knowledge and skills. Airlines can offer more trainings to the pilots and flight attendants to improve their knowledge of dangerous goods. Q7: Do you think that pilots should have some knowledge of dangerous goods transportation? Yes, I think pilots should have some knowledge of dangerous goods transportation because dangerous goods will endanger the flight safety. If pilots do not have knowledge about the dangerous goods, they don’t know how to deal with the dangerous goods leakage in flight. It is very dangerous. Q8: Are you familiar with dangerous goods? Can you name a few? Yes, I am familiar with dangerous goods. There are many dangerous goods such as flammables, explosives, chemicals, radioactives and weapons. Q9: Can you name some of the dangerous goods in aviation industry? There are many dangerous goods such as flammables, explosives, chemicals, radioactives and weapons. Q10: Why are some goods considered as dangerous? Some substances such as flammables and explosives are dangerous because they may cause the aircraft to catch fire or cause structural damage to the aircraft. Besides, it may affect the safety of persons on board. Q11: Why is some liquid not allowed to be carried into cabin? Some liquids are not allowed to be carried into the cabin because it is difficult to detect if the liquids are dangerous goods or not. Besides, different liquids may be brought into the cabin by different people and mixed together to make a bomb. Q12: What precautions should you take if you are informed of transporting dangerous goods? If we are informed of transporting dangerous goods, first, we will check the loading sheet about the dangerous goods. Second, we will monitor the aircraft to if there is dangerous goods leak. Q13: If some dangerous goods are leaked in flight, what would you do? If some dangerous goods are leaking during flight, we will report the situation to ATC and request emergency landing and emergency services. After landing, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q14: If ATC informs you that they have received an anonymous call says there is a bomb on board your aircraft, what will you do? If there is a suspected bomb on board, we will report our situation to ATC and request bomb disposal squad and emergency services. Second, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q15: If there is a suspicious luggage on board your aircraft, what will you do? If there is a suspicious luggage on board your aircraft, first, we will inform the cabin crew to search for the luggage. Second, we will report our situation to ATC and request bomb disposal squad and other emergency services such as fire services and medical services. Third, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q16: What is your company’s procedures of dealing with suspicious luggage on board? If there is a suspicious luggage on board your aircraft, first, we will inform the cabin crew to search for the luggage. Second, we will report our situation to ATC and request bomb disposal squad and other emergency services such as fire services and medical services. Third, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q17: Have you ever encountered hijacking? No, I have never encountered hijacking. Q18: What should you do if you encounter a hijack? If we encounter a hijack, first, we will squawk 7500. Second, we crew members will work together to fight against with the hijackers. Third, we will try our best to land as soon as possible. Q19: How to prevent hijack/terrorism from happening? Many things can be done to prevent terrorism from happening. First, we can improve airport security check to prevent terrorists and dangerous goods from entering the airport and aircraft. Second, both pilots and cabin crew can improve their skills to fight against the terrorism or hijack. Lesson 33 Passenger Problems hijacking 劫机 hijack 劫机 hijacker 劫机犯 terrorism 恐怖主义 terrorists 恐怖分子 squaw 7500 应答机 7500 security check 安检 air marshal 空保,安全员 refuse 拒绝 check in 托运 over-sized luggage 超大行李 turn off cell phone 关手机 medical emergency 医疗紧急情况 get seriously injured 严重受伤 heart attack 心脏病 medical assistance 医疗救助 first aid 急救 OPI Q1: Have you ever encountered hijacking? No, I have never encountered hijacking. Q2: What should you do if you encounter a hijack? If we encounter a hijack, first, we will squawk 7500. If possible, we will report our situation and the hijacker’s intention to ATC and request emergency services. Q3: How to prevent hijack/terrorism from happening? There are many things we can do to prevent hijack or terrorism from happening. First, we can improve the airport security check to prevent the terrorists and dangerous goods from boarding the aircraft. Second, we can have some related training to improve our skills against the terrorists. Q4: If the passenger refuses to check in over-sized baggage at the gate, what will you do? If the passenger refuses to check in over-sized baggage at the gate, I will ask the purser to deal with it. We can inform the passengers of the dangers of carrying the over-sized baggage into the cabin. For example, we can tell the passenger that over-sized baggage may cause damage to the aircraft or cause injury to persons on board, it may affect flight safety. Q5: If the passenger refuses to turn off the cell phone, what will you do? If the passenger refuses to turn off the cell phone, the flight attendants or the purser may inform the passenger that it may affect the flight safety. For example, the passenger will be informed that it may affect the radio communication between the pilots and controllers. Q6: What would you do if some passengers are seriously injured during turbulence? If some passengers are seriously injured during turbulence, first, the flight attendants will offer first aid to the injured passengers. Second, we will make a PA to find if there is a doctor onboard. Third, we will report our situation to ATC and request priority landing at the nearest suitable airport and medical services upon landing. Q7: If one passenger has a heart attack, what would you do? If one passenger has a heart attack, first, the flight attendants will offer first aid to the injured passengers. Second, we will make a PA to find if there is a doctor onboard. Third, we will report our situation to ATC and request priority landing at the nearest suitable airport and medical services upon landing. Q8: How do you carry out first-aid to the passengers? First, the cabin crew will offer first aid such as medicines to passengers. Second, we will make a PA to find there is a doctor onboard. Third, we will report our situation to ATC and request priority landing at the nearest suitable airport and medical services upon landing. Q9: What medical help can the cabin crew provide to passengers on board? First, the cabin crew will offer first aid such as medicines to passengers. Second, we will make a PA to find there is a doctor onboard. Third, we will report our situation to ATC and request priority landing at the nearest suitable airport and medical services upon landing. Lesson 34 In-flight Fire In-flight fire 飞行中起火 fire on board 机上起火 electrical fire 电气起火 cabin fire 客舱起火 engine fire 发动机起火 undercarriage fire 起落架起火 wheel well fire 轮舱起火 front cabin 前客舱 rear cabin 后客舱 toilet 厕所 lavatory 厕所 galley 厨房 cargo hold 货舱 avionics bay 电子设备舱 smoke 烟雾 fume 烟雾 smell 味道 oxygen masks 氧气面罩 fire extinguisher 灭火器 fire bottles 灭火瓶 fire services 消防服务 fire engines 消防车 fire trucks 消防车 fire fighter 消防队员 discharge 释放 empty 倒空 extinguished 扑灭的 emergency descent 紧急下降 fire warning light 火警灯 cough badly 咳得厉害 get burnt 烧伤 suffocate 窒息 scared 受惊吓 frightened 受惊吓 in panic 惊慌 declare distress/MAYDAY 宣告遇险 under control 得到控制 out of control 失去控制 in chaos 一片混乱 OPI Q1: If you are going to land with engine fire, what preparation will you make? If we encounter engine fire during flight, first, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency landing and emergency landing. Second, we will shut off the fuel supply to the faulty engine and discharge fire bottles to put out the fire. Q2: During flight, if you observe smoke in flight deck, what will you do? If there is smoke or fire in the cockpit, first, we will put on the oxygen masks. Second, we will report our situation to ATC and request emergency descent and immediate landing. Q3: During cruise, if the flight attendant reported there is a smoke in the cabin, what will you do? If we encounter cabin fire, first, we will report the situation to ATC and request emergency landing at nearest suitable airports and emergency services. Second, the cabin crew will put out the fire with fire extinguishers. Third, we will remove the smoke by opening the air vents. Q4: Have you ever encountered engine fire during flight? No, I have never encountered engine fire during flight. Q5: What are the common causes of engine compartment fire? There are many causes of engine fire. First, fuel leak and oil leak may cause engine fire. Second, mechanical problem of engine itself may cause engine fire. Third, maintenance errors may cause engine fire. Q6: What equipment can be used to extinguish fire on board? The fire bottles can be used to extinguish engine fire and fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish fire in the cabin. Q7: For a long haul flight, at maximum takeoff weight just becoming airborne, smoke comes from the cabin, what action would you take? If smoke comes from the cabin, we will report the situation to ATC and request return to land immediately. Second, we will dump fuel to reduce the weight of the aircraft and the landing speed of the aircraft. After landing, we will execute emergency evacuation. Q8: What ground services do you request when you are going to land with fire on board? If we are going to land with fire on board, we will request fire services and medical services. Lesson 35 Bird Threat bird activity 鸟类活动 flock of birds 鸟群 threat 威胁 threaten 威胁 pose threat to 威胁 ingest 吸入 engine failure 发动机失效 engine vibration 发动机振动 engine flameout 发动机熄火 engine fire 发动机起火 bird ingestion 吸鸟 bird strike 鸟击 windshield 风挡 windscreen 风挡 smash 破碎 crack 裂纹 disperse the birds 驱鸟 bird dispersing car/van 驱鸟车 dispel the birds 驱鸟 previous pilot report 前面飞行员报告 OPI Q1: At which flight phase are you most likely to encounter bird strike? We are most likely to encounter bird strike during takeoff and landing. Q2: Why is bird strike a threat to flight safety? Bird strike is very dangerous to flight safety. First, bird strike may cause structural damage to the aircraft such as nose, windshields and engines. Second, bird strike may cause engine problems such as engine flameout, engine failure, engine surge and so on. Q3: What measures can be taken to avoid bird strike? Do you feel prepared of bird strike? There are many things we can do to avoid the bird strike. First, we can get information about bird activity from other pilot report and ATC alerting services. Second, if there is bird activity along our flight path, we can request change our flight path, delay our approach or delay our departure. Q4: Who is responsible for dispelling birds in the vicinity of airports? I think the airport management department is responsible for dispelling the birds in the vicinity of airports. Q5: Where can you get the information relating to bird activity? We can get the information about bird activity from ATC, ATIS and other pilot reports. Lesson 36 Structural Damage aircraft structures airframe nose fuselage tail wings ailerons flaps slats spoilers 飞机机构 机体 机头 机身 机尾 机翼 副翼 襟翼 缝翼 扰流板 speedbrakes 减速板 elevators 升降舵 rudder 方向舵 horizontal stabilizer 水平安定面 vertical stabilizer 垂直安定面 cockpit 驾驶舱 windshield/windscreen 风挡 cabin 客舱 cargo hold 货舱 avionics bay 电子设备舱 OPI Q1: What are the possible reasons for aircraft structural damage?/ What kinds of situations will cause the structural damage? There are some possible reasons for structural damage. First, bad weather such as lightning strike, severe turbulence and severe icing may cause structural damage to the aircraft. Second, If there is explosive depressurization, bomb explosion and fire on board, it may cause structural damage. Third, ground accidents such as ground collision and tail strike may cause structural damage. Q2: If your aircraft suffers from structural damage, what will you do? If our aircraft suffers from structural damage, we will report our situation and ATC and request priority landing and emergency services upon landing. After landing, we will report structural damage to the mechanics for maintenance check. Q3: If you made a hard landing, how do you explain to your boss? If we made a hard landing, we will hand in a written report to our company boss. We will explain what happened to our aircraft and what we did to ensure the flight safety. Lesson 37 Tail Strike tail strike 擦机尾 CG problem 重心问题 weight and balance 重量与平衡 cross wind 侧风 tailwind 顺风 wind shear 风切变 pilot skills 飞行员技术 pull up 拉起 flare 拉平 structural damage 结构 OPI Q1: Have you ever encountered tail strike during flight? No, I have never encountered tail strike during flight. Q2: What are the possible reasons for tail strike? There are many possible reasons for tail strike. First, pilot flight skills may cause tail strike. For example, the pilot pulls up the aircraft too much during takeoff or landing. Second, strong windshear, strong crosswind or strong tailwind may cause tail strike. Third, CG problem/weight and balance problem may cause tail strike. Q3: What damages will tail strike bring to an aircraft? Tail strike may cause damage to the fuselage and the tail of the aircraft. Q4: What should pilots do to avoid tail strike? We can do many things to avoid tail strike. First, we can improve our flight skills to avoid tail strike. For example, we shouldn’t pull up the aircraft too much during takeoff or landing. Second, we should keep good weight and balance. Third, during preflight preparation, we should get weather information. Lesson 38 Emergency Equipment emergency equipment fire extinguisher fire bottles oxygen masks first aid kit flash lights life vest life raft axe emergency exit emergency slides evacuation slides escape slides 应急设备 灭火器 灭火瓶 氧气面罩 急救箱 手电筒 救生衣 救生筏 斧头 紧急出口 紧急滑梯 撤离滑梯 逃离滑梯 OPI Q1: Is there any emergency equipment on your aircraft? Are they convenient to use? Yes. there are some emergency equipment in C172 such as fire extinguishers, axe, flashlight, first aid kit, life vests and so on. Q2: Why are pilots required to be familiar with the emergency equipment? We are required to be familiar with the emergency equipment because they can be used in emergency situations to ensure flight safety. For example, if we encounter cabin fire, we can use fire extinguishers to put out fire. If we encounter depressurization, we can put on oxygen masks to avoid crew incapacitation. Q3: How many emergency slides are there in your aircraft? I fly C172. There is no emergency slide in C172, but I know there are 6 emergency slides in A320 or B737. Q4: What are the locations of them? There are 6 emergency slides in A320, two are in the front, two are in the middle and two are in the tail. Q5: What are the functions of emergency slides? The emergency slides are used to help the persons on board to evacuate the aircraft as soon as possible. Q6: Have you ever heard of emergency slides being deployed during ground operation? Yes. Once, it happened to West China Airline. When the aircraft was still taxiing on the taxiway, one passenger opened the emergency exit and the emergency slide was deployed. Q7: When does oxygen mask drop during flight? The oxygen masks will drop if there is depressurization during flight. Q8: Under what conditions do you use oxygen masks? There are many conditions will use oxygen masks. First, if we encounter depressurization during flight, we will use oxygen masks. Second, if there is smoke or fire in the cockpit, we will use oxygen masks. Lesson 40 Daily Topics Hometown and weather 1. Which city are you from? 2. What do you like most about your hometown? 3. What is your hometown famous for? 4. Can you name out some places of interest in your hometown? 5. Is there a theater in your hometown? 6. Can you make a comparison between your hometown and the city you are living in now? 7. What’s the weather like in your hometown? 8. Do you like the weather in your hometown or that of the city you are living now? Why? 9. What’s the weather like today? 10. Is today’s weather fit /good for flying? Why? 11. Where can you get weather information before the flight or during flight? Hobbies and likes 1. Do you have any hobbies? 2. Which sport attracts you most? 3. What’s your favorite sport/sport star? 4. Which sport star do you like best? 5. Do you like music? What is your favorite music? 6. Do you often go to concert? How often? 7. Do you often go to the cinema? 8. With whom do you go to the cinema/concert? 9. Do you like to go to the theatre? 10. Do you often watch English movies? Why or why not? 11. What is your favorite TV program? 12. What is your favorite film? 13. What is your favorite website? 14. Do you like surfing the Internet? 15. What do you usually do on the Internet? 16. Do you smoke in the cockpit? 17. Why is smoking forbidden in the cockpit? 18. Do you like to spend your holiday in China or abroad? 19. Where is your favorite place to relax? 20. Do you prefer a house or an apartment? 21. Do you like cooking? Family 1. What is the happiest memory of your family? Educational / working background 1. Can you say something of your working or studying background? 2. Where did you graduate from? 3. Which company will you work for after graduation? 4. How much do you know about your company? 5. How many years have you been working as a copilot/captain? 6. What is your current position? 7. Can you make a brief introduction of your flight college? 8. How many years have you stayed at your flight school? 9. What subjects did you learn in college? 10. Have you ever studied English Radiotelephony communication course? 11. When did you get your private/commercial pilot license? 12. How often do you need to attend a medical checkup? Travel and Transportation 1. How did you come to the test center today? 2. How did you come here today? 3. Did you fly yesterday? 4. Where did you fly to on your last flight? 5. What’s the traffic like in your city? 6. How long have you been driving a car? 7. Do you think it’s necessary to purchase your own car? Why? 8. If something goes wrong with your car, will you fix it by yourself or take it to the garage? 9. What’s your favorite means of transportation? 10. Have you ever been abroad? 11. Which place do you dream/want to visit most? 12. Which English speaking country do you want to visit? 13. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 14. Do you like travelling? Can you introduce any good places to me? Modern technology 1. Do you like watching TV? 2. Which program do you like to watch? 3. What is your favorite TV program? 4. Do you think watching CCTV International programs can help you improve your English level? 5. What do you think of online shopping? 6. Do you think online shopping can ensure the product quality? 7. Have you ever experienced online shopping? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on-line? 9. How often do you use computers? 10. Will you use computer in pre-flight preparation? 11. In what ways have computers changed your life? 12. What is your mobile phone/cell phone brand name? Is it user-friendly? English study 1. Do you often speak English? 2. Do you think watching English movies/TV programs is a good way to improve your English proficiency/spoken English? 3. What are the effective ways to learn English? 4. Can you suggest an efficient way to learn English well? 5. What are some difficulties in your English study? 6. Do you have plans to study English after this exam? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Can you speak other foreign languages? Why is English important for flight safety? Have you taken other English examinations? What are they? Have you studied any aviation courses in English? Have you studied English radiotelephony communication course? ICAO English test 1. Did you sleep well last night? 2. Is this your first time to take this test? 3. Which part do you think is the most difficult/toughest in PEPEC test? Why? 4. Do you think ICAO English proficiency requirements can improve/enhance flight safety? 5. Do you have confidence in passing the test? 6. Are you confident of passing the test? 7. How long have you been preparing this test? Future plan 1. Do you have any plan about your future? 2. What are your future plans? 3. Do you think your future is promising/bright? 4. What are you going to do at this weekend? 5. Do you have any plans after this interview? 6. When is your next flight? Where to? 7. Where will you go on your next vacation? 8. After having become a pilot what new dreams do you have? Job criteria 1. Do you like your job as a pilot? And why? 2. Are you satisfied with your job as a pilot? And why? 3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of being a pilot? 4. What are your criteria of a good job? 5. What are your criteria of job satisfaction? 6. Do you want to work for foreign airlines? Which foreign airline do you want to work for? 7. Where is your company based on? 8. Are you satisfied with your company salary? 9. Do you like your company logo? 10. If you are given a chance to change your job, what will you do?