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1. M-,N-cholinomimetics:
2. M-cholinomimetics:
3. N-cholinomimetics:
-proserinum (neostigmine)
4. Cholinesterase inhibitors:
+proserinum (neostigmine)
5. Cholinesterase inhibitors with reversible action:
6. Cholinesterase inhibitors with irreversible action:
7. Effects of M-cholinomimetics in the eye:
+spasm of accomodation
+paralysis of accomodation
+decease of intraocular pressure
-increase of intraocular pressure
8. Cardio-vascular effects of M-cholinomimetics:
+decrease of heart rate
-increase of heart rate
-facilitation of AV-conduction
+worsening of AV-conduction
+decrease of vessels tone and blood pressure
-increase of vessels tone and blood pressure
9. M-cholinomimetics:
+increase the secretion of excretory glands
- decrease the secretion of excretory glands
+increase the tone of smooth muscles of inner organs
-decrease the tone of smooth muscles of inner organs
-facilitate the neuro-muscular transmission
-suppress the neuro-muscular transmission
10. How does pilocarpine influence upon the eye?
+narrows the pupil
-expands the pupil
+causes the spasm of accommodation
-causes the paralysis of accommodation
+decreases the intraocular pressure
-increases the intraocular pressure
11. Under the action of aceclidine, the tone of intestine and bladder is:
- does not change
12. Cytitonum:
+stimulates breathing
+stimulates the sympathetic ganglia
-decreases the blood pressure
+increases the blood pressure
13. The following effects are typical for M- and N-cholinomimetics:
+decrease of heart rate
-increase of heart rate
-facilitation of AV-conduction
+deterioration of AV-conduction
+expansion of blood vessels and decrease of blood pressure
- narrowing of blood vessels and increase of blood pressure
+increase of secretion of excretory glands
- decrease of secretion of excretory glands
+increase of tone of smooth muscles of inner organs
-decrease of tone of smooth muscles of inner organs
14. Indicate the eye’s effects of M-,N-cholinomimetics:
+spasm of accommdation
-paralysis of accommodation
+decrease of intraocular pressure
-increase of intraocular pressure
15. Indicate the eye’s effects of cholinesterase inhibitors:
+contraction of iris sphincter
-relaxation of iris sphincter
+contraction of ciliary muscle
-relaxation of ciliary muscle
+facilitation of outflow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye
- worsening of outflow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye
16. Effects which are typical for action of cholinesterase inhibitors upon the
cardio-vascular system:
+decrease of heart rate
-increase of heart rate
-facilitation of AV-conduction
+worsening of AV-conduction
+decrease of blood pressure
-increase of blood pressure
17. Cholinesterase inhibitors:
+increase the secretion of excretory glands
- suppress the secretion of excretory glands
+increase the tone of smooth muscles of inner organs
- decrease the tone of smooth muscles of inner organs
+facilitate the neuromuscular transmission
- suppress the neuromuscular transmission
18. Proserinum causes:
+decrease of blood pressure
-increase of blood pressure
19. Proserinum [neostigmine]:
+narrows the pupils
+causes the spasm of accommodation
-decreases the tone of bronchi
+stimulates the motility of intestine
-suppresses the secretion of excretory glands
+facilitates the neuromuscular transmission
20. Armin causes:
+spasm of accommodation
-increase of intraocular pressure
+improving of outflow of aqueous humor
+decrease of intraocular pressure
21. Indicate the groups of drugs causing miosis:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
22. Indicate the drugs’ groups decreasing the intraocular pressure:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
23. Indicate the groups of drugs causing the spasm of accommodation:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
24. Indicate the groups of drugs which increase the secretion of excretory
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
25. Indicate the groups of drugs which increase the bronchial tone:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
26. Indicate the groups of drugs which increase the heart rate:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
27. Indicate the groups of drugs which suppress the AV-conduction:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
28. Indicate the groups of drugs which decrease the blood pressure:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
29. Indicate the groups of drugs which increase the intestinal motility:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
30. Indicate the groups of drugs which increase the tone of bladder:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
31. The neuromuscular transmission is improved by:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-all answers are incorrect
32. Cholinomimetics are:
+drugs which directly stimulate cholinergic receptors
-drugs which stimulate cholinergic synapses
33. Cholinesterase inhibitors are:
-drugs which block the action of acetylcholine
+drugs which increase the action of acetylcholine
+drugs which inhibit the cholinesterase
-drugs which stimulate the synthesis of acetylcholine
34. Indicate the localization of M2 and M3-cholinoceptors:
+cells of inner organs near the endings of cholinergic fibers
-neurons of sympathetic ganglia
-neurons of parasympathetic ganglia
-carotid sinus
-chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
-fibers of skeletal muscles
35. Localization of N-cholinoceptors:
-inner organs cells near the endings of cholinergic fibers
+neurons of sympathetic ganglia
+neurons of parasympathetic ganglia
+neurons of central nervous system
+carotid glomeruli
+chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
+fibers of skeletal muscles
36. The main subfamily of M-cholinoceptors in the heart is:
37. The main subfamily of M-cholinoceptors in the exocrine glands is:
38. The main subfamily of M-cholinoceptors in the smooth muscles is:
39. N-cholinomimetics directly stimulate the receptors of:
-neuro-effector synapses of parasympathetic innervation
-neuro-effector synapses of sympathetic innervation
+synapses of parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia
+chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
+carotid glomeruli
40. M- and N-cholinomimetics with direct action stimulate the cholinoceptors of:
+neuro-effector synapses of parasympathetic nervous system
-+neuro-effector synapses of sympathetic nervous system
+synapses of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system
+chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
+carotid glomeruli
41. Cholinesterase inhibitors indirectly stimulate the cholinoceptors of:
+neuro-effector synapses of parasympathetic innervation
-neuro-effector synapses of sympathetic innervation
+synapses of parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia
+chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
-carotid glomeruli
+neuro-muscular synapses
42. Indicate the groups of drugs which stimulate the secretion of adrenaline by
adrenal medulla:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
43. Indicate the groups which stimulate the carotid glomeruli and reflectory
stimulate the breathing:
-cholinesterase inhibitors
44. Indicate the group of drugs which improves the neuro-muscular
+cholinesterase inhibitors
45. N-cholinomimetics stimulate the breathing because:
-stimulate the N-cholinoceptors of vegetative ganglia
-directly stimulate the respiratory center
+stimulate N-cholinoceptors of carotid sinus
-stimulate N-cholinoceptors of skeletal muscles
46. N-cholinomimetics increase the blood pressure because:
+stimulate N-cholinoceptors of carotid sinus and reflectory increase activity of
neurons of vasomotor center
+stimulate N-cholinoceptors of sympathetic ganglia
+stimulate the adrenaline’s release by chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
-stimulate the N-cholinoceptors of parasympathetic ganglia
-stimulate the N-cholinoceptros of smooth muscles of vessels
47. Phosphorus-organic compounds (armin and others):
-destroy the synthesis of acetylcholine
-destroy the synthesis of cholinesterase
+irreversibly inhibit the cholinesterase
-irreversibly bind with cholinceptors
48. Indicate the therapeutically useful effects of M-cholinomimetics:
+miosis and decrease of intraocular pressure
-spasm of accommodation
+increase of tone of intestine and bladder
-increase of excretory glands secretion
-decrease of blood pressure
49. Indication for use for aceclidine:
-hypoacid gastritis
-arterial hypotension
+atony of intestine and bladder
-arterial hypertension
50. Indication for use for pilocarpine:
-atony of intestine
-bronchial asthma
-examination of eye fundus
-atony of bladder
51. Indication for use of N-cholinomimetics:
-bronchial asthma
+reflectory stimulation of breathing
52. Indications for use of cholinesterase inhibitors:
+myasthenia gravis
-spasm of intestine
+atony of intestine
-bronchial asthma
+atony of bladder
53. Indications for use of proserinum:
-bronchial asthma
-billiary colic
+atony of intestine
+myasthenia gravis
+atony of bladder
54. Galantamine is used in:
+atony of bladder
-bronchial asthma
+atony of intestine
55. Indicate the drugs which are used for treatment of myasthenia:
56. Indicate the drugs which are used for treatment of bladder atony:
57. Indicate the drugs which are used for treatment of glaucoma:
58. Indicate the drugs which are used for treatment of intestine atony:
59. M-cholinomimetics:
+decrase the intraocular pressure
-stimulate the breathing
+increase the motility of intestine
+increase the tone of bladder
60. N-cholinomimetics:
+stimulate the breathing reflectory owing to stimulation of N-cholinergic
receptors of carotid glomeruli
-act during several hours
+act during several minutes
+are used for short-term stimulation of breathing
61. Proserinum:
+is polar compound which can’t penetrate into the CNS
-directly stimulates N-cholinoceptors of skeletal muscles
+indirectly stimulate N-cholinoceptors of skeletal muscles owing to inhibition of
62. Indicate the groups of drugs which can reduce the effects of irreversibly
acting cholinesterase inhibitors:
+reactivators of cholinesterase
63. М-cholinoblockers:
+ipratropium bromide
64. М-cholinoblockers of natural origin (alkaloids):
-ipratropium bromide
65. M-cholinoblockers of synthetic origin (polar compounds):
+ipratropium bromide
66. N-cholinoblockers are divided into two groups:
-quaternary ammonium compounds and tertiary amines
-drugs with short action and drugs with long action
-antidepolarizing drugs and depolarizing drugs
+ganglion blockers and peripheral myorelaxants
67. Ganglion blockers:
-dithylinum [suxamethonium]
+benzohexonium [hexamethonium]
+hygronium [trepirium]
68. Ganglion blocker with short action (15 minutes):
69. Ganglion blocker with intermediate duration of action (2-4 hours):
70. Peripheral myorelaxants:
71. Peripheral myorelaxant with short action (5-10 minutes):
72. Peripheral myorelaxants with long action (20-50 minutes):
73. Peripheral myorelaxants with antidepolarizing (nondepolarizing) action:
74. Peripheral myorelaxant with depolarizing action:
75. M-cholinoblockers cause:
76. М-cholinoblockers:
-constrict the iris sphincter
+ relax the iris sphincter
-don’t influence upon the iris sphincter
-constrict the radial muscle of iris
-relax the radial muscle of iris
+ don’t influence upon the radial muscle of iris
77. М-cholinoblockers:
-constrict ciliary muscle of eye (cause the spasm of accommodation)
+relax the ciliary muscle of eye (cause paralysis of accommodation)
-don’t influence upon ciliary muscle
78. M-cholinoblockers:
+increase the intraocular pressure
-decrease the intraocular pressute
-don’t influence upon intraocular pressure
79. Effect of M-cholinoblockers in the excretory glands:
+inhibition of secretion
-stimulation of secretion
80. Effect of M-cholinoblockers in the bronchi:
-the increase of bronchial tone
+the decrease of bronchial tone
81. M-cholinoblockers:
+increase the heart rate
-decrease the heart rate
-don’t change the heart rate
82. M-cholinoblockers:
+improve the atrio-ventricular conductivity
-suppress the atrio-ventricular conductivity
-don’t change the atrio-ventricular conductivity
83. M-cholinoblockers:
-increase the tone and motility of intestine
+decrease the tone and motility of intestine
-don’t change the tone and motility of intestine
84. M-cholinoblockers:
+decrease the tone of bladder
-increase the tone of bladder
-don’t change the tone of bladder
85. Ganglion blockers:
+cause mydriasis
-cause miosis
-don’t change the diameter of pupil
86. Ganglion blockers:
+decrease the secretion of exocrine glands
-increase the secretion of exocrine glands
-don’t change the secretion of exocrine glands
87. Ganglion blockers:
+increase the heart rate
-decrease the heart rate
-don’t change the heart rate
88. Ganglion blockers:
-increase the vessels tone
+decrease the vessels tone
-don’t change the vessels tone
89. Ganglion blockers:
-increase the blood pressure
+decrease the blood pressure
-don’t change the blood pressure
90. Ganglion blockers:
-increase the intestinal tone and motility
+decrease the intestinal tone and motility
-don’t change the intestinal tone and motility
91. Ganglion blockers:
+decrease the tone of bladder
-increase the tone of bladder
-don’t change the tone of bladder
92. Under the influence of peripheral myorelaxants, the tone of skeletal muscles
93. Indicate the agents which cause the relaxation of iris sphincter and
94. Indicate the agents which cause the relaxation of ciliary muscle and paralysis
of accommodation:
95. Indicate the drugs which decrease the secretion of exocrine glands:
96. Choose agents decreasing the bronchial tone:
+ipratropium bromide
97. Choose the agents decreasing blood pressure:
98. Choose the agents improving atrio-ventricular conductivity:
99. Choose the agents decreasing the motility of intestine:
100. Choose the agents decreasing the tone of bladder:
101. Choose the agents which relax the skeletal muscles:
102. Choose the agent, therapeutic doses of which suppress the CNS:
103. M-cholinoblockers cause mydriasis owing to:
-relaxation of ciliary muscle
+relaxation of iris sphincter
104. М-cholinoblockers cause the paralysis of accommodation owing to:
+relaxation of ciliary muscle
-relaxation of iris sphincter
105. М-cholinoblockers can increase the intraoccular pressure owing to:
+relaxation of iris sphincter
+worsening of outflow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber
-stimulation of production of aqueous humor
106. М-cholinoblockers decrease the secretion of excretory glands owing to
inhibiting of:
+parasympathetic innervation
-sympathetic innervation
107. The broncholytic effect of M-cholinoblockers is result of:
+decrease of parasympathetic influence upon the smooth muscles of bronchi
- decrease of sympathetic influence upon the smooth muscles of bronchi
108. М-cholinoblockers cause the tachycardia and facilitating of atrioventricular conduction owing to:
+blockage of parasympathetic influence upon the heart
-stimulation of sympathetic influence upon the heart
109. In poisoning by cholinesterase inhibitors, atropine reduce the symptoms
which are result of activation of:
-sympathetic synapses in inner organs
-neuro-muscular synapses
+parasympathetic synapses in inner organs
-ganglion synapses
110. Ganglion blockers block the cholinoceptors of:
+neurons of sympathetic ganglia
+ neurons of parasympathetic ganglia
+chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
-smooth muscle cells
-skeletal muscles
111. Indicate the effects of ganglion blockers which are result of inhibition of
parasympathetic ganglia:
+paralysis of accommodation
+decrease of secretion of exocrine glands
-widening of peripheral vessels
-decrease of blood pressure
+decrease of intestinal tone and motility
112. Indicate the effects of ganglion blockers which are result of inhibition of
sympathetic ganglia:
+decrease of vessels tone
+decrease of blood pressure
113. Ganglion blockers decrease the blood pressure because:
+block the sympathetic influence upon the heart
+decrease the sympathetic influence upon the resistive vessels
+decrease the sympathetic influence upon the capacitive vessels
-block parasympathetic influence upon the heart
-suppress the vasomotor center
114. Indicate the mechanism of action of tubocurarine:
+blockage of N-cholinoceptors of neuro-muscular synapses
-stimulation of N-cholinoceptors of neuro-muscular synapses
115. Indicate the mechanism of action of dithylinum:
- blockage of N-cholinoceptors of neuro-muscular synapses
+ stimulation of N-cholinoceptors of neuro-muscular synapses and stable
depolarization of postsynaptic membrane
116. Atropine blocks:
+ М1-cholinoceptors
+М2- cholinoceptors
+М3- cholinoceptors
117. Benzohexonium blocks the cholinoceptors of:
-neuro-muscular synapses
+neurons of vegetative ganglia
+chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
+carotid glomeruli
118. Hygronium decreases the blood pressure owing to:
-inhibition of vasomotor center
-blockage of N-cholinoceptors of parasympathetic ganglia
+ blockage of N-cholinoceptors of sympathetic ganglia
119. Indicate the drugs blocking N-cholinoceptors of skeletal muscles:
120. Choose the indication for use of M-cholinoblockers:
+hypersecretion of salivary glands
+hyperacid gastritis
+bronchial asthma
+atrio-ventricular blockage
+biliary and urinary colic
121. M-cholinoblockers are used in:
+selection of spectacles
+examination of eye fundus
122. M-cholinoblockers are used in:
-hypoacid gastritis
+hyperacid gastritis
+ulcer disease of duodenum and stomach
+acute pancreatitis
+spasms of gastrointestinal tract
123. M-cholinoblockers are used in premedication for prevention of:
-reflex tachycardia
+reflex bronchospasm
+reflex bradicardia and cardiac arrest
+reflex hypersecretion of salivary and bronchial glands
124. In comparison with atropine, the scopolamine in most effective as:
+drugs for premedication
+drugs for treatment of motion sickness
-drugs for treatment of ulcer disease of duodenum
125. In comparison with atropine, ipratropium bromide is used only in:
-ulcer disease of duodenum and stomach
+bronchial asthma
-spasm of smooth muscles of gastrointestinal tract
126. In comparison with atropine, pirenzepine is used only in:
+ulcer disease of duodenum and hyperacid gastritis
-bronchial asthma
-spasm of smooth muscles of gastro-intestinal tract
127. Indications for use of ganglion blockers are:
+hypertensive crisis
+spasm of peripheral vessels
+controlled hypotension
+brain or pulmonary edema
-chronic hypotension
128. What drug is used for controlled hypotension?
129. Indications for use of skeletal muscles relaxants:
+for relaxation of skeletal muscles in surgical operations
+tracheal intubation
+dislocations of joints
+reposition of bone fragments
+elimination of convulsions in tetanus
-for relaxation of smooth muscles in surgical operations
130. Choose the drug used for short-term relaxation of skeletal muscles:
131. Indicate the side effects of M-cholinoblockers:
+dryness in mouth
+dilatation of pupils
+paralysis of accommodation
132. The increase of intraocular pressure is typical side effect of:
133. M-cholinoblockers are contraindicated in:
-hypertensive disease
+intestinal atony
134. Indicate the typical symptoms of poisoning by atropine:
+psychomotor excitement
+dilatation of pupils
+dryness in mouth
+hallucinations, delirium
135. Indicate the side effects of ganglion blockers:
+postural hypotension
+impairment of vision
+dryness in mouth
+intestinal atony
136. Choose the drugs which can cause the intestinal atony:
137. Choose the drugs which can cause the impairment of vision owing to
paralysis of accommodation:
+ganglion blockers
-M-cholinomimetics with direct action
-M-cholinomimetics with indirect action
138. Choose the agents which can cause the dryness in mouth:
+ganglion blockerts
139. The tachycardia is caused by:
+ganglion blockers
140. Orthostatic hypotension is caused by:
+ganglion blockerts
-both answers are incorrect
141. Constipation is caused by:
+ganglion blockers
- both answers are incorrect
142. Indicate the side effects of tubocurarine:
+decrease of blood pressure
-increase of blood pressure
-cardiac arrhythmias
-muscular pain in postoperative period
143. Indicate the side effects of dithylinum:
-decrease of blood pressure
+increase of blood pressure
+cardiac arrhythmias
+muscular pain in postoperative period
144. Choose М-cholinoblockers which badly penetrate through blood-brain
+ipratropium bromide
145. Atropine:
+is non-selective blocker of M-cholinergic receptors
-selectively blocks M-cholinoceptors of excretory glands
+easily penetrates through blood-brain barrier
+can provoke the acute glaucoma attack
-is used as hypotensive agent
146. Pirenzepine:
-blocks M-cholinoceptors in all inner organs and tissues
+selectively blocks M-cholinoceptors of stomach
+is used for treatment of ulcer disease of duodenum and stomach
-is used in bronchospasm
147. Benzohexonium:
+is ganglion blocker of group of quaternary ammonium compounds
-ganglion blocker of group of tertiary amines
-acts during 10-15 minutes
+acts during 2-4 hours
-is the drug of choice for controlled hypotension
+is used in hypertensive crisis, spasms of peripheral vessels, pulmonary edema,
and brain edema
148. Hygronium:
+is ganglion blocker of group of quaternary ammonium compounds
-ganglion blocker of group of tertiary amines
-is administered enterally
+is administered parenterally
+acts during 10-15 minutes
+acts during 2-4 hours
+is the drug of choice for controlled hypotension
+is used in hypertensive crisis, brain edema, and pulmonary edema
149. Dithylinum:
+is peripheral myorelaxant with depolarizing action
-is peripheral myorelaxant with non-depolarizing action
-acts during 60 minutes
+acts during 5-10 minutes
150. Atropine eliminates the all following symptoms od poisoning by
cholinesterase inhibitors, except:
-pupil narrowing
-hypersecretion of excretory glands
-bradycardia and decrease of blood pressure
-increase of tone of smooth muscles
+increase of tone of skeletal muscles
151. Choose the drugs which eliminate the effects of M-cholinomimetics:
152. Choose the drugs which eliminate the neuromuscular blockage owing to
tubocurarine action:
153. Choose the correct statements:
-drugs which block the cholinergic synapses are divided into drugs with nondepolarizing action and depolarizing action
+M-cholinoblockers decrease the tone of smooth muscles of inner organs, except
of smooth muscles of vessels
-ganglion blockers decrease the blood pressure, because block the
parasympathetic ganglia
+peripheral myorelaxants are used for relaxation of skeletal muscles in surgical
154. Choose the correct statements:
-drugs which block the cholinergic synapses are divided into tertiary amines and
quaternary ammonium compounds
+M-cholinoblockers decrease the secretion of excretory glands
+ganglion blockers decrease the secretion of excretory glands owing to blockage
of parasympathetic ganglia
+peripheral myorelaxants are used for tracheal intubation
155. Choose the correct statements:
-drugs blocking the cholinergic synapses are divided into 3 groups: agents with
short-term action, agents with intermediate action, and agents with long action
+ganglion blockers decrease the tone of smooth muscles of vessels, intestine, and
+M-cholinoblockers increase the intraocular pressure
+peripheral myorelaxants are used for reposition of bone fragments and
156. Alpha-adrenomimetics:
+mesatonum [phenylephrine]
-isadrinum [isoprenaline]
+halazolinum [xylometazoline]
157. Alpha1-adrenomimetic:
158. Alpha2-adrenomimetic:
159. Beta-adrenomimetics:
- halazolinum
160. Alpha-beta-adrenomimetics:
161. Beta1-adrenomimetic:
162. Beta2-adrenomimetics:
163. Beta1,2-adrenomimetic:
164. Alpha1,alpha2,beta1-adrenomimetic:
165. Sympathomimetic:
166. Choose the effects of adrenaline which are result of excitation of alphaadrenoceptors:
-narrowing of pupils
+dilation of pupils
-relaxation of bronchi
-facilitation of atrio-ventricular conductivity
-increase of heart rate
+narrowing of vessels
-dilation of vessels
167. Choose the effects of adrenaline which are result of stimulation of alpha1adrenoceptors:
+dilation of pupils
- relaxation of bronchi
-increase of heart contraction
+narrowing of vessels
168. Choose the effects of adrenaline which are result of stimulation of alpha2adrenoceptors:
+narrowing of vessels
-relaxation of bronchi
+decrease of noradrenaline’s release from the endings of adrenergic nervous
-increase of noradrenaline’s release from the endings of adrenergic nervous
169. Choose the effects of adrenaline which are result of stimulation of betaadrenoceptors:
-dilation of pupils
+increase of heart contraction
+increase of heart rate
+facilitation of atrio-ventricular conductivity
+increase of automatism of sinus node
+dilation of bronchi
+increase of renin’s secretion
170. Choose the effects of adrenaline which are result of stimulation of beta1adrenoceptors:
+increase of heart contraction
+increase of heart rate
+facilitation of atrio-ventricular conductivity
+increase of automatism of sinus node
-dilation of bronchi
+increase of renin’s secretion
171. Choose the effects of adrenaline which are result of stimulation of beta2adrenoceptors:
-narrowing of bronchi
+dilation of bronchi
-narrowing of vessels
+dilation of vessels
-suppression of noradrenaline’s release by the ending of adrenergic nervous
+ stimulation of noradrenaline’s release by the ending of adrenergic nervous
172. Adrenaline increases the concentration of:
+glucose in the blood
+free fatty acids in the blood
-glycogen in skeletal muscles
173. Choose the groups of drugs which cause the dilation of pupils without
influence upon the accommodation:
174. Choose the drugs which cause the mydriasis:
175. Choose the drugs decreasing intraocular pressure:
176. Choose the groups of drugs dilating the bronchi:
177. What is the main effect of dobutamine?
-increase of vessels tone
-decrease of bronchial tone
+increase of heart contraction
178. Choose the groups of drugs narrowing the vessels and increasing the blood
179. Choose the groups of drugs dilating the vessels and decreasing the blood
180. Choose the drug decreasing the blood pressure and causing tachycardia:
181. Choose the drugs increasing blood pressure and causing tachycardia:
182. Beta2-adrenomimetics cause:
-dilation of pupils
+dilation of bronchi
-decrease of blood pressure
+decrease of contraction and tone of uterus
183. Indicate the localization of adrenoceptors:
+cells of effector organs near the endings of sympathetic nervous fibers
- cells of effector organs near the endings of parasympathetic nervous fibers
-neurons of sympathetic ganglia
+neurons of CNS
-chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
+presynaptic membrane of adrenergic synapses
184. The mechanism of action of adrenomimetics is:
+direct stimulation of adrenergic receptors
-stimulation of noradrenaline’s release by the ending of sympathetic nervous
-supression of noradrenaline’s release by the ending of sympathetic nervous
185. The mechanism of action of sympathomimetics:
-stimulation of sympatheitc ganglia
+stimulation of noradrenaline’s release by the ending of sympathetic nervous
-supression of noradrenaline’s release by the ending of sympathetic nervous
186. Alpha1-adrenomimetics cause the dilation of pupils owing to contraction of:
-ciliary muscle
-iris sphincter
+radial muscles of iris
187. Alpha1-adrenomimetics decrease the intraocular pressure owing to:
-facilitation of outflow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber
+suppression of production of aqueous humor
188. Alpha1-adrenomimetics are effective agents in rhinitis because:
-narrow vessels and increase blood pressure
+narrow blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nose and decrease the
-have the antimicrobial effect
189. Alpha1-adrenomimetics increase the blood pressure because:
+narrow the blood vessels
-increase the cardiac output
190. Alpha1-adrenomimetics decrease the heart rate owing to:
-direct stimulation of adrenoceptors of cardiomyocites
-direct inhibition of adrenoceptors in the heart
+increase of blood pressure and reflex activation of vagus’s influence upon the
sinus node
191. Beta1-adrenomimetics are effective in heart failure because increase:
+force of heart contraction
-heart rate
-atrio-ventricular conduction
-automatism of cardiomyocites
192. Beta1,2-adrenomimetics are effective in atrio-ventricular blockage because
-force of heart contraction
-heart rate
+atrio-ventricular conduction
-automatism of cardiomyocites
193. Beta1,2-adrenomimetics cause bronchodilation because stimulate:
-beta1-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of bronchi
+beta2-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of bronchi
-secretion of adrenaline by adrenal medulla
-releasing of noradrenaline by the adrenergic nervous in bronchi
194. Beta2-adrenomimetics cause bronchodilation because stimulate:
+beta2-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of bronchi
-secretion of adrenaline by adrenal medulla
-releasing of noradrenaline by the adrenergic nervous in bronchi
195. In intravenous administration, noradrenaline increase the blood pressure
owing to:
+excitation of alpha1-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of vessels
+excitation of alpha2-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of vessels
-excitation of beta1- and beta2-adrenoceptors of heart
-excitation of beta2-adrenoceptors of vessels
196. In intravenous administration, noradrenaline cause the bradycardia owing
+increase of blood pressure and activation of baroreceptor reflex
-direct stimulation of neurons of baroreceptor reflex center
-direct inhibition of automatism of sinus node
197. Choose the drugs increasing blood pressure owing to the enhance of cardiac
output and of general peripheral resistance:
198. Mesatonum is used:
+in rhinitis
+in hypotension
-in bronchial asthma
-in atrio-ventricular blockage
+in open-angle glaucoma
199. Dobutamine is used:
+in acute heart failure
-in atrio-ventricular blockage
-in bradycardia
200. Choose the indications for use of beta2-adrenominetics:
+bronchial asthma
-heart failure
-arterial hypertension
+premature labor
201. Indications for use of isadrinum:
-arterial hypertension
+bronchial asthma
+atrio-ventricular blockage
-arterial hypotension
-premature labor
202. Indications for use of adrenaline:
+open-angle glaucoma
+interruption of asthma attacks
+heart arrest
+atrio-ventricular blockage
-chronic hypotension
+anaphylactic shock
+hypoglycemic coma
+together with solutions of local anaesthetics
203. The indications for use of noradrenaline:
-heart arrest
-atrio-ventricular blockage
-chronic hypotension
+acute vessels insufficiency
-anaphylactic shock
204. The indications for use of ephedrine:
+bronchial asthma
+atrio-ventricular blockage
+chronic hypotension
+anaphylactic shock
205. Choose drugs which are used in open-angle glaucoma:
206. Choose drugs which are used in rhinitis:
207. Choose agents which are used in bronchospasms:
208. Choose drug which is used in acute heart failure:
209. Choose drugs which are used in atrio-ventricular blockage:
210. Choose drugs which are used for increase of blood pressure:
211. Choose agents which are used for prevention of premature labor:
212. Choose agents which are used together with solutions of local anaesthetics:
213. Indicate the side effect arising in intravenous administration of
noradrenaline or mesatonum with aim of increase of the blood pressure:
-reflex tachycardia
+reflex bradycardia
-increase of atrio-ventricular conduction
214. Indicate the side effects of beta-adrenomimetics:
+cardiac arrhythmias
+decrease of blood pressure
-increase of blood pressure
215. Indicate the side effects of isadrinum:
+cardiac arrhythmias
-increase of blood pressure
+decrease of blood pressure
216. Indicate the side effects of adrenaline:
+cardiac arrhythmias
+arterial hypertension
217. Indicate the side effects of ephedrine:
+drug’s dependence
218. Tahyphylaxis is result of repeated administration of:
219. Mesatonum:
-stimulates heart contraction
+narrows blood vessels
+is administered locally, perorally, and parenterally
-is administered only parenterally
+is used in glaucoma, rhinitis, and hypotension
-is used in bronchial asthma, heart failure, and premature labor
220. Adrenaline and mesatonum are used together with local anaesthetics
solutions for:
+prolongation of local anaesthetics effect
-increase of absorption of local anaesthetic into the blood
+decrease of absorption of local anaesthetic into the blood
+decrease the systemic side effects of local anaesthetics
221. Halazolinum:
-is administered intravenously
-is used in arterial hypotension
+is used in rhinitis
222. Choose drugs which are effective in peroral administration:
223. Salbutamol:
+is used perorally
+is used in inhalations
-causes the marked tachycardia
+insignificantly influences upon the heart rate
+is used as broncholytic
+is used for prevention of premature labor
224. Adrenaline:
+can cause extrasystoles
+is drug of choice in anaphylactic shock
-decreases the oxygen demand of myocardium
+decreases the bronchial tone
+is effective only in parenteral administration
225. Isadrinum:
-is used perorally
+is used sublingually
+is used in inhalations
-stimulates both alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors
+relaxes the bronchi
+causes tachycardia
+is used in atrio-ventricular blockage and bronchospasms
226. Noradrenaline:
+stimulates alpha- and beta-1-adrenoceptors
+causes reflex bradycardia
-is effective broncholytic
+is effective vasoconstrictor
227. Choose the correct statements:
-drugs stimulating adrenergic receptors are divided only into two groups: alphaadrenomimetics and beta-adrenomimetics
+main effect of alpha-adrenomimetics is the narrowing of blood vessels
+indications for use of beta-2-adrenomimetics are bronchospasm and premature
-alpha-adrenomimetics narrow blood vessels owing to stimulation of vasomotor
228. Alpha-adrenoblockers:
-anaprilinum [propranolol]
229. beta-adrenoblockers:
230. Alpha,beta-adrenoblocker:
231. Alpha-1-adrenoblockers:
232. Alpha-1,2-adrenoblockers:
233. Beta-1-adrenoblockers:
234. Beta-1,2-adrenoblockers:
235. Sympatholytics:
236. Alpha-adrenoblockers decrease:
+tone of blood vessels
+blood pressure
+tone of smooth muscle of the bladder neck and of the prostate
-heart rate
237. Phentolamine decreases:
+tone of blood vessels
+blood pressure
-heart rate
238. Beta-adrenoblockers decrease:
+force of heart contraction
+heart rate
+atrio-ventricular conduction
+automatism of sinus node
-bronchial tone
-contraction of uterus
+secretion of renin
+intraocular pressure
239. Beta-adrenoblockers can increase:
-force of cardiac contraction
+tone of peripheral vessels
+tone of smooth muscle of bronchi
+tone and contractility of uterus
-glucose’s level in the blood
240. Indicate the effects of anaprilinum:
+decrease of heart rate and force of cardiac contraction
+worsening of atrio-ventricular conduction
+decrease of automatism of sinus node
+lowering of blood pressure
-increase of renin’s secretion
+increase of tone and contractility of uterus
241. Labetalol decreases:
+force of cardiac contraction and heart rate
+cardiac output
+tone of blood vessels
+blood pressure
-tone of bronchi
-tone and contractility of uterus
242. Indicate the cardio-vascular effects of reserpine:
-increase of cardiac output
+decrease of cardiac output
-increase of tone of peripheral vessels (increase of general peripheral resistance)
+decrease of tone of peripheral vessels (decrease of general peripheral
-increase of blood pressure
+decrease of blood pressure
243. Effect of reserpine in gastrointestinal tract:
+increase of intestinal motility
-decrease of intestinal motility
-both answers are incorrect
244. Reserpine:
+increases the gastric secretion
-suppresses the gastric secretion
245. Indicate the effects or reserpine in central nervous system:
-psychostimulative effect
+psychosedative effect
-antidepressive effect
+psychical depression
246. Indicate the drugs blocking adrenoceptors:
247. Phentolamine blocks:
-sympathetic ganglia
+presynaptic alpha-adrenoceptors
+postsynaptic alpha-adrenoceptors
-postsynaptic beta-adrenoceptors
-presynaptic beta-adrenoceptors
+alpha-adrenoceptors located outside of the synapses
248. Phentolamine increases the release of noradrenaline from the sympathetic
nervous terminals owing to:
-sympathomimetic effect
+blockage of presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors
-suppression of reuptake of noradrenalie
249. Choose the drugs which relax blood vessels and decrease the blood pressure
owing to blockage of alpha-adrenoceptors:
250. Beta-adrenoblockers decrease the blood pressure owing to:
+decrease of cardiac output
-suppression of atrio-ventricular conduction
+decrease of renin’s secretion
251. Beta-adrenoblockers are effective in angina pectoris because:
-cause dilation of blood vessels
+decrease the heart work and oxygen demand of myocardium
-stimulate the metabolism of myocardium
252. Beta-adrenoblockers are effective in tachyarrhythmias and in extrasystoles
-decrease the force of cardiac contraction
+ decrease the heart rate
+suppress the atrio-ventricular conduction
+decrease the automatism of cardiomyocytes
253. Labetalol decreases blood pressure because blocks:
+alpha-1-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of vessels
-alpha-2-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of vessels
- beta-2-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles of vessels
+ beta-1-adrenoceptors of cardiomycytes
254. Indicate the localization of action of sympatholytics:
-sympathetic ganglia
+endings of adrenergic nervous fibers
-adrenoceptors of cells of inner organs
255. What is the mechanism of action of sympatholytics?
-stimulation of MAO
-blockage of adrenoceptors
+decrease of noradrenaline’s release from the adrenergic nervous terminals
256. Reserpine blocks:
+the reuptake of noradrenaline by the vesicles of adrenergic fibers
-the releasing of noradrenaline by the adrenergic fibers
+the reuptake of dopamine by the vesicles of adrenergic fibers
257. Sympatholytics decrease the blood pressure owing to blockage of
sympathetic influence upon:
+the heart
+the blood vessels
-the chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
258. Choose the indications for use of alpha-adrenoblockers:
+treatment of hypertensive disease
+interruption of hypertensive crisis
+spasms of peripheral vessels
+pulmonary edema
+benign prostatic hypertrophy
-bronchial asthma
259. Choose alpha-adrenoblocker which is used for chronic treatment of
hypertensive disease:
260. Choose the indications for use of beta-adrenoblockers:
+angina pectoris
+hypertensive disease
+tachyarrhythmias and extrasystoles
-bronchial asthma
-atrio-ventricular blockage
261. Choose the drugs which are effective in angina pectoris:
262. Choose the groups of drugs which are effective in hypertensive disease:
263. Choose the agents which are used for interruption of hypertensive crisis:
264. Choose the agents which are used for chronic treatment of hypertensive
265. Choose the indications for use of labetalol:
+hypertensive crisis
+chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
-angina pectoris
-cardiac arrhythmias
266. The main indication for use of reserpine is:
-hypertensive crisis
+chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
-angina pectoris
-cardiac arrhythmias
267. Indicate the side effects of non-selective alpha-adrenoblockers:
+postural hypotension
-atrio-ventricular blockage
268. Tachycardia and postural hypotension are typical side effects of:
269. Indicate the side effects of beta-1,2-adrenoblockers:
+suppression of atrio-ventricular conduction
+aggravation of heart failure
+spasm of peripheral vessels
+increase of tone and contractility of uterus
-intestinal atony
270. Choose the typical side effects of beta-1-adrenoblockers:
+inhibition of atrio-ventricular conduction
+aggravation of heart failure
-spasm of peripheral vessels
-increase of tone and contractility of uterus
271. Choose the side effects of alpha,beta-adrenoblockers:
+postural hypotension
+suppression of atrio-ventricular conduction
+aggravation of heart failure
272. The side effects of sympatholytics are:
+aggravation of heart failure
+increase of gastric secretion
+increase of intestinal motility
-bladder atony
273. Choose drugs causing postural hypotension:
274. Indicate the drugs which are contraindicated in atrio-ventricular blockage:
275. Indicate the drugs which are contraindicated in bronchial asthma:
276. The side effects of reserpine are:
+psychical depression
-intestinal atony
+stuffiness of nose
+increase of gastric secretion
277. Phentolamine:
-reduces all effects of adrenaline
+stimulates the release of noradrenaline from the adrenergic fibers
+causes the marked tachycardia
+is used in disturbances of peripheral blood flow
-is used for chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
278. Prazosin:
+selectively blocks alpha-1-adrenergic receptors
+decreases the blood pressure owing to the widening of blood vessels
+causes insignificant reflex tachycardia
-stimulates the heart work
+is used for chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
+is used for treatment of chronic heart failure
279. Anaprilinum:
+decreases the heart rate
+decreases the cardiac output
+eliminates the arrhythmogenic action of adrenaline
-facilitates the atrio-ventricular conduction
+is used for treatment of stenocardia, tachyarrhythmias, and hypertensive
Egypt lover
1. Choose the agents for inhalation anaesthesia:
-thiopental sodium
+phthorotanum [halothane]
+nitrous oxide
-ketamine [kalipsol]
2. Gaseous anaesthetic:
-phthorotanum [halothane]
+nitrous oxide
3. Volatile liquids:
+phthorotanum [halothane]
-nitrous oxide
4. Drugs for intravenous anaesthesia:
+thiopental sodium
5. Phthorothanum [halothane]:
+has high anaesthetic activity
+increases the sensitivity of heart to adrenaline
+increases the action of non-depolarizing myorelaxants
-is used for intravenous anaesthesia
6. Nitrous oxide:
+ has low anaesthetic activity
-causes significant relaxation of skeletal muscles
-irritates the mucous membranes of respiratory tract
+has marked analgesic activity
7. Thiopental sodium:
+causes anaesthesia in 1-2 minutes after intravenous administration
+acts during 20-30 minutes
-acts during 1-3 hours
+is accumulated in adipose tissues
-has marked analgesic action
8. The short-time action of thiopental sodium is result of:
-high speed of drug’s biotransformation in the liver
-fast drug’s elimination by kidneys
+fast drug’s redistribution in organism (accumulation in adipose tissues)
9. Ketamine:
-causes the deep surgical anaesthesia
+causes the loss of consciousness and general analgesia
-hasn’t analgesic activity
+is antagonist of NMDA-receptors
+can cause the disphoria and hallucinations in postoperative period
10. Propofol:
+causes the anaesthesia in 30-40 seconds after intravenous administration
-has marked analgesic action
+has short-time effect (3-10 minutes)
11. Choose the side effects of halothane:
-increase of blood pressure
+cardiac arrhythmias
12. Choose the side effects of ketamine:
+increase of blood pressure
+postoperative hallucinations
13. Bradycardia, hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias are side effects of:
-thiopental sodium
-nitrous oxide
14. Choose the agents which promote the development of arrhythmias in
halothane anaesthesia:
15. Choose agent which increases the sensitivity of myocardium to adrenaline:
-thipental sodium
-nitrous oxide
16. The anaeasthetic action of general anaesthetics after the administration of
+is increased
-is decreased
-both answers are incorrect
17. The drug A. is inhalation anaesthetic with high anaesthetic activity. It causes
the bradycardia, decreases the blood pressure, and causes the sensitization of
myocardium to adrenaline. Define drug A.
-nitrous oxide
18. The drug A. is inhalation anaesthetic with low anaesthetic activity. An agent
has the marked analgesic action, is used for analgesia in myocardial infarction.
Define the drug A.
-thipental sodium
+nitrous oxide
19. After the intravenous administration, the drug A. causes the development of
anaesthesia in 1-2 minutes. The duration of anaesthesia up to 30 minutes. The
drug A. is fastly accumulated in adipose tissues. Define the drug A.
+thiopental sodium
20. The drug A. is administered intravenously. Duration of anaesthesia is 5-10
minutes. This drug causes the development of so-called “dissociative”
anaesthesia. In postoperative period, the hallucinations are common. Define the
drug A.
-thiopental sodium
21. Choose the correct statements:
-the duration of thiopental sodium action is 3-5 minutes
+nitrous oxide is used for analgesia in myocardial infarction
+ketamine is competitive antagonist of NMDA-receptors
22. Choose the correct statements:
-nitrous oxide is the most active agent for inhalation anaesthesia
+thiopental sodium has low analgesic activity
-halothane in administered intravenously
23. Choose the correct statements:
+ketamine is agent for intravenous anaesthesia
-the duration of thiopental sodium action is 1-3 hours
+halothane causes the sensitization of myocardium to adrenaline
24. Choose the correct statements:
+nitrous oxide has the marked analgesic action
-halothane has less anaesthetic activity than nitrous oxide
-halothane causes the dissociative anaesthesia
25. Choose the correct statements:
-halothane is drug for intravenous anaesthesia
+thiopental sodium is accumulated in adipose tissues
-propofol is drug for inhalation anaesthesia
26. Choose the correct statements:
-the duration of ketamine’s action is 1-3 minutes
-nitrous oxide has prolonged anaesthetic effect
+nitrous oxide has the less anaesthetic activity than halothane
27. Choose the correct statements:
-nitrous oxide causes the sensitization of myocardium to adrenaline
-thiopental sodium causes the prolonged stage of excitement
+halothane decreases the blood pressure
28. Choose the hypnotics of group of benzodiazepine derivatives:
-aethaminalum sodium
29. Choose hypnotics which are the agonists of benzodiazepine receptors:
30. Indicate the non-benzodiazepine agonist of benzodiazepine receptors:
-aethaminalum sodium
31. Choose the hypnotics with narcotic type of action:
+chloral hydrate
+aethaminal sodium
32. Choose the hypnotic – derivative of barbituric acid:
+aethaminal sodium
-chloral hydrate
33. Indicate the hypnotic which are aliphatic compound:
-aethaminal sodium
+chloral hydrate
34. Choose the effects of diazepam:
-increase of skeletal muscles tone
35. Choose correct statement: Продолжительность фазы «быстрого» сна
-barbiturates prolong the duration of REM-sleep
+barbiturates decrease the duration of REM-sleep
-both statements are incorrect
36. Indicate the hypnotic which doesn’t affect the structure of sleep:
-aethaminalum sodium
37. Choose the correct answer:
-benzodiazepines more influence upon the sleep structure than barbiturates
+benzodiazepines less influence upon the sleep structure than barbiturates
-both answers are incorrect
38. Choose the correct answers: При снижении активности микросомальных
ферментов печени длительность действия этаминал-натрия:
-in patient with low activity of microsomal enzymes the duration of
ethaminalum sodium action is decreased
+in patient with low activity of microsomal enzymes the duration of
ethaminalum sodium action is increased
-the activity of microsomal enzymes don’t influence upon the duration of
ethaminalum sodium action
39. Barbiturates:
+cause the induction of microsomal enzymes of liver
-inhibit microsomal enzymes of liver
-don’t influence upon the microsomal activity of liver
40. Zolpidem:
-blocks the benzodiazepine receptors in CNS
-decreases the GABA-ergic processes in CNS
+stimulates the GABA-ergic processes in CNS
+is used as hypnotic agent
41. Aethaminalum sodium:
-is benzodiazepine derivative
+significantly affects the structure of sleep
+causes the rebound-syndrome after sudden interruption of drug’s intake
+induces the microsomal enzymes of liver
+causes the drug dependence if is used chronically
42. Aethaminalum sodium:
-interacts with benzodiazepine receptors
+interacts with barbiturate receptors
+enhances GABA-ergic processes in CNS
-suppresses GABA-ergic processes in CNS
43. Nitrazepam:
+has anxiolytic effect
+has hypnotic effect
-relaxes skeletal muscles owing to blockage of neuro-muscular transmission
+relaxes skeletal muscles owing to central action
+has anticonvulsive effect
+can cause the drug dependence
+interacts with benzodiazepine receptors
44. Nitrazepam stimulates GABa-ergic processes in CNS owing to:
-inhibition of GABA-transpherase
-interaction with GABA-receptors
+interaction with benzodiazepine receptors
45. In comparison with ethaminalum sodium, nitrazepam:
-doesn’t cause sedation
+less influences upon the sleep structure
-doesn’t cause the drug dependence
46. Choose the side effects of barbiturates:
+disturbances of sleep structure
+drug dependence
47. It is known, that after the sudden cessation of hypnotics intake the reboundsyndrome is commonly developed. What is cause of it?
-induction of microsomal enzymes of liver
+influence of drugs upon the structure of sleep
-material cummulation of drug
48. Choose hypnotic agent with the most significant influence upon the sleep
+aethaminalum sodium
22. An ability to shorten a phase of a REM-sleep decreases in sequence:
-zolpidem – nitrazepam – aethaminalum sodium
-aethaminalum sodium – zolpidem - nitrazepam
+aethaminalum sodium – nitrazepam – zolpidem
49. Indicate side effect which is result of ability of hypnotic drugs to destroy the
structure of sleep:
-drug dependence
50. In case of barbiturates use, the afteraction is result of:
-the change in sleep structure
-the induction of microsomal enzymes of liver
+the slow elimination of drug from the body
51. In case of poisoning by hypnotics, choose the measures which are used for
decrease of drug’s absorption in gastro-intestinal tract:
+gastric lavage
+administration of adsorptive drugs
+administration of saline laxatives
-administration of drugs decreasing of intestinal motility
52. In case of acute poisoning by hypnotics with narcotic type of action,
analeptics are used:
+only in easy degree of the poisoning
-only in heavy degree of the poisoning
-in any degree of the poisoning
53. Choose the agent which is used in acute poisoning by nitrazepam:
-cholinesterase reactivatirs
54. Flumazenil is:
-hypnotic agent
+derivative of benzodiazepine
-agonist of benzodiazepine receptors
+antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors
55. Choose correct statements:
-zolpidem is derivative of barbituric acid
-aethaminalum sodium is aliphatic compound
+phenazepam is agonist of benzodiazepine receptors
+zolpidem is non-benzodiazepine derivative of benzodiazepine receptors
56. Choose correct statements:
-chronic administration of aethaminalum sodium doesn’t result in drug
-barbiturates don’t affect the sleep structure
+phenobarbital is used for treatment of epilepsy
57. Choose correct statements:
+barbiturates can cause the rebound-syndrome
-diazepam inhibits GABA-ergic processes into the brain
-zolpidem inhibits GABA-ergic processes into the brain
58. Choose correct statements:
-nitrazepam is derivative of barbituric acid
+zolpidem insignificantly influences upon sleep structure
+aethaminalum sodium increases the GABA-ergic processes into CNS
59. Choose correct statements:
+flumazenil is antagonist of zolpidem
+in comparison with barbiturates, benzodiazepines less affect the sleep structure
-phenazepam suppresses GABA-ergic processes into CNS
60. Choose correct statements:
+nitrazepam is derivative of benzodiazepine
-aethaminalum sodium is excreted by kidneys mainly as unchanged substance
+zolpidem interacts with benzodiazepine receptors
+diazepam causes the relaxation of skeletal muscles
61. Choose correct statements:
+aethaminalum sodium is derivative of barbituric acid
+ in comparison with barbiturates, nitrazepam less affects the sleep structure
+diazepam has anxiolytic effect
+zolpidem has little influence upon the sleep structure
-barbiturates suppress the activity of microsomal enzymes of liver
62. Choose correct statements:
+nitrazepam is derivative of benzodiazepine
+aethaminalum sodium undergoes low metabolism in the liver
-phenazepam is derivative of barbituric acid
-flumazenil is antagonist of barbiturates
63. Choose correct statements:
-zolpidem suppresses GABA-ergic processes into CNS
+phenazepam is anxiolytic with marked hypnotic action
+nitrazepam increases the sensitivity of GABA-receptors to GABA
+phenazepam can cause the drug dependence
64. Choose antiepileptic drugs:
+valproate sodium
+dipheninum [phenytoin]
65. Choose drugs which are used for prevention of grand mal epilepsy:
+dipheninum [phenytoin]
+valproate sodium
66. Choose the drugs which are used for prevention of petit mal epilepsy:
-dipheninum [phenytoin]
67. Choose the drugs which are used for treatment of partial epilepsy:
+valproate sodium
+dipheninum [phenytoin]
68. Choose the drugs which are used for treatment of myoclonic epilepsy:
+valproate sodium
69. Choose the drugs which are used for interruption of status epilepticus:
+general anaesthetics
70. What drugs are effective in all forms of epilepsy?
+valproate sodium
-dipheninum [phenytoin]
71. Choose the antiepileptic agents having hypnotic and sedative effects:
-dipheninum [phenytoin]
72. Choose the agent with antiepileptic, central myorelaxive, hypnotic, and
anxiolytic effects:
-dipheninum [phenytoin]
73. What is mechanism of action of diazepam and phenobarbital?
-increase of GABA synthesis
-direct excitation of GABA-receptors
+increase of sensitivity of GABA-receptors to GABA
-inhibition of enzyme inactivating GABA
74. Valproate sodium:
-inhibits glutamate-ergic processes into CNS
+increases GABA-ergic processes into CNS
+increases the synthesis of GABA and suppresses GABA inactivation
+is used in all forms of epilepsy
75. Choose the indications for use of carbamazepine:
-myoclinic epilepsy
+grand mal epilepsy
+partial epilepsy
76. Choose the indications for use of dipheninum [phenytoin]:
-petit mal epilepsy
+grand mal epilepsy
+partial epilepsy
77. Choose the indications for use of phenobarbital:
+grand mal epilepsy
-petit mal epilepsy
-myoclonic epilepsy
78. Lamotrigine:
-activates GABA-ergic system of brain
+decreases the activity of glutamate-ergic system of brain
+decreases the release of glutamate by nervous fibers
+is effective in all forms of epilepsy
79. The drug A. has antiepileptic, hypnotic, and sedative effects. It stimulates
GABA-ergic processes in brain and induces the activity of microsomal enzymes
of liver. What is drug A.?
-dipheninum [phenytoin]
80. The drug A. has antiepileptic, hypnotic, central myorelaxive, and anxiolytic
activities owing to stimulation of GABA-ergic processes in brain. It is used for
interruption of status epilepticus. What is drug A.?
-dipheninum [phenytoin]
81. Choose the groups of drugs which are used for treatment of Parkinson
+central cholinoblockers
-drugs blocking dopamine-ergic receptors
+drugs stimulating dopamine-ergic processes in brain
+blockers of NMDA-receptors
-agonists of NMDA-receptors
82. Choose the groups of antiparkinsonic drugs which stimulate dopamine-ergic
processes in brain:
+precursors of dopamine
-blockers of cholinergic receptors
+inhibitors of МАО-В
+agonists of dopamine-ergic receptors
83. Choose drugs which are used for treatment of Parkinson disease:
+midantanum [amantadine]
+selegiline [deprenyl]
84. Choose antiparkinsonic drugs stimulating dopamine-ergic processes in the
+selegiline [deprenyl]
85. Choose the drugs which increase the level of dopamine in the basal nucleus
of brain:
+selegiline [deprenyl]
86. Choose drug inhibiting cholinergic processes in brain:
87. Choose drug which inhibits glutamate-ergic processes in the brain:
88. Levodopa:
+is precursor of dopamine
+increases the synthesis of dopamine into the brain and in peripheral tissues
-suppresses the biotransformation of dopamine
-inhibits МАО-В
-directly stimulates dopamine receptors
+predominantly decreases the hypokinesia and rigidity in patients with
Parkinson disease
89. What enzyme participates in transformation of levodopa in dopamine?
90. Indicate an agent which is used together with levodopa for reduction of
peripheral side effects and strengthening of antiparkinsonic action:
91. What agent is inhibitor of peripheral DOPA decarboxylase?
92. Carbidopa:
+doesn’t penetrate trough blood-brain barrier
-easily penetrates trough blood-brain barrier
-inhibits central DOPA-decarboxylase
+inhibits peripheral DOPA-decarboxylase
93. Carbidopa doesn’t interferes to transformation of levodopa in dopamene
into the brain because:
-DOPA-decarboxylase is insensitive to carbidopa
+carbidopa doesn’t penetrate trough blood-brain barrier
94. What is the aim of combination of levodopa with carbidopa?
-delay of dopamine inactivation into CNS
+inhibition of synthesis of dopamine in peripheral tissues
-stimulation of synthesis of dopamine into CNS
95. What is the aim of the simultaneous use of levodopa and carbidopa?
+decrease of side effects of levodopa in peripheral tissues
+increase of antiparkinsonic action of levodopa
-decrease of synthesis of dopamine into the brain
96. Choose groups of drugs which are used for reduction of side effects of
-non-selective MAO inhibitors
+inhibitors of peripheral DOPA-decarboxylase
+blockers of peripheral dopamine receptors
97. Selegiline:
+is inhibitor of МАО-В
-is central cholinoblocker
-is more effective than levodopa
+is commonly used together with levodopa
98. Cyclodolum:
+is central cholinoblocker
-is more effective than levodopa in treatment of Parkinson disease
+ is less effective than levodopa in treatment of Parkinson disease
+is contraindicated in glaucoma
+is used in iatrogenic parkinsonism
99. Midantanum:
-stimulates cholinoceptors
+is non-competitive antagonist of NMDA-receptors
-inhibits DOPA-decarboxylase
+decreases the hypokinesia and rigidity in patients with parkinsonism
+has less efficacy than levodopa
100. Choose opioid analgesics:
101. Choose the agonists of opioid receptors:
102. Choose the agonists-antagonists of opioid receptors:
103. Choose the non-opioid analgesic with central mechanism of action:
104. Indicate non-opioid drugs of different pharmacological groups which have
the analgesic activity:
+nitrous oxide
105. Morphine is:
+opioid analgesic
+alkaloid of plant origin
-antagonist of opioid receptors
-inhibitor of COX
106. Choose the effects of opioid analgesics:
+inhibition of breathing
-decrease of body temperature
-anti-inflammatory effect
+drug abuse
107. Morphine causes:
+inhibition of respiration
-anti-inflammatory effect
-antipyretic effect
+antitussive effect
108. Under the influence of morphine, the sensitivity of respiratory center to
carbonic gas:
+is decreased
-is increased
-both answers are incorrect
109. Morphine:
-increases the sensitivity of cough center
+decreases the sensitivity of cough center
-doesn’t change the sensitivity of cough center
110. Morphine causes:
-dilation of pupils
+narrowing of pupils
-both answers are incorrect
111. Under the morphine influence, the tone of sphincters of gastro-intestinal
-is decreased
+is increased
-morphine doesn’t affect the tone of sphincters
112. Indicate the gastrointestinal effects of morphine:
+increase of tone of sphincters
+decrease of secretion of gastrointestinal tract
-increase of intestinal motility
+decrease of intestinal motility
113. The therapeutic doses of morphine:
-increase the blood pressure
-decrease the blood pressure
+don’t change the blood pressure
114. The duration of analgesic effect of morphine is:
-20-30 minutes
+4-6 hours
-8-12 hours
115. Fentanyl:
+opioid analgesic
+agonist of opioid receptors
-antagonist of opioid receptors
116. The analgesic activity of fentanyl is:
-equal to activity of morphine
+higher than activity of morphine
-less than activity of morphine
117. Fentanyl:
-suppresses the respiratory center as morphine
-suppresses the respiratory center less than morphine
+suppresses the respiratory center more than morphine
118. In comparison with morphine, fentanyl:
-has longer duration of action
+has shorter duration of action
119. Promedolum:
+is opioid analgesic
-is natural alkaloid
+is synthetic agent
-has higher activity than morphine
-acts longer than morphine
120. In comparison with morphine, the opioid analgesics of group of agonistsantagonists:
-are more effective
+less inhibit the respiration
-more often cause the drug abuse
+more seldom cause the drug abuse
-have more influence upon the smooth muscles of inner organs
+less inhibit the intestinal motility
121. Buprenorphine:
+is opioid analgesic
+is partial agonist of opioid receptors
-is antagonist of opioid receptors
+inhibits the respiration less than morphine
+causes drug abuse more seldom than morphine
122. Butorphanol:
+has analgesic activity approximately identical to morphine
+is partial agonist of opioid receptors
-inhibits the respiration more than morphine
+causes the drug abuse more seldom than morphine
+can cause the disphoria and hallucinations
123. Choose the endogenous opioid peptides:
124. Coose the drugs stimulating opioid receptors:
125. Choose the indications for use of opioid analgesics:
+strong pain in traumas, burns, malignant tumors
+pain in myocardial infarction
126. Choose drugs which are used for prevention of painful shock:
127. Choose agents which are used for pain relief in myocardial infarction:
128. Indicate agent which is used for neuroleptanalgesia:
129. Indicate the side effects of morphine:
+inhibition of respiration
+nausea, vomiting
-increase of blood pressure
+spasm of Oddi sphincter
130. The prolonged use of opioid analgesics result in:
+drug dependence
131. The withdrawal syndrome in persons chronically using morphine is result
-increase of morphine dose
+interruption of morphine administration
+administration of naloxone
132. Choose the symptoms of acute poisoning by morphine:
-psychomotor excitement
+inhibition of respiration
-increase of body temperature
133. Naloxone:
-stimulates the opioid receptors
+blocks the opioid receptors
+is used in overdose of opioid analgesics
134. Naloxone eliminates:
-only analgesic effect of opioid analgesics
-only inhibition of respiration owing to overdose of opioid analgesics
+both effects
135. Tramadol:
-blocks the sodium channels of neuronal membranes
-inhibits COX-3 into the brain
+is analgesic with mixed action (opioid + non-opioid)
+stimulates the opioid receptors
+activates the adrenergic and serotoninergic systems of brain
+has less narcogenic potential than morphine
136. The drug A. is natural alkaloid. It causes the analgesia, euphoria, miosis,
inhibition of respiration. This agent is used in traumatic and postoperative pain.
What is drug A?
137. The drug A. is synthetic opioid analgesic. This drug is characterized by less
analgesic activity than morphine and low insignificant influence upon the
smooth muscles of inner organs. The effects of drug A. is eliminated by
naloxone. What is drug A?
138. The drug A. has higher analgesic activity than morphine. It has short
duration of action and is used for neuroleptanalgesia. What is drug A?
139. Choose the correct answers:
-tramadol is antispasmodic
+the analgesic activity of morphine is less than analgesic activity of fentanyl
+naloxone is antagonist of opioid analgesics
140. Choose the correct answers:
-fentanyl is antagonist of opioid receptors
+naloxone is antagonist of opioid receptors
-morphine relaxes the smooth muscles of bronchi
141. Choose the correct answers:
+morphine is plant alkaloid
+promedolum is opioid analgesic
-naloxone inhibits the respiration
142. Choose the correct answers:
+buprenorphine is agonist-antagonist of opioid receptors
+morphine blocks the pain transduction through the afferent pass-ways of brain
-fentanyl acts longer than 12 hours
143. Choose the correct answers:
+morphine causes the euphoria
-opioid analgesics don’t cause the drug abuse
+naloxone is used in acute poisoning by morphine
144. Choose the correct answers:
-promedolum is non-opioid analgesic
+morphine causes the euphoria
+morphine is used in myocardial infarction
145. Choose the correct answers:
+the analgesic activity of fentanyl is more than activity of morphine
-ketamine is opioid analgesic
146. Choose the correct answers:
-promedolum has the anti-inflammatory activity
+morphine suppresses the intestinal motility
+fentanyl is used for neuroleptanalgesia
147. Choose antipsychotic drugs:
148. Choose the typical antipsychotic drugs:
149. Choose the atypical antipsychotic drugs:
150. Choose the derivatives of phenothiazine:
151. Choose the butyrophenone derivatives:
152. Choose the effects of neuroleptics - phenothiazines:
-increase of motor activity
+decrease of motor activity
153. Choose neuroleptics which reduce the productive symptoms of psychosis
(hallucinations and delirium) and commonly cause the extrapyramidal
154. Choose neuroleptics which reduce the productive symptoms of psychosis
(hallucinations and delirium) and seldom cause the extrapyramidal
155. Antipsychotic effect is result of:
-stimulation of adrenergic processes in CNS
-inhibition of adrenergic processes in CNS
-stimulation of dopaminergic processes in CNS
+inhibition of dopaminergic processes in CNS
156. What is the main mechainism of antipsychotic action of neuroleptics –
phenothiazine derivatives?
-decrease of dopamine storage into vesicles of neurons
+blockage of dopaminergic receptors in postsynaptic membrane
157. Antipsychotic effect of neuroleptics mainly is result of blockage of
dopaminergic neurons in:
-basal nucleus
+mesolymbic system
158. Antiemetic effect of neuroleptics is result of blockage of dopaminergic
receptors of:
+trigger-zone of emetic center
-mesolymbic system
-basal nucleus
159. Hypotermic effect of neuroleptics is result of blockage of dopaminergic
receptors in:
-mesolymbic system
-basal nucleus
160. Antipsychotic agents increase the release of prolactin owing to blockage of
dopaminergic receptors in:
-mesolymbic system
-basal nucleus
+hypothalamic-hypophisis system
161. Antipsychotic agents cause extrapyramidal disturbances owing to blockage
of dopaminergic receptors of:
-mesolymbic system
+basal nucleus
162. Аminazine:
+reduces the productive symptoms of psychisis (hallucination and delirium)
+has sedative action
+reduces the motor activity
-has antidepressive action
+has antiemetic action
+causes the extrapyramidal disturbances
163. The effects of hypnotics, general anaesthetics, and opioid analgesics under
influence of aminazine:
+is increased
-is decreased
-do not change
164. A blood pressure under the influence of aminazine:
-is increased
+is decreased
-don’t change
165. What neuroleptic has the most marked hypotensive action?
166. In comparison with aminazine, fluphenazine:
+has less sedative efect
+has less influence upon the vegetative innervation
-seldom causes the extrapyramidal disturbances
167. Haloperidol:
-is phenothiazine derivative
+has less sedative effect than aminazine
+has less peripheral effects than aminazine
168. Droperidol:
-acts longer than haloperidol
+acts shorter than haloperidol
+is used for neuroleptanalgesia
169. Clozapine:
+reduces the productive symptoms of psychosis (hallucination and delirium)
+has sedative efect
-has antidepressive effect
+can cause the leucopenia and agranulocytosis
+seldom causes the extrapyramidal disturbances
170. Sulpiride:
+is atypical neuroleptic
+has low sedative effect
-has antidepressive effect
+doesn’t affect the leucopoiesis
171. Choose the indications for use of neuroleptics:
+vomiting of central origin
+for potentiation of effects of general anaesthetics and analgesics
-for treatment of Parkinson disease
+for cessation of acute psycho-motor excitement
172. Choose neuroleptic which is used for neuroleptanalgesia:
173. What is cause of extrapyramidal disturbances in case of chronic
administration of typical neuroleptics?
+blockage of dopaminergic receptors of basal nucleus
-blockage of adrenergic receptors of basal nucleus
- blockage of cholinergic receptors of basal nucleus
174. Choose neuroleptics which commonly cause the extrapyramidal
175. Choose neuroleptics which seldom cause the extrapyramidal disturbances:
176. What group of antiparkinsonic drugs are used for correction of
neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism?
-agonists of dopaminergic receptors
+central cholinoblockers
-inhibitors of МАО-В
177. What antiparkinsonic drug is used for correction of neuroleptic-induced
178. Choose antidepressants:
+imizine [imipramine]
179. Choose antidepressants – nonselective inhibitors of neuronal reuptake of
+imizine [imipramine]
180. Choose antidepressant – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor:
181. Choose antidepressant – selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor:
182. Choose antidepressant – non-selective inhibitor of МАО (МАО-А + МАОВ):
183. Choose antidepressant – selective inhibitor of МАО-А:
184. Choose the effects of imixine:
185. Choose the effects of amitriptyline:
186. Moclobemide:
+inhibits МАО-А
+has antidepressive action
+has psychostimulative action
-inhibits the reuptake of monoamines
187. Fluoxetine:
-inhibits the reuptake of noradrenaline
+has psychostimulative action
+doesn’t affect the adrenoceptors
-blocks M-cholinoceptors
+inhibits the reuptake of serotonine
188. Maprotiline:
+has sedative action
-affects the reuptake of serotonine
+affects the reuptake of noradrenaline
-is antipsychotic agent
+is antidepressant
+has psychostimulative action
189. Antidepressive effect of imizine is result of:
+inhibition of neuronal reuptake of monoamines
-blockage of central M-cholinoceptors
-inhibition of activity of MAO
-direct excitation of adrenoceptors
190. Antidepressive effect of moclobemide is result of:
-inhibition of neuronal reuptake of noradrenaline and serotonine
+inhibition of МАО-А
-direct stimulation of adrenoceptors
191. Choose drugs which are used for treatment of depression:
-lithium carbonate
192. Choose drugs’ groups which are used for treatment of mania:
+lithium salts
+antipsychotics with marked psychosedative effect
193. Lithium salts are used for:
+treatment of bipolar psychosis (manic-depressive psychosis)
-for treatment of epilepsy
+for treatment and prevention of mania
194. Drug A. reduces the productive symptoms of psychosis (hallucinations,
delirium), has sedative and antiemetic activity, causes the extrapyramidal
disturbances, and decreases the blood pressure. What is drug A.?
-lithium carbonate
195. What agent has antipsychotic, psychosedative, and antidepressive effects
and causes extrapyramidal disturbances?
196. Drug A. reduces the productive symptoms of psychosis (hallucinations and
delirium) and very seldom causes the extrapyramidal disturbances. As
complication of therapy by drug A., the agranulocytosis is possible. What is drug
197. Drug A. has antidepressive and sedative effects. It is non-selective inhibitor
of neuronal reuptake of monoamines (noradrenaline and serotonine). Identify
drug A.:
-lithium carbonate
198. Drug A. has antidepressive and psychostimulative effects. It is selective
inhibitor of serotonine reuptake. Drug has not antimuscarinic activity. Identify
drug A.:
199. Choose the correct statements:
-haloperidol has antidepressive effect
+imizine has sedative effect
-amitriptyline has psychostimulative effect
200. Choose the correct statements:
+aminazine is used for elimination of acute symptoms of psychosis (delirium,
-sulpiride is used for treatment of depression
+maprotiline is used for treatment of depression
201. Choose the correct statements:
+lithium carbonate is drug for treatment and prevention of mania
-sulpiride is antidepressant
-maprotiline is antipsychotic agent
+fluphenazine is antipsychotic agent
202. Choose the correct statements:
+chlorprothixene is antipsychotic agent
-imizine is used for treatment of mania
-amitriptyline is antipsychotic agent
+haloperidol is antipsychotic agent
-lithium carbonate has marked psychosedative effect
203. Choose the correct statements:
+sulpiride is atypical antipsychotic agent
-fluoxetine inhibits reuptake of noradrenaline
-lithium carbonate is antipsychotic agent
+amitriptyline has not psychostimulative effect
204. Choose the correct statements:
+clozapine very seldom causes the drug-induced parkinsonism
-maprotiline inhibits the reuptake of serotonine
-fluoxetine has marked atropine-like action
+droperidol is used for neuroleptanalgesia
205. Antidepressive effect of amitriptyline is result of:
+inhibition of neuronal reuptake of monoamines
-blockage of central M-cholinoceptors
-inhibition of activity of MAO
-direct excitation of adrenoceptors
206. Choose tranquilizers:
207. Choose anxiolytics – derivatives of benzodiazepine:
208. Choose anxiolytic – agonist of serotonine receptors:
209. Choose “daily” tranquilizers:
210. Choose sedative drugs:
211. Choose the effects of diazepam:
+decrease of skeletal muscles tone
212. What type of receptors is excited by diazepam?
-dopaminergic receptors
+benzodiazepine receptors
213. Choose drugs which stimulate benzodiazepine receptors:
214. Anxiolytics – derivatives of benzodiazepine increase GABA-ergic processes
into the brain owing to:
-increase of GABA synthesis
-inhibition of GABA metabolism
-direct stimulation of GABA-receptors
+increase of sensitivity of GABA-receptors to mediator
215. Diazepam:
+stimulate the GABA-ergic processes onto the brain
+has anxiolytic activity
+has anticonvulsive activity
-causes the extrapyramidal disturbances
+is central myorelaxant
216. Phenazepam:
+has anxiolytic activity
-hasn’t hypnotic action
+has anticonvulsive action
+can cause drug’s dependence
217. Mezapam:
+stimulates benzodiazepine receptors
+has anxiolytic activity
-has hypnotic action
+is “daily” tranquilizer
218. Choose the indications for use of diazepam:
+diseases whish are accompanied by increasing skeletal muscles tone
+interruption of status epilepticus
219. Choose the indications for use of phenazepam:
+diseases whish are accompanied by increasing skeletal muscles tone
220. Which drugs are used for elimination of alarm and fear in neurotic
221. Choose drugs which are used for treatment of insomnia:
222. Indicate the side effects of diazepam:
+decrease of speed of psycho-motor reactions
-extrapyramidal disturbances
+drug dependence
223. Which drugs can cause the drug dependence?
224. Choose the antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors:
225. Flumazenil prevents or diminishes the effects of:
226. What effect is typical for bromides?
227. What effect is typical for Valeriana?
228. Choose the indication for use of bromides:
229. Choose the indications for use of Valeriana:
230. Choose psychostimulants:
231. Choose the effects of psychostimulants:
+temporary increase of mental and physical working capacity
+reduction of requirement of sleep
-extrapyramidal disturbances
232. Sydnocarbum causes:
+temporary increase of mental and physical working capacity
+reduction of requirement of sleep
-decrease of blood pressure
-reduction of skeletal muscles tone
233. Coffeinum causes:
+temporary increase of mental and physical working capacity
+reduction of requirement of sleep
-decrease of skeletal muscles tone
+increase of activity of respiratory and of vasomotor centers
+increase of heart rate and force of cardiac contraction
+increase of gastric secretion
-suppression of gastric secretion
234. Choose the indications for use of sydnocarbum:
-hallucinations and delirium
+for temporary increase of mental and physical working capacity
235. Choose the side effects of coffeinum:
+motor excitement
-drug-induced parkinsonism
236. What drugs can cause the insomnia?
237. What are contraindications for caffeine?
+marked hypertension
238. What drugs can cause drug dependence?
-nootropic agents
239. Choose the nootropic agent:
240. Choose the effects of nootropic agents:
+decrease of symptoms of mental insufficiency
241. Choose the indications for use of piracetam:
+ symptoms of mental insufficiency
+insults and brain traumas
-drug-induced parkinsonism
242. What drug is used in mental insufficiency with organic damages of brain?
243. Drug A. stimulates the mental and physical working capacity. It is has low
influence upon cardio-vascular system. The agent is used for treatment of
narcolepsy and asthenia. The side effects of drug A. are insomnia and increased
excitability. What is drug A.?
244. Drug A. has antihypoxic activity. It is used in chronic vascular and
degenerative damages of brain with mental insufficiency. What is drug A.?
245. Choose the correct statements:
+phenazepam can cause drug dependence
+diazepam is used for interruption of status epilepticus
-piracetam causes the hypnotic effect
246. Choose the correct statements:
+diazepam activates GABA-ergic processes in the brain
+bromides have sedative action
+phenazepam has hypnotic action
-piracetam causes the drug dependence
247. Choose the correct statements:
+piracetam stimulates the cognitive activity
+mezapam is “daily” tranquilizer
-caffeine is agonist of GABA receptors
248. Analeptics stimulate:
+respiratory center
+vasomotor center
-vomiting center
249. Caffeine:
+stimulates respiration
+has cardiotonic action
+has psychostimulative action
-inhibits respiration
250. Caffeine stimulates the following center of CNS:
+center of vagus
251. Influence of caffeine upon the vasomotor center results in:
+increase of vessels tone
-decrease of vessels tone
252. The direct influence of caffeine upon the smooth muscles of vessels result
+decrease of vessels tone
-increase of vessels tone
253. Under an influence of caffeine, the tone of cerebral vessels:
+is increased
-is decreased
-both answers are incorrect
254. Choose the correct statements concerning influence of caffeine upon the
inner organs:
+caffeine stimulates the gastric secretion
+caffeine decreases the bronchial tone
+caffeine increases the diuresis
-caffeine decreases the skeletal muscles tone
255. Choose the correct statements concerning influence of caffeine upon the
+caffeine increases the basal metabolism
-caffeine inhibits glycogenolysis
+caffeine stimulates glycogenolysis
+caffeine causes hyperglycemia
+caffeine stimulates lipolysis
-caffeine inhibits lipolysis
256. What is mechanism of caffeine action?
+blockage of adenosine receptors
-excitation of adenosine receptors
-blockage of GABA receptors
-activation of phosphodiesterase
+ inhibition of phosphodiesterase
257. Camphor:
+has local irritative activity
+stimulates respiratory center
-causes the drug dependence
+stimulate vasomotor center
+has direct stimulative action upon the heart
+is used for breathing stimulation
258. Cordiamine:
-has direct antispasmodic action upon the vessels
+stimulates chemoreceptors of carotid glomeruli
+directly stimulates respiratory and vasomotor centers
+is used in collapse
259. Bemegride:
+directly stimulates respiratory center
-reflectory stimulates respiration
+stimulates vasomotor center
-has direct stimulative action upon the heart
260. Сhoose analeptics with direct stimulative influence upon the heart:
261. Analeptics are used:
+for acceleration of recovery after general anaesthesia
-in high degree of poisoning by hypnotics
+in asphyxia of newborns
+in light degree of poisoning by hypnotics
262. Choose the indications for use of caffeine:
+hypotensive disease
+for stimulation of respiration
+for stimulation of psychical activity
-hypertensive disease
263. Choose the indications of use of camphor:
+for stimulation of heart work
-hypertensive disease
+for stimulation of respiration
264. Choose the symptoms of overdose of caffeine:
+cardiac arrhythmias
Egypt lover
1. Choose the stimulators of breathing:
+cordiaminum [nikethamide]
2. Choose breathing stimulators with direct influence upon the respiratory
3. Choose the breathing stimulator with reflex action:
4. Choose the breathing stimulators with mixed action:
+cordiaminum [nikethamide]
5. Choose antitussive drugs:
6. Choose antitussive agent with peripheral action:
7. Choose expectorant drugs:
+grass of Thermopsis
8. Choose expectorant drugs with direct action:
+potassium iodide
+sodium hydrocarbonate
9. Choose mucolytics:
-grass of Thermopsis
10. Choose the expectorant drugs with reflex action:
-potassium iodine
-sodium hydrocarbonate
+grass of Thermopsis
11. Choose groups of drugs which have broncholytic action:
-ganglion blockers
12. Choose broncholytic agents:
-cromolyn sodium
+euphillinum [aminophylline]
+ipratropium bromide
13. Choose the broncholytics of group of M-cholinoblockers:
-euphillinum [aminophylline]
+ipratropium bromide
14. Choose the broncholytics of group of adrenomimetics:
15. Choose broncholytics of group of beta2-adrenomimetics:
-ipratropium bromide
16. Choose broncholytic with direct myotropic action:
-cromolyn sodium
-ipratropium bromide
17. What groups of drugs are used in bronchial asthma?
+blockers of leukotriene receptors
+inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase
-inhibitors of COX
18. Choose antiallergic agents which are used in bronchial asthma:
+cromolyn sodium
+nedocromil sodium
19. Choose glucocorticoids which are used in bronchial asthma for inhalations:
20. Choose antiasthmatic drugs which inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes:
-ipratropium bromide
21. Choose blockers of leukotrienes receptors:
-ipratropium bromide
-cromolyn sodium
-nedocromil sodium
22. Choose the inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase:
-nedocromil sodium
23. What drugs are used in pulmonary edema?
+ethyl alcohol
-cromolyn sodium
+sodium nitroprusside
24. Bemegride:
+stimulates the neurones of respiratory centre
-stimulates the receptors of carotid glomeruli
-stimulates respiratory centre both directly and indirectly
25. Lobeline:
-directly stimulates the respiratory centre
+reflectory stimulates the respiratory centre
-stimulates the respiratory muscles
26. Lobeline stimulates the breathing owing to excitation of N-cholinoceptors of:
-skeletal muscles
-chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
-vegetative ganglia
+carotid glomeruli
27. Choose drugs which inhibit the coughing centre:
28. Codeine:
-blocks the opioid receptors of coughing centre
+ stimulates the opioid receptors of coughing centre
-suppresses the sensitive receptors of respiratory ways
29. The antitussive effect of libexinum is result of:
-inhibition of excitability of neurones of coughing centre
-broncholytic action
-decrease of secretion of bronchial glands
+inhibition of sensitive receptors of respiratory ways
30. Choose expectorants which increase the secretion of bronchial glands:
+grass of Thermopsis
-grass Belladonna
+root of Ipecacuanha
31. Choose drugs which decrease the sputum viscosity owing to proteolysis:
-grass of Thermopsis
-sodium hydrocarbonate
32. Grass of Thermopsis:
+stimulates the receptors of stomach
+reflectory increases the secretion of bronchial glands
-decreases the sputum viscosity owing to depolymerisation on proteins
+reflectory increases the bronchial peristalsis
33. Acetylcysteine:
-reflectory increases the secretion of bronchial glands
-directly stimulates the bronchial glands secretion
+decrease the sputum viscosity in result of proteolysis
34. The decrease of tone of bronchial smooth muscles develops in result of:
+blockage of M3-cholinoceptors
-stimulation of M3-cholinoceptors
-blockage of beta2-adrenoceptors
+stimulation of beta2-adrenoceptors
35. Choose drugs which relax bronchi in result of stimulation of beta2adrenoceptors:
-ipratropium bromide
36. The broncholytic effect of adrenaline is result of:
-excitation of alpha-adrenoceptors
-excitation of beta1-adrenoceptors
+excitation of beta2-adrenoceptors
-direct influence upon the smooth muscles of bronchi
37. What is result of stimulation of beta2-adrenoceptors in smooth muscles of
+increase the level of cAMP and decrease of concentration of calcium ions
- decraese the level of cAMP and decrease of concentration of calcium ions
38. Choose drugs which cause bronchodilation in result of blockage of
parasympathetic innervation:
+ipratropium bromide
39. Ipratropium and tiotropium relax bronchi owing to blockage of:
+М-cholinergic receptors
-beta2-adrenergic receptors
-alpha1-adrenergic receptors
40. What drug does relax bronchi owing to myotropic antispasmodic action?
41. The relaxation of smooth muscles of bronchi is caused by drugs which:
+stimulate adenylyl cyclase
-inhibit adenylyl cyclase
-activate phospholypase С
-inhibit phospholypase А2
42. What is mechanism of broncholytic action of theophylline?
-blockage of M-cholinergic receptors
-stimulation of beta2-adrenergic receptors
+blockage of adenosine receptors
43. What drugs do decrease the release of bronchoconstrictive substances from
+cromolyn sodium
+nedocromil sodium
44. Glucocorticoids are effective in bronchial asthma because have:
+anti-inflammatory action
+immunodepressive action
-myotropic antispasmodic action
45. What is mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids?
+inhibition of phospholypase А2
-inhibition of expression of COX-1
+inhibition of expression of COX-2
+inhibition of activity of macrophages
-blockage of leukotriene receptors
46. Choose drugs which decrease the synthesis of leukotrienes:
47. Choose drugs which interfere with bronchoconsntrictive effect of
-cromolyn sodium
48. Indicate the main principles of pharmacological therapy of pulmonary
+decrease of blood pressure in small circle of blood circulation
-increase of blood pressure in small circle of blood circulation
+elimination of foam in alveolus
-stimulation of breathing centre
49. Nitroprusside sodium is used in pulmonary edema because:
+it decreases the blood pressure in small circle of circulation
-it increases the diuresis
-it stimulate the cardiac contractions
50. Choose agents which decrease the blood pressure in small circle of blood
circulation owing to relaxation of peripheral vessels:
+sodium nitroprusside
51. The therapeutic effect of furosemide in pulmonary edema is result of:
-elimination of foam into alveolus
-cardiotonic effect
+diuretic effect
+decrease of blood pressure in small circle of blood circulation
52. Caffeine:
+increases the frequency and depth of breathing
+has psychostimulative action
-decreases the blood can cause the tachycardia
53. Aethymizole:
+stimulates the respiratory centre
-is psychostimulator
+has psychosedative action
-relaxes the smooth muscles of bronchi
54. Codeine:
+suppresses the coughing centre
+suppresses the breathing when used in high doses
-decreases the bronchial tone
+has analgesic activity
+has sedative effect
+can cause drug dependence
+suppresses the intestinal motility
55. Glaucine:
+suppresses the coughing centre
-suppresses the breathing
-causes the drug dependence
56. Libexinum:
+suppresses the coughing reflex
-causes the drug dependence
-has sedative action
-suppresses the breathing
57. The grass of Thermopsis:
+increases the bronchial secretion
-has antitussive action
+increases the bronchial peristalsis
58. Acetylcysteine:
+decreases the viscosity of sputum
+increases the volume of bronchial secretion
-suppresses the coughing reflex
-relaxes the bronchial smooth muscles
59. Bromhexinum:
-suppresses the coughing reflex
+decreases the sputum viscosity
-relaxes the smooth muscles of bronchi
+stimulates the synthesis of surphactant
60. Adrenaline:
+decrases the bronchial tone
-suppresses the atrio-ventricular conduction
+increases the heart contraction
+increases the heart rate
-decreases the glucose level in the blood
61. Beta2-adrenominetics:
+decrease the bronchial tone
+cause the moderate tachycardia
-increase the blood pressure
+relax the blood vessels
+decrease the releasing of bronchoconstrictive substances from basophiles
62. Ephedrine:
+decreases the bronchial tone
+narrows the vessels of bronchial mucous membrane
-decreases the secretion of bronchi
+stimulates the heart work
+increases the blood pressure
-has sedative action
63. Atropine decreases:
+tone of bronchi
+bronchial secretion
-intraoccular pressure
-heart rate
-blood pressure
+intestinal motility
+bladder tone
64. Ipratropium bromide:
+decreases the bronchial tone
+decreases the bronchial secretion
-stimulates the CNS
-has mucolytic action
65. Theophylline:
+relaxes the bronchial smooth muscles
+increases the force of cardiac contraction
-causes the bradycardia
+increases the diuresis
-increases the tone of blood vessels
66. What effect of ethyl alcohol is used in pulmonary edema?
+elimination of foam
67. In the pulmonary edema, furosemide:
+decreases the volume of blood in circulation
+decreases the blood pressure in small circle of circulation
-has cardiotolic action
68. Lobeline is used:
+in asphyxia of newborns
-in postoperative period
-in poisoning by morphine
-in poisoning by barbiturates
69. Caffeine is used:
+in low degree of poisoning by hypnotics
+in postoperative period
+in narcolepsy
-in insomnia
70. Choose the indications for use of cordiaminum:
-heavy poisoning by hypnotics
-bronchial asthma attacks
+pulmonary hypoventilation on postoperative period
71. Choose analeptics with duration of action several hours:
+cordiaminum [nikethamide]
72. Choose analeptic with short duration of action:
73. Choose the correct statements:
+codeine is effective antitussive agent
-codeine is used as anxiolytic
-libexinum is used as sedative agent
+libexinum and glaucine are used for cough suppression
74. Drugs of grass f Thermopsidis are used:
-in inhalations
75. Choose drugs which are used for interruption of bronchospasms:
76. Choose drugs which are used for chronic treatment of bronchial asthma:
77. Choose drugs which are used for reduction of bronchospasms owing to high
tone of vagus nerve:
78. Choose groups of drugs which are used in bronchial asthma:
-non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
+blockers of leukotriene receptors
+myotropic antispasmodic drugs
+drugs which prevent the degranulation of basophiles
79. Cromolyn sodium is used:
-only for interruption of bronchial asthma attacks
+only for prevention of bronchial asthma attacks
-both for interruption and prevention of bronchial asthma attacks
82. Zafirlukast is used:
-in anaphylactic shock
-for interruption of bronchial asthma attacks
+for prevention of bronchial asthma attacks
86. In pulmonary edema, the ethyl alcohol:
+decreases the surface tension of the foam in vesicles
-relaxes the bronchi
-causes the sedative-hypnotic effect
87. Choose the correct statements:
+non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs can increase the bronchial tone
-glaucine causes the drug dependence
+codeine can cause the constipation
-salbutamol doesn’t affect the heart rate
88. Choose the side effects of codeine:
+drug abuse
+inhibition of breathing
89. Choose antitussive agents which can cause drug dependence:
90. As broncholytic agent, adrenaline can cause such side effects as:
-postural hypotension
+increase of blood pressure
91. Choose the side effects of salbutamol:
+moderate tachycardia
+cardiac arrhythmias
-increase of blood pressure
92. Choose the side effects of isadrinum:
-increase of blood pressure
93. Choose the side effects of fenoterol:
+cardiac arrhythmias
-increase of blood pressure
94. Salbutamol is contraindicated in:
-threat of premature birth
+uterus bleeding
95. As broncholytic, ephedrine causes following side effects:
+increase of blood pressure
+cardiac arrhythmias
96. Broncholytics of group of M-cholinoblockers are contraindicated in:
-atrio-ventricular blockage
+benign hyperplasia of prostate
-hyperacidic gastritis
97. Choose the side effects of theophylline:
+increase of myocardial oxygen demand
+nausea and vomiting
98. Choose a complication which can develop owing to chronic inhalations of
-edema of bronchi
+candidiasis of oral cavity
99. The chronic administration of glucocorticoids in bronchial asthma can
+inhibition of synthesis of cortical hormones
+decrease of tolerance to infective diseases
+suppressing of processes of tissues regeneration
+increase of blood pressure
+redistribution of fat tissue
100. Bemegride:
+is analeptic
+stimulates breathing
+stimulates the vasomotor centre
-has sedative action
+can cause convulsions
101. Caffeine:
+is analeptic
+has psychostimulative effect
-inhibits the heart contraction
+can cause the drug dependence
+has diuretic effect
102. Lobeline:
-directly stimulates the respiratory centre
+reflectory stimulates the respiratory centre
-is effective agent in poisoning by morphine
+is effective in asphyxia of newborns
-is administered perorally
+is administered intravenously
103. Choose the correct statement:
-glaucine stimulates the respiratory centre
+codeine has analgesic action
-salbutamol blocks beta2-adrenoceptors
-nitroprusside sodium is broncholytic
104. Codeine:
-relaxes the smooth muscles of bronchi
+suppresses the coughing centre
+causes tolerance and drug dependence
+has analgesic action
+can suppress the respiratory centre
106. Acetylcysteine:
-increases the secretion of bronchial glands
-inhibits the coughing centre
+decreases the sputum viscosity
+is used for inhalations
+is administered perorally
107. Adrenaline:
+is drug of choice in anaphylactic shock
+is used for cessation of bronchial asthma attacks
+decreases the edema of mucous membrane of bronchi
-is effective in case of peroral administration
+can causes the cardiac arrhythmias
108. Beta-2-adrenominetics:
-increases the tone of smooth muscles of bronchi
+decreases the concentration of calcium in smooth muscles of bronchi
-decreases the secretion of bronchial glands
+decreases the releasing of bronchoconstrictive substances from basophiles
+can causes the tachycardia
109. Ephedrine:
-is sympatholytic
+decreases the tone of smooth muscles of bronchi
-decreases the bronchial secretion
+increases the blood pressure
+can causes the drug dependence
110. Salbutamol:
-predominantly blocks beta-2-adrenoceptors
-decreases the vessels of mucous membrane of bronchi
+is used for treatment of bronchial asthma
-causes the moderate tachycardia
+can causes the cardiac arrhythmias
111. Unlike isadrinum, salbutamol:
+less influences upon the heart rate
-in used only for inhalations
+is used as tocolytic agent
-is used in heart insufficiency
112. Unlike salbutamol, salmoterol:
+has longer broncholytic effect
-acts shortly
-decreases the tone of vessels
-doesn’t cause the tachycardia
-is used perorally
113. Choose the identical properties of adrenaline, ephedrine, and salbutamol:
+broncholytic effect
-decrease the secretion of bronchial glands
+increases the heart rate
-increase the tone of vessels
-efficacy in case of peroral administration
114. M-cholinoblockers as broncholytics:
+relax the smooth muscles of bronchi owing to blockage of M3-cholinergic
-decrease the edema of mucous membrane of bronchi
+decrease the secretion of bronchial glands
+inhibit the release of bronchoconstrictive substances from basophiles
+are contraindicated in glaucoma
115. Unlike atropine, ipratropium bromide:
-selectively block the M-cholinoceptors of bronchi
+is used only in inhalations
+has insignificant systemic action
-doesn’t influence bronchial secretion
116. Unlike ipratropium bromide, thiotropium bromide is characterised by:
-more fast development of effect
+more slow development of effect
+longer duration of action
-short-time effect
117. Theophylline:
+is antispasmodic with myotripic action
-decreases the level of cAMP in smooth muscles of bronchi
+decreases the level of calcium in smooth muscles of bronchi
+inhibits the release of bronchoconstrictive agents from basophiles
+stimulates the CNS
118. Choose the cardiotonic agents with glycoside structure:
119. Choose cardiac glycosides which obtained from foxglove (Digitalis):
120. Choose the cardiotonic agents with non-glycoside structure:
121. Choose cardiotonics which stimulate beta-1-adrenoceptors:
122. Choose cardiotonic agent – inhibitor of phosphodiesterase:
123. Choose drugs which are used in poisoning by cardiac glycosides:
+dipheninum [phenytoin]
+potassium chloride
124. Cardiotonic effect is developed owing to:
+excitation of beta-adrenoceptors of cardiomyocytes
-excitation of M-cholinergic receptors of cardiomyocytes
+inhibition of Na,К-АТPase of membranes of cardiomyocytes
+inhibition of phosphodiesterase
125. Cardiac glycosides increase the heart contraction because:
-stimulate adenylyl cyclase
+inhibit Na К-АТPase
-inhibit phosphodiesterase
126. In cardiomyocytes, the cardiac glycosides increase the concentration of:
+sodium ions
-potassium ions
+calcium ions
-magnesium ions
127. In cardiomyocytes, the cardiac glycosides decrease the concentration of:
-sodium ions
+potassium ions
-calcium ions
128. Cardiac glycosides increase the concentration of calcium ions in
cardiomyocytes owing to:
-activation of calcium channels in membranes of cardiomyocytes
+increase of sodium ions level which results in change of calcium current from
the cells
-decrease of sodium ions level which results in change of calcium current from
the cells
129. The action of cardiac glycosides is accompanied by:
-increase of troponin influence upon the contractile proteins of myocardium
+reduction of troponin influence upon the contractile proteins of myocardium
+facilitation of interaction between actin and myosin
130. Choose effects which develop owing to influence of cardiac glycosides upon
the heart:
+activation of vagus influence upon the heart
-activation of sympathetic influence upon the heart
-inhibition of vagus influence upon the heart
131. Choose cardiotonic agents which increase the cAMP level in
132. Dobutamine stimulates:
+predominantly beta1-adrenoceptors of the heart
-predominantly beta2-adrenoceptors of the heart
-both beta1- and beta2-adrenoceptors of the heart
133. What enzyme is activated owing to dobutamine action upon the heart?
+adenylyl cyclase
-Na, К- АTPase
134. In cardiomyocytes, dobutamine:
+increases the level of cAMP
+increases the concentration of calcium ions
-increases the concentration of sodium ions
-decreases the concentration of calcium ions
135. In therapeutic doses, the cardiac glycosides:
+decrease the heart rate
+increase the cardiac contraction
+suppress the atrio-ventricular conduction
-increase the oxygen demand of heart
136. Cardiac glycosides have:
+positive inotropic action
+negative dromotropic action
+negative chronotropic action
-positive chronotropic action
137. In patients with chronic heart failure, cardiac glycosides cause:
+increase of stroke volume and of cardiac output
+decrease of venous blood pressure
+decrease of edemas
+increase of diuresis
138. Dobutamine:
+increases the power of cardiac contraction
-causes marked tachycardia
+facilitates the atrio-ventricular conduction
+increases the automatism of sinus node
139. Both digoxin and dobutamine have:
+positive inotropic action
-negative chronotropic action
-negative dromotropic action
140. Milrinone:
+stimulates the cardiac contraction
-causes bradycardia
+causes the vasodilation
+can cause the cardiac arrhythmias
141. Choose the correct statements:
-both digoxin and dobutamine increase the heart rate
+both dobutamine and dopamine facilitate the atrio-ventricular conduction
-dopamine causes bradycardia
142. Choose the clinical applications for cardiac glycosides:
+heart failure
-atrio-ventricular blockage
+supraventricular ciliary arrhythmia
-ventricular fibrillation
143. Choose cardiotonic drugs which are used in acute heart failure:
144. Choose cardiotonic drugs which are used in chronic heart failure:
145. Dopamine is used in cardiogenic shock because:
+it increases the cardiac output
+it improves the blood flow in kidneys and intestine
-it increases the peripheral vessels resistance
146. Choose the correct statements:
-cardiac glycosides are used in ventricular extrasystoles
+digoxin is used in chronic heart failure
+dopamine is drug of choice in cardiogenic shock
147. Choose the symptoms of poisoning by cardiac glycosides:
+nausea and vomiting
-arterial hypotension
+slow down of atrio-ventricular conduction
+disturbances of vision
148. Cardiac glycosides are contraindicated in:
-paroxysmal tachycardia
+atrio-ventricular blockage
+ventricular extrasystoles
149. What drugs are used in poisoning by cardiac glycosides?
+potassium chloride
-calcium chloride
150. Choose the side effects of dobutamine:
+cardiac arrhythmias
-atrio-ventricular blockage
-postural hypotension
151. Cardiac glycosides:
+are drugs of plant origin
+inhibit the Na,К-АТPase of cardiomyocytes
+increase the concentration of calcium in cardiomyocytes
-cause tachycardia
152. Digitoxin:
+is carditonic with glycoside structure
+is obtained from foxglove
-is obtained from lily of the valley (Convallaria)
+practically completely is absorbed from digestive system
+has the high degree of cumulation
153. Strophanthin:
+is badly absorbed from digestive system
-is administered perorally
+is administered intravenously
+has short latent period of action (5-10 minutes)
-has high degree of cumulation
154. Choose cardiotonics which are administered only intravenously:
155. Choose the organic nitrates:
+isosorbide mononitrate
156. Choose the sustained-release forms of nitroglycerin:
+nitroglycerin ointment
-isosorbide mononitrate
157. Choose the blockers of calcium channels:
158. Choose antianginal agents which predominantly decrease the myocardium
oxygen demand:
-organic nitrates
-blockers of calcium channels
159. Choose the beta-adrenoblockers:
160. Choose antianginal agent which predominantly increases the oxygen
delivery to the heart:
161. Choose the cardioprotective agent:
162. The antianginal effect of organic nitrates is result of:
-increase of cardiomyocytes resistance to ischemia
+decrease of myocardium oxygen demand
+improving of coronary blood flow
-analgesic action
163. Nitroglycerin decreases the myocardium oxygen demand because:
+decreases the cardiac preload
+decreases cardiac afterload
-has marked direct inhibitory action upon the cardiac contraction
-causes the reduction of heart rate
164. Nitroglycerin decreases the cardiac preload owing to:
+widening of peripheral veins and drop of venous pressure
-widening of peripheral arteries and decrease of arterial pressure
-widening of coronary vessels and improving of coronary blood flow
165. Nitroglycerin decreases the cardiac afterload owing to:
-widening of peripheral veins and decrease of venous blood pressure
+widening peripheral arteries and decrease of arterial blood pressure
-widening of coronary vessels and improving of coronary blood flow
166. Nitroglycerin:
+widens predominantly large coronary vessels
- widens predominantly small coronary vessels
+promotes the blood redistribution to ischemic myocardial areas
+improves the blood flow in subendocardial layers of myocardium
167. Nitroglycerin widens vessels because:
-blocks calcium channels
-activates potassium channels
+releases NО group
-promotes the accumulation of adenosine
168. As antianginal drugs, blockers of calcium channels:
+decrease the tone of coronary vessels
+increase the oxygen delivery to myocardium
+decrease the oxygen demand of myocardium
-increase the resistance of cardiomyocytes to ischemia
169. Choose the effects of verapamil:
170. Verapamil:
+blocks the calcium channels in membranes of cardiomyocytes and in
membranes of cells of smooth muscles of coronary vessels
+decreases the myocardium oxygen demand owing to decrease of force of
cardiac contraction and decrease of heart rate
-decreases the myocardium oxygen demand owing to decrease of afterload upon
the heart
171. Unlike verapamil, nifedipine:
+practically doesn’t influence upon the calcium channels of cardiomyocytes
+hasn’t antiarrhythmic effect
+has marked hypotensive effect
-doesn’t influence upon the tone of coronary vessels
172. Choose the effects of beta-adrenoblockers:
173. Choose the effects of beta-adrenoblockers:
+decrease of adrenergic influence upon the heart
-widening of coronary vessels
-increase of oxygen delivery to myocardium
+decrease of oxygen demand of myocardium
174. Why beta-adrenoblockers decrease the oxygen demand of myocardium?
+because these drugs decrease the power of heart contractions
+because these drugs decrease the heart rate
-because these drugs decrease the preload upon the heart
175. Choose the antianginal drug with reflex type of action:
176. Antianginal effect of dipyridamole is result of:
+widening of coronary vessels
-decrease of power of heart contractions and of heart rate
+antiplatelet effect
-cardioprotective effect
177. Trimetazidine:
-decreases the oxygen demand of myocardium
-increases the oxygen delivery to the myocardium
+increases the resistance of cardiomyocytes to ischemia
178. Choose antianginal drugs which decrease both preload and afterload upon
the heart:
179. Choose antianginal agents which don’t increase the coronary blood flow:
180. Choose antianginal drugs with antiarrhythmic activity:
181. Both anaprilinum and verapamil:
+decrease the force of heart contractions
+decrease the oxygen demand of heart
+suppress the atrio-ventricular conduction
-increase the coronary blood flow
182. Choose organic nitrates which are used for prevention of stenocardia
+nitroglycerin ointment
+isosorbide mononitrate
183. What is aim of using of calcium channels blockers in ischemic heart
-interruption of stenocardia attacks
+prevention of stenocardia attacks
-dissolution of thrombi in coronary arteries
184. Nifedipine is used as:
+antianginal agent
-antiarrhythmic agent
+hypotensive agent
185. Beta-adrenoblockers are used:
+in cardiac tachyarrhythmias
+for prevention of stenocardia attacks
-for interruption of stenocardia attacks
-for reduction of atrio-ventricular blockage
186. Choose antianginal drugs which are used for interruption of stenocardia
-isosorbide mononitrate
187. Choose the groups of antianginal drugs which are used for prevention of
stenocardia attacks:
+blockers of calcium channels
-antianginal drugs with reflex type of action
+coronarodilating drugs with myotropic action
188. Choose drug which increases the resistance of cardiomyocytes to ischemia:
-isosorbide mononitrate
189. Choose drugs which are used for pain relief in myocardium infarction:
+opioid analgesics
+talamonal (fentanyl + droperidol)
+nitrous oxide
190. Choose antiarrhythmic which is used for cessation of ventricular
arrhythmias in myocardial infarction:
191. Choose the side effects of nitroglycerin:
+reflex tachycardia
-increase of blood pressure
-increase of bronchial tone
192. Choose the side effects of verapamil:
-increase of bronchial tone
+slow down of atrio-ventricular conduction
+cardiac insufficiency
-pigmentation of skin
193. Choose the side effects of anaprilinum:
+atrio-ventricular blockage
+cardiac insufficiency
-increase of blood pressure
+increase of bronchial tone
194. Choose antianginal drugs which can cause the suppressing of atrioventricular conduction:
195. Choose the antianginal drugs which can aggravate the heart insufficiency:
196. What is duration of action of nitroglycerin?
-7-8 hours
-3-4 hours
+up to 30 minutes
197. Choose antianginal drugs which are administered perorally:
+isosorbide mononitrate
198. Choose antianginal drugs which are administered sublingually?
199. Choose the blockers of sodium channels:
+novocainamidum [procainamide]
+dipheninum [phenytoin]
200. Choose the blockers of sodium channels of subgroup ІА:
201. Choose the blockers of sodium channels of subgroup ІВ:
202. Choose the blockers of sodium channels of subgroup ІС:
203. Choose the blockers of calcium channels:
204. Choose the beta-adrenoblockers:
205. Choose antiarrhythmic drug containing salts of potassium and magnesium:
206. The slow down of slow diastolic depolarization results in:
-slow down of conduction
+decrease of automatism
-prolongation of effective refractory period
207. The slow down of fast depolarization results in:
+slow down of conduction
-increase of excitability
-decrease of automatism
208. Choose the blockers of sodium channels acting upon the all departments of
209. Choose the effects of quinidine in conductive system of heart:
-increase of automatism
+decrease of automatism
-facilitation of conduction
+suppression of conduction
+prolongation of effective refractory period
-shortening of effective refractory period
210. Quinidine:
+suppresses the contraction of heart
-doesn’t influence upon the contraction of heart
+decreases the blood pressure
-increases the blood pressure
211. Both lidocaine and dipheninum:
+act predominantly upon the ventricles of heart
+suppress the automatism
-prolong the duration of action potential
-prolong the duration of effective refractory period
212. Both lidocaine and dipheninum:
+practically doesn’t suppress the contraction of heart
-markedly suppress the atrio-ventricular conduction
+practically doesn’t decrease the blood pressure
213. Amiodarone:
+markedly blocks the potassium channels
+moderately blocks the sodium and calcium channels
+blocks beta-adrenoceptors
-influence predominantly upon the ventricles
214. Under the influence of amiodarone, both the duration of action potential
and effective refractory period of cardiomyocytes:
-are decreased
+are increased
-both answers are incorrect
215. Under the influence of amiodarone, the automatism is:
-both answers are incorrect
216. Sotalol as antiarrhythmic:
+blocks the potassium channels
-blocks the calcium channels
+blocks beta-adrenergic receptors
+prolongs the phase of repolarization and effective refractory period
217. Both amiodarone and sotalol:
-influence only upon the ventricles
- influence upon the atriums
+ influence both upon the ventricles and upon the atriums
218. The antiarrhythmic effects of verapamil is result of predominant influence
in the following part of heart conductive system:
-Purkinje fibers
+sinus node
+atrioventricular node
219. Choose the correct statements:
+verapamil decreases the automatism of sinus node
-verapamil increases the automatism of sinus node
+verapamil decreases the conduction through atrioventricular node
-verapamil facilitates the conduction through atrioventricular node
-verapamil decreases the effective refractory period of atrioventricular node
+verapamil prolongs the effective refractory period of atrioventricular node
220. Verapamil is used in:
+supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and supraventricular extrasystoles
-ventricular tachyarrhythmias and ventricular extrasystoles
-both supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles and tachyarrhythmias
221. Choose the effects of verapamil:
-increase of heart contraction
+decrease of heart contraction
+increase of coronary blood flow
-decrease of coronary blood flow
222. Choose antiarrhythmic drugs decreasing the adrenergic influence upon the
223. Anaprilinum as antiarrhythmic agent:
+decreases the heart rate and power of cardiac contraction
-increases the heart rate and power of cardiac contraction
+suppresses the conduction and automatism
-increases the conduction and automatism
224. Cardiac glycosides:
+increase the power of heart contraction
-decrease the power of heart contraction
-cause tachycardia
+cause bradycardia
-improve the atrioventricular conduction
+suppress the atrioventricular conduction
225. Cardiac glycosides are used in:
-tachyarrhythmias of ventricular localization
+tachyarrhythmias of supraventricular localization
-both ventricular and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
226. Choose the effects of potassium ions in the heart:
+decrease of automatism
-increase of automatism
+decrease of conduction
-increase of conduction
+decrease of heart rate
-increase of heart rate
227. The improvement of atrioventricular conduction is result of:
+stimulation of sympathetic nervous system
-inhibition of sympathetic nervous system
-stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system
+blockage of parasympathetic nervous system
228. Choose drugs which facilitate the atrioventricular conduction owing to
direct or indirect excitation of beta1-adrenergic receptors of heart:
229. Choose drug which facilitates the atrioventricular conduction owing to
inhibition of cholinergic influence upon the heart:
230. Both quinidine and novocainamidum are used in:
-ventricular tachyarrhythmias
-supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
+both ventricular and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
231. Choose drug which is used for interruption of ventricular tachyarrhythmias
in myocardial infarction:
232. Dipheninum is used in:
-atrioventricular blockage
+arrhythmias induced by cardiac glycosides
-ciliary supraventricular arrhythmia
233. Amiodarone is used:
+both in supraventricular and in ventricular tachyarrhythmias
-only in supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
-only in ventricular tachyarrhythmias
-in atrioventricular blockage
234. Verapamil is used:
-both in supraventricular and in ventricular tachyarrhythmias
+only in supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
-only in ventricular tachyarrhythmias
-in atrioventricular blockage
235. Beta-adrenoblockers are used:
+both in supraventricular and in ventricular tachyarrhythmias
-only in supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
-only in ventricular tachyarrhythmias
-in atrioventricular blockage
236. Cardiac glycosides are used:
+supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
-ventricular extrasystoles
-atrioventricular blockage
237. Choose antiarrhythmic agents which are used in atrioventricular blockage:
238. Choose subgroup of sodium channels blockers which practically don’t
suppress atrioventricular conduction:
-drugs of subgroup І А
+drugs of subgroup І В
-drugs of subgroup І С
239. Choose the side effects of quinidine and novocainamidum:
-increase of blood pressure
+decrease of cardiac contraction
+suppressing of atrioventricular conduction
240. Choose the side effects of amiodarone:
+atrioventricular blockage
+disturbances of activity of thyroid gland
+grey-blue pigmentation of the skin
-arterial hypertension
241. Choose the side effects of verapamil:
-disfunction of thyroid gland
+heart insufficiency
+atrioventricular blockage
242. Choose the side effects of anaprilinum:
+increase of bronchial tone
-increase of blood pressure
+atrioventricular blockage
+heart insufficiency
243. Choose the side effects of cardiac glycosides:
+atrioventricular blockage
-heart insufficiency
-arterial hypotension
244. Choose antiarrhythmic agents which inhibit the atrioventricular
245. Choose antiarrhythmic agents which can cause the decrease of cardiac
246. Choose antiarrhythmic agents which can decrease the blood pressure:
247. Choose the groups of neurotropic hypotensive drugs:
+hypotensive drugs with central action
+ganglion blockers
-angiotensin receptor blockers
-blockers of calcium channels
-potassium channels activators
248. Choose the hypotensive agents with central action:
249. Choose ganglion blockers:
250. Choose sympatholytics:
251. Choose the hypotensive agents which block adrenergic receptors:
252. Choose the hypotensive agents – blockers of alpha-adrenergic receptors:
253. Choose the hypotensive agents – blockers of beta adrenergic receptors:
-sodium nitroprusside
254. Choose the hypotensive agent – selective blocker of beta1-adrenergic
255. Choose the hypotensive agent which blocks both alpha- and beta-adrenergic
-sodium nitroprusside
256. Choose the hypotensive agents – inhibitors of angiotensin-converting
257. Choose the hypotensive agents – blockers of angiotensin receptors:
258. Choose the hypotensive agent – blocker of calcium channels:
-sodium nitroprusside
-magnesium sulfate
259. Choose the hypotensive agent – activator of potassium channels:
-sodium nitroprusside
260. Choose the hypotensive agent – donator of NO groups:
+sodium nitroprusside
261. Choose the groups of hypotensive agents which decrease the sympathetic
influence both upon the heart and upon the vessels:
+hypotensive agents with central action
+alpha-, beta-adrenoblockers
262. Clophelinum:
+stimulates central alpha2-adrenergic receptors and I1-imidazoline receptors
+decreases the tone of vasomotor centre
+decreases the blood pressure
-stimulates CNS
+has sedative and hypnotic effects
263. The hypotensive effect of clophelinum is result of:
-only widening of peripheral vessels
-only decrease of cardiac output
+both widening of peripheral vessels and decrease of cardiac output
264. Moxonidine:
+is hypotensive agent with central action
-stimulates both central alpha2-adrenergic and central I1-imidazoline receptors
+stimulates only central I1-imidazoline receptors
+hasn’t sedative and hypnotic action
265. Hypotensive effect of hygronium is result of:
-inhibition of vasomotor centre
-reduction of noradrenaline storage in endings of postganglionic adrenergic
-blockage of parasympathetic ganglia
+blockage of sympathetic ganglia
266. Hypotensive effect of sympatholytics is result of:
+both decrease of cardiac output and widening of peripheral vessels
-only decrease of cardiac output
-only widening of peripheral vessels
267. Reserpine:
-blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors of vessels
-blocks beta-adrenergic receptors of heart
+reduces noradrenaline storage in adrenergic fibers
+suppresses central nervous system
268. Hypotensive effect of prazosin is result of:
+widening of peripheral vessels
-decrease of cardiac output
-both widening of peripheral vessels and reduction of cardiac output
269. What is mechanism of hypotensive action of prazosin?
-blockage of angiotensin receptors
+blockage of alpha1-adrenergic receptors
-activation of potassium channels
-releasing of NO
-blockage of calcium channels
270. Labetalol decreases the blood pressure owing to:
+widening of peripheral vessels
+decrease of cardiac output
-elimination of sodium and water from the organism
271. Choose hypotensive agents which suppress the activity of renin-angiotensin
+hypotensive agents with central action
+blockers of angiotensin receptors
+inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme
272. Beta-adrenoblockers decrease the activity of renin-angiotensin system
+inhibit the renin secretion by juxtaglomerular apparatus of kidneys
-inhibit renin activity
-inhibit the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme
-block angiotensin receptors
273. Captopril decreases the activity of renin-angiotensin system because:
-suppresses the renin secretion
-suppresses renin activity
+inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme and destroys the formation of
angiotensin II
-blocks angiotensin receptors
274. Losartan decreases the activity of renin-angiotensin system because:
-inhibits the secretion of renin
-inhibits the activity of renin
-inhibits the angiotensin-converting enzyme
+blocks AТ1-angiotensin receptors
275. Choose the hypotensive agents which decrease the blood pressure owing to
widening of vessels:
+sodium nitroprusside
276. Nifedipine:
+widens arterial vessels and decreases the general peripheral resistance
-decreases the blood volume
-activates potassium channels of vessels
+blocks calcium channels of vessels
277. Clophelinum is used:
-only for interruption of hypertensive crisis
-only for chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
+both for interruption of hypertensive crisis and for chronic treatment of
hypertensive disease
278. Ganglion blockers are used:
+for interruption of hypertensive crisis
-only for chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
+in pulmonary edema
+for controlled hypotension
279. Labetalol is used:
-only for chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
-only for interruption of hypertensive crisis
+both for interruption of hypertensive crisis and for chronic treatment of
hypertensive disease
280. Beta-adrenoblockers are used as:
+hypotensive agents
+antianginal agents
+antiarrhythmic agents
-cardiotonic agents
281. Nifedipine is used as:
+hypotensive agent
+antianginal agent
-antiarrhythmic agent
-cardiotonic agent
282. Sodium nitroprusside is used for:
+interruption of hypertensive crisis
+controlled hypotension
-chronic treatment of hypertensive disease
283. Choose the hypotensive agents which are used mainly for chronic treatment
of hypertensive disease:
+inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme
+blockers of angiotensin receptors
-sodium nitroprusside
-magnesium sulfate
284. Choose the hypotensive agents which are used for fast reduction of blood
+sodium nitroprusside
285. Choose the side effects of clophelinum:
-psychomotor excitement
+dry mouth
-reflex tachycardia
+retention of sodium and water
286. Choose the side effects of reserpine:
+increase of intestinal motility
+increase of gastric secretion
-excitation of CNS
287. Choose the side effects of prazosin:
+postural hypotension
+moderate reflex tachycardia
288. Choose the side effects of anaprilinum:
-postural hypotension
+slow down of atrio-ventricular conduction
+cardiac insufficiency
+increase of bronchial tone
289. Choose the side effects of ganglion blockers:
+decrease of intestinal tone
+decrease of tone of bladder
+dry mouth
+paralysis of accommodation
+postural hypotension
290. Choose the hypotensive agents which can cause the reflex tachycardia:
291. Clophelinum:
+decreases the tone of vasomotor centre
+causes sedation, dry mouth
-acts during 24 hours
+is administered both perorally and parenterally
292. Benzohexonium:
+blocks both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia
+is used for interruption of hypertensive crisis
-is used for controlled hypotension
+has duration of action 4-6 hours
293. Unlike benzohexonium, hygronium:
-blocks only sympathetic ganglia
+acts shortly (10-15 minutes)
+is used mainly for controlled hypotension
294. Anaprilinum:
-selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors
+decreases the level of renin in plasma
+blocks the influence of catecholamines upon the heart
+is sued in hypertension, stenocardia, and tachyarrhythmias
-causes tachycardia
+increases the bronchial tone
295. Prazosin:
-blocks both alpha1- and alpha2-adrenoceptors
-decreases the sympathetic influence upon the heart and vessels
+causes moderate reflex tachycardia
+can cause postural hypotension
+acts during 10 hours
296. Losartan:
+blocks AT1-angiotensin receptors
-blocks alpha-adrenoceptors
-inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme
297. Nifedipine:
+blocks calcium channels of L-type
+decreases the general peripheral vascular resistance
+causes reflex tachycardia
-has duration of action several minutes
298. Choose the correct statements:
-prazosin is blocker of calcium channels
-methyldopa is hypotensive agent with direct myotropic action
+reserpine is sympatholytic
+ganglion blockers are used for interruption of hypertensive crisis
299. Choose the correct statements:
+clophelinum decreases the tone of vasomotor centre
-moxonidine is used for controlled hypotension
-sodium nitroprusside acts during several hours
+nifedipine is blocker of calcium channels
300. Choose the correct statements:
+labetalol blocks both alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors
+hydrochlorothiazide is diuretic
-captopril is activator of potassium channels
-losartan blocks alpha-adrenoceptors
301. Choose the correct statements:
+anaprilinum decreases heart rate
+atenolol suppresses the atrio-ventricular conduction
+enalapril blocks the angiotensin-converting enzyme
-sympatholytics are mainly used for interruption of hypertensive crisis
302. Choose the correct statements:
-enalapril decreases the renin secretion
+apressinum and magnesium sulfate are myotropic hypotensive agents
-activators of potassium channels decrease the tone of vasomotor centre
303. Choose drugs increasing appetite:
+absinthium tincture
304. Choose anorexigenic agents:
305. Choose groups of drugs which decrease the secretion of salivary glands:
-cholinesterase inhibitors
+ganglion blockers
306. Choose drugs which increase the secretion of gastric juice:
307. Choose drugs decreasing the gastric secretion:
-blockers of Н1-histaminergic receptors
+blockers of Н2-histaminergic receptors
+inhibitors of Н+, К+-АТPase
308. Choose M-cholinoblocker which decreases predominantly the activity of
enterochromaffin-like cells of stomach:
309. Choose the blockers of Н2-histaminergic receptors:
310. Choose the inhibitors of proton pump:
311. Choose the synthetic analogue of prostaglandin Е1:
312. Choose antacids:
+magnesium hydroxide
-magnesium sulphate
+sodium hydrocarbonate
+aluminium hydroxide
+calcium carbonate
313. Choose gastroprotectors:
-magnesium oxide
314. Choose gastroprotectors which create mechanical protection of gastric
315. Choose gastroprotectors which increase the protective properties of mucous
-magnesium hydroxide
316. Choose the emetic agent with central action:
-copper sulphate
317. Choose antiemetic agents:
318. Choose antiemetic drugs which block D2-receptors:
319. Choose М-cholinoblocker which is used as antiemetic agent:
320. Choose antiemetic drugs which block 5-НТ3-receptors:
321. Choose the blocker of Н1-receptors which is used as antiemetic agent:
322. Choose prokinetic agents (agents which promote the gastric motility):
323. Choose drugs which decrease the gastric motility:
+ganglion blockers
+myotropic spasmolytics
324. Choose drugs which decrease the gastric motility:
325. Choose bile-expelling drugs:
+tablets “Cholenzymum”
326. Choose gepatoprotectors:
327. What drug is used in chronic pancreatitis?
328. Choose drugs which are used in insufficiency of digestive glands:
329. Choose drugs which stimulate the intestinal motility:
+cholinesterase inhibitors
-agonists of opioid receptors
+laxative drugs
330. Choose the drugs stimulating the intestinal motility:
+magnesium sulphate
+castor oil
331. Choose the laxative drugs:
+magnesium sulphate
+sodium sulphate
+castor oil
332. Choose the laxative drugs containing anthraquinone glycosides:
-extract of Belladonna
+extract of buck-thorn (Rhamnus) cortex
+rhubarb root
+senna leaves
333. Choose the groups of drugs decreasing the intestinal motility:
+agonists of opioid receptors
-cholinesterase inhibitors
+myotropic antispasmodic agents
334. Choose the drugs decreasing the intestinal motility:
335. Atropine is:
+bile-expelling drug
-anorexigenous agent
-antiemetic agent
-prokinetic agent
+drug decreasing the gastric secretion
336. Metoclopramide is
+antiemetic agent
-laxative agent
+prokinetic agent
337. Sucralfate is:
+gastroptotective agent
338. Domperidone is:
+antiemetic agent
+prokinetic agent
-bile-expelling agent
-laxative agent
339. Drotaverine is:
+bile-expelling agent
-antiemetic agent
-emetic agent
-laxative agent
+myotropic antispasmodic
340. Ranitidine blocks the action of histamine on the receptors of:
-enterochromaffinic cells
+parietal cells
-cells producing gastrin
341. Omeprazole blocks:
-adenylyl cyclase
-Н2-histaminergic receptors
342. Antacids:
+neutralize the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice
-decrease the secretion of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice
343. Choose drugs which mechanically protect the gastric mucosa from the
action of damage factors:
-magnesium oxide
344. Choose the drug which increases the resistance of gastric mucosa to action
of damage factors:
345. De-nol:
-inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells
-stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandins
+creates the protective layer on the ulcer surface
+has some antimicrobial activity against H.pylori
346. Misoprostol:
+increases the secretion of bicarbonates in the stomach
+decreases the secretion of hydrochloric acid
+increases the secretion of mucous
-decreases the gastric motility
+increases the resistance of cells of gastric mucosa to action of damage factors
347. In the trigger zone of vomiting centre, apomorphine stimulates:
+dopaminergic receptors
-serotoninergic receptors
348. Antiemetic effect of scopolamine is result of:
+blockage of M-cholinergic receptors of vestibular nucleus
-blockage of D2-dopaminergic receptors of trigger zone of vomiting centre
-blockage of serotoninergic receptors of CNS
349. The antiemetic effect of metoclopramide is result of:
-blockage of M-cholinergic receptors in the brain
- blockage of alpha-adrenergic receptors in the brain
+blockage of D2-dopaminergic receptors in the brain
- blockage of GABA receptors in the brain
350. Choose antiemetic drugs which block D2-receptors of trigger zone of
voniting centre:
351. Choose the antiemetic drugs which block 5-НТ3-serotonin receptors:
352. The antiemetic effect of ondansetron is caused by:
-blockage of D2-receptors in the CNS
+blockage of 5-НТ3-serotonin receptors in the CNS
-blockage of Н1-receptors in CNS
-blockage of М-cholinergic receptors in CNS
353. Choose laxative drugs which increase the osmotic pressure in the large
-Ol. Vaselini [liquid paraffin]
354. Saline laxatives increase the peristalsis of intestine because:
+increase the osmotic pressure in the lumen of intestine
+increase the volume of intestinal content
-directly stimulate the sensitive receptors of intestine
355. What is mechanism of laxative action of isaphenine?
+stimulation of sensitive receptors in intestine
-increase of osmotic pressure in intestinal lumen
-stimulation of M-cholinergic receptors in intestine
356. Choose the drugs of substitutive therapy in hypoacid gastritis:
+hydrochloric acid
357. Choose drugs which are used in hyperacid gastritis:
-blockers of Н1-histamine receptors
+blockers of Н2-histamine receptors
+blockers of M-cholinergic receptors
358. Blockers of Н2-histamine receptors are used in:
+ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum
-hypoacid gastritis
+hyperacid gastritis
359. Choose drugs which are used in ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum:
+drugs decreasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid
-drugs stimulating appetite
360. Choose the indications for use of ranitidine:
+hyperacid gastritis
+ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum
-hypoacid gastritis
-intestinal atony
361. Choose the indications for use of omeprazole:
+ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum
+hyperacid gastritis
-intestinal atony
+syndrome of Zollinger-Ellison
362. Antacids are used in:
-spasms of smooth muscles of stomach
+hyperacid gastritis
+ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum
363. Choose the indications for use of De-nol:
+ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum
+gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori
364. Choose antiemetic drugs for treatment of motion sickness:
365. Choose the indications for use of atropine:
+ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum
+intestinal colic
366. Choose laxative agents for treatment of chronic constipation:
+extract of buck-thorn cortex
+rhubarb root
-extract of Belladonna
-sodium sulphate
-castor oil
367. Choose laxative drugs which are used for treatment of acute poisoning (for
reduction of absorption of poison from intestine):
-senna leaves
+magnesium sulphate
+sodium sulphate
368. Choose antacids which can cause the systemic alkalosis:
+sodium hydrocarbonate
-magnesium oxide
-aluminium hydroxide
+calcium carbonate
369. Choose diuretics with direct influence on the function of epithelium of renal
370. Choose diuretics directly influencing on the function of epithelium of renal
+ethacrinic acid
371. Choose diuretic – aldosterone antagonist:
372. Choose osmotic diuretic:
373. Choose potassium- and magnesium-sparring diuretics:
-ethacrinic acid
374. Choose the basic process in nephron which is affected by the majority of
-increase of filtration
-increase of secretion
+decrease of reabsorption
375. What is principle of action of diuretics directly influencing on the function
of epithelium of renal tubules?
-drugs initially affect the reabsorption of water in the renal tubules
+drugs initially affect the ions reabsorption in the renal tubules
376. What is the main localization of action of furosemide and ethacrinic acid?
-proximal convoluted tubules
+ascending limb of the loop of Henle
-distal convoluted tubules
-collecting duct
377. Choose the effects of furosemide:
+significant increase of diuresis
-increase of osmotic pressure of plasma
+decrease of blood pressure
+decrease of excretion of urates
-decrease of glucose blood level
380. Choose the effects of dichlothiazidum:
-significant increase of filtration in renal glomerules
+decrease of reabsorbtion of sodium and chlorine ions in initial part of distal
convoluted tubules
-decrease of elimination of potassium and magnesium ions
+hypotensive effect
381. In patient with diabetes insipidus, dichlothiazidum:
-increases the diuresis
+decreases the diuresis
-both answers are incorrect
382. Indicate the localization of action of triamterene:
-proximal convoluted tubules
-ascending limb of the loop of Henle
+distal convoluted tubules
+collecting duct
383. Indicate the localization of action of spironolactone:
-proximal convoluted tubules
-ascending limb of the loop of Henle
+distal convoluted tubules
+collecting duct
384. Triamterene increases the elimination of following ions:
385. Indicate the mechanism of diuretic action of triamterene:
-blockage of aldosterone receptors
+blockage of sodium channels in distal convoluted tubules and collecting duct
- blockage of sodium channels in proximal convoluted tubules
386. The degree of diuretic effect of triamterene is independent from aldosterone
+it is a true
-it is a false
387. Spironolactone:
-suppresses the synthesis of aldosterone
+blocks the aldosterone receptors and eliminates the aldosterone influence in
+increases the excretion of sodium and chlorine ions
+decreases the excretion of potassium and magnesium ions
388. The degree of diuretic effect of spironolactone is independent from
aldosterone level.
-it is a true
+it is a false
390. Mannitum:
-easily penetrates through cellular membranes and tissues barriers
+increases the osmotic pressure of plasma
+is strong diuretic
+increases the osmotic pressure in lumen of nephrons and destroys the
reabsorbtion of water
391. Choose diuretics which increase the excretion of potassium and magnesium
ions from the body:
+ethacrinic acid
392. Choose the indications for use of diuretics:
+brain and pulmonary edema
+treatment of edemas in patient with chronic heart failure
+treatment of edemas in patient with kidneys and liver diseases
+treatment of arterial hypertension
+forced diuresis
-treatment of ulcer disease
393. Choose diuretics which are used for treatment of chronic heart failure:
394. Choose diuretic for treatment of pulmonary edema:
395. Choose diuretics for treatment of brain edema:
396. Choose diuretics which are used for treatment of hypertensive disease:
397. What diuretics are used for forced diuresis?
398. Choose the indications for use of dichlothiazidum:
-pulmonary edema
+hypertensive disease
+edemas in patients with chronic heart failure
+diabetes insipidus
399. Choose the indications for use of furosemide:
+brain edema
+pulmonary edema
+chronic heart failure
-for prevention of hypokaliemia
+forced diuresis
+hypertensive disease
400. What is aim of simultaneous administration of triamterene with
-correction of acid-base balance
+prevention of hypokaliemia
401. Choose the indications for use of mannitum:
+brain edema
+forced diuresis
-hypertensive disease
-chronic heart failure
402. Choose diuretics which can cause hypokaliemia:
+ethacrinic acid
403. Choose diuretics with can cause hyperkaliemia:
404. Choose diuretic which can cause hypocalcemia:
405. Choose diuretic which can cause hyperglycemia:
406. Choose diuretics which can cause hyperuricemia:
+ethacrinic acid
407. Choose diuretics which can cause gynecomastia:
408. Choose the side effects of dichlothiazidum:
409. Choose the side effects of furosemide:
410. Choose the side effects of spironolactone:
411. What are typical for furosemide?
+high diuretic activity
-moderate diuretic activity
+fast development of effect
-slow development of effect
+short duration of action
412. Dichlothiazidum has:
-high diuretic activity
+moderate diuretic activity
-low diuretic activity
413. Choose the correct statement about mannitum:
+it is diuretic with high activity
-it is administered perorally
+it is administered intravenously
+it is used in brain edema
+it is used for forced diuresis
414. Choose diuretics with high activity:
+ethacrinic acid
415. Choose the correct statement:
+furosemide acts upon the ascending part of loop of Henle
+triamterene increases the level of potassium and magnesium ions in the blood
-dichlothiazidum is osmotic diuretic
+spironolactone can cause gyneconastia
416. Choose the correct statement:
+furosemide causes the marked diuretic effect
-clopamide is potassium-sparring diuretic
+dichlothiazidum is used in hypertensive disease
-triamterene is used in pulmonary edema
417. Choose drugs which stimulate the erythropoiesis:
+ferrous sulfate
+folic acid
+epoetin alpha
+ferrous lactate
418. Choose drugs for treatment of hypochromic anemias:
+ferrous lactate
-sodium nucleinate
+ferrous sulfate
+epoetin alpha
+epoetin beta
419. Choose drugs which are used in iron-deficiency anemias:
-folic acid
+ferrous sulfate
420. Choose drugs containing iron:
+ferrous sulfate
+ferrous lactate
421. Choose the recombinant human erythropoietins:
+epoetin alpha
+epoetin beta
422. Choose drugs for treatment of hyperchromic anemias:
-epoetin alpha
-ferrous sulfate
+folic acid
423. Choose drugs stimulating leukopoiesis:
-epoetin alpha
+sodium nucleinate
424. Choose the myeloid growth factors:
-sodium nucleinate
425. Choose the drugs which inhibit leukopoiesis:
-sodium nucleinate
426. Iron containing drugs:
+stimulate the erythropoiesis
-stimulate the leukopoiesis
+normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood
-influence blood clotting
427. The rocombinant human erythropoietins:
-increase the iron absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract
+stimulate the proliferation of erythrocytes
+stimulate the differentiation of erythrocytes
+are used for the treatment of aplastic anemias
428. Cyanocobalamin:
+normalizes the blood in megaloblastic anemia
-increases the iron absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract
-stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin
429. Folic acid:
+normalizes the blood in macrocytic anemia
-is used for treatment of leucosis
430. Pentoxylum:
-stimulates the erythropoiesis
+stimulates the leukopoiesis
+inhibits the inflammation
+stimulates the tissue regeneration
431. Molgramostim stimulates:
-proliferation of erythrocytes
+proliferation of granulocytes
+differentiation of granulocytes
+proliferation of monocytes (macrophages)
+differentiation of monocytes (macrophages)
432. Filgrastim stimulates:
+proliferation of granulocytic progenitor cells
+differentiation of granulocytic progenitor cells
-proliferation of lymphocytes
+activity of mature granulocytes (neutrophils)
433. Choose drugs which are used in iron-deficiency anemias:
-sodium nucleinate
+ferrous sulfate
+ferrous lactate
434. Choose iron-containing drugs which are used in the disorders of iron
absorption from gastro-intestinal tract:
-ferrous lactate
435. Choose drug which is used for treatment of pernicious anemia:
-ferrous lactate
-epoetin alpha
436. Choose drug which is used for treatment of macrocytic anemia:
-ferrous lactate
-epoetin beta
+folic acid
437. Molgrastim and filgrastim are used in:
+inhibition of leukopoiesis caused by intense myelosuppressive chemotherapy
+bone marrow transplantation
+aplastic anemia
438. Choose the iron-containing drugs for peroral administration:
+ferrous sulfate
+ferrous lactate
438. Choose the iron-containing drugs for parenteral administration:
-ferrous sulfate
-ferrous lactate
439. Ferrous lactate:
-is used in hyperchromic anemias
+is used in hypochromic anemias
+is administered perorally
-is administered parenterally
-increases the intestinal motility
+can cause constipation
440. Choose the correct statements:
-iron-containing drugs are effective in both hypochromic and hyperchromic
-only molecular iron is absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract
+it is necessary to avoid contact of iron-containing drugs with the oral cavity
+iron-containing drugs can cause the constipation
441. Choose the correct statements:
-cyanocobalamin is used in hypochromic anemia
+ cyanocobalamin is used in megaloblastic anemia
+cyanocobalamin is administered parenterally
442. Pentoxylum and methyluracilum:
+are synthetic stimulators of leukopoiesis
-are used in hypochromic anemias
+accelerate the healing of wounds
+have anti-inflammatory effect
443. Molgramostim:
-is synthetic agent
+is recombinant myeloid growth factor
+stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of granulocytes
+stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of monocytes (macrophages)
444. Filgrastim:
+is recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
-is drug of plant origin
-stimulates the erythropoiesis
+stimulates the differentiation and proliferation of granulocytic progenitor cells
445. Choose the antiaggregants:
-aminocapronic acid
+acetylsalicylic acid
446. Choose antiaggregant decreasing the synthesis of thromboxane:
+acetylsalicylic acid
447. Choose the antiaggregant stimulating prostacyclin receptors:
-acetylsalicylic acid
448. Choose anticoagulants:
-protamine sulfate
+sodium hydrocitrate
449. Choose the anticoagulants with direct action:
450. Choose the low-molecular-weight heparins:
451. Choose the indirectly-acting anticoagulants:
452. Choose agents which increase the blood coagulation:
453. Choose fibrinolytics:
-aminocapronic acid
454. Choose antifibrinolytics:
+aminocapronic acid
-acetylsalicylic acid
+tranexamic acid
455. Choose drugs which are used for prevention of thrombosis:
-aminocapronic acid
+acetylsalicylic acid
456. Choose drugs which prevent the formation of thrombi:
457. Choose drugs which promote the thrombolysis:
-acetylsalicylic acid
458. Choose drugs which are used for the arresting of hemorrhages:
+tranexamic acid
459. What drug is antagonist of heparin?
+protamine sulfate
460. Choose the antagonist of indirectly-acting anticoagulants:
-protamine sulfate
461. The antiaggregating effect of acetylsalicylic acid is result of:
+inhibition of cyclooxygenase
-inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase
-inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
-blockage of thromboxane receptors
462. Dipyridamole inhibits the platelets aggregation, because:
+increases the level of adenosine
-stimulates adenylyl cyclase
+inhibits phosphodiesterase
463. Choose the vitamin which stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin in the
-folic acid
464. Phytomenadione promotes:
+synthesis of prothrombin in the liver
-transformation of prothrombin to thrombin
-transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin
465. Choose agent which stimulates the transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin:
466. Heparin:
-is antagonist of vitamin К
+is co-factor of antithrombin ІІІ
+affects the transformation of prothrombin to thrombin
+decreases the activity of thrombin
467. Unlike heparin, the low-molecular-weight heparins:
-affect the transformation of prothrombin to thrombin
-decrease the activity of factor Ха
+don’t affect thrombin activity
-increase the platelets aggregation
-are effective in peroral administration
468. Syncumarum and warfarin:
+suppress the synthesis of active form of vitamin К1
+suppress the synthesis of clotting factors
-activate the antithrombin ІІІ
-decrease the thrombin activity
469. Choose drugs which interfere with synthesis of prothrombin in the liver:
470. Streptokinase stimulates the transformation of:
-prothrombin to thrombin
-fibrinogen to fibrin
+profibrinolysin to fibrinolysin
471. Streptokinase and urokinase act:
-only in thrombi
-only in plasma
+both in thrombi and in plasma
472. Choose drugs which promote the formation of fibrinolysin:
-acetylsalicylic acid
-aminocapronic acid
473. Acetylsalicylic acid:
+is antiaggregant
-is anticoagulant
+is anti-inflammatory drug
+has hypothermic effect
+has analgesic effect
-has gastroprotective effect
474. Choose drugs which interfere with platelets aggregation:
-tranexamic acid
+acetylsalicylic acid
475. Choose drugs decreasing blood clotting:
476. Choose anticoagulants interfering with fibrin formation only in vivo:
477. Choose anticoagulants interfering with fibrin formation both in vivo and in
478. Choose the correct statement:
+the effect of heparin develops right after administration
+the effect of warfarin develops during 1-2 days
-the low-molecular weight heparins are effective only in vivo
-protamine sulfate is antagonist of both directly-acting and indirectly-acting
479. Protamine sulfate inactivates:
480. Streptokinase:
-directly act upon the fibrin and dissolves it
+activates fibrinolytic system
+causes the lysis of fibrinogen in the blood
+decreases the blood clotting
+decreases the platelets aggregation
481. Alteplase:
-decreases the blood clotting
-directly act upon the fibrin and dissolves it
+activates the fibrinolysis predominantly within the thrombus
-activates the transformation of profibrinolysin to fibrinolysin in plasma
-decreases the platelets aggregation
482. Choose drugs which promote the formation of thrombi:
483. Choose drugs which interfere with lysis of thrombi:
+aminocapronic acid
+tranexamic acid
484. Choose drugs which are used for prevention of thrombosis:
+acetylsalicylic acid
-aminocapronic acid
485. Choose drugs which are used for prevention of platelets aggregation:
+acetylsalicylic acid
486. Choose drugs which are used for prevention of thrombosis of coronary
+acetylsalicylic acid
-aminocapronic acid
487. Choose drugs which are used for decrease of blood clotting:
-acetylsalicylic acid
488. Anticoagulants are used:
+for prevention of thrombosis
-for lysis of thrombi
-both for prevention of thrombosis and for lysis of thrombi
489. Heparin is administered:
490. Warfarin is administered:
491. What drug is used in overdose of heparin?
+protamine sulfate
492. Choose drugs which are used for increase of blood clotting:
493. Choose drug which is used locally for arresting of capillary hemorrhages:
494. Choose drugs which are used for lysis of thrombi:
495. In hemorrhages due to increase of fibrinolytic activity, is used:
-acetylsalicylic acid
+aminocapronic acid
Salem akram
1. Choose the drugs of water-soluble vitamins:
+pyridoxine (В6)
+thiamine (В1)
-tocopherol (Е)
-phytonadione (К1)
+folic acid (Вс)
2. Choose the drugs of water-soluble vitamins:
-retinol (А)
+riboflavin (В2)
+rutin (Р)
+ascorbic acid (С)
3. Choose the drugs of water-soluble vitamins:
+pantothenic acid (В5)
+cyanocobalamin (В12)
-ergocalciferol (D2)
+nicotinic acid (РР)
-tocopherol (Е)
4. Choose the drugs of lipid-soluble vitamins:
+retinol (А)
-pantothenic acid (В5)
+ergocalciferol (D2)
+tocopherol (Е)
+phytonadione (К1)
5. The thiamine deficiency results in:
6. Indicate the system which is most suffering in thiamine deficiency:
-blood system
-urinary system
+nervous system
-bone and skeletal muscles
7. The deficiency of nicotinic acid results in:
-pernicious anemia
8. Choose the effects of nicotinic acid:
+reduction of vessels tone
+elimination of the symptoms of pellagra
9. Unlike nicotinic acid, nicotinamide has not influence upon the vessels tone:
+it is true
-it is false
10. The deficiency of riboflavin results in:
+angular stomatitis
+vascular keratitis
11. Choose vitamins which are used for treatment of megaloblastic anemia:
+folic acid
12. In patient with deficiency of intrinsic Castle’s factor, the absorption of
cyanocobalamin in intestine:
-is decreased
+is increased
-doesn’t change
13. The deficiency of cyanocobalamin is accompanied by:
-macrocytic anemia
+megaloblastic anemia
+affection of mucous membranes of gastrointestinal tract
+peripheral neuritis
14. Folic acid deficiency is accompanied by:
-megaloblastic anemia
+macrocytic anemia
15. Under the influence of ascorbic acid, the synthesis of collagen is:
-doesn’t change
16. Ascorbic acid:
-increases the vessels permeability
+decreases the vessels permeability
+accelerates the processes of regeneration
-slows down the processes of regeneration
17. Choose vitamin which improves the absorption of iron-containing drugs in
gastrointestinal tract:
+ascorbic acid
-nicotinic acid
18. Choose vitamins which decrease the vessels permeability:
-nicotinic acid
+ascorbic acid
19. Choose the correct statements:
-rutin influences mainly upon the metabolism of phosphates and calcium
-rutin increases the vessels permeability
+rutin deficiency results in the increase of vessels permeability
20. Choose vitamin which influences upon the photoperception:
21. Whether it is true, that the insufficiency of vitamin A causes the
22. Choose vitamin which stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin and
proconvertin in the liver:
+ phytonadione
23. Vitamin К:
-is anticoagulant
+is used for treatment of hemorrhages
+stimulates the synthesis of several clotting factors in the liver
+promotes the synthesis of ANP
24. Vitamin K is antagonist of:
-directly-acting anticoagulants
+indirectly-acting anticoagulants
25. Choose vitamins with anti-oxidative properties:
+ascorbic acid
-nicotinic acid
26. Ergocalciferol regulates:
-carbohydrate metabolism
-peptide metabolism
+metabolism of phosphates and calcium
-lipid metabolism
27. Ergocalciferol:
+improves the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract
-worsens the absorption of calcium in gastrointestinal tract
+regulates the mobilization of calcium from the bones
-decreases the reabsorption of calcium in nephron
28. Choose the correct statements:
-tocopherol decreases the blood coagulation
+vitamin K increases the blood coagulation
+ergocalciferol regulates the bone mineralization
+deficiency of vitamin A results in hemeralopia
29. Choose the correct statements:
+deficiency of vitamin A results in xerophthalmia
+vitamin K is antagonist of indirectly-acting anticoagulants
-tocopherol influences photoperception
30. Choose the vitamin which used for prevention and treatment of pellagra:
-folic acid
-ascorbic acid
+nicotinic acid
31. Choose the indications for use of nicotinic acid:
+spasms of vessels
32. Choose vitamin which is used for treatment of macrocytic anemia:
+folic acid
-nicotinic acid
-ascorbic acid
33. Choose vitamin which is the main drug for treatment of pernicious anemia:
-folic acid
34. Choose vitamin which is used for treatment and prevention of scurvy:
-folic acid
+ascorbic acid
-nicotinic acid
35. Choose vitamins which are used for decrease of vessels permeability:
+ascorbic acid
-folic acid
36. Choose the indications for use of ergocalciferol:
37. What are indications for use of retinol?
38. What vitamin is used for treatment of bleeding owing to
-folic acid
-кислоту ascorbic acid
+vitamin K
39. Choose drugs which influence release of gonadotropins:
40. Choose drugs which influence release of growth hormone:
41. Choose drugs which influence release of thyrotropin:
42. Choose the hormonal drugs of anterior pituitary:
43. Choose the hormonal drugs of anterior pituitary:
+menopausal gonadotropin
+human chorionic gonadotropin
44. Choose the hormonal drugs of posterior pituitary:
+desmopressin acetate
45. Choose hormonal drug with follicle-stimulating activity:
+menopausal gonadotropin
-human chorionic gonadotropin
46. Choose hormonal drug with luteinizung activity:
-menopausal gonadotropin
+human chorionic gonadotropin
47. Choose the antithyroid drugs:
48. Choose the hormonal drugs of pancreas:
49. Choose the groups of drugs which are used for treatment of diabetes
+preparations of insulin
+biguanide derivatives
+alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
+sulfonylurea derivatives
50. Choose the antidiabetic drugs – derivatives of sulfonylurea:
51. Choose the antidiabetic drugs – derivatives of biguanide:
52. Choose the synthetic antidiabetic agents:
53. In the anterior pituitary, gonadorelin increases the release of:
54. In pituitary, leuprolide inhibits the secretion of:
55. Tetracosactide:
-increases the secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone by hypothalamus
-inhibits the secretion of glucocorticoids
+stimulates the secretion of glucocorticoids
56. Octreotide:
-stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone by pituitary
+inhibits the synthesis of growth hormone by pituitary
57. Rifathyroinum:
-inhibits the synthesis of thyrotropin by pituitary
+stimulates the synthesis of thyrotropin by pituitary
58. The follicular development and the estrogens synthesis are stimulated by:
-human chorionic gonadotropin
+menopausal gonadotropin
59. Choose gonadotropin which stimulates the ovulation:
-menopausal gonadotropin
+human chorionic gonadotropin
60. Oxytocin:
+increases the tone of uterus
-decreases the uterus tone
+increases the contractile activity of uterus
-decreases the contractile activity of uterus
61. What is main effect of desmopressin acetate?
-stimulation of ovulation
-increase of tone and contraction of uterus
+regulation of water reabsorption in collective ducts
62. L-thyroxine sodium:
+stimulates the consumption of oxygen by tissues
+stimulates the catabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
+increases the basal metabolism
-decreases the basal metabolism
+increases the effects of adrenaline
63. What is mechanism of action of mercazolilum?
-suppression of synthesis of thyrotropin by pituitary
+suppression of synthesis of thyroid hormones by thyroid glands
-destroying of the thyroid follicle cells
-reduction of absorption of iodine by thyroid gland
64. Choose drugs which decrease the level of glucose in the blood:
65. Insulin:
-decreases the absorption of glucose in the intestine
-increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors in the tissues
+promotes the penetration of glucose into the cells
+increases the synthesis of glycogen
66. Insulin drugs aren’t administered perorally because:
-insulin is badly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+insulin is destroyed by digestive enzymes
-insulin increases the glucose absorption
67. Drugs of insulin:
+are effective in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
+are effective in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
+are administered parenterally
-are administered only intravenously
68. Drugs of insulin with prolonged action:
+are effective in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
+are effective in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
-are administered intravenously
+are administered subcutaneously
69. Drugs of insulin with prolonged action aren’t used for cessation of
hyperglycemic coma because:
+these drugs aren’t administered intravenously
-aren’t administered perorally
+they have prolonged latent period of action
-they have low hypoglycemic effect
70. Glibenclamide:
+is easily absorbed from gastrointestinal tract
+stimulates the secretion of insulin by beta-cells of pancreas
-is drug of substitutive therapy in diabetes mellitus
+is administered only perorally
+is ineffective in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
71. What are mechanisms of action of metformin?
-stimulation of insulin release by beta-cells of pancreas
+improving of glucose penetration into the cells
+reduction of glyconeogenesis
+reduction of carbohydrates absorption in the intestine
72. Metformin:
+is administered perorally
+decreases the appetite and body weight
-is used in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
+ is used in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
73. Rosiglitazone:
-increases the secretion of insulin by beta-cells of pancreas
+increases the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to endogenous insulin
+increases the absorption of glucose by peripheral tissues
74. Acarbose:
+is administered perorally
+inhibits the alpha-glucosidase
+reduces the absorption of carbohydrates into the intestine
-is used in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
+is used in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
75. Danazol is used for treatment of:
-adrenal insufficiency
76. Leuprolide is used for treatment of:
-cancer of mammary gland
+cancer of prostate
-cancer of ovary
77. Rifathyroinum is used for diagnosis of disturbances of function of:
-adrenal cortex
+thyroid gland
78. What drug is prescribed in adrenal insufficiency?
79. What drug is used in dwarfish growth?
80. What is indication for use of octreotide?
-hypothalamic hypogonadism
81. What drug is used for treatment of acromegaly?
82. What drug is used in hyperprolactinemia?
83. Octreotide is used in:
+control of bleeding from esophageal varices
-dwarfish growth
84. Choose the indications for use of oxytocin:
-prevention of premature labor
+uterine subinvolution in the postnatal period
+stimulation of labor
+arresting of postnatal bleeding
85. What is indication for use of desmopressin acetate?
-diabetes mellitus
+diabetes insipidus
-stimulation of labor
86. Choose drugs which are used in mixedema:
+triiodthyroninum hydrochloride
+L-thyroxine sodium
87. Choose drugs which are used in hyperthyroidism:
-triiodthyroninum hydrochloride
+potassium perchlorate
88. Leukopenia and agranulocytosis are side effects of:
-potassium iodide
89. Choose drugs which are used in diabetes mellitus:
-desmopressin acetate
90. Choose peroral antidiabetic drugs:
+sulfonylurea derivatives
+biguanide derivatives
91. Choose drug which is used for cessation of hyperglycemic coma:
-insulin “Ultratard HM”
+insulin “Actrapid MC”
92. Choose correct statement:
-octreotide is used in dwarfish growth
+desmopressin acetate is used in diabetes insipidus
-insulin is used in hypoglycemic coma
-all statements are incorrect
93. Choose correct statement:
-mercazolilum is used for treatment of mixedema
-desmopressin acetate is used in diabetes mellitus
+oxytocin is used for stimulation of labor
94. Choose correct statements:
+tetracosactide increases the synthesis of glucocorticoids
-desmopressin acetate decreases the water reabsorption in nephron
+insulin decreases the blood glucose level
95. Choose correct statements:
+human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates the ovulation
+menopausal gonadotropin stimulates the follicular development
-somatrem increases the catabolism
96. Choose correct statements:
+L-thyroxine sodium increases the basal metabolism
-mercazolilum is used in mixedema
+tetracosactide is used in adrenal insufficiency
97. Choose correct statements:
+insulin is used for interruption of hyperglycemic coma
-acarbose is used in diabetes insipidus
+glibenclamide is used in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
98. Choose correct statement:
+glibenclamide is derivative of sulfonylurea
-somatrem is used for treatment of hypothyroidism
-corticotropin is used in mixedema
99. Choose correct statements:
-human chorionic gonadotropin is used in breast cancer
+glibenclamide is administered perorally
+octreotide is analog of somatostatin
100. Choose correct statements:
-L-thyroxine is used in diabetes insipidus
+metformin is administered perorally
+desmopressin acetate is used for treatment of diabetes insipidus
+oxytocin increases the contractive activity of uterus
101. Choose glucocorticoids for systemic action:
10Choose glucocorticoids which are used only locally:
103. Choose glucocorticoid which is used in inhalations:
104. Choose mineralocorticoid:
105. Choose antagonist of glucocorticoids:
106. What drug is antagonist of mineralocorticoids?
107. Choose estrogens:
108. What drugs are antagonists of estrogens?
109. Choose progestin:
110. What drug is progesterone inhibitor?
111. Choose androgen:
112. What drugs are androgens antagonists?
113. Choose anabolic steroids:
114. What effects of glucocorticoids have the therapeutic value?
-stimulation of catabolism
115. What are peculiarities of mechanism of action of glucocorticoids?
+drugs penetrate through cells membranes and act intracellularlly
-drugs interact with membrane receptors
+drugs regulate the gene transcription
+drugs regulate the synthesis of proteins and enzymes
116. What are peculiarities of glucocorticoid influence upon the metabolism?
+drugs increases the blood glucose level
-drugs decrease the blood glucose level
+drugs cause the redistribution of fats
+drugs cause the water and sodium retention
+drugs inhibit the protein synthesis
117. What are peculiarities of glucocorticoid influence upon the inflammation?
-drugs increase the exudation
+drugs suppress the exudation
+drugs decrease the activity of macrophages and fibroblasts
-drugs promote the accumulation of leukocytes in the inflammation region
+drugs suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes
118. In prolonged therapy with glucocorticoids, the production of
adrenocorticotropin is:
-doesn’t change
119. Prednisolone and hydrocortisone:
-are badly absorbed from the place of local application
+are readily absorbed from the place of local application
-practically haven’t systemic effects
+have systemic effects
+have mineralocorticoid activity
120. Dexamethasone:
-is badly absorbed from the place of local application
+is superior to prednisolone after anti-inflammatory activity
-is anterior to prednisolone after anti-inflammatory activity
+ has low mineralocorticoid activity
-has marked mineralocorticoid activity
121. Beclomethazone:
+is badly absorbed in case of local application
-is readily absorbed in case of local application
-has marked systemic action
+practically hasn’t systemic effects
122. Desoxycorticosterone predominantly influence:
-carbohydrate metabolism
-peptide metabolism
+water-salt balance
-lipid metabolism
123. Choose the effects of mineralocorticoids:
+increase of sodium level
-decrease the sodium level
-increase the potassium level
+decrease the potassium level
124. Estrogens:
+promote the growth and development of stroma and ducts of the breast
+promote the proliferation of endometrium in the 1st phase of the menstrual
-promote the change in endometrium in 2nd phase of menstrual cycle
125. Progestins:
-stimulate the ovulation
+inhibit the ovulation
-increase the excitability of myometrium
+decrease the excitability of myometrium
126. Which drug blocks the estrogen receptors?
127. Anabolic steroids:
+increase the protein synthesis
+stimulate the regenerative processes
-decrease the body weight
+have low androgenic activity
+accelerate the calcification of bones
128. Glucocorticoids are used as:
+anti-inflammatory agents
+antiallergic agents
+drugs for elimination of shock
129. Choose the indications for use of glucocorticoids:
+allergic reactions of immediate type
+inflammatory diseases of skin and mucous membranes
+autoimmunic diaseases
-arterial hypertension
+reactions of tearing away in transplantation of organs and tissues
130. Choose hormonal drugs which are used in autoimmune diseases:
131. Choose glucocorticoids which are used only locally for treatment of
inflammatory and allergic diseases of skin and mucous membranes:
132. Choose glucocorticoid which is used in inhalations for treatment of
bronchial asthma:
133. Choose indications for use of mineralocorticoids:
-bronchial asthma
+chronic adrenal insufficiency
-inflammatory diseases of skin and mucous membranes
134. Choose indications for use if estrogens:
+primary and secondary amenorrhea
+postmenopausal period
-recurrent abortions
135. Which hormonal drugs are used for prevention of abortions?
136. Choose indications for use of anabolic steroids:
+prolonged therapy by glucocorticoids
-premature labor
+bone fractures
137. Which hormonal drugs are used for stimulation of regenerative processes?
+anabolic steroids
138. Choose the side effects of prednisolone:
+decrease of organism’s immunoresistance
+ulcers of the stomach
+arterial hypertension
139. In prolonged therapy by glucocorticoids, the functional activity of adrenal
-is increased
-doesn’t change
+is decreased
140. Choose the group of hormonal drugs which most often cause the edemas:
-anabolic steroids
141. Choose drugs chronic administration of which may cause osteoporosis,
hyperglycemia, and arterial hypertension:
-desoxycorticosterone acetate
142. Choose hormonal drugs which may cause the masculinization in woman:
143. Choose hormonal drugs administration of which may cause the increase of
blood pressure:
+desoxycorticosterone acetate
144. Choose the side effects of mineralocorticoids:
+arterial hypertension
-ulcers of stomach
-muscular weakness
145. Choose the correct statements:
+prednisolone is glucocorticoid
-retabolilum is estrogen
+clomiphene is antiestrogen
+finasteride is antiandrogen
146. Choose the correct statements:
+retabolilum is used for acceleration of regenerative processes
+finasteride is used for treatment of benign hyperplasia of the prostate
+inhalations of beclomethazone are used in bronchial asthma
-desoxycorticosterone acetate is used in osteoporosis
147. Choose the correct statement:
-finasteride blocks the androgenic receptors
-progesterone has high anti-inflammatory effect
-clomiphene is used as contraceptive agent
+all statements are incorrect
148. Choose the correct statements:
-estrogens are used for prevention of premature labor
+glucocorticoids cause the ulceration of stomach
+retabolilum increases the protein synthesis
+finasteride blocks 5-alpha-reductase and decreases the intracellular level of
149. Choose the correct statement:
-beclomethazone is administered orally
+anabolic steroids increase the body weight
-finasteride is used as contraceptive
150. Choose the correct statements:
+beclomethazone hasn’t restorative effects
+dexamethasone has low mineralocorticoid activity
-flumethasone is easily absorbed through the skin
151. What group is steroid anti-inflammatory agents:
-derivatives of salicylic acid
152. Choose glucocorticoids:
153. Glucocorticoids which are used only locally:
154. Choose non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs:
155. Choose non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents which inhibit both COX-1
and COX-2:
+acetylsalicylic acid
+diclofenac sodium
156. What drug is selective inhibitor of COX?
-diclofenac sodium
-acetylsalicylic acid
157. Choose the main effects of steroid anti-inflammatory agents:
158. The anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids is result of:
-inhibition of COX
-inhibition of lipoxygenase
+stimulation of lipocortines synthesis which inhibit the enzyme phospholipase
159. Glucocorticoids affect the formation of:
+arachidonic acid
+platelet activating factor (PAF)
160. The anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids is result of inhibition of
formation of:
+platelet activating factor
161. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit enzyme:
-phospholipase A2
162. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents inhibit the formation of:
-platelet activating factor
-arachidonic acid
163. Unlike glucocorticoids, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs don’t affect
the formation of:
+arachidonic acid
+platelet activating factor
164. Prednisolone decreases the activity of:
+phospholipase A2
165. Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits:
-phospholipase A2
166. Analgesic effect of non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents is result of:
-stimulation of opioid receptors
+inhibition of biosynthesis of prostaglandins
+increase of threshold of nociceptor sensitivity to pain stimuli
167. In inflammatory area, glucocorticoids:
+narrow the small vessels
-increase the exudation
+decrease the exudation
+decrease the activity of macrophages and fibroblasts
+decrease the accumulation of leukocytes
168. Glucocorticoids:
+prevent the release of allergy mediators from the sensibilized basophils
-stimulate the proliferation of T-lymphocytes
+inhibit the proliferation of T-lymphocytes
-increase the cytotoxicity of T-lymphocytes
+inhibit the cytotoxicity of T-lymphocytes
169. What are effects of glucocorticoids upon the hemopoiesis?
-decrease the amount of neutrophils
+increase the amount of neutrophils
+decrease the amounts of eosinophils and lymphocytes
-increase the amounts of eosinophils and lymphocytes
170. Choose drugs which have analgesic effect:
+acetylsalicylic acid
171. Choose drugs which have antipyretic effect:
+diclofenac sodium
172. Choose the indications for use of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs:
+autoimmune disease
+allergic reactions of immediate type
+allergic reactions of delayed type
+reaction of tearing away in organs transplantation
173. Choose the indications for use of prednisolone:
+bronchial asthma
-ulcer disease of duodenum and stomach
+contact dermatitis
174. Choose the indications for use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents:
+acute and chronic rheumatic diseases
+gout attacks
-pain relief in acute myocardial infarction
+pain relief in arthralgia, neuralgia and myositis
175. Choose drugs which are used as antipyretics:
+acetylsalicylic acid
+diclofenac sodium
176. Steroid anti-inflammatory agents may cause:
+increase of blood pressure
+adrenal insufficiency
+ulcer of stomach
177. Choose the side effects of non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents:
+ulcer of stomach and duodenum
-adrenal insufficiency
+allergic reactions
178. Unlike glucocorticoids, non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents:
+don’t inhibit immunity
-don’t cause ulcer of stomach and duodenum
+don’t cause adrenal insufficiency
179. Choose the side effects of acetylsalicylic acid:
-adrenal atrophy
+dyspepsia and ulcer of stomach
+gastrointestinal hemorrhage
180. The ulcerogenic effect of acetylsalicylic acid is result of inhibition of
synthesis of:
181. Unlike non-selective inhibitors of COX, selective inhibitors of COX-2:
+seldom cause the ulceration of mucous membranes of gastrointestinal tract
-often cause the ulceration of mucous membranes of gastrointestinal tract
+don’t influence platelets aggregation
182. Prednisolone:
+inhibits the activity of phospholipase А2
-increases the excretion of sodium and water from the body
+decreases the excretion of sodium and water from the body
+affects the synthesis of prostaglandins
+affects the synthesis of leukotrienes
183. Dexamethasone causes:
+inhibition of prostaglandins synthesis
+inhibition of synthesis of leukotrienes
-activation of immunity
+inhibition of immunity
+decrease of amount of lymphocytes and eosinophils in blood
184. Acetylsalicylic acid:
+blocks both COX-1 and COX-2
-selectively blocks COX-2
+blocks COX irreversibly
+inhibits the platelets aggregation
+has analgesic effect
185. Celecoxib:
+is non-steroid anti-inflammatory agent
+selectively blocks COX-2
-blocks both COX-1 and COX-2
-hasn’t antipyretic effect
186. Diclofenac sodium:
+is non-steroid anti-inflammatory agent
- selectively blocks COX-2
+has antipyretic and analgesic effects
+excels the salicylates after anti-inflammatory effect
187. Drug A. affects the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes owing to
inhibition of phospholipase A2 and has anti-inflammatory and depressive
effects. Identify drug A.:
-diclofenac sodium
188. Drug A. affects the synthesis of prostaglandins owing to inhibition of
cyclooxygenase, has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects;
decrease the platelets aggregation. Identify drug A.:
-diclofenac sodium
+acetylsalicylic acid
189. Choose the correct statements:
-hydrocortisone is selective inhibitor of COX-2
+prednisolone is steroid anti-inflammatory agent
-ibuprofen is glucocorticoid
+celecoxib is non-steroid anti-inflammatory agent
190. Choose the correct statements:
-diclofenac sodium is glucocorticoid
+prednisolone is steroid anti-inflammatory agent
+flumethasone is glucocorticoid for local use
+celecoxib is selective inhibitor of COX-2
191. Choose the correct statements:
+prednisolone is glucocorticoid
+ibuprofen is non-steroid anti-inflammatory agent
+glucocorticoids affect the formation of arachidonic acid
-hydrocortisone has antipyretic and analgesic effects
192. Choose the correct statements:
+dexamethasone is steroid anti-inflammatory agent
+acetylsalicylic acid inhibits cyclooxygenase
-prednisolone stimulate the immunity
+ibuprofen has analgesic effect
193. Choose the correct statements:
-hydrocortisone increases the excretion of water and sodium from the organism
+glucocorticoids stimulates the synthesis of lipocortines
-acetylsalicylic acid inhibits the synthesis of leukotrienes
194. Choose the correct statements:
-hydrocortisone is mineralocorticoid
+ibuprofen inhibits cyclooxygenase
+glucocorticoids increase the amount of neutrophils in the blood
195. Choose the correct statements:
-salicylates stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins
-ibuprofen suppresses the immunity
+non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents can cause the ulcer of stomach
196. Choose drugs which are used for treatment of allergic diseases of immediate
-cytotoxic agents
+blockers of Н1-histamine receptors
+drugs preventing de-granulation of basophiles
197. Choose drugs which prevent the release of allergy mediators from
sensibilized basophiles:
-blockers of Н1-histamine receptors
-cytotoxic agents
+cromolyn sodium
198. Choose drugs which prevent the interaction of histamine with Н1-histamine
-cromolyn sodium
199. Choose drugs which are used in delayed hypersensitivity reactions:
-blockers of H1-histamine receptors
+cytotoxic agents
+steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
+non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
200. Choose immunosuppressants:
-non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
+cytotoxic agents
201. Glucocorticoids are:
202. Cytotoxic agents are:
203. Choose immunomodulators:
204. What is mechanism of action of cromolyn sodium?
-blockage of H1-histamine receptors
-affecting of synthesis of immunoglobulins
+blockage of the entering of calcium ions into tissue basophiles and stabilization
of membranes of basophiles
205. Choose the effects of histamine which are reduced by dimedrolum:
+increase of capillaries permeability
-increase of gastric secretion
+increase of bronchial and of intestinal tone
+decrease of arterial tone
206. Dimedrolum:
-interferes with release of histamine from tissue basophiles
+blocks H1-histamine receptors
+has hypnotic effect
+is used for treatment of allergic diseases of immediate type
207. Diazolinum:
+blocks H1-histamine receptors
-blocks H2-histamine receptors
-has hypnotic and sedative effects
+hasn’t influence upon the CNS
208. Choose H1-histamine receptor blockers which don’t influence upon CNS:
209. Adrenaline:
+increases the blood pressure
+relaxes bronchi
+is used for interruption of asthma attacks
+is used in anaphylactic shock
-is used for treatment of allergic diseases of delayed type
210. Euphillinum:
-blocks H1-histamine receptors
-is adrenomimetic
+is broncholytic with direct myotropic action
+relaxes bronchi
+is used for prevention and interruption of bronchospasms
211. Choose the effects of glucocorticoids:
212. Glucocorticoids:
-increase the immunity
+suppress the immunity
+are effective in allergic diseases of immediate type
+ are effective in allergic diseases of delayed type
-are effective in immunodeficiency states
213. Glucocorticoids as immunodepressants:
+inhibit the proliferation of T-lymphocytes
-affect the synthesis of histamine
+reduce the synthesis of cytokines
+inhibit the cytotoxocity of sensibilized lymphocytes
+decrease the activity of T-killers
214. Cyclosporine:
+is immunodepressant
-is used in allergic diseases of immediate type
+is used in autoimmune diseases
+is used for prevention of tearing away reaction in organs transplantation
215. Choose the cytotoxic drugs:
216. Choose the effect of tactivinum:
217. Cyclosporine:
-H1-histamine blocker
+inhibits the synthesis of interleukins
+decreases the production of gamma-interferon
+is nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic agent
+inhibits the proliferation of T-lymphocytes
218. Tactivinum:
+is hormone of thymus
+stimulates the production of lymphokines
+normalizes the activity of T-lymphocytes
-is used as immunosuppressor
219. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs:
-increase the immunity
-suppress the tearing away reaction in organs transplantation
+decrease the tissue damage in inflammation
220. Choose the effects of gamma-interferon:
221. Choose drugs which are used in allergic reactions of immediate type:
+cromolyn sodium
222. Choose drugs which are used in anaphylactic chock:
-cromolyn sodium
223. Choose the indications for used of drugs blocking H1-histamine receptors:
+nettle rash
+pollinosis (hay fever)
+Quincke's edema
+serum sickness
224. Choose the indications for use of dimedrolum:
+allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis
+hay fever
225. Cromolyn sodium is used for:
-interruption of anaphylactic shock
-interruption of asthma attacks
+prevention of asthma attacks
+treatment of allergic rhinitis
226. Adrenaline is used for:
-prevention of asthma attacks
+interruption of asthma attacks
+interruption of anaphylactic shock
227. Euphyllinum is used for:
-increase of blood pressure in anaphylactic shock
+prevention of bronchospasm
+interruption of bronchospasm
228. Choose drugs which are used in allergic reaction of delayed type:
-cromolyn sodium
229. Tactivinum is used in:
-allergic reactions of immediate type
-allergic reactions of delayed type
+immunodeficient states
230. Choose the correct statement:
+dimedrolum is blocker of Н1-histamine receptors
+prednisolone is immunodepressant
+hydrocortisone is glucocorticoid
-cromolyn sodium is adrenomimetic
231. Choose the correct statements:
-diazolinum is immunodepressant
+phencarolum is blocker of Н1-histamine receptors
-prednisolone is adrenomimetic
+interferon is immunomodulator
+tactivinum is immunomodulator
232. Choose the correct statements:
-loratadine is blocker of Н2-histamine receptors
+glucocorticoids inhibit the proliferation of lymphocytes
+cromolyn sodium is used for prevention of asthma attacks
+Cytotoxic drugs are used for treatment of allergic reactions of delayed type
233. Choose the correct statements:
+cyclosporine is immunodepressant
-diazolinum is used in allergic reactions of delayed type
+euphyllinum is used both for prevention and for interruption of
+tactivinum is used for treatment of immunodeficient states
234. Choose the correct statements:
+prednisolone has the immunodepressive effect
+dimedrolum blocks H1-histamine receptors
+adrenaline is used for interruption of asthma attacks
-cyclosporine is immunomodulator
235. Choose the correct statement:
-loratadine is glucocorticoid
-prednisolone stimulates the activity of macrophages
-diazolinum is used in allergic reactions of delayed type
-cromolyn sodium is used in anaphylactic shock
+all statement are incorrect
236. Choose the correct statements:
+glucocorticoids prevent the release of allergy mediators from sensibilized
+dimedrolum has the hypnotic effect
-cytotoxic agents have low toxicity
+tactivinum normalizes the activity of T-lymphocytes
237. Choose the correct statements:
-euphyllinum is blocker of H1-histamine receptors
+prednisolone has the anti-inflammatory effect
+immunodepressants are used in allergic reactions of delayed type
238. Choose the correct statements:
+euphyllinum is broncholytic
+diazolinum doesn’t influence CNS
+adrenaline is effective in anaphylactic shock
-cyclosporine is blocker of H1-histamien receptors
239. Choose the correct statement:
+prednisolone inhibits the proliferation of lymphocytes
-dimedrolum hasn’t hypnotic effect
-cyclosporine is used in anaphylactic shock
+cyclosporine is used for prevention of turning away reaction in organ
240. Choose the correct statements:
+euphyllinum is myotropic antispasmodic agent
+cromolyn sodium is used for prevention of asthma attacks
+adrenaline is drug of choice in anaphylactic shock
-diazoline prevents the release of allergy mediators from the basophyles
1. Beta-lactam antibiotics:
+biosynthetic penicillins
+semisynthetic penicillins
2. Biosynthetic penicillins are:
+benzylpenicillin sodium
+benzylpenicillin potassium
3. Semisynthetic penicillins are:
4. Cephalosporins are:
4. Macrolides are:
5. Azalids are:
+erythromycin acistrate
6. Tetracyclines are:
7. Aminoglycosides are:
-polymyxin B sulfate
8. Cyclic polypeptides are:
+polymyxin B sulfate
9. Lincosamides are:
10. Glycopeptides are:
11. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are:
12. Mainly gram-positive bacteria are affected by:
-polymyxin M sulfate
+benzylpenicillin sodium
13. Mainly gram-negative bacteria are affected by:
+polymyxin M sulfate
14. Are active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
-benzylpenicillin sodium
-benzylpenicillin potassium
15. Which of the following drugs inhibit the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall
+biosynthetic penicillin’s
+semisynthetic penicillin’s
16. Which of the following drugs make a protein synthesis in the ribosomes of
microorganisms irreversible:
17. Rifampicin violates:
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-permeability of the cell membrane
+synthesis of the RNA
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
18. Polymyxin M sulfate violates:
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of the RNA
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
+permeability of the cell membrane
19. Bactericidal antibiotics are:
+?-lactam antibiotics
+polymyxin M sulfate
20. Bacteriostatic antibiotics are:
-semisynthetic penicillins
21. ?-lactam antibiotics are bactericidal antibiotics because they violate:
-permeability of the cell membrane
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-synthesis of the RNA
22. Biosynthetic penicillins are bactericidal antibiotics because they violate :
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of the RNA
-permeability of the cell membrane
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
23. Semisynthetic penicillins are bactericidal antibiotics because they violate :
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of the RNA
-permeability of the cell membrane
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
24. Cephalosporins are bactericidal antibiotics because they violate :
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of the RNA
-permeability of the cell membrane
25. Carbapenems are bactericidal antibiotics because they violate :
-permeability of the cell membrane
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-synthesis of the RNA
26. Aztreonam is a bactericidal antibiotic because it violates:
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-permeability of the cell membrane
-synthesis of the RNA
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
27. Tetracyclines are bacteriostatic antibiotics because they violate :
-permeability of the cell membrane
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-synthesis of the RNA
28. Polymyxin M sulfate is a bactericidal antibiotic because it violates:
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
+permeability of the cell membrane
-synthesis of the RNA
29. Rifampicin is a bactericidal antibiotic because it violates:
+synthesis of the RNA
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-permeability of the cell membrane
30. Laevomycetinum is a bacteriostatic antibiotic because it violates:
-permeability of the cell membrane
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-synthesis of the RNA
31. Glycopeptides are bactericidal antibiotics because they violate :
-synthesis of the RNA
-permeability of the cell membrane
+synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
32. Erythromycin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic because it violates:
-synthesis of the RNA
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-permeability of the cell membrane
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
33. The action spectrum of the biosynthetic penicillins includes:
-gram-positive cocci which produce penicillinase
+gram-positive cocci which do not produce penicillinase
+gram-negative cocci
+Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium tetani
+Corynebacterium diphtheriae
+Bacillus anthracis
+Treponema pallidum
34. The action spectrum of oxacillin includes :
+gram-positive cocci which produce penicillinase
+gram-positive cocci which do not produce penicillinase
+gram-negative cocci
+Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium tetani
+Corynebacterium diphtheriae
+Bacillus anthracis
-Treponema pallidum
35. The action spectrum of amoxicillin includes :
-gram-positive cocci which produce penicillinase
+gram-positive cocci which do not produce penicillinase
+gram-negative cocci
+Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium tetani
+Corynebacterium diphtheriae
-Treponema pallidum
+Shigella, Salmonella
36. Semisynthetic penicillins, with the greatest activity against Pseudomonas
37. Cefalosporins:
+have extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are effective against Chlamydia
-are active against Shigella, Salmonella
38. Carbapenems:
+have very extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are effective against Chlamydia
-are influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
39. Aztreonam:
-has extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is effective against Chlamydia
+is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
40. The most sensitive to erythromycin are:
+gram-positive cocci
-Shigella, Salmonella
+Treponema pallidum
-gram-negative cocci
41. The most sensitive to azithromycin are:
-gram-positive cocci
+gram-negative cocci
+Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma
-Shigella, Salmonella
42. Sensitive to tetracyclines are :
+Shigella, Salmonella
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+Vibrio cholera
+Pasteurella tularensis, Pasteurella pestis, Brucella
+gram-positive cocci and gram-negative cocci
43. Sensitive to laevomycetinum are:
+Shigella, Salmonella
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-Pseudomonas aeruginosa
+Pasteurella tularensis, Pasteurella pestis, Brucella
+gram-positive cocci and gram-negative cocci
44. Sensitive to aminoglycosides are:
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+Pasteurella tularensis, Pasteurella pestis, Brucella
+Shigella, Salmonella
+gram-positive cocci
+Pseudomonas aeruginosa
45. Sensitive to polymixin m sulfate are:
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-gram-positive cocci
+Shigella, Salmonella
-Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani
46. Sensitive to clindamycin are:
+Streptococci and Staphylococci
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-Shigella, Salmonella
47. Sensitive to glycopeptydes are:
+gram-positive cocci
+Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-Shigella, Salmonella
48. Fusidic acid is active against:
+gram-positive cocci
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
49. Biosynthetic penicillins:
-spectrum of their action is extended
-are not destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
+are destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
-are bacteriostatic agents
+are bactericidal agents
+are destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
-are not destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
50. Benzylpenicillin sodium:
-spectrum of their action is extended
+is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
+is bactericidal agent
-is administered per orally
+is administered parenterally
+duration of action after intramuscular administration - 3-4 hours
51. Comparable to the benzylpenicillin sodium benzylpenicillin novocainum:
-has a broad spectrum of action
-is resistant to ?-lactamases of gram-positive bacteria
-is effective when taken orally
+has longer the duration of action
52. Comparable to the benzylpenicillin sodium Bicillin-1 and Bicillin-5 :
-have a broad spectrum of action
-are not destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
-are resistant to ?-lactamases of gram-positive bacteria
+have longer the duration of action
53. Оxacillin:
+is resistant to staphylococcal penacillinase
-has the extended spectrum of action
+is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is not destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
-is destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is administered per orally
+is administered parenterally
54. Аmpicillin:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is resistant to staphylococcal penacillinase
-is destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is not destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is administered per orally
+is administered parenterally
55. Amoxicillin:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is resistant to staphylococcal penacillinase
-is destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is not destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is administered per orally
-is administered parenterally
56. Carbenicillin:
+has the extended spectrum of action
+is active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus all
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is administered parenterally
57. Which of the following antibiotics are effective when administered per
-benzylpenicillin sodium
58. Semisynthetic penicillins with the extended spectrum of action are:
59. Semisynthetic penicillins resistant to staphylococcal penacillinase are:
60. Which of the antibiotics are resistible to the acidic environment of the
-benzylpenicillin sodium
61. Cephalosporins:
+have the extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are bacteriostatic agents
+are bactericidal agents
+are not destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
62. Cefaclor:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+has no activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
+is not destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
+is destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
+is not destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
+is bactericidal agent
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is administered per orally
63. Cefotaxime:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+has no activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
+is not destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
+is inactivated by beta-lactamases of gram-negative bacteria
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
+is administered parenterally
64. Cefpirome:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is not destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria
+is not destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by gram-negative bacteria
+is effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
+is administered parenterally
65. Imipenem:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+ is resistant to most ?-lactamases (penicillinase, cephalosporinase)
+is inactivated by dehydropeptidase-1 in renal tubules
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
+is administered parenterally
66. Meropenem:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is resistant to most ?-lactamases (penicillinase, cephalosporinase)
-is inactivated by dehydropeptidase-1 in renal tubules
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
+is administered parenterally
67. Aztreonam:
-has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+is resistant to ?-lactamases which synthesized by gram-negative bacteria
+is bactericidal agent
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is administered parenterally
68. Erythromycin:
-has the extended spectrum of action
+is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is bacteriostatic agent
-is bactericidal agent
69. Comparable to Azithromycin erythromycin:
+is less active of influence on Streptococci and Staphylococci
+is more active of influence on gram-negative cocci
+has a longer duration of action
-has a shorter duration of action
+is mostly accumulated in phagocytes
+is less absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
70. Tetracyclines:
+have the extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+inhibit the protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+are bacteriostatic agents
-are bactericidal agents
71. Laevomycetinum:
+has the extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+inhibits of protein synthesis in the ribosomes of microorganisms
+is bacteriostatic agent
-is bactericidal agent
72. Streptomycin:
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+has the extended spectrum of action
+inhibits of protein synthesis in the ribosomes of microorganisms
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
73. Polymyxin M sulfate :
-has the extended spectrum of action
+is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+violates permeability of the cell membrane
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
74. Clindamycin:
-has the extended spectrum of action
+is effective against Streptococci and Staphylococci, Bacteroides
+inhibits of protein synthesis in the ribosomes of microorganisms
-is bactericidal agent
+is bacteriostatic agent
75. Vancomycin:
-has the extended spectrum of action
+is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is effective against multiresistant strains of Staphylococcus
+is bactericidal agent
-is bacteriostatic agent
76. Identify the group of drugs: the spectrums of activity include grampositive cocci; it inhibits bacterial microbes cell wall synthesis; is not resistant to
?-lactamases which synthesized by gram-positive bacteria; it`s destroyed in acid
environment of the stomach;it`s administered parenterally :
+biosynthetic penicillins
76. Identify the drug: is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria; inhibits
bacterial microbes cell wall synthesis; is not resistant to ?-lactamases which is
synthesized by gram-positive bacteria; isn`t effective against the spirochetes and
Borel; is resistant to the influence of acids; is administered parenterally and
perorally; duration of action – 4-6 hours:
-benzylpenicillin sodium
77. Identify the drug: has the extended spectrum of action; inhibits bacterial
microbes cell wall synthesis; is not resistant to ?-lactamases which is synthesized
by gram-positive bacteria; it`s resistant to the action of acids; it`s administered
parenterally and perorally; duration of action – 4-8 hours:
-benzylpenicillin sodium
78. Identify the drug: the spectrum of action is similar to the benzylpenicillin
sodium; impairment of the protein synthesis in the ribosomes of microorganisms; is taken up by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages; is
administered perorally; duration of action – 4-6 hours:
78. Identify the group of drugs: have the extended spectrum of action; are active
against Pasteurella pestis, Pasteurella tularensis, Vibrio cholerae, Ricettsia,
Chlamidia, Brucella; are less effective against Gram-positive bacteria than
benzylpenicillins preparations; impairment of the protein synthesis in the
ribosomes of micro-organisms; can be deposited in the bone:
79. Identify the drug: has the extended spectrum of action; is active against
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, P. aeruginosa; inhibits of the protein synthesis in
the ribosomes of micro-organisms; has bactericidal action; is absorbed very
poorly from gastrointestinal tract; the resistance to micro-organisms develops
very slowly; is administered parenterally:
80. Identify the drug: is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria; is
effective against P. aeruginosa; increases permeability of the cell membrane; is
absorbed very poorly from gastrointestinal tract; the resistance to microorganisms develops slowly; is administered perorally and locally:
+polymixyn M sulfate
80. Identify the drug: is influenced mainly by Streptococci and Staphylococci,
Bacteroides; inhibits the protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms;
is bacteriostatic agent; is absorbed very well from gastrointestinal tract; is
administered perorally:
81. Identify the drug: is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria; is
resistant to ?-lactamases which is synthesized by gram-positive bacteria; inhibits
bacterial microbes’ cell wall synthesis; is absorbed very poorly from
gastrointestinal tract; is administered intravenously:
Five indications for use of benzylpenicillin sodium:
+infection disorders caused by Streptococci
+infection decoders caused by pneumococci, meningococci, Neisseria
-bacillary dysentery
+gas gangrene
80. What drugs are used for the treatment of infections caused by Staphylococci
that are resistant to biosynthetic penicillins :
81. What drugs are the most effective for the treatment of infections caused by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
82. Indications for use of tetracyclines:
-gas gangrene
83. What drugs are used for the treatment of tuberculosis?
84. Indications for use of aminoglycosides:
+infections caused by Escherichia coli
-gas gangrene
85. What are indications for use of polymixyn M sulfate?
+infections caused by P. aeruginosa
+for the preparing of the intestine before surgical operations
86. What are reserve antibiotics in the treatment of infections caused by
87. What are the side effects of antibiotics associated with chemotherapeutic
-allergic reactions
-liver dysfunction
-renal toxicity
+reaction of «aggravation»
88. What are the side effects of antibiotics associated with direct toxic effects on
organs and tissues?
-allergic reactions
+renal toxicity
+liver dysfunction
+depression of hemopoiesis
+affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
-reaction of «aggravation»
+inhibibition the neuromuscular transmission
89. What are the side effects of biosynthetic penicillins?
+allergic reactions
-affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
+local irritating effect
+reaction of «aggravation»
90. What are the side effects of ampicillin?
+allergic reactions
-liver dysfunction
+reaction of «aggravation»
91. What are the side effects of cephalosporins?
+reaction of «aggravation»
-affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
+allergic reactions
92. What are the side effects of erythromycin?
+acute cholestatic hepatitis
-renal toxicity
+allergic reactions
93. What are the side effects of tetracyclines?
+allergic reactions
-renal toxicity
+hepatotoxic action
+impair the formation of bones
94. What are the side effects of laevomycetinum?
+inhibition of hemopoesis
-hepatotoxic action
+allergic reactions
What are the side effects of aminoglycosides?
+reaction of «aggravation»
+allergic reactions
-hepatotoxic action
+affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
+inhibibition the neuromuscular transmission
95. What are the side effects of polymixin M sulfate?
+nephrotoxic action
-affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
-local irritating effect
96. What are the side effects of clindamycin?
+allergic reactions
+pseudomembranous colitis
-nephrotoxic action
+hepatotoxic action
97. What are the side effects of vancomycin?
+allergic reactions
+nephrotoxic action
-hepatotoxic action
+local irritating effect
+inhibition of hemopoesis
98. Which drugs have hepatotoxic action?
99. Which drugs have nephrotoxic action?
+polymixin M sulfate
100. Which drugs are caused by reaction of «aggravation»?
+semisynthetic penicillins
101. Which drugs are caused by reaction of «aggravation» ?
+bactericidal antibiotics
-bacteriostatic antibiotics
102. Which drugs have ototoxic action?
-polymixin M sulfate
103. Which drugs inhibit hemopoesis?
104. Which drugs inhibit the neuromuscular transmission?
-biosynthetic penicillins
105. The antibacterial activity of tetracyclineіs under the influence of ?-lactamantibiotics:
-doesn`t change
106. The antibacterial effect of ampicillin under the influence of oxacillin:
-doesn`t change
107. Miorelaxational effect of the curaromimetics under the influence of
-doesn`t change
108. Nephrotoxic action of polymyxin M sulfate under the influence of
-not change
109. The concentration of imipenem in the urine under the influence of
-doesn`t change
110. The spectrum of antimicrobial activity of amoxicillin clavulanic acid:
-doesn`t change
111. Ototoxic action of aminoglycosides with the "loop" diuretics (furosemide,
ethacrynic acid):
-doesn`t change
112. Antimicrobial action of aminoglycosides under the influence of ?-lactam
-doesn`t change
113. The rational combination of the antibiotics:
+ampicillin + oxacillin
-benzylpenicillin sodium + tetracycline
-polymixin M sulfate + streptomycin
-streptomycin + amikacin
114. Mark the correct statements:
+doxycycline has extended spectrum of action
+ampicillin inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-erythromycin impairment of permeability of the cell membrane
+streptomycin don’t influence by anaerobic bacteria
115. Mark the correct statements:
+the resistance of micro-organisms to gentamycinis developed slowly
+laevomycetinum has extended spectrum of action
+amoxicillin administered perorally
-oxacillin is resistant to staphylococcal penicillinase
116. Mark the correct statements:
-is benzylpenicillin sodium is semisynthetic penicillin
+azlocillin is active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
+polymixin M sulfate has nephrotoxic action
+clavulanic acid extends the spectrum of antibiotic action of amoxicillin
117. Mark the correct statements:
-Bicillin is resistant to the action of acids
-oxacillin has extended spectrum of action
-the resistance of micro-organisms to erythromycin is developed slowly
+aminoglycosides affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair
of cranial nerves
118. Mark the correct statements:
+tetracyclines can be deposited in the bone:
+imipenem is inactivated by dehydropeptidase-I in renal tubules
-aztreonam is bacteriostatic agent
+cephalosporins have extended spectrum of action
119. Mark the correct statements:
+cefotaxime administered parenterally
+clindamycin is influenced by Bacteroides
+polymixin M sulfate impairs the permeability of the cell membrane
-vancomycin is bacteriostatic agent
120. Mark the correct statements:
-oxacillin is active against Spirochaeta and Borrelia
-tetracyclines are caused by reaction of «aggravation»
+laevomycetinum inhibits hemopoesis
+tetracyclines are caused by dysbacteriosis
121. Mark the correct statements:
+vancomycin is effective against multiresistant strains of Staphylococcus
+tetracyclines are drugs of choice for the treatment of cholera, plague,
+aminoglycosides have nephrotoxic action
-cefaclor is destroyed in acid environment of the stomach
122. Mark the correct statements:
+cefaclor is administered perorally
-meropenem is inactivated by dehydropeptidase-I in renal tubules
-tetracyclines are bactericidal agents
+laevomycetinum is caused by dysbacteriosis
123. Mark the correct statements:
-azlocillin is bacteriostatic agent
+tetracyclines are caused by allergic reactions
+streptomycin is effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-laevomycetinum is caused by reaction of «aggravation»
124. Mark the correct statements:
+biosynthetic penicillins are destroyed by penicillinase which synthesized by
gram-positive bacteria
+gentamycin is active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-vancomycin inhibits protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-polymixin M sulfate is bacteriostatic agent
125. Mark the correct statements:
+aminoglycosides have nephrotoxic action
-tetracycline is effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+ampicillin has extended spectrum of action
-cephalosporins inhibit synthesis of the RNA
126. Mark the correct statements:
+amikacin is aminoglycosides
-vancomycin has extended spectrum of action
-Bicillin-1 is bacteriostatic agent
+amoxicillin has extended spectrum of action
127. Mark the correct statements:
-tetracyclines impairment of permeability of the cell membrane
+aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+rifampicin inhibits synthesis of the RNA
+cephalosporins inhibit synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
128. Mark the correct statements:
+rifampicin is effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+aminoglycosides have extended spectrum of action
-azithromycin is tetracyclines
-tetracyclines caused by reaction of «aggravation»
129. Antiseptics and disinfectants are:
+phenol derivatives
+dyes or tints
+metallic salts
+aldehydes and alcohol
+acids and alkalies
130. The detergents include:
-chloramine B
-mercury bichloride
131. The group of stains includes:
+brilliant green
-ethyl alcohol
+methylene blue
+ethacridine lactatis
-chloramine B
132. The halogens include:
-potassium permanganate
+chloramine B
+spirituous solution of iodine
133. The heavy metal compounds include:
-potassium permanganate
+mercury bichloride
+zinc sulfate
+silver nitrate
134. The oxidizers include:
-ammonium solution
+hydrogen peroxide
+potassium permanganate
7.The aldehydes and alcohol include:
-hydrogen peroxide
+ethyl alcohol
135. The acids and alkalies include:
+boric acid
-ethyl alcohol
+ammonium solution
136. The nitrofuran derivatives include:
-carbolic acid
-chloramine B
137. The phenol derivatives include:
-ammonium solution
138. The detergents:
+are surface-active compounds
-inhibit protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+decrease the surface tension of the microbial cell membranes
139. The dyes or tints:
+are inactivated by the enzyme systems of micro-organisms
-inhibit synthesis of the RNA
140. The oxidizers inhibit:
+oxidizing-restoring reactions of micro-organisms
-surface tension of the microbial cell membranes
-synthesis of the RNA
141. What is a mechanism of action of halogens:
+form hypochlorous acid, which acts as an oxidizer
+promote the accession of chlorine to the amino and imino group of proteins of
-impair the permeability of the cell membrane
142. What is a mechanism of action of heavy metal compounds:
+create albuminates with bacterial proteins
+the blockade of sulfhydryl groups of the microbial thiol enzymes
-inhibit oxidizing-restoring reactions of micro-organisms
143. What is mechanism of action of aldehydes and alcohol:
+dehydrate microbial cells, which leads to the denaturation of proteins
-impair the permeability of the cell membrane
144. Furacillinum inhibits:
+replication of DNA
+bacterial enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
145. The phenol derivatives:
+inhibit the activity of dehydrogenases of microorganisms
+have the properties of detergents
-inhibit synthesis of the RNA
146. The cerigelum:
+is detergent
+has a high surface activity
+decrease of the surface tension of the microbial cell membranes and pathogenic
+is used for disinfection of surgeons hands, instruments and equipment
-is used for disinfection of the infected cavities
147. The furacillinum:
+inhibits bacterial enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism of grampositive cocci, gram-positive cocci and protozoa
+inhibits replication of DNA угнетает репликацию ДНК
-is used for disinfection of surgeons hands, instruments and equipment
+is used for disinfection of wounds, skin, mucous membranes, washing of serous
and articular cavities
148. Phenol:
+inhibits the activity of dehydrogenases of microorganisms
+have the properties of detergents
+is active against vegetative forms of bacteria and pathogenic fungi
+is used for disinfection of instruments, floors and wall of rooms
-is used for disinfection of surgeons hands
149. The brilliant green:
+is stain
-has a high surface activity
+quickly develops antimicrobial effect
-slowly develops antimicrobial effect
+is used for disinfection of small cuts, scratches, pustules of the skin
150. Methylen blue:
+is from group of stains
+the activity exceeds the brilliant green
-the activity inferior to brilliant green
+is applied locally
+is used for the peroral use- infections of the urinary tract
+is used for the intravenous introduction – poisoning by cyanides
151. The ethacridine lactatis :
+is from group of stains
-quickly develops antimicrobial effect
+slowly develops antimicrobial effect
+is for the external use
+is used for washing of the infected pleural or abdominal cavity, urinary
bladder, uterus
152. The hydrogen peroxide:
+is oxidizer
+under the influence of catalase identifies molecular oxygen (O2), which has
antimicrobial activity
+oxygen bubbles and the formation of foam mechanically cleaned of the wound,
-is an irritant
+has deodorant effect
-has a long duration of action
+has a short duration of action
153. The potassium permanganate:
+under the influence of catalase identifies molecular oxygen (O2), which has
antimicrobial activity
+inhibits oxidizing-restoring reactions of micro-organisms
-inhibits protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-has a short duration of action
+has a long duration of action
+has deodorant and astringent effects
+is used in solutions for disinfection of burn surfaces and wounds, for gargling
and rinsing
154. Formaldehyde solution:
+denaturates proteins of bacterial cells
-is an oxidizer
+thickens epidermis
+has deodorant effects
155. Chloraminum B:
+is a substrate for the hypochlorous acid creation,which is an oxidizer
+joins chlorum to amino- and iminogroups of microorganisms` proteins
-denaturates microorganisms` proteins
+is used for disinfection of hands,wound surfaces and non metallic objects
156. Mercury bichloride:
+creates albuminates with proteins
+the blockade of sulfhydryl groups of the microbial thiol enzymes
-is oxidizer
+use for disinfection of dishes, rooms
157. Mark the correct statements:
+cerigelum is detergent
+potassium permanganate in the presence of organic compounds distinguishes
atomic oxygen
-chloramine B is used for washing of the infected pleural or abdominal cavity,
urinary bladder, uterus
+furacillinum is nitrofuran derivatives
158. Mark the correct statements:
+brilliant green is used for disinfection of small cuts, scratches, pustules of the
+methylen blue is from group of stains
+aqueous ammonium solution is used for the disinfections of surgeon`s hands
-solutions of phenol are used for the disinfections of skin and mucous
159. Mark the correct statements:
-mercury bihcloride is oxidizer
+potassium permanganate use for the treatment of burn
+hydrogen peroxide has deodorant effect
+the detergents are surface-active compounds
160. Naphtyridine and quinolone derivatives include:
+nalidixic acid
161. Fluoroquinoline derivatives include:
162. Oxi- and aminoquinoline derivatives include:
163. Nitrofuran derivatives include:
164. Quinoxaline derivatives include:
165. Oxazolidinones derivatives include:
166. The action spectrum of nalidixic acid includes:
+Escherichia coli
-Strepto- and staphylococcus
+Shigella, Salmonella
+Pseudomonas aeruginosa
167. Fluoroquinoline derivatives:
+have extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+are effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
+are effective against Chlamydia
+are effective against Mycoplasma
168. Nitroxoline:
+has extended spectrum of action
-influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+effective against Candida fungi
169. The most sensitive to furazolidone are:
+enteric fever agent
+Trichomonas vaginalis
+Giardia lamblia
-Pseudomonas aeruginosa
170. Quinoxaline derivatives:
+have extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+are effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, pathogenic
171. Linesolid:
+has extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
172. Have activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
+fluoroquinoline derivatives
-nalidixic acid
173. Are active against obligatory anaerobic bacteria:
-кислота налидиксовая
174. Nalidixic acid violates:
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-permeability of the cell membrane
+synthesis of the DNA
175. Fluoroquinoline derivatives violate:
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-permeability of the cell membrane
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+DNA replication
+synthesis of the RNA
176. Nitrofuran derivatives:
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-permeability of the cell membrane
+DNA replication
+synthesis of the RNA
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
177. Linesolid inhibits:
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-permeability of the cell membrane
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-replication of the DNA
-synthesis of the RNA
178. What drugs have bactericidal action:
+naphtyridine and quinolone derivatives
+nitrofuran derivatives
+quinoxaline derivatives
179. What drugs have bacteriostatic action:
-quinolone derivatives
+nitrofuran derivatives
-quinoxaline derivatives
180. Nalidixic acid:
-has extended spectrum of action
+is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+is bactericidal agent
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form
+resistance may develop rapidly
181. Fluoroquinoline derivatives:
+have extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
+inhibit bacterial topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) and topoisomerase IV
+inhibit replication of the DNA and synthesis of the RNA
+are bactericidal agents
+resistance may develop slowly rapidly
182. Ciprofloxacin:
+has extended spectrum of action
+the spectrums of activity include Neisseria gonorrhea, E.coli, Shigella
+is effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma,
+crosses blood brain barrier
-doesn`t cross blood brain barrier
+is administered orally and intravenously
+is taken 2 times daily
183. Ofloxacin:
+has extended spectrum of action
+the spectrum of activity includes Neisseria gonorrhea, E.coli, Shigella
+effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Klebsiella
+crosses blood brain barrier
-doesn`t cross blood brain barrier
+is administered orally
+is taken 2 times daily
184. Comparable to ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin moxifloxacin:
+has greater activity against Gram-positive
+has greater activity against asporogenous (obligate) anaerobic bacteria,
Chlamydia, Mycoplasma
-has less activity against enteric bacteria
+doesn`t cross blood brain barrier
-is taken 1 time daily
185. Nitroxoline:
+has extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+is effective against Candida fungi
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form
+is bacteriostatic agent
+is administered orally
186. Linesolid:
+has extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-is bacteriostatic agent
+is bactericidal agent
187. Furasolidone:
+has extended spectrum of action
+is effective agent bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and sulfonamides
+is bacteriostatic or bactericidal agent depending on the concentration
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-is bed absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is administered orally, rectally, vaginally
+is taken 4 times daily
188. What are indications for use of nalidixic acid:
+the infectious diseases of the urinary tract caused by gram-negative bacteria
-the infectious diseases of the urinary tract caused by gram-positive bacteria
189. What drugs are used for treatment of the infectious diseases of the urinary
+nalidixic acid
+fluoroquinoline derivatives
190. What drugs are used for treatment of the intestinal diseases:
+fluoroquinoline derivatives
-nalidixic acid
191. What are indications for use of furasolidone:
+bacillary dysentery
192. What are indications for use of fluoroquinoline derivatives:
+the infectious diseases of the urinary tract
+the intestinal diseases
+the infectious diseases of the respiratory system
193. What are indications for use of dioxidine:
+the infectious diseases of the respiratory system
-the infectious diseases of the skin
-the infectious diseases of the CNS
194. What are indications for use of nitroxoline:
+the infectious diseases of the urinary tract
-the infectious diseases of the respiratory system
-the infectious diseases of the CNS
195. What are indications for use of linesolid:
+infections of the skin, soft tissues, joints
+the infectious diseases of the respiratory system
-the infectious diseases of the CNS
196. What are the side effects of nalidixic acid:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
+transitory photodermatoses
-hearing loss and vestibular disorders
197. What are the side effects of fluoroquinoline derivatives:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
-hearing loss and vestibular disorders
198. What are the side effects of nitroxoline:
+dyspeptic disorders
+yellow discoloration of urine
199. What are the side effects of furasolidone:
+dyspeptic disorders
+allergic reactions
+disulfiram-like reaction with using of alcohol
+hemolytic anemia
200. What are the side effects of dioxidine:
+dyspeptic disorders
+seizure of the skeletal muscle
-nephrotoxic action
201. What are the side effects of linesolid:
+dyspeptic disorders
+allergic reactions
-nephrotoxic action
+anemia and thrombocytopenia
202. Mark the correct statements:
+ciprofloxacin has extended spectrum of action
+furasolidone is used for treatment lambliasis
-nalidixic acid has bacteriostatic action
+linesolid is oxasolidone derivative
203. Mark the correct statements:
+antibacterial effect of Furasolidonum depends on the concentration of the
+dioxidine is quinoxaline derivatives
-ofloxacin not crosses blood brain barrier
+linesolid may cause anemia and thrombocytopenia
204. Mark the correct statements:
-nitroxoline may cause visual impairment
+fluoroquinoline derivatives inhibit replication of the DNA and synthesis of the
+nalidixic acid is used for treatment of the infectious diseases of the urinary
+furasolidone is used for treatment of intestinal infections
205. Mark the correct statements:
+moxifloxacin is effective against infections caused by asporogenous (obligate)
anaerobic bacteria
+linesolid has bactericidal action
-nitrofuran derivatives inhibit replication of the DNA and synthesis of the RNA
-natroxoline is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
206. Mark the correct statements:
-furasolidone is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+fluoroquinoline derivatives are effective against infections caused by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
+dioxidine has bactericidal action
+nalidixic action is quinolone derivative
207. Mark the correct statements:
-nalidixic action is effective against infections caused by asporogenous (obligate)
anaerobic bacteria
+ciprofloxacine crosses blood brain barrier
+nitroxoline is effective against Candida fungi
+moxifloxacin is more effective against Gram-positive bacteria than
208. Mark the correct statements:
+furasolidone is use for the treatment of trichomoniasis
-nitroxoline has bactericidal action
+linesolid inhibits protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
+dioxidine is effective against infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
209. Antiviral synthetic drugs:
+nucleoside analogues
+peptide derivates
-interferon synthesis inductors
210. Antiviral drugs with nonspecific action:
-nucleoside analogues
+interferon synthesis inductors
211. Nucleoside analogues with antiviral action:
212. Antiviral drugs which are not nucleoside analogues:
213. Interferon’s are:
214. Interferon synthesis inductors are:
215. Agents which are active against DNA-containing viruses:
+drugs which are active against herpes simplex virus-1 and 2
+drugs which are active against virus of variola
+drugs which are active against hepatitis B and C
-drugs which are active against affecting the retroviruses
216. Agents which are active against RNA-containing viruses:
+drugs which are active against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
-drugs which are active against herpes simplex virus-1 and 2
+drugs which are active against influenza virus
+drugs which are active against respiratory-syncytial virus
217. Agents which are active against herpesviruses:
+drugs which are active against Herpes simplex virus-1 and 2
+drugs which are active against cytomegalovirus
+drugs which are active against Varicella zoster
-drugs which are active against influenza virus
218. Drugs which are active against herpes simplex virus-1 and 2:
219. Drugs which are active against Herpes zoster:
220. Drugs which are active against cytomegalovirus:
221. Drugs which is active against virus of variola (smallpox):
222. Drugs which are active against hepatitis B and C:
+interferon alfa
223. Drugs which are active against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV):
224. Drugs which are active against influenza A:
225. Drugs which are active against influenza B:
226. Drug which is active against respiratory-syncytial virus
227. Drugs which inhibit the process of uncoating of the viral nucleic acid:
228. Agents which inhibit the synthesis of viral nucleic acid:
229. Agents which inhibit of the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase:
230. Agents which inhibit the synthesis of latent structural proteins:
231. HIV protease inhibitors:
232. Inhibits the assembly of virions:
233. Inhibitors of influenza virus M2 protein are:
234. Inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase are:
235. Interferons:
+stimulate the production of enzymes that inhibit mRNA
+inhibit the translation of mRNA into a viral protein
-inhibit the assembly of virions
236. Interferon synthesis inductors:
+increas interferon production by T lymphocytes
+have immunostimulatory activity
-have immunosuppressive activity
237. Aciclovir:
+is purine nucleoside analogues
+aciclovir triphosphate inhibits DNA-polymerase, that lead to inhibition of
replication virus DNA
-crosses the blood-brain barrier in the system application
+not crosses the blood-brain barrier in the system application
+is active against herpes simplex virus-1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus
-is used intravenously and topically
238. Idoxuridine:
+is thymidine analogue
+binding to the viral DNA, that results in inhibition of replication of DNAcontaining viruses
-is affective against for the treatment of herpetic keratitis
+is used topically
+is used orally
239. Vidarabine:
+is adenosine analogue
+after penetretion into the cell it is phosphoriladet to form vidarabinetriphosphate which impairs synthesis f DNA
-after penetretion into the cell it is phosphoriladet to form vidarabinetriphosphate which inhibit the synthesis of latent structural proteins
+is active against herpes simplex virus-1 and 2
+is used intravenously
+is used topically
240. Foscarnet:
+is an inorganic pyrophosphate compound
+inhibits viral DNA polymerase
-inhibits penetretion of viruses into the cell
+is active against Herpes zoster and cytomegalovirus
+is used intravenously
-is used orally
+is used topically
241. Metisazone:
+is thiosemicarbazone derivative
+inhibits the assembly of virions
-inhibits viral DNA polymerase
+is active against virus of variola (smallpox)
-is used intravenously
+is used orally
242. Remantadine:
+is adamantane derivative
+inhibits of influenza A virus M2 protein
-inhibits synthesis of viruses RNA
+is active against influenza A
+is used orally
243. Ribavirine:
+is guanosines analogue
+Ribavirin 5' monophosphates inhibit synthesis of guanine nucleotides
+Ribavirin 5' triphosphates inhibit of certain viral RNA-dependent RNA
polymerases which are essential to the replication cycle of RNA viruses.
-Ribavirin 5' triphosphates inhibit the assembly of virions
+is active against Herpes simplex virus-1 and 2, cytomegalovirus
+is used orally, inhalation, intravenously
244. Zidovudine:
+is thymine analogue
+inhibits HIV's reverse transcriptase, the enzyme that the virus uses to make a
DNA copy of its RNA.
+is effective in the early (first 6-8 months) stages of the disease
-is effective at all stages of the disease
-is used orally
245. Saquinavir:
+is peptide derivative
+inhibits of the enzyme HIV protease
+prevents the growth of HIV by inhibition of formation of structural proteins
and enzymes
-prevents the synthesis of DNA and RNA
+is used orally
246. Amixinum IC :
+activates the production of interferon
-inhibits the assembly of virions
+increases the production of interferon by T lymphocytes
+has immunostimulatory properties
-has immunosuppressive properties
247. Mark the correct statements:
+Aciclovir is active against herpes simplex virus-1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus
+Saquinavir inhibits of the enzyme HIV protease
-Ribavirine inhibits the assembly of virions
+Remantadine inhibits of influenza A virus M2 protein
248. Mark the correct statements:
+Amixinum IC activates the production of interferon
+Oseltamavir inhibits of influenza neuraminidase
+Zidovudine inhibits HIV's reverse transcriptase
-Metisazone is active against influenza
249. Mark the correct statements:
-Metisazone inhibits the process of releasing the viral genome
+Zidovudine is active against HIV
+Saquinavir inhibits the synthesis of latent structural proteins
+Amixinum IC has immunostimulatory properties
250. Mark the correct statements:
+Foscarnet is active against Herpes zoster and cytomegalovirus
+Zidovudine is active against HIV
+Arbidol is active against influenza A and B
-Idoxuridine use for the treatment of herpetic encephalitis
251. Mark the correct statements:
+Idoxuridine use for the treatment of herpetic keratitis
+Amixinum IC use for the treatment and prevention of influenza
-Remantadine is active against influenza A and B
252. What drugs are used for the treatment of intestinal nematodoses:
+pyrantel pamoate
253. What drugs are used for the treatment of intestinal cestodoses:
-pyrantel pamoate
254. What drugs are used for the treatment of intestinal trematodoses:
-pyrantel pamoate
255. What drugs are used for the treatment of extraintestinal nematodoses:
-pyrantel pamoate
256. What drugs are used for the treatment of extraintestinal cestodoses:
-pyrantel pamoate
257. What drugs are used for the treatment of extraintestinal trematodoses:
-pyrantel pamoate
258. Mebendasole:
+inhibits glucose uptake by parasites, decreasing formation of ATP
-increases cell membrane permeability to calcium
-is used for the treatment of extraintestinal trematodoses
+is used for the treatment of intestinal nematodoses
259. Pyrantel pamoate:
+inhibits neuromuscular system of worms, blocks cholinesterase
-inhibits glucose uptake by parasites, decreasing formation of ATP
-is used for the treatment of intestinal trematodoses
+is used for the treatment of intestinal nematodoses
260. Levamisole:
-inhibits glucose uptake by parasites, decreasing formation of ATP
+causes contracture of worms that follows by it paralysis
+is used for the treatment of ascariasis
-is used for the treatment of enterobiasis
261. Pyperazine:
-causes paralyses of nematodoses by blocking GABA
+causes paralyses of nematodoses by blocking Acetylcholine
+is used for the treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis
-is used for the treatment of intestinal cestodoses and trematodoses
262. Praziquantel:
+increases cell membrane permeability to calcium
-causes paralyses of nematodoses by blocking GABA
+is used for the treatment of intestinal strongyloidiasis
+is used for the treatment of intestinal cestodoses and trematodoses
+is used for the treatment of extraintestinal trematodoses
+is used for the treatment of extraintestinal cystycercosis
263. Ivermectin:
-causes paralyses of nematodoses by blocking Acetylcholine
+appears to paralyse nematodoses by itensufying GABA-mediated transmissions
of helmints
-is used for the treatment of intestinal nematodoses
+is used for the treatment of extraintestinal nematodoses
264. Albendasole:
+inhibits glucose uptake by parasites, decreasing formation of ATP
-inhibits neuromuscular system of worms, blocks cholinesterase
+is used for the treatment of intestinal nematodoses
+is used for the treatment of eshinococcosis and cycticercosis
265. What are indications for use of mebendasole:
266. What are indications for use of pyrantel pamoate:
267. What are indications for use of levamisole:
268. What are indications for use of pyperazine:
269. What are indications for use of praziquantel:
+extraintestinal trematodoses
270. What are indications for use of ivermectin:
-intestinal nematodoses
-extraintestinal trichinelliasis
+extraintestinal filariasis
271. What are indications for use of albendasole:
+ascariasis and enterobiasis
+eshinococcosis and cycticercosis
272. What drugs are effective agents for the treatment of ascasriasis:
+pyrantel pamoate
-pervinium pamoate
273. What drugs are effective agents for the treatment of enterobiasis:
+pyrantel pamoate
+pervinium pamoate
274. What drugs are effective agents for the treatment of cycticercosis:
-pyrantel pamoate
-pervinium pamoate
275. What drugs are used for the treatment of eshinococcosis:
-pervinium pamoate
276. What drugs are effective agents for the treatment of trichostrongyloidosis:
+pyrantel pamoate
277. What drugs are effective agents for the treatment of strongyloidiasis:
-pyrantel pamoate
-pervinium pamoate
278. What drugs are used for the treatment of ancylostomiasis:
-pervinium pamoate
+pyrantel pamoate
279. What drugs are used for the treatment of trichocephaliasis:
-pyrantel pamoate
-pervinium pamoate
280. What drug is effective agent for the treatment of trichinelliasis:
-pervinium pamoate
-pyrantel pamoate
281. What drug is effective agent for the treatment of filariasis:
-pervinium pamoate
282. Mark the correct statements:
+pyperazine causes paralyses of nematodoses by blocking Acetylcholine
-albendazole is effective agent for the treatment of intestinal cestodoses
+ivermectin is effective agent for the treatment of onchocerciasis eyes
+mebendazole is used for the of inestinal nematodoses, extraintestinal
trichinelliasis and eshinococcosis
283. Mark the correct statements:
+albendazole or mebendazole are prescribed for the treatment of echinococcosis
+praziquantel is used for the treatment of intestinal cestodoses, trematodoses
and cycticercosis
-ivermectin inhibits neuromuscular system of worms, blocks cholinesterase
+albendazole inhibits glucose uptake by parasites, decreasing formation of ATP
284. Mark the correct statements:
-levamisole is used for the treatment of enterobiasis
+mebendazole is effective agent for the treatment of trichocephaliasis, ascariasis
and enterobiasis
-pyperazine - a highly toxic drug
+ivermectin is used for the treatment of extraintestinal filariasis
285. Drugs which are used for the treatment of systemic mycosis:
+amphotericin B
286. Drugs which are used for the treatment of dermatomycoses:
-amphotericin B
287. Drugs used for the treatment of the fungi Candida:
+amphotericin B
288. Antifungal antibiotics:
289. The group of polyene macrolides includes:
+amphotericin B
290. Antifungal synthetic agents are antibiotics:
-amphotericin B
291. Antifungal synthetic agents – imidazole derivatives:
292. Antifungal synthetic agents – triazole derivatives:
293. What is mechanism of action of polyene macrolides:
+bind to ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
+impairment of permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
-inhibit synthesis of nucleic acids
-inhibit of synthesis of ergosterol
294. Griseofulvin violates:
-permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
-synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
+synthesis of nucleic acids
295. Imidazole derivatives violate:
-permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
+synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
-synthesis of nucleic acids
296. Triazole derivatives violate:
-permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
+synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
-synthesis of nucleic acids
297. Terbinafine violates:
-permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
+synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
-synthesis of nucleic acids
298. Amphotericin B:
+is polyene macrolide
+impairs the permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
-crosses blood brain barrier
+doesn`t cross blood brain barrier
+is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+the resistance of fungi is developed slowly
+it is introduced intravenously, under the cerebral tunics, by inhaled or locally
299. Nystatin:
+is polyene antibiotic
+impairs the permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
-is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is used for the treatment of candidamycosis
+the resistance of fungi is developed very slowly
+is introduced orally or locally
300. Ketoconazole:
+is imidazole derivative
+inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-crosses blood brain barrier
+is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+it is indicated in the case when polyene antibiotic have no efficiency
+it is introduced orally
301. Fluconazole:
+is triazole derivative
+inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
-is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+crosses blood brain barrier
+is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+it is introduced orally, intravenously
302. Itraconazole:
+is triazole derivatives
+inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-crosses blood brain barrier
+is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+is effective agent for treatment of candidamycosis, which have resistance to
+it is introduced orally
303. Griseofulvin:
+is antifungal antibiotic
-inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
+inhibits of synthesis of nucleic acids
+it is accumulated in the cells which produce keratin
+the resistance of fungi is not developed
+is used for the treatment of dermatomycoses
-is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+is introduced orally
304. Terbinafine:
-impairs the permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
+inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
+is accumulated in the skin, subcutaneous fat, nails
+is introduced orally
+is introduced locally
305. What are the side effects of Amphotericin B:
+arterrial hypotension
+allergic reactions
-hepatotoxic action
+nephrotoxic action
+neurotoxic action
306. What are the side effects of ketoconazole:
+hepatotoxic action
-nephrotoxic action
+dyspeptic disorders
+endocrinological disorders
+allergic reactions
307. What are the side effects of fluconazole:
+allergic reactions
+hepatotoxic action
+dyspeptic disorders
308. What are the side effects of itraconazole:
+dyspeptic disorders
+allergic reactions
+hepatotoxic action
+neurotoxic action
309. What are the side effects of nystatin:
+dyspeptic disorders
-hepatotoxic action
-nephrotoxic action
310. What are the side effects of griseofulvin:
+dyspeptic disorders
+hepatotoxic action
-nephrotoxic action
311. What are the side effects of terbinafine:
+dyspeptic disorders
+muscle and joint pain
-nephrotoxic action
+hepatotoxic action
312. Mark the correct statements:
+amphotericin B is polyene macrolide
+ketoconazole inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
-nystatin is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+terbinafine is used for the treatment of dermatomycoses
313. Mark the correct statements:
+amphotericin B impairments of permeability of the fungal cytoplasm
+fluconazole is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
-nystatin is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+griseofulvin inhibits of synthesis of nucleic acids
314. Mark the correct statements:
+terbinafine inhibits of synthesis of ergosterol of fungal cell membrane
-the resictance of fungi which causes systemic mycoses to amphotericin B is
developed quickly
+griseofulvin is used for the treatment of dermatomycoses
+nystatin impairs the permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
315. Mark the correct statements:
+ketoconazole is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+nystatin acts only upon the fungi Candida
-fluconazole impairs the permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
+amphotericin B doesn`t cross blood brain barrier
316. Mark the correct statements:
+amphotericin B accumulates after repeated administration
-griseofulvin is used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
+the resictance of fungi to terbinafine is developed slowly
+nystatin is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
317. Mark the correct statements:
+griseofulvin is accumulated in the cells which produce keratin
+fluconazole is less toxic than ketoconazole
+nystatin is polyene antibiotic
-itraconazole crosses blood brain barrier
318. Mark the correct statements:
+amphotericin B is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+nystatin isn`t used for the treatment of systemic mycoses
-ketoconazole impairs the permeability of the fungal cytoplasm membrane
+griseofulvin has hepatotoxic action
319. Alkylating antitumoral drugs:
320. Antimetabolites antitumoral drugs:
321. Cytotoxic antibiotics include:
322. Cytotoxic agents of plant origin include :
323. Hormonal and antihormonal antitumoral drugs:
324. Antihormonal antitumoral drugs:
325. The enzyme antitumoral drug:
326. Сytokine - antitumoral drugs:
327. The drugs of monoclonal antibodies:
328. What is mechanism of action of alkylating antitumoral drugs:
+inhibit the replication of DNA
-inhibit synthesis of nucleic acids
-inhibit mitotic sells at metaphase
329. What is mechanism of action of antimetabolites antitumoral drugs:
-blockade mitotic sells at metaphase
+inhibit synthesis of folic acid, purins and pyrimidines
-inhibit the replication of DNA
330. What is mechanism of action of cytotoxic antibiotics:
+inhibit synthesis and function of nucleic acids
-blockade mitotic sells at metaphase
-inhibit synthesis of folic acid, purins and pyrimidines
331. What is mechanism of action of colchamine:
+blockade mitotic sells at metaphase
-inhibist synthesis of folic acid, purins and pyrimidines
-inhibits the replication of DNA
332. What is mechanism of action of L-asparaginase:
+inhibits synthesis of asparagine which is necessary for the DNA synthesis
-blockade mitotic sells at metaphase
-inhibits the replication of DNA ?
333. Cyclophophanum is:
+alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
-cytotoxic agent of plant origin
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
334. Myelosanum is:
+alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-cytotoxic agent of plant origin
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
335. Chlorbutinum is:
+alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
-compound containing platinum
336. Dopanum is:
+alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
337. Sarcolysinum:
+alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
-compound containing platinum
338. Phthoruracilum is:
-alkylating antitumoral drug
+antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
-compound containing platinum
339. Mercaptopurine is:
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
-compound containing platinum
-alkylating antitumoral drug
+antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
340. Methotrexate is:
-alkylating antitumoral drug
+antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
-hormonal drug
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
-compound containing platinum
341. L-asparaginase is:
+enzyme drug
-alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-hormonal drug
-cytokine - antitumoral drug
342. Trastuzumab is:
+the drug of monoclonal antibodies:
-hormonal drug
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-cytotoxic agents of plant origin
-alkylating antitumoral drug
343. Alpha-interferon is:
+cytokine -antitumoral drug
-alkylating antitumoral drug
-the drug of monoclonal antibodies
-hormonal drug
-enzyme drug
344. Flumatide is:
-cytokine-antitumoral drug
-alkylating antitumoral drug
-the drug of monoclonal antibodies
-enzyme drug
345. Cyproterone is:
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-the drug of monoclonal antibodies
-enzyme drug
346. Tamoxifene is:
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-the drug of monoclonal antibodies
-enzyme drug
347. Aldesleukin is:
-drug of alpha-interferon
+drug of interleukin-2
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
348. Aromatase inhibitors are:
349. Clomifene is:
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-the drug of monoclonal antibodies
-enzyme drug
350. Colchamine is :
-compound containing platinum
+cytotoxic agents of plant origin
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-the drug of monoclonal antibodies
351. Vincristine is:
+cytotoxic agents of plant origin
-alkylating antitumoral drug
-antimetabolites antitumoral drug
-cytokine -antitumoral drug
-enzyme drug
352. What are indications for use of cyclophosphanum:
-carcinoma of larynx
-carcinoma of stomach
+breast cancer
+carcinoma of lung
+carcinoma of testis
353. What are indications for use of chlorbutinum:
-carcinoma of larynx
+chronic lymphosarcoma
-carcinoma of stomach
354. What are indications for use of cisplatinum:
+carcinoma of ovary testis
-carcinoma of larynx
+carcinoma of head and neck
+carcinoma of urinary bladder
355. What are indications for use of sarcolysinum:
+multiple myeloma
-carcinoma of lung
+seminoma of testis
356. What are indications for use of mercaptopurine:
-breast cancer
-carcinoma of stomach
357. What are indications for use of methotrexate:
-cancer of prostate
+acute leukemia
+breast cancer
358. What are indications for use of phthoruracilum:
+carcinoma of colon
-carcinoma of stomach
+carcinoma of larynx
359. What are indications for use of phthorafur:
+carcinoma of colon
+carcinoma of stomach
-carcinoma of larynx
360. What are indications for use of colchamine:
+skin cancer
-breast cancer
361. What are indications for use of vinblastine:
-carcinoma of stomach
362. What are indications for use of vincristine:
+acute leukemia in children
-carcinoma of larynx
363. What are indications for use of androgens:
+breast cancer
-cancer of prostate
364. What are indications for use of estrogens:
+treatment of breast cancer in women in menopause
+prostatic cancer
-treatment of breast cancer in women of reproductive age
365. What are indications for use of L-asparaginase
-prostatic cancer
-breast cancer
+acute lymphoblastic leukemia
-carcinoma of stomach
366. What drugs are used for treatment of carcinoma of larynx:
+prospidium chloride
367. What drugs are used for treatment of skin cancer:
368. What drugs are used for treatment of sarcomas of soft tissues:
369. What drugs are used for treatment of acute leukemia:
370. What drugs are used for treatment of choriocarcinoma:
371. What drugs are used for treatment of prostatic cancer:
372. What drugs are used for treatment of acute leukemia in children:
373. Where the preparation is used glucocorticoids:
-skin cancer
-prostatic cancer
+acute leukemia in children
374. The drugs of monoclonal antibodies trastuzumab is used for complex
therapy of:
-prostatic cancer
-skin cancer
+breast cancer
375. What is indication for use of antiandfogen flumatide:
-carcinoma of larynx
-sarcoma of soft tissues
-breast cancer
+prostatic cancer
376. What is indication for use of aromatase inhibitor letrosole:
+treatment of breast cancer in women in postmenopausal period
-prostatic cancer
-sarcoma of soft tissues
377. What is indication for use of antiestrogen tamoxifene:
+estrogen-dependent cancer of the breast cancer in women in menopause
-prostatic cancer
-treatment of carcinoma of uterus in women of reproductive age
378. What are the side-effects of alkylating agents:
+suppression of myelopoiesis
+nausea and vomiting
379. What are the side-effects of antimetabolites antitumoral drugs:
+suppression of myelopoiesis
+nausea and vomiting
+hepatotoxic action
-cardiac toxicity
380. What are the side-effects of cisplatin:
+hepatotoxic action
+hearing loss
+suppression of myelopoiesis
+nausea and vomiting
381. What are the side-effects of vinblastine:
+suppression of bone marrow
+dyspeptic disorders
-cardiac toxicity
382. What are the side-effects of colchamine:
+local irritative action
-ulcerative stomatitis
383. What are the side-effects of phthoruracilum:
+suppression of bone marrow
+ulceration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
+dyspeptic disorders
384. What are the side-effects of methotrexate:
+ulcerative stomatitis
+suppression of bone marrow
+hepatotoxic action
-cardiac toxicity
385. What are the side-effects of L-asparaginase:
+hepatotoxic action
+inhibition of fibrinogen synthesis
+allergic reactions
-hearing loss
386. What are the side-effects of vincristine:
+neurotoxic action (ataxia, neuralgia, paraesthesia)
+nephrotoxic action
-cardiac toxicity
387. What drugs are used for the prevention and treatment of malaria:
388. Quinoline derivatives are:
389. Antimalarial drugs which are pyrimidine derivatives are:
390. Antiamebial drugs are:
+emetine hydrochloride
391. Drugs for the treatment of lambliasis:
392. Drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis:
393. Drugs for the treatment of toxoplasmosis:
394. Drugs for the treatment of balantidiasis:
395. Drugs for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis:
+stibogluconate sodium
396. Drugs for the treatment of trypanosomiasis:
397. Blood schizonticides antimalarial drugs are:
398. Tissue schizonticides antimalarial drugs are:
399. Gametocodial antimalarial drugs are:
400. Forms of malaria parasites, which are sensitive to chloridin:
+preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
+erythrocytic forms
-para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
401. Forms of malaria parasites, which are sensitive to primaquine:
-preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
+para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
402. Forms of malaria parasites, which are sensitive to quinine:
-preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
+erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
403. Antiamebial drugs with direct action:
+emetine hydrochloride
404. Antiamebial drug which is effective in any localization of Entamoeba
-emetine hydrochloride
405. Antiamebial drugs with indirect action:
406. Antiamoebic drugs which are effective in the localization of ameba’s in the
intestinal luminal:
-emetine hydrochloride
407. Antiamoebic drugs which are effective in the localization of ameba’s inside
the intestinal wall:
+emetine hydrochloride
408. Antiamoebic drugs which are effective in the localization of ameba’s in the
+emetine hydrochloride
409. Which agents are sensitive to chloridin:
-Giardia lamblia
+Plasmodium malariae
-Entamoeba histolytica
-Trichomonas vaginalis
-Balantidium coli
+Toxoplasma gondii
410. Which agents are sensitive to furazolidone:
-Plasmodium malariae
-Toxoplasma gondii
+Giardia lamblia
+Trichomonas vaginalis
411. Which agents are sensitive to metronidazole:
+Entamoeba histolytica
-Toxoplasma gondii
+Trichomonas vaginalis
+Giardia lamblia
+Balantidium coli
412. Which agents are sensitive to sulfonamides:
-Giardia lamblia
+Plasmodium malariae
+Toxoplasma gondii
-Entamoeba histolytica
413. What are indications for use of monomycin:
+skin leishmaniasis
414. Which agents are sensitive to sulfonamides:
+Plasmodium malariae
-Trichomonas vaginalis
+Trypanosoma brucei
415. Which agents are sensitive to chiniofon:
+Entamoeba histolytica
-Plasmodium malariae
+Balantidium coli
-Giardia lamblia
416. Which agents are sensitive to solusurminum:
-Entamoeba histolytica
-Toxoplasma gondii
-Giardia lamblia
417. For eliminate the clinical manifestations of malaria use drugs acting on:
-preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
+erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
418. For prevention of recurrence of malaria using drugs acting on:
-preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
+para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
419. For the individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria using drugs acting on:
+preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
+erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
420. For the public chemoprophylaxis of malaria using drugs acting on:
-preerythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts)
-para-erythrocytic forms (hypnozoites)
421. What are indications for use of chloridin:
+for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-for public chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-for prevention of recurrence of malaria
-for the treatment of clinical signs of malaria
422. What are indications for use of chingamine:
+for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-for public chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-for prevention of recurrence of malaria
+for the treatment of clinical signs of malaria
423. What are indications for use of mefloquine:
+for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-for public chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-for prevention of recurrence of malaria
+for the treatment of clinical signs of malaria
424. What are indications for use of primaquine:
-for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria
+for general chemoprophylaxis of malaria
+for prevention of recurrence of malaria
-for the treatment of clinical signs of malaria
425. What are indications for use of chingamine:
426. What are indications for use of chloridin:
427. What are indications for use of primaquine:
428. What are indications for use of metronidazole:
+infections caused by asporogenous (obligate) anaerobic bacteria
429. What are the side effects of chingamine:
+blurring of vision
+dyspeptic disorders
+hepatotoxic action
-nephrotoxic action
+agranulocytosis, anemia
430. What are the side effects of quinine:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
+hearing loss
+hepatotoxic action
+nephrotoxic action
+agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia
431. What are the side effects of primaquine:
+dyspeptic disorders
+leucopenia, anemia
-hearing loss
432. What are the side effects of metronidazole:
+dyspeptic disorders
+incoordination, tremors
-blurring of vision
+concurrent use with alcohol has been associated with a disulfiram-type reaction
433. What are the side effects of chiniofon:
+blurring of vision
-hearing loss
434. What are the side effects of emetine hydrochloride:
+dyspeptic disorders
+hypotension, tachycardia
+hepatotoxic action
+nephrotoxic action
435. What are the side effects of tetracyclines:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
-reactions of exacerbation
+hepatotoxic action
-nephrotoxic action
436. What are the side effects of furazolidone:
+dyspeptic disorders
+concurrent use with alcohol has been associated with a disulfiram-type reaction
+leucopenia, anemia
437. What are the side effects of sulfonamides :
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
-reactions of exacerbation
+leucopenia, anemia
-hepatotoxic action
438. Identify the drug: use for the treatment of clinical sings and the individual
chemoprophylaxis of malaria; the resistance of Plasmodium to them develops
very slowly; is effective agent for treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis; has
immunodepressive action; use orally and parenterally:
439. Identify the drug: use for the individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria; the
resistance of Plasmodium to them develops very quickly; is effective agent for
treatment of toxoplasmosis; inhibits synthesis of nucleonic; take orally:
440. Identify the drug: use for the treatment of clinical sings of malaria; effective
in the multidrug resistance of Plasmodium, the action develops quickly,
prescribe orally and parenterally:
441. Mefloquine:
+use for the treatment of clinical sings and the individual chemoprophylaxis of
-acts longer than quinine
+acts shorter than quinine
+prescribe orally
-prescribe parenterally
442. Primaquine:
+use for prevention of recurrence and for public chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-use for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria
-use for the treatment of clinical signs of malaria
+prescribe orally
443. Mark the correct statements:
+chingamine use for prevention of recurrence and for public chemoprophylaxis
of malaria
+metronidazole use for the treatment of lambliasis
-resistance of Plasmodium to chloridin develops slowly
+tetracyclines are antiamebial drugs with indirect action
444. Mark the correct statements:
+metronidazole is effective agent for treatment of trichomoniasis
+primaquine prescribe orally
-furazolidone is effective agent for treatment of malaria
445. Mark the correct statements:
-mefloquine prescribe parenterally
+metronidazole is effective agent that acts in any ameba’s localization
+chloridin is effective agent for treatment of toxoplasmosis
+monomycin use for treatment of balantidiasis
446. Mark the correct statements:
+solusurminum use for the treatment of leishmaniasis:
+furazolidone is effective agent for treatment of trichomoniasis
+primaquine use for prevention of recurrence and for public chemoprophylaxis
of malaria
-emetine hydrochloride is antiamebic drug which is effective in the localization
of ameba’s in the intestinal luminal:
447. Mark the correct statements:
-chiniofon is antiamebic drug because inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria in bowel
+chloridin use for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria
+chingamine is effective agent for treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis
+furazolidone is effective agent for treatment of lambliasis
448. Mark the correct statements:
+sulfonamides use for the treatment of toxoplasmosis
-tetracyclines are effective agents for treatment of lambliasis
+metronidazole use for the treatment of balantidiasis
+chingamine acts on erythrocytic forms (tissue schizonts) of Plasmodium
449. What are antisyphilitic agents :
+benzylpenicillin preparations
+organic bismuth compounds
450. The main antibiotics which are used for the treatment of syphilis:
+benzylpenicillin preparations
451. The reserve antibiotics for the treatment of syphilis:
452. The organic bismuth compounds include:
453. The benzylpenicillin preparations include:
+benzylpenicillin sodium
+benzylpenicillin procaine
+benzylpenicillin potassium
454. Preparations of benzylpenicillin violates:
+synthesis of wall components of Treponema pallidum
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of Treponema pallidum
-permeability of the cell membrane
-synthesis of the RNA
455. The action spectrum of the benzylpenicillins includes:
+gram-positive cocci
+Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium tetani
+gram-negative cocci
+Bacillus anthracis
+Corynebacterium diphtheriae
+Treponema pallidum
456. Ceftriaxone:
+has extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
457. Ceftriaxone violates:
+synthesis of wall components of Treponema pallidum
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of Treponema pallidum
-permeability of the cell membrane
-synthesis of the RNA
458. Erythromycin:
-has extended spectrum of action
+is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
459. Erythromycin violates:
-synthesis of wall components of Treponema pallidum
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of Treponema pallidum
-permeability of the cell membrane
-synthesis of the RNA
460. Tetracyclines:
+have extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
461. Tetracyclines violate:
-permeability of the cell membrane
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-synthesis of the RNA
462. Azithromycin:
+has extended spectrum of action
-is influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-is influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
463. Azithromycin violates:
-permeability of the cell membrane
+protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-synthesis of the RNA
464. Organic bismuth compounds:
-have extended spectrum of action
+are influenced mainly by Treponema pallidum
465. What is the mechanism of action of organic bismuth compounds:
-inhibit synthesis of wall components of Treponema pallidum
+blockade of thiol enzymes of Treponema pallidum
466. Bactericidal action on Treponema pallidum have:
+benzylpenicillin preparations
-organic bismuth compounds
467. What are the side effects of benzylpenicillins?
+allergic reactions
+local irritating effect
-affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
+reaction of «aggravation»
468. What are the side effects of ceftriaxone?
+allergic reactions
+reaction of «aggravation»
-affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
-hepatotoxic action
469. What are the side effects of erythromycin?
+allergic reactions
-reaction of «aggravation»
+hepatotoxic action
+dyspeptic disorders
470. What are the side effects of erythromycin?
+allergic reactions
-reaction of «aggravation»
-renal toxicity
+dyspeptic disorders
471. What are the side effects of tetracyclines?
+allergic reactions
-reaction of «aggravation»
+hepatotoxic action
+dyspeptic disorders
472. What are the side effects of organic bismuth compounds:
+gingivitis, stomatitis
-affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
+hepatotoxic action
+renal toxicity
473. Identify the drug: inhibits bacterial microbes cell wall synthesis of
Treponema pallidum; has bactericidal effect on Treponema pallidum; is the
main antisyphilitic antibiotic; is used for the treatment of all forms of syphillis;
is administered parenterally 6-8 times a day; causes allergic reactions and
reaction of «aggravation», has local irritating effect:
+benzylpenicillin sodium
474. Identify the drug: inhibits bacterial microbes cell wall synthesis of
Treponema pallidum; has bactericidal action on Treponema pallidum; is the
main antisyphilitic antibiotic; is used for the treatment of all forms of syphillis;
is introduced intramuscularly 2-3 times a day; causes allergic reactions and
reaction of «aggravation», has local irritating effect:
-benzylpenicillin sodium
+benzylpenicillin potassium
475. Identify the drug: inhibits bacterial microbes cell wall synthesis of
Treponema pallidum; has bactericidal action on Treponema pallidum; is the
main antisyphilitic antibiotic; is used for the treatment of all forms of syphillis;
is introduced intramuscularly 1 time in 7-14 days; causes allergic reactions and
reaction of «aggravation», has local irritating effect:
-benzylpenicillin procaine
476. Identify the drug: inhibits bacterial microbes cell wall synthesis of
Treponema pallidum; has bactericidal action on Treponema pallidum; is the
main antisyphilitic antibiotic; is uses for the treatment of all forms of syphillis; is
introduced intramuscularly 1 time in 30 days; causes allergic reactions and
reaction of «aggravation», has local irritating effect:
-benzylpenicillin procaine
477. Identify the drugs: the spectrum of action includes Treponema pallidum
onlyспектр; the mechanism of action is blockade of thiol enzymes; the type of
action is bacteriostatic; are less active than benzylpenicillin preparations; use
for the treatment of all forms of syphilis; are introduced intramuscularly; cause
gingivitis, stomatitis, diarrhea, colitis, dermatitis, liver dysfunction:
+organic bismuth compounds
478. Identify the drug: has the extended spectrum of action; inhibits bacterial
microbes cell wall synthesis of Treponema pallidum; has bactericidal action on
Treponema pallidum; is less active than benzylpenicillin preparations;is used in
the case of allergic reactions to penicillins; is introduced intramuscularly and
intravenously 1 time a day; causes allergic reactions and reaction of
«aggravation», dysbacteriosis:
479. Identify the drug: influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria; impairment
of the protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms; has bacteriostatic
action on Treponema pallidum; is less active than benzylpenicillin preparations;
is used in the case of allergic reactions to penicillins; is introduced perorally and
intravenously 4 times a day; causes allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis and liver
480. Basic (first-line) antituberculous agents are:
-para-aminosalicylate sodium
481. Supplemental (second-line) antituberculous agents are:
482. Moderate effects against mycobacterium tuberculosis are produced by:
+натрия параминосалицилат
483. Synthetic antituberculous agents are:
+para-aminosalicylate sodium
484. Antituberculous antibiotics are:
485. Derivatives hydrazide of isonicotinic acid are:
486. Bactericidal action on Mycobacterium tuberculosis have:
-para-aminosalicylate sodium
487. Bacteriostatic action on Mycobacterium tuberculosis have:
488. What drugs inhibit synthesis of wall components of Mycobacterium
489. What drugs inhibit protein synthesis in the ribosomes of Mycobacterium
490. What drugs inhibit synthesis of the RNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
-para-aminosalicylate sodium
491. What drug is structurally similar to para-aminobenzoic acid:
+para-aminosalicylate sodium
492. Antituberculous drugs with broad spectrum of action are:
493. Mainly on Mycobacterium tuberculosis acting:
+para-aminosalicylate sodium
494. The action spectrum of rifampicin includes:
+gram-positive cocci
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+Mycobacterium leprae
495. The action spectrum of streptomycin includes:
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+gram-positive cocci
-anaerobic bacteria
+Shigella, Salmonella
17. The action spectrum of cycloserine includes:
+gram-positive cocci
-gram-negative cocci
-Treponema pallidum
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
496. The action spectrum of isoniasid includes:
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-gram-positive cocci
-gram-negative cocci
+Mycobacterium leprae
-Treponema pallidum
497. The action spectrum of ethambutol includes:
-gram-positive cocci
-gram-negative cocci
-Treponema pallidum
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
498. The action spectrum of ethionamide includes:
-Treponema pallidum
-gram-positive cocci
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-gram-negative cocci
+Mycobacterium leprae
499. The action spectrum of pyrasinamide includes:
-gram-positive cocci
-gram-negative cocci
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
500. The action spectrum of para-aminosalicylate sodium includes
+Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-gram-positive cocci
-gram-negative cocci
501. Isoniasid:
+is the most effective antituberculous drug
-has the extended spectrum of action
+acts only upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae
+inhibits synthesis of mycolic acids of the mycobacterial cell wall
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
+acts upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis which are located both intra- and
+penetrate blood brain barrier
+is introduced perorally
+is introduced intravenously
502. Rifampicin:
+is the most effective antituberculous drug
+has the extended spectrum of action
+is effective against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae
+inhibits of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
+penetrates through brain barrier
+is introduced perorally
+is introduced intravenously
503. Ethambutol:
+is drug with high antituberculous activity
+acts only upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-has the extended spectrum of action
+inhibits synthesis of wall components of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
+penetrates through brain barrier
+is introduced perorally
504. Streptomycin:
+is drug with high antituberculous activity
+has the extended spectrum of action
-acts only upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+inhibits protein synthesis in the ribosomes
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
+not penetrate s through brain barrier
+is introduced intramuscularly
505. Cycloserine:
+is drug with high antituberculous activity
-acts only upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+has the extended spectrum of action
+inhibits synthesis of wall components
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
+penetrates through brain barrier
+is introduced perorally
506. Ethionamide:
+is drug with high antituberculous activity
+acts only upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis
-has the extended spectrum of action
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
+penetrates through brain barrier
+is introduced perorally
507. Para-aminosalicylate sodium (PAS):
+is drug with moderate antituberculous activity
-has the extended spectrum of action
+acts only upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+is an antagonist of of paraaminobenzoic acid
+the resistance of micro-organisms develops slowly
-the resistance of micro-organisms develops quickly
+doesn`t penetrate through brain barrier
+is introduced perorally
508. High level of acetalization of isoniasid requires administering of the
-in ordinary doses
-in decreased doses
+in increased doses
509. Low level of acetalization of isoniasid requires administering of the
-in ordinary doses
+in decreased doses
-in increased doses
511. What are the side effects of isoniasid:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
-hearing loss and vestibular disorders
+peripheral neuritis
-nephrotoxic action
+central nervous system
512. What are the side effects of rifampicin:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
-central nervous system dysfunction
-nephrotoxic action
513. What are the side effects of ethambutol:
+allergic reactions
-peripheral neuritis
+impairment of vision
-nephrotoxic action
514. What are the side effects of streptomycin:
+allergic reactions
+affection of the vestibular and acoustic ramus of the VIII pair of cranial nerves
-dyspeptic disorders
+nephrotoxic action
515. What are the side effects of cycloserine:
+central nervous system dysfunction
+allergic reactions
-nephrotoxic action
-hearing loss and vestibular disorders
516. What are the side effects of para-aminosalicylate sodium:
+allergic reactions
+dyspeptic disorders
517. Affection of Riphampicinum on the liver is accompanied by:
+induction of the microsomal enzymes
-blockade of the microsomal enzymes
518. Effect of isoniazid on the central nervous system is manifested by:
519. Isoniasid:
+inhibits synthesis of GABA
-accelerates the inactivation of GABA
+is a non-selective MAO inhibitor
-return blocking neuronal uptake of monoamines in the CNS
520. Effect of cycloserine isoniazid on the central nervous system is manifested
521. What drugs can cause dysbacteriosis:
522. What drugs can cause hearing loss and vestibular disorders:
523. What drugs have nephrotoxic action:
524. What drugs have hepatoxic action
525. What drugs have impairment of vision:
526. What drugs inhibit the synthesis of pyridoxal phosphate:
527. Neurotoxicity of isoniazid under the influence of pyridoxine:
-not change
528. Ototoxic action of aminoglycosides (streptomycin, kanamycin, amikacin)
with the "loop" diuretics (furosemide, ethacrynic acid):
-not change
529. The rational combination of the antituberculous drugs:
+isoniasid + rifampicin + ethambutol
+isoniasid + streptomycin +piridoxine
-isoniasid + streptomycin + kanamycin
530. Mark the correct statements:
+isoniasid is the most effective antituberculous drug
+streptomycin inhibits protein synthesis in the ribosomes of Mycobacterium
-para-aminosalicylate sodium is introduced intravenously
+rifampicin inhibits of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
531. Mark the correct statements:
+rifampicin is the most effective antituberculous drug
+isoniasid inhibits synthesis of mycolic acids of the mycobacterial cell wall
+streptomycin can cause hearing loss and vestibular disorders
-ethambutol can cause dysbacteriosis
532. Mark the correct statements:
+isoniasid is synthetic antituberculous drug
+rifampicin is antibiotic with the extended spectrum of action
+para-aminosalicylate sodium can cause dyspeptic disorders
-ethambutol is the most effective antituberculous drug
533. Mark the correct statements:
-cycloserine is synthetic antituberculous drug
+streptomycin is antibiotic with the extended spectrum of action
+isoniasid neurotoxicity
+ethambutol is drug with high antituberculous activity
534. Mark the correct statements:
+rifampicin has hepatotoxic action
+streptomycin can cause dysbacteriosis
+ethambutol can cause impairment of vision
-cycloserine increase of permeability of the cell membrane
535. Mark the correct statements:
-isoniasid can cause dysbacteriosis
-ethambutol inhibits synthesis of DNA
+rifampicin crosses blood brain barrier
+cycloserine is antibiotic with the extended spectrum of action
536. Mark the correct statements:
+cycloserine inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
+the resistance of micro-organisms to ethionamide develops very slowly
+rifampicin can cause allergic reactions
-para-aminosalicylate sodium inhibits protein synthesis in the ribosomes
537. Mark the correct statements:
+the resistance of micro-organisms to isoniasid develops very quickly
+para-aminosalicylate sodium can cause allergic reactions
-streptomycin has bacteriostatic action
+cycloserine penetrate blood brain barrier
538. Mark the correct statements:
+isoniazid is used for the treatment of all forms of tuberculosis
+cycloserine can cause allergic reactions
-rifampicin has have nephrotoxic action
+the resistance of micro-organisms to ethambutol develops very slowly
539. Mark the correct statements:
+rifampicin is used for the treatment of all forms of
+isoniazid acetylates in the body
+para-aminosalicylate sodium is an antagonist of of paraaminobenzoic acid
-the resistance of micro-organisms to rifampicin develops very slowly
540. Drugs which are used for the resorptive action:
541. Sulfonamides used for the resorptive action are divided into the following
-short-acting drugs (1-2 h.).
+short-acting drugs (4-6 h.).
+long-acting drugs (24-48 h.).
+ultra-long-acting drugs (about 3 days)
542. Short-acting drugs (4-6 h.) are:
543. Long-acting drugs (24-48 h.) are:
544. Ultra long-acting drug (about 3 days) are:
545. which of the preparations are mainly active in the intestinal cavity:
546. Drug for local using:
547. Sulfonamides:
+have extended spectrum of action
-are influenced mainly by gram-positive bacteria
-are influenced mainly by gram-negative bacteria
548. The action spectrum of sulfonamides includes:
+gram-positive and gram-negative cocci
+Clostridium perfringens
-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+Shigella шигеллы
549. Sulfonamides violate:
-permeability of the cell membrane
-protein synthesis in the ribosomes of micro-organisms
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
+synthesis of nucleic acids
550. Sulfonamides:
+are antagonists of para-aminobenzoic acid in the synthesis of folic acid
+inhibit the activity of dihydropteroate synthase
-inhibit the activity of dihydrofolate reductase
-blockade the sulfhydryl groups of the microbial thiol enzymes
551. Sulfonamides inhibit synthesis of nucleic acids because they are:
-dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors
+dihydropteroate synthase inhibitors
+antagonists of para-aminobenzoic acid
-antagonists of purines and pyrimidine bases
552. Sulfanilamide preparations inhibit the synthesis of dihydrofolate acid but
do not damage the macroorganism`s cells because:
-they don`t penetrate into the macroorganism`s cells
-the synthesis of nucleic acids happens without participation of dihydrofolate
+macroorganism`s cells don`t produce dihydrofolate acid but utilize it
553. Sulfonamides:
+are bacteriostatic agents
-are bactericidal agents
554. Trimethoprim violates:
-synthesis of bacterial cell wall components
-permeability of the cell membrane
+synthesis of nucleic acids
555. Trimethoprim inhibits synthesis of nucleic acids because :
+inhibits the activity of dihydrofolate reductase
-is antagonists of para-aminobenzoic acid
+inhibits transforms dihydrofolic acid into tetrahydrofolic acid
556. Which drugs are well absorbable in the intestine:
557. Is Taken 4-6 times a day:
558. Is Taken 1-2 times a day:
559. Is Taken 1 time in 5-7 days:
560. Phthalazolum is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract:
561. The two main factors that determine the long-term conservation of
sulfadimethoxine and sulfapiridazina in bacteriostatic concentrations in the
-have poorly absorbable in the intestine
+effective reabsorption in the kidney
+high level of blood proteins joining
562. Sulfadimezinum:
-poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is short-acting drug (4-6 h.)
-is excreted by kidneys in the acetylated form
+is excreted by kidneys almost in the unchanged condition
+is taken 4-6 times a day
-is taken 1-2 times a day
563. Urosulfanum:
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is short-acting drug (4-6 h.)
-is excreted by kidneys in the acetylated form
+is excreted by kidneys almost in the unchanged condition
+is used for the treatment of the urinary tract infections
-is taken 1-2 times a day
+is taken 4-6 times a day
564. Phthalazolum:
+is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is short-acting drug (4-6 h.)
-accumulates in the urine in high concentrations
+is used for the treatment of the urinary tract infections
565. Sulfadimethoxine:
+is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+is effectively reabsorbed in kidneys
+connects with blood proteins up to 80-85%
-is taken 4-6 times a day
+is taken 1-2 times a day
566. Identify the drug:is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;is
acetylated to a lesser extent; is excreted by kidneys in the unchanged condition;
is used for the treatment of the urinary tract infections;is taken 4-6 times a day:
567. Identify the drug: is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
antimicrobial effect is due to the formation of norsulfazola; is used for the
treatment of intestinal infections; is taken 4-6 times a day:
568. Identify the drug;is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
effectively absorbed in kidneys;connects with blood proteins up to 80-85%; is
taken 1-2 times a day:
569. Phtalazolum is mainly effective against enteric infections because:
+it`s poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and accumulates in the
intestines in high concentrations
-is the most effective comparable to other preparations used against enteric
570. What are indications for use of sulfonamides:
+infection disorders caused by cocci
+bacillary dysentery
+infection desorders
571. What drug is used for treatment and prevention conjunctivitis:
572. Indications for use of urosulfanum:
+urinary tract infections
-intestinal infections
-infectious diseases of the eyes
573. What are the side effects of sulfonamides:
+allergic reactions
-reaction of «aggravation»
+anemia, leukopenia
+dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting)
574. crystalluria is caused by :
+shift urine pH to the acid side
-urine pH shift to the alkaline side
+high degree of acetylation of sulfonamides
575. What drugs cause crystallutia:
576. How the shear crystalluria urine pH to the acid side:
-does not change
577. How the shear crystalluria urine pH to the alkaline side:
-does not change
578. In patients with deficiency of acetyltransferase side effects sulfonamides:
-does not change
579. Sulfanilamides cause hemolytic anemia which is characterized by the
deficiency of the following enzyme:
+glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
-methemoglobin reductase
580. Sulfanilamides cause methemoglobinemia which is characterized by the
deficiency of the following enzyme:
-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
+methemoglobin reductase
581. Why does a long-term intake of phthalazolum leads to a deficiency of the
vitamins of B group?
-is antagonist of vitamins of B group
+inhibits the development of E. coli involved in the synthesis of vitamins of B
- prevents the absorption of vitamins of B group from the intestine
582. Trimethoprim antibacterial effect of sulfonamides:
-does not change
583. In combination with trimethoprim sulfonamides have such an effect:
+bactericidal action
-bacteriostatic action
584. The spectrum of the sulfonamides in combination with trimethoprim:
+does not change
585. Effectiveness of phthalazolum at intestinal infections increases by:
-biosynthetic penicillins
586. What are the rational combinations of the antibiotics:
-sulfonamides+folic acid
587. The antibacterial effect of sulfonamides in the local application in
combination with novocainum:
-does not change
588. Novocainum reduces the antibacterial effect sulfonamides because:
-forms with sulfonamides inactive compounds
+biotransformation of novocainum is accompanied by the formation of paraaminobenzoic acid
589. Mark the correct statements:
+phthalazolum is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
+sulfadimetoxine is taken 1-2 times a day
-urosulfanum causes crystalluria
-sulfacylum-natrium is used for treatment of intestinal infections
590. Mark the correct statements:
-sulfadimezinum is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
-sulfadimetoxine is not reabsorbed in the kidney
+aethazolum is taken 4-6 times a day
-phthalazolum is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
591. Mark the correct statements:
-sulfadimetoxine is not significantly associated with blood proteins
-sulfalene is taken 4-6 times a day
-sulfonamides can cause hearing loss and vestibular disorders
+sulfonamides have a broad spectrum of action
592. Mark the correct statements:
+sulfaslehe take1 time during 5-7 days
-aethazolum has bactericidal action
+PABA reduces effect of sulfacylum-natrium
-suldimezinum is long-acting drug
593. Mark the correct statements:
+aethazolum has broad spectrum of action
+phthalazolum is used for treatment of intestinal infections
-sulfadimethoxine is taken 4-6 times a day
+urosulfanum doesn`t cause crystalluria
594. Mark the correct statements:
-trimetoprim has bactericidal action
+sulfadimezinum has bacteriostatic action
+bactrim (sulfodimetaxazolum сул + trimetoprim) is more effective than
+aethazolum causes crystalluria
595. Mark the correct statements:
+urosulfanum does not cause crystalluria
-aethazolum is taken 1-2 times a day
+sulfonamides cause allergic reactions
+bactrim has bactericidal action