Number the steps in the correct order _____ Student is reevaluated every three years (comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation). _____ Interventions are implemented with fidelity. Student does not make progress. _____ Special education and/or related services are provided according to the IEP. _____ Multidisciplinary team conducts an evaluation within 60 days of consent. _____ At CSE meeting, student is determined to have a disability and classification is made. _____ Evaluation indicates disability and need for special education and/or related service. CSE meeting is scheduled. _____ IEP is written within 30 calendar days of CSE meeting and reviewed with parents. _____ Parents receive written notice of referral. _____ Parents sign consent for placement and services as written on IEP. Placement begins. _____ Team determines student may have a disability and be eligible for special education services. Referral is submitted. Team determines which assessments should be part of the comprehensive evaluation. _____ Parents receive written notice of CSE meeting. _____ Student is struggling. Case is discussed at Building Level Team. RTI interventions implemented. Progress is monitored. _____ IEP is reviewed and revised as needed, but at least once a year at a CSE meeting. _____ Parents sign consent to evaluate. _____ CSE meeting is held to determine eligibility for special education and/or related service. _____ Evaluation results are shared with parents. _____ At CSE, placement and related services are determined according to LRE. _____ Short term goals are monitored. Progress is reported to the parents regularly. *** *** Parents disagree with evaluation results and request Independent educational evaluation (IEE). Parents disagree with decision and ask for Impartial Hearing (Due Process).