Ethiopian Meteorological Institute THI for Cattle’s Heat stressed Bio met Team THI for Human Cold stressed Biomet Kiremt 2022 Assessment Mosquito vector Sep. 2022 Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 3-4 5 6-8 9-10 1113 1415 Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 1. Introduction Malaria is one of the climate sensitive diseases that mostly severe problems of public health. Although malaria can affects all human beings. Climatic conditions like: temperature, rainfall and humidity plays important role in existence and distribution of malaria Rainfall is largely responsible for creating the conditions which allow sufficient surface water for mosquito breeding sites. Temperature also plays an important role in the variability of malaria transmission by regulating the development rate of mosquito larvae and influencing the survival rate of adult mosquitoes. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 Introduction cont.… Humidity impacts the survival rate of the mosquito as well. Mosquitoes will generally not live long enough to complete their transmission cycle where and when the relative humidity consistently less than 60% Non-climatic factors like Urbanization, Population movement and migration , Water development projects , Vegetation cover, stagnant waters and so on are also increases the transmission of malaria. The assumption is that these climate variables have a one to two months postponed (delayed) effect on the spread of malaria. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 2. Climatology for Malaria Transmition • Western and Southwestern parts of the country suitable for 4 up to 8 months. • Northern, Northwestern, Western border, Southwestern and Harerge parts of the country suitable from 75% to 100%. • August and July is the main and highly malaria transmission month’s Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 3. Methodology 3.1 Malaria Transmission We use favorable climatic conditions for malaria based on the Monthly Rainfall, average temperature and Humidity values to demarcate the monthly retreat or expansion of malaria all over the country. Criteria T Average is 18 oC to 32 oC RH Average at least 60% Monthly Total rainfall exceeds 80 mm Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 Methodology Cont… 3.2 Comfortability Index It is applied to temperature & humidity data over All Station to assess the suitability of weather conditions during Kiremt_2022 based on the THI formula. THI= (0.8)*(T) + (RH)*(T)/500 For Human Being THI = 0.8*T + RH(T-14.4) + 46.4 For Cattle's Where T - mean temperature in oc RH - The mean relative humidity in % Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 3.4 Legend Malaria Threshold THI for Human THI for Cattle’s Dead cow 99 Severed 89 Moderate 79 Mild 71 Threshold stress 68 Not Stressed 0 Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 4.RTH PERFORMANCE 4.1 RTH Performance RTH is the combination of Rainfall, Temperature and Relative Humidity over laying together in one map. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 June 2022 14 July 2022 14 E.Tigray C.Tigray W.Tigray E.Tigray C.Tigray W.Tigray Mekele Zone2 Mekele Zone2 S.Tigray W. Hamra N.Gonder S.Tigray W. Hamra N.Gonder Zone4 Zone4 12 12 S. Gonder Bahir Dar W. Gojam Metekel Agew Awi E. Gojam Zone1 Kamashi Tongo SW W. Wellega S. Wello Zone5 Zone3 Zone 3 Zone 1 Zone 2 Keffa Bench Maji Dawro Harar E. Harerge W. Harerge 8 Fik Zone 3 Zone5 Zone3 Gode Korahe BasketoGamo SW Gofa 6 Guji Liben Borena Fik Warder Bale Gode Korahe Gedeo Dirashe SW South Omo Burji SW Konso SW Amaro SW Afder Degehabur Arsi Alaba SW KT Hadiya Keffa Dawro Welayita Sidama Bench Maji Warder Bale Jijiga S.W. Shewa E. Shewa Gurage JimmaYem SW Selti Sheka Godere Shinile Harar E. Harerge W. Harerge West Shewa AA Zone5 Zone6 Zone2 Zone3 Zone1 Zone4 Zone 1 Zone 2 Gedeo Dirashe SW South Omo Burji SW Konso SW Amaro SW Zone1 Oromiya S. Wello N. Shewa (R4) N.Shewa(R3) E. Wellega Illubabor Degehabur Arsi Alaba SW KT Hadiya Welayita Sidama BasketoGamo SW Gofa 6 Kamashi Tongo SW W. Wellega S.W. Shewa E. Shewa Gurage JimmaYem SW Selti Sheka Godere 10 Jijiga West Shewa AA Zone5 Zone6 Zone2 Zone3 Zone1 Zone4 N. Wello Asosa Shinile N. Shewa (R4) N.Shewa(R3) E. Wellega Illubabor 8 Bahir Dar W. Gojam Metekel Agew Awi E. Gojam Oromiya Asosa 10 S. Gonder N. Wello Guji Afder Liben Borena 4 4 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 June 2022, Afar (Zone 1, 2, 4), Amhara (N.Gonder,W&E Gojam and Agew), Beni.Gumuz (Metekel,Assosa,Kamashi, Oromia (W&Ewelega, W.shewa, Illubabor, Jimma, SW.Shewa, E.Harerge, Arsi, Tongo), SNNPR (Sheka, Keffa, BenchMaji, Dawuro, Sidama, Alaba.SW, Welayta, Gurage, yem. and Hadiya) and Gambela (Godere) July 2022, Afar (Zone 2, 3, 4, 5), Amhara (N.Gonder, border of N & S wello and Agew), Beni.Gumuz (Metekel, Assosa, Kamashi) Oromia (W welega, W& E.shewa, Illubabor, Jimma, E & W. Harerge, Arsi, Tongo) SNNPR (Sheka, Keffa, Bench Maji, Dawuro, Alaba.SW, Welayta, Selti, Basketo, yem.SW, Hadiya), Gambela (All zones), Somalie (shinile), D/dawa Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 August 2022 Tmean RH RF 14 E.Tigray W.Tigray C.Tigray Mekele Zone2 S.Tigray W. Hamra N.Gonder Zone4 12 N. Wello S. Gonder 32 Zone1 Bahir Dar Oromiya W. Gojam Metekel S. Wello Agew Awi E. Gojam Shinile Asosa 60 80 Zone5 10 Zone3 Kamashi E. Wellega Tongo SW W. Wellega N. Shewa (R4) N.Shewa(R3) Jijiga Harar West Shewa AA Zone5 Zone6 Zone2 Zone3 Zone1 Zone4 E. Harerge W. Harerge S.W. Shewa E. Shewa 18 Illubabor 8 Zone 1 Zone 3 Degehabur Gurage Jimma Zone 2 Yem SW Arsi Fik Selti Sheka Alaba SW Godere KT Keffa Warder Hadiya Dawro Welayita Sidama Bale Bench Maji Gamo Gofa Basketo SW 6 South Omo Gode Korahe Gedeo Dirashe SW Burji SW Konso SW Guji Afder 0 Amaro SW Liben Borena 0 0 4 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 August 2022, Afar (Zone 2, 3, 4, 5), Amhara (N.Gonder, border of N & S Wello, W.Gojjam and Agew), Beni.Gumuz (Metekel, Assosa, Kamashi) , Oromia (all welega zones, W& E.shewa, Illubabor, Jimma, E & W. Harerge, Arsi, Tongo) , SNNPR (Sheka, Keffa, Bench Maji, Dawuro, Alaba.SW, Welayta, Selti, Basketo, yem, Hadiya, Gamo Gofa, Gedeo), Gambela (All zones), Somalie (Jijiga, Fik), D/dawa and Harer. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 5. THI performance THI is a combination name of Temperature and Relative Humidity Index. It indicates the discomfort index of Human and Cattle’s over a given area. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 THI Human June 2022 July 2022 THI for Human June2022 14 THI for Human Jul 2022 14 0 to 21 21 to 26 26 to 31 16 1719 12 17 21 16 14 30 171319 23 13 20 21 19 24 16 1819 16 16 17 1720 13 29 19 17 15 1513 16 18 16 16 1918 17 30 23 19 17 16 18 26 24 15 22 18 17 22 17 17 16 19 17 25 21 1516 19 16 16 18 16 21 22 18 19 19 21 18 22 1913 2220 22 20 17 19 20 18 10 8 6 31 26 0 to 21 21 to 26 26 to 31 13 1619 12 10 20 18 25 8 6 August 2022 16 14 13 30 18 1320 21 16 12 2021 15 20 19 28 1917 15 14 21 16 1414 15 12 28 15 19 16 15 1413 15 14 17 22 15 18 27 19 16 19 17 16 24 19 15 17 20 21 16 25 25 19 16 17 15 18 16 23 1515 17 20 14 25 26 16 15 18 15 17 21 21 17 19 19 1721 18 21 21 2012 16 22 20 16 17 20 17 THI for Human 14 12 28 16 14 10 24 19 25 17 25 18 25 26 15 13 14 19 20 18 38 40 42 44 46 June 2022, Comfort(76%) Moderate(18%) and Uncomfortable(6%) D/Dawa, Dubti, Elidar,Gewane and Metehara 48 24 18 18 21 19 23 20 15 14 16 17 19 17 21 21 6 20 19 19 13 21 21 20 17 17 18 18 4 18 36 21 20 16 16 18 21 4 34 27 24 17 19 26 13 16 16 17 18 15 19 19 15 16 15 17 16 28 20 14 25 12 15 1918 8 15 15 16 17 17 17 20 15 15 15 18 19 12 12 15 19 24 17 12 19 16 18 4 0 to 21 21 to 26 26 to 31 13 16 18 34 36 38 19 40 42 44 46 48 34 July 2022, Comfort(78%) Moderate (18%) and Uncomfortable(5%) in Awash arba, Dubti, Sherkole ,Gewane, Fugnuido. 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 August 2022, Comfortable (80%), Moderate (16%) and Uncomfortable (4%) in Dubti,Elidar,Gewane and Awash arba. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 THI cattle June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 June 2022, Mild and Moderate stress was observed in Afar, Gambela and Somalie. August 2022, Mild and Moderate stress was observed in Afar, Gambela and N.Somalie . July 2022, Mild and Moderate stress was observed in Afar, Gambela, N.Somalie and Beni.Gumuz. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 6.Summary During June 2022, the climatic conditions were favorable for breading and spread of Malaria over; Northern, Western and South western Ethiopia. During July 2022, the climatic conditions were favorable for breading and spread of Malaria over; Northern, Western, Southwestern, Central and Eastern central Ethiopia. During August 2022, the climatic conditions were favorable for breading and spread of Malaria over; Northern, Western ,Southwestern, Central, Eastern central and Central Southern Ethiopia. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 THIH During June 2022, over 76% was Comfort and 18% Moderate .Except Afar and D/Dawa (6% uncomfortable) During July 2022, Over 78% was Comfort and 18% Moderate. Except Afar, Benishangulgumuz and Gambela (5% Uncomfortable). During August 2022, Over 80% was Comfort and 16% Moderate. Except Afar (4% Uncomfortable). THIC THI for Cattle was from No Stressed to Moderate in all month’s. Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299 Ethiopian Meteorology Institute P.O.Box 1090 Addis Ababa Website: http:// E-mail Tel. 251-1-512299