Uploaded by Kushan Fernando

2008 July

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121b Juiv 2008
ALL questions, Answcr EACH QUESTION in a SEPARATE
IF more than one question is answered in a sin31e answer book,MARKS ARE
Wrに e your lndex Number(Examination Number)clearly in ALL ANSWER
B00KS.Answer books WrrHOuT thelndex Nu巌
ber get ZERO'lLarkS.
Time allowed ONE EOUR forthe Essay Paper and TWO ⅡOU郎 わ
MCQ Paper
伽 鵬 饉●● 1・
Write bneny on spedd formulatbn requ汗 ements Of eye drops.
(20 marks)
Wrir, briefly on special formulation requirements Of(a)erervescent
tablets and (b) modified release tablets'
(20 marks)
QueStiOm 2.
With reference to the Poison3 0plum and DangerOus EX.ugs Ordinance 1956
(Revised in 1960)
(1) Gve 3銘 amples
each ofpoi30nS an4 poLonouS subStances(10 marks)
′When ditpensing a poiSOn,b● eny state the steps you woり ld takC as a
聰 iStered Pharmacist,with relevance to the fo‖
(15 marks)
Thc prescriPtion book
The sale of Poisons book
(15 marks)
Quertion 3.
(10 marks)
(a) What Brs "Hurnectants"?
(10 marks)
(b) Give two examples of humectants
(10 marks)
Define the term "Relative Humidity''
(lii) B五 eny explain how dOSage Forms can be protected from humidity
(10 marks)
Question 4.
to Dill oil B.P. monograph
the assay tbr carvonc content
found 6be OOWwlw. A popular make of infant carminative syrup claims
t/z ateaspoon of the
to contain dill oil 0,lo/owlv. It recommends a dose of
for babies uP to one month.
Calculate the amount of carvone in the recomrnended dose
(30 marks)
Explain why the above syrup is referred to as 'gripe mixturel.
(10 marks)
Define the term "shelf
- life" of a medicinal drug product, (10 marks)
Briefly explain the methods used to prevent hydrolytic dcgradation of
Name five
(20 marks)
(5) rnethods used to
meclicaments in
maintain the chemical stability of
Now check that you have
Written your index number clearly on each answer book.
Written each answgr in a separ&te answer book.
(10 marks)
Answer all forty (40) Questions.
Duration : Three (3) hours inclusive of the Essay Questions paper
Anticholinergic side effects are seen with
A. Chiorpromazine
B. Amitriptyline
C. Levodopa
D. Benzhexol
E. Neostigmine
True or false of drugs used to manage epilepsy ?
A. Sodium valproate is recommended for the management of major motor epilepsy.
B. Carbamazepine is recommended during pregnancy.
is recommended to manage epilepsy with a single drug initially.
When diazepam is given by the rectal route it does not get absorbed.
Carbamaz,epine is known to produce staxia as a side-effect.
C. It
True or false of nitrates ?
A. Glyceryl trinitrate relieves angina mainly by its coronary vasodilator action.
B. Glyceryl trinitrate acts through alpha adrenoceptors.
C. Isosorbide dinitrate should not be given more than thrice daily.
D. Nicorandil belongs to the nitrate class of drugs.
E. Sildenafil is contraindicated in patients who are on chronic nitrate therapy.
True or false
Hydrochlorothiazide is used in high dose to treat hypertension.
B. Amiloride isa potassium-sparing diuretic.
C. Spironolactone is a high efficacy diuretic.
D. Pareteral frusemide is known to precipitate acute retention of urine in the elderly males.
E. Frusemide is not effective as a diuretic in patients with moderate renal impairment.
True or false in drugs in asthma ?
A, Salbutamol has side-effects related to the heart.
B. Salbutamol is recommended formanagement of acute asthma.
C" Terbutaline
is an anticholinergic drug.
Ipratroplum has sympathomimetic effects.
Beclometasone has potent bronchodilator properties.
6. True or false ?
A. Long term ranitidine therapy is effective in preventing recurrence of peptic ulcer.
B. Omeprazole is effective in preventing non-steroidal and-inflammatory drug associated peptic ulcer.
C. Omeprazole has acid neutralizing properties.
D. Antacids have a narrow therapeutic index.
E. Bisacodyl is a bulk purgative.
7. True or false ']
A, Amoxicillin is not recommended for patients giving a history of penicillin aliergy.
B. Cephalosporins are a group that act by inhibiting protein synthesis in microbes.
C. Cefaiexin is contraindicated during pregnancyD. Clarithromycin causes less gastrointestinal side effects
E. Azithromycin belongs to the aminoglycoside family.
than erythromycin'
8. True or false ?
Metronidazole is a drug with a lot of gastrointestinal side-effects.
Ciprofloxacin has efficacy against Salmonella.
C. Ofloxacin is not recommended for the management of urinary hact infections during,pregnancy.
D. Co-rrimoxazole is safe for use in patients with a history of allergy to sulpha drugs.
E. Nitrofurantoin is not recommended for children below 3 months of age.
9. True or false
A. Candida infection responds to nystatin.
B. Topical miconazole is effective against tinea versicolor
(Sinhala: aluhang, 'tamil: alahu themal)
C. Terbinafine has efficacy against ringworm.
D. Aciciovir is available for topical use against Herpes zoster infection.
E. Antiviral drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.
10. True or false ?
A. Metformin is known to commonly cause hypoglycaemia.
B. Ciibenclamide has a long half-life cornpared to toibutamide.
C, Hypoglycemia is a known side-effect of glibenclamide.
D. Most insulins now available in the market are highly purified insulins.
E. Most insulins now available in the market are of animal origin.
11. Paracetamol differs from aspirin, in that paracetamol
A. does not have antiplatelet properties.
B. does not have potent anti-inflamrnatory
C. is relatively free of gastric side-effects
D. has central prostaglandin inhibitor properties which aspirin does not have.
has efficacy in osteoarthritis whieh aspirin does not have.
12. True or false ?
A. Oestrogens are dnown to predispose to venous thrombosis.
B. Medroxypro gesterone has contraceptive properties.
C. Pregnancy should be excluded before prescribing the combined oral contraceptive pill.
D. Norethisterone is a progesterone compound.
E. Alendronic acid has efficacy in the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis
13. True or false ?
A. Timolol eye drops are contraindicated
in those with a history of bronchial asthma.
B. Pilocarpine has anticholinergic properties.
C. Ciprofloxacin has efficacy in superficial bacterial infection affecting the eye.
D. Steroid eye drops are indicated in treatment of glaucoma.
E. Most ocular prostaglandins used for glaucoma need to be instilled 2 to 3 times daily.
14. True or false ?
A. Aqueous cream has emollient properties.
B. Topical retinoids are contraindicated during pregnancy.
Potassium pennanganate solution is indicated w-hen eczetrra is in the dry stage.
D. Clobetasol propionate isa mild topical steroid.
E. Methotrexate isa topical steroid.
15. True or false ?
longer than SYo dextrose solution.
B, 0.9% NaCl and 5Yo dextrose are both nearly iso'osmolar with plasma.
C. Hartmannos solution has an electrolye composition very close to that of plasma.
D. Ferrous sulphate tablest (200ng) have 60mg of elemental iron.
Absorption of iron from the bo*,el is reduced when taken with tea.
A. 0.9o/oNaCl solution is retained in the circulation
16. True or false ?
A. Immunization is contraindicated if the child has an established acute illness.
B. Live vaccines are not routinely recommended to pregnant women.
C. Live vaccine shoulcl not be given to patients using steroid inhalers for asthma
D. Eczema in the baby is a contraindication for giving vac.cines of the Expanded Programme of Immunizu
Post-immu nizationfever usually occurs within 24 hours after injection of live vaccines-
17. Drugs recommended for symptom relief in vertigo include.
B" Promethazine
C. Prochlorperazine
D. Carbamazepine
E. Aspirin
18. True or false regarding bioavailability of a orally administered drug ?
A. Bioavailability is high if the drug has low first pass metabolism.
B. Food-tlrug interactions are known to interfere with bioavailability'
C. Pharmaceutical equivalence indicates equivalence in bioavailability.
D. Drugs which are highly water soluble generally have high bioavailability.
E. Bioavailability of drugs is known to change in cirrhosis of the liver.
19. True or false ?
A. Clomiphene is an ovarian stimulant
B. Chlordiazepoxide is an anxiolyic
C. Chlorpromazine is an antipsychotic
D. F'luoxetine is a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor
E. Olanzepine is an antidepressant
20. A caution about taking extra care when driving a motor car is given when dispensing the following drugs.
True or false ?
A. Promethazine
B. Flaloperidol
C. Salbutamol
D. Ciprofloxacin
21. True or false as per the Cosmetics, Devices and Drugs Act Ntl 27 andDevices Regulations of 1984 ?.
A. Any device has to be registered with the authority.
B. It is not necessary to indicate a lot number in a device label.
C. The iabel of a device should indicate the generic name of the deviceD. The applicant for a retail outlet selling devices need not be a pharmacist.
E. As per definition of a device a syringe to administer local anesthesia by a dental surgeon is not considered a device.
22.True or false with regard to unit operations ?
A. Percolation is useful in extraction of alkaloids from plant material.
B. Sieving is useful in determining fineness of a powdered drug.
C. Centrifugation is employed in the separation of glycerin from water.
D. Evaporation is employed in the laboratory scale purification of water.
E. Tray drying ovens are static bed dryers.
23. True or false with regard to a prescription ?
A. A pharmacist is legally entitled to write a prescription for Schedule Il A drugs.
B. A pharmacist is legally entitled to listen to a minor complaint of a patient and dispense a few doses
a Schedule II A drug.
C. document about the prescription for a Schedule III drug should be maintained in the pharmacy.
D. The legal requirements of a prescription are found in the Medical Ordinance.
E. A prescription for arthritic pain can be written by a registered physiotherapist.
24. True or false about suspensions ?
A. Cracking is a known phenomenon shown by suspensions.
B. They have better compliance than oral solid dosa,ee forms in elderly patients.
C. The active ingredients in a suspension are more stable than in a solution dosage form.
D. Any unpleasant taste is felt less than with other oral liquid dosage forms.
E. The active ingredient is easily dissolved in the medium.
25. The following substances are fi'eely soluble in water. True or false
A. Salicylic acid
B. Iodine
C. Calcium chloride
D. Riboflavin 5 phosphate sodium
E. Vitamin I)
26. True or false ?
A. Traces of penicillin in milk are known to sensitize individuals to penicillin preparations.
B. Contamination of the environment with povidone iodine is known to affect thyroid function.
Ll. [mproperly disposed live oral polio vaccine may revert the virus into virulent form.
D. Large scale dumping of aiuminium hydroxide is known to lead to heavy metal poisoning.
E. Oxygen cylinders stored in rooms without ventilation reduce the fire hazard.
. Trueor false in relation to narcotics ?
A. Import of opium for reshipment is legal in Sri Lanka.
B. Illegalpossession of more than 39 of morphine is punishable with death.
C. Noscapine
has antitussive properties.
D. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid.
E. Cartja is a morphine derivative.
2S.Following is true or false about insulin and insulin syringes ?
A. Each smallest graduation in a 100 unit insulin syringe represents 5 units of insulin.
B. Biphasic insulins available in Sri Lanka are preparations made by mixing soluble insulin with isophane insulin.
C. Insulin lispro B.P is a long acting insulin.
D. Insulin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
E. Insulin is a pituitary hormone.
29. True or false ?
A. Ethylene diaminetetra acetic acid (EDTA) has chelating properties.
B. Sodium metabisulphite has antioxidant properties.
C. Vitamin E is also known as cholecalciferol.
D. 2%phenol is an appropriate antiseptic for use on the human skin.
E. Antineoplastic drug cisplatin is a platinum based chelate.
30. The pharmaceutical agents stated below are correctly paired with their altemative names. True or false ?
A. Ethanol - Surgical spirit
B. Epsom salt - Calcium sulphate
C. Methyl alcohol - Methanol
D. Dextrose - Dextran
Glauber's salt
- Sodium sulphate
l. True of false ?
A. Intramuscular route of drug administration provides complete (100%) bioavailability.
B. 'lhe bioavailability of a drug is a maximurn when it is formulated as a suspension.
C. Absorption of an orally administered drug is influenced by pH at the site of absorption.
D. Disintegration is the first process that occurs before a drug can becomes available for
absorption from a sustained release (SR) tablet,
E. Enteric coating makes aspirin less irritant to the gastric mucosa.
32. True of false
A. Methylparaban is used as a preservative in pharmaceutics.'
B. Infant carminative mixture has approximately 2%o ethanol.
C. Wool fat isa hydrocarbon ointment base.
D. Potassium citrate has urine acidification properties.
E. Coconut oil has a large component of polyunsaturated fatty
33. True of false ?
A. Steam distillation can b€ used to separate completely miscible binary liquid mixturesB. Fractional distillation is employed in the separation of completely miscible liquid mixtures.
C. Silica gel has moisture absorbent properties.
D. Sublimatioh takes place duringfueeze drying.
E. dialysis is used to separate molecules with different molecular
34. True of false ?
A. The quantity of drug substance required to prepare 2409 of a 5Yo wlw solution in water is l29'
B. Oil:water:gum ratio in a primary emulsion containing fixed oil is l;2:4.
C. In hydrous wool fat the proportion of wool fat and water is 7:3.
D. Acidic solutions convert red litmus to blue colour.
E. Coarse powders do not pass tkough sieve no 85.
Devices and Drugs authority. True or false ?
A. Paracetamol
Calamine cream
Vitamin E capsules in blister pack
Oral contraceptive pills in calendar pack
E. Sterile water for injection
36. Chloroform,
A. is an aliphatic compound.
B. is odourless
C. is a non-polar solvent.
D. is denser than water.
E. Contains four chlorine atoms
per molecule.
37. Dissolving2gof sodium chloride in l00ml \ryater,
A. increases the pH of the solution.
B. increases the osmotic pressure of the solution'
C. does not change the vapour pressure of $'ater.
decreases the freezing point of water.
Produces a solution which is iso-osmotic to plasma.
38. The following pairs have identical meanings.
A. Opium - Morphine
B. Formaldehyde - Formalin
C. Glucose - Dextrose
D. Paracetamol - Acetaminophen
E. Vitamin Bl2- Pyridoxine
39. Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccine,
A. is routinely given at two months of binh.
B. should be stored in ttre freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
C. is a killed vaccine.
D. provides passive immunity.
E. is administered intramuscularly.
40. True of talse ?
Amber coloured glass is used in ampoules to prevent oxidation of the active ingredient.
Pre-filed ampoules are preferred to regular ampoules of adrenaline injection.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is an inert substance used in blister packing.
D. Flip off seal is a pilfer proof indicator.
E. I8G needle is routinely recommended for venepuncture to draw blood.