Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region I Schools Division of Ilocos Norte LUZONG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN GENERAL MATHEMATICS Evaluation of a Function (Grade 11-STEM) Date of Teaching: September 8, 2022 Prepared by: JOJO LYNDON S. LORENZO SHS TEACHER I Checked by: THELMA R. SACSAC Master Teacher II Noted by: GLADYS A. ACOBA, Ed.D School Principal IV A Detailed Lesson Plan in General Mathematics Topic: Evaluating Functions Content Standard: The learners master the key concepts of functions specifically on evaluating functions Learning Competencies: 1. Recall the process of substitution; 2. Identify the various types of functions; 3. Evaluate functions. LEARNING ENDSTATES: What skills & competencies, values & attitudes (7 self-mastery skills) are being developed? To what degree should students be assessed? The learner: Understands key concepts of tests of hypothesis as applied to real-life problems. Applies concepts on hypothesis testing on population mean. Upholds accuracy, validity, and reliability in the application of key concepts of tests of hypothesis. Proves and defends chosen statistical models and corresponding solutions to statistical problems. Y: Predicts possible outcomes or consequences of problems or situations based from results on statistical tests. -making through the study of tests of hypothesis. earning to BE: Innovative Statistician II. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How to evaluate a function? III.MATERIALS, METHODS, AND ACTIVITIES Materials Worksheets Methods Inquiry-based Learning Table of values Collaborative Learning PowerPoint slides about Evaluating of a Function Bingo Cards – Functions Graphing Papers Lecture Method Face to Face Teaching Activities Accomplishment of worksheets Interactive activities Discussion IV. RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT Rubric for Art Mathematics Activity Rubric for Oral Presentation V. INSTRUCTIONAL PHASES Teacher’s Activity Routinary Activity Good morning class! Before we begin this class, let us pray . to be led by ……………. Student’s Activity Good morning ma’am/sir. The called student will lead the pray Reminders about Classroom Etiquette, raise your hand if you want (Students follow the instructions to answer or ask question. properly) Who are present today? It’s good to know that many of you are present this time. Ok! Have you experienced the feeling of being lost? Being lost sometimes is bad and sometimes is good. Is good Students comments their name in the comment box. (Some students will raise their hands) that being lost is to find yourself. (The student/s will answer) Just like evaluating functions, you need to find the unknown values? (Student’s answer may vary) We will find then and proves something after learning the Evaluating Functions. You may now sit and listen carefully. Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us have some mind game. Yes, sir! This classroom strategy enables the learners to become more engaged in the learning in order to enforce positivity. They will be more motivation and it fosters controlled competitiveness among individual learners and as a group. Puzzle? Place the integers between -4 and 4 in the missing spaces so each function evaluates properly) So, let us now go to our topic. ACTIVATE (Creating Focus and Purpose) This time, you are going to view a power point presentation. Watch and listen intently because I am going to ask questions after the presentation. (This teaching strategy enables the learners to digest information based on their own understanding through ICT-based learning) Evaluation of a Function. What did you noticed to the short presentation? That’s right! ACQUIRE (Student’s answer may vary) (Students will listen) (The teacher discusses further Evaluating Function) Let’s start with the terms and symbols which will be used in the lesson. Variables – x,y,z or any letter Numbers – 1,2,3,4,…….. Evaluate – find the value of the variables Types of Functions Read and analyze some of the common types of functions that you might encounter as you go on with this module. (Students will listen) (Students will listen) (Teaching strategies that develop higher order thinking skills) Learning the different types of function is essential in this lesson. Because you will encounter those types as we proceed with evaluating functions. When we say evaluating function, is the process of determining the value of the function at the number assigned to a given variable. Just like in evaluating algebraic expressions, you just need to: a.) replace each letter in the expression with the assigned value and b.) perform the correct order of operations in the expression. APPLY, PRACTICE, FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Apply the application of the Continuity of a Function (The teacher presents examples) (Students will listen) (Students will listen) (Teaching strategies that develop higher order thinking skills) (The teacher presents more examples) (Student’s answer may vary) Applying the continuity of a function in real life situation through a Formative Assessment Directions: Read carefully each item. Use separate sheet for your answers. Select only the letter of the correct answer for each test item. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT, CLOSURE AND REFLECTION (Teaching strategies using differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experience to address learner's gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.) (Students will perform the activities based on their interests). Summative Test(printed also in separate sheet) The learners will answer the Summative Assessment The learners will present their outputs. ‘ Now, let us have an activity. You are going to present your answer on time. Activity: Evaluating Simple Functions Bingo Before you proceed to the activity, may I present the following rules: (Clear Expectations of Result: Classroom Management Strategies) 1. Participating students will be recognized with points using a rubric. 2. Avoid unnecessary noisiness while doing the activity. Noisy learners will have deductions in terms of the scores. 3. The activity will be done only for 15 minutes. 4. All learners must participate in the activity. This time, you are now ready to do the task. Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson. Additional activities for application or remediation Additional activity. Let’s Compute! The learners will answer this activity as a quiz and to be submitted before going home. That would be all for now. Goodbye class! Remarks Goodbye and thank you sir. ASSEMENT RUBRICS Rubrics in Art Mathematics Criteria 25 Points 15 Points 5 Points Score Followed directions Used creativity: did not copy (text) Used time wisely: finished project Used art materials correctly Displayed neat, tidy work and good craftsmanship Total Rubric for Assessing Oral Presentations BELOW EXPECTATIO N (1) ORGANIZATION No apparent organization. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (2) There is some organization, but SATISFACTORY (3) EXCEEDS EXPECTATION (4) The presentation has a focus and The presentation is carefully Evidence is not used to support assertions. the speaker occasionally goes off topic. Evidence used to support conclusions is weak. provides some reasonable evidence to support conclusions. organized and provides convincing evidence to support conclusions. CONTENT The content is inaccurate or overly general. Listeners are unlikely to learn anything or maybe mislead. The content is sometimes inaccurate or incomplete. Listeners may learn some isolated facts, but they are unlikely to gain new insights about topic. The content is generally accurate and reasonably complete. Listeners may develop a few insights about the topic. The content is accurate and comprehensive. Listeners are likely to gain new insights about the topic. DELIVERY The speaker appears anxious and uncomfortable and reads notes, rather than speaks. Listeners are ignored. The speaker occasionally appears anxious or uncomfortable, and may occasionally read notes, rather than speak. Listeners are often ignored or misunderstood. The speaker is generally relaxed and comfortable. Listeners are generally recognized and understood. The speaker id professional, relaxed, and comfortable and interacts effectively with listeners.